#top 10 epic anime deaths
communist-hatsunemiku · 2 months
Top 5 or top 10 favourite Miku designs!!!
OK im finally going to answer this ask using 100% of my brain power.
I don't actually have favorites generally, but there are some modules I would LOVE to see more fanart of, these modules maybe have like one or two pieces of art out there.
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just perfectly fits when playing PO PI PO, and Miku with her hair in a bun is always good.
2. Hello, Good Night
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I mean just look at Her, She's the Queen of dreams and snork-mimimi. Basically the sandman if he was fucking epic. (this song is so fucking hard tho)
3. FOnewear Style
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Extreme video game vibes, and ELF EARS. AND THE BOOTS WHIP ASS!!! I love all the little ball accessories
4. Hello World
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I've literally never seen fan art of this module. It's super "sci-fi princess of the galaxy" vibes, it's Miku from the year 2253. It's the Miku that appears as an AI controlling some kind of 'Arc' class spaceship, the humans on board have all died for some reason so when you meet her she's been alone for awhile... I just made myself sad wtf.
5. Dancing All Night
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Extremely cool, extremely techo, this Miku knows how to put on a rave, and the little screens on her chest are animated! Plus the black boots, the black skirt, and the black gloves are sexy af
6. Interviewer
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This is what Miku wears on a day She has off, the low ponytails, the bike shorts, no shoes, baggy hoodie like whats not to love. But then they go and give Her red eyes? why tf not
7. Racing Miku 2012 ver.
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The racing QUEEN, She is presiding over one of those violent 'death race' type of motorsports events and She's sitting in a skybox watching the chaos unfold and laughing. She may or may not be meddling with the outcome of the race with a devious control panel that's linked to all kinds of hazards built into the track. She may or may not have some kinda freakish underling that's just begging to activate his most fucked up traps and obstacles, and She may or may not allow him to set some of them off, if she's in the mood.
8. Siren
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I find this module really charming because you'd think the color combinations and the kind of antiquated dress design wouldn't work but they come together in this campy way and it's so good. And the song it's tied to has this great 'twist' where the beginning of the song is this slow ballad being sung in some kinda garden, and then it's revealed that She's ACTUALLY performing in this crazy far off alien-world arena where I imagine all kinds of shady characters and rough types are patrons. And they come from all over to hear Miku sing.
I'm going to stop at 8 modules, ty so much for this ask though! These kind of questions really give me a chance to write about Miku and dive into imagining Her in all kinds of settings and scenarios!
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TOP 10 personal Favorite Manga.
Here's just a couple of manga that I love & just think are top-notch.
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A series that means a lot to me in many ways. When I first got into Tokyo Ghoul it was by the very first season of the anime during 2014 and upon hearing the opening theme of Unravel and seeing the first episode, I was hooked and went into the manga series right after. A nuanced morally compelling storytelling with an array of so many cool and great characters and narratives, incredible art progression from Ishida Sui, and overall just a satisfyingly great conclusion to boot.
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On the surface, looks like a regular BL series, but underneath an emotional-roller-coaster and pretty heavy story about a transwoman named J. Set in the 40s /50s, you fellow J childhood and the awful, rough bullshit she deals with in life as well as her love & massive admiration of Marilyn Monroe. Really such a good story that deals with some real heavy shit...but still so good.
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Not only one of my favorite anime adaptations but also equally as wonderfully engaging & just as well done as a manga as well. Monster is such a captivating, intense story and truly one of my favorites from Urasawa's works. Following Dr. Tenma, a talented neurosurgeon who has grips with the moral dilemma of either saving the Mayor or saving a young boy who was shot in a murder. Tenma chose to save the boy instead and while it costs him being demoted he still believes he did the right thing. Unfortunately years later discovering the boy he saves...turns out to be a killer. This series is such a banger from its storytelling to the characters and just one of the best from Urasawa's.
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At first glance of this manga, you might think of it as something of a cute slice-of-life story about a cute cartoony bird. But actually when reading it...IT'S WAY MORE DARKER and GETS A LOT MORE FUCK UP! For real Goodnight Punpun is one of those series that's start-up pretty light-hearted and a little bit goofy with Punpun being a cartoony-drawn bird amongst very average-looking humans as a young kid in the first volumes of the series. But as things move forward within the story as Punpun gets older and his family situation gets more unstable as well as his life, the tone gets more depressing as a whole. Love the dark psychological storytelling, although it definitely the type of story you can only read once in awhile or in a good headspace because it definitely can be a hard read.
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Seriously, what can I say about Berserk that already hasn't been said on some level. But this manga is seriously, I feel one of the most top iconic series within manga as well as one of the most engaging, moving, fantastic, epic storyline I've read thus far. I know the series itself is still ongoing, and I've been keeping up-to-date with this story since reading the very first chapter. Hearing about Kentaro Miura death....was tough, I knew he had serious health issues, which is why volumes would tend to go on pretty long hatiuses... but man. Another influential iconic figure in manga gone, Berserk is definitely a series any manga-lover or anime fan should read once in awhile.
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Not only one of the most beautifully mature, well-written, compelling storytelling I've seen thus far in an anime series. But as a manga, even more so, a well-crafted story on the life and times of a sad, burden-ridden, slightly bitter, depressed, old man known as Yakumo Yurakutei, who is a highly skilled and experienced master of Rakugo, which for those who don't know is an traditional Japanese verbal form of entertainment. Think of it as something like a form of Improv done by only one person playing different characters to tell a story, This series has many layers to its storytelling that's is done so well dealing with Yakumo and those in his life that has impacted him as to the type of pained almost broken old man he is within the present time. Just a overall good & bittersweet but fantastic story that's deserves to be check out more.
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It is one of the most beautifully drawn manga series that I have read so far while also being equally gruesome as well. Innocent is a fictionalized historical manga set during 18th century France about the story and legacy of Charles Henri Sanson (actual real historical figure), who is the fourth generation of a family of Executioners known as the Sanson family who are the royal Executioners of Paris. The story follows Charles rough journey towards his path of becoming the Monsieur De Paris. This absolutely such a fantastic piece of work, both in terms of the visually amazing stunning artwork and along with the historical storytelling of Charles coming to terms with his hated lineage and becoming Executioner of Paris but also showcasing the societal/political chaotic changes and upheaval of France slowly leading up to the French revolution. Although some historical aspects are obviously fictionalized, but still such a good series.
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While my feelings on the anime are highly mixed due to really, really, really not caring for the way they handled parts of the storytelling from season 2 of the anime series. But the manga, on the other hand, is a totally different story. Seriously, reading this series was a blast and just an enjoyable experience from beginning to end, as well as seeing Emma and Ray also Norman grow & and develop throughout each arc was great to witness including seeing the rest of the kids thrive and survive the outside world. For this manga was a great read, and definitely, I'll say at least personally to me was done far better then the second season flimsy adaptation.
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Truly an mindfuck of a manga in more ways than one. But still a pretty damned good and wild story, Homunculus is a story about a homeless man named Susumu Nakoshi who ends up meeting a seemingly antagonistic young medical student named Itoh Manabu to do a little experiment on him by drilling a actual hole in his skull for a total of 700,000 ¥en. Itoh, who is very fascinated with studying the human minds and amongst other things such as ghosts and the occult, but ultimately he thinks he can unlock the hidden psychic potential of Susumu brain. Nakoshi goes through the process, and at first, nothing seems to happen after going through the the operation. Until he closes his right eye and starts seeing otherworldly nightmarish monsters and shapes with his left eye when he looks at other people. This series is truly a weird but also such a highly intriguing and fascinating psychological read while at the same time being a bit of a downer, but still an excellent but messed-up good story.
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Okay, so I just recently started reading this manga series not that long ago, about a couple of weeks ago, and now I'm so freaking hooked. Atelier of Witch hat has truly captured my heart and mind with its engaging and creatively fascinating world-building involving witches and magic to the just as highly interesting characters and storytelling. Which centers around our young protagonist Coco ( the girl on the cover) who is this super adorably passionate girl who has such a huge love for all things magical /witches and deeply wishes she could become one as well, but unfortunately normal people or "outsiders" can't become witches, you have to be born into it, but that's doesn't stop Coco from trying her hardest to still wanting to be a witch. One of the things I love most about this world and how it handles dealing with magic and witches is that magic is really normal within this world and how witches tend to uses it to help and serve regular people in need or even for lighting up a cobblestone pathway also I really like how the magic system is structured in this series, such as instead of casting spells or any from of magic with words or a phrase, magic is casted by drawing, Coco here ends up in a pickle with accidentally casting magic that ends up turning her mom into stone & thus Coco journey towards witchood begins.
Seriously, even though I've just recently gotten into this manga & and its ongoing tale it's already has captivated me on so many levels and I just can't get enough of it so far wonderful storytelling and amazingly beautiful drawn artsy apart of it which really adds a lot of this series fantastical elements. Definitely a must to check out!!
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Wanted to do a list of a couple of some of my most top favorite manga series and ones were I feel other's should give them a shot at checking out if there into any of these stories. (^ _ ^)
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etaindelaserna · 7 days
Hello again....Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any media that you love (can books, anime/manga, tv series, movies, games, etc)? Thanks if you want to answer. Sorry if I ask too much or if I accidentally send this ask twice.....
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Hello! Don't worry! I'm always appreciative when I see one of your asks pop up. So. Here. We. Go. As always in no particular order:
Gandalf talks to Frodo in Moria about Gollum (The Fellowship of the Ring)
There is something about that dialogue that always struck me as true, as something that touches our very essence. Not passing judgment too hastly, but also that our life is full of opportunities and each day we are confronted with the question what to do with this day. Nothing is lost. It just hasn't happened yet. We can choose whether we want to succeed or fail, whether we want to be good or bad.
Naruto confronts Zabuza about Haku (Naruto)
That moment never fails to make me tear up. Until that moment I didn't even consider Zabuza to be capable of having emotions but Naruto tore his armor away and revealed the deep connection he shared with Haku. I felt sad watching them die and yet it taught me and Naruto a lot about the shinobi lifestyle.
The truth about Itachi is revealed (Naruto)
Yeah, that one was a shock. I always wanted to believe that there was more to Itachi's story other than that he killed his whole clan because he "wanted to test his strength". Especially because he always tried to avoid a fight with Konoha shinobis and definitely didn't seem keen on killing them. But that Itachi sacrificed everything except Sasuke for the village -- that was a punch.
Luffy fights Arlong for Nami (One Piece)
Everything came together in that moment. I knew from the moment Nami couldn't let Zoro drown that something was up and when Arlong showed her that he will never ever let her or her village go, her desperation and fragility accumulated into pure epicness: asking Luffy to help her, Luffy trusting her with his hat and the boys just ready to beat the shit out of Arlong and his crew.
Theoden's speech at the Pelennor Fields (Return of the King)
Goosebumps. Every single time. The words. The music. Everything that leads up to it was pure desperation and then the riders arrive and god damn it. They came. They showed up to fight against the evils of Mordor. I was 13 when I saw this scene for the first time and I wanted to ride with them into battle.
Mufasa's ghost (The Lion King)
Mufasa's death must be something that has been ingrained into every millenials DNA. Just thinking about this scene, the music, Mufasa's desperation to save his son, his face when Scar betrays him, Simba's fear and sadness when he discovers that his father is dead ... it's a tragedy that speaks to one of our deepest fears: the loss of a parent or a loved one. And then ... he comes back to guide Simba, to remind him of his responsibility. It hits home.
Jon Snow's resurrection (Game of Thrones)
Jon was easily one of my favourite characters of the show. When he was killed I didn't want to accept it. It just wasn't possible that this was the end. This was all it amounted to: dead, because he did the right thing. Just like Ned and Robb. So when he was brought back to life I felt alive, too. It gave me hope that after all this something good would come out of it ... but yeah, then season 7 and 8 happened.
Vader saves Luke from the Emperor (The Return of the Jedi)
Another moment that just touched something within me. Luke's love for his father made him turn back to the light side. I've known Star Wars since I can remember but it still makes me cheer. It restores hope.
Morgain brings Arthur to Avalon (The Mists of Avalon)
I always felt that Arthur and Morgain were meant to be, but destiny made them half siblings. And when after all their hardships and years of separation, even after Morgain tried to dethrone Arthur and after he killed Mordred, she still seeked him out, only to find him mortally wounded from the battle -- and Arthur accepted her, was glad to see her one last time and asked her to bring him to Avalon. I felt the tragedy and sadness of their story. I also always felt that Arthur truly loved Morgain but knew that it could never be. So her kidness at the end, promising him, that she wasn't going to leave again, was at least some closure for me.
Harry learns the real truth about Sirius (The Prisoner of Azkaban)
This twist, that Sirius wasn't the one who betrayed Liliy and James, was such a surprise. But what sold the moment for me was the relief Harry felt when after years of abuse and neglect by the Dursleys, he would be able to live with Sirius. I loved that moment. It was so easy to imagine how happy Harry must have felt in that moment.
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reelvibes91 · 9 months
Top 10 Movies of 2023
10. The Creator - It had a really poignant message about how far we can take technology. Can we replicate the human experience but have it be placed in a human body. It raises the questions about what the future of warfare will look like. Add in some of the most stunning visuals that have been seen in a sci-fi movie, and the final product leaves you in a debate. One that does not have a wrong answer.
9. Scream 6- Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera return as the Carpenter sisters, and this film takes the franchise to a new location. Changing up the scenery allowed for fresh thrills to be infused into this series and created a new level of tension. It was a very solid entry as it developed the legacy characters more and continued to give depth to the new core 4. Very good movie.
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8. Talk to Me- One of the most original horror films that has been released in a long time. It plays on themes of loss, the supernatural, what happens after death and contact with the world beyond our own. It is well made, well acted and completely immerses you in this unique premise. This is a gem among other films that thankfully makes the list due to other films being pushed back beyond 2023.
7. The Killer- Fassbender is a revelation in this stylish action thriller. It may have a simple plot but sometimes all you need to do is breathe fresh life into something that has been done before. Fincher relies on the fast talking narrative and multiple set pieces to beautifully craft this story that plays out before us. It works and excels because you connect with the story and want to see how it plays out.
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6. The Super Mario Bros- This film sat atop the list for a long while but ultimately found itself bumped down. It is such a fun experience for anyone who grew up with the games and a delight to share with the younger generation. This is the single movie from this year that has played the most in my household. It holds so much Nostalgia and brings such a smile to my face.
5. Air- Ben Affleck brings this story to life in such a compelling manner. For anyone who followed MJs career this story is not new. For those who have forgotten MJ used this platform to become the single most recognized athlete of all time. This story, this deal and how it played out changed the landscape of the name, image, likeness game. The Air Jordan symbol is truly iconic and now this film will fully cement that legacy within cinema. Absolutely the kind of film we need more of.
4. Oppenheimer- When Nolan's career is said and done there will be so many achievements we can look back upon. This one will be considered the most important due to the historical nature of it. The way Nolan paints the picture of how this all came to be is a crowning achievement in film making and could likely win the director a slew of awards. Nolan knows how to make a stunning film while getting the most out of his cast and he was some amazing talent to choose from here. 
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3. Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse- Miles Morales is my favorite Spider-Man and this movie continues to showcase all the reasons why he is a phenomenal character. The sequel also added more layers to how the multiversal aspect of it all works. Easily some of the best animation we have ever seen. This film is on the short list for best picture at the Oscars and definitely deserves all the praise it is getting. 
2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem - No kid grew up in the 80s and 90s without knowing who the Ninja Turtles are. Now we have them present for the next generation and what a treat it was. There was so much story and world building in just over 90 minutes. You could feel the chemistry among the actors as well as they brought the brothers to life. The animation was once again on point, and the stellar cast overall helped bring the classic characters to life. This is the TMNT movie we have been needing for the last decade or more.
1 Killers of the Flower Moon- This 3.5 hour long Martin Scorsese epic told probably the most heartbreaking story of the year. What we see in this movie is the death and betrayal of the Osage people. Led by Leonardo DiCaprio and Lily Gladstone this is the type of story that needs to be told to help educate people on the past. The Osage murders were about greed and corruption. Scorsese continues to make films with bold statements and that will help preserve the truth about history. 
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haro-hawayu · 1 year
One Piece Live Action
I started One Piece LA thinking that I'll just take 2-3 days to watch it.
I binged the entire series in one day... XD
More semi-organized but mostly unorganized thoughts below~
Prior to watching, I had like medium/medium-high expectations for the LA because the trailers looked quite promising and was reading in various places that Oda praised it too. I still had that little part of me thinking that if it flops, then it's okay because surely it can't be worse than uhh... FMA live action (never saw Netflix Death Note which I heard was really bad so never checked it out)??
First episode exceeded my expectations!! I think by episode 4 I was still convinced I wouldn't finish the entire season and still have some to watch the next day, but before I knew it, I was on the second to last episode already LOL. Epic fail on my end for underestimating both the series and my ability to binge.
Cast: I think the cast is amazing!! Going into the series, I wasn't 100% sure about characters like Nami or Sanji, but wow, they were so great. I loved how the actors took in like the "essence" of the characters and kinda made it into their own instead of going for carbon-copy same-exact-thing as their anime counterparts. I think that would have led to more exaggerated/awkward acting which might have been not so good. Like imagine if Sanji was the same exact version as LA, I think I would've been kinda uncomfortable to watch cuz if the actor failed to pull it off, he might've turned Sanji into kinda sleezy/creepy skirt-chaser (works in anime cuz it's funny but in LA, maybe not so much). I found the amount of "comedic" interactions just perfect for the series. The chemistry between the cast was really great too, especially Luffy-Zoro-Nami, the very first members of Straw Hat crew. There were some minor-ish characters that grew on me really quick too even though initially I was kinda meh about them (i.e. Koby and Helmeppo). Oh, another example of a character that was kinda changed/adapted for the series instead of being mainly comedy relief would be Buggy. I really love how Buggy's portrayed in the LA, I would prob say he's my fave villain in S1 lol.
Story: Story-wise, I found the pacing to be just right, esp for S1 with the initial crew and each of their backstories. The amount of plot they covered felt just right imo, esp with first ep of Luffy wanting to set out while he's on his little raft, meeting Koby and sharing about how he wants to his own wanted poster etc, and then we wrap it up with the final episode of the season where Koby sees Luffy off with his Wanted Poster, and Luffy setting out with his crew on his own boat.
Music: I love the music! I loved that one motif that keeps replaying throughout the episodes. I thought it was the same theme, but I listened to the OST after and noticed a bunch of different tracks with that motif playing. It's quite catchy. I loved the moments where they included "We Are"--I legit teared up hearing it when they were setting off with Merry and the music was playing. I never thought I'd get this emotional over a live action adaptation, but here we are.
CG: The CG was also better than expected. Not over the top. I think I was most concerned about Luffy's abilities, but they were done well. I think things to worry about in the future is how they handle other Devil Fruit users' abilities.
Anyways, I would give it like a... 9-9.5/10. There were some scenes that kinda made me go ???? but those were minor things I guess. One was whenever Garp & Koby played Go and the way they held the Go stones made me kinda cringe. Another moment was the scene of young Zoro and his sensei at Kuina's funeral and they bowed to each other. Young Zoro's bow was appropriate, but the sensei's bow in return was kinda ??? when you bow, you usually don't tilt your head up look up at the other person cuz it's kinda rude, so seeing the sensei do that, it's like giving off the wrong vibe. Just itty bitty things that threw me off.
S1 finished strong, but time will tell how S2 will go. Especially for characters like Brook or Chopper... I imagine them to be CG'd in so that might affect character interactions, and if they're not CG'd in, well I hope it won't be too distracting...
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madara-fate · 1 year
Now that the Swordsmith Village Arc has ended, what are your top 10 moments in Demon Slayer so far?
I'll leave this to the anime only moments since I've also read the manga, in which case my top 10 moments would probably be...
10. Zohakuten's introduction - Up to that point, Hantengu's emotion related clones had been powerful, but they still felt beatable, especially after Tanjiro used the burning sword on them. But then Zohakuten came along with that Ancient Pharoah style attire of his, and let fans see the true reason why Hantengu has the rank of Upper Four. His very presence froze Tanjiro and Genya stiff, and that's what I wanted to see. The Upper Moons need to be presented as near insurmountable obstacles, and technically that's what Zohakuten was, as Mitsuri would have been killed by him it wasn't for Tanjiro's timely beheading of the main body.
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9. Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke working together to behead Daki - In my opinion, the worst thing about the Swordsmith Village Arc was the complete lack of Zenitsu and Inosuke. I love seeing the main male trio working together, and when they did so to behead Daki with their coordinated attacks, that was really cool.
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8. Muzan wiping out the rest of the Lower Moons - That scene served to show the God-like presence that Muzan has among the demons, and how they are literally nothing to him. You could really see the fear that Muzan was able to instill in them, which was very effective in depicting just how far above everyone Muzan was in terms of sheer power alone.
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7. Gyutaro and Daki's backstory - I'm glad that not every demon has to have a sympathetic backstory, because it makes those that do, like Gyutaro and Daki, seem even more impactful. You could truly see the struggle they had to endure during their childhood. When Gyutaro said in his despairing voice "What happened to 'fortune and misfortune are intertwined'? Both fortune and misfortune should come by turns!", that hit hard.
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6. Rengoku's death - I don't think many people expected Rengoku to die during the Mugen Train arc, but it proved to be highly significant and has been referenced multiple times since. The one thing I didn't like about it was how Tanjiro was calling Akaza a coward and saying how he didn't lose, because that was just pure cope on his part. Akaza wasn't a coward for seeking shelter from the sun, and while Rengoku may have protected everyone, he got dominated in the fight itself, that's the bottom line. That aside, this was a very touching and pivotal moment.
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5. Revealing the rest of the Upper Moons - Because when you remember the immense struggle and how it took absolutely everything that Tengen, Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu and Nezuko had to just barely defeat the Upper Six, the weakest of the Upper Moons, then watching the rest of them get revealed one by one had much significance. The fights against Akaza, Doma and Kokushibo are gonna be epic because those guys are problems.
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4. Tanjiro beheading Rui (or so it seemed) - The most epic part of Season 1, bar none. The animation, the music, Nezuko's assist with her Blood Demon Art, and the way Tanjiro sliced off Rui's head was just so smooth, it's hard to explain. It was one of the cleanest, and most satisfying decapitations I'd ever seen.
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3. The Rengoku vs Akaza fight - At that point, it was definitely the best fight in the series thus far, and it was the first time we had seen the immense power of the Upper Ranks. The Hashira had been presented really powerfully, so Akaza coming in and demonstrating the very large power difference between himself and Rengoku was a much needed wakeup call.
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2. Nezuko's sacrifice and subsequent survival - The way Tanjiro was panicking and hyperventilating as he struggled to decide whether to help the villagers and finish Hantengu, or save Nezuko was extremely well done, you could really hear his panic. The soundtrack as the scene was going on was beautiful, Nezuko making up Tanjiro's mind for him, the flashbacks of their time together, Tanjiro's rage as he finishes off Hantengu, and Nezuko's "Ohayo" as we see her smiling in the sun for the first time since the very beginning, were all very well done.
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1. The final fight leading up to Gyutaro and Daki's defeat - The cinematography and fight choreography for these scenes were absolutely out of this world. Tengen returning, Zenitsu unleashing his Godlike Speed technique, Tengen and Gyutaro going HAM on each other, Inosuke returning, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke working together to simultaneously take out Gyutaro and Daki, the Upper Six... Prior to this, I couldn't remember the last time I had been blown away purely due to the god tier animation of a fight scene, but this was something special.
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As a manga reader though, I know that the best is still to come. The Infinity Castle arc is gonna be peak Demon Slayer, and I can't wait.
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My main focus here is on samurai manga…
top 5 samurai manga read this month:
#5. Kurozuka by Baku Yumemakura on story and Takashi Noguchi on art
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This is a story that takes samurai, crosses it with vampires and kind of just illustrates how far those two can go, It’s based on real 2 life guys, maybe even considered legends in Japan with a bridge and statue dedicated to them and everything, Yoshitsune Minamoto and Saito Benkei
Basically, the story starts with them trying to escape some pursuers in the mountains and in doing so they end up unwittingly shacking up with a vampire, a lady vampire,,, and shit just gets crazy from there…
Don’t wanna get too into it cause 1 it’s number 5 and 2 tbh the story wasn’t all that outside the romanticism and dark sides of immortality, but what I can say is that the illustration over the eras that pass and how a dude with a sword, a samurai, changes over the millenia was pretty cool to see…
Pretty rad action, decent enough story wrapped up in just 40 chapters, kind of a mid cast but i loved the concept and its illustration..
For all you anime folks it does have a 12 episode anime but I can’t speak on that adaptation and its quality, differences etc. at all.
#4. Gintama by Hideaki Sorachi
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Super popular in hella anime and manga circles, in a lot of top 10s n 5s and If you haven’t heard of it well don’t worry the world’s full of information you don't know so continue to enjoy the journey...
Anyways… Gintama… is a story… that unfortunately I can’t speak on too confidently as I haven’t finished but despite a valiant attempt to in one month while reading a bunch of other stuff, I got to 200sumthn out of 709… but yh…
Gintama is set in futuristic japan but still somehow having a shadow of the edo period mixed in, meant to give a new take on the real life events of japan’s borders opening, foreigners coming in and that essentially leading to the downfall of the samurai, except the foreigners here are literal aliens. The story follows a samurai that previously fought in the war to keep japan alien free who’s now a dead beat, sakata gintoki, a young aspiring samurai whose dad died and left him a dojo in a world where swords are banned, shimura shinpachi, and a pretty much orphaned humanoid teen alien named kagura, all just barely scraping by with doing a bunch of very odd jobs.
VERY HILARIOUS, and so far largely a gag manga but it flips the serious switch very well and what I really like about it is that unlike a lot of other samurai mcs and characters, these guys, especially the central mc of the trio, sakata gintoki, have zero ambition, but constantly stress and fight to the death with swords to rubber chickens to protect their simple way of life. This is exemplified by the words shinpachi’s dying father left him in the very first chapter “Even if there comes a time when you must throw away your sword, never throw away the sword you have resting in your soul.”
I know it builds into an amazing story where almost every character they ever interact with pitches in and I'm probably underselling like crazy but if you want something samurai but samurai like you've never seen, check it out, I hear it’s worth the time and so far that’s proving to be so over the top gags and all.
Anime peps the anime is complete with 201 episodes.
#3. Sengoku Youko by Satoshi Mizukami (mangaka of spirit circle, Lucifer and the biscuit hammer and more)
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Technically not a samurai story, leaning more into fantasy but it's in that era and a ronin is in the main cast so bite me and my list ig…
Anyways this is an epic that somehow does an incredible extensive story in 100 chapters and it's not too surprising given the mangaka (seriously check out spirit circle, i’ll never stop talking about it, my favourite manga ever at just 46 chapters and Lucifer at the biscuit hammer which is pretty up there as well, which finally got an anime adaptation this year with 65 chapters).
The story follows a demon named Tama trying to bring peace to the world traveling the land with a human named Jinka who's trying to become a demon and hates humans, but because of his love for demons does whatever Tama tells him to. Further than the usual “what is strength?” question that you could say the way of the sword tends to boil down to, this story looks at the question of “what is a human?”, as the duo run into other humans and demons with their own perspectives and characteristics.
Unfortunately it’s pretty hard to sell it more without getting excited and blabbing it all but brilliant story (admittedly with a little bit of a choppy start), great cast and cast dynamic, dope action, average but fitting art, highly recommended.
Side note, this had one of the coolest, if not THE coolest dragon depictions and fights I've ever seen in manga.
#2. Ichigeki aka one hit kill by Jiro Matsumoto
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This was honestly an unexpected banger, as in, my firm philosophy is that by definition the average manga is average so you gotta just be thankful for bangers when they come but even so, especially for how short it was I was blown away.
The basic premise is that some peasants are brought in from the countryside to get some quick training in the sword and used as a throwaway one time hit squad but after they survive and show some promise, they're trained more seriously and sent on increasingly important but increasingly dangerous missions.
What I really love is how this story really highlights the caste system of the time, sounds weird to say but a lot of samurai manga mainly focus on the samurai class and up which I think paints this picture that some people just chose to pick up swords and others didn't, when really for the most part a lot of that was predetermined by birth. There were organized schools that only accepted certain families and it was only in extreme off chance cases that a peasant could even get their hands on a sword much less get formal training.
But yh, story and pacing was great and would even call it phenomenal (especially relative to the length), brilliant cast and cast dynamic, really loved the way the peasants viewed themselves and were viewed by others over time as they became more established, great action and pretty dope art, absolute banger in only 49 chapters, highly recommend.
#1. Kozure Ookami aka Lone wolf and cub by Kazuo Koike on story and Goseki Kojima on art
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This is a actually apparently a classic samurai epic and when I say epic I'm not using it loosely just to say it's good which it is, but when I say epic I mean to think along the lines of the Iliad or dante’s inferno.
The story follows a famed samurai, ogami itto, official executioner appointed by the shogun (really big fukn deal), framed, defamed and now turned assassin traveling the land on the path of revenge with his son daigoro.
Now if you're familiar with epics you'll know they're quite long and tbh when I started I was a bit confused like why is this dude out here carrying out assassinations with an infant? and is every chapter just gonna be him killing randoms? do I really need to know the name and history of EVERY prefecture like fr???? (really reminded me of that one chapter of the Iliad where they just listed everybody and their moms from athens)
A little bit of a slow start for me especially as the mc was just super stoic, the ideal samurai if you will but it's through that we see his character and what a true bushi/samurai is. Through any danger and challenge he sees his duty through to the end. Even the decision not to kill in the face of certain death. Wildly enough his kid is not a prop at all as watching his father over time he picks up his habits and has his own adventures.
The action isn't the smoothest but it perfectly captures that old samurai flick vibe, phenomenal aesthetic that becomes even more exceptional in the final few arcs and some of the greatest dialogue around the meaning of Bushido I've ever seen. A small example I'll give is in a duel he has with another fallen samurai, he’s asked what the right thing to do would be when caught in an ambush. Standing by his lord’s side and defending them or leaving his lord’s side to take the initiative in battle, both with equal chances of success.
It's 142 chapters but because almost every chapter, especially early on, is isolated and almost feels like a movie, it can be a bit of a rough read but definitely worth it. (actually started last year and read the second half this month).
hm: tenkaichi, elusive samurai, gantz:e, sengoku strays
top 5 samurai manga before this year
#5. Gamaran by Yousuke Nakamaru
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I almost want to say hunter x hunter but for samurai but the only real similarity is the mc trying to find his dad + in this he's trying to kill him cause they basically pulled an itachi and killed his squad.
I love this manga but again number 5 so I'm not trying get too into it plus it's really for the most part a battle tourney, nothing against tourneys but fight fi*azP_Qzght fight gets a litlle tired over the years yk?
Now why this is top5 is that along with really great art I really loved the detail put into the choreography and technique of the fights, as in alot of times sword fights, if they're not basically pokemon battles can be bland despite the contextual meaning and weight of it all. Like it's hard to really differentiate one swordsman from another midfight because outside of their stances they all just look like they're swinging swords pretty much the same way and on occasion shouting random stuff, especially in manga, but maybe that’s just me idk… But gamaran takes the time to illustrate the characteristics of each style, strengths, weaknesses, body motions, etc, to really give almost every fight a real definitive feel
solid story despite what I said about tourneys, great art, pretty dope cast, amazing action and only 194 chapters
There’s also an ongoing sequel called Gamaran: Shura but that only has 25 chapters so far and hasn’t really gotten anywhere yet
4. Sidooh by Tsutomu Takahashi
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This story follows two brothers whose mother dies in front of them as kids, leaving them with the last words "It is the fate of the weak to die", giving them an obsession with strength that leads them to claw their way up into the ranks of society
Really great pacing, great story and amazing aesthetic, an interesting art style that's a bit inky for lack of a better word but goes really well with sword strokes and stuff like that + some of the hardest drip I've ever seen on folks in that period and some of the meanest stare downs I’ve ever seen.
It's complete with 269 chapter but only 250 are translated to English, if you've been listening for awhile this is where I usually say fuck the french cause they usually have more manga chapters translated than others in general but hate is lame and all I need to do is step up and translate shit myself if I really want to yk so yh, sorry France, all my hate towards you will solely because of colonialism and especially what you've done to Haiti. fuck France and fuck imperialism
3. Vagabond by tajehiko inoue ( mangaka of slam dunk and real)
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This is something I'm always hesitant to mention because it's so good but is almost certainly never going to be completed and there's so much other great works to see but this is a definitive work of art and it'd be criminal to leave it off the list.
This story is based on the life of miyamoto musashi, a legendary swordsman, legendary, as his feats for a self taught peasant are just incredible, in real life this eventually culminated in him founding his own sword school, the Niten ichi Ryu (roughly translated to two heavens as one) but the manga doesn't really get to that bit.
Probably by far the greatest art in this list, Inoue is a master of the craft, and the investigation of the way of the sword and what it means to be unrivaled under heaven via musashi's travels and encounters with other known legends like the yagyu and itto ryu is truly enlightening.
Brilliant characters and character dynamics, stunning art that can never be understated, brilliant dialogue, very engaging fights, just an all round brilliant manga…
Besides the fact that a chapter hasn't come out in about 7yrs… I cry… 327 chapters out and translated if you can handle it…
2. Shigurui aka death frenzy by Takayuki Yamaguchi
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This was only 84 chapters but in case the name didn't give it away it gets pretty wild
The story revolves around the participants in the first fight of a deathmatch tournament, one being blind and limp while the other only has one arm. We're shown the events that led to them being chosen to fight and what they continue to swing their swords for in spite of their condition, and both having started out as students of the same sword school.
Lots of tragedy packed in here, lots of gore, very clean art, pretty dope fights, solid cast, and a brilliant story that really illustrates the sometimes unbecoming struggle that is being samurai.
1. Blade of the immortal by Hiroaki Samura
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bro... just trust me on this one....
I Know this is about manga but 3 Anime movies I gotta mention are: sword of the stranger, Lupin the IIIrd: The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa and ninja scroll
listen in to hear my top 5 swordsmen
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burningexeter · 9 months
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One of the greatest animated shows of all time, Transformers Prime and its finale movie Predacons Rising, takes place in or rather shares the same universe as plenty of other media ranging from other TV shows, movies and even video games.
The theme here that would connect them all is that they focus on ensemble casts of characters not just living in a world where the odds are against, be they supernatural or not, but also having them go up against not just said odds but the highest stakes possible that affects them.
Top it off, the ensemble casts of characters are not the type of standard, generic, heroic superhero type of characters and instead are vastly different from each other with them being distinct and flawed type of people who would never think would be the "heroes" in these scenarios. They're way less Gerard Butler in 300, Liam Neeson in Taken or Robert Downey Jr. in later MCU movies and way more Genna Davis in The Long Kiss Goodnight, Paul Walker/Vin Diesel in The Fast and the Furious and Clive Owen in Sin City.
Another thing is that with the media here is that no matter how fantastical, grand in scale, epic and supernatural even as they all get, they ALWAYS remain either somewhat grounded OR grounded to some degree. Again for example, they're way less the crappy later Fast & Furious movies, the shitfest that is the DCEU and whatever the hell Ben 10: Omniverse was and way more the Jurassic Park Trilogy (even the third one with the 'Alan' raptor), Die Hard and Big Trouble In Little China.
Now let's get to it, shall we:
• Far Cry Primal
• Solomon Kane (2009)
• Wolfwalkers
• Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy
• Red Dead Redemption Duology
• The Wild Bunch
• The Mummy (1999) and The Mummy Returns
• Indiana Jones Quadrilogy
• Overlord (2018)
• Inglourious Basterds
• Kolchak: The Night Stalker
• Runaway Train
• Big Trouble In Little China
• The X Files (first nine seasons, 1998 film, Millennium and The Lone Gunmen)
• Heat (1995)
• From Dusk Till Dawn
• Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel
• The Incredibles
• Heroes
• Cloverfield
• Krampus
• The Invisible Man (2020)
• Upgrade (2018)
• Alita: Battle Angel
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Whatever happened to Airachnid?
After she had drain all of her Inseticons done to nothing but the robotic bone, Airachnid was able to find a hidden yet grungy ship within the moon she was stranded on by Soundwave. Resourceful enough to make it work and turn it into her own twisted and demented ship that's all hers, Airachnid escapes and flies back to Cybertron. Learning of the death of Optimus and the war now over, Airachnid realizes she still has unfinished business she needs to settle right here and right now. She kidnaps her nemesis Arcee, who is now secretly dealing with trauma of her past once again due to Optimus' passing, and offers her an opportunity.... due to their previous fights with Arcee always winning, she managed to do the one thing no other bot or being couldn't - she impressed her. Therefore, Airachnid controls her infection and offers to Arcee that they should team up and become hunters across the galaxy but this time hunt down the worst of the worst, the most dangerous criminals there is and the deadliest of species that do nothing but cause havoc. Sensing Arcee's new PTSD and emotions after the death of Optimus Prime, Airachnid is able to use that to her advantage and manipulates her into taking the deal.... which Arcee reluctantly does.
The two of them are now bounty hunters that take in criminals of all kind throughout space whether they'd be dead or alive and as we speak, Arcee and Airachnid are awaiting their marriage this week.
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meikostan · 1 year
OK finally watching oshi no ko anime, it turns out all i needed was to go outside for like an hour and im normal again
my thoughts under the cut (writing as i watch) (long) (lots of thoughts) (beautiful and true?) (manga reader) (don't read if anime only) (spoilers) (seriously) (i talk alot) (lots of thoughts)
at this point i've reread oshi no ko enough times that even if i didnt already know japanese i could probably make it without the subs SDJLF but its so cool to see lines and panels that im so familiar with brought to life!! i also liked goro's death scene, especially the way they used static and cut between shots. i keep on pulling out my physical copies of onk (well mostly vol 1) and pointing at my screen and the corresponding part of the book like
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2. AIIIII little known fact about me is that ai is genuinely my favorite character... WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE SHE DIES IN THE FIRST VOLUME. seriously we only ever get to see her after this when a. her name or demeanor is invoked by another character b. aqua has his numerous mental breakdowns or c. flashbacks (including but not limited to aqua's mental breakdowns). i am always down for ai content!!!
3. its so much easier to ignore the weird vaguely sexual stuff from their babyhood because i know the rest of the series is normal and cool and not into that sort of stuff👍
4. speaking of normal yayayay it's aqua back when he was actually normal and not "normal" :D like he is just a baby. do you think now that oshi no ko is popular people will get into internet arguments about whether you can ethically have aqua as your favorite character post-normalification. actually wait this may already have been happening in the dark depths of some discord server out there.. but i dont use discord so im blissfully unaware
5. OH i dont think ive seen all of the OG b komachi before? or at least not in high detail. epic!
6. infant ruby telling people on the internet "kys" before age 2... truly a model twitter user
7. not gonna lie i havent really ever liked the way babies are drawn here (including manga)... idk their heads just look way too big like adult heads drawn on toddler bodies then ""cutified"". but this is a personal gripe
8. do you think because of infantile amnesia the twins forgot about the whole pretending to be amaterasu moment. do you think miyako still remembers. can you imagine being the foster mother of two kids who you believe to be gods sent to earth. do you think she remembers that she was "charged by the gods with keeping ai's secret" and then aqua. you know.
9. imagine: you married the ceo of a mid production company because you want to date hot men. there are no hot men in sight. you have to watch over one of the idol's twin infant babies. they reveal to you that they are divine messengers of god and also they can speak normally. there are no hot men in sight. you tend to their every need because you don't want divine retribution. you explain the intricacies of the idol industry in detail every couple of days when they complain about the injustices of the world. there are no hot men in sight. you become their foster mom after they witness the traumatic death of their mother, whose secrets you where charged with keeping safe. at least 12 years pass. they never mention any of this again. you manage the idol group one of them is in. there are still no hot men in sight. your name is miyako. every day you wake up.
10. i like how gotanda gives his business card to a toddler. whats he gonna do, call you on his fisher price dial phone? well actually nevermind aqua is probably the only other toddler (alongside ruby) who could make use of a business card
11. KANAA LETS FUCKING GOOOOO but also nothing will ever top 'lick a lying snitch/flick a crying switch'...... nothing ever... :( also taking the opportunity now to say ive always found it hilarious she assumed 'aqua' is his stage name and not his actual legal name, that's how ridiculous it is DSKLFJ
12. sobbing at the ruby ai dance... dont even have that many words i just really like it.. do you guys think ai was thinking about her own mom [& abuse/lack of relationship thereof]? not even just in this scene but in her more serious moments when she's thinking about her kids it's like "i want to make millions so they can go to the nicest schools and have the nicest things" "i want my daughter to dance freely and happily and i will support her in this" which ig can also be excused as 'thats just what a normal parent wants' but idk i like taking into consideration her own past and lack of parental support when looking at the way she tries to raise her children (not that she exactly got a chance to, even while still alive)
13. also i realized at this point that ep 1 is like an hour long not just because of the whole 'we gotta make sure no one drops this before the reveal that shows what this story's actually gonna be about', but also because it would be kinda awkward to have cut any of these scenes out? or not like out completely but like from each other. like if we had ended ep 1 at for example where they do their silly baby dance and go twitter viral (chapter 5 aka the midpoint of vol 1). that wouldve been terrible. but we can't cut it any earlier, or any later. ai's death feels like the natural conclusion to this problem. also i can't really see much of the other sections being stretched out to fit a full episode length being done very well. having ep 1 be a full 90 minutes lets them be as long as they need to be, aka a 1:1 adaptation of the manga.
14. oh boy chapter 9 time
15. i don't have anything to say about ai's outlook that has not already been said but this is the scene that made her my favorite character. not being able to tell at what point your lies become reality.. not really knowing if you've ever loved or been loved truly because your entire concept of 'love' was based off insincerity necessary for survival.. and now not ever being given the chance to explore what 'real love' means to you. FUCK
16. aww i love all these little family moments they added! very cute ^_^
17. yayy go kids get traumatized ^_^ also for some reason i remember the stalker as having really light hair o-0 fascinating. i remembered his name though!! just like ai fr
18. speaking of hair i also did not realize saitou was blond i thought he had brown hair..
19. hey the bandana (? i forget the word) guy holding the ai fan sign during the news montage is from one of the intros to the vol 1 chapters where hes like 'oh yeah i wonder where those dancing babies are now'!
20. another part of that montage shows a house with a wii in it, which came out november 19 2006. characters are shown using twitter which started earlier that same year; it was a pretty popular website even in 2008, but the mobile app only became a thing in like 2010. i'm seeing a mix of flip phones and smart phones so this has gotta take place sometime around 2010. it's kinda difficult to tell exactly what age the twins are in the main story because like the first page of vol 2 has ruby listing her age as 14, but - and the proof is not at my finger tips rn - i swear to god they're like 16 at this point. i have legitimate reasons to believe this but i need to grab exact proof adding to that we also have 15 years of lies, which if im remembering right would be referring to the twins age? i was trying to logic out exactly what year oshi no ko takes place in even though i already know the answer is 'in the modern day' but anyway yeah i'll just finish my episode and move on
21. THE IPHONE RUBY IS HOLDNIG HAS A HEADPHONE JACK. i want so badly to say that's an iphone 4 but there's like a separation between that and the power button. i also dont have an iphone 4 with me so i cant check it irl :( but anyway the iphone 4 was released in 2010, meaning the evidence is piling up for this part of the story taking place some time around 2010. or maybe i'm looking too deeply into this and should go back to actually watching the episode.
22. this is reminding me i was gonna write a fic specifically about this time period where the twins go to therapy and have to adjust to life without ai, having miyako graduate from fake mom to actual mom, aqua faking being fully recovered from the incident so he'd be released from therapy (fic concept was inspired from him stating this in like vol 6), etc. i never did because i spent like 3 hours researching play therapy and never got anywhere with it.. but maybe...
26. MEM!!!!
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27. AHHH POST CREDITS AI MAKING HER VIDEO FOR THE TWINS "i don't think i'll still be an idol by then" YEAH BUT AT WHAT COST 😭
FINAL THOUGHTS: i liked it alot ^_^ i dont really watch that much anime anymore (not that i watched an incredible amount before, but i am familiar with it) but i really liked this. i think they did a very good job of adapting the first volume! i know the rest of the episodes will be not-film length which does make me a bit sad because i think it would work out well, or at least not badly, if they were. it does also make me really excited for the future, seriously i will actually explode when i see the theater arc in full. cannot wait to see aqua mental breakdowns and ruby evil arc and and and and
the only thing i would've liked is if they could somehow have found a way to incorporate the pre-chapter intro scenes from the manga where they're talking about 15 years of lies, interviews with their pre-school teacher, etc. though both the pre-school teacher and the aforementioned bandana guy appear which may have been their way of doing it? like adding a fun detail for obsessives like myself to point at like 'my god it's those guys from exactly 2 panels in the manga'
tumblr ate my post and erased everything up to #2 while i was writing it and i was about to flip but it turns out that it automatically saves posts while youre writing them now and it was in my drafts safe and sound soooo crisis averted ^_^ anyway those were my thoughts on ep 1
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
Fifteen Days of Disney Magic - Number 8
Welcome to Fifteen Days of Disney Magic! In honor of the company’s 100th Anniversary, I am counting down my Top 15 Favorite Movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios! We're now halfway through the countdown! Today’s entry proves the quote, “The past is never dead. It isn’t even past.” Number 8 is…The Lion King.
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If I had to make a few guesses, I’d say the most unorthodox things about my countdown would be the following: one, putting “Fun & Fancy Free,” of all films, in my Top 15. Two, only including one modern era Disney film in the ranks, and we’ll get to that one eventually, don’t worry. Three, not including “Beauty and the Beast” in my Top 10…and four, making “The Lion King” ONLY 8th place. Yes, I am aware that I am a blasphemous heathen who deserves to be hit with a stick. So sue me. Once again, I must stress, do not take the lower placement of “The Lion King” to mean I dislike the film. Because, obviously, I do not. I think the movie is one of the most epic features Disney has ever put out, and it’s not a surprise that so many people name it as one of their top five favorite Disney movies, or even their absolute favorite. It was one of the most successful features of its time, and for good reason. Combining elements of Shakespeare with earlier animated works, including the anime “Kimba the White Lion” and Disney’s own “Bambi,” and a lot of its own original material, “Lion King” was and still is a unique movie in the Disney canon. In some ways, I would argue it’s a little more adult than many other Disney films, although it still has plenty of elements that can appeal to children, or even to one’s inner child.
There are many things that make this film as “big” as it is. The visuals are sweeping and grand; even the most minor shots always seem to have a lot of punch to them. It takes great advantage of the colors and visual motifs of its natural African setting to create some of the most gorgeous images you’ll find in any animated movie. Practically every frame of this film, if you were to halt it in place, could make a perfectly composed picture; almost something you would want to hang up on your wall. From childhood innocence to the bitterness of adulthood, and everything in-between, it patterns the emotional and physical journeys of Simba beautifully. Hans Zimmer’s score is equally powerful; I feel this actually may be one of his most underrated soundtracks, since when most people think of his name, they probably think of his work with Christopher Nolan, or on franchises like “Pirates of the Caribbean,” and when most people think of music in the Lion King, they tend to think of the songs. And while the songs are great – REALLY great – I think that Zimmer’s score is equally applause-worthy, as it works with the imagery (and the splendid voice cast) to paint every character and scene expertly. However, when I rewatched the film, what struck me most was the overall message of the story. This is where I think it’s most adult elements show: not in the death of Mufasa, or the family struggles, but in its ultimate and most prominent theme. The film is ultimately about one person learning to overcome his own perceived past mistakes, and bring justice and truth to a world filled with lies. We have all made mistakes or wished to correct unjust situations, and I think that theme is just as powerful today as it ever was. For me, it is perhaps especially poignant; I have, more and more frequently, found myself dealing with old wounds and not-so-forgotten errors, and wishing I could find a way to correct all those terrible things I did or said. So I can relate to someone like Simba in a way that’s different from many other characters Disney has created. As far as its competition with “Aladdin,” "Peter Pan," and “Beauty and the Beast” can be concerned, Lion King ranks high on all counts. Using the criteria I named in my previous two entries on the countdown: Lion King certainly has a lot of nostalgic value for me, and I do tend to refer to it more than “Beauty and the Beast” in everyday situations. I’d say it and Aladdin are pretty evenly tied there. I also have a close connection to it in writing, since my commission work has led to me writing A LOT of stories set in the universe of this film and its later spin-offs. And while there aren’t AS many parts I’d like to play in the story, in terms of a stage version, the chance to be in it, or even to just SEE it, onstage would be absolutely fantastic beyond belief – something I’d look forward to more than either of the other two films it was competing with. Therefore, it tops them both…but not the other films yet to come. I'm going to be honest, before I close this out: this film actually rose in the ranks by a grand margin. Just as I fully expected to put Peter Pan at the top of the four-part stretch when I went in, I actually expected to put Lion King at either 9th or 10th place. But upon returning to it, and reflecting on everything it means to me and all its done for me, I realized just how special this film truly was. It's not enough to break it into the Top 7...but I think when you see what those seven films are, you'll understand that being 8th place is far from an insult to this film's colossal credit. The countdown continues tomorrow with my 7th Favorite Disney Movie! HINT: An Underrated Mouse-terpiece.
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sophie-cullen · 1 year
The ten best literary sagas of all time. (According to Google)
In the vastness of the shelves, where words come to life and stories intertwine, there is a priceless treasure that captivates readers around the world: literary sagas. Like a mysterious and irresistible call, they transport us to imaginary worlds, unveiling intricate plots, striking characters and deep reflections. On this journey into books, I invite you to embark with me on an adventure through literature, as we explore the top 10 literary sagas of all time. Check out!
1# “Harry Potter”, by JK Rowling
The Harry Potter saga is a seven-book series that has captured the imagination of millions of readers around the world. Written by JK Rowling, the story follows the adventures of Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers that he is famous in the wizarding world for having survived an attack by the terrible dark wizard, Lord Voldemort. Drawn into the magical world of Hogwarts, Harry embarks on a journey of self-discovery, friendship and courage as he faces challenges, uncovers dark secrets and battles the forces of evil. With elements such as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Quidditch and iconic spells, the Harry Potter saga is a unique blend of magic, adventure and coming of age.
2# "The Lord of the Rings" by JRR Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings is an epic trilogy written by JRR Tolkien, consisting of The Fellowship of the Ring , The Two Towers , and The Return of the King. Set in Middle Earth, the saga chronicles the journey of a group of characters – including Frodo Baggins – on their quest to destroy the One Ring, a weapon of evil power that corrupts those who wield it. Throughout the story, readers are introduced to a richly detailed world, with an elaborate mythology, distinct races such as elves, dwarves and hobbits, epic battles and themes such as friendship, courage and sacrifice. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is considered one of the greatest works of fantasy literature, enchanting generations with its epic scope and dazzling imagination.
3# “The Chronicles of Narnia” by CS Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia is a seven-book series written by CS Lewis that transports readers into a magical world filled with adventure and deeper meaning. Each book features independent stories, but all are connected by the magical setting of Narnia, an enchanted kingdom where animals speak, children discover portals to other worlds, and forces of good and evil collide. From the children's first visit to the wardrobe in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe , to the final battle in The Last Battle , the Chronicles of Narniaexplore themes of redemption, faith, friendship and courage. With charismatic characters - like the lion Aslan - and unforgettable moments, this saga delights readers of all ages with its timeless messages and engaging magic.
4# “A Song of Ice and Fire” (Game of Thrones), by George RR Martin
A Song of Ice and Fire is a book series written by George RR Martin that became world famous through the television adaptation Game of Thrones . The saga is known for its complex narrative, political intrigue, vivid characters and surprising twists. Set in a fictional medieval world, the story is filled with noble houses, power struggles, war and fantasy elements. Readers are immersed in an intricate plot, filled with endearing characters, shifting alliances, and constant suspense. With its realistic and unpredictable approach, the saga defies conventions and builds a living world, where no character is safe from the consequences of their choices.
5# “The Wheel of Time”, by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
The Wheel of Time is an epic fantasy series originally written by Robert Jordan and concluded by Brandon Sanderson after Jordan's death. Consisting of 14 books, the saga takes place in a complex world, where the Wheel of Time weaves the destiny of all things. The story follows a group of heroes led by Rand al'Thor in their fight against the evil represented by the Dark One. With well-developed characters, political plots, prophecies and a rich mythology, The Wheel of Time offers an epic journey that encompasses intrigue, battles and surprising revelations.
6# “Dune”, by Frank Herbert
Dune is the first book in a series written by Frank Herbert and considered a science fiction landmark. Set in the distant future, the saga takes place on the desert planet of Arrakis, where a dispute over control of a substance called "spice" leads to political intrigue, interplanetary conflicts and the journey of Paul Atreides, the protagonist, in search of his destiny. as the "Kwisatz Haderach". With a deep and complex approach, Dune explores themes such as power, ecology, religion and the destiny of humanity.
7# “Foundation”, by Isaac Asimov
Foundation is a series of books written by Isaac Asimov, one of the great masters of science fiction. The saga takes place in the distant future, where a mathematician named Hari Seldon develops the science of psychohistory, capable of predicting the fate of entire civilizations. He creates the Foundation, a group of scientists and intellectuals tasked with preserving human knowledge during the fall of a vast Galactic Empire. Through the books, we are led to accompany the development of the Foundation over the centuries, facing political challenges, intrigues and confronting the uncertainties of the future. Foundation is known for its innovative ideas, exploration of topics such as politics, society and the complexities of human psychology.
8# “The Dark Tower” by Stephen King
The Dark Tower is an eight-book series written by Stephen King . The saga mixes elements of fantasy, science fiction, western and horror, creating a unique and captivating universe. The story revolves around Roland Deschain, known as the Gunslinger, on his quest for the Dark Tower, a mystical center that unites all universes. Along the journey, Roland faces supernatural creatures, confronts his past, and comes face to face with a formidable antagonist known as the Man in Black. With his signature prose, Stephen King creates a fascinating world where the boundaries between reality and dream blur, and the fate of Roland and the Dark Tower itself are put to the test.
9# “Saxon Chronicles”, by Bernard Cornwell
Saxon Chronicles is a series of historical novels written by Bernard Cornwell, set in 9th century England during the time of the Viking invasions. The saga is narrated from the perspective of the protagonist Uhtred of Bebbanburg, a Saxon nobleman raised by the Danes. Through the books, we witness Uhtred's journey, involved in conflicts of loyalty, epic battles and the fight for the unification of England. With meticulous historical research and an engaging narrative, Bernard Cornwell vividly recreates the turbulent period in English history, transporting readers to a time of honor, war and the quest for identity.
10# “The Assassin's Saga”, by Robin Hobb
The Assassin's Saga is a series of books written by Robin Hobb and is made up of several trilogies that take place in the same fictional world. The story follows Fitz, a young orphan trained to become a real assassin. Through the books, we are immersed in a world of political intrigue, magic and secrets. The saga addresses themes such as identity, loyalty and the protagonist's journey of self-discovery. With richly detailed writing and complex characters, The Assassin's Saga offers an engaging and emotional literary experience.
Conclusion – The Hidden Treasures of the Literary Sagas
Literary sagas are literary treasures that transport us to extraordinary worlds, full of captivating characters and engaging plots . These works remind us of the power of imagination and literature's capacity to move us, entertain us and make us reflect on universal questions.
Each of these 10 sagas left a lasting legacy in literature, conquering a legion of fans and inspiring readers around the world. With their epic scope, memorable characters and rich narratives, these literary sagas invite us to embark on extraordinary journeys and discover new literary horizons. So how about starting a literary journey today?
Unfortunately our dearest saga PJO wasn’t on that list, but at least (for potterheads) Harry Potter is on the first place.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Top 20 writers who have had a significant impact on literature and continue to be widely read and celebrated:
1. William Shakespeare - English playwright and poet whose works, such as "Hamlet," "Macbeth," and "Romeo and Juliet," are considered some of the greatest works of literature in the English language.
2. Homer - Ancient Greek poet who authored epic poems "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey," which continue to be studied and adapted today.
3. Jane Austen - English novelist whose works, including "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility," are known for their witty social commentary and exploration of gender roles.
4. Leo Tolstoy - Russian author whose novels, including "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina," are considered masterpieces of realist fiction and explore themes of love, war, and human nature.
5. Fyodor Dostoevsky - Russian author whose works, including "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov," explore themes of morality, guilt, and redemption.
6. Charles Dickens - English author whose works, including "Oliver Twist" and "Great Expectations," often exposed the harsh realities of Victorian society and championed social justice.
7. Miguel de Cervantes - Spanish author whose novel "Don Quixote" is considered one of the greatest works of fiction ever written and is widely regarded as the first modern novel.
8. Virginia Woolf - English author and feminist whose works, including "Mrs. Dalloway" and "To the Lighthouse," experimented with narrative structure and explored themes of gender, identity, and mental illness.
9. Toni Morrison - American novelist and essayist whose works, including "Beloved" and "The Bluest Eye," explore themes of race, identity, and history. Morrison was the first Black woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
10. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Colombian author whose works, including "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera," pioneered the literary genre of magical realism and explored themes of love, family, and politics.
11. James Joyce - Irish author whose works, including "Ulysses" and "Finnegan's Wake," are known for their experimental narrative techniques and exploration of themes of identity, sexuality, and Irish history.
12. Ernest Hemingway - American author whose works, including "The Sun Also Rises" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls," are known for their spare, direct prose style and exploration of themes of war, masculinity, and existentialism.
13. Franz Kafka - Czech author whose works, including "The Metamorphosis" and "The Trial," often explore themes of alienation, bureaucracy, and the absurdity of modern life.
14. Emily Dickinson - American poet whose works, including "Because I could not stop for Death" and "I heard a Fly buzz - when I died," are known for their innovative use of language and exploration of themes of death, nature, and spirituality.
15. William Faulkner - American author whose works, including "The Sound and the Fury" and "As I Lay Dying," often experiment with narrative structure and explore themes of race, history, and the American South.
16. Samuel Beckett - Irish author whose works, including "Waiting for Godot" and "Endgame," are known for their absurdist themes and exploration of the human condition.
17. Herman Melville - American author whose novel "Moby-Dick" is considered one of the greatest works of American literature and explores themes of obsession, morality, and the nature of evil.
18. Vladimir Nabokov - Russian-American author whose works, including "Lolita" and "Pale Fire," often experiment with narrative structure and explore themes of sexuality, identity, and memory.
19. George Orwell - English author whose works, including "1984" and "Animal Farm," are known for their political and social commentary and exploration of themes of totalitarianism, propaganda, and censorship.
20. Dante Alighieri - Italian poet whose epic poem "The Divine Comedy" is considered one of the greatest works of Western literature and explores themes of love, sin, and redemption.
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animixplayis · 1 year
[Reveal] 10 Top Anime Genres to watch after 'Sad Night'
Film anime is not a genre by itself, but consists of series and films with a distinct Japanese animation style. Top anime genres change depending on what's popular, but all feature elements of romance, comedy or science fiction. There are many different anime genres, ranging from obscure ones such as and well-known staples such as shonen.
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1. Shounen
Shounen is a popular genre of anime and manga that primarily targets a young male audience. It is characterized by its action-packed stories, thrilling battles, and themes of friendship, adventure, and personal growth.
Shounen anime often feature determined protagonists who embark on epic journeys, overcome challenges, and strive to achieve their goals. Here are some notable examples of shounen anime:
One Piece
Dragon Ball
My Hero Academia
Attack on Titan.
Hunter x Hunter
Demon Slayer
Fairy Tail
Black Clover
Shounen anime captivate viewers with their dynamic action, memorable characters, and compelling storylines. They often incorporate themes of determination, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams, resonating with a wide audience beyond its target demographic.
2. Shoujo
"Shoujo" is a genre of manga and anime that specifically targets young girls as its primary demographic. The term "shoujo" translates to "young girl" in Japanese and refers to works of fiction that cater to the interests and experiences of adolescent girls.
Shoujo manga and anime typically explore themes such as romance, friendship, personal growth, and coming-of-age stories.
Shoujo works often feature female protagonists navigating their relationships, both romantic and platonic, and dealing with the complexities of emotions and personal development.
The stories may revolve around school life, fantasy settings, or everyday scenarios, offering a blend of realism and escapism. Common narrative tropes in shoujo include love triangles, dramatic confessions, and emotional dilemmas.
Romantic subgenres are prevalent in shoujo, including "shoujo romance" that focuses on the blossoming of romantic relationships, "magical girl" stories that incorporate supernatural elements, and "reverse harem" narratives where the female protagonist is surrounded by multiple male love interests.
Some popular shoujo series include "Sailor Moon," "Cardcaptor Sakura," and "Fruits Basket."
3. Seinen
Seinen is a term used in Japanese manga and anime to refer to a genre of works targeted towards young adult men. The term "seinen" literally means "youth" or "young man" in Japanese.
Seinen works typically have more mature themes and content compared to shonen, which is targeted towards teenage boys.
Seinen manga and anime often feature more complex and nuanced characters, darker and more mature storylines, and can also include more graphic violence and sexual content.
Seinen works can span across various genres, including action, romance, drama, comedy, and science fiction. Some popular seinen anime and manga series include "Attack on Titan", "Berserk", "Cowboy Bebop", "Ghost in the Shell", "Death Note", and "Monster".
Seinen anime and manga are popular among young adult male readers and viewers, who appreciate the more sophisticated and thought-provoking content and characters.
Seinen works are often praised for their realism, depth, and ability to tackle complex and mature themes.
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4. Josei - top anime genres
Josei is a genre of manga and anime that is targeted primarily towards adult women. The term "josei" translates to "woman" or "female" in Japanese.
Josei works typically explore more mature and realistic themes compared to other genres, focusing on the daily lives, relationships, and emotional struggles of adult women.
Josei manga and anime often delve into issues such as career, family, romance, personal growth, and societal expectations.
The stories tend to have a more introspective and character-driven approach, examining the complexities of the female experience and the challenges faced by women in contemporary society.
One of the defining characteristics of josei is its emphasis on portraying relationships in a more nuanced and realistic manner. Romantic relationships may be explored with a greater emphasis on emotional depth, complexities, and the challenges faced by adults in maintaining relationships.
However, josei stories are not limited to romance and may also focus on friendships, family dynamics, and personal development.
5. Slice of Life
Slice of life is a genre of storytelling that portrays everyday life situations in a realistic and relatable manner. It often focuses on the mundane experiences of its characters, their relationships with others, and the small moments that make up their lives.
The slice of life genre can be found in a variety of mediums, including literature, film, television, and anime/manga. It is often characterized by its slow pace, lack of plot-driven action, and its emphasis on character development and introspection.
Slice of life stories may focus on a particular individual or group of people, exploring their thoughts, feelings, and interactions with each other. They may also examine larger social or cultural issues through the lens of individual experiences.
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 Slice of Life
6. Fantasy
Fantasy is a popular genre in anime that transports viewers into imaginative and fantastical worlds filled with magic, mythical creatures, and epic adventures. It allows for limitless creativity and often involves quests, battles between good and evil, and the exploration of mystical realms. Here are some notable examples of fantasy anime:
Sword Art Online
Fullmetal Alchemist
Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World
Fairy Tail
Made in Abyss
The Ancient Magus' Bride
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Howl's Moving Castle
Fantasy anime allows viewers to escape into richly imagined worlds filled with magic, adventure, and captivating characters.
These series often explore themes of heroism, self-discovery, and the balance between light and darkness, offering a blend of excitement, wonder, and imagination.
7. Psychological
The psychological genre of anime and manga explores the human psyche, mental health, and emotional states, often delving into dark and complex themes.
It is a genre that deals with the inner workings of the human mind, including how people think, feel, and react to the world around them.
Psychological anime and manga often use non-linear storytelling, surreal imagery, and symbolism to convey the mental and emotional states of the characters.
It is a genre that can be both thought-provoking and disturbing, as it often delves into topics such as trauma, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
One of the key characteristics of psychological anime and manga is the exploration of characters' inner conflicts, insecurities, and fears. It often blurs the line between reality and illusion, challenging the viewer to question what is real and what is not.
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8. Which website to watch top anime genres?
Top anime website is https://animixplay.is/. AnimixPlay is a leading streaming platform dedicated to anime. It offers a diverse range of anime series across multiple genres, including action, romance, comedy, fantasy, sci-fi, and more.
AniMixPlay provides a user-friendly interface and has a large catalog of licensed anime content, making it a great platform to explore and discover anime across different genres.
We have now shared information about the Top Anime Genres. This article should help you choose the best action comedy movie.
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
Book Review: The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy + Sable
You probably are desperate to know what I think about it, and I need to keep this short and succint, so here goes.
The book is awesome. I loved Arthur's character, and the intro was hilarious. The part where that guy is so perplexed that he just lies down in front of the bulldozer without a struggle. I also loved the subversion of expectations when it was revealed that mice were the most intelligent creatures on Earth and they were experimenting of humans all along. I remember wondering what it could be when it was first mentioned, dolphins? Octopi? Sperm whales? (although, there was an extremely gory sperm whale death that I did not appreciate at all. Yeah, I revel in human death and cringe at animal death. Sociopath? Probably). The Improbability Drive is also an interesting concept. :P I'm sorry, if there's one thing I'm absolutely garbage at it's reviewing stuff.
The whole story is just a rollercoaster ride. The weirdest stuff happens and absolutely nothing goes the way you'd expect it to. The humour is on point, I love the worldbuilding and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Okay, you may be wondering what Sable is. Sable is an open-world exploration game that I decided to play over the vacation, partly because it's somehow only 2 GB??? and would fit on my thumb drive so my dad wouldn't get mad at me for installing games on his laptop.
Anyways, you may have seen the screenshots from Sable on my moodboard for potential artstyles.
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Really pretty screenshot I got. Sable is standing on top of the uh chimney??? of a Hercules Beetle (giant, I mean like baby elephant sized) nest looking out onto the ruins of a castle. You can see why I liked this artstyle. Minimalistic, very few colours, simple textures.
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Cute creature UwU. They're the queen of the species.
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Ain't that relatable.
Aaaannnnyyyywaaaayyyss, damn guess this is why you use launchers, I have no way to track playtime :P, damn you Windows. So, I got the game ages ago, I think around Christmas, but didn't play because I was still travelling, and forgot about it by the time I got home because Epic Games keeps throwing out free games every week. Seriously, I think I have a library of 200 games and played at most 10 of them. So, I booted up the game again after accidentally purging it from my laptop last time.
Sidenote: The game is full of enby characters! Well, at least, people who use they/them pronouns.
You play as Sable, an Ibexii kid who's leaving for her "Gliding". You have to fetch the parts for your hoverbike, and until then you have to ride a broken down garbage bike, and then you go to a temple and receive a mask, and gliding powers, and when you return, you reach the part that made me fall in love with the game. A cutscene plays out where Sable walks out into the exit of the canyon. Control is handed back to the player and a prompt appears on the screen to press "F" to "Call Out". You press F, and the hoverbike glides in from the distance. That felt so awesome, like, it could compete with the "Even The Odds" scene in Arkham Knight.
That's just the beginning though. As you drift off to the outside world, the camera pans out, showing the canyon, with the title card, and an absolutely awesome track starts playing
as you glide on to your next destination over the vast desert. This scene is very powerful in conveying the feeling of leaving home to discover the world and yourself. This is one aspect of video games I wish more games would capitalise on. The interactivity. Since the player is controlling the character, there's a degree of, how do you say this, one-ness. I feel like the best video games are those that allow the player to feel like they're actually in the game world and not just controlling some rando character in a pre-written story.
I've only played a little so far, but the exploration is so fun. I decided I wanted to do a quest, got lost, somehow, maybe I don't know my cardinal directions, and ended up finding pieces of a crashed ship with an AI named Sarin with voice logs. They mention Earth(-hours), so that might be relevant sometime. I discovered that the planet is called Midden, and it's covered with sand, and the only water I saw was in an indoor pool. There are also these curious fish species which swim in the sand and nibble on plant roots. Wish I took pictures, the wiki is scarce.
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akzblogs · 2 years
Here are top 10 anime's that I have watched..
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one piece
he story follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young boy with rubber powers, as he sets out to become the King of the Pirates and find the legendary treasure known as "One Piece."
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This series set in a dystopian world where humanity lives in fear of giant humanoid creatures called Titans. The story follows Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert as they join the Scout Regiment, a military unit that fights against the Titans and uncovers the mysteries behind their existence. The series is known for its intense action scenes, political intrigue, and character development. Overall, Attack on Titan is a well-received and highly acclaimed series with a dedicated fan base.
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3. Death note
The story centers around a high school student named Light Yagami who discovers a supernatural notebook that can kill anyone whose name is written in it. Light uses the notebook to rid the world of criminals, attracting the attention of a mysterious detective known only as "L." The two engage in a cat-and-mouse game as they try to outwit each other and uncover each other's identities. The series is known for its psychological themes, intense suspense, and moral dilemmas. It's a dark and thought-provoking show that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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4. FullMetal Alchemist
The story follows two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, as they search for the Philosopher's Stone in order to restore their bodies after a failed attempt to bring their mother back to life using alchemy. Along the way, they encounter friends and enemies, uncover conspiracies, and learn about the true nature of alchemy and their world. The series is known for its strong characters, well-written story, and emotional moments. It's a must-watch for fans of the fantasy and action genres.
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5. Naruto
The series is set in a world filled with ninjas, where nations compete for power and the use of jutsu, special techniques that use spiritual energy. The story is known for its themes of friendship, perseverance, and the pursuit of one's dreams. The series features a large cast of well-developed characters, epic battles, and an overarching narrative that builds to a satisfying conclusion. Overall, it's a classic coming-of-age story with a unique and compelling world that has captured the hearts of fans around the world.
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6. Tokyo Ghoul
The story is set in a world where ghouls, creatures that feed on human flesh, coexist with humans. The protagonist, Ken Kaneki, becomes a half-ghoul after surviving a near-fatal attack from a female ghoul. He must navigate a dangerous and complex world filled with both humans and ghouls as he tries to find a place for himself and uncover the truth about his own identity. The series is known for its mature themes, intense action, and thought-provoking commentary on societal issues. With its rich world-building, complex characters, and thrilling narrative, it's a must-watch for fans of the horror and action genres.
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7. Baki The Grappler
The story follows Baki Hanma, a young and powerful martial artist who sets out to become the strongest fighter in the world. The series features a large cast of diverse and memorable characters, each with their own unique fighting style. The action is intense, brutal, and well-animated, and the story is filled with twists and turns as Baki faces off against opponents from around the world. The series is known for its over-the-top violence and its focus on the raw physical power of its characters. If you're a fan of martial arts and action-packed battles, "Baki the Grappler" is definitely worth checking out.
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8. jujutsu kaisen
The protagonist, Yuji Itadori, is a high school student who becomes embroiled in this world after he unintentionally absorbs a powerful curse. Along with a group of jujutsu sorcerers, he sets out to battle against curses and unravel the mystery behind them. The series is known for its unique blend of horror, action, and humor, and its well-developed cast of characters. With its fast-paced story, dynamic battles, and memorable characters, "Jujutsu Kaisen" is a must-watch for fans of the shonen genre.
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9. my hero academia
The story is set in a world where most people have special abilities called "quirks." The protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, is a young boy who dreams of becoming a hero despite being born without a quirk. He eventually gains the powers of the world's greatest hero, All Might, and enrolls in a prestigious hero academy to hone his skills and become a hero himself. The series is known for its diverse and well-developed cast of characters, its thought-provoking themes on the nature of heroism and morality, and its intense and well-animated action scenes. With its compelling story, relatable characters, and thrilling action, "My Hero Academia" is a must-watch for fans of the shonen genre.
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10. Demon Slayer.
The story is set in a world plagued by demons, who prey on humans and turn them into demons themselves. The protagonist, Tanjiro Kamado, sets out on a quest to find a cure for his sister, who was turned into a demon, and to avenge the rest of his family who were killed by demons. Along the way, he encounters other demon slayers, each with their own unique skills and abilities, and battles against powerful demons. The series is known for its well-animated and intense action scenes, its memorable cast of characters, and its touching story of brotherhood, courage, and sacrifice. With its captivating world-building, thrilling battles, and emotional narrative, "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" is a must-watch for fans of the shonen and action genres.
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theanimeview · 2 years
[Movie Review & Spoilers] GOT TO LOVE SLIMES! “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime the Movie: Scarlet Bond”
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG8fUTen5NI&ab_channel=CrunchyrollCollection
By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting
Reincarnation has been a popular premise in anime and manga (generally fiction as a whole) for some time, allowing characters to come back from death in a new form and allowing them/us to explore a different version of life in another world or the same one from a new perspective.  That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is one such series, and it is one of my favorites with its ridiculous plot progression that jumps from final boss-level worries in one episode to the internal drama of a tight-knit community in the next (not to mention the fantastic cast of characters). Therefore I was ecstatic to learn that the series was getting a movie, Scarlet Bond, and even more delighted to find that there would be an international release. 
The movie was equally as entertaining as the show and manga. I ended up seeing the film twice. Once in Japanese with subtitles and once with English dubbing. There were some minor changes between the two texts, like Towa’s ending speech or how characters responded to some things, but I wouldn't say that it changed the meaning of the scenes in any significant way. To be honest, I found the dubbed version to be more enjoyable. While I am used to subtitles and have a slight grasp of Japanese, I was able to really take in the art and the action scenes better when I wasn't trying to switch between reading and watching on the big screen. Moreover, the voice actors for the new characters–specifically, Towa and Hiiro–were phenomenal. 
Part of my favorite thing within the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime anime is the over the top fight scenes and this movie was no different. There was some dramatic ones, there were some flashy ones, and there were ones that just looked epic. I felt like I got to enjoy these more when I was watching the dub version, because I could pay more attention to what was happening on screen. With the subtitled version, I was definitely reading a lot and there times when the subtitles disappeared too quickly for me to finish the sentence or second line of text. While I wasn't sure I was missing too much because the context was pretty straightforward, it certainly made me feel a little frustrated. 
[Spoilers] Should I see it if I haven't watched the show? 
No. I would not recommend seeing this movie if you haven't seen the show. Firstly, the movie opens in the midst of troubles with the Demon Lord Clayman (the Orc Lord arc), and there are a lot of things that tie in with events from Season 1 and Season 2 of the anime. I could maybe see missing Season 2 and still understanding the set up for the movie, but you'd need the context of Season 1 to fill-in some of the larger blanks since there aren't really character introductions. I think a lot of anime movies which continue a series tend to give brief characters introductions, and this one sort of does but it's not so much that I think you could miss Season 1 and still get the gist of the dynamic (at least, that's my opinion). Note: The movie picks up directly after Season 2, so there is not a big time gap between the events seen in the film and the show. 
My Feelings
I loved the movie. I loved the new characters–particularly Hiiro. I loved the animations. I thought that the opening action scene was epic and emotionally impactful. I felt invested in the progression of events and loved seeing the characters work out what was happening. 
I thought it was excellent and would rate it a 9/10. I give it a 9/10 only because I saw it in theaters but this would have received a 10/10 had I watched from home. It was worth the ticket prices to me, because I wanted to see it in theaters but this was probably one I could have enjoyed from home in a pay-to-watch sort of situation on Amazon Prime, YouTube, or–if they had the option–Crunchyroll/Funimation.
If you are a fan of the series, definitely add this to your watchlist!
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