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dbattery · 1 year ago
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Cha cha cha!
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violetnintendo · 2 years ago
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Various Crazy Cap employees and stores - Super Mario Odyssey
Images taken from the MarioWiki, Polygon, and GameFaq's Lake Kingdom walkthrough
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delightfuldevin · 1 year ago
So, I’ve decided on a system for classifying ghosts!
Elemental type ghosts are ghosts that possess an element. Their bodies are made entirely of the element they possess. Examples include Lava Bubbles, Magmaarghs, and Freezies:
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They can possess any element, though fire appears to be the most common.
Illusion type ghosts are ghosts that don’t possess a vessel, simply appearing as they already are. Examples include Boos and Bonneters, as well as the many ghosts that appear in Luigi’s Mansion:
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The final class, the physical type, is ghosts that possess a physical body. While anything could be a potential vessel (for example, the piano from Super Mario 64), this class is mostly made of recently deceased ghosts who possess their old bodies. Examples include the many skeletal creatures like Dry Bones and Fish Bones:
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All three classes are made up of both ghosts that were once living beings and ghosts that are “born” as ghosts.
With that in mind, I wanna talk about the Tostarenans and Chinchos.
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Chinchos appear to be undead Tostarenans despite Tostarenans themselves already being undead. So I’m thinking the Chinchos are the illusion form of the Tostarenans, meaning them without a body to possess. And they get aggressive when they don’t have their body. Not all ghosts are like this, in fact the Tostarenans might be the only ones like this. I’m sure I’ll figure out a lore reason for why they become hostile when they lose their bodies…
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titleknown · 2 years ago
Stupid Mario Headcanon: The Crew of the SS Chuckola from Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and Cortez from Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door were Tostarenans in life, the only difference in death is that their bones got bleached.
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weirdmarioenemies · 10 months ago
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Name: Sheep
Debut: Super Mario Odyssey
Wow! Sheep, from Super Mario Odyssey! Sheep are such an extremely iconic animal, it's hard to believe they were invented by this game in 2017! The success of Super Mario Odyssey has gaslit us into believing that sheep were even one of the very first animals to be domesticated by humans. That just shows the massive impact Super Mario has on society!
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Sheep in Mario's world weren't domesticated by humans, they were domesticated by skeletons! They are first seen in Tostarena, under the ownership of a Tostarenan farmer, and every last one of them wears a sombrero. These sheep are tired of their wool being used to make clothing for other entities. They decided THEY could wear something stylish yet practical, too! And they did it. Now they can graze in the desert without having to worry about sun in their faces! I don't know what they are grazing on, but they can do it safely, so don't worry about it!
Or ARE they wearing sombreros? They wear them regardless of region, and no matter how much the sheep get knocked around, their hats remain firmly affixed! Maybe... they are not hats at all! Perhaps these sheep have been selectively bred for bizarre horn shapes, resulting in a sombrero-shaped mass of keratin that naturally shields their eyes from the sun! Which is then decorated to look nice.
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I don't mean to be rude to any fake pretend people in this fake pretend world in this videos game, but I don't think any of them are very good sheep owners. Every single sheep owner in this game, no matter the kingdom, has lost all of their sheep and needs Mario's help to herd them back! You would think sheep owners would be better at that, but I guess not. Maybe it's because they keep their sheep in shallow depressions in the ground with no fence to speak of. I personally would not do that.
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These sheep seem to be based on the Suffolk breed, which is the most generic cartoon looking sheep there is, pretty much! I think there is such a charm in a real animal looking like the generic cartoon image. If you are in the northern hemisphere, it is currently Sheep Shearing Season! If you are able, I recommend going to see some shearing happen! It's funny. They get sat down on their butt like a person. Hee hee!
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year2000electronics · 3 months ago
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ref for my mario self-insert!! her name is lunie and she's a tostarenan who's unlocked the power of NECROMANCY. she works at the glitz pit with his beloved grubba (they do kiss....) and at some point they get flung into concordia so i can go hang out with the extension corps
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here's how tall she is compared to some of her buddies
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winstein-nin · 3 months ago
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Mario Characters as Batman Villains 34 - Cappy + Gentleman Ghost
It's Cappy from Super Mario Odyssey! He sure doesn't appear a lot despite hailing from the best-selling 3D Super Mario platformer, but hey, he's certainly quite well-liked. While I have just posted an image of a different character today, I decided to post another character because I already completed this one alongside the last one and three others. The reason I would post the others later is to space them out better, so please look forward to what I have decided to do.
Initially, I wasn't sure if Cappy should be drawn because he's not a traditional Batman villain like many others, but ultimately I decided that he should be included, because not only is this a combination I really liked, but certain villains of the like were also drawn, like Solomon Grundy (with Donkey Kong) and Deathstroke (with King Boo).
As you can see, I decided to give Cappy a body like the Gentleman Ghost, though it's more like he's wearing the clothes of one because the actual villain's body is normally invisible. I imagine that if Cappy had a human body, it would be similar to Mario's so he's kind of stocky and cute. Certainly, Gentleman Ghost would've worn a top hat, but Cappy is a top hat so that makes his head the top hat.
In some versions, the staff that Gentleman Ghost had has a skull, so to match, the skull is based on a Tostarenan, which are skeleton characters inspired by the Day of the Dead, thus it even has the flower eyes.
Hope this is an enjoyable one. Have a nice day!
Thank you for reading.
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churroshi · 2 years ago
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🏵️Meet the ruler of the tostarenans, Xōchi!🏵️
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woosh-floosh · 1 year ago
My other grip with the MK8DX Booster Pass is that there is NO Super Mario Odyssey inspired tracks, characters, or karts!
There should be a track based on every kingdom, there should be kart bodies based on the Odyssey, Jaxi, Mechawiggler, and Sherm. They should let me play as Cappy, Glydon, a New Donker, one of those snail guys, a Tostarenans, Talkatoo, one of the fork men, one of the robots from the wooded kingdom, a Shiverian, a Pokio, an Uproot, a Tropical Wiggler. They should let me play as the little UFO that looks like Torkdrift and acts like a bird in the Moon Kingdom.
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This is my dream.
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pixies-and-poets · 2 years ago
Ok friend, I started thinking about this yesterday. What do you think Cortez looked like when he was alive??
(also hope you're doing well, and that engaged life is treating you well!!)
Hi!!! Sorry I'm so late on this one, I haven't had much time to just sit down and write lately and I actually have a whole longstanding headcanon for this, which I need to illustrate with pictures!
I never really gave this much thought back when I first played the game as a kid lol, but later on when I started thinking about it, I kind of assumed Cortez had been some kind of reptilian creature, due to the slightly elongated/curved shape of his skull that doesn't really look exactly like a human skull.
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Here's a monitor lizard skull, for instance.
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Maybe that's still true! But several years ago, something came along that would change how I looked at a LOT of stuff in Mario's world... Super Mario Odyssey!
I think my favorite thing about that game was how many new species it introduced. Nintendo may have done pretty much nothing with them in the past six years, but that hasn't stopped ME from using my headcanons to retrofit a bunch of existing Mario characters and lore into the stuff Odyssey introduced.
For instance, this guy's hat? Big Top? Same species as Cappy, a Bonneter. Why not?
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Along the same lines, Cortez finally clicked into place. It always sticks out to me when people from a fantasy universe speak a real-world language, like Cortez with his Spanish or Dupree with his French... because it makes me think like, is there a Mario equivalent of France?? Of Spain? I know it makes as much sense as the game overall being portrayed in English or whatever language you're playing it in, so it always implied to me that "in the Mario universe there is a country close enough to what we would recognize, culturally, as France", etc.
And Odyssey came along and said: uh yeah, there ARE the Mario world equivalent of a lot of different countries.
Gee if only there was a place in the Mario world inspired by a primarily Spanish-speaking country, where the people just WERE skull-people, that's probably where Cortez would be from, right?
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Oh crap!!
So yeah, my current headcanon is that Cortez is a Tostarenan. His face was never anything BUT a skull. Because that's just funny to me. And it makes sense!
I used to think "Cortez is from the Mario equivalent of Spain" but now I'm like, no, he's from the Mario equivalent of Mexico.
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Of course, as for the rest of his body, well, what the heck has four arms and looks like this?? Plus he's constantly reforming himself, and seems to just exist as a skull most of the time... so my theory was always that the pile of bones he uses to create his battle forms are the assorted bones of ALL HIS CREW. After all, there's at least one extra skull in there. His crew did not retain skeletal forms in their undeath, but turned into spirits. Pretty morbid... those mates really gave it all for their captain!
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werewoofie · 2 years ago
Tagged by @magz ! thank you for tagging me!! :D
Rules: "Tag 10 people you want to know better."
Relationship Status: > Dating Woowoo @ archaeognatha  <3
Favorite Color: > I like all of them but I've been leaning more into yellow and orange lately :>
Song stuck in your head: > Sushi-go-Round by Utsu P
Song last listened to: > After Dark by Asian Kung-Fu Generation
3 Favorite Foods:
> Raspberry and lemon figure-8 danish (one side is lemon jelly and the other is raspberry it is SO good) > homemade mac n cheese >popovers
Last thing you googled: > Sharps bin
Dream Trip: >oughh if i didn't have to worry about money/the responsibilities i’d be neglecting by being away i want to go everywhere to be honest... i want to try food from all over the world... I wanna try every edible fruit to exist there are so many fruits that can't be shipped here because they don't have a long shelf-life/would be incredibly expensive and difficult to ship refrigerated... i wanna try jackfruitttt > i also wanna visit all the oldest trees in the world!!!!
Anything you want right now: > I want to get my hair cut so baddd but I'm worried that I'm gonna get stuck with a bob or pixie cut instead of what i wanted (like what always happens when i go to my mum's hairdresser) > want to get my ears pierced > want to get top surgery :") > wanna have my bf visit > wanna buy some things to re-organize my house...
Tag 10 people you want to know better: @abbenai , @transfemmes , @tostarenan , @paparoach , @shinyevie , @ankhisms , @corazonada , @3winged , @heartbeatemoji , @archaeognatha no pressure if you don’t want to/don’t have time though!! :>
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payaso-affairs · 2 years ago
Mario Bros for the s/i game?
Dude this is where my very casual mario bros fanness kinda. kinda bites me akjdksajdk
My immediate thought is like a princess, but I don't know how I'd go about that. Maybe the royal of the tostarenans or some equivalent. That local shut-in artist?? idk akkas
I also think it'd be cute to maybe do a friendly ghost! So Luigi has another friend during his Nightmare Realm nights at those mansions ksjjkdf. Ghost artist...
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moonlight-trainride · 5 years ago
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"Roasty, toasty, sunny!"
a criminally underrated good boy to bless your day
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cwgames · 6 years ago
Sand Kingdom part 2
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Answer the sphinx question and got the treasure. Which is basically the power moons.
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rumwik · 7 years ago
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Party time!
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hyperchronic · 7 years ago
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I absolutely fell in lOVE with the Tostarenan folk in Super Mario Odyssey!  Their designs are so adorable hhHHH ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ (also happy halloween p f f t )
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