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mai-col · 9 days ago
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More stuff with these idiots (a continuation of this post).
(also, I MIGHT have disregarded their canonical weapons. But let's face it, I also disregarded a lot of other canonical details, soooo...)
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mujinzzzzz · 8 months ago
i have over 2,000 hours in skyrim and im just now learning you can tell all of the companions about skjor's death ??? have you always been able to ??? this is sad hello ??
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elderscrollsconceptart · 11 months ago
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snowy-weather · 5 months ago
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Developmentober day 16: 'the entertainment has arrived.'
(This was yesterday's prompt, I just didn't end up posting this yesterday. ^^; )
It's been a hot minute since I drew any of these characters. Anyway, here's Torvar making a fool of himself.
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 5 months ago
Torvar: I know what I'm going to be for the Witches Festival — drunk!
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skyrimtournaments · 8 days ago
Best Marriage Candidate Tournament: Round 1
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Torvar is a member of the Companions, and something of a drunk. He can be married once you're the Harbinger. Sorex works at the Winking Skeever in Solitude, and aspires to run it once his father- the owner- dies. He can be married once you've delivered a bottle of rum to Falk Firebeard for him.
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somemaycallthisjunk · 1 year ago
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Torvar, waking up from a 3 day coma after going on an absolute rager, so out of it that the Companions thought he was dead and asked the Jarl to break the news to Eochaid: Hey guys, what'd I miss
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He's not even the first Companion to come back from the dead in Eochaid's save
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helgiafterdark · 1 year ago
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running late for dad's funeral
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motherofcats666 · 1 year ago
My girl accidentally started a brawl with the Companions. I found Farkas and Torvar walking to Bthardamz so I decided to watch and see what they did, and then this happened. OOPS 🤣 Sorry Farkas... And WHERE DID ATHIS COME FROM!? Also you can hear her speak in this one.
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bigvampa · 1 year ago
Minor video game blood warning (just a few splashes of it, nothing insane)
Anyways, is it normal for the companions I killed to come back to life and haunt me for what I've done or...?
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nooklingposting · 2 years ago
I personally think Farkas has a crush on the player. Everyone just sees him as an ice-brain, not smart enough, and have done his whole life. Even some of the newer companions can be heard talking back to him. But we don't.
It seems like we're special from the start, he's nicer to us than any of other the companions right from day one. We see a softer, friendlier side to Farkas (eg: 'I hope I didn't scare ya' being his first concern after being surrounded by enemies) - we never really hear him be so friendly to the other members (think the training conversation with Torvar), and that's why we fall for him.
I think he'd be shocked if we chose to marry him. Yeah he shoots his shot, but like I said, he's used to everyone seeing him as an oaf. Then here we are, the Harbinger, showing him the same kindness and emotional investment that he gave us in the beginning. He deserves it.
I just think he's neat.
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mai-col · 18 days ago
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Yeah they probably get along just FINE
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year ago
Decidere di aprire il link della diretta sanremo per curiosità e ritrovarmi Allevi è destino.
Dio, è così strano vederlo così vecchio, ero stata a un suo concerto una volta da più piccola e mi ero fatta anche la foto con lui, era tanto dolcino 🥺
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kagedbird · 2 years ago
Continued from this Taliesin: *frowning the more Vilkas, Ria, Farkas, and Aela continuously try to talk to Allora, along with Torvar, Athis making side commentary about her outfit; Njada constantly trying to degrade her; Skjor making snarky commentary and agitating the young woman more. He leans over to Allora to murmur in her ear* I do believe these are the nastiest friends of yours I've ever met. Do tell me your standards aren't always so low? Allora: *used to all the bullshit Skjor and Njada are spewing, desperately trying to remain professional and polite with the quad, and ignoring Athis and Torvar* I picked you up into my group, didn't I? Taliesin: Well, ouch. That was unnecessarily true. Good to know you're sense of character is at an all time high, seeing as you did still take me in regardless. Allora: *snickers, leaning close and bumping her arm against his softly* Who could say no to a pretty face like yours? Taliesin: Indeed, I am quite handsome. Thank you for noticing. Allora: We love the confidence, Tally. *sips her mead with juniper, sighing afterwards* At least no one has asked me to- Torvar: H- *hic* hey, why don't you give us *hic* a song? Can't be a party without a song! Allora: -aaand I spoke too soon. Taliesin: *remembering the last time she sang to a dragon, giving her a terrified glance* What? Sing? Here?! You'll bring the entire building down! Allora: *snorts and laughs, covering her mouth and setting down her drink* Haha- hahaha! N-no, haha! That only h-happens when I use my magick, hahah. We're fine. I've sung at a lot of taverns, don't worry. You're silly. *to Torvar and the others whose attention were caught* Sorry, but I didn't bring my lute with me. Ria: We have plenty of instruments here! Feel free to borrow one. Taliesin: *under his breath* Are all of them so daft they can't understand not wanting to do something? Vilkas: *sneers* We didn't ask for your opinion, knife ears. Aela: If Allora didn't want to perform, she would let us know. Did you not want to? Allora: *gives a firm stare at Vilkas before tugging on her under fur armor sleeves nervously* Well... I don't really know what to perform tonight. And I promised Bren I wouldn't stay too late. Njada: I doubt your performances are much of anything anyways. I'm tired of hearing those two raving about your singing. Allora: Congratulations, I'm not singing. You win. Are you happy about it? *rolls her eyes* Torvar: Ni- *hic* nice going, Njada. Athis: I still say we could be spending our time doing something better like training. None of these festivities are helping us muster our strength. Farkas: Rest days are just as important as doing the work outs. Train too hard and you will be too exhausted to fight. Just take it easy for today. Njada: Yeah, I'm sure Allora knows all about taking it easy. Allora: *too tired for this shit* You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid. *sips her drink, uncaring* Taliesin: *guffaws as the table has various spit takes or choking noises*
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snowy-weather · 2 years ago
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Some doodles! ^^ I had a lot of fun with these. 
All TES V Skyrim-based. Some OCs, some NPCs. 
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 2 years ago
The Companions in the training yard, doing team exercises:
Artanis: Are you upset you don’t get to be on the same team as Vilkas?
Farkas: Have you ever played a game with Vilkas?
Artanis: No . . .
Farkas: Have you ever been trapped in a cage with a cave bear?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the yard:
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