#toriel is knitting frisk a scarf :]
bleepzip · 2 years
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winter on the surface ❄️
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capricioussun · 10 months
underfell Papyrus knitting scarves for everyone he cares abt. they're all emo and stuff with skulls and bats and knives because he has to make sure all his friends know he’s still cool
undyne loves hers and alphys is mortified bc she knows Undyne will make her wear it in public (the things we do for love 😔) mettaton also loves his, Sans is so. Tired. But he loves his brothwr and will wear the dorky scarf.anyway <3
Frisk is just glad he didnt put final fantasy belts on theirs (its also bery well made and warm so theyre just vibing). Toriel also loves hers. asgore gets a store bought scarf but considering papyrus was one of like three people to give him a gift at all he’s grateful all the same
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nachosforfree · 1 year
After they get up to the surface, Toriel tries teaching Papyrus how to knit. He manages to make one scarf for frisk.
Berdly sometimes plucks out his feathers as a stim. Also, hes a minecraft purist, and he mains Waluigi in mario kart.
Kris really likes pesto gnocci.
i love these headcanons omg
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animalinvestigator · 3 years
have you ever designed adult Chara and Frisk?
I dont really think about it very much but i did a little doodle just for you :)
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secret-time-is-here · 4 years
An Error’s Journey
Chapter 5
Previous - First - Next 
TW: Talk of death, killing, and cannibalism.
Waking up, he stared at the ceiling for a moment, heavily confused.
What was that dream? Why did he remember all of it? Why was Hearts going by Lust? Why did everything feel so familiar? Were they memories?
Far too many questions, far too early.
Slowly he sat up, reaching for the glasses he knew he had nearby. Looking down he fell asleep in his day clothes, half-heartedly he misses when he could easily wear the same clothes every day, but that’s a price you have to pay for sanity.
He could’ve sworn he was knitting before he fell asleep, and was definitely not tucked in or laid down. Nightmare must’ve come in to check on him at some point.
He pulled the strings from his eyes as he carefully got off his hanging bed. Being mindful to not have it swing too much or else it’ll whack him in the back, and let his magic open up the curtains and grab a change of clothes as he started a shower. Also setting the clothes and his glasses on the counter.
Those dreams were far too detailed. He nearly never had dreams in the first place, let alone that vivid and so many back to back. Hearts doesn’t go by Lust anymore, not after he joined Nightmare.
Hearts had always said that Lust was a name he used to use, one a beloved ex of his repurposed and he was always so hesitant to let go of it, but when he left the Star Council and started a new life apart of Nightmare’s gang, he decided it was time to let go.
Why would he dream of dating Hearts in the first place? He was with Blue, and while they are on opposing sides, they still love each other. Both agree Hearts is safer and happier with Nightmare, and Blue safer and happier with Dream.
He’s happily single thank you very much. Far too many mental instabilities to even think of a relationship at the moment, that wasn’t changing no matter how much Reaper flirted with him.
So what were those dreams? Why did they give him such emotion?
He shook off the thought, for now, changing into his clothes before giving himself a once-over in the mirror.
The reflection of a skeleton with coal bones stared back at him, mismatched eye lights sitting in his sockets and bright blue tear tracks under his eyes. One of his eyelights was plain white, like most Sans’ have, the other was deep blue ringed with a murky yellow.
His neck was bright red for no other reason than to show how much of an error he was inside and out, but he had a dark blue scarf around his neck to hide most of it. His dark red shirt fit him for the first time in centuries, much like his black patchy jacket. Looking down his pants were baggy and long, but overtime staying in Nightmare’s mansion, he grew into them, since he’s no longer staying in a place where time is paused infinitely. Looking at his feet, his toes wiggled on top of his black flip-flops.
He was missing something… looking back at the counter, he grabbed his glasses, then back in the mirror, he saw that handsome bastard he knew so well.
Smirking he grabbed his phone before heading down to the kitchen, most everyone already gathered there, most sitting at the kitchen island, a few at the couches decorating the walls.
“MORning.” He called, voice glitching.
“Good morning, Error.” Nightmare called, “Get some coffee before Killer drinks it all.”
Nightmare was one of the eldest in the Multiverse and had collected a gang of so-called bad sans’ to wreak havoc upon the multiverse, a sort of payback for being outcasted. While Nightmare refused to talk about his past, the gang knew that his goop was not natural, as the dark guardian had confessed once upon a time he didn’t look like a perpetually dripping blob of a skeleton with a single cyan eye.
The odd goop that surrounds Nightmare thankfully doesn’t soak into everything, so he can still wear most clothing without a problem. Even though he doesn’t change from the black hoodie, shorts, and slippers he wears every day.
“I’m not drinking all of it!”
“You’ve had three cups already. You got in the kitchen six minutes ago.”
Killer was one of the several Sans’ Nightmare had collected for his crew and was from a genocide gone horribly wrong, Frisk convincing him to kill everyone. Frisk did this over and over through many resets, and it slowly tore Killer apart. By the time Nightmare found him, he was very much insane, desperate to get rid of the guilt that was eating at him. He had so much negativity, that he had black tears running from his sockets, and his eyelights gone.
Nightmare offered to let him in and help him, and unknowingly, Killer had accepted. Today, Killer’s wearing a long-sleeved black turtleneck and basketball shorts with sneakers and socks, his old tattered hoodie resting around his shoulders. For once, he even has a single eye lit up, a sign that he’s happy.
“Morning, Ru!” Hearts called patting the seat next to him, “How’d ya sleep?”
Hearts was wearing a comfortable knitted sweater that Error had made for him last Giftmas. Since he was no longer plagued by that unbearable heat, he can wear it without discomfort. Alongside that, he’s wearing comfy but thin black sweats along with fluffy socks.
“WEiRd.” Error shrugged, sitting down next to Hearts after stealing some coffee from Killer, “Just sOmE Odd dREams thOugh, hOpEfully, tOnight I wOn’t havE thEm again.”
“Night terrors?” Nightmare questioned
“No… I think thEy might bE mEmORiEs, but it’s hard to say. ThEy wERE cOnfusing thOugh, sO I’m trying nOt tO think tOO much abOut it.”
“Sounds like the multiverse in a nutshell,” Cross spoke up from the doorway, having just woken up. Horror let out a gruff chuckle at that.
Cross and Horror were also skeletons that Nightmare had found. Dust being the other one he had found, although the stupidly tall skeleton loves to sleep in. Dust came from a genocide gone wrong as well, except he killed out of desperation, how would Frisk be able to kill everyone if he did it himself? Although after Dust killed his brother he snapped. His eyes seem to forever shake and are mismatched like Error’s. Both red, but one with an inner ring of blue.
 Nightmare found Dust talking to himself, or seemingly so, his mind so gone that he imagined his brother as a ghost that follows him, telling him to kill more. If Dust was awake and downstairs, he’d probably be wearing his brother's scarf and his hoodie paired with long trek pants as well as slippers.
Horror didn’t come from a genocide but did come from a very dark AU that had a famine, and after so much time without food, to survive many turned to eat each other. The first time Nightmare and Horror met, Horror had tried to cut Nightmare up and eat him. At the moment, Horror’s not trying to eat everything and anything but is cooking breakfast for everyone. 
Wearing his apron, a fluffy hoodie he stole from Cross, and his normal faded t-shirt, he smiles wide. Although, much like Killer and Dust, he also wears basketball shorts and slippers. Yet, unlike everyone else, his AUs story left him with a jagged hole in the side of his head and only one bright red working eye.
Finally Cross, the one that changed the gang. The only one that hasn’t gone insane. After Cross joined, Nightmare started helping everyone else with their insanity, and eventually helped himself as well. Cross doesn’t wear the uniform his AU had forced him into anymore but does still keep some elements of his old outfit. He has his fluffy hoodie that he kept, that Horror enjoys stealing far too much, but he also kept his black turtleneck. Aside from that, he got rid of everything else, relaxing with black athletic pants and dark sneakers.
He’s the only one that looks the most like a sans appearance-wise, his eyes both white, with no scar insight. The gang says that one of his eyes used to be red, with a red scar under it. Nightmare has confirmed this but says that the reason behind that was he was sharing a soul with a human, and that now that the human has been taken care of, the red eyelight and scar are gone.
“Any… um... Pa-...pl-” Horror struggled for a moment, his injury messed with his head a lot, making it harder to speak and get sentences out. Everyone waited patiently, “Plans! Any plans?”
“Hmm… PlannEd On hanging Out with REapER, LifE, and MERcy fOR lunch. SpEnd sOmE timE with thE Charas, makE suRE IntEnt is kEEping thEm all undER cOntROl. ThEn dROp by CcinO’s, why?”
“We were thinking about a movie night later.” Dust popped his head through the door, twitching a little less than usual, a good sign. That means his brother hadn’t been keeping him up all night.
“I’ll have tO gEt gOing sO I can makE it back sOOnER thEn, dOn’t I?” Error spoke with a smirk, and Horror’s smile widened.
A few portals later, to hide his trail to Nightmare’s base, he arrived in Reapertale. He passed many Gods on his way to Life’s realm, and he waved to each of them, everyone knowing him well, a long-time friend of the Gods.
“There you are, Error, I was beginning to think you forgot.” Life spoke, sitting on the deck of her cottage. Reaper a few feet away from her, floating as he sat.
Life was the Toriel of ReaperTale, but also as the nickname suggests the Goddess of life and nature. She is a goat monster with fluffy white fur, red eyes, and a flowing green silk dress with golden accents.
“Heya, Ru,” Reaper cooed, Error rolled his eyes. “Mercy couldn’t make it this time, few more souls than usual. You know how it is.”
Reaper is the God of death, his younger brother, Mercy, the God of merciful death. Both of them wearing dark cloaks tied with a rope, both having their own tokens. Reaper a small gaster blaster skull holding together the hood of his cape, and Mercy a long wisping red scarf.
“Alright, make sure to tell him ‘Hi’ for me some time then,” Error sat on the deck with them, and pulled out his knitting, “How have you two been?”
“Same old Same old,” Life sighed, “Not much to do for me, although Reaper has a little something~”
“Tor, come on, thought you agreed you’d keep that a secret.”
“Awww, yOu lEft mE Out Of a sEcREt?” Error faked betrayal, “HOw cOuld yOu?!”
“You watch too much UnderNovela...” Error gave pouty eyes, “Fine Glitch. Ink and I have been cuddling a bit outside of work. Just Queerplantonic cuddling, nothing more… right now.”
“YOu bEttER nOt lEt DREam or NightmarE knOw yOu caught fEElings DEath,” Error chuckled, Reaper scoffed.
“What about you, Error?” Life asked, setting a cup of tea down in front of Error.
“Had some weird dreams… but nothing much more than that. The war is still going on, but I complain about that nearly daily.” Life and Death gave confused looks, as if asking him to elaborate, “I think they might be memories, but it’s hard to say. They weren’t really about me… they could be, but I doubt it.”
“What do you mean by that?” Reaper rested on his stomach, head cradled in his hands, still floating in the air.
“Well, the dreams were about some Classic timeline, a skeleguy named Sci who’s dated Hearts back when he was Lust.” Error stopped his knitting and picked up the tea, “I know it has to be Hearts, he’s the only UnderLust timeline with a human named Ace and a brother named Pink.”
“Well, it might not be far-fetched that you’re from a classic timeline, and we all know that you haven’t always been an error and that you do get the occasional flash of something with the right prompting.” Error hummed, “Did this Sci guy act a lot like you?”
“...Admittedly, yeah. We even have the same glasses.” Error tapped the rim of his glasses, the same he saw in the first dream.
“Maybe you’re going to be slowly dreaming through your past life for a bit?”
“I know we’re literally Universe travelers and Gods, but that’s a little crazy, don’t ya think?”
“Well, you don’t remember anything before the AntiVoid, so it’d be a fair theory to say the AntiVoid is the reason you can’t remember anything… and you moved out of there some years ago.” Life reasoned, “Maybe without its influence your memories are starting to come back.”
“Maybe...” Error’s phone buzzed, and he looked at the new text.
Intent was losing control of the Charas, they ran out of chocolate. The destroyer chuckled. “Sorry guys gotta get going, Intent needs me. Thanks for listening to my weird bullshit though.”
“Anytime, Glitchy.”
His mind flashed and he was in the dark world of the save screen, Reaper cuddling close, his chest hurting from a long red slash across it.
Sneaking into the Omega Timeline was absolutely terrible the first time he had done it, but now it had become routine. Alongside his glitching, he learned that he could manipulate his code to look like any Sans he wanted, and even match their voice, although it put a slight strain on his soul if done too long.
Looking like a Classic Sans, he got a secret identity in the Omega Timeline, a small workshop under his false name that he uses to sell his crafts giving him some G to use to buy gifts for the gang, the Gods, and the Charas.
Pulling a pouch out of his pocket, he walked to the grocery store, buying several fun-sized snack packs of chocolate for his idiot humans, before heading out to the pocket space that all the Chara’s lived in.
By accident, he discovered the space and all the Chara’s living there years ago, and regrettably, grew close to all of them. Intent acted as the main parent of the house like pocket space, and Error was the punny uncle that saved them with his copious amounts of chocolate.
He arrived and before he could even knock on the door, he was jumped on by many Charas. Intent was quick to pull them all off before he crashed.
“Sorry, Error, they’re all a little cranky and are coming down from a sugar high. Brats found where I’ve been keeping the chocolate and ate all of it at once.” Intent explained, red eyes glaring at the younger ones.
Intent was one of the eldest of the Chara’s and the only one willing to take an active role as caretaker. Their Frisk long since paused and seeming to not be returning to the underground. When he had first found all of them, the eldest of the Chara’s, not so cleverly nicknamed Dest, had pulled him aside and explained things. 
The pocket space they live in is the in-between of the in-between. The space that separates the Void from the AntiVoid. Time is slow, but not at a complete stop. It’s connected to everywhere, and nowhere at once. From the pocket space, the Chara’s can live and go check on their Frisk’s as they please. Although with so many new AUs recently, a lot of them are young.
Intent’s timeline is the first Genocide timeline, long since abandoned by everyone, all the characters dead except Frisk. Dest’s timeline is the original timeline, and they keep a very close eye on their Frisk, who’s been on the surface for years now.
Thanks to Error, things had been more liveable and far less confusing. With his knitting and newfound hobby of sewing, he made them all new clothes and bought necklaces from the OmegaTimeline that have their nicknames on them.
Now not everyone’s wearing the same green and yellow striped sweater and brown pants, and a lot of them have their own styles and tastes. Plus, with how slow all of them age, it’s not often that he has to refit them or make new clothes.
“It’s alright IntEnt, thanks fOR gEtting thEm Off mE.”
“Least I could do, now come on punny.”
His mind flashed, showing the image of a young Chara and Asriel, both clambering around his body, and enjoying themselves, laughing happily.
He shook his skull, and Intent gave a concerned look, “Ya good, E?”
“Y-yEah...” Shakily, he followed the other inside.
Error sighed as he sat down at a barstool of his favorite Cafe.
“Hey, Error, bad day?”
“COnfusing day...”
“Strong coffee or extreme hot chocolate?”
“ExtREmE cOcOa,” He reached into his pocket and passed a few G for the drink, “I dOn’t gEt what’s gOing On with mE. FiRst thEsE wEiRd dREams slash mEmORiEs thEn I’m gEtting flashEs Of mEmORiEs I dOn’t REmEmbER-?”
“Woah there, let’s slow down a bit.” Error stopped, hanging on Ccino’s every word, “Deep breath in,” He breathed in deeply, “and let it out slowly.” He exhaled for a long minute. “There? Is the world a little less overwhelming?”
Ccino is from a surface AU, simply owning a cat Cafe and living above it. He has grey eyes and pale bones, usually wearing earthy colors and an apron, although on occasion outside of work he wears a blue hoodie with bunny ears attached to the hood.
Error nodded soundlessly, closing his eyes, “Why don’t you start from the beginning, then I can try and help, but before you start, take a drink, alright? God or not, it’s good to stay hydrated. Even with hot cocoa.” His eyes half opened at the sound of a cup softly landing on the counter. He took a big sip and then began to speak.
“StaRtEd with thE dREams I guEss… thEy wEREn’t abOut mE thOugh, but thEy might bE? At lEast LifE and REapER think sO. ThEy think I might bE REmEmbERing my past nOw that I’m nOt living in thE AntiVOid...”
“And what do you think about the dreams?” Ccino spoke slowly and softly, petting a cat that had jumped up into his arms.
“I dOn’t knOw what tO think.”
“That’s okay. You’re allowed to not have an opinion on things. What do you want to do about the dreams?”
“NOthing Right nOw.”
“Then you don’t have to do anything.”
“I’vE bEEn gEtting flashEs Of mEmORiEs tOO, but I dOn’t REmEmbER thEm. I knOw thEy’RE minE bEcausE it’s in my pERspEctivE, thEy fEEl familiaR. I can REcOgnizE pEOplE in thEm.”
“What do you want to do about the flashes?”
“SEE what happEns with thEm I guEss...”
“Then you can wait and see.” Ccino pulled out his phone for a moment, “Before you leave to Night’s, can you stay a bit longer? Night had put in an order for some sweets and drinks for your movie night.”
Error nodded, and Ccino walked away, going into the kitchen area to work on the order.
“Hello, Error.” A young voice suddenly called, and he froze. The voice was one from his dreams… and one he still knew to this day. He didn’t bother looking over.
“...Hi, CORE.”
“Don’t avoid sleep.” Error slowly turned his head towards Core, “Your dreams will help. I can’t promise all of them will be happy. I can promise that they will help. You need to go through them. Otherwise, the multiverse is destined for peril.” He just gave confusedly.
Core stared back at him, “Why the confused look? I’ve already told you before that I’m the watcher of the Multiverse.” 
Everyone belongs to their respected creators
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askcharaandfriends · 4 years
Can Chara knit in this au or is Frisk the one who can do that?
Frisk knit the mrs mom lady sweater. Toriel taught them, but it isn't like the best knitting ever. It took them a very long time and there are quite a few mistakes.
Chara just started learning from Toriel and picked it up quickly. They have a knack for it. They were able to knit Asriel a scarf and gave it to him for Christmas. It is very well made for a beginner.
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here’s a funny character action post:
so at my workplace we’re doing a secret santa swap tomorrow except it has to be items that can fit in the cardboard tube of a roll of toilet paper because that about sums up this year--so I have a gift wrapped roll of toilet paper for work tomorrow.  I in my infinite wisdom thought: what would the Undertale gang do for this? (I’m using my own AU, the Determined Hearts AU, but I think it’s pretty applicable to classic Undertale)
Toriel: The gift wrapping is impeccably tucked, done in brown packing paper with some string tied up and around the roll.  There’s a white satin ribbon almost as big as the gift on top.  Inside she’s layered strawberry grandma candies in perfect packing positions and there’s a little handwritten note tucked in there too.  It reads, “This is a strawberry!  Put your hands up!”  Eyebrows raised, you do so, only to have Toriel sweep you up into a back-breaking hug. 
Sans: You’re pretty sure this is a roll of toilet paper wrapped in another roll of toilet paper.  You start unwinding it.  It keeps rolling.  It will always be rolling.  You drop the roll.  It unrolls away from you and the very last sheet of paper has a date and time on it.  On that date and time Sans shows up at your doorstep and invites you out to dinner.
Papyrus: Papyrus must have spent an hour or two carefully cutting construction paper into little strips and winding them around the toilet paper roll.  They’re all in shades of orange and blue and they have a pleasing gradient effect to them.  You’re hesitant to tear it open but he shows you with a grin that there’s a little tab on the back, pulling it unwinds the entire wrapping in one piece.  Inside the cardboard roll is a tiiiiiny pewter figurine of Papyrus, and he assures you it’s 1/32 size.
Undyne: You about drop the gift upon Undyne putting it into your hands, and you boggle at the fact this appears to be a roll of toilet paper wrapped in a close-fitting iron case.  Opening it reveals that the toilet paper has been neatly cut in half so that Undyne could fit a tiny dumbbell inside the case.  You lift the dumbbell, but too late, it’s magical and turns itself full size before Undyne can stop you.  The dumbbell may have about crushed your foot, but you’re sure there’s a good use for it somewhere.
Alphys: Alphys has wrapped her gift in old comics print newspapers, with a small fabric bow on top.  She informs you it’s a hair accessory too, and you carefully affix the bow in your hair before proceeding.  It’s a pink toilet paper roll with a movie voucher wrapped around it.  Blushing, she tells you it’s for two people.  You go to see the latest action/comedy/romance/drama and have an excellent time.
Asgore: Asgore sidles up to you and informs you he’s forgotten about the gift exchange entirely, and coyly slides a crisp 20 dollar bill in your hand.
Frisk: He’s done the wrapping himself and is very proud of this fact, announcing it for everyone to hear.  While the wrapping job isn’t quite as good as Toriel’s, it IS pretty good for a cylindrical object.  Opening the wrapping reveals a necklace with a glassy heart shaped pendant, which he’s made himself during glass-blowing class.
Iris:  She’s wrapped the toilet paper in fabric, strangely enough, but upon unwrapping it you realize the fabric WAS the toilet paper.  She’s knitted you a scarf in every color of the rainbow and its extremely plush and warm.
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starfoam-archive · 2 years
When Lo comes over to babysit today, it might be a surprise that Toriel and Asgore aren't even anywhere to be seen. Usually at least Toriel is around in the kitchen or Asgore's out in the garden. Instead, she's greeted by Kris immediately telling her they need her help upstairs.
Turns out, when they open the door to the playroom, inside is a party. Yes, an honest to God party. There's a banner hanging up that says "Happy Birthday Lorelei" in impressive calligraphy that's almost certainly Chara's doing, and a cake that's clearly been decorated by Susie and Lancer but baked and frosted by Ralsei. There's a pile of presents on the table ... and even Flowey is wearing a little party hat. Probably against his will, but, he hasn't torn it off !
Practically as soon as Kris ushers Lo inside, everyone shouts, "SURPRISE!" and comes in for a big group hug. Dammit, they all love her so much!
When she gets around to opening the presents, there's something from everyone. Since Ralsei, Susie, Noelle, Berdly, and Lancer aren't quite as close to her as the Dreemurrs, they've all gone in on a $50 gift card to her favorite craft shop, and she gets a sentimental (or, in some cases, humorous) birthday card from each of them.
Chara's gift is a beautiful hand-knitted lavender scarf that's dotted with knitted white plumerias, along with a note that says, This took me ten hours to make, and you are worth every single one of them. I love you very much.
Frisk's gift is a cute hardcover journal, and they kind of had the idea that she could use it for her recipes, but it's really up to her how she uses it. Regardless, the cover is a swirling galaxy and night sky, and it says, Stars can't shine without darkness.
Asriel's gift is a basket with a bunch of self-care products, from lotion to face masks to lip balm to bath salts, wrapped up in crinkly purple paper. The card attached to it reads, in his childish handwriting, Treat yourself as nice as you treat us, okay?
Kris' gift is maybe a little more classy than one might expect from them ... unless you're looking closely at it, that is. It's a necklace and ring set, except they aren't really a 'set' unless you count both being made of sterling silver. The necklace is an elegant pendant in the design of a serotonin molecule, and the wring is an adjustable wrap-around that is engraved on the inside with the words, keep fucking going.
Toriel's gift is a new set of knitted oven mitts, and like Chara's gift they're obviously handmade, maybe showing a bit more mature technique. Like Chara's, they have decorations sewn onto them, knitted purple hearts. Asgore's gift is two boxes of Lo's favorite tea along with an adorable purple-and-white teacup that, for some indiscernible reason, is basically what she might look like as a teacup. It's accompanied by a note that reads, I look forward to joining you for a cup!
Even Flowey has something ! It's not as personalized as everyone else's, but surely she has use for a nice big sewing case, with her name plastered on it, that's full of shiny new needles and thread.
There's ... quite obviously a lot of love put into not only the gifts, but the party itself, even though the room is simply decorated. They all adore her so much, and while they try to show it as much as they can otherwise, her birthday is an excuse to be incredibly blatant about it.
If she expresses any kind of disbelief as to why everyone would do all this for her, when her birthday isn't really that special of a day, Kris will be the one to say what the rest of them are thinking :
"This is the day you came into the world, dummy. Of course it's special."
It's been a nice morning, to be sure - she had her dad's kalua pork at midnight, and a nice chat with her family over the phone before going into work today. She closed up early to have a break before school ended, and was now ready to spend a relaxing afternoon at the Dreemurrs' with the kids.
She was sure one of them might note the day, and had considered taking the kids out for cupcakes, but she had never expected this.
It... actually takes her a moment to process what's happening. Between the door opening and the shout of surprise she freezes, and is only broken when Chara (and it is always Chara, which is better than any gift) is the first to start the group hug. She sort of sinks into it, pulling everyone in even as tears (surprised, emotional, happy tears) spill down her cheeks.
How does she even start? How does one give all of these wonderful, thoughtful gifts the appreciation they deserve? She starts by wearing the jewelry from Kris and the scarf from Chara, as well as using some of Asriel's lotion. She can't wear a journal, but the first thing she puts in it is a picture of the group - she got one of those new Polaroids to treat herself earlier that week, and is glad she thought to bring it.
The rest aren't quite as immediately employable, but Toriel and Asgore still both get big hugs (as do Susie and Ralsei, but only if they’re comfortable), and Flowey gets to be carried around for the rest of the party.
It isn't until they all finally settle down that she finally gets a moment to catch her breath - and of course, it's sitting beside Kris, while everyone else is busy doing their own thing, be it cleaning up or helping with dinner. (This was the first time she'd ever been shooed out of the kitchen, because she's the birthday girl, and all the kids want to cook.)
"...You know," she says, "after our chat last night, I went home and started looking for a new therapist. I figured the best thing I could give myself for my birthday was another shot at trying to get healthy."
She takes a moment to take everything in - the mess, the leftover cake, the not-yet-thrown-away wrapping paper and decorations.
"...I think I'll call it a close second, instead."
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onehpwonder-a · 7 years
     give me sans actively avoiding the judgement hall but sometimes being found there, skull painted in artificial light, eye-sockets dark, unresponsive - only to turn around and smile, drop a pun, and immediately make to leave.
     give me sans having tea with asgore, even though he's kinda eh about the guy; give me sans sharing recipes and knitting tips and other craft stuff with toriel through the ruin doors; give me sans being bench pressed by undyne; give me sans and alphys being total dorks about shit; give me sans alone, painted in the dust of his loved ones, feet over the cliffs, listening to their wishes echo through wilting petals and rushing water.
     give me a sans who believed in frisk; believes in frisk. give me a sans who doesn’t know what to do when his hands are shaking and his mouth tastes like ashes and has to wait every damn time to see the fate passed onto them all like judge to executioner as a child walks through ruin doors, dusty or bruised. give me a sans who wants to hold a child tight but also has to drive a knife through their back.
     give me sans who has to constantly pull at a crimson scarf around his neck because its too damn big and keeps getting in the way. give me sans who keeps dodging knives in his dreams, in sunlight stained glass, in every waking moment to the point he legit cant have them in the house. give me sans who’s validated, tbh. give me a sans who loves his friends, family, who’s tired, who’s just. sans.
     give me a sans who geeks out about science or loving to bake but sucks at stove top cooking. give me a sans who always smiles and has a thousand different ones and there’s too damn many. give me a sans who honestly loves his jokes and it breaks his heart when someone actively doesn’t like them or hates him for them. give me a sans who believes in others but not himself. give me a sans who loves fully but expects nothing in return.
     give me a sans who fucking sucks with words. give me a sans who speaks in half-truths and lies and maybes and almosts because he hates making promises because he feels so helpless in promising anything. give me a sans who feels too much and means what he does, not what he says. give me a sans who is constantly frustrated by his own inability with words and the way he can hurt others with such that he feels like he’s gonna cry.
     just give me sans.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 7 years
💀 Buttercup and Cardamom! 🐐
okay so im keeping this in a read more since its really long
⭐Buttercup and Cardamom AU Headcanon Masterpost!⭐
Personality: Kind, patient, intelligent, and shy…
Interests: Reading, Painting and Cooking …
Favorite Food: Avocado and Guacamole…
Fav Color: Gold…
Powers: Flaming bones, blue and orange magic, shortcuts/teleportation and gaster blasters…
Personality: Kind, playful, brave and loyal…
 Interests: Singing, Dancing and Gardening…
 Fav Food: Pie and Ice Cream…
Fav Color: Purple…
 Powers: Flaming bones, blue and orange magic, healing magic and karmic retribution…
1 Buttercup bullied a lot during childhood, thus making Cardamom gain a protective streak.
2 Buttercup is a master chef while Cardamom is the ultimate gardener.
3 Buttercup is bad at gardening (at any kind of outdoor activity) while Cardamom is bad at cooking but is aware of it.
4 Buttercup is a shipper and Cardamom loves to tease them about it.
5 Cardamom LOVES puns, pranks and knock-knock jokes while Buttercup likes puns and jokes but prefers silly animal videos.
6 Cardamom loves fashion while Buttercup is neutral with it.
7 Both love anime and manga.
8 Both of them love Star Wars and Harry Potter.
9 Buttercup has monophobia while Cardamom has a blood phobia.
10 Both siblings would be willing to die for the other.
11 Buttercup and Cardamom have such a strong bond that it’s unbreakable across all alternate universes.
12 Buttercup is not only great at painting and art but with knitting as well.
13 Cardamom loves to do sports, their favorite is basketball.
14 Cardamom also knows all kinds of dance styles.
15 Buttercup would write fantasy novels in the future.
16 Buttercup’s nicknames is Butter while Cardamom’s would be Cardie.
17 If Buttercup had a tumblr blog, it would a mix of his art, his fanfiction and reblogs of cute animals. If Cardamom had a tumblr blog, half of it would be videos of their song covers or original songs that Cardie made and the other half would be reblogs of what their family posted or the things that Cardie likes.
18 Buttercup will suffer from depression during their teenage years but would be pretty good at hiding it and Cardamom would feel sad, scared and powerless at what’s happening to their smaller sibling.
19 Both Buttercup and Cardamom would view Sans as the ‘Fun Parent’, Toriel as the ‘Smart Parent’ and Asgore as the ‘Responsible Parent’. Asgore is considered the ‘responsible one’ because he doesn’t let Butter and Cardie wander by themselves like Sans and Toriel would. (Since that’s what Sans and Toriel do with Frisk in Undertale! XD)
20 Both siblings love video games, specifically the Pokemon games.
21 If Buttercup had a undertale theme song it would be called ‘Star Eyes’ and Cardamom’s would be called ‘Trouble Maker’.
22 Buttercup though shorter, is the older sibling by a few minutes but everyone thinks that Cardamom is older due to Cardie’s height and protectiveness of Buttercup and both of the sibling were born in the summer!
*UF Buttercup- Personality: Selfless, patient, intelligent, and tricky… *Cardamom- Personality: Good-Hearted, mischievous, brave and loyal…
*UF Buttercup would have one red eyelights and the other being gold.
*UF Cardamom would have red and gold eyelights, just like Toriel.
*Buttercup and Cardamom are rougher and edgier then their original counterpart but they are still the same compassionate kids and are undyingly devoted to each other.
*In Flowerfell, FF Sans would give Buttercup his star necklace and would give Cardamom his scarf!
*Buttercup would have Cardamom’s playful and outgoing personality and Cardamom would have Buttercup’s shy yet sweet personality, but they would mantain some of their original counterparts traits and interests. (What they are is up to you!)
4.(Swapfell and Fellswap)
*They’re basically an edgy version of their Underswap selves!
*Buttercup- God of Stars and the Constellations…Powers: Telekinesis, Teleporting, Flight (with wings), star manipulation and can create light that looks like silver fire… *Cardamom- God of Rebirth and Reincarnation…Powers: Telekinesis, Flight (with wings), healing magic, can either create zombies or can reincarnate old souls into the next life…
(Asgore carries his trident (like in Undertale), Sans carries scythes and so Buttercup and Cardamom carry scepters.)
(Buttercup has black wings that have golden tips on the tips of the feathers, while Cardamom has silver wings.)
(Buttercup and Cardamom live with Asgore and Toriel on MT. Ebott (Home of the Monster Gods) but Sans and Papyrus visit as much as they can.)
(On a couple of random notes that are unrelated to the skele-goats, I headcanon that Reapertale Asgore’s powers are all of the elements of the sky including fire, sunlight, lightning, wind, rain, hail and snow…and Asgore has giant golden wings.)
(Actually, all of the gods have wings, Toriel has white wings, Sans + Papyrus have black wings, Undyne has yellow wings, Alphys has blue wings, Gerson has green wings, Muffet has purple wings, Grillby has orange wings, Asriel has rainbow wings and Gaster has dark grey wings with sparkles of purple, blue and orange in them… and if Frisk and Chara became gods they would both have red wings!)
*Cardamom would have star eyes, just like Buttercup.
7.(Storyshift and Altertale)
*The siblings would rule monsterkind together should anything happen to Sans and Papyrus, since Asriel isn’t royalty in these Aus.
8.(UT Mob/Mobtale/Mafiatale)
*They would be born around the time Little Pup/Frisk is a teenager or young adult and after Frisk’s dies of old age, they would take charge of their parents’ gang.
(Let’s pretend Sans was pregnant with Buttercup and Toriel was pregnant with Cardamom around the time of Asgore’s death, shall we?)
*HT Buttercup- Personality: Calculating, patient , and insane… *Cardamom- Personality: Manipulative, loyal (to their family) and insane…
*Buttercup and Cardamom live with Toriel, so they could be safe from the rest of the Underground. Sans, Toriel and even Papyrus are violently protective of them.
*Sans and Papyrus would often visit the ruins to see the kids.
*They would join Aliza on her journey, cause their curious about what the rest of the Underground looks like.
*Cardamom and Buttercup won’t try to eat or hurt Aliza unless she tries to hurt or be mean to either of them…
*Buttercup’s dance style would be Tap Dance and Cardamom’s would know multiple styles, since Cardie is great at dancing in the original universe.
11. (Undersail)
*Skele-Goat Mermaids for the win.
12. (Birdtale)
Buttercup would have Blue and Orange wings and Cardamom would have Red ones.
13. (Overtale)
*Buttercup as a human would have a Soul of Kindness.
*Cardamom would have a Soul of Integrity.
*In this AU, they would be adopted.
*Buttercup would be half-british. (Since Buttercups can come from Europe, including Great Britian.)
*While Cardamom would be indian. (Since the cardamom spice, comes from India.)
14. (Pokemontale)
*Buttercup would have Dragon, Fire and Psychic Types.
*While Cardamom would have Fairy, Plant and Psychic Types.
*Buttercup’s starter would be a charmander, while Cardamom’s starter would be a chikorita.
15. (X-Tale)
*They would join the royal guard, like Sans and Papyrus.
16. (Errortale)
If a version of Error that belonged to a ‘Buttercup and Cardamom Sansgoriel AU’ existed, he would never stop searching for them and if he finds them, he would either be filled with happiness and relief or suffer from a reboot…
17. (Inktale)
Ink would be a troll and jerk to Buttercup and Cardamom, even if they are his kids. (I mean look at Paperjam!)
18. (Underfresh)
A couple of fresh parasites that Fresh gave birth to and are now possessing a version of the siblings? XD
19. (Underlust)
*All monsters are cured from the lust injections in this AU, so Buttercup and Cardamom are pretty much the same here…
20. (Reborntale)
*Buttercup and Cardamom would both be reborn into angels.
21. (Underkeep)
*They both would be a couple of fancy and regal fashionistas and would be called ‘The Little Darlings of Monsterkind’. (In this AU, Buttercup loves fashion almost as much as Cardamom.)
22. (Gaster Blasters AU)
Since only Buttercup can summon gaster blasters, only he can turn into one like Sans and Papyrus…
💖 And those are all my ideas for the Sweet Skele-Goat Siblings! So, what do you think? 💖
th is is way overdue lmao i apologize
there are some that i dont agree with, like the ff one because i quite enjoy it just frans,, 
i dont think sansgoriel will ever happen there tbh lmao
and for the humans, hmmmm 
i could fix that, because someone sent me a buncha human designs which i really like!
i agree that buttercup would be british hm hm
though, with cardamom
they would be a scottish redhead with albinism
freckles are kept
the rest are fine!
probably last post about these two i’ll make for a long time
because i have so many asks and im too tired and too bored to use them
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tia-the-weirdo · 7 years
This story can be found on wattpad @NellynTia
Chapter 2
Error woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm notifying him that it was six in the morning, he groaned as he threw it against the wall, the small device shattering into pieces. He sat up and stretched as a long loud yawn left his mouth, his eyes trailed to his sleeping sons next to him a small smile spread across his face.
Hopping out of bed, Error made a bee-line for the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a quick shower. Once he was finished he quickly got dressed and shook Gradient awake. The two year old whined softly as he was being undressed by his father and the wrapped in a fluffy towel. Error transported Gradient to the bathroom and set him in the tub of warm water after removing the towel. Gradient who was now wide awake wasted no time in splashing the sudsy water on his father. Groaning Error quickly bathed the energetic child and took him out of the bath once he was finished.
By the time Error had Gradient dressed it was 6:30am. He was currently drying off Paperjam's wet body. Quickly dressing the 11 month old he picked them both up into is arms and carefully rushed downstairs to the living room, setting both boys on the couch.
“Okay daddy needs you both to stay here so daddy can warm up your breakfast,” with that said he sped walked into the kitchen and placed a bottle of formula into a pot of hot water and then mixed some porridge for Gradient.
Error heard a crash from the living room and rushed in only to see both his sons pulling books off the shelves, Ink’s books to be exact. Sighing, he picked them up, this time placing them in their respective highchairs to prevent any more chaos. He grabbed their breakfast and fed them both, constantly switching between the two, something he had become very skilled during the past few months of Ink’s absence.
By the time they had all finished breakfast it was 7:15am, fifteen more minutes before they had to leave home. Error took this time to add anything he needed to do to his list.
To do list:
• Take boys to daycare
• Head to work
• Visit Blue and Dream
• Pick kids up…
• Go shopping for groceries etc.
Error put away his list in his pocket and packed Gradients and PJ’s bags making sure they had everything they needed, especially Gradient’s colouring book and Ink’s spare scarf for PJ.
The car ride to the daycare was quiet, PJ had fallen asleep and Gradient just stared at his feet as he sucked on his pacifier. Error sighed, he missed the mornings where Ink would give the kids their little fun pep talk, he missed hearing his wife’s voice and his sons' excited squeals and laughter. Now their mornings were nothing but gloomy, the sky was always overcast these days.
“Daddy?” Gradient called Error.
Glancing back in his rear view mirror he answered, “yes Gradient?”
“We pick mommy up?”
His heart clenched, one would think by now he would be accustomed to the random questions about Ink, but he wasn’t. He blinked back some tears, “no Gradient…mommy is…busy..”
Gradient only replied with a small hum and resumed suckling on his pacifier.
The car came to a halt in front of the Dreemur's home, Toriel had turned part of their house into a small daycare. Error exited the car then got the kids out as well.
Gradient had his little bag on his back as he walked boldly to the front door with Error trailing behind with PJ in his arms wide awake and the baby bag on his shoulder. Gradient smacked the door a couple times before it was opened by Asriel and Frisk.
The two teenagers giggled at the sight of Gradient, their expressions became sympathetic once they laid eyes on Error, they could see he was somewhat stressed. They took the boys from Error with slight difficulty from PaperJam who desperately wanted to stay with his father, but, with much persuasion they managed to calm him down.
A soft sigh escaped Error's mouth as he started the car. He rest his head on the staring wheel, sobs wracking his body. He stayed like that for a few minutes before regaining his posture and cleaning his face. He speedily drove off to work before he arrived late.
Error rushed into the small craft shop, his eyes glued to the glossy white tiled floor, as he hustled to his station he was greeted with 'Good morning's from his co-workers. They all knew of his current situation and would fill is workspace with gifts. Although he found it to be very annoying he was still appreciative of their kind gestures.
A soft groan escaped his mouth as he set his bag down and began pulling random items out. The lack of presents didn’t go unnoticed, he guessed that they finally realized how annoying they were. Error plopped down on his cushioned chair slipping on his round red glasses as he reached for a unstuffed pony he was making and got out some stuffing to fill it with.
Knitting, making stuffed plushies and puppets seemed to calm him down these days, even though he missed when Ink would pass by to help him out. Error was the best at what he does, his co-workers always admired his skills and he wasn’t afraid to teach them a thing or two.
Time passed quickly and Error found that he had completed more than he needed too. He was grateful since he would have less work to do the next day. Looking around he noticed everyone was packing up and getting ready to close the shop for the day, he did the same ensuring all his belongings were in his bag.
It’s was half pass one when Error arrived at Dream’s residence. He parked the car in the empty garage and walked around to the front porch. He didn’t have to knock since Blueberry had made her way outside tackling him to the floor.
“Error I’m so glad you made it,” she squealed in delight.
Error chuckled and gently pushed his best friend off of him, “ I’m happy to see you too Blue…”
Blue bounced around then pulled Error inside to where Dream was finishing a nice apple pie. Error was a bit confused as to why Blue was so excited, usually when they met up she was always gloomy. Had she gotten over Ink’s disappearance already?
Error sat the island in the kitchen and watched as Blue served him some passion fruit juice. He thanked her and took a sip. Dream joined him as they both watched their friend buzzed about the room then ran out the kitchen and upstairs.
“So what happened?” Error asked Dream.
“What do you mean?”
Error turned to him, “Dream, Blue is well…not sad anymore…what happened?”
Dream laughed, “oh that, she said that Ink wouldn’t want everyone to be sad so starting today she’s going to be as happy as she can be…and, she was hoping you’d do the same Error…”
Error stared at his drink for a bit, he knew Blue was right but it was so hard for him, Ink was his everything. He looked up at the guardian sadly, “I wish I could, I mean I try for the boys' sake but I’m not sure how much longer I can keep trying.”
Dream patted Error's back, they had their differences between them concerning Ink but they had put that aside ever since she went missing.
Blue walked back in the kitchen slowly, her happy mood was now nonexistent. She fiddled with her gloves, “guys we have a problem…the police are thinking of giving up on the search for Ink..”
A/N: If you see any grammatical errors notify meh (nicely) thanks.
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smallameangel · 7 years
The moment I saw the assignment, i thought THIS IS SO PERFECT. Especially when we both like Frans. So I read your story and I have a few questions since I would love to do a side story and art based on your AU . First question is , the everyone look and wear what they do from classic ? Or no?
Ok beautiful surprise person! Sorry for the delay, RL is a harsh mistress. ;)
First off, I AM SO GLAD YOU ALSO LIKE FRANS!!!!! AND I’M EVEN MORE EXCITED AND HONORED THAT YOU LIKE MY AU!!!! OMG AHHH! :3 (gee I really need to update that gosh darned story with a new chp… *sigh*)So, to answer your question, no, they don’t all wear the same as ClassicUT. Frisk is given new clothes when she becomes an adult in chp 17, Sans gets new clothes for Gyftmas in chp 25, and Pap’s standard outfit is slightly different. Here’re some details, but feel free to read though those two chps if you want. :)
Sans >> He’s a pretty slender skeleton, though not a thin as Papyrus, but he still wears only comfy, baggy clothing. Sleeveless cyan turtleneck + dark blue zippered hoodie with thick red trim/hood + black stripe shorts. Grey sneakers generally worn outside, though the pink slippers tend to stay on when he’s in a rush. Also wears a braided red ribbon bracelet on his left wrist. Sans’ blaster is shaped like a wolf skull.
Frisk >> Hazel eyes; shoulder-length soft, dusty brown hair; thin-framed, sylph-like form (was a majorette at school); light-golden/sun-kissed complexion aboveground, skin becomes considerably paler once Underground. Long sleeveless rainbow-striped cardigan, thin black turtleneck, red chiffon skirt, black footless tights, red dancer shoes. Also wears a small a milk-white bone bracelet on her left wrist. Her blaster is shaped like a swan skull and is currently strung onto her bracelet for safekeeping (it’s about the size of two quarters side by side).
Chara >> Amber eyes; thick, messy, shoulder-length, chestnut hair; thin-framed but strong build; pale complexion. Green hand-knitted sweater with two thick stripes of yellow in the center, brown + three-quarter length pants. Barefooted.
Papyrus >> Pap’s traditional battle body is the same white breastplate + black spine/appendage armor + blue/yellow bottom part + red boots + red scarf/mittens, but it’s made of metal, so it should be somewhat reflective in bright lights. When not on duty, he tends to wear comfy clothes: Fiery-orange hoodie, black cargo pants, red boots or black sneakers (whichever he gets to first; usually the boots). He wears his red scarf as long as he’s not in a hurry. No mittens indoors. Papyrus’ blaster is shaped like a jaguar skull.
Height >> Sans/Frisk/Chara approx. 5ft2 (a tad bit more than half Toriel’s height). Papyrus approx. 7ft5.
I hope this helps answer your question!
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PazTale- Once Upon a Time
PazTale Chapter One: Once Upon a Time. Word count: 1721. Warnings: minor swearing. ~~~ "Don't go yet! Please, you can't go! NO, JUST A BIT LONGER! TELL THEM I LOVE THEM! TELL THEM A-" Frisk opened their pale-emerald green eyes, staring at the ceiling in front of them. Their green eyes blinked once- twice. Sleepily, they shut them once more, although they were unfortunately awake now. Another nightmare. It was different every night yet he was always there. No matter what happened, he'd always show. "Look around," he said a few months ago, in one of the more peaceful dreams. There was a beautiful buttercup garden surrounding them. "This, this is my kingdom..." He smiled softly as a tear dripped down his cheek. He held out his hand to them and they reached out towards him, ready to take it, when they had sudden woken up. They always woke up before the dream could end- peaceful or not. Before he could finish. Last night was one of the more...unsettling dreams. They were inside long hallway of some sorts. The tall long walls and chipped tile-floor seemed ancient, appearing as if all color had been drained from it. Sunlight seemed to dully shine down, but from where, the child could not decipher. It was completely and utterly empty other then the figure standing in front of them. Hushed whispers surrounded them; unintelligible and pained. He reached out to them, calling out their name. And just as they started waking up and the dream began deforming, his whispers turned to loud screams that begged them to stay. And when they woke up, only one thing was one their mind. How did he know their name? Frisk let out a small sigh, wiping their sweaty forehead with a sigh before groggily moving upwards. They began lifting up the sheets and reached their leg out to stand up yet instead ended up rolling over, crashing onto the floor. "OWWWW!!!" Frisk screeched, clutching their stomach in pain. Snickers could be heard from the room next to their, coming from their brother. Or well, "adopted" brother. Although they were so close you wouldn't have guessed it. Slowly and easily, they got up and began wrapping the bandage that lay on their bedstead around their chest, binding it together so it'd be flat. Satisfied, they threw on a striped tank-top and shorts, and Frisk gazed at themself in the mirror. They gave themself a wide grin before pointing at their reflection. "Today, is going to be awesome!" They announced. Frisk scooped up all their necessary belongings for the day before swinging open the door and running (more like nearly falling) down the stairs. They slid right into her chair, dropping their school bag next to them and looked up at their mother. "Morning Mom!" They called out. Their mother, a tall goat woman appearing around her early 40s, gave them a warm smile. The woman going by the name of Toriel Dreemurr, wore a simple violet sweater that Frisk had knitted for her last year, a white scarf that draped over her shoulders almost like a Queen's cape and a long black skirt that reached her ankles. Toriel welcomed Frisk with the usual, "Good morning my child!" as she placed a plate down in front of Frisk, a stack of cinnamon pancakes yet, there was something messing for this delicious meal. A cheeky smile spreading across their face, Frisk giggled as they drowned the pancakes in maple syrup. Toriel let out a laugh as well before pecking a quick kiss on the teen's forehead and returning to the kitchen to prepare more. A loud hearty chuckle boomed through the dining room and Frisk, who was heartily stuffing their face with pancakes, looked up and gave a big grin to their father, their cheeks stuffed with the delicious treat. "DMAMD!" Frisk called out but after seeing Toriel's stern look, quickly covered their mouth full of food. Asgore Dreemuur chuckled once more at Frisk's positivity as usual and walked over to them, fully dressed in a button-up shirt and brown suspenders. He gave Frisk a tight hug as the teen took a big gulp, swallowing their pancakes and yelling "MORNING DAD!" Asgore let out a small wince by the loudness of the teen but his smile never faltered. He, too, was a goat like Toriel. White fur, fuzzy ears, short tail and all. He even had a long blond beard which Frisk would occasionally braid. After somehow freeing himself from Frisk's crazy strong grip, a grip too strong for a 13 year old like them, he sat down next to them. "Morning dear," Toriel smiled as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of him, the two sharing a quick kiss. "Morning Tori. This looks delicious!" Asgore exclaimed, everyone giggling. "Hey Frisk. Mom. Dad." A voice called out from behind them. The teen gave them a weak smile, brushing a strand of their long red hair behind their ear. Despite always wearing their hair up in a bun or ponytail, a loose strand always managed to find its way to the center of their face. "CHARA!" Frisk squealed, jumping out of their seat and racing over to hug their sibling, who merely wheezed in response to the child's crushing grip. Chara wore, like always, a simple long-sleeve button up that was olive green as usual (although some days it was a faded golden color) and long jeans- contrasting Frisk's shorts and tank-top. The teen dragged themself over to the table, seating themself and Frisk reluctantly let go, returning to their own seat. Toriel gave Chara a pitiful smile as she placed some pancakes before them and then sat in her own chair, slicing up her own. Asgore sipped coffee and read the newspaper as Toriel made small talk with him about simple things such as the weather, politics and etc. Frisk meanwhile, had finished their 3 pancakes and was dishing themself up some more as Chara merely took small bites of the food, staring down as it as if it held some sort of secret within, hidden deep within the batter. This type of behavior was normal though, and nobody paid any mind to it. The Dreemurrs were a perfect family. The father was a hard-working man, King or as most people called it, "President" of all Monsters. He worked in the office most of the week but never let that stop him from spending time with his beloved family. The mother was a sweet lady who volunteered at charity events, was the most active and successful parent at the school bake sales, and owned a small flower shop which was home to the most beautiful bouquets in the city. Frisk was an adventurous young teenager who had recently come into the lucky family's lives a year ago, although it had felt like much longer, leaving behind an abusive home to be adopted by the Dreemurrs. And Chara, who had been found upon the doorsteps of the Dreemuur household when they were barely a few months old. They had been raised her whole life there and was cared for deeply by everyone in the family. Life for the Dreemurrs was absolutely- BAM! The vice president slammed her hand against the table. "Senator Clemmings, I understand what's been going on recently but please do not ever waste my time with bullshit like this again." The senator, a tall, young, handsome and ambitious young man by the name of Henry Clemmings, glared at the woman with evident vile and distaste. His hands brushed over be documents placed on the vice-president's desk. "And are you saying this 'evidence' is bullshit, Miss Benaldia? Because as you can clearly see here," he pointed at the photo, displaying a dismembered human body, their soul faintly shimmering above it, tainted dark grey. "...their soul is not colorful as it should be, but instead tainted dark grey. And we both know what dark grey means." Grey. A combination of black, hate, and white, peace. It meant sacrifice. But dark grey? That was no sacrifice. That was revenge. A dead soul stained with revenge. The media would go insane. The vice-president's tail flickered back and forth, the stripes on it swaying in a mesmerizing fashion. The human male in front of her must've faked the evidence somehow. Pale blond hair, eyes filled with hatred and disgust, a sneer far too obvious on his face and a sharp grin like a shark's- this man clearly knew he had the advantage. With evidence like this, the racism would worsen far more. And that's the last thing Tanya Benaldia needed right now. And he knew that very well. Running her paws through her streaked hair (not artificially, all natural), she finally let out a soft grunt as her amber eyes stared coldly once more at the smirking male. "...what is it this time?" The tigress sighed defeatedly, smoothing out the creases on her suit as she tried to maintain as much self control as possible and not slash through him with her sharp claws any second. "A hundred in wistones." The male replied coolly, tapping his fingers against the smooth mahogany desk they sat across from each other at inside Benaldalia's office at the monster-filled city. Mount Ebbott, the capital city and home to the government of monsters- also one of the most populated cities in the world, filled with monsters and humans alike. But mainly monsters of course. Benaldalia's fist clenched slightly as she responded, "Done." Benaldalia's family was known for being the owners of the largest wistones mines worldwide. Each sparkling stone worth at least a thousand dollars. They each had an ability to grant you a wish- a small one though, of course. The more you had, the bigger the wish. A hundred of them was risk to give to a such a shady man, but sacrifices had to be made in order to ensure the safety of her fellow monsters. Clemmings slid the papers over to her. "Don't worry, there aren't any more copies~" he smirked, standing up and escorting himself out of the office. As soon as he shut the door, Tanya let out a low growl and slashed the desk in front of her, leaving long claw marks that deeply marked the wood. "I wish I could kill that son of a bitch someday..." And clipped to her ears by an earring, a wistone emitted a small twinkle before the color completely faded. ~~~
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