#too much thought has been put into it for it not to come up again
spaceman-earthgirl · 14 hours
Supercorptober 2024 Day 5: Alone
ao3 fic link.
Lena wakes up, and she knows instantly she’s alone. Panic sets in for a moment, because Kara wouldn’t just leave, not after last night.
Lena would though. Lena has, after a one night stand where they did what they needed to do so she left in the early hours of the morning.
But this isn’t like this, this is Kara. Kara who told her she loves her, Kara who kissed her so gently that Lena cried.
This is Kara, her best friend, the person she trusts most, the person she loves the most, and now she knows Kara loves her too.
Lena sits up and looks around, blanket clutched to her chest. She sees her clothes neatly folded in a pile, which is definitely not where she left them last night. She’s pretty sure some didn’t even make it into the room. 
Lena blushes at the memory.
She looks around for her phone, and realises it didn’t make it to the room with them either, that it’s probably still in her purse in the living room.
That’s the first thing she needs, to find Kara. That, and she needs coffee. She debates for a moment putting on her clothes but instead decides to grab a hoodie and pair of Kara’s pants instead.
The hoodie smells like Kara, this whole place does, and for a moment it makes her want to bury herself back in bed and wait for Kara.
Because she knows Kara wouldn’t just leave her, knows Kara will be back.
It’s in the kitchen that Lena figures out where Kara is gone. Or at least that she’ll be back, a scribbled note on the table.
Be back soon. -K x 
It’s still early, and Lena knows she probably should go back to her own apartment, shower and get ready for work. But she’s not going to do that, not yet. Because all she can think about is seeing Kara, kissing her again and making sure that she doesn’t regret what happened.
Lena doesn’t.
Lena hasn’t even had time to consider making herself a coffee when the door clicks open and Kara is walking through the door.
“Oh,” Kara startles, clearly not expecting to see Lena. For a moment, Lena wonders if she should have left, but she doesn’t need to worry when Kara continues. “I was hoping to surprise you in bed.”
Lena had been so focused on Kara, she hadn’t noticed the paper bag and coffee cup holder in her hands.
Lena suddenly doesn’t know what to say. This is all new to her. Not only has their relationship changed overnight, but she doesn’t want to mess this up. Kara is too important to her and she can’t lose her over this. Lena doesn’t have a great track record with relationships and she’s never felt like this about anyone before, never wanted a relationship to work out like she wants this too.
“Are you panicking?” Kara asks, suddenly much closer than before, food no longer in her hands.
“No,” Lena replies. Kara raises her eyebrow and Lena knows she’s been caught. “Ok, maybe a little. I don’t want to mess this up.”
Kara takes her hands, and Lena instantly feels her thoughts settle, the warmth of Kara’s hands seeping into her skin.
“I know, me too. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I do know that you and me? We can do anything together. So, we probably will both mess up, but I know that no matter what happens, we can get through anything, because it’s us.”
Lena smiles. “Thank you.” 
She knows this will be a constant worry but for now it’s quietened down, both because of Kara’s words but also because Kara is smiling now too and it’s hard to focus on anything else when Kara is smiling at her.
Kara leans forward and Lena gets the memo, meeting her halfway in a kiss that feels so much like coming home that Lena feels like crying again.
“Good morning,” Kara mumbles against her mouth, Lena can feel her smile against her own.
“You taste like cinnamon,” Lena replies, and Kara pulls away. Lena would regret her words but Kara is grinning, looking sheepish in a way that’s too cute for words.
“I got hungry.”
Lena laughs. When is Kara not hungry?
“I like this, too,” Kara says, tugging on Lena’s shirt. “You look good in my clothes.” Kara pauses. “You look good out of them too.”
Kara’s blushing as she says the words, it’s adorable.
“Is that so?” Lena asks, and it’s her turn to lift her eyebrow.
Kara leans forward, clearly embarrassed as she hides her face in Lena’s shoulder.
“Yes,” Kara mumbles and Lena laughs, wrapping her arms around her best friend. ...Or girlfriend? She’s not sure, but they’re going to have plenty of time to figure that out.
Lena grins. “Good to know.”
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ylangelegy · 1 day
⋆.˚ caught in the rain ♡︎ svt.
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── .✦ as the unexpected downpour falls heavy on the roof of the waiting shed, you realize a horrific truth: you've forgotten your umbrella.
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"Seriously?" he huffs, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. When he sees that you are, in fact, not joking, he can only shake his head with disbelief.
He goes to rummage through his bag, grumbling underneath his breath as he goes along. You catch only bits and pieces of his mumbles, like the words unprepared and dummy. You can't really be offended when you know that he doesn't mean it. Not really.
The umbrella that he pulls out is compact, obviously meant for one person. He looks mildly annoyed as he unsheathes it from its container and steps out ahead of you. "Come on, then," he sighs. "Before it gets worse."
You move in to his left, keeping a negligible distance to appease him. As the two of you begin your careful trudge through the rain, you can't help but try to explain yourself, to apologize for being an inconvenience. He waves his free hand dismissively, but you can feel his exasperation rolling off of him in waves. Maybe you choose to walk in silence. Maybe you try to fill the moment with chatter.
Either way, his right shoulder gets drenched as he quietly makes sure that you have more of the umbrella.
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A soft kind of laugh bubbles out of him, the corners of his eyes crinkling up with mirth. "You should really make it a habit to check the day's weather," he says, but his chiding is softened by the fond way that he's looking at you.
He already has his umbrella out. He'd been fiddling with it, earlier, when you claimed he was being paranoid over the grey clouds overhead. There's a small amount of smugness to his smile— one that seems to wordlessly communicate I told you so.
Despite that, he's already making space for you underneath his umbrella. When you step in to his space— taking care to not encroach too much— he shoots you a glance and laughs again. "If we're going to do this, we're going to do it properly," he teases.
Before you can question him, he's looping his free arm over your shoulders. He tugs at you gently until you're slotted more comfortably in to his side. This is the part where he's supposed to let go, he knows.
But he decides that he can be just a little bit selfish as he keeps his arm where it is. "Let's go?" he prompts, his eyes shining as he waits for your cue.
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"Really? That sucks."
He sounds only mildly sympathetic to your plight. If anything, he looks more thoughtful. Like he's trying to do mental inventory of his own things. Without another word, he swings his bag over to his front so he can dig through it.
His fingers catch on his umbrella, buried underneath a pile of his other things. He should pull it out and offer to share with you. That was The Right Thing™ to do, wasn't it?
Except— he doesn't really want that.
He feigns like he's looking long and hard. "I don't think I have one, either," he fibs, shoving the umbrella even deeper in to his backpack. He pulls out all the stops— a slight frown, a heavy sigh. He tries very, very hard to sound apologetic as he tells you, "Guess we'll have to wait it out."
A couple minutes more with you; hours, if it so happens? Now, that's what he wants.
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He looks like he's been struck with the same realization as well. "Oh, shit," he groans. From that alone, you know that he hadn't expected this, either.
Still, he scrabbles through his bag, hoping that his umbrella might be something he had still managed to grab. He spends way too long searching before you amusedly ask any luck? and he can only shake his head, looking slightly off-put.
"It didn't look like it was going to rain when I left the house," he complains, mostly to himself. Once he's given up on his futile search, he casts his gaze skyward.
The downpour is relentless. He doesn't know what compels him to say, "I think we can probably make a run for it."
The look on your face does nothing to discourage him; your sounds of protests fall on deaf ears. The longer he imagines it, the more feasible it sounds. And so, without warning— he steps out from underneath the shed, his hands braced over his eyes.
He immediately concedes that it's a bad idea. But when he looks back at you, his smile widens. How could anything involving you be a bad idea?
"We don't have all day," he calls out over the downpour. When he extends one of his hands to you— well, you'd be damned not to take it.
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rottiens · 2 days
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⊹ ˚. how to be human (again), ft. gojō satoru
tags. secret relationship au (the beginning), strangers to friends to lovers, gojo is a bad cook (he's trying), cw blood, inspired by the canon universe, references to geto, the system and the higher ups suck, the reader is (was) a gojo fan, slightly angsty (the reader loses a friend on a mission and has a crisis) to comfort, female terms used for the reader. | wc. 6.3K
notes. this was quite a journey and I'm not sure if anyone will read this but if you do and enjoy it thanks for reading, hugs and kisses <3
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It's not like you've thought about it before, it's definitely not like you've stopped to think about it for more than five minutes a day or like this has been a conversation you've had more than once with some of your friends, however none of the theories you may have discussed in secret could compare in how it felt to have the great Gojo Satoru in front of you.
You take a quick glance off your lap to check on him and verify that he's certainly still focused on his phone —even if he's still wearing the blindfold, it's not like that's going to stop him from answering his messages, right?— and upon verifying that he is indeed not paying attention to you, you go back to feigning interest in the magazine you are holding in one hand: in the colorful pages showing the latest fashion trends and in the 3D red-haired girl who is almost coming out of the magazine while making the peace sign with two fingers, even though she doesn't manage to stop your thoughts from orbiting around Satoru again. 
You think it's strange again... you feel him, you know he's there but at the same time it's like he's not there. Sometimes you have to look up to verify that he is really still there and that it is not a trick your senses are playing on you. Being in front of Satoru feels like when the back of your neck bristles and your heart shoots up at an accelerated rate for no apparent reason, like feeling like you're being watched by something even though you know it's the middle of the night and you're really home alone. 
You could feel his cursed energy vibrating, coming in intense waves from his direction, dulling your own and in turn making you feel like a little bug. His energy wasn't rough or violent, you couldn't describe it that way no matter how intense it was, it was more like being under the sun as its rays burned your skin. You couldn't say there were any bad intentions in this one either but what you were sure of was that he was alert, as if he was always waiting for an attack, like when your feet are on the edge of a tall building and vertigo bites your spine and the soles of your feet. 
In front of you, a few inches from your crossed legs sits a small wooden table; on it are cluttered magazines and two cups of tea that were served for you at least an hour ago. You've barely taken a drink from your cup, too nervous to make an unplanned move, after all with your luck you'd most likely end up tripping over the cup and spilling everything in front of one of the people you admire the most.
There wasn't a sorcerer who didn't know Satoru and all that he was capable of, so knowing that if all goes well you will be allowed to teach at the same institution as him puts some extra weight and responsibility on your shoulders. That you will likely have the opportunity to work with him or share missions together makes your guts tangle with each other. Although you couldn't understand why the director had taken so long to arrive, you had been flipping through the same magazine for the last few inexhaustible minutes, trying to distract your eyes, controlling your impulses not to look at him again....
However, you can't help yourself and end up looking him up and down at least a tenth time. He really is tall, much taller than you remember and taller than you can tell from the pictures. Besides the fact that, sitting with one of his arms stretched out on the back of the sofa and his legs spread apart, his knees far apart from each other, make his body look bigger, this one manages to occupy almost the entire space of the sofa. His thighs spill out into the uniform making the baggy pants look full. 
Your head falls slightly to one side and you wonder what he is seeing behind that blindfold, how much he is able to see, could he really see you or were you just acting like a fool looking at him out of the corner of your eye whenever you could, could you really keep looking at him without being afraid that he is going to say something about it?
Satoru stirs, his legs close to imitate yours. You run away unnoticed to turn your eyes back to the magazine, to the model who has been the only witness to your nerves on edge for the last hour. With your heart pounding in your throat, you turn the page only to find two actors kissing passionately on the front page with the headline that their love has crossed over from the big screen to real life. 
Flustered and not sure if you're feeling guilty about nothing, you glance back at Satoru and the lopsided smile he greets you with makes you jump a little in your seat. Pools of sweat gather on the back of your neck and trickle down the small of his back. 
Did he...?
You lean over the table to grab the cup and hydrate your throat, however, your body turns to stone. 
"Did you know it's rude to stare?" He speaks after so long of silence and your grip on the porcelain trembles. "I don't think we've met before, have we?"
You improve your position against the backrest and try to regain your composure by sipping some of the cold brew before speaking. "I don't think so, no." You hate tea. 
Satoru clicks his tongue and pushes his body forward to get a better look at you as your eyes struggle to stay somewhere fixed on his body other than his lips or thighs. "I could have sworn I've seen you somewhere." 
You're so embarrassed at what you're going to say next that you think you're going to faint.
"I had asked you for a picture before." And your voice cuts off at the end, unsure about the recent confession.
If you get to work together there could be no lies between you so you decide to be honest from now on, no secrets. Then everything also served as an excuse for the way he caught you looking at him. Yes, you did meet him once in person but you were so nervous that you barely remember the details of your encounter. 
Satoru rubs his jaw with his fingers, then the smile widens pulling at the corners of his mouth. 
"Hm. At that convention a few years ago maybe?" In a stupor where you can only move your eyelids and head, you nod in his direction. "The cutie with the colored hair..." He really did have a very good memory, you think and memories of that day begin to overwhelm your head in the form of embarrassing polaroids. "You're such a fan! You were so excited," Satoru adds, laughing, as if everything he mentioned before wasn't embarrassing enough.
"I wasn't officially a sorceress yet back then..." 
"Oh." He wasn't laughing, but he had a grimace that threatened to do so at any moment. "You're justifying yourself? You're not a fan anymore then?" He almost sounded disappointed and at this point it was impossible for you to keep looking at him, so arranging your posture on the couch you adopt another position where it allows you to maintain your dignity somehow. 
"I wouldn't say I was a fan..." You try to explain but Satoru interrupts you.  
"You definitely looked like a fan to me." He was laughing now. 
"What I mean is that I've matured now." You speak quickly as if trying to make a point. "I'm not a fan, just an admirer." You clarify, trying to get him to see that between those two words there is some difference that you are seeing clearly.
"Does that mean you don't want a picture again?" 
That photo you still keep in your nightstand drawer, well hidden under books, your phone charger and one or two other bracelets you wore as a teenager haunts you even in your dreams. You had forgotten about it. 
"No..." You force yourself to answer by shaking your head. "I don't think it's necessary now that we're going to be working together." 
Which fills you with pride, by the way. You were personally recommended by the principal of your old school, being transferred as soon as you graduated to Tokyo High to work under their jurisdiction alongside the strongest, someone you've looked up to since you started attending sorcery school is something that fills your chest so much that you could barely breathe normally.
You always wanted to have the opportunity to defend the weakest, that's why even though your clan was strong and you possess a cursed strong technique, you worked and trained every day earning the recognition of special grade sorcerers, among them your former director. Being in the capital and being able to protect more people, all this shoulder to shoulder with a man you admire was like a dream come true, one that slowly turned into a nightmare. 
Over the years you realized how corrupted the system was, the bad decisions made by the council and the higher ups, making sorcerers die every day without anyone stopping to mourn or miss them because all they were good for were as tools.... 
... You don't know why suddenly the first time you interacted with Satoru comes to your memory now, the only two things in common between the two events is that you couldn't breathe and perhaps that you were both sitting next to each other in an enclosed space that seemed to close in on you. At the time you were proud of what you were doing, sure of your every decision since protecting the weakest was something you had lived for—  though now, you weren't so sure of that anymore. 
"Hey." You feel him touch you, but not really. His cursed technique gets in the way once again, as always, protecting himself from you and the outside. The metallic smell of blood is permeating you, your hands and your uniform to a point where it's unbearable and overwhelming, your gut twists and your mouth fills with saliva threatening to make you vomit at any moment. Your eyes on the verge of popping out of their sockets carefully fixate on the calluses on your hands and the crimson liquid that stains them and gets trapped under your fingernails along with a bit of dirt. "Are you okay?" Satoru asks and that's the problem, you weren't. None of this was okay.
"Ijichi, stop the car," you say still admiring your hands, perplexed.  
"Ijichi, don't stop the car." Satoru retorts. 
"Ijichi..." Your call sounds like a warning and the man pulls over to the side of the road immediately, you hear him apologize right away along with the thousand and one reproaches that follow behind it from Satoru. 
The blood is left plastered on the door as you leave, it is left on your face as you push some of your hair away from your face. 
The desert heat manifests itself in small droplets on your forehead, limiting your vision and in an unquenchable thirst that scrapes your throat.
"I'm going to quit..." you whisper to yourself but the wind carries your words to your companion who was hurrying to your side battling with the sand in his shoes. 
"You're not going to do it." 
"You can't tell me what to do." 
Your heavy footsteps were soon leading you away from him as a stabbing pain bit into your muscles and your feet complain of the pain your shoes have been giving them all day. 
"It's just a mission gone wrong!" 
You stop suddenly and turn your body to face him. You're planted in front of him shaking with anger not just because the higher ups were going to reproach you and probably stop giving you special rank missions for months, maybe years—
"It wasn't just a mission gone wrong, someone is dead, Satoru!" a scream rips your throat as you shout the sorcerer's name, the feeling burning in your chest is not just that of a mission gone wrong, it's the death and blood of your friend on your hands.
Those spikes must have gone through that civilian, not your friend, that person who was with you since you started working for Tokyo, that person who supported and encouraged you when things weren't going so well. Just twenty hours ago you were having coffee with him in the coffee shop below your apartment and now you talk about him in the past tense. As life faded from those beautiful eyes, full of kindness, always ready to tell you that you were going to be okay they were gone.
"You need to calm your emotions or you're going to curse him." Was that really all he could say to you while you were getting wrecked in front of him? Your hands that tried so hard to stop the bleeding in your partner become fists. "This is not what he would have wanted, [Name]."
You snort, then start pacing in circles, searching for the right words other than fuck you. Suddenly you stop to face him and find yourself with that usual annoying blindfold that separates him from everyone else, that never lets you see what he was thinking, and you point an accusing finger at him.
"What do you know what he would have wanted, Satoru? You didn't know him." And you know you shouldn't keep talking, you're biting your tongue because you know you don't have to say it but if you don't that vein in your temples is going to explode. "You don't know anyone because you don't let anyone in, not even me who is supposed to be your friend." The word friend comes loaded with imaginary quotation marks and with the weight of all the years and missions you've shared together.
He says your name a second time, now sounding weak. 
"You are so busy, on your unreachable throne as the strongest that you would never think of the idea of being vulnerable and watching those you love die because you love no one." His jaw muscles are tense, showing you that you may have struck a chord. 
"That's not true. I'm trying to make this a better place, I want the sorcerers who are growing up to be better, stronger, who don't need someone like me and I understand you—" 
"You have to recognize the privilege you have, Gojo." He hated that you called him by his last name because it puts distance between you and makes you those strangers again in that meeting room while you waited for Yaga, but you have a point you wanted him to understand. "Please don't pretend you understand me, because you don't."
Tired of the conversation that seemed to be going nowhere you turn around, there is sand inside your white socks and uniform pants, with a heavy heart and head thumping you set out to get as far away from him as you can. Somewhere far away from those six eyes that always see everything and his cursed energy that seem to drown the whole desert beneath his aura. 
Satoru stops you by pulling your arm towards him, his fingers are an invisible force holding your wrist prisoner and you have no strength left to fight, the adrenaline from the fight that ended badly starts to evaporate along with the sweat on your forehead and you let him stop you, your anger replaced with a deep sadness. 
"I can't," you mutter closing your eyes, giving in to the flame of the sun toasting the top of your head. "Let me go." 
"I won't." He couldn't do it because he already saw what happened to a friend the last time he did it. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice, even if he had to fight yourself in the process. 
"I'm not going back to Jujutsu High," you say and your voice sounds steadier, swallowing the lump that ties your throat.
"I won't make you do it," Satoru snorts through his nose. "But at least come with me." 
You don't have the courage to turn and face him so you just nod, giving him permission to do as he pleases. Everything happens so fast you don't have time to process it, his big arms wrap around you in an invisible embrace, his cursed energy is vibrating all over the place and you don't stop him or try to complain the moment his arms squeeze you tightly and it only takes a couple of seconds for you to open your eyes and the hellish heat of the desert is replaced by a safe roof and four walls surrounding you. 
The thermal sensation of the air conditioning makes you shiver from the sudden change in temperature, making your skin bristle. You take a breath of air and step back finally breaking the safe space Satoru created for you and he doesn't stop you when you take space between the two of you or when your curious eyes examine the place, though the answer was obvious— an unstoppable "Where are we?" slips out of you, needing to hear a verbal confirmation that he too saw the same thing you did and that this was not an illusion. 
"My place," Satoru says so simply, hitting the bull's-eye on the idea created in your head. There are questions about teleportation you'd like to ask him but for the moment you keep quiet, admiring your friend's comfortable apartment as if it were a museum. 
You were in the middle of the kitchen and your body felt tingly and somewhat weak from the teleportation, your feet not quite sure that the ground they were walking on was real. You were surrounded by white colors and a few shades of brown coming from the countertop. You never imagined how Satoru would live, in fact he was so god-like that sometimes you forgot that he also ate and slept like you, yet for the money he must have had in his bank account the place seemed very... simple.
"Why do you have less stuff than me in my apartment?" The question comes in a joking tone wanting to break the ice even though you were still annoyed. "I thought you were rich," you add. 
Satoru emits a laugh that sounds more like a snort. "What makes you think I'm not," he declares arrogantly. You write him off as a smug fool, though you try hard not to roll your eyes at his attitude. "I don't need to buy so much stuff because I'm always traveling. I just come here to sleep."
Satoru motions inviting you to move around his apartment with him. You decide to follow him, walking down a short hallway just behind him. You watch as his fingers curl around the door handle at the end of the hallway, opening it for you and revealing the bathroom. You feel your eyes fill with a mixture of fear and insecurity, similar to the eyes of a wary deer as you enter the room. With a slight creak, Satoru closes the door behind you, leaving you disconsolate and alone along with your tangled thoughts.
The walls are lined with pristine white tiles, with a sheen that reflects the light like mirrors. You approach the sink and notice the golden faucets emerging from the white porcelain with elegance. As you face the wall-mounted mirror, your own reflection seems to show confusion and an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.
Your hair is a mess, the strands had escaped from the tight bun you usually wear when going on a mission, the scrunchie about to fall out. There is a small scar on your cheek that runs horizontally across it and barely noticeable stains from your own blood-covered fingers that got there when you try to pull your hair away from your face. 
You look down and guilt hits your bile, the innocent color of the sink had been replaced by your bloodied hands which clutched at it tightly. 
Through a glass window, a ray of light filters in, bathing the room with a faint luminosity. The sun's rays draw mysterious patterns on the tiled floor. Shadows dance in the corners, and in the midst of this overwhelming sensory experience, your mind is flooded with gloomy thoughts and unanswered questions. 
At that instant, the sound of tapping against the door startles you, bringing you back to the reality of the bathroom. 
"I'll leave some clothes outside," says Satoru, who doesn't wait for an answer before leaving and giving your thoughts space again.
You turn back to the reflection in the mirror and again to your hands, give way to the water trapped in the faucet and scrub your hands with the liquid soap resting on the ceramic, helping yourself with it to clean up the mess you had made. 
Then, you get rid of your uniform and with your foot drag it to a corner to get into the shower, from there you step under the stream of water in an almost automatic way. You barely react to the coldness of the water but after a moment you get used to it, let it run over you and clean with the help of the soap the mud stains and something else that crawl into the drain. 
You squeeze until your skin hurts, until the water carries no more dirt in the drain and you scrub until you have no more tears to drop, it is only at that moment that you turn the shower and force yourself to leave the comfort you had found in that cold wall to get out of the cubicle and dry your body with a towel you found neatly folded hanging above the toilet. 
As you open the door you find on the floor articles of clothing that you pick up and close the door again to examine. The first was a white T-shirt, large enough to reach your thighs, this was accompanied by blue shorts into which you slip, forgetting that you needed underwear. 
If it were up to you, you would stay all your life in that bathroom that smelled of coconut and oatmeal but you had to pretend to be brave. You take one last look at the image in the mirror, ignoring the fact that you still need to fix your hair and that there are dark circles under your red eyes you decide to finally leave, being seduced by a sweet smell and sounds of dishes clattering against each other you are guided to the kitchen. 
"What are you doing?" you ask confused, in front of you was a Satoru whisking something with a fork inside a bowl in an exaggerated manner, being extremely extra and loud.
"Pancakes." You stand silently admiring the technique, feeling like laughing because it looks ridiculous but not giving him the pleasure of listening to you. Satoru had changed out of his uniform into casual clothes —baggy jeans in a worn blue and a strapless T-shirt—and had ditched the blindfold, gifting you for the first time what his naked eyes looked like.  "I'm trying to cook. I usually eat canned stuff and I've been wanting to learn how to cook, at least basic stuff." Satoru commented something like that before, that he would forget to eat or buy meals on his travels that he would then bring home and forget to consume, you didn't expect him to be serious back then. Imagining him cooking was very out of character for you. 
You approach the countertop in disbelief, stepping through the door frame and then climb a stool to admire him up close. With the help of your hands you hold your jaw and soon your whole head is filled with Satoru stirring the batter, inevitably silencing your thoughts and lulling you into a sort of trance. 
Satoru stops his task to set the batter aside and focus on you, it was even worse without the blindfold, you didn't know where to hide to escape him. His blue eyes were on yours, then briefly went to your lips. 
"You said earlier that I wouldn't let you in, I want to." 
"You don't have to." You reply curtly, keeping up the mask that you don't mind losing his friendship, clinging to your anger. 
"I want to try." 
You're silent for a moment. "I'm not going back to Jujutsu High." Then you warn him. 
Satoru breaks the dueling stares to grab the bowl with white batter again which was starting to take on a fat texture, you wrinkle your nose at the strange consistency and at the tiny bubbles in it and the thought of criticizing his style of making pancakes lingers on the tip of your tongue. 
"I'm not going to force you to stay." Satoru takes a ladle and dips it into the batter, pouring a first misshapen pancake into a previously buttered pan. "But Maki is going to miss you." You roll your eyes. 
"You're not going to blackmail me."
"I'm not!" he laughingly defends himself, with a spatula poking the pancake around the edges to check if it was already browned —spoiler, it wasn't—. "But she really will." You think he's not really talking about Maki, though. 
Satoru flips the pancake which wasn't burnt or browned, it hadn't even been cooked and the spatula along with the pan are sticky from the batter. Exasperated, you get up from the stool to head over to him. 
"Come here." You don't wait for him to answer you to pull the spatula from his hands and try to save the pancake which screams in the pool of boiling butter.
"Oh, you're going to show me how it's done?" he asks half indignantly, half laughing. 
"Uh-huh." You reply, turning down the stove flame. "I'm not a teacher anyway, I don't have anyone under my care. And if I'd had a chance before I've blown it now." You return to the subject, ignoring the stove as you pay more attention to the coat of paint on the wall.  
"You were good today." Satoru says softly, it's so comforting the way he addresses you that you feel like crying but you mask it with a brief pout. 
"It's not enough to just do well. I lost more than the respect of the higher-ups today." You distract yourself by flipping the pancake over, the top showing you a burnt golden color, much more decent than what Satoru was doing.  
"Nobody's perfect, [Name]."
"You are." You reply too quickly as you victoriously scoop out the first pancake and throw another bit of batter into the pan, more butter. 
For longer than you would have liked to admit, all you hear is the bubbling of butter toasting the batter. 
"That's what you think of me?" Satoru breaks the silence and you notice out of the corner of your eye that he's folding his arms. 
"What does it matter what I think?" 
"It matters to me," he admits, looking at you for the first time. "You are my friend after all. You don't care what I think of you?" 
"Not really." You lie, taking the opportunity to flip the pancake. Even though Satoru probably knows you're doing it, his eyes widen slightly, looking you up and down. 
"I thought you were my fan." He puts a hand to his chest for added drama, gasping for air at the same time.
"Please forget that!" 
"You were eating me with your eyes thinking I didn't see you. That's workplace harassment, I could report you, you know?" 
"Shut up!" you threaten him with the spatula smeared with the mixture and a couple of drops fall to the floor. 
Little by little the plate was filling up with the pancakes that to your surprise didn't taste so bad, you shared one with Satoru before finishing cooking them and you even flattered him —they're okay, they were literally your words, it was the only praise you could give to his first attempt—, you knew he was going to get better.
From the shelf Satoru takes out two porcelain plates and places them side by side and brings them towards you, you are sitting on one of the stools. 
"Thank you."
"Are you going to stay over or do you want me to take you home?" Satoru asks before sitting down, poking at one of the fluffy pancakes. 
You take your time before answering, honey drizzling over the mountain of pancakes and making a puddle on your plate. The question bounces around in your head, reliving memories of the recent failed mission. 
"I think I want to be alone." You answer finally, focused on pinching a pancake with a fork. 
Satoru says nothing more, his gaze not falling back on you while you, on the other hand, check him with the side of your eye every five seconds. You force yourself to fill your mouth not to talk anymore because you had nothing more to say and whatever comes out of your mouth now could be dangerous. 
So you swallow and chew the words you never said, mixing them with the sweetness of honey and the burnt part of pancakes. Even though the silence is uncomfortable, there is a certain tranquility to it. 
After eating you help him wash the dishes and Satoru offers to drive you home. It was on the tip of your tongue to refuse but you were sure that it would be faster and the sooner you arrived the sooner you could throw yourself on the bed and get warm under your sheets next to your cat, so without time to lose you picked up your uniform from the bathroom and sent him your address through the gps which made you realize that you didn't live so far away. 
On the way you didn't talk much, just chattered about the irony of the weather and the heavy drops splashing against the window. You asked how his students were and he asked how your cat was, and before you could realize it Satoru was parking his car in front of the entrance. 
You accept his invitation to accompany you to the door, trotting in front of the coffee shop that had already closed, inhaling the smell of freshly brewed coffee that lingered in the air. He steps forward when you invite him into the warmth of your home. The light from the bulb chases away the shadows and draws your gray cat towards the entrance to greet you between meows, his soft fur brushes against your legs and then as if he has known him all his life he rubs against Satoru's legs and Satoru can't help but be seduced by the little animal and squats down to pet him while you smile at the scene. 
Satoru stretches out his knees again, lifting his size above you. 
"You're safe and sound," he says." You don't have to-"
Your bottom lip is quivering and you blame the raindrops you caught on your mini marathon from the car to your door, Satoru frowns and takes a step in front of you. You see his hands shaking but he forces them to keep still on either side of his legs, you can't see his eyes because they are hidden under the sunglasses but the concern on his face is more than evident. 
"Can I hug you?" Satoru doesn't say anything and just pounces on you, as if he's been waiting for you to give him permission. It's like always, you can't feel him but you're thankful he's here. "I was so scared there," you confess, forcing yourself not to cry and he realizes the fragile state you're in. "I don't want to see another friend die." Your arms tighten around his waist, lending weight to your sentence. 
"It's okay," he points out, stroking your back as if it were your cat. "I'm the strongest after all, you don't have to worry about me." 
You snort, sinking your face lightly into his unreachable chest and give him a light smack from behind that he never feels. 
Suddenly, as if something is pushing you, you fall on top of him, your face sinking into his chest and you quickly raise your head to look at him. He was smiling, a grimace that reassures you and pushes the heavy tears you had been holding out of your eyes. You hide your face in his torso again and it's so warm, you can't help but inhale as he pats your head, through it all you realize that unlike you, he's not wet. 
"It's going to be okay." 
"Satoru..." You look up at him again.
"That day, the day we met for the first time your cursed energy was all over the place... it was soft and warm and I wanted to tease you for that, I waited impatiently for you to come near me." Your heart pounding, it squeezes your chest and you think he might have noticed. "But I couldn't say anything, I'm never at a loss for words but being next to you... I could feel your purity and your good intentions, the desire inside you to help others. So I lowered my defenses and let you touch me because I wanted some of the sweet sweet smell of your energy to permeate me, I know you don't remember it because of the euphoria of your fanaticism." He lets out a chuckle. "I haven't let anyone touch me in years and you're the only one to do it again after that day."
Incredulous and short of words you stare at him, stare at him and stare at him again, blinking as if you have all the time in the world to admire him, the sound of the rain pattering against the window competing with the drum that is your heart. Your mouth opens and closes a couple of times before you realize you don't know what to say. Satoru's cheeks are painted red and you've never stopped to feel the effect being near him has on you. 
You push your body close, intoxicated from the moment until your mouth finds his. Warm air seeps out of his mouth in the form of a gasp and reaches your tongue, you have to part your mouth further to let it in and swallow his gasps. 
Tentatively you deposit a kiss on his lips and he growls, you feel his fingers squeeze the fabric of your shirt and grip your skin. Unable to hold you another second not knowing how it would feel to kiss him you join in a slow kiss, you are surprised by the way he uses his tongue to lick your upper lip and touch the tip of yours only to pull back and place a hand behind the back of your neck allowing him to taste you better. 
Your journey with Satoru had been strange. You were his admirer —c'mon, you never stopped being one— then his co-worker and finally his friend. At some point you buried your feelings because you were too busy working on getting better and stronger to earn the place to stand and fight by his side, to earn the respect of the elders, you were sure nothing was going to happen between the two of you. You convinced yourself that you were happy with his friendship and the support that being close to him gave you, it was safe and it felt real... just like this moment. 
Satoru's hands were on your back, then under your shirt directly touching your skin. His fingertips were ice cubes that bristled your flesh, traveling in a sort of massage in all directions as you continued a slow dance, drowning out your mewls with rain and each other's lips. 
When Satoru finally breaks away your lips were slightly swollen, red, the same color as his. There was a dreamy look on your face that you hid by closing your eyelids and biting your lower lip, when you opened them you found that he was still there, hiding behind those sunglasses not really knowing what he was thinking but it was real, he really was here. At least you were sure that had really happened. 
"This thing that just happened," you say, trying to catch your breath. "It won't change my mind about quitting, I hope you know that." 
Satoru snorts a chuckle. 
"We can try a second time." You allow him to move closer to you again, his head cocked to the side taking hold of your lips, sinking his teeth into these. "Or a third." He gives them a little lick. "Or all night, I'm very persistent." 
You join in a shy giggle you both share. Satoru fixes his back and withdraws his hands out of your shirt and you almost miss them immediately, these are now on your face, cradling your cheeks and carving away the tears that managed to spill. 
"I care about you." 
"I know." You sob, your cheeks burning. 
"And I'll be there tomorrow for you and to face any punishment with you," he speaks sweetly, pausing briefly. "You know they don't have to mess with me, though. I'd destroy them in a second for you." Ah, there was the Satoru you knew. 
He leans in once more to kiss you and you think you could get used to this. 
"Should I leave?" he murmurs against your lips. 
"Stay," you say, your knees trembling from the closeness. "I too... I like you too." 
"Oh, I never said I liked you." Satoru smiles mischievously. You shoot him a dagger-filled glare along with a frown that gradually relaxes. 
"Thank you for being here," you sigh. 
"Thanks for letting me do it."
I still can't believe I wrote so much for something that isn't smut, sobs. But I've realized how much fun it is to write different genres and I can't stop. I was going to say something else but totally forgot lolol maybe I'll edit this later.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 days
Hate Mail, part two (Human Alastor x reader)
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CW: Rough sex, Dub con Rated: Adult Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here) Summary: Alastor has been on the receiving end of some nasty letters at the station. With the help of some rather unique penmanship and a stroke of luck, the culprit finds herself in his crosshairs. What sort of lesson will Alastor teach his little hate fan and how will that change when he uncovers the reason why she is sending him the letters?
Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord where we talk Vox, Hazbin, writing, reading, art and who knows what else. You may even catch some exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming fics from some of your favorite writers!
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Alastor reached down, carefully taking your hand in his. Your legs shook as you tried to get your feet under you as he helped you up. The clicking of your simple heels against the wooden floor of his office seemed too loud at the moment. 
He looked at you tenderly. The soft, caring look in his eyes felt so very much like a lie, and yet you wanted to believe it. The sounds of your sniffling and harsh breathing filled your ears, along with the ticktock of the clock on the wall.
You wanted to believe he hadn’t intended to hurt you, that he lost control. 
You wanted to believe it, but he had said he would make you pay for what you had written. He had said you would suffer, and you had. 
“Oh, do stop sniffling.” Alastor cooed. “It’s not ladylike. I’ll make this up to you, come, come.” 
His hand rested on your back, guiding you back toward his desk. The last thing you wanted was to step deeper into the office again. Giving up what little distance you had made toward the door terrified you. There wasn’t much choice but to obey, though. 
Alastor’s hand on your back told you who still had control. 
You had heard tells from other women how situations like this went. Men pulled out a few dollars, and they thought it would erase their transgressions. That was what you expected, as he forced you to step behind his desk once again. 
The only thing you couldn’t understand was why he had yet to put himself away and fasten his pants. 
Alastor stepped close behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he did, pulling your back flush against his chest. His chest expanded as be took a deep breath, nose resting against the crown of your head. Worse, you could feel his cock pressing against your lower back, still exposed and now twitching as it grew harder with each heartbeat that coursed through it. 
“What are you-?” your question caught in your throat as his lips caressed your shoulder, leaving a trail of soft kisses that tempted you to tilt your head to the side. 
“I told you,” Alastor whispered as his other hand planted on the edge of the desk in front of you, “I’m going to make it up to you.” 
“Please, sir.” your voice was high, vocal cords stretched tight as you tried to think of a way out of this. “I don’t need anything. It’s fine. We can- we can pretend this didn’t happen.” 
“You sent those letters because you wanted my attention,” Alastor whispered, fingers working at the buttons of your blouse as you stood, trembling in his arms. “I got angry and took it out on you, but that wasn’t right. I know women don’t have a lot of ways to get a man’s attention.” 
“Please, let me go.” Your heart beat faster as his hand reached into your shirt, slight calluses on his hands scratching at the delicate skin of your abdomen. 
“I will,” Alastor hummed in your ear, hand caressing higher until he was pushing the lacey band of your bra up, freeing your breasts from the tight confines. 
“What are you doing?” You couldn’t help the way your breath caught in your lungs as his fingertips ghosted over the bud of your nipple. 
“Cher,” Alastor spoke as he palmed the swell of your breast, “I find the current fashion trend to bind the breasts down to be so distasteful. There’s something so alluring to the curves of a woman.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, though you did not know what you were apologizing for. You did not dress in the morning with seeing Alastor in mind. That was simply the fashion of the time. 
“This is much better, isn’t it?” Alastor chuckled against your neck, pushing his chest into you as he bent at the waist, forcing you to lean forward. Gravity guided your breast to rest in his hand, filling his palm as you reached out to brace yourself on his desk with one hand. You gripped his wrist with the other, failing to pull his hand from you. 
“Let me go.” You whimpered, “Please, you don’t have to do this.” 
“It’s only fair.” Alastor took his hand from his desk, resting it on your hip. 
Long fingers wrapped around the front of your hip, caressing down your inner thigh as he ran his palm down the front of your hip. Each time his hand pushed its way up your leg, back to your hip, the hem of your skirt rose higher and higher. 
Before you could make sense of what was happening, you felt the rough weave of his slacks against bare skin. While he distracted you with the feeling of his fingers rolling your nipple between them, he had your skirt pushed up around your waist. 
He pushed his leg forward, bullying your thighs apart with his knee as he pushed against your torso. There wasn’t much you could do to resist the push of him, bending you over his desk, leaving your lower half on display. Your knickers were all you had to provide any coverage. 
“Stay just like that,” Alastor ordered as he pulled away, “Be a good girl for me.” 
Your fingers twitched against the papers on his desk. Fear coursed through you as he stepped away, looking at you as you supported yourself on your elbows. The soft fabric of your undergarments was sticky with slick, clinging to your skin.
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw exactly what you feared you would. Alastor was looking at you with a deep hunger. You could feel how your undergarments were stuck to the slick of your core. They were surely near transparent from how it felt. 
Wherever he was directing his attention, it was clear he was enjoying what he was seeing. His cock stood tall and proud out in front of his open fly. His shirt was pulled loose, partially unbuttoned at the bottom and the top. At some point, he had pulled his bowtie from his neck, letting it hang around his shoulders. 
Slowly, he stepped forward, reaching out for you. Strong hands caressed your hip before thumbs hooked under the band. There was a slight resistance as the fabric clung to your slick coated core and then they were falling, leaving a cooling trail down your thigh. 
“You are a pretty little thing,” Alastor murmured to himself. 
A startled yelp fell from your lips as he reached out, running his fingers over your slit, smearing slick around. They moved easily through your folds before his long finger slipped deep inside your core. You fluttered around him, not expecting the intrusion. Pulling back, he added a second before withdrawing both.
“You keep trying to protect your reputation, your decency,” Alastor laughed as he wrapped his hand around his cock, lazily stroked his cock, letting the slick on his fingers smear over his shaft. “But don’t you worry. I won’t tell anyone how badly you want this. I won’t tell them how you tried so hard to get my attention. This’ll stay just between us.” 
You gasped as the soft head of his cock slotted through your folds, caressing over your clit. He thrusted slowly forward a few times, coating himself in your fluids before he adjusted his angle. You had no chance to prepare yourself for the intrusion or beg for mercy. 
He pushed forward, slowly but steadily, sinking deeper into you. Your walls spread, struggling to accommodate the considerable size of him. Burning stretching had you gasping for air. There was no hesitation, no giving you a chance to adjust to his size. 
He pushed and pushed, sinking deeper into you than you thought possible. When pain stabbed at you and you were sure there was no more room, he pushed forward still, forcing your body to make room for him. 
Tears ran down your face as you gripped anything you could find. Hair hung down in your face as your head hung limply from your neck. You could feel the papers crumped under your hand and see how your tears smeared the ink on them.
Sweet relief had you sagging at your shoulders as he pulled back, coated now with slick. The reprieve was short-lived as he snapped his hips forward, setting a harsh pace that quickly had your arms giving out. Pain and pleasure mixed as he hit every part inside you. 
Your begging cries of “Please,” morphed from cries of mercy to please for more. As the pain in your core died out, becoming pure pleasure in the face of your building orgasm, your breasts swayed, nipples grazing crumpled papers.
“Close,” you panted, hardly registering the sting of paper biting into sensitive flesh again and again, tiny cuts gathering along the underside of your breasts. “So close.” Your breath caught as your nipple stung, blood smearing on papers and against your skin. 
Alastor’s hand planted between your shoulder blades, forcing your chest against the desk as he fucked into you. The sound of his groans, the slapping of his balls against your puffy cunt, and your whining moans filled the room. At the moment, you couldn’t care less if someone walking in the hall heard the way he was fucking you. 
Your orgasm hit suddenly, washing over you in a violent wave. Alastor fucked you through it, each thrust a battle as your walls clung to him, trying to suck him deeper and milk him of his seed. He wouldn’t give it to you yet. 
The pace remained bruising. Each thrust was sure to leave a bruise on your ass. Only when your cries lowered into tearful gasps did he slow, pulling from your sopping cunt. His cock was soaked with your slick, glistening in the dim light. 
He grabbed you harshly, pulling you up off his desk. There was no chance that your legs would hold your weight, but they didn’t have a chance to fail you. As soon as you were facing Alastor, he had you pushed back onto the desk, papers sliding under your back. He wrapped your legs around him and thrust in, not caring for being slow or soft. 
The head of his cock pressed up against your stomach, bulging it slightly as he bottomed out. Each sharp thrust left you feeling fuller than ever. You struggled to breathe as his cock punched up into you. 
Hungry eyes watched as your breasts bounced. You were sure that his grip was going to leave ghosts of the encounter on your skin that would linger for days. Becoming aware of the racket you were making, you pressed your forearm against your lips to muffle the sound. 
Alastor grabbed your wrist, pulling your arm away without missing a beat. Any chance of muffling your moans was lost as he pinned your wrists on either side of your head. The change in position seemed to result in an even deeper thrust as he folded over you. Hot breath washed over your breasts as his eyes roamed your skin. 
Zeroing in on the blood bubbling up from the small cuts on your breasts, he leaned down and ran his tongue over each, cleaning away the blood. You moaned, back arching as he took the bleeding nipple between his lips, suckling hard as he encouraged it to bleed more. He moaned deeply at the coppery taste of your blood mixing with the scent of sex and the way your cunt clung to his cock. 
“I can’t,” you moaned, head thrashing back and forth as your core tightened, orgasm dangerously close again. “Please, I can’t.” 
“You will,” Alastor promised, grinding his pubic bone into your clit with each painfully deep thrust, pushing your orgasm closer and closer. “This is what you wanted.” 
“Please,” you cried out as the pleasure grew painfully, “Please, please, please!” 
You came with a scream, voice bouncing off the walls of the small room as your walls clamped down on his cock. Alastor’s pace grew sloppy, though no less harsh, as he chased his own completion. Each breath coming in a deep groan and whispered curse as he fucked you through your orgasm. As your body shuddered around his cock, he his pace stuttered as he painted your walls with his seed. 
He fucked into you, each lazy thrust not offering you any softness as he pulled your hips tightly to him. Eventually he stilled, hot breath washing over your breasts as he looked down at you, eyes dazed as his cock twitched in your sore and overly sensitive hole. 
“I hope the tone of your fan mail changes, going forward,” he said, as he pulled his softening cock from you. “Clean yourself up. I’ve got to get on air in fifteen minutes.” 
“Yes, sir.” It was a struggle to make words form through the fog in your mind. 
“See yourself out.” Alastor said, as he straightened his clothes, making his way toward his office door. Pausing, he looked over his shoulder at where you still laid upon his desk, chest heaving and bare-breasted, cunt leaking his seed onto whatever unlucky paper happened to be under you. “And I expect you to hand deliver any future letters. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Alastor,” he said. “My name is Alastor. Use it.” 
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dinogoofymutated · 10 hours
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Nightcrawler/GN!Reader The first Fic of the season is here!!! I'll go ahead an outright say that the other fic will NOT be this long and this in-depth. This one took me literally the whole month of september when it was only supposed to take me two weeks. I'm going to do my best to make sure that the other fics come out on time, but please have a little patience with me ;-; Also, This fic has not been beta read bc it is an absolute beast at 8k words (at least for me), so if anything seems off, or the ending was too abrupts, don't be mean lol.
You've recently moved into an old, spooky mansion that your great-aunt left you in her will. It's been uninhabited for years but is strangely well-kept. You're sure you live here alone, but every once in a while you can't shake the feeling of being watched…
Tws: Demons, stereotypical witchcraft, Alcohol consumption, Graphic depictions of blood and wounds for a minute, I'll add more if I can think of any.
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    When the keys are plopped carelessly into your hands, they’re cold. They’re still cold, two weeks later when you finish moving in. It wasn't a fancy affair, no movers or big trucks, just some friends and the van they borrowed from the school. Truthfully, you didn’t really have a lot anyway. Most of them had honestly only shown up to offer their condolences for your loss.
    Your groceries feel heavier than normal when you set them on the kitchen counter, stepping back with a sigh. Never in your wildest dreams would you have even imagined of living in a place like this. You’d never even visited Aunt Maude’s house- Your, house. Sure, you and the rest of the family all knew she was well-off, but no one had a clue that when the will was read she had left you a Victorian-era mansion along with her estate. Even you hadn’t until you googled her address after the lawyer gave you the keys. 
    As surprising as it was, it was definitely your Great-Aunt Maude’s house. Every bathroom, bedroom, living space, You could see her in all of it. She was kooky and eclectic, with a love for all things strange and unusual. It was comforting, almost. To be wrapped in a house filled with the remnants of your aunt. Your eyes sting as you begin to fill up the long empty fridge, organizing it to your liking. You close the door and see your graduation photos stuck to it, along with a photo strip from the photo booth she dragged you into at your sweet sixteen. You suck in a shakey sob, tears welling in your eyes for what feels like the millionth time that day. You’re sad, and exhausted, and you haven't even unpacked yet, most of your belongings set in boxes in the Sitting room and Hallway.  But you just… couldn’t bring yourself to bother. Everything that was cold was already put in the fridge, so you decided the rest can wait till the morning.
    You trudge up the stairs with as much energy as you can muster, and when you finally make it to the master bedroom, you’re ready to pass out. The room is decorated in a way that feels much more like you than it felt like your Aunt, and you notice that the quilt on the bed was one she had shown you at Christmas one year. One you told her you very much envied. It was like she had made the room your own before she even stepped foot into the nursing home. The thought is enough to choke you up again. You crawl underneath the soft covers in a pretty pitiful manner, falling asleep almost immediately. 
    It’s only when you wake up the next morning that you start to notice something strange about this house. 
    The kitchen is a somewhat long walk from the upstares bedroom, and you’re basically starving by the time you get downstairs. You yawn as you grab the milk out of the fridge, still feeling half asleep as you turn around to grab the cereal off the counter only to find it… gone. In fact, all of the groceries you had left on the counter yesterday were gone.
     The realization is like a shot of ice through your veins. What the fuck?… You must have put them away last night, right? But you knew they were on the counter when you went to bed. You feel like you’re going to throw up, thinking about the chance that a burglar had broken in last night and you hadn’t heard it because you were upstairs. You sprint to the sitting room taking note of all your boxes and things, making sure to double-check that your TV was actually there and not a figment of your imagination, but it was definitely solid. You cautiously walk back to the kitchen, staring at the pantry door for an anxious moment before biting the bullet and swiftly opening it.
    All your groceries were in place. All are organized neatly exactly where you would have preferred them to be. Strange. You must have woken up last night and done it. Right? It wouldn’t be too absurd to assume you had put the groceries away half-asleep and forgotten about it. That had to be it. It’s not like someone broke in last night just to put your groceries away. Now that was just plain ridiculous. 
    From then on out, The strange things only seemed to continue.
    Sure, a house this old wasn’t without a general peculiarity about it, but after being told it hadn’t been inhabited since Aunt Maude put herself into inpatient care, it should be dusty, right? A home of this size, cluttered with the many odds and ends she had collected over the years? You’d never heard of a house that could dust itself. Your hands wander more than ever as you traverse the mansion, they run down the banister, across the pretty wallpaper, even taking a swipe at a shelf or two, and still, they’re clean. Not a smudge or spec of dirt on your fingers. 
    Strange, but not unexplainable. Maybe she had scheduled a cleaning service to take place after her death or something. You didn’t know. But a week goes by. Then two and then three, and everything is still spotless. And that was the least of it. Lights seemed to turn off by themselves at night. Things that you’re sure you heard fall were placed upright. If you forgot to turn the oven off, it would already be cool by the time you ran back into the kitchen- and the house constantly smelled like sulfur and brimstone. At this point, you’ve called the fire department so many times worried about a gas leak that they think you’ve gone crazy. 
    You just felt… Uneasy. Like you were being watched.
    “I feel like I’m losing my mind, Jean.” You watch as the redhead tries to hide a smile on the other side of the Facetime call, and you can’t help but pout a little when she inevitably laughs. Your little image on the top part of the camera must look rather ridiculous, hands tangled in some string lights you had found in the closet. As strangely organized and spotless as everything was, it seems that the Christmas lights in the back of the closet weren’t so lucky. Yay for you. 
    “Look, you’re just overthinking things. Don’t stress out about it.” Jean says, ever the voice of reason. You know she’s probably right. “Besides, you’ve been through a lot lately. It’s not abnormal for stress to do weird things to the mind.”
    “Yeah, I guess so.” You mumble. Detangling these lights is beginning to be a bit trickier than you first expected them to be. Each tangle and loop seems to be interconnected, and no matter how gently or firmly you are with the cords, another knot seems to form with every probable success. You sigh in annoyance, and Jean raises an eyebrow at you. 
    “Do I need to ask about the Christmas lights?” You’re about ready to give up on them when she asks, dramatically dropping them in your lap.
    “Well, remember how I was gonna throw that big Halloween party this year?” Jean hums in response. “Well, turns out that all the decorations I had for the apartment only cover like, an eighth of the house. I’ve been rummaging around in the closets all day to try and find something that might work and all I’ve been able to find is this.” You hold up the old, tangled lights for her to see.
    “That’s weird. With what I know about your Aunt, you’d think that she’d have a ton of decorations.” Jean mentions. You groan loudly, pressing your palms into the round edges of your eyesockets in frustration. 
    “Exactly! She loved Halloween, and with a house like this, there’s no way she’d just leave it bare. I’ve raided practically every closet and storage room in the house and haven’t found anything at all.” You almost shout the words, exasperated at this point. You knew for a fact Aunt Maude had to have something. It didn’t matter if it was even one of those awful animatronic jumping spiders at this point, you’d take anything if it meant you wouldn’t have to tap into your inheritance to decorate this big ass house (because there was no way in hell you weren’t going to decorate, you’d never disgrace your Aunt’s memory like that.). Jean is quiet for a moment, looking sympathetic through the screen. To be honest, as much as you value Jean’s advice, you’re beginning to think she’s got nothing to help you until-
    “Are you sure there’s not an attic or anything?”
    The thought makes you pause.
    “Oh my god, I’m an actual idiot.” You practically shriek the words, quickly standing from the floor and shoving the Christmas lights to the side as you run to get some shoes on. The attic! God, you feel so stupid for not thinking of it before! All you had to do was find the access hatch!
    “Just be careful though! Even though the house is renovated, that doesn’t mean-”
    “I’ll call you later, Okay? I’m gonna go look upstairs!”
    “No no no, don’t-”
    It takes you forever to find that damn attic. You’d think that it would be easy to find, seeing that it’s sort of an important structure in this house, but nooo. It’s been almost a month since you moved in, and yet you still feel like you’re lost while you wander around the third floor. How hard could it be to find a simple hatch? You feel like you’re looking in all the wrong places, and you know you probably are. You’re pacing around one of the third-floor bedrooms looking at the ceiling when a noise from the billiards room across the hall makes you freeze. 
    Were those footsteps?
    No, you were home alone. It couldn’t be. 
    Still, the sound leaves you on edge. You stalk across the hallway, stopping at the door to the other room as you briefly debate on how to open it. A small shuffle from the ceiling makes you jump a little, and you quickly decide, Fuck it. We ball. 
    You swing the door open with a bit more force than necessary and find the room… empty. Right. Of course, it was. You sigh in relief, running a stressed hand through your scalp as you take in the sight of the room for the first time since your original walk-through of the home. 
    In your brief scan of the room, you manage to spot a small string hanging right above the pool table, swinging back and forth. You slowly look up, and there it is. The fucking attic hatch. 
    “Oh god damn it. Was it really that easy to find?” You mumble to yourself, wondering if you really were just that stupid. 
    It doesn’t take a lot of time to move the pool table over so that you can open the latch and pull the rickety old ladder down. It looked more modern than most of the house, but it was easy to tell it was about as old as you were. You take a moment to just stare into the black hole in the ceiling, wondering if all this was really worth it. Well, you already spent all this time looking for the thing, so…
    You’re a little extra careful as you climb the ladder up into the attic, using the flashlight in your phone to light the way the further you go. The attic is a little bit dustier than the rest of the house, but to be honest, it was cleaner than you were expecting. It's dark and cramped, but once you fully enter you find that you can at least stand up to your full height. The excitement of finding the place has begun to wear off, and you start to feel a little flighty as you look around and the light from your flashlight shifts. This is okay. It’s fine. You’re fine. Maybe she had lights installed, right? You look up at the roof and are thankful to see those long, industrial fluorescent lights screwed to the ceiling. Thank god. 
    It takes a minute of stumbling and carefully following the wires to a corner of the attic, doing your best not to trip over anything along the way, and you find a small light switch in the corner of the room. You breathe a sigh of relief as you flick it on, and the lights overhead blink and light up. That’s a bit better!
    You find that Aunt Maude’s attic is cluttered with various random items, some older, others a bit more modern. The exercise bike and the Zumba tapes made you laugh a little as you passed them by, while some older cloth dolls and bunnies just made you uncomfortable. You’re not really sure where to start the search, so you just walk around for a minute. One of the lights overhead is starting to flicker a little, and you’re inwardly hoping that there’s no faulty wiring or anything that might start a fire when your foot catches on something.
    “Oh Shit!”
    There’s not a lot of time for you to catch yourself when you fall, eating absolute shit as you fall face-first into a stack of boxes. You smash your nose into something particularly hard when you land, and there’s a variety of shapes sticking into your sides that have sprouted from the smashed boxes below you. Ow, ow ow! God damnit! This is what you get for not listening to Jean. You feel a little dizzy as you sit up amongst the boxes, holding your nose tightly while you wonder if you just broke it. Your eyes are blurry from the pain, and it takes a second for you to fully come to.
    “What the hell did I just fall into?” You’re blinking away the blurriness as the sight in front of you finally starts to clear, A bunch of broken boxes now greeting you. Boxes that now had a bunch of plastic bones sticking out of the torn sides. You make a fairly embarrassing noise of excitement when you realize you had found exactly what you were looking for in the first place. The Halloween decorations!! Thank god! You were so unbelievably happy to find them that you couldn’t help but reach forward and look through the boxes immediately. 
    After thoroughly inspecting the contents, you realize that there were about eight large boxes of Halloween decorations in total. Motherfucking eight! This was perfect! The only thing was that there was still one little issue: getting them downstairs. You try not to think about those rickety ladders too hard as you move each box to a place a little easier to get to. Your back is already aching when you’re done for the moment, so you decide to sit down on the floor and lean back a little, catching your breath while looking at those eight, somewhat heavy boxes you were gonna have to fool around with in just a moment. Your foot nudges something as you do so. Hm. 
    Sitting up a little bit, you can see that it’s a floorboard, just sticking out a little bit. Oh! Guess that’s what you tripped over earlier. You try and press it back down with your foot, and that definitely doesn't work. Damn. Hopefully, you could find a hammer or something to tack it back down. You scoot over to get a better look when you notice that there’s something underneath, a dark blue color just faintly catching your eye. Curious, you lift the board a little, and after a tug or two, it gives way.
    You find an old, leatherbound book underneath. It’s got no clear name on the cover or the spine, simply a rune or emblem of sorts burned into the upper left corner. Finding it a bit strange, you flip open the cover, thinking that it must be a diary or something left by the original owners as a time capsule of sorts- but it’s not. Every page in the book is blank except for the very last one. This book is not what it has been. When the Veil strains thin will the ink be seen.
    Weird, but okay. You assume it’s a novelty or a trick or something, but it looks spooky enough, so you gently set it in one of the more empty boxes of Halloween decorations. Now it was time for the hard part.
    You drag one box at a time to the ladder, and looking at the size of them vs. the skinny steps below you, you wonder just how the hell Aunt Maude got these up here in the first place. Just thinking about getting these downstairs is intimidating, but you were never a quitter. One by one, you carefully take each box down, making sure to never carry more than you can handle and to keep a good grip on the ladder no matter what. After about 20 minutes, you get about halfway through. Four boxes down, four to go. Your arms are getting a bit tired and you’re a bit sweaty from the lack of AC in the attic, but you think you’ve got it. 
     On the fifth box of decorations, your foot slips. You gasp in shock, your stomach flipping as you fall backward- a split second of absolute terror as you fall. You’re terrified that you’re gonna die, and that Jean will never forgive you and you’d never get to throw that stupid party you were doing all this work for in the first place. 
    The air is knocked from your lungs from something that felt much more like a catch than it did the floor. You don't know what’s going on for a moment, eyes shut tight as the shock begins to wear off and you realize that you’re fine… Wait. Hold on. Someone had definitely caught you, and unless Jean had snuck in…
    To be honest, whatever you were expecting when you opened your eyes was very, very much wrong. Your heart is beating a million times a minute, a chill running through you when you finally register who is above you. Or what, rather. The first thing you see are his eyes. Yellow from pupil to scelera, almost glowing in the low light of the billiards room. He’s more fuzz than skin, blue in color, with devilishly sharp canine teeth he reveals with a sheepish smile.
    He flinches when you shriek, doing his best not to drop you as you squirm out of his arms. Your knees give out the moment your feet hit the floor, and you scramble back, grabbing the first box you can and throwing anything you can find at him. 
    “Sorry- Sorry! I had not mean to scare you!” He holds his arms up to block each decoration you throw at him. A few plastic spiders, a zip lock of polyester faux webbing, and a little floral crow or two. You can hardly even think at the moment.
    “Stop! Please stop! I didn't want to let you fall!” He flinches at each item although none of them are very heavy. You’re running out of things to throw, stalling for a moment as you debate lunging for one of the other boxes.
    “WHAT ARE YOU?!” You shriek again.  He opens his mouth to speak as he takes a step back, and you flinch as you see something move in the corner of your eye- a tail. A spaded fucking demon tail. You had to be losing it. Having hallucinations or a nightmare or something- but as it turns out, you are definitely a fight-over-freeze kind of person, and your body kicks in before your brain has caught up. The box of bones was next to go. A hand, and then two small rib cages and a slightly heavy bundle of newspaper fly through the air.
     “Careful!” He flat-out ignores the other items, going wide-eyed at the ball of newspaper and lunging to catch it in time. He takes an audible sigh of relief when he does, and says something that makes you pause from pelting him with any more Halloween shit.
    “You’re certainly Maude’s kin, but I doubt she’d appreciate you throwing her breakables.” He halfheartedly jokes, an awkward smile on his face. You’re mid-throw with another bone, hand frozen in the air with a range of emotions going on in your head.
    “Excuse me?” You ask, possibly a little overdramatic at the moment. He goes to move, probably to set the wad of newspaper down, but you raise your hand again as if to throw, making a face at him that’s a little more goofy than it was intimidating. He hands the newspaper off to his tail, raising his hands to show that he means no harm.
    “Maude? The woman who lived here before?”
    “Yeah, I got that part!” You cry out, hands shaking a bit from adrenaline. “How do you know my Aunt Maude? And what are you!? Why are you here!?” The rapid-fire questions seem to interrupt him every time he opens his mouth, but he doesn’t seem to lose his patience with you. He very calmly places the wad of newspaper on top of a box that happens to be near, and you eye him suspiciously as he does. He sits down next to it, the tip of his tail swaying just slightly.
    “Maybe we should take a step back, Ja? I can explain everything, I promise.” He says, patting the space next to him. “Herkommen. It might be better to sit for this.” His smile is polite, and if this situation were any different, you might find his kind demeanor charming. But the situation isn’t different. He was a stranger in your house. A blue, possible-demon stranger, with a tail and what you think looks like small, pointed horns sticking out from the thick curls that cover his hairline. You eye him suspiciously, halfway wondering if this was a trick of sorts. He’s looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to sit. Eventually, you do, but not next to him, definitely not. You sit down right where you are, hesitant and fidgety as he begins to speak.
    Of course, it would be your Aunt to summon a demon to aid her with her ridiculous (lovely) house in her failing health, instead of hiring a fucking nurse, or an assistant, or just selling the damn thing. Of course, it would be your Aunt to leave you the house with said demon in it, and not tell you. OF COURSE, It would be your aunt to tell him to take it slow while introducing himself so he wouldn't freak you out, and OF-FREAKING-COURSE, it would be you who almost killed yourself on accident and completely derail that plan. Jesus, what was worse? The fact that your aunt was apparently an actual witch who summoned demons in her elderly years, or that she didn’t explain any of this to you before leaving you the house. You didn't know how to unpack all of this, hell, you weren’t even done unpacking all of your things. 
    Well, It’s not like you could (or would) kick him out really, but in the coming weeks, you notice that Kurt is really more of a butler than a roommate.
    He’s been cleaning even before you knew he existed, but now that the grand reveal was over, you see him around the house much more often. He helps you with groceries, cooks for you when you’re exhausted, he takes the trash out sometimes too, when the sun goes down. He doesn’t go outside in the front yard very much to avoid being seen, but every once in a while, he’ll take a walk with you in the backyard. You were hesitant of him for a good bit, but you’d be a liar if you said he didn’t have a way of worming his way into your good graces. He’s… sweet. And easy to get along with. He effortlessly fits into your life, and you find yourself excited to see him when you wake up every day. You get along so well that it makes you wonder if your aunt had known that you would when she summoned him, or… you know what, probably not. 
    You learn more about him as the weeks go by. His past, his hopes for the future. You learn that his father is a demon lord of some sort, and his mothers are a bit more complicated. All three are dangerous, and all three are trying to find him. 
    “Is that why you took the pact with my Aunt?” You ask, late one night. Both of you have drinks in hand, leaning back on a pile of pillows and cushions you found in the tower room. It’s comfortable, if a bit warm. The two of you are a little flushed, words surprisingly clear as you speak. Despite being a demon, you find that Kurt is a bit of a lightweight. An accident on your part, having poured the drinks a little stronger thinking that he had a bit more tolerance. 
    “Mostly.” Kurt hums. He’s fully leaning against you, head resting snugly against your own with his tail curled around your abdomen. His horns are resting against your temple in a rather uncomfortable manner, but you don’t mention it. He takes another drink.
    “I don’t know how she knew. Or if she knew, really. Magic is specific to each demon, like a fingerprint of sorts, just a bit easier to track. When a demon makes a pact, their magic is filtered through the pact-bearer- which creates a different kind of magic. I needed a place to hide, she was offering me a home. It was easy.” His words slur a little where his accent tends to come out a bit stronger.
    “Was that all she offered you? A place to stay?”
    “That and…” He trails off for a quick moment, clearing his throat to change the subject. “Well, anyway. I was desperate, and she seemed kind, so I agreed.” You nod as you think it over yourself. You can’t tell if he’s just drunk or it's a sensitive subject, but he can’t just have accepted the many tasks of cleaning and caring for an old woman for something less in return. Was it that easy for demons to make pacts like that? Surely, she wouldn’t have offered him her soul or anything.
    You open your mouth to ask him more questions, but when a light snore reaches your ears, you know he’s fallen asleep. You can't help but smile, a warmth in your chest that you don’t really think is from the alcohol.
    A few days later, it’s Saturday, October 31st. After some long weekends and late nights, you finally have the whole house decorated, inside and out! You were so beyond excited. The whole place looked like it had come straight out of a Halloween catalog! You were so proud of how amazing it looked, but you could never have taken all the credit. Kurt was a big help, both with the placement and creativity of the many decorations. Everything that had to be put outside had to be done so at night so that Kurt wouldn’t be seen, and sure, sometimes you would wake up and see a few things were crooked, but at least it was fun! You’ve never felt so invigorated and filled with Halloween spirit, especially now, a few hours before the party. You’re shaking some full-sized candy bars into a big-ass plastic cauldron, and Kurt walks in with his arms full of Party favors for tonight.
    “You know, I’m not sure you could give away all of these if you tried!” Kurt laughs, setting them all down on the coffee table in the sitting room. It's a bunch of plastic spider rings, vampire teeth, squishy skeletons, slap bracelets, and more. All sorted into their own neat ziplock bags. The apartment complex you used to live at never really got any trick-or-treaters, so you had a lot of leftover goodies you were happy to finally use. You let out an excited giggle, taking one of the bags and emptying it into the cauldron. 
    “You’ll be surprised! With the neighborhood that’s just around the corner, I know for a fact that we’ll have plenty of kids come by!” You almost sing. Kurt smiles at you, taking a bag of his own to empty. 
    “Don’t get your hopes up, Schatz. It’s an old building, and rather scary from afar. Maude never really had a lot of visitors on Halloween.” You pout at his words, before tilting your head like you’re considering them as you continue to fill the cauldron. 
    “True, but Aunt Maude never tried posting on neighborhood Facebook groups and hyping up PTA moms before. Besides, the house is scary, but that's what the lights are for!” Kurt shakes his head, laughing as you voice the thought. You mayyy have gone overboard this year. A few extra strands of lights, blow-ups, and animatronics never hurt anybody, right? I mean, with most of your expenses taken care of due to the paid-off mansion you live in, you were able to spend a little bit more of your personal spending money on Halloween. Your new home was a whole-ass Halloween attraction, and a good bit of the neighborhood thought so too! After posting online, you were pleasantly surprised with the positive feedback from the surrounding neighborhoods, and had even personally met a few kind neighbors since!
    Kurt however, couldn’t risk being seen, and had to hide every time. Most people would freak out, just like you did, and the attention isn’t really a good thing for him. The thought sends you on the same spiral that you had been on for the past week, and the smile slowly slips off your face as Kurt takes the pot from you and begins to mix the goodies all together.
    “...You’re sure you don’t want to come tonight?” You ask, vulnerability shining through your voice. Kurt looks up from the task, brow furrowed. He opens his mouth, then closes it, then looks back down again.
    “I don’t want to scare anyone.” He says softly, making your frown deepen.
    “You won’t! I promise you won’t. None of my friends scare easily- and besides! It’s Halloween. Everyone will just think you’re in a costume!” You try to make the last bit of the plea happy and convincing, but it doesn’t seem to work very well. Kurt doesn’t look at you until he’s done with the pot, placing it back on the coffee table. When he does, his smile doesn’t seem to reach his eyes,
    “I’ll be fine, Schatz. I promise. It will be easier for me to just hide. I can easily enjoy the party from a distance.” The words aren’t very convincing, but before you can say anything else, the doorbell rings. Kurt dusts himself off as he stands, tail swaying as he pulls you to your feet. 
    “Looks like your guests are early. Make sure to have fun tonight, Ja? I’ll see you later.” Kurt squeezes your hands, and you try not to look too disappointed. After all, it was his decision, and you don’t want him to feel forced to show himself when so much could go wrong. You give him a moment to head back upstairs, disappearing like he used to do back in the beginning. You can’t help but sigh a little, but there’s a hesitant knock on the door instead of the doorbell this time, and you know you can’t just stand here and ignore it.
    You don’t really know who is going to be on the other side of the door, with it being mid-afternoon and still a hot minute before the party actually starts, but the bloody, red-haired Carrie on the other side of the door brightens your spirits the moment you see her.
    “Jean!” You cheer, rushing to give her a hug that she warmly returns.
    “Happy Halloween!” Jean says before pulling away. “I hope you don’t mind, I thought I’d come by a little early to help you set up.” 
    “Are you kidding? I have a whole ass kitchen of food I still need to plate.” You step aside to let Jean in as she laughs. You were originally to do most of the prep with Kurt, and although Jean is technically interrupting, you try not to let it get you down. This is the first time you’ve seen her in a long while, and you were already rather lucky that Halloween was falling on a Saturday this year- most of your friends/guests all working at the prep school nearby. 
    “Am I the first one here?” Jean asks as you lead her to the kitchen, and you hum in response.
    “Yup, It’s been just me all day.” You’ve never been the best liar, but you think you’re a little convincing at least. 
    “Funny, I could have sworn I heard a man’s voice when I rang the doorbell.” Jean’s smug tone almost makes you stop in place. If you were even a little convinced that some of this house was soundproof, those hopes were dashed instantly. You smile nervously, trying to play it off as you pass the sitting room, the TV giving you an idea.
    “Whaaaattt? No. I mean- I’ve had the TV in the sitting room running all day, so maybe that’s what you heard.” You say, trying to wave her off. Unfortunately, Jean had the ungodly ability to pick up your anxiety like a goddamn bloodhound.
    “Really? There’s not some mystery boyfriend you’re not telling me about?” Jean teases. You get stiff and quiet immediately, biting your lip as you reach the kitchen. She takes the silence as an affirmative answer, and she’s not exactly far off. Jean cocks an eyebrow at your nervous stance, chuckling at the sweat that practically beads at your brow. You try to hide the flush of your cheeks by busying yourself with setting out different snack foods to organize and avoiding her eyes, but it doesn’t work. 
    “Oh come on, I’m not blind. You’re over there blushing like a student. Who’s the lucky guy?” Jean asks, helping you with the task. You begin to open a back of chips, looking away from Jean’s knowing gaze.
    “I- We’re- We’re not really a thing. He’s just a friend.” You say, heart thundering in your chest as you pray Kurt isn’t lurking nearby. You’re struggling with the bag still, and Jean holds her hands out as an offer. You hand it to her without a second thought, and she opens the bag easily.
    “And is this friend coming to the party tonight?” She asks. You stall for a moment. All you can hear are the soft clinks of the chips hitting the inside of one of the bowls you had set out. You’re not quite sure what to say to that, or even if you had anything to say. Your hesitance makes her frown, looking up at you cautiously. When she puts the bag back down, she reaches out to take your hand. 
    “Well, if he does stop by, I’ll be glad to meet him.” Her tone is reassuring, and you muster a small smile for her. Tonight was supposed to be fun, so you’d do your best to enjoy it.
    The night goes by busier than you ever would have expected. Everyone comes dressed to the absolute nines in their costumes, and although a few were lacking in imagination in your opinion- Logan specifically- everyone looked amazing. You quickly realize that It’s harder to be a good hostess in this big ass house than you would think. Between the food, trying to catch up with friends, and the doorbell constantly ringing with practically a line down your driveway of more trick-or-treaters than you’ve ever seen, you were constantly busy. Lucky for you, you had good people around you. Logan and Scott thankfully took over cooking hamburgers and hotdogs- and Jean promised to keep them from butting heads. Ororo and Xavier happily volunteered to hand out the candy when you couldn’t, and you had Jubilee to count on when it came to the music. The house was busy, people were smiling, and overall, everything was going really well. 
    The only downside was that you hadn’t seen Kurt since Jean arrived. Sure, it was busy, but every time you managed to pry yourself away from the crowd and look for him in his usual hidey-spots, you never found him. He’s good at being sneaky, I mean he has to be, right? Being blue and all, but his consistent absence makes you a little nervous. He’s probably just being extra cautious, and you can’t blame him for that.
    After a few drinks have been had, spirits are high, and some different party games you had planned were finished, it was time to vote for best costume. Almost everyone had gone outside, enjoying the yard and the house in all its festive glory, but you stayed inside to count the votes. Kitty and Illiyana had volunteered to help you, and it takes a surprising amount of time to count the various strips of colored construction paper. In the end, it seems like it was really more of a “most ridiculous” costume contest instead. Jubilee, dressed as the one in only Kool-aide-man in the biggest plastic fishbowl you’d ever seen, won best costume by a single point, with Kevin’s fantastic costume of Professor Xavier himself a single point behind. You try your best not to laugh, knowing that they are not going to be too happy about that. You had bought a light up-sash and a plastic crown for the winner, stopping to grab them before stepping outside to try and find the teen. 
    Somehow, you can’t find her. I mean, You think it would be easy to find a huge red bowl with a face on it, but she’s not outside at all. When you ask Hank, he says he’s pretty sure she went back inside, so inside you go. You’re starting to get a little anxious at this point, not finding her on the first, or second floor. The third floor is completely dark, aside from the colorful light coming from the windows. You call out her name with no response, and then thinking that Kurt may have seen her, you call out his name next. Nothing. He’s never done that before. Sure, there was a lot going on, but normally he’d at least try to answer you. You creep from door to door upstairs, without any luck, when a muffled sound from the tower room falls on your ears. It makes you pause for a moment. It might be nothing, but you remember telling Jubilee about the room earlier, so you figure it wouldn’t hurt to check.
    You’re hesitant, but then there's another muffled cry, and this time, you know it’s him. You slowly creep up over to the door, and then up the stairs to the room. Minutes feel like hours, and when you finally get there, you find Kurt, on his knees and doubled over in pain with his hands pressed to his chest.
    “Oh my god, Kurt!” You cry out, running over to him. His face is scrunched up in a wince, his eyes shooting open when you try to help him sit up. 
     “No, no- You can't be here- You need to go,” Kurt’s voice comes out between heaving breaths. Your hands are shaking, panicked as you spot the blood seeping through his shirt. He hisses in pain when you touch the spot, as if he’s been burned, and when his hands quickly tug your wrist away- his neckline shifts. There’s a brand over his heart. Etched into him as if it were carved with a scalpel.
    “What happened? What's happening?” The words come out faster than your brain can catch up. His nails are elongated, razor-sharp points almost digging into the skin of your wrist as hold hold shifts. The brand glows as another wave of pain washes over him. Those small points that normally hide in his curly hair have grown, too. His horns sweep over his head, prominent and black at the very tips. He cries out, slumping forward onto your shoulder as the pain passes.
    “You need to go. Bitte- I need you to leave.” Kurt almost whimpers, practically limp against you as he tries to catch his breath. “It’s Azazel, my Vater. He’s found me. He’s using the brand to track me down. It’s too dangerous for you to be here.” He stiffens as another wave of pain hits him, and you do your best to keep upright. There’s so much running through your head, concern, confusion. You don't know how to help him besides holding up up and it's killing you to see him like this.
    “I don’t understand- I thought he couldn’t find you unless you used magic?” Kurt looks ashamed when you ask the question, tucking his head further into your shoulder. It's only then that you actually take a look at the room around you. There's an open book on the ground, runes and lettering you don't understand scatter the pages, along with a diagram of a devil that seemingly shifts into something more human and back at every shift of your eye. When you see the worn cover, you recognize it as the book beneath the floorboards- and you finally understand that it's a spellbook.
    “I… I wanted to join you.” Kurt whispers, unable to look you in the eye. “My Mutter was skilled in transmutation so I…” He trails off, shaking his head and wincing when another sharp pain shoots through him.
    “It was stupid. I’m sorry. I should never have touched it without a pact.”
    “If you make one now, will the brand disappear?” 
    Kurt visibly pauses. Sitting up as best he can to get a look at your face. You're still panicking, but overall you feel mortified. Ashamed. Did you do this? Were you so instant that he came tonight that he would risk everything just to do so? What was wrong with you- and why on God's green earth would he actually try to go through with it? You're beginning to tear up, swallowing down your thoughts as you offer the only thing you can think of. Kurt doesn't answer you at first, his yellow eyes wide with shock as he stares at you. 
    “If you make a new pact, will you be able to dispel the tracker?” You repeat, trying so hard to seem confident and self-assured through your shaky voice. Kurt’s face shifts into something you can't quite place, and he shakes his head.
    “I can’t ask that of you-”
    “Kurt, just answer me!” You’re too stubborn to let it go. A trait that you and Maude often shared. Kurt takes your hands into his own, squeezing them, and shakes his head. He's insistent in his own right, conveying his worry and fears- not for his own future, but yours.
    “This isn’t the way you want to gain a pact! Maude had made preparations. She had charms and protections and rules in place! There’s no time for us to do the same. If you make a pact with me now with nothing? It would bind your soul to mine for eternity. You would have no rest, no peace- no Heaven. I won’t-”
    “I love you!” Kurt sucks in a sharp breath at your exclamation. Tears have started to roll down your face no matter how hard you were trying to blink them away. 
    “I don’t care about eternity, or rest- or any of that. I love you. Fuck- I know I haven’t even known you three months- I just…” You trail off, looking away from him in embarrassment that all of this had to come out in such bullshit circumstances.
    “Please just make the pact.”
    Kurt’s eyes soften, almost scanning your own as if he’s trying to figure out if you’re telling the truth. He uses the back of his hand to wipe the tears from your face, careful of his claws, and then suddenly, he kisses you. It’s easy for you to melt into his desperate kiss, a hand coming up to cup his face as he pulls you closer with his tail. The strong limb pulls you into a straddle across his lap as he takes your free hand in his own. When he breaks the kiss, he does so with a mumbled apology as he takes your free hand. You feel a sudden stinging pain as a careful claw slices across your palm, and he apologizes again as he presses it over his heart, directly against the bleeding brand. Both of you hiss at the sudden, blinding pain as his hand continues to press your palm tightly to the wound.
    There’s an energy that begins to fill your body, like an electric current that links the two of you together. Your skin is buzzing, your head spinning as you fall against his shoulder in a mirror of his own position earlier. Kurt’s new claws dig into his own skin, and he grits his teeth as the pain from the brand grows more and more- before everything stops.
    You wish you could say there was some spark, or spoken words, or something, but it all ends almost anti-climatically. Everything stops. Everything is quiet- almost too quiet. Whatever vertigo you are feeling begins to wear off, and when you feel like you can finally lift your head, you look at Kurt.
    He’s smiling at you, horns reduced, fingernails shortened, with your hand still pressed over his heart- the brand gone and the skin healed on both of you
    “Is it over?”
    “It’s over.” He confirms, and you sigh in relief, pressing your forehead against his own. Kurt doesn't take long before he’s pressing kisses all over your face, holding you still as you giggle and squirm. You know there’s more to be said between you, but it’s been one hell of a night, and right now you’re enjoying the comfortable silence between Kurt’s fluttering kisses- until someone calls your name from the tower stairs.
    “Hey, You in there?” Jean’s voice echoes through the space, and you sit straight up, heart given a jumpstart as Jean comes into view- you don’t have time to move before she gets there.
    “You’ll never guess where we found Jube….” She trails off when she sees you and Kurt. “Oh?” Your face is as red as it can get, panic shooting through you at the realization that she’s seen the actual demon living in your home. All he does though is smile and wave, although a bit nervously. Jean raises an eyebrow, beginning to smile just as you realize the position the two of you are in.
    “Nice costume,” Jean says, and after a moment of confusion, you realize she’s talking to Kurt. Kurt looks relieved, shoulders relaxing underneath you, and you clear your throat.
    “Jean, this is Kurt.” 
    The air settles in the Tower room once it’s empty, the sound of the party downstairs is muffled through the floorboards, but still present nonetheless. There’s almost a giggle in the air, and the book flips from page to page before it closes shut, and the ink fades as the grandfather clock in the downstairs hallway strikes midnight. A pact is completed, and the energy in the air begins to fade. After all, a soul can’t leave the mortal plane until its final business has been finished, and Maude had not promised her own soul to the friendly blue devil, but no one said she couldn’t offer something else- a soulmate. 
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May i request this but with jack, jamil, and trey? (If u can leona too but if not im totally okay with those three cuz i simp for them so hard lol) gn! Pretty plz and thank you :D
I actually think it's been over a year since this ask appeared in my inbox... I have been considering shutting this blog down but at this point I think it's dead in the water anyways 😭... um enjoy?
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Jack is a pretty large guy so that being said he doesn’t shirk his responsibilities when it comes to taking care of his partner
Not only is he extremely careful before and during the act, he is incredibly attentive to your needs afterwards
He always takes care of you first and himself afterwards no matter how uncomfortable it may be
Jack always starts with asking you how you are feeling and what-if anything-you could possibly want or need at that moment
Only then does he start futsing around the room looking for stuff and cleaning up
He wants to give you a second to just rest afterwards and he’s tired himself but as soon as he comes off the high all he can see is his partner looking tired and disheveled and he immediately wants to fix that
After waiting patiently and somewhat painfully for you to come down and finish resting he quickly swoops in and does all the rest for you
Bath? Check. Cozy towel large enough to drown you in? Check. Fresh bedding and blankets so you can rest again when clean? Check. Clothes in the laundry? Check. Fresh comfy clothes ready for you in the bathroom? Check.
This man is so shy he gets the bath ready for you and then leaves, telling you to lock the door as if anyone could get past him
It’s almost like he didn’t just see you fully bare
You have to ask him to come in and wash your hair otherwise he will wait outside to make sure you feel comfortable and that you have your own privacy
All in all: a big softie who loves you too much to put into words
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Trey is another softie when it comes to aftercare
He is one of the most considerate and kind individuals you will ever meet (at NRC that is) 
Regardless he is exceptionally thoughtful and would NEVER let you go without some sort of care after doing it
Trey prefers to move you off the bed for aftercare because he doesn’t want you to sit in the potentially dirty sheets for too long
He thinks it’s very important that you clean yourself off thoroughly after sex
He will run a bath or start a shower or whatever you prefer and ask if you would like his help or some privacy
If you ask for help he will be very respectful as if your body doesn’t affect him at all (although you know better) and carefully soap up a rag and wipe you down\
He is the kind of man that has chemical free soaps for situations where you might have to wipe down more intimate areas to avoid potentially irritating them
And you will clean those intimate areas as he will clean his as well, not because he is a germ freak, he just gets concerned about infections: your health is always the most important thing to him
His next step will always be changing the sheets while you are still showering or bathing, he wants you to be able to relax on a fresh bed while he pampers you
After that? It’s all up to what you are interested in, a massage, reading, watching tv, just relaxing? You got it
Of course he will have a sweet treat prepared along with a second glass of water (cause you know he made you drink one immediately afterwards)
You have to get some sugar and energy into your system after exerting so much energy and he is firm in this belief no matter how energized you feel afterwards
Overall he is a 10/10 in and out of bed
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Jamil is less flexible when it comes to aftercare, not in a bad way, he is just very set in what he believes you need and will require that you let him take care of you that way or he WILL refuse further intimacy
(He’s manipulative like that)
All that said it’s really all because he’s used to dealing with Kalim who doesn’t take his own health into consideration nearly enough as he should and his controlling tendencies typically make themselves known when it comes to aftercare
He has very specific steps that he follows and really you should just let him because they are all catered to your needs and health
Everytime you guys are together he has some level of preparation: there's a snack and water on the bedside table and a rag in a dish of warm water, and a clean dry one to follow
He will wipe you down nearly immediately afterwards no matter how tired he is, he cannot allow you to be sticky or get an infection
You are allowed to relax and rest with him in bed after that but only afterwards
But not for too long because Scarabia is very hot and if you guys are in his room he wants to change the sheets as soon as possible and he does this by running you a bath in his private bathroom
He adds a sensitive-skin chemical-free bath bomb and allows you to just relax for a hot second while he cleans up his room
Of course he checks in with you every few minutes because Kalim fell asleep in the bathtub once and now he fears you might do the same and accidentally slip under
When he has finished cleaning the room he turns his full attention to you, making sure you are washed and dried with gentleness and accuracy
His special form of aftercare though is something completely unique to him
He wants to do your hair
It doesn’t matter what color, length, type at all he will know how to take care of it and will do so with surprising care
He uses a quiet blow dryer/diffuser and combs out your hair till it's perfectly untangled
He uses scalp oils and hair mousse and anything else he feels the need to add and afterwards sometimes depending on how he feels he will add little braids and charms
Jamil misses doing his own hair every morning before he learned how to do it with magic, it was how he relaxed and prepared himself for another long day at work. It was something he could take his time in and be as controlled or as free as he wanted with it, so of course he wants to give you the experience he loved do much
Another 10/10 with aftercare and general caretaking but that was to be expected from someone as prepared as Jamil
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Ok don’t get me wrong, Leona cares a ton, he just has no clue what he is doing at all
He is still ridiculously sweet in his own gruff “I’m pretending I don’t care about you but if you so much as wince I’ll carry you everywhere for a week” sort of way
Definitely did not pay attention in Sex-ed so he doesn’t know squat past the basics of the actual act
He is naturally prone to foreplay to some degree so it’s not so bad the first few time you do it
After that one time you disappeared into his bathroom for a while and confessed that you were a little sore the next day he freaked out…on the inside
He maybe sort of gently refused sex for a little while out of concern and confusion
Once he realized he couldn’t just ignore the problem and wait for it to go away he resigned himself to researching aftercare methods
He was hesitant to try them out at first but still made an effort
Started with having some water by his bed for you or offering to let you take a bath and slowly but surely got better
His care is still pretty minimal though, it pretty much consists of getting you clean and comfortable and then cuddling with you until he decides it's acceptable for you to leave
Despite this, he is always careful with you even when he is being “rough”, he wouldn’t admit it but you are his world and if he ever did anything to you by accident, he would be devastated
Side Note: Ruggie refuses to change Leona’s sheets unless paid now so he always teases you afterwards but doesn’t really mind cause he’s getting something out of it lol 
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minimomoe · 2 days
Love Never Dies
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Tags: MDNI, Zombie! Toji, talks of death, suggestive content
wrd ct: 686
song inspo: After Hours- Mr. Kitty
A/N: gonna drop some halloween drabbles here and there. also, choso will get a short vampire story. let's have fun this kinktober!!!
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You thought you had said your goodbyes to Toji just a few weeks ago. You held a funeral for him and everything. You identified his body at the morgue, watched his casket get lowered in the ground, tossed the first handful of dirt to solidify the beginning of the end, yet you still had this lingering feeling of uneasiness.
Toji Fushiguro was dead...........................right?
Toji's presence never really left your side even when you had (try) to sleep on your own the first night without him after the funeral. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but you were sure you could still feel his hands on the small of your waist, or hear his voice from other parts of the house. God, maybe you are finally losing it.
You almost screamed your head off when you visited his grave and saw that it had been dug up. The full moon hung low in the air, lighting up the grave at which you wanted to see your late husband. The only thing that prevented you from calling the police right then and there was that there was something strange about the whole thing. Maybe it was too late to save you from your mind because the grave looked broken from the inside out...
Zombie! Toji who reached out to you carefully because he knows this entire thing is like a nightmare come true. You nearly jump out of your skin when his hand touches your shoulder, your eyes full of fear, then wonder, then unbelievable sorrow. He left you alone for too long, you had to deal with everything by yourself. You didn't pull away when his hand cupped your cheek. It was as cold as ice, proof that he was dead, had been dead, but was also standing right in front of you. The why or how didn't matter to you, all you knew is that you got your husband back.
Zombie! Toji who wasn’t sure on how he got here either. All he knows is that he woke up with the burning need to get back to you, no matter what it took. Despite everything that has happened in his life, he always had an unconventional stroke of luck every once in a while. The old tale of Halloween lifting the veil between the living and the dead was actually fucking true and he used it to his advantage
Zombie! Toji who laughed against your lips. He knew that he was always going to be yours. Your tears spilled into his mouth, salting his lips and tongue, but it only made him kiss you harder. His love for you spat in the face of the grim reaper. Taking you on top of the headstone was not how he thought he would reunite with you, but it was fitting. You welcomed him into your body like he had never left, and in the heat of climax he renewed his vows. For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, "but never will death do us part."
Zombie! Toji who did not know how much time he had so he spent every second with you like it was his last. There wasn't a single inch of your skin untouched by him. In the end, you laid in his arms inside of the casket, recounting all the moments you fell in love with each other until the sky began to lighten to start a new day. He cursed the sun for rising for stealing away his joy. You assured him that you were okay now, that one more night was all you needed. You were putting on a brave face for him, but it was needed. This time you two could say goodbye on your own terms.
Zombie! Toji who promised to come back for you next Halloween. This was a temporary setback, but in the year between he will find a way to be reunited with you forever. There was nobody else for you, so you held onto his promise like a lifeline. It will keep you going until you meet again. 
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thanksss for reading! lemme know who you want to see next!!
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phantomspiderr · 2 days
stripping w/ wanda maximoff x f!reader
kinktober ‘24 ~ no 2
a/n: my birthday gift to you🥰 I had to write for my fave witch of course so hope you enjoy
“Start nice and slow angel, I want you to put on a show for me.” Wanda’s sickly sweet voice comes out levelled as her eyes trail down your frame. She has you stood just an arms length from where she’s sat at the edge of your plush bed.
Out of the blue Wanda had appeared by your side while you were washing dishes, a hand harshly coming in contact with your ass. All through dinner she had wandering eyes and she insisted on resting her hand on yours every time either of you paused your eating to tell stories of your day. You’ve been with Wanda long enough to know she was in a very specific mood and that this would only end in one way and that would be with you withering under her.
It surprised you that Wanda was being patient enough that she wanted you to strip for her, she normally takes great pleasure in taking off all your clothes herself. But you’ve got to say it excites you to be standing in front of her like this, preparing yourself to slowly pull off each layer.
“Go on.” Wanda gives you a quick nod before leaning back on her hands, ready to enjoy herself. You follow her instructions, slowly moving your hands up your thighs to the hem of your sweatshirt. You try your best to be seductive, pulling at the hem to flash a little of your stomach that Wanda oh so loves before dropping the sweatshirt back down again. A smirk slowly grows on her face as she watches and you know what you’re doing is right. Your hands trail upwards until you’re cupping your breasts, doing your best to put on the show she asked for. Her eyes are glued on your hands, she watches intently as you squeeze and let out little sighs just for her. Wanda just seems to bring out this unfaltering confidence in you with just a simple look, she always looks at you with pure love like you are the only person that has ever mattered. Now, your hands move back down and Wanda’s eyes light up as you pull at your sweatshirt again. This time you tug at the material, agonisingly slow, moving it upwards a little before dropping it and moving your hands under the jumper. Again your hands begin massaging your breasts and Wanda sits forward as if she’s about to jump you. “Take it off.” There’s a dark tone in her voice this time and you know her patience is already wearing thin, this is what she wanted wasn’t it? A grin is now plastered to your face knowing you’re getting her riled up.
“I thought you wanted a show, no?” Your hands drop back down to hold the hem again as you tilt your head to the side, Wanda’s eyes lock on yours and she lifts an eyebrow urging you to push her buttons some more. A giggle slips out of you and Wanda’s smile falters which makes you instantly bite down on your lip. “Take it off now.” Her voice is sharp, all patience gone and instead replaced by pure unaltered lust. Obediently this time you listen, tugging the material up and over your head dropping it to the side before cupping your hands behind your back. You twist your body slightly, really making sure to stick out your chest as much as possible. “Now what?” You push with a sweet tone in your voice as you bat your eyelashes and you watch as Wanda pushes her tongue into the inside of her cheek.
“Come here,” she curls her index finger out in front of her, a stern look on her face and instantaneously you gravitate toward her until you’re standing toe to toe. Then in an instant her hand is gripping at the back of your neck, not too hard that it hurts but enough for you to know she’s serious. “Take everything off and get on the bed right now.” Wanda’s had enough waiting around, she’s been thinking about you all day and now she wants what’s hers.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Me debating with myself to post this or to let it fester in my computer until the end of creation
Me: It's essentially PwP I can't post that.
Also Me: But it's so good! Your practice works are never usually this good!
Me: ...
Okay yeah, here's some Tera and Kiara smut.
It is a practice fic that ended up being really good and I peer pressured myself into posting it.
I repeat this is NOT CANNON.
(An Exploration on What If?)
Kiara was over at Tera's house again, she nearly lived there at this point, not even bothering to put away the extra cot anymore and just leaving it set up.
There was a reason for that though, it was probably a dumb reason, but it was a reason.
She was confused, so confused on how she felt about… everything. It was making her sleepless, frustrated. There was something different about her, something that was becoming more and more obvious.
And she'd… thought about something to confirm it.
“Tera.” She started, and the word was so quiet and nervous she was almost certain she'd have to say it again, but Tera heard it, turning from the movie they were watching to her, they were both curled up under the covers, Kiara leaning slightly on her best friend so that they could both see that laptop.
“Hm? Yeah? What's up?” Was the response, purple eyelights turning thier full attention onto white, Kiara felt the nerves build… this was a terrible idea…
“C-can you… show me what it's l-like to-to…” What kind of question was this?! This asinine plan would completely ruin their friendship, for what? To find out of she was really into girls?
“To what? Hey, don't be nervous, you can ask me anything.” Tera smiled, her hand coming down to lightly rest on her shoulder. “Nothing’s gonna make me think you're weird or anything."
Kiara somewhat doubted that.
“To be with… a girl?” She murmurs out, and she's so lucky Tera has great hearing, or maybe unlucky.
Because she blinks and immediately turns the movie off, setting the laptop somewhere on the floor. Her face looking serious.
Kiara wants to freeze up or backtrack, maybe even run home and pray Tera would think this was some weird dream.
But she doesn't.
“I-I just. I've been so….c-confused, and-and you're the only one I trust to… do this with. And understand why…” She stammers, her core feeling like it's pounding she's so nervous.
“Confused? About?” The expression painted on Tera's face is not one of disgust, but of concern, her hand reaches down to hold and squeeze her own, butterflies flutter in her chest.
“Dad says I'm… supposed to like boys.” She's never said this out loud before, it feels… good, to let it out.
“You like Rad, don't you?” Tera offers, and Kiara appreciates what she's trying to do.
“I… do. But I-I… I think I feel that way about girls too…” She blushes, it feels so much more real now that it's not just a thought in her head.
“Oh…” Tera smiles, however she feels about it, she doesn't let it show externally. “That's okay, you can feel that way. There's nothing wrong with that.”
Kiara feels herself relax a little at those words, like she needed permission from someone that it was okay. But she wasn't done.
“B-but I'm not s-sure if I do! that's why… I wanna do this.” She explains slowly. “If I… experience it with a girl. With you, then I'll know…”
At this, her best friend gulps.
“There are less… extreme ways to figure yourself out.” She points out softly, it's not judgmental, and she does move closer.
“I know! It's just… I think it's gonna be the thing I need to understand. I don't think just a k-kiss is going to help me…”
She watches her best freind parse this information, taking a shaky breath.
“I'm not- I'm not saying no. I'm just…this is really intimate… and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me if… if you decide it's not what you want.” She replies, it's like she's forcing the words out.
“That's why I came to you… I trust you. And I know no matter w-what… you'll always be my best freind.”
“Of course I will be.” Tera nods softly, and there's a moment of silence.
“Okay.” It's almost a whisper. “We can.”
Kiara feels her core jump at that, she'd almost expected the answer to be no. For the first time in almost the entire conversation, they make eye contact, Tera pulls her up to embrace her.
“But you need to tell me if you start to feel uncomfortable, okay? We can use the color system…” She hums, she's carding through platinum blonde hair and it's such a nice feeling Kiara closes her eyes.
“Color s-system?”
“Mmhm, Green means keep going, Yellow means pause, Red means stop entirely.” Tera explains, she's adjusting them, laying her down softly while she sits near her legs.
“How do you know that?” Kiara asks, and Tera chuckles nervously as she comes to straddle her hips. “I'm… stronger then every other worker drone here, I wanted my partner to be safe with me… if I ever got one.”
This was literally what Kiara had asked for… Tera above her, sitting straddled over her hips as she's held down by her best freinds strong, scarred hands. Her tail already slinking up to wrap around her leg.
Her expression was focused, nervous- but mostly determined. Her grip was steadying, like it always was.
“Are you sure you want to do this? There are other ways to… find out.” She asks, she's making sure Kiara is comfortable, she's always doing that. And Tera's hand runs lovingly down the rungs of her leg, she feels her chest tighten in response and an almost dizzying feeling invade her processors.
“Y-yeah. I wanna-I wanna know. I want to know what it's l-like.”
“It doesn't have to be with me.” Tera's voice is nearly a whisper, rough and grating- but soothing, Kiara smiles.
“I want it to be…”
Tera nods slowly, her tail tightens around her leg, and her hands begin moving, exploring her lower body, scraping the tips of her claws across the emaculate metal.
Her core pounds, it's like a live wire hooked directly into her inputs, something completely breathless escapes her throat, and Tera looks surprised, before she smiles softly.
“I'm not sure anyone else is going to have claws Kia.” She hums, leaning down farther, her weight pressing down on her, she's trapped; but it's where she wants to be.
And she can't bring herself to respond either, not with that warmth and those eyes peircing into her, like Tera could see into her very core. All she can do instead is whine softly when the sensation suddenly stops.
“Color.” Tera hums, hands falling to squeeze lightly at her hips- and she feels lightheaded.
“G-Green. K-keep going.” It takes everything in her for that not to sound like begging.
And so she continues, claws now lightly scraping up and down her arms, as she hears the girl purr gently above her, shivers of delight climb up every rung until they make contact with her core; another, muted breathy noise is dragged out of her mouth.
Her best freind grabs her hand, thumbing a circle into it as she leans down, hot breath tickling her neck that had her swallowing in anticipation, Tera was close enough now to feel her radiating body heat, to hear her breaths that were shaky yet steady and grounding.
Lips make contact with the metal, and immediately something warm blooms from the area, Tera's hand in hers interlock with her fingers as chaste kisses are placed up and down her neck and jaw, the subtle feeling of fangs brushing against thin tubing- and she can't keep her eyes open anymore, her eyes close as a blistering tounge is pressed against her cold plating.
“Mmh~” She squirms, heat beginning to bloom out from her core in a way she was unfamiliar with, And the breathy laugh that escapes the woman on top of her only made it hotter.
“You're so sensitive…” She murmurs, and then she's right back to it, kissing and licking up and down the metal, until her fangs are scraping down her neck and she shudders at the way electricity seemed to spark between every contact.
When she pulls back she's breathing more heavily, chest rising and falling as the lungs she's been given by the solver supplemented her overworked fans.
She's hovering over Kia's face, hesitant to close the gap between them. It made sense… they had never kissed before.
It was probably extremely weird that they were in this moment without having done that before. But until about a hour ago, doing anything like this had seemed completely impossible. To both of them.
“K-kiss me… please.” Kiara mouths, and it surprises the both of them. Tera gains a violet fluster that's so… so cute, her hand rises to cup her cheek, thumbing over the seam of her visor and then- licks her lips.
Watching it takes her breath away, and takes everything else when their lips meet.
She tastes vaguely of oil, which was to be expected, but Kiara found it strangly addicting. Tera's lips moved against her own in ways that had her breathing coming out in pants. She tried to keep up- to copy her movements; and she got louder purring in response.
After a moment, Tera pulls back, head resting on her forehead with a glazed over look in her eyes, Kiara's hand moves to her chest, she can feel Tera's core beating almost out of her chest.
She wants more…
Kiara leans forward to press their lips together again and she can feel the woman above her tense before melting, pressing deeper into her. A tongue swipes at her lip, requesting entrance, and Kiara doesn't even hesitate for a moment before opening her mouth to accept the intrusion.
Tera holds her tighter as her long tongue invades her mouth, she's genuinely caught off gaurd with how long it is, but can't help the groan that leaves her when it presses and pulls against her own tongue. Kiara buries one of her hands in soft black locks, bringing her in deeper.
Tera makes a low groan when she accidentally pulls on her hair; and so she does it again slightly harder, in response, she feels sharp fangs prick her lip and a low growl escape from her best freind. and they pull back again.
They're both panting, a string of saliva leaves breaks between them and Kiara feels the heat in her visor increase at the sight of her best freind looking over her hungerly, fangs bared as her mouth was slightly open.
When she leans back in, the kiss is different, desperate and sloppy as she feels hands begin to slide down the back of her dress, trying to find a zipper. Kiara flushes, something hot beginning to burn through her as she pulls off flannel and throws it to the floor. She feels Tera's tail coil and vibrate around her leg as it attempted to wag but had nowhere to go.
Tera finds the zipper and pulls, and she feels her dress loosen around her figure, her breath hitches as she goes from her lips being assaulted to her neck again, transforming from kisses to nipping and sucking.
“Tera~” She moans when she bites particularly hard, sending embarrassed butterflies and burning heat into her core as she feels Tera react to her name, a low groan leaves the solver drones mouth and she shudders.
“C-color?” Tera breaths against sensitive plating, and Kiara feels the room spin.
“Green, please~”
Her dress begins to come off, Tera pushing it down farther and farther until it's down around her ankles and hitting the floor… Kiara attempts to cover herself out of habit, but Tera is smiling down at her.
“Don't hide yourself… you're beautiful.” She hums and pins both her hands back above her head, the free hand tracing down the slight raise of her chest and down the rubber midsection before she begins another round of searing kisses all over her exposed body, savoring every single moment, every sound and every taste.
Kiara can't breathe, all she can feel are the little shocks of pleasure every time those lips make contact with a different part of her body, the lingering thought that this was only a way to prove her sexuality was tossed squarely out the window- this was for them, both of them.
Kiara struggles to pull the last peice of clothing off Tera, the tank top tight fitting. But she eventually manages with a little help from the girl herself; it exposes the patchwork of scars that litter her body, some only hairline, others garish black marks that went down along porcelain white.
With them both exposed, there's a lull in movement as they took each other in, Kiara knew Tera had a lot of scars, but she had more then she had anticipated, she reached for one that swiped across her core, scraping her finger against blackened silicone.
Tera whimpered and twitched as the scar was handled, something that had been entirely foreign so far, emboldened, Kiara's hands began to roam over all of them, tracing the marks in reverence.
“Kia~” Her name falls out of her mouth like she was sitting in church, and Kiara feels her mouth go entirely dry, a smile making it's way to her face.
“You're… sensitive too.” Kiara hums, hand resting on her shoulders as she laughs, she doesn't expect Tera to pull her up into her lap, hands running across her back and through her hair.
Tera starts by softly pressing the glass covering of her core with her own, and both of them buck their hips at once at the contact, the friction amplifying the feeling.
“Oh god~ hah~” Kiara really didn’t expect the feeling to be that overwhelming. Her body trembled as Tera rolled her hips so that there cores would make contact again, the jolt was just as dizzying the second time.
“F-fuck…” Tera moaned, the strength and confidence she'd displayed thus far melting away into vulnerability, she buried her head into Kiara's shoulder as Kiara did the same.
“More~ please~ ah-” Kiara begged, her core was throbbing with need, mouth stuck open as gasps escaped them.
“Mm~ Yeah…” Tera mumbled back, setting a gentle rhythm with her hips as they clacked together, cores glowing brighter and brighter each time they rubbed together. It felt so good.
Kiara found her hand grabbing at the base of Tera's tail, pulling it firmly and stroking it in time with every grind of their hips.
“Oh*!*~ F-fuck Kia! Mmph!~ N-not there! ah~”
But she didn't stop her, instead her head went back as she gasped and moaned in pleasure as Kiara played with her tail, the rhythm beginning to be lost for the sake of more friction.
All she could think about was more more, oh god please more.
She felt Tera reach behind her, trembling with ecstasy as a particularly loud moan broke through the cacophony of pleasured sounds, along with a small click of a hatch opening. A port being exposed above Tera's core.
With another few sloppy grinds, Kiara yelped out in pleasure and her hatch opened as well, and Tera finally stopped with a shudder.
Clasped in Tera's hand was a linking cable, stiff from never being used before, her breath came out in pants.
“Color?” She asks breathlessly, hand trembling as she barely holds herself back.
Kiara grabbed the receiver end, running her hand along the cable before she plugged it into herself.
“So Green. I need you~”
Tera shivers at that, groaning as she hesitates for only a moment, a settings menu being visible on her visor.
“Firewall… we don't want to risk… you know.” Tera breathed out, a reassuring smile on her face. “I'm just updating them quickly… I never thought this would happen so their outdated…”
Kiara smiled, Tera was always thinking ahead no matter what. The update finished quickly, and Tera breathed out a shaky nervous breath. “Brace yourself.”
She plugged the donor end into herself, and they both froze as code mixed and sensations bled together, Kiara fell backwards and Tera fell with her, the sensation of melding systems being almost enough to send them both into reboot.
Kiara was hit with the most powerful feeling of love she'd ever felt. It was like the bulk of Tera's code was made of it. Tears came into her eyes as she finally- finally understood, it was like everything perfectly clicked into place.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
It was being written in the empty spaces of her code, being felt in her processors, being proven in her core.
I love you, I love you, I love you
It was being streamed from the universe, from the ocean of purple code, from the core of her best freind.
I love you too.
She wrote back, not just once, but over and over and over again, hands interlocked and lips made contact as every internal and external feeling was amplified to it's utter maximum.
“Kia… Kia! KIA! AHG~!” Tera’s voice broke through independently from their conjoined systems, working up to an overload that would undoubtedly bring them both into a soft reboot.
“Tera!~” Kiara felt an explosion of junk data enter her core, broken up by the firewall to be rendered unusable by her own system, but that didn't matter, it was still an intense amount of data that she simply couldn't deal with.
With a shuddering final moan, she shut off, Tera following a split second after as they both collapsed in a heap.
Tera was the first to come back online, groaning as her limbs felt fuzzy and her head felt like lead, she was laying on something cool and smelled like fresh linens.
She sat up as much as she could before a wire trapped her in, and she blinked.
Oh. Oh that wasn't a dream, that really just happened.
“Kiara?” She asked, lifting up the girls visor to see the overload error. She sighed in relief and slowly unhooked them, throwing the linking cable haphazardly back into her nightstand drawer.
She wrapped herself around the smaller figure, pulling her into her chest and resting her head on tip of hers, she had a feeling that when she woke up, they would be having another conversation, but for now it was best to enjoy this moment.
Tera kissed the top of her Forehead, purring in contentment, she knew why…
Her mate was in her arms… where she belonged.
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jazeswhbhaven · 8 hours
The Encounter of Two Flames | React | Spoilers
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HOW WE DOIN' LOVELIES? We've got ourselves a Gehenna eventtttt<3 Why not have one during the anniversary of WHB launching? Satan was our first and he's here to tell us his story.
I for one feel like it's nice getting know "young" Satan and seeing this new sprite of his.
I waited for compile the first four days together because making a post for each damn day was becoming tedious lol. Sure it's good for spreading out screenshots but my adhd is k i l l i n g me.
Let's get started tho yeah?
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"As they always do"....
Like good fucking lord Gehenna is always being attacked. I've said this once and I'll say it again like the angels really have fucking beef with Satan it seems. They barely touch the other parts of Hell.
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Cameo from the bae, thank you for letting us know your thoughts boo. ʃƪ˘ﻬ˘) ♡´
So anyways Gehenna is under fire for a different reason today, it is none other than Sitri that's burning up the entire place and even his sprite is just nothing but blue fire.
In science class ya'll, we remember that blue flames are actually hotter than the orange ones. So I can imagine it's a good thing that Solomon or MC weren't here cause yeah they would of been instantly vaporized.
But all the devils are trying to put the fire out, can't cause water ofc won't help here.
I imagine Sitri's fire is more of a energy/essence sourced fire though so ofc it can't be extinguished by "normal" methods.
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Young Satan is peak I swear. He's spunky, full of life, catty, I feel he's easily annoyed more, and just got that "it" factor. Not to say the older him is drained and used up, but definitely more mature.
So he goes to his demonic monster form, which as far as we've seen he's the only one that has a form like that. I'd like to assume the others do too but don't have to use it as often or at all.
cough we should have a h-scene with monster demon satan cough
So....why did Sitri burn up Gehenna??
Well it turns out that Sitri wasn't necessarily doing this on purpose.
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Normally, our blue haired mr perfect shoes has everything together. Here he doesn't. Phew....Sitri I know something ain't right when your room is as messy as Paimon's (canon stuff that Paimon doesn't keep his room clean lmao)
Like? even Sitri's appearance is all kinds of fucked. Dry cracked lips, fucked up hair, like our baby is not doing well ya'll.
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Andddd Belialllllll the bae <3 comes to visit. Jjyu and his loud mouthed self..
What kills me is that Sitri literally was like "I didn't hear you."
And then we find out through Belial writing it down because he didn't want Jjyu making shit worse (good call) that it wasn't Sitri's fault that the recent battle went all wrong and a lot of devils were killed in the process.
Sitri feels responsible for their deaths and is spiraling right now overthinking the past and thinking how it could have been better.
I feel sorry for him, because there was a time in my life where I would do the same and basically be so deep in my regret and guilt I neglected my health, my surroundings, my friendships...pretty much everything. It wasn't a good time so I know what Sitri is going through.
We even hear him mention that Zagan was badly injured (Astaroth too)
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Jjyu shut the hell up omg lmaooooo
(him in response to Sitri explaining that Zagan could barely speak he was hurt so badly) Belial glares at him for that btw lmao
Satan also got injured it seems so it sounds like this battle went really bad.
Sitri even asks to be alone, and well Belial gets it and leaves promptly. I really like seeing Belial be more interactive this go around because we barely get that from the Gehenna devils in the main story and the last event in Gehenna was mostly just Minhyeok and Ppyong.
This gives me an insight as to how Belial is in personality, and really aside from Jjyu, he's really just chill and seems very pleasant to be around in general. I wish we could see what his eyes look like. It would change me forever.
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So we're at the meeting that happens a few days later and well Sitri is still in a sullen mood. Since Zagan and Astaroth are out of commission, Amy was invited to come.
Oh so it seems Amy is going to be popping up since we got introduced. That's pretty nifty.
And Leraye is definitely worried about Sitri, wondering if he's sleeping, eating, and his condition has gotten worse. I imagine Sitri hasn't sleep in days since the event.
Paimon tries to lighten the mood but bless his heart it doesn't work when...
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Amy starts going off about Sitri ordering him and his men to go east, and well that was the wrong call this time. I see it as a simple miscalculation but in the heat of war...perhaps things like this can't just be mistakes. lives are at stake, and devils aren't being re-produced anymore. Their extinction is literally inevitable during these battles.
Even if it weren't, lives were still lost and Amy takes this personally because it was HIS men who were affected the most.
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I guess this seemed like the "best" time to bring up why Amy hates Sitri so much but it's like???? "because he looks like a girl?"
I'm just going to take this as Amy just not liking how elegant Sitri is with everything and how it compares to his rough and rash behavior. I don't think he truly would care if anyone looks more feminine.
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And well because Amy started some shit, Sitri took a piece of paper, spat in it and threw it at Amy. So naturally...here we are.
Now a couple things about this scene...Zagan is present...and then there's a random devil there which this a private meeting for the nobles so why????
idk....let's just keep going lol
So Amy goes on to further berate Sitri and saying that he's aware that him and his subordinates have to follow orders once they get them from the center, so if the orders were better thought out his men wouldn't of died.
Sitri tells him why doesn't he kill him then since it was as if he did it himself and Amy is all like ????
And here we see more of their banter dynamic and it's almost as if Amy literally just holds back and only fights with words. Sitri physically maims and does things to him just as we saw in the previous event.
He even broke his wrist here like damn. And came in like-
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Like good lord Sitri chill
And then Sitri starts to smack the shit out of him and cuss him out some more and Paimon stops the fight because Amy is literally about to give him a concussion at this point. Paimon invited Amy because he felt it would be good to go over the battle with him there but he realizes all it did was make things worse.
Leraye goes to even try and talk with Sitri to see if he's taking care of himself and well, obviously he's not. He's still focused on the battle and his mistakes.
A few days later happens and Sitri is front and center because Amy pretty much said he isn't listening to him anymore and doing what he thinks is best.
And Sitri isn't doing so hot in battle either. He's shooting without a plan or strategy, other devils are just standing around. Yes angel's are dying but he's just...doing whatever and hasn't had proper sleep or anything.
He's such a mess Satan had to come in and kick his ass in the middle of battle and set him straight.
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So it's safe to say that Satan doesn't like tasteless and useless anger. There has to be a purpose for your anger and for him to thrive on it and he just ain't diggin' it from Sitri at the moment.
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Oh boy...I don't have a good feeling about that.
So we go back to the time when Gehenna was up in flames. We have Leraye snippin' and doin' his thing and Ppyong helping with bringing over bullets. They then notice Sitri on the battlefield and he seems to be killing every single angel accurately but....our boy Leraye knows best.
He tells Ppyong to STOP Sitri because this isn't a planned attack, he is literally killing everyone that gets in his range. Doesn't matter if it's angel or devil.
Sitri is literally so damn tired he can't even notice or care anymore and is just going at it.
And that's when everyone notices the flames at the same time. They are erupting from Sitri's body.
Belial even uses his hoarse voice to call out to Sitri and we know that's serious.
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And sorry like I know that Sitri is in a bad place and bad spot rn but he looks so pretty here. The blue and pink contrasts are definitely a Sitri signature look.
But yeah that fire is way too hot for anyone to do anything. Even Leraye is told that he can't help. So Ppyong runs off to find Amy to help.
Leraye does attempt though, but it's no use, and Paimon had to come and save him. (they're so cute I love them)
And ya'll it was THREE damn days that fires were going and THREE days that Sitri was like that just in the middle of the square. Also...damn why did it take three days for Ppyong to go find Amy? (he explains later that the teleportation talisman just couldn't keep up with Amy)
But the Gehenna bois are all going over how they don't blame Sitri, they blame themselves for letting him hold that weight of being responsible for everything that happens. It's that weight that led to his current state and now things were worse off for everyone but they feared most for Sitri's life and well-being.
But Amy finally shows up and well his attempts to help the situation were hopeful at first...but sadly...
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Amy gets stabbed in the stomach with one of the iron maiden spikes...which at this point are surrounding Sitri like vines to protect him. This raw power is actually quite impressive if it weren't ya know killing everyone around him in a blind haze.
I wonder if he was able to tap into that while training in Hades?
But...yeah I was rooting for Amy to bring him back here because you know frenemies and stuff like that (or for those who ship them only Amy can bring him back)
BUT Satan comes to the rescue!
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Poor Amy, I swear he's always gettin' tossed around and shit lol
Also as many times Amy has been slashed and punctured in the stomach you would assume he'd never recover from that.
But we have something important here that I'd like to talk about for a minute that Satan reveals...
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He mentions that Sitri is dealing with depression and that he must have gotten it from him. If we remember from his info card he is the embodiment of depression in Hell. He is depression. So his right hand devil that's always around him? Yeah eventually he's gonna get bit by the bug.
And I like that Satan isn't the typical representation of depression either. He always seems upbeat, active, and doing everything and anything. But as we have seen in the main story he has emotional wounds that haven't healed and he wonders if they will. He was speaking of the loss of Solomon, but I'm sure there's more to it than that which existed way before he even met him.
Now we see that Sitri is literally not taking care of himself, wallowing, self destructing, that's what most folks usually see and demonize when folks are going through IRL depression. They never seem to pay attention to the person who has it all together because why would they have depression? they're doing fine right?
n o p e.
So here we are...knowing the source. And why Satan has decided to be the one to save Sitri. And well since he can't do that as himself he has to transform to his monster form to do it.
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I'd just like to bring up that he's so damn cute here. The jokester.
But it seems that Satan doesn't take his monster form often. We've seen it first when he met Solomon to test him, we see it when he fights Mammon that one time in one of the comics iirc, and we see it now.
I wonder when was the first time he ever had to use his monster form?
But either way, he carries Sitri out of the flames, and even though Sitri is still on fucking fire burning on his back Satan can handle it. Even Astaroth is concerned and comes to see if Satan is okay.
Satan starts traveling somewhere..."where memories flicker" to go put out the fire though, and everyone is following him.
Satan keeps mentioning that Sitri kept a promise to him that he wouldn't die. And I think we will get to the root of that soon.
And that's when we go to a F L A S H B A C K
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So...with this bit of info this is what I've gathered-
-Satan, Belphie, Mammon, and Leviathan all were already here before Lucifer was
-Gehenna was not in existence yet, but Tartaros and Hades were
-This possibly happened around the same time that Mammon was trapped (or after)
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S T O P fueling my damn SHIP (and by stop I mean keep doing it.)
So apparently in a land assuming early Gehenna there were rumors of a beautiful beast, and Satan was like "oh levi??? :D" but clearly not him lol
I just think it's funny that his first thought was Leviathan. (he'd be like yeah think of me first you idiot)
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the babiessssssssssss
They must have been before Ppyong because I don't see him here. So hopefully we get to see when Ppyong arrived!!
So what Satan is doing right now is traveling with these three going to find what this beast is and if he can find his right hand devil in order to help him build his kingdom.
Coming of age story it seems...lol
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Now this background made me be like oh....it's a pond literally full of rank ass blood.
Now i'm gonna gross ya'll out, but every time I see things like this I think of how period blood smells when it's been sitting on a pad for too long or in the trashcan with other bloody pads and it just smells really bad like tissue and blood because that's what it is....
But yeah I scrunched my nose because I'm like Hell is not the place for me and my nose I'd literally wish for sense of smell to vanish.
one of the red lumps throws up and well I don't blame him...lol
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nice to know that he says that to basically everyone and everything even in his past lol
BUT it seems tomorrow we're going to see who it is he's calling out to, my guess is it's probably Sitri because well...the story IS about them meeting after all.
There we have it ya'll, day one through four! I think for the rest of the days I'm just going to do two days at a time for each post I make instead of waiting four days because phew this was lot of catching up and writing lol
I'm realllyyyy feelin' Satan's look here btw. I've mentioned that already but Imma do it again lol
But overall so far I think I'm learning a lot about Sitri in a way I'd like to know more about Bael or Foras tbh since they are the right hand devils. I know we had a Niflheim event that showed Beleth, but I want to know what it is he did to fall to Hell and what that scar around his neck is about. And for those who didn't get Beel's bathcard we do get some of Bael's lore in there but only a crumb.
But alas...possibly may or may not get this but we'll see...
ANYWAYS thanks for reading and see ya'll on the next react ^^
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 days
Ok so first, quoting this from a previous tora au post:
Personal take here: I don't think Itachi likes being in charge! That boy is a born, built, and bred shinobi who follows what he is told to a perfect T, no matter how blatantly horrifically awful the order is! Even if hates it with all of his heart! He'll still fucking do it! And then only blame himself for it and not the guy who fucking ordered it! Because he'll still obey that guy after! Which also adds another fun layer of irony bc hes supposed to be clan head one day! To me, Itachi is a fascinating subject of having an unshakable, unbreakable iron will— and also having absoloutley no spine To be fair tho was also like. Fuckin 13. He was fucked up and was tricked at a very, very young age and unfortunatley that one mistake came to chain him to that one specific way of thinking. If he came to grow out of that way of thinking, he'd first have to admit he'd made a mistake, which wasn't gonna happen bc it was too late for regrets. But anyways: With Tora here Itachi has another "voice of reason" to help steer him away from other voices who might otherwise bind him. There isn't as much pressure on only him + Shisui to here and now choose what they (and only they) will choose to do to save the entire clan or Konoha Tora is a natural leader and quick to take charge, and Itachi is ok with that. When Itachi chooses to speak, he is listened to carefully and his opinions are taken seriously, which is all he can ask for tbh. Otherwise he's allowed to sit there and look pretty till given a nice, neatly wrapped plan approved by 2 people he can really, truly trust. So he's doing a bit better mentally than canon Anyways, in this AU I think Itachi should actually get to semi-retire as a shinobi and actually Sasuke gets to be clan head bc his brother ain't built for it. Plus it can play more into the stuff I was talking ab earlier about Sasuke struggling a lot more than those around him to learn different stuff (sealing especially) only to come out as one of the most terrifying in what he eventually masters. Let the second son inherit!! Let Sasuke have a defining character moment where he decides he wants to help guide the clan, and he's forced to kind of get over his brother worship to confront Itachi to say he doesn't think he'd make the best clan head. And Itachi let's out this sigh of relief he did not know he has been holding for his entire life and tells Sasuke he's proud of him.
With that in mind ^
I think the ultimate ironic pairing for the finale of the Tora AU would be Tora and Itachi ending up together, but with Itachi as the retired ninja housewife and Tora the big boi breadwinner
The ultimate fuck you twist call back to all Tora's parents talk of Tora needing to find a "good man to take care of you" + irony from them originally cheering Tora on when they learned he and itachi were friends bc they thought he'd snag him as a husband and the culmination of Itachi's "I don't really want to be in charge actually" arc
I love a full circle !!
Sasuke is Itachi's best man and Shisui is Tora's and Kakashi gets to walk Tora down the isle instead of his parents who he has no real attachment to
Actually POV I fucking kill off the Haruno's and Tora and Sakura have to deal w the death of their parents, who they both had very complicated relationships with but relationships nonetheless
Mmm I kinda like that, putting that in my back pocket for now
I honestly don't even know how the romance would happen, tbh I'm not the biggest romance fan but I just love the progression of it in the narrative. I think it'd be a cool end to their story, I'll sweat the little details later
Maybe they aren't even in love fr fr
Oh my god wait no hear me out
Itachi getting out of being clan head via marrying Tora. Don't ask me how this works. They aren't even like in love or anything but Itachi is using Tora as a political shield to fuck off and enjoy his housewife retirement actually.
Tora is similarly using this for one of his infamous political plots somehow, it's all part of his master plan and as usual itachi is just happy to go along for the ride
,,,the perfect queer platonic besties end to their arc ,, I love it this is my new ideal endgame
Sasuke drops that he's gonna fight Itachi to be clan head and Itachi one ups him by going "oh cool. Guess I don't need to marry Tora then."
Queue Sasuke spit take "You don't need to WHAT"
"Yeah we were gonna get married as part of a 10 step plan to help Tora take over the clan council + get me out of being clan head by abusing some old laws Tora found."
"I guess I'll tell Tora we don't need to do it anymore. I'm happy for you, little brother."
Anyways yeah, thinking ab tora au again.
I just finished re-reading my vault fic chapter for it and am having Thoughts(tm)
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paulyenvol6 · 3 days
Byka Atroksia (Chapter 12)
Contains: toxic relationship, angst
Wordcount: ~3.15k
Masterlist of this story
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Once he was in the gardens he listened to the noises of the variety of birds that still filled the air with their songs late at night. 
Obviously Daemon hadn’t expected to see anyone else in the gardens at that late hour so he looked surprised when he spotted a person who was observing the night sky a few feet away from him. It was his brother and Daemon slowly approached him. "Brother."
Viserys twitched and then took his eyes off the sky. "Gods be good, you can’t scare me like this."
"Forgive me, your grace." His brother smiled and then continued to admire the starry nightsky.
"Is it not breathtaking?", he simply asked and Daemon followed his eyes. It indeed looked pretty and they kept standing like this for a while until Viserys looked at him again.
"Would you accompany me on a stroll through the gardens, Daemon? It is such a beautiful night."
"Of course, brother.", he said and lowered his head.
At first the two simply enjoyed the silence of the night and the noises of the creatures that were howling through the air. But then Viserys exhaled and smiled at Daemon. "It is good that you are back, brother."
"I was only away for a few days.“
Viserys shrugged his shoulders. "And yet I am happy."
After a little pause Viserys started talking again. "You are not only my brother, Daemon but also a trustworthy and loyal friend. You have proven yourself these last months. And I’m happy that it has happened at last."
Daemon chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You sound as if I have been your greatest enemy before."
"Not my greatest enemy. But you must admit that it wasn’t always easy between us. And I blame the both of us for it. We have fought unnecessary fights, were caught up in games that were only about pride and honor but hadn’t realised what is truly important in life."
Daemon watched his brother. "You are my family, Daemon. And you have a place at my court as well as at my side. I want you to be a part of my family. Not only when it fits with your plans and your schedule.", Viserys chuckled. "I have seen how you have acted these past weeks and I valued it. You have shown yourself loyal to the crown and to your brother. I don’t want to put this trust and faith on risk again. I just need you to know this. That I appreciate you and the way you have developped."
Daemon remained silence. His head was empty and flooded with thoughts at the same time, if that made sense. Then he looked down to the ground.
"Thank you.", he simply said not capable of finding any better words. Viserys swiftly touched his brother’s arm, a short gesture of affection and then started walking again. "We should get back in the keep. It has gotten late."
You yawned loudly and as so many times before observed the painting on the ceiling of your chambers. And once again you couldn’t find anything new. Your ceiling was one of the most special and beautiful in the keep. It had several of your Targaryen ancestors painted on it and when you were young, Rhaenyra used to come to your room, lay on her back next to you and then look at these figures. She would tell you what she had learned in today’s lesson and teach you the content while pointing at the right Targaryen on your ceiling.
You smiled at the memory.  Now it was the next morrow, you were wrapped in your blanket and Daemon was in your head again. You had woken up early in the morrow when the sun had only just risen from the horizon. You quickly and without making too much noise left your uncle’s room not without leaving a note that told him that you had gone to your own chambers to avoid any disaster. You had felt that this was the perfect opportunity to secretly get into your chamber as all the people except the servants were still in their beds. You had gone back to your room to lay in your bed again and had even managed to sleep several hours.
And now you laid there, not able to distract yourself from your desires. You wanted to see Daemon. You grunted in your pillow and then at some point you knew you had to get up. Today the Martells would arrive at King’s Landing. The wedding between Evya Tyrell und Jaehaerys would take place soon and lords and ladies from all over the seven Kingdoms would attend the royal feast. Just when you were about to get up there was a knock on the door.
"Come.", you shouted and your maid opened the door.
"My Princess. Forgive me the early interruption. I come to bring you this tea."
You frowned and bit your lip. Daemon had really been serious. At least you thought so because you couldn’t think of another reason why your maid would bring you a tea. You hadn’t ordered to bring her one and who else except Daemon would?
"Thank you. Ehm… who ordered you to bring it to me?" You got up and grabbed the cup that the maid had put on the table.
"Oh the maester did.", she spoke and widened her eyes. "He just approached me and said he has the order to get this tea to the Princess Vhaela." The maid smiled proudly. "He explicitly said he wanted me to do it. He said I was reliable."
"Thank you, Maygen." You softly blew against the hot liquid and then smelled on it. It smelled like usualy herb tea and you carefully took a sip. If you didn’t know better you wouldn’t suspect this tea to be anything special. You drank the entire cup and then started to get ready for the day.
The whole keep was preparing for the wedding and you and your sister spent the morning putting up Targaryen banners all over the keep. In the afternoon it was time, then.
You stood next to your sister and Daemon by the keep while the carriages approached your family. Your father wore his crown and smiled at the Lord who exited the carriage.
"Your Grace.", he said with a thick accent.
"Lord Phyre." A few other people got out of the carriage as well and then they sank on their knees in front of your father.
"Oh please rise, my dear friends." The other people, who consisted of Lord Phyre’s wife, sister, sons and daughters greeted Rhaenyra, Daemon and you as well and then they were guided up to the red keep. Kiyara, the youngest daughter of Lord Phyre watched the towers of the keep with big eyes and almost stumbled over her own feet while walking.
After their rooms had been shown to the Martells and they had the chance to rest for a while, the Targaryens and them sat in the gardens to eat and drink and celebrate their visit.
"My King. How long has it been?" Viserys chuckled and poured more wine in Lord Phyre’s cup.
"I don’t know, my friend. But please, please. Enough with these courtesies. Right now I’m here as your old friend." The man laughed and grabbed the cup the your father offered him. "As my king commands."
It was a funny group of people and it would have been even more beautiful if your uncle’s presence wouldn’t distract you that much. His leg touched yours and you couldn’t stop staring at his hands that rested on the table. Your heart beat faster and you couldn’t properly listen to the words out of Lady Giya’s mouth. You slightly pressed your knee against Daemon’s thigh but didn’t get a reaction. You just wanted his attention, just for a moment. A smirk, a wink with his eye. He hadn’t really looked at you all day so you were craving his eyes on you.
So your knee pushed a little harder against him and Daemon suddenly moved your leg away with his hand. You felt numb, disappointed and looked at his profile. Why did he push you away?
"Daemon.", you whispered quietly but he ignored you even though you were almost certain that he had heard you. So you now laid your hand on his thigh trying to get him to look at you. But no, he didn’t. He simply grabbed your wrist and removed your hand from his body. You felt miserable. Pathetic. Here you were begging for Daemon’s attention, gods be good it was just sad. But you needed him, you wanted him to want you just as much. Why did he reject you, you wondered. You waited a while and didn’t try another move. You just crossed your arms in front of your chest and tried not to look too upset. After a while Daemon suddenly got up from the table.
"Will you excuse me for a second, your grace?", he spoke and the King nodded graciously. You watched him leave with a bad feeling in your stomach. Was he simply in a bad mood? Or had you done something to upset him? Everything in you screamed to follow him to have a word. But with what reasoning? But then, suddenly as your eyes wandered over the gardens you had an idea. You saw your septa walk by the walls of the keep. You simply needed an excuse, an explanation to leave the table for a few moments.
"Father.", it burst out of you and everyone turned to look at you. "Can I talk to my septa real quickly? I accidently took a book from her last lesson."
Viserys seemed a little confused but didn’t want any troubles today so he nodded. "Yes, daughter, if it is important."
You gave him a swift smile and then got up to seemingly run to your septa. But once you were out of sight you changed your direction and started to look for your uncle. He probably had gone deeper in the gardens and searched the main road leading through them. And you were successful. Daemon stood next to a big oak tree and looked rather annoyed when he saw you.
"Vhaela. I remember leaving the table to have a moment alone."
"Forgive me.", you said with a weak voice. "I-I was wondering if… if you are fine."
He chuckled loudly. "Of course I’m fine."
"But why have you been ignoring me all day? Why have you pushed me away?"
Daemon rolled his eyes and slightly shifted so he wasn’t looking at you anymore. "Just stop it."
You flinched. "Stop what?"
Daemon sighed deeply and glared at you. "Stop touching me. Stop whispering at me." You felt your eyes fill with tears and tried to blink them away.
"W-What? But why?" You didn’t want to upset him further but you needed to know what was wrong. Seven hells, he the way he had touched and fucked you the day before hadn’t seemed like he was annoyed by you. If you weren’t completely off you would think that he had desired you. And now all of a sudden he despised you?
"Just do as I say, niece.", Daemon hissed.
"But why?", you desperately cried out and Daemon crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking at you cold and indifferent with raised eyebrows. "Because I say so."
You were speechless. You felt like you were about to faint or break down. You inhaled deeply but there wasn’t enough air filling your lungs. Your hands were shaking and the tears threatened to fall down your face.
"S-So you’re just all of a sudden telling me that you don’t want to touch me again?"
Daemon didn’t move a muscle in his face. "Yes. It was simply a little fun. Which is over now."
It was like you couldn’t perceive your surroundings anymore. And the trees, Daemon, everything looked blurry. You didn’t really notice Daemon walking away from you and just stood there, in the midst of the garden on the edge of breaking down.
Daemon dug his fingernails into the palm of his hands and chewed on his lower lip. He didn’t listen to Lord Phyre’s adventures about his time with Viserys in Dorne. He didn’t look at the Martell children staring at him with great interest. His thoughts were on you. Of course they were. He naturally hadn’t liked seeing you that way. It gave him joy to make you happy and see you smile and knowing that he had just hurt you like this didn’t exactly make him feel awesome. And yet he wouldn’t change what he had just done.
After Daemon’s conversation with his brother last night he hadn’t been able to fall asleep for a long time. Even though he would never admit it, his brother’s words had moved him. Because he felt the same way and he also knew that what he know had with Viserys was delicate but precious. And he would try to guard it. All his life Daemon had felt like his older brother hadn’t seen him as his equal. He had been young when he got the reputation of the messy and dangerous brother. Viserys was the mature one, the reasonable one. And Daemon had felt as if Viserys viewed it the same way and preferred avoiding him and sending him to do unimportant things far away from the capital rather than putting him in a powerful position close to Viserys. But it really seemed like it had changed over the last months and it was new to Daemon and yet it felt good.
And while he had been laying in bed and reliving his conversation with Viserys Daemon had come to a conclusion. He wouldn’t risk this bond with his brother because he was fucking you. As much as he had enjoyed you these last weeks, it was insignificant in comparison to what was at stake. This relationship to Viserys was of much worth and he knew that if he would find out about the acitivities of Daemon and you he would be furious, angered and might send him away again. He wouldn’t trust Daemon anymore, wouldn’t let him be close by his side again and wouldn’t put a major task in his hands ever again. And Daemon didn’t want that, he genuinely wanted a place by his brother’s side. He wanted to protect him, advice him and have a good relationship with his only brother. And he couldn’t uphold this while betraying him and bedding you behind his back. That was simply not possible. He already had disrespected Viserys by dishonouring you but now he neither wanted to repeat it with the risk of him finding out nor continue to disrespect him by doing it again behind his back. Even if he wouldn’t find out, it would make Daemon feel a little bad to touch you knowing that your father remained in the dark and wasn’t even aware that Daemon had discredited him and now did it again almost every night.
He would be lying if he said that he hadn't partly taken your maidenhood to mock his brother. Because after all it was true that for a long time Daemon had felt neglected and overlooked by Viserys. Taking you now, his youngest daughter had given him some sort of relief and pleasure. It had felt like he could get back at his brother in some way. All his life he had craved Viserys' attention, who just stamped Daemon as dangerous and unpredictable and had always kept distance between him and his brother. Daemon had messed around, caused problems simply for his brother to perceive and notice him.
And now, he had not only gotten back at him for the humiliation he had felt, by dishonouring him and bedding his daughter, no, his brother's youngest daughter was craving and yearning for his attention just like he had done in the past for Viserys'. It brought him so much relief and gloating.
But well… Now things seemed to be a little different because his brother wanted to change their relationships so obviously Daemon's motivation and aspirations changed as well. By now he definitely not only fucked you to get back at his brother, in fact he never really had for this reason alone; no, he had always enjoyed you. But he knew that he didn't have the desire right now to hurt Viserys. He wanted to have you, but he didn't want to destroy Viserys' and his relationship. Daemon didn’t feel bad or regretful very often, which made all of this new to him, but he knew that it would be better to stop this fling with you. So he had and it had hurt him to watch you on the verge of crying. But Daemon was still Daemon so he had done what was necessary and he thought you’d recover from it soon.
It was late when Daemon saw you again. The Targaryens and Martells dined together in the great hall and you were sitting on the opposite side of the table. Your eyes were slightly reddened so Daemon knew you had cried. Still, at first he looked at you indifferently and then almost didn’t look at you at all for the rest of the night.
You felt terrible and just wanted to go to your chambers and not ever leave your room. You felt pathetic, wretched, filthy, … used. You didn’t even bother to act like you were in a good mood and gave short answers which Daemon obviously noticed as well. Lord Phyre’s daughter didn’t stop asking questions about King’s Landing and the red keep and it was hard for you to behave friendly.
"Who built the throne?"
"Aegon the Conquerer.", you answered.
"How many people live in King’s Landing?"
"Who built the Red Keep?"
You sighed deeply and closed your eyes annoyed. You knew that you were unfair because none of this was the Princess Jesmyne’s fault. She was just a little girl who was curious and in any other case you would have been open and delighted to answer her questions. But you couldn’t do it today. You were too exhausted.
"Perhaps you should just go to the septa and ask her all your questions." Jesmyne looked a little scared and disappointed.
"That was very rude of you, niece." You raised your gaze and looked at your uncle. His face was cold and he leaned back in his chair. You felt your lower lip tremble with anger and sadness.
"Apologise to the Princess.", Daemon hissed.
You looked at him for another moment, your eyes begging him to make this all only be a bad dream but his‘ remained fierce.
"Forgive me, Princess.", you said breathlessly while your eyes turned to her. "It’s been a long day. King Maegor the Cruel built the keep."
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saucyjothoughts · 3 days
I know this place is for JO saucy thoughts, but since you mentioned it, I dare to ask... If Bojan got involved in OF, what would they do?
and would something happen afterwards
Seeing as Bojan has very much been getting involved in OF, let's chat about this.
I fully believe he's been somewhat involved at every level up until now. From Jere's first jokes-that-weren't-jokes about starting the project, chatting about concepts and poses and props, being sent all the rejected clips that were too naughty for the official thing.
Of course he must have been tempted from early on. A gorgeous young man like Bojan who loves to be loved, who always puts on a show, who knows exactly how to tantalise his audience. Of course he's thought about it, for the extra money and attention.
Do you think he'd start his own OF? Posing in JO merch, maybe in the rehearsal space? Maybe an excuse for Damon to visit Ljubljana again. He'd put on such a brilliant strip tease. Body tours. Showing us how to use the JO condoms.
Or maybe he'd only want to work with Jere? Maybe Bojan will get to be Santa this year, with naughty boy Jere sat on his lap. Maybe there are clips from Cyprus which will come to light at some point; touching in the pool or bare butts covered in sand or sucking tequila off each other's fingers. Maybe they're filming something in Finland right now. A tasteful sauna photoset, perhaps.
Would something happen afterwards?
Oh yes. Something crazy happen. But he can't tell more...
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IN THAT C A S E--- 👾 with ler!deceit and lee!logan or remus (or b o t h bc I'm that much of a multishipper hA—) ~ Sensey
,,,,,, felix i’m actually sorry for dragging this old ass ask back KDJFHDSJFHDSJDHJ. this was one of the very first requests i ever received on this blog and i. never did it. but i also never deleted it KDFJHDJFHDJFHDJ. soooo anyways :3
tickletober day 2- “chase”
word count: 1,571 words
Logan couldn’t tell you how this had happened. One moment, he and the others had been having a nice picnic in the Imagination. The next moment, he and Remus were diving through the leaves of the thick jungle Remus had created for the afternoon, adrenaline pounding through their veins as they desperately tried to escape.
“This way, smexy!” Remus hissed, yanking Logan none too lightly by the wrist as they bobbed and weaved through the trees.
“Do you even know where we’re going?” Logan asked, speeding up so he and Remus were running side by side.
Out of his peripheral, Logan saw Remus grin wildly. “Anywhere but there! Just keep running, nerdy Wolverine!”
“Fine,” Logan replied, pulling ahead to run in front of Remus. “But you know we can’t run forever. I still think we should double back and head for the exit, before it’s too late.”
Logan waited for Remus to respond, but there was nothing. He slowed his run until he was standing still, listening for Remus’ footsteps behind him. Nothing.
No response.
Against Logan’s better judgement, he turned around, cautiously treading back the way he’d come. Part of him wanted to keep running, but a greater part of him wanted to make sure Remus was alright.
(Plus, although he’d never admit it, there was an infinitesimal part of him that was petrified by the idea of being found alone, in unfamiliar territory, by the monster they’d been running from.)
The tall trees cast threatening shadows across the entire jungle floor, making it impossible to tread quietly: every time Logan stepped on a branch and heard it crack under his feet, he was certain that the noise would attract the monster they’d been running from. But despite how loud he was being, nothing came to help or hinder him.
It wasn’t until he reached the edge of a small clearing before he realized: something else was making much more noise already.
“You stupid, pointless– who would even put a rock right there?”
Remus’ voice cut through the ambient noise of the Imagination. Creeping forward in the shadows, Logan came across the creative side sprawled on the ground after apparently tripping over a rock. Remus was scowling darkly and muttering to himself, but there was an air of electric excitement around him that even Logan could pick up on.
Hurriedly, the dark side rose up and turned in a circle, looking around the edge of the clearing until his eyes locked with Logan’s.
Remus sighed in relief, a small smile on his face as he stepped forward.
“Took you long enough, Smartwatch, I thought I’d have to leave you behind–”
Something shot out from the treetops above Remus and grabbed him by the back of his shirt, yanking him up into the air and out of Logan’s sight.
Logan froze, his heart rate drastically increasing at the sudden terror. He heard rustling in the trees, and through the bushes, and all around him, and he spun in a circle in a frantic attempt to find where it was coming from.
A scream from behind him made him jump around again, peering into the clearing with wide eyes. There was a rustling, a crackling, and suddenly Remus dropped into the clearing– but he didn’t hit the ground.
From his half hidden position, Logan could only see Remus’ feet, kicking wildly in midair. He dared to step a little closer so he could make out Remus’ current position, but a dark laugh made him freeze in place.
“Thank you for dropping in, Remus. I was beginning to worry I had just missed you.”
Janus stepped forward from the other side of the clearing, smirking upwards. Logan craned his neck, and finally he could see Remus: the creative side was suspended in midair, held aloft by one of Janus’ arms. The arm was coming from the treetop above them, and apparently had stretched long enough so that it could securely wrap once around Remus’ waist, before stretching back upwards to grab the tree branch and leaving Remus dangling in the air by his waist.
“Oh, lurking in the shadows again, you wannabe Bond villain?” Remus hissed, struggling fiercely in Janus’ hold. “I’ll bite the shit out of your arm if you don’t let me go!”
“Is that so?” Janus asked. “Well, let’s give your mouth something better to do, then, shall we?”
Remus barely had time to gasp the word “kinky!” before he was screeching with laughter. Logan’s heart beat wildly in his ears. He tried to peer closer to see what was happening, but all he could make out was a flurry of yellow-gloved hands scrambling all over Remus’ torso.
Janus laughed along with him, moving closer and gently lowering Remus in his restraints until the creative side were merely a dozen feet above the ground.
“You know, you should really watch where you’re running, Remus. Anything could be lurking in this jungle of yours. Aren’t you so glad it’s just little old me who caught you first?”
Remus shrieked, wiggling fiercely. Logan could see a hand squeezing his hips, and his chest trembled in giddy solidarity. He couldn’t imagine being in Remus’ position.
“Now, where can I find my next victim?”
Logan’s heart dropped to his stomach. Please, Remus, he thought desperately, stay quiet for once–
“There!” Remus shrieked, kicking one leg straight forward directly to where Logan was crouching among the bushes. “Fuck him up– ahahahahaha!”
Remus’ laughter overtook his words again, but it was too late. Logan understood for the first time what “fight or flight” truly meant; his brain and his body couldn’t agree on what to do against the threat right in front of him. His eyes drifted around the clearing, slowly, trying to look for any escape routes–
Only to lock eyes with Janus’ piercing golden stare.
“Found you.”
Logan ran. His shoes slammed against the forest ground, hyper aware of the rocks and tree roots that lined the path, desperate to avoid meeting the same fate as Remus. Blood rushed in his ears. His lungs burned. And despite it all there was a wide, feral smile on his face. He was going to be caught. He was going to be found, he was going to be tickled, and there was nothing he could do about it.
He whipped around the trees, barely aware of where he was going, making sure to leap across yet another tree root in his way–
Only for the root to shoot up and catch his ankle in midair.
Logan shouted, more in shock than anything else, but before he could fall face first into the ground there was something grabbing him by the back of his shirt collar, and finally around one outstretched arm. His heart hammered, adrenaline still running through his veins, as the hands– because that what they were, of course, more yellow-gloved hands– gently maneuvered him to stand on his feet again, but facing the way he’d come from. The hands on his ankle and collar released, but one stayed wrapped around his arm.
Logan stared at it. Giggles were building up in his chest already. “Please, no–”
The hand pulled. Logan hesitated, pulling back, but the hand pulled harder, and harder, until he was forced to stumble along with it as it dragged him none too gently back down the path.
Back to the clearing where Janus had trapped Remus.
“Nnnnnnno, no no no, wait wait wait–” Logan pleaded through his growing smile. Could Janus hear him? He stumbled through the dirt, stomach swooping as he saw the light of the clearing come closer and closer. Remus’ laughter still rang out amongst the trees.
“Welcome back, Logan! Thank you so much for joining us,” Janus said grandly as he pulled Logan back into the circle. The hand returned back underneath Janus’ cape, shortening until Logan was standing only a few feet away from his hunter. “You are late, of course, which is incredibly rude, but I think we can figure out a way for you to make up for your tardiness?”
“Please!” Logan burst out. He stamped his feet, yanking against the grip on his wrist again. “J-Janus, please, this game is ridiculous, we don’t need to go any further, please, wait–!”
He yanked again, and Janus immediately let his wrist go. Logan, stunned, fell backwards onto the ground.
Just in time for two hands to shoot out and grab his ankles.
“Wait!” he shrieked, but it was mere moments before he was hoisted by both ankles and lofted upside down, lower than Remus but still several feet above the ground. His head spun as he reoriented himself, and it took him a few seconds to find Janus’ upside-down smirk in the chaos.
“Oh, why wait, Logan?” Janus said innocently. “I’m not one to play with my food.”
Logan could barely process that statement before he felt his shoes being removed from above him.
“Nahahahaha!” he burst out, already squealing and kicking his legs helplessly against the restraints. Janus stepped closer, his face mere inches from Logan’s, and laughed lowly.
“I did catch you both, you know,” he said. Remus’ laughter blended in with the shrieks Logan himself was now making, now that there were ten gloved fingers dancing all over his soles. Janus stepped forward and reached for Logan’s stomach directly. “And I think I should be allowed to savor my prizes.”
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vinomino · 3 days
I fear it may be too much to put in an ask…. @littleplantfreak
NSFW MDNI, Umemiya x f!puppy hybrid!reader, uh hehe
Umemiya with his puppy hybrid who wants his constant attention. You always need to be with him, even following him to the bathroom. So, obviously you’re devastated when he has to go to work. No matter how much you cling and paw at his leg, he’s firm, saying he can’t sneak you into his workplace and promises to bring you a new toy back.
You dejectedly watch him pull out of the driveway through the window and you’re left alone. Sad and lonely you resort to humping his pillow, burying your nose into the sheets to smell his scent. But you don’t know about the cameras he installed because he’s oh so worried about leaving you by yourself.
He’s at work watching you grind your cunt down on his pillow, tail swishing in the air when you cum.
When Umemiya finally comes home you run happily up to him, “Ume, Ume! You’re back!” Throwing yourself into his arms. He chuckles and pets your head, making sure to scratch that spot behind your ear that you like so much.
“Yeah, I’m back pup. Have you been a good girl?” He asks.
You bark and nod, “Mhm!”
“Why don’t you show me what you did while I was away?”
You tilt your head confused, “Hmm? But I didn’t do anything?”
“Are you lying to me now? I’m sure I didn’t teach you that…lying is bad.” But he can’t help but find it endearing the way you’re looking at him with those big eyes and the way your tail is wagging. “I saw you had a lot of fun while I was away.”
Pouting, “No! It was so boring while you were gone! Ume, Ume play with me now….!” You whine and tug on his shirt.
“Listen to me—“
“Let’s play!”
“No! I wanna play right now!” Stomping your foot and pulling on his arm, you miss the way his eyes darken. “Umeeeeeeee!”
He grabs your tail and gives it a slight yanking making your eyes fly open and a yelp rings out. “Why are you being so naughty right now? Do we have to do training again? Pup?”
Your knees buckled at the thought of training. Catching your trembling bottom lip between your teeth, “I just missed you…you left me alone for so long…” You whimper and he releases your tail.
“Do I need to chain you when I leave?”
Quickly shaking your head side to side, “N-No! I’m sorry, Ume…” Giving him the biggest puppy eyes you can muster, but you doubt it’s effectiveness.
“Alright…” He pets you and you think you’re in the clear until he talks again. “Bad girl’s need to be corrected, isn’t that right, pup?” You slowly nod, staring at his blue eyes that are narrowing at you. “Good girls are patient, no?” You gulp and nod again. He speaks low and slowly, emphasizing each word. “So, be good and get on the bed, hands and knees, okay?”
He grabs your tail while fucking you
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angelsdevils · 2 days
October 2, 2025 - Reiner Braun (AOT)
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Reiner Braun Attack on Titan Warning: Size Kink, Breeding, Plus Size Girlies, Oral, Body Worship
Tag List: @reiners-milkbiddies @galactict3a @useless-potatho
The town square lively with the spirit of Halloween. Strings of orange lanterns and lights hung between the lamp posts, the chilly  air rustled through the autumn leaves. It was October 2, and the autumn festival was happening. You took a deep breath of hair, pulling your scarf closer to your face. Your breath curled up into the air, a shiver from the cold causing intake a sharp breath. Your sweater hugged your figure snugged. You were currently in a pumpkin patch, looking for the best pumpkin to carve.
You kneeled down to examine a particular large one, but you heard a familiar deep voice from behind. 
“Need help lifting that?” 
You turned around to see Reiner, his broad frame towering over you. His sharp jawline softened as he gave you that friendly smile tugging on his lips. You couldn’t help but smile brightly as he wasted no time in lifting the large pumpkin for you, he was already hold one for himself. 
Your heart raced at his closeness, he always made you feel butterflies with the way he looked at you. You two weren’t together yet, no, but the way he made your heart flutter had you falling in love with him again. 
“Thank you, Reiner, I didn’t know you enjoyed pumpkin patches,” you said after a silence of admiring how his muscles filled out his jacket. Your cheeks were pink but you could easily blame that on the chilly day. 
Reiner grinned as he caught her eyes trailing over him. He effortlessly carried the pumpkins as they walked out of the pumpkin patch side by side. You felt your cheeks warm at his close proximity. 
“You know, I have to admit that sweater dress looks really good on you,” Reiner’s voice broke the comfortable silence between the two of you. You looked up at him surprised before looking down at the dress.
“You think so? I thought maybe it was a bit too tight and didn’t flatter me at all.”
“Nonsense, I think this has to be my favorite thing on you.”
Your heart thumped in your chest at his compliment. If your cheeks weren’t red because of the cool air before, they were a dark red now. 
When you arrived at your small, cozy apartment, Reiner walked in and sitting the pumpkins down on the kitchen table. He has been to your place multiple times before. So this was nothing new, but the way he was looking at you had you a bit nervous. He walked closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“We should carve the pumpkins together,” his fingers traced against your sides gently squeezing your love handles. You tensed under his hold, but nodded your head. You weren’t use to affection not from someone like him, who was just so handsome. He smiled brightly at you and went through your drawers grabbing the things you needed including a large sheet of paper to avoid a huge mess on the table. 
You both sat at the table, carving the pumpkins. You two were side by side, his arms brushing against yours occasionally. Suddenly, Reiner broke the silence again, and you looked up at him.
“You know,” Reiner began, his deep voice was serious but held something else, “you don’t have to hide. Not from me anyway.”
You looked at him confused on what he meant, setting the knife down. “Hide what?”
He put his knife down and turned his large frame to you. “You. You don’t need to cover up or try and hide yourself, you are beautiful just the way you are.” 
Your breath was caught in your throat at his words. You had been a bit self conscious about your body, trying to lose more weight, hide it under bigger clothes. Some clothes, like this sweater naturally fit a bit tighter. 
Reiner stared at you with so much, admiration and sincerity it made you feel seen like never before. 
“I—” you started, but the words wouldn’t come out. Instead you felt a wave of emotion, warmth spreading through your entire body. 
Reiner leaned closer to you, his large hand gently reaching for yours. His fingers laced with yours before pulling you into his lap. His touch was gentle as if you were made of glass. He was always gentle with you but this time, he was even more gentle. 
He leaned in capturing your lips with his in a gentle and passionate kiss, You gasped softly, gripping his shirt gently. You leaned more into the kiss, sighing softly. The size difference between the two of you was more apparent as your plush body pressed against his larger solid frame, but you didn’t feel out of place. You felt welcomed. Reiner’s strong arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer, he suddenly stood up, picking you up with ease. 
You couldn’t help but let a small gasp out as he picked you up, he carried you to your bedroom and laid you down on the bed. He removed his shirt, his muscles rippling from the movement, your eyes trailed over his form. This was really happening, and he looked down at you. He removed his pants, before crawling onto the bed. His erection strained against his boxers. 
“Can I remove this off of you?” 
“Yes, you can…” You voice was breathless as his hands moved up to the hem of your sweater dress, pulling it over your head. You felt a bit self conscious of your body, but Reiner was breathless. Looking down at you.
“Fuck, you are so beautiful. How can you not see that?” He mumbled, leaning down and kissing you deeply. You kissed back hugging his neck, as his hands roamed over your body. 
His lips trailed over your body, starting at your lips, neck down to the curve of your breasts. He tapped you for you to lift up a bit so you did and he removed your bra. His breath hitched, as he kissed your breasts, swirling his tongue around your nipples. 
“You have no idea, how much I wanted to do this…” He mumbled against your skin. 
“Then do it, Reiner.” 
Reiner didn’t need to be told twice, his mouth stayed on your skin tracing every dip of your body, kissing down every curve. When he got to your panties, he pulled them down your legs, and spread your legs.
“You look and smell so delicious…” he grumbled, wasting no time in diving in. 
“Of fuck, Reiner…” You moaned loudly, as he delve his tongue deep inside you moaning. He held your waist tightly, trying to bury his face deeper into your cunt. You gripped his hair, your back arching off the bed. 
Every breath, and moan that left your lips had Reiner eating you out faster. He was addicted, and he didn’t want to stop, not yet, not when he had you melting underneath him. You felt your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach.
“Reiner, nngh, so close… please don’t stop,” you begged.
“Don’t worry, have no intentions too…” he mumbled against your folds. He sucked on your clit, bringing it into his mouth. That action alone had you coming completely undone. Your body shook under him, and you whimpered softly. He pulled away, licking his lips after drinking up your juices.
He leaned up and pressed his lips against yours gently. You could taste yourself on his lips, and you didn’t mind it. Your hands trailed down his muscular chest, before tugging his boxers down. His erection sprung free, and you wrapped your hands around him and he cursed silently. 
“I need to be inside you…” Reiner said, and you nodded.
“Okay,” you said softly. He took his cock into his hand and rubbed it against your pussy lips. He slowly pushed deep inside you, slowly. His size had you arching your back the stretch burned but in the best way possible.
“So, tight… fuck, you feel so good around me, (Y/N),” Reiner grunted. He leaned forward, his forehead pressed against yours. It was taking everything in him to not thrust into you, he was a big guy and even though he so badly wanted to fuck you hard and relentless, he cared about you too much to act on it unless you asked. 
“Reiner, so big, feel so full. Please, move, need you to move…” You whimpered, hugging his shoulders. He started off slow, thrusting his hips slowly inside of you. He sighed softly. But your moans spur him on, and soon he was gripping your thick thighs, and thrusting into you hard and fast. 
Your knuckles began to turn white from gripping the sheets, crying out his name. He loved the way your stomach and thighs jiggled with each harsh thrust inside of you. It made something snapped inside of him. 
He went faster, practically folding you in half. He couldn’t help but groan softly and kiss you deeply. 
“Fuck, fuck! Wait, slow down!” You cried out, but Reiner’s grip on you kept you still. His balls were hitting your ass, and the he suddenly had a thought. He loved how soft you were, your stomach. 
“Fuck, I am gonna get you pregnant. Please say yes, please say I can cum inside.” 
That thought had you crying out, you wanted it. You wanted him to fill you to the brim and get you pregnant.
“Reiner, yes, please… I want it, I want all of it.” 
Reiner took your legs, putting them to the side of your head, folding you successfully. You didn’t even know you could be bent like that because of your size, but Reiner made you feel tiny compared to him. 
Not long after he slammed into you completely and stilled. Spurts of cum filled you and you came hard at the feeling. You shook from the pleasure of being filled by Reiner. He didn’t pull out completely yet wanting it to stick.
He let your legs down, and leaned down pecking your lips. 
“Next year around this time, we will have a baby to dress up.” He mumbled softly against your lips. He held your plump body against his, not letting you pull away from him. You didn’t want to pull away anyway, the thought had you glowing with a smile.
“We can all go to the pumpkin patch together, dress the baby in a cute little pumpkin outfit.” 
“I am gonna have to work harder to provide for you and the baby, make you my little stay at home wife…” He nuzzled you. “Maybe keep you pregnant and full of me, so if you do decide to lose weight I still get to have your plump body to myself.”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly, pecking his lips gently.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners. 
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