#tom and belanna
grayrainbow173 · 1 year
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I find it funny that Seven is such a good cook and Kathryn is such a bad one. 😅 They complement each other quite well. 😊
Summary: Kathryn wants to make amends for giving away Seven's favorite phase compensator during their time in the Void.
Takes place a few hours after the episode "The Void" (S07E15).
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peachviz · 3 months
sometimes Star Trek mental health awareness episodes really hurt
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tuvok was left out of this one because that man would have zero reasons to be awake at 3am except for night shift.
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lets be clear. Tom would only be comforting the cryer if its Harry or Belanna maybe Kathryn. chakotay would be comforting Kathryn
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not entirely sure about the Kathryn placement on this one but it feels right to me
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theauthoressdefiant · 1 month
do NOT move to voyager they WILL ask you to join their fucked up polycule
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marxistgnome · 1 year
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theartmeg · 6 months
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Studies of the Voyager crew!
Just playing around with some little variations of stylization and practicing rendering different lighting levels.
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ebonysolcum · 1 month
Star Trek Voyager bookmarks!
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My laptop is refusing to upload any of the images, so I’m stuck with only 10 pictures per post. The rest are in a reblog.
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worldwidedishwasher · 2 months
everyone wants to talk about tom paris, but my ADHD ass will always relate Far more to b'elanna "impulsivity, rejection sensitivity, impatience, shame, chronic fear of inadequacy, emotional dysregulation (and subsequent guilt for emotional dysregulation)" torres than that white man . sorry
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lanasangels333 · 8 months
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Star Trek Textposts I also posted them on my tiktok
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the-ghost-fangirl · 1 year
Who would call Captain Janeway “mom”
Harry Kim: completely on accident and apologizes like 97 times.
Tom Paris: definitely of purpose and plays it off like a joke.
B’Elanna Torres: would sarcastically say “Okay mom…” under her breath when leaving the conference room.
Seven of Nine: Does not understand why someone would call her “mom”. -has mommy issues from the Borg Queen-
Tuvok: Would never call her “mom”, thinks of her like a reckless little sister, but probably never admit it.
The Doctor (EMH): She is not his mother, he doesn’t have one, and he’d never mis-speak, he is a top of the line Emergency Medical Hologram after all.
Neeilx: Wouldn’t call her mom per say but does think of her like the mom of Voyager.
Kes: Does think of her like a mom and thinks she’d make a great one someday, Kes has told Janeway this and she teared up.
Naomi: Thinks of her as one of her Aunts (the coolest one) and has accidentally called her mom more than once.
Chakotay: Hasn’t called her mom but would like to be the father of her children…. Wait did he say that out loud??!
Q: Calls her Mommy (yes in that way).

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grayrainbow173 · 10 months
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The holidays are almost upon us! Get ready for it with Seven and Kathryn who join the rest of the senior staff in a fun Earth Christmas tradition! 😃❄🎄
Story summary: Seven and Kathryn won't be able to hide their feelings for each other any longer when an ancient Earth Christmas tradition brings them even closer together.
A standalone Christmas story for the holidays of 2023!
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lt-kaollumn · 1 year
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im doodling. janeway is badass as always. shes drinking coffee. chakotay doesnt really get it but he’s down. tom is bro
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imagine it’s in vlog form on a slow day and kim is just goin around all “alright. pose! fist bump!
tuvok is being held hostage. seven has never done fist bump. she doesn’t understand it but is satisfied to have mastered it so quickly. neelix is trying his best, it’s important he immerse himself in earth culture for his marketability and ambassadorial experience.
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belanna doesnt give a shit. doctor has doctor things to do. i love doctor.
i just wanted an excuse to doodle them, really. neelix is hard to draw.
i take (trek) requests :)
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ghostlyfanparadise · 1 month
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sarasidlesaid · 7 months
I think Tom Paris introducing 90’s music to the crew would have been disruptive. They’re on the bridge during a semi-crisis and Janeway asks how long it’s been since their last transmission and Tom says “it’s been one week…”
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voyagerbts · 1 year
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The magnificent cast of Voyager interviewed as they were filming Endgame.
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ebonysolcum · 1 year
Tom introduces a new craze to Voyager. This time: Rubik's cubes!
Tuvok and Seven figure it out easily, but dismiss it as irrelevant and a waste of time. (Seven keeps one anyway.)
Harry figures it out pretty quickly. It holds his interest for a few weeks, but when the craze dies down, he recycles his in favour of something more interesting.
The Doctor downloads the solution into his programme and shows off by solving them in seconds. Everyone is initially impressed, but they all know it's just code and not skill so they quickly get fed up.
Tom never quite figures it out, but he doesn't want to admit that to anyone since he introduced them in the first place, and a bunch of people caught on pretty quickly ... but he didn't.
B'Elanna's the only one who knows Tom can't solve it. She's better at it than he is, but finds them annoying so she doesn't bother to figure it out. She's fed up with Tom leaving unsolved cubes in her quarters, so she learns to solve them by taking them apart and putting them back together again. Tom thinks she actually knows how to solve them. He asks her to teach him, but she just gives him a superior smile and refuses.
Chakotay never bothers to try and learn. He'll pick up ones that crew members abandon in the Mess Hall and fiddle around with them while waiting for someone or something. He figures out how to solve one face, but leaves it at that.
Neelix borrows one of Tom's to try and learn, but he returns it a week later, apologising because he couldn't figure it out and had to return it scrambled.
Janeway is secretly fascinated by them. She spends her free time teaching herself to solve it, and soon enough she can do it without thinking. She doesn't tell anyone she's figured it out, but she does keep one tucked away in her Ready Room long after the craze is over. Solving it sometimes helps her think. Only Chakotay and Tuvok know.
Everyone is surprised by how quickly Naomi figures it out. Actually, she had Seven teach her. Tom asks her to teach him. He has to bribe her not to tell anyone, though, because he's embarrassed about asking a three-year-old child how to solve the thing he introduced everyone to.
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