#i went hunting for my old text tag cause its been so long since i just... talked on here really
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Tagged by @magz ! thank you for tagging me!! :D
Rules: "Tag 10 people you want to know better."
Relationship Status: > Dating Woowoo @ archaeognatha <3
Favorite Color: > I like all of them but I've been leaning more into yellow and orange lately :>
Song stuck in your head: > Sushi-go-Round by Utsu P
Song last listened to: > After Dark by Asian Kung-Fu Generation
3 Favorite Foods:
> Raspberry and lemon figure-8 danish (one side is lemon jelly and the other is raspberry it is SO good) > homemade mac n cheese >popovers
Last thing you googled: > Sharps bin
Dream Trip: >oughh if i didn't have to worry about money/the responsibilities i’d be neglecting by being away i want to go everywhere to be honest... i want to try food from all over the world... I wanna try every edible fruit to exist there are so many fruits that can't be shipped here because they don't have a long shelf-life/would be incredibly expensive and difficult to ship refrigerated... i wanna try jackfruitttt > i also wanna visit all the oldest trees in the world!!!!
Anything you want right now: > I want to get my hair cut so baddd but I'm worried that I'm gonna get stuck with a bob or pixie cut instead of what i wanted (like what always happens when i go to my mum's hairdresser) > want to get my ears pierced > want to get top surgery :") > wanna have my bf visit > wanna buy some things to re-organize my house...
Tag 10 people you want to know better: @abbenai , @transfemmes , @tostarenan , @paparoach , @shinyevie , @ankhisms , @corazonada , @3winged , @heartbeatemoji , @archaeognatha no pressure if you don’t want to/don’t have time though!! :>
#i went hunting for my old text tag cause its been so long since i just... talked on here really#really gonna smack my past self for making it just an emoji =_=#sooo new text tag if i can remember it....#remember it next time i mean#rory text post time
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Cause for Concern: an OC one-shot
Alternate Title: Hurt/Comfort Characters: Rikki, Red Fox, Jupiter Jim, Clem, Rikki's mom (mentioned) Tags: ANGST, Anxiety, Distress, Poor familial relationships, Abuse, Minor Injuries/bruising/scabs, Hurt/Comfort, Blanket forts, Lots of comforting, Additional Tags to be added... Summary: Rikki gets a letter in the mail and Red has a right to worry. Word Count: ~1,799 -x- A/N: I know what you're thinking. "Goosey! This isn't any of the updates you promised us >:C what's up with this OC baloney?" -- Ok, yes, but listen; I wrote this mainly to practice writing Red Fox and Jupiter Jim since I'll be (ahem) writing them very soon for a certain somethin'-somethin' (Also? I need to update Let's Make a Deal and this was good practice to get back into writing for Rikki). I won't be uploading this to my Ao3. Read Cause for Concern under the read more:
It started with a letter—a small black envelope that came in with the rest of the mail: the bills, the take-out menus, and the weekly Stock and Shop circulars.
It was addressed to Rikki, which was odd to Red since Rikki never received mail; at least nothing intimate.
"Hey, Rikki! You got mail today!" Red said as soon as the mongoose returned from her shift at Clem's. She presented Rikki with the black envelope, her tail swishing excitedly.
"That's for me?" Rikki raised a brow.
They settled down at the kitchen table. Red sat across from Rikki, who examined the mysterious piece of mail. There was no return address, and the envelope was perfumed with something that made Rikki's nose wrinkle. She turned the envelope over, and that was when she saw it; the ivory wax seal depicting the image of fang—her family's crest.
Red's grin shrank as Rikki tensed, the color draining from her face, "Well? Who's it from, Rik?"
"It's… ah…," Rather than answering Red, Rikki reached for their salt shaker and unscrewed the metal cap. She poured a perfect circle onto the wooden surface, then dropped the envelope into its center.
Suddenly, it burst into a column of purple flames.
"Oh, my stars!" Red gasped. Her red banded-tail morphed into a giant hand and reached into the cabinet under the sink for the fire extinguisher.
"Don't worry, it'll put itself out," stated Rikki, unbothered by the phenomena. "It's a hex message."
"A 'hex message?'" Red furrowed her brow as the flames flickered before them, contained within the circle of salt. "I've heard of chain letters cursing folks, but this is just plain rude! Who would do such a thing?!"
"My mom."
"Oh," Red's tail twitched. It was a touchy subject they never discussed, mainly because Rikki avoided any conversation regarding family relations—especially if they were about her mother.
When the purple flames disappeared—embers and all—a scorch mark was left behind; Rikki buffed it out with the sleeve of her hoodie. Now that the letter was 'cleansed,' she sliced open the side of the envelope with her claw and emptied a folded piece of parchment into her hand.
The apartment fell silent as Rikki read the letter. Red knew better than to pry, even if the suspense kept her at the edge of her seat.
"Mom wants me to come home—for a visit, not to stay," Rikki grimaced, "She wants to 'talk.'"
"When?" Red asked while Rikki calmly tore the letter into tiny squares.
"A-sap," Rikki brushed the bits of paper into her palm and stuffed them inside the pouch on her hoodie. She went over to the tiny coat closet by the front door and retrieved an old backpack that would suffice as an overnight bag.
"W-wait, you're leaving now?" Red pushed back her chair. Her stomach twisted, and a feeling of dread penetrated her bones. She had no idea where the influx of anxiety came from, but it was enough to get her fur to stand on end.
Rikki shrugged, "I can't keep the lady waiting."
"What about work?"
"I'll tell Clem somethin' came up. Besides, that's what PTOs are for..."
"Is everything alright?" Red's ears flattened, perturbed. "You're not in trouble, are you?" Why would she think Rikki was in trouble? Maybe Rikki's mother always communicated via hex messages. Perhaps that was just how yūrei's spoke to one another; a cultural thing.
Rikki didn't answer. She quietly stuffed her toiletries into a plastic baggie, then went into her bedroom to gather a change of clothes. The silence between them only told Red that she was right to fret about her roomie's well-being.
"… It's nothing, Red," Rikki answered, slipping her headphones around the back of her neck. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."
Red's unconvinced by the string of reassurance; they sound a lot like empty promises, "Rikki…."
"Red, I'll be fine," Rikki crammed her chargers and electronics into the small pocket of her backpack. "I should be back sometime soon-ish. We'll order sushi and throw ourselves a little party, ok?"
"… okay," Red stepped out of Rikki's way, reluctantly letting the mongoose pass by. She escorted Rikki to the elevator down the hall and playfully elbowed her in the arm, "Call me if you need back-up, yeah?"
"Whatever floats your goat, space ace," Rikki snorted as she waited for the elevator's arrival. She slung her bulky backpack over her shoulder, "And speaking of goats, I better call Clem…."
Rikki forced a smile as the elevator doors slowly closed. Red saw past the mongoose's attempt at feigning confidence; the distant, fearful look in her eyes gave her away. Red suppressed the urge to summon the elevator and prevent Rikki from leaving.
Red told herself that it was all in her head, the idea that nothing good would come from Rikki's trip to her mother's. She knew Rikki could take care of herself.
Rikki will be back before you know it, Red thought to herself. It'll be alright. I'm sure her mother's a lovely person...
Rikki didn't come home the next day. Or the following day. Or the day after that. When Red tried reaching Rikki on her cell phone, her attempts led her directly to the mongoose's inbox.
Not even Clem heard from Rikki, although he was instructed to 'use her sick days if she ran out of PTO.'
Red kept herself busy with menial chores to steel her nerves and stop her imagination from crafting worst-case scenarios. When she wasn't cleaning the apartment, the yōkai volunteered at the community theater, ran errands, and hunted for Scor-Pion with Jupiter Jim.
"Why so blue, Red?" Jupiter Jim asked during one of their stakeouts atop the eccentric actor's apartment building. "You mustn't let Scor-Pion get you down. The elusive fiend will show himself soon enough!"
"It's not that," Red sighed. "It's my roomie/friend! She's been gone for almost a week, and I've lost all forms of direct communication with her! And even if I wanted to go searching for her, I have no idea where she could be!"
"Hm, that is quite the predicament. I wouldn't be surprised if Scor-Pion is behind your friend's mysterious disappearance!"
"I doubt it…," Red peered through her binoculars and scanned the city's skyline, hoping to spy Rikki. She perked up when she felt Jupiter Jim's hand clasp onto her shoulder, "Sir?"
"Have faith in your friend," Jupiter Jim consoled. "The universe is a vast place, yet we all find our way home sooner or later. We must welcome the weary when they return, but to do so, it's crucial to keep our spirits high."
Red smiled weakly at the profound piece of wisdom, "Thank you, Sir."
The mood was ruined when Jupiter Jim mistook an old lady with a green skin complexion as Scor-Pion. Fortunately, Red's prehensile tail was strong enough to hold the space adventure back from ambushing the strange senior citizen.
If only Red used her tail to keep Rikki from leaving...
It was Wednesday night. Red had finished washing the dishes and was now standing at the kitchen counter, prepping vegetables for dinner. She was so preoccupied with peeling potatoes that she failed to notice someone unlocking the front door.
And that someone was Rikki.
"Hey, I'm back," Rikki announced as she closed the door behind her.
"Rikki!" Red exclaimed, dropping the potato peeler and spud into the sink. She ran over to Rikki and hugged her tightly, "Leaping light-years, you have no idea how worried I was! You didn't call or text, and Clem said—"
Red froze. Her eyes darted from Rikki's black eye to the bruise on her cheek. Several small knicks speckled the side of her brow. They were scabs now, but the implication that Rikki had bled was still there.
So this was the kind of relationship Rikki had with her mother: a bad one.
Rikki isn't put off by the horrified look on Red's face, "Honestly? It's not as bad as it looks. In fact, I think things went better than I expected." She tried maintaining a modest tone, but it faltered.
I knew I shouldn't have let you go, Red frowned. Hesitantly, she tried reaching up to touch the bruise on Rikki's cheek.
"I'm gonna go take a shower," Rikki said as she casually ducked away from Red's hand. "I had to take the long way back, and I'm kinda gross. Do you need the bathroom?"
"N-No, you go ahead. I'm making stew for dinner. Would you like some?"
"Naaah. I'm not that hungry…."
Red nodded, "Copy that." She watched Rikki's bushy tail drag across the floorboards on her way towards the bathroom.
The universe is a vast place, yet we all find our way home sooner or later…
"Hey, Rikki?"
"Welcome home…"
It's such a warm, simple greeting, yet it meant so much to Rikki. She got as far as the hallway before she grabbed onto the wall for support. She sank to the floor and curled in on herself, trembling.
In a split-second, Red's beside her. She held Rikki close, protecting her by wrapping her striped tail around her body. She never heard Rikki cry before; the mongoose is quiet with the occasional whimper that breaks Red's heart.
Red held her tighter, "… We can still order sushi if you want…."
Rikki sniffled, "Yeah, I-I'd like that."
"Heh heh, good! Honestly, I was getting tired of peeling all those potatoes!"
Stacks of aluminum take-out containers are left on the kitchen table with empty plastic cups of soy sauce. They make good on their promise to throw themselves a party. So Red and Rikki dragged their mattresses out from their bedrooms and constructed a blanket fort around them.
Once their nightly bathroom rituals are completed, they pile into their fort. Red noticed a few more bruises on Rikki's forearms that were previously hidden by the mongoose's hoodie.
"Clem said he'd give me the day off tomorrow," Rikki said as she slid her phone underneath her pillow. "I told him I had a rough trip. He understands."
"Aw, that's nice of him," Red yawned as she rolled onto her side, facing Rikki. Goodness gracious, who would've thought all this worrying could be so exhausting...
"Hey, Red?"
"Thank you," apologized Rikki, her voice hoarse. She stared up at the canopy of mismatched blankets and bedsheets, "I'm sorry I didn't keep you in the loop..."
"Don't worry about it, Rik," Red scooched over towards Rikki, "I understand."
They nestled against each other, their tails entwined--another layer of comfort. Red felt obligated to ensure Rikki fell asleep and didn't stay awake to think about whatever cruelties she endured at her mother's. Only when Red was sure Rikki was fast asleep did she finally allow her eyelids to shutter.
#rottmnt oc#Rikki#rottmnt Red Fox#Jupiter Jim#rottmnt Clem#(not a shipping fic! they are just roomies who care about each other I swear to pizza supreme in the sky)#tmngoosepost#tmngoosefic
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Birthday Surprises Riz Ariza x Reader
Requested by @softi92 // Hi hope your okay. What about an imagine where your Riz niece who has been living abroad and you surprise him at the club
Long haul flights sucked, your back hurt, your neck hurt and you always ended up with someone that stank of bo sitting next to you.
Leaning your head on your fiances’ shoulder you smiled at him as he slept, you could never sleep on planes no matter how long the flight was, you were always too excited to get to your destination and this time was no different. Looking down to see the Mayans emblem sitting proudly on your chest you smiled, you hadn’t seen your Uncle Riz since christmas and you were looking forward to surprising him for his birthday this weekend.
Placing your earphones in you settled down to binge watch the latest series you were working through.
You moved over to the UK 8 years ago when you went to study law over there, that was where you met your fiancee, Alex and ended up staying and building a life together. But you made sure you never forgot your routes and your large family of bikers and made the long flight at least one a year to see them all.
Finally you had landed in cali and now just had to drive to Bishop’s house and stay hidden for the next 24 hours.
Walking off the plane you felt the heat hit your skin, you missed how hot it was pretty much all year round, you weren’t built for the cold of the UK. Stretching your arms over your head as you cracked your neck, feeling slightly better. However you were in desperate need of a shower and a nice comfy bed. Once you had collected your bags you made your way through arrivals seeing Bishop stood in the crowd, he never needed to put your name on a bit of card, he just stood with his back to the gate.
Seeing that familiar bit of leather you smiled, you were home.
“Who the fuck let some biker into the place” You shouted making him turn around sticking his middle finger up at you..
“You know querida I don’t have to let you stay with me you know” He smirked opening his arms out to you “I could let you sleep on the street”
“Yeah and then Riz would kick your ass” You laughed as he hugged you tight.
“It’s good to see you both again” Bish smiled as he hugged Alex tightly. “Now come on lets get you back because you smell and look like shit”
“Its good to be home” You laughed as Bishop took your suitcase from you as the three of you walked outside.
It was now Friday night and Riz’ party. You and Alex were standing outside the club waiting for the text to come inside.
Finally you felt your phone buzz in your back pocket, pushing the door open you crept up behind Riz placing your hands over his eyes.
“Guess who mudafuka” You shouted down his ear.
What you didn’t expect was him to get startled, jumping back causing you to land on your arse.
“Well that hurt” You groaned still sat on the floor “That isn’t the way to great your favourite niece is it Uncle Rizzy”
You couldn’t help but laugh as he stood there rubbing his eyes.
“I know I am getting old but are my eyes deceiving me or is this my gobby little shite i see before me” Riz laughed as you pushed yourself onto your feet.
“I can punch you if you want, you know to make sure you aren’t dreaming” You giggled as he pulled you into his arms.
“I can’t believe you flew all the way out here just for my birthday” He smiled kissing the top of your head.
“Well I can’t miss your birthday now can I?” You shrugged “And plus we are house hunting this week so you will get sick of me soon and want to ship us back to the UK”
“Wait you are moving back home” Riz gasped.
“Yeah we are” Alex smiled placing his hand over your stomach. “My family is over here as well and we wouldn’t want this little one missing out on bonding with their crazy family”
“This is the best present ever amor” Riz grinned hugging both you and Alex.
@chibsytelford @starrynite7114 @minnicelli @woahitslucyylu @talicat713 @trulysuccubus @everyhowlmarksthedead @ifoundmyhappythought @abbiesthings @gemini0410 @angelreyesgirl @destynelseclipsa @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @jadesamhart @hermankopusortizorsumshite @lady-pswrld @ly--canthrope @hennessyauntie @trhett21 @i-love-scott-mccall @corebore123 @mystic-shadows42 @sugary-x-sweet @blessedboo @noz4a2 @skyofficialxx @terminallygenius @sadeyesgf @thewarriorprincessxo @lauraashley93 @leaalfred @angelreyesgirl89 @sheeshgivemeabreak
If you would like adding to the tag list send me a ask or a message 💕
#riz ariza#riz ariza x reader#riz ariza oneshot#riz ariza imagine#riz ariza fanfic#mayans mc#mayans imagine#mayans x reader#mayans fanfic#mayans oneshot
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Happy Birthday, Dean...
**Warnings** Some language maybe? Angst. That’s pretty much it. This one is pretty light.
A/N: Just a little drabble that I threw together for Dean’s Birthday! Hope you enjoy it! All mistakes are mine! Please don’t copy my stuff!!
Word Count: 1504
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Read, kinda, mentions of Sam x Reader
If anyone wants to be added to my tag list let me know!!!
To say you and Dean didn't like each other was an understatement.
You'd been with the Winchesters for five years now. Ever since your uncle Bobby had passed away, and you didn't have anywhere to go. They had taken you in, and from that moment on you and Dean had become worst enemies. You where certain that if it were not for Sam, Dean would have kicked you to the curb a long time ago. You weren't a hunter, well not exactly, you preferred research. You'd been raised in the life, and for that reason, coupled with the fact that you where Bobby Singer's niece, every evil thing and it's mother.. creature... whatever... knew your name. So you, like the Winchesters and every other hunter/hunter family, had one giant target painted on your back.
Lucky you.
You weren't a fighter.
Not that you couldn't, you just didn't care to. The pain involved wasn't exactly your forte, and you didn't go out looking for a fight even though you did know how to defend yourself. You made yourself useful to the boys and other hunters by becoming a female version of Bobby.
Well, without the overuse of alcohol, and the horrible taste in classic country music, not to mention a lot cleaner to say the least.
You answered phones for hunters. You did the research for more than just the Winchesters. Dean didn't really like that either, though you didn't know why. Even though you had contact via email, phone, text, and sometimes video chat you never talked to any of them in person, so you couldn't see or understand the danger. Every hunter out there knew you lived and worked with the Winchesters. So nothing in its right mind, living, dead, or the undead, dared to lay a finger on you.
You traveled with them all over the place. Staying in abandoned houses, shitty hotel rooms, and whatever else you could find. Sometimes it was just the back of the Impala. That was until they found out about being legacies, and The Bunker. Things did seem to improve after that. You all had a little more space. Definitely more personal space. That helped in and of its self. Dean though, for some reason, still seemed to hate you no matter where you were staying. You couldn't remember ever doing anything to the handsome hunter. You weren't stupid, or suicidal. You never challenged him in any way. You just didn’t get it.
After you moved into The Bunker you did classes online, and even snuck around and took some clinical work it took to get your RN. Until Dean caught you anyway and flipped his lid, screaming at you that something or someone could have found you working at that hospital late at night while you did your Clinicals, and killed you. You thought you would be helping becoming an RN, something you always wanted to do, but he insisted you where needed behind a book or a computer screen. That they had Cass to handle the healing, and they didn't need you, or your input concerning the matter of their physical health.
That was the last time you spoke directly to the elder Winchester. That night you cried yourself to sleep, and when you got up, you swore you'd never let him, or any other man, do that to you again. So you buried yourself in research and work, only speaking to Dean when it was required.
Sam, on the other hand, he was your best friend. Always had been since the moment you meet him. He seemed to get you, the two of you just click. Like two little nerds, happy to do whatever it was that you were doing together. You never got into a fight. You watched movies together. You did everything together.
When he met Eileen the two of you clicked right away as well. You knew Dean couldn't figure that out because he was always swearing that you and Sam were sleeping together even though you didn't see each other that way.
Tonight was not much different from any other night, the boys were out on another case, hunting a Wendigo from what you could guess, that’s what it looked like in the evidence pile that Sam had emailed you. They were close to wrapping it up last time Sam had texted you, but you didn't expect them back till sometime early that next morning. So that meant another night alone in The Bunker. Which honestly you were used to by now, and it sort of was the safest place in the word when you took all the warding and things like that into consideration.
You wondered your way back to your room down the hallway, a cup of coffee in hand, and the intent to watch Netflix until you finally got tired enough to fall asleep.
Settling down with your laptop you typing in your password. Your time and date popped up on your screen saver. Jan. 23, 2020. 11:34 p.m.
The date stopped you for a moment. It was Dean's birthday in less than 30 minutes time. He'd made it to 41 years old... That was something in the life you lived. Most men didn't live until they were 35, much less over 40. Bobby and Rufus were almost the only exception to the rule you'd ever meet in person. Here he was though, if he survived the next 30 minutes he would officially be 41 years old...
Sitting there in the darkness, the only light that was going was the laptop, and the dim old bedside lamp, you caught yourself thinking. That was something you didn't like to do.
It caused way too many emotions and things that you didn't want to feel. Like the fine line between love and hate you knowingly walked with Dean. Yes, you were technically enemies, and yes, you couldn't stand each other most of the time, but sitting here in the dark, thinking the words that just rolled across your mind, "If he survived the next 30 minutes,” made your heart feel like it weighed 200lbs in your chest.
The thought of Sam having to call you, and tell you that Dean was gone was almost unbearable. A single tear rolled down your face before you could even bother to wipe it away. Shit... Maybe you didn't hate Dean after all...
Was it really possible that you actually loved Dean... That you were terrified of his rejection, so you chose rather too act as his enemy because it was easier?
It crossed your mind that this hunting life was finally starting to get to you, but you shoved that aside for later. Right now the most important thing you had to face was the fact that like it or not, you were in love with Dean; and it took you imagining his death to really see it. You had it shoved so far down you believed your own lie.
Picking up the phone before you could stop yourself, you dialed Dean's phone number. It was now midnight. If he made it through this hunt, and Chuck wasn't being a total Jackass, then he'd made it to 41, but you realized something.
Being a hunter meant that there was a strong possibility that you didn't have the next five minutes, and you had worked yourself up so much that you had to hear his voice just once to settle your pounding heart and know that he was okay.
It rang and rang. The more the phone rang, the more afraid you got that you were right. That your fear was right. He hadn't survived the hunt.
Then just when you were about to give up hope and have a whole nervous breakdown, you heard the voice that made your heart standstill in your chest for at least three beats.
He sounded uncertain, which you guess was normal, you had never called him before... Ever...
Normally you just made contact through Sam. You preferred to act like Dean didn't exist to you, so you ignored him.
"Y/N? Hello? Is everything okay?"
His voice more desperate now, which made you feel even worse for the way you'd been treating him. He was worried because you never called him, now he thinks something is wrong.
"H...Hey Dean," you stuttered, knowing if you didn't say something if he survived the speeding trip here he'd kill you when he saw you where unharmed.
"Is everything okay Y/N?" he asked, a little calmer now that you answered him.
"Yeah, uh, I just uh, I just was worried about you guys. I haven't heard anything since Sam's text."
Here you were lying to him again, mentally slapping yourself. Why did you keep doing this?
"Oh... Uh... Everything went fine, we're about an hour from home now. Y/N, you do know this my phone not Sam's, right?" he asked.
You couldn't understand his tone, it was, strange, soft, hopeful?
"Oh... I'm sorry Dean... Guess I got the wrong Winchester," you mumble, trying to keep your voice even.
You hang up the phone before he could question your odd behavior anymore. Looking at the disconnected call you whisper what you called him for in the first place. What you didn't have the guts to say.
"Happy Birthday, Dean...."
Pt. 2 here!!!
30 Minutes til Midnight
#Happy Birthday Dean Winchester#Dean Winchester fanfic#dean winchester birthday fanfiction#dean winchester drabble#drabble#fanfiction drabble#spn drabble#spn fanficiton#spn 15#spn#Supernatural#sam winchester#dean x reader#Dean winchester x reader#dean winchester smut#deans girls#jensen's girls#jensen ackles#jensen ackles fanfiction#jensen ackles drabble
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Angel Chapter 1
Word Count: 1846 words
Summary: Angel is about a girl with a secret that she doesn't even know about. Bobby Singer found her when she was only a couple months old. She has an awkward reunion with two of her childhood best friends, and then she is stuck on a hell of a ride till the end of the road.
Pairing: Unknown
Characters: Addison Singer, Two childhood besties, and some police officers
Warnings: Language and descriptions of gore
Need to catch up:
*24 years later*
(S1 EP1 of Supernatural)
I was driving decently fast down the road traveling from Sioux Falls, South Dakota all the way to Jericho, California. I was on my way to check out a bridge where a car was found, its owner was missing for quite a few days now. However, the reports aren’t clear. I plan to be the one to figure out if there is a mystery ahead.
After jamming out and driving for about 24 hours I was finally at my location. I arrived at the bridge where a man had disappeared leaving behind a bloody body and a locked car, as the reports would say.
Here we go again, I thought as I started walking to the site. I mean, don’t get me wrong; I love doing what I’m doing because hunting is my life, but sometimes it’s tiring to walk in heels all day and investigate. I just want to gank some bitch and head to my next location, which is home. I am going to take a break from cases for a bit and go back to visit Bobby since he’s worried about my growing obsession which is….. hunting. Plus I miss my dad and would love to help out around the junkyard. I don’t see hunting as a bad thing, and I may only get 3-4 hours of sleep, maybe less, but I am saving people and that's what's important to me.
I got to the road approaching the taped-off bridge and parked next to some police cars. I turned off the ignition, checked if I looked decent, and got out. I fixed my leather jacket and headed over to the man standing next to the caution tape.
“Excuse me ma’am, but this bridge is closed for an investigation. No pedestrians are allowed on site,” he said, suddenly standing up much straighter than he was initially.
“I’m Agent Dawson. I was sent by the FBI,” I said as I pulled out my badge and quickly put it back just as quick, so that he wouldn't notice that it was a fake, then I continued, “I have orders to be here.” I might’ve said that a bit sarcastically, but he didn’t seem concerned. I sighed in relief as he moved to the side to let me through to the scene of the murder.
There were very few cops at the scene and they were mostly talking to each other, heads down writing quickly on clipboards and laptops. They didn’t even look up as I made my way over to the car. I was able to catch some of the conversations: a lead, the victim was dating the police chief's daughter. I got to the car and looked inside, but there appeared to be nothing, absolutely nothing. I don’t understand. There is no blood like the report said, no sign of struggle because there was no body... nothing. I made sure nobody was looking and pulled out my EMF reader. The numbers didn’t rise once… Something weird is definitely going on here. It doesn’t smell like sulfur, but I’m sure something supernatural happened here. Deciding to get some information, I went up to the two officers talking about the police chief’s daughter that I heard about earlier.
“Excuse me?” I asked trying my best not to sound young because sometimes I get nervous and they assume that I am a kid needing help. That can set me back a lot and get me kicked off the scene if I’m not careful.
“Yes, can we help you?” One officer said while looking to the other….with a confused look
“Yes, you can actually. What do you know about the victim that was killed?” I heard one of you say something about him dating someone.”
“Yes, he is dating my daughter, Amy. She has been worried sick about him. She has been out all day putting missing posters up around the town.”
“Thank you for the information. Do you know if there is any relation to the victims other than them being all male?”
“Not that we know of.” I nodded my head and quickly jotted the information down. I need to go downtown and find Amy. We need to chat so that I can get more information about her boyfriend.
“Thank you, officers,” I said hurriedly when I heard that two more men were on the scene, I think they were Federal Marshals. They might figure out that I’m not supposed to be here, and then my cover will be blown. On my way out I tried to keep my head down, but I walked right into someone a lot taller than me. “Shit,” I whispered.
“I’m so sorry,” He paused before saying, “Wait a minute, Addi! Is that you?” I looked up as the man said my name, and I was met with a familiar set of eyes. The exact pair of eyes that belonged to…
Sam Winchester, just as giant-like as I remember. He has been my best friend since childhood, and we just recently went our separate ways since I ended college. Last I heard he was still in college since he was 2 years younger than me.
“Sammy!?!” I yelled a bit too loud causing the cops to look in our direction, “Sorry…” I let out a nervous laugh as I turned back to face Sam trying to act casual, “Heya Sammy! Long time no see.”
“I could say the same about you, you look great, how are you?”
“I’m great now that you’re here, it's been a long day so far. How are you? How’s Jess? Why are you here? I thought you wanted to be a lawyer…” I said in a goofy tone to mess with him before taking a breath, and quietly laughing to myself. It felt good to talk to him again.
“I am doing good, and Jess is as well. I see you took on the family business. Did biochemistry just not cut it? Also, I still want to be a lawyer, and I’m younger than you, dummy.” he teased.
“I mean, I liked it at the start but I realized my heart was in love with the family business more than any job I could get, and I hated being in an office all day instead of going out, and saving people which is what I love doing, ya dummy. Anything new?’
“I have an interview on Monday, but then this one,” Sam gestured to his right. My eyes stayed on Sam as he continued to speak. “dragged me out saying that dad was on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home, so I decided to tag along and help him figure out where he went.” He paused and then mumbled something under his breath, I didn’t realize he had just swore and it took me a second to figure out why. I recognized who Sam had just mentioned not and how this said person usually causes…...pain for me.
At first, I ignored the person next to Sam. I love Sammy and I assumed it was just another hunter, but when he brought up John, I knew exactly who it was. That’s when I turned to the person on the right of Sam and caught the gaze of his beautiful, forest green eyes. Those set of eyes belonged to the one and only Dean Winchester, Sam’s older brother. It felt as though time froze when I stared into his eyes. I used to always get lost in them, and clearly, I still do. Then my gaze moved down to his nose and cheeks, and I started counting all the freckles on his face. I used to do this when we were younger. Oh, how I could-someone coughed and made me lose my train of thought
“H-Hi Addi…..um...it's been a really long time. Haha.” He cleared his throat again and rubbed the back of his neck like he was nervous.
Then Sammy continued trying to move the conversation forward from the tension between the two of us of what happened in the past. “Sooooo I see you are working the same case we are. Want to partner up for old time's sake? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He murmured something to himself again, probably quietly going through the rest of the sentence, but I cut him off before he continued his spiraling.
“I would love to, Sam. I might as well since we’re all here. By the way, I already took some interviews and looked at the car and crime scene, so you guys could go into town and find Amy; the police chief's daughter and former girlfriend of the man who went missing. She is putting up missing posters around town. Anyway, I got to go and take a breather…..you know...since it was a long drive. So, I will text you my motel’s address and my room number, so that we can exchange information.” a couple officers walked up to us when I was about to leave and we all stayed in awkward silence.
“Who are these two, Agent Dawson?” He looked at me and forced a smile.
“They are… Federal Marshals,” they showed their badges as I continued, “I would love to chat, but I have to go. Thank you for your time officers… marshals.” I said nodding my head to the brothers and turned away.
I briskly walked away before anyone could stop me. I don’t think I could handle much more of that. My heart was hammering loud and fast, I could hear it in my ears. When I was talking to Dean and Sammy, I was chatting faster than I could think, unaware of half the words coming out of my mouth. Why! Why him...why did he have to be here. I should have seen it coming…as kids the boys were always inseparable.
I unlocked my car and hopped in quickly. I started the ignition and sped away in silence. I pulled onto the side of the road a few miles away from the scene, so that no one would see me and parker. I opened the glove-box of my car, knowing exactly what I was reaching for before I even realized I wanted it. I pulled out a small box and opened it, looking at the contents inside before my eyes landed on a small black box. Inside was a silver locket that I’ve had since I was in Highschool. It was old and rusty and needed to be polished. The exact locket I got as a teenager. The exact locket I got from the man I thought I loved. The exact locket from the man that left me that night 9 years ago. The exact locket that the man that goes by the name Dean Winchester gave to me. Hearing that name ring through my mind made me go into hyperdrive. I threw the locket back into the black box before throwing it back into the compartment, not caring about the box that was still in my lap and drove off.
A/N: Gosh that took forever it feels like I have been pushing back writing this chapter, but I still added some snippets here and there, as the weeks progressed. Again I promise that this story will have a normal posting schedule, but I still haven’t figured it out. I am only going to put the author’s notes at the end of the chapters, not whole chapters dedicated to them like previous books. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying this book as much as I enjoy creating and writing out these ideas. Again this has been in my head since I was on season 4 and now I am on the show has ended and I completed it. So this is like a farewell thing I guess. I think I started to come up with this stuff in March or April of 2020 crazy right. These chapters are going to be somewhat increasingly longer as ideas start to come back to me and pasted together. Anyway, that is all. See you in the next chapter my lovely bumblebees. Buh-bye!
#Angel#original writing#original character#bobby singer#supernatural#spn story#ongoing#fanfic#fandom#dean winchester#sam winchester#police officer#monster#creature#art#fanfiction#original story#ocs
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The Greatest Show
“You don't need everyone to love you, just a few good people.” Part 1

In this series all chapters are based on each song or quotes from ‘The Greatest Showman’
Characters belong to Pixelberry except MC - Amber Smith-Beaumont and Brett Parker
Warnings: Swearing, Riam smut, Dramber Smut, GBH.
Tags - using combined tagged list, if you want to be removed please let me know 👍🏼
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @cmestrella @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desiree-0816 @gardeningourmet
This part is set in New York City - Liam x Riley
The next part is set in Cordonia - Drake x Amber
“No! So fuck off Brett! Leave us all alone! What are you going to do? Beat me to pulp again, like you did with Daniel. Like you did with Amber all those times?”
Brett. Ambers ex. Why has he hurt all three of them?
“Come on Riley, you know Amber blamed me for all that. It was her word against mine. But if I did it don’t you think I’d be in prison now?”
“No because she’s scared fucking shitless to report you! You are a mad man, you need help! You need to leave us all alone.”
“I’m not leaving you all alone until my girlfriend is back in my arms. I know you’re hiding something. Do you want me to take it out on you and Daniel again?”
“Do what you want to me. You already killed me inside. I’m not afraid of you Brett. Do your worse!” Liam and Bastien narrowed their eyes at the man, Brett noticed and smirked at them not responding to Riley’s last comment, instead deciding to find out who the two men were.
“Who are these people? Your bodyguards?”
“I don’t know them. They are tourists, that’s all.”
“You made her miscarry?” Liam snapped at the man, whilst gritting his teeth. Looking towards Riley- she focused her gaze towards the floor. Wishing that she hadn’t told him anything about the baby.
“Yeah? And? What’s it to do with you? She got in the middle of an argument between my girlfriend and I. Then little Daniel got involved. As the police said, we was all drunk- it was a tragic accident.” Smirking at Liam, Brett then cackled.
“See ya around Riley. When my girlfriend comes home, send her to me immediately.” Liam had heard enough now, anger was raging through his body. Looking at Bastien, the guard could predict the actions the prince was about to take. Shaking his head, his eyes pleaded with Liam to not pursue what he believed he was going to. Liam walked up towards Brett, grabbing his collar he whispered “leave the lady alone.”
“You don’t even know her, mate!”
“You killed my baby! You hurt her friends.” Before Brett could respond, Liam loosened his grip- he wasn’t thinking straight when he let out his boiling antipathy and swung his tight fist quickly into Bretts defined jaw. The impact, made Brett fall to the concrete floor.
“Liam! Stop! Just go back to Cordonia. Please!” Riley pleaded as Liam continued- Brett attempted to bring his hands up to defend himself but he was now weak. His body quivered. Liam gave one last solid punch into his gut, before removing himself from the situation. Bastien pushed Liam and Riley out of the way, hoping that this information about the fight wouldn’t make its way back to Cordonia - creating chinese whispers. Brett raised his hand towards his nose, smearing the pouring blood along his arm. Gaining that bit of energy, he stood up slowly. Knowing he wasn’t going to give up- he lurched into Liam- his fists aiming straight for the princes nose, Bastien pulled Brett off Liam immediately.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Brett shouted whilst being restrained by Bastien.
“I’d walk away if I was you. You’ve caused enough damage.” Bastien suggested as he pushed the man away from his embrace.
“Oh yeah. What are you going to do about it old man?”
“This!” Riley and Liam’s eyes widened, as Bastien kicked Brett in the scrotum- forcing him to the floor. Banging his head on the concrete kerb as he fell, Brett now knew he was surrounded, defenceless.
“Come near Riley, Daniel or Amber again and I will personally kill you. Do you understand? Bastien take us somewhere away from this cretin.”
“Yes Sir.” The three of them turned around, leaving Brett surrounded by a puddle of his own blood- not caring about any consequences that could occur regarding him.
“This isn’t over! Do you hear me? Riley I mean it! I’ll hunt Amber down. With or without your help.” Bastien escorted the two of them in the SUV. Looking through his mirror, he could see the silence between his passengers.
“How are you both going to explain your injuries when you get back to Cordonia?” Riley asked breaking the silence.
“A busted nose is nothing. What is it with you New Yorkers? Amber busted someone’s nose back in Cordonia the other day.” Letting out a little laugh, she was proud of her friend- knowing there must have been a reasoning behind her using her fists.
“I suppose were all fucking crazy. Mess with us and you’ll regret it. Where are we going anyway?”
“The hotel. As planned. I’ve got your favourite cronut for bribery. Now knowing what I know, I think you and I definitely need to talk.” Deciding to look at Liam for the first time, she noticed the blood continue to drip down his chin.
“You’re hurt.”
“I’m fine.” Riley opened her bag, pulling out the tissues- she put pressure on his nose attempting to prevent the bleeding becoming worse. Looking at his swollen hand, all the anger she had towards him was slowly vanishing. He had defended her, as well as Bastien.
“He’s a wanker. You both should have left him alone. One of these days karma will happen, he won’t hurt anyone.” Placing his hand over hers, there was that feeling again. Both locking eyes with each other, they didn’t realise how long they were focused onto each other.
“Your highness, we’re here.” Liam nodded, escorting Riley out of the SUV, they headed up to the room. Bastien excused himself, knowing the two of them needed to speak.
“This brings back memories.” Riley nervously said, as they walked into the penthouse.
“Good memories I hope? From our stupid fling.” Emphasising the word stupid, Riley felt guilty.
“Liam... I... I didn’t mean it like that. I was shocked. I was angry. Why did you stop texting and ringing me? I received the odd text, I’d reply. Then nothing. ”
“I didn’t. I kept texting you. Hoping you’d respond. But you never did. So I stupidly gave up. If I’d have known about you being pregnant.... I’d have.... I’d have come straight away. To support you.”
“I never received further any texts off you Liam in response to those that I sent. I still have the same number. It doesn’t matter about what isn’t here anymore. I’m just concentrating on the future- not the past.” Liam got his phone out of his pocket, showing her all the texts he had sent her- Riley’s heart sunk, she did the same. All this time she called him Mr Fucker and Mr Fuck Face with her friends before eventually blocking him. Her contact details had the selfie they had taken- which tore on her heartstrings.
“You blocked me, like I did you.” Liam looked confused, knowing he would never block her- even if it would cause a scandal. “Look, it says unblock caller.” Unblocking her contact, she rung the number she had kept - his phone immediately rang. Sending a text to him, he received it. Back in the Big Apple where it all began. Smiling at her text, he forgot all about what was happening back home. “So that solves that mystery. The second mystery, where are those cronuts?”
“If you can find them you can have them.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll just leave and buy one myself from the bakery.”
“I spy with my little eye something beginning with C ... if I get them first, I may share them with you if you give me a kiss.”
“What happens if I find them first?”
“Then they are yours, no kiss required.”
“I better get looking for them then.” Winking at him, he witnessed her genuinely smile for the first time- he had missed that smile. The smile that lit up the room. Baby steps, he thought to himself.
“I can give you a clue if you are struggling?” Moving to sit on the bed, her eyes focused on him- that smirk he provided told her that he was sat near them. Ambling over towards him, she noticed the box behind him.
“They are behind you Liam- so game over.” Smirking, with her hand on her hip. “Come and get them. Or I’ll be kissing the princess on her lips.” Princess. He hasn’t called me that since the day the texts stopped. Feeling emotionally vulnerable, she wanted to claim him as she did all those months ago. She had a feeling he wanted the same- but couldn’t put herself through that heartache anymore. Attempting to grab the cronuts, she fell onto Liam. His hands held onto her waist as her hair fell in to his face. Removing a stray piece of hair behind her ear, their eyes locked on to each other- deep down both of them knew what they wanted but neither wanted to push the other away.
“You are so beautiful.”
“Don’t Liam. You’re soon going to be engaged.”
“What if I wasn’t to go through with it? Would you give me a chance?”
“You know that’s not possible.” Liam pulled her down towards him, pressing his lips on hers - it felt as if the word had melted away. Breaking the kiss- he softly smiled at her- in the back of his mind, he wondered if she was as confused as he was. But he didn’t care- if they could both make each other happy for one more time- he was intending on doing it. Both their hearts began to beat faster in unison, Riley laid next to him on the bed, turning her head towards his -her baby blues contained desire. Liam caressed her cheeks, taking in her beauty as he did all those months ago before crashing his lips onto hers kissing like crazy as if their lives depended on it. His tongue skimmed her lip before slipping inside her mouth, their now tongues battling against each other. Riley’s fingers ran through his hair, pulling him closer- his hands continued holding her petite frame.
The kisses became more passionate before Liam pushed her gently backwards laying her on her back on the bed. The weight and touch of his body on top of hers, made her feel loved all over again. Hovering over her, he began to gently kiss every inch of her body around the clothes she was wearing. Riley sighed, even though she was enjoying this impromptu visit from him- those lingering thoughts about her becoming heartbroken yet again wouldn’t shake. Liam noticed that she was all of a sudden acting hesitant, placing her hands on his chest- creating a slight distance between them both.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, Liam... I just... I don’t want to hurt again.”
“Do you want this? I want you Ri. I just need to be sure.” Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, she knew she couldn’t resist. His eyes and smile were too memorising. She had got over him once before, surely she could do it again.
“My head is saying no. But my heart says otherwise.”
Pulling him down back on to her, she inhaled that all familiar scent of his cologne. Feeling the slightest bit of stubble rub her skin as he pressed gentle kisses along her skin, she didn’t care- he was still as handsome as he was all those months ago and his presence felt wonderful and intoxicating. He was once again her drug- always craving for him.
“Liam, I want you.” She pleaded with him, he nodded in response. Her heart was pounding as she sat up. Liam led them off the bed to stand up- his hands roamed around her body, pulling her towards him. Unable to prevent himself from kissing her. Standing on her tip toes she pulled his jacket off, before working at his top- discarding them of the floor. Touching his warm muscled abs- he sighed at her soft touch. Working at his zip- he removed his trousers, leaving his boxers on. Riley bit her lip as her eyes focused to his bulge- she had forgotten how big he was.
“Like what you see Miss Brooks? I want you to be naked too. I’m going to show you how a Prince treats his Princess.”
Oh he’s good. He’s a charmer, I’ll give him that- but he doesn’t mean it. He just means in general- surely.
Slowly she removed her own clothes teasingly. She knelt on the floor, pulling his boxers down with her. Licking her lips, she stroked his length, before taking it fully in her mouth.
“You’re amazing.” Riley looked up at him fluttering her eyelashes. Feeling his cock pulsate at every move- knowing she was pleasing him, she picked up her pace.
“Ri, slow down. I’m going to cum.” He panted. Pleading with her to stop, he pulled her up, picking her up- he carried her onto the bed. Laying her down, he hovered over her, removing her hair away from her face, placing it behind her ear. Gently cupping her cheek, he kissed her forehead. Placing her hands above her head, holding them with one hand- his other hand roamed her body, circled her breasts- before kissing her hard.
“Tell me what you want Princess.”
“I want you. That’s all I want.”
Liam slid his hand between her legs- positioning his fingers and thumb at her entrance. The slightest touch, made her damp instantly. Kissing her neck, whilst working his thumb over her clit in a tantalising rhythm, she couldn’t contain her moans, “Oh... shit! Liam don’t stop.” She screamed, losing herself in the pleasure. All her muscles began to quiver. Feeling breathless already, Liam removed his new coated fingers, replacing them with his tongue instead. Taking a slight break to admire her, he placed sensual kisses on her inner thighs.
“You taste so good, Princess.” He said before plunging his tongue deeper inside. “Fuck!” Riley screamed, as she dug her nails in his side as he ate her. Removing his mouth, he smiled at her expression, her whole body now trembled.
Before she could recover, he slipped his magnificent sized penis inside of her. Holding that position, their eyes fixated on each other. Slowly Liam began to thrust, taking his time wanting to enjoy making love with her. “You feel so good, Ri. I’ve missed you.” He growled before the thrusts became faster and more passionate, hitting her g spot. “Fuck! Don’t stop! I’m so close.” Looking at her arching her back, he was happy with what was happening- but they still needed to talk. “I don’t intend to stop Ri. But we do need to talk still.” “Yes... fine... just carry on fucking me.”
His thrusts were powerful as their bodies rocked in sync perfectly together. Liam’s movements decreased in speed, as he released himself inside her. She felt his warm seed spill inside her, grateful that she had taken precaution after their last accident. Closing her eyes, she was filled with a mixture of emotions- regret, happiness, confusion.
“And here we are again.” Riley opened her eyes in response to Liam’s comment, as he removed himself off her. Holding his hand, she turned to face him. Cuddling into his embrace. Both breathless, they laid in silence- until Riley heard him take a deep breath.
“I need to go back to Cordonia as soon as possible.” And there it is. There’s my heart shattering all over again. “But I can’t lose you again. Not now that I’ve found you again. Come back with me?”
“Riley, please come back with me. You don't need everyone to love you, just a few good people. Just me.”
Brett was furious that Riley could allow two strangers to humiliate him. Remembering what Riley said “Liam! Stop! Just go back to Cordonia. Please!” He decided to do a little research. Having not heard from Damien, he wondered who this Liam was.
Prince Liam of Cordonia... social season.... unexpected suitor Lady Amber Smith-Beaumont...
“Got ya! Amber you can run, but you can’t hide.”
#trr#trr choices#trr fan fic#liam x riley#liam x mc#trr bastien#brett parker trr the greatest show#trr the greatest show#liam rhys#riley brooks
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“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩...𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮.” – 𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣, 𝘼𝙣 𝘼𝙗𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨
𝘨𝘪𝘧 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵 (𝘹)
𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥: yes | no
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨(𝘴): bad words here and there plus some alcohol consumption otherwise its just full of moody!nolan and quite angsty tbh.
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 4,698
𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺: break up in a small town by sam hunt
𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: yikes i’m back with another piece i wrote for my creative writing class but obviously i changed the names– i couldn’t have my professor thinking i was writing about hockey players ya know anyway like i said above, it’s pretty angsty lmao idk why i love writing sad things so much but oh well!!! enjoy!!! ;-)
"Nolan hurry up back there! We need to get back soon!" Travis called out from the front of the store as he placed his booze of choice for the night up onto the counter.
"Yeah, yeah I'm coming," Nolan replied, turning his attention back to the liquor in front of him. He'd been home in Winnipeg now for a good month or so since the Flyers season had ended with no playoff bid. Yeah it sucked, actually, it really fucking sucked– but there was nothing he could do about it now. So when Nico had called and said he was coming to visit, Nolan took the opportunity to invite Travis too. Because what better way to get your mind off of the lack of playoff hockey, than by spending it out on a lake and drinking with your best friends?
In the few days that they'd been here, the three boys had already wreaked enough havoc in the Patrick home, that Nolan knew he was only one inappropriate joke away before his mom would book the three of them a hotel room and tell them to stay there. But they couldn't help it, their friendship was tight and after the whirlwind of a season both of their teams had– they needed a little fun.
Which is why he was standing in front of five rows of liquor, trying to decide which one he'd make his poison for the night. An old friend from Juniors was throwing a party at his house, and obviously Nolan, Travis and Nico were invited. The old friend said that the party was for Nolan, so to speak, a celebration on his return back from Philly and to commemorate the fact that he'd actually left his house for once. But in reality, it was just a get together with old friends while getting wasted on incredulous amounts of liquor all while sloppy games of beer pong, suck and blow and every other cliche high school drinking game Hollywood could manage into one movie, played on in the background.
Not that Nolan was complaining or anything. He was actually excited about the party since he hadn't really seen or talked to most of the people who would be in attendance since last summer. That, and he was always down for a party. His eyes skimmed across two separate bottles of vodka, unsure of which to choose for tonight as 'eenie meenie miney mo' played in his head.
"You should go with Belvedere," Nolan straightened up and looked to his left to see you standing maybe a foot or two away from him. "Black Cow usually made you throw up."
He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't make the words come out. Hell, he couldn't even find the words if he wanted to. He could barely even believe that you were there, standing right in front of him...in person, after all this time. He blinked once, twice, adding a third time for good measure to make sure that his mind wasn't playing any tricks on him. But you were still standing there.
"Hi, Nolan." You laughed, tossing some of your hair over your shoulder as you motioned towards the bottles in front of him. "You don't mind if I..."
"No, g-" he cleared his throat and stepped back from the shelves, "go ahead."
You smiled and walked closer to the shelves, bending down and causing your hair to fall back over your shoulders. You grabbed two bottles of Ciroc and stood back up, a bottle in each hand. "Thanks," you said, biting the inside of your cheek, a habit you wished you could rid yourself of but never had the willpower to do so. "Well, I guess I'll see you later?"
Nolan nodded while simultaneously swallowing the lump that had grown in his throat. You lightly laughed and turned away, walking to the end of the aisle and disappearing out of his sight. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to figure out if what just happened was one huge mindfuck. "Nolan what the fuck, come on!" Travis called out. Nolan opened his eyes t see Travis standing there at the end of the aisle with an annoyed look on his face. "We're about to leave without you and your alcohol."
Nolan rolled his eyes as turned away from his teammate. "Calm the fuck down, I'm coming. I just couldn't decide." He looked at the shelves and grabbed both the Belvedere and Black Cow vodkas. At this point, he knew that he'd probably be needing both bottles for tonight.
He walked down the aisle and brushed past Travis, putting his bottles on the counter and looking at Nico. "Sorry, I couldn't decide what to get."
"Well, at least you're here now," Nico shrugged, handing his I.D. and credit card over to the cashier. "Because now we can get home faster and then start drinking and therefore get wasted."
Nolan laughed, shaking his head as he stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. "Yeah, I couldn't decide between the two, so I got both."
"Did you talk to Y/N?" Travis asked, resting his elbow on the counter and causing Nico to look at him.
"Y/N? Y/N was here?" He asked, looking at Nolan. "Where?"
"You guys were still grabbing something. I let her check out before us since she already had all of her stuff." Travis replied, picking up the two cases of beer off the counter. "So Patty, did you talk to her?"
Nolan scrunched his nose and bit the inside of his cheek as he thought about whether or not he should lie to his best friends. Would it even benefit them if he told them that he had talked to her? Instead, he just sighed. "Kind of. She told me not to get Black Cow because I always had the habit of throwing up after drinking it all," he replied, grabbing the bag holding his two bottles in it.
"And yet you bought it anyway?" Nico asked, putting his I.D. and credit card back into his wallet and giving Nolan a confused look. "Can I ask why?"
"I need to get drunk and that's the way to do it," Nolan replied, shrugging his shoulders and walking out of the liquor store with his friends right behind him.
"God, I knew we were best friends for a reason." Travis sighed, as he got into the drivers' side of his car, Nico in the passenger side and Nolan in the back with all of the alcohol.
Nolan dug into his front pocket and brought his cellphone out, unlocking it and opening Instagram. He didn't feel the need to scroll down the feed filled with empty smiles of the people he followed, nor did he pay any mind to the red number over in the top right of his screen showing just how many DM's he'd received from the many girls who vied for his attention and the endless amount of fans who congratulated him on the season. Nope, he went straight to your profile and scrolled down to find what he was looking for.
He didn't know how many times he'd stared at this picture, millions perhaps. Or however many times it takes for it to bur a picture into one's mind further than it already was. It was the last picture you and him had taken together, about three weeks into the new season. You had come out and stayed with him and Travis for the weekend since it was your fall break. He could still see you sitting there, wearing his jersey and talking amongst the other WAGs at warm-ups. It had been the best weekend of his life, he thought that nothing could get better than this very moment.
After that weekend, you flew back home to return to school and he couldn't wait till you could come down again. He was already planning your second trip, not paying any mind to the fact your facetime calls had gotten shorter, the texts didn't come in multiples and you both were playing a consistent game of phone tag every day. A week after you'd gone back to school, you broke up with him. And when the Flyers came up to Winnipeg for a game, you still showed up with his family, only this time you weren't wearing his jersey, and when the Patrick's invited you out to dinner after the game, you didn't go out.
And Nolan was pissed. Not only because of the fact that you had broken up with him a week after just spending hours in bed together, cuddling and talking about the future, but because you hadn't spoken a word to him or even given him a full reason as to why you broke off your 2-year relationship. All he got from you, hours before the game was that you didn't think that being in a relationship was healthy for the two of you right now. When he asked you what you meant by that, you just said that you would 'tell him later.'
Well, here he was, five months later at home and still no explanation. It fucked him up bad five months ago, he wasn't afraid to admit it. Travis had called him out on his shitty appearance once or twice and even Nico had noticed his different behavior whenever they were able to get in a talk. Yeah, you had fucked him up real bad and truth be told, he hasn't been able to get it completely out of his mind since.
"Nolan, you good man?" Nico asked, waving his hand in front of Nolan's face and causing him to jump.
Nolan turned to see that it was Nico and sighed, locking his phone and sliding it back into his pocket. "Yeah, I'm good." He brought his solo cup to his lips and took a long drink, the vodka numbing his mouth for a partial moment as the burning feeling traveled down his throat.
Nico sighed and shook his head as Nolan turned around to face him. "Why don't you just talk to her, Nolan?"
Nolan took another sip of his drink. "Two reasons. Reason number one," he said, holding up his index finger. "She hasn't reached out to me in months. And reason number two," Another sip as the burning feeling followed soon after and he held up his middle finger. "She's not even here, so I couldn't talk to her even if I could."
"Well it looks like it's your lucky day buddy," Nico said, bringing the cup to his lips and nodding in the direction behind Nolan. "Because she's making herself a drink right now."
Nolan turned to see you standing at the designated liquor counter, making yourself your signature drink– captain and coke. Nico patted his shoulder and stood next to him. "It's now or never," Nolan went to say something but Nico waved him off. "And no, never is not an option."
"Well, you can't say it's not an option AFTER you give it as an option!" He yelled out as Nico waved him off and walked towards a beer pong table.
Nolan took a deep breath again, exhaling before bringing the brim of his cup back to his lips and chugging the rest of his drink. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stood a bit taller before making his way to the counter. As he neared you, he hesitantly reached out for your arm, only to back out at the last minute and turn around. "Nolan?" He stopped in his tracks and took another deep breath before turning around and putting on his best 'happy' smile that he could. "I thought that was you."
"What gave it away?" He asked, putting his empty cup onto the counter.
"Honestly? The hair," you replied, looking up at his hair. "It's gotten longer. I don't think there are many guys in the world who could pull off that length of hair."
"Yeah, my mom says I need to get a haircut soon," He laughed, running his fingers through his hair.
"What's your poison for the night?" You asked, bringing the orange solo cup to your lips.
"Belvedere," He said, grabbing the bottle off of the counter and pouring it into his cup, filling it. "As suggested."
"Well, at least you'll be sure to remember your night then," you laughed, brushing the hair out of your face.
Nolan nodded and put the cap back onto the bottle, setting it back down onto the counter. He took a sip, pondering his thoughts on just how he could get you alone to talk about why you split up. You were looking around the room and sipping from your drink, smiling and waving at just about everyone you knew...which was just about everyone in attendance. The only person that you couldn't seem to keep your eyes on for more than a few seconds though, was him– and he took notice.
He couldn't help but wonder how it got to this point. How the once comfortable silence between you two that could be there for hours on end, suddenly flipped a switch and no longer seemed comfortable. Had it been something he did? Was it the way he approached you? But you had seemed so comfortable when he came over, open to conversation. "Hey, I was wondering if–"
"Hey over here!" You perked up, raising your arm into the air and waving it before looking back at Nolan. "Sorry, hold that thought. I'll be right back though, okay?”
Nolan just nodded and took another sip of his drink as you smiled and disappeared into the crowd. "You fucking idiot," he mumbled, downing another sip as he nerves began to take over the more he thought about talking to you.
After you first broke up, he was set on needing to see you. He needed for you to tell him in person that this was all a mistake. That you didn't mean to break up with him. And then a few days later, he found himself never wanting to see you again. He always knew that it would be near impossible to do, never seeing you again, especially since you shared all of your friends and every hangout around town and he had nowhere to go in the summers BUT home. So he kept that plausibility in the back of his mind, which is why he was so shocked about seeing you in the store so soon. He thought that he'd at least have until the end of the summer– but he was a damn fool, that's for sure.
He took another long sip of his drink, feeling less of the burn this time around. He looked around the room, spotting Travis and Nico playing beer pong against two girls that Nolan couldn't make out. As his eyes wandered more, he found himself more focused on trying to find where you had gone, wondering what was taking so long and who you went to see. When his eyes landed on the front door, he felt his stomach drop into his shoes. His lips tightened and he turned back to the counter, grabbing his unopened bottle of Black Cow and pushed himself away from the counter and through the crowd.
"Nolan, hey! Dude where are you going?" Travis yelled, his voice still a mumble among the loud music.
Nolan had heard him, sure. But he didn't care to stop and look to see what he wanted. Nope, he was on a mission and that mission took him towards the glass back door and into the backyard.
There weren't as many people out here, but he kept walking until he hit the old playground set- taking a seat onto one of the swings and opening the bottle. His breathing was heavy as he replayed the image in my mind again and again. A mix of anger, hurt and betrayal was running through him at a higher level than he knew what to do with. So he did the only thing that he thought could help it. He brought the bottle to my lips, taking a long hard swig- no longer feeling the burning in his throat.
He always knew that there was a big chance that he'd see you around town, or that you'd move on from your relationship. But he never thought that you'd move onto someone he knew...someone who was one of my close friends back in school and spent countless of hours with on the ice growing up. He took another swig and looked at the night sky.
Yeah, I never expected that bullshit.
He hadn't walked back into the house since he saw you. He could barely get himself to move, so on the swing he stayed. He brought the bottle back to his lips and tossed his head back, taking all the alcohol it had left to offer. When the bottle was empty, he stood himself up the best that he could, only to stumble a bit to his left. He reached out for the chain of the swing and kept himself from falling down. "Nolan, hey!" Nico called out, jogging over to him from the porch.
"Dude where have you been for the past hour?" Travis added, following behind him.
"Drowning myself i-in vodka and feelings," Nolan slurred, holding up the empty bottle. "Not really the b-best mix."
"Holy shit Patty, did you drink all of that?" Nico asked, his eyes wide.
"Yep!" Nolan yelled, throwing his arms in the air and laughing. "And i-it was delicious."
"What the hell were you thinking? You're going to be throwing up for a week!" Travis reached for the bottle and Nolan pulled it back. "Give me the fucking bottle Nolan."
"I had to drown out the image man. I can't stop s-seeing it." He slurred, holding the empty bottle tight in his grasp.
"What image? Seeing what Nolan?"
"Y/N AND NOAH!" Nolan didn't even recognize his own voice as it echoed against the night sky, barely a blip on the radar of anyone in attendance of the party. "I went to talk to her and she le-left to get someone," he hiccuped again, looking at his two best friends. "I saw her kissing h-him!"
It was then that the began to notice the slight churning of his stomach. It only began to escalate when he saw the look on his two best friends faces. He expected them to look surprised, but imagine his own surprise when he noticed just how casual they looked instead. He opened his mouth to say something, yell something at them, but he couldn't bring himself to.
"We know, Nolan. That's why we've been kind of pushing you so hard to talk to her." Nico said, reaching for the bottle.
Travis gave Nolan a guilt-ridden look. He knew he fucked up by not telling Nolan, but he also didn't expect for you to be at the party either. "Yeah man, we didn't want you to be caught off guard by it.."
"Well, it didn't fucking work you assholes." Nolan threw the bottle down and swallowed the horrible gut feeling he had before standing tall. "I'm going to talk to her."
"Oh no you're not," Nico said, grabbing an arm and pulling him back as Travis grabbed the other one. "We're taking you home."
"Let go!" Nolan yelled, snatching one arm free and working on the other. "If you were my best friends you'd let me do th-this."
"We are your best friends Nolan, which is exactly why we're not letting you do this."
Nolan glared at the two of them with a look that could send them both six feet under if at all possible. He opened his mouth to yell a bunch of obscenities at them when he felt his stomach begin to churn again, only this time it was much more violent. He grabbed onto the swingset and bent over, dry heaving until his stomach began to empty himself. As the first wave ended, he felt supportive pats on the back from his two friends. "Feel better?" Nico asked.
Nolan went to speak again, only to throw up even more. "I'll take that as a solid no," Travis mumbled, continuing to pat Nolan on the back.
"Hey Travis, is everything okay? Did you find him?"
"Yeah Y/N, we're–"
"Actually we're not," Nolan said, wiping his mouth and standing up as straight as he could, putting some weight against the swing set so he could seem like he was a tad bit sober.
"Nolan, I told you Black Cow always made you throw up," you laughed, bending down and picking the bottle up from the grass.
“Well, at least you told me something."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, letting the bottle fall to your side as you looked at the hot mess that was Nolan Patrick. His hair was sticking to the sweat on his forehead from puking and the splotches on his cheeks had already turned tomato red.
"You know what I'm talking about Y/N." He sneered, waving his hands around.
"I really don't Nolan...." You looked at Travis and Nico for support, only to get shoulder shrugs and confused looks. "We're going to take you home."
As you walked towards him, it was all Nolan could do not to run into your arms. This had been the very thing he'd dreamed about and wanted for the last five months. For you to be there with him. But not like this, this wasn't how he had imagined it going– drunk on a bottle of vodka with bad breath. "No! Not until you give me a reason!"
You were starting to get mad. You couldn't understand what the hell he was drunk rumbling on and on about. "A reason? Nolan, what the hell are you talking about?"
This was it, he was going to throw up again. He could feel it in his chest as he opened his mouth to speak. "The reason why you broke my heart!" He yelled, a bit shocked at just how loud and assertive his voice had sounded. He noticed the way your face fell and that you had taken a few steps back, and he felt proud for a moment because he could see that you remembered.
"Yeah, now you know what I'm talking about. You said you would give me a reason and you never did. And now here I am, wanting to talk to you and see if maybe you could tell me something– ANYTHING! But no," he dropped his hands to his side and looked at her, shaking his head. "Instead I see you all over Noah."
You looked at him with the most gut-wrenching look he had ever seen in his life. A look that could cause even the person with the coldest heart in the world, to cave. And for a moment, that proud feeling he had turned into regret. He could see the tears begin to build in your eyes as you stared at him. He wanted you to be angry at him, to yell at him. He wanted you to feel something the way that he had felt these last five months...and yet you showed nothing. And that hurt him more than anything ever could...he couldn't help but wonder what the hell he had become.
"Nolan, I think it's time we go..." Travis said, standing in front of him clearing his throat as Nico turned his attention to you.
"Do you still love me?" Nolan croaked, looking over Travis's shoulder.
"Nolan I–"
"Just tell me Y/N, I need to know. Do you still love me?" He stared at you, searching your face for maybe even the slightest insight into what you were thinking and what your answer would be. "I need to know the answer so I can prepare myself for when I see you around town every summer. Because Y/N it's going to be so...fucking hard to see you at every stop light, every store. To see your car driving down the block and realizing that you're not mine anymore. That there's someone else's house you'll be going to for midnight dates. Someone else's arms you'll be crying in whenever you watch 'The Last Song.'" You stared at him, mouth dropped from his confession and tears stinging in your eyes. "Just tell me...please."
You took a shaky breath and hugged yourself, trying your best to keep your tears at bay. "Nolan, it's– it's complicated, okay?"
Nolan ran his tongue against his cheek and laughed to himself as he looked up at the sky in disbelief. "No, it's not. You just gave me your answer." He looked at Nico and stood up fully. "I'm ready to go home."
He stumbled his way by you, brushing against your shoulder and keeping his focus on the back gate. "Nolan, wait!" You called out, the desperation in your voice loud and clear to Nolan.
He took a deep breath and kept on walking as Nico and Travis joined him, each with an arm over his shoulders. "You okay buddy?" Travis asked, looking at him.
"I don't feel too hot," Nolan mumbled as they walked along the outside of the house.
"You'll feel better soon Patty, no doubt in my mind you won't."
"Ha, GOT YOU FUCKER!!!" A faint voice yelled as a slapping sound followed it.
Nolan opened his eyes slowly and saw that he was in his bedroom. He sat himself up slowly realizing very quickly that it wasn't the best decision to make since his world literally began to spin. He closed my eyes tight and sat there for a few moments before hearing a few more yells coming from outside his room, but too faint to really hear what was being said. When his case of the spins ended, he stood himself up and shuffled his way to his bedroom door, opening it and walking down the hallway. The closer he got to basement stairs, the clearer the voices became.
He pushed open the door to see Nico and Travis all sitting on the couch playing NHL '18. "Dude, are you even trying?" Travis taunted, throwing his arms in the air. "GOAL!!! LOOK AT THAT FRESH CELLY."
Nico rolled his eyes and looked up, clearing his throat. Travis looked at him and saw his eyes looking in Nolan's direction and then looked at Nolan. "Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling this morning?" He asked, smiling.
"Like I got ran over by a truck," Nolan said, his voice very hoarse. "How long have you guys been down here?"
"We slept here, dude," Travis said, looking at him. "Didn't really want to be in your puke stench of a room honestly."
"Yeah, no offense. But we still checked on you throughout the night." Nico added, shrugging his shoulders.
The doorbell rang and Nolan took a deep breath, looking out into the hallway expecting to hear his parents or his sisters move towards the door, but hearing nothing. "And my parents and sisters?"
"Your mom and sisters went out to brunch and your dad went golfing with a work friend," Travis replied, looking away from the tv. "So it looks like you'll be the one answering the door."
"Don't fuck up my man-cave," Nolan said, leaving the man-cave and walking further down the hallway until he reached the living room. He walked around the couch and over to the front door, looking through the peephole and not seeing anyone on the porch. Weird, but he didn't dwell much on it before he unlocked the door and opened it, looking out and not seeing anyone in visible distance. He shook his head, it was probably just some neighborhood kids messing around with the Nolan Patrick.
God, kids were annoying sometimes.
Nolan went to turn away when something on the ground caught his eye. He bent down and saw an envelope lying face down on their welcome mat. Picking it up, he flipped it over to see it had his name written on it....in your handwriting. He opened the envelope and tilted it to the side, letting everything that was in it, slid into his hand. There was a letter and a Polaroid picture of the two of you and on the front, "always & forever" was written in your beautiful cursive handwriting. He flipped it over and instantly recognized the chicken scratch on the back...it was his own handwriting.
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵, 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶. || 2/14/17
He remembered that picture perfectly. It was a few months into your relationship and you had flown in to surprise him for Valentine's day. He hadn't expected you to come in, so he had absolutely nothing planned. The best part is that Claude and Ryanne had you two tag along on their Valentines day plans– which included a dinner and a stroll through some of Philly's landmarks. You were most excited to see the Rocky statue and Nolan could still remember the way his heart skipped a few beats when he saw you running up the steps, laughing on your way. You had asked Ryanne to take a picture of the two of you, handing over your polaroid camera he had gotten you for Christmas. And when she laughed and told you to pose, Nolan remembered looking down at you and smiling at just how goofy you looked– like a kid in a candy store.
The memory came to an end as he held the picture in his other hand with the envelope and unfolded a piece of paper that looked like it was from a journal. It had deep creases as if it had been unfolded and refolded multiple times as well. He flipped it over to the other side and saw your handwriting and on the top right corner, a date. But it wasn't just any date...it was the day after she broke up with him.
I don't know if I'll ever get the guts to actually give this to you, but you asked me for the reason why I ended things and this is the way you're going to get it. It seems selfish, I know. You deserved so much more than what I've already told you and I hope one day I'll be able to truly tell you why I did what I did. We spent two amazing years together and there's nothing in this world that I would trade them for and I never thought that we would end up where we are today...never in a million years. But things happen and things change and we can't fast-forward time to know if it's all really worth it, so we just trust our hearts and hope it turns out right. And I never really minded putting all that trust into my heart because with you, I didn't have to think twice or question myself- I kind of already knew what I wanted.
I'm rambling now, I know, but I swear I'm getting to the point. Things got so hard once you left Nolan and none of it was your fault, so don't you dare ever think it was. I just missed your a lot more than I thought I would- and it's really hard when you miss people. But you know what they say; if you miss someone that means you're lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing. The Skype calls and text messages and snapchats only partially filled the void, so when I flew out to visit you... I thought that everything would be okay, that everything would be perfect and wonderful again. But that last night with you, God I swear it made it worse. And I still remember that night. The night when everything fell together so perfectly and I wished it would last forever because I felt like everything was normal again...but it didn't.
So when I flew back home, it dawned on me N, it dawned on me that maybe this is supposed to be the end of us, maybe we're not meant to be together anymore. Maybe we were here to teach one another a lesson and once the lesson was taught, we were supposed to leave. Maybe you being on this amazing journey is teaching us a great lesson in life, one that we both needed to learn; that sometimes growing up means letting go of the dreams you aren't able to achieve...like those dreams of growing old together, the ones we talked about when we'd lay down on a blanket in your backyard and look at the stars.
You've got so many dreams and achievements ahead of you N and I want you to go out there and achieve them and be free while you do. I want nothing more than to see you succeed because that's what loving someone is all about. Putting them before yourself so they can flourish. So me breaking up with you has nothing to do about not loving you. It's not that we didn't love each other, it's just that love wasn't enough. So I think I have to let go...we have to let go. I really believe you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me N. And no matter where we go in life, you will forever be the person I'll never stop looking for in a crowded place.
Always and Forever, Y/N
He bit the inside of his cheek and sighed, looking up from the crinkled paper and wiping his face on his t-shirt sleeve. He took a deep breath and looked back down at the paper, folding it back up and putting the picture back into the envelope as well and walked back into his house, closing and locking the door behind him. "Hey Nolan, who was at the door?" Travis asked, his voice making Nolan jump.
"Oh uh, no one. Just the paper." He said as he opened the fridge. "Can you toss me a soda please?"
He tossed him a soda and grabbed himself one, then closing the door and meeting him in the living room. "Paper huh? Where is it?" He asked, looking down at the envelope in his hands.
"Oh, it's uh-" Nolan scratched the back of his neck, trying to come up with a lie.
He laughed and plopped his hand onto his shoulder. "It's 12:30 dude, your parents already got the paper. But I'm sure whatever it is, must have been worth the read."
"Yeah...it was," Nolan said, looking down at the envelope in his hands. "What do you say? Let's watch me kick Nico's ass in NHL '18 for the hundredth time huh?" He smiled, walking ahead of him and down the stairs, back into the man- cave.
Nolan nodded and followed him, stopping just outside the door and opening the envelope again and pulling out the small polaroid. He ran his thumb over your handwriting on the front and smiled.
Though it still hurts, he finally got his reason...and that's better than nothing.
#yikes don't let this flop plz#what's with me and sad shit#nolan patrick#nolan patrick oneshot#nolan patrick imagine#nhl oneshot#nhl writing#nhl imagine#flyers imagine#philadelphia flyers oneshot#philadelphia flyers imagine#hockey ima#hockey one#my writing
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A Weekend Off
Dean x Reader
Summary: After a long cross country drive to help Bobby & Sam becomes unnecessary, Dean decides that maybe its time for him and his girlfriend, (Y/N), to have some down time.
A/N: This is porn with zero plot, but more importantly, a motivational gift for @closetspngirl cause sometimes, you just need some fluffy, smutty Dean to get through the day. Enjoy, hun! xo
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Oral (giving & receiving), 18+ only
Words: 3.2K
Everything Tags: @sorenmarie87 // @lefthologramdeer // @rockyhorrorpictureshowstyle // @his-paradox // @letsby
SPN Tags: @wings-of-a-raven // @kazosa // @negans-wife // @grace-for-sale // @geeksareunique // @tiquismiquis // @mrsbarnes-rogers // @teller258316 // @spnhollis // @sweet-things-4-life // @hobby27 // @sweetlythoughtfulbird // @theoriginalvicki // @dreamchester67 // @xxwarhawk // @babykalika2001 // @superwhovianfangirl81 // @toobusynerdfighting // @missihart23 // @crowleysreigningqueenofhell // @idreamofplaid // @thewinchesterchronicles // @wayward-gypsy // @closetspngirl // @fatestemptress // @rebelminxy // @22sarah08 // @witch-of-letters // @cole-winchester // @rainflowermoon // @adoptdontshoppets // @foreverwayward // @waywardvalkyrie// @fandomoniumflurry // @gnrfanfic // @blackcherrywhiskey // @jessieray98 // @lyoly // @a–1–1–3 // @31shadesofbrown // @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare // @pilaxia // @flamencodiva // @screechingartisancashbailiff// @kgbrenner // @holylulusworld // @deansenwackles // @jamielea81
*Gif not mine, credit to owner
Hours on the road had made Dean weary and grouchy. There were not many stops along the way, and the places that were there, didn’t exactly give him the warm and fuzzies. The one truck stop that had a diner that was so full, that the wait to sit and eat would have taken longer than the act of cooking and eating the food itself.
Dean growled and motioned towards the Impala. You recognized his frustrated expression and just walked back to the car. Driving across country was starting to take its toll, but he was determined to get to the next job on the West Coast by the end of the day even though that was looking less than promising.
At one point you tried to explain that Sam and Bobby would be able to handle it until you arrived, but he wouldn’t listen. You loved Dean with all your heart but his stubborn streak was something you could sometimes do without.
“Babe, please…” you begged him somewhere outside of Omaha, “just either let me drive or stop at a hotel to sleep. I don’t think I’ve seen you shut your eyes once since outside of Pittsburgh. And, no… blinking doesn’t count.”
“I’m fine,” he mumbled and glanced at you quickly. “I swear, I’m fine. We just need to get there.”
You just shook your head and sighed softly so he couldn’t hear you. It wasn’t that you minded running around the country with Dean, you’d follow him anywhere. It was when he put any regard for himself aside to help someone else that you worried or felt frustrated. Dean did so much for everyone else, you just wanted him to take better care of himself.
It was about two hours after that, Dean finally found another spot that had a decent diner attached to a small gas station. He agreed to stop for gas, bathroom break and to order food to go. (Y/N) looked road weary and he felt terrible dragging her around the way he had. This certainly wasn’t what he had planned with her. But when the job calls, you gotta answer… at least that’s what he told himself. When he asked if she wanted to come along, she didn’t hesitate to say yes. That meant a lot to him.
(Y/N) had left to use the ladies’ room, while he sat at the counter and waited for the burgers, fries and sodas to be ready to go. Baby was all gassed up and waiting, now he just needed their grub.
The phone vibrated from deep in his pocket, signaling a text message notification from Sam.
Don’t worry about the job. It’s done. Bobby and I handled it.
Dean groaned and didn’t bother texting back. Instead calling him and not bothering with a greeting with his little brother answered.
“What do you mean, ‘you handled it’?” he barked upon hearing Sam’s voice.
“Bobby and I got it, its fine.”
“Seriously? Man, I’ve busted my ass to get out to you. Damn near broke the sound barrier hauling ass through Iowa.”
Dean could feel anger brewing and closed his eyes to stave it off. In that moment, he just wanted to be far away from people; just held up somewhere with his best girl by his side and a bottle of whiskey or bourbon to share.
“I mean, if you’re dying to hunt… Bobby got a lead on a werewolf outside of Bismarck. We’re headed that way—”
“No,” he said flatly just as the waitress handed him the take-out bag. “You know what. You guys can handle it.”
“You’re passing on a hunt?” Sam asked, a jovial lilt to his voice. “You? Dean Winchester? Passing on a werewolf hunt? You feeling alright?”
“Yeah, you know, for the first time in a while. I feel great. In fact, I’m taking the weekend off. Unless one of you is bloody, don’t call me ‘til Monday. (Y/N) and I will be unreachable.”
“Alright, call me if you change your—”
Dean ended the call, a flutter of frustration still in his chest. However, the idea that suddenly he doesn’t need to get to his brother made that dissipate quickly. (Y/N) rounded the corner just as Dean happened to look up at her. His minded wandered on how they should spend their unexpected bout of free time, but the way she swayed her hips, and the way she smiled upon reaching him, made him realize exactly what he wanted to do.
“Ready?” he asked, grabbing the white plastic take-out bag from the counter.
“Yes, sir. Seattle, here we come!”
The corners of Dean’s mouth turned down into his usual smirk. “Yeah… sure. Let’s go.”
After eating the burgers and fries, the lull of the highway made your eyes heavy enough to fall asleep. Unsure of how many hours passed, the next thing you knew, Dean was gently shaking you away.
“Hey, honey… wake up,” his said, his voice was soft, yet raspy. When you opened your eyes, he was leaning over you, a wistful smile on his lips. “There she is. Hey, come on, we’re here.”
“We’re in Seattle? That’s not possible…” you sat up trying to get your bearings. You were NOT in Seattle. “Dean, where--?”
“Come on…” Was all Dean would say.
You nodded and when he was satisfied you would follow along, he exited the car and you followed suit through the passenger door. It was well past sunset, and all the colors had already faded with it. But when you looked up, the darkening sky was dotted with a full universe of stars and a crescent moon. As you looked around you, there were shadows of snow-capped mountains and small flickering lights of cabins and homes off in the distance.
“Dean, where are we?”
“We are on vacation.”
“Wait. What?”
He laughed at your confused expression and walked around to meet you at the front of the car. Dean’s hands were shoved down into his pockets, a look of mischief on his face.
“When we stopped at the diner, I talked to Sam. They finished the job.”
“Oh,” you replied, feeling a bit of relief that the urgency was gone.
“Buuut, they had a werewolf hunt lined up near Bismarck.”
“So, we’re in North Dakota?”
“No. Colorado. Up near Fort Collins. An old friend of mine had a cabin up here. He said if I ever needed it…”
“You’re gonna have to explain, Dean. Why are we here?”
Dean pulled his hands out of his pockets and placed them on the upper parts of your arms, rubbing lightly as he held your gaze. “We are taking a weekend for us. This is ours ‘til Monday. I told Sam no calls unless they’re bloody.”
Your heart began to pound with anxious excitement. “Seriously?”
“Mhm, and the cabin is stocked with snacks, movies and plenty of whiskey,” he smiled a big, cheesy smile and wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
You jumped up and threw your arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely. Though he was surprised at first, he kissed you back, but only for a moment. Dean pulled back and with no warning leaned down, picked you up by your legs, threw you over his shoulder and headed into the cabin.
Once the lights were on, he finally put you down. It was a small space, but extremely cozy. The stone fireplace was stocked with wood, the plush couch was littered with pillows and blankets, and the loft contained a King size bed with at least six layers of soft fleece comforters. The kitchen area was larger than you would have though, with a center island and array of appliances that made it complete.
Dean went about checking the cabinets and seemed happy with array of snacks that were there. Even the refrigerator was well packed with all the essentials you would need for a few days.
“This place is amazing! How did you do all this?”
“I made a couple phone calls while you were snoozing. I wanted to surprise you. I’ve been a bit of a dick the last week, not purposely, but you know how I can be. I thought—I don’t know—we could just sorta, spend time together that wasn’t hunting. You know?”
Your heart rippled with a surge of love for him. Dean was always good to you, always kept your needs and happiness in the forefront of his mind. But this was a game changer, this surprise cemented the fact that you were head over heels in love with him.
“Dean…” your voice fell, unsure of how to express how much what he did, meant to you.
“Its ok, you don’t have to say anything. Hey, I got an idea. I’ll grab the bags from the car, get a fire going, get some food on and why don’t you go take a long, hot bath and just relax.”
You froze and just stared at him. “Who are you?”
Dean rolled his eyes. “What? I do nice stuff.”
“You do, all the time. Its one of the things I like best about you. But this… this is a different side to you.”
“A good side?” he asked, his frisky expression igniting your desire for him.
“A very good side.”
The bathroom was gorgeous. Décor side, in the corner was a giant, claw-foot soaking tub, set on a small lift and adorned with a variety of candles along the ledge behind it. Finding the lighter on the window sill, you went about lighting all the wicks, and then made sure the plunger was set before turning on the water. When you finally stripped out of your clothes and slipped into the tub, you didn’t think it could get any better than it was at that moment.
Soaking in the warm, soapy tub helped to wash away the last remnants of the road, and made you feel human again. While it felt wonderful, you missed Dean and was curious as to what he was up to out there.
Once you drained the water, and started drying off, your mind drifted to him again. Being with him for the past few months was starting to feel like home. Hotel to motel, job to job… city to city, if you were with him, you were home. Dean wasn’t the kind of man you ever imagined you’d fall for, but nonetheless, here you were, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Drawing the towel tighter around your chest, you quietly opened the bathroom door, and saw that Dean had gotten a fire going, had something cooking on the stove, and currently was trying to find a station to come in through the radio. Stealthily, you walked into the room and stood by the fireplace, waiting for him to stop fiddling with the radio.
Dean settled on a classic rock station, and just as he turned around, caught sight of you by the fireplace. He was about to say something, but then stopped before he could, realizing you were still just covered by your towel. Rendered speechless, he stood in the kitchen, nervously fidgeting between crossing his arms over his chest and leaning on the counter.
Seeing him flustered flipped a switch, and made you want him more than you already did. The music kept playing from the small radio on the counter as you approached him. When you were a step away, he took a step back and bumped into the counter.
“You alright?” you teased.
“Uh, mhm, great. Bath? Your bath was, uh, good?”
You nodded and undid your towel, letting it drop to the floor. “Was hoping you could help me dry off. Maybe, find something to put on.”
Dean drank you in slowly from head to toe. When his eyes scanned over your chest, you saw him swallow hard. You closed the last gap between you, so your body was pressed to his.
“Whatcha cookin’?” you asked, nodding towards the stove.
“P-Pasta,” he smiled, his tongue running nervously over his bottom lip.
“Oh,” you said and went to the burners, shutting them off. “Care for an appetizer, first?”
Dean exhaled shakily. “God yes.” He reached out for your hand and pulled you into him.
There was no hesitation in his intentions. His mouth clamped down onto yours, bringing you into a passionate kiss; his hand tangled up in your hair and forcing your lips harder onto his. His other hand ran roughly down the length of your body, pausing to cup your breasts, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
Suddenly, both hands were on your ass and lifting you up, sitting you on the island counter where unopened boxes of pasta were. With one hand Dean, wiped it clean, sending everything to the floor and laid you down on the cold granite. He positioned himself between your legs, and slid your ass down to the edge before lowering his head to kiss the inside of your thighs. He looked up for a moment and glided his hands up your abdomen and then back down your sides to the tops of your thighs. Spreading your legs further apart, he bent back down and began to kiss the hood of your sex.
Your hands gripped his head before he could even feel how wet you were for him to touch you. Dean’s tongue parted your folds, sparking you to arch your back and moan softly. The sound encouraged him to further lavish your clit with his tongue relentlessly. One hand slowly slid down your legs, until his fingers found your entrance and teased you with penetration. The need to feel him inside you was maddening, and the more he lapped and teased your clit, the more you wanted to scream for him to fuck you.
Just when you didn’t think you couldn’t take it anymore, he thrust his fingers up inside you, causing you to cry out his name.
“Dean! Fuuuck!” you felt yourself getting breathless, and just needed him to be closer to you, to feel his weight above you, to kiss you… “Baby, please…” you moaned and pulled at him to come back up to meet your lips.
When he came up for air, you sat up on the counter and yanked at his clothes. He kissed you with such a fierce need between each layer coming off. As he pulled his t-shirt over his head, you pawed at the belt of his jeans and then shoved them to the floor. Dean finished removing them and kicked them aside. He paused for a minute and just stared at you, running his hands over your skin, sometimes soft and loving, sometimes rough and desperate.
He didn’t speak. Left with only his boxers on, but his erection clear through the thin fabric, he helped you off the counter and walked you over to the oversized, overstuffed couch near the fireplace. He turned to face you, as you easily slipped the boxers off his legs, then pushed him down to the couch.
Kneeling before him, you took the length of him in your hands and used your tongue to circle the tip of his dick. Dean’s eyes rolled back as did his head. His fingers dug into the couch cushions beside him, then found their way into your hair. Moving your mouth and tongue all over his cock, his hips moved with you and a growl of satisfaction radiated from his chest.
“Jesus…” he moaned, mouth hung open and his eyes once again fixed on you. He lasted only another minute before he was pulling your head up and guiding you to straddle him on the couch.
Slowly, you lowered yourself onto his cock. The more he filled you, the louder your moans grew. There was a freedom with how loud you could be in the cabin, just the two of you. Knowing that and being able to express how he made you feel, somehow heightened the sensation of it all.
You moved on his dick, swaying back and forth, side to side, each pass up, then down, his fingers would dig deeper into your sides as he moved with you. Dean leaned forwards and covered your nipple with his mouth, biting and sucking relentlessly. His arms reached around your back and pulled you into him fiercer, both of your bodies moving erratically towards climax. His mouth released your breast, and he buried his face in your cleavage for a minute before he looked up at you.
Unable to hold back, your walls fluttered around him, clenching against his dick and making him cum.
“God damn… fuck!” he mewed, just as you were crying out his name. “Fuck… where did that come from?”
You could only chuckle as you were trying to catch your breath. “I don’t know. I guess I just missed you.”
“Well, damn, baby, I wish you’d miss me more,” he teased, running his tongue over his lips as they were pulled into a smirk.
You went to climb off him, but he kept you put. Reaching up, he pulled your mouth back onto his and this time when he kissed you, he did so softly. He kissed you that way for a while, almost long enough for him to get hard again. When he did finally pull back from your lips, he lightly ran a thumb against your cheek, and tipped your down face to meet his gaze.
“You know, you make me pretty damn happy.”
“Do I?”
“Yeah. A lot. You put up with a lot from me, and I want you to know that, uh—” he paused, and you could tell he was struggling a little, “I love you. But not just love you, (Y/N), I’m in love with you.”
You hadn’t heard that from him before. You knew he cared, that he cared a lot, but to admit he was in love with you…
“I love you too, Dean. A lot.”
“That’s good. Cause it would suck bad if you were just using me for my body,” he teased with a dead pan face, “or my car.”
Feigning shock, you playfully smacked his chest. “Why, I never!”
“Hey, you’re the one who dropped the towel, ok. I was just an innocent boy, cooking dinner for his very hungry girlfriend—Ow!” he cried as you hit him again, a little harder this time.
In a flash he lifted you off him and flipped you onto your back on the couch. As he hovered over top of you and gazed down, he smiled the soft, thoughtful one he reserved only for you.
“Now, I’m thinking naked pasta dinner in front of the fire. You down?”
“Abso-fucking-lutely,” you giggled.
He bent down to kiss you again and then jumped up and ran back to the kitchen. It only took him a second to come back and grab his boxers.
“Yeah, second thought, I should at least wear these… sauce splatters,” he shrugged and climbed back into them. He made his ‘yikes’ face and ran back into the kitchen.
In that moment, if he had asked you to give up everything and live with him in that cabin forever, you wouldn’t hesitate to say yes. Dean Winchester made you happy and, you fell more in love with him then you ever thought would be possible.
#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester x you#dean winchester x reader insert#dean winchester smut#dean winchester#spn fan fics
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Spellbound (1/9)
summary: Detective Uraraka is just trying to do her job and navigate her feelings for one very prickly werewolf, but in a world where myths are real, anything can happen. When she's targeted by the serial killer that she and her elven partner, Midoriya, are trying to stop, it's going to take a bit of magic to save the day.
notes: So this is my entry for Kacchako Bittersweet Week! I'm...honestly not sure where this is going. I've only finished three of the prompts so far and am literally winging it. Whatever the next prompt says takes the story to the next place. There is no plan for this and I'm probably in over my head trying to write a murder-mystery type story inside of a Modern Fantasy setting, but well, such is life. I borrowed the world I created for my sorta Izuocha fic, "The Mythical Kind". Yes, a bit cheap, but I really loved that world and felt like I could explore more of it. More characters, relationships, and tags will be added as I finish the prompts. Like I said, I have no fucking clue where this is gonna end up. Such is life.
No amount of tea could keep her awake, which was near impossible considering all the herbs she had put in that last batch. That stuff should have been able to keep her bouncing off the walls for days, not just a measly forty-eight hours. Was she getting weaker? No, that was her tried and true recipe. She was simply that exhausted after working for almost three days straight. This case really was getting the best of her. Maybe she should’ve taken a break like Deku had suggested.
Uraraka was staring hopelessly at her computer, woeful over the old case files that she had yet to comb through, when a paper bird began to flutter around her desk. At first, she ignored it, used to the old things. Eventually, it would settle down and perch on her desk until she was ready to unfold it and read the note. However, this one had other things in mind. It quickly turned into an origami nightmare and began to actually peck at her hands.
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry, oh impatient one!” Uraraka snatched the bird out of the air between her two hands, which proved to be a mistake when it gave her a papercut on her palm, causing her to wince. It soon calmed down and when she finally opened her hands, the bird slowly unfolded itself into a creased, harmless note.
You’re going to be useless if you keep going like this. Take a damn break!
Uraraka’s eyes almost rolled out of her head. Of course the violent note was from Bakugou. Did he have to charm them to be so vicious if ignored? He probably wanted to get his point across. Looking at the red spots on her hand and the cut on her palm, it had certainly done the trick. She set the note down and leaned back in her chair, rubbing her eyes with a fist. When she stared back at her computer, its dull glow only stared right back at her. The files would still be here when she got back. Besides, she couldn’t do much without her partner here anyways.
Dragging herself out of her chair, Uraraka groaned and pressed her hands to the small of her back as she stretched. How long had she been in that chair? And how had Bakugou known that she was running herself ragged? He could have called her. It wouldn’t have had the same effect as coming to the station and sending her a very aggressive paper bird to attack her into taking a break.
After sweeping her long coat off the back of her chair, she threw it over her shoulders and slipped her arms into the sleeves. She snagged her hat off the side of her desk and plopped it on her head as she walked over to her Captain’s office and knocked on the door. “I’m heading out for the night.”
“Got anymore of that tea?” Aizawa looked about as exhausted as she felt as he set his glasses down and pinched the bridge of his nose. Maybe he hadn’t been working as long as her, but he dealt with the higher-ups and the public, which was even worse. Neither had been kind to them recently with this case in the headlines.
Uraraka smiled apologetically. “All out, I’m afraid. I don’t think it was doing much good anyway at this point.”
Aizawa sighed. “I hate when things get political. It’s so exhausting.” He waved a hand at her. “Get some rest. I would rather you be well-rested than hopped up on something.”
“It’s an herbal recipe,” Uraraka reminded him. Before he could make another smart remark, his phone rang and he answered it without hesitation. He was a stronger man than her. Every time the phone at her desk rang, she shrank away from it for a few seconds. If she heard one more tip about how it was aliens, she was going to lose it.
Witches, werewolves, trolls, dragons, orcs, vampires, elves, and more? That was regular life.
Aliens though? Absolutely absurd.
That wasn’t even counting the many calls of people proclaiming it was werewolves. She’d hung up on the last person that had started on a rant.
The ride to the left and down the elevator was quick, but Uraraka still spent half of it slumped against the wall with the side of her head pressed against the cool metal. If it went on any longer, she could probably fall asleep here and wake up about ten hours later wondering where she was. She did have something of a bad habit of falling asleep in places around her apartment that weren’t her bed. Tired as she was, she didn’t even bother lifting her head when the doors opened, despite knowing full well who would be on the other side waiting for her.
“Took you long enough,” Bakugou snarled, arms folded across his chest.
“Aw, you really do care,” Uraraka teased, although she was too sleepy to push it even further.
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled as he reached into the elevator to grab her by the arm and pull her out. “Deku sent me a text asking if I could check on you. He must be out of it too because I think he meant to send it to Iida.”
Uraraka paused to blink at him before stepping outside. “And you came anyways?”
“Yeah, apparently you weren’t answering your phone,” Bakugou pointed out. That was surprising since she’d had her phone on her the whole… She fished it out of her pocket and looked down at it. Dead. Well, that answered the question of why Bakugou had sent her a murderous pigeon note. “You need to keep it charged. Shit is real dangerous right now and you’re running around with a dead phone.”
“And a wand,” Uraraka added, flicking her sleeve so that her wand slid into her hand. He scoffed, but didn’t argue the point. He knew that she could take care of herself, but he could also see the exhaustion written all over her. The thing about magic was that the stronger it was the more energy it took out of a person. Uraraka considered herself to be stronger than the average witch, at least by a hair, but fighting in this condition could knock her out cold. “You don’t need to worry about me so much. It’s not a witch hunt.”
Bakugou didn’t appreciate the pun at all, judging from the unimpressed look on his face. “I’m serious, Uraraka. You need to be more vigilant. Whatever is going on, we’re in the shit right now.”
He was right, of course, and Uraraka didn’t have to say anything for him to know that. She sighed and nodded her head before choosing her exit and stepping through the sliding glass door. There wasn’t just one entry port to the police department. There were a number of entrances across the city that a person could choose from, as long as they had a passcode. She and Deku had given Bakugou theirs just in case ages ago.
When she passed through the glass door and came out the other, Uraraka was first hit with the smell of smoke. It was a familiar scent in this area, reminding her of childhood. Growing up, her home had been permeated with the smell of whatever was being cooked in the cauldron, but the smoke from below was always there as well. This was a different kind of smoke, but she would take what she could get.
Glancing over, she caught Bakugou wrinkling his nose in distaste. It wasn’t near the full moon, but his sense of smell was heightened regardless of the day of the month. He didn’t like her neighborhood. Granted, it was fairly sketchy. On a scale of one to ten – where ten was a bunker warded to the teeth with protective spells and one was a flimsy wood shack – her neighborhood was about a four. He, Deku, and Iida had been harping on her to move, but it was easier said than done. Maybe when she got her bonus…
“You didn’t have to walk me home,” Uraraka said as they walked down a dimly lit sidewalk.
“And risk you falling asleep in an alley?” Bakugou shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Now it’s my turn to be the serious one.” Uraraka stepped ahead of him and turned on her heels so that she was facing him, stopping him cold in his tracks. “It’s not safe for you out here.”
He rolled his eyes. To get his attention, she reached out and snagged the strings of his hood, pulling it tighter around his head. He instinctively lifted his hands to make sure that the hood was covering him properly. It wouldn’t do good for his ears to show. His long green coat was able to hide his fluffy tail well enough, but the ears would be a dead giveaway. She could still remember her surprise when she’d met Bakugou for the first time. Werewolves in her part had been hunted down, but in the city, they roamed freely, if not without prejudice against them.
“I can take care of myself,” Bakugou quipped, baring his teeth in a vicious smirk. His canines gleamed dangerously under the flame of the streetlamp. Not as sharp as a vampire’s without it being the full moon, they were still capable of puncturing a man’s jugular should he be so inclined. He could kill her quite easily if he was in one of his frenzies. Even without the influence of the full moon, he had superhuman strength and many people said the bloodlust was still strong in them too.
Uraraka knew that he would never hurt her though. They might’ve gotten into some pretty heated arguments, but she had never once been afraid that he would attack her simply to hurt her.
“Even so, like you said, we’re in the shit, but especially werewolves,” Uraraka said gently, smoothing his hood down. She could feel his ears twitch underneath and pulled her hand away before he could tell her off. “I’d rather not get another call from Kirishima asking if I can bail you out. Everyone at the station thinks I’m dating a ruffian.”
Bakugou’s face flushed pink. “We’re not–”
She couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction, folding her hands behind her back and taking a few steps back. He spent so much time teasing her that it was nice to get one over him every once in a while. “I know. You’d never be interested in a cop, much less a low level witch.” He narrowed his eyes at her, but chose to say nothing as he started to follow her again. She knew that she could be stronger. Deku constantly reassured her that she was one of the strongest witches he knew, but then she’d remind him that he’d only met three witches total. “I’m still allowed to worry about you, aren’t I? Especially since you won’t let me give you that enchanted watch.”
“You know I don’t fuck with magic,” Bakugou told her.
“You fuck with me,” Uraraka shot back mockingly. He stared at her for a beat before his lips pulled up into a smirk and his red eyes glittered. This time, her face burned red and she spun back around so that he couldn’t see her face. She hadn’t meant it like that, especially after that last comment. “What I mean is: it’s me – it’s my magic – and the watch only has a protective spell on it. Okay, that’s a lie. It’s also enchanted to always have the perfect time. What’s the point of it not being functional too?”
Bakugou opened his mouth to argue with her when he suddenly stopped, his brow furrowed and his smirk turning into a frown. “Do you smell that?” Uraraka looked around and shook her head. Maybe it was a little smellier because the garbage man was late picking up the trash, but that was all she could think of. “It smells like something’s burning.”
“Something is always burning around here.” True, the scent of smoke was heavy in the air, but she didn’t think much of it. Smoke was a part of the aesthetic at this point. That was the price of living by a factory that mass-produced magical potions. They weren’t anywhere near as potent or good as home-brewed ones, but those were much harder to come by. She usually stuck to making her own since it was cheaper in the long run.
“No, it’s…” Bakugou broke into a run, leaving Uraraka in the dust.
She took off after him and shouted, “Wait!” but he was much quicker than her. Even if he didn’t have a werewolf’s unnatural speed, he would’ve beat her. She had always been a slow runner. He passed two blocks before she had even made it down one and then disappeared around the corner. “Bakugou, stop!” Her coat was flapping behind her like a cloak and slapping the back of her legs. When she rounded the corner, she ran smack into Bakugou’s back. He was so solid though that she didn’t knock him over. “What are you–?”
The rest of her question was snatched right out of her mouth as she caught sight of the scene Bakugou was staring at. A large building was on fire. Her apartment building was on fire. There were dozens of fire trucks, cop cars, and ambulances surrounding it in an attempt to put it out and help any of the victims, but it was no use. One second it was a regular fire and the next the fire burned a bright blue and grew exponentially like it was a hungry, living monster. As the flames ate every inch of the building, black smoke billowed into the sky.
When she’d said that something was always burning, she hadn’t meant her home.
“Did you leave a cauldron simmering before you left?” Bakugou asked.
“What? No!” Uraraka was almost insulted that he’d even insinuated such a thing, but he didn’t seem to be aware of what he was saying. “That’s not from some slow simmering potion gone wrong or someone leaving their crockpot or coffee maker plugged in.” She pointed an accusing finger at the burning building. “That...is magic.”
Any decent witch could’ve spotted the most subtle magic a mile away. Now that she was watching it three blocks down, she could feel it pulsing in the air, breathing life and death into her at the same time. If she had ever been tired before, she was alert and awake now, although that might have been because she’d fallen into a state beyond exhaustion. Her eyes were locked onto the red and yellow flames, taking in how alive they looked. Fire was a beast in its own and the creatures capable of it fiercer than most. Not all of them were as mild as Todoroki.
Bakugou turned to her. “Uraraka…”
Hearing her name in that wary tone made everything come crashing down on her all at once. Her apartment was gone. It was destroyed, turned to nothing but ash and soot. “I… Everything I owned was in there…” Luckily she hid her money in a safe elsewhere, but it wasn’t nearly enough along with what she had in the bank to replace all that the fire had taken from her. She had insurance, of course, but only the bare minimum that she could afford. “What am I going to do?” She wasn’t thinking properly. The alertness she felt only seconds ago began to evaporate, replaced by a bone-tired exhaustion that made her want to cry. “Where am I going to sleep?”
“Uraraka,” Bakugou repeated. She snapped out of it and glanced at him. There was a fire in his eyes that matched the intensity of the burning building. “I’m pretty sure you’ve got bigger problems that that.” She blinked thickly, her thoughts muddled at best. “If this was done by magic, I don’t think it was an accident.” He pointed at the buildings next to hers. “Look; they aren’t catching. It’s just your building. No one on the force has the ability to create a barrier like that but you. It was targeted.”
That took Uraraka back. “Targeted?”
“You’re in danger,” Bakugou growled, his hackles practically raised. “That case you’re working on? It must be a lot worse than you thought.”
Uraraka’s eyes swept from Bakugou to her apartment. Judging by the state of the first responders and the building, it had caught on fire suddenly and spread fast. As much as it pained her, she knew that it was impossible to expect that everyone had survived. How many people had died? What for? What was worth ending so many lives just to get to her? Had they thought she was home? Or had they known she wasn’t and did it as a threat to stop her? And if they had attacked her place, who wasn’t to say that they wouldn’t go after Deku, Aizawa, or anyone else on the case?
“We have to call Deku,” Uraraka decided, eyes snapping back to him.
Bakugou’s nostrils flared. “No shit.” He tugged her witch’s hat off her head and threw his arm around her, pulling her close to him and guiding him back around the corner. In her case, the signature hat she wore would give her identity away. Without it, she looked like the average civilian. She another woman on the street. Huddled so close to him, his familiar scent washed over her and the heat of his body burned through his coat. “But first we gotta get you out of here. There’s a chance whoever did this is waiting for you to show up on the scene. Best not give them the chance.”
“Where are we going?” Uraraka asked worriedly. Back to the police station? It was difficult for people to get in there.
Bakugou didn’t answer her though as he pulled out his phone and clicked on Deku’s contact. Uraraka glanced back one last time, taking in the sight of the smoke reaching into the heavens. What the hell was going on? Magic was supposed to be used for good, not this, not the crimes that she’d been investigating since transferring here into the city. It was unnatural. It was wrong. Even the dark arts wasn’t always bad, but this? Oh, this felt like a sickness and it was growing as surely as the flames.
#kacchako#kbsw#ochako uraraka#katsuki bakugou#bnha#mha#kacchako bittersweet week#aizawa shouta#izuku midoriya#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#modern fantasy#witch uraraka#werewolf bakugou#bnha fanfiction#the things of songs
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Worn Out
Warnings: None
Word Count: 447 (original starter), 2211 (new section) = 2658 total
Tags List (Because I am good at tumblr and know exactly what I’m doing): @bkwrm523 @eyeofdionysus @littlegreenplasticsoldier @mrswhozeewhatsis @helvonasche @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @manawhaat @mamapeterson @teamfreewillimagines @teamfreewill-imagine @writingthingsisdifficult @spnashley @kittenofdoomage @abaddonwithyall @captainrogerss @lovemydean-o-saur @oriona75 @winchestersinthedrift @ruby-loves-supernatural @faith-in-dean @mysupernaturalfics @sis-tafics @but-deans-back-tho
Previously on Worn Out: The nights had been drawing shorter, a soft frost coating every surface in the early mornings. You had wrapped up warm, wearing an old sweater on top of your clothes as you headed into town for a hot chocolate. Having bought the drink you took a seat on an old, worn out sofa in the small coffee shop and pulled out case notes on the latest case you were following. After growing up as a hunter and studying at college you had earned a good degree and worked your way to a secure position in the FBI. You were looking over the case notes as the door to the coffee shop opened and you heard a familiar voice order a set of coffees. Looking over the brim of your mug you saw Sam Winchester standing at the counter, scanning the room until his eyes land on you. In two strides he was standing by your table smiling wide, pulling you in for a tight hug. You stared and hugged back, staring at the man you had been told was long dead. He smiled and as he spoke you stared, eyes narrowing as your hand moved to the gun on your hip. Sam, however, noticed your movement and held his hands up and motioned to the sofa opposite you.
“I guess we have a lot to talk about, huh?” he sighed and collected the two mugs of coffee and sat across from you.
“You’re supposed to be dead. I saw the death certificates… I went to your grave…” you muttered as Sam tilted his head, looking over you.
“You’ve lost weight… Y/N,” Sam began, his eyes scanning over you, “You’re wearing my old sw… oh my god, I’m so sorry Y/N/N.”
You looked down to the file that lay open on the table in front of you, Sam’s eyes followed yours to see the reports on missing people from the town you were in.
“You’re here for the hunt…” you muttered before leaning in, “Don’t use your fake FBI credentials here, I’m with my partner and he will pick up on them.”
Sam tilted his head, “Wha… Y/N… you’re FBI?”
You passed him your very much read credentials and sighed, “I work for a department that basically took up the Men of Letter’s work without the name. My partner isn’t the fondest of hunters, especially those who pretend to be FBI agents.”
As you gave Sam this warning your phone buzzed to a text from your partner:
~You never told me you were friends with the Winchesters. And you never told me this case was demons, Bambi. We need to talk about this, now.~
Looking over the text your jaw clenched at the nickname your partner used. As you got ready to reply once more the coffee shop door opened and in walked the very man who had just texted you. He smirked over to you and ordered his usual black coffee before walking towards your table.
“Hey there Bambi, Winchester,” he smiled at you before shooting Sam an unwelcoming look, “Thought you were six feet under Sammy boy.”
“And who are you?” Sam retorted through gritted teeth, his body tense and on guard.
Your partner chuckled, “I’m little Bambi’s partner, Special Agent Harmond. You know, I bet I could arrest you on multiple counts of murder and impersonating an FBI agent.”
Before he could continue you snapped, “But you won’t.”
Both men looked over to you while you locked eyes with your partner, in a battle of will. After a few moments of silence, he yielded and smirked, taking a seat next to you. Sam raised a brow as you adjusted on the sofa, immediately becoming more professional. Harmond looked to the case file that remained open on the table in front of you sipping his coffee.
“I’ll catch you later Y/N/N, dinner tonight?” Sam asked which you nodded to and smiled softly. Sam looked to your partner and rolled his eyes before grabbing his and Dean’s coffee, leaving and heading back to their motel.
“They’re dangerous Bambi. Why didn’t you ever mention you were friends with the Winchesters? That is crucial information! Nevermind this fucking case being demons,” he snapped and moved across to the other sofa.
“We discussed that nickname, stop calling me that. And I don’t have to tell you shit, this case is a simple one.” you retorted, glaring at him, “And anyway Joshua, it’s only one demon, a rogue one.”
“Let me guess, the same one that got your mother dead all those years ago… wasn’t that some other hunter’s fault? Let’s hope history won’t repeat itself, Bambi, after all, you hunters are all alike, arrogant bastards.”
You tensed and grabbed your case file and bags, “Bite me, asshole.”
After leaving the coffee shop you walked along the streets until you reached your hotel before passing by and heading for the small park most of the victims had been taken from. The demon had been taking women in their 20s, they would turn up a few days later in front of the church, their eyes burned out. You took a seat on one of the benches and opened the case file once more, looking at each of the women you can clearly see the pattern. Each woman looked similar to you.
“You got my message, finally,” a voice spoke and took a seat beside you, the dark suit they wore smelled so strongly of Hell you almost choked. “It took you longer this time, that was five dead, you usually arrive after three. I know your gun is on your hip but we both know you won’t reach for it, you aren’t that stupid little one. Your mother taught you better than that, the angel she was...”
“She died because of you,” you stated, staring ahead, the voice sighed as a hand touched your shoulder, “My partner is here, so are the Winchesters, you didn’t have to kill anyone to get my attention. But you enjoy that, don’t you?”
The voice laughed as you looked over, his messy dirty-blonde hair and the mischief in his eyes looked normal. His suit, however, was new and you had to admit you were not the fondest of it. He tilted his head and looked over you, a brow raising as he pulled at the sweater, straightening out a crumple. One hand moved to your hair and gently moved it from your face as the word darkened and you slumped against him.
Sam’s POV
Y/N looked smaller, she had definitely lost weight since the last time I had seen her, and she was so uncomfortable when her partner came in. He called her Bambi unless he is oblivious to her history he’s a dick. After leaving the coffee shop I jumped into the impala to tell Dean, pulling into the motel Dean was waiting, looking tense. I had barely climbed out of Baby when he jogged over and took his coffee.
“Sammy, we need to get to the morgue.” Dean stated as he gulped down his coffee and climbed into the driver’s seat of Baby and motioned for me to get into the other side.
“What’s got you freaking out?” I asked, “I thought you said this case was an easy one?”
Once I had climbed into the impala Dean began driving, fast. His whole body was tense, “We thought this was a demon on a joy ride, but these murders aren’t the first of this type and they always end just after the FBI get here. The real FBI… I read up on some of the other cases, Sammy its Y/N.”
“Yeah, I saw her in the coffee shop, she said not to use our FBI alias’... you don’t think she has something to do with this?” I asked confused.
“They always stop after she gets to town, but she goes missing, she always goes missing. Sam what if the person killing people simply does it to get to her… And why would they let her go?” Dean asked, his knuckles turning white from his grip on the steering, “If she’s here, you go find her and look after her. Don’t let her get taken.”
I nodded, getting Dean to pull over at the coffee shop so I could jump out and find Y/N.
Reader’s POV
You woke with your wrists being held above your head in soft leather cuffs, your gun lay on a table to the side and the man was sitting with another woman, healing her. Once she was healed he touched her head and she disappeared from the room, he stood and walked in front of you. His eyes scanned your body before crossing his arms.
“You’ve lost a lot of weight Y/N,” he sighed and shook his head, “What did we discuss last time?”
You rolled your eyes, “What’s with the restraints? Also, why are we still on Earth? No Hell this time?”
“Have to make it believable for when that partner eventually finds us, right?” he smirked as you pulled on the restraints, “I even gave that last woman the location and a message for him.”
“What did you do?” you asked, paling slightly.
“Nothing, yet. Now I am afraid this may hurt but don’t worry, I would never do something irreversible kiddo,” he smiled softly and touched your forehead as you screamed and felt cuts form over your body, “We both know they wouldn’t last long otherwise.”
Your head slumped forward as you whimpered, feeling the cuts deepen until you knew the blood loss would cause a normal person to pass out. It didn’t take long before you heard your partner’s voice call your name as he made his way through the building. You heard the door to the room you were in open before your partner’s hands were cupping your face.
“Y/N? What the fuck happened? How?” he swore and fumbled as he tried to unlock the cuffs.
You slumped against him as he finally got you down, “Not a demon,” you whispered.
“No, I’m not a demon,” a voice called out, “And you ran straight into my trap pretty boy.”
Harmond looked over you, ignoring the voice as he slung one arm over his shoulders and began carrying you out of the room. You tried to stop him before hearing a loud bang and looking to see a fire growing up the opposite side of the building.
“Y/N, come on, we can get out,” Joshua called and lifted you into his arms, “I’m not leaving you here Bambi.”
You looked up to him, “I’m not the one in danger,” you stated as the doors slammed closed and you were thrown aside, hitting the wall hard before you lay on the dusty floor.
“Y/N/N!” you heard Sam yell.
“Oh, now this is a party!” the man who took you laughed, “You even brought the Winchesters!”
Harmond watched as you lay on the floor, pulling his gun and looking for the source of the voice. He tried to move out of the room but was held in place. You pushed yourself up and looked to the corner where the man stood. Harmond’s eyes following yours as he fired a few rounds at the laughing man. He stepped out of the shadows as both Winchesters ran into the room, taking in the scene as you stood.
“Y/N, you can leave now,” the man smirked.
You shook your head as Dean growled, “Y/N come on, we can go.”
Sam’s eyes were locked with the man as he laughed. You stood as the wounds covering your body healed. The man was watching Harmond as he continued to attempt to run away. Sam slowly made his way to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as you held onto the Winchester, looking towards the man.
“Leave this alone Uncle,” you stated, everyone’s eyes fell to you.
Dean pointed from you to the man, “Lucifer is your uncle!?”
“My dad left when my mum was pregnant… kinda hard for Michael to raise a kid,” you groaned.
“Bambi, what the fuck are they talking about?” Harmond snapped making your uncle flip.
“Stop calling her that,” he growled as the flames grew.
Lucifer took a step towards Harmond as you yelled out and the fires died out, the three men vanished leaving only you and your uncle in the room. He turned to face you, rage seeping from him and filling the air with an almost suffocating feeling. You stood tall as his rage turned to you.
“You allow him to disrespect your mother? You actually let him, I can’t believe you’re my blood at times,” Lucifer hissed. “You are the child of an Archangel, act like it Y/N.”
“And I will not idly sit on the sidelines and watch you harm the people I love. Or Harmond.” you snarled, “Do you really want to do this with me?”
Lucifer tensed before sighing, “No, go back to your petty humans. We will discuss this later.”
“No more bodies, just phone me.” You sighed and looked to him, “please, I don’t want to lose you too dad.”
Lucifer sighed and pulled you into a tight hug, kissing your hair, “I know kiddo, and I am sorry about your adopted mother, she wasn’t supposed to be harmed.”
You nodded and headed back into town to find Sam and Dean talking with Joshua. All three turned to you as you approached, Sam running to you, cupping your face and looking for any signs of injury. Dean stood with his arms crossed, watching you as Joshua stared in shock.
“I’m tired, can you yell at me tomorrow?” you asked, “He’s gone.”
By the time you had woken and showered the next morning, you were just pulling your shirt over your head as a knock on your door sounded and you heard Sam call your name. Sighing and deciding that prolonging the inevitable was pointless you opened the door and the three men stepped into your bedroom.
“Come in, I guess?” you snapped, slightly irritated.
“You have a whole heap of explaining to do Bambi,” Harmond retorted and took a seat at the small table, looking up to you, “Do I have to bring you in? Are you a danger to us too?”
You glared at your partner, “First of all, quit using that nickname. Second, you couldn’t if you tried and third… depends how much you piss me off, I’m still armed buddy.”
The brothers both snickered as Joshua clenched his fists but fell silent, after a short moment of silence Dean spoke as he took a seat on the sofa. You sighed and quickly poured yourself a coffee while Sam sat on the edge of your bed, all three men staring at you.
“Y/N, can you explain this?” Dean asked softly.
As you nodded you looked to the corner of the room, “No point hiding Castiel, I can see you and you know this.” Cas appeared, leaning against the wall as Dean’s eyes narrowed, “Lucifer didn’t lie, Michael is my dad. I’m an angel…”
“Nephilim,” Dean corrected.
“No, Y/N is an angel. She is the child of Michael… and Lucifer,” Castiel confirmed.
All three men stared, Joshua’s hand twitching at his gun, “Thanks Cas, but yeah, Lucifer and Michael are my parents. I don’t like thinking about how they left me with a very kind woman, she was a hunter, she died. What else do you want to know?”
“Who is the girl you’re possessing?” Sam asked, “She has a name too, and a family.”
You shook your head, “I’m like Uncle Gabe, I haven’t possessed anyone. This is my vessel, it's me. Uncle Cas has been keeping me hidden from the others, he didn’t want me to get hurt.”
“Why?” Sam asked looking to you confused.
“I’m an archangel…”
#worn out#fic#sam#implied#sam x reader#sam winchester#dean winchester#fbi#supernatural#bambi#castiel#lucifer#michael#gabriel#spn#drabble#turned fic#fan fiction#fan fic#I REMEMBERED TO TAG FIRST TIME!#progress
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Wine and Dine and Apple Sauce
Summary: The reader and the Winchesters are taking on a coven of witches when the reader ends up under the influences of a spell. Gabriel, who has developed a crush on the reader, is left behind to care for her.
Pairings/Characters: Gabriel x Reader; Castiel, Sam, Dean
Word Count:3121
Warnings: some cursing (language), some cursing (spell work), reader ends up an infant, mostly just fluff
A/N: This is for 2 challenges! It’s my entry for this week’s SPN Hiatus Writing Challenge being hosted by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (”Are we completely sure that’s how it’s supposed to look”) and for @klaineaholic‘s 400 followers challenge (”My power means nothing to an infant”)! Both of the prompts are in bold in the text! I added tags about a ten hours after I posted the fic in the first place. Sorry for anyone who’s already seen it and just got a notification. :)
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
Wine and Dine and Apple Sauce -
“Who is that?” Gabriel asked.
He and Castiel had been invisibly following the Winchesters on their latest hunt, making sure that they didn’t hurt themselves or worse. They were after a particularly dangerous coven of witches but had declined the angels’ assistance when it had been offered.
Castiel looked in the direction his brother was pointing and smiled. “That is Y/N, she’s a hunter that Sam and Dean met some time ago on one of their cases.”
Gabriel was transfixed, openly staring at Y/N as she greeted the Winchesters, hugging them like old friends. Castiel was still talking but Gabriel wasn’t paying attention anymore. Instead, he watched as Y/N pulled off her beanie and ran her hand through her shining hair before settling the hat back into place on her head.
“She was raised by witches but, after she found out they had killed her parents, she took to hunting them, instead,” Castiel’s introduction concluded.
Gabriel waved his hand at his brother. “Yeah, yeah, Cas, thanks. Which one of them is she sleeping with?”
Cas didn’t answer. He looked at Gabriel, confusion coloring his features. “Why would you assume that, brother?” he asked perplexed. “To my knowledge, Y/N isn’t sexually active with either Winchester.”
Gabriel was glad to hear that. Usually when there was an attractive woman around, it was a safe bet that one of the brothers wanted in her pants. Either they hadn’t succeeded, yet, or she was a good enough hunter that they needed her. Maybe both. Either way, it meant Gabriel had a shot, still, and he was going to take it.
“You’ve got a handle on things, right? You’ll make sure they don’t do anything incredibly stupid?” he asked Castiel.
The seraph nodded and Gabriel took off to prepare.
“Are we completely sure that’s how it’s supposed to look?” She asked Sam, swirling the glass in her hand.
“You’re the one who was raised by witches, Y/N,” Sam replied with a sly smile. Both of them were in a little over their heads and the photograph of the liquid someone had taped onto the page was in black and white and not at all helpful.
Y/N barked out a laugh. “Yeah, we didn’t really get too far into my magical training before I killed the assholes who killed my parents,” you reminded Sam, swirling the glass again. “What does the book say?”
Sam consulted the text again. It wasn’t the first time she or Sam had resorted to using magic on a hunt bit this tracking spell was definitely the most advanced thing either of them had tried. “Thick, bright green liquid.”
“Well, it’s kind of more chartreuse but that’s technically bright green, right?” Y/N asked, trying to reassure herself.
Sam nodded. “Yeah,” he assured her. “I mean, we triple checked the ingredients and Dad had me speaking Latin since I was five so I’m sure I got the incantation right.” His voice was strong but Y/N could tell that he was nervous about this, too.
She nodded in response and lifted the glass in a toast to Sam. “Alright, well, bottoms up, then.” Y/N put the glass to her lips and downed the liquid. Nothing happened for a moment but then, suddenly, she was gone.
“Shit!” Sam cried out, scrambling for his phone. This spell wasn’t supposed to do that, Y/N shouldn’t have disappeared. “Shit!” he shouted again for good measure as he simultaneously dialed Dean’s number and prayed to Cas.
Before Dean could answer the phone, he and Castiel were standing just inside the motel room door. “Jeeze, Cas, you gotta warn a guy before you do that,” Dean complained.
Sam interrupted his brother, harshly shouting his name. “Dean! Y/N is gone. We tried that tracking spell she found and she disappeared.”
“You don’t think…” Dean begin, “It didn’t take her right to the witches, did it?” His face was painted with worry, bordering on panic. The brothers had known Y/N for a long time. She was a great hunter - one of the best - and an even better friend. She was like a sister to them and they had to find her and get her back. He turned to Cas, hoping the angel could track Y/N.
Castiel’s head was cocked to the side and his gaze was fixed on a point across from where Sam stood. “Y/N hasn’t disappeared,” he told the brothers, “she’s still here.”
As if on cue, a loud wail sounded from the floor where Cas was staring. The brothers gave each other confused looks and Sam crossed around the table to where Y/N had been standing. He looked down to the source of the noise and his eyes went wide. Sam stooped down and scooped up a baby from where it was nestled within Y/N’s clothes. He did his best to sooth the child. She couldn’t be more than six months old and had a shock of hair on her head the same color as Y/N’s. “Um, guys, I think I found her.” Sam’s voice was nervous as he held the baby in his arms. She looked so tiny compared to his giant frame.
Dean shook his head in disbelief, his mouth opening and closing like a fish for a moment before he collected himself enough to ask “What?”
“I don’t…” Sam started loudly, causing the baby to cry again. He took a breath and leveled out his tone before continuing, “I don’t know. Something must have gone wrong with the spell. We were pretty confident we got it right but…” he indicated the crying baby that he was now holding against his shoulder. Sam rubbed her back and bounced her a little bit, hoping to calm her down again.
Dean turned to Castiel. “Is he right? Is that Y/N?”
Cas crossed the room to where Sam stood with the baby and placed his hand on the back of her head. “Yes, this is Y/N,” the angel confirmed.
Sam looked to Cas with hope. “Can you fix it, undo the spell?”
“No,” Castiel replied. “This magic was consumed, it has to work its way out of her system naturally.” His touch and gravely voice seemed to sooth Y/N further and she was drifting off to sleep against Sam’s shoulder. “From the feel of the magic in her, I estimate that she should be back to normal by morning.” He raised his hand and passed it over Y/N’s back, conjuring up a diaper and some appropriately sized clothes for her.
Out of nowhere, lights like fireworks burst and crackled in the room and Y/N woke up and squirmed in Sam’s arms until he flipped her around so she could see the source of the commotion. Her tiny eyes were wide and her mouth was open in joy at the display. When Gabriel stepped out from the center of the lights carrying a bouquet of brightly colored flowers and a large, swirled lollipop, Y/N giggled and clapped before reaching out to the archangel.
Gabriel looked around at the people in the room with confusion. “Where’s Y/N?” he asked, “She’s supposed to be here.”
“Why do you care?” Dean asked. “And how do you even know Y/N?”
“I don’t, not yet anyway,” Gabriel replied with a wag of his eyebrows. The baby was still reaching for him so he took her from Sam’s arms. It had been a while but spending centuries raising fledglings meant he’d never forget how to care for something so small. “Why do you have a kid here, anyway?”
Sam managed to look sheepish as he explained that she had been hit by a spell only a few minutes earlier. “So, Gabriel, meet Y/N,” he concluded, a hand coming up to nervously scratch at the back of his neck.
The archangel looked down at the tiny human in his arms and then back at the Winchesters and Castiel. “How the hell did this happen?” The archangel would have been shouting if not for the baby in his arms who had now begun grabbing for the lollipop he had brought with him. Instead, his anger simmered just below the surface. “You were supposed to be watching them, supposed to make sure they didn’t do anything stupid, Castiel!” He snapped open the lollipop’s wrapper and gave it to Y/N as he started pacing the room.
“How am I supposed to impress her now? My power means nothing to an infant,” Gabriel moaned, turning back to Y/N who was now happily sucking and gumming on the candy. “Let’s find the witch who did this and take her out. That should solve the problem quicker than letting the magic leech out of Y/N’s system. Find the witch and I can take her out with a snap of my fingers.”
Sam’s cheeks flushed at that suggestion. “Yeah, uh… there was a group who worked on it,”
“We can take them all out. As long as we get the one who said the incantation, we’re covered,” Gabriel explained frustrated. The Winchesters should know that, he thought.
Sam looked down at the ground as he continued talking, explaining to Gabriel just what had happened. “So, Y/N found this book of spells and she and I put together what was supposed to be a tracking spell. She did the measuring and mixing, I took care of the Latin…”
“You have got to be kidding me.” Gabriel’s voice was full of disbelief. “I don’t suppose you’ll let me kill you to fix this…” the archangel began but Dean interrupted him.
“You are not killing Sam,” he said, his voice stern.
“I’ll bring him right back,” Gabriel promised.
“You are NOT killing Sam.” Dean’s voice was harsh and Gabriel knew he wouldn’t be winning this argument. He considered just doing it for a moment; using his powers to kill Sam for a few seconds and then healing him just as quickly. Dean might not even notice if he could get the older Winchester out of the room. But Dean was on high alert now that Gabriel had suggested it and he’d be hovering by his brother’s side until Gabriel was gone or Y/N was back to normal.
“Look, we need to take care of these witches before they disappear into the wind and take their shit out on some other town” Sam interrupted the staring contest between his brother and the archangel. “Cas says Y/N’ll be fine by morning. If she’s not, you can kill me then, ok? But for now, can either of you track the witches?”
Castiel shook his head. “They’re warded from me but Gabriel may have more success.”
Gabriel shifted his focus from Dean to Sam before he closed his eyes and felt around for the coven. “They’re about 10 miles out of town, holed up in an ancient farmhouse.”
“Alright, Dean and I will go take care of them. Cas, you with us?” Sam asked.
Castiel answered in the affirmative and Sam turned to Gabriel.
“Y/N really seems to like you,” the younger Winchester admitted. “Will you stay here with her?” Sam used his best puppy dog eyes on Gabriel, realizing that the archangel would be hard pressed to resist that look combined with the prospect of watching over Y/N.
Gabriel agreed and his brother and the Winchesters formed their plan and made their way out to the Impala. They agreed to take the afternoon to stake out the house and make their move that night, when most of the witches should be asleep. Gabriel would be on call if things went sideways but they were all pretty sure that the brothers and the angel could handle themselves.
After the trio left, Gabriel was left with Y/N in the motel room. He looked around at their surroundings and Y/N started to squirm in his grasp, wanting to get down and explore. “This is not a safe environment for a child,” Gabriel told her, holding her tightly against his chest. “I can’t fathom how the Winchesters didn’t die growing up in shit holes like this. Especially Sam, he was your age when their dad got started.” He quickly formed an idea of what he wanted in the room and snapped his fingers, changing the space to be much more child friendly. The carpet was plusher, the outlets all had covers over them, and even the wallpaper wasn’t the drab, dingy brown that it had been a second ago. Instead, it was bright and fresh and the new flat screen television was playing Sesame Street. Gabriel placed Y/N down in the Chicco baby walker he had conjured up - it was supposed to be the safest brand in the market right now - and he watched her as she played.
Eventually, Gabriel figured he should feed her something besides the candy he’d brought and so he zapped up some food that was appropriate for a tiny human without any teeth. As he fed Y/N, he started talking to her.
“You know, this wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go,” he confessed. “I was going to make my grand entrance and sweep you off your feet. I had planned on changing this room quite a bit but I had a more of a romantic feeling in mind, not a playroom.” He sighed as Y/N giggled around another bite of food. “I was going to wine and dine you, try to make tonight really special after we had ganked the witches. None of this apple sauce crap.”
Y/N had stopped eating and was looking up at Gabriel like she was actually listening to him. Babies were weird, he thought, but he pressed on. “I know we don’t know each other, that we’ve only just met, and even that’s a technicality because you’ve got no idea what’s going on, really, but I think you’re beautiful and if Sam and Dean trust you on hunts, you’ve got to be strong and a bad ass, even if your spell work could use a little improvement.” Gabriel chuckled to himself at his joke and at the tiny baby glare Y/N was giving him.
Her face shifted, though, with a huge yawn.
“I think it’s time for someone to get some sleep,” Gabriel commented, lifting her from the baby walker and holding her against his shoulder again. He patted Y/N’s back a few times until she burped and then he laid her down in the motel room’s bed and smoothed his hand through her hair.
He stood up but Y/N reached out to him, her tiny hands opening and closing in a grabbing motion. Gabriel swept her up off the bed and laid down himself, resting Y/N on his chest. He didn’t require sleep but he could lie here with her. Gabriel snapped up a soft blanket to cover them and Y/N drifted off into sleep. He watched her for a while before deciding that he would spend the rest of the time concentrating, in a trance like state that he used to call “Prayer Answering Mode.” It allowed him to hear and respond to prayers just a little more quickly and if Castiel and the brothers needed him on this witch hunt, seconds could make all the difference.
Gabriel was pulled out of his trance by the sound of a door slamming. He shifted on the bed but stopped suddenly, remembering that he had an infant on his chest. Except, he didn’t. Instead, the space where the baby had been was now occupied by a fully grown, very naked, sleeping woman.
Y/N’s arms were wrapped tightly around Gabriel and their legs were tangled together. There was a scrap of fabric poking out from beneath her collarbone and Gabriel surmised that when she shifted back into her normal body, the onesie she had been wearing had torn apart.
“What the hell?” Dean’s gruff, tired voice filled the room and Gabriel turned his head to look at the source of the voice. Sam, Dean, and Cas were standing in the doorway, covered in blood. Sam’s eyes were wide and Dean looked scandalized. Gabriel realized what they were seeing - their friend, naked and on top of him - and he went to snap but Y/N caught his eye first.
Her eyes were open and she didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed. “What did you think would happen when I changed back, Dean? That the clothes would grow with me?” Y/N’s voice was thick with sleep as she wiggled a little bit and pulled a bit of torn fabric out from under her stomach and tossed it at the brothers. “Whichever of you is cleaner, go with Cas and get me some breakfast. Bacon. And Eggs. And a bagel. Things I can chew. The other one, get in the shower.”
Gabriel smiled. Y/N was bossy when she first woke up. Gabriel found that he liked it; it was endearing.
Once the boys were moving, she rolled off of the archangel and pulled the blanket with her to cover herself. “Thank you,” she mumbled.
“For what? I just did what anyone would have,” Gabriel replied.
“For taking care of me, for making this place safe… For calling me beautiful.”
“Seriously, don’t worry about…” Gabriel stopped speaking for a moment. “You heard that?” he asked sheepishly.
Y/N smiled shyly at the archangel. “Every word.”
Gabriel would have been blushing if he had allowed his vessel to react the way a human might. “I’m sorry… I didn’t realize that you knew what was going on. I wouldn’t have…”
Y/N stopped Gabriel with a hand over his mouth. “I don’t mind. ‘Beautiful’ isn’t a word I hear often, especially from other hunters. I liked it - I like it - and, if you wanted, I wouldn’t mind trying that date you were talking about.” Y/N’s voice was quiet, as if she might scare the archangel away if she spoke too loudly.
Beneath her hand, Gabriel was fighting off a grin. “Ov kuhs ah wah dah,” he spoke into her hand.
Y/N giggled a little and moved her hand away so he could talk. “Of course I want that.” Gabriel let a small smile grace his lips. “Just promise me, no dabbling in spell work this afternoon, ok? I’d like to spend time with the real you.”
Y/N threw her head back in laughter at that and she got up, wrapping the blanket around her form as she made her way to her duffel bag for some clothes. “No spells. I promise.”
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass
Gabriel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @vintagevalentinexx @theficlibrarium @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb @crzcorgi @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @MrsJohnSmith @manawhaat @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @supermoonpanda @sis-tafics @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @olitzisbae @the-morning-star-falls @ackleslaugh @roxy-davenport @chrisatplay @bkwrm523 @faith-in-dean @kreborn17 @for-the-love-of-dean @sleep-silent-angel @trenchcoats-and-bees @curliesallovertheplace @not-so-natural-spn @skybinx-blog @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @winchesters-princess @katnharper @tia58 @deansleather @castiels-forbidden-angel @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @babypieandwhiskey @wayward-mirage @mysaintsasinner @shelovesallthethings @hexparker @alangel1895
Pond Gabriel Tags: @manawhaat @bkwrm523 @whispersandwhiskerburn @roxy-davenport @deathtonormalcy56 @for-the-love-of-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @mrswhozeewhatsis @captain-princess-rose @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @ilovedean-spn2 @wi-deangirl77 @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @fandommaniacx @oldfashioncdvillain @your-average-distracted-waffle @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @mysaintsasinner @deals-with-demons @bohowitch
#kiri's 400 followers fics#spn hiatus writing challenge#spn hwc - week 2#supernatural fanfiction#gabriel x reader#spn fanfic#Sam Winchester#dean winchester#castiel#gabriel#spn fluff#fics by Rev
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June 8: A Bad Day
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Pilot episode (Spn)+mute reader
Dean was walking back to his car burdened with supplies. He puts the groceries in the trunk of the impala and pauses- he just heard something that sounded like a baby. Concerned as well as cautious the eldest Winchester follows the noise. In the tall grass Dean finds a baby that is less then a year old. The 19 year old Winchester spends over an hour trying to find the child’s parents with no prevail.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I don’t belong here.” Sam answers tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Y/N looks at Sam with tears in her eyes.
“Sammy.” She wails as he walks away. Dean kneels down in front of her and gently wipes away her tears.
“It’s okay Bedbug… you still got me.” He says gently scooping her up and allowing her to bury her face into the crook of his neck. The last word that Y/N ever said was Sammy- due to a terrible case of strep throat, the youngest Winchester was rendered forever mute. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 ‘Where are we going?’ You sign from the passenger seat one day.
“We’re getting Sam.” Dean replies. He knows sign language but he prefers actually talking to you since your ears work just fine. “You wouldn’t remember him- you were three when he left.”
‘Does that mean I’m going to have to sit in the back- where you can’t really see what I’m signing?’
“We’ll figure something out bug.”
'Doubt Sam knows sign… so that makes you my translator- again.’
“You say it like that’s a bad thing.” It’s quiet in the cab of the impala for a bit. “Hey I was thinking-” Dean starts to say.
'That’s always dangerous.’
“Choosing to ignore that. How about we go stay the night at a hotel, since we’ve been on the road for so long.”
'Now I like that idea.’ 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -Dean POV- Once we get to the motel which isn’t that far from where Sam is, Y/N crashes on one of the two beds. Once I’m sure that she is asleep I leave the motel room to go find Sam. When I do find him, he is surprised to see me- and I’m surprised he has a girlfriend. While talking to Sam, I sign 'Dad is on a hunting trip’ just to see if Sam knows sign language. I am pretty certain that Sam just thought I did an elaborate hand gesture.
Sam is pretty adamant about not wanting to be pulled back into the family business. “You don’t have to come, but will you at least come say hello to Y/N?” I ask. Sam falters, he’s always had a bit of a soft spot for our little sister.
“Y/N is with you?” He asks. I nod in response. Sam’s girlfriend looks confused. “How old is she now? I mean the last time I saw her she was three.”
“Seven and a half, she’s going to be eight here pretty soon.”
“I pretty much missed our little sister growing up…” Sam would’ve stayed at school if it wasn’t for his girlfriend convincing him to go- just had be back before Monday. I drive back to the motel.
“Take the empty bed Sam.” I say.
“Where you going to sleep?” My younger brother asks.
“Y/N is used to sharing a bed with me.” I answer. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -Sam POV- The way how Dean said that makes me wonder how many times over the last four years did the two of them had to share a bed. I also have to wonder if my little sister is already hunting. I manage to fall into a bit of a fitful sleep. When I wake up I notice that Dean is already up. Y/N on the other hand is still asleep. “Morning Sammy.” Dean says.
“Morning. Pipsqueak still asleep over there?”
“Yeah… don’t try waking her up, she is a sass queen when tired.”
“Okay then… she isn’t hunting yet is she?”
“Oh hell no. She had to tag along because Pastor Jim was busy, Bobby was on a hunt with Rufus and well you know how dad is. Besides I’m pretty much the only one that understands what she is saying.”
“What do you mean?” I ask my brows knitting together.
“You’ll find out when Y/N wakes up.” Not sure what my brother was meaning, I drop the subject. Y/N wakes up about half an hour later. “Morning sleeping beauty.” Dean says with a smile. Y/N does this elaborate hand gesture similar to the one Dean did last night. Causing Dean to laugh. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -Your POV- “Morning sleeping beauty.” Dean says with a grin to you when you wake up.
'Oh go take your good mood and shove it somewhere.’ You sign in response. Dean laughs.
“Wow kiddo- isn’t it a bit early to be saying things like that.”
'Like that stops you. Who’s the moose?’
“Figured you wouldn’t remember him- but that wasn’t the wording I was expecting. That’s Sam.” You simply wave hello.
“I’m confused, why did Y/N just wave at me instead of saying hello?” Sam asks in response.
“Sam, Y/N did say hello. She lost the use of her vocal chords when she was three and a half.”
“A severe case of strep throat. It was so bad that it permanently damaged her vocal chords.” Sam sits down on the other bed holding his head in his hands. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -Sam POV- It feels like my heart just broke into three million pieces. First I find out that Y/N barely remembers me, then I find out that my sister became forever mute right after I left for school- on top of it all I don’t know sign language so I don’t understand what she is saying.
Y/N walks over to the bed I’m sitting on and sits down next to me. She signs something but to me it’s just hand gestures. “I don’t know sign…” I tell her. My seven year old sister’s slump, a look of dejection forms on her face. She turns to Dean and signs something towards him- he nods in response.
“Y/N asked if you are okay.” Dean says translating for her.
“It’s just a lot to process. I’ll be fine (Nickname).” I answer flashing her a small smile. Y/N smiles in return, she then signs something that I didn’t need Dean to translate for me, the only sign that I actually know. Y/N just signed I love you. I then pull my little sister into a gentle hug. “I love you too bug.”
“You understood that one?” Dean asks in surprise as I let Y/N out of the hug.
“That is the only sign I know.” I admit. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -no one’s POV- “Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cake hole.” Dean says to Sam.
'Unless you’re me.’ You text to Sam. Since you were sitting in the back and your brothers couldn’t really see you signing you went with the next best thing.
“I’m guessing that there are a few exceptions.” Sam says when reading the text.
“(Nickname) told on me?” Dean asks with a bit of amusement in his voice. Smiling to himself he turns on some music. You start signing along to it. The thing about signing to music is that it looks like choreography in its own way. Dean sees what you’re doing in the rearview mirror and smiles a little. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 By the end of the hunt Sam pops an unexpected question to Dean. “Can Y/N stay with me for a bit- to keep her out of hunting for a while longer.”
“That’s actually a good idea the only thing is you don’t know sign…” Dean trails off, glancing at your sleeping form before returning his eyes to the road.
“I don’t but Jess does.” Dean throws his brother a look.
'It’s going to be lonely without her.’ Dean thinks to himself. You are awake by the time Dean parks in the parking lot next to Sam’s dorm. “Hey Buggy, you don’t mind staying with Sam for awhile do you?” Dean asks.
You smile slightly before texting 'no offense to Pastor Jim or Bobby but I’d rather spend time with at least one of my brothers then with them.’ Dean laughs when he reads the message. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -Sam POV- Y/N takes my hand when the two of us get out of Dean’s car. I can’t help but smile at her- in which she smiles in reply. “Hey Jess I’m back… and well I brought someone I want you to meet.” I say when I enter my dorm. My girlfriend looks up from her homework and smiles at me, her eyes then fall on Y/N.
“Who’s this cutie?” Jess asks walking over to us.
“This is my little sister.” I reply. Y/N smiles at my girlfriend and signs something- no idea what she’s saying though. Jess smiles before she signs anything in reply I tell her that Y/N can hear just fine just can’t speak.
It takes my girlfriend a second to process this but she then chuckles to herself before replying. “Hello Y/N. I’m Jess.” My eight year old sister grins in response. Jess and Y/N talk for awhile up until Y/N is about to pass out.
“Okay kiddo, think you need to get some sleep.” I say when Y/N yawns for the twentieth time. Poor kid doesn’t get to sleep long- my dorm catches on fire. “Y/N, we need to get out of here.” I say shaking my sister awake. The look in her eyes is asking me what’s going on. I tell her I’ll explain later, I then tell her to get outside. Y/N does so, I don’t really know why I linger in the burning dorm. I’m not really surprised Dean shows up and tells me to get my ass outside. I do just that. I look around for Y/N slightly worried. I then spot her sitting on the trunk of Dean’s car, wrapped in a blanket and holding a toy bear close to her chest.
“Dean, I thought you left.” I say to my brother.
“I did, but Bedbug left something of hers in the backseat of my car, so I was returning it. Guess it was a good idea that I did come back.” Dean replies. “What happened?”
“I’ll explain when we don’t have innocent ears listening in.” Dean nods understandingly. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 -no one POV- Sam tells Dean everything that just happened. “That’s how dad described the fire.” Dean points out, referring to the fire that killed the boys mom. Sam nods in agreement.
“On the ceiling and everything.” Sam agrees. “What we going to do with Bug?”
“I don’t know, I mean she hasn’t seen either of us for a while. But she’s still innocent about the world. Think we should take her to Bobby’s.” Neither of the boys notice that you just woke up, and heard that they were going to take you back to Bobby’s. A tear slides down your cheek. It seems like you’re always being left behind. You spend more time with Bobby or Pastor Jim then your own family.
When the three of you get to a hotel Sam and Dean try to engage in conversation with you but you keep your hands in your pockets, basically saying I don’t want to talk to you. “Okay what’s going on.” Dean says calling you out on it.
'The fact you’re shipping me off to Bobby’s again!’ You angrily sign in reply. 'I spend more time with him or pastor Jim more then my own family. I haven’t seen you in over a month Dean, and do not get me started on Sam!’ Sam looks blankly at you trying to understand what you’re saying- he knows that you’re beyond angry.
'Don’t you fucking Bedbug me… you son of a jackass!’
“Y/N!” Dean scolds. You do a gesture even Sam knew. You then storm out of the hotel room, you head to the lobby and sit down in a chair. You pull your notebook out of your hoodie pocket as well as a pencil. Tears stream down your cheeks as you jot down your thoughts. You’re in that spot for at least an hour, Dean actually walked past you a few times not even noticing that you’re even there. Now the last time he walks by he sees you. “There you are. Christ (nickname), you gave me a heart attack when you just walked out of the room.” He says when he sees you. You give no form of response. “Y/N, what has gotten into you… you’ve never acted out like that before.”
'Go ahead and leave me at Bobby’s I’m used to being abandoned.’ You sign in reply, breaking your brother’s heart. 'I know when I’m not wanted.’ Dean kneels in front of you and gently lowers your hands and puts them in your lap, so you won’t interrupt him.
“Don’t say things like that. You know that I’ll always come back for you… I leave you with Bobby and Pastor Jim to keep you out of dad’s drunken wrath. Trust me- it breaks my heart every time I have to leave you behind… but I do it to keep you safe. If something happened to you or Sam, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
“I promise.” Dean says crossing his heart. “Come on, let’s go before Sammy has a coronary.” A small smile forms on your face as you put your notebook and pencil back in your hoodie pocket. You then take your older brother’s hand and the two of you walk back to the hotel room. → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → @the-third-winchester-warrior @flannels-and-rocksalt @always-keep-writing-spn @winchesters-favorite-girl @caroldanversinatardis
#superwholock#supernatural#spn bsm#supernatural brother sister moment#dean + sister reader#sam+ sister reader#sister!reader#mute!reader#sign language#sister winchester#winchester sister#angst
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