#tolled-urr the terrible
How many Trollhunters are there?
I was thinking about this recently, and came to the conclusion that there haven’t really been that many. 
This was kind of startling, because I just randomly thought there had been a lot?? But, if we go through all the material the show and various books have provided us with, the total number of known Trollhunters comes up to about- *drumroll*- nine!
Yeah. Nine. 
Granted, there may be some more, but you gotta remember Trolls live waaaaay longer than humans, even though Trollhunters are killed pretty quickly in relation to other Trolls’ lifespans. 
Here’s the nine we know of, in no particular order:
- Jim
- Kanjigar the Courageous 
- Deya the Deliverer
- Unkar the Unfortunate
- Gogun the Gentle
- Spar the Spiteful
- Maddrux the Many
- Araknak the Agile
- Tellad-Urr the Terrible 
I want to know who was the first, actually. It wasn’t Deya; she was Kanjigar’s predecessor, and Kanjigar is Jim’s. So who was before her?
Actually, I’m gonna go off on a tangent here. See how nearly all their names/titles are alliterative? The exceptions are Jim, who doesn’t have a title yet, and Kanjigar, whose title starts with C instead of K. BUT, it sounds the same. 
Side note: my bet is that Jim earns the title “Jim/James the Just” (suggested by the comic The Felled) because a) it’s alliterative and b) it’s 100% Jim’s character. 
About the alliteration! I think it has to do with order. If you look at the GummGumms and their titles, such as “Bular the Vicious” or “Gunmar the Skullcrusher”, those titles aren’t alliterative. They’re descriptive, sure, but they lack the order-ness of the Trollhunters’ titles. The Trollhunters represent order, and the GummGumms chaos, which is reflected in the titles they are bestowed. 
Another tangent: now that we have a rough idea of how many Trollhunters there have been, I’ve been wondering who’s been killed by who. We know Kanjigar, Tellad-Urr, and Deya were Felled by Bular, and Gogun died in his sleep (the only Trollhunter to do so), but we also know Angor Rot’s killed a bunch. So who died by whose hand? Who’s souls did Angor consume? I kinda want to know. 
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