#tomato revengers one shot
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dreamergirlatpaddock · 1 year ago
Some of my favorite stories, writers you are amazing
crazy | c. leclerc ‘magic hour’ & ‘one chance’ & time & delicate & karting queen versace | c. leclerc sentimental (actress!reader) champagne ○ champagne lips unplanned babies and bahrain good night ○ good morning burnt cruel foolproof moonlight (prince!au) our song cinema black cat uncle darling Petal Homesick A reason more Outta My League Part 1 || Part 2Home Race And Heartbreak Hot Shot Driver The Real Deal I’d Move Mountains For You My Girl, My Everything, My World Charles Leclerc x Gasly Twin Reader Tradition Cherry tomato? Everything shower Revenge • Part 2 Pick me up • Part 2 Supersede Part 2, Part 3 Flushed Duty • Part 2 Wrong guess Subjectivity in art A fresh start • Part 2 Fluffy child hair tie down bad world champion is he? hard liquor, hard launch muse fall out to the world paddock greetings hype man biggest fan relationship release
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cloudlessly-light · 9 months ago
Sunshine (one-shot)
A/N: What no filth who is this? I’m honestly not sure what this is, it wasn’t supposed to be angsty and then it still became��� well this. We’re playing a little fast and loose with the timeline in this one, but just go with it okay? And please enjoy!
Title: Sunshine Summary:I will not betray him, or his father.  Word count: 3,9k Rating: General Warnings: Mentions of death, grieving, kinda angsty
Emily never thought she would find a family, a real family. It wasn’t what she grew up with, it wasn’t something she found as she got older. Until him. Aaron Hotchner was everything she had ever wanted, and of course she couldn’t have him.
It was a bitter pill to swallow, that the man she found so attractive was not only her boss, but he was married and had a son. So she ignores the way her stomach flutters when he touches her, pretends she doesn’t feel her heart ache at times when she thinks of him.
But life happens, Aaron ends up divorced and they grow closer, build a friendship that’s more than small talk at work. He invites her over to dinners, she goes to the park with him and Jack, the three-year-old a whirlwind of energy. She finds herself falling in love with him but she never tells him. He was still mourning the loss of his marriage. Of Haley.
She doesn’t fault him for that, can’t blame him for not feeling the same way she did. Having him as a friend wasn’t a consolation prize and being allowed to spend a weekend with Jack was something she treasured.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…” She sings to herself as she cuts a tomato for their salad.
“You sing good.” Jack is suddenly beside her, all smiles and wide eyes.
“Thank you Jack.” She picks him up so he can sit beside her on the counter and watches to make sure he’s steady before picking up the tomato slices and puts them in a bowl.
“Again.” He grins and she chuckles.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…”
Things are slowly starting to work themselves out, Aaron seemingly coming to terms with his marriage and finding some sort of balance between seeing his son and working the hours they have to. And then, barely a year later George Foyet comes crashing into their lives in a way no one expected.
As he heals from the injures Foyet had caused him, she takes care of him. It’s small gestures, groceries at his door, new bandages when she knows he’s run out, a silent support as he angrily drinks away the pain of not knowing where his son is. It’s the first time an unsub has won their personal battle against the BAU. But it’s not the last. Foyet wins again as he murders Haley, and in his pursuit of revenge he turns Aaron into a killer too.
He doesn’t regret what he did, she knows he doesn’t. But she could still see flashes of something close to guilt sometimes. Aaron wasn’t his father, he didn’t want to turn to violence, and she reminds him that’s not what happened when she needs to, the words whispered in the quietness of his apartment as Jack sleeps down the hall.
When she watches Aaron at the funeral she wants nothing more than to hold him, show him the support she knows he needs but won’t ask for. Instead she holds Jack’s hand when his father needs a moment alone.
“Emmy, is mommy cold in there?” He asks as he watched the hole in the ground with the coffin of his dead mother and Emily wants to cry. She doesn’t, instead she kneels next to him, not caring that her heels dig into the dirt as she did.
“No, she’s not.” She sees the way Jack tries to understand what is happening, how he tries to wrap his mind around something he’s far too young to comprehend.
“Is she gone forever?” His bottom lip trembles with the question and she knew that if Foyet wasn’t already dead, that she would have killed him herself for making him feel this way.
“Honey, you might not be able to see her, but she’s not gone. Because we remember her, we love her.” She holds his small hands in hers and when he squeezes them tightly she squeezes back.
“Daddy too?” He asks just as Aaron starts to make his way back to them, his dark eyes shining with tears he doesn’t want to let fall in front of his son.
“Yeah, dad too.” She gives Aaron a soft smile as Jack hugs her close, his head buried against her neck.
“Thank you.” Aaron mumbles quietly as he watches his son grieve for the first time.
They’re called away that same night, and everything in her tells her that she should stay. They weren’t ready, any of them. And she didn’t want to leave Aaron alone. When he calls her later that night she isn’t expecting it. He didn’t ask for help, it was one if his biggest flaws.
“I’m sorry to call, can you talk?” His voice is strained, exhaustion and hurt in every word.
“Of course.” She sits down on the bed in her tiny hotel room and hears sniffling on the other end, Jack’s cries getting louder as Aaron walks towards his bedroom.
“He asked for the song, I didn’t know what else to do, neither Jessica nor I can get him to sleep.”
“It’s okay Hotch, hold the phone to his ear.” She blinks away tears, it had been a rough day, she couldn’t even imagine how a four-year-old would feel.
“Emmy?” She hears his voice, small and shaky, fragile in a way she hopes to never hear again.
“Hi sweetheart.” She can hear the emotion in her own voice, but forces it away. “You want your song?”
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey…” She sings it softly, over and over again until finally Aaron is talking, his voice just above a whisper.
“He’s sleeping. Thank you Emily. Thank you for everything.”
When they hang up she finds herself wondering how life could be so cruel.
The first time they kiss, everything about it is wrong. He’s still mourning, he’s drunk on scotch and heartache and she’s there, as the unwavering pillar of strength he’s gotten used to.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles when she pushes him away with furrowed eyebrows and wide eyes. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You shouldn’t have.” She agrees, but she’s not angry at him, how could she be when she knew that all he wanted was a moment to forget. But that didn’t mean that she didn’t feel her entire body recoil with the feeling of him using her as a way to escape. “Don’t do that again please.”
The silence is tense between them as he stares at her, his eyes slightly hazy from the multiple drinks he’s had.
“What if I want to?” He finally asks and she feels her heart rate increase as she swallows harshly. This is what she had wanted for years, had wanted him to show any interest in her and now it was all wrong.
“You’re drunk.” She chuckles dryly, the sound sarcastic as it falls from her lips and she tries to stand from the couch but his hand on hers stops her, warm and secure in his touch.
“I wanted to kiss you before everything.” He admits and for a second her world seems to stop and she can’t do anything but stare at him. Seconds ticked by, feeling like an eternity until she sighed heavily.
“You’re not ready.” She tells him, the words hurting as she does stand this time. “It’s not our time.”
She leaves with a sinking feeling in her gut, not knowing if she made the right choice or not.
The next day he’s at her doorstep, early in the morning and dark eyes intense as he looks at her but not walking through the door to her apartment.
“It’s not up to you to tell me when I’m ready to move on.” He tells her. “Now if you don’t feel the way I do, that’s one thing. But you don’t get to decide when I’m ready to move on.”
She can’t seem to form words, her brain barely comprehending what he was saying. He must take her silence as rejection because he turns and starts to walk down the corridor, gets almost halfway to the staircase before she brings herself to speak.
“I do.” Her words make him stop to look at her and when she speaks again he starts to walk back towards her. “I do feel the way you do, I just never thought you would feel the same.” By the time she’s finishes he’s standing in front of her, his warm hand gently holding the back of her neck.
“Well I do.” He kisses her and this time it’s different, even if it’s only hours apart. His lips are soft but determined against hers, his hands careful as he pulls her against him and she finds herself wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
It’s the start of them, the start of the family she never thought she’d have.
For a while, things seem to be falling into place, they find happiness and love together, and she slowly starts to feel like she’s home. She reads bedtime stories to Jack at night and helps him with homework after school. It’s domestic in a way she never thought she’d have. And she’s never been more content.
“Emily!” Jack lunges himself at her, had run towards her the moment he saw her as he walked out of school.
“Hi sweetheart.” She kisses the top of his sandy blonde head opens the car door for him. “Did you have a good day today?”
“Yes!” He’s almost six now, curious about life as he rambles about everything he’s learned that day.
She listens intently, happy that she could pick him up when Aaron had to stay late at the office.
“Oh, and guess what!” His voice rises slightly in excitement as he digs through his backpack to pull out a paper. “I got a star because I got all my answers right in math!”
“That’s great sweetie, I’m so proud of you!” She smiles at him in the review mirror and she sees the thrilled look on his face.
It’s the quiet kind of life she had dreamt of as a child and for the first time in a long time she feels safe.
But of course, life doesn’t always turn out the way you want and her past comes chasing after her.
Ian Doyle is the second unsub that wins his fight against the BAU and when she’s sent away on a plane she knows that she’s broken in a way that might never heal. JJ sits beside her, holding her hand but doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t need to, because there are no words that would make things better.
“I don’t know what he told Jack.” She whispers suddenly, dark eyes shining with tears as they meet clear blue ones. “He’s lost so much already and now I’m putting him through this.”
“Emily, you didn’t do anything. If you want to blame someone, blame Doyle.” Her hand squeezes hers and Emily grips it tightly in return.
“I just wish I could have said goodbye.”
It’s something she thinks about often, the fact that she never said goodbye to the boy she loves as her own. She wonders what Aaron told him, how Jack was doing, if her family was okay. It’s six months spent being half a person, every inch of her longing for DC, for them.
And then she gets the call.
She’s coming back and after watching Doyle die as she holds Declan in her arms she knows that the nightmare is over. The second she’s alone with Aaron she throws herself in his arms and he’s holding her just as tightly.
“I missed you.” She whispers against his neck and his grip gets impossibly tighter.
“I missed you too.” He kisses her temple and breathes her in. “I missed you so much sweetheart.”
When they finally break apart he notices the lingering tear on her cheek and he carefully wipes it away with his thumb.
“It’s over.” He says like he doesn’t quite believe it, and to be fair she doesn’t either.
He tells her about Jack, tells her that for weeks Jack had asked about her, had wondered when she was coming home, had complained about his toast because they weren’t as good as hers. She laughs at that, somehow the relief of knowing that Aaron hadn’t told him she died so intense she was close to crying again.
“I couldn’t do that to him.” He explains quietly as they sit in the house they had bought together just months before Doyle showed up. “I couldn’t tell him you were dead, so I said you had gone away for work, but that you loved him and missed him.”
“I’m so sorry.” She sighs, fingers brushing hair away from her face in frustration. “I’m so sorry for everything.”
“Do not apologize for a choice I made. If anything I’m sorry, I’m sorry for putting you through this.”
In the silence of their home they somehow found peace, together.
They find their way back, after everything one thing was clear, they wanted to be together through everything. But spending months apart, spending six months alone, had changed her. He noticed before she did, that she wasn’t happy, wasn’t content in the way she used to be. But she tries to ignore it, because she was home, with them.
“Emily?” Jack asks from the doorway to their bedroom, it’s late, too late for the eight-year-old to be up on a school night.
“Jack, what’s wrong?” She puts the book down that she was reading as she waited for Aaron to come home from work. When he doesn’t say anything, simply kicks his foot softly against the floor she sits up and leans back against the headboard. “Jack?” She says softly.
“I had a dream.” He mumbles quietly, so quietly that she almost didn’t hear him. But it’s words she’s heard before, words she’s heard every so often for four years now. But he hasn’t had them in a long time now.
“A nightmare?” She lifts the covers as he nods, not really meeting her eye and she hates that he’s ashamed of having nightmares of the day when his mother died, like he’s ashamed of having them. “Come here.”
He walks quickly towards her, buries his face in her neck just as he did when he was younger and she gently scratches her fingers through his hair.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…” She sings softly as she gently strokes his back. It had been years but it still had the same effect on him, slowly calming him and giving him comfort. Eventually, she feels him relax against her, his breathing soon evening out and once she’s sure that he’s asleep, she cries for everything they had lost.
A year goes by and things doesn’t get better, Emily a shell of her former self. And it’s not working anymore. Their relationship had gotten strained, she was shutting herself off from him and in return he felt at a loss. They couldn’t ignore it anymore, knew they were fighting a losing battle.
When she gets the call from Easter it’s like something falls into place. Aaron knows she’s going to accept the offer before she says the words herself, knew from the moment she told him.
“You should go.” He tells her, even as his entire body hurts from admitting that. “You’re unhappy here.”
“I-I don’t want to go, I want to be with you, with Jack.” She’s angry, furious at him for wanting her to go, for even suggesting it.
“You want to take it.” He says calmly but his voice is thick with emotion. “I love you Em, I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone, but this isn’t working and you know it.”
“Aaron-” She blinks away tears, tears of anger and sadness and regret. Because he was right and she hated that Ian Doyle still had power in her life even from death. “What about Jack? What about us? Come with me. Please come with me.”
“You know I can’t sweetheart. It wouldn’t change anything” He feels his own eyes tear and he sighs. “We’ll explain it to Jack together, he’ll understand.”
“No he won’t, you know he won’t.” The door opens right as she’s about to break down and Jack walks into the kitchen with his soccer under one arm.
The young boy takes one look at them and stops in his tracks. Even as Emily forces away the tears and Aaron tries to keep the sadness off his face, it’s like he knows. He had heard them fighting, had noticed the changes between them. He’s more receptive than most children, had already learned from his father how to read people, had been through too much not to be observant of his surroundings.
Jack’s dark eyes find Emily’s.
“You’re leaving, aren’t you?”
The silence tells him everything.
Almost four years go by and in those years she finds herself again, betters herself. She speaks to Jack every week, speaks to Aaron regularly as well. And even though it hurts knowing that they could have had a life together, it hurts less as time goes on.
“Hi Em!” Jack greets her with a toothy grin as she calls on skype, still at the office but refusing to miss their weekly call.
“Hi Jack, how are you?” She smiles back at him.
“I’m good. I miss you.”
“I miss you too honey.” She promises him, because she does. She misses him with every fiber of her being. But she doesn’t want to make him think about it too much, so she quickly speaks again. “How did your game go?”
“I scored three goals.” The look on his face lets her know just how proud he is of himself. “And after Beth bought me pizza to celebrate.”
She feels the blow to her stomach that she always associated with Aaron’s new girlfriend but forced the feeling away. Because they never really fell out of love, she was pretty sure she would always love him. She didn’t blame Aaron for trying to move on, because she wanted him happy even if it wasn’t with her. But the times when they saw each other when she traveled to DC it was clear, the love they shared would never really disappear.
“That’s great, sweetie.” She gets out and as Jack continues to talk about school and life and soccer she listened with fondness.
Sometimes she couldn’t believe just how big he was getting.   
When she gets the call that Aaron and Jack have gone into victim’s protection she’s on the verge of panic for weeks. They had been through so much already; Jack had been through too much. She moves back to the states without a second thought, because she knew she would not rest until Peter Lewis was behind bars.
He’s the third unsub that wins against the team, the loss of Aaron something so close to breaking them all. She realizes that this is what he felt like all those years ago when Haley and Jack were gone, the not knowing, the worrying, the longing, it was close to unbearable.
And then Scratch tricks them, again.
When she wakes up after the car accident she immediately knows that something is wrong. She’s in pain, she’s in a warehouse and she is alone. The torture is unbearable, as she lays there with screws and metal in her legs, thinking that not only her career was over, but she also wouldn’t see Aaron again. Then Lewis gives her an out, offers her pain relief and for a moment she thinks that she would give in to him, the pain getting to be too much, but the second she finds out what he’s after she knows that she would rather die than give him what he wants.
“I love Jack; I’ve watched Jack grow up. I will not betray him or his father, so it doesn’t matter what you do to me. I will not break.”
And she doesn’t. When she thinks that she is dying she’s at peace, knowing that Jack and Aaron are safe.
But Peter Lewis doesn’t get to win for a second time and as she watches his dead body on the ground she feels nothing but relief.
It’s only a few days later that there’s a knock at her door and even though she hasn’t heard that knock in years she knows who’s on the other side of it. And for a second she can’t breathe. When she opens it he’s standing there, as handsome as ever, older, somehow softer and she realizes that being away has done him good.
“I heard what you did, what you went through.” He lets his eyes travel over her face, bruised and swollen but still the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
“I would have done it again.” She can feel her heart beating in her chest, can barely believe he’s standing in front of her. “There wasn’t a doubt in my mind.”
“I know.”
For a few moments they just look at each other, a silent understanding between them.
“Are you back?” She finally asks and when the corner of his mouth tugs into the smile she had always loved she felt like something was falling into place. A missing piece of her finally making her feel whole.
“I am.” He takes a tentative step towards her and that’s when she realizes that they’re still standing in the doorway. She lets him in, closes the door behind him and when she turns he’s closer, so close she can smell his cologne. It’s the same as it always had been and she breathes in the familiar scent. When he carefully rubs his thumb against her bruised cheek she sucks in a shaky breath as she leans into it.
“I’m not dreaming right?” She asks, her voice barely above a whisper as he closes the final distance between them.
“No, sweetheart.” He brushes some hair away from her face. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.” She lets one hand rest against his chest, feels his heartbeat against her palm, beating fast and hard in his chest. “Are you staying?”
“If you’ll have me.” He whispers and tears she hadn’t noticed before shine in his eyes as he looks down at her.
She had never been more sure of anything.
Jack is almost as tall as her now, a teenager that’s had to grow up much faster than he should have. The moment he sees her he’s running, tall limbs and his sandy blonde hair a little darker than it used to be. He’s looking more like Aaron now, dark eyes and a heavy frown.
She doesn’t realize how hard she’s hugging him, doesn’t realize that the wetness on her face is from tears of relief. Then she hears it, a soft, gentle hum against her ear as she holds him close, Aaron watching from a few feet away.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey.” Jack mumbles, his voice darker than she remembered.
“You’re home.” She cradles his face in a way she knows he would have found embarrassing if it were under any other circumstance.
“So are you.” He smiles and she chokes out a laugh.
Emily never thought she would find a family, a real family. Until them.
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verdemoun · 8 months ago
If it hasn’t been mentioned before how did Sadie die in the canon timeline before getting timewarped and how was Jake found? I think they are super interesting considering how they weren’t even married for 3 years yet before the events of the first mission (they were married in September and the game starts in May) Also another random question but did any of the gang bond over the different instruments they played (ex Sadie-Harmonica, Pearson-Accordion, or Javier-Guitar) and speaking of Javier did he ever learn electric guitar? [Sorry if my bombarding you with questions is annoying or overwhelming I’m just very hyper fixated on Rdr2 and love this au <3 /lh/pos]
pls never apologise i love asks my inbox is officially empty again rip so to all pls feel free to send any more questions about timewarp or my general rdr2 addled brain.
Sadie makes me so sad esp in the epilogue she literally makes the comment i wanna die like she is such an incredible character but she is so defeated by losing her husband, and then finding the gang only to lose them as well. After Micah's death she didn't even have revenge to live for. Also being at John and Abigail's wedding? As beautiful as the day was and as happy as she was for them, being reminded of her own wedding, everything she lost, how much she loved her husband. I think that the passive suicidality/recklessness she was putting into bounty hunting would've caught up with her really quickly and she was shot and killed by some unknown outlaw she was trying to bring in no later than 1908.
Jake bless was very much not someone anyone thought to look for fortunately with living with Sadie in such an isolated area he's a proper survivalist and just lived camping on public land doing odd jobs like farm work where he could to earn some cash for basic necessities and was just rolling with it. He's very laid back go with the flow type guy who was not nearly as panicked about waking up in modern era as he should have been.
It's completely stupid how they ran into Jake Adler. The gang were in public talking too loud about 1899 and he casually walked up to them like oh hi were you guys also magically teleported 100 years into the future after dying??
Kieran was terrified of Jake and expected some sort of retribution for being an O'Driscoll like literally shuffling to hide behind other members of the gang terrified but they actually ended up being besties because Jake knows loads about gardening and homesteading and they got to bond over 'fuck Colm O'Driscoll' and just being gentle souls they vibe so well.
Gets a new cabin away from everything and starts rebuilding his homesteading life so everything is perfect for when Sadie comes back.
It's so obvious how Jake and Sadie's dynamic worked the second they met Jake Adler. He is the sweetest, most disgustingly soft man to ever exist. He has bi wife energy. If he had survived instead of Sadie, he would not have made it in the gang. He gets emotional over the idea of using pesticides to keep bugs off his tomatoes. He is malewife extraordinaire and cries at least once a week about missing his wife who he is nauseatingly in love with.
He went with them to get Sadie obviously and the gang were a little nervous how he would respond to bounty hunter more ghost than people living weapon that is the Sadie Adler they knew? Plus this is post Micah's death so they heard ALL about that as well. Sadie Adler is terrifying. How could such a delicate marshmallow man handle it?
It is immediately very obvious that that's just Sadie's personality. It is exaggerated but very much just how she's always been she could say the most threatening violent comment with the coldest scowl and Jake's just there like wow that's my wife isn't she amazing <3 <3 <3
He is not at all surprised she became a bounty hunter and murderer she was always capable of it he just asked her nicely not to kill people so she didn't but she was always that one thing away from becoming the woman we know and love. Also how quickly Sadie goes from cold scowl to smiling affectionately kissing her husband like he is her squishy soft rock.
Also Sadie is very much bisexual being in a relationship with a man does not erase that Jake has always known and is very supportive every night he gives thanks to the women who fumbled Sadie Adler so he could marry her. Gender roles are not welcome in their relationship hell gender as a concept doesn't belong in their relationship they both wear skirts on hot days and Jake wears lipstick more often than Sadie does. Sadie pegs.
She met him at the stables he was working at, picked him up like a stray cat and said we're married now. She proposed to him and he cried. Finding someone who complimented her in every way was a once in a million and she never moved on from that. He enjoys the domestic chores she loathes, never questions or raises an eyebrow at her wearing pants or wielding a gun. Both of them happy to move into the middle of no where because neither one of them wanted their dynamic being scrutinized like they are happy being in their own world regardless of era.
The gang are still in awe of how well they balance each other out. There was divine intervention in them being so perfectly made for each other let alone finding each other in canon era it's so much clearer how they seemed so lost and distraught being apart. Why Sadie was still mourning and talking about Jake in 1907 when she had lost him for longer than she'd known him at that point. Two people could not be more perfect for each other.
Sadie starts playing harmonica again now that she has her Jakey back. And Jake, who in a similar way stopped playing when he didn't have his Sadie his amore, gets another violin (this is a hc that I will die defending let him play fiddle while Sadie's on harmonica little homesteading country music losers). Charles also plays harmonica and it is very 'same hat!!' when they realize. Teach each other songs too.
Javier plays around with electric guitar but is an acoustic purist, but because Isaac plays electric guitar they have great little jam sessions together. Javier loves having someone who asks questions and wants to learn guitar like Isaac is pretty good by the time 1911 gang arrive but he is so happy to also have someone who likes guitar as much as he does and he can learn from. Rip Isaac's friends trying to keep up 'hey you up for crime this afternoon' 'no sorry i'm going to go play guitar with my stoner mexican uncle. his autistic boyfriend who is also a stoner is making soda bread!'
Uncle gets a banjo again and also a ukulele because he thinks they look goofy.
Also Sean plays jaw harp? Fun character fact. Lenny also forgets this fact and can be found walking around the house looking for whatever bug is making that weird buzzing noise and turns out Sean couldn't sleep and was just boinging along with his jaw harp.
Gang bonfire nights go wild on the jam sessions. Little southern orchestra with the banjo, two harmonicas, a fiddle, a jaw harp and guitars all going.
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pjoxreader · 2 years ago
*awkwardly waves* H- Hello! Sorry if it's out of the blue but may I request two one-shots or hcs? The first one is Leo Valdez x daughter (or child if you only do gender-neutral) of Aphrodite!reader where Leo develops a crush on said reader. The second is Leo Valdez x modern!reader x Percy Jackson-- I know this sounds weird and you can change it if you are not comfortable but I'd like to see a love triangle between them ((the reason for the modern!reader (as if from our world etc.) is because I haven't seen any of those 😅))
That's all for now, sorry if it's too long. I hope you have a great day/night!
Daughter of Aphrodite x Leo
((I forgot to only put one request at a time to keep things neat in my rules but that was my fault so I went ahead and did both for you! I hope you enjoy! 😅))
Leo Valdez
-You two started out as just friends, of course Leo would playfully flirt now and again but that’s just who he was. He loved to make people smile and you’d light up a room with yours. Anytime you’d laugh at one of his dumb flirting attempts he’d get the dorkiest grin. 
-”Are you Medusa? Because I’d turn to stone so I could spend eternity staring at your beauty.” He had never been more proud of himself as he saw you blush and giggle. Even though both Percy and Annabeth gave each other a grimace as if remembering a bad memory. Leo thought it was a good one though! 
-Leo knew you were wayyy out of his league. He tried to ignore his feelings but at this point he couldn’t. Anytime he tried to focus on something his mind would wander back to you. Just simple things like ‘Ah she’d love this new machine!’ or ‘She’d be really mad if she knew I was up this late…’ But those thoughts plagued his every waking moment.
- “I just can’t get her out of my mind!” Leo complains to one of his siblings Jake Manson who gives him a sympathetic pat on the back. “It’d just… Never work out though… I’m… I’m a son of Hephaestus and she’s well… A daughter of Aphrodite. It’s like a nerd trying to get with a popular girl.” Leo complains, waving his hand as he explains this.
-Jake raises a brow with that, opening his mouth but seems to remember something before he speaks. “Ah that’s right… You never got the chance to meet Charles…” he hums softly and digs through his pocket showing Leo a picture of Charles and Silena, Silena was kissing his cheek while Charles was as red as a tomato. “Charles was the counselor before I was, and Silena was a daughter of Aphrodite. It shouldn’t have worked but… They made it work. They were the best couple in the whole camp.” There was sadness in Jake’s voice but he looked at the picture with fondness and melancholy. 
-Leo felt a bit guilty but seeing the two people smiling in the picture he couldn’t help but wonder how he managed to do it. Leo had fought monsters, faced the world ending, and he was still too scared to try and ask you out… Maybe he really was helpless…
Leo Valdez x Modern!Reader x Percy Jackson
-They really didn’t get along well, Leo and Percy were like two sides of the same coin. Leo used his brains and mechanical skills to work through problems. He was head of the mechanics team after all! And Percy? Percy was captain of the swim team, strong, toned and downright eye candy. Not to mention he wasn’t afraid to get into a fight.
-You really weren’t sure how you managed to get stuck in this. You thought you were pretty good at sticking to yourself and minding your own business. Well, guess that was wrong. The two would constantly be fighting and arguing around you. 
-It started off with small things, just arguments you didn’t bother to stick around for, but then it started to escalate. Percy would go into the mechanic club room soaking wet with his team getting the room soaked. And for revenge? Leo set off a glitter bomb in the pool that took two weeks to clean up. -You couldn’t stand it anymore! You call both boys out to the school roof, arms crossed angrily. “I’ve had just about enough of you both!” you yell angrily. They both look sheepish as they knew they had taken it too far if you were that mad at them.
-”Can’t you guys just like… Kiss or get together or… Something! Stop dragging me into your weird flirting!” you complain. The both pause slowly, turning to each other at the same time in shock. They stare at each other for a bit before they both burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing they ever heard.
-You’re left standing there utterly confused as they laugh loudly, Leo even rubbing a tear from his eye as Percy slaps his leg from laughing too hard. “We like *you*! We were fighting over *you*! We weren’t flirting with each other!” Leo explains the gears slowly turn in your head as it finally clicks and you feel the heat rising in your face making the boys burst out laughing again. “I thought I was dense!” Percy complains between laughter fits.
~Masterlist & Rules~
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andro526484339 · 9 months ago
Transported oc ramblings from twitter for you all
phan literally gets red with anger like a tomato if carter shit talks mama brannigan. carter can't even reference the woman. it's good that carter finds brannigan too scary to be hot cause if she ever did verbalize that phan might actually sock her in the jaw
Yes I killed my boss mentor maternal figure. No you cannot say she deserved it or had it coming or that she hid everything from me. She did what she had to do and so did I so show some respect idiot before I slap you again
ofc phan shooting brannigan wasnt a planned act she just did it and blacked out the whole stomping in the corpse until she breathed heavy thing. brannigan had no belief she would pull the trigger even while looking down the barrel she underestimated how far this carter thing went
anyway since that day forth carter does see phan in a legitimately different light as someone she can be scared of. because before the violence was fun and she was enjoying it despite her claims to the otherwise. but that was notttt fun ehm she flinches when phan gets close again
once again a case of carter not giving a shit until she's forced to confront it with her eyeballs. knows what phan is and what she's capable of and doesn't care. it is different though because brannigan is well brannigan but carter is carter so what does that mean for her
also phan does not kill like that. she's an efficient one shot kill. it was grotesque and uncharacteristic and fueled by a level of hate that phan will never be able to muster up again. you cant talk about brannigan because phan refuses to confront it
at the end of the day despite all of this carter is not different from phan in the violence she can perpetuate. she does strangle a woman to death out of eloises revenge that she didn't ask for. maybe she's scared of phan for a bit because she knows how alike they are who knows
really the only main thing to understand is that the two of them enjoy violence and having power over people. that is why they are what they are. phan admits this and doesn't care. carter refuses to and says she's better than that. they're two sides of the same coin
this is why eloise is disgusted by carter now bc she knows this. and this is why eloises killer is a mirror image of phan whose main difference is not having a carter to set her off the path. Carter Le Hypocrite whos fucking the same bitch whod kill eloise without second thought
Anyway moral of the story is they're both selfish cunts who like to exert their power and hurt people and get lots of money from it and they both deflect from the ramifications from this in opposite directions
I fear carters inferiority complexes has caused woman cop syndrome. self explanatory. I feel no power in society so I am going to gain it with the system
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gabzilla-z · 2 years ago
So, you up to date with Gundam? How we feeling with what we already knew about aerial? What will Suletta actually be? (and Miorine rocks that suit...)
Yes, I'm obsessed.
Well, now that Aerial being Eri (or what's left of her) is confirmed the question that remains is how and why.
I know Prospera is already receiving the Monster Mommy of the year award from most of the fandom, but I'm still betting on the theory that Eri becoming Aerial was either an accident or a last minute resort to keep her "alive", not something she did on purpose to get her revenge. We'll see - probably next episode - if that's the case or not.
As for Suletta, so far I have three theories:
Eri and Lfrith switched bodies. I find this one to be the less likely of the three. First because she doesn't look like the 25 year old Ericht would be in the present (yes, I know about the Suspended Animation theory but I don't see the point of Prospera letting her age when she was probably absorbed at 6/8 years old) and second because Prospera seems... unconcerned with Suletta's safety, which imo would not be the case if she was piloting the body of her beloved daughter.
Another kid modified to look like Suletta, just like with El4n and El5n. At the moment, the more likely explanation, because we know it can be done. Personally, Prospera's conversation with Belmeria leds me to believe it's not the case.
Suletta is a clone of Eri, designed to be able to pilot Aerial without suffering the consequences. Currently we don't have any proof in universe that this can be done, but considering Nortette being a botanical engineer was mentioned last episode (and all this shots of tomatos and what plants can endure that humans can't which mmmmh) and we have a kid's soul fueling a Gundam, I think this theory still has a chance to be true.
We'll see!
And yes, Miorine looked dashing in that suit.
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world-cinema-research · 11 months ago
The 400 Blows/Les Cuatre Cents Coups (1959)
By Cris Nyne
The directorial debut of pioneering French filmmaker, François Truffaut’s The 400 Blows, left a lasting imprint on the timeline of international cinema. To know Truffaut’s history before becoming director makes the film even more of a remarkable achievement. His life began as a troubled youth, engaging in petty crimes and was well on his way to a path of self-destruction. It was in his late teenage years when recognized film critic André Bazin would take Truffaut under his wing and give him a job as critic for the film magazine Cahiers du cinéma. During this time, Truffaut would become recognized as a brutal critic of French films. His infamy stretched to Festival de Cannes, where he would be denied accreditation in 1958. The following year in 1959, Truffaut would get his revenge by being crowned Best Director for The 400 Blows at Cannes. This all by the age of 27. Truffaut would continue to turn the film industry on its head and help pave the way for what today is known as French New Wave.
“If the New Wave marks the dividing point between classic and modern cinema (and many think it does), then Truffaut is likely the most beloved of modern directors -- the one whose films resonated with the deepest, richest love of moviemaking.” -Roger Ebert August 8, 1999
The 400 Blows is a semi-autobiographical tale that follows the young star Jean-Pierre Léaud as the mischievous Antoine Doinel. Antoine is humiliated by his teacher, skips school, steals, and smokes cigarettes while contemplating a better life A life away from his father’s failures and his mother’s affairs. Both parents find themselves exhausted of all options for their son (or the lack of attention they care to provide) and send him off to a school for troubled children. From the beginning of the film, his parents seem to have other priorities in filling the hole in their marriage, and Antoine is essentially a victim of having too much unsupervised time on his hands. By the end of the film, Antoine is contemplating his life outside of the observation center for delinquent youth. He makes a dash for it.
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Source: Blu-ray.com
“The movie is full of actual incidents from Truffaut’s childhood, including his fabricating his mother’s death as an excuse for truancy. Few movies have been so personal.” -J.Hoberman, The New York Times September 21, 2022
The movie was well received by audiences and critics alike. He won Best Director at Cannes in 1959, as well as a nominee for the Palme d’Or, the highest prize awarded at Cannes. The French regional newspaper Nice-Matin claimed The 400 Blows to be “A Masterpiece”. The chemistry between Léaud and Truffaut was strong. They would go on to make three more feature films with Léaud revising his role as Antoine Doinel, Stolen Kisses (1968), Bed and Board (1970), and Love on the Run (1979). Currently, Rotten Tomatoes lists The 400 Blows with a rating of 94%.
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Original Movie Release Poster
The film is in black and white and is shot in a very personal manner. There are lots of close-space encounters that make you feel as if you are squeezing into the room with them. The house that Antoine lives with his mother and father is very small. During one scene as Antoine is sleeping, his mother, Gilberte Doinel (played by Claire Maurier), comes home after a long night and cannot open the door all the way as it is stopped by the mattress that Antoine sleeps on. There are many fun street scenes shot from different angles- subterranean, street-level, and roof tops, that portray Antoine and his friends plotting and scheming around the streets of Paris. There are a few scenes that follow the main character along a stretch of blocks, and I found myself thinking about how smooth the camerawork was.
During its filming and release date, The 400 Blows took the idea of conventional filmmaking and shredded the blueprint. The director was only known as a stubborn critic and the main star of the film was completely unknown. The script was a unique story, one that, for the most part, Truffaut had lived and had made it through to tell the tale of a rebellious and delinquent child on a bad path. A child that by today’s standards would probably be diagnosed with an attention deficit disorder and prescribed medication. What was once an extremely unconventional approach to filmmaking has now become a standard in delivering a storyline. Truffaut’s confidence in leaping from critic to auteur has left a rippling effect that you can still see over 7 decades later.   
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bigyikes97 · 1 year ago
recommend me another depressing Korean gangster movie
Hmmm hmmm ok so if you say "another", that means you maybe already watched either "The Merciless" or "A Bittersweet Life" or perhaps both, which were the depressing Korean gangster movies I posted about most on here and both of which I very highly recommend...A Bittersweet Life is one of my favorite movies of all time, if not my top fave. In case you watched one but not the other:
A Bittersweet Life - a story about a man who catches one imperfect glimpse of beauty and throws away everything in a inevitable and helpless grasp at something he knows he can never have. I cried at the soundtrack for days after my first watch, haha.
The Merciless - a stylishly shot and perhaps more hardboiled noir about a chosen one who really meant it when he said he shouldn't be the chosen one, which falls apart in a spectacular and heartrending explosion of betrayal, confusion, and devastation. Like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.
These are most definitely my top 2 in the whole world so far, and honestly nothing else really plucks exactly those same chords with me in terms of overall excellence, but here's a few others nonetheless:
A Company Man - More of a straightforward shoot-em-up. Could be taken as either an action flick kinda sorta similar to Bittersweet Life (gangster wants out, gang won't let him go) or a harsh satire of South Korean work culture, which makes it (imho) slightly more interesting. Definitely depressing gangsters, for sure!
The Man from Nowhere - it's more of a vigilante justice/revenge thriller and a lot of people liked it, but unfortunately since it was one of the first in the genre (at least from South Korea), in my opinion it's since been done better. Or maybe I'm just chronically Kdrama-ing so I have more stringent standards, lol. The main lead's looks are to die for though if that's an aspect that appeals to you--and many folks loved it, 100% on Rotten Tomatoes!
The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil - On paper it looks amazing--a brash cop has to team up with a gangster to take down an even bigger criminal, exposing the corruption of the cops and the weird code of honor among the criminals. Usually that's my cup of tea and I came in SO ready to love this movie but...somehow didn't. I don't know why. It even had Ma Dong Seok, who's usually great! However, it got 97% on Rotten Tomatoes, so maybe you'll see something about it I missed if you watch it :)
Gangnam Blues - So, I didn't watch this one myself, but it's got Lee Min Ho and a historical-fiction take on the real-life corruption and money/power plays surrounding the creation of the glitzy Gangnam district from a marsh in the 70's, it looks interesting! I'll probably watch it in the future.
Speaking of, Ma Dong Seok is pretty much the go-to guy for Korean gangster movies. He's been in the genre since forever, if you search his name you'll likely find some good ones I haven't heard about.
I don't know if you're interested in extending your search to dramas, but in case you are:
Insider - one of THE best kdramas I've seen, hands down. The set-up is similar to The Merciless in that a guy goes undercover in prison to catch a gangster and ends up forming bonds with a high-ranking member while working on the inside. However, the similarities stop there. I think I binged it in like 3 days. It's gritty and doesn't let up, but the main guy is one of my favorite protagonists ever and the ending was fantastic
Big Mouth - it came out around the same time and also involves a wrongful imprisonment, but with a hilarious twist (along with some Very Not Hilarious ones) that make it a different flavor. I got busy and didn't finish (and also didn't have subtitles while it was airing)
Watcher - This one's more on the one-righteous-cop-vs-corrupt-conglomerate side of things, which will always and forever be my jam. The moody atmosphere and insanely tight writing make this one of my favorites. I've seen it like 4 or 5 times and seem to catch something new each time, the writing is extremely satisfying and there are great female characters too, which I'm all about.
Nobody Knows - I'm watching this one right now and it's also more on righteous detective vs killer side of things, but it's got a fascinating female lead, great characters, consistent plot and great storytelling so far.
Triangle - this one is about gangsters and casinos and is unique because it's one of the WORST kdramas I've EVER seen, but it's so bad it crosses the line right back into good again because it's so freaking funny how everyone manages to act the worst plot and the worst characters with the deepest sincerity. Everyone's gorgeous, which helps. It's funnier if you're a chronic Kdrama enjoyer to see all the worst tropes played out in the funniest ways with dead straight faces. They actually wrote it episode by episode based on viewer feedback and ran out of time at the end because the feedback was conflicting--and BOY does it show in unintentionally hilarious ways.
Bad and Crazy - I LOVE this drama, especially the first act. It's violent and dark, with comedy thrown in, and one of the most interesting and sensitive portrayals of a mental illness on screen that I've ever seen in both American and Korean TV. Yet another righteous-cop-vs-conglomerate plot, my beloved. I'll eat that storyline up each time though.
So that's movies and dramas off the top of my head--if I think of any other good ones, I'll let you know! Happy watching and omg, if any of those tickle your fancy I'd love to hear your thoughts! :D
*Ok, one runner up: From the director of "A Bittersweet Life", "A Tale of Two Sisters" is a psychological horror that is just. so. good. I'm not usually a horror person and I was hooked and think about it all the time, very excellent!
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paxesoterica · 11 months ago
There rode a certain witch, from Mercury it's said She was big and strong, and her hair a flaming red Some haters came at her, with anger and with screed But most Gundam fans, saw in her a charming lead She's oft the most memeable of creatures Bringing laughter and joy to most But her strength and kindness are the features More would do well to host
Mer-Mer-Mercury! Partner of Miorine! Succeeded beyond expectations! Mer-Mer-Mercury! Ace pilot and Coven's Key! That's not up for interpretations!
"Tomato's gotta go", declared her enemies But her fanbase begged, "A few episodes more please!" A dork (affectionate), she'd garnered much goodwill Though she had her flaws, Suletta was well-liked still Then one day a poll of M.C. scoring Challenged her, it's not to blame "Come, prove yourself", the thread was imploring And the witch was game
Mer-Mer-Mercury! Partner of Miorine! They beset her with all the downvotes![2] Mer-Mer-Mercury! Ace pilot and Coven's Key! She was unfazed, more scared of the goat!
Mer-Mer-Mercury! Partner of Miorine! They exclaimed she'd earn no higher place! Mer-Mer-Mercury! Ace pilot and Coven's Key! And so they shot her off into space![3]
Oh, those Redditors[4]
Sung to the tune of "Rasputin" by Boney M.
I'd originally used the word 'upvotes', due to the rules of the poll dictating that you upvoted the person you wanted out, but I figured this version would better preserve the sentiment should it be voided of context.
No lesbian space tanukis were harmed in the voting of the poll; Suletta was recovered safely from the vacuum of space and has forsworn revenge. Now, her sister whose a literal ghost in the machine that can hijack WMDs, on the other hand...
Context: There's been a protagonist elimination poll on the Gundam subreddit for the past couple weeks. Suletta was doing very well, but her winning streak finally ended and she was voted out at 4th place. I didn't think the poll was supposed to be particularly serious, since the first elimination, Judau Ashta from Mobile Gundam ZZ, was due to a meme[5], so to pay tribute to Suletta's valiant struggle, I wrote a parody song. Unfortunately, some folks took the poll and their beef with fictional teenagers Very Seriously[6], so it got a mixed reception. Still, a few folks enjoyed it, and I think I did a good job, so I decided to preserve it and share it with folks here as well.
The opening song for Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is "Anime Ja Nai ~Yume o Wasureta Furui Chikyūjin yo~", which apparently translates to "It's Not Anime (You Antiquated Earthlings Who Have Forgotten Dreams), so it's a fairly common meme in Gundam fandom that ZZ 'is not anime'.
Considering the show ended 9 months ago at this point, which as far as the modern entertainment cycle goes might as well be 9 years, the longer The Witch from Mercury continues to live in haters' heads rent-free, the more I'm impressed. Here's to hoping folks are still living mad about it 9 actual years from now.
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short-black-diamond · 1 year ago
Hi I was wondering if your request are still open and if so are there any of the series listed in your master list list that you no longer write for?
thank you for asking me that, I should really renew my masterlist...
Also no, requests are not open, and every person who is requesting stuff now stays in my inbox as I'm still looking and writing for the requests I got. But, if you want to, you can request stuff, but you'll have to wait, my love.
I don't know, but I still like to write stuff in some parts, for example my hero academia, where I've written a lotta stuff, and a smut fic with Aizawa will come soon. However, I'd also like to write drabbles or one-shots with the students as well.
I've wanted to write more Haikyuu fics as well, but I dunno, I've actually never watched the anime, only the first few episodes...
Tokyo revengers is also there, and I love when I get requests to write about them. However, I've been reading the mange until chapter 2 hundred something, so I'm not as up to date as some of you guys, but I'll try my best if requests come regarding that anime/mange series.
Nanbaka is such an underrated anime, and the manga is also pretty cool, so I'd love to still write fic then and there.
Obey me will stay, I think, because I have a lot of requests from it, and I still have more to write. Another thing to add is that I really like that game.
I think I'll put Wednesday away, because it just--isn't my favourite, like I didn't really like the show. Maybe the second season will be cooler, but I dunno. So...maybe no more Wednesday content.
I won't stop writing for Marionetta, The greatest Estate Developer or The Tomato Can. They are goated webtoons and I love them very much.
Please also chech out my events at the end of my masterlist, where there are some more webtoons and anime listed which I read and watch.
Thank you for asking me, my love, I actually had time to think about this!
I hope this answered your question, and if you have more, then just ask ahead and I'll try my best to answer you as soon as possible.
-your diamond <3
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lavender-long-stories · 6 months ago
✿ Monday Sneak Peaks ✿
The Best Revenge Chapter 33 | ShikaHina ✿ Ongoing
Hinata cupped her cheek and blinked at Kushina as she started to whisper-scream. “You have a lot of nerve showing your face here! After what you put my son through, how did you think that it was appropriate!” “He… He invited us.” Hinata told her meekly. She knew this was going to be a problem, but she didn’t expect this. “If you have a shred of decency, then you would have declined.” Kushina gave up on trying to keep her voice down. “You shouldn’t have a happy ending after what you gave up. You crushed Naruto’s heart with what you did, and you have the gall to come here and rub your infidelity in his face!”
House Husband Chapter 04 | ItaHina ✿ Ongoing
Hinata slumped down on her bed and tossed her blazer on the floor, curling her legs up to the side and laying her head down. It had been another long day. It would be another long day tomorrow. The cycle continued. Her apartment was dark. No one was home. Did she wish that there was someone waiting for her when she got home? Sure, but she thought having a pet with her would be cruel to leave as long as she was gone. She was sure her uncle and father had her best interest at heart. Hizashi wanted her to find love. Her father wanted her to have someone to grow old with. What did she want?
Better Late Chapter 14 | SasuHina ✿ Ongoing
Sasuke popped the last of their snack in his mouth and crumbled the package up into his pocket. “When we fell asleep I had a dream that I was a tomato, and Itachi was eating me.” Hinata's hand brushed against his as they walked, and they joined hands almost magnetically. The slightly too-long sleeve of his hoodie tucked between their hands. “Most of my dreams are about me missing assignments.” “That’s a nightmare.” Sasuke corrected. “Is your brother eating you, not a nightmare?” Hinata countered.
A Kiss Between Strangers Chapter 25 | GaaHina ✿ Ongoing
“I find her… much easier to be comfortable around.” She was the definition of a non-threatening air. Even when he worried about what she might think or how she might react. He always felt like no matter what her worst reaction would be, it would still be soft. Soft wasn't the word he wanted. Comfortable? Pleasant? “I would like to be closer to her, but I believe it will hurt when she is not there anymore.” Baki’s eyebrows knit together. Never a good sign. “You mean over break?” “I mean when we aren’t together anymore.” Gaara clarified. Baki blinked at him. He was surprised. Another thing that was not good to see on a therapist's face. “Are you worried about the relationship as it is now?” Gaara shook his head.
Riding Hearts Chapter 28 | Akatsuki x Hinata ✿ Ongoing
Hinata tucked her nose down in her blanket to stave off the cold that was on her ears. Why was the air so cold? Did Deidara leave the window open? Sasori was going to be upset if he woke up to the whole loft being cold. Maybe she should get up to close it, but she didn’t want to leave the warmth of the covers. A harsh snore made her eyes pop open as she realized she wasn’t in her bed. Deidara’s snores were not that deep. She peeked her head out of the blanket and found Kisame sleeping upright against the truck cabin with his arms permanently crossed into place and his head dropped down with his chin resting on his chest as he harshly snored. He looked comfortable despite the positioning.
All Stories ✿ Completed Stories ✿ One Shots
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aceduchessdragoness · 11 months ago
Uploaded on Instagram by mahmoudbassam8 on April 15, 2024.
“Deferred Revenge
"I want to hit him back the same way he hit me," Nimr Al-Saadi Al-Nimr expressed his anger over the occupation due to their assault on him, then burst into tears out of oppression and rage, and in his eyes was a determination to seek revenge, perhaps not now but postponed until further notice.
What is the story of Nimr Al-Saadi Al-Nimr, and what did the occupation soldiers do to him, and why is he insisting on revenge? Let's watch”
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[above: arabic part of the post]
[id video subtitles
I did my best to guess punctuation and where sentences began and ended.
(insert) = correction
I want to return the blow to him just like he hit me. I’m waiting to grow up so I can become a fighter, and when I grow up, [begins tearing up] I’m going to hut him on the head just like he hit me and step over him like this…Step over his head as he stepped over my head, and shot the one who shot me. [cries]
[showing a scar on the left side of his torso] My name is Nimir, I’m 12 years old. I am a child, what is my fault? That’s my injury, I was hit by two bullets. And, it’s also explosive bullets. Look here and see how my injury looks like. What is my fault? What do I have to do with this? Here…Explosive bullets.
I was picking vegetables. I was just picking vegetables and plants to get food, bringing food to my brothers. What is my fault? They shoot me; now I have this leg with tendons and arteries severed. [holds up right leg] And I also have an injury in this leg here. [shows scar on left foot] Here! And I have an injury in my back and that injury in my abdomen.
My little sister used to wake up; she would always wake up and tell me to go out “dady (daddy)” and bring us “nana.” She meant to go out and bring us food. So when I would go out to get food, and as soon as I returned, she would run to me, open the door, hug me, and say “Dady (daddy), did you bring nana?” and I answer “Yes.” I used to give her a tomato to eat, and she used to sit and eat it. And this is what we did most of the time, I would go out and bring [food] –
One day, I was shot, and the Israelis took me, I wasn’t able to see my sister. And I always thought about them while in prison: Does she eat? Who would bring her food? Who would go out [to bring food]?
I mean, the situation is difficult for us, the situation in Gaza is tough. /id]
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asoulwithadream · 1 year ago
soulysis: ofmd 2x02 title - red flags
let's begin with: what does a red flag mean in piracy? when raiding, pirates start with warning shots. if the enemy doesn't lower their flag to signal surrender, the red flag (or bloody flag as it is known) is raised, signaling that the target's cargo/valuables will be taken by force and that "no quarter" will be given if the enemy ship continued to refuse surrender.
therefore, here i am to spread my conspiracies like tomato sauce on a pizza :) i think that 'red flags' will include a fight, a fleet, and two reunions. hear me out here, it's all going to make sense in a moment.
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i saw this one post on here, and now i'm just thinking about it constantly. we know from the warner brother's pictures that the scenes of stede and the rest of the crew dressed in eastern clothing aboard the eastern ship are taken from the second episode, and we know from his silhouette and black pete's reaction that lucius will appear in that episode, and they two will have a reaction. probably in a scene in the trailer, with stede in a red short firing a shot and the rest of the crew turning surprised but not drawing their weapons at the attack, which i think is lucius disguised. the crew during the red shirt scene appear to be the same, and on the same ship which they escape later, and therefore that crosses off reunion number one.
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next. the eastern disguises, paired with ruibo qian playing the mysterious merchant 'susan', which i think is too much of a disguise name to not be a disguise, makes me think that the red flags may also be a reference to ching shih's fleet rather then just having it's original meaning. ching shih was an extremely well known, feared and powerful chinese woman pirate, possibly even the strongest pirate in the history of piracy. even though they have the entire century wrong with her appearance (she was active in the early 1800s), i do think that david jenkins' creative liberties would make it possible for her appearance. the other meaning of red flags, which is the one above, is what happens to the revenge, explaining it's battered disposition and injured edward, though i do not know by whom they're kicked in the butts by— i don't think it would be maynard just yet.
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we can see ed and stede still in his eastern clothing, making me feel that they've found him on there after sneaking aboard, in that same episode, crossing off reunion number two. perhaps they found him injured aboard the ship, but still breathing, and stede nursed him back to conciousness, but i don't want to think two deep into it, and i appreciate that we've maybe gotten enough context to understand 'what', but not 'why'. that's the best part of theorising, knowing what happens which builds intrigue for finding out why.
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year ago
🎱 For any pair with any au you're in the mood for go wild!!
Alternative Universe
business Au
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Many influencial companies have gathered at this event... Carmilla sighed holding her drink looking at all the newbie hopefull Company owners being one of the ones long enough in this business... however a glare shot over to the one currently gathering all the attention, Izar who has a small Financial Empire but slowly been on the rise with his deals and his charisma luring people in...
"Urgh this guy... can't stand him... things he can take customers away from me but I am sure I can make more than him this year."
"My my, if that isn't my dearest rival, what a pleasant glare you have on your face."
It was like the spotlight was on her, as if he lured the crowd to look at her and play close attention.
"You heard me right, our company will outdo yours by a long shot, just cause you won last year doesn't mean anything, you Amateur."
"Feisty, well this will make my victory even funner.~"
The Banter gathered all the attention in the room eventually however the company leaders were too busy with themselves as Carmilla saw Izar walked off the Hallway with a drink in his hand, having a sly smirk on his face. She followed after him, saying the excuse she has to go to the bath room before eventually after a while of tracking him down she got pulled away by him to a corner where nobody could see them, pulling his arms around her hips.
"You kept your Role well, miss CEO... the whole room was talking about us."
She sighed and accepted a steamy kiss with him, tugging on his suit.
"These fools really believe it... and we profit from the whole rivalry talk... the plan was a good idea from the both of us."
"Say once this show is over, how about I arrange you a car, my Son probably be happy about seeing you as well and... we could have a night of rest for now."
"Is this another trick to get me to work less? If so I am all for it."
Many magazines had these two stated as fated Rivals, the biggest fiercests battles in business practises, yet... nobody knew they were actually lovers filling each others bags with money... using charisma, looks and charm to get what they want.
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Prisoner x Executioner Au
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A weak chuckle escape Yuzuha as he looked at his cuffs.... imprisoned despite many starting a rebellion against his execution.... sure he killed someone of noble blood... but someone who also has done terrible things to the people of his country... the people were on his side... but the Royalty was not. He noticed some black boots and a cloaked figure enter the room.
"So you are the excutioner, hmm.. they picked someone beautifull at least?"
"You may call me Elise.... you are curious, prisoner."
He scoffed. "I don't fear death... I acheived my goals... you can do with my head what you want."
"Empty... you really are an interesting one... alas let me bring you to the event."
She undid the chains of the wall and pulled him along by his cuffs to follow her... many ill fated criminals layed in this prison... many of them probably for good reasons too... she noticed his eyes still barely show an reaction to any of it... marching on to the excecution side... the crowd booed and protested... many claimed to free Yuzuha... or free the angel of revenge... Elise herself was hit by a tomato before flinging it back to the receiver as she readied the guillotine...
"Attention... this prisoner may have been convicted for murder but... let this be a lesson to you..."
She pulled her hood back up before working a magic smell...
"Executioners do not accept false justice."
As she said that suddenly the whole wodden stage started burning as Yuzuhas cuffs opened to his surprise and Elise grabbed his arm.
"What are y-"
"You have chance to run right... lets see if fate judges you or in the end I will."
His empty eyes had a sudden shimmer loose shimmer looking up at her as he took her hand... maybe there was something worth living for and following.
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gamerdog1 · 1 year ago
Chainsaw Man Season 1 Review
Its that time of year again: the time where the hardcore anime fans gear up for a new batch of seasonal shows. This winter, a bunch of popular anime, including Vinland Saga, Tokyo Revengers, and Bungou Stray Dogs are releasing new seasons, to the raucous applause of most of the anime fandom community.
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I say 'most', of course, excluding myself. Where am I in this, you may ask? Always behind the curve, picking up the hits years after they've had their debut, like a reverse hipster. What's old is new again for folks like me, who are still trying to watch all the 'old' series, nevermind keep up with new releases. There's merit in this method, though: given enough time, the shiny glow of newness fades, and we can experience the series without rose-colored glasses.
In my never-ending quest to understand why popular media got popular, I stumbled upon Chainsaw Man, a rather recent hit that was practically unavoidable last year. In a sea of generic anime girl snore-fests, it grabbed my attention pretty quickly for its sheer ferocity and love for bloodshed. After being assigned it in a monthly show exchange, I figured it was about time I'd given it a chance. After 12 episodes, though, I feel like my time could've better been spent elsewhere.
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Chainsaw Man (2022) is an adaptation of the manga by the same name, written by Tatsuki Fujimoto. The series follows Denji, a homeless teen who is saddled with a ridiculous debt to the yakuza after his father dies. After surviving an assassination attempt, he fuses with the Chainsaw Devil, and gains its powers of, well, chainsaws. Now, he must work together with an elite team of public service agents to hunt down other devils, to keep a newly found comfy life.
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One would be foolish to assume this wasn't a shonen series. With a teen protagonist, superpowers, monsters, and an overarching storyline about growing up, Chainsaw Man seems like your standard action/fantasy show. What makes it different, though, is its copious amounts of gore. Most 'shonen' series are marketed towards kids and teens, and because of this, are limited in how far they can go with their violent content. Chainsaw Man, it seems, got a free pass from it's producers to show whatever it wants, and really runs with it.
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Most of the series revolves around Denji and his team hunting devils, monsters which personify common fears, and gain power from the fear of them. From hulking furry masses like the Bat Devil, to thousand-eyed pushovers like the Tomato Devil, Denji and his team take them down in a brilliant display of blades, sharp teeth, and blood spray. Violence is the life blood of this series, the thing that keeps its main characters alive, and what keeps viewers like me paying attention.
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Each confrontation is intense, as the human-looking heroes face off against monsters that dwarf them in comparison. The series establishes early on in every fight just what the opposing devil can do, and how that poses a threat to Denji and his team, making it feel like there's little hope in their survival. This, combined with the constant reminders from Denji's superiors of how many previous hunters have died on the job, gives each fight a sense of stakes to it. Characters can (and eventually do) die, so each fight, even those early on, are tense.
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The music, as well, its pretty damn good. I'd already heard the opening track, KICK BACK this summer, and play it a lot while doing chores, but the opening animation that goes with it is really interesting. Look closely, and you'll see shot-for-shot references to famous films, like The Big Lebowski and Pulp Fiction. Each episode also has a unique ending theme, something unique to this series that made me sit and watch each episode all the way through. Most endings are abstract, mostly just the main characters standing around or posing, but all are experimental, including one that is mostly rotoscoped. They were all a joy to watch, a happy surprise at the end of each episode.
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Unfortunately, nice music, dynamic fight scenes and a few gallons of blood tossed around can't distract from the many sins of this anime, ones that made it a very uncomfortable viewing experience. When I started this series, I was optimistic about it, and wanted to learn more about its world and characters. But by the second episode, it became difficult to ignore the less savory aspects of this series, which only worsened with each subsequent episode.
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Denji, the show's protagonist, is a teenager who had his youth stolen from him by the Yakuza, when they forced him to take up his father's debt. Once he is freed from it, however, his true nature is revealed, one which makes it challenging for viewers like me to like him. This series, it seems, has broken new ground with its protagonist, since I doubt any self-respecting shonen would have a main character (who we are meant to like and care about) be as unabashedly horny as this one.
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That's not to say that having a character who likes sex is a bad thing. People, fictional or not, are allowed to like whoever they want, however they want (with consent of course :)). Denji, though, takes the trope of 'sex obsessed teenager' to the extremes, proudly declaring that the only reason he hunts devils is to have sex with his boss. It gets to the point where one of his teammates accuses him of not taking the job seriously, and Denji has the audacity to claim he is. Meanwhile, Denji is lured into a trap by a female character, all because she offered to let him touch her breasts. These, as well as the countless other instances of Denji staring at women's chests instead of their eyes, or whining about how he wants to 'cop a feel', made him a character that was infuriating to watch get his way.
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To make matters worse, it seems like nearly every woman in the series is infatuated with him enough to not only let him do these things to them, but outright encourage them. Halfway through the series, Denji and his teammates join up with another trio of devil hunters to investigate an apartment complex. Before entering, one of the female hunters declares that whoever kills the devil inside will get a kiss from her, and when Denji declines, she whispers that she'll do it "with tongue". Around the same point in the show, Denji's boss Makima explains to him about the Gun Devil, the most powerful and most feared devil ever. When he shows apprehension about taking on such a fearsome foe, Makima offers to do whatever he wants if he kills it, heavily implying that she'll sleep with him.
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Never in my life have I watched a show where adult women proposition a teenager, something which I was proud to say until today. I wish I could say that it had its purpose in the overall story, but the show hardly has anything to say about it, almost as if it had no problems with it in general. Denji is sixteen, and the hunters that offer to kiss or sleep with him are easily in their 20's, maybe even early 30's, making every 'romantic' or 'sexy' moment in this show a fur-raising experience that took me a bit to recover from. If it was once, and to make a point about the transition to adulthood, or how its morally wrong, I'd understand, but this is absurd. Whoever thought that a scene where the main character's co-worker drunkenly kidnaps him, then coaxes him into have sex with her is okay, should be fired, and have their hard drives searched by the FBI.
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I wanted to like this show. Really, I did, especially after all the hype it has, and all the lovely fanart of it I see on my social media feeds. But after having to sit through all 12 episodes of this, I think I'm tapping out. Sure, the fights are great, especially the final one between Denji and Katana Man, where they fight on a subway. The sharp teeth, blades, and constant blood spray were so thrilling, they almost made me forget about the sexual assault stuff. Keyword 'almost'.
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Chainsaw Man isn't just a shonen series about the tumultuous journey from teenager to adult: its an action series with cool monster designs, a feral hero, and more blood than a used tampon. But also, its a series where the main character demands sexual favors, and is rewarded with them by adult women time and time again. This series was a mixed bag, one that had me either glued to the screen or wanting to shut it off, with hardly any in between. The main character should've been anyone else (honestly I'd prefer to be following Power, she's way more interesting), and as the series went on, I felt myself wishing for characters to just die already, so I wouldn't have to put up with them anymore. Here's hoping in season 2 that I get my wish.
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april-pad · 3 months ago
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