#top bill payment apps
innopayapp · 3 months
Simplify your finances with top bill payment apps! Discover secure, user-friendly Innopay solutions to manage bills effortlessly. Pay in clicks!
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hugecount · 5 months
10 Strategies for Credit Score Excellence | HugeCount
Your credit score is far more important than you think it is. Not only is it the key to securing better interest rates, improved loan approvals, and even better insurance premiums, but a good credit score forms the foundation of sensible financial management. A pro tip – If you are looking to garner financial success, you should consider using a credit card bill payment app while also making use of our top 10 strategies to boost your credit score excellence. Learn The Art of Managing & Reporting Your Credit Score The road to the perfect credit score might seem rocky […]
Source: https://hugecount.com/bill-pay-app/10-strategies-for-credit-score-excellence/
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genderqueerdykes · 2 months
my power company: your bill qualifies for a payment plan
my power company:
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THANKS. REAL helpful there, PNM. what a goddamn joke. that's not a payment plan that's a piss poor attempt at an extension. do words mean nothing to you assholes
anyways if you wanna help, i'm a disabled mixed black trans lesbian & i have to pay this nonsense on top of needing hygiene products and cleaning supplies. i HAVE to pay this otherwise they will shut off my power:
csh app: $glitterGraphix py pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail . com chime: $Equinoxian venmo: $Equinoxian
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 months
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Gold Dust
Pairing: Modern Aemond Targaryen x f!reader Warnings: Public use of an app based sex toy, smut. Word count: ~1.8k
Summary: Aemond's office Christmas party is the last thing either of them want to attend, however, he comes up with an idea to make it fun for both of them.
Author's note: Can be read as an addition of this series, but also works as a standalone. Day seven of the Smuffmas prompts - "sharing a drink and toys". No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Aemond edit in first picture is by @kyloremus.
It’s been six blissful months since her and Aemond moved in together. Having decided his own lofty high rise flat no longer felt like home - in truth, it never had - he’d offered a swap with Mysaria, and she’d leapt at the offer.
Aemond’s flat was paid for outright, so there’d be no expenses incurred on her part, beyond standard bills and utilities. She suited the space, adding a touch of glamour to the modern matte black and chrome surroundings. Her jaw had dropped when he’d handed her the deeds, his grandfather’s law firm already having handled the necessary paperwork and transfer of ownership. Aemond didn’t want rent, he simply wanted to live with the woman he loved. The simple act of Mysaria giving them a space to be by themselves was payment enough in his mind.
The security of the smaller, more homely feeling flat which she now shared with him had been trickier to negotiate. The landlord had snubbed Aemond’s initial offer to buy it from him, insisting he’d make more in rental payments from it than he would if he sold it. Some moderate pressure applied by the legal team of Otto Hightower, and an offer well above its current market value had soon seen to that, so now they were homeowners of a place that was theirs.
Mysaria’s old room had been turned into a home office, a space where either her or Aemond could work from home if and when they wanted to, aside from that they had made no further changes. The cosy little space was where they had shared their fondest memories, and every aspect of their relationship was woven into it.
She shrugs off her coat, hanging it up by the front door, and sighs in relief as the warmth of the central heating prickles her skin. She stoops to ruffle Vhagar behind the ears, a reward for the elderly doberman having reluctantly left her bed to greet her, before walking through to the living room. The blankets on the sofa are exactly as she’d left them the previous evening, and she eagerly retreats back into her nest, snatching up the TV remote from the coffee table.
“Good day?” Aemond asks, propping himself against the door frame as he emerges from the home office, the faintest smirk of amusement playing upon his lips as he looks at her.
She regards him with a warm smile, her features softening instantly despite how tired and irritated she feels. “Horrid, thanks for asking. Do we have any wine left?”
“There’ll be wine at the party, I expect,” he says, moving to sit next to her and brushing a chaste kiss against her temple.
He narrows his eye at her, drawing back to look at her carefully. “You forgot, didn’t you?”
She groans as realisation dawns upon her. “Shit, your office Christmas party. Do we really have to go?”
He sighs, nodding and interlocks his fingers with hers. “Ordinarily, I’d give it a miss, you know I loathe parties, but my grandfather has called in more than a few favours for me this year. I owe him this.”
An hour later, and she steps out of the bedroom, hair and make-up finished and a slinky silk dress hugging her curves.
“Beautful,” Aemond breathes quietly, pressing a lingering kiss to her lips.
She smiles bashfully, feeling her skin heat up beneath the weight of his compliment as he pulls away, and watches with curiosity as he moves past her to rummage around on the top shelf of their wardrobe.
“What are you doing?”
“Your outfit’s missing something,” he tells her, pulling down the Lovehoney box, a glint in his eye as he turns to her.
“Aemond, no!”
The app controlled egg vibrator had been a drunken purchase on her behalf, that she’d regretted the moment it had arrived. Upon discovering it, Aemond’s reaction had been much more enthusiastic, kneeling between her spread legs and watching in fascination as she’d whimpered and writhed as he’d played with the settings using the app on his phone.
It had been fun at the time, but she’d considered it impractical and tucked it away, hoping he’d forgotten about it. It’s clear now that he hasn’t.
“Oh come now, darling, it’ll make the evening much more fun for both of us. Consider it an early Christmas gift to me.”
It doesn’t take much persuading, and soon she is sitting in the back of a black cab next to him, her coat pulled tight around her against the chilly December air, made colder still by a distinct lack of knickers, which Aemond had insisted she leave behind.
She is acutely aware of the feeling of the egg enveloped snugly inside of her, its presence, though discreet, making her feel as though she brandishes a scarlet letter that their taxi driver must be aware of.
“No!” She mouths desperately at Aemond as he pulls his phone from his pocket, thumb hovering over the app.
He flashes her the briefest of grins, tapping once on the screen. A mild singular buzz reverberates through her, causing her to clasp a hand over her mouth to muffle her squeal. Aemond eyes her carefully, poking at the inside of his cheek with his tongue before pocketing his phone once more.
Tonight was going to be interesting.
They step into the office, already bustling with people, chatter and light classical music fill the opulent space which is decked out in rich, mahogany furnishings and forest green upholstery, ever the indication that the Hightowers come from old money.
“There they are!” Aegon greets them loudly with a grin, arms spread and half drunk flutes of champagne clutched by the stem between each of his fingers. His shoulder length blonde hair is tousled, and his white shirt is open by three buttons.
“How long have you been here?” She asks, taking in his bedraggled appearance.
“‘Bout twenty minutes,” he slurs around a mouthful of vol-au-vent.
Otto steps up behind him, placing a ring clad hand upon his shoulder. “I tell you where you might like it, Aegon, on the terrace; outside.”
She watches with amusement as the older man leads him away.
“I’d better give him a hand,” Aemond mutters quietly, the warmth of his palm leaving her lower back as he moves to follow. He nods towards his older sister. “Good to see you, Hel.”
She smiles warmly at Hel leaning in as the two peck each other’s cheeks. “How are you doing?” She asks fondly.
“Starving!” Helaena complains, pulling her sheer turquoise wrap tighter around herself and waving away a tray of canapés that’s being offered around by a member of serving staff. “Not a single vegan option here, everything’s either got salmon in it or is slathered in cream cheese.”
“You could always sneak off to grab something?” She offers sympathetically.
“Aeg said there’s a kebab shop over the road. I might see if he’ll grab me a falafel wrap later. Anyway,” she continues, snatching up two flutes of champagne from a passing tray and handing one to her. “How are you?!”
“Yeah, really good!” She grins. “Aemond mentioned we might fly to New York for New Year’s, go and see Daeron. I’ve not met him yet and I– oh!”
She bows her head, biting back the quiet moan that tries to escape her, as the egg inside her vibrates incessantly. Her head snaps up, making eye contact with Aemond, who stands in a corner with his phone out, a sly smile upon his face.
“You alright?” Helaena asks, eyebrows pinched together in concern.
“Mhm…just...champagne bubbles…they go right up my nose!” She feigns a laugh, embarrassment making her skin feel hot.
Ever the dutiful girlfriend, she does her rounds of the office, speaking to colleagues and family members alike, though every interaction is thwarted by sudden and persistent vibrations between her legs.
After an hour of polite chit chat with Alicent, Criston, Otto and several other party guests, she leans back against the wall next to Aemond’s office door, needing a breather from socialising, but also feeling lightheaded from the intermittent throbbing in her core.
The door swings slowly open and Aemond steps out, a crystal tumbler of amber liquid in hand.
“Having fun?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Mmm,” she narrows her eyes, “you clearly are. What’s that you’ve got?”
“Laphroaig,” he tells her, swirling the liquid in his glass. “Thirty six year old The Wall Peat, to be precise. Grandfather would never offer this around to the guests. Lucky for me I know he keeps it stashed in his bottom desk drawer.”
“Lucky indeed,” she purrs up at him.
He grabs her hand, pulling her into his office and closes the door behind them, before backing her up against the desk, until she perches on the edge.
“Let me see,” he whispers, pushing her dress up above her hips.
His free hand applies gentle pressure to her knee, spreading her legs, and she watches the bob of his throat as he swallows thickly, taking in the sight of the arousal that coats her centre.
“Fuck,” he mutters darkly. “The idea of you walking around making innocent small talk while you’re soaked is driving me mad.”
She giggles, clenching around the egg that’s nestled within her as she sees his gaze darken. Aemond pulls out his phone again, changing the setting to a constant vibrate, before setting it down on the desk behind her.
Mewling helplessly, shockwaves of pleasure ripple through her as Aemond’s thumb swipes against her sodden folds, spreading her open to watch intently.
He takes a sip from his glass, and she gasps as he grabs her forcefully by the hair at the back of her head, crushing her lips against his and letting the whisky pass from his mouth to hers. She moans quietly, the intensity of the burn of the liquid that slips down her throat and the throbbing ache between her legs making her feel dizzy.
She is devastatingly close, can feel the pressure building to boiling point, and she whines, pressing her face into the crook of Aemond’s neck, fingertips rumpling the fabric of his black button down shirt as she grasps his biceps for purchase. “Fuck, Aemond, I–”
“It’s alright, I’ve got you, let go,” he coos.
She bites down on the juncture of his neck to muffle her pleasured cry, earning her a startled grunt from Aemond. Her body spasms around the toy, climaxing with a force that makes her toes curl inside of her high heels, before going limp against his chest.
He settles his glass down and strokes her hair before pulling back. His long, dexterous fingers wrap around the cord of egg, and despite how gentle he is as he tugs it free, she still hisses with overstimulation as it leaves her body. The sudden feeling of emptiness is alien to her after having spent most of the evening with it inside of her.
“Can…can we go home now?” She asks tiredly, as he wraps the toy in tissue and deposits it on the desk.
“Hmmm, not just yet,” Aemond tells her, taking her hand and guiding it to palm over the erection that strains against the confines of his suit trousers. “I’m not quite finished with you yet.”
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butchmiles · 1 month
my friends havent eaten since yesterday and meals have been consistently off and on for them
PLEASE share this as far as you can, what they have been able to eat has NOT been as filling or nutritional as they need and deserve and they HAVE to keep on top of it for medical reasons.
please do not tag this as anything other than for accessibility reasons, doing so will suppress the post
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l-na · 1 year
local guy gets fucked over by UPS and needs to pay rent
hi. my names luna. im a physically disabled low-income schizo blasian that needs help.
i just sold something big and important of mine to pay rent, but my local ups fucking obliterated it. ebay is demanding i send back the money, but if i do i wont have enough for rent and utils. or transportation.
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im suing UPS right now as we speak, and that costed about $100 all together. i cant afford this shit, i needed this money so bad and of course ups was incompetent and blamed it all on me (they even lied and said i was the one who packaged it)
this has been super stressful and ive had to go back on propranolol to deal with my heart palpitations. i really cant handle yet another financial burden on top of rent, trying to get on disability ssi, etc. etc. oh yeah and the stress from this gave me an actual fucking seizure LOL???
i was this close to being financially stable, and now this is coming to fuck me over right before im going to move, bc rent is outrageously expensive next month. please help me.
^this one is my girlfriend's paypal because i no longer have a paypal. cashapp is preferred
thank you for reading, please boost even if you cant donate. every donation helps!
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An automatic payment is going through on Monday, and it'll leave us with $20 until July 1st. It's not enough because we need a few things.
Kitty litter - Cacoa needs both her litter boxes flipped. They have about two inches depth each, and it needs to be twice that.
Laundry - we use the laundromat to wash our clothes, and dry them at home. I have just a week's worth of underwear.
Food - our fridge is getting bare. My husband is diabetic and nearly out of food he can safely eat. One of my medications causes constipation and watermelon is the single greatest treatment to fix and prevent it (I take supplements and hydrate all day). Oh, and we're nearly out of protein options.
Fuel - we need to put fuel in the car; currently we have half a tank of gas.
Medication - Medicare won't cover two of my allergy meds because they're cheaper over-the-counter. I'm out of one and nearly out of the other. Without my allergy controlled, my asthma gets significantly worse, and I develop sinus and ear infections. Those infections require antibiotics, and I have a long list of antibiotic allergies.
Please consider purchasing my work. It starts at $0 for digital downloads, and everything in my shop comes with the option to pay more.
I have several options for donating if you're more comfortable with that. For PayPal, you need to mark it as a gift.
This won't be so bad once my husband has a job, but thus far no luck. I won't be opening commissions; burnout is too close, and my hands and wrists are a wreck right now.
Any help is welcomed right now. I have small quilts, quilt tops, original paintings, stock and resource material, and tutorials in my shop.
Thank you!
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dreamdropsystem · 3 months
art commissions open please boost !!
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hello! we are the Dreamdrop System and we are doing our best to save up money for gas and hotel bills to get top surgery. with our insurance, we should not need to pay for the surgery but if that changes we will make a post about it.
you can support us on Ko-Fi and we are accepting payment by PayPal, Cash App and Venmo.
we might make a gofundme. please consider commissioning us or supporting us in any way. if you can't support financially please boost this post!! we are trying to get top surgery and we know it'll help us.
we've wanted top since the body was 7 and we didn't know we were trans. the place they are doing surgery is far away so we need to able to pay for gas and hotel bills.
need art examples? check our Ko-Fi, and this account, and our plushie account @germplush for plushie / stuffed animal commissions
this is a horrible commission post.. so sorry but… thank you for your support ^-^ ☆ - The Dreamdrop System
our Ko-Fi
our Carrd
our plushie commission post
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stackthedeck · 2 months
i know tiktok is like pure brainrot and the user base is a nightmare and all other social media platforms are recreating the micro video and it's awful and killing our attention spans or whatever
but like my god the usa banning it is still like objectively bad. like the government should not restrict a company's right to do business just because it's based in a country that we don't vibe with, the consumers should have the right to choose that. and it's so clearly not about protecting privacy because all the american social media companies do the same shit and worse. our government is owned by corporations and this is proof. and like fuck dude this is a violation of free speech the government is literally limiting where i can speak regardless of the content of my speech. and to top it all off it's part of $95 BILLION foreign aid bill where most of it is going to Israel to kill Palestinians!! we don't live in a fucking democracy
and like in addition to all of that I make money off that app, not a lot just 20 bucks a month but that's my grocery bill because inflation is beating my ass because my two jobs only make enough to cover school stuff my car and my phone payments while i'm taking on debt that no president will ever address. and now the government is taking away my fun hobby that i use to feed myself while doing nothing to address the social or economic problems that make it so i can't feed myself this is such fucking bullshit
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innopayapp · 5 months
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ghostblackberry · 3 months
Help Me Meet My Deductible
Hey, so United Healthcare is a little bitch and didn't disclose that their dual special needs plan, which is supposed to be for American that are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid has a fucking deductible this year. Something went wrong with the Medicaid part of my coverage on top of it all. I live on around $550 a month and can't pay the $240 deductible for my meds.
I don't have my antidepressant or inhaler and am almost out of my heart medicine. I've already had two panic attacks since the pharmacy let me know something was wrong on Friday. Going without my heart med will land me in the Emergency Room, the co-pay for which I cannot handle.
This isn't something my area church will help with and I won't have the money myself until April 3rd. At that point, I will, at minimum, be feeling very very sick. Please help.
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I have leveled up after another trip around the sun!
Plans we had made for the day are mostly scrapped because it's raining, and I did a lot two days ago. We're still going to the GF bakery though. I get a free drink and a discount on a treat.
It's 5AM, I'm done sleeping (I rarely sleep more than six hours), and Bubby will be I'm bed another four hours. Looks like breakfast (in an hour because adhd med) and gaming to start my morning. I finished a mug rug top yesterday, so machine quilting that in an hour or two.
If you wanna give me a good day, please consider making a purchase from my shop. Use BDAY24 for a 25% discount on your purchase. It applies to everything, including the original paintings. If you do purchase my paintings, I will be ecstatic!!!
If a gift is something you would rather send, I have a Throne wishlist here. What I need is a printer. I also have a quilting frame there, batting, watercolor paint, books, and an XBox Series X but that thing is a gift for my husband. He turn 50 in a couple months and his console is an original XBox One. If you order anything and the total is $150+ USD, I'll apply it as a credit towards a future commission from me.
As for what we're gonna do today...I'll likely spend it it sewing. I need to finish commissions and have quite the To Do List for the summer. If we didn't need the money, I would keep commissions closed until next year. Alas, that's not a viable option until Bubby finds employment. He's been denied unemployment assistance because his former boss lied. The check he receives from the state for being my caregiver, plus my monthly SSDI payment, covers our mortgage and most of our bills. We greed-flation makes groceries expensive, plus other necessities are overpriced. I have a single pair of shoes and would like to get a second pair, I need new underwear because several of mine are getting threadbare, new pants for sleeping in because two pairs of my pajama pants are also very threadbare, and yeah...
If you would like to send money:
Mark money sent directly to my PayPal as a gift. I will otherwise need to return it because PayPal will demand a tracking number.
We will likely need around $800 to get through the month.
Thank you!
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sa-kae · 6 months
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neat great okay so. i've been trying to give my mom money towards bills and things (i live with her) on top of covering things like the phone bill and internet, and that's already been hard to give her like anything after i pay those and my own bills, car payment, etc... THEN she had to spend $2,500 on some emergency expenses that i won't share because that's her business, but she had to max out at least 1 credit card (to my knowledge) and dig into her savings much more than she should have to, so now more than ever I want to be able to help her out more, she's helped me so many times in the past, it's the least i can do.
This is further complicated by my debit card that's with the bank that I have a credit card and my car loan with got over drawn by just small things multiple times, and I don't even get why those things were charge to that card (it's not the debit card i primarily use anymore bc this bank has been pissing me off, for reasons you might be able to guess, so I didn't have much money in there) so i got charged the overdraw fee of $30 multiple times so now i'm in the negative by almost $130, which makes it a lot harder for me to pay the credit card bill and car loan to that bank (total due between both bills is about $160). I've also fallen behind on a couple bills in general during the last month-ish, since i really don't want to ask my mom for help when I should be the one giving HER money. I'm kind of in between jobs right now, still doordashing/doing uber eats and stuff when i can, but i've been working on transitioning to a new job, so i'm not making as much right now because i'm not making much money while i work on trainings and things for the new job...
I've been trying really hard to just do shit on my own and not ask for any help from anyone but obviously that hasn't worked well for me lately, so attached are screenshots of the different payment apps that i have.
I also have a doordash referral code that would get me a $900 bonus and you (the person being referred) $600, but that's specifically for the Minneapolis, Minnesota/twin cities and surrounding areas. If you're interested in that, shoot me an ask (off anon!) or message.
Anything helps, whether it's a donation or a reblog. Thank you.
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kremlin · 6 months
i feel really bad about doordash stocks guy. legitimately. those guys are in the same mindframe as old people who are getting scammed, but know they're getting scammed while its happening.
these "types of guys" aren't quite bad people, they're just dumb and annoying, which is close.. i guess what i am saying is, they don't deserve to have their asses fucked that hard.
like nothing i could have possibly told him, no combination of words, could stop this guy from opening app on his brand new top of the line iphone that he's paying 20% interest on for seventy years and going late on bill payments to buy whatever robinhood or whatever will sell him
at first i thought he was genuinely convinced he was going to be rich or whatever but its not that. he knows he's fucked but has to ritualistically sort of recite it at me, not even talk to me, instead say words at me, as some step in coming to terms with what he is doing. i hope you don't get your ass fucked too hard buddy. don't lose your shirt, keep enough in the bank to pay for your, uh car you lease to do your job. i need to find a big group of these guys and b-book them
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germplush · 3 months
plushie / stuffed animal art commissions open pleass boost-!!
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we are the Dreamdrop System and we are doing our best to save up money for gas and hotel bills to get top surgery. with our insurance, we should not need to pay for the surgery but if that changes we will make a post about it.
yyou can support us on Ko-Fi and we are accepting payment by PayPal, Cash App and Venmo. we might make a gofundme.
please consider commissioning us or supporting us in any way. if you can't support financially please boost this post!! we are trying to get top surgery and we know it'll help us.
we've wanted top since the body was 7 and we didn't know we were trans. the place they are doing surgery is far away so we need to able to pay for gas and hotel bills.
we can draw your plushies!! :] we here are our prices for plushie art, on our art account we have a commission page that has outdated plushie prices but yeah! please have a couple references to draw a plushie and a bonus characters/plush in the picture is an additional $3-$10 depending if you're getting heads, busts, full body and if it's a sketch or full colour.
need art examples? check our Ko-Fi and, this account and our tumblr
want human looking commissions? we have a commission sheet from our other account @locketdream !
this is a horrible commission post.. so sorry but… thank you for your support ^-^ ☆ - The Dreamdrop System
our Ko-Fi
our Carrd
our regular commissions post
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creations-by-chaosfay · 2 months
Groceries are absurdly expensive, and having dietary restrictions (celiac disease for me, diabetes for husband) makes it even worse. Between groceries, fuel, and bills, we'll be hurting in a week. My husband hasn't been able to find a new job. Or, more accurately, no one is calling about an interview.
I have listings in my shop, with digital downloads starting at $0 USD, and everything has the option of Pay What You Want (PWYW). Currently, I have several tutorials, art resources, and quilts of varying sizes. There are also quilt tops with the option of having me turn them into finished quilts.
Commissions are open until June 1st. Use coupon code GOHOGWILD for 15% off, with one small catch: you choose the size range, I choose colors, design, and prints. I will work on unfinished commissions over the course of the summer.
You also have the option of being a monthly supporter for as little as $5/month. There are goodies like automatic discounts in my shop and commissions, freebies, postcards, and some other fun surprises.
Here's a link to my gallery of work, with work-in-progress all nicely laid out. Take a look and see if my style works for you and if it's in your budget. My commissions start at $20 USD.
If fine art is more your style, you can purchase prints of my paintings and photography here. I have the original paintings in my ko-fi shop. I haven't made any new paintings in years due to lack of paint. Someday, that'll change. Right now, however, food, fuel, and bills come first.
Should you decide you would rather treat me to nice things (seeing as all money otherwise goes to necessities), you can send me one of the things on my Throne list. Right now, I need thr humidifier so my asthma will behave. Dry season is here, and my lungs are feeling it. I also have paint on the list.
To send money direct, you can choose to donate via Ko-fi (Stripe, PayPal), or any of the following options:
For PayPal direct, you must mark it as a gift or I will otherwise need to return the money.
Here are some examples of my work:
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