#toshinko fanfic
onesmolbean49 · 1 month
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Toshi really needs to work on lowering his voice
(Totally didn’t forget to post these yesterday) 😅
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starsfic · 2 months
Aimed the Killshot at Himself
Summary: Inspired by a prompt by @aconstantstateofbladerunner - what could have been, if not for you - After Inko divorces him, Hisashi’s goes to the press to say All Might stole his wife and son.
Notes: So, uh, started poking around My Hero Academia. I haven't really heard good things about the canon stuff, especially its treatment of the female characters and issues with Tell not Show, but I have found a lot of fanworks I enjoyed!
He got the news after class.
"Hey, uh, Dekiru?" Ashido said, peering at her phone. They had all stopped calling him Deku after Bakugo's third assault on him got his parents called and his former fri- bully expelled and his actions in Aldera revealed to the class, mostly through Auntie Mitsuki's yelling. For a while, it had been awkward in class, especially around the Bakusquad, but things had gone back to normal with a new nickname for him. "Do you know a guy by the name of Midoriya Hisashi?"
Izuku looked up from his homework, where he was helping Shouto and Ochaco pick out a pre-Quirk hero to do their project for history class on. Tenya had already picked Joan of Arc. He hadn't heard the name in a while. Not since his mom and All Might started dating and she had to sit him down to explain the truth about her and his dad's relationship.
"Uh, yeah. He's my bio dad," he admitted, practically feeling Shouto's eyes go wide. He had been so certain about his bio-son theory, especially when his parents decided to tie the knot. "He moved to the United States when he and my mom divorced." Because he had been Quirkless.
It had been a tough pill to swallow, even though he hadn't seen the man since he was four.
"Well, uh...he's claiming that All Might stole your mom from him."
He blinked. He blinked again. The words stalled in his brain for a few seconds. Not even just the fact that he was in Japan again.
Ashido turned on the TV, flipping it until they reached a news channel. "-foreign market manager, Midoriya Hisashi, claims that the former Symbol of Peace, All Might, used his influence in order to send him on a twelve-year post in New York City in order to seduce his wife Midoriya Inko, now Hayashi-Yagi Inko-"
A slam on the table made him flinch, turning his head. "I refuse to believe that!" Ochaco bellowed, looking ready to bolt out and find Hisashi to fist-fight him. "Zuzu-san's mom would never do that!"
Shouto followed her, little flames puffing out as he hissed, his usual blank expression taken over by anger. "Inko-sama is the kindest, pure-hearted woman I have ever met," he said. "Her first concern is for Midoi." Tenya nodded furiously, his own face turning red, clearly too upset to even bother about a lecture about how heroes like All Might would never sink to that level.
"Aww," Izuku couldn't help the coo even as he pulled out his phone and typed in her number. "I'll tell her that you guys said that." He had to check on her. He knew she was probably fine, but she had received such nasty words when she and All Might came out.
"A lot of people agree with you guys too," Ashido said, scrolling on her phone. Next to her, Tsu and Jiro had pulled out their phones and were smiling at whatever they saw. "People are speaking up against the accusation, mostly for All Might-"
"But a lot of people love your mom, kero," Tsu said, her shoulders shaking. "There's even a tag trending called #DefendMsMight, kero,"
His phone picked up. "Izuku?" his mom said. Instead of tears like he almost expected, it sounded like she was laughing. "Izuku, did you see the news?"
"I did," he said, his heart slowing down. She wasn't hurt, she wasn't even upset. If his bio dad expected this to break her, he was wrong. "Tsu was telling me that a lot of people were defending you online."
"We love you, Inko-sama!" Shouto called.
That received a sniffle. "I love you guys too!" she called, probably crying at the affectionate title. Her voice suddenly sharpened in strange, bloodthirsty, glee. "But Hisashi's getting dragged everywhere and I love it."
"...like, now? Or before the lawyers get him?"
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juchioris · 4 months
3 fanfic-ideas 📚
I don't have the time or motivation to write all of those. Maybe one at some point. If anyone feels inspired, you are free to use them.
BNHA fic: Toshinori and Inko get together while Izuku is in his early middle school era. Izuku has no idea that his mom's new boyfriend is his favourite hero and, like many kids when a parent dates some new person, he is a bit skeptical of him at first - but he comes around. Big surprise later, when he finds out that his father figure is All Might.
Star Wars fic: Anakin doesn't become a Jedi and stays on Naboo. He tries to get closer to Padme, but it is a big hindrance that she is the queen and he is just a commoner. To get his crush's attention Anakin competes in the next election for the monarch against her - with a program that is partly copied from Padme and partly right-wing populism - and gets actually on her bad side with that - and wins the election - and becomes king. Padme begrudgingly becomes his advisor, to ensure that he doesn't ruin Naboo.
Miraculous Ladybug Crossover Ship Crack fic: Instead of living in the world of Demon Slayer, Zenitsu Agatsuma exists in Ladybug's Paris. His first appearance in Marinette's life is in Ep. 1 when he overhears her ranting about wanting to marry Adrien in the park, he rushes over there and volunteers himself that she can marry him instead. Of course he gets rejected. Soon after that, Alya is on her quest to find out who the superheroes are and she suspects that Zenitsu is Chat Noir, because he looks similar enough, is never seen during Akuma attacks (because he is hiding well, he is very scared of them) and is known for sappily and tactlessly flirting with girls. While Alya tries to expose him, Marinette, who buys the theory, tags along and tries to protect his (nonexistent) secret. During this arc Zenitsu falls in love with Marinette and as she can't reject him hard enough out of fear he could get akumatized, she has to put up with his fawning from there on: inappropriate compliments, simping, begging, crying and him ecstatically screaming "MADEMOISELLE MARINETTE", because he thinks adding "Mademoiselle" is cute. But he also has better moments sometimes and grows on her. Long premise short: Marinette gets a suitor who makes her feel the high levels of cringe/exasperation/second-hand-embarassment she sometimes made me feel when I watched her show. They're sharing three braincells, but one of those is only for anxiety and another is only for yearning. The one who has currently the common sense/intelligence brain cell shakes his/her head at the other one who is struggling with one of the other two. I think that would be funny.
If you made it this far and want to read even more:
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months
Summary: Izuku gets invited to Kacchan's wedding as the "Worst man". He thinks it's a joke. Or My story based off a post I saw on Tumblr.
Author: @all-five-pieces-of-exodia
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lokisbur · 4 months
Find it on AO3 and on SWA!!
The cut is to avoid AI to scrap my work, even if I modified my parameters.
The prompt is from here.
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A nice breeze was flowing between the buildings, bringing with it the smell of spring and freshly cut grass.
It was a wonder, really, how they managed to rebuild so fast and even have nice grass growing again.
Inko was standing in the middle of the buildings, calmly looking around and watching workers all around busily continuing their work for the one-year festival.
She walked toward the biggest building, the one with the best view of the city, and started to climb up the stairs.
She could've taken the elevator, but what was the fun in that? Especially since they had decided to give the new building so many windows to light up the place and make it livelier for both the students and teachers alike.
The staircase also allowed her to see all the people outside and within the more secured ground, complimented by the grass she smelled earlier.
It was filled with stands being built and with students bustling around, 1-A, no, 2-A included.
The kids had face so much in such a short time, and then continued on the very second they were allowed to! A nice break of routine like a festival was the best possible thing to happen.
With a smile on her face, she continued to climb up the ungodly amount of stairs. But doing some cardio can only be good for her.
Once she finally reached the top, she pushed the service door to the rooftop, letting the much stronger wind blow her hair around and glad to receive a way to freshen her a bit. The sun blinded her for a second as she stepped out, but it was nothing compared to the man she could see the back of.
Her man.
He had gone through hell too. As much, if not even more than the kids back on ground level. And damn if she was to let him go on his own after everything. So she had confessed. Not in the best of places nor at the best of times, but she did. And the end result was what they had now. Among other things, of course.
She got closer to him, sure that he had heard her come. He was still a bit on edge, always expecting something to happen. But he hadn't moved or cringed, or reacted in any way she could notice, at least. And this was an improvement.
He was just... standing. Straight, maybe a bit too much, his hands in his pocket and his body close enough from the border to look down to what was happening underneath, but not too close for an accident to happen. She couldn't get what he was thinking at times. Especially when he would just stand like that at the top of a building. And any building, really. But she knew that her presence would not be brushed away. She even liked to think it was soothing.
After a few minutes of sight-seeing, he finally moved by pulling his hand out of his pocket and letting it down, inviting her to take it, which she did eagerly. She liked his hands. They were rough from fights, the skin on it having ben cut and bruised many times. But he was oh so gentle with them. When they would brush against her skin in the mornings, or stroke through her hair to style them in a way she had never tried before, or when they would hold her hands, cold and shaky on bad days, looking for comfort, but oh so warm and strong on the good days. They were the latest, today.
When she got close enough, she grabbed his arm and held onto it with both hands, putting a bit of her weight on his side. She stayed like that for a while, looking at the city at the bottom of the hill. It was breathtaking.
The view had changed so much. Almost everything had been destroyed, and yet, a year later, a good part of the city has risen from the rubbles, stronger than ever.
She had hoped so. It was bound to be a nice day, and she liked to see him happy. He deserved it and she would make sure that he did get this happiness.
She was still worried, sometimes, that she wasn't enough compared to the other. That she was just putting a balm on forever opened wounds and nothing of all this was fully real or reciprocated. But before she could go down this lane, her hand was squished gently, and her face moved towards the sky.
She knew of two. The normal sky, the one everyone was accustomed to. And the one she adored, the one encased in darkness, smiling at her, in unison with his smile. The one she never grew tired of. The one that was shining at her and enraptured her.
"Are you alright?"
She nodded. "Everything is alright."
He let out a chuckle. She loved that too.
It took her a moment to notice, but he was currently bending toward her, hand steady under her chin and tilting it slightly. Oh. She rose up on her tiptoes suddenly in order to meet him sooner but miscalculated her speed.
What had supposed to be soft kiss ended up in both their faces smashing into each other and making her lose her footing, not that she had any with how she had been standing. She didn't stumble long though, as the hand holding her face swiftly moved down to her side in order to hold her closer.
"Let me do the bending next time," his low chanting voice said.
She pouted a bit, "I wanted to meet you faster. I'm allowed to reach you too." She received a kiss on her hand at that.
"Inko, it's easier for me to bend down than for you to reach up like that," he pointed out.
"I know, but I like doing it," she retorted. "Example number 1."
At that, she rose up again and took his face in her hands to lower it to her height. Finally coordinated, their lips met in a soft embrace. "Example number 2," she murmured to his lips, before kissing him more passionately, breaching the soft opening with her tongue and letting him taste her lips.
"You taste sweet," he said, finally allowing them to take in a breath.
She had eaten cotton candy earlier, a small gift for having helped their son's class put up some decorations. She knew he still wasn't allowed to eat too sweet things, or anything too hard on his stomach for that matter, but she still could make him taste those wonders in another way.
"I know," she smiled. She let herself stand normally again, looking at him one more time before turning around and pulling him with her.
"Now come on, Toshinori, they're about to start the festival soon and I don't want to miss it!"
She felt his hand hold hers tightly, not needing to turn around to see him smile again, his hearty laugh was enough.
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boss-the-goofball · 1 year
Toshinko Week Day 3
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
So for my new request, can you write a oneshot featuring Toshinko going on a date together please? You can decide if its their first or second but the theme would involve Inko getting to learn more about the true man behind the All Might persona. What do you think?
Hi! Thank you so much for being understanding and so kind and so patient @princessimdiya12!! I loved writing this request so much and this is one of my favorite ships ever! thanks again and i hope you have an amazing day!!! <3333
Truly the One - Toshinori Yagi x Inko Midoriya
Pairing - Toshinori Yagi x Inko Midoriya
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 862
Notes - again, i loved writing this so so so so much! thanks again for the request and i really hope i did well! have an amazing day and stay hydrated!!! <333
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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“All Might?!” Deku took a step back when he opened the door for Toshinori who was all dressed up in a suit and tie. “What are you doing here?” “Uh…” Toshinori fixed his tie and looked behind Deku into the house. “Is your mom here?” “What?! Why would you-” Deku processed it. His mom said that she was going on a date that night… but it couldn't be… could it? “Mom!!!”
Inko quickly ran out of her room wearing a summery white dress that complimented her figure beautifully. “What is it Izuku? I'm trying to-” She paused, seeing Toshinori at the door. “Oh! Toshinori! You’re here! S-Sorry, just give me like five more minutes, I have to-” “Don't worry, Inko. I'm here early. Take all the time you need.” She gave him a soft smile. “Thank you, Toshinori. And you can come in if you would like. I shouldn't be too long.” Inko ran back to her room and Deku gave Toshinori a terrified look.
“All Might! Are you going to explain or are you just going to leave me in a puddle of confusion?!” Toshinori giggled and ruffled Deku’s hair. “Your mom and I are going on a date, Young Midoriya.” “Yeah! I figured that out a while ago! I'm just… what?? HOW?!” Toshinori giggled again and could feel his hands shaking out of nervousness. He was really about to go on a date with the cutest woman in the world. “S-See… your mom and I… we-”
“Alrighty! All done!” Inko ran out of her room clutching her bag with her hands that were clearly shaking. “Y-You,” Toshinori stood up, looking at Inko with bright red cheeks. “You look beautiful.”
“You know what?” Deku stood up, shaking his head. “I'll ask some other time. Have fun mom.” He gave his mom a kiss on the cheek and ran back to his room, leaving Inko and Toshinori alone.
Toshinori cleared his throat and bobbed his feet. “So… are you ready, Inko?” Inko grabbed Toshinori’s arm with a bright smile. “Born ready… All Might.”
Toshinori’s heart was nearly pounding out of his chest. How was someone like… him going on a date with such a lovely woman. Someone caring. Someone nice. Someone… so beautiful. Her hands were so soft and her voice was so gentle. In his entire career, he would’ve never thought he would be at this point. Retired and with the woman of his dreams. He would honestly do anything for her.
And it all started because of a coincidence meeting on the street. It was after he retired and his fight with All for One. They had met once before when trying to get the kids into dorms, but they were only meeting in a professional sense then. They were both just running some errands and ended up talking for hours. They had gone on a couple of dates after that, but nothing official. So this was technically their first. They were going out to dinner together. Finally, after weeks. Sure, they forgot to tell Izuku, but that was okay in the long run. They cared about each other and that’s all that mattered. Especially since both of them had been through a lot.
Toshinori had to come to the realization that he is no longer a hero and Inko had to watch her only son grow up to be a hero all without being with a husband to love her. They needed this. They needed each other.
“So, Toshinori, I'm just curious where this whole ‘All Might’ persona came from,” Inko took a sip of her wine watching Toshinori pick at his food a bit, already full. “Did you grow up in America, or were you born here in Japan?” “Oh, I was born here. I visited America when I was in college and it ended up being some of the best years of my life. The whole ‘All Might’ thing though, I really don't know. I just always wanted to be a hero. I wanted people to look at me and immediately know that they were going to be safe. Even at my intimidating seven foot figure.” Inko giggled and took a couple bites of her salad. “Right. I still can't believe you’re that tall.” Toshinori rubbed the back of his neck and gave her a nervous smile. “I-I know. It's pretty intimidating especially when I'm in this form. I'm just a huge skinny tall guy that probably scares people in grocery stores.”
Inko slid her hand across the table and grabbed Toshinori’s. “Toshi, I think you’re beautiful. I don't think you’re intimidating one bit.” Toshinori swallowed and then got all flustered, quickly pulling his hand away from Inko’s. She giggled watching his face turn a dark shade of crimson. “S-Sorry Inko… I…” “Don't apologize. Now, I want to hear more about you.”
Toshinori turned to Inko, his face regaining its original color. “What? But we talk about me all the-” “More about Toshinori, not All Might. I know all about him. Tell me about you.” She pressed her finger to his chest and he could feel the butterflies in his stomach soaring.
She was definitely the one.
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lioma-art · 1 day
New chapter.
I've forced AFO to do the one thing he'd never do: ask Yagi for help - Oh, the humiliation!
Also contains some more dadmight and Yagi POV.
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aeghina · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @a-little-bit-of-ravioli
1. How many works do you have on A03?
31! Wow! Not even counting my FF.net and Spirit (portuguese site) fics too. I think adding them would be around 50? I know for sure I have much more than that in my drive.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
739.765 Whaaaaat? That's so many! And it's mostly the ones I write in english!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Inuyasha, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, My Hero Academia and Legend of Zelda, more specifically LU!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Link in a chain . My first LU fic! My baby <3 Modern day, soulmate marking and platonic soulmates. The main focus is Wild getting to know them, then Legend accepting the others and finally Spirit joining them.
All Might said 'No'. This was a prompt for a MHA server and I had a lot of fun! All Might is the literal quirk, like a ghost protecting the Midoriyas.
Alpha and Omega. That was a challenge! In almost every way possible. Omegaverse, Toshinko
Merman. Also from a prompt. Merperson au, Toshinko.
Soul clock. Also from a prompt. Soulmate au where there's a clock counting down the time until you meet your soulmate. Toshinko and some platonic relationships mentioned too
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! I love to receive comments. Even key-smashing make my day a lot better when I check the email
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably The Sacred Trees. It's more like a happy ending with heavy consequences. I live for happy ending, not sorry about that. They will suffer but they will be happy eventually.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? I'd dare say the happiest was Took You Long Enough, a Midlink reunion during LU and then afterwards. From the concluded, that's the happiest one but there's an even better one coming from a different fic not posted yet :D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not recently, but I did in the Inuyasha and Katekyo fandom! I usually say a simple "thank you for your critique" because this usually throw people off enough that they leave me alone.
9. Do you write smut?
No! There's some heavily implied things, but nothing graphic or very descriptive (by very heavily, I'm counting the omegaverse fic too; I liked the concept but wanted something with less sex)
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not oftenly, but yes! The last one I wrote was a MHA and LU crossover when the brain was divided between them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once! The person copied one of my biggest series in portuguese, changed the name of the characters and some physical descriptions but it was basically the same. I asked them to put down, but had to dm some of the site's admin to make sure it was deleted.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Once by a friend from the MHA fandom and they encouraged me a lot to write more in english and give it a try. I'm here now so thanks to her!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! It will never see the light of day though, but my bestie and I created a whole novel about a couple and how the wife slowly got mad and then killed him in the end.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm, that's too hard! I have many favorites!
Probably Zelink. LoZ is my old new obsession, it always go back and forth between the games as they are released or as I play again and the animes I'm watching. BotW and TotK gave me so much shipping material I'll be happily reading it until the next game is released.
A close second would be Kyoya/Chrome from KHR. I just love their dynamic, specially when they help each other to grow (and Mukuro being a gremlin jealous older sibling, that's the cherry on top)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A fanfic for the Grand Chase game when I played it. Ryan almost dies when they cross a desert, Ronan is sent to another world and needs to complete some quests to do that (he's my fav alright? I just needed a reason to send him to another world and do quests by himself, maybe question his faith and all that). I wrote maybe 30k? The idea is lovely and taunts me from a distance but I've never come back to writing it
16. What are your writing strengths?
A very good question... I'd say creating AUs. I love world building and leaving small details that have significance for the story later, I think I do an okay job at balacing dialogue and descriptions. My beta says I'm good at leaving crumbles in the story to solve the problem in the end too
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Punctuation in any language! Ugh, I just love commas sooooo much!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English punctuation doesn't make much sense for me until now! I'm relying heavily on the corrector and trying to read more to see if I can absorb the info.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I'm very self indulgent when writing so I like most of them. I'd say the longest time favorite in portuguese is Librarian, a Toshinko fic where Inko is the hero and Toshinori is a librarian she meets because her son is a book geek. In english is A Link in a chain.
Wow, that was a lot! Alright, lemme tag @musical-chan , @arecaceae175 and anyone else interested in doing! :D
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Heyo. So apart from Dekugate, would you ever use the concept of Toshinko being a couple and giving birth to Izuku in other fanfic ideas. *overhears flying ice cream truck about to crash* and NOT start with them separated for a decade like in For Kuro.
[clears throat]
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icanshouyoutheworld · 3 years
For my request, can you write a one-shot featuring Toshinko in a Little Mermaid AU please? You can decide on their roles and if you want to include other bnha characters in the AU. What do you think?
Hi! I know this might be a little different to what you had in mind, it does deviate from the original plot a little, but the ending of this oneshot was a picture I just couldn’t get out of my head and I thought it would be really nice to write
I hope you enjoy it anyways! :)
Word count: 2.7k
The first time she saw him, she thought he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. He was also the only man, human man, she’d ever seen. Humans really were the strangest things. But she was fascinated by him, fascinated by his legs. Not only were they so very interesting to look at after having been surrounded by other merpeople her whole life, but they were so long and strong and carried him with purpose. 
Prince Toshinori, that was his name. The humans were celebrating his birthday, firing bright explosions of light into the sky. It was beautiful. Inko wanted to stay with her head out of water watching the sky above forever, she wanted to watch the human prince on the deck of his ship forever. There was just something about it, something she couldn’t quite place. She was drawn to him not only out of curiosity, but something more that pulled in her stomach and made her heart fill with light. 
But the splendor didn’t last.
The sky rumbled like gods clashing, the clouds turned a deep, murky, grey and water began to cascade from above. Lightning flashed around the ship, illuminating it in a frightening glow before it suddenly burst into flames. 
Inko’s heart was pounding in her chest, she’d never seen anything like it. She didn’t know whether to help, whether she could help, or whether to swim away and leave them to their fates. The ocean would not be kind to humans, but that was not something she could change. 
“Put the fire out!” She heard someone yell, but it was too late. The boat careened to the side and crashed into a large outcropping of rocks with a terrible crash. Inko gasped and swam backwards out of instinct, trying to avoid the falling rubble, the splintering planks and the prince’s heavy gifts splashing into the water below. 
Where was the prince? Inko thought, panicked. She craned her neck out of the waves, desperate to try and glimpse him, confident that in the commotion no one would think to notice her. 
People were lowering smaller boats into the water, and Inko watched as they swayed and shuddered, as people lowered themselves down into them and began to row away to the safety of shore. But the prince wasn’t there. Frantically, she looked for him, wishing she had legs so that she could climb up and see for herself, when she heard him shout. She wasn’t sure what he said, his voice was drowned out by the crashing of the waves, the lightning, the thunder, it was terrifying to watch and Inko felt utterly helpless.
She watched as the prince grappled to save people, rushing them all to the boats before himself. Whilst she admired his selflessness she couldn’t help the fright rising up in her as the final boat began to lower and the prince ran back into the flames crying out that there was still someone trapped inside. 
The prince reemerged, not with a person at all, but with a hairy, four-legged creature. He carried it in his arms as it panted and whined in distress, and Inko allowed herself to feel relieved as he lowered it into the last boat. His blonde hair was sooty and ash-covered and fell into his eyes as he leaned over. The people in the boat below raised their arms to take the animal and then did the same for their prince.
“Oh, thank you,” Inko sighed, her hand on her chest. Thankful that the crew, the prince, would all get out alive.
That was when the boat exploded. 
Inko was thrown back under the water with the sheer force of it, the resounding boom echoing in her ears even when the ocean rushed back over her head to mute and muffle the sound. 
Before she could even register what she was doing, she was swimming frantically towards where the prince’s body had plummeted into the sea. Even in the violence of the storm, she was still a strong and confident swimmer. It was in her blood, it was who she was, and she could fight the sea on equal terms. Or at least it felt that way, with the adrenaline coursing through her.
Inko spotted the prince’s body and sped up as fast as she could, racing to get to him, desperate to get him to the surface before it was too late. She opened her arms as she grew nearer, frightened by how limp he was as she wrapped her arms around his waist as best she could and began to haul him upwards. 
It was so dark she could barely see him, there was no light in the sky, and she felt it was a miracle she’d managed to spot him. Even the vibrant glow of his hair had been dulled. He didn’t belong in these stormy waters. 
The prince was so much taller up close, his body felt like it was twice the length of hers and, if it wasn’t for the adrenaline, Inko wasn’t sure that she’d have been able to carry him to safety. But she managed. Gasping and heaving, she broke the surface; he didn’t stir. 
He didn’t stir when they reached land, either, when she lay him down on the damp sand of the beach. 
“Please,” Inko whispered, placing a hand on his cheek when his head lolled to the side. “Come on.”
And, like a miracle, he spluttered awake. He coughed, spat up sea water, and then took in his surroundings. Inko sighed, laughed, and beamed straight at him when he turned to look straight at her, forgetting for a moment that she didn’t belong on land with him.
“Who are you?” The prince asked, sounding gravelly and a little awestruck. His hair had been flattened by the ocean and it was stuck to his face in strings. Inko watched the water droplets roll off his skin again and again, only to be replaced with raindrops from the quieting storm. She was beginning to feel a little breathless, and with a jolt she realised it wasn’t because of him.
Her father was going to kill her. If the surface didn’t take her first, that was. 
Inko, wide-eyed, didn’t answer the prince. Instead, she dived back into the water and left him to his confusion. She’d shown him too much. She’d gotten too entranced by him. Her father had told her time and time again not to show herself to humans, not to go anywhere near the surface. It wasn’t like she listened most of the time anyways, but still. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this might have been too far.
She also couldn’t shake the prince’s beautiful eyes from her mind, his voice, his face, his hair. The way he’d felt in her arms. 
She needed to see him again.
The second time she saw him, she was human. Or thereabouts. Though she’s mute, having traded her voice to the witch Toga for her legs. Inko considers it a fair trade. 
She hasn’t been able to keep her mind off the prince since she saw him on the boat, since she rescued him. But it had been one thing to keep him in her mind, and quite another entirely to be standing on human legs before him.
“Hello,” the prince said, looking a little startled to have found her here. Inko was wrapped in the fabric from a sail that had been scrambled in the shipwreck on the rocks, she’s vaguely aware that this wasn’t what most humans probably did for clothing but she reckoned it couldn’t be a far cry.
Inko opened her mouth to reply, she wanted to tell him anything and everything. She wanted to tell him how lovely she found him, she wanted to ask if he recognised her. Though she could make no sound. Ah. This would be far harder than she thought it would be. Her chest was bursting with all the unspoken words, her thoughts were whizzing a mile a minute, and she didn’t quite know what to do with herself.
She waved to him, unable to fight the smile. The prince furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, and then waved back to her, looking a little unsure. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, stepping towards her. Inko tried to step forwards to meet him, but she really was unused to how these human legs operated and she stumbled clumsily forwards. Prince Toshinori rushed to catch her in his arms, but she slipped through them and fell forwards into his waist. He’s so tall she barely reached his chest. “Woah there,” he said.
Inko looked up at him, beaming. She didn’t know how else to communicate with him.
“What are you doing out here?” He asked.
Inko gestured to her throat, shaking her head and then making an X with her arms. The prince seemed confused, and then understanding lit up his eyes.
“You can’t speak?” He raised his eyebrows in surprise, looking down at her. He placed a large hand over each of her bare shoulders and stepped slightly away, putting a little space between them so that he could properly look down and take her in. His hands were so warm and kind, Inko thought.
She nodded in confirmation. 
“What a terrible thing!” He said sincerely, distressed over her lack of voice in a way that made Inko’s stomach flutter. “Have you anywhere to go?”
Inko shook her head, looking sheepishly down. She hadn’t thought this part through. All she’d wanted to do was get to the surface, all she’d wanted was to see him. Now she was here, she didn’t know what else to do. Other than try and get that kiss, of course. She couldn’t, and wouldn’t, forget that.
“Come to my palace,” the prince urged. Inko couldn’t help the way her eyes lit up. Who was she to deny that? “I’ll see to it that you’re looked after.” He smiled warmly down at her, and Inko hoped she wasn’t imagining the softness in his eyes. 
The third time she saw the prince was the following morning. She bathed and slept at the palace, comfortable and warm and marveling over the irony of bathing when she’d spent all her life in what could be considered as the largest bath on the planet. She supposed it was strange to think of her home like that. 
The prince had taken her by the hand and shown her through the town and Inko had been enthralled by it all. She just loved all of these human pleasures, she loved the walking, the festivals, the beautiful clothing. She loved how her green hair looked dry and soft and flowing, the way it was picked up by the breeze. She loved the way the prince’s hand felt in her own.
As evening began to dawn, the prince invited her into a boat. Nothing like the one she’d seen him in originally, the one she’d rescued him from.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? The town?” He said gently as he rowed them through the still, glittering water. 
Inko nodded, it was beautiful, he was right. But she was more distracted by him. The water was reflecting off his face, casting lovely rays of light across his skin and illuminating his eyes just often enough to keep her addicted. She couldn’t believe how quickly she’d fallen for him. In the space of a week he’d taken her heart and given her opportunities she could only dream of before. 
Toga could keep her voice if that was the cost it took to stay by the prince’s side. 
The prince was quiet, he seemed to be contemplating something. His gaze flickered to her and then away. Then back again. It stuck that time. He met her eyes with a tenderness she’d never seen before. He looked at her like she was the only thing worth looking at. 
He rowed them through the opening of some willow trees, which fell closed behind them and trapped them in a blissful little piece of heaven. They were secluded here, tucked away from all eyes, though Inko could distantly hear singing. She wasn’t paying attention. She didn’t think she could if she tried. Her heart was pounding, her hands were shaking, she was so overcome with love she didn’t know what to do with it all.
Prince Toshinori lowered the oars, not looking away from her.
“You’re beautiful,” he said to her. He leaned forwards, taking her hands in his. “Of course, my kingdom is grand, this river is a sight to behold. But nothing, absolutely nothing, is quite so lovely as you are.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed the most gentle kiss to it. 
Inko so badly wanted to tell him how she loved him. She wanted to shout it from every rooftop he’d shown her this morning, it felt like the words were bursting out her chest. She hoped to every deity she knew of that he was looking at her and seeing exactly what she wanted him to. That he was seeing just how dear to her he was.
“Do you feel the same?” The prince asked. And although he hadn’t asked any direct question Inko knew what he meant, she could feel it in her heart, and she nodded, once, before he took her face in his hands and held it softly. She stilled, her pulse thrumming, and stared into his kind eyes. He smiled and closed them for a moment as he drew his face nearer. 
“I don’t even know your name,” he laughed under his breath. She wanted to laugh with him, but it made no noise. She wished she could tell him, she wished she could give that piece of herself to him. 
Prince Toshinori shook his head, leaning even closer, enough that Inko could feel him breathing against her face. He was waiting for confirmation, she realised, and it made her heart sing that he would be so considerate - but there was no need. Not right now. 
Inko pushed forwards, enough that her lips just brushed his, and allowed him to close the final distance. For such a gentle kiss Inko found it was the most electric thing she’d ever felt. It was warm, comforting, chaste, but electric. It set her nerves on fire, made her head spin, and she pushed closer to him, placing a hand on his knee and ignoring the way the boat rocked.
Suddenly, Inko felt a heat in her throat. Unrelated to the kiss. It felt as though a sudden weight had been lifted. It was almost as though… Oh. True love’s kiss. Right. Her voice!
Inko pulled quickly away from the prince, likely too quickly if the flash of hurt across his features was anything to go by. His lips stayed parted, but his eyebrows knitted together, and his eyes filled with confusion.
“Inko,” she rushed out, before he could get the wrong idea. She kept one hand on his knee, the other around her throat. His hands were still cradling her face. “My name is Inko.”
“You can talk?” He asked, seeming unsure. 
“It was a curse - I mean, the witch she - I traded it for legs but - it was true love’s kiss, don’t you see!” Inko stumbled through the attempted explanation but found that no matter what she said it didn’t quite sound right. None of it would really make much sense. Perhaps she should have lied and told him she had been suffering a sore throat.
“I…” his voice trailed off. He made to lower his hands, but Inko lifted her own to hold them to her face.
“I love you,” she said. “I can explain everything, I promise. Do you trust me?”
He watched her closely, trying to make out if she was lying, but he must have sensed the truth for he leaned in closely once again.
“I trust you,” he whispered. “I’m really going to need an explanation for all of this. I mean - a witch?” He broke off and shook his head. “But - nevermind. I have never felt anything for anyone as I feel for you. I think - I mean, I’m sure. I love you too.”
“I feel the same way,” Inko told him, leaning in for another kiss. His hand pushed up into her hair and she sighed happily. 
“Inko,” he said, trying the weight of her name on his tongue.
She had so much to tell him, so much to explain, she had no idea if he’d believe her. 
But for now, this was more than enough. 
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onesmolbean49 · 7 months
Finally posted a fanfic after 4 years of not posting! This will be the longest one I’ve ever written with multiple chapters. For now, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Compassion Among the Turmoils!
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tenyatrash · 5 years
ToshInko Wedding Night
Hello! I’m going through my GDrive and uploading all the pieces that I wrote for apps and then never posted.
Here’s my second-ever ToshInko piece. A fluffy take on Toshinori’s emotions as he heads into the wedding night with Inko. Can be read on it’s own or as a continuation of ‘Something Blue.’ 
Honestly, it’s marked Mature but is probably closer to Teen. All the spicy bits are implied or fade to blacked-- this is more just me tooling around in  All Might’s mind and trying to imagine what such a momentous occasion would feel like for him. 
Read it here:
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Ok, so soulmate au where there's many kinds of markers (I am very partial to telepathy for tododeku and writing on skin for Kiribaku but anyway) Toshinori has the First words connection. (That change colours when you meet your soulmate.) And all his life the line on his hand has been black/white/gray or whatever.
Here's the kicker, if one has a soulmate connection, they will meet them. It could be platonic, it could be romantic it could even be parental. (Multiple soulmate with different connections for parental ones) but they will meet them.
Anyway, Toshinori had not met his soulmate before he got injured, hence why he pushes himself without worry.
"Toshinori you're going to die"
"Can't die until I met my soulmate nighteye"
Inko, when she hears about his nonsense is not amused.
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way2gowillow · 2 years
In this chapter: Izuku invites Toshinori for a picnic at the park with his mother. Toshinko fans, this one's for you!
Warnings: None! This is a fluffy chapter!
Prompt Requested by: Animefanfic
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boss-the-goofball · 1 year
Day 1 of ToshInko Week!
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