incorrectmira · 5 years
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incorrectmira · 5 years
Hey Eliza, what are your favourite things too do with Mira?
“Watch movies and just relax. That’s something we both need to do more often than we can right now. It’s great to unwind and not worry about anything.”
-Eliza “Ash” Cohen
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incorrectmira · 5 years
[I did it guys! I’ve started writing that MirAsh fic and I have a feeling its gonna be my absolute fave to write thus far.]
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gang World, Gangs, Crimes & Criminals, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Journalism, Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, News Media, Mild Language Summary:
Eliza Cohen, AKA Red, has spent most of her life wanting to be a detective, but working for L.A. Times was just as good, especially since most of the staff were considered the lowest role in society. That paired with her love for investigation and photography made her one of the best journalists out there, but after a run-in with the wrong people, she’s about to find out just how much she loves her job.
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incorrectmira · 5 years
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Anyone know who the artist is? I’ve been trying to find out for days
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incorrectmira · 5 years
So, how does Mira woo Ash ?
“Very carefully ;) “
-Elena “Mira” Alvarez
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incorrectmira · 5 years
There’s one (1) think in Disney’s Mulan that irks me.  The jaw line.  Mulan’s jaw line is drawn differently when she’s acting as Ping. No kidding: this is her “regular, Fa Mulan” face. In this version her jaw is even highlighted by the makeup. Look how round is it.
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and this is her Ping jaw. Square. Totally square.
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WHY?????  Isn’t consistency in the character base shapes like, an important thing??
Not to mention how she immediately regains her long lashes as soon as she is exposed. With her round jaw obviously.
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incorrectmira · 5 years
Mira x Nøkk HC
Nøkk team kills anyone who talks shit about Mira. This has resulted in bans.
When she can't kill the shit talkers, she steals their kills.
While in training, Nøkk has had a round where she killed anyone on the attacking team that talked shit about Mira, then proceeded to kill Mira's team, besides her. Just to prove not to fuck with them. (Harry had to talk to her afterwards)
Nøkk will fucking decimate her entire team if they harm Mira.
Only Nøkk can harm Mira
Mira talks about gadgets and other interests with Nøkk.
Even if Nøkk doesn't understand, she'll happily listen and admire Elena.
Nøkk gets into Mira's closet, and dresses in her clothes.
Nøkk has never lied to Mira, because Mira's never asked the questions she cannot answer.
She doesn't like Kali or Ash because of how they treat and talk about Mira.
She would watch Elena work, and if she fell asleep in the Tech Lab, she'd carry her to her room.
Mira walks around with a remanence of Nøkk's lipstick.
She is taking secret Spanish lessons so to speak with Mira's family
But doesn't tell Mira, so that they can still have private lessons together.
Mira gets pulled into conversations with Nøkk's mother
Miras idea of a date is convincing Nøkk to cuddle with her while she finishes writing reports. Or taking her out on long walks, or drives.
If Mira admires something, it would appear outside her door the next day.
Nøkk doesnt do anything without asking Mira, out of respect because Mira is not only her wife but her superior
Mira probably gets Nøkk out of trouble.
She loves to talk to Nøkk, and tell Nøkk how much she loves her
Wherever Mira is, Nøkk is nearby. Like a shadow.
Nøkk could give Mira a certain type of look and she’d immediately know what she meant.
Nøkk is up front, in your face, aggressive while Mira is petty, doing small things to keep annoying people away.
Mira smells like Lavender, this often is rubbed off onto Nøkk
Just as Nøkk's honey scent has rubbed off onto Mira.
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incorrectmira · 5 years
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Our lovable Spaniards having fun xD
Thanks for the request!
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incorrectmira · 5 years
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Elena “Mira” María Álvarez - In THE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS.
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incorrectmira · 5 years
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You know how to make me want you
 Drunk again sipping on your bath water 
 Inspired by this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN70EiptO2Q
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incorrectmira · 5 years
May I ask 6, 10, 22, 37 & 47 for Ash/Mira?
Ooo some Ash/Mira, of course. Thank you!! 
OTP Ask Meme
6: Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
Both of them do this. Ash will stay up late doing her endless paperwork, eventually she’ll catch a glimpse of Mira asleep in bed and decided to set the paperwork aside and watch her for awhile. 
Mira will stay up going over blueprints and ideas for some of the other operators gadgets and look over to see Ash sleeping soundly next to her. That’s usually when she puts her work away for the night to watch her sleep for a bit until she finally falls asleep too.
10: Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
Mira. When Ash is extra annoying she’ll find her phone when she’s in the shower and change it to something loud and obnoxious. 
22: Who texts more often?
Ash does, mainly because she’s like the ‘head’ of Rainbow and Six usually need updates and I can see her being kinda annoying and texting Mira nonstop about getting updates on the gadgets she’s working on. 
37: Which one offers their jacket to the other when they complain they feel cold? 
I want to say neither because they would both be too stubborn to admit they were cold because they knew the other would yell at them for not wearing the right clothing. 
47: Who says I love you first? How did it happen?
Mira does and it’s during a mission. Ash or MsKickInTheDoor as Mira likes to call her ended up rushing a little too soon and ended up getting injured upon entry. As Ash is getting patched up by her and probably Doc…mostly Doc, Mira is ridiculing her for rushing ahead before they knew what was behind the door and that she should be more careful. Once Ash can get a word in she asks ‘why she cares so much, she does her job one way, Mira another’. The answer she got back wasn’t what she was expecting. Mira goes quiet, locking eyes with her and say ‘it’s because I love you’. 
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incorrectmira · 5 years
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Coffee Break 
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incorrectmira · 5 years
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Elena María “Mira” Álvarez in the cinematic “The Tournament of Champions” - Six Invitational 2020
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incorrectmira · 5 years
Bruh, I’ve recently found Ash/Mira and omg *bisexual noises*
IKR?? I LOVE THAT SHIP IT’S GOOD STUFF 👌😍I mean, it has: two hot and interesting girls, height differences, both are engineers and while one is the boss of R&D the other is like the second in command or unofficial leader of the whole team, and finally a rivalry to spice things up! The possibilities to play with all that are endless.
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incorrectmira · 5 years
Fluffy ship prompt for your consideration: someone asks their crush out for the first time (I had Ash and Mira in mind, but it could be for whoever you want)
I love this ship so yeeee thank you for the prompt! (Also sorry there’s no keep reading. Mobile doesn’t have it...)
Too Shy - Mira x Ash
If there was one thing that scared Ash to death, it was dating. Not that she didn’t enjoy it, but she had a hard time relaying her feelings to whoever she was currently crushing on. Her personality didn’t make it easy for her to form anything more than professional relationships with her peers, and if any of them liked her even just a little, she was pretty oblivious to it. That didn’t matter to her right now for she was sitting on the grass of the stadium waiting for the next training session to start. She had seen the lineup and she became slightly nervous after seeing a certain operator’s callsign on the list.
“All operators, please report to your starting stations. Training will commence in sixty seconds.”
Ash sighed quietly after Harry’s voice sounded throughout the stadium. It was time, and she desperately hoped she wouldn’t run into the one person she’d been trying to avoid all day, but as soon as she joined her team, she saw her.
Mira was walking out onto the field alongside Caveira who currently had her arm around the older woman. Ash couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy as she watched the two women laugh about something; the feeling diminished when Mira had met her stare and nodded in greeting. Ash returned the gesture with a tight lipped smile. She watched the two women enter the building and silently cursed to herself.
A hand on her shoulder caused her to jump and turn to see who was attempting to get her attention. It was none other than her colleague and good friend, Castle. He was one of the only people to know about her crush on the Spanish operator, yet he never teased her about it, only told her to tell Mira when the time was right. He was always a good friend to her, and she never thought she could thank him enough.
“Liza, the other ops were asking if we could get together and devise a plan. They see you as the leader, so I came to ask.”
Ash looked back at her team and decided to join them. She would make sure they won, even if it was just training.
The entire plan was going as discussed, at least it was until Ash was the last person “alive” during the final round. It was match point, and they hadn’t expected the defenders to have Wamai on their team since he was still technically new. Yet, here she was alone and running out of time as the training announcer relayed the thirty second warning. The red haired operator groaned and quietly walked up the west stairs towards the office. She checked her corners and found that the office was clear, at least from what she saw. As soon as she started planting the defuser, the person hiding in the corner moved towards her slowly. The sound of a gun being moved grabbed her attention, her head whipping around to the source of the noise.
“Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.”
Ash hesitated when she noticed who it was. She gasped and stopped planting the defuser to try and knife the person behind her, but that didn’t go as smoothly as she anticipated, only because it was Mira, and the older woman’s reflexes were a tad bit faster; she had caught Ash’s wrist and pressed her Vector to the Israeli op’s temple.
“Perdóname, princesa, pero tengo que ganar.”
Mira smirked at Ash when the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of training. She had run out of time, and that’d be another loss. She yanked her wrist away from Mira’s grasp and wrapped her arms around herself. She was upset with herself for letting her guard down, especially in front of the one person who could turn her into a nervous train wreck.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You look upset, and you’re normally more observant than that.” Mira’s tone was sincere when she spoke, and her actions did nothing to ease her nerves. She wrapped an arm around Ash and sat next to her, pulling the redhead close against her side.
“Nothing. I just need more sleep,” she lied. It was hard to focus enough when she was in the same room as her, but hesitating when they came face to face, that was a new one. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”
Mira removed her arm when she saw one of her teammates run into the room. Before she could tell Mozzie to leave, Ash cleared her throat and stood. “She’ll be out in a second. Give us a minute, please.” The Australian man nodded in understanding before he jogged out of the room.
“Now we’re discussing things?”
Ash let out a deep breath and looked at the wall to her side. It was now or never. “I need to tell you something, and I need to do it now before I chicken out again.”
Mira looked hopeful at those words, yet she still felt nervous.
“I really like you, and maybe we could catch a movie sometime. I’ll understand if you don’t like me back, not many people do.” She paused in her speaking to look at Mira, to gauge her reaction, but she immediately became flustered when she noticed how hard she was trying not to laugh. “I mean, I don’t mind being just friends, I just needed to tell you. Elena please stop laughing.” She was already regretting her choices as she watched the Spanish woman hold her sides. She was red in the face and wheezing from laughing.
Mira was finally able to compose herself after a moment and she quickly apologized. “Sorry, Ellie. I just find it funny how I came into training with the same intentions and I was sure you’d reject me, but here we are with you doing it, but I’m going to agree to going out with you. I really like you too.”
Ash let out a sigh of relief and wrapped her arms around the shorter operator, holding her tightly. Mira returned the embrace with vigor. She was finally glad that Ash knew how she felt, and she was even more ecstatic that the red haired woman felt the same.
They pulled away from one another and couldn’t help but giggle and grin like idiots.
“Thank you, for not being so observant this time around.”
“Anything for you, Elena.”
They were eventually sought out by Harry himself who apologized for interrupting them. He waited for them to grab their items and exit the building.
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incorrectmira · 5 years
Mira x Nøkk
Nokk stood infront of Mira's Mirror, bouncing up and down, side to side, completely aware that the woman could see her through it.
1v1, a piece of cake.
The movements proceeded as she heard the loading of the weapon, it only took two swift movements and this dual would be over.
"Nokk, I cannot take you seriously when you do this."
Continuing to do so, mockingly putting her hands up as though she was ready to punch someone, "Come out and fight me, you attractive stranger," speaking louder than usual, she knew how Mira would react.
She had Mira where she wanted, hearing the woman's hand land against the mirror, but instead of it opening, a laugh emerged.
Stopping in her tracks, Nokk looked at the mirror, imagining the woman behind it, weapon hanging at her side, bent against it, attempting to keep every laugh quiet.
She stood there stunned for a moment, it was the first time she'd heard Elena laugh, even though they spent a decent amount of time around one another. Her laugh was extraordinary, playing over in her mind once more.
The hiss from the canister alerted her as Elena and Nokk locked their gaze, "You should really run or duck, do something."
This was not what Harry knew Nokk for, this was not what she wanted to be known for, but Elena seemed to cast this spell over her sometimes. She couldn't admit it to herself, nor even Elena. Quickly changing to a smug grin, "But then I'd miss this beautiful picture."
I really wanted to end it with Nøkk asking for a kiss, but her smugly flirting with Mira before getting shot is good too.
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incorrectmira · 5 years
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“Look at all the fucks I don’t give Meghan, look at them.”
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