#too many games 2024
nobigneil · 2 months
Too Many Games Expo 2024
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mightysen · 3 months
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Hi gamers! Did you know I'm at TooManyGames this weekend? Stop by and say hi at booth 646! 👾
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kaitowotd · 3 months
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Kaito's Word of the Day: Lose
it's okay to lose, as long as you had a good time playing.
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ettawritesnstudies · 3 months
If anyone reading this is going to Too Many Games Convention 2024 in Philadelphia this year and plans to see Vinesauce or RedVox perform, please DM me ASAP!
My fiance and I were planning to go but we've had a family emergency and our plans got scrubbed so we won't be able to make it. My fiance is a big fan of Vinny and is very disappointed about missing the show so I really want to get him an autograph from the con, even though we won't be able to travel there in person. I'd be happy to pay for the favor/shipping, since I know this is an odd request, but he's been going through a lot lately and I know this would mean the world to him.
Boosts appreciated! Thank you for your help!
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ladadee195 · 3 months
Ladadee meets Legends of Avantris at Too Many Games 2024 (LONG POST read at your discretion)
I'm not one to write up a trip report cause I'm firmly in the "no one gives a shit." camp but for this I feel like people will get a kick out of my anxious distress over the past two days and I know those that couldn't make it would also appreciate it.
I knew a few months ago that when LOA said they were gonna be at TMG that I could go, its only an hour away from me. I'd gone to TMG back in 2019 to meet Brandon Rogers of Youtube and Helluva Boss fame and even then I didn't get HALF as nervous as I did the past two days. I was a shaking hyperventilating mess. Embarrassing, truly.
Friday was worse then Saturday.
First off, we'd barely parked in the parking lot when we see Andy casually strolling across the parking lot and get into his very nice red mustang, nice to see where the car vlogs happen!
By the time we got to the booth I could barely breath but I wanted to grab my free pin and say hi first. I want to disclaimer this by stating that I realize LOA tries really hard to make it perfectly clear that the Party and fam are regular people that work hard to produce their content and be successful at what they do without being celebrities or influencers. Logically, I know this and I respect the hell out of it. However my hyperfixated brain and general anxiety made it incredibly hard for me to remain CALM. Its really hard to remain calm when you've been watching them by yourself alone in your room hours upon hours and then suddenly there they are in real life before you, talking to YOU! How am I meant to be remain calm?
Anyway, I met Andy and Nikkie. Talked briefly with Andy and just generally embarrassed myself but he's so cool ya know and is probably used to it all things considered. I asked them both to sign my Cake Chad shirt, both we're happy to do so and I got a great hug from Nikkie. After that I cut my losses and decided to move on. Their meet and greet wasn't for a few hours and we were hungry. When the meet and greet came, I jumped in line to get a picture. It went really quick and I got no chance to really talk to them but they were super awesome and I love the picture! I knew they were TALL but god I felt like a hobbit.
The live show wasn't until 7:30 so we left the con to check into our hotel and relax for a few hours. It was a nice break and I finally got to breath. We returned to the con and got seats for the live show.
if you haven't already seen other's overviews or the whole video I wont spoil anything but it was SO good. I was so curious about what they could possibly do for a one shot but holy shit was that amazing. Its always interesting and fun to attend live shows with cheering and laughter and suggestive whistles. Gives one a sense of community you only ever get a taste of on here or discord.
Afterwards we went back to our hotel and rewatched the whole show on the live stream LOL
Saturday I was much calmer because I had a goal. Get the whole parties signatures and not be embarrassing.
We did a lot of waiting cause the con opened at 11 and again their meet and greet was at 3 but we managed to pass the time well enough and then we got back in line. An readers when I tell you how amazing it went!?? I was very proud of myself even though I was still nervous and shaky I did much better.
They all were super cool and signed my Hootise shirt. I still geek out thinking about it! But the best thing happened. Richie saw my Gideon/Kremy candy bead bracelet I'd made myself and legit forgot I'd worn for this exact reason. This is how that went. Richie: is that a Kremy and Gideon candy bracelet?
Me: YES!I forgot I had that on!
Richie: thats the best I gotta get a picture and show Mace.
I was DYING omfg. The two behind the ship SAW my ship bracelet??? still freaking out. I decided that I should have made ones for them. I convinced myself they wouldn't like them, I know better now for next time.
After they'd all signed my shirt I gave them my thanks and MAYBE acted a little embarrassing when I told them name and that I was already in the discord but as I said earlier they're so cool and awesome I doubt they noticed me being like that.
i felt like even though it was short I had a really good moment with them which is all I really wanted.
I regret a lot of things. Like the fact that I had plans on making them gifts but ran out of time due to me being sick like right up until Friday and being so nervous and scared and I acted only a little crazy. I know next time (PAXUnpluged in Dec?) I'll be much better prepared.
I hope those that cared to read this very long post enjoyed my little overview. Just remember even though you may be scared and nervous to do something, you still should cause you never know how great it might be at the end.
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mahoushojo · 3 months
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Sylveon used Charm 💖✨
I had the best time cosplaying as Sylveon this past weekend at Too Many Games! I only stopped by for the Sunday of the convention, but I still had a wonderful time. A huge thank you to my beautiful Umbreon, nadealu2023 on Instagram, for helping with my glitter accents!
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drwillyslaboratory · 3 months
Neil Newbon fanart cuz eheuheuehehu
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He looked so good in that skirt imo 👌
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tanookijon · 3 months
TooManyGames 2024 Soon!
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I will be @ TooManyGames 2024 this year! So, i made some sonic adventure styled art feat. Anna Fireheart to commemorate the occasion! See y'all there!
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mono-doc · 3 months
I totally didn't forget to take a picture of my cosplay until right before I took it off. oopsie
(No wheel because I left it in my car)
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How my fellow Bobbery fans doing this fine evening
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moonypml · 3 months
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baby, seasons change, but people don't
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nobigneil · 3 months
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TooManyGames Expo June 2024 - credit: teamneilnewbon
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adelphenium · 8 months
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all-star icons!🌟
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kaitowotd · 3 months
Hello everyone!
As previously mentioned,
Kaito Word of the Day will be at Too Many Games this weekend!
I will be there for all 3 days of the convention! Unfortunately I didn’t have time to make freebies like I had planned ;-;
I will be cosplaying Kaito for all 3 days and will have one or more of my silly boys with me + my Kaito itabag. I’ll most likely be somewhere on the dealers floor or by the jubeat cabinet lol. If you’re coming to the convention, feel free to come say hello! Hope to see you there :D
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The dodeka isn’t in this pic because I took it the day before he got here oops-
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pixelatedraindrops · 5 months
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Yuma Month: Day 9: Love
I think that he forgot his love identity too… 💓💦
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noroniko · 3 months
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mahoushojo · 2 months
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Which eeveelution is your favourite? 💖
I had the best time at Too Many Games earlier this summer. We out here manifesting those magical girl vibes. I'm so happy I had the chance to meet up with some friends for the convention this year. ✨
Jolteon: Hitmanlambo on Instagram Umbreon: Nadealu2023 on Instagram Espeon: Aerilaya on Instagram Glaceon: Squishy_Nap on Instagram Leafeon: Dannylam4 on Instagram
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