#toph finds the situation hilarious
rosegoldendaydream · 3 months
imagine if the gaang didn't give tom-tom back to his parents and just. took him with them
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oneatlatime · 10 months
The Desert
Alternate title: Gimme Appa back.
"But I believe, Aang can save the world." no pressure kid.
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I had completely forgotten about these two chuckleheads. For once the 'Previously On' segment is useful rather than spoilery.
Ok Aang is going to get the world's biggest pass this episode, because he's in the suckiest of all situations. But even so, how exactly was Toph supposed to come and get them, when she was both actually blind for once and the only reason the library hadn't drowned them yet?
Aang has something of a history of running away. Does going after Appa count as running away from his friends?
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Zuko's theatre kid tendencies are genetic.
The way Iroh said "What Now?" you know he was actually saying "fuck's sake."
Zuko's hair seems to grow very quickly. I thought that I could use his hair growth to measure time passing but this is not tracking. He barely had a buzz cut in The Chase and now he's fluffy.
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Two things: a) this guy has eyes greyer than Aang this episode. b) He's cocking his hands like that ridiculous Henry Cavill scene from Mission Impossible where he cocks his biceps.
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This guy's spear has piercings. And is coming out of a Dragon's mouth.
I don't know that I'd call these guys legendary. They're zero for two against an Avatar in Drag and two starving refugees with three functioning arms.
Doesn't Katara ever change out her water? Or even use it up and have to refill it?
I said it last episode, and I'll say it again: why did five people, a lemur, and a ten tonne sky bison travel into a desert famous for its desertiness with only a single water pouch between them? Admittedly, if they'd brought extra water and left it on Appa, they'd be having the same problem, but still...
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Is a kids' show actually going to go there?
They actually went there!
Honestly if you're dying of dehydration in the desert, eating strange plants is absolutely the way to go. I'd rather trip my way into the afterlife than just shrivel up and die.
I love the way Aang's glider shadow moves over the dunes. Another one of those tiny details that the animators could have left out, but they didn't!
Sand benders must get crazy high speeds if Aang can't spot even a trace of Appa from up high. He wasn't Appa-napped very long ago.
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Everyone go watch the scene where Aang blows up the mushroom cloud. Go right now I'll wait. And pay attention to Sokka's mouth. It does the wave.
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His mouth does the wave and his arms do the worm. Someone really had fun this episode.
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Zuko breaking the world record for highest number of Fire Nation wanted posters. Despite being the only person on that board who's unquestionably loyal to the Fire Nation. What a nice reward he got for his loyalty.
How is that one wrestler dude's hair so shiny?
Why, other than plot convenience, would Zuko and Iroh be at the Ice Spring?
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I see now that the left hand shadow is Sokka with a Momo on his head. But for just a second I thought it was Ramona from Scott Pilgrim.
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There are some really beautiful colour gradients in this desert.
"We won't survive without Appa." Well yes, but you have to try.
If this is a normal desert they're going to freeze their butts off overnight.
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No comment. Just vibes.
Hey this is a Katara episode! Toph is blind, Sokka's zoinked, Aang's given up, so it's Katara time baby!
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This episode has no business being this pretty.
"Sokka. I was there." I'd be very surprised if Katara's voice actress doesn't have an idiot older brother. That line was delivered a little too perfectly.
I'm not going to comment on every Sokka is high joke, but rest assured I'm finding them all hilarious.
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Those drinks cost a gold piece each. Where did they get five gold pieces from?
Colour me shocked. The chuckleheads actually had a good idea for once.
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Colour me shocked again! I vaguely predicted this!
Zuko. Honey. How are you this dim? He's so very good at missing exactly what's in front of him.
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Big muscles. No brains.
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Very pretty. The sand texture is good too.
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Well that was mean.
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Passive aggressive glider deployment. Also how low is that cloud if Aang can reach it to bend it?
Aang is not shining this episode (understandably) but Katara is going from strength to strength. I NEVER would have thought that she was someone who could keep her cool under pressure like this. Happy to be wrong!
I have no idea if Sokka is going to remember or be aware of this epic trip he's on, but this is probably the best time he's had in months. Certainly since Yue died. He deserves this. Bad timing, but he needed a break.
"You must forgive my nephew. He is not an initiate, and is dumb as shit and incapable of reading the room."
Why is there a flower shop in the middle of the desert? What clients do they have? Obviously it's a front for this pai sho secret society thing, but why did they pick such a nonsensical front?
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Toph has so much personality that it's easy to forget how tiny she is. Like a little gargoyle.
Sokka talking like a Greaser was the thing I didn't know I needed.
Poor Katara. Now you know how your brother feels every time he has to save your bacon from your weekly prison break.
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I am losing my mind over these colours. Especially after The Library.
"I have a natural curiosity." I'm going to start using that.
Oops they found the circle bird nest.
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Hey showrunners, you're going to take Momo from me too? You sure you want to do that? After last episode? Don't give me a pretty sunset with a latte swirl. Give me back Appa, put down Momo, or I'll sic Toph on you.
I do like Toph as a piece of artillery.
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Turns out a combined Appa and Momo -napping is what it takes to get Aang to break his no killing rule. I now know how to defeat the Fire Lord.
The Audacity. Going to Ba-Sing- however the hell that's spelled. The sheer audacity. But then what? What's the plan after they get there? Just live the rest of their lives?
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Rejected Mortal Combat guy.
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You ever have one of those days where you do only your top lip?
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Whoever made that door, and that lock - good job!
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Nothing to see here, just making a delivery of two giant planters in the middle of the desert. The Owl decided to spruce up his entryway.
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Y'all are fucked. Y'all deserve it. Aang has completely lost control. He's spent the whole episode losing it more and more and now he's gone completely off the rails. Has he ever zipped into the Avatar state that fast before?
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Never underestimate the power of a woman who's fed up with everyone's nonsense. Just so fed up.
Well that was sad.
Badass name of the day: Malachi Throne, voice of a character whose name I don't recognise.
Final Thoughts
This was Katara's episode. I'm not going to forgive not getting Appa back, but Katara actually keeping a level head for once was an unexpected delight.
This episode was pretty unrelentingly heavy in the A-plot, which is why I don't understand why Sokka and Momo tripping worked so well. It did work, and I very much enjoyed it, but it should have stuck out like a sore thumb and it didn't. The beat up Sokka quota fulfillled from within by chemicals was a nice creative touch.
I am very happy to see Iroh take the wheel, although I'm not convinced there's a long term plan here beyond get food and shelter. Which, fair enough, goals tend to be short term and immediate when you're in dire straits.
This episode really stomped all over Aang. And then stomped some more. I was surprised how negative and shouty he was at the beginning, but by the end I was surprised how long it took him to lose it. Apart from his staff and his clothes, Appa really is all he has left from before he got frozen. That sandbender punk was rotten to the core.
So I guess we're going to the earth kingdom capital regardless of the eclipse information. Is the rest of the season going to be getting there? I also can't help but notice that it's where Iroh and Zuko are headed as well. Zuko could actively run in the direction opposite to the Avatar and he'd still end up tripping over him. The earth Kingdom is ginormous. And yet, like every two episodes Zuko runs into the Avatar. Is it fate? Is it plot convenience?
I should dislike this episode. It's 24 minutes of our faves getting beat down and not finding Appa, with a b-plot of Zuko being more oblivious than usual. I should dislike it, but I don't. This is definitely going on the rewatch list. It was a very pretty episode, which helped. Beyond that I can't put into words why I liked it, but I did!
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covered-in-kisses · 11 months
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(gif by chacha125 on dA)
So I wanted to post this because, among other reasons, I find the possible implications of this so funny and interesting.
A more thorough explanation of everything under the cut, but TL;DR: Suki wants to avoid embarrassing Toph in front of everyone and only has a panicked moment to come up with something.
(This is kinda a cheesy move, but please reblog this because I really want to see people's thoughts on this. Also, feel free to use this as a prompt or inspiration for art or a fic or anything.)
So, anyone seeing this will likely know the context here, but let me give a quick summary. Toph, who can't swim, falls into the water. Sokka yells that he'll save her, but Suki jumps in first and saves her. Toph kisses her as thanks, thinking it's Sokka, Suki corrects her, Toph wants to drown in embarrassment.
Now the main "what if" regarding this scene (primarily due to Tokka shippers such as myself) is that Sokka jumps in instead of Suki. But this one is a much smaller change, yet offers just as much, if not more, potential plot divergence.
Toph misses the cheek and kisses her lips, leaving a mark. Suki still clarifies the situation and Toph is still embarrassed. (Suki and Toph don't notice or clean off the mark because, frankly, they have more important things going on.) They return to the crew on the shore and someone, really anyone, asks something along the lines of "what happened?" Suki and Toph get a little nervous thinking they saw the kiss, then Suki has a momentary panic attack upon seeing the lipstick and suddenly has a dilemma on her hands.
Already, this scenario is hilarious, but how it develops from there is what really tickles my brain. So what does Suki do?
A) Tell (mostly) the truth and say that Toph thought it was 'someone else.'
B) Say it was an accident in the churning waves.
C) Panic and say that she and Toph confessed to each other in order to save Toph from embarrassment.
All of these could be interesting, so let's explore them a little.
A) The "Truth"
"Well, she thought I was someone else, and she was so thankful, and... well..."
So this opens the most shipping doors because it could implant the question 'who did she think it was?' into everyone's minds. However, Sokka did yell out pretty clearly, so I'd say you'd have to change a bit more for this to go any other way than everyone figuring out that Toph likes Sokka. Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing, since this would create some drama and put the ball firmly in Sokka's court.
B) It was the waves!
"Oh yeah, the sea is pretty rough. It happened to push her into me at just the right time and uh... Y'know..."
With this one, it's easy enough for everyone to just go 'if you say so' warily and move on, business as usual. However, with a close call in front of everyone like that, it's harder for this to get swept under the rug. Suki actively hid Toph's crush on her boyfriend(?) to save Toph's feelings. What now? How does Toph's dynamic with Suki change? Does Toph have two crushes now? Does Suki now feel inferior or less qualified to be with Sokka because Toph is actually traveling with him and is more powerful? I see this leading to more unspoken, slow-burn, internal strife.
C) Sorry Sokka...
"I- Y'see- It's like... We'remadlyinlove."
Silly? Yes. Hilarious? Yesser. Convoluted? It's the yessiest! There are any number of haphazard stories Suki could concoct on the spot. They've been romantic pen pals for years. They met on a diplomatic trip and hit it off. They had a stunning realization when they held each other just then. Whatever the story, the end result is the same; Suki is now fake-dating Toph.
With this one, it can evolve and change in any number of ways. It's my personal favorite if only for the comedy of it. Until the situation resolves (which can be a LONG ASS TIME) it's a situation rife with comedic, dramatic, and romantic potential.
Oh yeah, Tumblr has polls now. It's a poll now!
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ssreeder · 2 years
*taps mic*
*screeching synth noise*
hem hem
first of all
now that we have That out of the way
SREEDIE YOU’RE SO SPEEDY (that’s an awful rhyme I’m so sorry) ARE YOU READY TO HEAR MY EVERY THOUGH WHILE READING THIS CHAPTER (once again I’m so sorry But not sorry enough to spare you bc I’ve gotta keep being annoying to remind you why we got divorced)
yikes it really must be lowkey terrifying on katara’s end rn… like it’s pretty much the whole They Died And Came Back Wrong trope except sokka only died in theory and yet came back wrong anyway. I feel so bad for her :((
SLAY TOPH keep an eye on iroh please
not katara suspending her disbelief regarding jet being heroic T-T
this is actually a really interesting dynamic change for katara and sokka bc even though katara was always caring for everyone else in the show, sokka was always the one person who was always looking out for katara, so to have him be the sibling that needs taking care of is like… damn yk
okay maybe this means absolutely nothing BUT I feel like jet losing his arm and therefore his ability to wield dual blades has the potential to cause even more tension with zuko bc jet will not only hate him for being fire nation but now they won’t even be evenly matched in a fight and he’s gonna resent the fact that zuko still has both arms. and that’s ASIDE from the fact that it’s gonna be a gruelling healing process before jet even gets the chance to Think about picking up a blade again
jet: is literally on his deathbed
suki: I’m looking respectfully-
“how did sokka handle that” well katara isn’t that the money question, and unfortunately the answer is always Not Very Well
oh katara sokka has also stabbed a man to death with a stick so uh,, yeah while amputating jet’s arm was unideal, alas it is far from the most gory shit sokka has done
perfect girl but sokka wants a boyyyyyyyy~ (these bitches gay)
yes sokka let’s try to keep the house hacking to a minimum shall we
okay definitely nothing has been solved but crying on the bathroom floor is actually very therapeutic not that I’m speaking from personal experience or anything haha HOWEVER I do think sokka needs to cry for longer for the catharsis to work properly. so that’s my note sreedie. MAKE HIM CRY MORE
fuck dude there’s just.. Nothing like sibling relationships. like obviously katara and sokka are (were?) really close siblings but even when siblings are estranged to whatever extent it’s still just so different from any other kind of relationship you have with other people so it’s like… if Anyone would be able to help sokka it would be katara. idk how to express it but not even zuko would be able to help sokka the way katara (though he would Understand it more) bc sokka needs to know that he has people that have enduring love for him and the only person he’ll be able to trust to give him that initially would be katara and I just AHHHHH
ugh sokka stop LYING you LIAR
zuko IS an asshole and I love that about him <3
not katara’s bluffing about yue- absolutely appalling effort folks, katara this is the funniest thing you have ever done
sorry I know it was a very intense and somber situation but I just find it hilarious that the solution to zuko being stubborn and refusing to cooperate (however much that is understandable given the circumstances) is just to straight up knock him out. like night night kiddo
ah shit I wish iroh weren’t the one undressing zuko. actually I wish nobody was undressing zuko this is just shit
speech impediment zuko my beloved <3
ZUKO WHY ARE YOU A MENACE literally first thing out of his mouth that’s not defensive in an attempt to protect himself is to fucking insult jee I can’t T-T
zuko bit jee I forgot omfg this is hilarious (even though it’s actually very sad but shhh we’re ignoring that)
jee the emotional support bestie reporting for duty bc he is the only emotionally stable adult in this household
iroh: is indescribably furious about the fact that zuko has been tortured
also iroh: my this boy has a mighty strange haircut going on
ah fuck here we go. it’s SA discovery time >:/
sreedie did jee break something accidentally bc he was in shock or did he smash something out of rage
rasu fashion icon <3
dragon of the west popping off with the murder plans
when a blind girl and a human disaster are left alone in the kitchen-
oh okay so he Did break a table. slay.
jee in dad mode <3
I’m sorry but not jee thinking sokka is a bigger pain in the ass than zuko. alas, he does have a point
nvm chang is in his struggle era actually
lots of layers LIKE AN ONION-
“little wet-noodle” PLEASE I adore chang
for once in her life, slay ara, now the story is finally fucking getting a move on (no shade to you sreedie <33)
lmao bato is so right both about sokka AND about teasing hakoda despite being in the midst of a very tense wartime situation
omg in relation to you an: pls let zuko fuck up all of sokka’s lies accidentally bc this boy cannot lie for shit LET ALONE when he doesn’t realise he even needs to lie and is also high as fuck from iroh drugging him so that he doesn’t bite people
OR sokka is gonna see zuko on his sickbed and immediately his whole world is gonna narrow down to just zuko (understandably) and everyone else in the room is gonna figure out what’s going on pretty quick and effectively sokka just exposes HIMSELF à la love for zuko spewing out of him alongside guilt and regret and fear and relief (essentially the full emotional gambit)
in review: sokka needs to cry more, zuko should bite more people, zukka needs to reunite, I love jee, I love chang, hakoda is gonna need a head massage after all the mental gymnastics he’s gonna be subjected to next chapter. THE END.
love you So much TOODLES *mwah*
I’m sure you’re like wtf ex lover why aren’t you answering my ask & I’m innocently over here cherishing every word and sniffing it until it loses your smell….
Yes, I’m weirdo. But you keep coming back for me so HA…. ;)
I know some people in the comments were like “I can’t believe Sokka just DID THAT!! no way!!”
& it’s like what’s worse? Stabbing someone in the neck 30 times with a jagged stick you found on the ground while pretend shitting or cutting off your kind of enemy kind of whatever guys arm to save his life??
(There was also the warden situation too… so idk I think Sokka is pretty desensitized at this point and is so emotionally constipated that he doesn’t know HOW to feel about ANYTHING right now ((except Zuko))))
Jee: Zuko is the most difficult person
Jee meets Sokka: I stand corrected
Haha I enjoy your reviews, & I can’t wait to see you soon!!
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stitch1830 · 2 years
Can I get 1-15 for Kantoph? Please and thank you :)
I have: completed all 15 prompts :D
The ones that are newly written will be posted soon, and the "old" ones are linked. The ones that haven't been written yet include 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15.
"Believe me, I will never be tired of you"
"I love how you look in my shirt"
"How come you always end up under my blanket"
“There is no better way to start the day than seeing your face.”
“You’re unbelievable cute when you’re tired.”
“I love to hear your voice, even if you’re so far away.”
“Is it fair to say that you read the love letter and that this means ‘yes’?”
“Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
“Have I told you I love you today?”
“I would like my good morning kiss now.”
“Let’s go, I’ll buy you dinner. And maybe breakfast.”
“You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
“I think I know what that smile means.”
“You give the best hugs.”
“How would you feel about spending the day in bed?”
Kantoph - #3 - “How come you always end up under my blanket?”
After the longest day in the history of the world, Kanto was ready to knock out and sleep for weeks. This project at work had him up in the late hours, cramming in as much time as he could toward it. And finally, with the deadline and presentation all finished up, he raced home so that he could put on his favorite sweats and sleep.
Kanto did just that, and for a moment, it was pure bliss. The pre-winter chill just started rolling into the area, and there was a crispness in the air that made bundling under his covers the perfect remedy. It took mere seconds after his face hit his pillow for him to find sleep, too. He dozed for what seemed like hours, ignoring his responsibility to feed himself anything substantial for dinner. Sleep won over everything else, and he did not mind; he had a lot of it to catch up on.
Suddenly, he heard a creak from his door. Kanto groaned at the interruption, then attempted to peek out from the covers, only to find the door was slightly ajar. The sleep-dazed state that Kanto was in made him think initially that an intruder was entering his bedroom, and for some reason, he thought calling out to them would scare the burglar away.
“Who goes there?” he yelled. Or, tried to. It sounded more like a grumble since the covers muffled the noise. When the suspected intruder did not answer, Kanto prepared to escape from his cocoon of warmth and fight of this person. 
But before he could investigate further, the covers near his feet began to rustle, and something (or someone, he should think) crawled up toward him. And there was only one person in the world that would do this.
He knew it was his girlfriend making her way up through the covers, and yet, he still yelped in surprise. 
Toph cackled. “Oh relax, Hotshot. It’s only me, your friendly robber.”
“Very funny,” he mumbled.
She sighed in content when she settled her face in the crook of his neck. “I know, I’m hilarious.”
“How come you always end up at my place under my covers?”
“Your covers are comfy, and you’re like a furnace. You keep my toes warm.”
Kanto laughed. “I’m so honored.”
“You should be. We’re gonna be under the covers together all winter long.”
“Now that I wouldn’t mind,” he teased.
There was a pause in their banter as they situated themselves, after which Kanto kissed her forehead. “How was your day?”
“Lame. How was your big presentation? You kick ass?”
“Just like you taught me.”
Kanto didn’t need to look to know that she was smiling. He tightened his one arm and squeezed her shoulder, asking, “You comfy, now?”
Toph’s arm wrapped around his waist, and her chilly nose pressed into the crook of his neck. “Very comfy, and very warm. Thank you, baby.”
And before he drifted off to sleep again, Kanto pressed another kiss to Toph’s forehead and mumbled, “Anytime, baby. Anytime.”
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sokkastyles · 4 years
Abused kids are often not aware of or have trouble regulating their own emotions but tend to, conversely, be hyper aware of and tapped into the emotions of others. This is a survival mechanism in people who grow up with an abusive parent, because any sudden changes in the mood of the parent could indicate danger. See the scenes of Zuko when he is with Ozai, particularly in "The Awakening" and in the flashback to the war meeting in "The Phoenix King," when Zuko carefully measures his responses to his father's praise, because even accepting praise is dangerous and could be a trap.
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Although Zuko is often oblivious in social interactions, he actually shows a pretty keen insight when it comes to mediating and understanding what the others need once he joins the gaang. He figures out that the loss of his firebending is connected to his change of coat, he helps Aang overcome his fear of fire at the same time he overcomes his own mental blocks with regard to his element, and he realizes that Sokka will go on a foolhardy mission to rescue his father no matter how much Zuko warns him that it's dangerous, so he resolves to go with him. Particularly in "The Southern Raiders" he pretty astutely figures out that the source of Katara's anger was her unresolved feelings about her mother's murder, and knew how to help her. He also shows keen insight into what Katara needs. Aang, though he means well, responds to Katara with moralizing that just makes her angrier and more determined to go her own way. Zuko offers her the means and lets her lead the way, and defends her to Aang after Katara had made it clear she did not agree with Aang. Zuko, in fact, gets angry at Aang on Katara's behalf, and interestingly, Katara, the person who regularly told off anyone who ever said a bad word to Aang and who, a few episodes ago, threatened to kill Zuko himself if he ever hurt Aang, says nothing in response to Zuko’s sarcastic words to Aang, only thanks Aang for understanding in a tone that implies that she doesn’t think Aang understands at all.
Zuko also seems to be aware of the tension between Katara and Aang at the end of the episode, as he purposefully leaves Katara on Ember Island and goes to speak to Aang himself about what happened when they confronted Yon Rha. This implies not only that Zuko knew Katara needed space to process her feelings, but that he knew that Aang and Katara would need time away from each other after the angry way they parted, and it also implies that Zuko wanted to explain Katara's perspective to Aang, fearing that Aang would misunderstand. Aang actually misunderstands anyway, wrongly assuming that Katara had forgiven Yon Rha, and Katara angrily tells him that she will never forgive her mother's murderer, but does forgive Zuko.
Zuko tells Aang that he was right about Katara, although that is contradicted by what Katara just said and the events of the episode. I know some people theorize that this was a result of a lack of unity in the writing, but I also don't think it's out of character for Zuko to say this, even though he also ultimately disagrees with Aang's stance on violence. Zuko is again playing a mediator role and playing both sides a bit, because the episode positions him between Aang and Katara, but he also leaves Aang with a challenge to his moral absolutism.
So I don't think it's a stretch to assume that in the very next episode, Zuko was also picking up on some tension between Aang and Katara when he sat between them. I'm not sure he knows about Aang's romantic feelings for Katara - although he would when he hears his actor on stage call Katara "the Avatar's girl" and sees Aang nod. But he does seem to pick up on Aang's irritation being about more than just a taken seat, as he responds with unprompted anger. Zuko also takes note of Aang’s increasing anger throughout the play, with a concerned expression on his face. 
Remember what I said about abused kids being hypersensitive to the changing moods of others? It might be that, or Zuko might be feeling anxious about his role in the play and feeling like he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, or it might be that Zuko is hyper aware of the conflict between Katara and Aang carried over from the last episode to this one.
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Actually, this shot is particularly interesting because the rest of the gaang is laughing at the portrayal of Toph, including Katara, until Toph shows that she’s pleased by the play’s portrayal of her. Then we see Katara frown, her attention shifting to Aang. 
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Katara is unhappy that her attempt to get even with Toph backfired, then when she notices Aang as the camera pans to her left, she looks even more unhappy. Then we see the shot above of Zuko looking at Aang with clear concern over the situation. I’m pretty sure that Zuko is aware that something is going on between Katara and Aang at this point. Especially since Aang’s anger at being played by a girl (which is made worse by Toph’s happiness at being played by a boy) is linked to his insecurity about his relationship with Katara, and the play keeps making jokes about it, meant for us to feel sorry for Aang for being put in the “little brother” zone.
I think Zuko was generally anxious going into the play. You can see when they walk in that he has his hood pulled up, to hide his face, because he's aware there's a chance someone will recognize him. So even before the play starts, with its incriminating and humiliating portrayal of him, he is probably already on alert and wants to draw as little attention to himself as possible. Aang's outburst is the kind of thing that would draw attention, and Zuko tries to minimize the attention by insisting that Aang just sit next to him. Zuko also reacts with defensive anger, as he is wont to do when he is anxious or upset, which of course would have the opposite effect from drawing attention away from them. But Aang acquiesces in frustration, and Katara, interestingly, notices the dispute, but just like when Zuko defended her to Aang in "The Southern Raiders," says nothing. Katara also is facing away, fidgety, and looks unhappy while the confrontation is going on. This is also consistent with (and probably contributed to) the way Katara reacts to Aang’s pushiness and accusations later on.
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Zuko spends much of the back part of season three physically close to Katara, which is a visual way for the animators to show how close they have grown. It’s not necessarily an indication of romantic Zutara, although there is nothing wrong with interpreting it that way, and I find it hilarious how threatened some people are by shippers gushing over the idea that he wanted to sit next to her, particularly in this episode because this episode actually intentionally plays up the “love triangle” for the purposes of getting the audience to sympathize with Aang and root for him to “get the girl.” Regardless of whether we interpret it in a romantic context, I think it is a good indication of how Zuko feels about Katara once he has gotten her forgiveness. Given Zuko’s social ineptitude, it would make sense that he would be likely to want to stick close to the people he felt closest to, especially in situations where he is surrounded by potentially hostile strangers. Witness his behavior in “The Beach,” where he spent most of the time awkwardly glued to Mai’s side and it was when he was separated from Mai at the party that he ran into trouble with the other partygoers, who make fun of him. That might explain why Zuko, although he comes from the opposite direction when they enter the theater as everyone else does, walks all the way down the end of the aisle to sit next to Katara. 
It might also explain why he wants to sit in between Katara and Aang, as these are the two people who he now feels closest to. It also is very likely that he is subconsciously picking up on the tension between Katara and Aang, which comes to a head later in this very episode. It’s worth noting that Zuko is often positioned physically between Katara and Aang throughout this episode, which is meant to communicate to the audience Aang’s anxiety over Katara not returning his feelings (and Zuko plays an indirect part in that, or at least, his stage actor does).
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Zuko is also positioned narratively between Aang and Katara as a mediator and comfort to Katara after her fight with Aang in the very next episode, “The Phoenix King,” in which Zuko tells Katara to let Aang figure things out for himself when he runs away after yelling at Katara.
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So no, I don’t think the deliberate positioning of Zuko in between Aang and Katara is a coincidence, nor is it “lol Zuko is clueless!” I’m actually very tired of seeing people talk about how clueless Zuko is, especially since a lot of his reactions come from trauma. Even if Zuko didn’t pick up on Aang’s romantic feelings towards Katara he very obviously picks up on and reacts to and interacts with the dynamic between them. And it’s very telling that certain fans will complain about the “infantilization” of Zuko when it’s traits that make him seem sympathetic, but then talk about a traumatized abuse survivor as if they’re completely incompetent.
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knaite-solo · 4 years
Dangerous - Zuko x Reader
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Summary: When you don't leave your tent, Zuko gets worried and decides to do something about it. 
Pairing: Zuko x Waterbender!Reader
Genre: Fluff with some comedy
Warnings: Swearing and period stuff
Word count: 2856
That day, you didn't leave your tent.
Zuko was very attentive, but it didn't take much effort to realize that there was something wrong with you. It was unusual for you to avoid talking with the rest of the group. You always liked to interact with others and help even in the smallest tasks.
So when the hours went by, and you didn't leave, he started to get really concerned. The prince began to walk to your tent until he sensed a hand on his shoulder. When he turned around to see who it was, he found Sokka staring at him very seriously. So serious that it didn't suit his goofy character.
"Don't go in there." He said in a warning tone.
"What? Why?" Zuko asked with a confused expression.
"Just don't." Sokka looked around as if he was seeking for a hidden enemy and then whispered. "It's dangerous. Trust me, man."
Zuko decided not to enter your tent, at least not at that moment. Sokka's warning had left him confused. What could be so dangerous about you? He decided to gather more information. Maybe Toph or Aang could help.
"So, what do you think?" Zuko asked Toph, who was lying on a stone while playing with her space rock.
"Probably some silly stuff." The earthbender said while changing her rock to numerous shapes.
"But Sokka said it was dangerous. Maybe she is ill or something." The prince tried to think about other possibilities. Toph just looked extremely tired of the conversation.
"Well, I tried to talk to her earlier in the morning..."
"She cursed me for opening the tent and let light enter her eyes." Toph blew a few strands of hair in an annoyed attitude. "Sokka usually says dumb things, so I never thought I would agree with him on something. But he's right."
She stopped playing with her space rock and transformed it back in a bracelet, putting it in her arm.
"I don't know what happened, but I don't give a shit anyway."
Zuko just listened to Toph and tried to imagine you cursing her for just trying to talking with you, and he just couldn't. You were such good friends with everybody, especially Toph since she wasn't into girly things, neither were you. Both of you were so close that once he found out you two playing in the mud. Toph throwing mud at you with her earthbending and you with your waterbending. You just were Toph's best friend. Why would you treat her so badly out of nowhere?
"Thanks for the information, I think..." The prince said indecisively. He didn't know what to say since he noticed that Toph was lying about not caring about your mood change.
"It's was a pleasure talking to you, Sparky. Sadly I can't say the same about Y/n."
"Are you sure she did that?" Aang was brushing Appa's fur while listening to Zuko talk about your weird attitude with Toph.
"Yes. And Toph was really mad. More than usual." The prince couldn't forget the eartbender's expressions as she talked about you. It was a mix of anger and deception.
"Maybe Y/n ate something bad?"
"But Sokka said that it was dangerous to go in her tent. I don't think it's food poisoning." Zuko also couldn't forget Sokka's serious expression. If it were in another context, it would be hilarious.
"Sokka and Katara had a strange fever not long ago." The airbender finally finished brushing Appa. The sky bison looked joyful. "They said strange things and couldn't do anything alone. Maybe it could be it."
"And how the fever stopped?"
"Well..." Aang let out a nervous chuckle. "They had to suck some frozen frogs."
"FROZEN WHAT-'' Zuko's eyes widened.
"HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO FIND FROZEN FROGS HERE?" Zuko was already thinking about the worst.
"HOLY SHIT! CAN'T YOU ASSHOLES STOP SCREAMING? YOU'RE HURTING MY EARS!" Toph appeared out of nowhere while complaining and covering her ears.
"Why you guys keep using these bad words in front of Appa and Momo?" Aang asked in a withered tone. "They're innocent creatures..."
Zuko was hopeless. Nobody seemed to be able to explain what was wrong with you and the list of people he could ask was almost over. There was only one person left.
"Katara." He called but she didn't seem to hear.
The waterbender was kneeling on the edger of a river while washing some clothes and sheets. She would submerge the fabrics in the water, rub them, and then dry them with her waterbending. Being a waterbending master had its advantages. She always used her bending in everyday activities, making things a thousand times easier. It was impossible not to look at her and not to be amazed at how easily she connected with the water and managed to manipulate it.
But then Zuko noticed that one of the sheets was different from the others. It had a red stain on it.
"Is this blood?"
Katara almost jumped after hearing that question. Because she was distracted, she hadn't noticed when the prince had approached much less he had called her and now she had been caught with that incriminating sheet in hand. And not any incriminating sheet, it was your incriminating sheet.
"B-Blood? I don't know what you're talking about!" Katara quickly hid the sheet behind her.
Zuko tried not to roll his eyes. He might be trying to become a better person, but that didn't mean he would accept to be made a fool of.
"I can still see the sheet behind you." He just said in a bored tone.
Katara blushed. She hated to lie but she hated to be caught in the lie the most.
"Sorry." She stopped trying to hide the cloth. "I didn't want you to see that."
"Why not?" Zuko looked again at the red stain. Now he was absolutely sure it was blood.
"It's kinda embarrassing to explain..." She returned to clean the sheet, focused on making the red stain disappear.
"I won't judge, I promise." Zuko reassured.
"It's a woman thing. Usually, we don't want people to notice when we are on our period, you know?"
As the stain started to dissolve and vanish in the river's stream, Zuko's mind clicked. Your period. Of course! How could he be so dumb? He felt his face starting to redden.
"So, Y/n is..."
"Yes, that's why I'm washing this." She lifted the sheet that now was wet. "But even if we try to be careful, accidents do happen. "And with a simple movement, she removed the water from the sheet, drying it in the process.
"Accidents, right." Zuko just pretended to agree. He understood generally what being on period meant, but that was all he knew. Part of him was never really interested in knowing more about it, but another part never had access to it, since the subject was considered taboo by most part of women. "I suppose it's impossible to be careful enough."
Katara immediately noticed how he didn't seem to know much of what they were talking about and a playful smile quickly appeared on her lips.
"You know you're not fooling anyone, are you?"
"What do you-"
"Zuko, it's okay to not know about things." The waterbender assured him. Her smile wasn't playful anymore. It switched to a tender one.
"I-I-" The prince started to blush again. He really wanted to understand more about theses "girly things" and how he could make you feel better but it was just so difficult to ask. "I don't-"
"Don't worry. I won't tease you." Katara started to get up with the basket of clean clothes in hand.
Zuko looked away, focusing on the camp before answering. The prince imagined you trapped in that tent, acting in that moody way for a reason you couldn't control. He really wanted to help you, and if that meant he had to go over all his shame and male pride, he would.
"Fine. " He answered while pinching the bridge of his nose. "But don't tell Sokka."
"Why would I-"
"Don't tell Toph either."
"But why-"
"Actually, don't tell anyone."
Today your period was getting the best of you. Your mood was shit. You had been turning over all night because of hellish cramps so it was expected that you wanted to sleep until later. But then when Toph, who was unaware of your situation, tried to talk to you, you were extremely rude to her. Actually, even if you tried to tell Toph that you were on your period, she wouldn't understand since she hadn't had her first yet, but you still had no right to curse her just for saying hi.
As if it were a punishment from the universe, you realized that you had stained one of the sheets that you had used that night. Furthermore, your horrible cramps had returned. Thankfully Katara came to your rescue, helping you a little with the pain and offering to wash the tragic sheet.
Now, after all the events, you didn't quite know what you wanted to do. Sure, you wanted to apologize to Toph, but you were afraid of what to do if your mood changed again.  Your body was limp, your breasts were swollen and your back hurt a lot. Everything told you not to get up. So, that's what you did.
You were almost asleep again when you felt someone entering the tent. Thinking it was Toph, you automatically sat down and started to apologize.
"I know that nothing I say will change what I did, but I really-" You stopped talking when you noticed it wasn't your best friend that was in front of you, it was the guy that you liked. "Zuko?"
"Sorry for entering without asking." He said with an apologetic look. "Can I stay here?"
"I would love you to stay but... " You really wanted his presence there, but you were afraid to be rude to him too. And he was the last person you wanted to make a bad impression on. " I'm not very well today."
"I know."
"You... know?" You asked in a slightly nervous way, but you tried to disguise it.
"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking as nervous as you were. "But I don't mind."
You seemed to be even more nervous than before. Being alone with him always made you unquiet, but imagining that he might know about your period made you want to bury your face in the ground and disappear. You knew it was normal to menstruate and it was stupid to perpetuate the idea that guys shouldn't know when you were or weren't on your period, but the thought of talking about it with him scared you.
You tried to say a few things, but the words died in your throat. The fear that the guy you liked so much thought you were disgusting made you so apprehensive that you didn't even know what to say.
He noticed your apprehension almost immediately.
"I-I bought you something!" Zuko started looking for something inside a small bag he had with him and it was the first time that you had noticed its existence.
When the prince finally found what you were looking for, you realized it was a very poorly wrapped up packet.
"You didn't need to-"
"It's chocolate. Katara said it could help." He handed the packet to you without looking you in the eye.
As you started to open it, you saw different bars of chocolate. One of white chocolate, one of dark chocolate, one with chestnuts and one with an extremely reddish color. Some of them were a little broken and melted, but most of them were fine.
"I didn't know which flavor you like the most, so I bought one of each." You felt your ears burn just by imagining him buying all that for you.
"Where did you-"
"I borrowed Appa to go to the nearest market." He answered. "But they ended up getting kind of..." You tried not to laugh at his frustrated face.
Your shame was gradually going away. He didn't think you were disgusting because you were on your period. In fact, he was worried to the point of taking a mini trip and buying sweets for you. And he even tried to wrap them up, though he clearly failed. Imagining him doing all that for you made your heart warmer to the point of making you cry. Your mood change was taking the best out of you again.
Zuko's eyes widened as soon as he noticed your tears.
"I-I'm sorry! I-" He started to get up. "I'll leave you alone!''
You quickly held him by the wrist while letting out a laugh. Your tears salted your mouth as you giggled, but you didn't care. Meanwhile, Zuko was staring at you with an extremely confused expression.
"I'm happy, you dork."
"But why are you crying?" He looked so worried that you almost felt guilty for laughing at him.
"Period things. I'm fine, really." You said while whipping your tears away. "Now sit here with me. I'm curious about this red one."
Zuko sighed with relief and sat next to you with his legs crossed. You stopped holding his wrist, being surprised at how brave you were to do something like this. You were the kind of person who got embarrassed just by touching him in the shoulder. Even when training with him, you would get disconcerted by the smallest things.
"It's a Fire Nation traditional chocolate." He broke a piece of the chocolate and offered it to you. "I thought you might want to try it."
You took the bizarrely red piece from his hand and tried not to sweat.
"I hope this isn't too spicy." But when you ate the piece, your fear came true. "ZUKO!"
"WHAT!" He practically jumped.
"WATER!" You screamed as you felt your tongue burning.
The prince started turning over all the sheets until he finally found a canteen lost in a corner of the tent. You didn't even wait for him to deliver it to you. You took the canteen from his hands and drank the water until you felt the burning sensation cease.
When you finally managed to stabilize your breathing after drinking so much water, you faced him. Zuko was sweating bullets.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked worriedly.
"It was an outstanding experience." You replied with a grin. "But I prefer not to try it again."
"Yeah, I won't buy this one for you the next time."
"Next time?" You couldn't ignore his statement. What did he mean by next time?
Zuko started to blush again. Every time he started talking about things he had done for you or how he wanted to be with you, his face turned red, almost like a tomato. However, you couldn't hear his answer since your cramps have returned, making you lean forward and hold your belly.
"Hey, are you-"
"Cramps. Awful ones." You replied, still holding your belly. Your cramps were rougher than usual, so you laid down. "Sorry for ruining the mood."
"Don't apologize. It's not your fault. "
You were unable to agree or disagree with him. Your pain was so intense that you couldn't focus on anything. The guy of your dreams was on your side and you couldn't even look at him.
Suddenly, you felt something hot thing land on your belly. It was hot, but not enough to hurt you. It was cozy and made your pain lower little by little. You only came to understand what it was when the heat moved and you recognized the shape of a hand, a male hand.
"Katara said that heat can help with the pain." Zuko said as he slid his hand over your belly. "Do you feel better?"
"Yes." A pleased expression appeared in your face. "It feels nice."
"Good. I've never done this before." He stated.
"What about Mai?" You asked curiously, trying to not sound jealous. He was being so supportive that you couldn't help but imagine him trying to please his ex-girlfriend in every single way.
"Mai hardly commented on how she felt. Even when she was more... Er... Sensitive- "Zuko cleared his throat. "She was no different. It's not like I never wanted to help, but she never allowed me to be close enough.
"I see." You imagined him trying to get closer and Mai pushing him away. You felt sad for him. "Well, I feel happy for being the first one." Shyly, you put your hand over his. "I'll give you a lot of work to make up for it."
A smile lit up his face. His smile was the most beautiful thing in the world, and it was becoming more common as he spent more time with you and the rest of the Gaang.
"Am I supposed to be afraid?" He replied provocatively.
"Women in their period can be the most dangerous thing, you know."
"Yeah, Sokka said so."
"Sokka what?"
Taglist: @bucky-blogs @dekahg @eridanuswave @the-firebender-girl
People who were interested but I don’t if I could tag them: @unfortunateshelby @little-wankenobi @theblueslytherin @creepytoes88​ @http-peter-parker​
I don’t think this was my best work since I don’t feel really secure with portraying Zuko as a boyfriend yet. I’m not really sure about how he expresses love since he had so many problematic relationships and I don’t think he would be the perfect guy who would know everything about dating and stuff. I also don’t think he would say his feelings out loud. He looks more practical to me but not too practical. To me, he’s probably shy with this stuff. 
Please, give me feedback if I portraited him well as a boyfriend even if he wasn’t your boyfriend in this imagine.
English isn’t my native language so it might have mistakes.
I needed to write this since my period is still killing me.
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highladydawn · 3 years
ACOTAR Crew as ATLA Characters
Friends, romans, countrymen...The time is upon us to match ACOTAR characters with their Avatar the Last Airbender counterparts. This list will be equal parts detailed and chaotic. Also, this is purely for fun and you may not agree with all the matches! That’s okay! I’d love to hear your own takes in the comments. ✨
(Thanks to the pals this idea was born with. They make days working in a library feel less lonely ~ @gimme-mor @elains @xnightwolfx @symphonyofbleedingshadows​)
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Feyre | Aang 🍃
Even though Feyre doesn’t have Aang’s comedic personality, she shares a lot of important traits with Aang. She’s the protagonist of the story who has to learn how to master a lot of power very quickly under the threat of war. As where Aang has to learn the four elements, Feyre has to learn to how wield the power of all the high lords. They also are both driven by their desire to “save the world” and put an end to the evil powers that seek world domination. Lastly, they’re both the heart of their found families. They both bring members that they’re related to and the people they find along the way! 
Rhysand | Katara 🌊
This one was tough, but stick with me! Rhysand is the one who provides Feyre with the most hope. He saves her from a situation where she felt trapped (like Katara saving Aang in the iceberg) and is very heavily involved in the ultimate plot to save the world. Like Katara, Rhysand is incredibly powerful at his special power and also loves his protagonist. Katara and Rhys are both characters that are good in a crisis. They think clearly, they manage to hold the family together, and are willing to make sacrifices to keep others safe. 
Cassian | Sokka 🗡️
This one speaks for itself! They both are hilarious, they both have great hair, they’re both ripped as adults. More specifically, they’re an important sibling who has a skillset that’s different than most of the other people in the group. Cassian is a powerful warrior and the General of the NC. Sokka is the group strategist who specializes in sword combat. They are also both extremely loyal characters who felt like they had to be a grown man too early. For fun, they’re both flirtatious and like to indulge in food. 
Azriel | Longshot 🏹
Hear me out! I know Longshot isn’t a main character, but these two have a lot of similarities. They’re both incredibly soft spoken, as if everything they say is meticulously planned out and meant to serve a purpose. They feel most comfortable about their found family and work to serve a spying purpose within that group. When Jet dies, Longshot refuses to leave his side and stays with him. Likewise, Azriel doesn’t leave Rhys’ side when shit hits the fan. Azriel would die for Rhys, whether the high lord wants it or not. Lastly, they’re both characters who know how to listen and say the right thing because of it.
Amren | Toph 🌏
What can I say? These two are small, tough ladies who are unconquerable forces of nature who help act as the “reality check” for their protagonist. Toph would rather die than sugarcoat things for Aang, and Amren is much the same with Feyre. They work well together, even if they butt heads sometimes, and ultimately their powers compliment each other really well. Both Amren and Toph have a certain finesse for intimidation that gets them what they want. 
Lucien | Zuko 🔥
These boys are Princes of Fire who both have a scar on their eye from incredibly traumatic experiences. Both of them begin their stories (at least when we meet them) aligned with the wrong team. They side with the people who they think will get them what they want. For Lucien, it’s a home to call his own. For Zuko, it’s his honor and...actually, he wants a home too! They both want families who accept them for who they are, without having to earn it (which is unfortunately what they end up doing). They both go through a “break up” with these attachments. Zuko decides to help Aang and Lucien makes the decision to leave the Spring Court. These decisions also help the protagonist, and ultimately, they both are characters that provide desperate support in moments where the heroes are losing. 
Elain | Yue 🌙
Now we don’t know a whooole lot about Elain right now, but I’m sticking to this one! Yue is a kind-hearted character, well-beloved by her people, and generally known for being selfless and more connected to beauty and the natural world. Elain is much like this, as attached to her “element” (flowers) as Yue is to her. They’re both in high demand by the men in their lives, but their priority is their family. Yue makes a drastic choice to save her people, just as Elain has the killing blow in the battle against Hybern. Overall, they’re just nice ladies that people underestimated, but really have a lot of power. Also they’re beautiful.
Nesta | Mai 🗡
Listen, Nesta and Mai are our girls that are generally not liked by the audience for being disagreeable, dark in aesthetic, and pessimistic. Both they are both incredibly loyal and protective over the people that are important to them. When someone they do care about is threatened, they unleash a power that is well-trained and sharp. Do not find yourself on the other end of their blades. As their stories are revealed, we discover that Nesta and Mai have been ignored by people they desperately wanted attention from (Nesta, her father and Mai, Azula). But ultimately, their hearts are so much softer than others expect and they are full of so much love.
Mor | Ty Lee 🌸
Mor and Ty Lee are the definitions of feminine badasses. The connection here probably isn’t as...close as the others, but I really like it. Mor and Ty Lee have both experienced gut-wrenching discrimination for being women, yet still possess an immense amount of skill and control that allows them to take down their enemies. Ty Lee seeks approval a bit more than Mor does, but they both support their friends and will follow them to the ends of the earth, even if it put them in uncomfortable situations (ie: Mor in the Hewn City). I also get strong queer vibes from Ty Lee, so I’m going to speculate that they’re both femme WLW. 🏳️‍🌈
Emerie & Gwyn | Suki 🤺
I didn’t want to put Emerie and Gwyn together because they are both women in their own right, but I couldn’t think of anyone else who would serve them the resepct they deserve. Suki is disciplined, a hard worker, and one of the most bad ass warriors in the whole show. She has endured the trauma of her home being attacked and burned and being captured against her will, which is something she shares in common with Gwyn. But she also has faced discrimination for being a woman in a “man’s” field, which is something that led to Emerie’s wing clipping. But all three receive training that teaches them that women are strong and that if they remain balanced and steadfast, they can conquer any enemy.
Helion | Iroh 🍵
Hang with me! This is more speculation, but I expect that Helion could be an incredibly good male role model in Lucien’s life. Provide him a new perspective and represent the “new home” once he cuts ties with the past that wronged him, just as Iroh did for Zuko. Helion and Iroh are stronger and more cunning than people expect because they have characteristics that distract people from their true power (ie: Helion is perceived as “sex obsessed” and Iroh is “fat and lazy”). Helion and Iroh also form love for a long time. They have endured the loss of someone they loved (Iroh’s son and Helion’s presumed mate), but that experience has impacted who they are during the story. 
The Lady of Autumn | Ursa 🌹
This is another one that speaks for itself. LoA and Ursa are moms who absolutely love their sons. They have faced domestic abuse and sacrificed much of who they are for the sake of their children. Yet this situation brings challenges for them that cause them to favor their son over their other children, which unintentionally causes suffering for the favored child (ie: Azula makes Zuko miserable in any way she can, Lucien is hated by his brothers). They both are queens of lands that are cut throat, fiery, and rooted in traditional ways. But they do find ways to break free (or at least, I really hope so for LoA) and reclaim their agency and self-worth. 
Koschei/King of Hybern/Beron | Fire Lord Ozai 🔥
These are just all the dudes who are obsessed with gaining a lot of power. Beron has a special connection because he literally rules a kingdom of Fire. Yet Hybern and Koschei are interested in seizing power over the world and do not care if they have to kill, hurt, steal, and cheat to do it. But all these bastards will/have gotten their asses handed to them by their “good” counterpart. So, rest in pieces, assholes. (Though someone in the chat did say that Beron and Ozai are both sexy older guys, so there’s a fun little connection).
Tamlin | Jet ⚔
Self-centered bastards with his good intentions in all the wrong places. They start out good guys—they experience a massive tragedy in their youth that traumatizes them and radicalizes them in all the wrong ways. Because of this, they engage in manipulation tactics to get those around them to not only remain loyal to them, but also participate in their twisted mission. Tamlin lords his friendship with Lucien over his emissary’s head, making it very difficult for Lucien to hold Tamlin accountable and subsequently leave. Likewise, Jet’s Freedom Fighters end up realizing just how far gone their leader is when he wants to sacrifice innocent lives. They both have also manipulated women, which, gross. And unfortunately for Tamlin and Jet, their quest for revenge and (their twisted) justice ends up in them losing their strength, their power, their leadership, and their sanity.  
Amarantha | Azula 🔥
Lads, these women are absolute psychopaths. They torture, they pretend they’re capable of actual empathy (spoiler alert: THEY’RE NOT), and their lust for power is what ultimately brings their demise. They both answer to a man with greater power than them who (quite honestly) abandons them when they no longer have “use.” The only difference is, you’re ecstatic when Amarantha dies, but Azula’s fall is really tragic in a lot of ways. 
Nyx | Momo ⭐
HAHAHA, just kidding. Any of Aang and Katara’s kids could be Nyx, depending on his personality when he grows up. 
The Suriel | Bumi 💪
These two are funky lil guys who offer the protagonists a new perspective that they desperately need. They pop up more than once to assist as the character progresses on their journey. And the Suriel, like Bumi, end up being more friendly and likable than you expect when you first look at them. The only difference is, you capture the Suriel with food and not an iron cage.
Appa | Bryaxis 🐃
You can blame Lacie for this one. Let’s hope the acotar team never hops on Bryaxis’ back and says “Yip Yip!” 
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3dyingsucculents · 3 years
I found this unfinished and thought y’all would appreciate it (In kinda finished it? Shading is for the less sleep deprived). Inspired by the dynamic of Toph and Zuko as siblings. (I imagine Sokka made the signs).
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Inspired by this image:
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Description: The first image is a drawing of Toph and Zuko sitting together. Zuko is holding a sign that reads: “I greeted the master earthbender to my camp by accidentally burning her. The avatar doesn’t an hour unburying me (sad face).” Toph is holding a sign that reads: “I chase the Jerkbender around the air temple because he’s scared of me now. Lol” and she finds this whole situation hilarious. The second image is that dog shaming meme of the dog who tried eating the hedgehog as a welcome and now gets chased by the aforementioned hedgehog around the house as the dog is scared of the hedgehog.
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rllymilerlly · 4 years
For the lifeguard au, you should have zuko and suki realize toph likes aang and so they throw her in the pool so he can save her.
Zuko and Suki wouldn’t ever put Toph’s life in danger and throw her in just so she can be saved by her crush. That ain’t a cool move
HOWEVER: They do know that their friend is a total drama queen and know that she’d have the same reaction no matter how shallow the water is. Evidence:
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So they would definitely push her into the shallowest end and she’d be like is shown above. Zuko and Suki try to inform her she could just stand up, but she “can’t hear them over the sound of betrayal.”
Aang being on duty, would find the situation pretty hilarious as he helps her out of the water. There would definitely be some teasing after he gets her out. After he walks away to go back to work, Toph bluntly tells her friends she hates them as they laugh.
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autisticzukka · 3 years
what is this hakoda zuko arranged marriage you speak of? i am intrigued
okay so the long story short is that it’s a slight rebuttal of a popular post that is very fun but i find like... unrealistic in a really intriguing way like, how would this ACTUALLY play out. I’ve talked about it at length in my server a few times, and it’s one of those AU’s -- like the genderbend zukka ATLA rewrite or the zukki fic that starts with sokka failing to assassinate zuko -- that lives rent free in my head and I’ve written a couple thousand words for.
tw for like VERY unrequited zuko in love with hakoda and the inherent comedy of sokka being in love with his fire nation stepmom.
so here’s hakoda, chief of the southern water tribe, happily not-married to Bato. and here is a more balanced war, where the north and the south are actually  allies, rather than whatever the fuck they were in ATLA. Yue already has a fiance and the Northern chief refuses to remarry. that leaves hakoda responsible for biting the bullet and doing a political marriage even though, as he points out at length, he is an elected official and if he stops being elected it’s no longer a marriage with the chief of the south pole. intelligently but mostly selfishly motivated (yue’s fiance is his nephew, after all) pakku points out that its not like the fire nation knows... that. the fire nation is dumb. ozai’s stupid.
faced with such inarguable points hakoda stiffens his upper lip, pre-emptively ends things with bato on the understanding that if this is another kya situation they’ll get back together and that he’s still the most important person to him but the tribe comes first yada yada, and deals with katara throwing the mother of all tantrums. it is slightly softened by the fact that in return for him marrying the fire nation noble, a thing everyone can agree isn’t traditional, the north has finally agreed to train katara. she heads out before the wedding, in protest but also so as to not cause an international incident.
(on her way, she’ll find aang. with the war less dire, katara will be sympathetic towards his desire to live without committing violence, even if she deeply can’t relate. they’ll have a hot girl romcom summer of self discovery and coming to terms with the dichotomy between duty and love as they become master benders. at some point they pick up toph. they ARE a throuple.)
sokka meanwhile is like.. not cool with it.. but ? kind of relieved? like. he’s the eldest kid. he’s 18, and he’s been a man of the tribe as far as legalities for several years. it would have been entirely understandable if his dad had asked HIM to do it. he had his emotionally crushing romance with yue, and as much as he was like ‘im kind of a prince’, he finds he doesn’t actually want some of the responsibilities and demands that would bring. yue’s life sucks.
back in the fire nation, zuko never demanded a quest and never went on it. he’s spent years hardening into something that, while brittle, can survive the pressures of the court around him. he still has his scar. he still wants his father to love him, but he knows by now that it’s not something he’s capable of earning. he watches his sister, never the most stable person, start to have complete breakdowns of sanity once she hits puberty, and helps her cover for it and receive medical treatment on the down low. he’s the heir, but he lives knowing that if he was ever in a position to inherit his choices are to abdicate or have the baby sister who he raised kill him and destroy herself and the country in the process.
when he realizes the plan is to marry azula off rather than someone more reasonable-- mai is RIGHT there, for fucks sake-- he doesn’t realize ozai’s true intent is to fuck this up through malicious compliance and false shows of good faith. he panics, and does the zuko thing: he blurts out that this is unacceptable and immoral and she’s only 16 and Ozai sees the true opportunity for two birds with one stone. send zuko, let him piss someone off so badly he gets killed or divorced, and he gets rid of zuko from the line of succession permanently. there are those who are incredibly attached to teh idea of a firstborn for firelord, and it’s been a constant thorn in unpopular ozai’s side to nto be able to name azula his heir apparent without costly rebellion. but if he can taint him in the mind of the fire nation so much that birthright is easy to supercede-- yeah. this’ll work PERFECTLY.
so zuko is sent to marry hakoda, chief of the water tribe.
literally NO ONE was expecting it to be a member of Ozai’s immediate family. besides the fact that his oldest child is half hakoda’s age and his brother has 20 years on hakoda, it would have been sus as fuck - the treaty is not favorable enough to grant that kind of secession of interests. it becomes quickly apparent that this young man -- hakoda reminds himself of that repeatedly. not kid. not kid. young man. don’t think of him like a kid, it’s hard enough on both of us already. -- is not a horrible threat. he’s scared shitless and shakes with what he thinks is bravado. he’s desperate to make the marriage work. he’s desperate to not go home. he’s got a giant fucking scar on his face from where the fire lord punished him for some grievous but unstated offense.
zuko “daddy issues” fire nation sees his husband to be and, despite being scared shitless, immediately begins to soften a little. like... he’s not nearly as scary as he thought he’d be. his face can be stern, but it just as easily breaks into huge smiles, and his eyes are crinkled with laughter. he’s incredibly handsome. and his biceps are. his biceps. are. his hands are...
like. zuko thinks. okay. maybe. maybe his marriage duties. won’t be so horrible as he thought. maybe he’s ready for this. and he knows what to expect, Uncle had discreetly provided him the means and the contacts to acquire an intimate education in the whirlwind of activity that was the two months before leaving. and like, once he’d gotten past the nerves, it was often even... good? or at least... not bad? he thinks that even if hakoda isn’t a professional expert, he has a certain.... je ne sais quoi, if you will.
sokka sees his new stepfather and immediately falls in love because he’s that kind of dumb bitch. (the core of this au is that i cant breathe thinking about sokka falling in love with his hot young stepmom his age who his dad doesnt even want to fuck. like. i CANT. sokka masturbates to ‘hand caught in the washing tub’ fantasies which are even more absurd for requiring zuko to be DOING LAUNDRY. i find it so funny.)
bato watches them at the wedding feast while hakoda is very clearly trying to treat zuko as an Equal Adult Partner and mostly managing to seem like someone having a serious conversation with a seven year old about the game they’ve made up. zuko is clearly enamored with it, soaking up the attention, blushing and doing his best to Bravely Flirt, which at one point includes awkwardly attempting to feed Hakoda by hand. bato has to excuse himself to have a teary eyed giggle, hoping that Kya is in the spirit world looking down and laughing with him. he can’t resent the kid even a little bit, when hakoda is sitting there looking so incredibly fucking befuddled as to what he’s supposed to do with this star struck infant he’s legally wed to
anyways all of this... is very funny. their wedding night... is less so. zuko does not take the rejection from hakoda very well, especially because he’d been caught wanting. HE’S the one who should be rejecting hakoda. and he catastrophizes almost immediately about his potential value to the water tribe, his future treatment, that endless inescapable freezing cold loneliness is the good ending for him here... hakoda, meanwhile, drops zuko off at his home, reassuringly informs him that there’s NOTHING else expected of him and he will be well taken care of, and books it to bato’s. bato refuses to let him in on grounds of ‘you can’t sleep under the same shelter as me on your wedding night to that kid, have a fucking brain’, and he ends up crashing at sokka’s.
sokka, who had KNOWN that his dad wouldnt, but also upon seeing zuko and zuko’s awkward flirting was like... but how COULDNT he???? sokka is relieved.
the core of this fic is that i find it endlessly hilarious for zuko to try and seduce his husband while sokka simps around zuko and bato tries to be heartbroken or betrayed but mostly ends up with a giant case of hysterical schadenfreude. but the thing that CLINCHED it for me, like THE scene. several years after being married, settled into their life. they’re partners and they see each other as people. and zuko just fucking snaps one night
he just kisses him, desperate and clawing and climbing and maybe a little drunk. he knows hakoda is going to push him away, maybe even hit him, but he doesn’t care anymore, he doesn’t care. he can do anything he wants to him as long as he just-- finally does something. zuko is 21 and married to the surface of the sun and the surface of the sun jr is his best friend and clearly in love with him-- so clearly not even zuko can miss it-- and like. listen. listen. zuko is not a patient person. but he’s been patient for this. he waited and he matured and he is a fucking amazing husband and he wants this, he wants him. he wants to be wanted.
but hakoda doesn’t push him away. hakoda doesnt yell at him, or hit him. hakoda gentles the kiss into something soft and closed lipped. he pulls away slowly, and his eyes are so sad for zuko, so pitying. he strokes his cheek with the back of his hand so gently. he says, I’m sorry. I don’t want you.
and zuko daddy issues fire nation swallows
and he nods
and he leaves, even though its his own fucking house
and he knows he’s never going to be good enough
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fatlouie315 · 4 years
just thinking about how Toph is the most emotionally intelligent member of the Gaang, and how her character arc of learning that it’s not weak to rely on others allows her to develop this intelligence to help her friends!!
Toph is very blunt and candid from the beginning. My favorite moment that shows this is definitely her hilarious “he’s your puppet!” outburst to Long Feng. She’s also really good at analyzing situations and making connections. She’s the one who realizes Appa’s shedding is what is allowing them to be tracked. She invents metalbending by applying her seismic sense skills to a logical but creative application. She puts together, with Sokka’s help, that Azula is wasting their time during the invasion.
Toph’s always been super aware of her own emotions. Even when she’s upset in episodes like The Chase or The Runaway, it’s clear she knows what her own problem is, even if she’s too stubborn to admit it. She spills her whole life story to Zuko on the beach with no problem. But she gets frustrated when others don’t have this same ability. I love when she clearly sees both that Zuko has changed and that it makes logical sense to let him teach Aang, but no one agrees with her. When she says “Maybe you’re all just letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly” it perfectly shows how different her thought process is than that of the other kids.
As she grows closer to the Gaang, she uses these skills to read their emotions and thoughts and help them process them. And her friends grow to rely on her advice! She’s able to assure Zuko that he has redeemed himself to his uncle, she’s the one who suggests to find the original source of firebending when Zuko doubts his abilities, and even though she doesn’t know that Katara can hear her, she explains how much she relies on and appreciates her compassion.
I just love how over the course of the series her snarky bluntness remains the same, but her “I’ll tell you what your problem is, whether you like it or not” attitude develops into a genuine effort to help her friends to think through their problems clearly. I love her!!
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merakiaes · 5 years
Borrowed Shirts And Shy Kisses - Zuko
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Pairing: Zuko x reader
Requested: By @skiving-snackboxess
Prompts: #58 from the fluff-list, #23 from the smut-list. 
Warning/notes: You didn’t specify if you wanted a whole smut scene or not so I ended up making it fluffy instead. I hope that’s alright and I hope you like it!
Wordcount: 1393
Summary: You share your first kiss with Zuko. Flustered, awkward Zuko <3
You had spent the entire morning washing your clothes in a nearby stream with Katara while Zuko and Aang practiced their firebending, Sokka and Toph having gone off in search of a market to buy food.
You couldn’t deny it had been a bit hard to keep your eyes off the shirtless Zuko while he ran around, muscles tensing and flexing with his every move, but after Katara had caught you watching, you had forced yourself to just focus on the laundry, knowing that you would never hear the end of it if you let her catch you a second time.
It was around noon when you finished up in the stream, finally being able to put your clothes back on. But of course, with your luck, or lack thereof, Appa had sneezed all over you only a second after you’d stepped into your campsite, drenching you with his snot and saliva.
Katara had found it hilarious, of course, as she had just stood to the side and laughed at you while you scolded the flying bison for making your freshly washed clothes dirty again. But obviously, it wasn’t as amusing for you as you now had to wash your clothes a second time that day.
Sokka and Toph had yet to return, Katara leaving you to re-wash your clothes to go look for them. It was with hunched shoulders and broody steps that you walked back to the stream, muttering under your breath as you stripped down to your underwear and got to work.
As opposed to the first time you had washed your clothes, you showed them no mercy this time, scrubbing the fabric harshly and with quick motions to get it done faster. You stood there, knee deep in cold water, until you were sure that your clothes were completely clean from Appa’s snot, only then stepping back onto land.
You heard the sounds of Katara, Sokka and Toph talking in the distance then, making you realize you didn’t have enough time to let the clothes air dry this time and deciding you would have to bring them to Aang for him to dry.
The problem? You didn’t have any spare clothes and you refused to walk into camp half naked and embarrass yourself. Luckily, you spotted Zuko’s shirt on the ground a bit closer to camp, and rushed over to grab it, slipping the maroon piece of clothing over your head.
Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind that you borrowed it for a minute or two while Aang dried your clothes.
Heading up the small hill towards where Aang and Zuko were firebending, you let out a whistle to alert them of your presence, not wanting to sneak up on them and accidentally get burned. The two of them instantly stopped bending, a bright, wide smile rising to Aang’s face, while Zuko’s mouth fell open at the sight of you.
“Is that my shirt?”
You glanced between Zuko and the shirt you were wearing and gave him a sheepish smile. “Appa sneezed all over me so I had to wash my clothes again. Your shirt was the closest thing I could find, I didn’t want to come up here half-naked. I hope you don’t mind.”
Zuko quickly shook his head. “No, uh…” He rubbed his neck. “It’s fine.”
“Thanks, Zuko.” You offered him a grateful smile, before turning to Aang and holding out the wet clothes. “Would you mind helping me dry these off? It sounded like Sokka and Toph was back so I don’t have enough time to let them air dry a second time.”
Aang stepped forward, nodding. “Oh yeah, for sure. Just hold them up.”
You smiled brightly and did as told, holding your clothes up and watching as the young Avatar sent out a gust of air, successfully drying the clothes in less than a second.
“Thanks.” You smiled, before turning to Zuko and pointing a thumb to the woods. “I’ll go change; I’ll bring you back your shirt in a minute. Thanks for the borrow.”
Without waiting for an answer, you turned around and walked in the direction you had pointed, making sure you were covered by the trees before putting down your clothes on a rock and getting ready to change.
As you gripped the bottom of Zuko’s shirt and moved to lift it, however, a pair of hot, rough hands were placed on yours, causing you to stop dead in your tracks and jump around in fright. You put a hand to your chest, eyes wide and breathing heavily as you looked at Zuko.
Slapping his bare chest, you glared. “Don’t sneak up on me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack.”
Zuko rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry. I just, I needed to tell you something. Something important.””
You slowly felt yourself relax, your head nodding. “Okay, go on.”
“I, uh… I…”
You raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of behavior, not at all being used to this kind of Zuko. The Zuko you were used to was the one who took control of every situation, was straight forward and determined.
But then again, this was probably the first time you’d had a private conversation with him since he joined Team Avatar, in the first place, so maybe you just hadn’t gotten to see the real him yet.
“Yes?” You edged him on, causing him to let out a shaky breath.
“Well, I don’t really know how to say this but uh, just, seeing you in my shirt made me feel some kind of way. I’ve never wanted anyone this badly before, and I don’t really know how to act or what to say without making a complete fool out of myself.”
You felt your face grow hot at his words, your hands instantly starting to fiddle out of habit. “Oh.”
“Oh.” Zuko repeated, hoping you would say something else, a strong blush dusting his cheeks.
“I mean.” You cleared your throat, offering him a shy smile. “I didn’t know you felt that way about me. I don’t really know what to say other than… that I think I feel the same way… for you.”
A small smile appeared on his lips, his eyes peeking down at you from under his fringe. “Really?”
You nodded nervously. The next second you were moving closer to each other and you soon found your back pressed against the rock holding your clothes while you leaned in, and the next thing you knew, his lips were brushing ever so softly against yours, testing out the waters.
When you didn’t show any signs of not wanting it, he leaned in and closed the remaining space between you, fully pressing his lips to yours in a kiss. It was short and sweet, but enough to set both of your bodies on fire and leave you wanting more.
But as Sokka called out your names from the campsite, probably done with the food, you had to push your yearnings back, breaking apart from each other much sooner than you would’ve wanted.
Zuko took a step back and rubbed his neck awkwardly, and you had to bit the inside of your lip in order to keep the huge smile that was threatening to break out off your lips at the sight of his flustered and nervous face, finding it the most adorable thing ever.
“Well I’ll, uh, I guess I’ll leave you alone to get changed.” Zuko smiled softly, taking a step back. “You can keep the shirt in case you ever need a spare, I have another one.”
You glanced down at your feet before looking back up and offering him a gentle smile of your own, your heart still beating hard in your chest from the moment you had just shared. “Thanks. I’ll see you back at camp?”
Zuko nodded, gave you a long look and offered you one last smile, before walking back the way he came from, leaving you behind to get changed. You quickly put on your own pants, but when you got to your shirt, you opted to just keep wearing Zuko’s, breathing in the sweet scent of his soap that still lingered in the fabric.
You carefully folded your own top and picked it up, before turning around and walking back to camp with a wide smile playing on your lips, the only thing running through your head being ‘Thank you Appa’. 
Tagged: @edarene @nekodemon73
(If you want to be tagged, send me a message with the character and/or fandom you want to be tagged for)
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sukis-wife · 4 years
Gaang friendship hc’s: Mai
I love Mai so much and she’s so freaking underrated and even though we don’t see it after the war she definitely bonded with the rest of the gaang so I wrote hc’s about their friendship!
Zuko definitely introduced Mai and Tylee to the gaang like right away after the war and though it was a little tense at first they all bonded very quickly
Sokka and Mai would definitely bond over their shared love for art and poetry giving each other tips on how to improve their work
Sokka and Mai would both have an endless amount of sarcastic comments and they’d go back and forth for hours in conversation
Mai finds most of Sokka’s jokes absolutely hilarious much to everyone’s suprise and Sokka is def very proud of the fact that he’s one of the only people to make Mai laugh
We know Sokka loves to shop and I think Mai would to (not really for herself but for other’s) so they’d go on the occasional shopping trip
Mai and Aang get would get along great and would go on some pretty daring adventures together cause Mai hates being bored and Aang just loves adventure
Aang would get Mai to try meditation and even though she doesn’t love it she does it with Aang cause who could say no to him
Aang and Mai would probably garden together and Aang would teach Mai to make flower crowns and jewelry
Katara and Mai would team up and attack the rude noble men that they have to deal with in meetings (with words or weapons it depends on the situation)
Mai and Katara both enjoy spa days a little more then all the others so they’d go together to just relax and chat
Katara, Mai, Toph, Tylee, and Suki would probably get together once a month to rant, gossip, and just catch up with one and other about everything going on
Mai and Toph would talk to each other and relate over their complicated relationships with their parents
Toph and Mai both hate the fancy boring parties they have to attend and even though they grew up having to go to them and know how their supposed to act they choose to ignore that and cause chaos
After awhile they make a game out of it and both try to one up each other and at one point Toph yelled “eat the rich” and Mai hissed at anyone who came near her
The whole gaang will try to join in on the chaos game but it’s harder for some of them who kinda have to be polite so Mai and Toph cause more chaos (for their sake of course)
Suki, Toph, and Mai would have very intense sparring matches where they genuinely look like they might kill each other
Mai and Suki teach one another how to use each other’s weapons and they both become more deadly and badass
Suki will “guard” Mai when she comes to the palace which is really just and excuse for the two of them to hang out cause as Zuko said “Mai doesn’t need protection”
Mai and Suki can communicate silently somehow through glances and they make it very obvious to scare everyone else
Mai would literally throw knives at anyone who so much as looked at one of them the wrong way cause that’s how she shows her love
Overall Mai would get along great with the gaang and they’d all be a happy because they all deserve happiness (and therapy)
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middleofnowhere92 · 3 years
Hukki for the Suez Canal ask?
What kind of cargo are they carrying? I can’t see them on a heavy duty cargo ship. Ikki probably convinced Huan to go on a day trip somewhere to get inspired and then they found themselves stuck. 
Which trope(s) apply to their situation?
There was only one bed | Slow burn | Enemies to Lovers | Mutual Pining | Idiots to Lovers | Friends to Lovers | Angst | Hurt/Comfort |
Who starts panicking? I’m tempted to say Huan. Even though the ship would be metal, I think there would still be some discomfort being trapped on a boat surrounded by water. He’s only a generation removed from Toph. I think some of that discomfort would still be there, since he’s not as adventurous as the other Beifong nuggets. 
Who thinks the situation is hilarious? Ikki laughs easily and who would ever expect a boat traffic jam?
Who contemplates throwing the other overboard? I think Ikki could get a little annoyed at Huan. Like why can’t he just metal bend the ship and get it unstuck??
Who starts singing sea shanties? Ikki. Lolol. 
What do they do while they wait? Huan would get distracted from his anxiety by being inspired to create art. He would start bending away. While Ikki would be watching and keeping an eye on the situation in general. 
Who finds an alternative route? There’s only one master escape artist in this pair. 
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Yep, there’s a Suez Canal ask game
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Kantoph for that ask game <3
Purple hi!! :D Thank you for this I can always count on you haha <3
Kantoph: Ship It
What made you ship it?
Well, back in the day when I was strictly a canon compliant shipper, I found Kanto intriguing based on the few stories I found on him and his relationship with Toph. Most are just "friends with benefits" situations, but there are a few rather angsty stories that really dig into some of Toph's flaws, but also just an interesting predicament she would be in if Kanto never knew about her being pregnant. It wasn't until recently I started looking at Kantoph through a more romantic lens, so looking at scenarios if they had been in love and he passed away, or just going completely divergent and assuming he lives!
Both the angst and the fluff pulled me in, and the small amount of fanart is fantastic, too! That helped me ship it as well.
But if I'm gonna be honest, it was having awesome conversations with some mutuals of mine that really pushed them into the practically OTP spot for me. Without @aspiringknifewife @twinkle-toph @moonxkitsune @placedhands @krastbannert @thebluesunflower44 and @thebansheeandherboy I probably wouldn't be as obsessed with them as I am! Shipping is super fun when you get into a conversation, and they're always enthusiastic whenever I bring up a Kantoph convo :')
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Besides the small but mighty crew of buddies that talk to me about them? I would say the endless possibilities with scenarios! I find Kantoph to be a very versatile ship that can be filled with angst, hurt/comfort, humor/banter, fluff, and everything in between! Now, a lot of ideas and quotes and inspiration seems to just be applicable to Toph and our version of Kanto. It's just so fun!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Well, there aren't many of us and a lot of headcanons that my moots and I talk about are relatively the same haha!
I will say one thing that most probably don't care for in the Kantoph fandom would be that I can see them having 1-2 kids, or I can see them having like, 6 kids LMAO!
Very wide range, I know, but I just think the humor involved in a scenario where they just don't stop having kids is kind of hilarious and fitting. Definitely not a main headcanon of mine, but I must say, a whole bunch of baby Beifongs with Toph and Kanto's genes just seems like beautiful chaos haha!
Okay! Think that answers the questions :) Thank you again, Purple G! Hope you have a fantastic day as always :')
Send me a ship and I'll tell you why I ship it or not!
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