#top sunscreens in Australia
thelaborganics · 1 month
The Importance of Sunscreen in Australia: A Must-Have for Sun Safety
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Australia is well-known for its breathtaking beaches, energetic outdoor culture, and, regrettably, intense sun. Australians understand the value of sun protection well because they have one of the highest incidences of skin cancer worldwide. Among the several sun safety precautions, sunscreen is by far the most important.
Why Sunscreen is Essential in Australia?
Even on overcast days, the Australian sun may be rather intense and possess high UV levels all year round. Because to its proximity to the equator, the nation experiences higher UV radiation levels than other regions of the world. This means that using sunscreen is vital all year round, not just in the summer.
Choosing the Right Sunscreen
Choosing a sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection is crucial when choosing a sunscreen in Australia. This implies that the sunscreen will offer protection against UVA and UVB radiation, which cause burning and skin aging, respectively. A sunscreen with at least SPF 30 is ideal, but for prolonged outdoor activity, SPF 50+ is advised.
Another important consideration is water resistance, particularly for people who like Australia's outdoor swimming pools and beaches. Even when swimming or perspiring, protection with water-resistant sunscreen is guaranteed. Furthermore, a lot of sunscreens made in Australia are designed to be reef-safe, which means they don't include dangerous ingredients like octinoxate and oxybenzone that can harm coral reefs. 
How to Apply Sunscreen Properly
If it's not applied correctly, even the greatest sunscreen won't save you from harm. Generally speaking, you should slather all exposed skin with sunscreen roughly 20 minutes before heading outside. Reapplication is equally crucial; it should be done every two hours, or more frequently if you perspire or swim.
Remember frequently overlooked areas such as the tops of your feet, the back of your neck, and your ears. You should also use a lip balm with SPF to shield your lips from the sun's rays.
Sunscreen and Daily Skincare
It's a wise decision to include sunscreen in your everyday skincare routine in Australia. Nowadays, a lot of face moisturizers have additional SPF, which makes it simpler to safeguard your skin every day without taking an additional step. 
Beyond Sunscreen: Comprehensive Sun Protection
Although sunscreen is an excellent defense against UV damage, it works best when combined with other sun protection precautions. You can further lower your risk of sunburn and long-term skin damage by donning protective clothing, sunglasses with UV protection, and a wide-brimmed hat. It's also advised to look for shade between 10 AM and 4 PM, which is when UV radiation is at its highest.
Conclusion: Sunscreen as a Lifesaver in Australia
Being sun-smart is a must for living in Australia. You may dramatically lower your risk of skin cancer and early aging by making wearing sunscreen a regular ritual. The greatest sunscreen is the one you'll use daily, so pick a product you like and develop the habit of protecting yourself from the sun.
Never undervalue the Australian sun, whether you're a resident or just visiting. Keep yourself safe and take advantage of everything this stunning nation has to offer without jeopardizing the health of your skin.
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lqvesoph · 6 months
She’s WHOSE daughter??? || LN4
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gif by @quadrantslandonorris
lando norris x webber!reader
summary: During a trip to Daniel’s farm house, you find an unexpected visitor standing in your best friend’s backyard
part 1 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
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Part 2
"So glad you could make it!", Danny called and wrapped you into a hug as soon as he opened the front door. "You know I love it here!", you laughed and stepped into his home in Perth, Australia.
It was Monday before the Australian Grand Prix and Daniel had invited you to spend a few days at his farm before flying across the country to Melbourne.
You spotted an unfamiliar pair of shoes next to Daniel‘s million others but didn’t think much of it. Maybe he bought another pair.
"Daniel, tell me again where the- oh hi", you heard a familiar british accent, one that you have missed over the last three long weeks since Bahrain and turned around to find a dripping wet and shirtless Lando in the glass door that led out to the backyard. His curls were dripping shining droplets of water onto his defined and tanned chest from which you couldn’t teat your eyes away.
"The towels are in the drawer, mate", Daniel spoke, snapping you out of your trance. "Thanks", Lando mumbled but didn’t move from his place.
You all stood there in silence for a few seconds before you cleared your throat. "I… uh- I-I‘ll go to my room", you stuttered, taking the suitcase and quickly making your way up the marble stairs.
"Why didn’t you tell me she was coming?", you heard Lando hiss. "Why would you have wanted me to?", Daniel asked nonchalant, and you knew you shouldn’t eavesdrop but you couldn’t help it, wanting to know Lando‘s response. "I- I don’t know", he stuttered defensively before tapping over to the drawer to get himself a towel.
Truth was, his small crush on you grew over the last couple of weeks. He followed your every move on Instagram and Twitter, even scrolling down to pictures from 2016, finding a few of you and baby Oscar during his Formula 3 career or little you in Daniel‘s Red Bull from 2017. He‘s probably memorized your highlights at this point.
Adding to that he asked Pietra for her advice on your best songs and your discography has been on repeat for three weeks straight.
You put your suitcase next to your bed and plopped down on it, only now noticing your racing heart.
During your deep dive through Lando’s Instagram account, you obviously had seen a few pictures of him shirtless, the one from Bahrain being the set of pictures you were hung up on the most, even saving one of them. But jeez… none of those pictures did the live picture justice!
You opened your eyes and took a deep breath before rummaging around your suitcase to find the black bikini you had packed for your trip.
You put it on and took your towel, phone and sunglasses and made your way downstairs. Lando and Daniel sat by the pool on two sun beds, playing some sort of card game. Both were shirtless and had matching bucket hats on their curls. You chuckled at the sight and placed your towel on the third sun bed.
Lando looked up from the game and subtly looked you over, his eyes lingering at your pushed up breast, that were barely covered by the tight black bikini top, a little longer than appropriate but you couldn’t find yourself caring. The opposite actually, the little hesitation brought a smirk to your face.
You lay down on your stomach on the sun bed and closed your eyes. "If I fall asleep, please put some sunscreen on my back in an hour or two", you mumbled, getting a hum from both boys next to you.
You couldn’t even begin to explain how much you have missed the Australian sun.
You didn’t even notice you fell asleep until you were woken up by a pair of warm hands rubbing your back. Guess the flight has been more exhausting than you thought.
You lifted your head up slightly, still a little dazed from the sleep. "Heyy, good morning", a soft british accent spoke over you.
Then you started noticing a few other things around you. For example your hair that was wrapped in a loose bun, one that you definitely didn’t do yourself.
"I put your hair up so it wouldn’t stick on the sunscreen", he said, almost as if he had read your thoughts. "Thanks", you mumbled, then you frowned. "How did you-"
"I have two younger sisters, so I know a little about hair styles", Lando chuckled and kneaded your shoulders while rubbing in the sunscreen. The small action made you groan a little. "Feels good", you muttered.
"I can tell", he spoke and you could hear the smirk on his face, so you kicked your leg up to hit his back. "Owh", he let out and broke out in laughter after. You couldn’t help but join in as well and pushed yourself up on your elbows to look around you.
You noticed the missing sunglasses on your face when squinting to see against the setting sun but quickly found them on the table next to you.
"Daniel is getting the grill ready and Heidi has just arrived a few minutes ago", Lando told you and you turned your head to meet his eyes. But got quickly distracted by his tanned chest. Your eyes flickering down and stayed there for a second longer than necessary, before looking back up into his green eyes and only now realizing how close your faces were to each other.
His gaze flickered down to your lips before finding your eyes again.
"Hey dipshit, dinner is almost ready!", Daniel called from the path between the pool section and the little hut with a fire place. "We’ll be there in a second!", Lando called back, not tearing his eyes away from yours.
Your eyes darted down to his plumb lips. "We probably should…", you whispered, letting your sentence uncompleted. Lando nodded but still kept his gaze you. "Yeah, we probably should", he agreed.
The two of you kept each other gaze for a few seconds longer before looking down at the same time and clearing your throats. You grabbed your black shorts and quickly put them over your bikini bottoms, feeling your heart beating fast in your chest and a small throbbing in your lower region. A quick stolen glance at Lando told you, your interaction also left its mark on him.
He cleared his throat another time before standing up and grabbing a baby blue loose dress shirt to put over his shoulders, leaving the buttons undone.
Together you made your way over to the fireplace, where you found Heidi and Daniel next to a bluetooth box that played relaxing music.
"Hey, honey!!", Heidi called and immediately came over to hug you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around the girl who has been like an older sister to you for the longest time.
"It’s so good to see you again!", she smiled and pushed a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Your hair has gotten so long!" You laughed and sat down at the set table.
Daniel looked at Lando with a knowing smirk, whereupon Lando rammed his elbow into the older guy’s ribs.
As the night came, the temperatures got chilly, even in Australia. You shivered a little even if the fire spent a little warmth.
"You cold?", Lando muttered, leaning over the armrest of his chair. You looked over at him, getting lost for a second in the way half of his face was light up by the fire light.
You hummed and wrapped your arms tighter around yourself.
"Take my hoodie", he suggested, pulling the lavender colored hoodie from his chair. "Thanks", you smiled.
From the corner of your eyes you saw how Daniel gave you a rather knowing glance but you chose to ignore it.
That was until he didn’t give you another option.
"Y/n, you wanna come and help me inside?", he asked but it sounded more like a demand. You nodded and stood up from your seat before following Daniel inside.
All while Lando’s eyes never left you.
Daniel was waiting for you by the kitchen counter. "What are you doing?", he wanted to know. You shrugged, knowing exactly what he was talking about.
"He’s cute", you simply replied.
"You know I love you like my little sister but Lando’s one of my best mates. And I already know that he’s got quite the crush on you, it’s fairly obvious so I gotta make sure that this is coming from your side as well and isn’t some sort of joke flirting", the australian explained.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "It’s not, I really do think he’s cute", you nodded.
"Does he know who your dad is?", Daniel pressed further, knowing this was some sort of make-or-break question to you.
Given the history of boyfriends you’ve had and loads of your early ones, always dating you for your father, you’ve started to not tell people about your father. Not until you were sure, they were here for you.
Your silence gave Daniel his answer.
"If you like him, why didn’t you then?", he wanted to know. "Because I want to get to know him before! I met him once three weeks ago, do you expect me to just go like "Hi, I’m Y/n, nice to meet you. By the way I’m Mark Webber’s daughter"?? I haven’t exactly spent a lot of time with him", you muttered.
"Just… don’t lead him on. I haven’t seen him this nervous over a girl in a long time", Daniel sighed and opened his arms. "C’mere."
Even though the night got very late, you were up incredibly early the next day, still having to adjust to the eastern australian timezone.
As quietly as possible you walked down the stairs to the kitchen, wearing a pair of jogging shorts and Lando’s hoodie from the previous night which was incredibly comfortable and even smelled like him.
You grabbed yourself a glass of water and sat down crisscrossed on a patio chair.
The morning was still a little fresh, the sun just barely leaking out from the horizon.
"Bit early, isn’t it?", a british accent spoke from behind you. You smiled before turning around to meet Lando’s sleepy eyes.
He stood in the doorway, long gray joggers and a black hoodie, similar to the one you were wearing. His curls were a mess on top of his head as he ruffled through them.
"I could say the same to you", you countered, making the boy smile. "I couldn’t sleep, still adjusting to the timezone", he told you, sitting down on the chair next to you.
You nodded in agreement. "Me too."
For a moment you sat in silence, both looking at the sunrise in front of you.
"You wanna go for a walk at the beach?", Lando suggested after a few minutes, looking over at you.
You considered your options for a second but didn’t see a reason not to, so you nodded and stood up.
You put your glass on the table and your phone in the hoodie pocket.
Together you took the small path that directly led from Daniel’s backyard to the beach.
"Nice hoodie by the way", Lando smirked, tugging at your sleeves. "Thanks, some random guy gave it to me last night", you replied with a giggle. "And you just take stuff from random dudes?", Lando faked a shocked tone. "Nah, only if they are cute", you smiled, making Lando go a little shy as he looked down with a smile.
When the you reached the beach, you stopped in your tracks. Closing your eyes and enjoying the breeze of the ocean.
"I’ve missed this", you muttered, taking a deep breath before opening your eyes to find Lando looking at you. "Los Angeles just isn’t quite the same."
"You said you grew up between LA and Canberra", Lando stated, whereupon you nodded. "How did you meet Oscar then? Because as far as I know he’s spent most of his teens in England. Or Daniel, who’s from the other side of the country", he asked.
"Well, Daniel I met through Red Bull. My dad used to work for them", you replied, careful as not to reveal too much. "At base?"
"Something like this, yeah."
"He’s been like an older brother to me for the longest time but Oscar being closer to me in age, resulted in us turning out like twins", you chuckled.
Lando felt a sting of jealousy when you talked about his teammate like that, knowing he had close to zero rights to feel this way but still.
"Anyway, I met him in the paddock a few years ago and we’ve been friends ever since", you concluded.
"And you’ve been into racing because of your dad?", he asked. You nodded but didn’t clarify further but instead grabbed his hand and dragged him to the ocean.
"Cmon, let’s go in", you called. "Go in??", Lando protested but let you drag him closer to the water. "It’s Australia, it’s warm", you giggled and kicked off your shoes off your feet. You let go of Lando’s hand and entered the water ankle-deep.
You looked back to see Lando taking off his shoes as well as his hoodie, leaving him in a white shirt. Then he carefully tapped the water before walking to you.
"Nice, huh?", you smiled against the rising sun, closing your eyes for a second.
Cold water splashing your back made you scream and open them again. You turned around to find Lando with a devilish grin looking at you. "Lando!!", you called and splashed the water back at him.
In only a few seconds it turned into a water war, both your clothes turning darker from the water splashes on them. Your eyes stopped at Lando’s torso, the water turning his white shirt see through. And you weren’t ashamed to admit that his defined abs distracted you just more than a little bit.
Lando used your little moment of distraction to launch himself at you and throw both of you down into the water completely. You gasped for air, his arms still wrapped around your body and you hair falling in wet strands on your face.
"Idiot!", you called, pushing your hair back to see Lando grin at you. His adorable smile, paired with the wetness of his curls made you smile as well. You put your hand on his neck, slowly pulling him closer to you.
A drop of water falling from his opened lips, mesmerizing you completely. Lando’s eyes searched yours, asking for permission to go ahead. You glance back down to his lips before nodding slightly.
Only seconds later, his lips touched yours in a gentle kiss. Your fingers went through his wet hair and pulled at the end.
His lips on yours felt like fire, and you wanted more.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, his hand holding your thigh as his other squeezed your waist. His lips slowly traveled along your jaw, making you lean your head to the side to give him more space.
You let out a little moan when he gently sucked on the spot under your ear and felt his lips curl into a smirk. Lando pulled back to look at you, your fingers stroking his neck.
You giggled slightly and leaned your forehead against his, closing your eyes for a second.
This is what happiness feels like, you thought.
📍Perth, Australia
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tagged: landonorris, danielricciardo, heidiberger
yn.adams: Perth for the week
landonorris: Oh, what a pretty sunrise
> yn.adams: U think?
danielricciardo: When was that first picture taken???
> yn.adams: Today morning at about 5:30am while u were peacefully sleeping
> fan: Wait so if Daniel didn’t take that picture does that mean it was Lando???
oscarpiastri: 🤨
> fan: Oscar’s NOT a fan of this new friendship LMAO
fan: The boyfriend vibes are MAJOR on that last picture
fan: Since when are her and Lando friends???
fan: Okay but Yn and Lando would be crazy!!
> fan: I ship it, 100%
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📍Perth, Australia
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tagged: yn.adams
landonorris: She can sing and drive
yn.adams: 2:1 for me, u can only drive
> landonorris: 🥲
> fan: LMAOOO Yn roasting Lando hahahahh
oscarpiastri: yn.adams TEXT ME NOW!!
> fan: Poor guy’s feeling left out fr
fan: Is this a soft launch mr. norriz?
> fan: wdym "soft" HE TAGGED HER!!!
fan: The sunrise…
> fan: Nah u guys don’t understand the significance of that sunrise!!
fan: Lando and Yn posting pictures of sunrises… A picture of Yn that Daniel didn’t take…
> fan: New paddock couple alert??
fan: Lando letting someone else drive and playing passenger princess???
fan: Who even is she?
fan: Does she even know what F1 is?
> fan: LMAOO
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Please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist or text be if you want to be taken off x
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungariann @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @sawendel @enjoymyloves @ricsaigaslec @ravenqueen27 @temqr1 @leclerc16s @theamazingsimplethings-blog @coldmuffinbanditshoe @hotchnisscm97 @moneymasnn @justme2042 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @pleasantducktimetravel @anthonykatebridgerton @lisannehus @hannahholland1811 @lighttsoutlewis @mydutchproblem @dan3avocado @alwaysclassyeagle @cocomiracle @allthisfortommy @soleilgrec @cheeryara-blog @person2345-blog @aquamariene-me @judespoision @sbgal @teti-menchon0604 @darleneslane @flower-name @mehrmonga @paolexsstuff @kiskso @honethatty12 @namgification @champagneproblems17 @meko-mt @scopeiguess @bwormie @d3kstar @c-losur3 @lupitakapro @endlesssummer10
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reminiscingtonight · 9 months
australia, moody,, sunburn for alessia russo :)
Too Much Sun (Alessia Russo x Reader)
A/N: Hope y'all have had a good year. See you in 2024!
[WOSO Masterlist]
“Don’t say it.”
Tilting your head up, your lip quirks up in a smirk when you see the girl in front of you. 
You shuffle up in your seat, raising your sunglasses to the top of your head. The sun feels refreshing on your sun-starved skin; you can already feel the tan returning to your skin. But someone obviously didn’t listen too well to your earlier warnings.
“I told you so, Less.”
“(Y/N)!” Alessia’s words are accompanied with a huff and a stomp of a foot.
“Babe, I know you’re from England and there’s not a lick of sunshine there, but you need to put on sunscreen.” 
Some of the Lionesses thought vacationing in your home country was a good idea despite having been there earlier in the year. But you were never one to turn down a free vacation, especially one where you get to both go home and spend time with your girlfriend.
The sun was already scorching when you all got to the beach. You’re the first to pull out your sunscreen, offering it to all the girls near you. 
You offer it to Alessia too, but your girlfriend simply shakes her head, claiming she would be fine. It didn’t matter how much you tried to convince her otherwise. Alessia assured you time and time again that the sunscreen wouldn’t be needed.
Alessia’s anything but fine. 
Despite not being here for long, Alessia’s already tinged red, shifting on her toes as if staying still will make the burn worse. 
“Stop it! I’m sunburnt, everything hurts, and I’m really really really sorry I didn’t listen to you earlier. Will you please do something to help me?”
“Baby, don’t be upset or a whiner,” you chuckle.
Turning, you reach for the bag sitting next to you. You dig around a bit before finding the bottle of aloe you had stashed away. “I’m prepared. Down you go,” you pat at the spot between your legs. 
Your girlfriend gingerly perches in front of you, hissing at the first touch of your cool hand and gel on her skin. It’s quiet bar the occasional whimper and grunt of pain from Alessia. When you finish, you press the gentlest of kisses against the side of Alessia’s face. 
She flinches away.
“Sorry,” you chuckle, not really taking her avoidance to heart.
“Please don’t tell Tooney about this?” There’s the biggest puppy eyes being sent your way, but it doesn’t matter even if you want to help.
Ella’s already hurtling her way towards the two of you, smirk plastered on her face. “Ay! Didn’t listen to the missus now did ya?”
Send me a 3 word prompt
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6rookie-writer0110 · 7 months
The moonlight
Garfield Logan x Male Reader
Request: Garfield Logan x male magical reader basically Wanda, reader spoiling Gar cause let’s be honest he deserves it
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You have been dating Garfield for almost a year now. You and Garfield have strong feelings for each other and are always affectionate to each other.
Right now, you are training and you are using your magic, to hit the dummies. Garfield walks in with snacks and he is smiling at you.
“I come in peace” Garfield smiled.
“Hey babe” You smiled.
He gave you a peck on the lips.
“How was the training?” Garfield asked.
“Good. My magic is getting stronger and I learned new spells” You said.
“That’s good. I was thinking we would do something together” Garfield said.
“Sure, we can do something,” You said.
You used your magic to clean yourself and change your clothes.
“So handsome” Garfield smiled.
“So are you, babe” you smiled.
You and Garfield go to the mall together. He is holding your hands then you and him go inside a store. You grabbed a few things and he tries on a leather jacket you helped him pick out new shorts and shirts. You paid for everything and he isn't used to it, someone spending a lot of money on him.
“You really didn't have to buy everything,” Garfield said.
“I know but I wanted to,” You said.
He kissed you on the lips. Then you and Garfield go to another store and he helped you decide what to buy.
Much later, you and Garfield went to a see movie. He put his arm around you and you lay your head on his chest. Then you feed him popcorn and he can't stop smiling at you.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
It's valentines Day… you surprised him with gifts and chocolates. He wrapped his arms around you and you start to kiss him. You and Garfield can't stop smiling at each other, then you touch his hair. He has on the leather jacket that you bought for him at the mall.
“Thanks for the gifts. I always used to hate Valentine's Day then you came along” Garfield said.
He feeds you chocolate. He takes out the plush bears from the bag and the card then gave it to you. It's two bears with one heart and a cute Valentine's Day card.
“For my handsome and smart boyfriend,” Garfield said.
“Here are your gifts,” You said.
He starts to open his gifts and he likes them. Then he put his hands on your face and he starts to kiss you.
“Do you remember how we met?” Garfield asked.
“I do remember. You faked being rich to impress me then you saved me from Bane” You said.
“I’m glad I did that. I wouldn't have changed anything, because I'm happy that you gave me a second chance to show you the real me” Garfield smiled.
You feed him a piece of chocolate and he likes it.
“I got one more gift for you,” You said.
“What is it?” Garfield asked.
You take out a promise ring and put it on his finger.
“It's a promise ring and an engagement ring. A promise never to leave your side and whenever you need me I will be there” You said.
He leans in and kissed you on the lips.
“No matter what happens, I will never leave your side Y/n. I care about you a lot and I don't want to lose you” Garfield smiled.
Later, you and Garfield cuddle in bed to watch a movie together, and you are the bid spoon. He puts his hand on top of your hand.
You used your magic to take Garfield to take him to Australia. You and Garfield got tired of the cold, then you surprised him with a trip.
“I always wanted to go to Australia and pet koalas!” Garfield smiled.
“Wow, you seem really excited about it. Let's go to the beach first then we go pet koalas?” You said.
“Sounds like a good plan, babe,” Garfield said.
You and Garfield are staying at a hotel and then started to get ready. At the beach, Garfield is smiling because you stop touching his chest
“Babe, I got enough sunscreen,” Garfield said.
“Just making sure,” You said.
He did put sunscreen on your chest. You are having fun with Garfield at the beach and he is making you laugh.
Much later… you and Garfield went to see Koloas and pet them. You did take a few pictures with him holding koalas. Garfield can't stop smiling then he turned into a koala then he got on your arm and you took a picture of him.
“Cute” You smiled.
Later he transforms back into himself. Then you and Garfield went to get something to eat.
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notsuch · 2 years
Wanna write Junkers but dont know Aussie shit?
Writing a Junker for non-Aussies, some shit that will make it hit just right instead of half-assing it by writing arvo and calling it done:
the outback is a conceptual area, not a physical place, you cannot put "outback" into a gps and find it, but you can drive two hours out of your city and hit it. the outback can be a green lush rainforest or the outback can be red sand deserts. the point is, it's further away from where you are now and there is fewer people. A park is not the outback, but you can go "out back" to a park to infer its distance from your house.
the most aussie thing about junker queen, junk rat and roadhog is that shirts are a suggestion, not a requirement. if we dont have to wear full tops, we don't. no, that's not just blizzard going "lets show off half naked ppl", in many towns, especially on the coast, they have to enforce a "no shirt, no shoes? no service." rule, it gets that bad.
we also constantly get skin cancer, all the time. everyone. the australian sun has more uv in it than anywhere else in the world AND I DOUBT THAT GOT BETTER WITH ALL THE FREAKING RADIATION EVERYWHERE NOW. It doesn't matter your heritage, black, white, asian, you live in australia? you're getting skin cancer.
no this still does not mean we put on shirts. you'd think that change it, but no. wrong. fuck shirts. fuck pants too. scratch shoes probably while you're at it. ow my feet are burning on the hot pavement? TOO BAD SUCK IT UP. Shorts and a tank top if you really have to push it, but a bikini top at all times is perfectly acceptable for women.
but put on a fucking hat and sunscreen, you complete buffon, what are you, a tourist, not putting on a HAT? always put on a hat. DYOU WANT TO GET SKIN CANCER, HONESTLY,,,,,, but also we suck at putting on hats, just your parents yelled at you to do it and you tell others to do it and always have a hat on hand.
shirt exceptions: if you're in sydney or melbourne. they like, have actual standards about business dress. they even wear three piece suits and shit. my soul died just thinking about it. but even then,,,,, ehhhhh, if its summer, people get /hand wobbles, vague about shirt requirements. ive watched foreign business people see what sydney calls business dress and go EVERYONE HERE IS INFORMAL so like, its more dressed up than the rest of australia, but still probably more dressed down than half the world lmao.
they're call "sydneysiders" and everywhere else takes any reason to trash talk them at every opportunity. we all hate sydney. people who have never been to sydney hate sydney. sydney hates sydney: north sydney hates west sydney, west sydney hates east sydney and so on. everyone who lives in sydney wishes they didn't. fuck sydney. if you cant think of anything to say that's neutral, you can always just slander sydney and it'll be a fairly positive-neutral conversation. i can garuntee Junkers will be sitting there shoving radiated dirt into their horrendous bullet wounds, missing fingers, barely scraping alive, living in the literal apocalypse, and especially be like MAN AT LEAST IM NOT IN SYDNEY.
we call the brits 'Poms' and americans 'Seppos'. If you are talking to a Sydneysider, you can mutually hate on both of these groups. Poms more so. We hate the English. It's not active, btw, we aren't the yanks out here having national pride about a war or something, no, its a passive, low grade, mocking tone at all times about them. Ireland, Scotland and Wales are ok tho, we like them just fine. Just the Brits.
you are not allowed to openly state something is wrong, if its actually seriously fucked up, you have to understate it. for real my own mother was in a small flight plane that had to make an emergency landing in a farmer's field and the farmer came out and said 'bit of trouble mate?' as literal smoke was spewing out of the engine block and the pilot went 'reckon she'll be right in a bit', and everyone sat around having a beer.
except for the weather, you are always, at all times, allowed to complain about the weather. its too hot. its too cold. why is it so humid, why is it so dry. "hows this weather we're having?" is a normal conversation starter to make small talk and also just kill five minutes in line at [sports venue of the choice]. I can physically hear the two fucking junkers in the line to the Scrapyard Arena being like 'man fuck this weather lately' as if it's not the 432432 day of burning hot dry desert irradiated heat that was exactly the same as the day before, and everyone will be 'no yeah bloody hell aye'
slab of beer is a defined currency once you are outside of cities. this is a 24xbeer cans. you can pay for services in beer.
when passing people, "hey" is only acceptable in busy settings, the rest of the time, we're so fucking talkative. people in cities can say 'hi', but outside its got to be the 'eyyy' 'g'day', 'hey bruz', it's always "hi, how ya going?" then a nod and response of "not bad, you?" if you have the time to answer, otherwise a nod with 'g'day gotta go' and an indication you're in a rush is perfectly acceptable. if there is time for it, this is when you go into complaining about the weather. not engaging in this process is ruder than swearing at each other.
a mad cunt and a sick cunt, are your best friends, or the dude at the party who brought the rum and you all cheer. a shit cunt is the worst person who ruined it for everyone by calling the cops because you shouldnt stick a ice box drink cooler on a lawnmower and ride it while drinking said rum. asshole.
the ice box drink is called an Esky, by the way. Not cooler. Esky.
the south is cold and does actually get snow, aka the Snowy Mountains are in the south. Yes, we did name it that.
Tasmania (that one big island at the bottom lmao) is snowy and rainy and makes really good whiskey and is probably actually just fine b/c no one cares about it and is not connected to the mainland at all, they judge all "mainlanders".
Kangaroos are like asshole deer. You will not break them if you hit them, your car however is *completely* fucked.
WE DO NOT CALL THEM 'FARMS'. They are 'properties' or 'stations'. A 'cattle station' is an acceptable term. A sheep station. If you say 'a property' everyone knows you mean an agricultural piece of land, and that it's specifically many, many, MANY, thousands of kilometers long. If you call them farm, we instantly clock you as american or a rich city person who has a 'hobby farm'.
The person who OWNS many, many, many, many, MANY, thousands of miles of land and don't actually work it themselves, may call themselves Farmers, but the rest of us often clock them as rich fuckers because of that reason.
We are not afraid of spiders, snakes, kangaroos, jellyfish, whatever it is foreigners scream about this week, the way you think we are. We don't like them, (ok some of us do), but they just are, and we all got education lessons young about how to not be an idiot about them.
we are fucking with you, at all times, i'm an aussie and I am fucking with you right now. i can meet another aussie in a bar that i do not know, have never seen in my entire life, and make shit up on the spot to distress someone about some animal that does not exist, and the other australian without a fucking beat will IMMEDIATELY. JOIN IN. Junkrat will be tricking Brigette about the existence of Land Sharks and even if she wants to strangle him to death, Junker Queen will 100% back him on whatever the fuck he's saying.
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crackonhq · 1 year
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SMS: welcome to the villa, eden & evie ! you’ll be joining us for the heart rate challenge – grab your costumes and get ready to make a first impression 💃 ❤️ #getyourtwerkon #heartpalpitations
the bombshell beach hut prompt is here if you want to do it !
evie and eden enter the villa at night on on day 34.
EDEN FOSTER (cisfemale, she/her, mia healey) is TWENTY THREE and a WILDLIFE CONSERVATIONIST from SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. they are known as THE HALCYON because they are EBULLIENT, but if things kick off, they can be a bit SHORT FUSED. they’re BISEXUAL and describe their type as EASY GOING, ATHLETIC & OUTDOORSY, & CAN MAKE HER LAUGH. from their time in the villa, they’re hoping to find LOVE. (watching the sun rise on a quiet beach, hand sewn patches on an old denim jacket, calling every single animal she sees ‘a beauty’, and jeep wranglers without the top on) PLAYED BY: adri
EVELYN MENDOZA (woman, she/her, auli'i cravalho) is TWENTY TWO and a GUEST RELATIONS MANAGER from AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. they are known as THE VIVACIOUS because they are ENTHUSIASTIC, but if things kick off, they can be a bit RELUCTANT. they’re BISEXUAL and describe their type as SOMEONE LOYAL, WHO BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN HER, AND GETS ALONG WITH HER FRIENDS, AND LIKES ANIMALS, AND—. from their time in the villa, they’re hoping to find LOVE. (paint stained overalls, scattering wildflower seeds during the first rain, building sandcastles in the middle of july, the smell of sunscreen and peaches) PLAYED BY: kel
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In England do you have to put on sunscreen when it’s summer but not sunny? In Australia it doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen the sun all day – you need sunscreen (for several months of the year at least – not in winter). I’m going to London this summer and just wondering!
I think most Brits wouldn’t put sunscreen on unless it was a super sunny day and we were planning to lie in the sun for hours.
I wear face moisturiser with spf in every day but I very rarely put sunscreen on in the UK day to day even in the summer. But I very rarely have days to spend sun bathing - more often hiding inside waiting for it to cool down!
I’d say if it’s hot enough for you to be out and about in a vest top, put sunscreen on. That’s about 5 days of the year tops tbh.
You can always buy it in a shop called Boots which has branches everywhere if you need it. (And any supermarket etc)
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fall-outpilots · 2 years
The Top 5 Beaches in the World
Summer is in full swing, which means it's time to start planning your beach vacation! But with so many amazing beaches to choose from, it can be tough to decide where to go. To help you narrow down your options, we've put together a list of the top 5 beaches in the world. So whether you're looking for white sand and turquoise waters or dramatic cliffs and crashing waves, there's sure to be a beach on this list that's perfect for you.
#5 Whitehaven Beach, Australia If you're looking for pristine white sand and turquoise waters, look no further than Whitehaven Beach in Australia. This stunning seven-kilometer-long stretch of sand is located on Whitsunday Island off the coast of Queensland. And with its gentle waves and clear waters, it's the perfect place to relax and soak up the sun.
#4 Playa de las Catedrales, Spain If you're looking for something a little more dramatic, head to Playa de las Catedrales in Galicia, Spain. Also known as "the beach of the cathedrals," this stretch of coastline is famous for its towering cliffs and natural rock formations that have been sculpted by the wind and waves over time. And when the tide is low, you can even walk inside some of the caves!
#3 Anse Source d'Argent, Seychelles Anse Source d'Argent is one of the most photographed beaches in the world—and it's not hard to see why. Located on La Digue Island in the Seychelles, this beach is renowned for its unique landscape of granite boulders and powdery white sand. It's also one of the best places in the world to go snorkeling or scuba diving!
#2 Na Pali Coast State Park, Hawaii The Na Pali Coast State Park on Kauai's north shore is a breathtaking sight. towering cliffs plunge into the sea creating dramatic sea caves and rocky coves. And with its lush tropical vegetation and pristine beaches, it's easy to see why this spot is often referred to as "the Garden Isle."
#1 Phi Phi Islands, Thailand And last but not least, we have the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. This group of islands is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world with their soft white sand and crystal-clear waters. The islands are also surrounded by coral reefs making them a popular spot for snorkeling and scuba diving. So whether you're looking to relax on a secluded beach or explore underwater worlds, the Phi Phi Islands are sure to have something for everyone!
   No matter what type of beach vacation you're looking for, there's sure to be a spot on this list that's perfect for you. So pack your sunscreen and your swimsuit and get ready for some fun in the sun!
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rossdiakos · 6 days
Your Guide to the Best Skin Care Products Australia Loves for a Glowing Complexion
When it comes to achieving a glowing, radiant complexion, there’s no better place to look than right here in Australia. From the sun-kissed coastlines to the vibrant cities, Australians know a thing or two about taking care of their skin. Whether you're battling dryness, looking for anti-aging solutions, or simply want that healthy glow, choosing the right products is key. So, let's dive into the best skin care products Australia can't get enough of and why they should be on your beauty shelf!
Why Good Skin Care Matters
The journey to radiant skin starts with understanding why your skincare routine is important. Our skin is exposed to daily pollutants, UV rays, and environmental stressors. To maintain that youthful glow, we need to invest in products that nourish, protect, and rejuvenate.
Luckily, the Best skin care products in Australia offers are crafted with quality ingredients that cater to all skin types, from sensitive and oily to dry and combination skin. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right one for you?
Top Ingredients to Look For
Before diving into specific products, it's essential to know what ingredients work wonders for your skin.
1. Hyaluronic Acid
Known for its hydrating properties, hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it a must-have for keeping your skin plump and moisturized.
2. Vitamin C
A powerful antioxidant, vitamin C brightens the skin and protects against environmental damage. If you’re looking to fade dark spots or boost your glow, this is your go-to ingredient.
3. Niacinamide
This all-star ingredient helps reduce inflammation, minimize pores, and even out skin tone, making it perfect for those with acne-prone or uneven skin.
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The Best Skin Care Products Australia Recommends
Now that we've covered the essentials, let’s explore some of the best skin care products Australia loves from The Alchemist Lab. Known for their high-quality, natural ingredients, these products are perfect for anyone looking to upgrade their skincare routine.
1. Glow Potion: The Alchemist Lab Radiance Elixir
This hydrating serum is a must-have for anyone seeking a dewy, glowing complexion. Packed with hyaluronic acid and antioxidants, the Radiance Elixir deeply nourishes the skin, leaving it soft, plump, and radiant. It’s lightweight, non-greasy, and perfect for all skin types.
2. Nourish & Repair: The Alchemist Lab Rejuvenating Night Cream
Formulated with nourishing botanicals and anti-aging ingredients, this night cream works while you sleep to repair and hydrate your skin. It contains vitamin E and macadamia oil, both known for their ability to reduce fine lines and promote a youthful glow.
3. The Ultimate Cleanse: The Alchemist Lab Purifying Gel Cleanser
Gentle yet effective, this cleanser is ideal for daily use. It removes dirt, oil, and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. Infused with soothing aloe vera and tea tree oil, it’s perfect for keeping breakouts at bay while maintaining balanced skin.
Building a Routine with Australian Skincare Products
The key to glowing skin isn’t just about using great products – it’s about using them in the right order. Here’s a simple routine using the best skin care products Australia has to offer:
Cleanse: Start your day by cleansing your skin to remove dirt and oil buildup.
Exfoliate: Use an exfoliant 2-3 times a week to slough off dead skin cells.
Moisturize: Hydrate your skin with a light, non-greasy moisturizer.
Protect: Don’t forget to apply sunscreen daily to protect against harmful UV rays!
Final Thoughts
Australia is home to some of the most innovative and effective skincare products on the market today. Whether you’re looking for hydration, brightening, or anti-aging solutions, the best skin care products Australia has to offer will help you achieve that glowing, healthy complexion.
Remember, the key is consistency, so find what works for you and stick to it. Your skin will thank you!
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sunplayaustralia02 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Newborn Beach Tent in Australia
When planning a beach day with your little one, ensuring their safety and comfort is a top priority. The Australian sun, while beautiful, can be harsh, especially on a newborn's delicate skin. This is where a high-quality beach tent becomes an essential part of your beach gear. Not only does it offer protection from harmful UV rays, but it also provides a cozy, shaded spot for your baby to relax and play. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of a Newborn Beach Tent Australia and how to choose the best option for your family.
Why You Need a Beach Tent for Your Baby
Taking a baby to the beach without proper shade can expose them to excessive heat and sunlight, which can be harmful. A beach tent specifically designed for babies offers more than just a shaded area; it creates a controlled environment where your baby can be comfortable, away from sand, wind, and insects. The right Beach Tent for Baby a baby will also have features like ventilation, easy setup, and portability, making your beach outing stress-free and enjoyable.
What to Look for in the Best Pop-Up Beach Tent
When searching for the Best Pop Up Beach Tent, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost is UV protection. Look for tents that offer a high UPF rating, preferably 50+, to ensure your baby is shielded from harmful rays. Next, consider the size and weight of the tent. A compact, lightweight design is ideal for easy transport and quick setup. Additionally, the tent should be spacious enough to accommodate your baby and any beach essentials like toys or a diaper bag. Durability and stability are also crucial, as beach conditions can be windy. Look for tents with sturdy frames and sand pockets or stakes to keep them grounded.
Pop-Up Beach Tent Shade: A Must-Have for Every Beach Trip
A pop-up beach tent shade is a game-changer for families who frequent the beach. These tents are designed for convenience, allowing you to set up a shaded area within seconds. The pop-up mechanism means no fiddling with poles or complicated instructions—just unfold, and you're ready to go. This ease of use is particularly beneficial when you're juggling multiple tasks, such as keeping an eye on your baby while setting up your beach spot. Additionally, pop-up tents often come with additional features like mesh windows for ventilation, water-resistant materials, and carrying cases for easy transport.
Making the Most of Your Beach Tent
Once you've chosen the perfect beach tent for your baby, there are a few tips to enhance your beach experience. Always set up your tent on a flat, even surface to ensure stability. Use the sand pockets or stakes provided to anchor the tent securely. Keep the entrance of the tent facing away from the wind to prevent sand from blowing inside. It's also a good idea to bring along a beach mat or blanket to place inside the tent, providing a soft surface for your baby to sit or lie on. Remember to pack plenty of water, sunscreen, and snacks to keep both you and your baby comfortable throughout the day.
A day at the beach with your newborn can be a joyful experience, provided you have the right equipment. Investing in a quality newborn beach tent in Australia is essential for protecting your baby from the sun and creating a comfortable space for them to enjoy the outdoors. Whether you're looking for the best Pop Up Beach Tent Shadeor a more permanent beach tent for extended stays, the key is to choose a product that offers excellent UV protection, durability, and ease of use. With the right tent, your beach days will be filled with fun, relaxation, and precious memories with your little one.
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boundlessexpeditions · 2 months
Are you dreaming of sun-soaked sands and crystal-clear waters? In this video, we unveil the Top 10 Beach Destinations for Your Next Vacation! From tropical paradises to hidden gems, we’ve curated a list that caters to every kind of beach lover. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or vibrant nightlife, these stunning locations offer something for everyone. Join us as we explore each destination's unique features, local attractions, and essential travel tips to help you plan the perfect getaway. Don't forget to pack your sunscreen and beach towels as we take you on a journey to the best beaches around the world! 🌊 **What You'll Discover in This Video:** - The most breathtaking beaches to visit - Activities and experiences unique to each location - Tips on when to visit for the best weather - Insider secrets to make your beach vacation unforgettable So, get ready to add some incredible beach destinations to your travel bucket list! Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on all our travel content. Your next adventure awaits! #BeachDestinations #TravelGuide #VacationIdeas #Top10Beaches #BeachVacation ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Click on the Community tab now and join the fun! We can't wait to see you there. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📌 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐬: 0:00 Introduction 0:09 Dream Beach Destination 0:15 Overview of Beach Destinations 0:29 Choosing the Right Beach 0:51 Types of Beach Experiences 1:00 Call to Action 1:09 Top 10 Beach Destinations 1:12 Maui, Hawaii, USA 1:54 Bora Bora, French Polynesia 2:37 Maldives 3:20 Santorini, Greece 3:59 Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia 4:38 Phuket, Thailand 5:20 Amalfi Coast, Italy 5:59 Seychelles 6:37 Tulum, Mexico 7:19 Bali, Indonesia 8:00 Viewer Engagement 8:16 Conclusion ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆: As an affiliate, I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases made through links in this video's description. They are at no extra cost to you. Top 10 Beach Destinations for Your Next Vacation 🏖️🌞 published first on https://www.youtube.com/@BoundlessExpeditions/
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ignouassign · 2 months
Experience the Best Blue Mountains Day Tours
Embark on an unforgettable journey through the Blue Mountains Day Tours with our guide to the best day tours, promising unparalleled experiences in one of Australia’s most iconic natural landscapes.
Introduction to the Blue Mountains
Just a short drive from Sydney, the Blue Mountains beckon with their majestic vistas, ancient rock formations, and lush valleys. Discover the perfect blend of adventure, natural beauty, and cultural heritage on these top-rated day tours.
1. Echo Point and the Three Sisters
Start your exploration at Echo Point in Katoomba, home to the legendary Three Sisters rock formation. According to Aboriginal legend, these three towering rocks represent three sisters turned to stone. Enjoy panoramic views of the Jamison Valley and take a stroll along scenic walking trails that offer glimpses of the region’s breathtaking landscapes.
2. Scenic World Adventure
No visit to the Blue Mountains is complete without experiencing Scenic World in Katoomba. Ride the world’s steepest railway, the Scenic Railway, plunging into the heart of the Jamison Valley rainforest. Alternatively, soar above the treetops on the Scenic Skyway, a glass-floored cable car offering unparalleled views of Katoomba Falls, the Three Sisters, and the lush canopy below.
3. Jenolan Caves Discovery
Explore the wonders of the Jenolan Caves, a labyrinth of ancient limestone formations located within the Blue Mountains. Join a guided tour of the Lucas Cave, renowned for its Cathedral Chamber and impressive limestone formations. Discover the underground rivers and marvel at the natural beauty preserved within this UNESCO World Heritage site.
4. Blue Mountains Botanic Garden
Relax and unwind at the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden on Mount Tomah, a haven for plant enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Wander through themed gardens like the Gondwana Walk, showcasing ancient plant species, or admire the towering conifers in the Conifer Collection. Take in panoramic views of the mountains while exploring this serene botanical oasis.
5. Outdoor Adventures
Bushwalking and Hiking
The Blue Mountains day tours offer a myriad of bushwalking and hiking trails suitable for all levels of fitness. From leisurely strolls through tranquil rainforests to challenging hikes with sweeping valley views, there’s a trail for every adventurer. Don’t miss the iconic Grand Canyon Walk or the rugged National Pass for a true Blue Mountains experience.
Abseiling and Rock Climbing
For adrenaline junkies, the Blue Mountains day tours provide ample opportunities for abseiling and rock climbing amidst stunning natural backdrops. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned climber, guided tours and courses are available to ensure a safe and exhilarating experience.
Mountain Biking
Explore the rugged terrain of the Blue Mountains on two wheels with thrilling mountain biking adventures. Ride through forested trails, tackle challenging descents, and soak in the scenic beauty of this UNESCO-listed wilderness.
6. Cultural Insights and Historical Sites
Aboriginal Heritage
Learn about the rich Aboriginal culture and heritage of the Blue Mountains through guided tours that highlight ancient rock art, sacred sites, and Dreamtime stories. Gain a deeper appreciation for the spiritual significance of this land to the local indigenous communities.
Historic Villages
Discover quaint villages like Leura and Blackheath, each offering its own unique charm and history. Explore boutique shops, art galleries, and local cafes nestled amidst stunning mountain scenery.
Planning Your Blue Mountains Day Tours
Tips for a Memorable Visit
Plan Ahead: Research attractions and create an itinerary that suits your interests and timeline.
Pack Essentials: Wear comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for outdoor activities. Don’t forget sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water.
Respect Nature: Follow designated trails, respect wildlife habitats, and leave no trace of your visit to help preserve the natural beauty of the Blue Mountains.
Embark on a journey of discovery and adventure with the best Blue Mountains day tours. Whether you’re seeking thrilling outdoor activities, cultural insights, or serene natural beauty, the Blue Mountains offer an unforgettable escape into Australia’s wilderness.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 3 months
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giresearch · 3 months
Skin Care Devices Market Analysis, Demand, Trends and Forecast 2030
On 2024-7-2 Global Info Research released【Global Skin Care Devices Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030】. This report includes an overview of the development of the Skin Care Devices industry chain, the market status of Consumer Electronics (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), Household Appliances (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of Skin Care Devices. A skin care product refers to a cosmetic or skincare item specifically designed for the care and maintenance of the skin. These products are formulated to help cleanse, moisturize, and protect the skin, aiming to maintain its health and appearance. Common skincare products include cleansers, moisturizers, serums, masks, and more. According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Skin Care Devices market size was valued at US$ 147960 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 202120 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.5% during review period. Global key players of Skin Care Devices include L'Oreal, The Estee Lauder Companies, Beiersdorf, Shiseido, P&G, etc. The top five players hold a share over 30%. Asia-Pacific is the largest market, and has a share about 37%, followed by North America and Europe with share 27% and 26%, separately. In terms of product type, Face Creams & Moisturizers is the largest segment, occupied for a share of 24%. In terms of application, Offline Sales has a share about 78 percent. This report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis for global Skin Care Devices market. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented by company, by region & country, by Type and by Sales Channel. As the market is constantly changing, this report explores the competition, supply and demand trends, as well as key factors that contribute to its changing demands across many markets. Company profiles and product examples of selected competitors, along with market share estimates of some of the selected leaders for the year 2024, are provided. Market segment by Type: Face Creams & Moisturizers、Cleansers & Face Wash、Sunscreen、Masks、Serums、Toner、Others Market segment by Application: Major players covered: L'Oreal、The Estee Lauder Companies、Beiersdorf、Shiseido、P&G、Unilever、Natura & Co、Johnson & Johnson、Kao Corporation、Sisley Paris、Amore Pacific、Jahwa
Market segment by region, regional analysis covers: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia),South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America),Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa). The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Skin Care Devices product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Skin Care Devices, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Skin Care Devices from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the Skin Care Devices competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Skin Care Devices breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2023.and Skin Care Devices market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Skin Care Devices. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Skin Care Devices sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion.
Data Sources:
Via authorized organizations:customs statistics, industrial associations, relevant international societies, and academic publications etc.
Via trusted Internet sources.Such as industry news, publications on this industry, annual reports of public companies, Bloomberg Business, Wind Info, Hoovers, Factiva (Dow Jones & Company), Trading Economics, News Network, Statista, Federal Reserve Economic Data, BIS Statistics, ICIS, Companies House Documentsm, investor presentations, SEC filings of companies, etc.
Via interviews. Our interviewees includes manufacturers, related companies, industry experts, distributors, business (sales) staff, directors, CEO, marketing executives, executives from related industries/organizations, customers and raw material suppliers to obtain the latest information on the primary market;
Via data exchange. We have been consulting in this industry for 16 years and have collaborations with the players in this field. Thus, we get access to (part of) their unpublished data, by exchanging with them the data we have.
From our partners.We have information agencies as partners and they are located worldwide, thus we get (or purchase) the latest data from them.
Via our long-term tracking and gathering of data from this industry.We have a database that contains history data regarding the market.
Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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medicalonburleighau · 3 months
Prioritizing Wellness in Burleigh Gold Coast: The Importance of Preventive Healthcare
Regular Check-ups and Screenings
One of the cornerstones of preventive healthcare is scheduling regular check-ups with a trusted doctor in Burleigh Gold Coast. Whether it’s a routine physical exam or specific screenings for conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or cancer, these appointments play a vital role in catching potential health issues early on when they’re easier to manage. Fortunately, Burleigh Gold Coast is home to several bulk billing doctors who offer affordable healthcare services without compromising on quality.
Holistic Health Approach
In addition to traditional medical care, residents of Burleigh Gold Coast can benefit from a holistic approach to wellness. Services such as osteopathy, nutrition counseling, and paediatric occupational therapy near me are readily available to address a wide range of health concerns. Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, guidance on maintaining a balanced diet, or support for your child’s developmental needs, professionals like osteopaths, nutritionists, and occupational therapists are here to help.
Mental Health Support
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as tending to your physical well-being. Fortunately, the Gold Coast boasts a wealth of resources to support residents in this area.Psychologist On The Gold Coast offer a range of therapeutic services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, stress management, and relationship problems. By seeking help from a qualified psychologist, individuals can gain valuable tools and strategies for coping with life’s challenges and improving their overall quality of life.
Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention
Given Australia’s high rate of skin cancer, sun safety is a top priority for residents of Burleigh Gold Coast. Regular skin checks with a qualified skin cancer specialist are essential for early detection and treatment of skin cancer. Additionally, practicing sun-safe habits such as wearing sunscreen, protective clothing, and seeking shade during peak UV hours can help reduce the risk of developing skin cancer.
Active Lifestyle
Preventive healthcare is not just about treating illness; it’s about empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being proactively. By prioritizing regular check-ups, adopting a holistic approach to wellness, seeking mental health support when needed, practicing sun safety, staying active, and taking care of your feet, residents of Burleigh Gold Coast can enjoy a healthier and happier life for years to come.
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thelaborganics · 3 months
Discover the Benefits of Organic Face Products in Australia
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In Australia, using natural ingredients and environmentally friendly formulas in organic face products has led to a notable surge in popularity. These products support sustainability and meet your skincare needs. Let's examine why many Australians always choose organic face care products.
Why Choose Organic Face Products?
Using skincare products free of dangerous chemicals, artificial perfumes, and artificial preservatives is ensured when you choose organic options for your face. These products are gentle on your skin and ideal for all skin types because they harness the power of natural ingredients.
Key Ingredients to Look For
When selecting organic face products, look for ingredients such as:
-Aloe Vera: Known for its soothing and moisturizing properties.
- Jojoba Oil: Helps in balancing oil production and provides hydration.
- Shea Butter: Rich in vitamins and fatty acids, offering deep nourishment.
- Green Tea Extract: Packed with antioxidants to protect against environmental damage.
Top Organic Face Product Brands in Australia
Australia is home to several reputable brands offering high-quality organic face products:
- Jurlique: Known for its biodynamic farming and natural formulations.
-Sukin: Offers affordable, eco-friendly skincare options.
- Kora Organics: Founded by Miranda Kerr, this brand uses certified organic ingredients.
- Edible Beauty: Focuses on clean beauty with ingredients safe enough to eat.
How to Incorporate Organic Products into Your Routine?
Incorporating organic face products into your daily routine can be simple:
1. Cleanse: Use an organic cleanser to remove impurities without stripping your skin.
2. Tone: Apply a natural toner to balance your skin's pH levels.
3. Moisturize: Choose an organic moisturizer that suits your skin type.
4. Protect: Don't forget to apply organic sunscreen during the day.
Making the switch to organic face cosmetics is a fantastic way to take care of your skin and promote environmentally friendly activities. You can easily find skincare products that match your needs and are consistent with your values in Australia thanks to the wide range of high-quality solutions accessible. With organic skincare, you can embrace the beauty of nature and have healthier, more radiant skin.
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