#tommy ; maire
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olivexwrites · 4 years ago
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Maire had decided it might be a good idea to check out a couple of the museums in London while she was stuck being there anyway. She thought there might be a chance that this would all turn out like the movie Spy with Melissa McCarthy where she’d go to another country for her agency and end up having to tear down some double agent. So far, it was a lot of analyzing documents and mocking people’s accents. She stood reading about the collection for Ida Slater on one of the plaques when she felt someone come up next to her though she was too focused on the information to turn or glance out of the corner of her eye. “Huh, figures she couldn’t get a college education here so she had to go to Dublin in order to achieve that.” Though her own accent lacks, she’s still very proud of her Irish heritage. “Fucking British people.” 
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ofthomas · 4 years ago
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         HE’S BEEN FEELING MORE THAN A LITTLE BAD about how the closet incident ended, the two of them sitting in an awkward silence until viktor let them out. her connection to spooked him, and it’s still a little uncomfortable to think about, honestly. but if stella can be acquaintances with his friends, why should he feel guilty for doing the same ?   at least that’s what he tells himself when he goes to seek maire out, choosing to camp outside of the common room on her floor rather than stopping by her dorm, because he’s NOT ready to see stella again. there’s a book in his hand but he’s hardly reading it, instead watching the doorway. a stupid amount of time passes before he catches sight of a familiar head of blonde hair, and tommy doesn’t waste time.   “ maire, ”   he calls as he catches up with her.   “ can we talk ? ”    @mairxs​
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
Counter-terrorism police have finally concluded that a firebomb attack on a migrant centre last week was terrorism motivated by the far right. But you’d never have guessed it from this past week.
There haven’t been column inches from counter-terrorism ideologues laying out the drivers of this terrorist attack, nor has there been round-the-clock media coverage of the community where the perpetrator is from, asking why they hate so much. Most national newspapers didn’t give the attack front-page prominence the next day.
The day after the attack, the home secretary appeared to go out of her way to say that the attack was not being treated as terrorism. This is despite the fact that the perpetrator had tweeted that he planned to “obliterate Muslim children” an hour before his attack. He referenced the far-right Islamophobe Tommy Robinson, repeatedly wrote about Muslim “grooming gangs” and shared content from far-right Islamophobic groups including Act for America.
Is it possible that the comparatively muted reaction to this despicable act of terror is because the perpetrator was not “foreign”, but instead a Briton hating immigration: a cause much of the rightwing media and our government stand behind?
At the Muslim Council of Britain’s Centre for Media Monitoring, we analysed the media reporting of 16 officially designated terrorist attacks between 2015 and 2020 in painstaking detail. The report uncovered a huge disparity in the way the term “terror” (and related terms) has been used by the media. Unsurprisingly, “terror” was used far less commonly when the perpetrator was from the far right.
For example, the report cites how many were unwilling to call Thomas Mair, who murdered Jo Cox, a terrorist, despite the murder being described by the Crown Prosecution Service as a terrorist act. ITV’s Rohit Kachroo, a contributor to the report, highlighted how a young man inspired by white supremacists in El Paso, Texas, shot 20 people dead in a supermarket, yet media outlets were initially unwilling to call it a terrorist attack.These should not be challenging cases.
On a side note, it is worth noting that mainstream reporting appears to have become more consistent since the Christchurch terrorist attack that killed 51 Muslims. This has included a greater willingness to call attacks by the far right “terrorism” where appropriate, and being more circumspect and not jumping to conclusions about motivation when the terrorist is, for example, inspired by Islamic State.
But it’s not merely about the reporting of terrorism. It’s also about why this far-right terrorist had such disgusting views about Islam and Muslims.
It’s important not to assume that media discourse about Islam, Muslims and immigration directly led to this attack, but given the awful reporting about Islam, Muslims and immigration that has become commonplace in the rightwing press, the correlation is worth exploring.
Columns by Melanie Phillips were quoted several times in the manifesto of the anti-Islam far-right terrorist Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 people in Norway more than a decade ago. Unfortunately, however, rather than this prompting some reflection, sections of the press have since doubled down.
In the week following the far-right terrorist attack on a migrant centre in Dover, the home secretary, Suella Braverman, claimed asylum seekers were engaged in an “invasion” of the south coast, defended by newspaper columnists such as Allison Pearson; and the Spectator published an article hostile to immigration with an image of a tidal wave of Muslim-looking individuals hitting the white cliffs of Dover. The Daily Mail, which did report the Dover centre attack on its front page, described it as an “intensification of Britain’s migrant crisis”, which came “amid new fears over the number of arrivals”.
It appears that even after a terrorist attack from someone who used such language, incendiary language about Islam, Muslims and immigration has not died down, but has actually escalated.
The question to ask is, why has this happened? First, there is a deliberate unwillingness to take far-right extremism seriously across the media and political establishment. In fact, there are even attempts to decrease focus on the far right, including most worryingly by the reviewer of Prevent, William Shawcross, although also across the pages of news outlets such as the Spectator.
Second, it is because anti-Islam sentiment remains acceptable in mainstream discourse. Why else would people like Rod Liddle, Douglas Murray and William Shawcross be considered reasonable interlocutors at the BBC, for example? And why else would Islamophobia in our governing political party be ignored?
Finally, it’s because in parts of the media and politics, narratives blaming an “other” for society’s ills play a crucial role. They distract from the real forces undermining British society, and get a lot of clicks.
We are at a crucial moment. And things look set to worsen as we face a probable recession, far-right voices are poised to return to social media platforms and far-right forces across the globe continue to rise.
If our media and political establishment cannot reflect and confront far-right terrorism and its drivers after a terrorist attack on a migrant centre, when will they?
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stcllato · 4 years ago
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@sylphidstella  +  @mairxs  //  the  energy  is  inspired  by  this  post  but  also  are  they  talking  about  tommy  ?  who  knows  !
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sylphidstella · 4 years ago
There’s been a lot on Stella’s mind lately and she’s never been good at letting it out. It seems the only time she talks about Tommy is when she’s talking to Tommy, far after whatever’s boiled inside her starts to spill over the pot. She feels like she’s been keeping this secret that wouldn’t belong to anyone else regardless, of what her and Tommy spoke about recently. It’s Stella’s overthinking that makes it hard to talk about these things. She feels she’s already stressed Martina out with her boy nonsense. Blair is her best friend and she thinks she’s unleashed too much on them with family stuff, and doesn’t want to be a burden. She hasn’t said Tommy’s name in Maire’s presence in months. Talking about Tommy romantically with Aidan can feel...weird, cousins and all. And with Anya being so close to Charlie, well, she’s not sure what’s too close to home. But Skylar, her and Skylar have become such good friends, and after recently gushing over Ricky together she thinks maybe this is her chance. That’s how good friends become best friends, right? They share secrets. “Hey.” It’s the end of their advanced hand-to-hand class and Stella’s sweaty, leaning on her elbows on a mat on the floor looking to the side to see Skylar. “Are you busy? I thought maybe we could...talk.”  She gives her a small smile, and she’s a little taken by how Skylar can still look so pretty after a class like that. @skylarsfm​
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mairxs · 4 years ago
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                  “Do you think that the stain will come out or will I just have to throw the whole dress away? I could always try to turn it into a two piece or something.” Maire is still furiously dabbing at the wine stain on her baby blue dress which was a product of Tommy’s clumsiness. She’s so concentrated that she almost doesn’t pay attention to the music but it’s hard to miss it. “Oh my god, Blair, it’s Tchaikovsky.” Which is the perfect queue that the dress should be forgotten about and they simply had to dance together. 
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starship-squidlet · 4 years ago
As the November/December fervor that was New Music, holiday one-shots, and Twelfth Night is starting to die down (it’s not dying down just yet, I know, because starting Friday I’ll be posting every day until 1/5, but it’s fine shhh), I wanted to present some of my other fic ideas to y'all, and let you guys pick what you'd like to see next!!! Whichever one(s) of these I wind up writing, I'll be working on planning the New Music sequel while I do! I’m also going to put ballpark ratings (based on what I have planned/the image I have rattling around in my head of the fic idk)
So here are my current fic/AU ideas that I have rattling around in various stages of planning, in no particular order of personal preference:
(I made headers and they make me happy so you’re going to see them)
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1) Yo Ho Hero: Space Pirates AU. Think: Newsies characters, (grittier) Treasure Planet aesthetic, Star Wars planet-hopping, and an embarrassing amount of plot from the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything movie. Jack, Race, and Elmer are plucked out of their ordinary lives and thrust into a whole new world as unlikely heroes when Princess Katherine is captured by a wicked pirate. They join the crew of Prince Crutchie and his mage Davey to rescue Katherine and defeat the evil Captain Mechno-beard. (Rated K+-T because... they’re pirates. It’s going to get violent at times, but I don’t intend for it to be like gory or anything.)
Main Characters: Jack Kelly, Elmer Kasprzak, Race Higgins, Crutchie Morris, Davey Jacobs
Supporting Characters: Spot Conlon, JoJo de la Guerra, Specs, Romeo, Skittery
Minor Characters: Sarah and Les Jacobs, Katherine Pulitzer, Buttons Davenport, Albert Dasilva, Snyder, probably others IDK I haven’t finished planning.
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2) The Green Fields of France: beginning in canon-era, a look at the lives of Elaine, Mush, and Finch, along with their descendants. Mush and Finch go off to war and never come back. Years later, Elaine finally learns what happened to them. (This one is entirely self-indulgent, I won't lie) (Rated K+. No adult themes, that I’m planning on, but there will be talk of war and dying. Nothing graphic, but just to be safe)
Main Characters: Elaine O’Dell (OC), Charlie O’Dell (OC)
Supporting Characters: Race Higgins, Albert Dasilva, Crutchie Morris, JoJo de la Guerra, Mush Meyers, Finch Cortez
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3) {unnamed modern!academia!AU}: Albert transfers to a new grad school and meets a collection of... interesting people, not the least of which is the enigmatic Race Higgins. Follows them and their friends on a wide variety of adventures over several years as they work on their degrees. Theoretically, several slow burns all at once because I intend for this to be very long and a little over-dramatic. Also, it’s kind of an Indiana Jones/Jurassic Park/Stargate AU all at once don’t ask it just seemed like fun. (Rated T. Moderate adult themes, including alcohol, minor violence, dinosaur violence, alien/sci-fi violence, potential “hooking up”. IDK. They’re adults. Who knows what they’re going to get up to. Again, nothing graphic/explicit/everything will be pretty much glossed over but it will also be there.)
Main Characters: Race Higgins, Albert Dasilva, Mush Meyers, Finch Cortez, Elaine O’Dell, JoJo de la Guerra, Buttons Davenport
Side Characters: Elmer Kasprzak, Davey Jacobs, Sniper Wah, Crutchie Morris, Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon, Tommy Boy, Henry Butler
Minor Characters: Specs, Smalls, Sarah Jacobs, Katherine Pulitzer, probably a lot more honestly if this turns out as long as I think it will, assorted characters from other franchises
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4) Shakespeare: canon-era. Maire O'Connell comes from an immigrant family with an abusive father. She becomes a newsie to try and get her siblings away from him, but it's hard. Set in a world more like the 92sies movie than the musical. (Rated K+-T for Maire’s father and the Delancey brothers beating people up)
Main Characters: Maire O’Connell (OC), Jack Kelly, Davey Jacobs, Spot Conlon, Race Higgins, Sarah Jacobs
Side/Minor Characters: other newsies we’ll see who comes up
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5) A Midsummer Night's Dream: unsurprisingly based on the title Part 3 of the Modern!Theatre!AU. Jack and Crutchie are still working at the World Theatre and living with Elaine and her brothers. March 12, 2020, their whole world changes. It is a summer of life-altering realizations as they all learn more about themselves and each other and hopefully become better people for it. Yes, this is the COVID quarantine one. Very gay. (Rated K. It’s just soft.)
Main Characters: Jack Kelly, Crutchie Morris, Elaine O’Dell (OC), Alan O’Dell (OC), Alden O’Dell (OC)
Side Characters: Davey Jacobs
Minor Characters: Anyone else who’s come up in As You Like It or Twelfth Night (which I know I haven’t published and have hardly written at this point it’s fine) is fair game, but won’t be appearing much because... quarantine.
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6) {unnamed fairy tale AU}: This is literally only a vague idea, but I’m thinking something along the lines of Once Upon a Time, incorporating lots of different fairy tales/themes??? I’m thinking sort of the vibe of the Spiderwick Chronicles meets the Hobbit, with elements of Peter Pan/general changeling child legends and Irish mythology. Very mystical. IDK. If this is the one y’all want to see, it’ll probably take longer to start posting, because I’ll have to do more planning (unlike the others, which I have at least a little bit of planning done for, I have very little of even a concept for this one, it just seems like fun). (Rated ??? because who knows)
{Characters TBD} (I’m leaning towards a Davey lead though, based on the loose image forming in my head after making this moodboard)
Feel free to ask questions about any of these that you’d like to hear more about!!! I’m always happy to talk about story ideas xD Make sure to let me know which one(s) you’d like to see in the near future!!! My mesages and ask box are always open!
Tag list: @the-cowbi @i-am-a-wizard @xbanner-carriedx @celestial-rose-sky @ersterwithablog (let me know if you’d like to be added to/removed from the tag list!!! You can also let me know if there’s a specific story you’d like to be on the tag list for if/when I write it!)
All images from google. Headers made in Procreate. Please let me know if any of these images belong to you and you want them credited/removed!!!
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thedcdunce · 6 years ago
“You want our strength? You want our hope? You want our fear? You want our rage? COME AND TAKE IT!” - Dove
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Real Name: Dawn Marie Granger
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 9″
Weight: 120 lbs (54 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Danger Sense Transformation
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
Base of Operations: Washington, D.C.
Universe: New Earth
Russ Granger; father
Maire Granger; mother
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: American
First Appearance: Hawk and Dove Vol 2  #1 (October, 1988)
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Danger Sense Transformation: When in the presence of danger, whether to herself or others, Dawn Granger can call out the word "Dove" and be transformed into her Dove form. She does not need to be aware of the danger for the transformation to take place, so if she happened to say the word while unknowingly being in danger, the transformation would take place. The transformation only reacts to actual danger, so if Dawn incorrectly believed that she was in danger she would be unable to transform into Dove. The transformation wears off a short time after the danger has passed, unless Dove has received serious injuries which would kill Dawn, in which case she would remain as Dove until the danger from the injuries has passed. On high magic worlds she can remain as Dove for extended periods regardless of whether there is any danger present.
Hyper-Vigilant: As Dove her natural aptitudes are enhanced, such as her ability as a good judge of people and situations allowing her to read people and objects in a situation, within seconds, and know how they will act and react.
Flight: The transformation changes Granger into a minor force of Order and she gains some brilliant avian physical characteristics, which are usually hidden under her costume.
Superhuman Agility: Dove can dodge almost indefinitely, multiple times from multiple sources of action. She's dodged punches, swords, bullets and more multiple times.
Enhanced Durability
Concentrated Radiance: On high magic worlds her powers are enhanced, she can concentrate her radiance into a blinding beam of light. Likewise, during the Blackest Night, Dove was able to channel the White Light of Creation to destroy Black Lanterns with her aura.
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Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
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During the Crisis, Dawn Granger was in London with her mother. Her mother, a diplomatic courier, was at the American embassy when terrorists took it over, and threatened to blow it up. Unable to get help from the police, who were too busy with the panic caused by the Crisis, Dawn was contacted by voices that offered her the power to deal with the problem herself. She agreed, was transformed into Dove, and easily subdued the terrorists.
While she initially assumed she was one of a number of Doves, she later learned that the other Dove had died during the Crisis, and was concerned that he had died because she had taken his power. She traveled to the memorial service for the fallen heroes, where she managed to identify Hawk in his civilian identity, and followed him to try and discover who he was. She followed him for a while, seeing him become increasingly unstable, but lost him when she had to go into action as Dove.
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Hawk and Dove
She eventually tracked him down in Washington, where both she and Hank Hall, were students at the Georgetown University. She deduced that the original Dove had been Hank's brother Don. While Dawn became part of Hank's circle of friends, Dove approached Hawk, although he was aggressively opposed to working with her. She helped him against Kestrel, an agent of the Lords of Chaos, who was trying to turn the increasingly erratic Hawk into their agent before the new Dove could act as a calming agent. Dove managed to calm Hawk down before he was completely transformed, and the Lords of Chaos, disappointed by this, destroyed Kestrel for his failure. Hawk accepted Dove as his new partner.
They took part in the resistance to the Invasion, where Dove first came into contact with other members of the superhuman community, then settled down to fighting crime mainly in the Washington area, where they fought such foes as Gauntlet, Azure, the Untouchables, Shellshock, Copperhead, Sudden Death, the Madmen, Velvet Tiger, and the Female Furies. She also began a relationship with Detective Brian Arsalla, head of the Washington Special Crimes Unit, both as Dove and as Dawn.
They were contacted by Barter, a very old trader, who offered them the identities of the mystic benefactors, if they would retrieve an old bible for them. They acquired it, from the Count St. Germaine, an old adversary of Barters, and he met his side of the bargain, by giving them the names of their benefactors, Terataya and T'Charr, Lords of Order and Chaos, respectively. When asked for more information, Barter insisted that a further service would be required for the additional information, and they declined.
Kestrel was recreated, and managed to gain possession of Hanks girlfriend Ren, in which it attacked Hawk and Dove, before traveling to another dimension, challenging them to follow. They contacted Barter, who agreed to arrange passage in exchange for the True name of the dimension, which Kestrel had told them. When they arrived on Druspa Tau, Hawk and Dove found their powers increased by the greater amount of magic on the plane, and that their costumes could now be removed. Doves form is faintly avian, constantly emitting a calming light. Dove joined the forces of Order, who peacefully ruled the world, while Hawk was convinced to join the forces of Chaos, led by the Lord of Chaos M'Shulla, who were seeking to overthrow Order. The two came into conflict, and battled to a standstill as the forces of Chaos overthrew the existing Order. T'Chaar and Terataya, who had been worshiped on this world, before M'Shulla had used magic to obscure the residents memory of their names, were eventually summoned, and fought M'Shulla. M'Shulla won, and T'Chaar and Terataya retreated to a nearby cave to die, summoning Hawk and Dove to them.
T'Chaar had been a Lord of Chaos, and Terataya a Lord of Order, who had fallen in love and become outcasts from both their houses. They had combined into a unity, to prove the potential of Order and Chaos working together. Their creation of Hawk and Dove had been a part of this experiment, which was to result in a child, who would be extremely powerful, a child of both Order and Chaos. As they died, T'Chaar and Terataya transferred their essences into Hawk and Dove, making the spells that empowered them permanent, and increasing their powers.
Responding to a mysterious message that her father was in trouble, Dove, along with Hawk and other former members of Titans West, went to his S.T.A.R. Labs workplace, and discovered that researchers had opened a portal to a Limbo where dead souls waited before going to the hereafter, and that they had lost a research team inside it. The group went in, and discovered a group of dead villains, including the Iron Major, the Top, and the Icicle, trying to escape. With the help of the reformed Icicle, and General Jeb Stuart, they stopped the villains. Before leaving, Hawk had considered trying to find his brother, and return him to life, but had been convinced that Don was in a better place, and had left nothing undone that he would need to come back for.
Hank was contacted by someone he was convinced was his dead brother, asking his help to return. Hawk agreed, and followed the instructions of his "brother", even stealing a gemstone from a museum, and abducting an already dead body from an accident, that of a family friend, Senator Tommy O'Neill. When the ceremony was completed, he discovered that the soul brought back from the dead was that of Roscoe Dillon, The Top, who claimed to the police that Hawk had tried to kill him. Realizing his mistake, Hawk went after O'Neill again, only to be stopped by Dove and Uncle Sam. While Uncle Sam convinced O'Neill to give up his seat in the Senate, Hawk gave himself up to the police. He was released to his parents custody until trial, and barred from becoming Hawk.
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Shortly before this, they had been visited by the being known as Waverider, and had sensed him reading their futures, although they could not see him or view the futures he saw. He had come from a future time, where the world was under the domination of the hero-turned-dictator Monarch. Waverider had the abilities to travel through time, and to read the futures of others. When reading the futures of Hawk and Dove, he found that in all their futures he could see, they ended up opposing Monarch, and they were the only one so scanned that did survive to oppose him.
Before Hawks trial could take place, while she was camping with Det. Arsalla, both she and Hawk were abducted by Monarch, who had traveled back from the future following Waverider, and Arsalla was killed during her abduction. Monarch seemingly executed Dove, and revealed himself to be an older Hank Hall. The younger Hank slew the older, took his armor, and became Monarch.
Dove had not actually been killed by Monarch. Mordru had used his magic to make it appear as though she had died. Mordru, a being of energy, needed a body capable of handling the powers of both Order and Chaos, so he drove Hank insane, turned him into Extant, then possessed him, and got Dove pregnant. Before Mordru could inhabit the body of their child however, the soul of Hector Hall was drawn to it. Mordru disguised Dove as the comatose Lyta Hall, in an attempt to weaken Hector's psyche, and she was only awakened from this as Mordru gained control of the body again. She helped the JSA defeat Mordru, allowing Hector to regain control of the body, then departed, claiming that there was a new Hawk out there that she needed to find.
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Teen Titans
After reuniting with her estranged sister Holly, they became the new Hawk and Dove. Soon after, they helped the Teen Titans take down Dr. Light.
Later on, Cyborg formed a new team of Titans with Hawk and Dove on the roster. They were almost immediately attacked by an unknown assailant, and all were gravely injured. However, Hawk and Dove both made full recoveries.
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Blackest Night
When Nekron attacked and the dead began rising from the grave, Dove's old partner, Hank, returned to life as a zombie.  While he could not hurt Dove, he did manage to kill Holly. Dove later found that she was able to emit a mysterious white light from her body that could hurt Nekron's ring-wielders. She went on to be a great asset in taking down Nekron's followers. When Nekron was finally defeated, and the White Light was safe, a small group of heroes and villains were returned to life. Among that group was Hank Hall, who took back up the mantle of Hawk in place of Dawn's sister, Holly.
Since Hank's return from the dead, he has been really aggressive, even for him. This has lead Dove to grow increasingly concerned for him.
Some time later, Dove and Hawk joined the heroes of Gotham to fight off the Seven Men of Death and they kept them away from getting to their target, Vicki Vale.
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Fun Facts
It is unknown how close to the danger she needs to be to transform.
The costume is normally irremovable while on Earth, but if it receives sufficient damage, it can tear and reveal part of her true form, which shines with the light of order, emitting a constant golden glow.
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news24fr · 2 years ago
Un sénateur qui a reçu un message vocal destiné à un autre républicain le 6 janvier a qualifié l'appelant, Rudy Giuliani, de "faute professionnelle ambulante".Examen du rapport du 6 janvier: 845 pages, d'innombrables crimes, une simple vérité - Trump l'a faitLire la suiteLa caractérisation piquante de l'ancien maire de New York, alors avocat de Donald Trump et principal partisan de son mensonge de fraude électorale, a été faite dans un SMS envoyé par Mike Lee de l'Utah.Le texte a été inclus dans le rapport final du comité du 6 janvier de la Chambre, qui a été publié tard jeudi. Les journalistes ont immédiatement parcouru ses 845 pages à la recherche de nouveaux détails sur la tentative de Trump d'annuler sa défaite électorale, conduisant à l'attaque du Capitole.Le commentaire de Lee est contenu dans une note de bas de page à la page 631. Il dit: «6 janvier 2021, message texte du sénateur Mike Lee à [national security adviser] Robert O'Brien à 22h55 HNE lisant, 'Vous ne pouvez pas inventer ça. Je viens de recevoir ce message vocal [from] Rudy Giuliani, qui croyait apparemment appeler le sénateur Tuberville.« 'Vous devez écouter ce message. Rudy marche faute professionnelle. "Giuliani essayait de contacter Tommy Tuberville, de l'Alabama, avant que le Congrès ne se réunisse à nouveau pour certifier la victoire électorale de Joe Biden, le processus que les émeutiers ont tenté d'arrêter.La victoire de Biden a été certifiée, mais pas avant 147 républicains à la Chambre et au Sénat se sont opposés aux résultats dans les États clés, peu de temps après que les émeutiers aient demandé aux législateurs de capturer et peut-être de tuer, certains scandant qu'ils voulaient pendre le vice-président, Mike Pence.L'attaque est maintenant lié à neuf décèsy compris les suicides des forces de l'ordre.Le message de Giuliani était rapporté à l'époque. Faisant référence aux efforts de l'équipe Trump dans des États clés, il a déclaré: "Je vous appelle parce que je veux discuter avec vous de la façon dont ils essaient de précipiter cette audience et de la façon dont nous avons besoin de vous, nos amis républicains, pour essayer de simplement ralentir afin que nous puissions demander à ces législatures de vous fournir plus d'informations.« Et je sais qu'ils se réunissent à huit heures ce soir, mais… la seule stratégie que nous pouvons suivre est de nous opposer à de nombreux États et de soulever des problèmes afin que nous nous engagions dans demain – idéalement jusqu'à la fin de demain."Je sais [Senate Republican leader Mitch] McConnell fait tout ce qu'il peut pour le précipiter, ce qui est une sorte de coup de pied dans la tête parce que c'est une chose de s'opposer à nous, c'en est une autre de ne pas nous donner une chance équitable de le contester.McConnell votera plus tard pour acquitter Trump, dans un procès en destitution résultant de l'attaque du Capitole, alors que la condamnation aurait interdit à l'ancien président d'exercer à nouveau des fonctions fédérales.En revanche, les autorités judiciaires semblent désormais enclines à être d'accord avec l'évaluation de Lee sur l'inaptitude de Giuliani à exercer en tant qu'avocat.Plus tôt ce mois-ci, une audience disciplinaire préliminaire du barreau de Washington DC a vu l'avocat se disputer que Giuliani, 78 ans, devrait perdre sa licence en raison de sa tentative de saper l'élection.Se défendant, Giuliani a déclaré: "Je crois que j'ai été persécuté pendant trois ou quatre ans, y compris de fausses accusations portées contre moi par le gouvernement fédéral."Revue Giuliani: la vie définitive d'Andrew Kirtzman du dernier laquais de TrumpLire la suiteBien que ses activités de soutien à la subversion électorale de Trump fassent l'objet de nombreuses enquêtes, Giuliani n'a été accusé d'aucun crime.Sa licence pour pratiquer le droit à New York, la ville qu'il dirigeait autrefois, était cependant suspendu en juin de l'année dernière.De nombreux rapports et livres ont décrit le comportement de plus en plus bizarre de Giuliani dans son rôle d'avocat de Trump.
Son biographe, Andrew Kirtzman, a conclu que si Trump reste un acteur politique, candidat à l'investiture républicaine en 2024, "Giuliani... [is] terminé de toutes les manières imaginables.
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olivexwrites · 4 years ago
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She would have liked to say that she was up all night completing one of her projects but the truth was that she’d been up all nigh trying a new wine that one of her classmates had recommended. They’d gone out for dinner and somehow ended up two bottles deep, it’s a miracle she actually made it to her own apartment. When she hears the knocking at the door, she assumes it must be one of her friends trying to drag her to brunch. “Hold on!” After a beat she finally stands up from the bed, heading to the door. “You’re here..” The surprise in her voice is evident though it’s quickly replaced by sheer joy. 
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ofthomas · 4 years ago
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           TOMMY HAD ALREADY BEEN CURLED UP IN BED WITH A BOOK,  the night slowly coming to a close, when a string of text messages had distracted him from finishing his chapter. he’s not exactly sure how the conversation had escalated to him inviting himself over for...  leftover food ?   so late in the evening ?   but now here he is, climbing up the stairs of the astronomy tower, a little wary to where this is going.  he blames thanksgiving break boredom --- and, okay, maybe he’s a little lonely.  tommy doesn’t realize until he catches sight of her that he had been half expecting her to stand him up.   “ fairy girl, ”   he greets with a small nod, because he STILL doesn’t know her name.   “ happy thanksgiving. ”     @mairxs​
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sylphidstella · 4 years ago
After distancing herself for the past two weeks (which was possibly better than the first two weeks she spent drinking wine at 8 in the morning and not sleeping) it's nice to spend some time with her roommate and good friend. It also helps that being with another person will take Stella’s mind off of her professionally scheduled meeting with Tommy the following day. With the sun setting so early, the cold air makes Stella’s cheeks red as she tucks her hands in the pockets of her jacket. Not sure where they're walking, she moves closer to Maire beside her and brushes their shoulders, cuddling for warmth as they walk. She giggles, “A little adventure.” Her smile is small, heart half in it, “What do you like about the astronomy tower? You know, Blair didn’t know where it was either.” @mairxs​
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sportskafunel · 3 years ago
Face à la presse, ce samedi, le maire de la Médina, Bamba Fall, a révélé que 112 bâtiments menaçant ruine ont été recensés par ses services dans la commune. Une situation « inquiétante » qui a poussé le maire socialiste à sonner l’alerte. « Je demande au ministre de l’Urbanisme (Abdoulaye Sow) et à la mairesse de Dakar (Soham El Wardini), de se pencher sur la situation des 112 bâtiments qui menacent ruine, ici, à la Médina », a-t-il déclaré. Bamba Fall ajoute : « Nous avons bien peur que la moitié de ces bâtiments tombent à la saison des pluies prochaine. J’interpelle solennellement le ministre et la mairesse afin que ces bâtiments soient démolis avant que le pire ne se produise ». 112 bâtiments qui menacent ruine, ici, à la Médina Pourtant, d’après lui, les propriétaires de ces maisons ont en leur possession tous les papiers stipulant la démolition de ces bâtiments. « Ils ont également des autorisations de démolition et certains d’entre eux disposent d’arrêté de péril. La Mairie n’a pas suffisamment de moyens pour la démolition de ces bâtiments. A lire aussi Covid-19 : 112 cas et trois décès supplémentairesRevue de presse du 02 février 2021 : La hausse des cas de Covid-19 à la UneAdidas et Tommy Cash sortent les sneakers les plus longues du monde Je tends la main à la Mairie de Dakar, au ministre de l’Urbanisme ainsi qu’au Préfet de Dakar. Je les invite à s’y atteler le plus rapidement possible avant la saison des pluies pour éviter le pire », a enfin plaidé M. Fall.
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kafunel · 3 years ago
Face à la presse, ce samedi, le maire de la Médina, Bamba Fall, a révélé que 112 bâtiments menaçant ruine ont été recensés par ses services dans la commune. Une situation « inquiétante » qui a poussé le maire socialiste à sonner l’alerte. « Je demande au ministre de l’Urbanisme (Abdoulaye Sow) et à la mairesse de Dakar (Soham El Wardini), de se pencher sur la situation des 112 bâtiments qui menacent ruine, ici, à la Médina », a-t-il déclaré. Bamba Fall ajoute : « Nous avons bien peur que la moitié de ces bâtiments tombent à la saison des pluies prochaine. J’interpelle solennellement le ministre et la mairesse afin que ces bâtiments soient démolis avant que le pire ne se produise ». 112 bâtiments qui menacent ruine, ici, à la Médina Pourtant, d’après lui, les propriétaires de ces maisons ont en leur possession tous les papiers stipulant la démolition de ces bâtiments. « Ils ont également des autorisations de démolition et certains d’entre eux disposent d’arrêté de péril. La Mairie n’a pas suffisamment de moyens pour la démolition de ces bâtiments. A lire aussi Covid-19 : 112 cas et trois décès supplémentairesRevue de presse du 02 février 2021 : La hausse des cas de Covid-19 à la UneAdidas et Tommy Cash sortent les sneakers les plus longues du monde Je tends la main à la Mairie de Dakar, au ministre de l’Urbanisme ainsi qu’au Préfet de Dakar. Je les invite à s’y atteler le plus rapidement possible avant la saison des pluies pour éviter le pire », a enfin plaidé M. Fall.
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nicoprat · 4 years ago
Assassination Nation : l’Amérique en miettes
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Réécrire l’histoire des sorcières de Salem à l’ère des smartphones et du sexe débridé au son de Tommy Genesis ? Aucun souci pour Sam Levinson, qui, en plus de prendre plaisir à déverser plusieurs litres d’hémoglobine aux visages d’adolescentes terrorisées, double la mise avec une critique acerbe d’une époque : la nôtre. 
L’histoire est tout autant mondialement connue que profondément mystérieuse, aujourd’hui encore. Elle se déroule en 1692, à Salem Village, une ville des États-Unis, située dans le Massachusetts, comté d'Essex. Durant l’hiver, particulièrement meurtrier à cette époque, la fille et la nièce du révérend se comportent soudainement très bizarrement. Elles parlent une autre langue, traînent des pieds en marchant, murmurent des phrases incompréhensibles le visage tourné vers le plafond… Très rapidement, les médecins se déclarent totalement perdus. Ils ne savent pas, personne ne sait, personne ne comprend. Petit à petit, d’autres jeunes filles présentent les même symptômes, sont rongées par le même mal. La rumeur parle de sorcellerie. Les victimes donnent des noms, sous la pression populaire. Des noms au hasard, des victimes faciles… Ainsi débute le célèbre procès des sorcières de Salem, l’un des épisodes les plus sanglants et sombres de l’histoire coloniale des Etats-Unis. Entre 150 et 300 accusés de sorcellerie enregistrés, des dizaines de pendaisons… Une psychose collective, mélange d’injustice, de mensonges, de mystère et de croyances aveugles. 
2018. Lily et ses trois meilleures amies, Sarah, Bex et Em, en terminale au lycée, sont des jeunes femmes de leur époque. Elles parlent en hashtag, filment leurs soirées sur Instagram, échangent des sextos sans les effacer… Jusqu’au jour où leur petite ville se retrouve victime d’un piratage à grande échelle. Le maire, tout d’abord, puis le proviseur… Et enfin, la moitié des habitants voient leur vie privée étalée au grand jour, à portée de clic. Rumeur, psychose, là encore… Bien vite, les quatre amies sont soupçonnées d’être à l’origine des fuites. La ville entière est à ses trousses. Cette ville, c’est Salem, Massachusetts. L’histoire se répète, et si l’accusation n’est pas la même, le résultat, lui, est identique : survivre face à l’ignorance crasse, avec les armes de son époque. Hier, la chance, la clémence d’un jury. Aujourd’hui, de bons gros flingues, un peu de jugeotte, et les leçons apprises au cinéma devant les slashers. 
Devant la caméra, Odessa Young est Lily. Certains l’ont vu dans The Daughter, aux côtés de Geoffrey Rush, et d’aucun l’annoncent comme la future star à suivre. Hari Nef est Bex, actrice mais également écrivaine et mannequin, connue pour son rôle dans l’acclamée série Transparent. Abra, interprète de Em, est elle une rappeuse repérée sur YouTube, dont le premier album est paru en 2015. Enfin, Sarah est interprétée par Suki Waterhouse, ancien mannequin vue dans l’excellent Orgueil et Préjugés et Zombies, mais également dans le trop confidentiel The Bad Batch de Ana Lily Amirpour, aux côtés de Keanu Reeves, Jason Momoa et Jim Carrey. Quatre parcours donc, un point commun : elles sont les espoirs de demain, mais aussi ce que la presse aime à considérer comme des it girls, des petites choses pas encore bien sérieuses, à qui l’on confiera d’abord la promotion d’un sac à main avant un vrai grand rôle. Parmi les seconds rôles, on croise Maude Apatow, fille de Judd et Leslie Mann, dont la fiche IMDB annonce qu’elle est “sans doute davantage connue pour son compte Twitter” et Bella Thorne, enfant mannequin devenue égérie Disney Channel et, après une courte apparition dans la série Scream, ici encore auditionnée dans le rôle de la grande pétasse qui n’a que ce qu’elle mérite. Des choix conscients : l’époque est fade, l’époque est vide de substance. Ces actrices sont quotidiennement les sujets d’articles comptant leurs dernières folies capillaires, démasquant leur nouveau boyfriend, quand ils ne titrent pas tout simplement “Qui Est Machine, la nouvelle It Girl dont tout le monde parle ?”. Sam Levinson met donc en scène des actrices jusqu’alors cantonnées à leur image, victimes d’un système qui exige que l’on coche les cases avant de peut-être les faire voler en éclat. Ce que le réalisateur, 33 ans, fils de Barry (réalisateur entre autres classiques de Bugsy et Good Morning Vietnam), leur offre la possibilité de faire ici. Saccager leur image. 
« Je sais que mon film est choquant, effrayant, et débordant de haine, mais tel est aussi l’état du monde actuel. Ce film parle de notre identité américaine ; il décrit la façon dont notre soif de divertissements, d’humiliation et de violence a fini par dépasser notre instinct de survie. ». Cette superficialité, réelle ou fantasmée, Sam Levinson en a conscience, il la dirige, la met en scène. Au sein du bahut, les couloirs sont équipés de néons roses. Les soirées se déroulent au ralenti, masquées par la fumée des joints qui tournent, et racontées au format vertical, celui des story Instagram et Snapchat. Hashtag est un mot courant dans la bouche de nos héroïnes. La conclusion elle-même, la résolution de tous les malheurs, est à l’image des tourments adolescents qui façonnent nos héroïnes au début du film : fondateurs mais un brin vain. Alors certes, Sam Levinson ne fait pas toujours dans la dentelle, et le message, par moments, semble passé accompagné d’un grossier clin d’oeil. Cependant, il est à noter qu’ici, l’image n’est pas figée. Si l’on ne compte plus les films jouant sur nos peurs de la technologie et de ses dérives, ils ne sont bien souvent que les produits d’une hype, nés d’une volonté de surfer sur des codes plutôt que d’en offrir la moindre analyse. Honnête thriller devenu au fil des années source de moquerie, le très ringard Traque Sur Internet (1995), avec Sandra Bullock, n’est rien de moins qu’un film de complot mâtiné de Windows 95. Assassination Nation n’est pas de cette trempe. D’une part dans l’écriture de ces personnages. L’une d’entre elles est noire, l’autre est trans. Dans les deux cas, cela en dit déjà bien davantage que leur simple statut, assumé par les personnages eux-mêmes, de potiches un peu pétasses. D’autre part, il ne se repose pas sur un gadget, une app, le World Wide Web, ou quelque révolution technologique. La Révolution, ici, est sociétale. Elle est menée de front par un groupe de filles bien décidé à ne pas se faire emmerder par les hommes (ici profondément, au mieux abrutis, au pire aveuglés par leur haine crasse). Mort au patriarcat, oui. Mort à l’ancien monde, mort à la haine, mort aux esprits tordus qui ne voient en des corps libérés que le simple assouvissement de leurs propres fantasmes. Et de mort, justement, il n’est question que de cela dans le troisième acte. 
Car c’est réellement dans son dernier quart que le film de Sam Levinson se fait grand. Débarrassé des sous textes et des grandes déclarations, il est enfin libre de devenir ce qu’il était destiné à être : un authentique jeu de massacre. Qui débute par un très beau plan séquence faisant le tour, vu de l’extérieur, de la maison au coeur de laquelle se réfugient les jeunes femmes, la caméra les dévoilant mener leur vie en toute insouciance au creux du cocon familial, tandis que nous, spectateurs, pouvons en même temps assister à la danse des assassins encerclant la demeure et se préparant à l’attaque. Dès lors, le sang gicle, les chargeurs se vident. Les lâches sont de sortie. Et après 80 minutes d’injustice, de trahisons et de mensonges, le sprint final rabat les cartes, remet les choses à leur place. Jouissif. Purement, simplement, jouissif. Par la suite, désormais libres de dégueuler leur haine à la face du monde et à la caméra, le bal des salauds semble ne jamais prendre fin. Ce policier, violentant d’innocentes victimes et haranguant la foule, hurlant avec toute la conviction des aveugles “nous sommes des gens biens”... Cette exécution sommaire orchestrée au sein d’une paisible bourgade, chaque maison étant habité, bien évidemment, mais personne ne souhaitant s’impliquer, tenter de mettre fin au carnage… La banlieue américaine, ici, est la victime consentante d’une folie qu’elle n’a sans doute pas créée, mais dont elle reste partiellement responsable. Un cauchemar qui n’est pas simplement celui d’une ville, Salem, ou d’une bande. 
Pour son deuxième long métrage, Sam Levinson choisit de coucher sur pellicule les méfaits d’un monde moderne s’écroulant sur lui-même, signant ainsi le commentaire acerbe de son époque, filmant ses actrices comme on poste un commentaire haineux sur Facebook : instinctivement, parfois vainement, toujours violemment. Plus qu’un film sur son époque, Assassination Nation est un film qui lui ressemble.
Paru dans Jalouse
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ofthomas · 4 years ago
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        “ I WILL PAY YOU RIGHT NOW TO TAKE MY MIND OFF EVERYTHING. ”   maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s the first thing tommy says to maire after their class, desperate for a distraction -- and if he’s learned anything since being friends with her, it’s that she’s great at distracting him.   “ you don’t have another class, right ? ”    @mairxs​​
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