#tomorrows the big reveal
dog-girl-zezora · 11 months
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moxie-girl · 15 days
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my stupid fucking dog who hates me
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
I love Origins very dearly, but sometimes when the camera dwells lovingly on just how ~*sick and twisted*~ the darkspawn are as they idk bite someone's head off or whatever for half a minute straight, I am overcome by the feeling that I am gazing into the unfiltered heart of someone's mid-2000s edgelord id. not... necessarily in a good way.
it feels like having a window directly into the brains of the boys in my class who watched lord of the rings and decided that the point of this story is that the orcs are cool as shit, and then someone decided that the only problem with that is that there just isn't enough sexual violence involved. frankly I wish they'd at least put up some curtains I don't need to know this about you bioware developer
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
Drop. Drop. Drop.
A step. Another step. Another.
(Don't stop.)
Drop, drop, drop. The cell is cold, and its claws echo from the stone floor and walls with rhythmic click-clacks.
(Don't stop.)
Someone is outside its cell. It remembers their touch, and wants to lean into it again.
(No. Don't stop. A step. Another. And another.)
(Maedhros looks at the wolf. Wulf is swaying on his feet, staring into one place. He purses his lips and whistles quietly.
"Hey, Wulf," he says, and tries to smile. The wolf's eyes are on him, and it lets out a weak whine. Maedhros kneels before it.
He ties a rope to the beast's neck, and smiles weakly, patting its head. "Come on. We have to go.")
A step. And another. And another.
It hurts. Walking hurts. Being hurts. Everything hurts, and it just wants to lie down and disappear.
No. A step. Another. Another.
Don't stop.
It doesn't remember where it is. It doesn't remember what it is. It doesn't remember why it is.
A whine echoes in the room. It stumbles. No. Don't stop. Never stop. Keep struggling.
It growls. The sound doesn't feel right in its troat, and it jerks to side. It bites back a howl.
Something tries to touch him. It growls and snaps at the hand reaching to it.
he's gonna help
h u r t s
A step.
And again
And again
againagainagainagainagainagainagainagainaga inagain againagainagainagainagainagainagainagainagaina gainHURTSagainagainagainagainagainpleaseagaifightnagainagagainagainagainagainagain and-
There's a faint sound of music. It stops, turns its head.
"I won't let it die in misery, Maitimo! You claimed to love this wolf, why are you so eager to kill it out of-"
"No! No, listen to me! Let me sing first. Please. Please, Maitimo, I beg you."
"You know, out of all of us, I'm the only one not attached to this wretch. Maybe-"
"Shut up, Finno.")
It stares. Music flies past its being, and dissolves into void. It slowly turns around.
A step. Another. And another.
Don't stop.
Keep struggling.
The cell is quiet.
Its skin is too small. Its body is too wrong. Its teeth are-
No, it growls. No, no, no.
Please, trust me.
You shouldn't exist.
But were're the same.
No. No. Go away.
I trusted you once. You told me we should be a whole.
I am a whole. I don't need you.
Please. We're hurting. I can help us.
You don't know how to make pain go away. You make it worse. You always made it worse.
We'll die. We'll die if you don't trust me. Please, please, let me try.
No. No. No.
It hurts. It sways on its feet.
It closes its eyes and falls.
It gasps, and its skin shivers. For a second, there's bliss, and a soft warmth of darkness.
Then, it explodes with unbearable pain, and it howls.
You promised! You PROMISED!
It tries to shrink down, but something grips its mind. It screams. Dark nails claw at the wall, blood streaming from its fingers.
Two long legs, two long hands - it struggles upright, but its muscles are seized by a sudden paralizing pain, as if shrinking back, as if-
It wails, falling on the ground. Its nails bite into its skin, shivering and flinching. Its mouth hurts, teeth too long and too sharp, and it-
There are sounds, and it-
It lunges forward, and backwards, and its fists punch at the walls and nails claw at the floor, and it tries to leave, to escape, and- it shrinks back, fur growing on its body, skin breaking and blood pooling beneath it- and-
Fight. Fight!
The sounds are closer. It screams and howls, smearing blood all across the floor, and-
"What, by Eru-"
"Stay back!"
Maitimo, it thinks, Maitimo, Maitimo, Maitimo. It tries to breathe.
Finrod feels his own ragged breath, blood staining his skin and hair, pain pulsing through his exhausted form. He's grabbed by his hair and yanked sharply from the ground. He feels cold steel at his throat.
Two bright green eyes stare at him furiously. He wheezes.
"Maitimo," he croaks. "Maitimo."
All he remembers next is dull, all-consuming darkness.
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Fuck it. Might as well try my hand at streaming
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miragecounseling · 4 months
look, i liked parts of soto, i disliked others. i've been a ride or die fan for gw2 and even through their missteps i've tried to see the good
but if they really just announce land spears as the "thing people have been asking for for over 5 years" just bc they did a lil teaser last week, i might actually lose It ksjdfkdjg
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harmonic-carnival · 6 months
Ok so like I get it, I understand the abstracted symbolism referencing an arc we'll probably have a different op for by the time we reach it, but I really think a lot of y'all are way overestimating what an anime-only viewer could gather from that animation.
Like with zero manga information there's what. A very clearly figurative sequence of dancing floating and getting tossed around in giant foods? And in the end illustrations too. Parties we haven't seen yet? Those were there in the first op. Thistle and the legs of Big Chicken? Lots of monsters are chicken. Relax.
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huffle-dork · 9 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 18: Fantasy Masks
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Fantasy Masks | AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched | PNPT | Septicheroes | Fantasy Masks
Taglist: @brokentimewatch @di-diwata  
It's still raining at the palace. How long has it been raining for? Is this normal? {It must be,} this is a strange world after all. And it's common to rain all day back on Earth as well. {The sounds are really soothing.}
Magnificent has been hard at work trying to understand more about this land and its magic. But, with the rain going on so long.... he was starting to get tired. It was... really really soothing. He felt like he could fall asleep right on top of all these books.
He's drowsing so much, does he notice the door to the secret alcove slowly swinging shut?
He does not. The lighting darkens slightly and there's a click sound.
Magnificent's hand slips from where it's propped on his chin and his head falls, suddenly very much at ease. He hardly notices the change in lighting and the sound of the door shutting. He... just gonna take a lil cat nap.
Soon, he's dreaming. He finds himself in a forest. The trees are impossibly tall, their trunks dark, their branches stretching a roof above. Fog swirls around their roots. It's dark, but in the distance he can see the end of the forest, where there's sunlight once again.
A dream...? Strange.... it's been a long time since he dreamed. But, he's so at ease he walks on, carefully treading through the forest towards the sunlight.
There is something here.
There is something behind him.
It's moving, rustling the branches. Getting closer.
Magnificent looks behind him and feels a slight sense of fear- he starts to walk faster.
He can't make out it's shape, just a pair of bright yellow eyes and the gleam of teeth. When it realizes it was behind him, it runs towards him, a rush of shadows.
He feels him screech slightly and start to run faster. He tries to blast magic out at it as he pushes himself to go.
But this is just a dream and his magic is useless. The creature just goes faster and faster--but the edge of the forest is so near--
Mag curses and puts all his effort now into running, grasping- trying to reach for that light-!
He bursts out of the edge of the forest, the trees falling away like they're cut off by an invisible wall. The creature stops. But he's not out of danger--for there's only a few feet of land left before it drops abruptly into a cliff on the edge of the sea. He's running so quickly, and--
Magnificent doesn't even look ahead- just trying to make sure the creature has stopped chasing him. He's momentarily confused by the trees getting caught off- and then he plunges over the cliff.
He screams-
And someone grabs his hand, abruptly stopping his freefall. He looks up to see--the King himself.
Magnificent jerks as he's caught and he blinks up to the king with wide eyes. "y-you...?" He whispers in disbelief.
The King flashes a smile, looking strangely friendly. He pulls Magnificent up onto the small stretch of land. "Be careful," he breathes. "Why knows what would've happen if I wasn't here?"
Magnificent blinks wide eyed at the King, as if he can't believe his eyes. "y...yes... I... t-thank you."
The King bows. "You're welcome." And, in an instant, Magnificent is awake again.
Magnificent wakes up, slightly panting, pushing himself away from the desk. He blinks rapidly, trying to connect his thoughts. ....when had he fallen asleep...?
Not much time seems to have passed. But then again, the door is closed, so there is no reference for time in the windowless room. At least the candles haven't burned too far down.
Magnificent shakily pushes himself up and looks around- and now realizes the door is closed. He feels a bit of anger and then flies up to try to see if he can open the door from this side.
There doesn't seem to be a way... At least, there is not a mechanism like there was from the other side. And the stone door is very heavy. How are people expected to move this? When he tries to teleport, {he can't. His powers are strangely blocked in this room.}
"What the fuck?!" Mag yells then starts to bang on the door, "AODHAN! Let me out of here! What is the meaning of this?!"
A moment passes. Two. Three. And then, the stone door starts swinging outward. The King is standing in the still-dim library, holding a candle and {looking concerned.} "Did you close the door on yourself?"
“What?! No of course not!” Magnificent growls, “I just- woke up and the door was closed! Did you lock me in here??”
"No!" The King is now irritated. "I told you before, it will be much easier to get back to Suilthair with the two of us. I'm not planning on going back on my word. Do you think I'd be so childish as to lock you in a room until we left?"
"Well I don't know!" Magnificent bites back. But, after a second he does seem to deflate some. That... did seem out of character for the King so far... "...p...perhaps not- but.. I don't know how it closed then. I was down below still reading. I didn't even notice that it shut..."
"You did just say you woke up, so I assume you were asleep." The King takes a step back, experimentally pushing the door in both directions. "Hmm... this palace has been empty for around four years. I wouldn't be surprised if something went off with the mechanism, leading to it slowly closing over time."
Magnificent seems to relax even more at this and his anger fades. Now, he almost seems embarrassed. He looks away and messes with his cape. "... i guess that makes more sense then... hm.."
"Still, I don't think they open from the interior, so it's a good thing I was close by," the King says. {It really is, isn't it?} "Seems a bit of a design flaw if you ask me."
"Yeah, I'll say..." Magnificent mutters. He goes to grab the pile of books and scrolls he was studying and then hurries back out of the passage. "I'm not risking getting locked back down there- I'll just continue up here."
The King laughs. "Seems a wise thing to do." A breeze gusts around the secret alcove, blowing out the candles. As soon as Mag is out and the candles are dark, the King closes the entrance. "By the by, remind me of something, Magnificent. Did you intend to stay in this world or move on to another?"
"Hm... it depends-" Magnificent says non-committedly. "... This world seems better suited for me. However, I need to see if... my ambitions can be met here." He places the books down and takes another seat. "... I will probably not stay. There's too much to learn- too much more to see."
"...ah." Did the King seem... {disappointed?} "Well, this is indeed a vast world beyond the island. And with your unusual magic, I think your power could be... There would be little real opposition. On an individual basis. The problem being that nations have armies, and such. You would need an army of your own. Glasúil does have many warriors." He pauses. Is he suggesting what Magnificent thinks he is? "Ah, but I won't impose on your wishes, of course." He nods at Magnificent's books. "Enjoy your reading," he says, and leaves the library entirely.
The King is quite powerful in his own right. Magically, and politically in this world. {He could be a great asset. Or maybe even an ally. What could this world offer the two of them?}
Magnificent pauses in his reading and watches as the King leaves. He almost wants to stop him but... surely the King wasn't suggesting... a team up? ... maybe that would be beneficial... they did seem to share a lot of the same viewpoints and goals. And with all the magic here... he could be sustained for... ages. Much longer than at home. He... he could be unstoppable here. ...as much as he didn't want to rely on another.... until he knew more about the land... He could be a great asset. ... perhaps He would stay. He just... he needed to make sure he kept his cub around- to get to other universes eventually. But, the King and him... oh they could turn so many worlds into endless droves of puppets, worshiping at their feet like the gods they are. He smiles. Not a bad plan at all...
Not a bad plan at all. But of course, {he needs the King} for it. That's the crucial part. Which means {he needs to stay close.}
Yes… Mag needs to stay close. Him and the King will accomplish great things together. He just needs Alt… he can be their pet and provide them with even more power to conquer the kingdoms. They could crush the rebels and that troublesome hero once and for all.
Back in his chosen bedroom, the King sits with his eyes closed, monitoring Magnificent's thoughts. Does he suspect how far the King can reach? If he does, the King will make sure he doesn't anymore. He wonders if the magician will make a move soon. It'll be almost disappointing if he doesn't. But at the same time, satisfying to know this power of his holds strong. It's almost a shame. Almost.
{It will be great.}
It will be great… No- wait… this. Something wasn’t right here. Since that dream… he hadn’t been questioning anything the King offered him. …why? He’s not one to just go with a plan. He-he was actually thinking of staying here?! In this primitive world?! He had so many other worlds to conquer! The King must be doing something- can he still enter his mind without detection?? No no… he- he can’t let himself fall for these mental games! He’s the strongest magician- he would make that phony king see that… was there anything in here on how to beat enchantment… he needed some kind of advantage here. He would not lose to this… he would not…!
The rocky fields have given way to more traditional grass fields, the blades knee-high or sometimes higher. The grass rustles as Draco swishes through them, wandering off somewhere. "Clear spot up there." Jackie points to a spot where the grass is slightly shorter. "Time for a lunch break."
Alt nods sleepily and without really thinking about it, glitches over to that spot and then flops down on the ground.
Bro blinks then laughs a bit, “Guess Alt isn’t used to all this walking.”
"But you are?" Jackie asks, sitting down near Alt.
Bro makes a little offended noise, “I’m a hero, Jackie! I have to be pretty fit to make sure I’m saving lives! Plus I have good stamina.” He sits down on the grass and stretches. “…I do prefer flying though. S’easier usually.”
"Hmm. I guess I shouldn't expect everyone from the same world to have the same capabilities. We don't here."
"For example, Jameson," Marvin says teasingly.
Jameson doesn't deny the slight jab, flopping down just like Alt did. I'm getting better, he says defensively.
Henrik sits down and starts looking through their food bag. "Here." He hands a couple pieces of jerky to Alt.
Alt takes a second to open his eyes to see Henrik offering him the snack. He nods tiredly and takes it, sleepily chewing with his eyes closed.
“…I guess his bad night of sleep caught up to him-“ Bro laughs.
“Shuddup…” Alt slurs between bites.
"Well then why don't you fly ahead?" Chase suggests. "Stay within eyeshot. It's not like a banshee is going to jump out screaming."
“Well that’s not very fair to you guys!” Bro waves his hand. “We’re all in this together!”
Meanwhile, Marvin looks at Alt with some concern. "Is it time to start cutting the distance with doorways? Or should we take a nap while we break? We want everyone to be ready when we get to Killithair."
Alt takes another second to acknowledge Marvin, jerky sticking out of his mouth. He blinks heavily and shakes his head, “S’whatever you guys think is best- I’m either tired or worried right now so…. Being sleepy isn’t so bad.” He yawns.
The others glance at each other.
"Nap break," Henrik decides. "I say this as a doctor. All of you fall asleep."
Chase laughs. "I don't think most people can just fall asleep on command like that."
"Oh, but speaking of sleep, are you still having those strange dreams, Chase?" Jackie asks.
Chase pauses. "Sometimes. They're... pretty rare. But they happen. Oh." He looks at Bro and Alt. "I've been have strange dreams. I'm in a garden, and there's a well at the center, and I need to get to the well but it's like something is pushing me backwards. It could just be a reoccurring dream but... well, it's a chance it's not."
"It could be magic," Marvin agrees.
Bro tilts his head, “Huh… yeah that’s weird… sounds magic to me. Whatcha think Alt?”
….looks like Alt has fallen asleep while they were talking, curled up around his bag. At least it looks like he finished that jerky though.
“…well then.” Bro laughs.
"Hey, he's not the only one, at least." Jackie points.
Jameson is also asleep, lying on his back with his head on his bag. "I'm jealous. It always takes me so long to fall asleep."
"You know what could help with that? Mind soother." Henrik folds his arms.
"Yea, yea. I've heard you before." Jackie rolls his eyes.
“Alt’s not usually one to fall asleep like this either- only when he’s really exhausted.” Bro admits, messing with his hair. “Guess worrying about Magnificent really got to him…” He hums, looking at his brother with concern.
Chase sits down. "I guess we wait, then." He pauses. "Um... have any questions about things in this world, other me?"
Bro sighs and leans on his legs, thinking. “Uhhh- hmm… I dunno. Oh! Jackie said you were a dad- wanna tell me about your kids? Our Jackie’s always talking about his!” He laughs lightly as he grabs stuff to eat.
Chase's expression visibly brightens. "Amabel and Quentin! They're my darlings, really, me and Stacia's. Amabel is my daughter, a little redhead. She's quiet most of the time and likes to be alone but she really wants to learn how to hunt like me. Heh, when she gets into something you can't tear her away. Quen is younger than Amy, he's dark-haired like his mother. He was always a bit... weak, with a tendency for illness, but he's such a cheerful kid, and he loves my stories."
Bro chuckles, smiling warmly, "Aw they sound wonderful... Amabel kinda sounds like Alt when he was younger."
"Alt must have been very cute, then, because Amabel certainly is."
"Strange thing to say when he's right there," Marvin mutters, pointing at Alt.
"He's asleep. Besides, I don't think it's strange to say someone must have been a cute kid."
"I mean, i think he was," Bro laughs. "He- wouldn't have thought so. Didn't really like being... you know. A-" He glances to make sure Alt is still asleep before whispering, "a girl." He then shrugs and smiles fondly, "Though- even when I look back on it, I never really thought of him that way. The second he told me he was a boy at like 4- He was just that. And he was... just the cutest kid."
Chase smiles back. "You know, Quentin told me once that maybe he didn't want to be a boy. 'That's fine,' I said. 'What do you want to be, then?' He said he wasn't sure. And I said, 'well, you don't even have to worry about that until you're ten like Amabel.'"
"Ah, yea, uh... explanation," Jackie jumps in. "Here, you're considered 'no longer a kid' when you're ten, though you're not really an adult until you're sixteen. And once you're no longer a kid, you're free to do things like change your name and ask people to refer to you differently."
"And start apprenticeships and more serious household chores," Chase adds.
"Not that if a kid says they want to be different beforehand we say they can't," Jackie continues. "It's just... by the time you're ten you usually have more identity about yourself, you know? So that's when it's official." He chuckles. "Of course, there are exceptions. Four is young, but not unheard of."
Bro blinks, "Damn that would have been nice for us growing up! Man... we should adopt something like that- it sure would make a lot of gender stuff easier." He laughs. "Oh it confused the fuck out of our Aunts at first. But, luckily they were willing to listen. So, Alt's lucky. He got put on stuff that would stop... things from growing until he was 15. ... then well..." Bro's expression looks sad as he slumps slightly, "I... i dunno what happened after that. I assume... he just got it figured out. But, point was- his family always was with him on how he saw himself."
"That's good," Marvin says quietly. "Family should always be with family. He's lucky he had you and your aunts."
"Very lucky," Henrik agrees. "I think you have been good for him, Bro."
Bro blinks and then feels his eyes water a bit but he laughs and tries to blink them away, "uh... t-thank you guys... that... means a lot. We uh... got separated for a while so... I feel like I have... a lot to make up for. But, w-we're together again and... that's all I could really ask for. I never thought... i'd actually get to again... you know?"
"Yea," Chase says quietly, nodding. "Now, we're really just a handful of strangers, but from our perspective, it looks like you're doing great. Keep it up. He cares about you too."
The storm at the palace has only slightly let up. There is no longer thunder, but rain continues to pour. The King remains in his chosen bedroom, watching the drops trail down the glass.
The door to the King's bedroom slams open- and a furious Magnificent stands in the door, a stone curled tightly in his fist. His eyes glow as he snarls and strides into the room. "You broke our truce, Aodhan. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"
The King turns around, calm despite the sight before him. "If I must be honest? Yes." A small smile traces his mouth. "People rarely do. I did consider it, though, with your strange magic and knowledge about the mind." His hand rests on the handle of his sheathed seax. "I will say that the truce was merely that I wouldn't read your thoughts, not that I wouldn't influence them. But now that you think I've broken it, are you planning on breaking it in turn?"
"Yes!" The dark magician snarls, "You trespassed where I've allowed no one else- heard things I've told no one else!" He lights up fire in his hands as a mad light enters his eyes. "I cannot allow you to live now, knowing I was only a pawn for you to use!" He yells out in rage and tries to shoot the fire at the King.
The King moves, but not fast enough. The fire passes by his shoulder and lights his cape on fire. Scowling, he pats it out, then draws his seax. "Would you have done anything else if you were me?" he asks, the blade lighting up with electricity. He swings it in a diagonal slashing motion, and an arc of lightning shoots out towards Magnificent.
The lightning hits Mag in the shoulder, his muscles spasming for a second and he has to recover by holding himself up against the wall. "Mayhaps..." He giggles, unhinged. "I guess I haven't been thinking straight- wonder why that is." He growls, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he sweeps out a hand and lets a bloom of swirling green and purple magic appear in front of the king. "Maybe we should test out how well that will work now~!"
The King laughs, amused. "Do you think that--" And then he actually looks at the magic. And stops. Stiffens. His eyes start to glaze, then he shakes his head. "Wait," he says, a nervous tinge in his voice. "How did you...? There's nothing different, but--" He presses a hand to the side of his head and pushes, like he's trying to force himself to look away, but for some reason, it's not working. "You little--snake!" And with one burst of willpower, he throws the seax right at Magnificent. That's the last thing he does, though. Something in his eyes changes, and he slumps back against the wall.
The seax hits Mag in the arm and he stumbles back, hissing in pain. He pulls it out and then seethes looking down at the King. But, did it... did it actually work? He looks down at the hastily made talisman he made with a warding rune- something elementary he knew from his witchcraft days. Did it actually protect him? He laughs, breathlessly then a bit more madly. He strides over to the King grinning. "Well well well Aodhan... who's the pawn now?"
Aodhan stares up at him, no longer eye-level now that he was leaning back against the wall. "...me," he says in an uncharacteristically quiet voice. His body shudders as if it's trying to reject the hypnotic magic, but he can't quite shake it off.
Magnificent chuckles evilly and goes to kneel by the King and squeezes his chin in his claws, "That's right... very good, Kitten."
He studies Aodhan and hums quietly. What to do now... He still was so lost in this world- he was hoping to not have to do this until they were back in the capital. But... desperate times... It was gonna take a lot of effort to keep him down- already he can feel him fighting it. He can't have that...
"mmm maybe that's what I should do with you, pet~ Should I make you a good little kitty who can lead us back to the capital~? Keep you out of trouble- keep that nosy mind of yours away from where it doesn't belong?" He snarls.
Aodhan blinks slowly. Then he shudders again. "It's... still raining..." he says dully. "Not... yet..."
Indeed, the rain is still pouring, tracing lines down the glass window. The road leading into town was packed dirt, Magnificent had seen it when they walked in. By now it would be mud.
Magnificent tsks, rolling his eyes towards the windows. "mmm... of course." He lifts Aodhan's chin back up and looks into his eyes with a sneer. "I can't have you double crossing me again though, Aodhan. So, I'll let you enjoy the rest of the storm as a mindless kitty pet, alright?" He giggles and grins wide as he attempts to pump black magic into Aodhan.
Something darken's in Aodhan's eyes--and suddenly the King grabs Magnificent's wrist. "I think not," he says, and shoves Magnificent away.
Magnificent gets shoved and he fumbles to recover dropping his talisman in his haste to get up. He bares his teeth, "Insolent fucking whelp! How did you snap my strings so easily?!"
The King grins as he stands up. "Did I?" he points a finger against his temple. "Look at what you've done, Magnificent. Does it feel like you've lost control?"
And when Mag takes a moment to look closer he realizes... it doesn't. He should still have the King under his control. His eyes still have that glazed look. And yet, here he is standing and defying him easily. "I told you days ago, didn't I? You don't understand the situation going on here." The King smiles wider. The air feels sharp, electric. His shadow writhes on the wall behind him.
"You can't control something that's already being controlled, Marvin."
Magnificent's eyes widen and he takes a stumbling step back, dread pooling into his bones as he breathes. "No... no w-what- what are you?" He tries to yell, tries to snarl- keep up his facade. But, this thing is right. He has no idea what's happening here. And he's gonna pay for thinking he ever could.
And then lightning strikes the window.
Instantly it shatters, the stone around it exploding and shrapnel flying outward. The King doesn't move as electricity fills the room. The old furniture immediately catches on fire.
The room explodes, the stone flying and knocking Mag off his feet. Then, the crackling electricity shocks his body, making him unable to move as the room catches fire- he screams bloody murder, his body burning from the electricity coursing through him. He can't control his body as it writhes on the ground.
The King stands there, watching, head tilted to the side. As soon as Mag is mostly through the spasms, he reaches out and grabs him, dragging him back through the open doorway and into the hallway, away from the burning.
Magnificent cries out as he's dragged out into the hallway. He chokes as he's grabbed by the throat and through teary vision he tries to bite back a whimper. His entire body was in pain- he could hardly think straight.
The King crouches down next to him, grabbing him by the throat and squeezing gently. "I still think this can be salvaged," he says, quietly. "Your power can be very useful. Maybe you could be where I am in a thousand years or so." He grins. "But for now, things will change. I'm not going to be as merciful as I have been." His voice shifts. "You will obey. Do you understand?" he Commands.
Mag couldn't resist the command even if he wanted to. "y...yes.... I'll... I'll obey-" He whispers, unable to stop himself.
"Good." The King lets go and gets to his feet. "Now stand up. It looks like the storm is clearing up. We can leave as soon as possible." Indeed, the sound of rain has abruptly vanished.
Mag stumbles to his feet even as his whole body protests. He swallows thickly, everything in him focusing on staying upright through the haze of pain. "y..yes sir."
"'Your Majesty'," The King corrects. "Now let's go." He'll get food and supplies and then they'll start heading towards Suilthair. Towards his rightful home.
"...Yes, your Majesty"." Magnificent repeats hollowly. He doesn't have a choice.
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aziraphalesbookkeeper · 11 months
For a guy who never takes off his gloves, Varian sure does lose them a lot. It’s not really the gloves Hugo notices though—it’s the scars underneath them. Or: 5 times Hugo tries to take off Varian's gloves + 1 time he doesn't have to.
Whumptober Day 27: Scars AILESS Whumptober Day 9: Scar Reveal
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its-no-biggie · 25 days
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s1 episode 23 thoughts
back at it again with another post surgery painkiller and x-files combo, let's goooo!
i'm almost done with season 1, only 1 more episode! i'll have to see how long it took me to get to this point and then update accordingly- but i might finish today- which will be bittersweet
(update! i started watching 20 days ago, so a i'm at a little over an episode a day! wow, time flies. and yet it seems they have always been at my side)
anyway this episode was again Problematic but i did chronicle my journey like always. i am a citizen journalist.
episode opened with some math words, math words which i definitely knew the meaning of (/s)
then the scientist we see working on a sort of jet thing gets sucked into his jet- he was locked in there by the custodian- with a sound the closed captioning described as a "squishing thud" which was. unfortunate.
enter our duo! "how was the wedding?" "you mean the part where the groom passed out or the dog bit the drummer?" (mulder, teasingly) "did you catch the bouquet?" (scully, teasing back) "maaaaybe :)"
(your honor i would die for them. no hesitation. mulder, what do you care if she caught the bouquet? dreaming of her as a radiant bride or something? scully, you stringing him along with that imagery? lol. lmao, even. i need to put them in a bottle and study them)
another scientist is killed when the custodian puts him into liquid nitrogen which is not something i can endorse but he WAS rude asf so i get it. and then his ear falls off and crunches which was nasty!
scully says she has seen this happen on a fish before! mulder responds that this is not something they'll see on "beakman's world" (had to google that one but it seems to be a contemporary children's science programming of some sort. and there was a man in a rat suit playing a rat. which is absurdly funny to me. hold on NEED to get an image of him for you)
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i'm. gonna fucking cry why does he look like that. need to end this line of commentary here before i start begging for explanations on what the hell was going on in the 90's
so mulder seems to think that the custodian killed his boss and all the other members of this team working on the fancy jet stuff, which we know to be true but we don't know Why. turns out our custodian, roland, is the twin brother of the head scientist, arthur, who died a few months back, and has since had his brain placed in a cryogenic freezing chamber. JUST the head!
i love when scully and mulder need a visual on what a person would look like so they go to the woman in the fbi that presses some buttons on a computer and generates a dude. it brings me pleasure to no end. then they look at the guy like :0 yup that is exactly who we are looking for. i eat it up every time.
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she has two brothers, one older and one younger! (she's a middle child omg.........)
mulder thinks siblings have a psychic connection (which is actually deeply tragic if you consider his circumstances) and that the ULTIMATE psychic connection is between twins. so the twin that is currently in an icy soup is somehow connecting to the other twin to get him to kill all the other scientists and finish his research. sure. why not.
there's then a scene where mulder tries to walk in the wrong direction and scully has to correct him, which recalled him getting lost in the woods in an earlier episode i had No Positive Feelings Towards, but it does make him always driving funnier. like, can he follow a map but has no internal sense of direction? was the gps still in its early days? did he have one at all? how is he getting places? a lot of people want to know
the last remaining scientist who was not killed lowered the temperature on brain soup twin, which was stored in another part of the university campus where they worked. man my university campus has no jet propulsion wing OR brain soup section. did i get ripped off? what is my tuition even for?
anyway, the episode ends with the seeming psychic curse of soup twin being lifted from custodian twin, which we can hope to mean positive things moving forward
overall, like i said, any episode of a show from the 90's with the words "mentally challenged" in the description is bound to have aged poorly, which i am not surprised by- up there with the earlier Indigenous appropriation episode and the aforementioned episode i Shan't Name- but, we did learn things! for instance, that scully has 2 brothers (!!!), just went to a wedding where mulder teased her about maybe catching the bouquet (and also a dog bit a drummer, drop the full story time scully don't be shy), mulder believes in the psychic connection between siblings, and that there was a rat on a kid's show that was a mere man in a suit. that i'm still gonna cry laughing at.
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starburstfloat · 1 year
txt x anitta was not the collab I was expecting but it's nice knowing that hybe will give yeonjun a chance to release his inner twerk demon
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cosmic-kinglet · 11 months
Yay! The siblings are back together, and they shared every single thing that's happened over the past month I just under 15 minutes!
And tomorrow's Halloween!...And there will be a VRChat video on SaMS...
I'm scared.
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artemisbarnowl · 5 months
Oh my gooooood I hate this house, it's depressingly built, 90% of the people who live here or visit regularly are assholes, I have been on a work trip for a month and just want to go back to my house where I live alone and have yellow walls and don't have to talk to anyone ever.
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l0ganberry · 7 months
I can't wait to see how our comedian canine looks like in plush form tomorrow!!
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New Duck Duck Goose Character Teaser… have any guesses as to who this could be? Or… what this could be?
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Maybe it’s obvious… maybe it’s not…
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