#top 10 medical colleges in america
nikkiadderley88 · 2 months
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Christ Britt
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Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
September 17, 2024
I am not going to take the bait dangled by JD Vance about the lack of assassination attempts on Kamala Harris. Trump and Vance have leaned into their anti-immigrant and “blame the liberals” for the assassination attempts and have succeeded in diverting the conversation from the fascistic threat posed to America by Project 2025. Every day that Project 2025 is not at the top of the news cycle is a day that the media has failed democracy.
To recap, Trump and Vance plan to do the following using the blueprint of Project 2025 (per Democracy Forward)
·      Impose a national abortion ban.
·      Restrict access to contraception
·      Remove medical privacy protections for people seeking reproductive healthcare
·      Engage in mass deportations of 20 million immigrants
·      Roll back protection for same sex marriage and LGBTQ rights
·      Remove prohibitions on discrimination on the basis of race or sex
·      Allow the president to use the DOJ to target political enemies
·      Cut funding to the FBI
·      Eliminate the Department of Education
·      Eliminate the Department of Homeland Security
·      Disband the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
·      Fire thousands of civil servants whose expertise keeps the wheels of government turning
·      Slash corporate income taxes
·      Eliminate the ability of the federal government to drive down drug costs by negotiating prices of Medicare drugs
·      Restrict access to food assistance by imposing work requirements on disabled and single parents
·      Eliminate Project Head Start
·      Cut funding for green energy and encourage reliance on fossil fuels
·      Expand offshore drilling and drilling on public lands
·      Eliminate funding for public transportation projects
·      Grant parents control over school curricula
The above list does not include Trump's economy-killing a 10% tariff on all imported goods and a 60% tariff on goods imported from China (which provides 16% of all goods imported into the US).
Nor does Project 2025 account for the impact of anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. controlling federal healthcare policy, Aileen Cannon being appointed to the Supreme Court, or Elon Musk overseeing an “efficiency commission” to cut alleged government “waste” (read: programs that help people). Finally, Project 2025 does not account for the compounding effect of the Supreme Court’s grant of prospective criminal immunity to the president.
Many of the issues above—standing alone—should be cause for Americans to rise up and vote en masse to defeat Trump. Taken together, they should drive Americans to the polls to deliver a historic defeat to Trump. And yet, the election remains close.
Part of the reason the election remains close is because Trump and Vance have been able to divert attention from Project 2025 by making evermore outrageous and dangerous statements.
I do not mean to diminish the hateful attacks on immigrants by referring to them as “cat memes.” I use that term because JD Vance over the weekend said that it was the plan of Trump and Vance to “create stories” (“memes”) to focus the media’s attention on immigration—one of the few subjects on which Trump has a polling advantage over Kamala Harris.
Indeed, JD Vance’s deliberate use of “cat memes” to incite anti-immigrant animus is resulting in real-life harassment and intimidation of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio—including numerous bomb threats that have shut down city hall, primary schools, and a college. NBC News, Baseless rumors about Haitian immigrants threaten to unravel Springfield, Ohio.
Trump and Vance plan to ratchet the racial tension in Springfield by holding a “town hall meeting,”—which will undoubtedly feature hand-picked frustrated white residents and exclude Haitian immigrants who are helping to revive Springfield. See Vanity Fair, Trump Reportedly Has Super-Helpful Plans to Visit Springfield, Ohio, the City He and JD Vance Continue to Spread Baseless Lies About Re: Haitian Migrants Eating Pets.
JD Vance is also pushing the right-wing claim that the two assassination attempts on Trump are the result of allegedly irresponsible Democratic rhetoric about Trump—like saying that he is an existential threat to democracy and a wannabe dictator (his words, not mine).
The hypocrisy is so thick it is viscous. Hours before the assassination attempt, Trump blasted a Truth Social post saying, “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT.” He regularly refers to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden as “enemies” of the state and describes them as “fascist Marxists” and “extreme leftists” who are intent on “destroying our country.”
Neither Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, nor Tim Walz has used such extreme language to describe Trump. Rather, it is Trump and Vance who are using the violent rhetoric that is resonating with sick and impressionable males with access to weapons of war. See Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo, Yes. Trump Started The Fire. And Everyone Knows It.
Per Marshall,
Republicans are now predictably demanding that Democrats in essence stop campaigning against Trump because they’re inciting their supporters to try to assassinate Trump. That’s absurd. Neither of these men is in any sense a supporter of Democrats or even of more marginal groups that could in any sense be identified with “the left.” But on a broader level, Donald Trump is simply himself a source of unrest and conflagration. [¶¶] He’s a vortex of violence. His rhetoric is violent. He has friendly paramilitaries like the Proud Boys that he encourages to come to his aid. He was the one who incited a violent mob to storm the U.S. Capitol. He’s provoked numerous supporters to acts of mass violence, from Pittsburgh to El Paso. The mix of bomb threats and marches in Springfield over the last week are only the latest example.
JD Vance took the violent rhetoric to another level on Monday evening by stating
the big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months, and two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump . . . .
JD Vance’s statement is reprehensible on many levels. The two would-be assassins were both mentally ill men who supported Trump and had access to weapons of war. The notion that they were “liberals” is the false; the opposite is true.
Second, JD Vance’s ambiguous statement suggests that Kamala Harris is overdue for an assassination attempt—much like Elon Musk’s statement on Monday that “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala.” Musk deleted that comment by Tuesday morning, claiming that it was a joke. He wrote,
Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text. Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on [Twitter].
On Tuesday, the Secret Service said it was “aware” of Musk’s tweet after the White House issued a statement saying that the tweet was “irresponsible.” BBC, Secret Service 'aware' of Elon Musk post about Harris and Biden.”
The shocking difference between Elon Musk and JD Vance is that Musk has a few shreds of self-awareness and capacity to be shamed such that he removed the tweet while JD Vance will simply double down on his grossly irresponsible comment. Every major media outlet should condemn JD Vance on Tuesday.
Michelle Obama reminded us at the convention that it would get ugly. Wow! Was she ever right!
We need to stick with the issues that will help Democrats persuade the few remaining persuadable voters that they need to vote for Kamala Harris. While we should condemn Trump and Vance with every ounce of our being, we must also speak to voters about the issues that affect them in the coming election. Framing Trump and Vance as the proponents of the dangerous Project 2024 is a strong, winning message.
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pansyboybloom · 8 months
Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States, by Samantha Allen - A Review (8 out of 10)
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"That's precisely the question we asked ourselves on November 9th. To stay, or not to stay? I found my answer at the top of the pride flag: there's no way of course that the color of its first stripe was a commentary on our geographically divided political climate. Red didn't mean Republican and blue didn't mean Democrat until the year 2000 anyway. Red is simply the first color in the rainbow, not a sign from the cosmos for me personally. But back when Gilbert Baker first designed that now ubiquitous emblem of LGBT rights in 1978 he did want that red stripe to signify life."
Samantha Allen, a reporter, wife, and transgender woman who was raised in Utah amidst the heart of the Mormon Church and left the South and its redness behind after beginning her transition, asked herself the questions that many Americans, especially queer ones, asked themselves after Donald Trump's win in the United States Presidential race in 2016. But, instead of moving out to Canada, Samantha decided to move down. Down to Utah, Texas, Indiana, and other red states that had seemingly made it clear that she and people like her weren't wanted, to answer a question that she couldn't shake:
Why weren't the Southern queers leaving?
"What makes an oasis, an oasis?"
In Real Queer America, Allen snakes through the south to pockets of queer safe havens ranging from queer bars in small rural towns, to LGBT shelters across from Mormon temples, to protests in Austin, TX, and places of safety throughout all of red America, no matter how small
As a Southerner, this book called to me. It was written with love, with the respect that only a Southern queer can give to other Southern queers. Allen examines the parts of the queer South that those outside its borders might struggle to understand, like LGBT youth political groups that work with the Mormon church to secure transgender rights in Utah. The chapter on Utah struck me in particular. I won't pretend to have any good opinions of the Mormon establishment, but the fondness Allen has for the community who raised her, even after it hurt her, is mind-blowing. Hearing from people like an ex-Mormon radical who works hand in hand with the church to secure LGBT safety, a mother who is deeply supportive of her transgender son because of her Mormoness, not despite it, a gay youth rights advocate who stated in the heart of Mormonism out of an unshakable faith in the goodness in the people of Utah, and, most remarkable, a trans man who has been told by the church that, should he continue his medical transition, he would be excommunicated, but chooses to love God anyways.
Of course, another favorite chapter was that on Texas. As a Texan, I am all too familiar with names like Paxton and Abbott, but also Wendy Davis and the Briggle family. Allen shows the Briggle family as human, and continues that humanity into her trek into the Rio Grande Valley, an often forgotten part of the state, demonized by both the North for its poverty and the South for its tie to immigration from Mexico. Allen approaches the complexities of race interacting with queerness with attempted grace, but her analysis seems to fall flat-- something she acknowledges later on, in Indiana, in which she has in-depth conversations with a black trans woman on how while Allen may feel safe holding hands with her wife here, her blackness will forever keep the 'queer eutopia' she lives in from truly being safe.
She tells Allen: "There is a difference, it seems, between an oasis and a eutopia. When you're in a desert, an oasis can be a single well of water in the sand, or in this case, one college town with an incredible queer bar. A watering hole doesn't make the desert safe, it just makes it habitable. Even then, when you arrive at the refuge that is Bloomington, so much of your experience here depends on the identities you bring with you. And eutopias? Well, eutopias don't exist. If they did, every LGBT person in the country would move there, and queer making would end."
Allen also carries some of the uncomfortable, if not plain disheartening, pro-veteran beliefs quintessential to the South, spending a long time speaking in depth with veterans surrounding Trump's trans military ban. She repeatedly references a shirt she saw while at an Austin rally: I fought for your right to hate me. The reverence she holds and the anger she feels for veterans was upsetting at times and showed further Allen's privilege.
Still, Allen's beliefs need not be perfect in a book about how the Northern need for perfection leads to the Southern LGBT community being abandoned. This abandonment is mentioned in the Indiana chapter when discussing Mike Pence and his 'return to religious freedom' act, which lead to North wide economic protests and boycotts-- that affected the queers of Indiana far more economically than it did Pence. It was grassroots organizations and local state fighters that pushed back the collection of bills, and many, like the ones Allen interviewed, felt abandoned by blue states that seemed to care more about protesting through inaction than action.
Grassroots education, safety, activism, and community are a recurring theme in Real Queer America, unsurprising to any rural or Southern queer. One such example is the Back Door, a queer bar-- not gay, but specifically queer, an active choice maybe by the "dyke daddy" of the club-- that serves as a bastion of fun and sex in a rural town, but also as a place to come together and practice activism.
"The 'Back Door' is a perfect example of the red state queer ethos-- that being politically active is a responsibility, not a choice."
Allen stresses one thing above all: community. The queer chosen family, and the queering of friendships, she argues, are just as threatening to the average bigot as her sex life or her gender identity, if not more. Together, Southern queers thrive-- something many Northerns don't see. Allen critiques Northern journalism from her own writing background, citing that Northerners only care about Southern queer lives when a politician is passing a bathroom bill, a gunman is shooting up a night club, or a high school has their first trans homecoming king, not out of a desire to share his joy, but to further stress how backward the South is. Amidst the shared meals with bisexuals in Tennessee, watching the dancing queers of the Back Door, the support groups across from Mormon temples, the protests in Austin, and more, Allen asks the reader, is the most radical thing to do as a queer person to simply live and love? Is living, thriving, fighting together, arm in arm-- is all of this what being queer in the South means? She finds answers in each place she goes, and while I will leave her answer up to the reader, I find her comment when meeting with the trans cafe owner of Allen's college youth to shine clear:
"Watching Rachel run her own small business in south central Indiana was my first vision of a future where I turn out okay."
Please, check to see if your local library or bookstores have Real Queer America before buying on Amazon! Let's support local reading!
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radio-ghost-cooks · 11 months
so here's my silly little abt me
name(s): cecil || radio pronouns: it/its || he/him || they/them || star/starself || prox/proxself (nederlands: hij/hem || die/die/diens)
the world is worth it. i promise.
you stayed, and it helped
transman, gay, greyace
ghoulkin!!!! an earth ghoul specifically
going to college in 5 fucking days jfc
this is your nsfw warning. i don't post it often tho (yes i'm 18. now hush)
🍉 boycott eurovision, do your daily click 🍉
and click for food insecurity! this site takes in revenue from ads and clicks and distributes it to groups like Millenium Promise and Feeding America!
post guide:
#maybe the real one piece was the friends we made along the way <<< one piece binge watch liveblogging
#sixer and the terrible horrible no good very bad geometry <<< gravity falls liveblogging
#comprehensible radio static <<< media analyses/interpretations and rambles
#oc lore <<< dumping info abt my ocs and new oc tag!!!! #kei project
moodboard masterpost
fandoms under the cut :] _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
things i'm into!!:
lupin the 3rd
gravity falls
COD (mainly Graves tbh)
talking abt the hospitality industry
also complaining about the bs that is the michelin star guide
alt aesthetics (any kind of punk, harajuku styles, emo, y2k, scene, goth)
vkei fashion/bands
doctor who!!! (most familiar with 9, 10, and 11)
GHOST <33333 (Papa Terzo my beloved)
weirdly enough, top gear
vocaloid and utau
80's and 20's culture
talking abt my ocs
balthazar bratt from despicable me. for some reason.
tf2!!!!! especially scout and sniper and medic!!
i'll probably add to this at some point
yea that's all i can think of for rn
oh also i'm very much single and sad abt it
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film-classics · 5 months
Greer Garson - The Duchess
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Eileen Evelyn Greer Garson (born in Manor Park, Essex on September 29, 1904) was a British-American actress. Her air of controlled maturity and understated elegance lent to her being referred to as "The Duchess."
She graduated with a B.A. with honors in English in 1926 at King's College London and did postgraduate work and studied French theater at the University of Grenoble in 1927. Starting out later as an actress, her early professional appearances were on stage, starting at Birmingham Repertory Theatre.
Louis B. Mayer discovered Garson while in London looking for new talent. In 1937, Garson signed with MGM, where she became a major box-office star. Her portrayal of strong women brought her critical acclaim, earning Oscar nods in films such as Mrs. Miniver (1942) and  The Valley of Decision (1945).
She only made a few films after her contract expired, but continued to appear on television. In 1967, she retired at Forked Lightning Ranch in New Mexico and focused on philanthropic interests.
She lived her final years in a penthouse suite at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where she died from heart failure at 91.
Is the fourth most-nominated woman for the Best Actress Oscar, with seven, including a record-tying five consecutive nominations (1941–1945)
Won the Academy Awards: Best Actress for Mrs. Miniver (1942)
Won the Golden Globe Best Actress for Sunrise at Campobello (1960)
Awarded Best Acting by the National Board Review for Pride and Prejudice (1940), Mrs. Miniver (1942), and Sunrise at Campobello (1960)
Listed by the Motion Picture Herald as one of America's top-10 box office draws from 1942 to 1946
Won Best Actress for Random Harvest (1941) from the 1944 Picturegoer Awards
Awarded Most Popular Female Star by Photoplay Awards in 1945 and 1946
Honored with the Neiman Marcus Fashion Award in 1961
Donated land and money to the Department of the Interior to protect ruins in 1966
Awarded the Golden Gavel by Toastmasters International
Honored as one of the Woman of the Year by the Los Angeles Times in 1968
Received an honorary degree from the Cleveland Institute of Music in 1973
Presented by the American-Scottish Foundation with the William Wallace Award in 1977
Granted an honorary doctorate in 1977 from Ulster University for her endowments of the Greer Garson Film Award and Gree Garson Theatre Award
Established the Greer Garson Theatre Center in 1985 and Greer Garson Communications Center and Studios in 1989 in Santa Fe
Awarded the Conservation Service Award by the Department of Interior in 1981
Set up the endowment for the E. E. Fogelson and Greer Garson Fogelson Distinguished Chair in Urology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and the Greer Garson and E.E. Fogelson Distinguished Chair in Medical Research at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 1982
Funded the E. E. Fogelson Visitor Center at Pecos National Historical Park in 1987
Honored with an Award for Excellence and Achievement in the Arts by the Governor of New Mexico in 1987
Received the Golda Meir Fellowship Award of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1988
Set up the Fogelson Forum at Texas Christian University in 1990
Received an honorary doctorate and the Medal of Distinction from SMU Meadow School of the Arts in 1991
Presented with the TACA Silver Cup Award in 1991
Has been the namesake for the Texas Health Presbyterian's annual fundraising event, the Greer Garson Gala, since 1992
Established the Greer Garson Theatre at the Southern Methodist University Meadow School of the Arts in 1992
Appointed by Queen Elizabeth II as Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 1993
Set up the E.E. Fogelson and Greer Garson Fogelson Charitable Foundation in 1996, with numerous philanthropic interests in the arts, education, environment, and medicine
Donated personal memorabilia as part of the Greer Garson Collection in the SMU Bywaters archival collection
Honored as Turner Classic Movies Star of the Month for March 2013
Inducted in the Online Film and Television Association Hall of Fame in 2014
Has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1651 Vine Street for motion picture
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sxlemnity · 1 year
Tagged by: technically @perfect-fourth and @legendscried. Tagged by @independentzaun just as I posted it lol
Tagging: @ionianelder @nithhaiahh @hook-and-chains @witchcraftandburialdirt
1: are you named after anyone?
Yes. My great-grandmother on my mother's side even though I've never met her. I'm getting a name change once it's safe to, though, so this will be changing.
Also, my middle name is passed down through my family on my mother's side. Every first born daughter has the same middle name, and I will be breaking that tradition with my name change. Unless you count the fact that I identify as genderfluid, usually androgynous as already breaking that tradition.
2: when was the last time you cried?
I genuinely don't remember, but I know it is easy to make me cry lol
3: do you have kids?
Nope, and I'm glad that I can't.
4: do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not particularly? It's very difficult for me to read sarcasm and when I do use it, it comes off so seriously that people think I'm genuine. I don't like it.
5: what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their mouth or jawline, usually. Or their collarbones if those are visible. I'm hardly ever looking at a person when speaking, and I tend to be a bit oblivious to my surroundings.
6: what’s your eye colour?
I have central heterochromia. My eyes are mainly blue (the shade changes day to day) and my pupils are surrounded by a ring that I kid you not looks gold. I'm told I have very pretty eyes.
7: scary movies or happy endings?
Depends on how I feel, but usually scary movies. Just watched Annihilation yesterday. Top tier.
8: any special talents?
Eh- Not really? At least not in my opinion. I've been told I'm a human calculator, but I don't see it lol
I am an artist, if that counts? But it's all hard work, not really talent.
9: where were you born?
America, Texas specifically
10: what are your hobbies?
Writing, drawing, singing, and analyzing characters. I also LOVE discussing philosophy, theory, and medical stuff. On top of that, I highly enjoy learning about various cultures when I can, but I do my best to be respectful.
11: have you any pets?
Three! I have two black cats named Freyr and Venti, and a ragdoll named Kokomicunas. They go by Frey, Vee, and Koko. Vee and Koko are siblings my husband rescued out of a cardboard box taped up in a dumpster, and Frey is a rescue from an area that had cougars.
12: what sport do you play/have played?
I used to play basketball and tennis when I was younger and smaller. I also used to do gymnastics. Unfortunately, I'm now far too top heavy for any of that no matter how much I miss it.
13: how tall are you?
14: favourite subject in school?
Hands down, biology. I used to do extra credit for fun, and when I went to college I was pursuing biomedical engineering. I regularly research diseases and other things, and then I formulate theories on how they could be cured for fun. At one point, I was working on three patents. One was a cure for cancer based off of killer T cells, one was artificial nerves in myoelectric prosthetics, and one was a mobility aid.
15: dream job?
I'm sure it comes as no surprise, but I wish I was able to just do art for a living. That, or be in a lab researching disease somewhere. An even more out there thought is that, completely seriously, I would be a xenobiologist if we ever found alien life and I had the chance. Not the sort to torment them, though- The sort to try and genuinely understand.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here is a list of the top 20 most watched TV series season finales of all time, along with some details about each finale:
1. M*A*S*H - "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" (1983): With over 105 million viewers, the finale of this iconic Korean War comedy-drama remains the most-watched season finale of all time. The episode sees the members of the 4077th saying their goodbyes as the war comes to an end.
2. Cheers - "One for the Road" (1993): The final episode of Cheers, with 84.4 million viewers, saw the regulars of the Boston bar saying goodbye as Sam sells the establishment. The episode also featured a touching moment between Sam and Diane.
3. Seinfeld - "The Finale" (1998): The controversial finale of Seinfeld drew in 76.3 million viewers as Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer are put on trial for their selfish behavior throughout the series.
4. Friends - "The Last One" (2004): The highly anticipated finale of Friends, with 52.5 million viewers, saw the gang saying their goodbyes as Rachel gets off the plane and everyone goes their separate ways.
5. Magnum, P.I. - "Resolutions" (1988): The Hawaii-set detective series ended with 50.7 million viewers as Magnum finally solves the murder of his wife and decides to move on with his life.
6. Dallas - "Conundrum" (1985): The season finale of Dallas, which drew in 41.5 million viewers, saw the return of Bobby Ewing from the dead, revealing that the entire previous season had been a dream.
7. The Fugitive - "The Judgment: Part 2" (1967): The finale of this classic drama, with 41.4 million viewers, saw Dr. Richard Kimble finally clearing his name and finding the man who killed his wife.
8. All in the Family - "Too Good Edith" (1979): The final episode of this groundbreaking sitcom, which drew in 40.2 million viewers, saw Archie dealing with the death of his wife Edith.
9. The Cosby Show - "And So We Commence" (1992): With 44.4 million viewers, the final episode of The Cosby Show saw the Huxtable family saying goodbye as Theo graduates from college.
10. The Big Bang Theory - "The Stockholm Syndrome" (2019): The final episode of this popular sitcom, which drew in 18 million viewers, saw Sheldon and Amy winning the Nobel Prize and the gang saying their goodbyes.
11. The Sopranos - "Made in America" (2007): The final episode of this critically acclaimed drama, which drew in 11.9 million viewers, ended with a controversial cut to black as Tony Soprano's fate is left unknown.
12. Two and a Half Men - "Of Course He's Dead" (2015): The final episode of this long-running sitcom, which drew in 13.2 million viewers, saw Charlie Harper returning from the dead and exacting revenge on his former stalker, Rose.
13. ER - "And in the End..." (2009): The finale of this medical drama, which drew in 16.4 million viewers, saw the return of several original cast members as the staff of County General Hospital says goodbye.
14. House - "Everybody Dies" (2012): The final episode of this medical drama, which drew in 8.7 million viewers, saw Dr. House faking his own death and starting a new life.
15. Lost - "The End" (2010): The finale of this mysterious drama, which drew in 13.5 million viewers, saw the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 finally finding their way off the island.
16. The X-Files - "The Truth" (2002): The final episode of this sci-fi series, which drew in 13.3 million viewers, saw Mulder and Scully finally uncovering the truth about a government conspiracy.
17. 24 - "Day 8: 3:00pm-4:00pm" (2010): The final episode of this real-time thriller, which drew in 10.4 million viewers, saw Jack Bauer finally putting an end to a terrorist threat.
18. NYPD Blue - "Moving Day" (2005): The finale of this police procedural, which drew in 16.5 million viewers, saw the retirement of Detective Andy Sipowicz.
19. The Golden Girls - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest" (1992): The final episode of this beloved sitcom, which drew in 27.2 million viewers, saw the Golden Girls going their separate ways as Dorothy gets married and moves away.
20. Frasier - "Goodnight, Seattle" (2004): The final episode of this belovedsitcom, which drew in 33.7 million viewers, saw Frasier making a big decision about his future as he prepares to move to San Francisco to start a new life.
It's worth noting that these viewer numbers may not be entirely accurate due to changes in the way TV ratings are measured over time. Additionally, there may be other season finales that were highly watched but did not make this list.
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cksmart-world · 11 days
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
September 17, 2024
Hey Wilson, did you see the thing on the web that Donald Trump eats dog. People are talking about it. Some heard he has a kennel at Mar-A-Lago and every once in a while he gets a hankerin' for dog and sends his chef out with a meat clever. Insiders say he still loves Big Macs. (They stick to the wall better.) There are any number of good recipes for dog. One, said to be Trump's favorite, is dog Kibbeh made with ground dog (preferably retriever or poodle), cracked wheat and onions. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice to taste. Other favorites include roast leg of dog; grilled dog chops; and dog tacos. (Find more delicious dog recipes at donaldjtrump.com) Of course, dog is a favorite in China, South Korea (no dogs in North Korea, they've already been eaten), the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. Interestingly, dog is not on menus in Haiti, despite comments by Trump in his Sept. 10 debate with Kamala Harris. The former president said pets are disappearing in Springfield, Ohio. The Haitian immigrants “are eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of people...” Of course when Trump eats dog he's not eating someone's pet. His people get them from the rescue shelter. Bon appétit!
1 – Voters are just plain stupid
2 – Judges are just plain insipid
3 – Secret government is the best government
4 – Trump won the debate — except for that little pets-on-a-plate thing
5 – Our air is as pure as we are
6 – More freeways means less traffic congestion
7 – Books teach kids to be perverts
8 – We manage lands better than the feds who insist on regulations
9 – Amendment D is good voters — ignorance is bliss
10 – The Great Salt Lake doesn't need our help — God has it covered
Bowling used to be one of America's favorite pastimes, but new data reveals that has been overtaken by folks who rather than rolling for strikes and spares are now calling in bomb threats. The new hobby is just exploding — no pun intended. You remember back in the crazy days when once in a blue moon some cowardly sonofabitch would call in a bomb threat. Well now right wing-bomb threats are like bugs on stink. Death threats are now as much a part of America as bad drivers, long lines and political polls. Remember Christine Blasey Ford who blew the whistle on Brett Kavanaugh at his supreme court confirmation hearing. She got so many threats that she had to move three times, get plastic surgery and have her fingertips removed. Lucky for her she wasn't caught making shish kabob with her neighbor's chihuahua. Enter J.D. Vance and his felonious daddy Donald Trump. Faster than you can say, pass the ketchup, half of the residents of Springfield, Ohio got bomb threats and they weren't all immigrants. This after the GOP presidential ticket insisted that Haitians were chowing down on everyone's pets. Schools were evacuated, college classes canceled, medical facilities shut down. Bomb threats came in to hospitals, City Hall and various government agencies. Trump and Vance's reply: Not sorry.
Post script — That's going to do it for another frightening week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of scary stuff so you don't have nightmares. Believe it or not the world keeps spinning despite the presidential race. Here are some headlines to prove it:
Missouri water lily holds 142 pounds of sandbags, wins worldwide contest
27-year-old man sentence after enrolling in high school to prey on teens
Mayflies are sending warnings about urban wildfires
A geomagnetic storm is headed to Earth
Even after having their tubes tied, some women get pregnant
Young people worldwide are drinking more sugary beverages
Brazilian politician upends debate by hitting opponent with chair
Sterilizations among women increased after Roe was overturned
Tito Jackson, Jackson 5 singer and guitarist, dies at 70
Blood Red Is the new Barbie Pink
As you know Wilson, here at Smart Bomb we've eaten our share of crow. And we've seen it rain cats and dogs — but we've never eaten any of them. You'd have to be a real dog to spread a mean-ass lie about people eating their neighbor's pets. Wilson, you and they guys in the band must have a little something for those great patriots, Messrs. Trump and Vance:
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine When they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie When they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie You ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Cryin' all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine When they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie When they said you was high-classed Well, that was just a lie Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine
(Hound Dog — Elvis Presley; originally recorded by Big Mama Thornton)
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mbbsblogsblog · 13 days
Comprehensive Guide for Indian MBBS Aspirants: Food and Hostel Facilities at Top Medical Universities in China
 Dear Indian MBBS aspirants are you planning for pursuing MBBS in China?
 If so, you are going to experience a bright MBBS career in your future.
Ria Overseas have already provide you with much information about MBBS in China, reasons to join, eligibility, intake time, document required, job opportunity, course duration, internship program, admission procedure and many more.
Here our focus is on the availability of food and hostel facilities for Indian students in some top medical universities in China.
Jilin Medical University
·         Founded in 1946, the University has built a good reputation throughout the years.
·         The institution now has around 1,400 international students.
·         The University is ranked among China's top 10 MBBS institutions.
·         The institution also works with prestigious universities in Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, and America.
·         Accommodation Facilities: Available
·         There are two types of rooms: single and double.
·         There is also a separate kitchen, gymnasium, computer café, reading rooms, cultural centre, and sports arena.
·         Hostel fees: INR 65,000 year
Nanjing Medical University
·         Nanjing University is regarded as one of China's leading medical institutions.
·         It provides high-quality six-year courses in a variety of fields.
·         Currently, the institution has more than 23 associated hospitals.
·         It is one of the most popular colleges in both its province and the entire country.
·         Accommodation Facilities: Available
·         There are three room types: single, double, and triple.
·         Additional amenities include nearby retail malls, two-wheeler facilities, grocery stores, dry cleaners, post office, gym, and sports arena.
·         Hostel Fee: INR 66,500 per year
Guangzhou Medical University
·         It is one of China's top institutions, supervised by the Ministry of Education.
·         Guangzhou Medical University is a top public university in China.
·         It provides a wide range of courses in many specialities.
·         The University oversees eight associated hospitals as well as several educational centres.
·         Accommodation Facilities: Available
·         Number of rooms: Two types: single and double.
·         Additional facilities include separate playgrounds for various sports.
·         Hostel Fee: INR 63,000 per year
Fujian Medical University
·         Fujian Medical University is one of China's most prominent institutions.
·         It was founded in 1937 and is one of China's oldest medical colleges.
·         Fujian is home to about 12,000 undergraduates, 2,800 graduates, and 250 Ph.D. students.
·         The university includes around 1,500 academic faculty and 24 teaching hospitals.
·         Accommodation facilities are available.
·         There are two types of rooms: single and double.
·         Additional facilities include a café, sports clubs, a gymnasium, and relaxation centres.
·         The hostel fee is INR 40,000 per year.
Jiangsu University
·         Jiangsu University is a top comprehensive university in China. It provides high-quality education programs in a variety of medical specialities.
·         The university has a state rating of 61 and is ranked among the top 300 institutions in Asia.
·         Accommodation facilities are available.
·         Number of rooms: Three types: single, double, and triple.
·         Additional amenities include indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a study room, a gym, sports courts, and labs.
·         The hostel charge is INR 64,000 per year.
 Keep exploring our website to know about food and hostel facilities available in some other medical universities in China.
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johnmeriton · 2 months
Finding the Best Kidney Specialists in Nagercoil
Emerging as one of the finest healthcare providers, Nagercoil houses several of the state’s leading nephrology facilities. Among these, Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences (SMIMS) has emerged as possibly one of the most reputed colleges in the country, with proficient staff specializing in kidney treatment and full-fledged nephrology care services. Expertise and Advanced Facilities
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The nephrology department of SMIMS was started in 2010 and has unfolded itself as one of the developing approaches to address the issues of kidney health in South Tamil Nadu. The department began as a small section but now has two efficient nephrologists, 10 technical staff, and 23 dialysis machines. This makes it one of the largest dialysis units in this area of the United States of America. The physicians engaged in the specialty of practicing in SMIMS possess appropriate and adequate skills in the handling of numerous kidney-related complications, such as chronic kidney disease, acute kidney injury, and hypertension. The hospital has all the services that can be required in the diagnosis and treatment of nephrology, including dialysis and kidney transplants. Patient-Centered Approach In line with the institution’s mission statement, SMIMS upholds patients’ rights, more specifically, patient-centered care where patients are provided with treatment options that best suit them. The care model encompasses the use of state-of-the art equipment coupled with care to cater for the patients’ needs and provide quality treatment. Why choose Sree Mookambika? When it comes to availing a particular treatment of such nature, one does not think twice before consulting the best doctors and choosing the best hospital in Nagercoil, providing top-class infrastructure and empathy to the patients. The Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences stands as the epitome of such an organization. For this reason, the hospital is deemed one of the best nephrology hospitals in the region, and it is the only place to turn to for total kidney care.
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Microgrid Market: Top Drivers, Global Opportunities & More
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Despite a drop of around 4.47 metric tons per person, electricity production accounted for roughly 37% of global emissions in 2020. The year 2021 witnessed a further 5% growth in power consumption, majorly due to the growing population. As a result, the demand for robust energy generation systems has gained prominence globally. Microgrid technology has proven as an ideal solution to integrate renewable sources and offer emergency power by switching between island and linked modes. Our research report indicates the global microgrid market to advance with a CAGR of 10.73% during the forecast period 2022-2028.
Among all, solar microgrids have gained popularity as cost-effective integrated networks that generate and supply clean electricity for longer and support economic development. For instance, California’s Taylor Farms partnered with Bloom Energy, Ameresco Inc, and Concept Clean Energy to deploy a microgrid with 2 MW of solar power to operate a 450,000-square facility.
Expansion in Industry Verticals to build Power Resilience
Since a microgrid prevents millions in outage costs and enables effective critical infrastructure functioning, their adoption across sectors has mounted. This has triggered a robust rush in project development. As per the International Energy Agency, energy demand is anticipated to increase by 40% by 2040, encouraging an expansion of distributed power systems across industry verticals such as:
The commercial microgrid has emerged as the fastest growing category in the industrial vertical segment due to the growing reliance on renewable sources. Several companies opt for hybrid electric structures as they limit interruptions and continue operation despite system breakdown. For instance, in 2020, AlphaStuxure partnered with John F. Kennedy International Airport to deploy microgrid technology to capture and convert solar or wind sources into electricity.
Estimates suggest that the healthcare category captures the highest share in the industry vertical segment. These facilities require a high energy supply for daily business, making power outages lethal for patient security. Microgrids have taken center stage in optimizing various power components and establishing reliable power supply. For instance, the Indian Institute of Science installed a 5.2 kW microgrid plant as a backup power source. Hence, the medical sector’s power supply advancement majorly drives the market.
Advancements in technology have influenced governments to boost funding for hybrid and mobile grid solutions for military applications. The US military is among the major forces supporting the North America microgrid market expansion. For example, the country’s army announced microgrid installation across 130 locations by 2035. Presently, the government and its partners are investing in on-site renewable production units, microgrids, and battery storage to strengthen military operations.
The studied market’s growth in the educational institute category is primarily attributed to the rising initiatives to demonstrate efficient energy-saving measures. The pre-existence of combined heat and power (CHP) systems is another factor responsible for its robust adoption in schools, universities, and colleges. For instance, 10 renewable microgrids were deployed across schools in Puerto Rico, which proved beneficial during severe weather conditions or grid failures. In this regard, grid-connected microgrids determine economic viability for academic institutes.
Smart City Initiatives: A New Pathway
According to the UN, approximately 55% of the world’s population resides in urban settings, which is expected to reach around 68% by 2050. This increases overall power demand. Globally, Asia-Pacific power consumption has soared immensely, with China and India accounting for the highest demand. This has compelled governments to invest in smart city development, pushing for rapid uptake of digital technologies to meet the high demand. These aspects largely support the Asia-Pacific microgrid market.
For instance, the HOMER hybrid optimization software by the US Department of Energy beats the technical complexities of energy planning and creates programs to qualify island microgrid projects for funding. Besides, the Indian and the US governments invested in new research on smart energy grids and energy storage to improve the efficiency of electric infrastructure. Such initiatives create new pathways for contenders, contributing heavily to the studied market.
Future Outlook: IoT Integration to create High Demand
In line with robust energy demand, IoT amalgamation with microgrids is expected to expand their capabilities for remote management. From load balancing to moderating line voltage, the internet of things significantly reduces losses in the system and inspection times by isolating fault locations. Additionally, if a microgrid generates more power than required, this technology helps users sell the excess energy to a utility, creating a new income source. The IoT is a strategic necessity for digitally transforming industrial operations, which may create ample opportunities for the global microgrid market over the forecast period.
Q1) What is the size of the microgrid market?
The global microgrid market was valued at $23.26 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach $46.21 billion by 2028.
Q2) Which are the major end-users in the microgrid market?
The commercial and healthcare sectors are among the major end-users in the microgrid market.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 1 year
The Covenant Of Desire
The Covenant Of Desire https://ift.tt/eft5xpD by Jaistiel No one really knows how The Power came to be. Not even the Book of Damnation recorded its beginning. But those who have it have always been hunted. In the middle of the 17th Century, many escaped the brutal witch-hunting in England and France by coming to America. As the brutal persecution of those with The Power spread throughout Massachusetts, the families of Ipswich formed a Covenant of silence. And for 300 years it has kept them safe. Until now. A Destiel AU adaptation of the movie The Covenant (2006) Words: 26780, Chapters: 11/11, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte, Crowley (Supernatural), Ash (Supernatural), Garth Fitzgerald IV, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Arthur Ketch, Bela Talbot Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: The Covenant (2006) - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Magic, Magic, Alternate Universe - College/University, coven - Freeform, Witches, Witch Dean Winchester, Witch Crowley (Supernatural), Witch Ash, Witch Benny, john winchester is a terrible father, hes a selfish bastard, Alcoholic Mary Winchester, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Swimmer Dean Winchester, Swimmer Castiel (Supernatural), College, College | University Student Dean Winchester, College | University Student Castiel (Supernatural), beach party, Harry Potter References, but in a joking negative way, Fuck JKR, Police Chase, Flirting, Pining, Mutual Pining, Violence, Blood and Injury, Spiders, unnamed character death off screen, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, BDSM Undertones, Dean is a dom in the streets but submissive in the sheets, so true of him honestly, hes just like me fr, Top Castiel (Supernatural), Bottom Dean Winchester, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, little to no prep, bc some folks dont need it, and others like it without it, rain as lube, i promise that will make sense, Outdoor Sex, Semi-Public Sex, sex in the rain, Fight or Fuck, Fight Tension Turns To Sexual Tension, so they fuck it out, First Kiss, the movie was cheesy so the fic is cheesy too, The Author Regrets Nothing, no beta we die like Dean's morals, POV Alternating, some medical talk, medical machines via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/VIgJS3K September 10, 2023 at 01:49PM
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abroadeducation · 1 year
Top 10 Universities in UK for Studying Bachelor's Degree
The United Kingdom has one of the oldest educational systems in the world. The country has a long history of providing higher education to students from all over the globe. At present, there are more than 130 universities in UK offering undergraduate degrees and postgraduate courses in different fields like arts, humanities, science and engineering etc. 
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List Top 10 Universities in UK  
Studying Bachelor's degree in UK is a great opportunity for people interested in learning more about the country. UK universities are world-renowned and have a long history of higher education, making it one of the most popular study destinations in the world. Studying in UK will allow you to explore new cultures and meet people from different backgrounds, which can help you develop an open mind as well as gain valuable skills for your future career. Below we gave full information about the Top universities in the UK.  
University of Oxford 
The University of Oxford is a world-famous university, located in Oxford, England. It is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and also one of the most prestigious universities in the world. The University has over 30 libraries with over 100 academic departments including Philosophy, Theology, Classics & Linguistics etc. 
King's College London (KCL) 
King's College London (KCL) is one of the oldest universities in the UK, established in 1829. It is located in London and offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and research degrees across all disciplines. KCL is a public research university that belongs to the Russell Group as well as G5 universities (with Oxford University). 
University of Cambridge 
The University of Cambridge is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, England. Founded in 1209 and granted a royal charter by King Henry III in 1231, Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world and the world's fourth-oldest surviving university.  
The city of Cambridge has large student populations from many countries around the world; about 16% come from North America alone. There are also more than 5,000 international students at Cambridge University each year. 
Imperial College London 
Imperial College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. Imperial was founded in 1907 as the Royal College of Science, and was granted a royal charter in 1908. The college has produced many notable scientists and engineers including two Nobel laureates; it is also home to the Imperial College Business School which has been ranked as one of the world's top business schools since its establishment. 
University College London (UCL) 
The University College London (UCL) is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. It is a constituent college of the Federal University of London and is regarded as one of the world's leading universities. UCL consistently ranks among the top 2% of universities worldwide by subject area in international rankings and has produced more Nobel Prize winners than any other British university. 
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) 
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is a public research university in London, England and a constituent college of the federal University of London. It dates back to the foundation of the Merchant Taylors' Company's educational foundation in 1570.�� 
University of Edinburgh 
The University of Edinburgh is one of the oldest universities in the UK and a public research university located in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was founded in 1582 by King James VI of Scotland who also became James I of England. 
The University has around 38000 students from 150 countries and offers courses at undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and professional levels across its eight faculties: Arts & Humanities; Clinical Medicine & Medical Sciences; Engineering Sciences; Forestry & Natural Environment; Law; Life Sciences & Medicine; Social Sciences & Public Policy; Physical Sciences. 
(Read more: Top scholarships to study in UK for Indian students) 
University of Manchester 
The University of Manchester is one of the largest and most comprehensive universities in the UK. It was founded in 1824 as Owens College, and was renamed to the Victoria University of Manchester in 1903, and then to its current name in 2004. 
The university comprises four faculties: Arts & Humanities; Biology & Biomedical Sciences; Chemistry & Physics; Social Sciences & Management 
Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) 
Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) is a public research university located in Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom. It is a constituent college of the University of London and is ranked within the top 10 universities in the UK by QS World University Rankings 2023. 
Durham University (DU) 
Durham University is a public research university in Durham, North East England, with a second campus in Stockton-on-Tees. It was founded by an Act of Parliament in 1832 and granted a Royal Charter in 1837. The university comprises three faculties: Arts and Humanities; Science & Health; Social Science & Law 
The United Kingdom has one of the oldest educational systems in the world. The country has a long history of providing higher education to students from all over the globe. At present, there are more than 130 universities in UK offering undergraduate degrees and postgraduate courses in different fields like arts, humanities, science and engineering etc. 
List Top 10 Universities in UK  
Studying Bachelor's degree in UK is a great opportunity for people interested in learning more about the country. UK universities are world-renowned and have a long history of higher education, making it one of the most popular study destinations in the world. Studying in UK will allow you to explore new cultures and meet people from different backgrounds, which can help you develop an open mind as well as gain valuable skills for your future career. Below we gave full information about the Top universities in the UK.  
University of Oxford 
The University of Oxford is a world-famous university, located in Oxford, England. It is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and also one of the most prestigious universities in the world. The University has over 30 libraries with over 100 academic departments including Philosophy, Theology, Classics & Linguistics etc. 
King's College London (KCL) 
King's College London (KCL) is one of the oldest universities in the UK, established in 1829. It is located in London and offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and research degrees across all disciplines. KCL is a public research university that belongs to the Russell Group as well as G5 universities (with Oxford University). 
University of Cambridge 
The University of Cambridge is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, England. Founded in 1209 and granted a royal charter by King Henry III in 1231, Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world and the world's fourth-oldest surviving university.  
The city of Cambridge has large student populations from many countries around the world; about 16% come from North America alone. There are also more than 5,000 international students at Cambridge University each year. 
Imperial College London 
Imperial College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. Imperial was founded in 1907 as the Royal College of Science, and was granted a royal charter in 1908. The college has produced many notable scientists and engineers including two Nobel laureates; it is also home to the Imperial College Business School which has been ranked as one of the world's top business schools since its establishment. 
University College London (UCL) 
The University College London (UCL) is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. It is a constituent college of the Federal University of London and is regarded as one of the world's leading universities. UCL consistently ranks among the top 2% of universities worldwide by subject area in international rankings and has produced more Nobel Prize winners than any other British university. 
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) 
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is a public research university in London, England and a constituent college of the federal University of London. It dates back to the foundation of the Merchant Taylors' Company's educational foundation in 1570.  
University of Edinburgh 
The University of Edinburgh is one of the oldest universities in the UK and a public research university located in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was founded in 1582 by King James VI of Scotland who also became James I of England. 
The University has around 38000 students from 150 countries and offers courses at undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and professional levels across its eight faculties: Arts & Humanities; Clinical Medicine & Medical Sciences; Engineering Sciences; Forestry & Natural Environment; Law; Life Sciences & Medicine; Social Sciences & Public Policy; Physical Sciences. 
(Read more: Top scholarships to study in UK for Indian students) 
University of Manchester 
The University of Manchester is one of the largest and most comprehensive universities in the UK. It was founded in 1824 as Owens College, and was renamed to the Victoria University of Manchester in 1903, and then to its current name in 2004. 
The university comprises four faculties: Arts & Humanities; Biology & Biomedical Sciences; Chemistry & Physics; Social Sciences & Management 
Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) 
Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) is a public research university located in Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom. It is a constituent college of the University of London and is ranked within the top 10 universities in the UK by QS World University Rankings 2023. 
Durham University (DU) 
Durham University is a public research university in Durham, North East England, with a second campus in Stockton-on-Tees. It was founded by an Act of Parliament in 1832 and granted a Royal Charter in 1837. The university comprises three faculties: Arts and Humanities; Science & Health; Social Science & Law 
This is a great opportunity for people interested in learning more about the country. The universities mentioned above are some of the best in the world, and they offer a wide range of courses. If you're planning on going abroad for university, then make sure it's one of top UK universities ranking list. 
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eduzest03 · 1 year
Bashkir State Medical University
Bashkir State Medical College|MBBS Costs, Admission Treatment
Bashkir State Medical University Russia|Research Study MBBS in Russia
" Bashkir State Medical University is the oldest prominent clinical university in Russia Bashkir State Medical University is placed among the 10 ideal Russian Medical Universities. For its affordable tuition charge framework as well as simple admission procedure Bashkir State Medical College ended up being prominent amongst global trainees for medical research studies".
Bashkir State Medical University is one of the biggest medico-scientific centers in Ufa, Russian Federation. UFA is one of the biggest and also most stunning cities in Russia. Bashkir State Medical University is a university that has actually been training trainees considering that 1932
Bashkir State Medical University|Research Study MBBS in Russia.
Bashkir State Medical University, EST 1932.
Bashkir State Medical College has been certified by the Ministry of Education And Learning of the Russian Federation to train global trainees. Bashkir State Medical University-- one of the leading clinical universities in Russia, has a solid 10th ranking among them. Today this University is a big scientific establishment where basic, applied as well as organized scientific looks are carried out. In the unity of clinical, academic, and also restorative processes seen today as well as the future of Bashkir State Medical University, and also it is wished that the staff of their university handle the jobs of training and re-training of very certified clinical employees in the contemporary globe. The Bashkir State Medical University collaborates with the Globe Wellness Company (THAT), has substantial scientific contacts with many international higher academic facilities and also College is a member of the Globe Health And Wellness Organisation (THAT) and acknowledged by the Medical Council of India (MCI) India, (MMC) Malaysia, GMC UK, and also others many countries. Trainees from 30 countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America have been examined at Bashkir Medical University. Over this period 2500 general practitioners, dental experts, and doctors have actually been trained in foreign countries. The general Medication course is shown in English medium directions completely for those who are efficient in English. Those that have chosen to examine MBBS in English tool do not need to research the Russian language. They will certainly be admitted straight to the initial training course where medical topics are educated in English.
Bashkir State Medical College Today
Bashkir State Medical College has actually come to be a significant facility for undergraduate and postgrad programs which offers the successful operation of postgraduate training courses in 56 scientific majors and doctoral training courses in 8 scientific majors. There are 10 doctoral and also 3 prospect dissertation councils that are in charge of defense and granting academic degrees in 23 majors. Bashkir State University supplies possibilities not just to obtain top-quality understanding and also to master expert abilities yet additionally to live a brilliant, exciting, and active life. In a way that existing students are members of various imaginative groups and pupil organizations. There are 615 professors and mentors at the University. BSMU has more than 8000 Clinical Students and over 500 full-time faculty at the institution of General Medicine (MBBS), dentistry, Pediatrics, Nursing, Pharmacy, and also Preventive Medicine. Faculty of General Medication trains professionals in interior conditions, surgical procedures, obstetrics as well as gynecology, psychiatry, otorhinolaryngology, dermatology as well as Venereology, transmittable conditions, etc. The departments of the professors are outfitted with modern-day diagnostic centers. Foreign scientists and professionals are welcome to deliver talks. Bashkir University has a Teaching hospital, 7 Buildings, out-patient centers for clinical as well as oral, and fully equipped research laboratories, Bashkir State Medical University has a university hospital, medical as well as dental outpatient centers, a large collection, sports centers, five dorm rooms, a summertime camp, and also a mental hospital. For many years Bashkir State Medical University has actually educated more than 33 thousand doctors.
Bashkir State Medical College offers the following programs:
Professors of General Medication (MBBS).
Professors of Dental Care.
Professors of Pediatrics.
Professors of Drug store.
Faculty of Sports Medicine.
Professors of Postgraduate Studies.
Faculty of Flexible Physical Education Society.
Faculty of Clinical Psychology.
Professors for International Students.
Higher Education Nursing College.
Faculty of Pre-University Education And Learning.
MBBS Fees at Bashkir State Medical College-- Cost Structure 2023.
Bashkir State Medical University, RussiaTuition Charges/ Yr.Hostel Charges/ Yr.Fees in Russian RubleFees in Indian Rupees.
1st Year Fees2,99,000 Russian Ruble14,000 Russian Ruble3,13,000 Russian RubleRS. 3,13,000 Indian Rupees.
Second to sixth year Fees2,99,000 Russian Ruble14,000 Russian Ruble3,13,000 Russian Ruble each year. 3,13,000 Rupees/ Yr. (approx ...).
Complete MBBS Fees for 6 Years18,78,000 Russian Ruble = RS. 18,78,000 Indian Rupees (1 Ruble = 1 INR approx ...) To access the thorough expense structure, please click on the complying with web link: Click here.
The overall fees for 6 years are around Rs. 18,78,000 (around Rs. 3,13,000 annually). The yearly charges cover numerous expenses like tuition fees, hostel costs, as well as research products. In addition, students need to spend for food, which costs around Rs. 7,000-8,000 monthly. Indian students have the alternative to pay their tuition charges per term, and they can easily pay straight to the college's checking account from India.
Tuition fees are inexpensive as well as differ according to specialization. Tuition charges include the adhering to centers for the trainees: free use of reading rooms, libraries, and labs; complimentary guidebooks and course materials; complimentary use of sporting activities clubs, and social complexes.
Admission Requirements 2023.
In order to get admission to Bashkir State Medical University, an Indian candidate must accomplish these requirements:
Candidate needs to have passed 10 +2 (intermediate) with a minimum score of 50% in physics, chemistry, biology, and English.
The applicant also needs to get approved for the NEET-UG exam.
Students must be at least 17 years of age at the time of admission to the university.
To enhance your opportunities of obtaining a seat, you need to apply for admission to the university prior to the due date of August 30th as seats are minimal and the number of applications is high.
Vital days for the application and also the enrollment procedure for 2023.
Application for Admission May 15 to August 31 (Last Day).
Entry ExaminationSeptember.
Issuing Invite LetterSeptember.
Arrival in RussiaNot behind September 30.
Beginning of classes from October 1st.
All your required documents should be sent by the last day of application.
Nowadays, BSMU Facility is a medical and clinical base of Bashkir State Medical University.Foreigners-students-Bashkir-SMU The Facility has 650 beds. Over 20 thousand individuals from around Russia get treatment, more than 8 thousand procedures are executed, and also regarding 3 thousand infants are annually supplied below. Specialists of the BSMU Clinic do the complying with state-of-the-art surgeries: liver as well as pancreatic resections, belly, and small intestine reconstructive surgeries, all sorts of thoracoscopic surgical procedures, brachytherapy, coronary artery stent surgical procedures. Various methods of angiographic research and controls on all types of vessels, bile air ducts, liver chemoembolization ingrowths, as well as uterine artery embolization in fibromyoma arc involved in medical practice. The Facility uses techniques of minimally invasive as well as transplant surgery.
With 69 divisions, with over 8 thousand Russian and foreign trainees, is proud to have a history of informing global pupils from the UK, the United States, Portugal, Argentina, Australia, Sweden, Greece, Israel, India, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Cameroon, Cyprus, China, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Syria, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Sri Lanka, etc. The workplace of Foreign Students coordinates the training of international pupils in BSMU and also is in charge of admission, and registration, as well as taking care of the Preparatory and Russian Language programs. BSMU joins bilateral exchanges of clinical students within the International Federation of Medical Trainees Association Program.
Bashkir State Medical University accepts many foreign universities, centers, and clinical and educational centers from Germany, China, Norway, the USA, Great Britain, and other nations. Faculty members and also students of BSMU participate in exchange programs, seminars, and workshops, and do look into it along with our worldwide partners.
Student's Life in BSMU.
Bashkir Medical University has 5 hostels that can accommodate 2000 pupils. hostels are level kind i.e. with connected kitchens, bathrooms, and restrooms. All hostels are well supplied as well as totally air. The standard system is 2 or 3 trainees in one space. Web facilities readily available in hostels Pupils can get Indian food at the canteen of the hostel as well as foreign TV channels (Hindi, Tamil, and so on) are additionally readily available.
All the hostels are well safeguarded with cops' safety and security. Sheets are altered once a week and also the hostel is cleansed once every day. BSMU organizes social programs yearly in which pupils from different countries of the world take part. The Indian trainee organization celebrates Indian festivals like Diwali, Holi, Baisakhi, and so on annually.
BSMU also arranges events like table tennis, Football, Basketball, and also Badminton, etc. The Bashkir University collection has more than 500000 publications, and 85% is unique medical literature. The library has 4 specialized reading halls with 252 seats, a local internet, as well as an electronic catalog which makes it possible access to lots of databases.
For worldwide candidates, applications for Bashkir State Medical College typically begin on May 15th as well as continue with August 31st.
Going after an MBBS from Russia will absolutely improve occupation prospects for worldwide students.
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mrudula01 · 2 years
Microgrid Market: Top Drivers, Global Opportunities & More
Energy, Power & Utilities
28, September 2022
Despite a drop of around 4.47 metric tons per person, electricity production accounted for roughly 37% of global emissions in 2020. The year 2021 witnessed a further 5% growth in power consumption, majorly due to the growing population. As a result, the demand for robust energy generation systems has gained prominence globally. Microgrid technology has proven as an ideal solution to integrate renewable sources and offer emergency power by switching between island and linked modes. Our research report indicates the global microgrid market to advance with a CAGR of 10.73% during the forecast period 2022-2028.
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Among all, solar microgrids have gained popularity as cost-effective integrated networks that generate and supply clean electricity for longer and support economic development. For instance, California’s Taylor Farms partnered with Bloom Energy, Ameresco Inc, and Concept Clean Energy to deploy a microgrid with 2 MW of solar power to operate a 450,000-square facility.
Expansion in Industry Verticals to build Power Resilience
Since a microgrid prevents millions in outage costs and enables effective critical infrastructure functioning, their adoption across sectors has mounted. This has triggered a robust rush in project development. As per the International Energy Agency, energy demand is anticipated to increase by 40% by 2040, encouraging an expansion of distributed power systems across industry verticals such as:
The commercial microgrid has emerged as the fastest growing category in the industrial vertical segment due to the growing reliance on renewable sources. Several companies opt for hybrid electric structures as they limit interruptions and continue operation despite system breakdown. For instance, in 2020, AlphaStuxure partnered with John F. Kennedy International Airport to deploy microgrid technology to capture and convert solar or wind sources into electricity.
Estimates suggest that the healthcare category captures the highest share in the industry vertical segment. These facilities require a high energy supply for daily business, making power outages lethal for patient security. Microgrids have taken center stage in optimizing various power components and establishing reliable power supply. For instance, the Indian Institute of Science installed a 5.2 kW microgrid plant as a backup power source. Hence, the medical sector’s power supply advancement majorly drives the market.
Advancements in technology have influenced governments to boost funding for hybrid and mobile grid solutions for military applications. The US military is among the major forces supporting the North America microgrid market expansion. For example, the country’s army announced microgrid installation across 130 locations by 2035. Presently, the government and its partners are investing in on-site renewable production units, microgrids, and battery storage to strengthen military operations.
The studied market’s growth in the educational institute category is primarily attributed to the rising initiatives to demonstrate efficient energy-saving measures. The pre-existence of combined heat and power (CHP) systems is another factor responsible for its robust adoption in schools, universities, and colleges. For instance, 10 renewable microgrids were deployed across schools in Puerto Rico, which proved beneficial during severe weather conditions or grid failures. In this regard, grid-connected microgrids determine economic viability for academic institutes.
Smart City Initiatives: A New Pathway
According to the UN, approximately 55% of the world’s population resides in urban settings, which is expected to reach around 68% by 2050. This increases overall power demand. Globally, Asia-Pacific power consumption has soared immensely, with China and India accounting for the highest demand. This has compelled governments to invest in smart city development, pushing for rapid uptake of digital technologies to meet the high demand. These aspects largely support the Asia-Pacific microgrid market.
For instance, the HOMER hybrid optimization software by the US Department of Energy beats the technical complexities of energy planning and creates programs to qualify island microgrid projects for funding. Besides, the Indian and the US governments invested in new research on smart energy grids and energy storage to improve the efficiency of electric infrastructure. Such initiatives create new pathways for contenders, contributing heavily to the studied market.
Future Outlook: IoT Integration to create High Demand
In line with robust energy demand, IoT amalgamation with microgrids is expected to expand their capabilities for remote management. From load balancing to moderating line voltage, the internet of things significantly reduces losses in the system and inspection times by isolating fault locations. Additionally, if a microgrid generates more power than required, this technology helps users sell the excess energy to a utility, creating a new income source. The IoT is a strategic necessity for digitally transforming industrial operations, which may create ample opportunities for the global microgrid market over the forecast period.
Q1) What is the size of the microgrid market?
The global microgrid market was valued at $23.26 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach $46.21 billion by 2028.
Q2) Which are the major end-users in the microgrid market?
The commercial and healthcare sectors are among the major end-users in the microgrid market.
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