#tonya is the best host
notelizapancakes · 11 months
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introducing, pâtisserie mimi!
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youcouldmakealife · 5 months
KS Fill: Tonya/Vladimir Petrov, Thomas/Anton; castle in the clouds
Another of the Kickstarter fills, for the prompt: always happy for a Vinny/Tony update, especially if Tonya is involved
Even as a child, at her most idealistic, Tonya certainly never expected to live in a mansion like this. A castle, maybe. She liked castles, though she’s not sure where she expected to find one in Brooklyn. Though, it’s not like mansions were any more realistic, growing up in New York City.
And they wouldn’t live in one if they lived in New York, but in Hartford, it was barely even a splurge. And Vladimir had dreamed of castles too as a boy, wanted Antosha to live in one, or the nearest thing they could get for him. It’s massive, and impractical, and Tonya loves it.
They don’t take advantage of the benefits of it very often, however. Once, they let a production crew film the exterior while they were on vacation in Italy anyway — unfortunately, the film was terrible, so Tonya can’t rewatch it for the thrill of seeing it on screen. Or, she could, but she has to get through the melodrama and the bad acting first, and that’s a chore.
It’s the perfect place to host a party, specifically a party with gravitas — a gala, a ball. But with the exception of Vladimir’s induction in the Hall of Fame, they haven’t had any parties worth talking about, because Vladimir is…territorial, Tonya thinks the best word is. His house is his house — she’s still amazed he allowed the film crew, and is sure he wouldn’t have if he hadn’t been out of the country — and he’d prefer they didn’t have guests at all, with the exception of close friends, family. Even then, it’s only Anton who doesn’t get his hackles up after a few hours, and that might just be because he still considers it Antosha’s house too, even after all these years. Which, of course, it is.
But they’ve been married for thirty years now, and Tonya thinks that’s worth celebrating, and Vladimir agrees. He didn’t agree it merited a party on the scale of the one they’re throwing today, but he caved once Tonya assured him all he had to do was show up, and that the only guests staying overnight would be blood-related to them.
Well, and Thomas, but Vladimir’s fine with that. It seems like the exception for Anton applies to him as well. She doesn’t know if that’s because Vladimir considers him an extension of Anton, welcome wherever he is, or if he’s become family in his own right. She likes to think it’s a bit of both.
With an hour to go the place reminds her the castles she dreamt of, lit up and glittering, even if they're nothing alike. The catering staff have assured her they have everything they need, and after two minor wardrobe emergencies she’s finally finished getting ready. Or, she hasn’t, but the final touches must be done right before the guests arrive.
Vladimir’s ready, he’s assured her repeatedly, which she’s sure isn’t true, but he’s his own man. She hasn’t seen Anton since breakfast, which she finds ominous, though she doesn’t think he’d go far without Thomas, and he arrives in front of her almost as soon as she thinks of him. Such a good boy that she merely needs to think of him for him to arrive, offering help.
“Can I help with anything?” he asks, hands twisting fretfully, like it’s hurting him not to assist, and Tonya takes a moment to wonder if she's developed psychic abilities. Perhaps, but it's more likely that Thomas is just unfailingly helpful.
Tonya takes his hands between hers, stills them. They’re cold, and she wants to chafe them, warm him up. What was that saying, cold hands, warm heart? If anyone fits that it’s Thomas. “I’ve hired professionals to do everything,” she says. “We’ll just get in their way.”
She knows this because she has, at every other event with catering staff, gotten in the way. She’s finally learned her lesson — no meddling this time. So far she's stayed strong, but she's not sure she'll last the night.
“Right,” Thomas says, nodding, hands still between hers. “That makes sense. Our equipment managers say the same thing.”
She bets they do. Vladimir in particular was a menace about his equipment — she’s sure they popped a bottle of champagne the day he retired.
“I know what you can do for me,” she says, and Thomas brightens right up. He really is too good a boy for his own good. She imagines people take advantage of it all the time. Look at her, doing it right now.
“Can you find Anton for me?” she says. “I worry he’s hiding.”
She doesn’t worry he’s hiding, exactly — she knows he’s hiding — she only worries he’ll continue hiding after all the guests have arrived, leaving poor Thomas to muddle his way through a room of people he doesn’t know. Not that Antosha knows everyone, and many of the people he does know haven’t seen him since he was a little boy, so it’s really more them knowing him — she’s sure he’ll be delighted to hear ‘you were just this high when last I saw you’ over and over again.
Perhaps she shouldn’t be surprised he’s hiding. And she isn’t. But Thomas is a guest, though a particularly helpful, considerate one, and Anton may not be hosting the party, but he is hosting Thomas. And Tonya did not raise a bad host. Or, unfortunately she did, she thinks, but he certainly didn’t learn it from her. Thankfully Thomas is very easily pleased, and loyal enough that he’d likely tell her Anton was being an excellent host if she asked.
Thomas nods again, like a little bobblehead. She’s slightly disappointed the Canadiens haven’t done one for him, at least to her knowledge — she thinks Vladimir would be delighted to put it by the ones of him and Antosha in his show-off room. He loves them. Never tires of bobbing their heads. “Can I have my—“
“Your hands, of course,” Tonya says, letting them go. “Do you know the saying? About cold hands?”
“I do,” Thomas says, with a broad smile. She bets he does. Bets people quote it all the time. “Don’t worry, I’ll drag Anton out of wherever he’s hiding.”
“By the hair if you need to,” Tonya says, and smiles at the laugh that trails Thomas up the stairwell.
He doesn’t deserve that boy, Tonya thinks, then goes to bother Vladimir one last time. She hopes that, this time, he’ll actually get ready instead of just saying he already is. Perhaps that’s optimistic. But she thinks everyone needs a little optimism to make it to three decades.
“Tony,” she hears Thomas crooning as she walks down the hall, sounding a little like he’s trying to lure a feral cat, and she smiles wider. Perhaps he’s exactly what Antosha deserves after all.
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Nct 127 as fratboys Pt.2
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Lemme just start off by saying
This man has a different girl on his arm every week
I am so serious
It was Keisha, It was Sonya, It was Tonya, It was Monique, It was Nece, It was Keke
if you ask him
He'll tell you he didn't fuck them but he did
multiple times
and it's ironic because
He takes at least 3 gender studies courses every year
so this man right here is a feminist Fratboy
he respects women but will never turn down s3x
He's an Architectural Design Major
so he's good with hands and stuff *wink wink*
the type to skip lectures but still pass the course
He is at EVERY SINGLE party
will never miss one
he 100% knows that him being a feminist contributes to the amount of pu$$y he gets
if y'all fuck he gives you a lollipop or a coupon as a parting gift
if you were good just know he's gonna check on you every 2 weeks lmaoo
"That pussy still mine right?...well it's yours in theory because you know I don't own your body but you get what I'm saying..."
He's a jerk but also...not a jerk
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please this man would be the snobbiest
most uptight fratboy everrrrrr
He's an Economics major
don't be mistaken though honey
He's uptight asf but he is a frat boy
anything you need just ask him
yes he cusses Johnny out whenever the house smells like weed
but he's the one that buys it every Tuesday and Thursday @ 4pm sharp
Yes, he smokes it but don't tell anyone...
YES, hell tell you he's celibate if you ask
but between me and you...
he definitely fucked that one lecturer so she could fix his grades
and he also fucked her daughter
and the daughter's best friend...
anywayyyyyyyy he doesn't like to talk about it.
ifc you were to compare all of em
i'd say Doyoung has one of the highest body counts here
but strangely enough no one would know
unless he said it
He's had multiple pregnancy scares
to the point where now
he has a bank account open just for that
Hates bitches who try to hard
but loves the chase
he's sneaky asf and if you know what's good for you stay out of his way
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The embodiment of fratboy
He's 100% a legacy
generations of menacing behaviour
he's a business major
daddy's money type of guy
so he really doenst give a fuck
hosts sex parties (much to Taeil's displeasure)
Fucked an entire sorority
fails his exams
leads girls on
he is allergic to relationships
there i said it
where as i can see the rest of em settling down eventually
if Jaehyun were to settle...he'd cheat.
yes, he wears his cap backwards and calls you "shawty"
surprisingly, he has female friends that he chersihes
gives them advice on how to steer clear of gutys like him
he's a jerk.
lmaooo 'm so sorry but it's true
he fucks allooooot
Loves easy pre
he aint willing to chase nobody
he has the highest body count in the frat.
not ashamed of it at all
surprisingly keeps up with his monthly doctors appointments
Beer pong is his calling
As mentioned ealier his jungle juice could put you in a coma
honestly, he probabaly has more alchohol than blood in his body
if you can't handle that STAY OUT OF HIS WAYYYYYYYYYY
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freeuseanddemand · 8 months
Sarah's Head of the Household
They take care of me, so long as I make myself available to take care of them. If you didn't know any better, you might think I was their slave, but I'm not... unless you count being a slave to pleasure. I was actually the one that brought everyone together.
I was in need of somewhere to live. My previous roommates were getting married and wanted the place to themselves as soon as possible. Since my name wasn't even on the lease, I was in no position to argue, and I was genuinely happy for them.
I found the dream home for rent. It was a huge old Victorian with a turret out front and a balcony out back. Every room felt massive compared to everywhere else I have lived. One of the bedrooms was in the turret, I had to have it, I needed to feel like a princess. Of course, I could never afford it on my own.
So I started talking to everyone I knew, but first I needed to clear my head.
"Sarah, the place sounds amazing, but I'm not really looking to move. I don't have any roommates right now and I like it that way. Plus, you and I could never afford this on our own, so we would need more roommates." Shane said as my head bobbed in his lap. He paused for a moment holding my hair tight to control the motion of my mouth on his cock. "The only thing swaying me right now, is knowing that you have no ability to turn me down, and you let me do whatever I want."
Shane pulled my head up so I could finally respond. After taking a moment to catch my breath, "...I know roommates can be a lot of stress, but I want this bad enough that I promise to be the arbiter of all disputes."
I grabbed his spit covered cock and started stroking, "And you can always take your stress out on me, because you're right, I have no ability to turn you down. I always do whatever you want because you come nowhere near my limits, so I know I can safely give you full control of my body."
Shane, still holding my head by my hair, shoved me back down. His cock was in my throat now and he was just holding me there. I was suppressing my gag reflex as the tears started rolling down my face. "I'll consider it," There's just something about telling a guy that he hasn't reached your limits that always makes them just magically get more rough, it hasn't failed me yet. I could tell that Shane was in, and the house just got so much better.
The next day I was at a small party with some friends. There I found Darren and Tonya. I had known them both for a bit just being in the same friend groups. They didn't take much convincing, Darren was flirting with me all night and Tonya couldn't seem to take her eyes off me.
Darren may have been trying too hard to get in me, but I was desperate to find roommates. If I weren't on a mission, I would have taken him somewhere to make him cum and get it over with. It was hard for me, I'm not known for sexual restraint. He was cute and I was sure with the way he was lusting over me, I could make the same deal I made with Shane. I was right.
Tonya was infatuated with me, but I was loving her all the same. It was like we were already best friends and she was the only one that knew it. We were talking and drinking well past everyone leaving or passing out, aside from Darren and the host.
Tonya finally decided to explain why she's been so fixated on me that night. "Sarah, you clearly don't remember," she laughed, "you and I have hung out together at parties like this at least six times over the last year. You usually just party way harder than you did tonight and don't remember anything the next day.
I laughed, knowing she was right, and if it weren't for my mission to find roommates, I would have probably partied until I forgot tonight as well. "Like, this is the longest you and I have gone into a party without something happening between us. Last time, you showed up here ready to go, you were eating me out within the first 20 minutes of being here."
I pretended to be shocked, "no way! Am I that easy?"
Tonya, trying not to laugh too hard, "you're the easiest and the best at what you do. Our first threesome, I wasn't feeling like being fucked by a guy that night, so you just kissed me and told me not to worry, that you would be the 'cocksleeve.' You were amazing, the way you devoured me sitting on your face while you were being railed, heaven!"
I was disappointed that I couldn't remember that or any other time Tonya and I had been together. "It's perfect, I've been looking for a new place to live for months now, but everything has been out of my price range and this place sounds amazing. I can't wait to be roomies," Tonya said with pure glee on her face.
"I just want you to be aware of one thing, Tonya," I said with a more serious tone, "the way you've known me to be at parties, I'm like that... all the time. Not that I blackout all the time, but I am very much free-use. I made deals with the other two who agreed to move into the apartment. Well for them it's a deal, for me it's a dream."
Tonya was so excited to hear this, "Shut up, no way! That's amazing! I can't wait to use you too! I was already hoping we would fuck more living together, but you're saying I can just use you whenever? I'll sign the lease now, please."
I just laughed and leaned in to start kissing her, but after just a peck, Tonya got up, "I have to run and get some rest before work, but don't worry, that won't be the last time our lips touch. Give me your number so you don't forget this night too!"
After everything was said and done, we all moved in. It was overwhelming at first, like they were testing me and my limits. I loved taking care of all of them though, no matter how utterly exhausted I was. They convinced me to quit my job just a few months after we all settled in. I know this won't last forever, but I have never been happier.
My job these days is cleaning up the house, cooking, and being fuck toy, a stress ball, and a bed warmer. I do everything around the house that they need, I don't have to make any decisions, and they just grab me and use me wherever, whenever. They do so well sharing their time with me, but I wish they would use me as a group more often. Regardless, being the focus of group free-use, is more than I could have ever dreamed.
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mrs-stans · 8 months
G Flip to Host Star-Studded G’Day USA Arts Gala Event Honoring Samara Weaving, More (Exclusive)
The G'Day USA Arts Gala is making its return in February to celebrate some of the best in Australian achievement — from actress Samara Weaving to director Craig Gillespie.
Taking place Feb. 1 in Los Angeles, the event will be hosted by recording artist G Flip. "For the past 21 years, the G'Day USA program has fostered deeper ties between the United States and Australia and promoted Australian achievement, creativity and talent, with the support of the Australian government," the press release noted.
Honorees include bestselling author and recording artist Delta Goodrem, who will be awarded the Excellence in the Arts Award by Kelly Rowland. Weaving, who starred in Nine Perfect Strangers, Babylon and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, is set to take home the Rising Star Award.
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Gillespie, whose directing credits include I, Tonya and Dumb Money, will be presented with the Excellence in Film & Television Award by actor Sebastian Stan.
It will be an evening of music as well, with performances from Morgan Evans, Kita Alexander and Mi-kaisha. All money raised will go to the American Australian Association and its Arts Fund, which supports American and Australian emerging artists studying in each other's respective countries.
Last year's event pulled in a number of high-profile attendees, including Katy Perry, who presented her husband Orlando Bloom's ex-wife, Miranda Kerr, with the Excellence in the Arts award.
"Many of you may be confused as to why I'm presenting Miranda with this award," Perry said at the time. "It doesn't fit the ex-wife, new wife narrative. Many in the media would like to see us mud wrestle…but this is about love, and Miranda is love."
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itsawritblr · 8 months
"‘Barbie’ is bad. There, I said it." Thank god, someone I can agree with!
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Opinion by Pamela Paul for the NYT, January 24, 2024.
We can all agree 2023 was a good year for the movies. Critically and commercially, several movies did well, and only one of those successes took place within the Marvel cinematic universe. Even the 10 Oscar nominees for best picture, announced Tuesday, included nine actually good films.
Is it safe now to call “Barbie” the outlier? Can I say that, despite winsome leads and likable elements, it didn’t cohere or accomplish anything interesting, without being written off as a) mean, b) old, c) hateful or d) humorless?
Every once in a while, a movie is so broadly anticipated, so welcomed, so celebrated that to disparage it felt like a deliberate provocation. After “Barbie” so buoyantly lifted box office figures, it also felt like a willful dismissal of the need to make Hollywood solvent after a season of hell. And it felt like a political statement. Disliking “Barbie” meant either dismissing the power of The Patriarchy or dismissing Modern Feminism. You were either anti-feminist or too feminist or just not the right kind.
Few dared rain on Barbie’s hot pink parade.
Those who openly hated it mostly did so for reasons having to do with what it “stood for.” They abhorred its (oddly anachronistic) third-wave feminist politics. They despised its commercialism and dreaded the prospect of future films about Mattel properties such as Barney and American Girl dolls. They hated the idea of a movie about a sexualized pinup-shaped doll whose toy laptop or Working Woman (“I really talk!”) packaging couldn’t hide the stereotypes under the outfit.
For those who hailed it, there was a manic quality to the “Barbie” enthusiasm, less an “I enjoyed” and more of an “I endorse.” How fabulous its consumer-friendly politics, its I-can’t-believe-they-let-us-do-this micro-subversions, its prepackaged combo of gentle satire and you-go-girl gumption. They loved it for reclaiming dolls and Bazooka-gum pink, its Rainbow Magic diversity, its smug assurance that everything contained within was legitimately feminist/female/fine. They approved of the fact that Weird Barbie’s quirks could X out Stereotypical Barbie’s perfection on some unspoken political balance sheet. That by being everything to everyone, a plastic doll could validate every child’s own unique and irrepressible individuality. To each her own Barbie!
And now there is a new Barbie cause to rally around: the Great Oscar Snub and what it all means — and why it is wrong. Neither Margot Robbie nor Greta Gerwig was nominated for best actress or best director, respectively. “How is that even possible?” one TV host exclaimed.
“To many, the snubbing of the pair further validated the film’s message about how difficult it can be for women to succeed in —<em> and be recognized for </em>— their contributions in a society saturated by sexism,” CNN explained. Ryan Gosling, nominated as best supporting actor for his role as Ken, issued a statement denouncing the snubs and hailing his colleagues.
But hold on. Didn’t another woman, Justine Triet, get nominated for best director (for “Anatomy of a Fall”)? As for “Barbie,” didn’t Gerwig herself get nominated for best adapted screenplay and the always sublime America Ferrera get nominated for best supporting actress? A record three of the best picture nominees were directed by women. It’s not as if women were shut out.
Every time a woman fails to win an accolade doesn’t mean failure for womanhood. Surely women aren’t so pitiable as to need a participation certificate every time we try. We’re well beyond the point where a female artist can’t be criticized on the merits and can’t be expected to handle it as well as any man. (Which means it still hurts like hell for either sex — but not because of their sex.)
Robbie had far less to do in “Barbie” than she did in “I, Tonya,” for which she justifiably got an Oscar nod. In this movie, she was charming and utterly fine, but that doesn’t make it a rare dramatic achievement.
With “Barbie,” Gerwig upped her commercial game from acclaimed art house to bona fide blockbuster. She was demonstrably ambitious in her conception of what could have been an all-out disaster. She got people to go back to the movies. All of these are successes worthy of celebration. But they are not the same as directing a good film.
Surely it is possible to criticize “Barbie” as a creative endeavor. To state that despite its overstuffed playroom aesthetic and musical glaze, the movie was boring. There were no recognizable human characters, something four “Toy Story” movies have shown can be done in a movie populated by toys.
There were no actual stakes, no plot to follow in any real or pretend world that remotely made sense. In lieu of genuine laughs, there were only winking ha-has at a single joke improbably stretched into a feature-length movie. The result produced the forced jollity of a room in which the audience is strenuously urged to “sing along now!”
A few reviewers had the gall to call it. The New York Post described it as “exhausting” and a “self-absorbed and overwrought disappointment,” a judgment for which the reviewer was likely shunned as a houseguest for the remaining summer season.
In our culture of fandoms, hashtags, TikTok sensations, semi-ironic Instagrammable cosplay, embedded anonymous reviews, sponsored endorsements and online grassroots marketing campaigns, not every critical opinion is a deliberate commentary on the culture or the virtue-signaling of an open letter. Sometimes an opinion isn’t some kind of performance or signifier.
There’s a crucial difference between liking the idea of a movie and liking the movie itself. Just as you could like “Jaws” without wanting to instigate a decadeslong paranoia about shark attacks, you can dislike “Barbie” without hating on women. Sometimes a movie is just a movie. And sometimes, alas, not a good one.
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Look who's Laughing
Meghan's BFF was spotted laughing backstage at the Chris Rock Live Show: Meghan's BFF, Janina Gavankar, famously told Gail King Meghan had receipts for those RACIST BRF conversations.🤥
Janina Gavankar was also filmed attempting a high five at the wedding, she was spotted in a vehicle with Harry & Meghan outside NOprah's house, and she credited herself with the (Soho House) Sussex trio 2019 Holiday photograph.
Janina heard the jokes a few times prior to the Live Taping so she knew what to expect. I wonder if Harry (or backers) telephoned Chris Rock (like South Park) to ask him not to use Meghan in his show?🤔 I think her influence could explain his use of Megflix talking points: "British Empire, Colonialism, and seems like a nice lady..."
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Janina Gavankar, one of Meghan Markle’s longtime best friends, was at the live taping for Chris Rock’s blockbuster Netflix show Saturday night – and watched as the comedian skewered the Duchess of Sussex, Page Six can reveal.
The “Vampire Diaries” actress, who has been a staunch defender of Prince Harry’s wife and a close pal of hers for over 20 years, was at Baltimore’s Hippodrome Theater to witness Rock make history for the streaming service’s first live global streaming event. Sources told Page Six that Gavankar, 42, joined her good friend Dave Chapelle backstage to watch the show in the VIP Green Room.
“Janina looked to be enjoying the show very much, she was standing up by the TV screens and laughing,” one eyewitness told us. Rock had finely honed his routine over the past few months at a number of gigs around the country, including at Radio City Music Hall in New York City back in October, where he made the same comments about Markle and the royals.
We’re told that Gavankar had been to previous shows, so she knew what to expect.
Gavankar joined a host of big names at Saturday’s show, including director Spike Lee and wife Tonya Lewis Lee, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, Maryland Governor Wes Moore, author Nelson George, comics Darnell Rollins, Sam Jay and actor Stephen Hill, alongside Arsenio Hall, David Spade and former “Saturday Night Live” stars Leslie Jones and Dana Carvey.
Gavankar was a guest at the Sussexes wedding in May 2018.
She also went on British TV after the royal family responded to the Oprah interview by saying “recollections may vary” at the couple’s claims of their hellish time behind palace walls.Speaking on “This Morning,” Gavankar hit back at the family’s claims they weren’t aware of the full extent of Meghan’s struggles while she was a working royal family member.
“Though their ‘recollections may vary,’ ours don’t because we lived through it with them,” Gavankar said, quoting directly from the Palace’s statement. “And there are many emails and texts to support that.”
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saleintothe90s · 10 months
478. 93 things about 1993, part 4
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(part 3)
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18. ValuJet flies for the first time (October 26)
ValuJet's first flight was from Atlanta to Tampa on October 26, 1993. By 1994, the planes with their silly mascot on them had made 15 emergency landings! 1 On June 8, 1995 one of their ancient planes had an engine fire on the tarmac in Atlanta.
We all know what happened to ValuJet just 2 1/2 years later.
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19. Kenneth Junior French kills 4 because of "gays in the military". (August 7th)
He got four life terms + an extra 35 years tacked onto his sentence.
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Newsweek, February 8, 1993
20. Socks Mania
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People went absolutely feral over Bill Clinton's cat, Socks. There was merch:
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Such as this Socks cat food container (eBay seller passalong)
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This Socks watch that I still remember seeing at my local Kmart in 1996. Yes, the battery was dead. (eBay seller ha-340226)
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This socks doll I also remember seeing at Kmart on a family vacation in Ohio that I desperately wanted. (eBay seller 13navybeans)
I don't have the date on it, but here is a clip of kids petting Socks at Christmas.
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21. Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett get married (June)
When Roberts returned to the set of The Pelican Brief following her wedding, the cast and crew (including co-star Denzel Washington) threw her a party in which they all wore shirts that read: "He’s A Lovely Boy … But You Really Must Do Something About His Hair" on the back. 2
They only lasted til 1995, but they were cute together.
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22. Base Closings (March)
Growing up, I thought this was the first time bases closed in the U.S., ever. No, a whole bunch closed just a couple of years prior!
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23. Florida tourists killed
The state government ordered that all company logos be removed from rental cars, and it abolished special license tags for such vehicles. Rental car agencies now give customers detailed safety brochures in English, Spanish, German and other languages, and they play tape recordings with similar messages over the public address systems in their rental offices every five minutes. 3
There was even a bit in the SNL episode (hosted by Shannen Doherty) where Phil Hartman played Disney's Michael Eisner, alerting tourists that you'll won't get murdered in northern Florida where Disney is:
Hi, I’m Michael Eisner, speaking to you from the Magic Kingdom here in Orlando. You know, for the last few months, Florida has been victim to a terrible tragedy: the horrific murder of nine foreign tourists in Southern Florida. We here in Northern Florida express our sympathies.. to the families of those murdered hundreds of miles away.. in Miami, the capitol of Southern Florida.
8 tourists were killed in 1993. 4
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24. Miller Clear
Faced with lackluster sales, the Miller Brewing Company has ended its market test of Miller Clear, the brewing industry's first clear beer. "We're not manufacturing it any longer for the near term," Eric Kraus, a spokesman for the Milwaukee-based brewer, said on Tuesday. "We had a tremendous initial trial, but repeat business was not necessarily as good." The beer that has been made will be sold, but no more will be brewed, Mr. Kraus said. In April, Miller began test-marketing its clear beer in Richmond, Minneapolis and Austin, Tex. 4
(there's some more about it on Weird Universe)
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25. Tonya Harding's dress pops (January)
Earlier this year, a snap on her costume broke at the United States championships. At the 1992 Olympic trials, her blades were mounted slightly out of position, leaving her stranded with a broken axel. Skate problems also delayed her arrival at the 1992 Winter Games in Albertville, France, where she finished a disappointing fourth. By 1993, fourth was the best she could do at the United States championships. 5
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“ValuJet - Airlinefiles.” n.d. Accessed October 13, 2023. https://airlinefiles.com/valujet?showall=1.
“TBT: Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts Got Married After Dating for Just a Few Weeks.” n.d. InStyle. Accessed October 14, 2023. https://www.instyle.com/news/tbt-julia-roberts-lyle-lovett-relationship.
Rohter, Larry. “Tourist Is Killed in Florida Despite Taking Precautions.” The New York Times, September 9, 1993, sec. U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/09/09/us/tourist-is-killed-in-florida-despite-taking-precautions.html.
Clary, Mike. “Woman Confesses to Killing German Tourist, Police Say : Crime: She Reports Being Angered When the Couple Targeted for Robbery Would Not Stop Their Rental Car. A Third Suspect Is Held.” Los Angeles Times. September 11, 1993. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-09-11-mn-34072-story.html.
Longman, Jere. “FIGURE SKATING; For Harding, Not All Sequins and Music.” The New York Times, October 26, 1993, sec. Sports. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/26/sports/figure-skating-for-harding-not-all-sequins-and-music.html. https://archive.ph/G5T63
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kppresents · 6 months
16th March - That Was The Ides of March
 and this is our newly regular update. Starting with some family visits, as the Games Players spend a Long Weekend… Beauty and the Best host Saturday Morning Pictures... And Jay Edwards and Mrs McPhee are guests for a Long Night… Then we have some Mature Requests fulfilled… The Gentlemen Robbers interrutpt Home Working… Witness the Testing of Tonya Travers… What happens On The Street Where…
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ear-worthy · 7 months
On Air Fest Podcast Festival Announces Big Names for Brooklyn Event
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On Air Fest In Brooklyn: Podcast "Partee"
 On Air Fest is known for bringing together the biggest names in podcasting alongside creative visionaries to inspire creators, fans and the audio industry writ large. Since 2017, the festival has premiered dozens of award-winning podcasts, produced hundreds of live stories, convened thousands of fans and created a platform to elevate the art form.
But at this podcast get-together, you can eat in style. 
Throughout the day, eateries Le Crocodile and Bar Blondeau will be teeming with inspired audiences’ creative conversations, cocktails, and delightful bites. Attendees can gaze through floor-to-ceiling windows at the iconic Manhattan skyline. Staying at Wythe Hotel during On Air Fest is a behind-the-scenes opportunity to partake in (what feels like) the audio industry’s best professional retreat. 
You can book your stay at Williamsburg’s original boutique hotel now using code ONAIR2024 for an exclusive 10% discount. 
On Air Fest has grown into a bi-coastal, bi-annual festival shaping podcasting’s cultural calendar. Programming includes immersive experiences, awards, a business summit, audio art residency and more.
On Air Fest announces the next wave of headliners joining 2024’s most prominent and creative event for sound, storytelling and the culture of audio. 
Avery Trufelman from the Articles Of Interest podcast will be on the main stage on Thursday, February 29. Seth Meyers and Josh Meyers will come together live on-stage for a special session about their new podcast, 'Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers,' moderated by Dan Taberski.
Multiple generations of NYC’s rock scene take the stage with The Lemon Twigs and Adam Green presented by the Talkhouse podcast Plus, the season preview of Audible's Hot White Heist. A political panel from The Weeds, Vox, Crooked Media and The New York Times' The Run-Up on the power of podcasting in an election year is sure to spark some rhetorical fireworks. Mandii B and WeezyWTF work out their craziest kinks in a live edition of iHeart and Black Effect Podcast Network's hit WHOREible Decisions. Plus, don't miss sessions packed with big thinkers and change makers from a variety of genres in the audio world, including: Serial co-creators Sarah Koenig and Julie Snyder, Laurie Anderson and The Kitchen Sisters, Tonya Mosley, Malcolm Gladwell, and Freakonomics’ Stephen Dubner. March 1st Main Hall programming will be hosted by Vulture's Nick Quah. Tickets are available HERE.
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mr-divabetic · 10 months
Join us for a delightful online baking extravaganza! Get ready to whip up some delicious treats without the guilt of sugar. Whether you're a seasoned baker or a newbie in the kitchen, this event is perfect for everyone. Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 7:00 (Eastern Standard Time), and prepare to indulge in guilt-free goodies. The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic, hosts this free Holiday Sugarfree Baking Party on Zoom with Stacey Harris, The Diabetic Pastry Chef. During this popular diabetes outreach program, Stacey prepares a holiday Sugar-Free Dessert recipe, demonstrates her favorite kitchen tools, and shares tips for baking with popular sugar substitutes in recipes. Plus, Divabetic Image & Style Advisor Catherine Schuller shares ways to add sparkle to your holiday style. We will be raffling off a Divabetic Gift Package featuring gifts courtesy of Best-Selling Author Tonya Kappes’s Camper Cozy Mystery and Peak 10 Skin‘s Save My Sole Foot Rescue Cream, Splenda, and more during Mr. Divabetic’s random drawings. You must be present at our Baking Party to enter our gift drawings to win. Over 150 people have participated in our past Divabetic Baking Parties on Zoom, so don’t miss out!
Register on Eventbrite using this link:
Register closes on November 30, 2023, at 3 PM, EST.
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
"Run The World," "Heels," and "Blindspotting" By STARZ, cancelled
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  Three of STARZ's television series have been canceled. The news is now making the rounds about the premium channels' announcement. The news is that it will not be moving forward with "The Venery of Samantha Bird". The reports also state that the strikes are forcing the cancellation of the filming schedule for "Heels," "Blindspotting," and "Run The World" after each running for two seasons. Multiple sources have confirmed this cancellation. The season two finale of each will now also serve as the series finale since all three premiered their sophomore seasons in 2023 and have now completed their runs. Below are summaries of each of the three series. Heels: The Battle for Legacy and Identity in Small-Town Pro Wrestling The central theme of Heels is the pursuit of dreams by men and women in the world of small-town pro wrestling. Someone has to play the hero and someone else has to play the villain, or the heel, in the ring. However, in the real world, those personalities can be difficult to uphold or to let go of. Following a family-owned wrestling promotion two brothers and rivals (Stephen Amell and Alexander Ludwig) battle over their late father's legacy.  The series is produced by Lionsgate in association with Paramount Network Television, features a cast including Alison Luff, Mary McCormack, Kelli Berglund, Allen Maldonado, James Harrison, Roxton Garcia, and Chris Bauer.  Created, written, and executive produced by Leigh Davenport, "Run the World" follows a close-knit group of intelligent, funny, and vibrant Black women in their thirties who are best friends. They reside in Harlem and balance their careers, relationships, and personal growth while supporting each other. The show explores their journey as they aim for success while facing ups and downs in their careers and navigating the complexities of romance. At its core, the Starz series celebrates genuine friendship and the resilience to not just survive, but thrive together. The series also stars Amber Stevens West, Andrea Bordeaux, Bresha Webb, Corbin Reid, Stephen Bishop, and Tosin Morohunfola. Notable guest stars in season one included Erika Alexander, Nick Sagar, Jay Walker, and Tonya Pinkins. Blindspotting: Navigating Life's Chaos When the Unexpected Happens The Starz TV show "Blindspotting" revolves around Ashley. In the show, Ashley is on the verge of attaining a middle-class life in Oakland. However, Ashley's life is turned upside down when Miles, her partner for 12 years and the father of their child, is suddenly incarcerated. This unexpected turn of events forces her into a chaotic and humor-filled existential crisis. It's humorous but Ashley has to move in with Miles' mother and half-sister. Run The World: Pursuing Success and Friendship Through Life's Ups and Downs "Run the World" shows the exhilarating highs and heart-wrenching lows experienced by Whitney, Renee, and Sondi as they strive for success and dominance. Whitney embarks on a journey of self-discovery, determined to thrive in her life with or without Ola. Meanwhile, Renee and Sondi confront their desires for both love and career fulfillment. Whether they reconnect with past loves, taste the luxuries of wealth, or see their professional lives take unexpected turns, these resilient Black women, strengthened by their unbreakable friendship, will overcome any obstacle in their path. Furthermore, STARZ has announced that they will not proceed with 'The Venery of Samantha Bird,' a series that had to pause filming due to strikes and still had two episodes remaining. The show, created by Anna Moriarty and featuring Katherine Langford in the lead role, will not be continued. Perhaps the most well-known programs that Starz has hosted include Power, The Serpent Queen, Minx, and Outlander. Its back catalog has now lessened, though, as four of its original series have either been canceled completely or brought to an end. With The Venery of Samantha Bird no longer airing, only Heels, Run the World, and Blindspotting remain, with the most recent season serving as each of those shows' final one.   Read the full article
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phoebebarac · 2 years
Brainstorming Ideas
Maritime Green
Valentine’s Day Carnival
Although Valentine’s Day was more celebrated in America (Britannica, 2023), it has grown in popularity tremendously in Australia over the past few years. From a survey conducted by Finder, it was found that almost 32% (1 in 3) Australians celebrated Valentines Day in 2023, where it was at 24% in 2022 (Wise, 2023).
The carnival would run for the 7-day week of the 14th February every year, which provides accessibility for everyone with their work and social schedules.
I investigated whether there were other Valentines Day events in Brisbane, but nothing similar was found.
I considered doing carnivals for each holiday, such as Easter and Christmas to build visitation throughout the year. However, those are popular holidays where there are multiple events already. I also know that Eat Street have celebrations for these holidays as well.
To promote Eat Street, the stores could be incorporated into the carnival. It would encourage guests to head to Eat Street for dinner if it occurs on Eat Street’s nights.
I didn’t realise there was a hill in the middle of the Maritime, which changed how I thought about doing a carnival. But depending on the cost and revenue growth, the terrain could be levelled.
I have seen that the Maritime has hosted events that have live music and crowds of people, so this could be an indication that these one-off events do not bring more visitation.
Develop into a good Student Study Spot
It has potential to be a great study spot for students. There just needs to be more shade, tables and chairs added. There could be coffee and food trucks hired during the peak hours. There needs to be power points added at all tables.
Outdoor Movie Nights
The movie screen can be on the hangar:
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Then people can sit on the grass on their blankets. They can purchase from food trucks, which is food and drinks from Eat Street, and this can sit on the dock:
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There can be multiple movies in a week, but there can be 1 night a week which is dedicated to sport movies as we get closer to the 2032 Olympics, reigning in that excitement. For example, I, Tonya and Eddie the Eagle.
Daily Markets
Each day of the week focuses on different stalls, depending on the age group that would primarily come on those days. A good opportunity to support small businesses. Some of the food and drink stalls could be from Eat Street.
Workshop Area
Find a way for the tenants to interact
Imagine there is no one here, it’s a blank canvas. You can demolish everything and start from the ground up
Men’s shed - retired men and 1 woman. More day time and weekend visits
Hackers shed - younger demographic, might come more at night
Team Arran - often after hours as a lot of university students
To promote online you can include the current tenants to do so
60% of the traffic to eat street comes through these 2 areas. Which is why they’ve spent money to make it look nice
Turn the Workshop Area into a bonfire party. With a dj, drinks, food, seating, dance floor etc. Best nights would probably be Friday and Saturday, but that clashes with Eat Street. Could do Wednesday nights as that is a typical ‘student night’ but everywhere else does that so may not get much participation.
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Imperfect Date
A Romantic Comedy Collection
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/63028349/
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
Amazon: 2.99 Limited Time!
US https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJHW2WGD
AU https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0BJHW2WGD
UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BJHW2WGD
CA https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BJHW2WGD
First attraction… Love… Sometimes hate.
These matchmaking authors have sent cupid on a mission.
Imperfect dates go awry and bring together some unlikely pairs.
From blind dates and insta-love to second chance and brother’s best friend, rivals and the boss to fairy tale spoofs… something to tickle everyone’s funny bone.
Imperfect Date is an anthology featuring USA Today's Bestselling Authors and everything you need to make you laugh.
Participating Authors:
Denise Wells | Beth A. Freely | Ember-Raine Winters | JLynn Autumn
Stormy Winds | Victoria J. Hyla | Michelle Fernandez | Rachel Radner
Rayne Elizabeth | Joy Eileen | Gina Ardito | Finley Brown
Skye McNeil | R.J. Castille | Kenzie Rose | Tracy Reed
Michelle Mars | Claire Davon | Artemed Sullivan | Tari Lynn Jewett
Tonya Clark | Naomi Springthorp
#nowlive #romcom #imperfectdate #newrelease #availablenow #bookish #booklove #romancecollection  #naomispringthorp #tonyaclark #michellefernandez        #dsbookpromotions
@Naomi Springthorp @Tonya Clark @DS Book Promotions
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wutbju · 2 years
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Jessie L. Silianoff, beloved mother, grandmother and friend to so many, left this world on the morning of June 24, 2022 in Burleson, Texas at the age of 85. Born in Pontiac, Michigan to mother Blanche Sproule Standridge and father Jesse Raymond Standridge on May 30, 1937.
Jessie spent her youth in Pontiac, graduating from Pontiac High School, then continued her education at Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina focusing on art studies. Known for her beautiful artwork, she later had illustrations published in Chicago Magazine. Always the creative, she built a career in fashion merchandising and was able to merge that with her husband's career as a golf pro, bringing her expertise to golf clubs around the country.
Jessie met Daniel Silianoff at the Terrace Restaurant in Lombard, Illinois and married exactly one year later on September 4, 1973. They spent their years traveling the world, playing golf, hosting the best parties and loving on their family and friends - all to the soundtrack of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peggy Lee, Carly Simon and, of course, Elvis. Jessie was known for making everyone feel special and loved. She would make each of her children's favorite dishes when they visited and serve them all at the same meal, so each child could have exactly what they wanted and loved while they were home.
From Chicago, Jessie and Dan relocated to Lufkin, Texas in 1979, followed by Pearland in 1988 working for Crown Colony Country Club then Southwyk Golf Course. They left the Houston area and headed to Duncanville in 1999. While there, she worked at the World Trade Center in Dallas as a merchandiser. They went back to Houston where they lived in Columbia Lakes before retiring in 2004 to Lakeway, Texas. After losing Dan in 2005, she was able to spend her remaining years in Lakeway with her friend and partner Jim Houghton. Jessie and Jim spent their retirement playing golf, dancing to their favorite tunes, bird watching and were actively involved with their church community at Lakeway Church. Jessie also volunteered with Stephen Ministries. Jim shared in Jessie's love of art and they would travel to beautiful locations around the country where they could paint landscapes together.
Jessie is preceded in death by her husband, Daniel D. Silianoff and her parents Jesse and Blanche Standridge, along with her brother Fred Standridge and his wife Celia.
She is survived by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren: Mark Davis, his wife Tonya and their children Dane Doocy and his daughter Tara, Brennan Doocy, Isabella Sepúlveda-Salas and her husband Hector, Troy and Roman Davis; Brad Davis, his wife Sharon and their son Hunter Davis; Colleen Silianoff and her daughter Jessie Silianoff; Lisa Roberts, her husband Jesse and their children Jeremy Roberts, Eric Roberts and his daughter Elaina, Christine Escobar and her children Bryce and Arica, Lindsey Benke, her husband James and their son Jae, Mallory Panturu, her husband Stefan and their daughter Olivia, Noah Ray and his wife Karly; Daniel Silianoff, his wife Mandee and their daughters Maryn and Macy; Jill Mikeska, her husband James and their son Nicholas. She is also survived by her loving nieces and nephews. Jessie will be forever remembered in the hearts of her friends, family and all who knew her. She helped make this world a more beautiful place and now Heaven is just a little bit fancier.
The viewing will be Friday, July 1, 2022 at 11:00 AM with the funeral following at 12:00 PM at Lakeway Church, 2203 Lakeway Boulevard, Lakeway, Texas 78734. Interment will follow at Austin Memorial Park, 2800 Hancock Drive, Austin, Texas 78731. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that contributions be made to the American Alzheimer's Association at alz.org.
Memorials and guestbook can be found online at wcfish.com
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joyffree · 2 years
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★✩★ PREORDER BLITZ ★✩★ Imperfect Date A Romantic Comedy Collection Genre: Romantic Comedy Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/63028349/ Hosted by DS Book Promotions   Amazon: Pre Order 2.99! https://books2read.com/Imperfect-Date   Blogger| Book Influencer Open Signup https://forms.gle/Xox2WPt1ZnqBsxMr8   First attraction… Love… Sometimes hate. These matchmaking authors have sent cupid on a mission. Imperfect dates go awry and bring together some unlikely pairs. From blind dates and insta-love to second chance and brother’s best friend, rivals and the boss to fairy tale spoofs… something to tickle everyone’s funny bone. Imperfect Date is an anthology featuring USA Today's Bestselling Authors and everything you need to make you laugh.   Participating Authors: Denise Wells | Beth A. Freely | Ember-Raine Winters | JLynn Autumn Stormy Winds | Victoria J. Hyla | Michelle Fernandez | Rachel Radner | Rayne Elizabeth | Joy Eileen | Gina Ardito | Finley Brown Skye McNeil | R.J. Castille | Kenzie Rose | Tracy Reed Michelle Mars | Claire Davon | Artemed Sullivan | Tari Lynn Jewett Tonya Clark | Naomi Springthorp   #romcom #imperfectdate #preorder #comingsoon #bookish #booklove #romancecollection #dsbookpromotions @authortonyaclark @DS_Promotions1 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmJi0WzLkTh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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