#tom nides
eretzyisrael · 1 year
by David Israel
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board on Thursday night published a scathing attack on President Biden’s Israel police, especially the way he’s been mistreating PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.
To remind you, last Tuesday, NY Times pundit Tom Friedman wrote (White House Urging Israelis to Play Nice, Tom Friedman Says US to Reassess Relationship with Israel): “US diplomats … find it hard to believe that Bibi would allow himself to be led around by the nose by people like Ben-Gvir, would be ready to risk Israel’s relations with America and with global investors, and WOULD BE READY TO RISK A CIVIL WAR IN ISRAEL (sic.) just to stay in power with a group of ciphers and ultranationalists.”
In its response to that and similar brazen attacks fueled by the administration, the WSJ editorial board (What Does Biden Have Against Israel? – The President treats the governing coalition in Jerusalem worse than he does Iran) asked: “Why does President Biden go out of his way to snub, criticize and give marching orders to the government of Israel? At least rhetorically, the President and his Administration treat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his governing coalition worse than they do the ruling mullahs in Iran.”
The WSJ is critical of Biden’s repeated declaration that he will not invite the Israeli PM to the White House, while US Ambassador to Jerusalem Tom Nides has been warning that Israel is “going off the rails,” and both men know that their statements provide shameless support to Netanyahu’s enemies.
“When Mr. Netanyahu was most vulnerable, in late March, Mr. Biden needlessly decreed that Israel ‘cannot continue down this road’ on judicial reform,” the WSJ editorial continued, noting that “the Prime Minister had already changed course and agreed to moderate the reforms—a domestic Israeli affair in which the US President has no business. Mr. Nides publicly instructed Mr. Netanyahu, as if with his chauffeur, to ‘pump the brakes.’”
“This is no way to treat a democratic ally,” argues the editorial, and suggested “the President’s Israel policy has been counterproductive. US aid to anti-Israel international bodies has resumed, and all of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is treated as ‘occupied territory.’ This is now a liberal article of faith, but how does it advance peace to indulge Palestinians in the belief that Jews are interlopers in Judea and at the Western Wall?”
The WSJ says Biden is undermining Israel’s democratically elected government while “Hamas and other Iranian proxies are gaining power in the West Bank, activating another front against Israel.”
The paper warns: “The new wave of terrorism against Jewish civilians will set back the Palestinian cause but advance Iran’s.”
The editorial also lists Biden’s other failures in the Middle East, including abandoning the Abraham Accords, one of his predecessor’s most brilliant achievements. Biden also failed to keep Saudi Arabia in the Western camp, driving it instead to deepen its relations with China. And the administration’s promises about a better nuclear deal with Iran are all gone.
Perhaps most disappointing has been the failure to extend the Trump-brokered Abraham Accords. The Saudis are the prize, but Mr. Biden’s open hostility drove them to hedge their bets by signing a Chinese-brokered deal with Iran instead. Normalization with Israel may have to wait for a U.S. President interested in rallying a coalition to contain Tehran.
“While Tehran escalates its proxy wars and whittles down US nuclear demands, Mr. Biden carries out diplomatic offensives against Saudi Arabia and Israel,” says the WSJ editorial.
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In 2008, a terrorist entered the Mercaz Harav yeshiva and started mowing down students. 8 were killed, including 4 children. When Palestinians were asked if they supported that attack, an astonishing 84% said they did. You can see how Palestinians consistently support specific terror attacks that murder Jews more than general attacks in the abstract from that March 2008 poll.
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This is more than simply supporting terror for political gain. This is bloodlust against Jews. Nothing has changed since then. In 2014, after a string of stabbing attacks including the massacre of four rabbis in Har Nof, not only were celebrations shown on Palestinian TV. A survey shortly after the event asked, "Recently there has been an increase in Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank in attempts to stab or run over Israelis. Do you support or oppose these attempts?" Four out of five Palestinians supported murdering Jews, and one in three emphasized that they strongly support such attacks. Although the media and government officials try hard to wave this away, the truth is in these surveys.
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plitnick · 1 year
Biden administration quietly backs Israel’s deadly assault on Gaza
Israel is once again bombing Gaza. Once again, the narrative is being willfully distorted, not only by Israel but by its American partners, with a credulous media dutifully following along. In fact, this latest escalation was initiated, intentionally, by Israel; a ceasefire was broken, intentionally, by Israel; and civilians were deliberately targeted by Israel. I do what i can to set the record…
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palestinegenocide · 2 months
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The difference between Biden and Harris on Israel? “Zippo, Zilch, Zero!
Netanyahu visited Washington this week to ask Congress for more U.S. weapons to “finish the job faster” in Gaza, an unimaginable task after nine months of unlimited carnage, and all eyes were on Kamala Harris. Would the newly minted Democratic presidential candidate say anything about the genocide of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians? 92,000 by the estimate of American health workers who have been in Gaza? Not to mention the destruction of 70 percent of the buildings there.
The answer was that Harris intends to have it both ways.
Harris met in the White House with Netanyahu, for 45 minutes, and did nothing to stray from the Biden line, of giving Israel more weapons.
“Zippo, Zilch, Zero!” Thomas Nides, the former ambassador to Israel, declared joyously, when asked on an Israel lobby call if there is any daylight between Harris and Biden’s support for Israel. He has had 100 phone calls with Harris and her Jewish husband Douglas Emhoff and — “Her view is the same view that I share, the president shares. We have to protect Israel at any cost. Israel is a vulnerable country, it’s a country that needs protection.”
And so when a few of the thousands of Netanyahu demonstrators in Washington burned American flags and spraypainted a statue with words, “Hamas is comin'” – Harris was quick to issue a statement calling them despicable.
I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews,” Harris said. “Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent, and we must not tolerate it in our nation.”
On the other hand, Harris is aware that the Democratic base now holds highly negative views of Israel. By 56 to 22 percent Democrats say that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza. That understanding is firmer among younger, progressive Dems and people of color. And it is being channeled by the Uncommitted campaign, which says “Not Another Bomb,” and has gotten several congresspeople to agree.
There is a panic inside the Democratic leadership: Unless Harris does something to acknowledge the genocide, young Dems will stay home in Michigan and Pennsylvania, and Trump will win.
So Harris has made some slight rhetorical shifts. After meeting Netanyahu, she confessed her compassion for Palestinian suffering in Gaza. “We cannot look away–“
“I also expressed with the prime minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians… “The images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety — sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time — we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent.”
The Washington Post headline was: “Harris created distance from Biden on Gaza by emphasizing Palestinian suffering.”
No doubt Harris is privately horrified by the genocide. She is sending signals to the left of greater empathy for Palestinians. Many in Washington are horrified. You just can’t come out and say it. That’s impolite.
Everything Harris did say was quickly repackaged by the Israel lobby as perfectly ok. “We should not look away. We should work to relieve the suffering, but we should remember that the responsibility for the tragedies in Gaza lie squarely with Hamas,” said Democratic Majority for Israel.
“Her views on Israel are exactly, 100 percent the same as mine… and yes we’ve got to have a ceasefire,” Tom Nides said.
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Douglas Emhoff, husband of VP Kamala Harris, on a Jewish Democratic Council of America briefing, July 24, 2024. Screenshot.
Still, rhetorical shifts mean something in Washington. The vice president’s tonal shift is reflective of the large number of Dems who boycotted the Netanyahu speech. As Michael Arria reports:
In 2015, around 50 Democrats didn’t show for Netanyahu’s speech. This time it was about 136. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) held up a sign while Bibi spoke that said, “War Criminal.” The other side said, “Guilty of Genocide.”
That’s significant. Rep. Jerry Nadler refused to condemn Tlaib on MSNBC, and Nancy Pelosi wasn’t in the House for the speech — Pelosi who five years ago said that the Capitol would crumble and fall before the U.S. walked away from its coordination with Israel.
The right-wing Israel lobby is obviously concerned about a President Harris becoming a critic of Israel. And the liberal Zionists are prepared with an answer. The Democrats will run against Netanyahu the same way they run against Trump. Netanyahu is the evil. He’s an authoritarian demagogue. He is against the two-state solution. Netanyahu has prosecuted the bloody campaign in Gaza.
This is a delusion. If Netanyahu is so awful, why are Democratic leaders meeting with him? Because they need him. And anyway, all of Israel’s leadership is against a Palestinian state. All of the leadership is behind the Gaza slaughter. Yes, some of them want to go slower on the ethnic cleansing. Some of them oppose the annexation of the West Bank. But there is no real opposition to the security needs of the “Jewish state.”
As Nides says, Israel is beset by enemies– Hezbollah, Ansar Allah/Houthis, Hamas, Syria. Israel will always be beset by enemies. Because when you set up a state that persecutes non-Jews, and the basic laws of the state grant non-Jews no rights or derisory rights, the people who are persecuted will resist it, forever.
Even Jewish kids in America will reject an apartheid state in their name. Tom Nides has repeatedly complained about his own kids — “giving us grief about what’s happening” in Gaza. The irrepressible financier/lobbyist declares that Kamala Harris can win over his children and “reposition Israel for the next 20 years” so that we can all rally around it again.
You can’t repackage a toxic product as a healthful one. And the fact that our top leaders welcome Netanyahu in the midst of a genocide is sickening.
Which brings us back to that graffiti. Hamas Is Comin is a warning to Americans of the consequences of supporting apartheid and supplying weapons to a genocide. It is a reckless policy. We are courting violence.
“More Americans are on track to die because of poor policy,” Harrison Mann, a former Defense intelligence officer, said this week, on a panel of nine Biden administration staff who have openly quit over the genocide.
Mann warned of the consequences of the destruction of the American image.
We’ve turned both global and, especially, regional opinion against the United States in a way that we haven’t seen, maybe, since the invasion of Iraq. That is breeding hatred that is undoubtedly going to cause terror in the future. I think it’s only a matter of time until we reap what we sow there.
Harris can condemn Hamas all she wants. But she is embracing a policy of more and more violence against Palestinians that elevates Hamas. Only a political solution will end resistance.
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schraubd · 2 years
Diaspora Minister To Diaspora: Shut Up
Israel has a "Minister of Diaspora Affairs" -- a cabinet official whose very job is predicated on recognition of and respect for the unique relationship the state of Israel has with the global Jewish community.
And now, as hundreds of thousands of Israelis march in protest over the Israeli government's attempt to neuter an independent judiciary, the Minister of Diaspora Affairs has a message for the Jewish diaspora and international community who are backing these protesters and echo their concerns: shut up.
The Israeli minister responsible for relations with Jews in the Diaspora has a message for the government of the country where most of them live: “Mind your own business.”
Amichai Chikli made the comment Sunday in a radio interview in Israel, where he was asked to address recent comments by U.S. ambassador Tom Nides, who said he was urging Israeli leaders to “pump the brakes” on their controversial effort to change the country’s judiciary.
Chikli had a retort: “I say to the American ambassador, put on the brakes yourself and mind your own business,” he said. “You aren’t sovereign here, to get involved in the matter of judicial reform. We will be happy to discuss foreign and security matters with you. But respect our democracy.”
I especially appreciate the frankly laughable notion that the Israeli government is more inclined to listen to international and diaspora voices when it comes to foreign policy and security matters. These are in fact the areas where the Israeli government is most obstinate in the notion that outsiders lack skin in the game and ought not dare second guess the policy choices of the people who actually live there ("the people who actually live there", of course, does not include Palestinians, whose opinions it is entirely proper and indeed mandatory to ignore altogether).
But the actual consistent policy is straightforward: Israel does not care what the diaspora thinks. As much as a "Minister of Diaspora Affairs" suggests otherwise, the position of the Israeli government is that there is no special relationship between Israel and the global Jewish community. Our role is to sit back and shut up.
At the end of the day, though, Israel is a sovereign nation, it is indeed up to them to decide how to exercise their sovereign powers. And likewise, it is up to America and other countries throughout the world -- also in their capacity as independent sovereigns -- to decide what their own policies will be towards Israel as a result of the choices Israel makes. Sovereignty meets sovereignty.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/7U81Z2Y
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Israeli government’s controversial judicial reform plan cleared a major hurdle as its parliament, the Knesset, voted to advance a key piece of the plan.
The 63-47 vote took place early Tuesday morning, following a second week of mass protests outside the Knesset in Jerusalem. The bill was introduced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition, which took office in December. It would give the Israeli governing coalition full control over the appointment of judges and would bar the Supreme Court from striking down basic laws, which are Israel’s closest parallel to a constitution.
The bill now returns to discussion in parliamentary committees ahead of two more votes in the Knesset, which generally occur close together and would pass the bill into law. In addition to pushing the bill forward, Tuesday’s vote was a signal that it has majority support in parliament. Members of the government have called for further limits on the court, including a measure that would significantly curtail the court’s ability to strike down laws.
The vote happened in the face of a series of mass protests against the reform in Israel, and despite the warnings of a chorus of world leaders, legal scholars and public intellectuals that it would harm Israel’s standing as a democracy. Israeli President Isaac Herzog called for compromise over the reform plan last week and said in a pained speech that he feared the battle over the legislation would lead to “constitutional and social collapse.” It is unclear whether dialogue over the bill will take place given Tuesday’s vote.
Recently, sounds of alarm have come from Tom Nides, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, who said on Saturday that the Israeli government should “pump the brakes” on the court reform. President Joe Biden has also criticized the plan. In addition, a group of 15 major North American Jewish philanthropists signed an open letter on Monday saying they were “deeply troubled by this attempt to curtail the independence of the judiciary.”
The bill gives members of the coalition a majority on the nine-seat panel that appoints judges to the Supreme Court. Unlike the U.S. government, in which separate elections for Senate and president allow for a potential check on the president’s power to appoint judges, the Israeli governing coalition is comprised of a majority of its legislature and would alone wield discretion over appointments.
Yair Lapid, the leader of the parliamentary opposition, tweeted, “Members of the coalition: History will judge you for tonight. For the damage to democracy, for the damage to the economy, for the damage to security, for the fact that you’re tearing the people of Israel to pieces and you just don’t care.”
In a speech on the Knesset floor, Netanyahu accused the opposition of going “off the rails” and criticized the protests. He defended the bill as the work of a democratically elected government.
“In a democracy, the people votes in elections, and representatives of the people vote here in the Knesset,” Netanyahu said. “That’s called democracy. The leaders of the protests, unfortunately, are trampling democracy. They don’t accept the outcome of the election. They don’t accept the decision of the majority.”
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, head of the far-right Religious Zionism party and an ally of Netanyahu, tweeted a shorter message: “What you elect is what you get!”
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sirgold · 19 days
The corruption runs so deep it’s almost hard to believe.
Here is a network of connections and corruption that explains a lot in today’s politics.
Yes, Michigan's governor worked for George Soros.
Yes, California governor Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew.
Yes, Adam Schiff's sister is married to one of George Soros's sons.
Yes, John Kerry's daughter is married to the son of a mullah in Iran.
Yes, Hillary's daughter Chelsea is married to George Soros's nephew.
Yes, ABC NEWS executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Obama's former national security adviser, Susan Rice.
Yes, CBS president David Rhodes is the brother of Obama's deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, Ben Rhodes.
Yes, ABC NEWS correspondent Claes Ship man is married to Obama's former press secretary, Jay Carney.
Yes, ABC NEWS and UNIVISION reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama's former deputy press secretary.
Yes, ABC president Ben Sherwood is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Obama's former special adviser.
YES, CNN vice president Virginia Moseley is married to Tom Nides, Hillary Clinton's former deputy secretary of state.
You may remember James Comey, who investigated the Clinton/Clinton Foundation email scandal and made the final decision not to recommend prosecution to the Justice Department.
It turns out that the Clinton Foundation audit was conducted by a law firm, DLA Piper. One of their executives was responsible for the Clinton Foundation audit.
Who was it? Peter Comey, James Comey's brother. Peter Comey was a senior executive at the Washington, D.C., law firm that audited the Clinton Foundation in 2015. Peter Comey was officially named "Senior Director of Real Estate Americas" by DLA Piper in 2015, when the Clinton Foundation scandals first broke and Hillary was preparing her presidential campaign. Not only was DLA Piper, the firm where Comey’s brother worked, involved in the Clinton Foundation audit, but according to the foundation’s donor records, DLA Piper gave the foundation between $50,000 and $100,000.
DLA Piper CEO Douglas Emhoff is taking an extended leave from the firm. Who is Douglas Emhoff? He’s Kamala Harris’s husband!
And it only gets worse.
Dominion (a supplier of voting machines) services 40% of the U.S. market. That’s in 30 states.
– in 2009, Smartmatic (another voting machine supplier) entered into an agreement with Dominion.
—Admiral Peter Neffenger was the President of Smartmatic.
—Neffenger was in the Biden transition team.
– Smartmatic counted votes in Venezuela
– Smartmatic is linked to election fraud in the Philippines
– Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown, who works for George Soros (he and Brown are lifelong friends)
– Brown chairs the boards of several nonprofits, including the Open Society Foundation
– Brown chairs the Center for Global Development.
– Open Society is, of course, owned by George Soros.
– Smartmatic is in partnership with DLA Piper Global
– who owns Dominion? Blum Capital Partners, LP
– who's on the board? Richard Blum, Dianne Feinstein's husband.
– Nancy Pelosi's husband is also a major investor.
– Nancy Pelosi's aide Nadeem Elshamy has been hired by Dominion Voting Systems.
– Dominion Voting System is listed on the Clinton Foundation's website.
-In 2014, the Washington Post listed Dominion Voting as a $25,000-$50,000 donor to the Clinton Foundation.
– Georgia Governor Kemp used Dominion Voting after Texas and Florida rejected it.
– Dominion has a lobbyist named Jared Thomas.
– Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp's chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015.
You have to remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand the following information:
– Debra Katz (Christina Ford's lawyer) worked for George Soros at the Open Society Foundations.
– Debra Katz also worked at the Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
– POGO is funded by Soros's Open Society Foundations.
– POGO co-authored Dianne Feinstein's letter opposing Kavanaugh's nomination.
– Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for fraud when she had the authority – Soros owned OneWest Bank.
Now you know why the woman who came in 7th in her state, running for president, was the choice for Biden’s vice president and was put in place by Pelosi and Obama for nomination as president!
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piyasahaberleri · 1 year
Filistinli bir çocuk, İsrail'in Batı Şeria'daki Cenin kentindeki askeri operasyonunun peşinden 6 Temmuz'da bir binada meydana gelen hasara bakıyor. | Getty Images vasıtasıyla Nidal Eshtayeh/Xinhua Büyükelçi Tom Nides'in Wall Street Journal ile yapmış olduğu çıkış röportajından öğrendiklerimiz. Wall Street Journal Pazartesi günü, Başkan Joe Biden'ın giden İsrail büyükelçisi Tom Nides ile bir veda röportajı yayınladı ve burada Başbakan Benjamin Netanyahu'yu aşırılık yanlısı İsrail hükümetinin yargı düzeltim planını ve İsrail'deki koşulları iyileştirme çabalarını frenlemeye çağırdı. işgal altındaki Filistin toprakları bölgelere yayılmış alanlar. Nides, ABD'nin İsrail'deki rolünün önemini koruduğunu söylemiş oldu. Journal'a "İsraillilerin çoğunun ABD'nin kendi işlerine karışmasını istediğini düşünüyorum" dedi. Fakat planlanan büyükelçi ile Geri çekilme, İsrail ordusunun Batı Şeria'daki Cenin şehrini kuşatmasının derhal peşinden geldi. Yorumlar, Biden yönetiminin buraya koyduğu odak hakkında daha samimi bir şey ortaya çıkardı. Odak noktası: Filistinlilerin haklarını korumak için daha büyük bir planı ve hatta daha kuvvetli bir duruşu olmayan, Filistinliler için nispeten minik ölçekli ekonomik kalkınma girişimleri. Nides röportajda "Hayır, önümüzdeki yedi gün içinde Nobel Sulh Ödülü almayacağım" dedi. "Fakat sanırım geriye dönerek averaj bir Filistinli için yaşamı birazcık daha kolaylaştıran ve daha iyi hale getiren şeyler yaptığımı söyleyebilirim." . Röportaj, Biden'ın önceki ABD yönetimlerinin çözmek için mühim diplomatik ana para yatırdığı bir çatışmaya yaklaşımının iddiasız doğasını gösteriyor. Toplumsal medyada etken ve medya karşılaşmalarında mühim bir figür olan Nides, Biden yönetiminin İsrail ve Filistin'e iyi mi baktığına dair dikkate kıymet bir fotoğraf sunuyor. Kendi ifadesiyle, "İsrail devleti için en mühim şeyin Batı Şeria'da sakinliği korumak bulunduğunu düşünüyorum." Filistinliler için siyasal bir ufuk olmadan, Nides ve Biden hükümetinin tasarım etmiş olduğu şey mümkün değil. ABD, devam eden işgalin yakın ortağı İsrail'in karşılaşacağı neticeleri dile getirmesi gerekecek, aksi takdirde Cenin benzer biçimde şehirler daha oldukca kuşatılacak, Gazze ile İsrail içinde daha oldukca harp olacak ve İsrail'in temel sorunları ortaya çıkacak. İsrail hükümeti değişimi çözecek. Filistin çatışması dikkate alınmayacaktır. Biden'ın iki yılı aşkın Ortadoğu politikası açıklandı İsrail'in askeri işgali 1967'den beri sürüyor ve ABD'nin uzun süredir devam eden bağımsız bir Filistin devleti yaratma politikası, Obama yıllarından beri formaldehit şeklinde yatıyor. "Ben buraya iki devletli bir çözümü görüşme etmeye gelmedim. Buraya ergonomik şeyler hayata geçirmeye geldim" dedi. askerleri ile Şabat Şalom @IDF! pic.twitter.com/o0qLCTfLHR— Büyükelçi Tom Nides (@USAmbIsrael) 30 Haziran 2023 Biden başkanlığı şimdiye kadar Çin ile rekabete odaklandı Odak. Ve Rusya'nın Ukrayna'yı işgalinden bu yana Avrupa, ABD'nin diplomatik ilgisinin çoğunu kendine çekti. Bu, ABD'nin Ortadoğu'daki liderliğinin gerilediği anlamına geliyor. Gene de Biden'ın yakın çevresi, bunun ne işe yaradığını düşündüğünü ortaya koymak için son birkaç aydır süre harcadı. sütunlar Ortadoğu politikası. Beyaz Saray Orta Doğu Koordinatörü Brett McGurk bunu "temellere dönüş" olarak nitelendirdi. Önceki hükümetlerin aksine, bu bir Ortadoğu sulh planıyla ilgili değil. Temel ilkeler, İran'a karşı mücadelede İsrail'le ortaklık yapmak, İsrail'i Netanyahu hükümetinin en aşırı üyelerini dizginlemeye nazikçe teşvik etmek ve kalkınma yardımı yöntemiyle Filistinlilere sözde ekonomik sulh teklif etmek. Hükümet ek olarak İsrail ile aralarında Bahreyn, Mısır, Fas ve Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri'nin de bulunmuş olduğu ilişkileri normalleştirdiği Arap devletlerini bir araya getiren Negev Forumu adlı yeni bir bölgesel toplantı platformunun duyurusunu yapmış oldu. Biden yetkilileri, değerleri ABD dış politikası için lüzumlu olarak tanımlamış olsalar da, ABD'nin İsrail ve Filistin'e yaklaşımında insan haklarının rolünü açıklamadılar. Dışişleri Bakanı Antony Blinken, Haziran sonunda Dış İlişkiler Konseyi'ne hitaben yapmış olduğu konuşmada durumu hafife aldı. "İsrail'deki dostlarımıza ve müttefiklerimize arka bahçelerinde yanan bir ateşle mevcut anlaşmaları fiilen derinleştirmenin olanaksız değilse de oldukca daha zor olacağını söyledik. [with Arab states] potansiyel olarak Suudi Arabistan'a yayılmalarının yanı sıra," dedi Blinken. Filistin'in yalnız İsrail'in arka bahçesi olduğu fikri, üstü kapalı olarak ABD'nin işgal altındaki toprakları İsrail'in bir parçası olarak gördüğünü ima ediyordu ve kesinlikle statükoyu korumanın ötesinde herhangi bir fiil önermiyordu. Bununla birlikte, Beyaz Saray yetkilileri İsrail ile Lübnan içinde diplomatik bağları olmayan iki ülke arasındaki minik bir deniz anlaşmasını memnuniyetle karşıladılar. Bölgedeki riskler göz önüne alındığında bu minik bir başarıdır. Ek olarak, Biden yönetiminin İsrail'e verdiği on milyarlarca doları ve güvenlik garantilerini, devam eden işgalin kabul edilmesinin gerçekliğini yansıtan politikalara yönelik anlamlı adımlar atması için bir koz olarak kullanmak yerine iyi mi minik pratiklere odaklandığını da gösteriyor. Mesele şu ki, Biden işi büyütmüyor Journal ile yapmış olduğu röportajda Nides, ekonomik sulh olasılığını altını çizdi. Biden yönetiminde ABD, “Batı Şeria ile Ürdün arasındaki yaşamsal ehemmiyet taşıyan Allenby Köprüsü'nün emek harcama saatlerini uzatmak; Batı Şeria'daki Filistinliler için 4G telefon hizmeti; Filistin sıhhat hizmetleri için 100 milyon ABD Doları tutarında yardım sözü verdi; Filistinlilerin Gazze Şeridi açıklarında minik bir gaz sahası geliştirmesi için İsrail'in onayını almak; Journal'a gore, Batı Şeria'daki Cenin şehri için yeni bir enerji santrali işletmeye almak için çalışıyoruz. Bunlar pozitif yönde gelişmeler; Kredi, elçilikteki iktisat yetkililerine aittir. Fakat bunlar bir büyükelçi için minik zaferler. Analistler Zaha Hassan ve Daniel Levy'nin kısa sürede belirttiği benzer biçimde, işgal altındaki Filistin'deki haklardan mahrumiyet ve siyasal haklar benzer biçimde temel meselelere değinmeden İsrailliler ve Filistinliler içinde kapsamlı bir sulh sağlamak yalnız "eski fikirlerin geri dönüştürülmesidir". (Izahat: 2009'dan 2012'ye kadar fikir müesseselerinde Levy ile beraber çalıştım.) Levy ve Hassan, Biden'ın ekibinin Filistin, İsrail ve internasyonal düzeydeki önde gelen insan hakları gruplarının İsrail politikalarının apartheid'ı iyi mi tasvir ettiğini belgelediği bilhassa uygunsuz bir zamanda ekonomik sulh için kampanya yürüttüğünü iddia ediyor. Büyüyen bir küresel hareket, İsrail'i bir apartheid devleti olarak etiketliyor. Filistinliler için ekonomik girişimler siyasal fena durumu değiştirebilmek için kafi değil. ABD/Orta Doğu Projesi'nin yönetici direktörü Levy, "Büyümekte olan 'apartheid'e son verme' terimine karşı noktanız Filistinlilere 4G getirmekse, tahmin edin zaman içinde kim kazanacak?" dedi. Levy, Biden yönetiminin hırsının ne kadar zayıf olduğu mevzusunda endişeli Dır-dir. Ekonomik sulh argümanı, siyasal fırsatlardan yoksun yeni nesil Batı Şeria Filistinlilerinde yankılanmayacak. Bununla birlikte, Ortadoğu kendi sorunlarını çözüyor ki bu, ABD'nin İsrail'i kucaklama, bitmek bilmeyen askeri müdahaleler başlatma ve aynı anda Çin'le yakınlaşma sicili göz önüne alındığında, ille de fena bir şey değil. Hakkaten de Pekin, Biden'ın göreve gelmesinden bu yana Orta Doğu'daki en mühim diplomatik anlaşmaya aracılık ederek hasımları Suudi Arabistan ve İran'ı bir araya getirdi. Levy, "Bölge gelişiyor ve işlerini daha da düzenlemeye çalışıyor" diye açıklıyor. Sadece ABD, İsrail-Filistin ilişkisinde yarattığı eski bir balona hapsolmuş durumda. Biden yönetiminin yaklaşımını savunanlar, artık büyük şeylerin mümkün olmadığını, bu yüzden hem ekonomiye hem de İsrail'in Arap Ortadoğu'suna entegrasyonuna odaklanılması icap ettiğini söylüyor. Obama'nın İsrail büyükelçisi olarak vazife icra eden Daniel Shapiro, Biden'ın geçen yaz bölge turu hakkında "Biden'a minnettarlığınızı gösterin" diye yazdı. "Göreve vardığında karşılaşmış olduğu yıkıcı krizler göz önüne alındığında, Orta Doğu hiçbir süre birinci önceliği olmadı." Shapiro, Mart ayında Kurultay'ye "daha çok Arap devletini İsrail ile ilişkileri normalleştirmeye çağırmanın" "İsrail-Filistin arenasındaki tek potansiyel pozitif enerji deposu" bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu. Şimdi meydana getirecek bağlamak Dışişleri Bakanlığı'nın İsrail'in Arap dünyasıyla bütünleşmesine odaklanan yeni bir rol üstlendiği söyleniyor.
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salimsellami · 1 year
♦ Comparer des morts d’Israéliens et de Palestiniens
Des soldats de Tsahal et des colons israéliens à Huwara, 2023i Photo : Moti Milrod L’ambassadeur américain en Israël, Tom Nides, a osé mardi, 30 jours avant la fin de son mandat, tweeter quelque chose de vrai. Il a mentionné dans un même souffle – difficile de croire à un tel courage – les victimes de l’attaque israélienne contre le camp de Jénine et les victimes de l’attaque palestinienne…
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dzismis · 1 year
Krotko i zwiezle; wiadomosci z Izraela dzien po dniu 12.6 - 13.6
Izrael pokonał Koreę 3:1 i zajął trzecie miejsce w Mistrzostwach Świata do lat 20 2023. Chamenei: „Nikt nie powstrzyma irańskiej broni nuklearnej” Ambasador USA Tom Nides: „Normalizacja między Arabią Saudyjską a Izraelem byłaby wspaniała” Trzech uzbrojonych mężczyzn zostało złapanych przed szpitalem w Nazarecie, kilka minut przed domniemanym zamachem. Koalicja wystąpiła z wnioskiem o…
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Israele: ambasciatore Usa, Netanyahu da Biden dopo Pasqua
Tom Nides a Radio militare, ‘Sono amici da 40 anni’source
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plitnick · 1 year
Yair Lapid conducts damage control with wavering allies: Democrats and American Jews
It was easy to miss, but Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid was in the U.S. last week, visiting with American Jewish leaders and a couple of members of Congress. Lapid is himself not in a great political position right now as the notable plummet Benjamin Netanyahu has taken in the Israeli polls has benefited Benny Gantz, not, as one might expect, Opposition Leader Lapid. Still, he tried to…
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon be invited to visit the White House, US ambassador to Israel Tom N
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theyoungturks · 2 years
U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides had some pretty hawkish things to say about war with Iran. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-03-08/ty-article/.premium/45-ngos-urge-biden-to-disavow-nides-comments-on-israel-and-iran/00000186-c287-d832-adbe-dbe7550e0000 "Forty-five progressive NGOs urged U.S. President Joe Biden to disavow remarks from U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides, where he stated the U.S. would support Israel no matter what action it took concerning Iran. "It’s critical that you clarify that these comments do not reflect U.S. policy towards Iran for the sake of regional stability, future diplomacy, and respect for Congress' constitutional responsibility for war powers," the organizations wrote to Biden. "We are concerned the Israeli government will perceive these remarks as tacit approval for military action, even when such action most likely will damage U.S. national security interests, further embroil our military in regional conflict, and prevent future diplomacy," they add." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230309__TA03Israel by The Young Turks
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brunomindcast · 2 years
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rivaltimes · 2 years
The US ambassador to Israel rejects a hypothetical annexation of the West Bank by the future Israeli government
The US ambassador to Israel rejects a hypothetical annexation of the West Bank by the future Israeli government
Archive – US Ambassador Tom Nides – NIR ALON / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO – File The United States ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, rejected this Thursday a hypothetical total or partial annexation of the West Bank by the future Israeli Executive, led by Likud and in which the extremist Otzma Yehudi could have a relevant role. “Our position is quite clear: we do not support annexation. We will…
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