#topaz x aventurine
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castkorb · 7 months ago
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I had a grand idea last night
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yoursweetwife · 7 months ago
It remains a big mystery how Aventurine obtained Ruan Mei's creatures, but I like to think that Topaz met them while at Gerta's station and took them for herself (since she adores cute animals), but she had to give them to Aventurine for a while. As a result, the cats became very attached to Aventurine, and Topaz noticed that her colleague looked more joyful, so she decided to leave them with a new owner
thank you for your attention <3
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chrollc · 8 months ago
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fear not aventurine. ur girlboss gf is here to save you
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3gglady · 2 months ago
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Avenpaz on top! ive been getting cartoonier and cartoonier but its finer because realism sucks! you know what also sucks, my hsr pulls rn. JUST GIVE ME ROBIN Anyways i love them and think they should hold hands and maybe even kisss
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rin-sa · 4 months ago
Для заказа, можна пожалуйста яндере Топаз и Авантюрин x женский читатель (с поли отношения) НСФВ ваншот? Оба уже встречаются, но также оба влюблены в читательницу и хотят чтобы она принадлежала им. Однако читательница не имеет взаимные отношения к ним и ее интересует другой человек. Поэтому они решили похитить ее и сделать ее своей. 
(Если что то не понятно можите мне отдельно написать в сообщении
Можно!! Решила поэкспериментировать с поли, ибо не часто работала... И я наконец дописала это!! :D Возможно выложу неудачные дубли, которые возникли при написании данного заказа... Но это потом. Надеюсь, вам понравится!! For those who wish to read the English version, it will be immediately after the Russian version and will be translated at the expense of the translator. You can also just use the translator, right on the Russian version... Предупреждение: яндере, одержимость, похищение, полиамория, окончание внутрь, намеки на беременность(?), нсфв. -----
Должно быть, это сводит их столку.
Авантюрин и Топаз, члены корпорации межзвездного мира, встречаются вдвоем и… Любят тебя. Однако тебя интересует другой человек и ты считаешь их максимум друзьями. Ты подозревала что-то о них, но мысли сразу отбрасывались на задний план, а лично тебе никто из них не признался. Да и было бы это как-то неправильно, если бы они по одному говорили тебе о своих чувствах. Им же хотелось все по красоте и конечно же твое согласие. Но после того, как они узнали, что тебя в романтическом плане интересует другой… Их мир рухнул под ногами. Они желали тебе самого лучше, ведь ты должна была быть только их! Ни Авантюрин, ни Топаз бы никогда не причинили тебе боль, если ты сама на это не нарвешься, методом – бросить их; они всегда были готовы поддержать тебя и оставаться на твоей стороне при любых обстоятельствах. Весь мир бы преподнесли к твоим ногам, купили бы что-угодно, сводили бы в самые дорогие места и они даже готовы уничтожит�� любую планету и любого человека, разрушить их репутацию и жизнь! Все что угодно, лишь бы ты оставалась подле них и любила также сильно, как они тебя.
Жаль ты не разделяла эти мысли с ними. Для тебя Авантюрин и Топаз, не более чем друзья. Лучшие друзья, к которым можно обратиться в беде и они выслушают, окутав теплой и приятной атмосферой, желая помочь. Да и у тебя появился объект симпатии. Быть точнее, человек, которым ты стала интересоваться и постоянно то и дело, что говорить о нем, рассказывать каждый момент, дарить ему свое внимание и улыбку, смеяться, грустить разделять чувства и эмоции...
Для тебя стало странным то, что твои друзья не поддержали тебя в этом, твоем знакомом и наоборот стали клеветать его, в надежде что ты их послушаешь и избавишься от парня сама, но нет. Ты надулась, как маленький ребенок и оставила их.
– Как глупо. – усмехается в след тебе Авантюрин, проводя по волосам.
Видишь ли, они могут без проблем забрать тебя у всех, избавиться от твоего объекта интереса, связать вас какими-нибудь узами брака и зажить счастливую жизнь. Даже если и сбежишь каким-то образом, что сделать невероятно сложно, тебя не только будут искать эти двое и те, кого они подкупили, но и на законодательном уровне им могут помочь найти их пропавшую “жену”. К твоему счастью, пока что, ни Топаз, ни её коллега на это не решились. Они подумали, что поступать так напрямую, в лом, будет неправильно и лучше начать делать все исподтишка, чтобы в подходящий момент забрать тебя и больше никогда не отпускать из своих крепких объятий. Потому что ты только их и для них это уже норма, как бы обоих не тяготило то, что они чересчур зависимы от тебя. Но несмотря на свою одержимую любовь по отношению к тебе, что Авантюрин, что Топаз – убеждены в чистоте своих искренних чувств. Тебе остается принять их любовь, а не заниматься ерундой, пытаясь завоевать какого-то там парня, который раздражает их обоих.
Что-же до твоего похищения… Они не будут торопить события и красть тебя на открытом месте, однако этой сладкой парочке очень бы хотелось, чтобы ты заглянула к ним в гости. И ты этого все никак не сделаешь. Вечные отговорки на постоянной основе из разряда “я занята, давайте потом.”, “сейчас не могу, у меня дела.” И самая ужасная, которую они ненавидят больше всего “я провожу время с ��тим человеком, ну тот, который вызывает у меня интерес, так что давайте в следующий раз!”. – Как же надоедает это, они готовы разорвать его на части! Ведь из-за него ты не можешь проводить с ними время!! Так что если все продолжиться и ты будешь все чаще проводить время с кем угодно, но не с ними – можешь попрощаться со своей свободой уже через неделю, как и со всеми, с кем разговаривала больше всего. Если же поступишь иначе и нередко станешь проводить время с Топаз и Авантюрином, возможно тебя не заточат в клетку так скоро. Однако исход один, ведь то, что ты не рядом с ними – удручает обоих.
Все-же рано или поздно ты придешь к ним в гости. Придешь сама? Значит все пройдет быстрее, легче и не так затратно. В противном случае, они организуют “смерть” того самого человека, что заставит тебя действовать. Умер ли он, жив ли? Ты понятия не имеешь, просто ранним утром тебя оповестили, что он мертв. Под импульсами и залитой горем, ты прибежишь к ним домой, плевать, что на часах 7.49, ты будешь в отчаяние стучаться к ним.
Дверь откроет Топаз, а со спины её будет обнимать Авантюрин, как ни в чем не бывало оба делают вид, что спали все это время. Добрая и теплая улыбка заиграет на лице девушки, прежде чем смениться наигранным шоком. Ты даже этого не поймешь. Она протянет руку, чтобы погладить тебя по щеке, вытирая слезу большим пальцем.
– Хэй, милая, ты чего? Что же у тебя такого случилось, что ты ни с того, ни с сего пришла вся в слезах… - в эту же секунду ты увидишь в её глазах намек на сочувствие.
Топаз нежно обхватит тебя за руки и заведет в дом, закрывая дверь обратно на ключ… Ты не придаешь этому значения, все также молчишь и рыдаешь. Не в силах, что-либо сказать, тоже обнимешь девушку, как её возлюбленный, только прижимаясь лицом к груди, в попытках успокоиться.
Топаз тебя не оттолкнет, а наоборот начнет одной рукой поглаживать по спине, пока вторая будет покоится на твоей талии, прижимая ближе к себе, головой же она зароется в твои волосы, чувствуя запах шампуня.
На лицах обоих членов корпорации межзвездного мира засияет победная улыбка, но ты этого не увидишь, ведь уже сладко посапываешь, прижимаясь к телу девушки. Их план сработал, правда ценой твоего состояния, но разве сейчас это важно? Они без проблем смогут поднять тебе настроении, успокоить и утешить. Поначалу ты ничего подозревать не будешь, однако долгое времяпровождение у них – станет настораживать тебя. Любая твоя попытка выйти из дома, станет провалом. Изначально тебе дружелюбно и кротко говорили “куда ты? Останься еще на чуток…” и так продолжалось на протяжении нескольких недель, пока ты не сбилась со счету.
В конце концов тебе это надоело. Вечно сидеть в доме и не выходить никуда. Раз тебя добровольно не отпускают, так почему же не сбежать? Дождаться когда оба будут на работу и все в кармане.
Ты так и подумала. Как самонадеянно это было с твоей стороны.
И вот лежишь на своей “подруге”, расположившись на кровати. Будучи полностью голой, все что тебе остается, это хныкать и молиться про себя, умоляя всех возможных Эонов о пощаде, лишь бы побыстрее все это закончилось, но увы, все только начинается. Вряд-ли тебя кто-то услышит. И уж тем более поможет.
– Милая, сколько раз тебе повторять, что твой дом отныне здесь? С нами. – Топаз провела рукой по твоей груди, обводя контур ареолы, нежно массируя её и слегка щипая сосок. Приближая твое возбуждение от таких незначительных деяний, она стала потягивать и перемежать с трением твои соски. Её зубы впивались в твою плоть, шея был покрыта следами от отметин. Так девушка заявляла на тебя свои права.
– Я не хочу этого! Вы сами говорили, что остаться “на чуть-чуть”, а что вы итоге!? – ты уже хныкала, в уголках глаз скапливаются слезы, норовящие в любую секунду скатиться по раскрасневшимся щекам.
Ты и подумать не могла, что окажешься пленницей своих лучших друзей и мало того, что тебя заперли здесь, то теперь еще собираются показать, что будет каждый раз, когда ты попытаешься вновь сбежать.
Правда, скорей всего эти двое будут удовлетворять свои потребности с тобой и не только в момент твоего «плохого поведения».
– А итог таков, что мы с Топаз любим тебя. Жаль ты этого не замечала… Так что нам пришлось так поступить. – прошептал Авантюрин, прежде чем в наглую вцепился в твои губы, проталкивая язык внутрь, лишь бы опробовать тебя, в то время, как сам он погружался внутрь тебя, по самое основание.
Ты брыкалась, не желая слышать их нелепых слов и ощущать их прикосновений. Отчаянно пыталась одной рукой оттолкнуть девушку, а другой мужчину – но попытки ничего не дали, для них твои старания были лишь шуткой и они продолжали, как ни в чем не бывало.
Язык Авантюрина проходится по нижнему ряду твоих зубов, усмехаясь сквозь поцелуй и слегка кусая твою нижнюю губу. Он медленно отстраняется от тебя, когда ты тяжело вздыхаешь, от интенсивной стимуляции сосков, за счет Топаз, которая продолжает свои действия и конечно же Авантюрина, внутри тебя.  
Одна рука девушки касается себя, пока вторая продолжает ласкать тебя. Топаз проводить пальцами по клитору и долго не задерживается, ведь от твоих прелестных звуков она давно возбуждена. Девушка собирает всю свою смазку со входа во влагалище и аккуратно входит внутрь. Теперь комнату наполняют не только твои сдавленные стоны и всхлипы, но также сладкие стоны Топаз и хриплые от Авантюрина.
Продолжая глубоко вонзаться в тебя, мужчина при этом свободными руками скользил по твоим изгибам, пока не остановился на твоем плоском животе. Он слегка надавливал чуть ниже пупка и блаженствовал тому, как хорошо и глубоко ты его принимаешь. Все-же, как никак, но это должно быть наказание за твою попытку побега.
Они давненько подумывали, а что-же дальше тебе говорить, ведь ты явно начнешь подозревать то, что слишком долго находишься здесь и тебе захочется выйти на желанную свободу. Побег – это не то, что тебе стоило бы делать, во время их отсутствия. И сейчас они собираются вбить в твою голову не только то, что тебе больше не стоит так делать, но и то, что ты только их и должна сидеть дома смирно, ожидая прихода своих возлюбленных.
Авантюрин погружается в тебя, его руки переместились на твои бедра и крепко сжали их. За это время мужчина упивался видом обоих девушек.
Все же постепенно ты привыкаешь к нему и принимаешь его уже, как есть. Как только головка касается шейки матки, ты невольно вздрагиваешь и взвизгиваешь. Что уж тут до касаний, когда твое влагалище предательский подстраивалось под него, заставляя тебя негодовать все больше, но все возмущения тебе придется оставить на потом.
 Ощущение влаги, жары и тесноты заставляют Авантюрина ухмыльнуться и прибавить темп, сердце бьется чаще, каждый толчок в тебя приносит прилив удовольствия, ты же можешь чувствовать, как после очередного глубокого толчка его член пульсирует, из-за чего ты руками крепко цепляешься за простыни.
Топаз наслаждалась процессом, как и Авантюрин, который превозносил особенно то, как стенки твоего влагалища сжимают его, как головка его члена трется о них. Он тихо постанывает, все также сжимая твоя бедра, после чего вероятно останутся синяки.
Девушка на пике, да и ��ы тоже. Тебя хотели сегодня помучить, подразнить и поиграться. Давать ли тебе кончать или наоборот, постоянно долбиться и ощущать оргазм за оргазмом, доводя ваше удовольствие до адской боли. Учитывая что в любом случае ты была бы зареванной, а твое лицо опухшим – эта мысль только больше заводила из-за чего никто сдерживаться не стал и решил, что на первый раз простительно так. Ты ведь все поймешь и больше не пожелаешь оставить их одних? Верно?
Неожиданностью становится и то, когда Топаз резко отдергивает руку с твоей груди и накрывает своими губами твои, её тело подрагивает, пока она стонет прямо сквозь ваш поцелуй. Кажется она все, получила должное удовольствие и теперь без сил. Почему же все так быстро произошло, ведь обычно выносливости у неё более чем, однако сейчас причиной её усталости послужила работа и нервотрепка с твоим не совсем побегом. Она молчала, так и ничего не говоря. Топаз удовлетворено улыбнулась и обняла тебя со спины, утыкаясь лицом в плечо, одной рукой поглаживая твой бок, а другой рукой, которой до этого ласкала себя, она засовывает эти пальцы тебе в рот, блаженствуя тем, как ты принялась посасывать их, благополучно сдаваясь им. Чуть погодя и эта рука тоже стала поглаживать твою кожу по бокам.
Фрикции внезапно становятся все более быстрее, оповещая о скорой кульминации Авантюрина. Стенки влагалища вновь сокращаются вокруг плоти, а скопившиеся внизу живота тепло стягиваться. По новой оповещая о скором оргазме и на этот раз уже точно это произойдет вот-вот.
В следующий миг оргазм настигает тебя, заставляя громкий стон вырваться из твоей груди, лицо покрывается румянцем и ты невзначай тянешь руки к щекам, стараясь скрыть свое покрасневшее и заплаканное лицо, а не заглушить всхлипы и не вытереть слезы, текшие по твоим щекам, ни от удовольствия, а скорей от огорчения. Мужчина также замирает, погружаясь максимально глубоко и кротко вздрагивает, изливаясь внутрь и наполняя тебя своим семенем.
Его руки ослабили хватку на твоих бедрах и он просто лег на тебя, обхватывая руками за талию, утыкаясь носом в изгиб твоей шеи, в сопровождении тяжелых вздохов.
– Запомни милая, ты принадлежишь нам и твои бессмысленные попытки побега ни к чему хорошему не приведут. – Топаз томно вздыхает. – Я о том, что сейчас ты отделалась очень даже легко.
– Топаз права… Но я бы и не отказался от ребенка. В тако�� случае не совсем легко отделалась, однако больше у тебя не будет особо много причин сбегать, ведь ты банально не сможешь, любимая. – усмехается Авантюрин и его руки сразу же переместились к твоему животу, нежно поглаживая кожу, понимая и прекрасно осознавая, что он до сих пор в тебе и ему уж слишком нравится то, как ты его греешь, пока мысли взбудораживают.
– Ха-ха и я бы не отказалась, ведь ребенок только больше привяжет тебя к нам… - сонным голосом прошептала девушка, пока её руки стали замедляться.
Как-бы тебя там не пугала данная мысль, вероятно если не сейчас, то рано или поздно у вас точно появится ребенок. А там и до брака не так далеко.
 Секс всегда будет незащищенным и кончать будут если не на тебя, то в тебя. Идею с ребенком могут отложить на дальнюю полку, если твои попытки побега снизятся к минимуму, но чем чаще ты будешь вытворять свои нелепые действия, тем скорее ты приблизишься к участи стать матерью, сама того не желая. Ведь ребенок будет той самой причиной, благодаря которой тебя будет проще удерживать подле себя. Да и Топаз с Авантюрином точно будут прекрасными родителями, денег у них предостаточно, чтобы обеспечить чудесную жизнь вам всем. ----- You can!! I decided to experiment with Paulie, because I didn't work often... And I finally finished it!! :D Perhaps I will post unsuccessful duplicates that occurred when writing this order... But that's later. I hope you enjoy it!! I do not know English, the text was written with the help of a translator, which means that there may be various kinds of errors here!!! CW: yandere, obsession, polyamory, ending inside, hints of pregnancy(?), nsfw. -----
It must be driving them crazy.
Aventurine and Topaz, members of the interstellar World Corporation, meet together and… love you. However, you are interested in another person and you consider them friends at most. You suspected something about them, but your thoughts were immediately thrown into the background, and none of them confessed to you personally. And it would be somehow wrong if they told you about their feelings one by one. They also wanted everything in beauty and, of course, your consent. But after they found out that you are romantically interested in another… Their world collapsed under their feet. They wanted the best for you, because you were supposed to be the only one! Neither Aventurine nor Topaz would ever hurt you if you didn't run into it yourself, the method is to leave them; they were always ready to support you and stay by your side under any circumstances. The whole world would be presented at your feet, they would buy anything, take you to the most expensive places and they are even ready to destroy any planet and any person, destroy their reputation and life! Anything to keep you close to them and love them as much as they love you. It's a pity you didn't share these thoughts with them. For you, Aventurine and Topaz are nothing more than friends. The best friends you can turn to in trouble and they will listen, enveloping you in a warm and pleasant atmosphere, wanting to help. Yes, and you have an object of sympathy. To be more precise, the person you have become interested in and constantly talk about him, tell him every moment, give him your attention and smile, laugh, be sad, share feelings and emotions… It became strange for you that your friends did not support you in this, your friend and vice versa began to slander him, hoping that you would listen to them and get rid of the guy yourself, but no. You pouted like a little kid and left them. – How stupid. Aventurine grins after you, running his fingers through his hair.
You see, they can easily take you away from everyone, get rid of your object of interest, tie you up with some kind of marriage and live a happy life. Even if you escape somehow, which is incredibly difficult to do, you will not only be searched for by these two and those whom they bribed, but also at the legislative level they can be helped to find their missing “wife". Fortunately for you, so far, neither Topaz nor her colleague have decided to do this. They thought that it would be wrong to do so directly, in a scrap, and it would be better to start doing everything surreptitiously, so that at the right moment they would pick you up and never let you go from their tight embrace. Because you are only them and this is already the norm for them, no matter how both of them are burdened by the fact that they are too dependent on you. But despite their obsessive love for you, Aventurine and Topaz are convinced of the purity of their sincere feelings. All you have to do is accept their love, and not engage in nonsense, trying to win over some guy who annoys them both. As for your abduction… They will not rush things and steal you in the open, but this sweet couple would really like you to visit them. And there's no way you're going to do that. Eternal excuses on a regular basis from the category of “I'm busy, let's do it later.”, “I can't right now, I have things to do.”And the most terrible thing they hate the most is “I spend time with this person, well, the one that interests me, so let's do it next time!” – How annoying it is, they are ready to tear him apart! Because of him, you can't spend time with them!! So if everything continues and you spend more and more time with anyone, but not with them, you can say goodbye to your freedom in a week, like with everyone you've talked to the most. If you do otherwise and often spend time with Topaz and Aventurine, you may not be imprisoned in a cage so soon. However, the outcome is the same, because the fact that you are not with them is depressing for both.
Nevertheless, sooner or later you will come to visit them. Will you come by yourself? So everything will be faster, easier and less expensive. Otherwise, they will organize a “death” the very person who will make you act. Is he dead, is he alive? You have no idea, it's just that you were notified early in the morning that he was dead. Under the impulses and flooded with grief, you will run to their house, I don't care what time it is 7.49, you will knock on their door in despair. Topaz will open the door, and Aventurine will hug her from behind, as if nothing had happened, both pretending to have been asleep all this time. A kind and warm smile will play on the girl's face before being replaced by a fake shock. You won't even understand that. She will reach out to stroke your cheek, wiping away a tear with her thumb. – Hey, honey, what are you doing? What happened to you that you suddenly came all in tears… - at the same second you will see a hint of sympathy in her eyes. Topaz will gently grab your hands and lead you into the house, closing the door back with a key… You don't pay attention to it, you're still silent and crying. Unable to say anything, you will also hug the girl like her lover, only pressing your face to your chest, trying to calm down. Topaz will not push you away, but on the contrary, she will start stroking your back with one hand, while the other will rest on your waist, pressing closer to herself, with her head she will bury herself in your hair, feeling the smell of shampoo. A victorious smile will shine on the faces of both members of the interstellar world corporation, but you will not see it, because you are already snoring sweetly, clinging to the girl's body. Their plan worked, though at the cost of your fortune, but does it really matter now? They will be able to cheer you up, calm you down and comfort you without any problems. At first, you won't suspect anything, but spending a long time with them will make you uneasy. Any attempt you make to leave the house will be a failure. Initially, you were told in a friendly and meek way, “where are you going? Stay a little longer…” and so it went on for several weeks until you lost count. In the end, you got tired of it. Always sitting in the house and not going out anywhere. If they won't let you go voluntarily, then why not run away? Wait until both are at work and everything is in your pocket. That's what you thought. How presumptuous of you.
And here you are lying on your “friend”, sitting on the bed. Being completely naked, all you can do is whimper and pray to yourself, begging for mercy from all possible Eons, just to get it over quickly, but alas, everything is just beginning. It's unlikely that anyone will hear you. And it will certainly help.
– Honey, how many times do I have to tell you that your home is here from now on? With us. – Topaz ran her hand over your chest, tracing the contour of the areola, gently massaging it and lightly pinching the nipple. Bringing your arousal from such minor acts closer, she began to sip and intersperse your nipples with friction. Her teeth were digging into your flesh, and your neck was covered with marks. That's how the girl claimed you. – I don't want this! You said yourself that you would stay “for a little bit”, but what did you end up with!? – you were already whimpering, tears are accumulating in the corners of your eyes, trying to roll down your flushed cheeks at any second. You never thought that you would be a prisoner of your best friends and not only were you locked up here, but now they are going to show you what will happen every time you try to escape again. However, most likely these two will satisfy their needs with you and not only at the moment of your "bad behavior". – And the bottom line is that Topaz and I love you. I wish you'd noticed that.… So we had to do that. Aventurine whispered, before brazenly clinging to your lips, pushing his tongue inside, just to try you out, while he himself plunged inside you, to the very base. You kicked, not wanting to hear their ridiculous words and feel their touch. I desperately tried to push the girl away with one hand and the man with the other – but the attempts did not work, for them your efforts were just a joke and they continued as if nothing had happened. Aventurine's tongue runs along the bottom row of your teeth, grinning through the kiss and slightly biting your lower lip. He slowly pulls away from you when you sigh heavily, from the intense stimulation of the nipples, due to Topaz, which continues its actions and of course Aventurine, inside you. One of the girl's hands touches itself, while the other continues to caress you. Topaz runs her fingers over her clitoris and does not stay long, because she has been excited by your lovely sounds for a long time. The girl collects all her lubricant from the entrance to the vagina and gently enters inside. Now the room is filled not only with your stifled moans and sobs, but also with the sweet moans of Topaz and hoarse from Aventurine. Continuing to dig deep into you, the man slid his free hands over your curves until he stopped on your flat stomach. He pressed lightly just below the navel and was blissful at how well and deeply you take it. Still, after all, this should be a punishment for your escape attempt. They have been thinking for a long time, and what to tell you next, because you will clearly begin to suspect that you have been here too long and you will want to go out to the desired freedom. Running away is not something you should do while they are away. And now they're going to hammer into your head not only that you shouldn't do that anymore, but also that you're the only one who should sit at home quietly, waiting for the arrival of your lovers. Aventurine plunges into you, his hands moved to your hips and squeezed them tightly. During this time, the man reveled in the sight of both girls. Nevertheless, gradually you get used to it and accept it already as it is. As soon as the head touches the cervix, you involuntarily flinch and squeal. As for touching, when your vagina treacherously adjusted to it, making you more and more indignant, but you will have to leave all the indignation for later.
The feeling of moisture, heat and tightness make Aventurine grin and pick up the pace, his heart beats faster, every thrust into you brings a rush of pleasure, you can feel how after another deep thrust his penis pulsates, which is why you cling tightly to the sheets with your hands. Topaz enjoyed the process, as did Aventurine, who praised especially the way the walls of your vagina squeeze him, how the head of his penis rubs against them. He moans softly, still squeezing your hips, which will probably leave bruises. The girl is at her peak, and so are you. They wanted to torture you, tease you and play with you today. Whether to let you cum or vice versa, constantly banging and feeling orgasm after orgasm, bringing your pleasure to a hellish pain. Considering that in any case you would have been crying, and your face was swollen – this thought only turned you on more, which is why no one held back and decided that it was forgivable for the first time. You'll understand everything, won't you, and you won't want to leave them alone anymore? Right? It also comes as a surprise when Topaz abruptly pulls her hand away from your chest and covers yours with her lips, her body trembles while she moans right through your kiss. It seems that she has had enough pleasure and is now exhausted. Why did everything happen so quickly, because she usually has more than enough stamina, but now the reason for her fatigue was work and the hassle of your not-quite-escape. She was silent, saying nothing. Topaz smiled contentedly and hugged you from behind, burying her face in your shoulder, stroking your side with one hand, and with the other hand, which she had previously caressed herself, she puts these fingers in your mouth, blissfully how you began to suck them, safely surrendering to them. A little later, this hand also began to stroke your skin on the sides.
The frictions suddenly become faster and faster, signaling the imminent climax of Aventurine. The walls of the vagina contract again around the flesh, and the accumulated heat in the lower abdomen contracts. Announcing an imminent orgasm all over again, and this time it's definitely about to happen. The next moment, an orgasm overtakes you, causing a loud moan to escape from your chest, your face turns red and you casually pull your hands to your cheeks, trying to hide your reddened and tear-stained face, and not to stifle the sobs and wipe away the tears flowing down your cheeks, not from pleasure, but rather from chagrin. The man also freezes, plunging as deeply as possible and meekly shudders, pouring inside and filling you with his seed. His hands loosened their grip on your hips and he just lay on top of you, wrapping his arms around your waist, nuzzling into the curve of your neck, accompanied by heavy sighs. – Remember, honey, you belong to us and your senseless attempts to escape will not lead to anything good. Topaz sighs languidly. – I mean, you got off very lightly now. – Topaz is right… But I wouldn't give up on a child either. In this case, you didn't get off quite easily, but you won't have too many reasons to run away anymore, because you simply can't, my love. Aventurine grins and his hands immediately moved to your stomach, gently stroking your skin, realizing and perfectly aware that he is still in you and he likes the way you warm him up too much while his thoughts are agitating. –Haha, and I wouldn't refuse, because the child will only bind you more to us…" the girl whispered in a sleepy voice as her hands began to slow down.
No matter how scared you are by this thought, probably if not now, then sooner or later you will definitely have a child. And there, marriage is not so far away. Sex will always be unprotected and they will end up if not on you, then in you. The idea of having a child can be shelved if your escape attempts are reduced to a minimum, but the more often you do your ridiculous actions, the sooner you will get closer to becoming a mother, unwittingly. After all, the child will be the very reason why it will be easier to keep you by your side. And Topaz and Aventurine will definitely be great parents, they have plenty of money to provide a wonderful life for all of you.
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tineetinylily · 7 months ago
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avenpaz is literally so cute atp I'm yanking their personalities/dynamic for my own ocs istg
If hoyo won't make you kiss I will 😡(in another universe)
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jojorice · 7 months ago
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the only way to win at chess ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)👌
I present: Topaz being jealous because she thinks that numby likes ratio but numby is actually just an aventio fan
*pose referenced off a BTS fanart I saw before! I’m sorry, I don’t know the artist. T^T
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grymmalkin · 8 months ago
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Third Wheel
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chiara-hotel · 4 months ago
Your path based on your s/o (Gameplay)
This is all for fun and what I think, don’t take it as complete canon
Various Characters
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Abudance! You’re a healer who either heals your reckless s/o or helps them out whenever you’re injured. They enjoy having you by their side and are thankful for your healing abilities!
Characters: Jade, Acheron, Aventurine, Blade, Jingliu, Kafka, Jing Yuan, Natasha, Gallagher, Misha, Jiaoqiu, Moze, Feixiao & Sunday
Preservation! You assist them in combat by shielding them from potential danger that could injure them. Neither of you need a healer with yourself on the team!
Characters: Black Swan, Acheron, Argenti, Firefly, Sampo, Sparkle, Welt, Feixiao
Nihility! You both provide damage as they attack, you both fit each other’s combat styles and work as a great team. That or you work with them with your different styles to defeat your enemies.
Characters: Kafka, Silver Wolf, Black Swan, Pela & Welt
Harmony! You assist your s/o and their coworkers with your abilities. They love how your abilities aid them in combat. Most of the time they deal the main dmg and you assist them with their missions.
Characters: Jade, Firefly, Silver Wolf, Seele, Topaz, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Aventurine & Boothill
Erudition! You aid them by being able to do large AoE damage. Depending on the situation you are able to do the most damage to complete your mission.
Characters: Argenti, Boothill, Bronya, Dan Heng, Dr Ratio, Robin, Ruan Mei & Sparkle
The Hunt! You deal single target dmg and work great against boss enemies. Your skills match well with that of your s/o.
Characters: Dr Ratio, Topaz, Aventurine, Fu Xuan, Silver Wolf, Sparkle, Bronya, Seele, Sunday, Blade, Jiaoqiu & Moze
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mivkmiv · 4 months ago
Part 2!!
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Full already on tiktok
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chia-chalk · 4 months ago
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Avenpaz in their uniforms from the stonehearts myriad celestia ouuughhh,,,,,
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dawnofdeathh · 6 months ago
how to make them blush... (ft the ip3)
Topaz, Aventurine , dr ratio (separate) x gn reader
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Topaz is a charmer, meaning shes a pro at getting you to blush. whether it be getting you flowers all the time before getting home, or kissing the back of your hand and going up your arm with kisses until her lips reach your shoulders, and when she hugs you from behind and kisses your neck. . .
but one thing that will make her blush is calling her by her real name (Jelena) you could be talking to her about anything, but if you use 'Jelena' instead of Topaz, her cheeks will look all rosey and she'll have a doopy smile on her face, ohhhh i just wanna kiss her . .
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Our little gambler loves to spend his money on you, anything you show slight interest in he'll buy it for you immediately (even if you protest he'll still get it for you ☹️☹️♥️) yet while his love language is gift giving, he absolutely loses it when you praise him, anyway at all even just a simple 'good job, Aven' will have his face all red and stuttering, he is pathetic . . . but in a cute way. . . .
Sometimes he'll cry if you praise him too much, poor bby doesnt think he deserves all the love your throwing at him, so hold him while he cries, run your fingers through his hair and press soft kisses on the top of his head while he cries it all out. . . please give this man all the love ever ♥️♥️♥️☹️☹️
Dr Ratio
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Professor smarty pants here is hard to please, let alone make him blush, if you try to flirt with him in public or so he'll give you a blank stare and mumble out 'zero points' before going back to his book. bitch. . . .
But hes not clueless at romantic things completely, he'll kiss the back of your hand and rant to you about math equations. . . thats his love language ig.
but as you slowly started breaking down his blank and cold face, he was acutally like a shy little school girl when it came to affection (my autistic fella...) any sort of advancement in affection will have his cheeks flushed, hug him from behind and kiss his cheek, play with his hair while he reads on the floor between your legs, hold his hand and rub your thumb on the back, call him Veritas. . . ouuuuuu he'll be all blushy blushy after that. . . .
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kotoku · 6 months ago
can i request an aventurine x stoneheart!reader whose cornerstone is citrine? lets say the both of them are close friends and one day in a meeting with the ipc one of the workers try to persuade you (citrine), to go to a date… aventurine sees this and gets jealous … then i’ll leave this to your imagination, i wanna see how creative you are!!! love your writings btw ❤️❤️
ᴘᴇʀꜱɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ɪꜱ ꜰᴜᴛɪʟᴇ
synopsis - You and Aventurine are close friends and have been working together for a long while from the ground up. Though Aventurine had refused to believe that he had developed feelings for you, he eventually accepted them within time but never took the first step. Your friendship was something that he could not gamble with after all. But when a persistent subordinate makes his attempt at courting you, he can't help but feel that ugly twist of jealousy in his stomach. He had to get to you first.
pairings - aventurine x stoneheart! reader
content - pining, drunk! aventurine, drunken confessions, jealous! aventurine, citrine! reader, reader is done with the subordinates shit
warnings - alcohol, a couple cuss words, mentions of vomiting
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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“You know… A girl like you and a guy like me would make a great pair, don’t you think?” 
Your eye twitched in irritation, the polite smile you tried so hard to keep on your face faltering with each sentence this guy was spouting. The guy in question? Just a random subordinate who was flying a little too close to the sun. 
Diamond had requested a meeting amongst the Ten Stonehearts, so you were only making your wave over to the meeting room before being stopped by someone calling out your name. Thus putting you in the position you were currently in. 
“Er… I- sorry, I have urgent matters to attend to. If you could excuse me…” You tried stepping around the man but he reached out towards your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. 
“Hey hey, what could be so important that you’d have to skip out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” The man smugly smirked, a shiver of disgust running down your spine.
“You must not be aware of who I am.” You yanked your wrist back from his hold. “If you’d like to maintain your position here, I’d suggest you scram and get back to work.” You dropped the polite attitude, not tolerating his persistent behavior in trying to score a date with you. You didn’t have time for this nonsense.
“Huh?? B–” Before he could utter another word, you had already resumed walking in the direction of the meeting room. Thankfully, the man made no attempt at following you so you allowed yourself to relax a bit, shoulders falling. 
“You handled that pretty well, Citrine.” A smooth voice spoke, your head turning to face the source.
“Ah Aventurine, you saw all that?” You sighed, combing a hand through your hair. 
“Mmm, hard to miss when it’s happening out in the open. In the middle of the hallway, no less.” He chuckled, matching your pace as the two of you walked towards the meeting. “You should’ve seen the guy's face, he was absolutely dumbfounded.” You laughed at that, imagining the weirdo’s expression. 
“Good, he needed a reality check.���
You both laughed.
It wasn’t long before the both of you reached the designated meeting area, confirming your identities before stepping inside. Most of the Stonehearts were already in their seats, waiting on those who were making their way over. Immediately, you saw Topaz talking with Jade, seemingly discussing business matters as they both held serious expressions. You and Aventurine had started walking towards them, both of them noticing your presence and giving you a small greeting.
“Citrine! How have you been? I haven’t seen you around lately.” Topaz smiled, concluding the conversation she was having with Jade. 
“Mm, could be better. The last assignment I received was a lot harder than expected,” You answered, taking a seat next to her. “What about you? I heard about what happened on Jarilo-VI.”
At the mention of her previous assignment, she grimaced with a frown replacing her smile. “Ah… We don’t talk about that… Other than my demotion, I’ve been doing fine. There was a new game that came out recently so I’ve been playing it since.” You hummed, crossing your arms over the table. 
“Aetherium Wars? I keep hearing all my subordinates talking about it.” Aventurine spoke, mimicking your actions. “Speaking of subordinates, I’m sure Citrine has an interesting story to tell you both.” He poked your shoulder with his finger, a sly smile on his face. 
Rolling your eyes, you recounted the earlier event to Jade and Topaz, the four of you gossiping about that specific worker. 
“Oh, him? I’ve been hearing a lot about him from some of my female subordinates.” Jade rested her head on the palm of her hand. “Apparently he’s been trying to coax women into sleeping with him. Management isn’t able to do anything about him as these are only rumors.” She sighed disappointedly, “It’s best you avoid him, Citrine and Topaz.”
You made a mental note of Jade’s words, Diamond’s authoritative tone garnering everyone’s attention. You sincerely hoped that you wouldn’t run into him again. 
Walking out of the meeting room, you stretched your arms above your head with a groan. It took forever for it to conclude, but when it did, you were excited to go back home and rest. The meeting had gone over the previous assignments each Stoneheart worked on, recounting specific details from reports and such. However, what stood out to you was the dinner that Diamond invited everyone to take part in, acting as some sort of team bonding experience. 
“Excited for the dinner party tomorrow, Citrine?” Aventurine hummed, the two of you walking down the hallway to head back home. 
“Kinda, I’m excited for the food.” You weren’t really much of a drinker, always the token sober friend at parties who made sure everyone was safe and having a good time. “You think you’re gonna get drunk?”
Aventurine laughed. “We’ll see how I’m feeling about drinks tomorrow night. If anything, you’ll take care of me, right?” He batted his eyelashes at you with an innocent look in his eyes.
Rolling your eyes, you playfully punched his shoulder. “We’ll see. I might just leave you out on the streets if you’re not careful with your words.” Aventurine pouted at you, sighing dramatically.
“And here I thought we were best friends. You wound me, Citrine.” 
“Oh shut it, Aven.”
The next day, you went about your normal routine. Reluctantly leaving the comfort of your sheets to work on copious amounts of paperwork in your office, spending your lunch break with your fellow Stonehearts Aventurine and Topaz, continuing where you left off, and then clocking out for the day. If it weren’t for Aventurine reminding you of the dinner party that would be happening later, you would’ve forgotten and gone straight to bed. So instead of changing into your pajamas, you dressed appropriately for the occasion, making sure you had everything on you before driving off to the meeting point. 
After parking your vehicle and making sure that it was locked, you walked up to the front of the restaurant, seeing your coworkers already gathered near the doors. Aventurine paused his conversation with Topaz, waving you over with a smile. 
“Citrine! You actually showed up.” Topaz grinned. “I thought you would’ve been too tired to come.” 
“Well, someone needs to keep everyone in check, especially this one.” You teased, rustling Aventurine’s blond hair. He swatted your hands away, huffing in annoyance as he tried fixing up his hair.
“Excuse me, I think I’d be just fine without your supervision.” Fixing his bangs, he shot you a playful glare. “You on the other hand… You probably couldn’t hold your liquor even if you tried.”
“Even if I couldn’t, at least I don’t continue to participate in drinking competitions only to end up throwing up all over myself.” You recalled the last time Aventurine drank too much he could hold. The poor guy had ended up puking all over his clothes and the smell could never be washed out. 
“Wha– Shut up about that will you!” Aventurine elbowed you, eyes darting around the area to make sure no one heard that part of the conversation. Topaz laughed at the memory.
“Goodness, the smell was horrendous! You should’ve seen everyone’s faces as we passed them while escorting you back home.” Topaz snickered, covering her mouth with one hand. “I don’t think we’ll ever be able to forget that memory.”
“Shut up! Both of you!” 
When everyone was accounted for, Diamond led you all inside, a worker of the restaurant holding the door open.
The interior of the restaurant gave off a sense of warmth, remaining both homey and lavish. The mahogany wooden counters went well with the beige walls, plants dotting every nook and cranny which gave the place a kind of liveliness. Placing your bag around the chair, you pulled out a seat and sat down, the cushion providing you with comfort. Aventurine and Topaz sat by your sides, eyes taking in the decorations and layout. 
Grabbing a copy of the menu, Aventurine scanned through the various meals and desserts they had to offer, flipping to the alcohol section with a grin. “Citrine, you’ll take care of me in case anything happens..right?” He turned his head towards you, his grin growing wider at your deadpan expression. 
“Duh–” “I knew I could rely on you!” 
Aventurine wrapped an arm around your shoulder, his free hand clutching at his heart. What a drama queen, you thought, letting him side-hug you. You could smell the faint scent of his cologne, a rich but light aroma that held a hint of vanilla. Realizing how close he was to you, you felt your cheeks heat up, nudging him away as you gave him a lopsided smile. 
“Don’t drink more than you can handle, Aven.” “I won’t, I won’t.” 
The dinner, so far, has been going smoothly. The atmosphere was lively and everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time together, sharing drinks and laughs, chatting about the latest trends and events, etc… You were talking with some of your fellow peers before you felt the urge to use the restroom. Excusing yourself from the conversation with a polite smile, you quickly hurried in the direction towards the restroom. 
Aventurine, who had been glancing in your direction every couple of minutes, noticed your retreating form. At first, he was a little concerned due to the slight jog you were doing, but paid you no mind as he resumed listening to a coworker talk about his last assignment. 
Yet..something had caught his eye, a familiar man who was sitting at the bar had gotten up from his seat and went in the same direction as you.
Despite him feeling a little tipsy, he knew his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him just yet. It was that subordinate from earlier. The weirdo who had stopped you and started hitting on you, ignoring your attempts at turning him down. What was he doing here? 
Aventurine’s eyes narrowed, barely listening to his coworker at this point. He would never admit it to your face, but when he first witnessed the man trying to shoot his shot with you, he was ready to drag and throw him out to the curb, wanting to give the man hell for his unwavering persistence. His actions disgusted him, his stomach twisting and turning with deep rage when he placed his dirty hands on you. 
Yet you handled the situation well, remaining both calm and professional, something that was undeserving for a man such as him. And though Aventurine would be sure to teach him some manners, he could not, for the meeting would start soon and he needed to hurry. So giving the man a silent glare, he promised himself to never let you come across that man again. Yet here he was, walking towards the restrooms. 
Aventurine already accepted his feelings for you, yet he was too hesitant to make the first move. How ironic since he’s the one who usually flirts with you and teases you every day. The best he could do was give you a myriad of things, from expensive clothes and jewelry to simple trinkets. He knew what you liked, you were his close friend after all. Despite his yearning for something more, he didn’t want to risk the chance of losing you. It’s something he could never gamble with.
“--turine? Aventurine?” A finger snapped in front of his face, bringing his attention back to his coworker in front of him. “Are you feeling alright?” 
“Oh- uh, yeah! I’m fine, just had a little too much to drink…” Aventurine muttered, eyes darting back towards the restrooms every couple of seconds. “I..need to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” Downing the rest of his cocktail, he stood up from his seat, the chair sliding back with a creak. 
Nearing where the restrooms were located, Aventurine could hear the familiar sound of your voice and a man’s. 
“Must I remind you that I am not interested?--” 
“Come on! Just give me a chance! I know a lovely spot where we could..get down to business.” Hearing those words made you gag, shoving the man away from you to gain some distance. 
“A chance? How about I give you a chance to get the hell out of here before I do it myself.”
“There’s no need for the feisty attitude! Let me buy you one drink, I’ll make it worth your time–”
“I think you’ve heard loud and clear that they don’t want anything to deal with you.” 
Both you and the man’s head snapped towards the direction in which the voice came from. It was Aventurine, with his eyebrows furrowed and mouth twisted into a disgusted frown. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, magenta-cyan eyes burning holes through the man’s head. If looks could kill, that man would’ve been deader than dead. 
“Tch- who are you?” The man snobbily asked, attempting to stand his ground. Aventurine laughed, walking over towards the both of you. You could feel the anger seeping from his being, permeating the air with a thick tension that anyone could suffocate in. 
He was more than angry, enraged.
“I think the better question is: who do you think you are? Approaching members of the Stonehearts so casually and treating them like an item.” Aventurine towered over the man, the pressure weighing him to his spot. “Learn to respect your superiors, subordinate.” 
You could visibly see the color draining from the man’s face when Aventurine showed his ID as proof, tucking it away into his pocket. 
“You know, you’re quite lucky you’ve made it this far without getting fired.” Aventurine adjusted his coat. “But I’m afraid your luck has come to an end, I’ll be changing that.” Lowering his gaze to be eye-to-eye with the man, he gave him a condescending smile, “You’ll be fired, and that starts tomorrow.” Leaning back into his full height, Aventurine walked past him towards you, grabbing your hand and leading you away from the man who had not yet registered the blond’s words.
“F-fired…?” His voice was drowned out by the chattering of people and workers as the two of you got farther and farther away from him.
“Phew, now that that’s settled with… How about we have some fun?” Aventurine gave you a genuine grin this time, his personality taking a huge turn. Blinking at him, you were still registering everything that had happened. 
“C’mon Citrine, the night won’t last forever!”
You stared at him before sighing, a drink could help after all that had just happened. 
“Fine… But I need to talk to you about something later.” His grin faltered but came back just as fast.
“Sure. Now here, I think this drink is something you’ll definitely enjoy.”
As you promised yourself, you only drank what you could handle so you wouldn’t get flat-out drunk. And as Aventurine didn’t promise, he was flat-out drunk. 
The dinner had ended a couple of minutes ago and you were saying goodbye to the rest of your peers, parting ways while lugging a drunk Aventurine behind you. 
“Ugh Aventurine, how much did you drink?” Your nose wrinkled as you could smell the strong scent of alcohol radiating from him. He definitely needed to take a shower as soon as he got home. But there was a problem, a tiny issue.
He didn’t have anyone but himself at home so there was no way you could leave him alone lest he hurt himself. 
“Heh, one too many…” Aventurine giggled, dragging his foot behind him. You shook your head with a small grin on your face. “Clearly.”
Aventurine had originally hitched a ride with Topaz, so there was no issue about leaving a car behind. She had offered to take him home but you felt that it was your responsibility since you’ve been close friends for a while. So with one final goodbye and hug, she left, leaving you with a drunk gambler in an almost barren parking lot. Nothing could go wrong, right?
Opening the passenger door, you helped Aventurine buckle himself up, moving his legs so they wouldn’t get hit by the door closing. After getting in yourself, you made sure everything was cleared before leaving the parking space and heading to Aventurine’s place. 
Occasionally, you would glance in his direction whenever you were at a stop light, making sure that he was ok before looking back at the road. He seemed to be dozing off here and there, body jolting back awake every time he found himself leaning forward. You found it a little silly but decided not to say anything about it.
At last, you could see his house in the distance. 
Putting your vehicle in park, you carefully helped him out of the passenger’s seat and closed the door with your leg. Walking up the steps to his front door, you could hear the faint sounds of his pets from the other side. There was a ‘mrow’ at the door, soft scratching noises coming from behind it. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” You smiled, turning towards Aventurine. “Do you have the keys?”
“Mm coat pocket…” He grunted, leaning on you for support as he fished out his keys. It took a couple of tries but eventually, you were able to unlock the door, pushing it open with your foot. 
Three gray cats greeted you at the front, looking up at the both of you with wide eyes. They happily followed you as you made your way to the living room couch, setting him down so you could take off your shoes. 
“You think you can shower by yourself?” You asked, placing your shoes in a small cubby. Aventurine gave you a small nod, swaying side to side as he walked towards his bedroom. You watched him for just a moment to make sure he didn’t trip, but with the help of his pets, he was able to safely make it to the bedroom and to his personal bathroom. 
With a sigh, you walked towards one of the guest rooms to go find some clothes. You normally left a couple of your clothes in one of his guest rooms since you’d have occasions such as these where he was too drunk to properly care for himself. And the occasional sleepover or game night with Topaz and Ratio. 
Fishing through the dresser, you pulled out some comfortable pajamas and a towel before walking towards the main bathroom. Honestly, you were a little jealous that he had such a big place with a lot of rooms. It made your place feel much smaller.
The steam from the hot bath you just took evaporated in the air when you opened the door, stepping outside with a towel around your neck. You could still hear the water running from Aventurine’s room, assuming that he was savoring the much-needed shower. You knocked on his door loud enough so that he could hear, ear pressed against the door to hear for a response. 
“Aventurine? You okay in there?” 
The shower stopped, curtains shuffling which signaled that he was getting out. “Yes, I’m.. fine.” He softly called out.
“Mm..” Backing away from the door, you left to go make him a glass of water.
Plopping down onto the sofa, you grabbed the remote to the TV and flipped through different movies before settling on one that caught your interest. Soon after, you heard the door to his bedroom open and the sounds of multiple footsteps making their way to the living room. 
“Here, come take a seat. I got you some water, I figured you were thirsty.” You patted the space next to you, watching as he plopped himself by your side with his pets hopping around the two of you. They had settled at the foot of the couch, seemingly interested in the movie as much as you were.
There was a brief silence between the two of you besides the sounds from the TV and occasional yawn coming from the critters. Glancing at a nearby clock, the time had read 10:37 PM, yet you didn’t feel tired. You turned your gaze back to the TV, continuing to watch whatever movie was playing. You hadn’t bothered to check the title or description. 
Aventurine moved forward to grab the glass of water, drinking quite a bit of it before turning to face you.
“..You wanted to talk about something..?” He drowsily asked. Your eyes flickered to his own before settling back on the movie. 
“I wanted to say thanks for.. what happened today. I really appreciate it.” 
Aventurine smiled softly, “What are friends for.”
You smiled back.
He looked like he wanted to say more, but bit his tongue. Would now be the time to tell you? What would he even say? Whatever he drank at the party certainly made him feel bolder than usual if he was certain of confessing to you. 
“_____…” You perked up at the sound of your name, directing your full attention towards Aventurine. Usually, when he called you by your actual name, he had something troubling him. And by observing his facial expression and body language, you knew something was bothering him.
“Is everything alright?” You turned down the volume of the TV.
“I need to tell you something,” Aventurine murmured, hands reaching to grab yours. He seemed awfully clingy, then again, he always is when he’s drunk. 
“What is it?” You interlock your hands with him, squeezing them comfortingly. “I’ll always be here to listen.”
“I—“ He took a deep breath, “—don’t want to be friends anymore.”
You stared at him in stunned silence, feeling a piece of you die right then and there. What did he mean by, ‘I don’t want to be friends anymore.’? Is he finally fed up with all your shit after all these years? Did he— 
“I want to be more than just close friends, _____.”
That makes a lot of sense.
“Huh.” You idiot, is that all you can say? He gave you a flat expression, does he need to repeat himself? Please don’t make him say it again. 
“I—“ “No I just— sorry. I feel the same way about you, I was just in shock.” You interrupted, palms becoming slightly sweaty.  He let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank goodness. I don’t think you realize how long I’ve been holding onto that.”
“Really, when did you start feeling this way?” You were curious as to when this all started because you had liked him a while back too. Maybe if you had mustered up the courage earlier on, you would’ve been together by now.
Aventurine shrugged, “Dunno. One day you just walked in through the doors and after that, I.. felt differently towards you.” 
“But—“ he continued, “The more time I spent around you the more I started picking up on your little habits, what you loved, how you liked things done a certain way… No matter how big or small they were, I just seemed to notice it and I held onto it longer than I thought I would.” He coughed. “That was a mouthful.”
Laughing, you gave him a tight hug, soaking in his warmth. He hugged you back, clinging onto you as if you’d be gone within a blink of an eye. Oh how terrible that would be if this was a dream his hazy mind came up with… 
But you were here, breathing the same air as him and sharing your warmth with him. This was no dream like the ones he had in previous nights. He couldn’t be happier.
Groaning, Aventurine slowly blinked his eyes open. His head pounded and his mouth felt full of cotton, the fuzzy memories from last night slowly seeping into his conscious mind. 
Right..last night. 
Aventurine slowly sat up, being mindful of the warmth next to him as he peered down at your slumbering form. Small puffs of air left you, chest steadily rising and falling before you shuffled in your sleep. He chuckled, moving a strand of your hair away from your face. 
Swinging his legs over to the side of the bed, he decided he would make breakfast for the both of you.
…After he took some painkillers.
⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙
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picklebunbun · 23 days ago
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summary; You've had relationship problems with Ratio, even through your wedding preparations. You weren't even sure if you wanted to get married and you ultimately chose to leave him at the alter because you couldn't take it anymore
﹒🪼| ౨ৎ˚₊‧ | ↪ ; cw ; this is supposed to make you cry, implied? cheating?mentions of emotional relationship neglect, Dr. Ratio is upset in this one, everyone is invited except those stupid fucking losers (Jade and Sparkle), even idrilla is there
๋࣭ ⭑ Dr. Ratio x GN Reader, Modern AU, you/yours pronouns, you will be referred to spouse, no AGAB, reader doesn't specifically have a dress or suit but will be implied as a 'bride' { they walk down the aisle and wear white },
{ angel's notes 🪽; I know I've been gone for a long time, I just started freshman year and everything has been piling on, I'll try to make more updates with requests. This took way too long }
now playing [fish.]
0:26 ———♡——— 3:50
◁◁ ▐ ▌ ▷▷
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italics; thinking | bold; yelling
You stare at the stained window, you've been meaning to clean it for a while, but just couldn't find the motivation to do so. The candle by your bedside going out, as you stared at the window for what seems to be hours. Completely empty, eyes growing tired as you continue to patiently wait for your fiance ,
mm,,, no,, that word didn't feel quite right
What else are you supposed to call him anyways? You looked down, of course he did it again, he always does this, what's the point of getting married if you don't have enough time for your partner? If this is what commitment looks like,, then I don't want it
It seemed like the educated man was staying home from work, this always happens, what did you expect? It's not like the relationship was supposed to last this long, you weren't even sure if you wanted to get married in the first place, everything just happened too fast, like everything spiraled in one. Why was it in that moment that you felt so sure that this was the path you wanted to choose? Was it how lonely you were? Veritas wasn't a bad lover, but it would've been preferable if he didn't ignore them most of the time, which was because of work. The thing was , you suspected that there was this co-worker, that Ratio often spent time with, had this crush on him. It was this blonde man, with unbelievably beautiful eyes, flamboyant yet extravagant sense of style, he always smelt like a bakery, vanilla with a hint of floral essence. It definitely made you nervous, it was Aventurine, right?
You brought it up with the Greek man, to which he caressed your back and kissed your panic away. It's not like he's a terrible boyf... err.. fiance. He won't cheat, he's not that type of person. He just has a lot going on, that's why he's at work all the time.. but what if it's to see that shorter man, he could be his type, this is so surreal, I can't feel my face, what do I do? What do I do? I just want to go home..
This deep pit in your stomach became more evident as you..
..held him
Told him that you loved him
Kissed him
You put a hand over their mouth, a jittering feeling over-taking you as you felt more sick. Stop deceiving him like this, he's done so much for you, why can't you see that,
This hollow hole rested in your entire being, nothing had any color. In any moment, there could be an intruder and you wouldn't know, just too distracted by your thoughts swallowing them whole. You grasp for your greasy, unkept hair, been meaning to wash it for days but never got to it. Tears swell up as an air bubble gets lodged in the your throat, gasping for air as you try to get over your anxiety attack, neck feeling sore as you continue soaking in your tears. The room was spinning, it set in on how alone everything was, everything was feeling so uncomfortable now, nothing is correct anymore.
"someone help me.."
a meekly voice erupts,
but no one will hear you
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The scenery was beautiful, a vibrant orange and purple sunset cascaded over the venue. It was at a ginormous church, freshly polished ivory walls, decorated with gold linings. The roof was painted with cherubs, faint but noticeable. Golden frames make sure to accentuate the oil painting of Mother Mary. An eccentric church, Dr. Ratio would've pegged it to be a catholic institution, to which, as always, he was correct.
Pillars centering towards the pink blossom archway. Herta was there as well, she just wanted to be there to judge everything rather than being emotional support, you looked at Dr. Ratio inspecting everything, he was always so meticulous about these types of buildings. From what you recalled, Veritas used to think that structures with a maximalist style always had something wrong with the actual structure, he always said that they try to hide something behind all the glamour. It was humiliating just looking at him, the priest and betrothed being exchanged glances as Veritas knocked on the girthy, stained glass. It was art of Jesus Christ with two divine servants at his feet, exquisitely crafted. It was just his way to see how thick and secure it was. The whole church must've taken at least 10 years straight to skillfully complete the entire establishment.
You dove your hands in your pockets. The frost biting at your reddening fingertips, fluffy snow covered the car by now, the weather was not suitable for a warm-welcoming wedding, but it was what Veritas wanted, so that is what he got. To be honest, you didn't really do anything for the planning, Ratio just told you to not worry about preparation and to relax, nothing really interesting these days. you can see the glistering, ivory slush on the exterior of the venue. Veritas' co=workers would think that this would be an immensely magnificent place, being tempted to touch everything.
"Veritas, I think the church is fine"
You sigh out, this was getting too awkward for you.
"Hold on, dear"
The woman in purple robes speaks up, talking to you.
"How much did you spend on this alone?"
"You should ask him, he's been the one doing all the planning"
"How come? You didn't want to be involved?"
"Eh,, it's not that, he just didn't want me to help him I guess"
"Did he not trust you?"
"N...no, it's not that, we just fought a lot about it"
"Is it because of the decorations? Did you not want a wedding?"
You feel throw up come up
"No, no, I do want to get married.."
"Are you sure? If I didn't know any better, I would've assumed that you didn't want to get married"
The porcelain soul giggled, and you gave a half-hearted one. You felt your heart sinking as well, remembering that you did indeed have to marry this man, is it too late to back out? That comment made you stare at the floor, nothing on your mind, it took you aback. You felt your muscles getting heavier with each passing second, it didn't help that every minute you spent at this idiotic place was excruciatingly painful.
You felt your nostrils flare from the rapid heating traveling to your face. The major migraine coming through as you re-play the recent scenarios through your head, flying off the handle. How irritating and bothersome,
Can he just hurry up?
Honestly. How long do I have to wait here for?
The church is completely fine!
Why is he being so dramatic!
This is getting so annoying.
Your fingers tapped the side of your thigh as your jaw clenches, it would've hurt if your weren't acting like a bear with a sore head. The sole of your shoes aggressively drummed against the polished, marble floors. The ache in your brain was getting worse, god, it was insufferable, just like Ratio's tedious need to check everything in place, it's like you can never win! An exasperated groan escaped your lips.
"Veritas, let's go."
"Hold on, [name]"
Seeming to not pay any mind to your tone, since he was basically measuring the elongated, wooden seats, he responded carelessly.
Oh, he's really in it now.
"Let's go."
"In a minute"
Oh my god?!
"Just wait-"
you grind your teeth as your anger reaches a boiling point
His head whips back, pupils shrink as his eyelids widen. Herta looked at you, judgment coursing through her mind, seems like she wasn't all that surprised, but she still let out a little 'yikes'. You crossed your arms against your chest, you were gripping the sides of your arm sleeves, it felt like they were going to rip off. The echo from your shout faded into obscurity, it was the silence that followed after that seemed to be blaring in your ears. The immense space of the Lord’s house was what made your hollering almost deafening, it would be no surprise if outsiders could’ve heard you. Ratio waits for a second before finally getting up, not wanting to aggravate you even further. You see him dust off any soot that remained stuck on his pants, footsteps approach you, indicating that he’s coming closer, he begins to dubiously suggest to exit, whenever you blew a fuse, it was pretty effortless to lash out.
“Alright, then.. let’s go”
"You two can proceed without me, I'll remain here a while longer"
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You lumber to the car, Veritas following behind you. Crunchy, thin layers of snow compressed under your foot. Blusterous winds coming at you, gnawing on your nose and cheeks, your thews were getting numb from the frost. Jesus, how do people live in this weather?! While walking, you took the chance to puff on your stinging hands, the numbness leaving your skin. Oh, how you long to place your hand over a fire, pyro flames crackling from the moisture escaping. Ash would be decorated around the fireplace, it give the comforting feeling that you're back home and never have to leave. The heat would engulf you, hugging you as it protects you from the cold. Not even massaging your upper arms would fully reheat you back, Mother Nature was not gentle this season, attacking outsiders vigorously.
Creased brows adorned Veritas' face, a dip was shown between his eyebrows. His crossed arms and the needless stomping of his feet made it apparent that he was getting exacerbated by the previous predicament. The Greek man's upper half was lunging towards the driver's seat. Ratio used to hold the door for you, it was his way of being polite, you would be lying if you didn't have a soft spot for that tiny habit of his, it'd touch your heart. Although, now, he didn't do it,
The audacity..!
Does he know how he already treats me?
And he's the angry one?
Stop throwing a tantrum Ratio.
Ignoring how you behaved wouldn't make you feel better, but you were just so pent up from Veritas' emotional neglect and the constant worrying about that colleague, especially since he's so flirtatious with him.
Agh! It was so distressing just seeing them together,
I just want to wipe that smug look off his face,
worse part is, Ratio invited him to the wedding,
I told him that he makes me uneasy,
I know he's trying to steal Ratio,
why can't he just listen to me?!
You were getting furious again, the way you slammed the car could've made it obvious enough. You two were truly a match made in heaven to be worked up at the same time. Huffing and puffing in your seats while you two look straight ahead, the scorching temperature in your coat along with the feverishness from your wrathful attitude made it unbearable to stay still, it felt like your skin was being pricked with blazing needles. The tension between you two was so thick that you could cut it with a knife, only god knows how this is going to go down.
" What. Was. That."
You mentally sigh,
"How do you mean?"
"The minor altercation you had esteemed with me at the church—might there be a particular rationale for your current discontent, manifesting in such unseemly volumes directed at me?"
"I.. just wanted to go home"
"Are you so pessimistic as to raise your voice in my presence? I think not."
"Ugh.. I don't want to have this conversation with you.."
"You were quite insistent in having vociferously summoned my attention."
"That's because I didn't feel well and wanted to go home!"
"Might you kindly elucidate the matter that troubles you, or shall you indulge in yet another of your temper tantrums?"
"Why are you this agitated about the fact that I asked if we could go?!"
"Screech not asked."
You shriek in rage, you shuffled in your seat as fire boils up to your cheeks. Sweat beads down your forehead from how overwhelmed you were.
"This epitomizes my point, you have retreated like an infant."
"You keep badgering me expecting an answer but sometimes I just don't want to respond because you have this urge to insult me for how I feel!"
"Such a predicament could have been averted had you communicated with me."
"Ratio! You barely have the time to actually listen, it's like I have to beg you to do it! Even when you do, you NEVER listen You're focused on work and not the wedding, which I originally wanted to help with by the way! You're focused on that slutty, blonde co-worker of yours more than your own future spouse, huh?!"
"Aventurine?! Shall we PERSIST in this discourse? I have conveyed to you that there is no intimate relationship between us. What further assurances do you seek? Am I unable to indulge your desires ?!"
"Why are you acting like it's an issue to comfort me?!"
"It's like I constantly have to console you, it never ends with you!"
"Are you kidding me?! Do you know how Aventurine looks at you, oh my Aeons, Veritas! It's like he's eye-fucking you right in front of me!"
"No he doesn't, this is what you do, you blow everything out of proportion, what is happening with you?!"
"Oh, I'm sure you don't know how I feel because you're too busy spending time with that HOMEWRECKER"
"Stop criticizing him with high-school insults , you're acting like a toddler, [Name]!"
"I can't even believe this, you won't ask why I've been changing but you'll immediately point how how I'm complaining about that blonde bimbo?! Do you even care?!"
"Of course I care, but you insulting my dearest friend won't make you feel better"
dearest friend?!
"Really?! Dearest friend?! HAH! Don't make me laugh!"
"Do you want me to brag about you all the time?! Is that what this is?!"
"You sure as hell don't have a problem talking about Aventurine!"
"DEFENDING him is not the same as complimenting"
"All this time we've been arguing, never ONCE have you mentioned how alone I feel, you've just been focused on that whore!"
"Because I don't know what you want me to say, what more can I do, I can't fix your insecurities for you!"
"I'm not asking you to, I just want you to be there for me!"
" There's always something with you, sometimes it's just draining being with you. I just wish for once you could stop dragging everyone down with you, you've become ill, I can't even recognize you! You just spew ignorance just from this conversation!"
Your breath hitches, this sense of betrayal hunches over you. Your voice gets caught in your throat, heart pounding as you could hear it thunderously breaking out of your chest. It's like your consciousness was detached from your whole body, you could feel the water works were coming to you. No control over what your brain decides to do, and you feel pain in your hit you square in the gut, no, he was hitting you in the gut. The utter cruelness you had to reach in order to tell your fiance off because they were discussing their feelings was astounding. Oh, how you wish that you could go back to the espresso scented mornings, and shared baths. Why did everything have to turn out this way,
Why did I have to make it this way
Voice shrill as you accidentally let out a tiny cry. You turn your head to view the car window. The sight was not pleasant, it's an eyesore looking at broken down, rusty cars being trapped in snow. Wore down tires stuck to the road from the frost. and beaten-in dents really accentuated how crappy the car is. The ugliest thing by far were the moldy plazas, the signs were growing mysterious brown stains, it looks like it hasn't cleaned in years.
You could feel Veritas' eyes burning in the back o your skull, the worst feeling is knowing that someone's blue in the face by how your coming off, and the most wretched thing about it is that you know that it's most likely entirely your fault.
Hot teardrops run down your cheeks, trying to simultaneously brush them away with your sleeve. It's not like Ratio would reassure you, whenever you end up crying after an argument, he doesn't. He always said how you brought it upon yourself, that you shouldn't have tried to verbally brawl with him if you were going to end up wailing.
I wish I could call mom right now..
"Are you going to call your mother like you always do?"
He deeply exhales at your foolishness,
You look back at him, a glare goes right for him, your eyes were puffy from how your water blobs overpower your eyes' the drainage system. The hell is wrong with this man?
"None of your business."
"That's what you always do anyways I don't even need to ask."
"To hell with you, it must be nice thinking you've won this dispute, everything is just a competition to you, even your own fiance's feelings."
You breathe out a mini "asshole", the ferocity of your anger was shown from how brutally you shut the car door.
This was all a mistake
You weren't supposed to marry him yet
but you can't back out now
what a nasty man...
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No no no no no no no no no no no nononononononononono...
It's gone
It's completely gone
I lost it
You were pacing around the room, there was this beautiful golden necklace that disappeared, a thick Singaporean necklace which was plated in diamonds. The center of it all was a beautiful... jade or aventurine gem, You prayed to god that it wasn't an aventurine gem. Despite that, it fit with the jewelry nicely, reflective and a stunning little thing. It was a grim couple of weeks, After that squabble with Veritas, you broke down, it was the late night fretting that really got to you. Fly-aways in your hair became worse, and it was getting really tiring to untangle it every time, it feels like you have to battle with it just to keep it mildly tame.
You placed both your hands on your heartbeat, you couldn't believe this, how did you lose such a treasure in such a short amount of seconds. You've checked EVERYWHERE, under the couch placed in the dressing room, the vanity, the bathroom, behind the potted plants, but nothing. Oh, Aeons, this is the worse, you idiot! how did you lose it this quickly!
Damn it, Ratio is not going to let you hear the end of it
Desperately looking for a sign, something to give you a hint to where it is.
Aeons, please help me..
You've been ready for quite a while, but it was just that one piece that was missing..
You stumble back, your back calf bumping into the stool seat. You're fingers ravels across your whole face. Is it just you, or is the air getting harder to respire in. Heat flashes overtake you as your blood runs cold. You can hear yourself hyperventilating, wheezes escaping your mouth as you attempt to tranquil yourself. It was hard to exhale in general, each time you felt a puff wander up your esophagus, a sharp, sore pain pricks your nerves. Sweat enclose on your whole body from head to toe, your skin feels extremely sticky, smelling your incredibly slicked hair just from the moisture.
Exceedingly shaky hands try to reach for your ice cold water, contrasting with your heating hands. When the frigid glass met your skin, it startled you, causing you to immediately drop your cup on instinct. Fresh water spilling everywhere, covering decoration pieces and the spotless, clear mirror. You internally curse yourself out before you scream it out,
This dramatic gasp was hear, it was you. You try to wipe the water on your expensive outfit, but decided against it. Your enchanting outfit was hand-crafted by Tingyun herself, and she clearly stated that your ivory, platinum attire should not get wet as it would ruin the material. Not really remembering anything after that, all that your brain could muster up was the fox lady making operatic gestures on how absolutely "dangerous" it is to drench the clothing with any fluid.
You can not take that possible risk and ruin the matrimony any longer. This day was just splendid, you have nowhere to wipe your soaked hands, you lost your (almost) husband's vital necklace, and now you're sniffling from the fact that you're about to cry. This day was a mess- no.. maybe it was a sign being wedded was not the ideal situation for your destiny.
I just can't take this anymore,
my makeup is going to get ruined
Aventurine is here
I can't find that damn adornment
I spilt water
I'm just a complete mess..
I.. can't do this anymore..
The trickles of a familiar saline liquid fall down your lashes. Restrained sobs flee from your grasp as you try to stay quiet. Your chest rapidly went up and down, hoping to still your breath, but it didn't work-
You shout
"[Name]? It's Topaz!"
"Uhm- and Aventurine.."
You grimaced just by the mention of his name,
"Ack! Whatever, are you okay, sweetie?"
"Yeah, we heard you crying"
As if you'd fucking care!
"em.. uh.. yeah.. I'm.. okay.."
It got muted, everything was serene. It gives you a chance to catch your breath and tranquilize your state of mind. You view your trembling hands that wouldn't settle themselves. Perturbed eyes that got more damaged from the high concentration of salt.
"Please don't lie to me"
"Sorry... You guys can come in"
You swiftly swab away your tears, nose sniffling. Your throat felt sticky with the mucus covering it. This uncontrollable throbbing pain was getting more apparent, it was vague but you could still undoubtedly feel it. The blaring illumination from the vanity mirror was just making it worse. It's like a hangover, maddening and agonizing, you have to wait all day until the bothersome migraine flees away.
The door creaks open, this sudden pain shoots through your ears and brain from the mosquito-like noise. Topaz was wearing this beautiful silk dress, flashy but sophisticated, gleaming gold arches on her dress are placed on her rib area. this exquisitely detailed pendant was connected to a shiny, band on her neck. It was all decorated in a French-style.
Topaz had this uneased expression on her face, she rushed her way towards you. The woman didn't have time to pull up a chair, her friend was in distress, and as a bridesmaid, she was determined to drop everything to aid you. Her manicured hand rests on your cheek, it's soft, and strangely comforting.
Aventurine, on the other hand, was standing near the doorway. He had this floral embroidered waistcoat, it was a dusty pink, damn he looked good. Under the vest, a puffy, Ouji dress shirt fit nicely with the rest of the outfit. It was a pristine, pale color, everything about his attire just screamed polished. Reflective, blonde locks were ornamented with blooming hairpieces.
"What happened? Are you nervous about the wedding? Oh, I'm sure Dr. Ratio will think your absolutely gorgeous-"
"-No.. no.. no, it's just that.. I lost this stupid necklace that Veritas gave me. I can't find it anywhere, and I'm scared that he'll get mad at me.."
Topaz and Aventurine exchanged troubled glances.
"Ah... well.. uhm, I'm sure he won't get mad!"
Easy for you to say!
"He'll only get mad if you don't tell him early on"
Oh, I'm sure you'd know, Aventurine.
"Right! We should tell him now!"
"W.. What?! No!"
"Don't worry it'll be fine! If you tell him right now then you won't have to worry after! I'll be back!"
"Wait! Topaz!"
You reach out to pull her back, but her wrist disappears before you can even touch it. Topaz picks a bit of her dress up so her heels wouldn't trap it, it was a floor-length, dark, barbie pink, it was also provided by Tingyun, for free at that.
There was this mortified look on your face, your eyelids were expansive. The world was crumbling right before you, ready to get faced with Veritas' disastrous fury. Lava would be swarming over you if he found out, Aeons, he'd be so inflamed with you.
My life is so over.
Your heart was going up your esophagus, you can feel it pulsing with all it's power. Your organs can feel the impending doom coming up, your stomach was bubbling, your lungs were rapidly gasping for air, your brain was panicking, all these scenarios were running through your head.
Your head was down, you can't even look at him, you'd just turn into a pitiful goop on the floor, stuck to it for eternity. Aventurine was still in the room, unsure of what to do. He had the idea that you did despise the very existence of him, so he wasn't sure if he should even dab your skin with his velvet glove.
You hear heels clacking
she's coming back, and with Ratio, you presume
Oh no
Are you going to vomit or burp
Either way something's coming up
"Topaz, what was so urgent that you had to rush me over to my future spouse's dressing room"
huh.. ?
"It's just something important!"
You can hear a snort come up, it seemed to be Aventurine.
What's so funny, Aventurine.
"What's so funny, Aventurine?"
"Just the new 'sunglasses' you have, they really fit you, Doctor~"
He purrs at Dr. Ratio, what the hell is wrong with him?!
He's basically making ou- wait what? Sunglasses?
You pick your head up
what the?!
There it was, Topaz, on her tippy toes, her hands barely reaching his eyebrows. Her whole body was strained just to cover his eyes. It seemed like Ratio had to bend his knees a bit just so she had an easier time.
"Topaz, please uncover my eyes"
"No can do! You can't see them before the wedding, it's bad luck!"
I think this whole ceremony is an indication of bad luck
You hear Veritas sigh
"What's the problem that was so critical for me to hear"
Topaz gestures for you to say it, her eyes beaming bright, and a supportive smile dousing her lips.
"Uh.. uhm.."
"I might've lost the necklace you gave me..."
"Dear, I can't hear you if you speak so quietly"
"I.. lost the necklace.."
"I lost the.. necklace you gave me..:
"Excuse me?"
"I.. uhm.."
"What is wrong with you?! Do you just lose everything that I give you?!"
Your head immediately perks up to look at him.
"It was just a-"
"[Name], I give you a necklace ESPECIALLY for YOU to wear. How. Do. You. Lose. It."
"I did have it, you don't have to yell at me!"
"CLEARLY, not since you just somehow lost it, how insolent do you have to be"
"ok, Doctor-"
"Not now, Aventurine."
"You make enough money to buy a second one, It's not like I lost it on purpose!"
"It's not that, it's the fact that you're so FORGETFUL that you just misplace ANYTHING I give you. You have to be more responsible I can't KEEP HOLDING YOUR HAND"
The Doctor rips Topaz's hands of his face
"It seems that you didn't lose your phone, what? Are you gonna call your mom again?!"
"Why do you keep bringing her up?!"
"Because, you ALWAYS RUN from your problems"
".. I'm going back, get ready."
You can hear his formal, polish, black leather shoes tromp on the floor, and even louder was the thunderclap following the door slam. You flinched, now hyper-aware of everything, it's like your lungs were feebly inhaling, hands cupped up as they were placed upon your chest. Little sharp coughs release the ache in your throat walls, a corrosive feeling in your eyes weren't as tormenting as the images of Ratio's expressively wrathful face.
Low sobs were getting muffled from the seclusion of your hands. Your back was hunched, legs pressed together tightly, like sardines. It's like someone punched the air right out of you, making it difficult to breathe through your blubbering, messy breakdown.
"Oh, geez, uhm- here, [Name]"
You could hear Topaz's fancy heels making their way towards you. She lifts your head up and leisurely wipes your tears away with a soft, cotton tissue.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's going to be okay. He's just stressed because it's his big day. Before you know it, everything will end up perfect, this is just a little hiccup, you'll be okay"
"Oh, shoot.. make sure their make-up doesn't get ruined.."
Aventurine makes his way over to you, he dabs your cheeks with his finger to fix your blush.
"You look so beautiful, [Name]"
"Yeah, Ratio will realize how pretty you are"
"Hey, do you think the church would know if a cherub figure was missing?"
"Depends on how big it is"
"It's pretty tiny, it so pretty though, I just want to snatch it up!"
Aeons, they're so annoying
Could you just stop talking
Stop touching my face.
Stop touching my hair.
Stop it,
Stop it, stop it,
The duo's hands abruptly pause. trembling hands reach your face, feeling your wet cheeks, Your whole body was shuddering from the aggravation coursing through your body. You can feel your entire head tottering uncontrollably, hot flashes coming in and out.
"I just can't,,,- do this anymore!"
You shove their hands away as you rose up from your seat, your leg bulldozing the seat out of the way, almost tripping on the way to the bathroom.
"Wait! Are-"
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Wedding bells ring, piercing through your ears. This church was aged, the bells were still intact, the workers were taking special care of this long-lived building. It was a truly magnificent venue, as elegant as Dr. Ratio, or, at least his tastes. The perfume of the bouquet was infiltrating your nostrils,
EVERYONE was invited, even idrila, which was who Argenti was looking for, anyone could see that rose-headed knight searching around. His armor was getting noisy, irritating the guests. Topaz was a bridesmaid, and Screwllum was the best man, right by the groom's side. Clara was the most excited, other than Ratio, she was a flower girl. Pink, sparkly, blossoming mini-heels, they weren't the cheap princess ones that toddlers usually get for their birthday party, but instead made of the most intricate crystals. Her dress was completely pink with a blinging gemstone tiara to match her curly up-do.
It was a full house, something that made you nervous. You didn't feel your best, or looked your best, this contagious feeling of suspense was pulling you back. Oh no, this isn't what you wanted, this isn't what you should have.
You found the damned necklace, you should be thrilled that you discovered it. You should be cheerful that you're going to finally marry this man.
You should be..
But you're not.
You were devoid of any happiness, the sight of his face makes you sick. Even worse, the sight of him with that enchantress makes you get more ill. Veritas isn't the right one, you should've said something a long time ago.
Your legs unconsciously move back,
You have to walk the aisle
Oh Aeons, the music's starting
You have to stay
You have to move, this isn't how you'll live you're life
You don't deserve this anymore
All of a sudden, The carnations and roses got launched on the floor, the petals falling off. Such exquisiteness shouldn't merit such treatment, but neither should you. Your back slouched, like someone gagging over a sink, knees buckled. Sweat beading in your forehead, hands vigorously gripping that stupid necklace.
Diamonds falling everywhere, little thuds appearing on the red carpet.
Veritas' huffed out some frustration, fixing his collar. Today was supposed to be perfect, but he ruined it by squalling at his fiance. How stupid could he honestly be, it was really just a necklace, not even a valuable heirloom. He had to confess, he was a little tense from the amount of people present. Ratio was never the uneasy one, it was usually you, he just spewed pride, whether it was his intelligence or his body. Even worse, you were most likely disturbed from how he treated you.
He mentally facepalms himself from how idiotic he was being. The Grecian has noticed your deteriorating psychological state, he shouldn't have triggered it any longer.
The man noticed everyone rubbing their arms, he should've turned on the heater. It was terribly frigid, icicles could form inside the church if they wanted to. Normally, Veritas wouldn't even notice how chilly it was, always setting the thermostat 60 or below. You used to reprimand him, complaining about that he lives with another person and how he should stop changing it to a frosty temperature.
However, he was amazingly stubborn, so he continued doing it. In the winter, it was a nuisance to deal with. It was so fatiguing tackling the heavy snow and dense ice off your tires so your car could move, and it was worse coming home to a house that was the same degree as Antarctica.
Silly bickers would arise from it, but no matter how many disputes you two had, it seemed that the scholar would rather that than even consider raising the thermostat. It's not like it was that alone
Every single time, his hardheadedness got the best of him, and he'd only be left with nobody but himself
Dr. Ratio saw how queasy Topaz and Aventurine were. First of all, the blonde man was rubbing his neck and keep messing with his watch, Topaz eyes darted everywhere, she tapped her foot on the ground rapidly.
Huh, it seems like the ceremony was about to begin
Ratio fixed himself up as much as he could.
It seemed like you were a little late.
Everyone immediately looked at the man.
The worst was true to come.
You weren't there.
He looks at Topaz,
She looks back, a petrified look appears on her face,
He looks at Aventurine,
This surprised look appears on his face.
Oh no,
Ratio finally realized
You were gone
and so was your mother.
A few gasps were heard, everyone knew what happened
Veritas rushes behind the marble doors, it was extreme in weight, but no match for Ratio
All he saw, was a broken necklace and a destroyed bouquet on the floor.
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tineetinylily · 5 months ago
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Do you guys know who's the artist for these? I saw them in this edit and I can't seem to find them anywhere😭
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jojorice · 6 months ago
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there's a merman in my bathtub (and he planned it from the very start??)
happy mermay!! inspired by orenchi no furo jijou (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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