#too unprofessional.
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cringelordofchaos · 6 months ago
i hate myself.
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dykephan · 3 months ago
this is something i think about so often. people love to pin all of the blame on phannies for invasive and weird behavior but everyone forgets how people that were supposed to be dan and phil’s colleagues, their equals, their friends even were doing a lot of the same shit on a much wider scale to much larger audiences than what the average phannie had
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haleandwellmet · 3 months ago
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very serious repressed 4 repressed relationship
i made a very stiff workaholic MC for @hpowellsmith's Honor Bound and they ended up in a korzhamance! Did they make each other worse? yes :^) Did I love every second of it? without a doubt.
MC lore below the cut because I am rotating them in my mind:
Oriole Bittersea (not to be confused with my dnd character Oriol Battersea who I did base their character on) is a 44 y.o disgraced field medic clinging to their military job like it's a speeding train they just managed to hop onto the back of.
Extremely dutiful, overly reliant on structure of the military to shape their life, and pragmatic, yet kind of artless, they ended up being a slightly more naive version of Korzha lol. I did not realize that was happening because I went it completely blind and didn't know much about the characters except what it said on the tin.
I actually thought they were gonna romance Fiore, but Oriole is someone who would prioritize work over any social commitments so they kept being drawn to Korzha instead, because spending time with Fiore felt frivolous.
ALSO similar to Korzha, Matia ended up being a close friend who helped them unbutton a bit. Side note: I want Matia to be my friend irl, I can't wait to do a more Matia-centric run.
No spoilers, but after several painful fuck-ups and continually failing to look after their health, Korzha remains their last tie to a military they're not really sure they want to be attached to anymore, while Korzha is in it deeper than ever. I did not have the heart to break them up after everything, but they are in for an interesting future together :^)
oops the tragic, personality-based doppelbanger situationship has committed accidental war crimes!
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he is gorgeous, i wont lie.
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hurglewurm · 5 months ago
thinking about how. MORE than one old white woman presiding over me during my master's program in some capacity,,, has gently (unprompted) insinuated to me that accommodations are available, academic or otherwise
like i've had classmates undergo the same meetings, the same presentations for the same prof, etc and they do Not get the same gentle "oh you poor little thing. is this so hard for you? do you need help?"
and it's like. on one hand cool, thanks, glad that's available. i am, however, legit fine and chilling and doing better than ever in a classroom environment because i Stopped Masking in my mid-twenties and i sit cross-legged and play with my spiky ball sometimes and i'm vibing
glad accommodations exist. none of them would do anything helpful for me specifically. but if me being visible is what it takes for you to ? ? feel like you're Helping students who need/use accommodations ? to assuage your Guilt idk lol ? then ok white woman i will continue to exist within eyesight
(wish you'd respect the accommodations of students who actually require them, instead of giving platitudes to me who is i guess more Visibly 'other' to you)
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rainbowsandwhumperflies · 3 months ago
Re: asks and drabbles about things Onyx had to be trained in - yes, that sounds delicious! May I start with the "not allowed to touch princes' personal things" rule? Because I found that really interesting – I first assumed that he's not allowed to touch their things for any purpose other than cleaning (e.g. that picking up a photo frame or some other knicknack to dust it off or to wipe the dust from the shelf would be ok for him) and I was intrigued when it turned out that wasn't the case.
content warnings: royal/servant whump, nonhuman whumpee, burning, insults, carewhumper (? maybe? someone feel free to correct me on this idk), multiple whumpers
masterlist | ask game that this is from
I am so sorry about how long this has been marinating in my inbox 😭😭 but the rule actually does not apply to both princes! Onyx does all the cleaning for Cardan, he's just not allowed to do things for Ryan. The short reason why is that Ryan is a control freak, but you get the long reason too <3
“Onyx! Did you bring my soup?”
I bowed, all the way to the floor like Her Majesty liked me to do. “Of course, Your Highness.”
Prince Cardan grinned, leaning towards me with his hands out to receive it. Leaning towards me over his brother’s bed, actually, and I hesitated. “I… Your Highness, I don’t know if…”
“Oh, come on. It’s not that big of a deal, just give me the fucking soup.”
“Of course, Your Highness.” I leaned toward him, slowly handing the bowl over-
His hand slipped as he grabbed the bowl. The soup tilted left, spilling onto my hand, and I hissed at the scalding liquid, yanking my hands back to myself.
“Hey, angel, what the fuck was that?”
I looked back at the prince, who was staring at the quilt that I’d just dropped his soup on. “Shit,” I blurted out. “My, my apologies, Your Highness, I- I can fix this, I-”
“Can you?” Prince Ryan asked from the doorway, and I jumped.
“Yes, Your Highness,” I insisted quietly, grabbing napkins from Prince Cardan’s desk and shoving them at the quilt, at the bright red tomato soup spilled on it. “I, I can, I swear, I didn’t mean it and-”
“And all you’re doing is spreading it around. Stop.”
“I- please, Your Highness, I can, please-”
“Just- stop it, Onyx. Stop touching things.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I-”
“I don’t care! I don’t care. Shut up for one fucking second and let me fix this.” I froze. Prince Ryan didn’t yell at me. His brother did, all the time, but Prince Ryan told me clearly and concisely what he needed. There was never any need for him to yell at me. I dropped slowly to my knees and leaned forward, the way I was supposed to do when I saw him, instead of arguing and talking back.
I didn’t apologize, because he’d told me to keep quiet, but fuck was I sorry.
“What did you do?” Prince Ryan asked, and Prince Cardan laughed.
“Me? What did I do? Your bird is the one who spilled my soup.”
“Yeah. On my bed. What the fuck was he even doing over here?”
Prince Cardan made an I-don’t-know sound and went back to typing on his computer. Prince Ryan stayed silent for a long moment, and I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as they would go.
“Onyx,” he snapped eventually, and I looked up quickly.
“Yes, Your Highness? My apologies for spilling the soup. It won’t happen again.”
“Pull the quilt off and wash it. Handwash, not the machine. If the soup is soaked through any other layers, you can throw them in the machine. Come find me when you’re done.”
Handwashing took a long time. It was reserved for once every month or two, whenever the royal family could spare for me to miss almost an entire day of duties to wash the things that were more fragile than the rest. Things with embroidery or delicate fibers, things that the royal family owned in abundance. It was not a punishment, not by any measure, but it was a task that wouldn’t be simple to add on to the chores of the day.
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“I don’t want you touching my things again.”
I frowned. I had washed the quilt, gotten every shadow of a stain out, and then found the prince like he had asked me to. Because my whole job was washing things, cleaning things. “My apologies, Your Highness. I don’t understand.”
“What is there not to understand? Seems pretty fucking clear to me. I don’t want you ruining my things when you do shit like this.”
“Of course, Your Highness. Just. How else am I supposed to tidy for you?”
He rolled his eyes. “I’ll do it. You, just, like, vacuum and whatever. I’ll make sure there’s nothing on the floor to get in your way. Just quit messing with my things.”
I lowered my eyes to the floor. He was right. I wasn’t a very good servant at all if I tried to clean and only made more messes. And if being a servant was my purpose, and I wasn’t a good servant, there was nothing else left for me.
“Yes, Your Highness,” I agreed after a few moments. It didn’t matter what was left for me. Regardless, I was always supposed to agree with the prince.
“Good. Why were you near my bed in the first place?”
“I was bringing soup to His Highness Prince Cardan. He was waiting for me on the other side of your bed.”
“And you managed to spill it while you were handing it to him?”
“I, um. He- I think I made a mistake, Your Highness. I was careless about handing it over. I thought that he was holding more weight than he was, and so I stopped carrying all the weight. And the bowl titled and the soup got on my arm, and I- My apologies, Your Highness. I did not stay still when the soup hit me, and I dropped the bowl.”
He stared at me. “So Cardan spilled hot liquid on you after telling you to hand it to him over my bed? And then it just happened to accidentally spill?”
“Ye… es? Yes, Your Highness.”
“I am going to kill that bastard someday,” he muttered. He grabbed my wrist, flipping my arm over to look at the underside. The burned part was bright red, and I glanced away, wincing as he poked it. “That hurts?” he asked, and I nodded. “Alright. No punishment tonight for the quilt; this burn is plenty of punishment. Did you clean your arm with any type of soap or disinfectant?”
“I rinsed it off with water, Your Highness.”
“How warm was it?”
“Cold tap water, Your Highness.”
He made a disapproving noise in the back of his throat. He pushed and pulled at the angry red skin, trying to gauge where it started and ended, and I swallowed a whimper.
“You didn’t ice it at all, did you?”
“No, Your Highness.”
“Good,” he said. “If you know where any aloe vera is, you’re welcome to it for the next… two days, I guess. Be careful with the burn and don’t make it worse.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
He sighed. “I’ll… I’ll talk to Cardan about doing this kind of thing. He’s mad at me, and since he can’t actually do anything to me he’s trying to get back by doing things he knows frustrate me. Like pulling this shit with you and being a whiny bitch about it and-” He stopped, releasing my arm and turning back to his computer. “You’re not supposed to hear that. Don’t repeat it to anyone. Go finish your chores.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
taglist: @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @toyybox @rainydaywhump @risk606 @jay--o
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palmtreepalmtree · 10 months ago
An attorney in my circle that I regularly referred clients to has rebranded his firm and is now referring to himself as 'the dude' (as in John 'the dude' Smith) and his new email address is thedude @ his firm. And like...
I am not sure I can keep referring clients to him now.
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dizzy-stargazer · 4 months ago
W E L C O M E !
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Hi-Ho, Chibs here! Just gonna give you a quick intro to this OC! :D Originally, she was supposed to be a Pikmin exclusive OC... and ..now she's grabbed me by my neck and told me she wants to do other things and be a bigger person. (You know, cause.. she's smol?) I promise ya, you don't need to know too much about her to get to know er! If anything.. she's more of a final fantasy OC now. ANYWAY, She faints easy, loves cake, and is probably one of the shyest people you'll meet. .... Until she gets comfy, that is.
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Is it weird my heart still does little flutters every single time my partner calls me "darling" even though its been almost 2 months. 🧍‍♂️
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chillipapaya · 9 months ago
personally, if I were an interviewer who got the chance to interview the F1 drivers, I think I would reassure them after every answer they give to my questions.
how are you feeling about your performance?
oh not that great? that's okay you will do good in the next ones :)
how do you feel after finishing P1?
fantastic? ik I was rooting for you all along bestie :)
Do you think you are gonna come back stronger than ever?
hell yeah lessssgoooo fam we got this :)
oh, you think you could have done better?
That's okay it's a sport it happens and I believe in you that you can :)
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venndaai · 3 months ago
I was like “there’s always nuance” about genAI until yesterday when I was trying to Google image search photo reference for something and was immediately lost in a sea of AI slop
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politicalprocrastinator · 1 year ago
For those not in the know The Daily Mirror reported that Millie Gibson has been "dropped" from Doctor Who after previous outlets referred to her as a "diva" for allegedly disliking night shoots. Both these outlets are known as scummy rags but I really hope we aren't getting a repeat of Christopher Eccleston having his name tarnished because his early exit was leaked. Luckily, Ncuti has already come out in support of Millie but now all (my) eyes will be on rtd to make sure she gets the best support possible if the rumours of her exit are indeed true.
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prontaentrega · 8 months ago
been watching newly released movies in pirate websites (tv glow, monkey man etc) and i keep finding fake dubs like entire 2 hour long movies fully dubbed over in some guys basement to avoid copyright takedowns and i have to say in all my years of movie piracy this is a new one for me
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chuluoyi · 2 months ago
Hello, hello. This is my first time writing you and I don't know if this will be a request or just a question asked.
I really love your sylus x assassin!reader series, especially the one and only strictly (un)professional. So my question is now that the myth is out and about, we now know how deeply connected sylus is to MC. Like they exchanged half or their soul with each other, and bro was cursed yada yada. So what would happen to my favourite assassin missus now? She's really jealous of MC and I bet she would be beyond upset, world shattering to learn their history. Do you ever consider writing some angsty shit about sylus x assassin!reader after the myth? Or do you want to keep the universe separate as is? I just badly need something to cry about lol no pressure.
Have a great day love you! 😘❤️
aaa hello hellooo 🥹 i’m happy you come to ask about assassin!reader bc honestly she’s my favorite to write hehe <3
i didn’t mean to make her jealous of mc that much actually but somehow my finger typed it down that way :’) and you know i’ve actually been thinking of the same thing too… but i’m a sucker of angst and canon events so the myth still applies BUT in this au, i think sylus won’t fully disclose his relationship with mc to her :’D and reader knows he and mc have some sort of bond but she’ll leave it as is too for her own peace of mind🙂‍↕️
i have an idea of hurt/comfort-ish actually… maybe i’ll write it soon 😋
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 3 months ago
Tbh my news year’s resolutions are to
1. Reply to things quicker. <- notorious for procrastinating replies and then waiting TOO long and then it’s more awkward and then agonizing over it for months.
2. Make an effort to reconnect with friends I let slip during grad school mainly bc of the reason above.
Every ignored notification or procrastinated message weighs constantly on me ever second of the day but the dead albatross of procrastinated correspondance still doesn’t motivate me in the right way. And I think about the people I fondly miss a lot I just. Am bad at texting. I get anxious and overthink and take too long replying. I need to improve this. Idk how but I need to.
3. Write every day bc I also feel frustrated with myself for wanting to write but not accomplishing very much and then ideas I have end up half written and never finished.
Largely I’m trying to work on some of the traits I get the most frustrated with myself over.
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bootyliciousbeta · 3 months ago
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