#tomb raider reboot blogging
electricprincess96 · 1 month
Got called a hater on reddit for saying I don't like the plots or characters of the Tomb Raider Survivor/Reboot Trilogy, nor do I think they are anywhere near as well written or developed as some people give them credit for. They also didn't like me saying TR2013 did not need to have borderline torture p*rn throughout it (and no I'm not just talking about the deaths, the shit that she survives that is unskippable is just as bad in many ways). I however did say I like them as games, they are very fun games that if you gave them better writing, or gave the protagonist a different name many more people would like them or at the very least less people would complain about them.
They then proceeded to claim I'd never actually played them. That is a lie I've played all 3, 2013 and Rise I've played multiple times. But I'd been meaning to give Shadow another go as I really didn't like that one initially so I figured fuck it, just to prove a point let's replay the whole series. 100 percented TR2013 in a day and a half. Not bad for "just a hater", glad to be out of the torture p*rn era of the trilogy, Rise and Shadow very much tone it down cause clearly Crystal Dynamics realised there was more money to lose than gain catering to the people that liked that shit.
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Here is my proof.
Still so funny to me people were arguing with me, claiming I was somehow personally insulting them because I was pointing out flaws in a game that I enjoy playing. I wouldn't 100% a game that I did not find at least partially fun even in a mindless way. Like I recommend TR2013 and Rise (will get back to you on Shadow as I said I only played it once, need to give it another shot) but some of the hard-core fans of these games weren't willing to accept that cause I don't claim they're masterpieces.
And before people come at me with "OG Tomb Raider fans are just as bad" yes but I'm not talking about them. Your "whataboutism" card is not valid here.
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ghoulphile · 4 months
hi! um, a couple random questions if you've got the time and do not mind.
1. thoughts on Gob & Raul, my most beloved ghouls? not looking for anything specific, just curious, i'm new around this blog i guess, haha.
2. i'm also becoming deeply afflicted with the Walton Goggins BrainRot™ and am going to be binge watching some of his movies, do you have a favorite?
3. also also have you seen his Wikipedia photo? dear god that man truly has a 100,000 watt smile, it feels like i've just stared into the sun, 10/10 do recommend.
have a pleasant day, and thanks for your time! be well! 👍
hello and welcome~ i’m more than happy to answer random questions, i love them 🥰
1. thoughts on Gob & Raul, my most beloved ghouls?
i love them both! this is an all ghouls lover blog lol. gob is my baby — i will murder anyone who harms him, and raul is my sassy sarcastic lil guy.
2. i'm also becoming deeply afflicted with the Walton Goggins BrainRot™ and am going to be binge watching some of his movies, do you have a favorite?
so funny thing is… i’m working my way through his filmography myself 😅 i had no clue who he was before fallout even though he’s been in several of my fave movies like? what??
that said, i’ve watched vice principals, the unicorn, and the righteous gemstones for his tv shows so far. i adored vice principals so i’d definitely recommend that one. i also really liked the unicorn (still finishing season one), it’s got a cute story and he looks too good in every episode 😮‍💨
the righteous gemstones — he’s not in very much though i just finished season 1 so idk, plus he’s a 70 year old man in it so it’s not really a thirst watch for me. i’m ambivalent about it atm if i’m being honest. idk if it’s the premise (televangelist family with scandals and secrets… and i didn’t grow up with religion/church so some things kinda made me go ???) or what but it’s not my favorite thus far. the acting is great and there are a lot of people from vice principals in it, and other shows i like but 🤷‍♀️ we’ll see lol.
for movies, i love the maze runner series and recently rewatched it — though he’s in the death cure for all of 3 minutes? maybe? idk but he doesn’t have a nose again lol. there’s also the 2018 reboot of tomb raider and the ant-man movie but i have no clue of his involvement as i watched them before i knew who he was.
3. also also have you seen his Wikipedia photo? dear god that man truly has a 100,000 watt smile, it feels like i've just stared into the sun, 10/10 do recommend.
oh 🥹 you’re so right he’s such a cute dork i cant—
i hope you have a great day ❤️!
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alecbicheno · 9 months
Blog post 10 - Representation of women in games
The way women have been represented in video games has evolved significantly over the years, often reflecting societal and cultural changes. The portrayal of female characters has gone through a complex transformation; however, challenges and criticisms still persist.
History of representation
In the early years, female characters were often portrayed in a stereotypical manner, with a common portrayal being the damsel in distress trope such as Princess Peach and Zelda, where they would later be the reward or prize for the male protagonist.
In the 80s the 90s, we see iconic characters who broke away from traditional stereotypes like Samus Aran, who was a strong independent character whose gender was hidden to be a surprise reveal to players. Lara Croft is another example, however her design featured very unrealistic proportions which would be adjusted in later games.
In the 2000s, despite progress there were persistent challenges and some instances of regressive representation. Many games continued to objectify and sexualize women, for example Grand Theft Auto III (2001) and every instalment since has featured women as sex workers.
The gaming industry continued to grow and with it so the demands for better representation. In the 2010s we got to see some complex characters such Ellie from The Last of Us (2013), who had depth and were central to the narrative.
As we reached the 2020s great strides had been taken towards better representation. We got games with strong, well executed female protagonists such as Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) and Horizon Forbidden West (2022). We also saw examples of complex and believable female protagonists in indie games like Madeline from the game Celeste (2018).
Lara Croft is a character we were first introduced to in Tomb Raider (1996) and while she was a strong female character, there were many criticisms about her appearance, especially in earlier iterations. Her design focused on exaggerated and unrealistic physical proportions which contributed to the objectification of women in games and reinforced harmful beauty standards, furthermore the focus on her sexualised appearance overshadowed her character depth. Eventually she got a complete redesign in the reboot to the series Tomb Raider (2013), where she is a well-proportioned, more suitably dressed protagonist who also becomes more a fully realised character with flaws, who learns and is overall just more human.
The GTA series of games has often been talk of controversy for the way it glorifies sexual harassment and violence against women characters. In many GTA titles female characters are often objectified and reduced to hyper sexualized roles, such as sex workers like mentioned above. The games frequently depict scenes with derogatory language as well as violence against women, this reinforces negative stereotypes and misogynistic behaviour, as well as contributing to a culture of sexism amongst the gaming community. The larger concern, however, is that the exposure to these things can cause it to become so normalised that when instances of violence and sexual harassment occur in real life, people won’t be as shocked or empathetic about it.
A decade before Lara Croft in Metroid (1986) we were introduced to Samus Aran, who stands out as a positive example of female representation. Her surprise reveal at the end of the game broke the gender norms by showcasing a woman as a powerful and capable space bounty hunter. Since then, she has been consistently portrayed as strong character, her narrative not being driven by damsel-in-distress scenarios or romantic situations, but instead by her battle against threats and the pursuit of justice. Then as the series progressed, she became a well-rounded character with depth and resilience, whose legacy has consistently helped challenge stereotypes surrounding female characters.
Aloy, the protagonist of Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) and Horizon Forbidden West (2022) is a more recent example of positive female representation in videogames. She defies the traditional gender expectations as a skilled and determined hunter in her post-apocalyptic world and is defined by her intelligence, resourcefulness and sense of justice. Her narrative doesn’t revolve around romantic plots but rather a quest for knowledge and understanding of the world she inhabits. Her design is also a great part of her character, not being objectified or sexualised so players connect with her through her personality and abilities. She is a testament to the gaming industry’s ability to create diverse and empowering female protagonists, and the popularity of her character only proves this, setting a standard for future portrayals of women.
What can be done?
Challenging stereotypical representations of women requires diverse character creation by developers which will help ensure depth beyond their appearance. This is something I aim to achieve in my field of 3D modelling, making sure that I avoid exaggerated features and prioritize authenticity in the physical appearance.
There will need to be a large collaborative effort from developers, players, and the industry as a whole in order to create positive change on this matter. Celebrating games that break the traditional norms will incentivize developers towards more of these narratives, and there are also certain discussions that need to be had within the gaming community about gender representation and awareness, as well as education on these matters in order to create positive change.
An interesting example of change is the recently revealed next instalment in the GTA series, which features a female protagonist called Lucia. This is a huge step for Rockstar Games, especially considering the above-mentioned history and controversies and even though the game isn’t set to release till 2025, it will be interesting to see the depiction of Lucia and other female characters in the game.
CORE DESIGN. (1996) Tomb Raider. [DISC] PlayStation. London: Eidos Interactive
CRYSTAL DYNAMICS. (2013) Tomb Raider. [DISC] Xbox One. London: Square Enix Europe
DMA DESIGN. (2001) Grand Theft Auto III. [DISC] Xbox. New York City: Rockstar Games
GUERRILLA GAMES. (2022) Horizon Forbidden West. [DISC] PlayStation 4. San Mateo: Sony Interactive Entertainment
GUERRILLA GAMES. (2017) Horizon Zero Dawn. [DISC] PlayStation 4. San Mateo: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Harris, W. & Phillips, R., 2023. 23 Best Video Games With Female Protagonists. [Online] Available at: https://www.thegamer.com/best-video-games-female-protagonists/#night-in-the-woods [Accessed 29 December 2023].
Harveston, K., 2023. A Brief History Of Female Representation In Video Games. [Online] Available at: https://headstuff.org/topical/female-representation-in-video-games-history/#:~:text=History%20indicates%20that%20women%20began,good%20example%20of%20that%20trend. [Accessed 29 December 2023].
MADDY MAKES GAMES. (2018) Celeste. [DISC] Xbox One. Vancouver: Maddy Makes Games
NAUGHTY DOG. (2013) The Last of Us. [DISC] PlayStation3. Santa Monica: Sony Computer Entertainment
NINTENDO R&D1, INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS. (1986) Metroid. [GAME] Nintendo Entertainment System. Kyoto: Nintendo
Williams, H., 2020. How Horizon Zero Dawn Moves Beyond The Strong Female Character. [Online] Available at: https://www.kotaku.com.au/2020/08/how-horizon-zero-dawn-moves-beyond-the-strong-female-character/ [Accessed 29 December 2023].
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tazzy-ace · 1 month
For the AU askgame: DMBJ + Guardian Horror Movie AU
Hi there ask from my favorite chief that was almost a year ago o/ jsksjksks After this long and scrolling through my blog to find the original post to figure out what this was about I'm here to answer! 😅
The rules for this ask was give 5 facts... but as you'll see I got a little carried away. Enjoy!
I did look up the tropes of Horror characters because I've honestly only watched a handful of horror movies but I know enough from pop culture to be ready to answer this sjksj My just being bad at names meant I needed help from the internet
Horror Movie AU w/ DMBJ + Guardian
Okay first let's start with the cast:
Obviously got to have Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei, and Wu Xie Pangzi and Xiaoge (I've got special plans for him 😉) Lin Jing and Liu Sang would be interesting in this settle, especially keeping the fake monk being a monk and Liu Sang having enhanced senses. As much as I would love to have my beloved cat and Chu Shuzhi or Xiao Guo, I've gotta focus in otherwise this would become so much more jsksjksjs
The Plot Hook
When a group of tomb raiders are caught by authorities as they are leaving a tomb, they think that will be the worst of it, until members of their team are slowly being killed or going missing. They are forced to team up in order to make it out alive. Is it man or monster? Living or dead? The group must find answers before there's no one left.
Character tropes/Roles
Zhao Yunlan - The competent fighter/cop, he's trained for taking down killers and bring justice to those that have been wronged. He's there for a purpose and is always motivated to keep moving forward without giving up hope
Shen Wei - The smart one/competent fighter, combines with facts told by other characters to piece things together and actually figure out who the killer is/why
Wu Xie - The final "girl", destined to be the last survivor as he eventually realizes that he's not being targeted the way the others are
Pangzi - The character that sacrifices himself to protect/safe his friends, he would never let his friend's be hurt if he could do something about it (maybe in the sequel it's revealed he didn't actually die bc I couldn't bear to keep this man dead)
Lin Jing - The one trying to guide through the problem and understanding the deeper thing going on
Liu Sang - The one able to warn when danger grows near, as the plot continues he struggles more and more to tell when something is about to happen until he's too late to save himself
Xiaoge - The corrupted killer, maybe a tomb curse or the effects of the Zhang family trying to bring back their perfect immortal head of the family under their control (Do I love the friends fighting against each other against their will/one refusing to hurt the other in a fight? yes, yes I do)
The Resolution
With the combined intelligence and competence, the group is able to figure out the identity of the killer and the effects that Xiaoge is under to do such things. It's a struggle with losses, Pangzi dying (or maybe not quite and he comes back later) to protect Wu Xie to get back to Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan with important information and Liu Sang being eventually bested by the man he always looked up to and unable to bear raising a hand to his Ouixang. Lin Jing has a close call, almost dying after being attacked but manages to make it out alive. Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei, and Wu Xie end up even closer bonded and Wu Xie ends up joining in their task force (SID equivalent in this AU) to follow the captured Xiaoge, hoping to be part of the solution of helping his friend through the effects that drove him to doing all of this and believing Pangzi dead and burying Liu Sang.
Could totally have a reboot/sequel with Pangzi coming back for revenge or something. Jksjksjs this escalated, but enjoy this full Horror AU breakdown! 😁 Thanks for the ask, chief o/
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omamervt · 1 year
I think possibly the key issue with Games Journalism is that it spends too much time trying to be News and Movie Reviews. But there's a problem with that: Because of a lack of time, resources, desire to preserve connections, and honestly probably a lack of will in a lot of cases, nobody is willing to do the legwork necessary to make the News have any impact, and you can't do a game review like a Movie Review.
You wanna know why you keep seeing the Cinematic Prestige Story Game With an Unnecessary 3-Part Skill Tree pop up? It's because it's the game journalist version of Oscar Bait. TLOU was a bland cover shooter at the best of times and a clunky swarm shooter at worst, but because they ripped off every zombie movie in existence and fed it to an audience of people who didn't start watching movies until the MCU really got going, they managed to wow enough players and seem like A Real Movie Plot to the people who want their game reviews to be taken seriously like Movie Reviews. It's why we got a million battle royale clones and revitalizations. Game Companies will chase the thing that wins the award without a single care for why it won in the first place.
And that's not even to say all the games following this style are Bad. Horizon Zero Dawn is an easy all-time top 10 game because of its rich, fun-to-navigate open world and incredibly compelling story that could tell you what was about to happen and still wow you with the full revelation. And Insomniac's Spider-Man is almost flawless in its execution, it's everything you could want from a Spider-Man game. But while most others in the style are enjoyable, they're not memorable. Nobody's gonna remember the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy in 20 years, for example.
But even if all those Prestige bait type games were genuinely worthy of the praise they get (they're not, we all know it) the fact that they are the only things winning awards is part of the problem. with the exception of some things like Player's Choice, the people who want to be treated like Serious Movie Reviewers But For Video Games are the people deciding what wins the awards. So of course they're gonna go for the Game That's Basically a Movie, it allows them to write a Movie Review. But even in story-based games, that leaves SO much shit out. There are entire genres that basically survive off indie devs these days. You wanna know why the average gamedev cycle went from 3 to 5 years? it's this shit. It's because every game has to also be A Movie now to justify its existence.
In terms of trying to do Real News, the current system REALLY sucks at that. Across the board when the investigations were ongoing into Activision Blizzard and Bobby Kotick, several gaming news and blogging sites I follow were all behaving like hacks who would just quote a police report verbaitm with no additional sources or research/investigation. GameDeveloper in particular often just stated verbatim what was in the company's public statements, left some small note at the end that there MIGHT be more to the story, and called it an article. I no longer take anything coming out of that site seriously.
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tornhellfire · 1 year
I have decided to open the flood gates of both the vault that contains my previous muses, as well as the inspiration that pushes me to try even more new muses; as such I have added 10 muses to this blog that are all immediately ready for interaction!
The new additions are as follows:
Harriet Bree
Nora Valkyrie
Lara Croft (SQ reboot)
Nonon Jakuzure
Olivier Armstrong
Brigitte Lindholm
Additionally I have removed my OC Riley for the time being, she may return at a later date once I cook up a better vision of how I want to use her on this blog.
You can see all the new muse profiles here
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tombraiderargentina · 5 years
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So I realised this blog has been active for five years. I created this on June 22 in 2014 because I felt I needed to share my love for Lara. It’s been a long journey and these last months I’ve noticed that many friends here closed their accounts or they are no longer active. It’s really sad not to talk to them anymore or see their posts in my feed. To be honest, I thought of opening an account on IG, but I already manage other fan accounts and I don’t know if I have the time to do so. The idea of creating a Twitter or FB account is out of the question as well. I mean, sometimes I see a lot of toxic negativity and I’d rather stay away from that because I really love Lara and this franchise (the old and the new). So, long story short, I will stay here. Perhaps not as active as before, but I will keep on sharing material of TR. Thank you so much for supporting this site for so many years!
Long live Lara!
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i-m-not-a-penguin · 5 years
I think I’ve been blocked by someone I’ve never interacted with, huh
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traineecryptid · 3 years
Translation Masterlist
(will be kept updated to the best of my abilities)
(subtitle files not listed are available for requests! just dm me♡)
(translation commissions open, more details below)
🌟 中英文翻译 Chinese to English Translation Commissions 🌟
📄 Translation Commission Post 📄 Translation Guide (Detail information and work samples)
➡️ 盗墓笔记 Daomu Biji/The Lost Tomb Series⬅️
💬 Subtitles 📂 Mystic Nine Extras [1/1] || 🎥 mega folder
📄 Evergreen Begonia (青山海棠 Qing shan hai tang)
📂 Tomb of the Sea Extras (Wushanju Case Files) [3/3] || 🎥 mega folder
📄 Matchmaking Painter (画媒 Hua mei)
📄 Burning Bones (燃骨 Ran gu)
📄 Clam People (蚌人 Bang ren)
📂 Lost Tomb Reboot Extras [2/2] (in collaboration with @xia-xueyi, both series are organised into playlists)
▶️ Moonfall Echo (月陨回声 Yue yun hui sheng)
▶️ Ping Yao Wang Shi (平妖往事 Ping yao wang shi)
📂 Assorted Cut Scenes 🎥 google drive folder 🎞 Time Raiders Extra Cut (Interview with Wu Xie) 🎞 Mystic Nine EP34 Cut (Extended Zhang Manor Scene) 🎞 Mystic Nine EP41 Cut (Zhang Qishan Shapeshifts into a Qiongqi) 🎞 Mystic Nine EP46 Cut (Speculation on How Zhang Qishan Survived Being Frozen) 🎞 Mystic Nine EP47 Cut (Zhang Qishan and Eryue Hong Fights a Mutant)
📂Assorted Clips: Cut scenes, Interview, Promo etc 🎥 Misty Creed (Movie): Cast interview, Cut scene (i have lost these somewhere on my blog... will update when I find them again) 🎭 Rain Village Hidden Notes (Play): Behind the scenes, 📺 Tibetan Sea Flower (Drama): Where are the magical creatures? #1 #4 | Daily TMI #1
🔹 Texts and Other Resources 👉 Relationship Charts for Mystic Nine, Ultimate Note, Tomb of the Sea, Reboot and Tibetan Sea Flower
👉 (Reboot) Huo Daofu's Resume
👉 (Reboot) Liu Sang's Dossier
👉 (Reboot) Soundtrack Song "Wang Pangzi"
👉 DMBJ Web Films Project Plan
👉 DMBJ Web Film: Reality Control Unit- Part 1, Part 2
👉 DMBJ Web Film: Misty Creed
👉DMBJ Short Story: A Situation with Pangzi (Qidian Event) (this work is only MTL and not human translated)
👉 Merch: Xilaimian and Yucun House 3D Puzzle
👉 NPSS Weibo Q&A (20240831)- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
👉 Zang Hai Hua Post Episode Quiz (1-3) (4-6)
➡️刘��� Liu Chang⬅️
🎥 Short Drama ▶️ When You're In Love (当你恋爱时 Dang ni lian ai shi)
(*link now leads to a google drive folder with both the srt files and the videos as Youku has enforced copyright policy on my Youtube videos and blocked all of them)
**only subbed Liu Chang episodes)
▶️ Overworking Man (滚动吧小齿轮 Gun dong ba xiao chi lun) || 🎥 mega folder
*episode 1-17 on this youtube playlist (will not be further updated due to copyright take down issues) ** all 32 episodes, translated OST lyrics and translation notes are in the mega folder linked above
🎵 Song Lyrics ▶️ Unbearable Lightness (不可承受的轻 bu ke cheng shou de qing)
⭐ special thanks to @crowbraiin for hosting the subbed videos on their mega folder as well as for providing the raws for many of these shows. all instructions on how to watch are available in the README.txt in the respective folders. do drop by their kofi to support them for finding raws and hosting these files!
💌 last but not least, here's my kofi if you want to support my work!
updated: 11/9/2024
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wesurvivcrs · 2 years
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Mobile Links
      || Rules && Muse List || Verses List (WIP) || Self Promo || Open Posts || Memes Reblogged || Zack Fair Blog || Animated Show Multi Muse || Nero Sparda Blog || Kadaj Blog || Roxas Blog || Varian Blog ||
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Current Muses
Primary Muses; Piers Nivans (Resident Evil), Sheva Alomar (Resident Evil), Claire Redfield (Resident Evil), Rosemary ‘Rose’ Winters (Resident Evil), Lily Castellanos (The Evil Within), Samantha ‘Sam’ Giddings (Until Dawn), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider 2013 Reboot), James (Telltale’s The Walking Dead Game). Secondary Muses; Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil), Manuela Hidalgo (Resident Evil), Sherry Birkin (Resident Evil), Rebecca Chambers (Resident Evil), Ashley Graham (Resident Evil 4 Remake), Fiona Belli (Haunting Ground). Tertiary Muses; Safira A. Rose (Resident Evil || OC), Sonya A. Jayden (Resident Evil || OC) IMPORTANT VERSE NOTE; All muses will, by default, have a Main Verse, Dead By Daylight Verse, and Resident Evil Verse (for muses not from RE).
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Important Note
            My name is Aly, I’m 31 years old and female, using she/her pronouns. I just want to make a note of how I may be a bit slow in replying to things like asks and whatnot. I work and sometimes my attention tends to wander off to other things. I play a lot of video games and can be lost to them for hours on end. I’m trying my best to not get overly distracted but please understand.             Not only that, but I run other blogs and I hop onto them every now and then when these muses are somewhat lacking or another muse has opted to wake up and push them away for a bit that aren’t on this blog. Also, please note that I have little to no icons for any of the characters on this blog so most of my writing will be done without icons.
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electricprincess96 · 23 days
I owe Rise of the Tomb Raider an apology, I said it's plot was bad but it is Shakespeare next to Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Also Shadow is..... not a fun game. It's clearly trying to emulate the older Tomb Raider games with more exploration and platforming and less combat the issue is the controls for platforming very janky and the world boring and uninteresting. This reboot series main selling point was always its combat and to have so little of it is baffling to me. And when we do have it, its forced stealth sequences, where they've taken all your weapons off you and Lara has rocks for brains and doesn't just pick the gun up off the first guy she kills. And the stealth is either too hard or too easy depending on how the AI for the enemies decides to play that day.
Also this is easily the most unlikable Lara has ever been.
Also charging players for costumes and then forcing us to wear specific outfits in certain areas and forcing us to switch between outfits at base camps to be able to speak to specific NPCs is one of the most brain dead decisions ever.
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fizztapp · 3 years
I will listen to anyone passionately talk about a topic that they're interested and knowledgeable in and come out of it appreciating and liking that thing myself.
I was looking through old video game mag blogs on Tumblr and came across a Tomb Raider blog. And there was so much stuff I never saw before, and so much passion in this person's love for the franchise.
I Tomb Raider was not on my radar AT ALL before this, except the idea that people were horny for her in the 90s. And now I'm disappointed in the 2013 reboot series because that played a role into me thinking this series was straight up boring.
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mewbell-moved · 3 years
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𝓘𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓰𝓸 𝓜𝓸𝓶𝓸𝓶𝓲𝔂𝓪 ---- 𝑻𝑶𝑲𝒀𝑶 𝑴𝑬𝑾 𝑴𝑬𝑾
this blog is an ind|sel|div blog ; multi-ship and oc/au/crossover friendly ! this blog is heavily headcanon based and strays off the canon path . her main timeline ( aka my main verse ) takes place after she has graduated high school . she’s still a mew and works at the cafe but she’s decided to train as a gymnast for the olympics . despite the cuteness of this blog i do not shy away from dark/nsfw themes such as gore and the like . disclaimer : my main verse has ichigo post a la mode (which means she has graduated high school) . i use older fcs for her such as spirit blossom ahri and belle from ryuu to sobakasu no hime . below the cut is a list of my sideblogs
doted on by 𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗲
𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫��𝐬𝐭 | 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐲 | 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 
Himiko Toga frolm BNHA: @bloodqueen Belle from Ryuu To Sobakasu No Hime: @freckledhime Akali from League of Legends: @herblade Jinx from League of Legends: @getjinx Evelynn from League of Legends: @viperiss Lara Croft from Tomb Raider reboot: @sheraid Eivor Wolf-kissed from Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: @ulvkysset Yuno Gasai from Future Diary (under co): @bunibitch Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous Ladybug: @luckedcharm San from Princess Mononoke: @okamihime Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Multimuse: @hazbintm Midna from Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess: @twilibled Neytiri from James Cameron’s Avatar: @sempul
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hawkbucks · 4 years
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Hi! I’m Isaiah (he/him), and I do fanfic theoretically. 
This is not my main blog. My main blog is anderfels. On that blog, I post about video games and various other stuff. My other blog is 616s. On that blog, I post about Marvel and DC comics, with a little bit of MCU. This blog (hawkbucks) is very text heavy and not very aesthetically pleasing, if I’m being honest. 
I do not do commissions. Everything on here will be free, and nothing will ever be behind a paywall.
I cannot guarantee that your request will be filled the second you send it in. It’s not because I don’t like you, honest! It’s just that my motivation is fickle. It appears for all of 3 seconds and then disappears for the next 60 years. Hence the “theoretical” fic-doer. 
I don’t title 99% of the stuff I do, and for that I apologize. I’m just crap at coming up with titles. If you really want to know what I’d title something, just send me an ask with the fic and I’ll rack my brain for a response!
I mostly do MCU-based things as that is what I assume 99% of people are familiar with. If you wants a comics-specific request, don’t be afraid to say so! 
I mostly do BuckyTony or SteveTony. Other ships that are known to pop up are PepperNat and SamTony. (Please talk to me about my PepperNat agenda.)
This has also turned into a Genshin Impact blog for some godforsaken reason. Talk to me about ZhongKae and Chaeya. Everyday I wish for a Diluc and Kaeya on-screen reconciliation. 
Here is a link to all of the requests I’ve fulfilled. 
Here is a link to a page with all my AU’s. 
Here is a link to my AO3. 
If you have any questions, feel free to send them in! 
Now, here’s some more personal stuff about me: 
My favorite Marvel characters are Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Natasha Romanoff. I’m sure that doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone. I also enjoy Kamala Khan, Elektra Natchios, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Remy LeBeau, and Kurt Wagner. My first Marvel love was Johnny Storm, and for him my heart will go on. 
My favorite Iron Man writers are Kurt Busiek, the Knaufs, and Len Kaminski. 
My favorite Captain America writers are Mark Gruenwald and Ed Brubaker. 
My favorite Black Widow writer is Marjorie Liu. 
I sold my soul to Jonathan Hickman long ago. 
My favorite artists are Don Heck, David Marquez, Valerio Schiti, Pepe Larraz, Alex Maleev, Kevin Wada, and Jorge Jimenez. 
My favorite musical artists are SHINee, f(x), Red Velvet, BoA, Block B, Carly Rae Jepsen, and those “classics” from the 70′s, 80′s, 90′s, and early 00′s. 
I have an unhealthy love for boba tea. My organs are all boba. My blood is but Thai tea and Okinawa milk tea. I am also a weirdo who doesn’t like lychee, apparently. 
I’m a Gamer Boy. I like Bloodborne, Dark Souls, the Tomb Raider reboot, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Uncharted, Resident Evil, and some other games I’m neglecting to mention. And uh. Fortnite. 
I love collecting actions figures and statues of my favorite characters. I love collecting in general, honestly. 
Rod Reis liked 2 of my tweets and I consider that a crowning achievement.
Other ways to contact me:
Discord: johnny___joestar Other Tumblr Blog: @alwayshinee 
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enchi-elm · 3 years
I feel like I got a lot of new followers recently, so perhaps I should introduce myself.
I’m Enchi, or Apfelessig (AO3), and I’m a fic writer and chill tumblrite. My blog is a personal one, filled with things I like including art, scenery, stories, quotations, and whatever is capturing my interest.
I recommend my #cheer up and #stay soft tags, if you need them.
My main fandom right now is Turn (AMC’s Turn, also Turn: Washington’s Spies). Most of what I write is for this fandom, usually Tallster or Strongbrew, though I love my non-romantic character studies too.
I also love Tomb Raider, and you’ll see me reblog some Classic and Crystal Dynamic Lara now and then. I’ve nothing against the Reboot, I just... haven’t played it yet. (no spoilers!)
I’m not usually known for writing to prompts buuuut if you happen to have an idea you want to chat about and it sparks something, I’ve been known to write fic that way. 
My personal collection of TV and Movie quotes is @yellowandwhitetext. It’s not exclusively Turn, but a lot of the Turn stuff (scenes, interviews, edits) ends up there. (Black Sails is there too, plus any movie I watched and enjoyed!)
Stay well, my friends, take care of yourselves <3
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womanofhistory · 4 years
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Indie TOMB RAIDER RP blog for Lara Croft and Sam Nishimura
Most compatible for muses set in ancient, fantasy or modern world.
Blog is a blend of reboot, legend and classic (Core design) games.
Blog is for both SFW and NSFW roleplays.
Triggers and NSFW are tagged.
OC and Multi-muse friendly
Crossover friendly to a point
Multiship and polyship friendly
Over 5 years of experience in roleplaying
Like this post to let me know if you want to interact with me.
Reblog this post to help me out and spread the word.
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