#too much too many emotions we r too gay
theangstking · 2 years
I have too many feelings for this feeble mortal body fucking s obs
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rosypenguins · 1 month
Day 13! Jomies Headcanons! (I got quite a few!)
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💛Unironically listens to boy bands.
💛Has Spotify open 24/7. Is always looking for new artists and songs, and probably has over 3000 songs liked.
💛He’ll listen to any song of any genre, but tends to lean more towards alt-rock.
💛Used to listen to Billie Eilish in Middle School.
💛Whenever it’s too quiet, he’ll either hum to himself or make random noises with his mouth.
💛Physically incapable of standing still.
💛Probably ate an eraser as a kid.
💛Does not believe in closets. Keeps his clothes either on the floor or in his chair. (If it’s in his closet he’ll genuinely forget he even owns the item.)
💛”Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
💛Oh yeah, he definitely has ADHD.
🖤Really likes FPS games.
🖤Always has to have his weight shifted on one leg. He cannot stand up straight to save his life. (Heh cuz he’s gay-)
🖤Small waist. (He’s a twink in my eyes.)
🖤Could probably be picked up by the other Jomies. (Has yet to be tested due to safety concerns.) (The concerns being Drew beating the shit out of them.
🖤Doesn’t like black coffee but drinks it anyways. (Why? We don’t know.)
🖤TERRIBLE eating habits. He’ll literally just have a piece of toast and be like “welp that’ll last me for the next 48 hours.”
🖤Those hot-pink girly desserts are his guilty pleasure.
🖤Listens to a lot of rap music. Mostly emo rap. He says it’s cuz it sounds cooler but it’s actually because he finds the lyrics relatable.
🖤Stalks Jake’s instagram for purely platonic reasons.
🖤Doesn’t know how to show affection so he’ll sometimes just randomly punch Jake in the arm. No warning, no explanation.
🖤Cat person. Doesn’t really like dogs. (Terrified of Oreo but would rather die than admit it.)
🖤Bullies cats relentlessly, but will also meow back at them if he thinks no one’s around.
🖤Likes being cuddled way more than he’d like to admit.
🖤Having his hair played with puts him right to sleep.
🖤Struggled to make friends in Elementary school due to his temper. (His lack of attention at home led to him lashing out a lot.) Other kids found him to be intimidating so Drew didn’t really have any friends until Middle School.
🖤Was put in time-out a LOT in Kindergarten so it basically just became Drew’s Corner.
🖤IPad kid. Definitely had a mascot-horror phase when he was 10.
🖤“Processing your emotions? What the hell’s that?”
🖤Oh yeah, BPD. He has BPD.
❤️Hands are always fucking clammy it cannot be helped.
❤️Definitely listens to Breakcore.
❤️Has a bunch of those weird, perverted anime stickers somewhere in his desk drawer because he thinks they’re funny. (They were included in a random anime sticker pack Henry bought online.)
❤️Had a super edgy werewolf OC back in Middle School. Drawings of it still exist in that same drawer.
❤️Lets Henry play with his hair when they’re alone together.
❤️Refuses to use chairs properly.
❤️Has so many 0.5 photos of the Jomies. (Except Drew because Drew threatened to break his phone if he ever took one of him. But Liam still managed to sneak a few bad photos of Drew as well.)
❤️Type of guy to moan when someone’s on the phone with their parent.
❤️Knows how to drive a manual. (I imagine his mom’s car is an older one soooooo if Liam wanted to drive around he had to learn.)
💚Baby face. (Liam likes to hold his face.)
💚Wears anime merch with pride.
💚Pretends to be a girl online sometimes so people give him free shit.
💚Almost always hits Drew with the 🤓 emoji anytime he says something smart/logical in their group chat.
💚Would definitely like matcha because it tastes like g r a s s.
💚He ate grass as a kid. And leaves. And dirt.
💚The type of kid that always had to be the dog in any game he played.
💚Really likes bunnies. He held one once and felt his life was complete.
💚Oh, and frogs too. He loves frogs.
💚Typically takes the role of mediator during fights, even if he has no context on the situation.
💚Relies way too much on being funny. If a joke doesn’t land he genuinely hates himself for a couple seconds.
💚Sensitive to loud noise. (Unless the loud noise is on his terms.) (Like, he’ll have his music on full blast and shout at his friends standing right next to him and be completely fine, but if a balloon were to suddenly pop right beside him, it’d startle him quite a bit.)
💚Drew glaring at him and telling him to shut up hurts a little more than he’d like to admit.
💚Probably also has ADHD.
🩷This bitch knows how to steal shit. You got a necklace she likes she will find a way to take it.
🩷Can and will find a way to make everything said against her about her gender.
🩷“Oh my God, I am LITERALLY just a girl.”
🩷Definitely took dance for a P.E credit.
🩷Almost everything she owns is covered in flowers.
🩷Everything has to be aesthetic.
🩷Always had to initiate any sort of affection between her and Drew. She was always the one asking him out. Always the one to kiss him first, or reach for his hand. (Whereas Drew never really thought about that sort of stuff.)
🩷Her views on relationships were also very different from Drew’s. She wanted excitement and fun. She wanted to go out and do things. And whenever they were home alone, she wanted to make out with him and stuff, meanwhile, all Drew wanted to do was cuddle and watch stupid videos on his phone with her. (But she just found that boring.)
🩷Honestly, their best dates were their at-home ones. Where they’d watch movies together and Zoey would bring some face masks and they’d pamper each other and cuddle and whatnot. (Fun for Zoey and relaxing for Drew.)
🩷And because of their height difference, Zoey would sometimes grab Drew’s collar and pull him down to her level to kiss him. (And this definitely never once flustered Drew.)
🩷Probably knew Drew cared more about Jake than he did her and that pissed her off.
💜Big fan of Olivia Rodrigo. (And one time, while her and Drew were waiting for the others after school, she was listening to one of her songs and singing along, and Drew ended up correcting her on a lyric, causing her to realize he ALSO listens to her music, and he was super embarrassed about it afterwards and made her promise not to tell anyone.)
💜So anyways Lia now wants to take Drew to an Olivia Rodrigo concert.
💜She’s also a big fan of Nessa Barrett.
💜Surprisingly really good at singing. She never took lessons or anything, she just sings in the shower a lot.
💜Sprays perfume on herself like 50 times in a day.
💜Always comparing herself to people online.
💜“Self-esteem? What’s that?”
💜Genuinely could not describe herself if she was asked to. She’s so used to changing herself for others she doesn’t even know who she is or what she wants to be.
💜Imposter Syndrome 100%
💜Had a huge crush on Hailey in Middle School but didn’t even know being gay was a thing so she didn’t really know how to explain her feelings at all.
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yippeeometer · 3 months
itty bitty little northeast hcs bc the asks r dry :(((
they are NOT fun cool life of the party they are SAD GAY LOSERS i do feel this should be broadcast on national tv to confirm the canonness.
that being said. one family dinner with them is actually illegal under the geneva convention due to high level of mental torture.
things start off lovely. they go to maine's little cabin-in-the-woods (STEPHEN KING MY FRIENDS, ITS NOT COTTAGE VIBES!). he will make you wait outside if you are late. he locks the doors and laughs.
unfortuantely, they will not be within five feet of each other during baseball season, under a rule so important gov considers adding it to the constitution.
it is like a grandpa convention lets not lie to ourselves bc there's definitely a part in the night where they just reminisce about the war and vermont will show up with printed-out pictures of some battle monument model he made bc even maine's terrible signal wont stop him.
they have to get new york there by physical force, bc he is doing his level best to sneak his way out. sorry its shabbat (it's actually a tuesday). sorry lost my voice can't come (he's only over said 10 words max). sorry been hit by a car (typa guy to genuinely try and walk off a broken leg).
they have to battle not to bring up politics ooohhh because you know mass's eye is twitching at the thought of being able to debate. connecticut threatens to report him to the authorities as a communist threat. he threatens to throw him through the wall. this is normal sibling behaviour.
typa emotional repression where they'll just be arguing and bickering as normal when one of them will drop the most gut-wrenching sickening personal lore and they all will just refuse to mention it.
oooooohhh yk its got a kick to it when ur sat across from someone who literally took bllets for you telling you ab how life is collapsing around them. anyways new hammy made a salad w craisins and we better switch the topic to that.
speaking of. half of the food is completely inedible. rhode island spent so many years a pirate he has no idea how much salt is too much salt. you CAN eat delaware's food but also be aware he's known for chemical manufacturing so its a 50/50 chance you'll make it.
jersey and york, arguably the only two good cooks, are not allowed to bring food bc they unfortunately suffer from chronic cant-understand-our-families-r-from-different-italian-regions-and-food-might-be-different syndrome.
for some inexplicable reason PA becomes group DJ. the only songs on his phone are 'brand new city' by mitski and 'dont stop the party' by pitbull.
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maddiemuu · 9 days
HI HELLO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! i had a Week. putting this under a cut bc it is soo long LMAO
cw for mention of miscarriage + fatphobia/negative body image stuff + some descriptions of like. emotional abuse/shitty family dynamics. mom and dad berkshire suck real bad.
ummmm in short. itsa very bad. in long. bernadette has Many issues. here r some of her most defining ones (to me):
ok so first r her anger issues lol. bernadette is fucking MEAN which is extra bad bc she is very easily pissed off and does not rly bother controlling most of her impulses re:anger. she's fully aware of how unlikely she is to face consequences for her actions, so she can't really internally justify doing anything differently. like why bother lol.
NEXT r her wacko relationships with her siblings + by extension their horrible horrible parents. she especially has a MAJOR inferiority complex centered around her relationship w/ her younger sister beatrice. she HHHHATES beatrice, which is very funny to me bc beatrice is 16. bernadette has insane one sided beef with her despite being a full decade older. she fully views beatrice as like. the kid her parents had to spite her for not being "good enough" as a daughter which like. ok not an entirely inaccurate read on why beatrice exists. their parents should definitely not have had even one child, much less three. but here we are. bernadette blames beatrice for a lot of her mistreatment/role as the scapegoat as the family (the logic being that without beatrice around, there wouldn't be anyone around to make her look worse by comparison lol) even though that is entirely illogical + her parents DEF would have just found someone else to pit her against. bernadette is a lot closer with bentley due to a lot of diff factors, but she does still resent him a fair bit lol. they look very similar, and it especially makes her pretty upset that he doesn't get the same shit for being fat that she does. she just generally thinks he gets things pretty easy for being a man and being the oldest. he is oblivious to this 👍. bernadette also resents her parents, and has been made VERY aware she is the least favorite child, but instead of choosing to reject the inherently unfairly stacked system they have built, she's managed to convince herself that there's a chance she can earn their approval and love by just Proving how much better she is than her siblings. she is wrong about this ! on some level, she is aware she is wrong. but she's spent most of her life with that bootstrap mentality and is too afraid of what will happen if she gives it up. some fun "spoilers" related to bernadette + her fam's future: she does soooort of get a taste of being the favorite daughter (by default) again when beatrice is 20 and gets disowned for being gay (she is fine. she has her own money + a career by that point), but it's more like... she gets to be the second least favorite LOL. bernadette does also eventually get married but i have been too lazy to design her husband. maybe somedayyy. she really wanted kids and was pregnant twice but ended up miscarrying both times, and then decided she didn't ever want to try again or become a parent through other means. her marriage ends in a MEGA DIVORCE bc she and her husband can never come to an agreement about where to go from there. she never remarries but she can have one or two boytoys i think. a little treat from me to her. (one idea i've tossed around is a childhood friend/child of her parents' friends who has been singularly OBSESSED with her since they were like 12. she was his first kiss. she has forgotten this. He Has Not. she strings him along for her entertainment and he is aware of it but also totally fine with the situation) bentley on the other hand has two daughters and while he and bernadette remain somewhat close for the rest of his life (he dies first lol. in 2034 iirc? clock's a tickin bentley. better get to work on that bucket list) he is definitely (unintentionally) sort of insensitive about this.
related, she's just also generally pretty insecure at her core. the ice queen persona isn't a Lie, it's more of like. an idealized version of herself (to her at least lol). nothing can hurt her that way!!!! she's in control! she is also a major control freak which is really unfortunate bc at the end of the day she really does not control much at all <3. she's especially insecure about her body, which once again was MAJORLY exacerbated by seeing how beatrice was rewarded for being the Pretty, Thin Daughter, while she was the Ugly and Fat one. also did not help that she used to be much thinner and her family will not let her forget that.
ok i am going to cut myself off here i think bc otherwise u will be getting a whole thesis on bernadette. i love her i love talking about her. there is so much wrong with her. thank you SO much for the ask
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heartless-aro · 2 years
Where did the word aromantic come from?
In the early 2000s, the aro community resided mostly in asexual spaces. As I discussed in a previous post, the first use of the word “aromantic” (as it is used by the aro community) was on April 26, 2002 on the Yahoo group Haven for the Human Amoeba (HHA) by a user named maxnova100. This user said the following:
It’s quite disheartening to see friends of mine sacrifice what was once important to them (friends, pets, work, hobbies) for the sake of trasient “relationships.” Now, it’s understandable that people make such sacrifices for spouses and children, but those who throw aside things that once defined their lives to make time for a fling that they know won’t last more than a month, that to me is incomprehensible.
As such, I’d have to say that I’m not so much asexual (in that I have some sex drive, though probably much less than what’s “normal” for someone my age) as averse to having “romantic” relationships. They take up too much time and emotional energy (I’ve always felt emotionally drained and tired after what few “dates” I’ve been on) and subtract away from the things I really value in life. The concept of putting my hobbies, work, and avocational interests on the back burner for the sake of keeping a girlfriend entertained seems about as appealing to me as having a 100 pound ball and chain around my ankles.
Nor is this due to being a “loner,” as I enjoy the company of all types of people as friends and casual acquaintances. What would be an appropriate term for somebody who is not quite asexual but who dreads the concept of being in a “relationship?” Aromantic (LOL)?
The term aromantic didn’t really catch on for a while. In July of 2002 on AVEN, David Jay linked an article which drew distinctions between alloromantic and aromantic asexuals, who were referred to as “romantic asexuals” and “non-romantic asexuals,” respectively. The link to the article no longer works, so I cannot read the article itself. However, according to user AVENguy, “The distinction [between romantic asexual and non-romantic asexual] seems to be ‘those who wound up in relationships’ and ‘those who didn’t.’”
Following this, we begin to see the term “non-romantic asexual” used more often, sometimes as a self-descriptor, to describe those who are asexual and uninterested in romantic relationships. While this isn’t exactly the same as how the word aromantic is now used, we can consider this an early predecessor to the word aromantic.
Another predecessor to the term aromantic is seen in a 2003 orientation poll on AVEN, where users were asked to select whether they were “straight-asexual,” “gay-asexual,” “bi-asexual,” or “asexual-asexual.” According to many in the comments of the original poll, “asexual-asexual” referred to those who did not experience romantic or sexual attraction, i.e., those who we would now refer to as aromantic asexual. (16.84% of respondents, or 302 users, voted for this option.)
We see one of the earliest known uses of the word aromantic (other than the 2002 use on HHA) in 2004 in response to another AVEN poll. The poll asked whether users were non-romantic asexual (“I don’t do romance,” 55.63% or 84 respondents) or romantic asexual (“I voted in the ‘asexual romantics’ poll,” 44.37% or 67 respondents). While most commenters were describing themselves as either romantic asexual or non-romantic asexual, on October 11, 2004, one commenter by the name of pejoratist stated that they were “Very aromantic here.”
We see the word aromantic used again in 2005, in a comment on the 2003 orientation poll (the one which included “asexual-asexual” as an option). In reference to the term “asexual-asexual,” one user by the name of Live R Perfect replied “Surely aromantic asexual would be a better way of describing it?” Following this, we begin to see the word taking off. Over the next few years, more people comment on the orientation poll, describing themselves as aromantic asexual, and in a 2005 AVEN thread by MobiusX, we see several commenters during that same year describing themselves as aromantic.
According to AUREA, AVEN users began to use the word more frequently around 2008/2009, forming somewhat of an unofficial aromantic community within the existing asexual community. By 2010, we begin seeing specific forums and other online spaces meant for aromantics, outside of asexual spaces. This is when the aromantic community began to become its own entity, distinct from yet interconnected with the asexual community.
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thestobingirlie · 2 years
THANK YOU. Robin and Nancy’s incompatibility aside, Robin and Steve’s soulmatism is one of the unshakable dynamics in the show and Robin Buckley would just never. I read fanfics for most ships, and the story you linked is the first r//nance story I’ve seen that doesn’t have a Steve with zero issues just giggling while his best friend in the universe gets with the person who canonically hurt him the most/he’s still in love with. R//nance usually goes hand in hand with having to ignore how significant Nancy and Steve are to each other, which reminds me of the…
The Vickie erasure. The fanon of bi Nancy while fandom totally ignores Vickie is not surprising considering there’s so much automatic hatred of canon. Robin calls Vickie the girl of her dreams! I also hoped for more Vickie in season 4, but Vickie as the embodiment of Robin’s peace at home is perfect. Rosie! That Vickie is too much of a side-character to ship with Robin is ridiculous when I’ve accidentally seen so many fics including Gareth. For real, who the fuck is Gareth.
Nancy still needing to learn how to process her emotions is why I think any Stancy endgame would be a denouement situation. The execution of the matchmaker trope was unnecessary. Three whole characters weighing in on that relationship? One of which was a stranger? Why.
maybe it’s just because i love stobin so much, but it is literally one of the best and strongest dynamics in the show, and i just can’t fathom needing characters to be in a romantic relationship so badly, that people just cast aside how important robin and steve are to each other.
and yeah, i avoid all r//nance fics, like even if they’re just a background ship. because i know that that background ship will be a throwaway line, and still manage to destroy stobin. like, you can’t just have causal r//nance in the background because by it’s very nature, it would tear the characters apart.
in canon, steve still has feelings for nancy. now you can decide if that’s just because he’s clinging to this ideal of life that he isn’t ready to let go of, or because he actually is in love with her, but to disregard their relationship entirely is dumb. like, in their first s4 scene together, nancy spots steve’s car and just instantly calms. like, whether they’re romantic or platonic, steve and nancy are really important to each other.
i honestly just cannot see nancy being queer at all, but i know that’s just my personal opinion. but the fact that people will totally erase vickie, and then get annoyed at the duffers for having minimal gay characters, or for not making r//nance canon. like, there is a bi women right there! stop ignoring her! and yeah, i think the excuse that vickie is just a side character is such bullshit, because she is spoken about a lot, we see her in multiple scenes. she’s more important than gareth, but somehow he pops up everywhere? and a lot of people who hate vickie will then ship buckingham (which i have nothing against!) but it’s like, how are you gonna pretend chrissy has more personality then vickie?
yeah, i hate matchmaking, but the duffers seem incapable of writing a romance without using it. honestly, the reason why i hated murray so much is because of that. like, some random middle aged man got two teens drunk and told them to fuck in his house, and i’m supposed to think that’s the height of romance?! ew. and yeah, i can see robin talking to steve about nancy, because they obviously talk about their loves lives to each other. and dustin is incapable of not inserting himself into steve’s life, but eddie? what does he know about the situation? it’s just so weird.
also, i actually find stancy interesting, at least, i’ve always enjoyed watching their scenes more than nancy and jonathan, but i just don’t think that nancy will be able to get enough development in time for her to end the show in a healthy relationship. though, i do kinda want stancy to be endgame just because i know how much steve antis will hate it. and i think that’s funny.
but honestly, when it comes to endgames i just don’t care. what ships the duffers decide to end on mean nothing to me. i will read whatever fanfics i want when the show ends, and who’s gonna stop me. “oh it’s not canon.” don’t care, didn’t ask.
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
I have so many thoughts on this new chapter!! But I’ll try to get them all down. I freakin adored getting a preview of nervous Tara 😂😂 I think Sam noticed how nervous she was and how serious Tara is about reader. The “hey pretty girl” reader lets out when Tara opened the door….my gay heart literally started beating so hard…get any pretty girl saying that to me and I’d pretty much just die on the spot. Not reader bringing a wine from FRANCE….as a person who adores fine art and Shakespeare READER is the dream girl!
I don’t know why but when readers talks about her family history and all the passion they hold for literature it just makes my heart warm. Chad almost dying when reader said she could get him to meet the football couch killed me. I wasn’t sure how you were going to I corporate Tara and her trauma with gf into it, but I have to say I am far from disappointed. The way I gasped and nearly dropped my phone when reader was like “tell me what?”
the way reader just plopped on Tara’s bed has my heart, girly is already completely comfortable with bed Tara bear😂 ok…now for the serious part of the chapter. The nitty gritty.
I too also have to piggyback on the anon that talked about the emotional maturity of reader. It’s not easy hearing about your girlfriend who her own girlfriend tried to kill her. I thought the way you wrote Tara describing amber was actually really well done. I love how you started with my best friend. And then my amber. It really gets across how hurt and correct me if I’m wrong…the grief that Tara still holds. The trauma is evident, and if I could I would award reader for her comforting Tara. And I love that Tara feels safe with reader enough to be vulnerable. This series brings me to much joy! I write as well so I just love reading works from my favorite authors (which is you).
now onward to reader’s family!! (If the poll allows us too) honestly I don’t mind which chapter comes next. I think there all lovely. Although I would love to see readers family Interacting with Tara (just because we already know so much about there future relationships. Golfing with readers dad, Eddie and Nathaniel just adoring Tara) all in due time!
I also want to convey my appreciation for you! Two chapters in two days! Remarkable! Can’t wait for the next. Whatever it may be. ❤️
the way I read
i love this whole analysis. makes me feel like im back in english class. now let me try to respond to all ur thoughts lol
i figured since we are reading tara’s pov, i might as well use that to my advantage, and tara being nervous is so real, i think.
R’s parents sent her the good stuff to help her impress sam 🫶 its funny i didnt realize it when i first wrote it but 1961 is my moms birth year. im just a family man what can i say
i thought it’d be fun to have R’s dad have hella connections around the world, and it was a good way to get her closer to chad! i was at first gonna write him as a jealous, whiny kinda guy, but idk…i just love chad i want them to be besties
tara is definitely still grieving over what happened in woodsboro. losing amber and the betrayal was hard for her, and R obviously realizes it, so of course she’ll be there for her, yk
there may be part 6 coming tomorrow…we’ll see. i deadass have so much free time it’s insane 🤭
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homosexuhauls · 1 year
This may sound like a dumb question, but what exactly do pro-trans people mean when they say TWAW? Especially the ones that don't pass, I think I get how they see passing ones. What I mean is, before I became a radfem I was very much a normie and when looking at TW I could see they were male and that they weren't the same as "cis women" but I thought it was the right and polite thing to call them women and she. Now that I've become GC I always see non-passing TW as males/men, and passing TW are transwomen at best, aka as males who really wish to be women. But what is it like for TRAs? Do they even see that the person is male or do their eyes genuinely perceive a female person? Or do they see the maleness but it means nothing to them, just a different type of women but still 100% woman? Or is the sex completely irrelevant? I once heard an ex-tra say she genuinely couldn't tell the difference between the sexes anymore when she was a TRA. And do they genuinely believe TWAW or do they know it's not true but just refuse to admit it? Obvi not everyone thinks the same, but I'm curious bc I saw your post.
Definitely not a dumb question at all!! Personally I think it's an exaggeration to say that TRA's genuinely can't tell the difference between males and females. We know this because of the terms AFAB and AMAB, and now the terms TME and TMA, all of which are just different ways of saying female and male. And lots of TRA's point out the hypocrisy of this too, which is amusing.
I think most TRA's view TWAW as a rally cry, a bit like "love is love"*. It's not something to be questioned or debated, it's just meant to be a punchy statement with a big emotive impact.
*("Love is love" is not a bad slogan at all, but gay people wouldn't have gotten very far if this was the only thing we could ever muster up to say to our opponents.)
If one believes that gender identity supersedes biological (or "assigned") sex, then there is no contradiction in believing that males can be women or girls. Similarly, if one believes that "male" and "female" are socially constructed sex categories that do not fully account for the diversity of human experience, then it is easy to discount the concept of biological sex as meaningless and outdated.
It doesn't mean that TRA's see no differences between the experiences of "cis" women and males who identify as women. But usually these differences in experience are viewed as weighted against trans women, e.g. belief in cis privilege. This is why we see arguments like "Trans is an adjective, like black/Asian/bisexual/blonde - don't say transwomen, say trans women." Being trans (male) is viewed as just another modifier to the state of womanhood.
Essentially, the category of woman means something very different to many of those who believe in gender self-determination, than it does to radfems or normies. Because identity is king, a non-passing trans woman is a woman just as a lesbian who dates men is a lesbian. What matters is not the actions you partake in, but the lens through which you view yourself.
This is all a bit vague but to give you my own former perspective, I was very aware that I always viewed trans-identifying males differently to actual women. I was very guilty about this, I knew it was wrong, but I rationalised it as unconscious transmisogyny which I needed to overcome. I would go on r/transpassing, I would look for pretty/androgynous trans women like Indya Moore or Andreja Pejić who I could pretend to be attracted to, and I would remind myself that there are biological ("cis") women who don't always "pass" as female. I worked really hard for a long time to oppose and argue against my discomfort with trans women, because I viewed it as a symptom of bigotry, rather than as an instinct-driven rejection of male misogyny.
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imjustcoping · 2 years
i get the feeling my best friend doesn't believe in non binary.  A while ago she said that she didn't believe it was a a thing.  she literally called it a phase because she didn't know any adult that were non binary who used they/them in their pronouns.  Which i find silly because she is a pansexual girl who should understand the stigma that gay people faced and still face.  After years of being told that being gay isn't real and that its just a phase and she says that.  and she doesn't really view trans people as people- she says its because her dad is a doctor and he finds it really difficult to diagnose trans patients when he doenst know what they are.  Its so fucking stupid he could legit just ask if they were afab or amab but it should already be in their medical history.  i fucking hate it.  I also sent before and after picture of me wearing a binder and i was so happy.  In the GC T congratulated me and gave me a shit ton of affirmations and it made me feel so genuinely good.  but S just ignored it.  I know we are drifting apart and i know its my fault because this always happens.  after 5 years they go, they just disappear into the mist, a new school, new friends, or im too much
And last night i was doing an assignment on 2 separate books.  Aftter i finished the first one i went on tiktok and of course a bunch of relatable autism stuff starts coming up and a vid about the raads-r test comes up.  so i do teh test and  get high scores and i do a bunch more of those tests and keep getting high scores in them.. In my 3am haze i sent the quiz to my family gc because im almost positive that my dad has autism.  But he had a partially open discussion about it with me the next morning, to  be continued for when i wasnt late for school.  when i finally gathered up the courage to tell my bsf from before that day that i scored high in these autism tests and i was kind of excited to maybe understand why im like this, because ive been diagnosed with depression and anxiety.  ad autism can often be misdiagnosed for those two mental illnesses if you have been kind of traumatized as an autistic person. She told me that it probably isnt it.  She old me that sh doesn't trust those autism tests and that i shouldnt just self diagnose and that the depression and anxiety is whats making me think that.  It felt liek shit.  becsue tehre is a lot of evidence towards me being autistic, alongside the teste there s also a bunch of symptoms and there is a link between autism and asexuality(im asexual) where in a population of people there is about 1% asexuals but in the autistic populations they were far more likely to be asexual or feel disgusted toward sexual penetration.  
I know that i cant just self diagnose but im trying to figure out whats wrong with me and its not like im about to go around telling everyone im autistic becasue ive self diagnosed my depression and anxiety for years and have only told like three people, and even now that ive been diagnosed i haven't told anyone else.  Im not doing this because its trendy, the trend has just made me aware of how many autistic traits i carry around with me.  i was just finally happy that maybe im getting somewhere with figuring out my mental health.
I think im gonna tell my other friend from that group chat.  she is so supportive and has suspicions that she is autisic too. So im going to send her a message, with a forewarning.  I just want to talk to someone who is actually going to listen about what i have to say before throwing her opinion in.  And the pure confusion i have relation to my inability to express and know what emotions im feeling, she knows i have trouble with expressing my emotions and talking about how i feel but she doesnt seem to realise the impact on me
The dumb part about my friend telling me not to self diagnose is that she has been telling EVERYONE that she has ADHD for 2 years, she even told us in a group convo when she was accusing someone else of being a pick me for pretending to have adhd, someone pointed oout to my frined that she kind of mentioned having adhd a lot aswell and my friend tells everyone that her therapist diagnosed her.  she lied to us and Up until now she didnt say she didnt have adhd until shes trying to prove me wrong.  She basically said that she cant say she has adhd just because she gets easily distracted.  
I had fully supported her, when she claimed she had adhd, i believed her and did my won research, sending her videos which are supposed to help learning in a nuerotypical classroom easier.  and all she does is tell me that those tests arent reliable.  AT LEAST I ACTUALLY TOOK SOME TESTS INSTEAD OF PROPERLY SELF DIAGNOSING FOR YEARS AND BRAGGING ABOUT ADHD AND USING IT AS AN EXCUSE TO INTERRUPT AND IGNORE PEOPLE.AND T
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derpu-doodles · 10 months
wow, it was interesting to hear your thoughts! and what are your headcanons about this character, if it’s not a secret? he looks mysterious
MANY THANKSSS <333 I'm Very glad he comes off as mysterious because that's almost exactly what he's going for himself LMAOAO, he's very closed off for reasons I will Explain in a bit
I will put the HCs under the cut because I have a feeling this will be Longe—
ANYWAY STARTING OFF WITH THE FIRST HEADCANON I EVER HAD FOR THIS MAN!!! as I said in your other ask, I HC him as the Ultimate Sharpshooter purely because he was able to land a shot. on I z u r u K a m u k u r a of all people. while dying. me and Milk made that HC because of a Kamukura compilation though, so later when I actually went and rewatched the massacre. I noticed that Asukasei was really fuckin shit at aiming with the automatic gun (I think. I don't know guns very well but he held down the trigger and it went RATATATATA so). SO MY EXCUSE IS THAT HE JUST DIDN'T WANNA KILL THEM LMAOAOAOA
SECOND OFF!!! I. this one came somewhat later than the next headcanon but I wanna mention it first SO AJDNSNS in writing this man, over time, I gradually noticed specific mannerisms and whatnot that I'd subconsciously given him and. that they line up with some friends who have The Tism™. so I was just debating for like a whole month if I should Actually write him with it or not because "on one hand. it matches how I've already been writing him, and it matches my friends who have it. but on the other. I've never written an autistic character before what if I fuck it up horribly and piss everyone off." long story short I ended up going Fuck It We Ball because how will I get practice if I never do it—
THIRD HC!! as I said I came up with this one before the second one—basically. he. he is Gay I SWEAR THIS ONE WAS COMPLETELY ACCIDENTAL TOO ANDHABDB MILK AND I WERE WRITING HIM WARMING UP AND OPENING UP TO THIS OTHER GUY AND AT FIRST WE WERE LIKE "yay besties!!!" BUT THE LONGER IT WENT ON THE LONGER WE WERE PLAGUED WITH "but what if they were More than besties." AND WE JUST NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT IT TO EACH OTHER FOR WEEKS LMAOAOOOO it was so fucking funny just going up to her like "dawg help. I am being. Plagued with Thoughts. namely What If They Fell In Love." AND SHE WAS LIKE "mE TOO—" AND SO THAT'S!! JUST OUR HC NOW!!! it's so fuckin funny because. y'know he's an ass at first right. so obviously he needs to be The Homophobic Homosexual™. like "oh hm those men are kissing that feels uncomfortable." except he's also "oh hm I would like to kiss a man. wait hold on I cannot kiss men that is not. I. am. supposed to like women."
FOURTH ONE!!! this one mentions child abuse so proceed with caution (or skip to the end if it makes you uncomfy!!). nothing is described in detail
basically. the reason he's so closed off is because as a kid, he was constantly taught by his dad that emotions need to be buried, and that crying was pathetic (it is not please let yourself cry if you need to HUGSS). basically he was raised with toxic masculinity. he also holds himself to stressfully high standards, also because of his dad. so it's just so lovely writing him gradually opening up to the council and going "huh. this is nice, actually,,," it just mMMRHHTHGGJJDFJGJ!!! GO KING LET YOURSELF FEEL!!! GO KING RELAX!!! GET ALL THE HUGS YOU COULD POSSIBLY WANT!!! GET YOURSELF A BF TO CUDDLE AND SMOOCH!!!!! I also tend to write Asukasei's mom as an enabler. she isn't doing it on purpose by any means, but she just,,, doesn't stand up to his dad. she's too afraid to, reasonably so, and she does try to comfort Asukasei as much as she can but in the end she's not sure how to stop the abuse (IalsoliketomakeitsoafterAsukaseigraduatesshedivorceshisdadandgoesontofindherselfamuchbetterhusbandandtheyloveeachotherverymuchANYWAY)
I think those are The Big Four HCs™ I have for him so wHeEeEe thank you so much for the ask and letting me pop off LAJDJAJA <333333 Asukasei is my baby sonboy and I love him Very much
edit OH YEAH I FORGOR. he's Somewhat Ambidextrous, he can't do like. Everything. with both hands, but he still does use both (namely with shooting)
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howiwatchmooves · 1 year
The G A Y S H O W Sandman (2022)
This fucking thing confuses me so much. I honestly have no idea how to rate it because there were so many things I loved and so much stupid annoying stuff (and I'm not talking about G A Y S ) as well. And Idk what am I supposed to do with that situation ;-;. I just wish they'd try harder on this one, so there are only the good parts because the show had so much potential. But oh well, Netflix, am I right?
Disclaimer: I watched this show like 3 months ago and I didn't finish the review on time, so it's gonna be a bit of a mess, I just wanna post it and move on.
The plot. It is fucking shreded. We have 11 episodes in total. First 4 episodes is one story, then episode 5 that is connected to the previous events, but is quite independent on its own. Episode 6 is an another adventure of a Sandman. From episode 7 till the episode 10 we have something else going on (there are some connections to the first story, but they're too weak to make this whole show consistent). Episode 11 has nothing to do with the rest of the show. That was the reason why it was hard to perceive the show. Like, Idk what they've done it that way, maybe the original comic was like that. I really liked some of the plot lines and scenes (especially one episode stories, they were better than stories that lasted 4 episodes), the other ones were extremely boring and unnecessary for me. And that's the shame. There was so much good stuff, why couldn't all of the stuff be good. I just feel like there was so much potential and they could've try better.
The characters are very different. I absolutely loved some of them, like Death and The Corinthian for example. Perfectly portrayed , very capturing and magnetic. The Corinthian is my personal crush and the reason why I watched the show in the first place. I know, I know, he's a terrifying maniac, but I have daddy kink, okay? So no judgement please. The actor is great, the character is well played, maybe a bit weird motivation, but nobody's perfect, eh.
Other characters were neutral to me, like Dream himself. He... he has his moments, let's say that. Some were just played by unqualified actors, like this vortex girl and her widow friend (it was painful to look at them sometimes, like, no emotion 😐).
And yeah, there's a lot of gay characters. Not a problem for me tho, I was even happy to see so many pissed homophobes, who get offended by the harmless show.
Visuals were quite alright. Nothing remarkable though, nothing I can remember at least.
Same thing with the soundtrack
Atmosphere is on spot on the other hand. So many Neil Gaiman vibes, like all these realms with their rulers, Satan, Biblical stuff, Greek mythology. This show is basically R rated Good Omens, with blood and swears and I loved it. Otherwise the show would be way too boring.
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harrysfolklore · 3 years
Can you do Camila Morrone as a face claim please?
this is a special blurb for @adore-laur who kindly donated to my kofi ❤️ thank you again bestie, ilysm
if you want to support me, here’s my kofi link (as you see you’ll get your own blurb with whatever you request because ilysm)
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by kaiagerber, harrystyles and 298,836 others
yourinstagram Don’t ask me how wedding planing is going
view all 16,873 comments
harryfan1 harry is getting married soon.. sometimes i forget
gemmastyles ❤️❤️
harry_lambert ANGEL
annetwist The prettiest bride to be !! ❤️
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liked by yourinstagram, dualipa and 126,873 others
nicholasgrimshaw H stopped by the studio to give his last interview as a non married man, he’s all grown up now, can you believe it?
view all 34,973 comments
harryfan1 so the wedding is soon SOON
yourinstagram ❤️!!
↳ harryfan2 she won in life
jefezoff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
harryfan3 when he said “i’m excited about this new chapter in my life that’s starting soon, and i’m excited to be living it with my person” I CRIED
harryfan4 i’m way too emotional
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 286,736 others
yourinstagram And I would choose you again. A thousand times.
view all 14,837 comments
harryfan1 IM GOING TO CRY
gemmastyles I’m still crying ❤️
jefezoff Here’s to you two 🥂
↳ harryfan3 i don’t think so, she would’ve posted a pic from the reception or something
↳ harryfan1 but that caption and their friends and families comments..
harrystyles I love you. Thank you for being my person.
↳ harryfan1 HARRY STFU
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 355,763 others
harry_lambert This weekend I had the honor of a lifetime. I got to style one of the most kind, beautiful and loving women I’ve ever met. Which happens to be marrying one of my best friends ever
I love you so much angels @harrystyles @yourinstagram you deserve each other, here’s to a lifetime of love ❤️
view all 49,083 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGGGGG
yourinstagram We love you sososo much, lamby ❤️
harryfan3 that dress is stunning 🥺🥺 i can’t believe they’re married now
harryfan4 IS HARRY GOING TO POST ?????
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liked by yourinstagram, niallhoran and 8,836,983 others
harrystyles I’ve been blessed to live so many things through the course of my life, but being able to love you has been, by far, the best. Thank you for saying my ‘I do’. I love you.
view all 149,038 comments
jefezoff 🥲🥲🥲❤️❤️❤️
harryfan2 the fact that they’re posting casual pics of themselves and not pictures from the wedding, they want to keep those for themselves 🥺🥺
niallhoran Wishing only the best for you and your missus. Love you Harry lad ❤️
↳ harryfan3 CRYING SO HARD
adele Love love love ❤️❤️
↳ harryfan4 she was probably invited to the wedding i can’t
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @jelliebeanss @maria-r @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @evanjh @whitechocolaterry @sunflowervolume66 @lollypopsx @multiplums @89evrs @enchantedprincess @trulymadlykiki i  @piscesrecord @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ivegotparticulartaste @qclden @springholland @harryhoney-bee @harrysgloves @ayeshathestyles @comfort-reads @stylesmygucci i @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @needyghosts @dontworrysunflower r @milfrrynation @sleutherclaw @vodka-is-gay-and-so-am-i
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multifandomingmess · 2 years
How I Feel About Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 2
Beware, spoilers will be mentioned. If you do not want to read spoilers, do not proceed below the line. Thank you.
I'm going to be blunt. I was let down by the second volume. I pretty much loved the first volume but the second volume... All over the place. First off, SINCE WHEN WAS ELEVEN ABLE TO REVERSE DEATH? Max died but Eleven was able to reverse the death. Max IS in a coma but she's alive. If Eleven has always had this ability, so many people could've been saved, including Barbara, Bob, Billy, Alexei, Chrissy, etc.
Then, I understand Max's feelings towards Billy and that a part of her DID wanted him DEAD but I felt like they COMPLETELY recanted the letter from "Dear Billy" because there's no way that Max was faking those tears. There's no way that Max faked her emotions. There's no way that Max faked grieving. There's no way that Max was faking being su!c!dal. For example, when Vecna pretends to be Billy, we see him say as Billy, "And why, late at night, you have sometimes wished to follow me. Follow me into death. That is why I am here, Max. To end your suffering, once and for all."
Like, I understand, Billy is a terrible person and I am not defending that - however, he was abused. He still was abused by his father. He wasn't a former victim, he was still a victim of abuse. Obviously, I wish he didn't continue that cycle of abuse, but to me, if Steve can change his sexist and emotionally abusive ways - Billy could have, too. Billy was 17. He was still a kid. Everyone can grow. Then again, I tend to always think the positive in complex situations. That's a good and a bad thing.
Anyways, I also do not understand the hatred for metalheads that the Duffer brothers have. First, we lose Billy (if you do not like Billy, that's fine. Please do not make a comment because I do not want any fighting. You're valid.) and now Eddie?! I don't even think the Duffer Brother's realize how much hyperfixtations mean to people. A lot of neurodivergent people use comfort characters as a way to cope so this is going to be painful for a lot of people. It is painful. I cried like a baby. It made me think of July 2019, when I watched Billy sacrifice himself. Then, here we are, it's July 2022 and here we have Eddie sacrificing himself. It's ridiculous.
Also, I want to understand if the people who died from a creature of the upside-down (or anything related to it) actually die or if they go to the realm that Henry/001 went into.
The queerbaiting is full-force yet again. We heard all of those interviews and articles about how they planned to address his sexuality during this volume but all I saw was Will crying. I saw him lie and promote Mileven by saying El commissioned the painting. However, Mike knew that El said, "Will is painting something for someone he likes." and Mike didn't even acknowledge it. He didn't remember that letter because he was so caught up in this "romance" will Eleven. Like, I obviously don't think Mike has feelings for Will, but I would love to see an openly gay character on the show, besides Robin. I love to see the representation.
The lack of memories and flashbacks from Max's childhood also hurt me. Eleven was in Max's mind. Max was possessed by Vecna during this.
This part is very off-topic but this is about the whole Billy situation. Yes, the Duffer's wrote Billy's character to be racist, well specifically Ross. Matt didn't. They wanted Dacre to say the n-word. Dacre refused. Both Dacre and Caleb said that they never thought Billy's intentions were related to Lucas' race but because he has this urge to protect Max but it's not in a healthy way, obviously. It could relate to how he wasn't ever to help his mother as a child. The Duffer's also originally planned to make Steve r*pe Nancy in the pilot. This was confirmed by Joe Keery himself. So, these topics were brought up by the writers. Some people don't even know that the Duffer brother's are problematic. They have allegations of verbal abuse to female crew-members. They are very privileged. There are people on Reddit who pointed this out during BTS videos. Specifically, "Beyond Stranger Things"
Anyways, I prefer to respect the actor's version of their character. They're the ones who get into the mindset and head of the character. They know their character inside and out. Dacre was the one who was able to get more of a backstory for Billy in Season 3. So, yeah, I prefer the actor's perspective vs. the writers because some people don't realize how problematic the Duffer's are. Yes, they're talented writers but that is all. I'm sure they are kind and they may not be as bad as people make them out to be.
So, that's my personal thoughts about Volume 2. I liked it, I didn't hate it but there were lots of problems within the storyline. I'm not even sure how they're going to do a time jump with the current storyline of the town being split into four.
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Stranger things & Door symbolism (narrative analysis)
We see doors have a lot of symbolism and different meanings but to a certain extent it’s about respecting/not respecting boundaries &privacy, and being open or closed to others emotionally.
In s2 Max picks the door of the av club (trying to easedrop on the boys)-and it goes wrong (and causes dart to escape). Similarly, in s1 Karen picks Nancy’s bedroom door lock (and Nancy does not open up to her emotionally despite Karen saying “you can talk to me”). BUT in s3, we see Karen contemplating picking Nancy’s door again-and right after she decides not to try and pick the lock and respect Nancy’s boundaries (Nancy finally opens up the door and herself emotionally to Karen).We even  see Jonathan in s1 pick Lonnie’s car door (which we know is not a healthy dynamic).
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Nancy also tries telling Jonathan not to break into Lonnie’s car-similar to Jonathan trying to convince Nancy (in s3e3) not to break into mrs. Drsicol’s via opening the front door.
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We also see because jonathan doesn’t respect Lonnie (can’t blame him). So,Jonathan walks in uninvited through Lonnie’s front door -to investigate-similar to what Nancy did to mrs. Driscoll in s3 . These prior examples are also similar to El  breaking into Heather’s house  by using her telekenesis to unlock the front door (for her and Max’s investigation) . Or doing the same thing to Becky in s2 (for her solo investigation ). Why we have a shot of just El, Nancy, and Jonathan peaking through the doorway.
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El unlocking latches also mirrors how the demogorgan ALSO used telekenesis to unlock the front door latch of Will’s house .
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In fact flayed Bruce attacking j*ncy in s3, mirrors Will first being attacked by the demogorgan in s1. Jonathan & Will both lock the doors- than Nancy & Will try calling for help- but the supernatural creature unlocks their latches and both Nancy & Will drop the phones because of this.
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we also see through every season-given El’s upbringing- El doesn’t respect  boundaries with doors -since she never received it with Brenner (who would come into room whenever he pleased/closed the door and threw her in solitary) .in s2-3 she uses her powers to pick/UNLOCK doors -to open them . And in s1 she used her powers to LOCK a door- and forcibly CLOSE the door to trap the boys in the room  (akin to the closed door in solitary).
This scene directly contrasts an earlier scene of Mike respecting El wanting the door open -by having El later NOT respect the boys’ desire for the door to be open . Mike asks if she wants the door closed and she says “no” so he lets it be open. When Lucas tries to open the closed door- she closes it and says “no”. (she had other in universe reasons for doing this- but this scene is later also paralleled to Hopper in s3 locking Mike in the car against his will, when he tried leaving. Similar to el closing the door on Lucas in s1 when he tried leaving.
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In s1 (with El’s ptsd and) with El not understand privacy- she wants her door open . But in s2 when wanting privacy she closes her bedroom door (as Hopper demands she open it, and she cries). in s3 she also closes her door (now wanting privacy) when kissing Mike/ being on the phone with Mike/ hanging with Max ( and Hopper again yells at her to open the closed door).  Max even criticizes Hopper by saying   “do you knock? JEEZE”And in s3 flayed Billy yells at El and co to “OPEN the g*ddamn door”. In s2/3 we also see Hopper yell for el/Murray to ‘OPEN the damn door’  (despite murray having a “keep door CLOSED”sign).
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*flayed-Billy also smashes the glass on the door to try and unlock the door-similar to flayed Bruce at the hospital.
And In s2 we see Neil tell Billy to  “open the door” . In fact the first word uttered after the door is opened, is by Billy -who says “what’s wrong?”. The same thing occurs when Hopper in s3 says to “open the door” -the door opens and Mike says  “what’s wrong?” (as another parallel) .
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The Byers also in opposition to this, respect doors/boundaries of Will’s: 
Will (similar to Muray’s sign) has a “no trespassing” sign on his front door in s1 (also akin to the one at Hawkins’s lab). And when Will rides by the Hawkins sign- what happens, he’s chased by the demogorgan. But Jonathan and joyce respect Will’s sign/boundaries- Jonathan knocking on Will’s DOOR in s2 before entering & Joyce ringing castle byer’s DOORbell (and getting verbal permission) before entering in s1.
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However, Jonathan doesn’t respect Lonnie :
so walks in uninvited through the door ,break into Lonnie’s car, and opens Lonnie’s trunk (door) without permission. later jonathan gets angry the cops/ Hopper searched his trunk (without permission) . Sort of matching his later hypocrisy of being ok to break into Lonnie’s car but not mrs. driscoll’s house.
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of course - this is because Lonnie doesn’t respect jonathan’s boundaries. again- the demogorgan is called “the deep father” in d&d. And a light-bulb is shown in Lonnie’s shed when it attacks Will. So we see Lonnie behind an open door (of Jonathan’s room) and a single lightbulb. A single red light bulb is shown -when Jonathan doesn’t respect others boundaries and develops photos. Later when the demogorgan is in Jonathan’s house- Jonathan hides in Will’s room and the ‘keep trespassing’ sign FALLS OFF the door - when the demogorgan comes near. And again we had a shot of Lonnie next to the ‘no trespassing sign’ too.
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So how does this relate to romance?  Or the supernatural?
For romance
Well what does Nancy do in s3 (unlike Karen in s3)? Well she not once, not twice but 3 times- opens jonathan’s door (despite the sign saying “please,do not  enter” (when red light is on). which is similar to Will’s “no trespassing “ /murray’s “keep door closed” sign).This is despite jonathan telling her not to-over and over. We see the first time she enters and he tells her this- she says “sorry”, but after she rolls her eyes  (and than later she does it 2 more times-showing she’s not actually sorry). It shows a lack of respect for her partner and his photography (light destroys his photos). This is similar to Jonathan busting into Lonnie’s. Or El -not respecting doors in every season (and spying on her bf who in s3 was not happy about this).
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Which is one of the reasons j*ncy & m*leven were (verbally) paralleled specifically in s3 .Both pairings have no trust in boundaries/privacy- Jonathan taking those pics in s1 vi*lated Nancy’s boundaries/privacy, Nancy in s3 ruins jonathan’s photos while disrespecting his boundaries,El spies on Mike in s2-3 and says she makes her own rules-and doesn’t care if it made Mike uncomfortable.
We even have in s3e3-nancy & El break into people’s houses via the front door (to show how similar they are). 
This also correlates to my other post- where I talked about the theme of spying on love interests being done by many characters too (Jonathan to Nancy in s1,s2 lucas spying on Max, max on lucas in s3, steve and rando-girl who rejected him in s3. El in s2-3 to Mike.And  on the nonromantic end -the mf /the us gov spying on our heroes, El in s1 being trained to be a spy, karen spying on Mike in s3 via phones, similar to how the government agents in s1 monitored phone calls,etc. The snowball even had  l*max/ m*leven (who that season spied on eachother ) dance to a song about a st*lking ex- while the spying mf watched them as well).
Also as another romantic contrast to doors in s3:
Mike throws El in his closet (gay ref) and closes the door (to his real emotions ). As Karen says to Mike “talk to me’ about Will  (similar to Karen saying to Nancy  “talk to me” in s1 ) .And she says to Mike “I never want you to HIDE anything from me.” (which he literally is doing). 
 Similar to Nancy ins1 who’s door was closed (to symbolize being emotionally closed off from her mom -it signifies he wouldn’t open up to Karen in s1 about Will (cause he’s too occupied CLOSING his CLOSET door for EL- and pretending to be straight). 
Than in s3e1 during m*leven kiss it pans to a the rainbow drawing (which says Mike) & a drawing of Will the wise as the lyrics “just a little more time will open closing doors”plays. After this, at Will’s house in s3e1 ( while Will claims he won’t fall in love) you hear the lyrics in the back ironically  play  “Love that was new to you-you open up the door.” Like - go back to episode 1 -it’s true. After Joyce says ‘ok;- the song gets much louder just for the lyric “you open up the door”.XD I’m not making this sh*t up (they purposely didn’t subtitle the segment panned to Will but it’s clear as day) ! The other song Mike kisses El to in ep 1 is ‘can’t fight this feeling’ (which is about a guy afraid to tell his friend of many years that he loves them-but who is afraid to do so and ruin their platonic relationship- which doesn’t fit m*leven who kissed in less than a week . the song lyric also has the phrase “if i have to ...come crashing through your door, baby I can’t fight this feeling anymore.” XD Than after “time” (3 months/last ep of s3) El kisses Mike- infront of WILL’S OPEN CLOSET door, in Will’s room, while El holds Will’s bear that comes between them. El (similar to Karen’s closet scene) even tries to get Mike to talk about his “feelings” which he avoids doing with El (/ Karen). As mike doesn’t open up to El emotionally he also doesn’t reciprocate the kiss- or say i love you back-and the same song (’the first i love you’) which played when, in s3 ,Robin rejected steve cause she’s gay- plays. And both stobin/mileven s3 confessions also heavily parallel . I mean coming out as gay used to be called “coming out of the closet”...
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The supernatural: Doors & upsidedown- “ A doorway between worlds”
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Murray ,in s3, (translating for Alexi) calls the gate a “doorway between worlds”. While Mr clarke also calls it a “doorway” and discusses Hugh everete’s “many worlds” theory. So later when NOT respecting Mr.clarke’s boundaries and interrupting his date - Dustin says about the supernatural/deprivation tank “why are you keeping this curiosity door LOCKED?” We also see on the st soundtrack -the song playing while alexi is explaining the upsidedown - is called “the door is opening”. And @ghostgirlinsatin​ mentioned this detail after I orginally posted this-when alexi runs away ‘neutron dance ‘ plays and the lyric is “I’ll just stay behind this LOCKED door.”
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We see mr clarke stab a pencil into a plate and Alexi stab a straw into a box to illustrate this doorway. Along with Lonnie hammering a nail into a wall in an attempt to close a open door (and saying someone should be held accountable for what happened to Will). it transitions from Lonnie repeatedly hitting the nail with a hammer to Mike stabbing a plate with a pencil -like mr clarke -and explaining how Will got to the upsidedown. Because ironically- Lonnie is the cause of what happened to Will (and should be held accountable). gif visuals-here.
If you’ve read my  ‘crashcourse of evidence for Will creating the upsidedown/mf” or the longer version called the “did theory” you generally know where this is going.
Like Dustin said- the upsidedown is a “alternate dimension” a “dark echo of our world.”
Which I believe Will created based on suppressed memories. A few things appear to be triggers-bathtubs, clowns, and slamming doors. When Will first sees the upsidedown in s2- the arcade door slams open (making Will jump). And later when first seeing the mf (his front door opens by itself-similar to the demogorgan opening the door in s1). In s3 when Billy yells to open the door- Will senses the mf (and touches the back of the neck-which a season prior was associated with memories).
I think the door imagery (to some extent) represents Lonnie coming home and slamming/unlocking the front door. in s1 when Hopper knocks at Joyce’s door aggressively (she says ‘go away lonnie’). Demogorgan in d&d also means ‘deep father’ & Nancy says the demogorgan is like a “lion” (lonnie’s name means lion). And just all the other connections to the demogorgan and Lonnie I talked about in my ‘crashcourse post’ (baseball, hunting,lights,etc). And the fact Billy and el (who are heavily paralleled to Will) also have Dads yelling to “open the door” is  suspicious too.  I mean Neil calls his son William a “f*g”, and makes him play baseball -just like Lonnie did to Will. And Neil also yells for William (Billy) to open his door, before hurting him. So I could see  Lonnie doing that to Will in the past ...
We even have El see a red door- while in the void
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Heck- in s2 , Dr owens said Will’s anniversary affect would make him remember tra*matic memories and OPEN his neurological flood GATES(  and these openings to the upsidedown are also called GATES and DOORS)!
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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casgirlsam · 4 years
not this sam. not this dean. not this cas.
a post on this team free will.
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I want to point out this exchange from 4.22 lufcifer rising. Chuck was genuinely surprised that cas and dean were trying to change the story. They weren’t in that story at all according to him. Chuck didn’t write them that way. So what happened? 
We finally got our answer and it only took *checks watch* 11 seasons.
You see, in every one of chuck’s aus, there WAS a cas. But those castiels were just like all the other angels. Fell in line. But cas?
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Those other worlds didn’t have cas forming a bond with dean. Those worlds didnt have them falling in love, pining, fighting, breaking up and choosing to come back together again.
We finally have an answer as to why chuck kept forcing them apart either by death or emotional circumstance. Because castiel, the angel with the crack in his chassis, the angel of thursday with too much heart, represents True Free Will. We’ve actually gotten it all backwards this whole time (or at least, missing something). It wasn’t dean that was corrupting cas with his humanity. It was CAS corrupting DEAN with Choice. 
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All the other sam and deans followed the path chuck pre-planned for them. All the other castiels stayed where they were supposed to: away from dean. You notice something before this episode? All those other worlds sam was seeing? One thing was missing: cas.
So why is it such a big deal to chuck that he now suddenly has a gay af romance in this story? Well because if dean is presented with other choices, he may actually cave and do what DEAN wants to do not what an authority figure wants him to do. Because dean has been written to be the good little soldier. When he’s told there’s only two options, Bad and Worse, he will pick one of the two presented options. But along came THIS cas. The broken angel toy. This Cas met This Dean and from that point on, everything was rewritten. And on the fly. Dean was suddenly choosing Secret Option C (the C stands for Cas… or alternatively Chuck’s Headache). Dean got a taste of Choice. Of Free Will. And, well, it kept chuck on his toes and even thoroughly entertained for a while…. But there’s only so much a writer can take from his characters not listening to him. So he inserts himself as a last resort. And they still wont FUCKING listen.
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All because one angel refused to fall in line like all his other alternates did. And because sam and dean joined him.
“What broke the connection?” “When castiel laid a hand on you he was lost!” and “how many times have you torn into my head and washed it clean?” “frankly, too many. You're the famous spanner in the works. Honestly, I think you came off the line with a crack in your chassis. You have never done what you were told. Not completely. You don't even die right, do you?”
free will is the answer. THIS cas and THIS dean choosing to stick together.
Like cas said himself in tmwwbk: 
“The grand story. And we ripped up the ending and the rules...And destiny...leaving nothing but freedom and choice.”
and Chuck’s creations are coming back to bite him. Along with his words.
“So, what's it all add up to? It's hard to say. But me, I'd say this was a test... for Sam and Dean. And I think they did all right. Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny, and God himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And, well... isn't that kinda the whole point?”
Yes, chuck, they did. And will continue to do so. Looks like you added a little too much of the Family Orientated trait to your sims, bro
Honestly Chuck buddy you really should have let metatron continue writing for you.
Side note i never thought this shitpost would actually like play out in front of my eyes like that… GASP AM I A PROPHET
Anyway the response to this
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Is “because of this castiel”
And more importantly like a cake its not the separated ingredients that matter. Its what happens when theyre together.
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Last night i said this:
cas: represents free will, choice
dean: represents humanity
sam: represents unity
And i meant it. Cas represents infinite choices to be made. Dean represents humanity. And sam represents unity; bringing those two together.
Without This Sam and This Dean and This Cas working together, choosing to be family, there would be no TFW. and chuck knows that which is why he’s trying so hard to tear them apart.
But this is the classic hero story. And chuck is the villain. He isn’t going to get what he wants. Not from This Sam, not from This Dean, not from This Cas.
not ever.
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