feet2eat · 1 year
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Lior Paztal - Israeli soccer player
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makemydayapp · 4 months
Make My Day is coming to EcoMotion Community 2024 at Innoviz Technologies HQ to learn about our #innovativesolutions for the future of #mobility!
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Our CTO & Cofounder, Cnaan Aviv, VP of Sales, Hanan Klainer, and Project & Marketing Manager, Lee paztal, will be there to chat and answer your questions. Join them on June 4th and schedule a meeting: https://lnkd.in/dVp9tJGG
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PazTale- Once Upon a Time
PazTale Chapter One: Once Upon a Time. Word count: 1721. Warnings: minor swearing. ~~~ "Don't go yet! Please, you can't go! NO, JUST A BIT LONGER! TELL THEM I LOVE THEM! TELL THEM A-" Frisk opened their pale-emerald green eyes, staring at the ceiling in front of them. Their green eyes blinked once- twice. Sleepily, they shut them once more, although they were unfortunately awake now. Another nightmare. It was different every night yet he was always there. No matter what happened, he'd always show. "Look around," he said a few months ago, in one of the more peaceful dreams. There was a beautiful buttercup garden surrounding them. "This, this is my kingdom..." He smiled softly as a tear dripped down his cheek. He held out his hand to them and they reached out towards him, ready to take it, when they had sudden woken up. They always woke up before the dream could end- peaceful or not. Before he could finish. Last night was one of the more...unsettling dreams. They were inside long hallway of some sorts. The tall long walls and chipped tile-floor seemed ancient, appearing as if all color had been drained from it. Sunlight seemed to dully shine down, but from where, the child could not decipher. It was completely and utterly empty other then the figure standing in front of them. Hushed whispers surrounded them; unintelligible and pained. He reached out to them, calling out their name. And just as they started waking up and the dream began deforming, his whispers turned to loud screams that begged them to stay. And when they woke up, only one thing was one their mind. How did he know their name? Frisk let out a small sigh, wiping their sweaty forehead with a sigh before groggily moving upwards. They began lifting up the sheets and reached their leg out to stand up yet instead ended up rolling over, crashing onto the floor. "OWWWW!!!" Frisk screeched, clutching their stomach in pain. Snickers could be heard from the room next to their, coming from their brother. Or well, "adopted" brother. Although they were so close you wouldn't have guessed it. Slowly and easily, they got up and began wrapping the bandage that lay on their bedstead around their chest, binding it together so it'd be flat. Satisfied, they threw on a striped tank-top and shorts, and Frisk gazed at themself in the mirror. They gave themself a wide grin before pointing at their reflection. "Today, is going to be awesome!" They announced. Frisk scooped up all their necessary belongings for the day before swinging open the door and running (more like nearly falling) down the stairs. They slid right into her chair, dropping their school bag next to them and looked up at their mother. "Morning Mom!" They called out. Their mother, a tall goat woman appearing around her early 40s, gave them a warm smile. The woman going by the name of Toriel Dreemurr, wore a simple violet sweater that Frisk had knitted for her last year, a white scarf that draped over her shoulders almost like a Queen's cape and a long black skirt that reached her ankles. Toriel welcomed Frisk with the usual, "Good morning my child!" as she placed a plate down in front of Frisk, a stack of cinnamon pancakes yet, there was something messing for this delicious meal. A cheeky smile spreading across their face, Frisk giggled as they drowned the pancakes in maple syrup. Toriel let out a laugh as well before pecking a quick kiss on the teen's forehead and returning to the kitchen to prepare more. A loud hearty chuckle boomed through the dining room and Frisk, who was heartily stuffing their face with pancakes, looked up and gave a big grin to their father, their cheeks stuffed with the delicious treat. "DMAMD!" Frisk called out but after seeing Toriel's stern look, quickly covered their mouth full of food. Asgore Dreemuur chuckled once more at Frisk's positivity as usual and walked over to them, fully dressed in a button-up shirt and brown suspenders. He gave Frisk a tight hug as the teen took a big gulp, swallowing their pancakes and yelling "MORNING DAD!" Asgore let out a small wince by the loudness of the teen but his smile never faltered. He, too, was a goat like Toriel. White fur, fuzzy ears, short tail and all. He even had a long blond beard which Frisk would occasionally braid. After somehow freeing himself from Frisk's crazy strong grip, a grip too strong for a 13 year old like them, he sat down next to them. "Morning dear," Toriel smiled as she placed a plate of pancakes in front of him, the two sharing a quick kiss. "Morning Tori. This looks delicious!" Asgore exclaimed, everyone giggling. "Hey Frisk. Mom. Dad." A voice called out from behind them. The teen gave them a weak smile, brushing a strand of their long red hair behind their ear. Despite always wearing their hair up in a bun or ponytail, a loose strand always managed to find its way to the center of their face. "CHARA!" Frisk squealed, jumping out of their seat and racing over to hug their sibling, who merely wheezed in response to the child's crushing grip. Chara wore, like always, a simple long-sleeve button up that was olive green as usual (although some days it was a faded golden color) and long jeans- contrasting Frisk's shorts and tank-top. The teen dragged themself over to the table, seating themself and Frisk reluctantly let go, returning to their own seat. Toriel gave Chara a pitiful smile as she placed some pancakes before them and then sat in her own chair, slicing up her own. Asgore sipped coffee and read the newspaper as Toriel made small talk with him about simple things such as the weather, politics and etc. Frisk meanwhile, had finished their 3 pancakes and was dishing themself up some more as Chara merely took small bites of the food, staring down as it as if it held some sort of secret within, hidden deep within the batter. This type of behavior was normal though, and nobody paid any mind to it. The Dreemurrs were a perfect family. The father was a hard-working man, King or as most people called it, "President" of all Monsters. He worked in the office most of the week but never let that stop him from spending time with his beloved family. The mother was a sweet lady who volunteered at charity events, was the most active and successful parent at the school bake sales, and owned a small flower shop which was home to the most beautiful bouquets in the city. Frisk was an adventurous young teenager who had recently come into the lucky family's lives a year ago, although it had felt like much longer, leaving behind an abusive home to be adopted by the Dreemurrs. And Chara, who had been found upon the doorsteps of the Dreemuur household when they were barely a few months old. They had been raised her whole life there and was cared for deeply by everyone in the family. Life for the Dreemurrs was absolutely- BAM! The vice president slammed her hand against the table. "Senator Clemmings, I understand what's been going on recently but please do not ever waste my time with bullshit like this again." The senator, a tall, young, handsome and ambitious young man by the name of Henry Clemmings, glared at the woman with evident vile and distaste. His hands brushed over be documents placed on the vice-president's desk. "And are you saying this 'evidence' is bullshit, Miss Benaldia? Because as you can clearly see here," he pointed at the photo, displaying a dismembered human body, their soul faintly shimmering above it, tainted dark grey. "...their soul is not colorful as it should be, but instead tainted dark grey. And we both know what dark grey means." Grey. A combination of black, hate, and white, peace. It meant sacrifice. But dark grey? That was no sacrifice. That was revenge. A dead soul stained with revenge. The media would go insane. The vice-president's tail flickered back and forth, the stripes on it swaying in a mesmerizing fashion. The human male in front of her must've faked the evidence somehow. Pale blond hair, eyes filled with hatred and disgust, a sneer far too obvious on his face and a sharp grin like a shark's- this man clearly knew he had the advantage. With evidence like this, the racism would worsen far more. And that's the last thing Tanya Benaldia needed right now. And he knew that very well. Running her paws through her streaked hair (not artificially, all natural), she finally let out a soft grunt as her amber eyes stared coldly once more at the smirking male. "...what is it this time?" The tigress sighed defeatedly, smoothing out the creases on her suit as she tried to maintain as much self control as possible and not slash through him with her sharp claws any second. "A hundred in wistones." The male replied coolly, tapping his fingers against the smooth mahogany desk they sat across from each other at inside Benaldalia's office at the monster-filled city. Mount Ebbott, the capital city and home to the government of monsters- also one of the most populated cities in the world, filled with monsters and humans alike. But mainly monsters of course. Benaldalia's fist clenched slightly as she responded, "Done." Benaldalia's family was known for being the owners of the largest wistones mines worldwide. Each sparkling stone worth at least a thousand dollars. They each had an ability to grant you a wish- a small one though, of course. The more you had, the bigger the wish. A hundred of them was risk to give to a such a shady man, but sacrifices had to be made in order to ensure the safety of her fellow monsters. Clemmings slid the papers over to her. "Don't worry, there aren't any more copies~" he smirked, standing up and escorting himself out of the office. As soon as he shut the door, Tanya let out a low growl and slashed the desk in front of her, leaving long claw marks that deeply marked the wood. "I wish I could kill that son of a bitch someday..." And clipped to her ears by an earring, a wistone emitted a small twinkle before the color completely faded. ~~~
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makemydayapp · 9 months
🎖️🌎 Out of hundreds of companies, Make My Day has been selected as a finalist for The 7th China (Shenzhen) Innovation and Entrepreneurship International Competition (Israeli Division) Finals! This is the biggest and most exclusive international innovation competition coming out of #China!
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Taking part in this international competition is an honor for us as an #Energy and #Environment startup with #Climatech#technology that can revolutionize the automobile industry.
The #Shenzhen Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition celebrates innovation, entrepreneurship, and global collaboration, and is a gateway to a thriving ecosystem of innovation, collaboration, and global partnerships. For more information, visit the competition's official website: https://lnkd.in/dWQK3gNT
China (Shenzhen) Innovation and Entrepreneurship International CompetitionOhad MaromNisan KatzCnaan AvivLee paztal
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makemydayapp · 9 months
🎉 Very Exciting News! Make My Day has been chosen to participate in the prestigious Google for Startups program: "Startups for Sustainable Development"!
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At Make My Day, we have set a top priority goal: to significantly reduce global air pollution stemming from vehicle fleets. Being a part of this distinguished program will not only amplify our outreach to more fleets but also propel our vision into tangible reality. Together, we are committed to making a meaningful impact on sustainable development! For more information visit our blog: https://lnkd.in/dfgQ3RcF Nisan Katz Cnaan Aviv Hanan Klainer Tim Kustka Lee paztal
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makemydayapp · 11 months
Exciting News! Make My Day joined GEOTAB Marketplace!
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From now on, Geotab’s EV users can enjoy the benefits of Make My Day’s algorithm to utilize the maximum of their EV fleet as part of MyGeotab™! Make My Day's solutions inside Geotab platform can reduce the energy costs, and km/mileage driven with EVs and reflect the exact status of the EV fleet to the operator. Geotab is a global leader in connected transportation solutions that provides telematics, vehicle, and asset-tracking solutions to over 47,000 customers in 150 countries. Geotab Marketplace offers various solutions and a growing library of APIs to help fleets innovate efficiently and economically. Try it now: https://lnkd.in/dzPYc_Vt To GEOTAB Marketplace: https://lnkd.in/dVqmMhxN Nisan Katz Cnaan Aviv Lee paztal Hanan Klainer Tim Kustka GEOTAB
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makemydayapp · 1 year
🚀 Eco Motion Event - It's a wrap! 🎉
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We rocked the #EcoMotionevent in the automotive industry! Our booth attracted a fantastic crowd, showcasing our innovative #automotivesolutions. It was an amazing day of showcasing our smart solutions and engaging with leading #automotive companies, partners, and investors. A big thank you to EcoMotion Community who made this event a resounding success! Dani Zeevi Nisan Katz Cnaan Aviv Hanan Klainer Tim Kustka Lee paztal Leonardo Szejpiacki Itai Rozen Shahar Amoyal Joe Cheng Deloitte EcoMotion Community
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