#top Canada destinations
travelernight · 4 months
Ultimate Canada Journey: 10 Stops You Need to Make
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gkecindia · 2 years
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wanderlustphotosblog · 2 months
The Top 20 Must-Visit Places to See in Canada
From Banff National Park to Nova Scotia's stunning coastline, Canada is a traveler's paradise. Explore the 20 Must-Visit Places to See in Canada to be inspired for your next big adventure.
Canada is blessed with stunning natural landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultural heritage. From the majestic Rocky Mountains to the picturesque coastline of Nova Scotia, Canada offers a diverse range of experiences for travelers to enjoy. There are so many incredible places to see in Canada that it is hard to know where to begin. Be prepared to be captivated by the beauty of Banff National…
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rimaakter45 · 11 months
سیستم آموزشی کانادا: مدلی از تعالی
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را سیستم آموزشی کانادا  اغلب به عنوان یکی از بهترین ها در جهان در نظر گرفته می شود که به دلیل استانداردهای بالای تحصیلی، فراگیر بودن و تاکید بر رفاه دانش آموزان شناخته می شود. این مقاله به بررسی ویژگی های کلیدی سیستم آموزشی کانادا و دلایل شهرت آن به عنوان یک الگوی برتر می پردازد.
دسترسی همگانی به آموزش
یکی از پایه های سیستم آموزشی کانادا تعهد آن به ارائه دسترسی همگانی به آموزش است. در کانادا، آموزش به عنوان یک حق اساسی در نظر گرفته می شود و هر کودکی از مهدکودک تا کلاس دوازدهم حق دارد از آموزش رایگان و فراگیر برخوردار شود. این رویکرد فراگیر تضمین می کند که کودکان با زمینه های مختلف اجتماعی-اقتصادی فرصت های یکسانی برای یادگیری و موفقیت داشته باشند.
آموزش با کیفیت در تمام سطوح
تعهد کانادا به آموزش با کیفیت فراتر از سیستم K-12 است. این کشور دارای بخش آموزشی قوی پس از متوسطه است، با دانشگاه ها و کالج های معتبر متعددی که به طور مداوم در بین موسسات برتر جهان قرار دارند. این موسسات طیف گسترده ای از برنامه ها، از مدرک کارشناسی گرفته تا فرصت های تحقیقاتی پیشرفته را ارائه می دهند و آموزش کانادا را برای دانش آموزانی با علایق و آرزوهای متنوع قابل دسترس می کنند.
تنوع فرهنگی و زبانی
کانادا به دلیل تنوع فرهنگی و زبانی خود تجلیل می شود و این تنوع در سیستم آموزشی آن منعکس شده است. در حالی که انگلیسی و فرانسوی زبان های رسمی هستند، بسیاری از مدارس در سراسر کشور آموزش به زبان های مختلف دیگر را برای پاسخگویی به نیازهای جوامع مهاجر و بومی ارائه می دهند. این تنوع باعث ارتقای تساهل، تفاهم و حفظ میراث فرهنگی می شود و دانشجویان کانادایی را به خوبی برای جهانی شدن آماده می کند.
آموزش فراگیر
فراگیر بودن یک اصل اصلی سیستم آموزشی کانادا است. خدمات آموزشی ویژه برای دانش آموزانی با نیازهای یادگیری متنوع در دسترس است و تضمین می کند که هر کودک، صرف نظر از توانایی هایش، فرصت موفقیت را دارد. کلاس‌های فراگیر نه تنها برای دانش‌آموزان دارای معلولیت، بلکه برای همسالان آنها نیز مفید است، زیرا آنها یاد می‌گیرند که تفاوت‌ها را درک کنند و از آنها استقبال کنند.
استانداردهای بالای تحصیلی
سیستم آموزشی کانادا به دلیل استانداردهای دقیق علمی شناخته شده است. برنامه درسی به گونه ای طراحی شده است که دانش آموزان را به چالش بکشد و پایه ای قوی در موضوعاتی مانند ریاضیات، علوم، هنرهای زبان و مطالعات اجتماعی برای آنها فراهم کند. این سطح بالای تحصیلی دانش آموزان را با مهارت های تفکر انتقادی و پایگاه دانش قوی مجهز می کند.
کیفیت معلم و توسعه حرفه ای
مربیان کانادایی متخصصان بسیار آموزش دیده و واجد شرایط هستند. برای تبدیل شدن به یک معلم در کانادا، افراد معمولاً باید مدرک لیسانس خود را در آموزش و پرورش یا یک رشته مرتبط به پایان برسانند. این تاکید بر کیفیت معلم تضمین می کند که دانش آموزان آموزش با کیفیت بالا دریافت می کنند. علاوه بر این، مربیان تشویق می‌شوند تا در توسعه حرفه‌ای مستمر شرکت کنند تا با آخرین روش‌های تحقیق و آموزش آموزشی به‌روز بمانند.
تاکید بر رفاه
رفاه دانش آموزان اولویت اصلی در سیستم آموزشی کانادا است. مدارس نه تنها بر پیشرفت تحصیلی بلکه بر تقویت رفاه عاطفی، اجتماعی و جسمی دانش آموزان خود نیز تمرکز دارند. خدمات حمایت از سلامت روان، مشاوره و فعالیت های فوق برنامه به راحتی در دسترس هستند تا به دانش آموزان کمک کنند تا در تمام جنبه های زندگی خود پیشرفت کنند.
احترام به دانش بومی
کانادا تلاش های قابل توجهی برای گنجاندن دانش و دیدگاه های بومی در سیستم آموزشی انجام داده است. این شامل آموزش تاریخ، فرهنگ و سنت های بومی، و همچنین به رسمیت شناختن حقوق و مشارکت مردم بومی است. این رویکرد گامی مهم به سوی آشتی است و درک بیشتر از تاریخ کانادا را ترویج می کند.
تمرکز قوی بر تحقیق و نوآوری
کانادا به دلیل مشارکت خود در تحقیق و نوآوری شناخته شده است و این فرهنگ به سیستم آموزشی گسترش می یابد. دانشگاه‌ها و کالج‌ها در کانادا به طور فعال در توسعه تحقیقات و فناوری پیشرفته شرکت می‌کنند که هم به نفع دانشجویان و هم برای کل جامعه است. این رویکرد پژوهش محور تضمین می کند که دانش آموزان به آخرین پیشرفت ها و فرصت ها در زمینه های مربوطه خود دسترسی دارند.
چشم انداز جهانی
سیستم آموزشی کانادا دانش آموزان را به تفکر جهانی تشویق می کند. فارغ التحصیلان کانادایی با تأکید زیادی بر تفکر انتقادی، حل مسئله و آگاهی بین فرهنگی، به خوبی برای مشارکت در جامعه بین المللی آماده هستند. علاوه بر این، بسیاری از دانشگاه‌های کانادا دارای ارتباطات بین‌المللی قوی و برنامه‌های تبادل هستند که به دانشجویان این امکان را می‌دهد تا تجربیات بین‌المللی ارزشمندی کسب کنند.
سیستم آموزشی کانادا به عنوان چراغی از تعالی است که با تعهد آن به دسترسی همگانی، فراگیر بودن، استانداردهای بالای تحصیلی و تمرکز بر رفاه دانش آموزان مشخص می شود. تنوع فرهنگی و زبانی، شیوه‌های آموزشی فراگیر، و تأکید بر دانش بومی به یک تجربه آموزشی غنی و کامل کمک می‌کند. کیفیت معلمان، رویکرد پژوهش محور و دیدگاه جهانی موقعیت کانادا را به عنوان یک رهبر جهانی در آموزش مستحکم تر می کند. سیستم آموزشی کانادا با تکامل مستمر و سازگاری با نیازهای در حال تغییر جامعه، الگویی برای تعالی در آموزش در سراسر جهان باقی می ماند. لطفا به اینجا مراجعه کنید سیستم آموزشی کانادا  برای اطلاعات بیشتر.
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abroadeducation · 1 year
Why Calgary is a premier destination for international students coming to Canada?
Calgary is a growing city with a vibrant economy and diverse population. This combination has made Calgary one of the most attractive cities in Canada for international students who want to study in Canada. The city's warm climate, beautiful parks, and natural landscapes, access to world-class facilities, and friendly people make it an ideal destination for study abroad programs.
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Affordable Quality Education
Calgary is one of the most affordable cities to study in Canada. The cost of living is low, tuition fees are reasonable and accommodation costs are affordable.
The city's low cost of living makes it an attractive place for students who want to save money while studying abroad. Calgary's low tuition fees also make it possible for international students to study here without having to worry about taking out student loans or getting into debt.
Culture of Diversity and Inclusivity
Calgary is one of the most diverse cities in Canada. With over 170 different cultures represented, you'll find a variety of cuisines, festivals and celebrations throughout the year.
Calgary is known for being safe and welcoming--no matter who you are or where you're from! Calgary Canada is a great place to live for international students. It's also easy to make friends here because everyone wants to be part of this growing city and all its offerings.
The University of Calgary has been named one of Canada's top-five universities for international students by Times Higher Education magazine every year since 2013.*
World-Class Experiences in a Safe Environment
Calgary is a safe city with a low crime rate.
There are many activities to do in Calgary, including skiing, hiking, and biking. The city also has over 1,000 restaurants that serve food from all over the world. Students will have no problem finding something they like!
International students can feel safe living in Calgary because it has one of the lowest homicide rates in Canada (0.9 homicides per 100,000 people). That means you'll be safer here than in 99% of other cities!
(Read More: A Guide to Choose the Best College to Study in Canada)
Excellent Weather and Travel Opportunities
You'll enjoy Calgary's warm weather, which is great for outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing. The city also has a vibrant arts scene that includes theatre productions, concerts, museums, and more.
Calgary is one of the best places to study abroad in Canada because it's close to other major cities--including Vancouver and Banff National Park--and offers easy access to travel opportunities around North America (and beyond).
Top-Notch Education System and Reputation for Innovation
Canada is a leader in innovation, with some of the top universities in Canada for study abroad. The country has the highest number of international students worldwide and attracts an increasing number each year.
Canada's reputation for providing high-quality education has made it an ideal destination for international students looking to study abroad. With over 1 million foreign students studying at top Canadian universities annually, it's no surprise that more and more people choose to go there than anywhere else on Earth!
The above points make Calgary an ideal destination for international students.
The above points make Calgary an ideal destination for international students. Students who choose to study in Canada will find that Calgary has much more to offer than just a great education. The city also offers a thriving economy, diverse culture, and multicultural population as well as safe neighborhoods.
(Read More: Check the list of top Scholarships to study in Canada for Indian students. )
In conclusion, Calgary is a great place for international students to study. It has a booming economy with plenty of opportunities for students looking to get involved in their community. In addition, there are many cultural groups that celebrate their heritage through festivals and events throughout the year!
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myglobaluni · 2 years
Calendar For Top Study Abroad Destinations 2023 - The intakes for several well-known study locations are included, along with the top study abroad scholarships and their application deadlines, which are explored in this blog post, "Calendar For Top Study Abroad Destinations 2023."
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abroaddream · 1 year
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fortunapre · 1 month
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘𖧞 once a year, your family visits your holiday home for christmas break, which also happens to be the one time you see your childhood enemy, Oscar. (Ongoing)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒𖧞 16+ (suggestive), fluff, first-time-writing-on-here-so-beware, female reader, i think that’s all. Use of Y/N (as little as possible), swearing
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𖧞 oscar piastri x fem!reader
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𖧞 (scene 1) 1.1k 𖧞 planning on a couple posts so a lot upcoming.
𝐀/𝐍𖧞 this IS my first fic and post on here, so if the writing is mediocre that’s why. Hate comments will not be tolerated (obv). Also, I’m planning on this being a multi-post fic so word count will grow. Enjoy!
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𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬 𖧞 scene i 𖧞 (𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫)
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“Hairless Hugh Jackman or Skinny Henry Cavill?”
My head rested against the cold window of the car, my eyes closed. I was tired and bored, but the game of ‘this or that’ being played next to me, kept my mind awake. I wouldn’t admit it but my siblings' answers and conversations could actually be entertaining. Now being a prime example.
I considered the question more deeply than I probably should have. “Hairless Hugh takes away everything good about him, so obviously Henry.” I answered with my eyes still closed and head against the window.
“Ew, no,” My sister replied. “Henry’s body in the Superman movies are, like, all that I live for. I couldn’t care less about Hugh Jackman.” She laughed and scrunched her nose like she was picturing both options. I just smiled, acknowledging her answer before opening my eyes to stare at the passing trees out of the window.
My forehead was cold from the temperature outside but I was too awestruck by the view: white covered trees and mountains stretched for miles. The winter season cloaked the entire outdoors and snow sparked in the little sunlight. I couldn’t wait until we reached the cabin.
My sister and brother, twins, were only a year younger than me, so their experiences with Christmas break are similar to mine.
Every year, my family travels to Canada and stays in our winter cabin over Christmas Break. Safe to say, I have been waiting for Christmas break to start since July. It’s the only time of year I feel at peace without the commotion of work and stress.
And I guess the view’s nice too.
We had been driving for hours in a tightly packed minivan, and past a group of trees, I spotted a small town, meaning we were close to our destination. Next to me, I felt my sister shift and basically lie on top of me to get a look out of the window. I grumbled and tried to push her off since her elbow was digging in my side but she was unrelenting.
“Wow, look at this!” She spoke to my brother who was sitting two seats away from me. He had his own window and looked just as mesmerized as I was. No matter how many times we visit, the scenery would never be anything but gorgeous.
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The tires of the minivan crunched as we pulled onto the gravel driveway of the cabin. Immediately, my family began piling out and grabbing everything we packed, which was a lot. I walked through the large door of the cabin with very little visibility because of the mound of blankets and bags I was carrying. I started heading straight towards my bedroom before I knocked into someone without looking and everything fell from my arms. I gasped and started muttering about how they should have moved out of the way, fully expecting the person I bumped into to be one of my siblings but as I looked up I saw who I actually bumped into and immediately shut up.
“Oh, it’s just you.” I deadpanned. I stood up straight and quit trying to pick up my stuff, resting a hand on my hip at the person in front of me.
Oscar Piastri. As in the son of the family that stayed in the cabin with us every summer.
Nicole and Chris Piastri, his parents, were my parents’ best friends since highschool. But, when we moved to America and they stayed in Australia, the only time we ever see the Piastri family is over Christmas Break.
Earlier, when I was talking about how much I adore the cabin, I forgot about this information. I take back what I said. Christmas Break is not a break of peace. Instead, its weeks of torture and stress as i barely survive around Mr. Annoying, himself: Oscar Piastri.
What’s annoying about him isn’t that he’s loud or obnoxious- it’s the very opposite.
Ever since we were little, when our families lived a block away from each other, Oscar barely reacted to anything. Most adults or kids our age loved his calm exterior and how ‘mature he was for his age,’ meanwhile I was constantly regarded as a ‘trouble child.’
I was jealous. Of Course I was jealous. Oscar got praised for years and I was pushed away and given a sucker to stay away.
What was the worst, however, was how Oscar acted around me. To others he was a saint, but around me, he made sure to agonize me any chance he got. He would push me off of the swing and then when adults would ask what happened he would pretend like I fell and he was helping me up.
Anyways, now I only have to see him once a year, but those few weeks in December make me want to rip my hair out and run away with a hairless Hugh Jackman.
When I saw who I bumped into, my excited smile was replaced with what felt like a snarl. Oscar stood in front of me, a stupid sirk on his lips, probably having ran into me on purpose.
“Y/n. Didn’t see you there.” He said, a sly smirk still present. He was wearing an orange hoodie, no doubt merch of his. Because, did I mention, Perfect-Piastri also happens to be a Formula-fucking-One Mclaren Racing driver.
So, another thing he holds above me.
“Yeah sure you didn’t” I mutter while moving to shove everything back into my arms. But as I picked up one thing, another fell and instead of noticing my struggle and helping, Oscar just stood there. However, once my parents barreled through the door, arms just as full as mine was, so in order to look helpful, Oscar bent down to carry the heaviest bag.
“Oh! Oscar,” my mom noticed him. “We had no idea you guys had arrived yet.” She had a warm smile on her lips, genuinely happy to see him. “We were hoping to get here first and start cooking dinner.”
She motioned towards my dad who held the bags of groceries we had bought before heading here. In the bags were cans of yams and frozen veggies, indicating their plans.
“Oh, no worries.” Oscar replies, with a matching smile. “My mom started cooking already. We would definitely be happy to enjoy your cooking tomorrow, though. I really am a sucker for your candied yams.”
I watched the scene unfold and rolled my eyes.
Oscar turned back towards me with an amused look and started walking away towards my room, my bag in hand. I shut my eyes tightly, and looked up, praying that I wouldn't go insane this month before following him up the stairs.
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(SCENE ii) click here
pinterest-piece 𖧞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Skiing - a beginner’s guide
I first went skiing in Switzerland with my friends nearly 10 years ago and I loved it. The feeling of the wind on my face, the speed, the adrenaline- it was exhilarating.
I’ve compiled a basic list of ski events, a semi-scandalous article and some of the best destinations in the world as well as some budget friendly ones.
Socialite ski events:
Since it launched in 2013, winter festival Snowboxx has been growing in popularity - and it involves flying out to the Alps for a week-long ski party.  It takes place in Avoriaz ski resort, Morzine, France each March, and this year saw a superstar lineup of artists performing in the mountains, including ex-Radio 1 DJ Annie Mac, Becky Hill, Jax Jones, Sonny Fodera and Andy C. 
The combination of partying to some of the world's best DJs, with the unusual day-activites of skiing and snowboarding, are making many turn away from the summer festival circuit in favour of the winter one. 
Hahnenkamm, Kitzbühel , Austria:
The Hahenekamm ski race weekend in Kitzbühel is arguably the biggest alpine ski event in the world. The world’s best take on the iconic Streif downhill track, which is historically the toughest ski race track on the World Cup circuit. A lot of the speed skiers consider winning races here as a bigger honour than the Olympics. As a spectator, the atmosphere is electric with fans around the world admiring some breathtaking ski racing.
X Games, Aspen, USA:
The world’s best freestyle skiers and snowboarders compete annually in Aspen. The event is a prestigious honour to win amongst action sports athletes and has propelled careers. Spectating the event is excellent because you can see most of the action from the viewing areas. The halfpipe events in particular are excellent to watch for this reason.
European Snow Pride, Tignes, France:
Tignes is home to Europe’s biggest gay ski week, with the European Snow Pride. Each day has a theme with nights of brit-pop to superhero days. Many international DJs are invited to play each evening party in the resort’s local clubs and bars.
Slightly scandalous tales: Things I Never Knew About Skiing Until I Was a Private Instructor in Aspen
Really interesting read. I was thoroughly entertained.
Popular ski destinations:
1. Whistler Blackcomb, Canada
Whistler makes it onto pretty much every ‘World Top 10’ list when it comes to ski resorts
2. Niseko, Japan
Located on the northern island of Hokkaido, this Japanese skiing destination is a snow-covered paradise. With a huge 15 metres of average snowfall, it’s no wonder that Niseko is the country’s premier ski resort.
3. Zermatt, Switzerland
As the highest resort in the Alps, it’s got the views. The incredible peak of the Matterhorn can be seen from just about anywhere on the slopes! It also boasts the greatest vertical drop in Switzerland, and there’s all year round skiing at the Matterhorn Glacier.
4. Courchevel, France
The resort is a part of the world’s largest alpine ski area, offering more than 600 kilometres of terrain and interconnected ski runs across 10 summits. The snow here is well-groomed, and there’s a legendary black run that’s considered to be one of the trickiest in the world.
5. Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy
Known only to the most dedicated, well-travelled skiers prior to the 1956 Winter Olympics, Cortina is a hidden gem in Italy’s Dolomite Mountains.
6. Baqueira-Beret, Spain
It may be a surprising destination for skiing, but Baqueira-Beret in Spain is one of the best places in Europe where you’ll find value for money for a ski holiday. You’ll be able to find affordable accommodation as well as some of the finest tapas restaurants in the country.
7. Ylläs, Finland
The arctic landscapes of Lapland are perfect for skiing. If you dream of snow-dusted trees, the magic of the Northern Lights, or the glow of the midnight sun, Ylläs is a unique winter resort that you won’t want to miss. As Finland’s largest ski resort, it’s got everything you need.
Budget friendly destinations
1. Vogel, Slovenia
An ideal spot for couples or families, this Slovenian spot is a truly beautiful and peaceful ski area. Overlooking Lake Bohinj, Vogel is part of the Triglav national park.
2. Livigno, Italy
Duty-free zone Livigno offers excellent slopes for intermediate skiers. But advanced skiers and snowboarders will be kept busy too – especially if they’re keen to explore off piste.
3. Poiana-Brasov, Romania
Poiana Brasov is Romania’s biggest mountain resort and certainly one of the nicest. The fairytale slopes, flanked by pine trees, are the perfect place to take your skis. With more than 24km of ski runs, there’s plenty to explore.
4. South Korea -Muju Deogyusan Resort
Muju Deogyusan Resort in Jeolla province is only 3 hours away from Seoul. So, if you want to spend your holiday skiing and still enjoy the city of Seoul, this is the place to go.
5. Niseko Ski Resort
Located in Hokkaido, Japan, Niseko Ski Resort boasts a total of four different resorts but with linked ski area. A single pass would give you access to all four resorts. One of the resorts, Mt. Resort Grand Hirafu has been officially named as Japan’s number one snow resort due to the wide array of activities offered.
6. India - Gulmarg
Gulmarg is a rare gem in the Himalayans that will undoubtedly take your breath away with its picturesque beauty. However, skiing in Gulmarg, Kashmir is not for the weak-hearted as the terrains are not suitable for beginners - to add to that, the ski lifts carry you to the highest point in the Himalaya at 13, 780 feet!
7. China - Nanshan Ski Resort
80km away from Beijing, Nanshan Ski Resort is perfect for skiing and snowboarding as the snow are neither too hard nor too soft.
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wandabear · 1 year
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Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls' soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months.
Warnings: This is a fic based on the tv show 'Yellowjackets'. If you didn't see the show, don't worry. This is not the same for make it more interesting.
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
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“I'll never forget the day I heard their plane had gone missing.”
The man looked out the window with his arms crossed behind his back. Nick Fury looked at the students who entered the school excited, others silent and some others laughing. Every year it was the same. But the thought of that day always gives him goosebumps.
“So… what do you think really happened out there?” asked Christine Everhart, Westview’s Ledger reporter, wrote down everything the man said.
“All I know is that what happened was a tragedy. A terrible tragedy.” Principal Fury took a moment before continuing to speak. “I probably shouldn't say this, but... some of these kids, eh, no big loss, if we're honest. But those girls were special…”
Melancholy was reflected in the principal's eyes. “Those girls were champions.”
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ17 YEARS AGO…
The cheering of the people made everything even more exciting. The referee whistled and the ball was in the air once more. The blonde girl from the Hydra team side-kicked for her teammate to catch, but it was impossible.
Yellowjackets defense player, Jennifer Walters, jumped as high as she could to steal the ball and ran with incredible agility.
“LET’S GO!” Pietro shouted from the bench, cheering the girls who ran like huge beasts defending their place. His sister, Wanda, watched the game carefully, biting her lower lip.
She loved watching those girls play, even if half of them were bitches, Wanda always loved watching them. Sure she'd tried to make the team, but couldn't even kick well. Wasn't one of the popular girls either, so she couldn’t be a cheerleader.
Wanda was the dorky, cute, smart one. The girl who had almost perfect grades, the girl who didn't get into trouble but all the popular girls used to avoid.
It's not like she wanted to be around them anyway.
Coach Coulson watched the team carefully, had an enormous faith in his girls. It was all thanks to him, the support of a great Coach and his affection made the team come together and move forward.
The tension brewing slowly, like slow motion. Jennifer kicked again.
Y/N took control of the ball and ran towards the goal, making the goalkeeper feel the pressure. Everyone in the stands was expectant, excited, if they score one more goal, the nationals would be their next destination.
Timer marked 94:20. The most decisive moment of their lives.
Of course it was a tough game, the ninety minutes of play had been decisive for both teams.
“Y/N, over here!” Natasha waved at her. If Y/N continued, she might be able to score, but could also be attacked by the two defenders coming at her.
What to do? She had to choose right now, whether to lose the ball and thereby lose a good opportunity -besides shining as the match's top scorer- or try to play a bit and give it to Nat, winning the whole game. Y/N decided to do a long pass towards Natasha, who with a header scored the goal they needed to win the match.
Natasha screamed, knowing that it was the decisive moment. The referee blew his whistle and the game ended.
Everyone in the stands jumped up and down, cheering, clapping and laughing just as much as the players.
Y/N ran over to Natasha and jumped for the redhead to catch her in a big hug, her teammates quickly following behind.
Westview Yellowjackets 4 – Newport Hydras 3
“Good shot!” Nat congratulated Y/N who just smiled, so damn happy.
They all laughed as the goalkeeper, Monica, ran towards them from the other side of the field screaming.
‘AND THAT’S IT! THE  NEW JERSEY ‘YELLOWJACKETS’ ARE GOING TO NATIONALS! WE’RE IN, WESTVIEW!’ reported Peter Parker, a freshman student ‘working’ for the school radio from the stands.
“WE’RE GOING TO NATIONALS!” Y/N yelled as her team lifted her into the air. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ It was incredible, everything she ever dreamed of was coming true. Despite the fact that her life was falling apart at times, Y/N managed to reach an unexpected place with her friends.
They all formed a circle and began that typical ritual, chanting: “BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ!”
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It was a beautiful day in New Jersey, a wonderful morning in Westview’s suburbs.
The girl parked her mom’s car outside the Romanoffs' house, checking the watch to make sure they would make it to class on time.
What she didn't expect was to see a black-haired girl come out of one of the bedroom’s window, sneaking through the bushes to escape, but not before seeing that Y/N caught her.
Shaking her head, Y/N just waited another ten minutes until Natasha left her house in a bit of a hurry, but still walking with a unique elegance. Her red hair was wet so she must have taken a quick bath.
“Hey, Y/N/N. Good morning.”
“Morning.” Y/N handed over the coffee she picked up earlier and kept her own. “This one is for you.”
“My lifesaver.  Everything okay?” Natasha asked after kissing her best friend's cheek.
“Peachy.” Y/N finally started the car and drove out of the place quickly, hurrying so she could be on time. Didn't want to miss chemistry class again.
ㅤㅤㅤ Y/N drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, enjoying the song on the radio, ‘Mr. Jones’ by Counting Crows.
Natasha turned to see her and smiled mischievously at what she would do. Without further ado, she stretched out her finger to remove the cassette and put the radio, playing a much more fun song.
“Oh, sorry. Were you listening to that?” Nat teased. She always did that.
“No, no.” Y/N just shrugged, going along with her joke. “It fell into the tape deck, and I accidentally pressed play.”
But the russian girl didn't say anything, just looked out the window hoping that would wake her up more than coffee. Of course she hadn't slept all night.
“I saw Jules come out of your room.” Y/N couldn't wait to say it.  “What happened to no distractions before nationals? Ripping off the Band-Aid and all that?”
“Yep.” Natasha just pursed her lips, she didn't have much to say. She was guilty.
“Is that all you're gonna say?” Y/N just shook her head, really annoyed. “You swore to me that it was the last time!”
“I know…” Natasha didn't seem very sorry. “It’s just-”
“You'll break her heart.” She stopped her before Nat could go on.
“Why does it bother you so much what we do?” Natasha sighed in defeat, crossing her arms. She definitely didn't understand why all of this had to be such a big deal. “It's not like I force her to do it, okay? Jules wants to have sex with me.”
“Because she's my cousin and I didn't beat your ass just because you're my friend!” Y/N growled. “You’ll go to Yale, she’s going to Harvard. You don't want anything serious with her... and she's in love with you.”
Nat just drank her coffee.
“This has to stop, Natasha.”
“OK. I promise it's over. I'll talk to her before nationals.” Nat rolled her eyes.
“After.” Y/N stopped the car and waited for the light to turn green. “We don't need our best midfielder to go in a big depressive hole before the most important game.”
They both continued chatting about the next game when Natasha frowned, seeing a huge billboard in front of them.
‘WE’RE PROUD OF OUR BOYS! GO VARSITY FOOTBALL! GO JACKETS!” said the Walker's Pizza billboard.
John Walker's father -one of the attempts at a good american football player- owned that Pizza restaurant, the man was always really annoyed by their success.
“The hell is this bullshit?” Natasha scoffed.
“What?” Y/N frowned, looking at the billboard. “These assholes were under 500 all season!”
“Y/N, honk at that thing.” Nat patted Y/N's shoulder and opened the window, ready to scream.
“They're just gonna think we're, like, saluting mediocre football.” The brunette smirked. Sometimes her friend was incredibly crazy, but was always by her side.
“No, they'll know.” Nat persisted, grinning widely as Y/N slowed down so she could yell: “Try undefeated, bitches!”
Y/N chuckled. “Oh my God, Nat!”
“We're going to motherfucking nationaaaals!” Natasha whooped and Y/N sped up, laughing so hard.
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The girls' locker room looked quite lively, full of energy, especially when Jennifer walked in with her radio playing loud Salt N' Pepa's 'Shoop', making the girls to start dancing.
Of course, winning a decisive match and being two days away from fucking nationals made everyone have a good mood. Those girls were the pride and celebrity of the whole town.
“Here I go, here I go, here I go again! Girls, what's my weakness?! Ok then, chillin', chillin', mindin' my business!” They all sang as they finished changing clothes, even Jessica Jones -who was the grumpiest of all- was dancing.
Natasha moved through the dancing girls as Y/N smiled looking at them, finishing painting an adorable bee on Titania's cheek.
The door to the changing room opened, a girl with brown hair and huge glasses went in looking for the team captain. Some girls started to make fun of the girl, throwing some clothes and calling her 'Braces’, but Wanda just ignored them.
ㅤㅤㅤ That was when she was ten years old, she didn't even wear braces anymore, she didn't understand how those girls didn't get over that.
Wanda Maximoff, Coach Coulson's assistant, carried a big bag of new jackets for the girls.
“Coach Coulson said that everything is ready.” She handed the bag to Natasha. “Principal Fury send this... Each has their own here. After the pep rally, we will go to practice.”
“Thanks, Wanda.”  Natasha nodded began to hand out the jackets to each of the girls, they were all delighted.  Screaming excited.
Wanda just nodded and turned to leave, but not before looking at Y/N who just looked at her completely dazed. Oh, she was so in love with that girl and would never admit it.
“Hey, Y/N.”  Wanda smiled shyly.
Y/N cleared her throat.  “Hey, Wands. All good?”
She felt her heart jump out of her chest every time she saw Wanda. Y/N had a crush since Freshman year, when she met her. Wanda had just arrived from Sokovia, she wasn't as good at socializing as Pietro. Her only friend was a girl named Darcy Lewis, a dork like she was.
At that time Y/N had failed two tests and Wanda agreed to help her, otherwise, she couldn't continue playing on the team. But since that day, Y/N couldn't see another girl that wasn't that adorable sokovian, with a gloomy look and black eyeliner.
Of course she couldn't do anything, Wanda was straight and had a stupid crush on Jeremy Sumpter, fucking Peter Pan.
“All good. The bee is cute by the way.”
“Thanks.” Y/N smiled. All the girls on the team were silent, making the moment even more tense.  “Going to the bonfire party tonight?”
“I don’t know yet. Vision said he'd pick me up later, maybe take me on a surprise date.” She smiled a bit nervous again and decided to leave, somewhat in a hurry.
Y/N said nothing, just babbled like a fish out of water seeing her go. As soon as Wanda walked through the door, all the girls began to whistle and tease her, yelling: 'Y/N has a crush on Braces!'
“Oh, shut up you all. Told you to stop calling her like that!” The brunette grunted and shook her head, painting Titania's face. The girl seemed somewhat nervous.
“You all right?” Y/N watched as Titania looked worried.  “It's just a pep rally.”
“I’m okay.”
“Honestly, I think the whole point is just to give freshmen something to jerk off to later.” She tried to be supportive but the girl didn't seem to take it very well.
“Told you I'm not nervous.” Titania tried to appear disinterested, but Y/N just rolled her eyes.  “I'm the only freshman who got asked, you know?”
“Are you sure of that?” Y/N just watched Jules who was coming, exchanging amused glances. The Boston girl only covered her mouth, trying not to laugh.
“It's so unfair.” Titania whined like a baby.  It wasn't the end of the world either, but for her, it was.  “My dress was gonna be amazing.”
“Well, hey, at least you can wear it next year.” Jules tried to cheer her up as she put on some lipstick.
Titania narrowed her eyes, somewhat annoyed.  “You don't get it, Jules, 'cause nobody asked you.”
Clenching her jaw hard, incredulous at that girl's words, Y/N smiled wryly.
“Okay, you're done, dipshit. Outta my face.” She pushed Titania away, who just rolled her eyes.
The brunette looked at Jules, who was just smiling surprised.
“Jesus Christ! Does someone want to tell to that primadonna to maybe worry less about prom and more about not fucking up nationals?” Jules looked at herself in the mirror one more time, fixing her hair. Carol reached over to do the same, tucking it into a side braid.
“Don't worry, you look hot anyway. Surely someone will invite you.” Carol winked at her and Y/N rolled her eyes again.
“Come on, Danvers. But about Titania… If she plays like she did at states… We don't have a chance at nationals.”
“Well, don't worry about that my friend. That's not gonna happen, I've got that covered..” Carol's voice and the way she said that was so sure about it, that it was a bit weird. Neither Y/N nor Jules said anything, Carol was sometimes a bit rough, but definitely an amazing friend.
“Okay, Yellowjackets. Let’s go!”
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The bleachers of that gym were occupied by all the students of that school.  Some seemed excited while others seemed fed up, sick of having to attend to this.
The team's signature blue and yellow colors graced the walls, along with huge banners reading 'GO YELLOWJACKETS!' 'WE CAN SMELL YOUR FEAR!’ ‘YOU'RE NOW ENTERING IN OUR TERRITORY!'
“All right, let's hear it for the boys! Let's give the boys a hand!” Principal Fury said, thanking the football team who lost again. There was scattered applause, John Walker's face telling how embarrassed he felt to be there right now. It was priceless. “Thanks, guys. You did your best.”
Pietro chuckled but Wanda nudged him, shushing him. Both were next to Coach Coulson, who was waiting for his team with enormous pride.
Nicholas Fury cleared his throat, now grinning widely.
“Now, our next act needs no introduction, so let's all just make some noise for your New Jersey State Girls' Soccer Champions!” Fury exclaimed excitedly pointing to the entrance. ㅤㅤㅤ
‘It's such a good vibration, it's such a sweet sensation’ That catchy song began to play and everyone started shouting and whooping, dancing to that song, even those who didn't want to be there couldn't help it.
The crowd began to cheer as soon as they saw how the girls trotted in with elegance and proud smiles. Their hair moved in a divine way, they were not going to deny that being on the winning team gave them immediate popularity. Even those who were the 'weirdos'.
Wanda's huge eyes lit up when she saw how those girls moved in slow motion, totally fascinated. Wasn't going to deny that she admired them, especially since she couldn't play. That is why she was satisfied with helping the Coach and, of course, Yale valued if you were on the winning team.
“Buzz, buzz, buzz!” The crowd was chanting.
All the girls smiled and applauded, grateful that everyone received them with such kindness, although some seemed a bit shy. Y/N turned around to see Nat, their looks shared an enormous happiness as big as their smiles.
This was all they wanted in their lives. They would do anything to win that game. They wanted to be champions.
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The moon was shining high in the sky, the relaxing noise of the fire and the warmth of it was welcoming. It was quite a nice night. 'I'm Only Happy When It Rains' by Garbage played while some guys were surrounding the huge bonfire on the woods.
Y/N got out of the car along with Natasha and Jules, it seemed to be a nice party. Some guys brought some beer barrels, pizzas and good music.
She hated going out to these parties but, what the hell, they had a lot to celebrate. Right? It was a tradition every year, to start that year with a good party.
They approached their teammates who were gathered sharing a few beers and laughs.
“Hey, they’re here!” Valkyrie said laughing out loud, she definitely smoked something with Carol and Jessica.
Y/N rolled her eyes when she saw Carol a bit wasted, but still accepting one of the beers the girls offered.
The brunette couldn't even look at her, not since in afternoon practice. It was all a shit show. Carol kicked Titania so hard she'd knocked her out of the game and out of nationals. The girl ended up with her broken leg, and of course Y/N thought Carol did that on purpose.
On the other side of the party, Wanda sighed deeply, looking around really uncomfortable. Of course she liked being with her boyfriend, but she admitted that the people Vision surrounded himself with were stupid and irresponsible.
Vision kept up talking with Tony, Rhodes, Bruce Banner, and some other dude she didn't know his name. The small group of nerds who were also lazy assholes. Especially Tony Stark, who believed that with daddy’s money would solve everything.
“What am I doing here again?”  Wanda whispered as Vision leaned in to kiss her cheek.
“Come on, you need this.” Vision said while drinking some beer. “You need to socialize more, Wanda. Also tomorrow you're going on that trip...”
“I’m okay with who I am, thanks.” She crossed her arms, looking away.
“Bloody hell, Wanda! Why are you so obnoxious today?”  Vision frowned.
Wanda was going to answer that with a 'fuck you', but she decided to sigh and calm down. Especially when Vision was the one who was going to take her home later.
“One of the girls broke her leg in practice today and won't be able to go to Nationals tomorrow. A lot of blood, a lot of stress.” She winced thinking of Titania. “Though the whole team seems to give a shit tho.”
She looked up to see how everyone was there celebrating, but her gaze landed on Y/N, who was the only one of them she liked, maybe Jules or Natasha sometimes.
Laughing at one of Jennifer's jokes, Y/N turned to find the person she most expected to see at this party.
Wanda was there, watching her. She looked so beautiful, she was wearing a beautiful long shirt and dark jeans. Her hair was down, of course she was still wearing those huge glasses that made her look adorable.
Y/N smiled and waved at her, but all her joy vanished when Wanda cupped Vision’s face and kissed him, causing endless sensations in Y/N and none of them were good.
“Dude, you're so in love with her. Give up. She has a boyfriend, even if he’s a asshole. The emo girl loves the dick.” Jules stood next to her, drinking some beer.
Y/N turned to look at her, trying not to say anything she would regret. “Why don't you mind your business? Especially with Natasha, where is she now, huh? Surely behind Stark's truck eating another girl’s pussy.”
Her cousin seemed quite hurt and surprised by those words. Clearly she answered in the worst way, but right now she had no time to put up with other people's feelings. She warned Jules many times. Clenching her jaw to bear the anger, Y/N decided to walk away for a while when she bumped into Carol, who was pouring herself another beer cup.
“You should calm down, we have a flight tomorrow.” Y/N said completely annoyed.
“Yeah, boss. Whatever.”  Danvers just rolled her eyes, didn't have to put up with anyone.
“I admire your resilience, Danvers.” Y/N hissed as she moved closer, perhaps a bit intimidating.  “Can't be easy, knowing you fucking crippled someone today.”
Carol laughed wryly and just turned to leave. “Cool. Good talk.”
Y/N wasn’t going to stay like this, walked after her willing to continue the fight. “Just admit you did it on purpose.”
“Excuse me?” Carol turns to face her.
“You heard me.”  They both stood facing each other, staring at each other for a few seconds until Carol shook her head.
“You're wasted, Y/N.”
“And you're a fucking sociopath.” The brunette moved towards her but Carol pushed her away. At that moment Jules decided to intervene, along with Valkyrie who positioned herself next to Carol.
“Whoa! Calm down.” Jules got between them both, trying to push Y/N away but her cousin refused.
“No! Listen, you guys, we don't have to worry about the Titania problem anymore.” Y/N yelled pointing at the blonde. “…because Carol fixed it for us.”
“What?” Kate Bishop frowned, not understanding what they were talking about.  Kate and Yelena were almost the only freshmen babies being accepted into the team.  “What's she talking about?”
“She's talking about Carol's little plan.” Yelena scoffed, shaking her head.
“Oh, please. Since when do you give a shit anyway? You hardly care about the team, baby widow.” Carol rolled her eyes.
“Guys, come on. This is not the time to talk about it, we are all drunk and tomorrow we have a flight.” Jules tried to calm things down.
“Don't you have a bong to hit or a dick to suck? Oh, yeah, you do Nat’s pussy.” Carol's eyes narrowed, she was so drunk.
“Don't talk to her that way!” Y/N defended Jules quickly, pointing to Carol.
“Oh, fuck off, Y/N!” Jules narrowed her eyes, finally exploding.  “I don't need you to defend me. Last time I checked, you were asking Natasha to leave me. What did you just say? Oh, yes, minding my own business!”
“Okay, seriously, what are you talking about?” Kate asked again but was startled when they all yelled at her:
“Shut the fuck up, Kate!”
“Okay, come on guys, stop it.”  Jennifer moved closer to try to calm them down.
“Somebody needs to take her wasted ass home.” Y/N hissed looking at Carol but the blonde was finally done.
“Say that again, bitch. Say that again!”
“I will say it again!”
They finished the distance and began to push each other when the girls intervened again. Y/N and Carol tried to break free and hit each other.
But some guys around them started shouting 'GIRLS FIGHT!' when they saw the whole situation, drawing the attention of Natasha who was busy flirting with a girl far away.
ㅤㅤㅤ The redhead approached her friends who were still screaming at each other and yelled:
“That's it! Enough!” Natasha got between them and pushed them both.  “You all, with me. NOW!”
They all fell silent and looked around as everyone looked at them surprised or amused. Feeling a little embarrassed, Y/N just nodded and walked after Natasha.
They all moved far enough from the party not to be heard, staying in a clearing between the trees.
“I don't know what the fuck that was, but I do know that it's over.” Natasha turned to face them, shaking her head. Couldn't believe that they did this one day before the most awaited day for all.  “We're about to go to nationals.”
Y/N just pursed her lips, knowing that she was right but was carried away by jealousy and anger.
“And based on what I'm looking at right now, we might as well not even bother getting on that plane.”  Natasha looked at them one by one, but none of them said anything. They just drank their beer and looked the other way, like scolded puppies.
“All right. Everybody line up.” The russian commanded.
“Nat, come on…” Y/N tried but Nat just gave her a deadly look.
“No, I'm fucking serious. Line up!”
The annoyance in Natasha's voice made them all settled into a row. She could be quite imposing when she wanted it to. Not for nothing was the team captain.
“Here's what we're gonna do. I want each of you to go down this line and say one nice, true thing about every other girl on this team.” Nat walked in front of them.
“What is this, fucking Girl Scout camp?” Carol rolled her eyes, making Valkyrie laugh. Y/N was going to shut her up but Natasha went first.
“Do you want to go first, Danvers?” Natasha cocked her head, daring her to, but Carol said nothing. She just pressed her lips together.
“Okay. I'll go first.” Natasha stood in front of Y/N.  “Y/N… You have more fight in you than anyone I've ever known. I'm inspired by your determination.”
Surprised by those words, Y/N didn't know what to say. Finally someone noticed her, Natasha noticing that she was always by her side.  That made her feel good.
Not even her mom cared that much about her.
Natasha walked over to Kate, who was looking at her like an expectant puppy.
 “Kate Bishop… Your smile makes me feel happy every time I see it.”
The Bishop girl smiled happily. Nat kept walking standing in front of Yelena, who was raising an eyebrow. Come on, she was her sister.
“Yelena… I love that you don't care what anybody thinks and you're so completely yourself.”
“She's also deadly at beer pong.” Y/N added and they all chuckled.
“So, go on. Tell her.” Nat pushed them to tell each other what they though.
Despite the fact that many did not seem to want to, they all turned to see those in front of them. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Jennifer, you have very shiny hair and I love it.”  Daisy Johnson told her friend who just smiled tenderly.
“Thank you, Daisy. I like that you’re presistent, motivated and really brave.”
Y/N stood in front of Carol who hesitated to do it, keeping her hands in the jacket pockets. They both looked quite uncomfortable doing this.
Swallowing, the brunette broke the silence. “I'm sorry, for what I said before, about you... I was mad about something else.”
“I didn't…” Carol started and bite her lips, trying not to show the sensitivity within. Life taught her that she had to be tough, but her eyes filled with tears. “You know, mean to hurt her. It really was an accident, I didn't mean to do it. I was such a dick cause I was angry at myself.”
Y/N nodded and just hugged her.
“Are we cool then?” Carol asked something afraid of losing a friend.
“I don’t know…You haven't said anything nice about me yet.” Y/N joked and they both laughed.
Natasha turned to see Jules, who was looking at her a little excited to hear her.  “What?”
“You haven't said anything to me.” The girl smiled flirtatiously.
Nat rolled her eyes and chuckled, standing in front of her.  “Jules, you never talk shit unless someone really deserves it.”
The girl smiled widely, nodding.
“You are a really good dancer... and you have seriously questionable taste in music... You can't hold your liquor for shit.” Nat continued, a little nervous but sincere. “But you're the only one who's always been there for me.”
Feeling her heart pound, Jules felt on cloud nine. Oh, she was so in love with Natasha that she couldn't deny it anymore.
“You're the best friend I've ever had.”  The redhead put her hand on the girl's shoulder, knowing that this would end up breaking any hope. “You know that, right?”
Jules didn't know what to say, really. Feeling her heart break inside and her eyes filled with tears, but didn't allow herself to cry.
The brown-eyed girl just nodded.  “Yeah. I know.”
Y/N watched that situation from afar and was grateful that it was that way. Natasha wasn't in love with Jules, she had to let go of all those hopes with her. Would be the best.
She walked to the bonfire, smiling to see that an adorable sokovian was pouring some beer from the barrel.
“Hi.” Wanda smiled kindly.
“Enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, it is… pretty… interesting.” Wanda stammered, watching out of the corner of her eye as some of the boys played a game of who drank the most beer in the least amount of time possible. Oh, wishing she could be home right now.
“I heard everything that happened there…” She lowered her gaze, somewhat embarrassed but also curious.  “All good?”
“Yeah, everything is fine. We had a fight but we were able to work it out, nothing to screw up the nationals.”
“I’m glad you all worked it out.” Wanda looked her up. “I understand that you were upset. I was also when I saw Titania like that. Even if she was a dick…”
Y/N shrugged. “I know Carol didn't want to hurt her on purpose, she's an idiot sometimes but…she's not an total asshole.”
“It's good to know that. She doesn't seem like a crazy aggressive bitch even though she is a jerk sometimes.”
They both looked at each other for a moment, the silence wasn’t uncomfortable between them.
“You look beautiful today.”  Y/N said without even thinking about it, and she didn't regret it. It was getting harder and harder to hide her feelings for Wanda. Come on, everyone knew.
“Thank you.” Those words surprised her, she wasn’t used to hear that. Well, not from anyone other than Vision, he was rarely so…romantic.  “You look cool, as always. I like your leather jacket.”
Y/N looked at herself, she was wearing a white half sleeve shirt and tight-fitting jeans.  For one day she left her varsity jacket behind.
The flames of the fire moved back and forth in a mesmerizing way, making Wanda's beautiful eyes pop more, looking adorable.
Little fish, big fish, swimming in the water. That song seemed to invite them to lose each other, unite and never let go again. Like two kindred spirits claiming, pushing and pulling each other back.
“I’ve to go… Vision is waiting for me.” Wanda broke the tension, scared of the connection that the two of them could have.
“Yeah, it looks like he's waiting for you.” Y/N said ironically and drank some beer, the boy didn't even seem to care that his girlfriend wasn't there.
“Why's that?” Wanda narrowed her eyes somewhat annoyed.
“You know he doesn't deserve you, don't you?” Y/N just shook her head, now she was talking too much because she was drunk, and even though she knew it, didn't stop. “He spends all the time flirting with Eve, with Mantis, with Virginia. Come on, Wanda…”
Wanda didn't say anything, she just crossed her arms and pursed her lips trying to calm the anger. In the end, she just chuckled wryly, rather disappointed. ㅤㅤㅤ “Now I can see it, you're not that different from your friends. Fuck you, Y/N.”
“Why me? I’m not the one who’s cheating on you.”
“And yet, I still choose him. Not you.” The Sokovian shook her head and walked away.
“Whatever!” Y/N sighed and looks at the beer cup before taking a sip. “Sure your boyfriend is waiting for you.” Out of the corner of her eye Y/N saw how Wanda walked away, hugging Vision’s waist.
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Next morning was all chaos.
Waking up with a hell of hangover, after a good sandwich and some juice for breakfast, Y/N  finished packing everything in the suitcase.
She sighed deeply, looking around her bedroom one last time. Posters of bands like 'Garbage,' 'No Doubt' or singers like Alanis Morrisette surrounded her. Many books on the shelves, and some stuffed animals.
The gameboy was on the table, charging the battery. CD player was in her backpack as well as some of her favorite discs, she would surely take advantage of the flight to listen to music and read or play.
The biggest adventure awaited her and she didn't know it.
Y/N took the suitcase and her backpack and went downstairs, finding her mother passed out on the couch last night. A half-filled glass of whiskey, she still had her robe and pajamas, and bottles on the floor told Y/N she'd been drinking all night.
Feeling so tired of this, and kinda grateful to go and leave all this chaos for a while.
“Mom, wake up… I've to go.” Y/N tried to wake up her mom but it was impossible.  “MOM!”
Y/N clenched her jaw and ended up giving in to the anger, walking to the door and slamming it shut.
She was so damn upset, so hurt that her mom hadn't even considered that this was HER day. Didn't expect her to make breakfast or  kiss her forehead before go, but inside… the hope sometimes played really cruel tricks.
Sighing, Y/N waited outside the house with arms crossed for ten minutes until the car pulled up. Jules waved at her, next to her was a woman with dark brown hair, small brown eyes, and chubby cheeks. She honked three times, making Y/N smile.
“Hey there, cutie!” Auntie Claire got out of the car and hugged her like a big bear, then helped to put the suitcase in the trunk. Y/N  got into the back of the car, as Claire sped away from the house.
“You okay?”  Jules asked, she knew her perfectly.
“She didn't even realize that I left, she was wasted, dude.” Y/N just shook her head, looking out the window.
Jules didn't say anything, Auntie Claire and her looked at each other, knowing that woman perfectly. It wasn't the first time nor the last time to be honest. Y/N’s mom had always been a jerk to Y/N, especially the past few years.
“Sorry, sweetie.” Aunt Claire looking at Y/N in the rearview mirror. “My sister has always been a bit… difficult… always.”
“It’s okay, auntie.” Auntie Claire was always trying to make her feel better, she leaned down to put a hand on her aunt's shoulder. “Thank you for coming for me.”
“Oh, don't worry, dear. You know I'll always be there for you.”
Aunt Claire drove them to the airport, but not before buying a bunch of sweets that they all shared.
The lady escorted them to the boarding area, hugging them tightly and wishing them both a safe and beautiful trip. She apologized for not being able to go see the game, but she had to stay home and finish some work. That was a lie, she planned to travel tonight and surprise them tomorrow.
“Bye, auntie Claire.” Y/N hugged her again before grabbing the backpack and walking towards the boarding zone.
“Bye, mom!” Jules kissed Claire's cheek and ran to catch up with Y/N. “Love you!”
“Bye, kids! Remember, the most important thing is to have fun! Love you!” The lady tenderly yelled at them, waving her hand.
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“Here, I'll give you guys a hand.” Pietro offered to help some girls as they walked down the aisle of the plane, looking for a seat.
Wanda just rolled her eyes knowing how flirtatious Pietro was. She just kept walking until she found an empty seat and put her bag in the luggage compartment.
“Wicked.” Jules whispered smiling while looking at that plane, it looked much smaller than the ones she knew but still, quite good. She took a seat next to Daisy, who was also quite excited.
“I can't believe your dad paid for a private plane.” Jennifer  said to Hope Van Dyne, who was sipping her smoothie and sitting in one of the front seats.
“It's pretty much his only form of parenting.” Hope shrugged. “I guess I'll take it.”
“Well, thank you, Mr. Van Dyne!” They all exclaimed at the same time, laughing.
“All right, hustle up.” Coach Ward settled into one of the seats, looking that everyone was doing the same. Couch Coulson was already in Seattle, finishing up some paperwork or something. “It's gonna be a long flight.”
[pilot over speakers] ‘This is your captain. Our flight plan to Seattle has us going a bit farther north than expected. We're gonna try to avoid a storm system that's coming in. Should get some great views of the Canadian Rockies.’
Pietro returned to sit next to Wanda, who had saved his place by the window.
He settled and buckled in, noticing that Wanda kept moving her leg and playing with the rings on those soft hands. Something she did whenever she felt nervous.
“You okay, sestra?” Pietro raised an eyebrow.
Wanda didn't say anything, just nodded and faked the kindest smile she could. But not good enough to fool her twin brother.
“Remember when you came to Hilton Head with us in second grade and you cried the whole flight?” Pietro reached into his backpack and pulled out a bag, Twizzlers plus two delicious packs of Marinela's Pingüinos.  “I brought these for you. I know you love them, always help you feel better. I also saw that you forgot some of your cassettes on the kitchen table, so I brought them for you.”
He handed the bag to Wanda who just smiled and squeezed her brother's hand, totally grateful.
“I know you're doing this for me, coming on the trip when you shouldn't.” Wanda rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
“I know. I'm basically the best brother you have.” He smiled all smug.
“You’re the only brother I have.” Wanda smiled, they stayed that way for a moment until the boy gave her his  Hummel jacket, that one he loved so much. The one with some cool white arrows on the sides of the sleeves.
“And take this, in case you're cold. It's a good luck charm. Now nothing can touch you.”
Wanda chuckles softly.
From afar, Sharon Carter watched this and tried to get the attention of one of her friends.
“Psst. Dottie. Look at the weirdbros.” Sharon nodded at the twins, making her friend laugh.
What they didn't expect is that Y/N was listening behind them, so she kicked her seat making them jump.
“Stop saying that or I’ll break your fucking leg too.” Y/N said between her teeth, making Sharon open her eyes wide like a scared mouse and settle back into the seat.  “You’re still in trial period, baby-Yellowjacket.”
Next to Y/N, Natasha just smiled and shook her head.
The plane finally took off towards Seattle and everyone cheered, although as the pilot said, they would make a detour for a moment to avoid a huge storm without knowing that soon, their lives would change radically.
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Like every day, Wanda Maximoff got up early to make breakfast for the kids. Vision left two hours ago, he was in too much of a hurry saying  he had to get to an important meeting or something.
She waited for the bus to pick up the twins, then did the laundry -she cursed Vision three times under her breath for getting lipstick or tomato sauce on a shirt, she didn't know what the fuck was exactly-and finished cleaning the house.
Her life has been the same for years, a routine life, boring perhaps… and she never knew exactly why. She changed a lot, although physically not so much. Wanda stepped out of the lovely suburban home in Westview, a pretty, family-friendly place. She kindly greeted her nosy neighbor and began to water the plants, until something caught her eye.
“What the hell…” She murmured, half of those plants were bitten, completely devoured.
At that moment, a blonde woman got out of her car and walked slowly towards the entrance. Wanda was looking at her flowers, muttering some insults in Sokovian, didn't seem very happy.
“Aphids?”  The blonde asked, taking off her sunglasses.
“Rabbits.” Wanda looked up, surprised to find someone in the garden, but above all, someone she didn't know.
“Poor little guys.” The woman chuckled softly, getting closer. “Just trying to survive, I guess.”
Wanda brushed the dirt from her hands and approached the woman.  “I'm sorry, do we know each other?”
“Christine Everhart, Westview’s Ledger. I left you a few voice mails.” Christine wrinkles her nose knowing that Wanda wouldn't take that well, and she was right.
“Right.” Wanda exhaled and turned to leave. “Fuck off, Christine.”
“Wanda, wait. Wait!” The reporter walked after her, trying to stop her.
“I don't talk to reporters, but I'm guessing you already know that.” Wanda opened the door ready to lock herself in her house.
“I know that you've been letting other people tell your story. People who barely knew you, and they are making a lot of money doing it.” The blonde couldn't believe how she didn't talk about what happened on that trip. How come none of them spoke?
Everyone was eager to know what the hell happened, the huge mystery that surrounded the Yellowjackets for seventeen years.
“Five minutes. That's all I ask.” Christine begged with her best puppy face.  “If you don't like what I have to say, I will leave you alone. Promise.”
Hesitating for a moment, Wanda looked around, then allowed the reporter into her home. If she was going to get rid of her, she would do it in the least violent way possible or it would get more attention.
Trying to be as polite as possible, Wanda served some coffee for the guest while she organized the stuff she bought in the market.
“I know what you want to hear.” Wanda opened the fridge and put some meat and vegetables in the fridge.  “But the truth is… the plane crashed, a bunch of my friends died… and the rest of us starved and scavenged and prayed for 19 months, till they finally found us.”
She took a bunch of bananas and smiled somewhat ironically, leaving it in the fruit bowl. It was so simple, getting food just by leaving the house and walking a few streets.
Everything they lived through that time in the Canadian Rockies had been truly cruel and painful.
She swallowed hard, remembering with regret. “And that's the end of the story.”
The reporter nodded and then narrowed her eyes, completely unwilling to believe it was as simple as that.  “I think we both know there's a... bit more to it than that.”
Christine noted that in one of the bags, there was a 'US WEEKLY' magazine and on the cover was the huge wrecked plane in addition to the headline: ‘LITTLE GIRLS LOST.  17 YEARS LATER: remembering the Yellowjackets tragedy. Where are they now?’
“I can't imagine what you guys went through out there… Nobody can.”  She tried to pretend, in a very poor way, how sorry she was.
The brunette approached to take the magazine and put it in a drawer, out of sight.
“And that is worth something. It's worth a lot, actually.” Christine perched on the breakfast counter.  “Wanda… I can guarantee you a seven-figure book advance right here, right now.”
Wanda snorted, shaking her head. As if other people or chains had not tried it before, especially with Netflix pushing to do their thing.
“We could write it together but it's your name on the cover.”
Wanda looked up, there didn't even seem to be interested. “Mmm, not interested. Sorry.”
Christine bit her lower lip, trying her last card completely desperate. “What if I told you the others were?”
Wanda smiled ironically.  “Then I would say that you're lying.”
“So you're still in touch.” Touché. Christine smiled finding something else, something more than what she knew. “As well as Natasha Romanoff, who you keep as close friends. But how about the others?”
“I haven't spoken to any of them in years. I would not know how to get ahold of them even if I wanted to.” Rolling her eyes, Wanda seemed more and more disinterested, more uncomfortable and more annoyed. The memory of her friends ached inside, still, so bad.
“What about Y/N?”  That question caught her off guard. Like an arrow shot straight to her heart, that name made her entire body shudder.
Wanda shrugged, trying to look uninterested.
“I moved on, and I genuinely hope that they were able to do the same.” Wanda exhaled deeply, even thinking about Y/N made her stomach drop painfully.  “Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late to...”
“Wanda, this is the kind of money that could change your life.”
Wanda closed her eyes, trying to regain all the patience that remained inside her. She hated journalists so much, especially the ones who wrote shit about them and then stood there begging them for a bit of fame.
“You were a brilliant girl. Straight A's. Early admission to Yale. Is this really how you thought your life was gonna turn out?” Christine snorted, she couldn't believe that the future of that woman was so different from what was expected.
Wanda tilted her head, making Christine to rethink everything that came out of her mouth. Wanda's look was definitely an imposing one.
“Sorry.” The journalist stammered.  “I didn't mean to, uh...”
“I don't give a shit what you meant, you smug little bitch.” Wanda went from being an adorable soccer mom to a much more dangerous woman, a totally cold look. If she had powers, Christine would be in pieces right now.  “You don't know a fucking thing about my life.”
The coldness in Wanda's gaze made the blonde shiver, but she was grateful that the Sokovian woman just turned around and continued with her business, completely ignoring her.
“Well... if you change your mind...” The blonde approached to take a pen and write the exact amount that she could offer, and her pone number.
Wanda just pointed at the door.
“Get out of my house, my children will arrive soon.”
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Hours later, the doorbell rang again, pulling Wanda out of her thoughts. She was grateful that Vision took the kids to the movies.
She hurried to open the door, who quickly entered the house.
“Sorry, I'm late.”  Natasha apologized, taking off her jacket, feeling the warmth of the home.
Wanda smiled and they both walked towards the living room. “It’s okay. Do you want some tea or coffee?”
“No, I’m okay.” Nat licked her lips and sat on the sofa, expectant. She noticed that Vision and the twins were not there, so the urgent call from her friend must be a really important one. “What's going on?”
“A reporter approached me today.” Wanda handed her the card Christine left. “She said she was with the local paper, but I googled her and she wasn't credited in any bylines anywhere. Maybe it's a fake name.”
Natasha exhaled, taking the card to look at it. A phone number, the name of the journalist and a rather large number.
“These people come out of the woodwork every few years on some anniversary or another.” The redhead sighed, shaking her head. She was really exhausted from always having to deal with the same idiots.  “You know that. There's no reason to think this is any different, Wands.”
“I can think of a few.” Wanda lowered her gaze, playing with her rings.  “We agreed to say no more than we have to, stay out of the public eye. Last night, Jennifer appeared speaking to reporters as she was leaving the Courthouse. ”
“Wands, she's a lawyer... and a really good one.”
“No, Nat, I mean it… If someone's digging, we are all fucked.” Wanda got up to help herself to a little more coffee, maybe that wasn't helping so much. “You’re a cop. Take care of it.”
“I’ll do it, don’t worry.” she sighed somewhat tired.
Noticing that Natasha was telling her the truth, Wanda nodded much more relaxed.  “Thank you.”
Nat didn't say anything, just moved closer so she could take her hand and squeeze it gently. After a little silence, Wanda hesitated whether to ask what she wanted so much but ended up doing it. “Have you talked to her?”
Natasha pursed her lips. “All I know was she was in rehab. Again.”
Feeling deep sorrow and sadness upon hearing that, Wanda nodded. “And there's still no sign of the others?”
“Not for months.” The Russian played with that card between her fingers.
“Then we're fine. We’re okay.” Wanda tried to calm down. Maybe she was being too paranoid, but her whole life she was surrounded by all these crazy people wanting to know what they did in that place. “I just don't want to hurt my kids.”
“Don’t worry, okay?” Nat reached out to hug her tightly, knowing it was all her best friend needed.  “Twins are safe. Long as nobody does anything crazy... we have nothing to worry about.”
“Thank you, Nat.” Wanda closed her eyes, losing in that hug for a while until they moved away.
“I've to go now.” The redhead put her jacket back on and walked towards the door with Wanda. “She's going to be so upset if I don't show up for dinner tonight. I made a promise.”
“She’s too good. Say hi to your wife for me.” Wanda opened the door and kissed Nat’s cheek, watching her walk away.  “Tell Jules the Pavlova dessert was delicious, the kids loved it.”
“She’s amazing at cooking, right? I feel very lucky sometimes.” Nat smiled fondly and then walked to her car.  “Love you, Wands. Take care.”
Wanda stayed in the doorway, watching her friend drive away. Losing herself in thoughts once more.
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With the gaze lost in the swell of the waves, the sound of the seagulls and the beautiful landscape, Y/N tried to drown out all the chaos of her mind. ㅤㅤㅤ
Seventeen years later and a lot of pain, she was there. Her hair was a bit shorter, but she hadn't changed much. She seemed more mature, a scar on her eyebrow marked a change in her. She was wearing this huge dark T-shirt from some band so old, that no young man would recognize it.
Sitting with her eyes closed, she tried to meditate for a long time, breathing deeply and exhaling slowly. But of course there was always something that got in her way.
“Y/N, time for group.”
Until that stupid voice kicked her out of her paradise. Y/N cocked her head to see how that blonde boy invited her to attend the meeting. That stupid face of fake kindness made her stomach churn.
Anyway, she decided to take another deep breath and nodded, getting up to walk to the therapy room.
About fifteen minutes later, she was sitting across from all these people she didn't even know well, talking about their own problems.
“Remember, anger can be good.” Said the counselor, pulling Y/N out of her thoughts.
“Sure tell that to my parole officer.” One of the women in the group complained, she seemed quite upset. “I mean, all I'm saying is this bitch cut me in line.”
“Y/N?” The counselor looked at her, expecting that this time she would speak.  “Seeing as how this is your last day with us, any final inspirations you'd like to pass on to the group?”
After a few seconds of silence, Y/N sighed, leaning back in the chair. “Purpose. Find a purpose.”
She licked her lips and noticed how everyone listened carefully to everything she was going to say. Didn't know if it was because they were really interested in her or just because she was a Yellowjacket, and those were morbid bastards.
“I used to think all the drinking, drugs and the sex…” Y/N inhaled deeply. “I used to think I did those things because of… what happened out there.”
Y/N’s gaze was lost. She could still hear the screams, could still feel the hunger, could still feel the cold burning her skin.  
“What I... saw.” Y/N murmured, remembering the sound of the plane crashing. The screams of who her friends were. “What I... did.”
“Oh, my God. What did you do?!” One of the girls in the group ended up exploding, expectant and exhausted from never knowing the answer.  “You literally never told us.”
“Zip it, Ariana!” She was silenced by another one.
“Anyway, the real reason is much simpler.” Y/N spoke again, coming back to reality.  “After they rescued us, I lost my purpose and thanks to my time here... I finally know how to get it back.”
The group therapy ended and after saying goodbye to everyone, Y/N sat on the steps at the entrance of that place, waiting for the cab that would soon pick her up.
She didn't have many belongings other than a suitcase with clothes and her keys.
Y/N sighed, wishing with all her heart that she could have a cigarette but decided to look for something in the pocket of the leather jacket.
It was postcard, someone sent it with her mail, of course she didn't have mail so that had definitely surprised Y/N a lot. ㅤㅤㅤ The postcard had a beautiful landscape of the Canadian Rockies and a typical: WISH YOU WERE HERE!
But the strange thing about this was the drawing on it, in a reddish color. Some kind of symbol, starting with a circle, a triangle as the body and four lines on the sides of it. But the last of the lines went through the triangle and below, a kind of hook.
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Of course she recognized that fucking symbol perfectly, whoever sent it knew what they did.
The cab lights blinded her for a moment. She took the suitcase and got into the taxi, happy to get the hell out of that damn place.
“Where to?” The driver asked, watching her in the rearview mirror.
“You pick up a lot of people here?” Y/N raised an eyebrow.
“A few, sure.”
Y/N chuckled softly. “How many go straight to a bar?”
“You want to go to a bar?”
Y/N thought about it for a moment and then settled into the seat.  “LAX. I'll catch a red-eye flight.”
The taxi moved forward leaving that place behind and with it, a completely different Y/N. The dark-haired girl took a chewing gum, closing her eyes as she tasted it.
Wishing with all her heart that everything turned out well.
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After six hours of flight and two large cups of coffee, Y/N opened the door of that self-storage on the outskirts of New Jersey. It was quite a safe place and very discreet, that's why she had left her baby there.
She swallowed hard when she saw the car, covered by a huge dusty sheet which she carefully removed, uncovering that wonderful car.
It was a beautiful black Porsche Carrera 993, still immaculate, still badass.
Y/N slid her fingers over its roof, caressing it gently and reliving so many memories. Her heart sank as she remembered Auntie Claire’s smile when she was driving the Carrera.
She held on and closed her eyes, knowing that she should live in reality and not in those memories. Once she was able to get over all those bad feelings that tried to drown her, Y/N walked to the trunk to look for some stuff.
A sports bag with money, some documents and passports, but mostly a gun,a shotgun and some bullets. She covered everything quickly with the same sheet. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Nice ride.”
That male voice forced her to turn around quickly. A man in his fifties and rather good-natured appearance was watching her from afar.
“Sorry. I'm Dave. The manager.” Dave smiled friendly.
“Hi, Dave.” Y/N arched an eyebrow, waiting for the man to say something else.
“I'm sorry. It's just...” He shrugged somewhat embarrassedly, definitely making Y/N feel somewhat guilty.  “Haven't seen anyone around this unit since I've been here. Vultures have been circling it for years, but I keep telling 'em, long as the bill's paid, it’s not my thing to touch.” The man chuckled.
“Then thank you, Dave. I really appreciate what you have done.”  Y/N gave him a bit of a friendly smile, for the first time in a long time.
“You local?” Sure enough the chubby man tried to get some info of her but she just shrugged.
“Was.” The dark-haired woman turned to look at her car and narrowed her eyes, pulling out the key to unlock the alarm.  “Been a while since I've been... home.”
“Then welcome back.” Dave smiled tenderly again and held out his hand. Y/N hesitated for a moment but she ended up shaking it.
“Thanks, Dave.” Y/N opened the door, but not before turning to see the trunk, knowing what was kept there.  “I wasn't sure how I'd feel, but... I think it'll be good to reconnect with some old friends.”
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Well, I hope you liked it! It is the beginning. I am very delighted with the tv show! I want you to know that there will be stuff that I am not going to write here, or there are things that I will take her my way. This is my own dumb version. Example, pregnancy, I'm not going to bring that here.
Enjoy it, I hope you do. If you want to be tagged, just ask!
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ : @imnotasuperhero @yourfavunsub @kaiidth-wandika
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coochiequeens · 21 days
Even advocates of surrogacy should agree that regulations are needed
BY Samuel Burke August 16, 2024
In Europe, commercial surrogacy is largely banned and seen as a form of body commodification, similar to organ trafficking. Only a few countries permit highly regulated altruistic surrogacy, which limits reimbursement to just expenses and no additional compensation—resulting in limited participation. Demand for surrogacy, however, is soaring due to delayed childbearing, increasing medical challenges, and the growth of LGBTQ+ family-building. The surrogacy market, valued at $14 billion in 2022, is projected to skyrocket to $129 billion by 2032, according to Global Market Insights.
Currently, only a few European countries, such as Ukraine and Greece, permit commercial surrogacy. These nations operate in a legal gray area with minimal oversight, leading to a largely unregulated industry fraught with issues like trafficking women, falsified documents and sham embryo transfers.
Before the 2022 invasion, Ukraine was a global surrogacy hub estimated to have 2,000-2,500 surrogacy contracts annually. Despite the ongoing conflict, the industry continues, with some women still carrying pregnancies in war-torn Ukraine. Controversially, Ukrainian surrogates now leave their families behind and travel to places like Greece and Northern Cyprus (recognized only by Turkey) to complete pregnancies. The women often live with multiple surrogates in the same dwellings while they wait to give birth.
Advocates for reform argue that current practices neglect the welfare of surrogates. Wes Johnson-Ellis, co-founder of the U.K. non-profit My Surrogacy Journey (MSJ), asserts that surrogates should not have to leave their families to move to another country for the pregnancy to help others build theirs.
Pregnancy and birth are vulnerable times for surrogates. They need their support network and family close by to ensure they are fully supported,” Johnson-Ellis says.
MSJ frequently assists families who’ve faced trying circumstances with other agencies. One couple pursuing surrogacy in Cyprus believed their surrogate was Cypriot. However, she was actually from Eastern Europe and returned to her native country, where she gave birth prematurely according to Johnson-Ellis. Tragically, the baby did not survive.
“They are still fighting to have the baby’s body exhumed and sent back to their home country for a proper burial,” says Johnson-Ellis.
Last August, Greek authorities raided the Mediterranean Fertility Institute in Crete and arrested staff amid allegations of trafficking nearly 100 women from Eastern Europe to act as surrogates. Officials also accused the company of falsifying adoption papers for clients from countries where surrogacy is illegal. The institute is now closed and has not responded to inquiries about these allegations. Advocates for affected families, many from Australia, claim they paid for a surrogacy program that was never fulfilled.
The Republic of Georgia had also emerged as a popular surrogacy destination in Europe, but last year, the Georgian prime minister announced that commercial surrogacy would be restricted to Georgian citizens only. This has left the legality of programs in Georgia in limbo, affecting intended parents from around the world who had turned to the country for surrogacy.
Scandals and swiftly shifting surrogacy laws have sent intended parents in Europe scrambling to relocate their embryos to countries with more stable or established surrogacy frameworks, primarily in the Americas. 
The United States is the top destination for commercial surrogacy due to its well-established legal framework and advanced medical care. However, it is also the most expensive, with total costs for IVF and surrogacy—including medical, legal, and agency fees—averaging $190,000 to $230,000.
Those high costs have traditionally made Canada a more affordable surrogacy option, with costs for IVF and surrogacy averaging $60,000 to $100,000. Although commercial surrogacy is banned, Canadian law permits altruistic surrogacy, similar to the U.K., Denmark, and the Netherlands. This lower cost has dramatically increased demand, leading to average wait times of 10 to 18 months and driving hopeful parents to seek commercial surrogates in Latin America.
Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico are attracting intended parents as alternatives to Europe, with costs typically under $80,000. Mexico City, in particular, has become a popular choice due to its low costs and progressive surrogacy laws.
“Confidence in Mexico is shifting,” says Johnson-Ellis of My Surrogacy Journey, which has launched a service guiding families there. “Mexico actually has more guardrails and regulations in place than the U.S. and has even had the support of the Mexican Supreme Court since 2021.” He points to Mexico City’s practice of issuing pre-birth orders that recognize the intended parents as the legal parents and even list the surrogate as the gestational carrier, not the biological mother when she’s used donor eggs. 
The surrogacy boom in the Americas is coming at Europe’s expense. Advocates argue that Europe’s ban on commercial surrogacy limits access to services and, ironically, increases the exploitation and coercion of women.
“With a commercial model, everyone knows where they stand,” Johnson-Ellis says. “There’s no gray. It’s very black and white. And I think with surrogacy, you need black and white.”
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dreamyeuphoricll · 6 months
One piece characters Nationalities
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Brazil🇧🇷: known for its iconic Carnival Festival and the statue of Christ the redeemer 🎺 🎊🪇🥁🪘
Sweden🇸🇪: known as the Pop music Capital of the world 🎵🎤🎙️🎛️🎧🎚️
Japan 🇯🇵: One of the most developed countries,that produce Manga and Anime 🍜🎎👘⛩️🏯㊗️
France 🇫🇷: has the iconic Eiffel Tower,and luxurious fashion brands 🗼👗🍬📸🎨
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Canada🇨🇦: famous for its maple syrup, Niagara falls, northern lights and more attractions 🍁🥌 🥞🍯
India🇮🇳: has an iconic building,the Taj mahal,and also the birthplace of Yoga 🧘🏾🥻🕌
United States 🇺🇲: One of the dream place. With famous stars,movies,artists,cities,brands and attractions 🗽🌃🎥🦅🍔🎢🏈
Russia🇷🇺: famous for many things but mostly the beautiful iconic landmarks known as The Moscow Kremlins ☃️🥟💈🌨️🎪
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Austria🇦🇹: mostly famous for its castles,palaces and buildings 🏰🧭
China🇨🇳: has beautiful culture and most famous for its food, martial arts,and the iconic Great Wall of China ⛩️🐅🐼🍜🏯🥋
South Africa🇿🇦: famous for its history,natural attractions,food and wildlife 🦁🦓🐗🐃🐘🦏🦒🐦🦃🦚🦈🐬🐳🍊🍌🥘
Germany🇩🇪: renowned for multitude of things but mostly the Oktoberfest 🪽🪽🍄
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Italy 🇮🇹: famous for having one of the best foods in the world. 🍝🍕🍤🦞
UK 🇬🇧: famous for many things but mostly the royal history and culture,even for many sports. Not to forget tea and fish and chips🍟☕🚌🎡🏰🤴👸
Spain 🇪🇸: known as one of the top wine-producing countries in the world🍸🍷🍾🥂
Australia 🇦🇺: known as one of the most popular tourist destinations with many unique animals and attractions. Like the iconic Great barrier reef ⛰️🐺🦘🐨🕷️
Comment down below if u got more things to add about ur country
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travelladiesapp · 8 months
Safest Countries for Solo Female Travelers
In an ever-changing world, the perception of travel has evolved, brimming with powerful, courageous women who explore the globe solo. This leap into the unknown can be both exciting and intimidating, but with a careful selection of destinations, safety does not have to be forfeited for a memorable adventure. This article highlights the five safest countries that can promise solo female travelers an experience enriched with culture, stunning views, warm hospitality, and most importantly, safety
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Known for its technological advancements juxtaposed against a backdrop of well-preserved, rich history, Japan tops our list. The country is renowned for its exceptional levels of safety, making it ideal for solo female travelers. Japanese people are gracious hosts and uphold values of respect and humility that define their culture. Public transport is reliable and operates accurately to the minute, and streets are generally illuminated and populated even at night. From the scenic beauty of cherry blossoms in Kyoto to the fascinating city life of Tokyo, your journey through Japan is expected to be unforgettable.
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Widely recognized as one of the most gender-equal countries globally, it comes as no surprise that Iceland is the second on our list. Boasting incredibly low crime rates, the Land of Fire and Ice provides not just safety but also the captivating beauty of its natural wonders. Whether it's the Northern Lights, the Blue Lagoon, or the majestic waterfalls and geysers, Iceland delivers a thrilling adventure for travelers, always within a safe environment.
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Another Nordic country that ranks high in safety is Finland. Finnish people are generally quiet but very polite and respectful, and criminals are few and far between. The bustling city life of Helsinki, combined with the serene landscapes of Lapland, makes Finland a great destination with ample cultural immersion or relaxation, depending on your preference.
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For solo female travelers seeking English-speaking destinations, Canada arrives as a safe haven. Canadians are renowned for their friendly disposition, and the nation flaunts an impressively low crime rate. Its cities, such as Vancouver and Toronto, are clean and safe, with efficient public transport systems. Moreover, the spell-bounding beauty of the Canadian Rockies, Niagara Falls, and the charm of Quebec add variety to the discovery journey.
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Often touted as one of the friendliest countries in Europe, Portugal is a hot spot for solo female travelers. With its safety record, gorgeous coastline, captivating history, delicious cuisine, and welcoming locals, Portugal has so much to offer. The Portuguese people uphold the values of hospitality and are always willing to extend a helping hand to tourists, ensuring your stay is safe and enjoyable.
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millythegoat · 3 months
Canada really destined to play in the Copa America..their shithousery is top notch. Especially from Stephen Eustáquio (FC Porto player). The commentator is really smooth with the transition
everyone faces in here thooo 😭
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anamericangirl · 1 year
America is about as evil as any organization I can imagine. The justice system is evil, the school system is evil, the politicians are evil, the bureaucrats working for the politicians are evil. The theories behind the nation are nice, (like the constitution), but how does one support a theory when the reality is something else entirely?
Well you don’t even know what a person is so I can’t really take your opinions too seriously.
But if you can’t imagine anything more evil than America research places like Canada, Russia, China or North Korea.
The American government has gotten way too big and does some bad things but America is not evil and it remains the best, most free country in the world, which is why we are the top immigration destination in the world. We have wandered away from our roots and need to get back to them but it’s a bit much to pretend you can’t imagine anything more evil than the US. Like I can think of several things off the top of my head without even trying.
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corner-stories · 9 months
when it's dark in a cold decembre (but i've got you to keep me warm)
Jean Kirschtein. Mikasa Ackerman. Kiyomi Azumabito. Holiday Visits. Awkward Family Dinners. Cuddles. Doggies. 4191 words. (ao3.)
Vancouver is a change of pace. Having grown so used to winters in Montreal — or even his hometown of Trois-Rivieres — arriving at YVR to rain instead of snow leaves him confused. 
At least Mikasa seems to find amusement in the poor Quebecer getting soaked in the drizzle. 
A rapid transit line takes them from the airport to downtown, then an Uber driver takes them the rest of the way. As the vehicle crosses the Lionsgate Bridge, Jean’s eyes are affixed to the window and towards the rainy city outside.
At this time of night, all he can see is artificial lights — buildings with glass exteriors standing amidst the ocean and coniferous trees. It’s just enough to let him see the outline of the mountains. Above it all are clouds in a dark sky. 
The car drives deeper into West Vancouver. The houses lining the roads are built with an emphasis on style and aesthetic, most of them looking to have been designed very recently with walls made of stone and glass. 
Mikasa had told him that her Auntie was wealthy, and as the car passes by a house with more driveways and outdoor entertaining space to do with, the sentiment rings true. 
Soon enough, the car arrives at the destination. 
The house Mikasa grew up in differs from the gray homes adorning the streets. When Jean sees it, his eyes go to the vinyl siding and the rugged roof tiles, attributes that make the craftsman home feel like an island in the ocean of stone and glass houses. 
Jean hoists his bags over his shoulder as the Uber driver takes off down the street. Mikasa walks from the street to the curb, comfortably taking her boyfriend’s hand as he looks at the house. 
“You like?” 
Jean nods, unable to take his eyes off the bulbs adorning the eaves. “I like the lights.” 
“Auntie likes them, too.” She then squeezes his hand and begins guiding him towards the house. 
Jean follows, keeping his eyes on the ground and watching her boots step into the puddles on the pathway. The rain is lighter here than it is at the airport, but it’s still enough for water droplets to collect in his hair. 
The two climb up the steps and Jean mentally goes over the backstory Mikasa had given him regarding her aunt. Kiyomi had grown up alongside Mikasa’s mother in Tokyo, and despite being cousins they acted a lot more like sisters. They even moved to Vancouver together to study. They had kept in touch even when Makoto married a local man while Kiyomi moved back to Japan.
It was no surprise that Kiyomi was the one who stepped up after Mikasa’s parents passed, gladly taking the nine-year-old in and giving her shelter in a time where she had none. She even decided to move back to Canada permanently to be near her niece. 
Despite coming from wealth, Kiyomi kept herself busy as a tenured professor at a local university. Giving lectures on international relations seemed to be her second priority on top of providing for Mikasa. Academia appeared to run in the Azumabito-Ackerman household. 
As Jean keeps reciting the lore in his head, he turns to Mikasa and asks a last-minute question.
“So… is there anything else I should know?” His voice is just slightly tinged with his signature wit. “You know, before the point of no return?” 
“Just be yourself,” Mikasa insists as her boots touch the top of the porch. “Besides, you both like sassing me and old school Celine Dion, in her mind you can do no wrong.” 
Jean makes a noise that’s in between an awkward laugh and a nervous chuckle. “That’s one way to look at things…” 
When the doorbell rings, what immediately follows is the sound of several dogs barking their heads off — one even sounds like a howl. Through the pane of glass in the door Jean can see two fluffy creatures with legs rushing to the door. After they yelp at the door for a few seconds, a person descends the stairs and gestures for said creatures to quiet down. 
Unsurprisingly, the act of wagging one’s finger at two rambunctious dogs does nothing to quell their screams. 
Nonetheless, the door opens and the pair of tired traveling grad students are greeted to the sight of Mikasa’s Aunt Kiyomi.
As to be expected, the older lady is smiling from ear to ear and immediately steps forward to embrace her niece. Mikasa herself gives a gentle grin as she hugs her Aunt back. 
Jean gives them their space as they reunite. In the space between the doorframe and the door, he gets a better look into the house, taking note of the wooden floors, the warm lighting, the spotless walls. The whole place is impeccably clean, even with the two dogs running around.
Speaking of which, Jean also gets an eyeful of the canines standing behind Kiyomi — one is a samoyed with the doofiest grin he’s ever seen on a dog, and the other is husky with an abundance of fluffy fur. The husky in particular is letting out dramatic weeping noises as it looks at the visitors at the door. 
When aunt and niece separate, Kiyomi sets her eyes on Jean. 
“And is this the boyfriend I’ve heard so much about?” she asks. “Jean, right?”
Jean gives a nod and a polite smile. “That’s me.” He reaches out and shakes her hand. “Nice to meet you, Miss Azumabito.”
Kiyomi is a head shorter than both Jean and Mikasa. Like her niece, her hair is dark, but she keeps it neatly combed and tied into a proper bun. 
The only woman looks him up and down, seemingly content with finally meeting him in the flesh. She even seems flattered by his formality. “Please, call me Kiyomi. And come in, you two must be soaked.”
Jean and Mikasa enter the home, bringing their luggage with them. He’s only been in Vancouver for an hour and he’s already relieved to get out of the downpour. 
As Jean shakes the water out of his hair, Mikasa kneels down to the two dogs of the Azumabito household. She beams sweetly at both the husky and the samoyed, both of which are excited to see her return. The husky in particular is wagging its tail so hard that its rear end is shaking. 
Back at McGill, Mikasa had spoken at length about her dogs back at home. Back at their apartment, there’s a photo of both the husky and samoyed as puppies pinned to their refrigerator.
Seeing the dogs in the fluff is significantly more enjoyable than seeing them in photo form. The sweet look of heartfelt joy on Mikasa’s face is also a bonus. 
“Yes, yes, I missed you, too,” says Mikasa as the husky kisses her cheek. 
Kiyomi immediately proves to be a cordial host. She takes Jean’s jacket without being prompted, hanging it up on a nearby coat rack. She then reaches for the luggage and grabs the first two bags she can find. 
“It’s been raining all week,” the older lady says. She takes a pair of backpacks to a nearby closet. 
“Has it?” asks Mikasa. 
There is an irked, gravelly tone to Kiyomi’s voice as she replies. “Unfortunately.” 
Mikasa lets out a hum, which is her way of laughing. “That’s a Vancouver Christmas for you.” 
Jean chuckles as he rubs his freezing hands together. Now free from the constraints of his parka, he kneels down to get to Mikasa’s level and looks at the pair of dogs. 
“Hey, I’ve heard a lot about you two,” he says, petting the head of the cheery samoyed. “So… which one’s which again?”
Mikasa gestures to the husky lovingly licking her cheek. “This one’s Mochi…” She then points to the white fluff ball. “...and this one’s Miso.” 
Jean can’t help but chuckle, a throaty one that makes the corners of his mouth turn up. 
Somehow, he’s getting the feeling that he’ll enjoy the holidays here. 
Dinner is a simple affair, though Kiyomi uses it as an excuse to break out a bottle of red from the cellar. Christmas may be a few days away, but her beloved niece returning home is a good reason to celebrate. She serves dishes that Mikasa has had throughout her childhood, only occasionally having to scold the dogs for putting their paws on the table. Evidently, Mochi absolutely drools in the presence of Kiyomi’s katsudon. 
And true to Mikasa’s words, Kiyomi is a fan of old-school Dion, as the singer’s Christmas album proceeds to play on the house stereo. 
Jean sits at the table and listens to aunt and niece catching up, taking note of the way Mikasa’s eyes light up as she speaks. Sometimes they’ll slip into Japanese in the middle of the conversation, only exchanging a few brief sentences before returning to English. It happens so smoothly that Jean can tell it’s just one of those habits the two share. 
And suddenly, he now knows how Mikasa feels when he switches into French with other francophones in front of her. 
A part of him is hesitant to chime in, as the flow of the conversation feels so fast. He’s also worried that he might spoil the joy of the reunion. 
So he spends the time petting Miso under the table while Mochi tries to steal some bites of okonomiyaki. At least the samoyed has begun taking a liking to him. 
Mikasa recalls to her Aunt Kiyomi exactly how she and Jean met. The story involved a social gathering for McGill grad students, as well as alcohol and a karaoke machine. Sometimes Jean thinks about how different things would have been had Mikasa not spilled wine on his shirt at the start of the party — he would have probably spent the night drunk singing instead of watching her trying to fruitlessly clean his clothes in the bathroom. 
Considering how many of his colleagues at the School of Architecture were attending the party, Mikasa had most likely saved his reputation before he even had one to destroy. 
Mikasa is in the midst of explaining her thesis to Kiyomi, detailing how she made the choice to specialize in plant pathology. Recently, she’s been studying a virus that has only been affecting flowers that thrive in cold weather. 
Jean loves it when she gets like this, so wrapped up in explaining her work that she’s talking more than she usually does. Truth be told, he can’t comprehend enough botanical science to truly understand what she’s talking about, but the fact that she can talk about trees and flowers like an artist talks about the Sistine Chapel is enough for him. Seeing the way she lights up as she talks about what she’s dedicating her life to is all he’ll ever need. 
Plus, Mikasa always seems tuned in when he goes on and on about architecture mumbo jumbo, even the stuff that he knows for a fact will bore people to tears. (“No one cares about the history of the pillar,” Sasha’s voice echoes in his head.) The least he can do is be an attentive boyfriend. 
“It’s nice to know that all those years away from home have done you good,” Kiyomi says, pouring herself a little more wine. 
“It has,” Mikasa assures. She then looks down and sees Mochi resting his chin on her lap with a loving look in his eyes.“But I can never stay away for too long…” 
Kiyomi looks amused. “Have you ever considered getting a dog?” 
“We have,” Jean finally speaks up. It’s telling of him that the one topic he’s more comfortable chining in on is pets. “But it’d be a hassle while we’re both still in school.”
Nonetheless, Kiyomi looks interested and listens intently. 
“We did dogsit for our friend Historia once — she’s got a terrier mix, we watched it for about a week,” Jean continues, then lets out a chuckle. “The poor guy would weep every time we crated him for the night, wouldn’t sleep unless he was in the bed with us.” 
Mikasa lets out a polite hum, reliving the memories of the two stressed grad students trying to curb a terrier’s energy inside their apartment. At least the little one was calm once he was allowed to sleep in the realm of the humans. 
“And our bedroom still has some of Donut’s dog hair in it,” Mikasa adds. 
Kiyomi spends a moment politely laughing along.
“Oh, speaking of which,” the older lady starts, eyeing the man currently petting the samoyed under the table. “Jean, I prepared the guest bedroom for you.” 
It does not take long for both Jean and Mikasa to understand the implications. Jean is suddenly plunged into a mix of embarrassment and confusion, a sensation that makes him pick up the fidgety mannerisms of a twelve-year-old boy. 
“Ah… thank you?” is all he can muster. Awkwardly, he scratches the back of his neck. 
Meanwhile, Mikasa’s sweet smile disappears from her pretty face and in its place is a glare directed at the hostess. 
“Auntie, I was under the impression that my room would be available for us,” she asks in a tone that’s the slightest bit stilted, perhaps to cover up her clear agitation. 
“Oh, certainly, Dear, it’s available for you,” Kiyomi explains simply. The way she says ‘dear’ is both motherly and condescending. “I’ve cleaned it and everything.” 
Mikasa starts to look more and more frustrated with every passing second. “I meant for both of us.” 
“Not in my house.” Kiyomi then reaches for the bottle in the middle of the table like nothing is wrong. “More wine, anyone?” 
Then just like before, Mikasa and Kiyomi slip into a tongue that’s foreign to Jean's ears. This time, instead of speaking Japanese for a sentence or two, the two engage into what can respectfully be referred to as a “passive aggressive debate.” 
Jean hasn’t learned enough Japanese to discern exactly what the two are saying, but the subject matter is enough to bring a blush to his cheeks. He didn’t anticipate that the concept of he and Mikasa sharing a room — despite sharing so much more back in their apartment in Montreal — would be such a hot topic in the Azumabito household. Apparently, Kiyomi had put a lot of thought into making sure that her niece and her niece’s boyfriend didn’t get too close.
Mikasa’s tone is composed, focused, the one she uses when she has to babysit freshmen undergrads all day. Yet it is laced with just enough persistence to prove that she’s not backing down without a fight. On the other hand, Kiyomi remains placid as she explains her point, continuing to act like there’s nothing wrong with her silly little rule. 
Suddenly, Jean’s wondering why he passed up on his mother’s offer to spend the holidays with her in Montpellier. 
To quell the uncomfortable knot forming in his stomach, Jean begins petting another dog — Mochi this time — and reaches for the bottle of red. 
“Some wine sounds nice, actually.”
Once dinner and the debate is over, the two jet-lagged grad students decide to retire for the night. It’s only 9 o’clock but it feels so much later than that. 
The outcome of the conversation has caused Jean to unpack his luggage in the basement guest room, whereas Mikasa is forced to do the same on the top floor. 
The last time Mikasa had stayed in her childhood bedroom, she was taking a break before heading onto grad school. She can remember the months she spent preparing to move across the country for a second time — the tables she waited to earn extra cash, the lessons she spent with a tutor to get a better grasp on French. Montreal was going to be a whole new beast compared to Toronto — where she had completed her undergrad — and every reminder of that was a sign that she needed to prepare. 
That era of her life was roughly two years ago, yet Mikasa feels like it’s a millenia away. 
Despite Kiyomi’s rule regarding her niece and her niece’s significant other, at least the bedroom is clean and cozy. Although the pictures and art on the wall have been removed, the sheets are clean and the blankets are soft, more than enough to help Mikasa survive the night. 
So alone in her room, Mikasa lies on a bed and reads a book, her usual habit whenever she needs to fall asleep. With the sound of rain hitting the roof and the two dogs napping at the foot of her bed, she almost feels like she’s in high school again, preferring to spend hours in her room just snuggling with Mochi and Miso. 
As Mikasa turns the page, she hears a light knock. Mochi immediately lifts his head from the cushions and watches the door open. Jean peaks in with a playful, almost boyish look on his face, knowing well that what he’s doing is a little mischievous. 
He steps into the room calmly, having changed from his traveling clothes to something a lot more comfortable. He’s wearing a pair of pyjama pants that Mikasa bought for him on a whim, as well as a flannel shirt that he’s buttoned sparingly. His hair is damp from a shower, ashy brown locks draping messily over his face. The stubble on his jawline and chin looks a bit thicker, more like a short beard. 
Knowing Jean, Mikasa wonders if he’s trying to entice her, as he knows exactly what she thinks when she sees him looking so disheveled. 
“What are you reading?” he asks, stepping barefoot into her room. He sits on the edge of her bed and starts petting Miso, who predictably reacts with a doofy grin. 
Mikasa looks away from her book. “One of Sasha’s romance novels — she lent it to me.”
Jean catches sight of the muscular man on the cover and raises an eyebrow. “Sasha reads romance?” 
“When she can,” Mikasa answers. “Vet school’s been taking up a lot of her time.” 
There is a beat — Mikasa continues reading and Jean continues petting the dog on the bed. He then notices something that brings a smile to his face. 
“You’re wearing my shirt.” 
Mikasa is nonplussed as she turns a page. “I know.”
Nowadays, Jean’s green button-front shirt finds itself in Mikasa’s care more often than his. He doesn’t seem to mind though. 
Mikasa changes the subject with ease. She looks up and affixes her gaze to his. “How’s the guest room? Cozy?”
“It is.” He nods his head, then his voice goes warm. “Not as cozy as this though.” 
Mikasa is quick to close her book and give him a knowing look. “Don’t get any ideas. I wouldn’t want Kiyomi to toss you onto the street.” 
Jean puts his hands up in mock defeat. “Trust me, I wouldn’t want that either.” 
Putting her novel away, she straightens her back and sits up. “I’m sorry you had to see the argument.” 
“It’s fine,” Jean shrugs. At least he’s good at taking things in stride. “What’s the holidays without some family bickering, huh?”
Mikasa lets out a sigh and looks down. “Unfortunately.” 
In hindsight, attempting to argue with Kiyomi in Japanese was somewhat pointless, as Jean most likely knew that they were talking about thanks to their mannerisms. Some things in the world are just made to transcend language barriers.
“But hey, I don’t wanna rock the boat.” He’s trying to keep a positive undertone to his voice. “I just wanted to say goodnight.” 
He moves on the bed a bit to sit next to her, gently cupping her face with his hand and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Mikasa closes her eyes and lets the gesture send a warm sensation throughout her entire body. The unease she had dealt with at dinner starts to fade away. 
With his palms still touching her cheeks, Jean presses a kiss to her lips. It’s gentle, sweet, and makes her want him to stay.
She puts her hands on his as they remain on her face, gently deepening their kiss as her forehead brushes against his. He’s warm, so warm.
Mikasa’s hands trail down to Jean’s shoulders, then to his chest — her thumbs start hooking into the hems of his shirt. 
But before anything more can happen, Jean pulls away. She can see the flustered look on his face as his breathing goes unsteady.
“I should go,” he insists, quickly buttoning up his shirt. 
Sensing the urgency Mikasa nods along. She then remembers that Kiyomi is still awake and currently relaxing one floor beneath them. 
Also, if they are to engage in any intimacy during the stay, she would rather do it without the dogs in the room.
Jean takes her hand and kisses it, a last gesture before he leaves. 
“See you in the morning, mon amour.” 
And when everything said is done, he leaves. Standing from the bed, he gives the dogs some last pets before walking out of the bedroom. He makes sure to give Mikasa one last assuring look before he is truly gone. 
Once the door is closed, Mikasa takes in a breath and rubs her face. Her palms are sweating. When she opens her eyes she is greeted to the sight of Mochi and Miso staring at her with their unblinking gazes. 
Her first instinct is to glare back. “Don’t judge me, I’ve seen you two dig up a hornet’s nest.” 
It’s 5AM when Mikasa wakes. The room is warm and so is the bed, yet when she reaches to the other side to only feel nothing it might as well be cold as ice. 
After opening her eyes, she spends a few moments staring at the ceiling and thinking about how tired she is. She may be on vacation, but parts of her are still in grad student mode. Her body has yet to comprehend that she’s not going to spend the day TAing or going over research notes.  
When Mikasa gets up, she notices that the dogs are no longer sleeping at the foot of her bed. With the bedroom door ajar, she surmises that Mochi and Miso have transitioned to sleeping in Kiyomi’s bed, as per usual. 
Being jet-lagged, Mikasa feels awake, but the kind of awake where one can either function for the day or go for a few more hours of slumber. She contemplates going for an early morning run to ease her nerves, then looks to the window to find that last night’s downpour has intensified. 
Vancouver is always rainy, but the kind of rain that makes it impossible to go outside feels truly constricting. 
Then an idea pops into Mikasa’s head, one attached to consequences but possible enough to pull off. She has to be careful though, so as quietly as she can she slips out of bed and steps onto the floor. 
The carpets dampen the noise of her footfalls as she makes her way through the hallway. When she sees Kiyomi’s bedroom door slightly ajar, she takes in the sight of her Auntie sleeping in between the world’s fluffiest dogs. Smartly, she makes sure to close the door. 
Mikasa descends the stairs to the first floor, moving past the furniture and framed photographs before approaching the basement entrance. The lower portion of the house is as cozy as the rest and when she arrives at the bedroom at the end of the hall she slips in without any hesitation. She makes sure to lock the door behind her. 
The guest room is warm, Jean’s belongings are scattered about. On a nearby chair is the shirt he had been wearing in her room and on the desk is one of his sketchbooks — he’s quite fond of traveling with at least one. The open page is filled with doodles of Mochi and Miso.
Jean is fast asleep on the bed, bare-chested and breathing gently. His eyes are closed and his hair is strewn in every direction. 
Mikasa doesn’t waste any more time. She slips under the sheets, her body easily finding his, and begins peppering kisses against his shoulder. 
With the sweetest touch, she trails her lips up his neck and onto his jaw. His stubble is soft and tickles her face. He lets out a hum, as he’s used to being woken up like this. His eyes are still closed as he shifts slightly, letting Mikasa easily pry herself under his arm. Soon she rests her head on his chest, where she always likes to be. He’s warm, warmer than her room upstairs. 
With all his strength, Jean manages to open his eyes just enough to see his girlfriend snuggling against him. The room is dark, but she can still see the sleepy smile on his beautiful face. 
“Couldn’t stay away?” 
“Not a bit.” 
Mikasa relaxes into him, letting his heartbeat become a gentle lullaby. In the sheets his hand finds hers and holds it tight, one of her legs hooking around his. She is content to drift off to sleep just like this.  
She’ll deal with the consequences later. 
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