#too lazy to tag all the character names but ehh whatever
aki-chan2014 · 7 years
The SHSL Survivors' Society: Class 78 birthdays
I mentioned I would do this at the end of Scraps of the Past 10, so here it is. The numbers in brackets are the ages they were when they started at Hope's Peak-the ages I would have been given in the forms for each character. So, anyway, here it is:
Koutarou Ueda-20th April (17) Hibiki Kazama-6th June (17) Akira Kazama-6th June (17) Wakana Abe-21st June (17) Hokuto Nanto-7th July (17) Shiro Usami-23rd July (17) Hironori Nobunaga-28th July (18) Kimihiro Arata-3rd September (17) Erica Cain-31st October (17) Tyson De Guerre-11th November (17) Chieko Akamine-25th November (16) Hideki Inoue-19th December (17) Kanekatsu Iwafusa-21st December (17) Nobuyuki Oshiro-21st December (18) Daisuke Ueno-1st March (17) Yashiro Tsukishima-13th March (16) Noriko Edano-14th March (17) Masashi Kita-26th March (17)
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Tag Games
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 (i will try, will likely be too lazy)
tagged by: @domlnique (thanks, jes. you’re such a sweetheart)
tagging: @ninjasherlock, @wolfbarnes, @thetourguidebarbie, @misssophiachase, @marleymortis, @accidental-rambler, @chaanv, @itsnotacrimetoloveyou, @ohsturmhond, @krvm, @looonyluna, @zeuxs, @kingscross, @madara-nycteris, @lostthebucky, @kickassfu,
the last
1. drink: water 2. phone call: dad 3. text message: my sister (something stupid from buzzfeed) 4. song you listened to: (right now) History Has Its Eyes On You (John Legend from the Hamilton Mixtape, i don’t like it enough as the original) 5. time you cried: honestly can’t remember (it was at a tv show, that i remember) 6. dated someone twice: never dated anyone 7. kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: all grandparents except one, mostly recently my grandmother four years ago 10. been depressed: never? 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: not even of legal age
3 favorite colors
12. blue 13. cobalt blue 14. sky blue
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: does a friend who moved back after five years count (we had never really liked each other before that but now we’re friends, it’s a bit weird to explain) 16. fallen out of love: haha no 17. laughed until you cried: never really 18. found out someone was talking about you: elementary/middle school drama 19. met someone who changed you: probably 20. found out who your friends are: no???? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: never kissed ANYONE
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: everyone 23. do you have any pets: my grandparents had dogs??? 24. do you want to change your name: when i was younger, now i’m impartial 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to harry potter world, met with my friend for dinner 26. what time did you wake up: today? 7:40 (something like that) 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for: new books, new shows, my birthday 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago (she’s downstairs) 31. what are you listening to right now: You’ll Be Back (Hamilton) 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: dunno 33. something that is getting on your nerves: crying babies 34. most visited website: not going to like...tumblr 35. hair colour: dark brown 36. long or short hair: long, its getting to mid-back 37. do you have a crush on someone: ehh
celebrity? definitely, couple of people (sebstain stan, chloe bennet, deepika padukone, aditya roy kapur
Fictional? prepare yourself...bucky barnes, peggy carter, steve rogers, daisy johnson, hermione granger, blair waldorf, chuck bass, kaz brekker
Real life? not since sixth grade
38. what do you like about yourself: i’ll think of something someday (my ability to procrastinate...it’s ridiculous)  39. piercings: nope 40. blood type: meh, no idea 41. nickname: meh 42. relationship status: single (perpetually) 43. zodiac: leo (ze lion) 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: AGENTS OF SHIELD, some others??? 46. tattoos: none 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: gum surgery a few years ago 50. sport: soccer for a couple years, classical dancing but i kinda quit 51. vacation: europe???? colombia (my uncle’s there right now), peru 52. pair of trainers: black, a few more multi-colored
more general
53. eating: nothing right now 54. drinking: nothing right now 55. i’m about to: try to write and do some homework 56. waiting for: college (jk) life to move on 57. want: HAMILTON TICKETS  58. get married: maybe 59. career: writer, whatever brings me money
which is better
60. hugs or kisses: hugs... 61. lips or eyes: both 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: i’m younger (i dunno) 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 65. hook up or relationship: relationship (yep) 66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesistant have you ever
67. kissed a stranger: nope 68. drank hard liquor: nope 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: only for like ten minutes 70. turned someone down: haha no 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: no 73. had your heart broken: fictional characters 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: fictional characters 76. fallen for a friend: no do you believe in
77. yourself: occasionally  78. miracles: meh 79. love at first sight: i’d like to think i do 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: dunno 82. angels: no other
84. eye colour: brown 85. favourite movie: the Cap trilogy 
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Raise your hand if you think I’m gonna be just as rambly as the old ones
I got tagged by @pterastar!
rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
name: Kylee nickname: Whatever people come up with, I guess. My mom calls me Princess Doodle Bug when she texts me, but it’s usually just Doodle or... hah... Zeever. That’s an inside thing, it takes a little explaining. zodiac sign: Sagittarius! height: 5′0 and 5/8 of an inch orientation: straight ethnicity: w h i t e ? American? I can never remember what this means favorite fruit: Grapefruit favorite season: Winter or Spring favorite book: :( That depends on my mood, how much I’ve been reading lately, and the position of the moon in relation to Betelgeuse, so... (that last bit was a joke, in case it wasn’t obvious, Betelgeuse has nothing to do with my favorite book) favorite flower: Idk if it’s actually a flower, but I love bougainvillea a lot. favorite scent: idk ask me next time i have my candle collection within arm’s reach favorite color: Anything pastel, really, especially pink and mint favorite animals: Elephant, hedgehog, puppers, kitties, humans coffee, tea or cocoa: I prefer the SMELL of coffee, but the TASTE of hot cocoa, so average sleep hours: Like... 5-7... My best ideas come late at night/early in the morning cat or dog person: Ehh... Dog, but I have this slight fear of bigger dogs, so I prefer the ones that are, like, King Charles Spaniels and smaller. Like, medium-small. But big dogs are adorable, too, I’m just not tall so they’re a little intimidating. favorite fictional characters: am i allowed to say my own ocs because lemme tell you, I’ve got some GOOD ONES (created with my friend) rn. Eri, Lance, Matt, Shawn, Alex, Ron, Eleanor, and Mason are A+ fictional characters, I want to squeeze all of them. number of blankets you sleep with: I use an unzipped sleeping bag rn, my dude dream trip: Like, a month or two going and spending a week each in all my favorite big cities. blog created: October 2016, not sure the exact date but it would probably be weird if i did number of followers: 61! I’ve got more followers than... socks? Maybe? Probably?
I tag these cool peeps!: @straywolfie, @officiallydominos, @ssswexceptitsnotwritingrelated, @viriluc (I hope tagging you is ok, I know we don’t talk too often), and @astroshorts, as well as anyone who sees this and just feels like doing it! Mostly because I’m aware I have a lot more mutuals than this and I’m simply too lazy to think of all of them, I’m very sorry, I don’t love you less, I promise.
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nonewingedangel · 7 years
I was tagged by @arsuf, love these unnecessary long ones that distract me from the misery of life for at least half an hour, in other words thank you.
Tagging whoever wants to do it.
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: father 3. text message: mom (EXTREMELY social, I know) 4. song you listened to: Дахабраха - Ой, у Києві 5. time you cried: yesterday while listening to the LOTR soundtrack, a usual occurrence
HAVE YOU: 6. dated someone twice: I’ve never even dated someone once 7. kissed someone and regretted it: thought so but turns out it’s a funny story to tell 8. been cheated on: nah 9. lost someone special: yea 10. been depressed: happening as we speak 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yea
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: green, bordeaux, grey
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: an absolute miracle but yes 16. fallen out of love: nah 17. laughed until you cried: when I found out my mom’s missing her pinky finger since she was a kid after sharing a roof with her for more than 20 years 18. found out someone was talking about you: nah 19. met someone who changed you: nah 20. found out who your friends are: I’ve always known it 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nah
GENERAL: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all but one 23. do you have any pets: unfortunately no :( 24.do you want to change your name: there was such time but now I think it’s cool 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to a Chinese restaurant with two of my friends 26. what time did you wake up: around 10am?? 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: ehh watching stuff or fiddling with photoshop
28. name something you can’t wait for: Sweet embrace of death. <-keeping that one, also to finally go home next week 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: three weeks ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: wish I could be strong enough not to procrastinate to the point of ruining my own life, not because of myself but bc of my mother who didn’t deserve a living failure as a kid 31. what are you listening right now: Hozier - Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: welp we don’t have that name, we do have Tomislav and if that’s close enough then yes, my uncle 33. something that is getting on your nerves: college 34. most visited website: YouTube and Tumblr, also Reddit
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. mole/s: nothing seriously big 36. mark/s: if that includes scars then too many to even count 37. childhood dream: wanted to be a librarian 38. haircolor: bordeaux, naturally brown 39. long or short hair: shoulder length 40. do you have a crush on someone: real life people no, fictional characters you bet I do 41. what do you like about you: height, eye colour, nails, teeth too since I worked hard for those (let’s assume this question was about looks idk that was my first thought) 43. bloodtype: want to know so badly but am afraid of needles to the point of immediate fainting 44. nickname: no point in writing it down without pronouncing it too 45. relationship status: single 46. zodiac: libra 47. pronouns: whatever, go nuts 48. favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead, Bron, Malcolm in the Middle 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left hand: right 51. surgery: third tonsil, some tricky teeth stuff too 52. hair dyed in different color: yeah, been dyeing it for 3 years now 53. sport: hiking 55. vacation: Brazilian favelas, American West 56. pair of trainers: what are those can you eat them?
MORE GENERAL: 57. eating: haven’t eaten a thing all day bc too lazy to cook 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: who knows, might eat something or go throw myself into ongoing traffic 61. waiting for: H O M E 62. want: P I Z Z A 63. get married: probably not 64. career: environmental or animal protection, or at least something that gets me deep in dem forests and far from dem people
65. hugs or kisses: beautiful and well ventilated personal space 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: taller 68. older or younger: older 70. nice arms or nice stomach: who cares 71. sensitive or loud: neither 72. hook up or relationship: why are hook ups even a thing 73. troublemaker or hesitant: depends
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nah 75. drank hard liquor: yea 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: nah 77. turned someone down: yea 78. had sex on the first date: nah 79. broken someone’s heart: not that I know of 80. had your heart broken: nah 81. been arrested: nah 82. cried when someone died: yea 83. fallen for a friend: don’t think so
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: vaguely 85. miracles: it happens 86. love at first sight: maybe 87. santa claus: nah 88. kiss on the first date: nah
OTHER: 90. current best friend name: Filipa, and not current, been like that for 13 years now 91. eye color: some sort of swamp green 92. favorite movie: The Lord of the Rings
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feverwildehopps · 7 years
Random Tag meme lol :P
Yooooooooo thnks fr th tg!!!!! @spazziebunnie ^^ RULES: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun! A) Age:16 B) Biggest fears: Checking my grades (chemistry/any math what so ever) 0_0 gory stuff bc I CANNOT look at that crap eww, bees when they're in flight and flying around me (ruuuun!) idk why I'm afraid of like buying stuff/ ordering food by myself bc I'm a people person but I just won't go up to the counter idk, the dark doesn't creep me out as much anymore C) Current Time:7:27 pm D)Drink you last had: Bloodddimean...Dr. Pepper ^^' E) Every day starts with: thankin' tha Lord for lettin' me live another day yeeah 😜 also saying good morning to a picture of *blank* by my bedside, 😊 and checking my tumblr notifications 😁 F)Favorite song at the moment: Fall Out Boy's 'Immortals' yo I looovee that song since like 2014 H) Hometown: Victoria I) In love with: A certain disney character.. I swear this boy has my heart!! Also I am in love with animated series and movies and drawing :D J) jealous of?: Zootopian artists who post like all the time and then there's me who can barely get off my lazy butt and draw more stuff hhhh hehe at least you artists remind me to get off my phone and draw lol 😋 K) killed someone?: Yeah. I killed everyone in the Zootopia fandom when I released the last two parts of 'I Missed You!' 😈 Also I killed my fish and fish are people too. ;) (I didn't wash his bowl all the way and the soap like poisoned him ;-;) L) last time you cried?: a week ago bc my dad just decided to point out my flaws.. As if I wasn't aware -_- and he kept interrupting me when I wanted to explain my side and uuuughh (just when I thought I had forgiven him from our last incident) don't take that the wrong way though I have a fantastic relationship with my dad the majority of the time but I'm still in a 'grudge holding' phase rn M) Middle name: Rose 🌹 N) siblings?: an older half sister, another older half sister younger than the first, and a little sister who is my favorite person in the world (well I mean she was my idea in the first place so ;) O) one wish?: To go to Paris, France for one reason and one reason only...to meet @pyrophoricitee P) person you last called/texted: Mom Q) question you’re always asked?: When are you going to eat something?? Or What do you want to eat?? Ugh just leave me be I'll eat when I'm hungry. R) reason to smile: I always have something great on my mind ;) S) song last sung?: 'A Day Like This' from SpongeBob ^^ so inspirational I swear!! Also I frikkin love SpongeBob T) Time you woke up: Today? Like 10:30 am -ish Mom woke me up before I slept in too late XP W) worst habits?: my mom hates it when I keep putting on my fake jewelry which I love bc my shoulders and back break out in hives or whatever, also my room is a mess so I'm unorganized ehh X) X-ray you’ve had: I had pneumonia when I was 2 and I *think* I had an x-ray on my lungs...maybe Y) your favorite food: Chicken Wings! Y'know with the hot sauce that makes my face all numb and hhhhhh (lol Big Hero 6 ref ;) as far as an actual meal.. Seafood Alfredo (shrimp and scallop) Z)zodiac sign: Virgo ♍️ Not sure who has already done this so I tag @asenmaibet you poor unfortunate soul ;p
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sookashira · 8 years
Tagged by Mr Tinkles @pureren and again, I will break the rules not tagging anyone or writing new questions because I’m this evil lmao fight me.
Disclaimer: Whenever I see Tessa tags me in this things I'm like "yay, another tag game by Tessa" and then I read her answers and I always laugh because her answers are big and interesting to read and then I write my dumb short answers with "lol" and "xD" and "hahaha" and that's all xd
1. What kind of highschooler are/were you? I was... the girl who everybody liked because "too pure and nice for this world". I remember once a classmate told me I was the only "lady" in the class and they also chose me as best classmate lol I was like "wtf, I don't talk to anyone but you still choose me, thanks thanks but I don't deserve it because I didn't do anything".
And most of my friends was from another class and they know I'm quiet and "cute" until I have confidence and trust in people and I'm literally the chibi who wants to fight everybody when they call me chibi. ¿? I talk a lot... and I'm super dramatic ahahaha. I was the Ice Drama Queen before Elsa, excuse me.
2. What’s your favourite poem or quote? A line that stuck with you? I have a lot. I'm always using quotes from The Simpsons or Disney movies and basically my sister is the only one who gets it and complete the dialogues if there are dialogues lol
I'm not good at remembering poems so... And I'm not sure if I have a favorite line, because I like too many. But I'll say Annie's "I just want the weak, who do get swept along with the flow, be considered human too" is one of my favorites because I felt it. I consider myself weak too, in the way I interpretate that quote lol And now is in my sidebar, yes.
3. What’s a mundane special talent you have? (Small stuff like being able to make dragon origamis or being good at rhythm games idk) I'm really good at not make any sound when I walk so basically my mom always jumps scared because she "didn't see me coming" or she "didn't feel me / my presence" or whatever you call it. Hours ago she scold me because she saw a reflection in the mirror and when she turned out I was there staring at her lol
4. What would you describe your aesthetic as? Snowy things lol Winter, snow, snowflakes, snowdrops, ice, colors related to this things, etc. I told you, I'm obsessed with them ahaha That's why my friends calls me "The Ice Queen" lol Not because I'm a person with cold heart. (Basically, I always like characters related to ice or crystals so Annie got a point there lmao). I could marry Shirayuki Mizore if I can but I love too many characters and I can't pick only one plus they are fictional *sobs* (Insert another reason of why I didn't watch YOI: because everybody was talking about it and I was jealous because I saw a lot of things related to ice and blue-ish things and I was like NO NO THAT THINGS ARE MINE!!!! *dramatic Tamaki pose*) Hello, I'm super jealous.
5. What do you think are the most important traits a person can have? Kindness. I'm not really good at picking people traits because I know a lot of people with different traits even ones I say like "I don't like it" but I like them anyways lol I'm too weak. I easily love people even if I have a hard time trusting in them x'D
6. What are your favourite scents? Ehh... Vanilla, when you turn off a candle, Colognes for babies lol I actually love the smell of babies and kids ;u; I love kids. I suck at remember the things I like when people asks me the things I like >:c
7. What hobbies or extracurricular activities have you participated in in your life? Any you were particularly good at? When I was young (I'm old already) I tried ballet ¿? I always liked to dance and do presentations in school's aniversaries lol Once for the english class I had to sing Hakuna Matata with two friends and I was Simba. Doesn't have too many lines in that song but my evil friend made me say some random bugs names or things that rythms with Hakuna Matata. The teacher liked it a lot and she MADE US DO THE DAMN PRESENTATION IN FRONT OF OTHER RANDOM CLASSES AND I REMEMBER MY COUSIN TRYING TO HIDE HIMSELF WHEN I WAS IN HIS CLASS AHAHAHAHA.
8. What “otp things” make you weak in the knees and smile like a fool at your phone while everyone is throwing you concerned looks from the other side of the bus? First... Everyone is always looking at me like that because I'm always saying and doing dumb things. Not so long ago an anon told me I'm "a boob" and I didn't understand it so I had to google it and I laughed because.. yes. I'm super clumsy and dumb, like.. remember I come from the past, aka january 2017.
OTP things... I don't really call OTP to ships that aren't canon lol My first ship was Usagi with Seiya from Sailor Moon x'D I never liked Mamoru for her and I didn't understand Seiya was actually a girl when I was a child but whatever xd my first ship was a female x female lol And I really love when Seiya teases her calling her Odango... so let's start with a cute nickname. Half.. "I'm being annoying calling you like this" half "but I like it for you".
I also like when person A use person B's appareance for jokes lol //I actually enjoy when people tease me for being short lol but shhhht!//
"Remember when you said -insert what person A said trying to imitate voice and expression'".
When one of them is kinda possesive lol "You are mine". I like jealous people, I don't know if this is good.
If one in the ship is shy or tsundere...
I'm trying to remember some ships I like that aren't anime ones lol Agh, I'm so bad at explaining myself and you make me do it in english... *sobs*
9. How would your otp confess and kiss? (*hiding the notepad* this is absolutely theoretical and definitely not stored for further use….) You are stealing ideas and I AM THE ILLEGAL ONE. DISHONOR. DISHONOR ON YOU AND DISHONOR IN YOUR COW.
I don't know why kdramas came to my head with this question but I really hATE how they make the kiss scenes last like.. 10 minutes and from all the possible angles e_e
But I'm a trash for this kisses where is one of them who just... do it and then both are like "MAAAAAHHHH?????!!!" and random reactions while both are red. If they are dramatic, I'd love it more. Like WTF YOU JUST DID??! *hits the other with a bag, book or whatever it has in the hand or close*
The first kiss where they are like staring at each other and kissing again at the next second without anything more are boring lol
10. What aus based on real movies or shows are your favourites? (like disney aus, atla aus, mr and mrs smith aus, etc.) I love Disney AUs because I love Disney but the character must really fit for me to like it lol I also like reencarnation AUs beCAUSE I CRY I MEAN, I REMEMBER THE KDRAMA 'GU FAMILY BOOK' AND I START TO CRY BECAUSE AOKSNHFIDUHUAGDS.
I also like a lot this... when the characters change bodies so basically they have to live in each other and is super funny to see lol //Insert the kdrama Secret Garden. It sounds like I've seen a lot of them but actually not lol//
I'm a trash for the AU where there's a girl hiding her genre and acts as a boy lol MULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN AND Ouran are my faves, of course.
High School AUs too lol they are like.. too common but I love them. (College ones are meh, tho)
I also like musical AUs but basically they end being like.. Disney AUs because too many songs lol
I don't remember more? I'll read the answers of the other people you tagged later lol I'm super picky but actually basic and with no experience reading fanfics because I'm too lazy to read things that are too long.
11. What’s best: Sleeping in freshly washed bed sheets or eating warm bread thats right out of the oven? Ehhhh... I'll pick sleeping in freshly washed bed sheets because I never make/do my bed ahahhahaa. (Damn verb, I’m not sure which one to use in this sentence lol)
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mamafishfound · 8 years
20 Followers I’d like to know better I was tagged by @k Thanks boo and ur own post would awesome 😘SORRY IM SO FUCKING LATE ACKKK 😫😫 Name: Caitlin Nickname: Hun (said by my husband) cate (Sadie by coworkers) kk (said by my parents) other than that I got nothing 😜 Gender: Female Star Sign: Pisces 💙💙 Sexual Orientation: Hetero bc men are just so beautiful (especially my dear hubby 😘😘) Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Favorite Color: Teal blue Favorite Animal: ALLL OF THEM no jk I love dolphins ❤
Time Right Now: 7:35 am, I was gonna go back to sleep after I got my hubby’s car to take me to the doctor but ehhh I’m up doing this lmao 😅 Average Hours of sleep: ehh it depends try the range of 3 to 12 hours lmao 😂😂😂
Favorite Fictional Characters: I’ll list a few bc I got so many. Sasuke Uchiha (lol surprise!) Itachi Uchiha, Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs) Izaya Orihara (Drrr!) Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) Mikuni Arisuin (Servamp) Sakuya (Servamp as well sakumahi all the way) Reiji Sakamaki (my problematic sadistic vampire hubby from Diabolik Lovers ❤) Ulquiorra Cifer (U ALWAYS LIVE IN MY HEADCANON) Byakuya Kuchiki ,Gin Ichimaru (Rip 😭), Toshiro Hitsugaya are my most loved and must keep away from Kubo hubbies from Bleach 😘😭😭
Number of Blankets I sleep with: none bc I KICK THEM OFF EVERYTIME I SLEEP GAHHH 😤😤😤 Favorite Singer/Band: i don’t really listen to American music no more but in KPOP Bangtan Boys (BTS), EXO, Nct (all units),TWICE, Red Velvet, F(X) (a faithful MeU) and much much more lol
Dream Trip: JAPAN lmao ❤❤❤ Dream Job: None bc I’m a lazy fuck 😎I just work to pay bills nowadays 😂
When was this blog created: Probably 3 years ago I dunno. Current Number of Followers: 350ish I believe When did your blog reach its peak: I think recently bc I’ve been getting a lot of followers as of late and most of them aren’t porn boys for once 😎 What made you decide to get tumblr: i needed to vent out my atheist frustrations with religion originally (on Facebook I had too many prying Christians lurking about 😤) and now I just shitposts about my naruto faves and other fandom shenanigans 😂😂😂
I’m going to tag @pu @miss-gentle-fist @shannaro-kamo @ssdivinorum @minakazes ehh I think I’ve done this before so I can’t remember who I asked in the past but i think y'all haven’t yet lol so sorry it ain’t 20 but whateves 😂
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sugakookie · 8 years
I was tagged by @sugashark @hobihun and @taedboy to do this omg so i guess i’ll have to do it lol
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.  
nickname(s): panda, manders (z), pan, sarah, who even knows anymore
star sign: pisces (same as yoongi *winks*)
height: 5′5″
time right now: 6:18 pm 
last thing googled: bambam dabbing
favorite music artists: bts, actually every kpop group that i stan but that’s too long to list lol, also london grammar, imagine dragons, coldplay, twenty one pilots, pentatonix, idek i listen to too much music
song stuck in your head: lotto. i swear that song is stuck in my head all the time now idk why
last movie watched: passengers. it was ehh....but i can get in for free so whatever
last tv show you watched: hwarang. i’m assuming that counts lol
what are you wearing right now? a white fleece sweatshirt and flannel pajama pants
when did you create your blog? late may 2016
what kind of stuff do you post? sugakookie
do you have any other blogs? yeah a few
do you get asks regularly? i guess so. it’s really off and on sometimes i get a lot other times i get zero
why did you choose your url? bc i was making a sugakookie blog and it was a play on their ship name
gender: female
hogwarts house: hufflepuff otherwise my hybrid house is hufflerin
pokemon team: team valor which is the best team
favorite color: pastel sunset colors
average hours of sleep: 7-9 usually
lucky number(s): 391,993 :)))))))
favorite characters: are you kidding me i have too many and they’re like all from anime i can’t name them all. my ultimate favs are akihito kanbara, kyo sohma and mamura daiki. yeah....
how many blankets do you sleep with? one million
dream job: my dream job is not having a job but having a lot of money
following: 333 
i’m too lazy to tag ppl i’m sorry
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