pray at the altar.
45 posts
independent, selective and low activity archangel ariel based on supernatural.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sacriels-a · 2 years ago
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
consider this a small plotting call. <3
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
i think i'm going to have two fcs for ariel depending on her mood, she doesn't take vessels but actually projects herself as human in the minds of others. she can still be touched and interact with her environment in this form. she's very good at blending in. this ties in with her travelling to multiple dimensions to maintain the balance, taking the shape of the most common form. her main two faces are danielle rose russell and samantha logan. <3
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
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featuring muses from: @unbearablyindifferent, @bleakfated, @azrahel, @sacriels, @goldenliight, @dvarapala, @soothsayher, @liighthcuse, @crispyblonde
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
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"i shouldn't have to check up on you every two minutes." she's inwardly groaning at the chaos he has already managed to inflict on those unfortunate enough to cross his path. "stop messing around."
you're starting fights already?
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warmth of pride swells within his chest at her question, mirthful simper resting on his features as he looks to her, obviously proud of himself. "what can i say? you left me alone too long."
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
another meme inspired by devotedecay’s format !     tw  for  violence, blood, mature themes. send  in  one  of  these  for  my  muse’s  reaction  to  … (  add  ❝  reverse  ❞   if  you’d  like  to  see  how  my  muse  would  preform  the  action  !  )
[ deck ]   your muse decking mine in the face.
[ punch ]   your muse punching mine anywhere / or specify.
[ pin ]   your muse forcibly pinning my muse beneath them.
[ straddle ]   your muse forcing mine to the ground and straddling them.
[ scratch ]   your muse raking mine with their nails / claws.
[ bite ]   your muse biting mine.
[ turn ]   your muse rolling from beneath to atop my muse.
[ wall ]   your muse pinning mine against a wall.
[ snarl ]   your muse snarling / growling at mine.
[ curse ]   your muse cursing at / cursing mine out.
[ tug ]   your muse gripping mine’s hair.
[ kick ]   your muse kicking mine anywhere / or specify.
[ point + gun ]   your muse holding mine at gun point.
[ point + knife ]   your muse holding mine at knife point.
[ mock ]   your muse mocking mine.
[ sweep ]   your muse knocking mine off their feet.
[ grab ]   your muse grabbing mine forcibly.
[ shoot ]   your muse shooting my muse anywhere / or specify.
[ stab ]   your muse stabbing my muse anywhere / or specify.
[ break ]   your muse breaking any of mine’s bones / or specify.
[ strangle ]   your muse choking mine out.
[ shove ]   your muse shoving mine forcibly.
[ bruise ]   your muse making mine bruise.
[ under ]   your muse shoving mine underwater.
[ attempt ]   your muse attempting to kill mine.
[ bare ]   your muse baring their teeth at mine.
[ threaten ]   your muse threatening mine.
[ spit ]   your muse making mine spit blood.
[ bleed ]   your muse making mine bleed.
[ burn ]   your muse burning mine.
[ corner ]   your muse cornering mine.
[ throat ]   your muse wrapping a hand around mine’s throat.
[ challenge ]   your muse challenging mine.
[ cut ]   your muse cutting mine.
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
i’ll tell you when you get your soft, italicized, “oh.”
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the missed opportunity.
this one comes with a pang. it is the wrinkled brow of something unpleasant sinking in. they've left to find some new adventure. or they've met someone else. and you have only just begun to understand their true importance to you. you watch them drift toward a future without you, and in that stark numbness of their absence, it hits you. oh. oh, you want them close. you hopelessly, selfishly want them all to yourself. you'll support them no matter what, but you don't want them to want a future that doesn't involve you. you want them to read the near-invisible signs of your love and decide to take a chance on you. you never want to say that you *used* to know each other. so what are you going to do?
tagged by: @endl0ss tagging: you!!
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
it's important to know that ariel's name literally equates to both "altar" and "lion/lioness of god." this represents her fierce nature as an individual but also how devoted she is to a cause. she symbolizes many things in the natural world, the term "mother nature" actually stemmed from her duties in curating and keeping the balance all across the universe. she is all about protection and healing, making sure that everything that is supposed to happen does, but also stopping cosmic events that she can't foresee as natural. it's a double edged sword because nature in itself can be vicious: tsunamis, tornadoes, volcanic eruption and so on. she has to ensure these happen despite the severe causalities and consequences that come with these perils. however, she also restores nature and rebuilds it from the ground up so that things can continuously improve and evolve.
she is in control of the sun, moon, stars, planets, universal realms such as heaven, hell and purgatory. obviously she is not the leader of these places but has a stronger domain over them. her gifts are to nourish and protect the balance all across every single realm. she works behind the scenes with the other archangels and the rulers of each realm to ensure that the universe thrives in the way it's meant to. she's the only archangel that frequently leaves heaven because of her duty: traversing across all the realms to ensure they are functioning as needed.
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
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LEGACIES Just Don’t Be a Stranger, Okay?
requested by anonymous
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
i'm sipping wine in a robe.
you look like hell.
i tried to warn you.
it's hard to let you go.
i can't sleep without you.
this life is still worth living.
was it good for you?
when will our eyes meet?
i threw it out the window.
i get by, but i'm tired of myself.
so many things were left unsaid.
i want to spend my life with you.
you seem very well.
i'm much too young to die.
i told you not to get lost in the wild.
you're tired of me.
in my mind, you're mine forever.
if you're leaving, i gotta know why.
come on over. i'll adore you.
put on the dress you wore the night we met.
i had to close down my mind.
they'll never understand.
i told you i could never love somebody else, but i lied.
did you ever like it then?
i will never be set free.
darkness brings evil things.
it's out of my control.
i know what it takes to move on.
they're dead wrong. i know they are.
i'm a shoulder you can cry on.
am i not the one you're dreaming of?
i told you i'd be coming back again for you, but i'm not.
every word that i say is coming straight from the heart.
there's so much love we could be making.
yeah, i'm drinking again.
don't laugh. you'll make me cry.
i've got something to say.
when can i touch you?
you smell like death.
i never thought i could act this way.
take me back to the night we met.
just wait until i catch my breath.
you can run but you can't escape.
go on, baby. hurt me tonight.
shut the door, baby. don't say a word.
i can't forget this evening.
i am coming for you.
i'm here just waiting for you.
you've got holes in your clothes.
what the hell am i supposed to do?
i had a vision tonight that the world was ending.
i would stand in line for this.
i don't even know who i was last night.
i'm not trying to be your hero.
what if the world dies with the sunrise?
just you wait and see. believe me.
anything you want. any place you want.
people love it when you lose.
i didn't have much to say.
i'm leaving this place behind.
if you ever get lonely, please let me know.
now it's only fair that i should let you know.
how i hate to see you like this.
i know how it feels to lie.
you make me feel so brand new.
i hate to bug you in the middle of dinner.
i wish nothing but the best for you both.
every time you try to fix me, i know you'll never find that missing piece.
there is no way you can deny it.
those days are through.
it's a lovely day today.
you don't want to know how far it's gone.
soon i will be free.
i can't live if living is without you.
this is not what i had planned.
all we need is a little time.
this is not the end.
put your arms around me.
things look peaceful.
you changed the game.
this was never meant to last.
i know it's crazy, but it's true.
can you feel it?
i feel brave and daring.
i had to close down everything.
i'm so in love with you.
won't you believe me?
wish i had the strength to stand.
when will this strong yearning end?
they say i won't last too long on broadway.
show me where you've been.
you were always sure of yourself.
i thought it felt right.
after last night, i think i'm in love with you.
i can't forget your face as you were leaving.
the best that you can do is fall in love.
i lost friends along the way.
there are rules.
the hardest part of ending is starting again.
when will i hold you again?
if you ever want to see my face again, i want to know.
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
DRAMATIC & PROTECTIVE RELATIONSHIP PROMPTS *  for the ones who want to keep you safe from harm
get behind me.
go inside and lock the door and don't come out until i say so.
are you all right? where are you hurt?
over my dead body.
i promised them i'd keep you safe.
i sleep better when you're next to me.
are you serious? i'm not letting you risk your life.
don't go. it's safer here.
i should have been here. this is my fault.
here. take this gun. don't pull the trigger unless it's absolutely necessary.
they told me to watch you.
i won't let anyone lay a hand on you.
stay close to me.
i'm not worth saving. please.
can you stay? just for a little while? it would help.
it's too dangerous out there.
i thought i'd lost you.
can you hear me? hello? where are you?
they're all afraid of me.
they told me you'd be trouble. clearly that was an understatement.
one of us has to make it out of here.
is that a bruise?
get back. get back right now.
did they touch you?
i already lost you once. i'm not going to lose you again.
a few more steps. we're nearly there. i've got you.
where does it hurt? let me see.
oh my god, you're covered in blood.
i love you, but you have to go.
climb on my back. i'll carry you.
i wish you'd stay.
i slept here all night. i couldn't leave you.
stay with me. i can keep you safe.
no. i've made my decision. you're staying here.
holy shit. are you okay? what the hell happened?
we have to get inside right now.
quick! hide! in here!
if they know you're with me, they'll leave you alone.
if they attack again, we'll be ready.
this never should have happened.
i want you to run, okay? run and don't look back.
you're all right. you're safe. it's over.
i'll feel better once you're out of this.
i don't have nightmares when you're here.
where have you been? i've been calling you all night.
your phone went straight to voicemail. what's going on?
i don't want anything to happen to you.
i can't stand the thought of losing you.
i won't let them touch you.
when we met, i promised myself i'd keep you safe.
where'd they go? i'll give them a piece of my mind.
here. squeeze my hand if it hurts.
i'll lay beside you.
no. it's non-negotiable. you're staying here.
i don't want you to die, okay?
listen to me! i know what i'm doing!
i can't lose you again!
do you hear me? i love you! i've always loved you.
i've got you. i'm right here.
can i stay? i'll take the couch.
tell them you're with me.
you can make it. i believe in you.
are you kidding me? who decided this?
here, i'll pick you up.
get back in the car. i'll handle this.
if anyone can do it, it's you.
let me carry you to safety.
i don't do well when you're away.
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
damn dude you look like you'd be fun to chase
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
“Loving me isn’t easy, I have sharp edges, I have missing parts.”
— Donte Collins
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
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"that's the key to a lonely life, anael."
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" some free advice– don't make friends. they always ask too much of you. "
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
"how could you do this to me?"
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"how could i do what to you, ben?" eyes close as frustration courses through her very veins. she is a tundra of emotion kept behind a dam that can never burst. "how could i help you when you needed me, how could i be there for you when no one else was able to guide you in your path? don't be so ridiculous. i kept my identity from you because i knew it would change and influence your perception of me, case in point." bitterness leaks from every word that escapes her cherry lips, jaw set in a hard lock. this was the reason behind her actions. she cannot help but wonder if this is her perpetual lot in life, to pluck at the heartstrings of others and not understand that the tune of heartbreak sounds different to them. "your reaction right now is exactly why i didn't say anything. i'm still the same person whether you believe it or not."
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
PROMPTS FOR ANGSTY CONVERSATIONS *  a collection of things you never want to hear
you never told me that. i can't believe you never told me.
what difference does it make?
no, no, no, don't leave me! please!
i failed you. is that what you want me to say?
was it all a lie? all this time?
so... when do you leave? what time? so i can be ready.
why did it take you so long to tell me? how long have you been holding this in?
i was wrong.
is this it? is this all there is?
at least give me one last dance.
all the exits are blocked. we're trapped.
there's too much blood.
you're the worst person i've ever met.
you're just as broken as i am.
i really thought we could work things out.
so stupid of me to think you actually cared.
you're just going to carry on and pretend like everything's fine when it's not fine.
go on without me. i can handle this.
don't tell me i'm too late.
i told you to leave me alone.
there's no use in trying anymore. it's over.
i should have known. i should have known all along.
i need you to be honest with me. tell me the truth. i deserve the truth.
you failed me.
i wish i never met you.
it's over. go home.
i feel something broken inside me. you can't fix it. no one can.
just take some deep breaths. in and out. you're gonna be fine.
you used to be better than this.
there's no way out.
what the hell was that for?
if you stay here, you'll die. do you understand?
how dare you speak to me like that!
am i too late?
you have to believe me. i didn't mean for this to happen.
i used to think you were perfect. i guess i was wrong.
so this is how it ends? just like that?
we're running out of time.
when were you going to tell me the truth?
how long has it been since we spoke? feels like years.
when did this start? how long has this been going on?
you never really loved me. it was all fake.
who was that? why were they here? why did you let them in?
i came as fast as i could.
what the hell did you think would happen?
can i even trust you?
i don't know who i am anymore.
i can't lose you again.
you are my biggest regret.
what good will it do?
just keep pressure on the wound, okay?
how could you do this to me?
i said get out! get out of here!
i'm never speaking to you again.
i tried to stop it!
you're so fucking stupid.
it's never been okay.
good riddance.
get out of here! i'll handle this!
i can't believe you. i can't believe you did this to me.
you were a good person once. i looked up to you.
i never should have listened to you. i'm such a fool.
don't lie to me! i know when you're lying!
why the hell did you do that?
i've never been wanted. not really. not by anyone.
i never loved you.
i've been dealing with this my whole life.
it was all a lie.
you forgot my birthday.
i'm a monster.
you actually believed that shit?
you think i would just stick around and let you treat me like that?
are you actually leaving?
can i kiss you one last time?
i can't believe i gave up my life for you. i gave up everything for you.
i can't lose you, too!
for what it's worth, there's no one i would rather fight alongside.
hang on for me, all right? don't leave me. please don't go.
i deserve better than this. i deserve better than you.
good! get out of here! i didn't want you here anyway!
i made it up as i went along.
things are going to get worse before they get better.
i don't think we're getting out of this alive.
we're not gonna make it.
get the fuck out of my face.
i don't think i'm meant to be loved.
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sacriels-a · 2 years ago
“youre so mean” if you guys werent fucking stupid i wouldnt have to be mean to you. change starts with you
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