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dragoneyes618 · 1 year ago
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juicingbeetles · 1 year ago
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viatrixtravels-a · 1 year ago
“Mrooooow! Meeeooowww!” Yes hello Toshka has no idea why Lumine is yelling but she’d love to be petted today!
"...Ah, Toshka!"
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Immediately all of her irritation melts away like snow before the sun as she runs up to the feline, crouching down in front of her.
"Are you out on an adventure again today? Just be careful, okay? There's lots of scary monsters out there!" She spoke, scratching underneath Toshak's chin.
If the cat so wished, Lumine would gladly accompany her on her little trip, just to make sure stays safe.
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toptoshak · 5 years ago
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10 az 10 10 =Zenus ‎معرفی برترین برندهای تشک در جهان —— —— ‎‏# top #topbrand #topbrands #mattress #mattresses ‎‏# top #toshak #toptoshak #top_toshak ‎#برند #برترین_برند #تولید_تشک #صنعت_تشک #کالای_خواب #تشک_طبی #تشک_خارجی #تشک_ایرانی #قیمت_تشک #تشک_اولترا #تشک_اولتراپدیک #ستون_فقرات #کمردرد #تقسیم_فشار #توزیع _وزن https://www.instagram.com/p/CA68041p_co/?igshid=1e0l36d73o4q3
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longlive2023 · 4 years ago
hm i’m curious what are your guys’ guilty pleasure songs
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araluen-arrows · 3 years ago
underrated scenes from erak’s ransom
- Svengal straight up crashing Halt and Pauline’s wedding
- this hard ass quote from Baron Arald (paraphrase): “if you only value my opinion when you agree with it, then you don’t value my opinion at all” BARS
- the fact that the Wolfwind kept Cassandra’s pennant this entire time
- Halt making fun of Svengal for being unable to sit a horse. Svengal making fun of halt for his seasickness and offering him a meal
- Halt getting back at Svengal by chugging his favorite, very rare, very expensive mead
- Evanlyn seeing straight through Selethen’s bluff of having someone else pretend to be the Wakir. (the hero of this book was Evanlyn and you cannot tell me otherwise)
- [Gilan talking to Halt about Will] "would you trust him with your life?” “without question.” “then trust him with his own.”
- Arrow being killed by a desert lion and in turn saving Will’s life by attracting the attention of the bedouin
- Will killing a sand cobra with an arrow and saving Umal’s grandchild
- the Tug vs. Sandstorm race
- not an underrated scene, per se, but in my opinion Yusal’s absolute cruelty (leaving two water skins for forty men in the desert) makes him one of the evilest villains of the Flanagan universe
- slightly related, Aloom’s entire character is underrated for keeping forty men alive on said water
- Halt refusing to give up hope after being captured by the Tualaghi because Will’s still out there somewhere
- Evanlyn standing unflinching as the executioner swings his sword at her, and the crowd calling for her release
- Will shooting the executioner a split second before the downstroke begins
- Horace holding up his bound hands and shouting for Will, and Will splits the rope by shooting an arrow between his wrists
- Erak killing Toshak in battle and returning his sword to him so his spirit won’t wander
- Evanlyn hitting Yusal with his sling and ending all effective resistance from the Tualaghi
- Evanlyn ripping Selethen to shreds in subsequent ransom negotiations by pointing out that Erak isn’t his hostage, he was Yusal’s; Halt subsequently saying “my god, I’ve created a monster”
- Will’s graduation scene
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everydayafghanistan · 3 years ago
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(3/7) Mohammadullah and his wife live with their five children in a house which he has built himself in Payanshahr village in Badakhshan Province.

“All we have is here, around us, we don’t have any other things,” he says gesturing to the small room. At the center is a Sandali Stove, a popular heating method during the winter. Beside the Sandali stove are two toshak cushions. 

“I am a labourer and during the winter we are always jobless because it is in the summer that people need workers,” says Mohammadullah. “We haven't got anything to eat, or for my life or for my children's education. We don't have anything and we don't have access to anything.”

“Sometimes I will find work in this village and sometimes I go to the center of the province. At the end of this month I will try to start my labour work again. Sometimes I work in buildings and sometimes farming, half half. Wherever I can find work.”

Mohammadullah says that if he can’t find work he will go to Iran or some other country to look for work. #Badakhshan #Afghanistan Photo & Words by Lynzy Billing @lynzybilling. #everydayafghanistan #fathers #afghan #everydayeverywhere #children #photojournalism #unemployment #crises #economiccrisis #village #humanrights #work #aid #NGO #everydaybadakhshan #everydayasia #reportagespotlight #afghanchildren #reportagephotography #SDGS #poverty #womensharecultures (at Badakhshan Province) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVvp2yNHYU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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It was rather unfortunate that she realized Souta was grinning from ear to ear. "Fooled you." He turned his head to Inuyasha and stepped forward with his arm extended, as if toshake hands. "Hello stranger who is banging my sister, I'm Souta, her younger brother."
Pennies and Dimes, @witchygirl99
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squishydabinchi · 4 years ago
Lets Ramble about yet another Ranger's Apprentice OC
I'm gonna reuse the name Louella cause I'm in love with the nickname Lou at the moment and am not good at coming up with names. Lou is once again Gilan's younger sister, but not younger by much, maybe a year or two. But once again she wanted to be a Ranger and snuck around to learn with Crowley and eventually was taken as his unofficial apprentice.
The only reason she is unofficially his apprentice is because her father didn't want her being. a ranger and she gave in on the condition she could continue learning from Crowley. Of course Crowley isn't going to just give out secrets of how the Rangers do what they do without good reason, and the reason for him doing this is because it could be very useful having a Ranger other Rangers don't know about.
As far as Gilan knows she is Crowley's assistant, who also sometimes helps the king. Which in a way is true, but she's also the "51st" Ranger of the corps and works wherever it is that Crowley needs her. In the midst of Morgarath being on the move again and Wargals moving and preparing for war princess Cassandra has a visit to Celtica planned. Crowley sees it as an opportunity to see how the Celts are doing on their end, plus add some more protection for the princess, just in case.
This is how she and Cassandra happen across a small party of Will, Horace and Gilan when they escape the wargals. Gilan doesn't say anything about Lou being related to him or the fact that she is at all important. Lou in return doesn't share anything about Evanlyn's identity because she knows it is important that Gilan return to warn of the Celt's plight and if he knew Evanlyn was actually princess Cassandra he would never leave their little group.
Lou and Evanlyn are both stubborn as hell, so when given the chance to learn more of Morgatath's plans they don't hesitate to take it. Lou is a horrible enabler for the princess, Duncan doesn't know this though which is why he allows them to hang around one another. All of this eventually leads to them being captured by Skandians at the bridge. Lou goes absolutely fucking wild when the Princess is threatened and this leads to her needing to be knocked down and knocked over the head a few times before she finally stopped.
She's fucking wild and doesn't take any shit from the Skandians and though the plan is to sell her as a slave she strikes a coord with Erak. She finds an enormous amount of pleasure in not taking any order Erak gives her without argument. It was a long few months in Skandia before Halt and Horace arrived. And once they did she didn't try and hide her training and knowledge from them, Halt already knew of course and was perfectly fine with her input for the battle and all.
When they finally return from Skandia and there is the ceremony to reward them for their bravery in returning the princess safely king Duncan announces her as the 51st Ranger of the corps. Her responsibilities include filling any place that may need filled in the corps and being the escort for the Archers to Skandia every year. She goes and stays a week while making sure that they are settled and well cared for before returning home. That is the extent of her stays but it's enough for Erak to confirm that he's fucking in love with her. She is as well but will never admit it and to a point doesn't realize she is in love with him.
Like, it takes him being an idiot and going on one more raid for her to finally realize. The relief she felt when she finally saw that he was safe even if beaten and tied between two camels was extreme. She continues to be too proud to admit anything though and is like that throughout their imprisonment. Finally when they are freed and Toshak tries to flee she tries to step forward to fight him, and Toshak accepts cause everyone else knows that Erak is in love with her even if she doesn't Before the two can begin fighting though Erak pulls her aside and says something along the lines of sorry but this is my fight and kisses the back of her hand leaving her there somewhat shocked but like thats only the start.
It takes the two of them even longer to do anything more than the one kiss on the back of her hand. And finally finally finally they go from 0 to 100 and just straight up elope. After that Lou keeps her weird life and while all of Skandia knows that Erak married an Araluen woman none of Araluen really knows that Lou is married let alone to the Oberjarl of the Skandians. She also never comes straight out to tell people of the fact that she is married, she'll just casually mention her "husband" in conversations and people will stop dead, staring at her and ask, "wait- did you say husband?" then Lou responds like, "Oh yeah, did I not tell you that Erak and I got married on my last trip to Skandia?" She knows she didn't tell anyone, she just likes seeing them react as though they are the only person who didn't know when in fact she did this to everyone including Crowley and her father. Gilan tried to play it off like he knew that was the plan for her trip when in fact none of it was planned they hadn't even officially been together in any way Erak was just like, "yo, you wanna get married?" And Lou was like, "Lit, lets do it but I'm not waiting a year until I come back or having a giant party like Halt got stuck with." So eloping with the choice with a nice Skandian style party after the fact to celebrate of corse.
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jenovahh · 4 years ago
The Honey Pot - Ch. 15 - Mating Dance
It doesn’t take long after those words for Zenos to announce you would be going home for the night and retiring before it got to be much later. You could feel his pressing stare on you the entire way to the limo where Ardbert waited, the atmosphere tense as you silently rode back to the estate. As soon as you reached the premises you were ordered to spill everything that had occurred while he was distracted, verbatim if you wanted to live.
There was a lot of yelling late into the night, a lot of frustration as Zenos seemed ready to threaten the truth out of you, and you being halfway done with bullshit after having to already be in his father’s presence more than what was required of you. You thought you had placated him enough to have him let you go to bed to rest, but that only gave him the energy to admonish you in the morning.
“I already fucking told you what he had said! He wants to use me as a pawn to go see if I can glean any secrets from kicking the bodyguard’s ass. What don’t you get--”
“What you do not get is my father’s motives are not so simple, you stupid woman--”
You snatch him by the collar and pull him to you with a guttural growl. “Call me stupid again, Garlean.”
“Stop acting like you are, savage.” He chuckles, pulling away fast enough before your fist can connect with his face. “I won’t let you strike me so easily, my beast.” All amusement has drained from his voice as he looms above you, doing his damndest to intimidate you. However you’re too riled up to take him seriously, throwing all caution out the window as you loom right back. “Whether you like it or not, you need my protection.” He murmurs ominously, a chill racing up your spine but you pay it no mind. “Why are you so eager to follow his orders now? Why are you in such a hurry to go run off to that farce of a man who could never match me in might, let alone your own strength?”
You bare your teeth, eyes aflame as you snarl at him. “I’m in no rush. You told me yourself not to disobey your father. But if the thought of a little competition gets you this upset, I’ll go over there in the tightest dress in my closet--” You cry out as he lifts you up by the front of your shirt, his eyes cold as ice. The same murderous intent you had seen in his eyes before but never had he aimed at you. Instinct screams at you to flee, common sense yells at you to go limp in submission.
Naturally, you do none of those things.
“It had slipped my mind how much of a fool you could be, savage.” His voice is on par with how deadly he sounds talking with his father, his grip a reminder of the strength and cruelty he had wrapped in his gigantic form. “Sometimes I fear I’ve let you go unchecked for far too long.”
With a light tut, you grip his wrist tight and swing your legs up to wrap around his arm. Growling, he tries toshake you off but as soon as he reaches for you with his other hand you dig your nails in deep to the wrist that is holding you, making sure to hit a pressure point that has him loosening his grip. Holding tight with your legs, you work yourself out of the shirt you’re in, freeing yourself. Snarling, he moves to try and grab you once more but you are slippery like water, eluding his grasp with your smaller form, dropping to the floor.
Landing on both feet as graceful as a cat, you grab the arm he reached at you with and quickly wrench it behind his back, frowning as he lets out a slight grunt in pain as you put enough pressure to threaten to dislocate his shoulder. Leaning close against him, your lips are just a breath away as you whisper into his ear,“You’ve never had me checked in the first place, idiot.”
With a firm shove, you kick him away from you, leaving him to quickly fling his arms out in front of him to brace himself from falling on his face. He remains like that as you circle around him, moving toward the door. “I am going to follow your father’s orders as much as it pains me to do anything that piece of shit tells me to do. I’m not going to have him breathing down my neck because you can’t share your toys for two goddamn seconds.” You give one glance back at him, confused as to why he hasn’t stood or pursued you. He remains there, long strands of golden hair obscuring his face from view, kneeling upon the floor.
“With any luck I’ll be too shit at espionage to be of any use to your father and he’ll stick me back with you. I’ll at least have the time to go out and actually do something for once.”
With no more to say, you stride out the home gym, not giving another glance back. The halls are still somewhat quiet as you tread down them, the morning a bit quieter due to it being the weekend. You usually did not spend every morning on the weekend working with Zenos, needing to take days to rest your muscles, but due to unforeseen circumstances, things had changed.
I need to clear my head, you think, making a beeline to your room and from there, your shower. It had become your safe place, more than your room had. As many times Zenos had barged into your room unannounced, uninvited, unwanted, he had never gone as far as skulking around your bathroom. You had begun to personalize it before you realized, a few candles lining the shelves, some used bottles of bubble bath for the few times you got to luxuriate.
While a bubble bath sounded absolutely divine at this moment, you had no time to relax and pamper yourself, needing to still get dressed in time to make it to your meeting with Varis. Starting the shower, you turn the knobs to have it fairly warm, letting water cascade over your supple skin. You knew you were to be going to the Garlond estate under the guise of training with their strongest bodyguard, but since it was supposed to be espionage…
Reaching for a flowery, pink bottle, you dump a generous amount of it onto your loofah and lather it well, smoothing the scented suds over your skin. Just the scent of it is enough to brighten your mood and make you a little more eager about your outing today. Rinsing off, you grab your fluffiest towel to dry off, heading back into your room to get dressed. You had already decided to show up in your standard uniform, having packed away a change of clothes into another gym bag that you sling over your shoulder. Taking a glance at yourself in the mirror, you give yourself a nod of approval and head out into the hallway.
Varis' "public" office was thankfully on the bottom floor, meaning you didn't have to run the risk of bumping into Zenos. You had actually never been there yourself, and had to even ask one of the maids which door it was hidden behind. Giving your thanks you stride proudly toward it, head held high as you give a steady knock on the fine wood.
Twisting the knob you push it wide open, greeted with a slightly cool breeze. Like Zenos’ office, Varis' has no windows, but he is not in total darkness, as it is well lit by ornate lamps that stand in the corners. The room's glow is oddly warm for the cold stare of its occupant who sits at a rather large desk on the other side of the room. Between you and him are a grouping of chairs with a table at its center, and just from a glance you can tell it's only the highest quality leather. Shelves holding books line the walls, and there is even a small bar between them.
"You may sit." While phrased as a suggestion, it is uttered more like an order, and you nearly forget yourself before you shut your mouth and take a seat. The chair feels like it practically grabs you and drags you into its softness, the leather feeling amazing beneath your fingertips as you rest your hands on the armrests.
Varis continues to scribble away at whatever papers he's looking at on his desk, and taking a good look at him you notice he's wearing what seems to be a simple pair of reading glasses. They suit his face well and dare day soften his harsh features just enough that you would call him handsome. As usual, his hair is tied back in a low ponytail at the nape of his neck, ends clipped and perfectly trimmed and not a strand out of place.
"I appreciate that you at least have the decency to arrive here in a timely manner." He begins, placing his pen back in its stand. Threading his fingers together, he gives you an almost bored look, and you can see the traces of his son's features in his eyes. "I do not require you to be trained in any specific espionage for this. Simply act as you normally would and do not bring embarrassment to my name." Pushing away from the desk, he opens a drawer to his right and pulls out a small black box. As he stands you fight the instinct to not stand as well, not feeling comfortable with him looming above you.
"Within this box lies a necklace that will be recording all your conversations. It will not be feeding us said conversations in real time and instead be saving them internally where you will turn it in at the end of each visit." He informs, opening the box and taking the necklace in hand. It looks so small dangling from his fingers, but so beautiful. The Garlean logo is held in place by oxidized silver chain, giving it a blackened color. The red of the Garlean logo is made with beautifully cut ruby, making you wonder why he would spend so much money for this purpose, but to a CEO, it’s probably a drop in the bucket.
"At the risk of being rude, do you seriously think they wouldn't be careful with their words?" You blurt, watching as he raises a strong brow.
"Garlond is foolish, but not that foolish." Varis huffs out a chuckle, clearly amused. "However, his bodyguard is stupid. Much like yourself, he had just enough muscle and training to make a decent enough meat shield that Garlond snatched him off the streets. Perhaps you can use that as a talking point." He smirks, reveling in your ire.
"Whatever. Go over there, kick the bodyguard’s ass, act normal. That it?" You snarl, through hiding your distaste for him.
"For someone as simple as yourself to understand, yes, if you must put it so crudely," he scoffs, moving to stand behind you. You move to stand but a firm hand on your shoulder keeps you in place. "I do not want you to just act 'normal'. I am fully aware how closely leashed my son keeps you. Perhaps you may find a kindred spirit in this bodyguard…" His fingers flex and dig into your suit. "Perhaps you might find something else."
"If you are done here," You snap, shrugging his hand away but his other hand comes to slink the necklace around your neck. The chain is cool and light against your skin and hardly noticeable.
"If you are so eager to go, you may. I have already arranged for your transportation to and from their estate. This is a rather important mission I am entrusting to you, savage. I trust I do not need to explain the consequences should you sabotage it, or fail." His fingers drag along the exposed skin of your neck, and despite the obvious warmth of his body, his touch feels so frigid. "If there was ever a time to prove your worth, this would be it."
With one final press of his fingers into your skin he withdraws and you stand to your feet immediately, shooting him a glare that restrains none of your loathing. He looks as amused as his son would, except his expression is like a knife twisting in your gut with how disgusted it makes you feel. "I've nothing to prove to you. Or to anyone here." You hiss, making your way toward the door.
"So you say," Varis hums, walking back to sit at his desk. Reclining in his leather chair, he gives you a slow smile. "I look forward to your reports, Honey."
With a curt nod that maintains the bare minimum amount of respect, you walk out the door. Once in the hallway, you take a few steps before you feel safe enough to run through every cuss word known to you, unable to take out your anger on something physical. Taking some calming breaths, your hand glides up to the necklace that rests on your skin, frowning as you enjoy the feeling of the cool silver on your skin. You'd have to be careful with your own words as well, making sure to give nothing away or never knowing when it was recording. Something told you that the bodyguard, Estinien, was not stupid by any means, and that Varis merely looked down upon him like he did to anyone thay wasn't Garlean.
It's a lovely day outside as you step out, a Lalafellin driver waiting for you under the shaded awning. You greet him in acknowledgement, allowing him to open the door for you so that you may sit inside. As the door closes a sense of excitement bubbles within you, it finally starting to sink in that you are getting to leave the estate on your own for the first time in months. As the driver gets in the car and starts the engine, you gaze out at the sprawling grounds beneath an azure sky, missing the icy eyes watching you as the car pulls away.
The drive to the Garlond estate is longer than you think, as you have to go through the city which takes long enough in and of itself. Once you leave the skyscrapers behind, you're moving closer to the countryside, sitting just on the outskirts of Kugane. You've left the more packed residential areas behind and are left with bigger, more affluent houses that sprawl over the land. Most are as tacky and gaudy as the Galvus estate, making you wonder to yourself if all rich people had a propensity to have so much money and so little taste.
"We've arrived, ma'am." Your driver speaks up, the first words he's uttered since you first got in the car. Turning toward a gate you look toward a more modern looking home, that looks like it drew from neither Garlemald or Kugane for inspiration. All squares and boxes, it still looks eye-catching, protected by a wrought iron gate with a speaker outside that the driver pulls up next to.
Reaching with small arms, you watch as he pushes the button, that is followed by a sharp beep. "Garlond estate," A feminine voice answers.
"Hello, I am the chauffeur for Lord Varis, here to bring his son's bodyguard for her appointment." The driver responds.
There is momentary silence aside from the quick rustle of paper. "All right, you may come in. Please follow the driveway to the main entrance." As soon as she finishes her sentence, there's a loud buzz followed by the front gates slowly swinging open, allowing you inside. The driver does as instructed and follows the brick road toward the opulent house ahead of you. Getting closer, it somehow looks even more magnificent, and you entertain the idea of beating Cid nan Garlond's current bodyguard into the ground so well he'd consider hiring you.
Reaching the front doors, you see the man himself standing outside in simple slacks and a button down. Certainly not casual for being in what you assume is his own home, but definitely dressed for business while maintaining a sense of comfort. The car pulls to a stop, the driver shuffling out the seat to open the door and scuttle around to your side to let you out. Murmuring your thanks, you put one foot in front of the other and step out onto the hand laid brick, enjoying the feel of it beneath your feet. Cid nan Garlond himself offers a hand out to you, and you graciously place yours in his where he pulls you up from your sitting position with surprising ease.
He chuckles, most likely at your unintentional surprise clear as day on your face. “I may not get to be in the shop as much as I used to...but you lift enough machinery, you stay fairly fit.” He grins, giving your hand a firm shake. “I must say, this is already shaping up to be a much more pleasant experience without your employer to interfere.”
His smile is warm and welcoming, and you can’t help but open up to him in kind. “I have to agree. I must admit I had entertained the idea of pummeling your bodyguard so good you might consider hiring me while I was here.”
He releases a hearty laugh at that, releasing your hand with one more good handshake. “Why, I think I like you already, Honey.” Placing a courteous hand on your back, he urges you toward the front door where sweet air conditioning awaits.
Stepping in his home, it looks as beautiful inside as it does on the outside. You stare in awe at everything as you pass by, doing your best to follow behind closely.
“I take it my home is to your liking?” Cid questions, slowing his pace so that you may gawk a little longer.
“I apologize, I don’t mean to linger,” you giggle nervously, cheeks tinting. What a bum you must look like, the street rat Zenos calls you to be slipping on her Cinderella shoes for a taste of luxury.
“It’s more than all right. I’d rather it be looked at after all, I had it built for that reason.” He says with a wink. “I do not miss ‘home’ but I am also impartial to the native architecture. I instead favored the style I saw back from my stay in Eorzea.” He explains, giving you a whole new perspective on his home. No wonder you didn’t recognize anything about it; Eorzea was somehow even more foreign than Garlemald. Celebrities would visit from there all the time, but somehow you just...never...knew anything about it…
She watches over us, my dear. Over all of Eorzea, over your room, over you.
The Mother Crystal, my dear.
“Are you all right?”
Blinking, your eyes slowly refocus back to Cid’s blue eyes that look upon you with concern. You quickly give him a small smile, scratching your head nervously. “I apologize. Just a slight dizzy spell.”
You see obvious doubt flash through his eyes for a moment before he masks it with something else. “Do you need to sit down?” He offers instead of saying whatever it was he was holding back.
“No, no, I’m fine, I promise.” You reassure him, taking a few steps ahead. “I think it was just a wave of fatigue from my earlier spar with Zenos.”
He relaxes visibly then, resuming his walk to wherever he was taking you. “You had sparred knowing you would be coming here?”
“We spar every morning,” you offer vaguely, hoping he doesn’t press you further about it. To think about the nuances of you and Zenos’ relationship was exhausting in itself, and you definitely didn’t want to get into explaining it.
Cid seems to be quick on the pick up and segues the conversation elsewhere. “I see. Well, I’m sure someone as talented as yourself knows their limits and is more than capable of taking on another strong opponent today.”
“Without a doubt, Mister Garlond.”
“Please, if I may call you by your given name, then it is only right I extend the same kindness, at least when your employer is not around.” He turns down a hallway, leading you past a magnificent indoor garden, that despite its large size, it was in no way visible from the outside. “Estinien usually has finished his own training by this time, but I believe he may have delayed it in preparation of your meeting today.”
“I have to say I’m a little excited. It's been so long since I’ve had an opponent outside of Zenos.” You admit carefully, trying not to stare at him too hard as you gauge his reaction.
“I fear Estinien could possibly say the same. Thankfully, I’ve kept myself out of trouble and he’s been more a piece of arm candy than an actual bodyguard.” He jokes, giving you a warm smile.
“Arm candy, am I?”
The two of you turn to find Estinien standing behind you, looking as grumpy as the first time you had met. Brows furrowed, he gives a threatening glare to Cid who seems largely unconcerned.
“Now, now, no need to take offense. After all, it just means you look good, now don’t you?” Cid teases, laughing as Estinien’s brow furrows impossibly further.
Sure enough, Estinien does look good. Dressed in a loose tank top, his usually unbound hair is tied back in a high ponytail, exposing the elegant line of his neck. Unlike Zenos who prefers to wear form fitting gym wear, Estinien has chosen some grey sweatpants that are baggy enough to be comfortable, but snug enough to where they won’t be a hindrance.
And if you give just a glance between his legs--
“But what are you doing out here Estinien? I thought you would be warming up for your little bout with our guest.” Cid comments as he begins to walk again to continue escorting you to wherever it was he was taking you.
“I went to grab something to eat.” He fishes out some dried calamari from his pocket, neatly wrapped in wax paper.
“Your favorite as usual, I see. Did you think to bring enough to share with our guest?” Cid asks, taking clear pleasure out of taunting poor Estinien.
“If she gets hungry I’ll take her to the kitchens,” The Elezen grumbles, frown deepening. “If you’re quite through making fun of me at my expense, I believe I can get the both of us to the gym quite well on my own.”
“Of course, I can see when I am clearly in the way and unwanted.” Cid sighs, unable to resist getting one last barb in. “It was a pleasure to share a few moments with you, Honey. Please do not hesitate to put this grouch in the ground if he tries anything untoward with you.”
You hear Estinien’s breath audibly hitch for a moment, your hands flying up to your mouth to stifle your laughter as the taller man goes red in the face. Before Estinien can even formulate a response Cid is already making a turn down the maze that is his house.
The frost haired male runs his fingers through his snowy locks in exasperation, his cheeks still a slight pink even as he glares down at you. “Ignore him.” He huffs, displacing the once bound strands. “He just likes to get a rise out of me, is all.” He grumbles, moving on past you. You give one last little titter before following along, trying not to embarrass him any further.
“So, did you have anything in particular planned for today?” You ask, following him down the hallway. Opening a door he lets you two outside where another building lies across the way. While smaller by far in comparison to the main house, it is still the size of an average home.
“Not in particular. Figured we’d just hit each other until one of us cried mercy.” He drones, his long legs carrying him across the land with ease. You find that he has a rather nice figure from behind, his shoulders broad and strong, leading to firm biceps that were muscular, but not bulky. His waist was fairly narrow, his thighs’ musculature similar to the rest of him in that it was obvious he took care of himself, but did not care about mass.
And would that you could actually find the opportunity to see if you could bounce gil off that ass of his…
Get your head out of the gutter for two seconds, girl, you mentally chide yourself, instead focusing on the rosy points of his ears. For someone so decidedly irritable, he is, it is clear he takes care of his appearance quite well. While his hair at first glance looks shaggy, it has the luster that only comes from expensive shampoo. Despite him already having looked like he worked up a sweat prior to his snack break, when he brushed by you you caught a whiff of what must be the remnants of his shower that morning.
“Well if you have no preference for how you have your ass kicked, then who am I to complain?” You snark, snickering as he throws a confident glare over his shoulder in your direction.
“We’ll see about that.”
Reaching the building, you find that it really is about the size of a normal house. When you step in, it certainly has that appearance, and you feel that somehow the meeting has taken on a more personal tone. Leading you down a much smaller hallway, he opens a door and flicks on the light, revealing a home gym that is nearly the size of Zenos’ back at the estate.
“There’s water in that fridge over there,” he murmurs, pointing lazily at the miniature fridge nestled on a counter. “You can change in that bathroom over there.”
Nodding, you go do just that, dropping your gym bag to the floor with a thud. Changing out of your stuffy suit, you wonder if you could’ve just shown up in your workout clothes and if that would’ve been offensive. As you tug your shirt off, your hands brush against the cool necklace that has lied hidden beneath your button down. Though the metal still is cool to the touch, it is also warm from having adjusted to your body heat, making you forget its presence. Reminding yourself to watch your words and mind what you say, you continue to dress.
Stepping out, you look around the gym a little more. It is similar in structure to Zenos’ granted instead of katanas and other sword types being displayed on the wall, you instead see--
“You know how to use a lance?” you blurt out, attracted to the glint of the metal on the opposite wall. Your feet carry you there without thinking, hand reaching out to touch before Estinien grabs your wrist with barely a touch of gentleness.
“Lances. Glaives, spears, and pikes. And they are not for you to touch.” He huffs, eyes hard and serious.
Smirking, you twist from his grip unexpectedly, grabbing his arm and swinging him onto his back on the floor. You pin him with nothing more but your weight, your thighs resting near his strong ones, smirking down at him. “Very well. I’m only good with swords anyway.”
He gives his own smirk, and you yelp as it grows wider as he suddenly jerks the both of you to where you now lie on your back beneath him. “An uneven fight. I believe we are both skilled in hand to hand combat.”
“Do you pin all your house guests?” You tut, giving him an offended look.
“Only those that are incredibly cocky and need to be put in their place.”
Riled up, you break free from his hold, the two of you creating space between your two bodies. He slowly slides into a crouch, arms upraised, guarded, his sneer somehow inflaming you further. “Why the face? Afraid you can’t back up all that talk?” He taunts, feet shuffling across the floor.
“I’ll show you talk--” You dash at him, kicking a leg out for his face. His reflexes are fast; he dodges the first kick easily, so you decide to speed it up. What he doesn’t dodge, he blocks, your legs coming into contact with the hard muscle you so shamelessly ogled earlier. You can see a mote of surprise on his face; he clearly wasn’t expecting you to be this swift. Smirking, you press harder, looking to break his guard.
“I think you might be too used to fighting your charge.” He growls, snatching you by the leg on your next kick. Before you can wrench it out, he’s swung his head underneath, hooking your leg practically around his neck. Standing to his full height, he throws you off balance, leaving him able to take the rest of your weight and flip you over his shoulder and dump you on the floor.
For a moment, you stare up at the ceiling in a daze, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
When was the last time you had been surprised?
You haven’t fought anyone else aside from Zenos. He has been your only opponent for months.
You had grown stale.
You had grown weak.
You had found a challenge.
You giggle for a moment, an emotion you hadn’t felt in so long bubbling up from deep within. Estinien casts you a concerning glance, did I flip her too hard an evident question on his face.
“Oh...you’re right pole boy...it has been a long time.”
“Pole boy…?!” He mumbles angrily, watching as you jerk yourself back up to a standing position in one fluid motion.
Dusting yourself off, you roll your shoulders, clench and unclench your fists. When you look him in the eye, he gasps, seeing a different look entirely coming from you.
“Let’s dance.”
It is refreshing beyond words to have a new opponent, so much so you can't keep a smile off your face. Skilled as you are, within the first hour you've got a good grasp of Estinien's fighting style, able to begin countering him with little difficulty. Despite this, despite Zenos being right he would be hardly a match for you, it has highlighted weak points and blind spots you have missed training solely with Zenos. Where Zenos often uses a mix of bulk and speed to overwhelm his opponent with sheer might, Estinien uses his leaner frame to duck and weave, able to strike you where Zenos would've been too slow. Where Zenos rushes you down, Estinien hangs back, poised like a cobra ready to strike.
"I don't think I've seen anyone smile as much as you have during a bout," The Elezen man comments as he moves to grapple you. You slip out of his grasp but he is quick to recover before you can take advantage and land a hit on him.
"Good opponents are hard to come by." You compliment, circling him as you try to debate your next move.
He lets out a rude snort. "You don't have to spare my feelings. I'm man enough to know when I'm outmatched." His lips pull into a smug grin. "But I will take the compliment anyway."
"You're welcome," you grunt, kicking out at him again, prepared for him to catch your leg. He only blocks it so you swing around to bring up the other in hopes he will be too slow. Just before he can bring his hands up to grab hold of your leg bring it back down. You smirk at the confusion etched on his face, watching it turn to shock as you dip low and sweep his feet from under him the same time you give him a hard shove, letting gravity do the rest. Estinien crashes to the floor and you pounce him like a couerl, making sure to actually pin him in place, your hand fisted in his shirt. "Do you give?"
He looks up at you in a daze for a moment, his chest heaving from exertion. Wonder seems to pass through his eyes, before it morphs into a dark appreciation. "I give."
"Good." you grin, relaxing your hold on him. "I think we've had more than a good workout," you breathe, taking note of how far the hands of the clock on the opposite wall have moved. "This has been most enjoyable, but I don't think I'll over stay,"
Before you can begin to rise, his hands grip your thighs, nearly kneading the muscle there. Your face flames instantly, eyes wide as you stare in shock at the brazen, Elezen man beneath you.
"I hope you wouldn't be opposed to making this a...regular thing." He purrs, voice so low you can feel it vibrate through his chest and therefore through you. Interest stirs low in your belly, pink tongue darting out to swipe over your lips unconsciously.
"Are you so...open with all your guests?" You ask, settling your weight on him further.
"Only the ones that kick my ass." He licks his own lips, not bothering to hide the desire swimming in his eyes. "And that happens to be a very small list." His fingers flex and you wish you could feel what it would be like to have his hands touching your bare skin.
"I see." You murmur, bending over, heart racing as your lips lie just a breath away from his. "Though if what I'm feeling beneath me is any indication for how you're feeling...I'm guessing you want more than just tips on how to not get your ass beat."
He scoffs, giving you a mean look. "Has anyone ever told you you talk too much?"
Before you can retort he closes the distance, pressing his lips to yours almost feverishly. It has been so long since you've been kissed like this, where someone so clearly, so unabashedly wants you. You take the lead which seems to startle him for a second as you request entrance into his mouth but he's quick to catch up, your tongues dancing together so well it draws a moan from deep within.
As you part for air, you have to stop your hips from scooting down just that little bit further and grinding down. Usually you would be ashamed; to have more than a peck on the first date so-to-speak was unheard for you. But then again, your other needs had been suppressed for so long…
"Won't your boss find it suspicious if I keep coming over here?" You ask, arching into him as his lips trail down your jawline.
"Hardly. He already expected you would come here often," he trails off, your eyes widening at what he was not saying.
We already knew he would send you to spy on us.
"So come as much as you like." He gives a sharp nip that pulls a surprised squeak that ebbs into a moan as he suckles the skin, leaving a mark. "And if you're willing to give me a chance...I could make you come as much as you'd like too."
"I never took you as one to sleep on the first date," You rasp, unable to keep your hips from grinding down. You shudder atop him, nails digging into his arms.
"Oh rest assured, I am being quite the gentleman right now. I simply find myself unable to resist having my ass kicked by an attractive woman." He purrs, eyes half lidded.
You flush for an entirely different reason now, wondering how long it had been since someone had expressed such blatant affection, how could it be that your enemy--
Is he your enemy--
No, no, Varis is, you're here to stop Varis, through Zenos--
"I have to go."
You crawl from atop him, heart twisting as you flee from the building. Stumbling outside, the sun hangs near the top of the sky, giving you nowhere to hide from your shame. Whipping your work phone out you let the chauffeur know you'll be out shortly, thankful that you memorized the path Cid led you down so that you can make it out the house without getting lost in it. One would think you actually did the deed with how fast you book it out of there, feet crashing hard against the driveway as you dash through the open gate and into the tinted car.
The driver looks slightly panicked but you assure him that all is well and make up a lie that you're supposed to have been back to the mansion half an hour ago. He all but floors the gas, peeling away from the Garlond estate and back toward the mansion, your fingers clutching your necklace to your chest.
“You are back later than I expected.” Varis notes as you stalk into his office. Standing by the window, he arches a single brow. He says nothing as you all but slam the necklace down on his desk, doing your best to keep your expression blank and reveal nothing. “How did it go?” he asks as he moves to sit down and finger the necklace between long fingers.
“Isn’t that what the necklace is for?” You snap, wanting nothing more than to shower again for the second time today and crawl in bed.
Thin lips pull into a cruel smirk. “Of course. But that is for someone else to listen to and make sure you have not sold any secrets that would be...problematic for you.” He drawls, playing with the necklace in his hand.
Baring your teeth, you resist the urge to punch him in his stupid face. “I went over there, and I kicked his ass.”
“For three hours?”
“Yes, for three hours.” You sigh, exasperated. He knew you hated him, and clearly was not above dragging this out as long as possible just to irritate you.
At least I can see where Zenos gets it from…
“Interesting.” He muses, holding the emblem between his thumb and forefinger. “And would you like to return?”
It is your turn to arch a brow at him, crossing your arms across your chest. “Would I like to?” you repeat, making sure you heard him correctly. He nods. “I understood it as I did not have a choice in the matter.”
“As I told you before, Garlond is not stupid.” The older man places the necklace upon his desk, threading his fingers together to rest his head upon his hands. “His bodyguard might be nothing but a meatshield, but I doubt he is not competent enough to know how to watch his words if Garlond had debriefed him.” Leaning back, he fixes you with a knowing smirk. “After all, you have nothing of note to report, am I correct?”
“No,” you grumble, wishing you couldn’t give him the satisfaction of being right.
“As I had thought. In which case, if they will be so tight lipped, there is no need to expend the energy or resources of sending you over there. I’ve never been able to understand Garlond’s fondness for the countryside, as that alone makes any wish of visitation dry up like a forgotten well.” He barks out a laugh at the incredulous expression you didn’t even realize you had on your face. “Well if there is nothing else, you are dismissed. I will be sending your outing to some lackey to comb through later.” With a dismissive wave fitting his dismissal of you, he picks up the necklace once more, spinning to face away from you.
You remain shocked for but a few more milliseconds before deciding to take it for what it is and leave.
You didn’t think Varis would let you have any say on whether or not you would return to the Garlond estate, but even he could see to reason that you wouldn’t get anything out of them just by fighting his bodyguard. Thinking about Estinien again makes your lips tingle, about how well he treated you. His lips aside, he really was a decent training partner to help you work out any kinks in your defense, and you could hone his skills as well…
But you still had your commitment to Zenos. Could you really fit in waking up at the crack of dawn to train with him, to spend hours bored at work watching over him, to accompany him as you watch him murderer innocents? You had to, it was your job in more than one way. The Kugane Police were counting on you.
Feeling eyes on you, you glance up, spying cold, blue eyes glancing down at you from a balcony above. No words pass between you, but somehow, seeing him sets your heart racing, racing for so many reasons. What would he think, knowing how you acted over there?
...Why would he care?
Why do you care?
“Oh, Honey...if I wanted you, I would have you.”
Spinning on one heel, you head straight back for Varis’ office. You do not knock as you push the mahogany door open, Varis glancing up from whatever forms he was signing looking fit to chew you out.
“Do you not have manners, savage?”
“I want to continue my visits with Estinien. At the Garlond estate.”
He stares at you in silence, his face relaxing until a dark look overtakes it. Leaning back in his chair, he steeples his fingers together, teeth gleaming along with the traitorous glint in his eye. “Is that so?”
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clubpenguinkiller · 4 years ago
hey my dude. jsyk the op of the post about sex work is a terf. i don't think you meant anything by reblogging the post just letting you know
ty anon i didt ill deelte . I hate when bigots make good points I want toshake them and say You’re so close to the right answer Please Please
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casuistor · 8 years ago
Unpopular opinion: Rem deserved better.
send me an unpopular opinion and i’ll agree/disagree
…Wait is this really an unpopular opinion? I hope it isn’t because ahhh Rem /o\ I fully admit that I don’t really get Rem on an emotional level, but I think she is ultimately dealt such a shitty hand. Like it says A LOT when I think Higuchi seems to be the person who treats Rem with the greatest amount of respect, sob. 
Like, Rem please get your priorities straight, please stop stanning people who make it clear they have no problem throwing you under the bus if it means they get to be with a boy. I just URGH. 
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larjathanguan · 6 years ago
James Potter x reader
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It was morning and you were sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall eating breakfast with the four boys known as the Marauders. With the amount of time you spent with them you could be practically counted as the fifth memeber of their little group. 
"So I've been thinking." Sirius started only for you toshake your head with a sigh and interrupt him. 
"A very dangerous passtime." you said receiving a laugh out of James and Remus while Peter stuffed his face with food and Sirius glared at you playfully. 
"Anyway, as I already said... I've been thinking. And one question keeps popping up in my head. How do you make someone holy?" a snort escaped you at the question and you looked up from your plate at him with a serious expression. 
"You either hex or beat the hell out of them." for a moment you were both just staring at each other blankly before the stormy eyed boy broke out into a grin.
"Why that's bloody briliant! You heard that Prongs? We could use that with Snivellus, your girlfriend is a genius." the small smirk playing on your lips quickly turned into a scowl when you saw James grin and turn to look at you as if he was going to say something but you slapped a hand over his mouth.
"Don't Potter, just don't. And you, you wet dog, stop saying I'm his girlfriend. We're not dating." a wet sensation is what you felt on your palm and it took you a moment to realize that Prongs just licked your hand before you pulled it back with shriek. 
"And whose fault is that (Y/N)?" James asked as you wiped your hand on your pants with a frown.
"It's not my fault that you're an arrogant git who hasn't impressed me enough to say yes to a date with him." you state with a shrug before reaching your hand to grab a toast which you then proceeded to butter.
"Come on (Y/L/N), just one date. I promise you won't regret it." James said sliding closer to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders while wiggling his brows. You had the urge to say yes but not even his messy hair and beautiful warm eyes could stop you from being careful with just handing your heart over. 
"Actually, I'm just fine with spending the day with my essay on potions. Have a nice day boys!" you pushed of James' arm and stood up before walking out of the hall. Behind you, you could hear Sirius laughing only for James to grumble a half-hearted 'shut your mouth Pads' at him. --------------------------- The next day you woke up later than usual and had to skip breakfast to get to potions on time. You slipped into the classroom just in time but the feeling of relief left you quicker than you'd be comfortable when you saw that the only spare seat was next to no other than James Potter himself. 
"Oh for bloody banshee's sake." you murmured under your breath before stalking to the desk and setting your books on it. You slipped into the seat next to James and looked at him with a small smile. The messy haired boy smiled at you before attempting to sedductively take off his glasses, attempting because to anyone else it may have looked like he was having a seizure or something, and squinting at you with a grin.
"Why good morning (Y/N), don't you just look.... blurry today?" he hesitated before saying the word blurry and an affectionate smile tugged at your lips. With a giggle you snatched the glasses from his grasp and put them back onto his face. You ran your fingers through his already messy hair to fix it up at least a bit. 
"Merlin, if you weren't so bloody handsome all the time I would give you a time of my day, but this way... I just have no choice." you said with a sigh making the boy's grin widen.
"Go on a date with me (Y/L/N)?" he asked while snaking an arm around your waist gently to pull you closer. You laughed quietly and punched his shoulder lightly before pushing him away.
"I'll think about it Potter, but I'm not promising you anything." surprisingly James' grin didn't falter, on the contrary it only seemed to brighten up.
"That's all I need love." he says and just like that the classroom door opens to reveal Slughorn who starts the lesson. ---------------------------- You were standing in the stands next to Remus and Peter watching the Gryffindor team which also included James and Sirius play against Slytherin. You and your housemates cheered loudly watching as the Gryffindor chasers scored one goal after another. Your eyes swiped over the sky until they landed on James who seemed to have spotted the snitch. You adjusted the scarlet and gold scarf around your neck as he sped after the small golden winged ball.
"Come on James! You can do it!" you screamed over the cheers of your housemates making them move their attention to the Gryffindor seeker who was chasing after the snitch, the Slytherin seeker hot on his heels. Silence spread over the stands when James hand shot forward and quickly latched back onto his broom to steady himself. It wasn't possible to see whether he caught the snitch but when he lifted his arm up in the air with a grin on his face and the snitch in his palm cheers erupted from everywhere around you.
  "James Potter has caught the snitch! 150 points for Gryffindor, Gryffindor wins!" the anouncer shouted into the megaphon as you cupped your hands over your mouth and cheered with the others. You together with Remus and Peter ran down the stands to meet your friends who were both grinning from ear to ear. 
Sirius patted James on the back and congratulated him as you three neared. You picked up speed as James turned to face and once you were in front of him you grabbed onto his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
 The boy tensed up for a second before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you flush against his firm chest. Your lips moved together in sync and you could swear that you felt butterflies errupt in the pit of your stomach. Once you pulled away you reached up on instinct to fix his glasses because they were tipped to the side slightly. 
"Go on a date with me (Y/N)?" he asked with hopeful eyes and you grinned at him. "Yes, I'll go on a date with you James." you said and the said boy broke out into a joyful smile before connecting your lips in a much softer kiss than before. You heard Sirius wolf whistling behind you as you pulled away.
"Thank Godric." James murmured and pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead before wrapping an arm around you and leading you off the quidditch field with him.
- the end -
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toptoshak · 5 years ago
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9 az 10 9 =Tempur-Pedic ‎معرفی برترین برندهای تشک در جهان —— —— ‎‏# top #topbrand #topbrands #mattress #mattresses ‎‏# top #toshak #toptoshak #top_toshak ‎#برند #برترین_برند #تولید_تشک #صنعت_تشک #کالای_خواب #تشک_طبی #تشک_خارجی #تشک_ایرانی #قیمت_تشک #تشک_اولترا #تشک_اولتراپدیک #ستون_فقرات #کمردرد #تقسیم_فشار #توزیع _وزن https://www.instagram.com/p/CA68s8EJ4nA/?igshid=p532t570clxc
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the-thursday · 6 years ago
Ranger's apprentice Hogwarts houses
Let's imagine our beloved characters sorted by Sorting hat into traditional Hogwarts houses. Here's my idea:
Cassandra, Arald, Berrigan, Erak, Hassan, Madelyn, Rodney, David, Liam
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Will, Gilan, Ferris, Selethen, Morgarath, Duncan, Toshak
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Alyss, Pauline, Malcolm, George, Leander, Orman, Bacari
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Halt, Crowley, Sean, Horace, Jenny, Aloom, Shigeru, Trobar
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I am open to the discussion
(Pics are just for ilustration and they are owned by Pottermore)
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libraryofnika · 3 years ago
The Decoy Girlfriend Book Tour
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The Decoy Girlfriend by Lillie Vale
Genre: Adult Romance
Publishing Date: September 6, 2022
A laugh-out-loud funny and whip-smart romantic comedy from the author ofThe Shaadi Set-Up,about a young woman who takes the place of hercelebrity doppelgänger, and must fake-date theactress’s sexy costar boyfriend.
Writer Freya Lal has a huge secret: she’s a dead ringer for It-girl actress Mandi Roy. Her second novelis due in a month, but inspiration is nowhere to be found. Desperate toshake off her writer’s block,Freya leans into her look-alike abilities and indulges in some mistaken identity for simple perks, likescoring a free mimosa or getting into a trendy nightclub.
Actor Taft Bamber appears to have it all: gorgeous, talented,and Mandi’s love interest both on-andoff-screen. But what nobody knows is that their relationship is a PR stunt, and after years of playingmake-believe, he’s yearning for something real.
When Freya’s latest impersonation of Mandi goes viral thanks to Taft’s accidental interference, rumors of a breakup threaten Hollywood’s golden couple. To make amends, Freya is forced to give Mandi a little time off: she’ll pretend to be the actress for a month, move in with Taft, and squash the rumors by acting completely in love. But as Freya and Taft play house, it becomes impossible to ignore that their instant chemistry isn’t just for the cameras. While faking it, they might have just found the real thing.
Content Warning: Please be aware that through the course of the novel, Freya recounts fond memories of her mother, who passed away before the book begins (off-page), and the ways in which that love is intertwined with her writing. Taft stands firm against toxic masculinity and learns to let go of toxic friendships. There is also explicit on-page sex between two consenting adults.
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Book Links:
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57979398-the-decoy-girlfriend#
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09N6WMXDS/
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-decoy-girlfriend-lillie-vale/1140672945
Book Depository: https://www.bookdepository.com/Decoy-Girlfriend-Lillie-Vale/9780593422021
Indigo: https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/the-decoy-girlfriend/9780593422021-item.html
IndieBound: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9780593422021
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About the Author:
Lillie Vale is the author of books for both teens and adults, including The Decoy Girlfriend, Beauty, and the Besharam, The Shaadi Set-UpandSmall Town Hearts, and the American Library Association’s2020 Rainbow Books List selection. She writes about secrets and yearning, complicated and ambitious girls who know what they want, the places we call home and people we find our way back to, and the magic we make. Born in Mumbai, she grew up in Mississippi, Texas, and North Dakota, and now lives in an Indiana college town.
Author Links:
Website: https://www.lillielabyrinth.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LillieLabyrinth
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/labyrinthspine/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17145712.Lillie_Vale
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