Rocket Assassin
43 posts
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assassidic · 8 years ago
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“ ... Surprise? “
What was Nero doing in here--
“ Thought YOU would be GONE for a little bit LONGER... “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
Send me a Pokemon!
Bulbasaur: What is the first Pokemon game you ever owned?
Charmander: Who was your first Pokemon?
Squirtle: Which Pokemon do you think is the coolest?
Caterpie: What is the first Pokemon you ever caught?
Butterfree: What moment in the anime do you consider the saddest?
Pikachu: Who is your favourite Pokemon?
Raichu: Who is better, Pikachu, Pichu, or Raichu?
Ninetales: Which Pokemon do you think is the most beautiful?
Zubat: Which Pokemon do you find the most annoying?
Meowth: Which evil organization is your favourite?
Slowpoke: Which Pokemon do you think is the dumbest?
Eevee: What Eeveelution is your favourite?
Vaporeon: Who is your favourite first generation Pokemon?
Jolteon: Who is your favourite second generation Pokemon?
Flareon: Who is your favourite third generation Pokemon?
Espeon: Who is your favourite fourth generation Pokemon?
Umbreon: Who is your favourite fifth generation Pokemon?
Leafeon: What Eeveelution is your least favourite?
Glaceon: What Eeveelution type would you like to see in the future?
Mewtwo: Who is your most powerful Pokemon?
Mew: Who is your favourite legendary Pokemon?
Chikorita: Which is your favourite region?
Cyndaquil: Which is your least favourite region?
Totodile: Who is your favourite starter Pokemon?
Noctowl: What was your first shiny Pokemon?
Togetic: What Pokemon makes you the most happy?
Mareep: What is your favourite base form Pokemon?
Flaaffy: What is your favourite first evolution?
Ampharos: What is your favourite second evolution?
Wooper: What do you like more, battles or contests?
Smeargle: Have you ever drawn any Pokemon fanart?
Raikou: Who is your favourite character in the anime?
Entei: What is your dream team?
Suicune: Who is your least favourite character in the anime?
Celebi: If you could change anything in the anime, what would it be?
Treecko: Which female accomplice of Ash's do you like the least?
Torchic: Which female accomplice of Ash's do you like the most?
Mudkip: Which male accomplice of Ash's do you like the most?
Gardevoir: What Pokemon gives you the most feelings?
Azurill: What is your favourite baby Pokemon?
Delcatty: Do you prefer contests or musicals?
Plusle: What Pokemon do you find cutest?
Minun: Which electric rodent is your favourite?
Kecleon: Which shiny Pokemon is your favourite?
Luvdisc: Do you ship anything?
Latias: What Pokemon do you wish you could have in real life?
Latios: What Pokemon do you use in any of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games?
Kyogre: Who is your favourite Pokemon of each type?
Groudon: Who is your least favourite Pokemon of each type?
Rayquaza: What is your favourite weather condition?
Turtwig: Which Pokemon game is your favourite?
Chimchar: Which Pokemon game is your least favourite?
Piplup: Is there any games that you hope they will create a sequel to, or remake?
Pachirisu: What is your favourite thing about Pokemon?
Honchkrow: Is there any extra evolutions or baby Pokemon that have been added that you have found unnecessary?
Lucario: What Pokemon movie is your favourite?
Uxie: What is something you wish would be added to the games?
Mesprit: What is something you miss that used to be in the games?
Azelf: What side-game is your favourite?
Giratina: What makes you the most angry in Pokemon?
Darkrai: Have you ever dreamed of Pokemon? What was it about?
Shaymin: What is your happiest Pokemon memory?
Arceus: What Poke-religion do you consider yourself part of (eg. Mewist, Arceusian, Bellsprout monk, etc)?
Victini: What battle will you never forget, either in game or in the anime (or both)?
Snivy: Which are your top ten Pokemon?
Tepig: Which are your bottom ten Pokemon?
Oshawott: What Pokemon do you consider to be the least attractive?
Whimsicott: Do you own any Pokemon plushies? If so, which ones?
Zoroark: Would you be a Pokemon trainer, breeder, coordinator, etc? What would you look like?
Chandelure: What Pokemon do you find the creepiest?
Stunfisk: What Pokemon is your least favourite?
Mienshao: How do you approach Pokemon battles? Offensive? Defensive? Status conditions?
Volcarona: Which champion is your favourite?
Meloetta: What is your favourite Pokemon song from the anime/movies?
Genesect: Is there any Pokemon you would want to eliminate from the Pokedex, or anything you would want to change in the Pokedex?
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assassidic · 8 years ago
What’s my writing trademark?
I’ve seen this for art, but what about my writing makes you go, “ah, that’s a _____ production”?
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assassidic · 8 years ago
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          For a moment, Guzma simply stares at the older man, considering him and his words. The guy wasn’t necessarily wrong, but… This was fishy, he concluded.
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          “Yeah’m different. What’s it t’ YOU, though, huh? Ya for serious sound like ya ‘bout’a try ‘n sell me somethin’ like a potion that’s s’posed t’make me rule the world but actually it’s just gon’ kill me.”
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“ What-- A POTION? Don’t be... Don’t be ABSURD. “ Nero cleared his throat. He would be lying if he were to say that he didn’t have a plan similar to that, but... Well, he hoped that this would go well. After all, ever since a certain group’s disbandment, he needed a reason to do what he loved.
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“ Rather a POTION, how about SERVICES? A CHARACTER such as yourself MUST have ENEMIES, no? PESKY little RODENTS such as that have no PLACE-- so how about hiring an EXTERMINATOR? “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
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And just who does this human think he is, calling Mimikyu a ‘gremlin’? He could have at least bothered to call them a monster; that could at least be considered a respectable title for the lowest of the low.
   Mimikyu hisses and spits, blackened claws scraping along the ground. This was an expression of rage, a call of warning before they would personally teach this human how to regret. 
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Oh-- Ohhh, this wasn’t a child... This was something much, much better. A giddiness rose from somewhere in Nero as he watched the creature in front of him have it’s tantrum. It looked feisty, that’s a rather good trait. What was it, though? It looked like a third grader’s attempt at a Pikachu, but the claws that were protruding from the bottom...
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“ What ARE you, little thing? OBVIOUSLY you aren’t a PARASITE, nor are you a PIKACHU. No, no no n o. You’re something MUCH more, aren’t you? “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
Frowning, Joey watched the man reach for a pokéball. “Is tha’ a challenge?” he asked, scratching the Rattata in his arms behind the ears. “‘Cause Ratty an’ I can totally take ya on!”
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This child was stupid! Nero stifled a laugh, trying so hard not to seem too suspicious. He rested his hand on KoKo’s pokéball, grinning widely as he looked - leered - down towards the child in front of him.
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“ Well, if that IS what you BELIEVE-- let’s put your PRECIOUS little R A T T Y to the TEST. “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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assassidic · 8 years ago
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   “Listen here GRAMPS, we ain’t jus’ any old GROUP!”
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   “We’re from the INFAMOUS Team Skull, so ya better watch out, CHUMP!”
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“ Ohh~ Is that SO? Then... WHY have I NEVER heard of it before? Hehee~ “
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“ Must not be as INFAMOUS as you THINK-- Must just be a WEAK wannabe of a far SUPERIOR group; Team ROCKET perhaps? Sad; from the ASHES of the GRAND rises something so PATHETIC, it seems. “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
What Do I Think? | ACCEPTING
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“ I BELIEVE she could be USEFUL; not quite sure HOW yet, but I’m SURE something will come up in time. “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
Send “💭” for my characters thoughts on yours.
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assassidic · 8 years ago
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( bold for main, italics for minor. )
☠ aggressive | callous | cannibal | careless | compulsive | cowardly | domineering | envious | greedy | hypocritical | ☠ impatient | impolite | ☠ kidnapper | lazy | ☠ liar | lustful | materialistic | ☠ murderer | ☠ obsessive | over-critical | over-emotional | patronizing | sarcastic | self-indulgent | serial killer | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unclean | ☠ unpredictable | untidy | vain | vengeful
tagged by: Stolen from @viiirology​ tagging: N/A
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assassidic · 8 years ago
Vio: on a scale from very to gtfo how disappoint are you
VSmolGay: Father
Vio: that is a lot
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assassidic · 8 years ago
Joey’s eyes went wide. “I knew I couldn’ be the only one who believed in bug people! Bu’ I’m no’ one.” He raised an arm and pointed at the other. “How abou’ you though? You’re a trainer, righ’? Are you a bug?”
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“ ... “
Was... was this child an idiot? Nero felt an urge to kill rising, his hand idly sliding to his side to rest upon his Salazzle’s Pokéball. No one was around, his precious could have a delicious meal of Rat and Parasite without any consequence. Would anyone even miss this disgusting thing?
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“ Let’s put it THIS way; if PEOPLE are BUGS, I’m an EXTERMINATOR. “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
“Excuse me,” Joey huffed, hugging Ratty closer to his chest, “Rattata are not parasites. They're amazin’ creatures an’ an invaluable part of our ecosystem!”
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“ I wasn’t TALKING about the RAT; they actually have a USE to me-- more SPECIFICALLY to my DARLING KoKo. “
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“ No, I was TALKING about YOU. What do YOU want, BUG. It better be WORTH it, for YOUR sake. “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
@punkgrunt started following you has become a target
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“ Wait a moment-- I could have SWORN that I’ve SEEN your OUTFIT on another LOUD looking YOUNG GIRL. “
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“ Either this REGION has an ODD sense of FASHION, or ... O h-- “
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“ Or MAYBE there’s a GROUP of sort here, as well. “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
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“ Why do PARASITES keep approaching ME? Can’t they SEE that I am BUSY? Eugh-- go on now, SHOO. I have no TIME for DISGUSTING little TERMITES such as yourself. “
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assassidic · 8 years ago
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          “Int’resting? What in the fuck do ya mean by that, huh?”
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“ Tsk, tsk, tsk-- Someone should WASH your MOUTH with SOAP; perhaps LATER. “
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“ I simply meant that YOU look to actually have CHARACTER, unlike those POOR, USELESS excuses of HUMANS that live among US. Living with unearned LUXURIES, with lives UNTOUCHED by WORRY. But you... “
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“ Well, it’s quite OBVIOUS just LOOKING at you that you’re DIFFERENT, isn’t it now? “
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