bestseocompany04 ¡ 3 years
The Basics of Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC) PPC means pay-per-click. It is a system of internet marketing in which advertisers pay per click of their ads. It is a system of buying visitors for your site. It is not an organic way. People who cannot create visits organically via the search results follow the PPC system. Search engines are the most famous ways to do PPC, but social media sites, i.e.
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 4 years
Online Marketing – What Is Online Marketing? Online marketing is a way of introducing the company name to the public. You can also call it a strategy of advertisers to getting the company name famous. Advertisements can be in many different forms. Also, some strategies focus more on subtitle message than advertisements. Online marketing or internet marketing is an effort to propagation the word...
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 4 years
Keyword rankings mention your website position in search results for keyword search queries. When a user searches for a specific keyword, your ranking URL can be that web page, that is listed for that keyword search result. One website can rank for many relevant searches of keywords and phrases. The long-tail keyword can rank faster than the LSI keyword. Because long-tail keywords are more...
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 4 years
Search Engine Optimization | SEO Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of developing your site by growing its viewability for pertinent searches. It is a system that can increase traffic on your website or pages through a search engine result. SEO targets organic and unpaid traffic than paid traffic. You can bring any visitors in the world, but if Google telling them about your site...
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 5 years
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns can be very successful, but most people are overpaying for their clicks. Here are five things that you can do to reduce your cost-per-click (CPC) and increase your conversions: Stop focusing on the #1 position and instead concentrate on spending your budget wisely. The balance of these rules will show you how to spend wisely. Stop chasing the most popular...
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 5 years
To be considered successful, and useful, a website needs to both attract and convert searchers and visitors. This is especially true for companies that rely on e-commerce on their website to generate a considerable portion of their sales. Optimizing your website to both get it ranked in the organic search results and converting visitors into customers is only common sense. You have the website...
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 5 years
Internet marketing should be personal business strategy for your business. To do it right, internet marketing should reflect the specific aspects and needs of your business, along with online promotion. The internet is so vast consisting of news sites, social media sites, video sites, informational business websites, e-commerce sites, and a myriad of other connections that require many strategies, tools, and techniques. It can seem confusing to figure out where to begin and where to focus your attention and efforts. Our suggestions can help make sense of the confusion; and, bring order and focus to your efforts.
Do not overlook using email as a tool for your internet marketing. Are you capturing and storing emails; does your contact form ask for email addresses; and, does all your marketing material highlight email information. It should. When customers buy your products because of your marketing efforts, it did its job. Now, you need to measure what it costs to create that sale. Surprisingly, email marketing is one of the lower cost options for marketing. Far superior to direct mail, TV, radio, or print ads. An email marketing campaign is not a one-time effort; it’s repeatedly contacting the prospects again and again; and, some of the best emails are not sales pieces but informational pieces. Eight to 12 contacts can bring the prospects/customers back to your site and buying again. There are no bad emails, just bad communication. Good communication with the prospects/customers establishes a relationship with them and creates a desire to buy from you.
Internet marketing is using and taking advantage of social media sites. High-authority sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube can deliver your message to large groups and is great way to raise your business profile and awareness of your brand. Just investing a little time, minutes a day or an hour a week on these social media sites can significantly increase your business’ visibility on the web and increase people’s awareness of who you are and what your business offers..
If you do business primarily in the local area, having your local government and agencies link to your site and indicate that you are a favored service provider in the area can provide very strong affinity with the local population (and you would be surprised at how many agencies are willing to acknowledge you). Many of these agencies, and other organizations like the Better Business Bureau and the local chapter of the Chamber of Commerce and other civic organizations will likewise link to your site and acknowledge your company (the linking is usually through a logo, banner, or medallion that includes a hyperlink to your site. It doesn’t hurt to ask, and you can’t be found if you don’t ask.
Post a short description of who you are on as many local listings, directories, and local social media sites as possible. Always include your address and phone number; this is how your site will show up in the local Google Places/Maps listings. (Make sure you use the exact same business name in every post, and it should be the same as your Goggle Business Page.) These postings not only create local awareness, but they are helpful in getting organic listings in the search results rankings. These rankings can bring lots of traffic by people seeing the listing/ranking and clicking through to your site. There are literally thousands of local listing sites and directories you can post in. How do you find them? Simply do a search for your important business keywords and they are likely to show up somewhere in the search results (local searches, not non-location general keywords, i.e., “bay city pool builder”, not “pool builder”). The more people click through to your site, the more Google will recognize it and start ranking it in the search results.
Your website itself is a big part of effectively selling:
Have you tagged your pages, i.e., title tag, meta description, and image tags?
Is there content, i.e., words, to support your important keywords (when doing postings, link to the page that has the content, not the home page)
Is it easy to navigate your site and find everything? If not, do a redesign. The increase in conversions will more than pay for the redesign (one measure is to look at the “bounce rate”, i.e., people who one page and then leave your site, Google Analytics will provide these statistics.  If your bounce rate is over 50%, look to see what you can do to increase interest, improve navigation, and have appropriate content on your pages; if it’s over 70%, do the redesign now.). Think of it this way. For every 100 visitors, if you have a 40% bounce rate, you’ve engaged 60 of the visitors; if 70%, you’ve only engaged 30, 50% less. All other factors being equal, your website sales will be 100% higher with the lower bounce rate.
When you’re designing your emails, test them yourself before sending to your mailing list. If you set up free accounts on Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, AOL, Hotmail, etc., you can send your email to these accounts and check how they look. The different email services render emails differently, so you need to know how they appear, at least for the major services. (Of course, if you code them in HTML, these resolves most issues. Some of the mailing services like Constant Contact and MailChimp resolve this for you.)  Your engagement or sale is lost if your message is garbled. We would be glad to discuss creating professional emails for you and conducting your email campaigns.
Setting a schedule for an email campaign is important. Open rates vary by the time of the day. Again, don’t waste your time sending one email (unless you have a truly special offer). You want to send emails on a regular, periodic basis and plan to send at least five (ten is even better). We recommend no more than once every other week and feel monthly is even better, unless you have a super copywriter who can create interesting, engaging content. Personalize as much as possible. If you know their first name, use it. If you are offering personal services, add a picture of yourself or someone in your organization who is photogenic, and sign the emails with a name and contact information. “Your Customer Service Department” is not a personalized name. If you follow a regular schedule, you will build an expectation that they will see it. This is good.
If you refer to another party or site, make sure your link is a “do follow” link. You can look up how to check to see that the link is “do follow”. Always be sure to check that any link you use is “do follow”. These are the links that have “juice”.
Use analytical data to see how your site is doing. The obvious choice is Google Analytics, but there are others you can use. What this software does is give you a better appreciation of how much your work is helping, where it is helping so you can identify areas that need to be improved (Google Analytics is NOT the best software for showing this); and where your visitors are coming from, how many pages they are viewing (remember the earlier discussion on bounce rate), how long they stay on your site, and other important factors.
Questions you want answers to: where is your traffic coming from; what pages are they landing on; how many pages do they view and how long do they stay on the site. Over time, you can develop trends and start to get a fell on the impact of the online marketing that you’ve done.
To get ahead of your competitors, know what their online profile looks like, how they rank, and what internet marketing are they doing. Some of the best software that does this is SEMRush and Ahrefs. Free software that provides some of this information is Small SEO Tools, Screaming Monkey, and some Chrome plug-ins like SEO Quake and Web Rank.
Evaluate your competitor’s websites. How do their sites look? More importantly, do their sites have more and better content, are they easier to navigate, and do they have search or other features that your site doesn’t. If so, adapt. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Doing internet marketing right is a business strategy that can expand your online footprint and brand as well as create sales opportunities for your business that you might not reach off-line. The most important aspect of online marketing is not a single effort but a regular focused effort. This is what will create the gains and increase your business. What you do is less important than simply doing something to take advantage of the enormous audience online that you can tap into.
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 5 years
If you do not change your website pages frequently, you may well want to refresh the substance by incorporating a blog page on your site. If you want to climb the rankings in the search results, your website has to have new, or updated, information constantly. Operating a blog is a wonderful way to include new written content, painlessly. Many blog post management platforms, like HootSuite, even allow you to plan forthcoming posts and to develop content to give you a edge.
Understand that how your website appears is important to your company and business. Screening your inbound backlinks, pictures, advertisements, and shopping cart lets you view your website from the perspective of your customers. Do you like what you see? Just like individuals visiting a physical store, how prospects and shoppers experience your site is important; and, just like a bad shopping experience will sour a shopper on revisiting a store where they have a bad experience or can’t easily find what they were looking for, their reaction to a bad experience with your website will produce a similar reaction, i.e., they won’t revisit. So, links that connect with a page where the content doesn’t match up with what they expected, or they can’t find what they sought, you will be losing a sales opportunity. Analyze the content on your pages. Are there words and buttons that allow a visitor to see or navigate to the content that satisfies their interest.
If you are running a blog to boost your presence within your industry or local community, your blog content should be informative rather than “salesy”. Informative content will outsell a straight sales pitch by a factor of 2 or 3. Using a blog to announce promotions, hires, new products, sales, and other promotions are good reasons to create a blog (and send emails to prior visitors, if you have captured their email addresses.
Often, you can provide better product descriptions, FAQ’s, and in-depth reviews are sought by buyers and can supplement and supplant the bland sales material that the manufacturer may produce. To the degree your descriptions and explanations outshine your competitors and help establish your prominence in your market. Again, informative is better than salesy. You can expand the reach of your blogs in several ways:
Post a short extract of your blog posts into Facebook groups. Facebook has groups for almost any geographic area, interest, industry, and product category. The beauty of publishing into these groups is that the members of these groups may repost and thus extent the item to their followers (we’ve actually seen one of our blogs re-posted by members that had more than 100,000 followers of their own). Make usr that your extract includes both a link to the specific page where the post is and one or more keywords important to your business.  
Your URL itself and the tagging of your web pages is part of your marketing. Title tags, meta descriptions, image tags, and H1-H5 tags all help the search engines understand what you are offering and ranking your website for people looking for your products and services. This will also bring more traffic to your site.
In summary, extending your brand by blogging can bring you more business and this is supported by: i) content on your site; ii) easy navigation on your site, and, iii) tagging of your web pages.
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 5 years
There are many, simple, ways to increase rankings for your important keywords and increase traffic to your website. Here are nine:
1. Create more content on your web pages. This includes adding city/locale pages and pages for specific products and services you offer. If you have lists or groupings of products and/or services, that is not enough today. Google wants to see at least 300-500 words (we are using 750 right now heading towards 1,000) for every city/landing page. Keep in mind Google’s emphasis on “conversational” keyword phrases which capture what a person speaks into a smartphone, i.e., it’s longer and will most likely be in a question format. Q&A pages or sections on a page have value too.
2. Start your titles, paragraphs, meta description, and other tags with the focus keyword, or at least within the first 25 words Do not write ANYTHING for your website without knowing what the keywords are you would like to promote and include them in the content two or three times (paraphrasing also works, i.e.. “Jackson city widget repairs” is same as “widget repairs in Jackson city”. Sometimes Google will treat as the same and show for same traffic, but many times Google will treat slightly different and expand traffic that sees your website on the search results.).
3. KNOW WHAT YOUR IMPORTANT KEYWORDS ARE. Research and quantify which keywords get the most traffic. These are the keywords that should get your emphasis when you write content. Google’s Keyword Planner lets you enter one keyword and pulls up hundreds of others and shows what traffic they get. This allows you to identify the high traffic/high value keywords. (Be careful. A generic keyword, i.e., “gloves”, may not be nearly as valuable as “womens gloves” or “leather gloves” if that’s what you offer. Conversions will be better for the more specific keywords; and, sometimes generic keywords will increase your “bounce rate” that Google will measure and take into account as part of their ranking algorithm in a negative way. On the other hand, if the generic keyword gets 25X as much traffic, it may be worth considering. No conversion rate will overcome that multiple in searches.) Also, remember that the longer tailed keyword will be easier to get ranked.
4. Take advantage of Google Places (Maps). We find it easier to get sites ranked in the Google Maps section than we do in the organic results. Make sure your Google Business Page looks good, has been verified by Google; and, that the content includes your important keywords. Remember, people who click on the link in Google Places will be directed to your Google page, not your website. (Do you have “call to action” buttons, is your content keyword focused, and how does the page look in mobile results?)
5. Make sure your website has an XML sitemap; and, that the map is submitted to the myriad of search engines (Google will likely quickly pick it up, but some of the other search engines may not “see” it quite fast). When you add/modify pages, resubmit the site map to get the most value from the map.
6. Keep track of your competitors and what they are doing. Know what their keywords are (Keyword Planner will let you put in a website URL and show keywords generated for that site). This is not as useful as using other software that pulls the title tags, meta descriptions, H1 tags, and embedded keywords from the sites. Screaming Frog is a good, free software package that will give you this information (the free version is limited to 500 pages, but that shouldn’t be too important). There is also a Chrome/Firefox extension, SEO Quake, that will strip the keywords from the content under the “Density” tab. Look at the social media pages. What are your competitors’ postings, how many likes and views are they getting? Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are the three most important (and LinkedIn, if you’re doing B2B).
7. Use Google Analytics to identify where you viewers are coming from, what pages they are landing on, how long they stay and how many pages they view, and what the bounce rate is. You can tweak your pages to improve all of these areas and increase your conversions. After all, it isn’t visitors you want, it’s business.
8. If you have the experience or the staff, promote your company and products by writing and submitting articles or blog posts for your website and keywords. If you lack the experience or staff, you can hire someone. Fiverr and SEO Clerks offer writers and social media posters for as little as $5. For $50 a month, you can create a strong social profile/presence. Hiring a writer is always hit or miss. Use the ratings shown on these websites and start small. After a couple of tries, you should find someone who will be satisfactory. (Most of these writers are outside the US; verb tenses and awkward phrasing are always issues you’ll have to review.)
9. Your website is both the vehicle that helps the search engines rank your keywords; and, the vehicle that converts visitors into customers. Don’t short-shift it and don’t think you’re ever finished. Hire a designer to make it both visually pleasing and easy to navigate. Hire a writer to shape your content to both let the search engines value and rank your content and sell your products and services. If you haven’t updated your site in the last year or two, it’s time. Of course, we can do both. Contact us.
The post 9 Tips to Increase Your Website Rankings and Traffic appeared first on Best SEO Company.
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 5 years
Internet marketing depends on your ability to take advantage of multiple sites and spread yourself around as much as possible, while still retaining a legitimacy of profile and interest, i.e., posting nonsense or sales pitches won’t cut it. It’s important to understand that the more information about your company there is on the internet, the more potential business you can create. Your efforts will be greatly rewarded in the long term. Posting once or twice or even five times isn’t the right game plan. Posting every week or even more frequently is, as long as the content is meaningful. There are some techniques, or “tricks”, to expand your presence that are easy to implement and will pay huge dividends.
Open accounts and set up pages on the four major social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn (if your products and services relate to business), or Pinterest if you are focused on the consumer market. A new player, Nextdoor.com, has appeared and we are finding excellent response to that site; it’s not in all markets yet and some types of business may find it unappealing, but for retail, the trades, and other consumer areas, it is excellent.
A big part of your message is your website itself. After all, when people see your post, ideally, they will click through to your website to “Read More…” or to see if you have something they may be interested in. So, ensuring that your website is an attractive vehicle for introduction to your company is important. A few simple reminders:mer market. A new player, Nextdoor.com, has appeared and we are finding excellent response to that site; it’s not in all markets yet and some types of business may find it unappealing, but for retail, the trades, and other consumer areas, it is excellent.our major social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn (if your products and services relate to business), or Pinterest if you are focused on the consu
• It should be visually attractive. If your site hasn’t been redesigned in the last five years, that’s too long and it should be overhauled to reflect the latest trends and marketing nuances, and it needs to be responsive (if you’re not sure what that is, it’s definitely time. Page load speed, SSL security, etc. all need to be reviewed. • If your site is using AJAX or Flash, they need to be replaced. In their day, these technologies helped produce attractive sites, but those days are gone, and those technologies are no longer useful. • Placing your products and services into visual boxes or adding attractive lists is important. Ideally, a viewer can see and click through to their area of interest in one click. • Having strong “call to action” prompts is vital; phone number at the top, isolated “Contact” button or simple form visible is important (check your mobile version to make sure the phone number appears right at the top. Likely 70% or more of your viewer/searchers are using smartphones!).
The first impression is very important, so make sure it is a good one (we have actually doubled and tripled conversion rates by redesigning the pages or creating new landing pages). Customers who visit your website for the first time are generally looking for something specific or want to see what you have to offer (but keep in mind they will “visually inspect”, not read, to determine if you offer something they want). Making your home page (where approximately 70% of viewers/searchers land) will help form their opinion of your company and your products and services. Enabling these viewers to “find their way” and understand what you stand for is vitally important.
So, back to posting. What will you post? Two simple rules: one, make it topical, i.e., something the viewer might be interested in right now; and, two, focus, focus, focus. You always have a second audience, the search engines, so you want to focus on important keywords for your business and include “keyword phrases” in whatever you write. Your article or post can help you connect with members of your target audience. As you become adept at using social media, you’ll find it easier to customize your postings and accommodate your audience (actually both audiences, if you include the search engines). Use the tips provided in this article to boost business; success with your Internet marketing efforts/activities.
A good source for determining what is topical is to use Google Trends. It will list subject matter and how many people are searching for that topic. Topics do not have to be about your business, i.e. if you’re a roofing company, an article about improved roadways or a recent community event can be a good topic. You can introduce your roofing services in the last paragraph pointing out you’re local and ready to evaluate their roofs or any leaking issues.
Being active on social media will increase your customer base, but it is not necessarily a “short term” game. On important aspect is for you to gain followers, likes, and even email addresses. These can be used for sales and “push” notifications. These people are an important source of future business. Allowing your customers an opportunity to leave feedback others will see is kind of an online "word of mouth".
Two ideas for expanding your potential or “reach” was mentioned. Here they are:
1. Use IFTTT (www.ifttt.com) to automatically generate abstracts from your article postings on your website. If you’re not familiar with IFTTT, we can work with you to set it up. This will allow you to automatically repost to 20-30 social media sites when you post something on your website (this article is being reposted on that basis). This will geometrically expand your reach.
2. Identify and repost into Facebook groups. You can find groups of several hundred members to hundreds of thousands of group members (and these members in turn can repost to their followers who can number in the hundreds to tens of thousands). Lok for affinity groups, i.e., people who live in your area, people who use your products or services, organizations that cater to people who utilize your products or services.
Hopefully this information is useful. Social media marketing isn’t necessarily difficult, but it can be time consuming. We would be glad to discuss with you acting as your social media representative. It’s not terribly expensive, as little as $500 a month, and it removes the burden from your shoulders. The results, long-term, are worth it.
You should re-evaluate your website on a periodic basis. Again, your website is the first impression many of your prospects will form about your company.  See how we can help.
Looking at, and analyzing, what your competitors are doing is a useful exercise and can lead to meaningful insights. Include their websites, keywords, and postings in your review. If you can determine what they are doing that you are not, it is the first step for improving your marketing efforts. Also, where you see gaps in their marketing strategy can provide insights into what you might want to emphasize to build on the advantage that you have.  
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 6 years
There are many ways to improve website ranking results on the search engines. When you clean up the coding om your website to make it as effective as possible, your rankings will benefit. In the end, better navigation, content, and search functionality creates a better user experience, and that translates into higher rankings. There are any number of ways you can raise your online profile and increase traffic to your website: • Promote your site and products and services on social media. Simply posting “likes” or links to your site is not advertising - it is spam. Good content is what provides the basis for both a good user experience, “UX”, and for helping the search engines understand what your products and services are. Adding your important keywords in the title and body of the content helps the search engines. Personalizing the content by using location, popular trends, or other attention grabbing subject matter, makes your content more effective; and, it allows your visitors and readers to see that you are interested in them and topics that are of primary interest to them, i.e., “selling” your products and services should not be the primary objective of your content, the selling is a byproduct of engaging your audience. • Using online marketing, such as Google Ads or Bing, can support and enhance your SEO strategies. Often, the gains you make in organic search optimization may take awhile, three months or longer. However, pay-per-click (PPC), regardless of which service you use, can bring more immediate results in terms of traffic to your website (we often find Google “recognizes” your keywords faster when an active PPC campaign is deployed. If your PPC click cost is low enough, these campaigns can be highly effective. Do the math. If you pay $1 a click and can convert 5% of those visitors into customers, your acquisition cost would be $20 per sale. (Part and parcel of an effective PPC campaign is the use of an effective landing page(s). We have demonstrated doubling and tripling conversations by using effective landing pages. What constitutes an effective landing page and how to create them is a separate subject.) • Videos can be very effective, especially if run on the YouTube channel, which Google owns. Do not fail to: i) tag the videos with your keywords; and, ii) create a video sitemap with videos. By taking these steps, you can enhance the SEO on a website. Just like for other content, use videos as a way to introduce your staff, perform product demonstrations, etc., i.e., “inform” your audience, not hard-sell your products and services. (You will see your or five times more viewers watch your video if the video addresses their interests, not selling your products.) Posting the videos in your YouTube channel and putting the snippet of code YouTube provides on your website allows visitors to view the video on your website while using YouTube’s bandwidth to show the video on your own website; the best of all worlds. How hard is it make videos? Not hard at all. Many manufacturers will give you or let you use their videos (it’s important that you are able to post on your YouTube channel, have ownership of the video and can properly tag it. There are sites that will let you download their videos: Archive.org, Pixaby.com, etc. come to mind. You can also make a quick video using PowerPoint or other software. Putting together a couple of slides and doing a voice-over is easy. Once the videos are posted, the customers will follow; and, the search engines will pick them up for ranking. Flash is no longer a viable option. Search engines can’t read it, and most browsers don’t support it any more. Include full transcripts for your videos that you post. These transcripts not only help the visually and audio impaired, they also allow the search engines to more fully index and interpret what the video is about. • Tagging your website can’t be overemphasized: title tags, meta descriptions, image tags, and h1 tags all help the search engines. (The meta description is what the search engines will use in the search results, so it is your best opportunity to get a searcher to click-through to your site when your entry appears in the search results.) • Create a sitemap and submit it to the search engines (not just Google, there are hundreds of search engines that get searchers). Keywords make the engine go, so any content you post should include and emphasize the important keywords for your business. Keep in mind the three rules for using keywords: i) they should appear in the title; ii) they should be included in the first paragraph of any content; and, iii) they should relate to the content and flow naturally while at the same time they should not overwhelm the content. “Keyword stuffing” is so passé. If you follow the points outlined in this article, you will definitely see improved rankings. Consult with us to get a complete analysis and get even more ideas on how to improve your rankings.
The post Easy Ways To Improve Your Website Rankings appeared first on Best SEO Company.
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 6 years
Getting your site ranked requires paying attention to all the little details that help the search engines find and rank your keywords:
1. Building, and updating, your sitemap is extremely important.
For large sites with many pages, it may even pay to have several sitemap pages. The search engines can only crawl pages that allow it; on the other hand, it’s a good idea to use robot.txt to tell the search engines when not to crawl a page, i.e., where a lot of the content is duplicate or where it is a sub-page for a primary page that has the best content for your keyword that you want ranked (search engines can get confused; you should check what pages the search engines are using for ranking your keywords). You’ll be surprised with how many times they are not using the right page. Google’s Webmaster Tools, Ahrefs, Moz, SEMRush, SpyFu, and other software will show what page is linked to your keyword. (Small SEO Tools has a free checker for up to 20 keywords at a time that shows what page is associated with each keyword. This software only gives the info if your keyword is ranked on the first ten pages of the search results, i.e., through position 100.)
Build a sitemap using an XML sitemap generator to build an XML sitemap for your website, if it doesn’t have one now. Not sure, just right-click on a page in a blank area, select “Page Source” to show the coding, and do a Control-F and search for “xml”. If you have a sitemap, it will be one of the search results. (XML-Sitemap.com is an easy to use builder. It will handle up to 500 pages for free and allow you to download the file. You can then use Google’s Webmaster Tools to load.) It’s important to build another map if you add content or pages so the search engines “see” the new content and pages. An XML sitemap or updated map is one of the easier ways to enhance your rankings without doing a lot of work (article writing is so tedious.
There are many other ways to improve your rankings with the search engines, some talking a little bit of effort; others, a lot. Remember that improving your rankings takes time and patience to “boost” your site’s rankings. We never expect to see first five-page rankings for at least 3-4 months after doing the work; sometimes we’re pleasantly surprised, but most times we’re not. Know also that a lot of what you do to improve rankings also helps improve the user experience, i.e., the ‘UX”, for visitors to your site, i.e., better content or getting to the right spot on your site quickly and easily.
2. When writing content with “content” being broadly defined as words and paragraphs on your web pages, articles and blogs written either on your page or posted on an external, and even to some degree labels and tags associated with your site, images on your site, and other uses, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:
Highlight your keywords by using a slightly larger font, making them bold, or underlining them. (Search engines seem to value text that is in a larger font size or otherwise distinguished from the rest of the text. This should help raise your rankings somewhat. No, it’s not the be all and end all, buy everything helps. (Conversely, don’t bold, italicize, or underline any words that aren’t keywords because the search engines may index them as keywords and diffuse the power of your content.)
Focus your content on your keywords. Make sure they are in the title, the first paragraph, and several other times in the content. Using variations helps improve both the readability and density of the keywords. (Word of caution, don’t overdo it. If you use the keyword more than four times in 500 words, it’s too much. Likewise, not more than two times (not including title for short, i.e., 100-150 word, blogs.).
Longer is better, as long as it’s readable. The search engines can’t “read” and measure what you write, but they can measure how fast people jump away from what you write, so make sure what you write addresses your human audience. (We have found Google Trends gives us good ideas for what to write about.) Often, we will interweave one sentence or paragraph out of 5-10 to promote our keyword(s). We have been able to measure greater response to having higher quality material for the viewer to read.
Specifically, for title tags, image tags, and other labels: i) make sure that the tag is relevant to the product/service/site; and, ii) make each tag unique. Duplicate tags confuse the search engines and they will ignore them, and you will lose out on one of the better indexing sources. The more unique tags you have, the more opportunities for the search engines to index and value your content.
3. Keywords are your gateway to bringing business to your website. You can’t have too many keywords, as long as you have content supporting them. Using variations, misspellings, and branding all expand your online “reach”; go for it.
4. Videos are your friend, especially videos shown on your YouTube channel properly tagged and linked to your website. There are many sources of free videos: Archive.org; Pixabay, etc. will allow you use their videos for free. A subscription to Shutterstock or even single item purchase there or at other video providers can give you what you need.
Don’t forget to set up a video sitemap for your videos because that will enhance their ranking. Again, you can build and submit just like you did your web sitemap.
5. Blogs open your website and products and services to both your human audience as well as the search engines. If you’re not blogging, think about starting. If you are already blogging, think about expanding your efforts.
We believe that blogging is one of the primary SEO techniques. We have a list of 500 high-authority social media sites you can use and we’re willing to share it. Don’t think that setting up a profile page or commenting on someone else’s blog is doing the job. We think those are practically worthless, regardless of the domain authority. Google and the other search engines can determine the value of your blog. They’re looking for content and authority for your blogs; the term “relevancy” is often used to describe a good posting. Keep it in mind when you do yours. The value of backlinks from your blogging efforts is the very foundation of improving your rankings. Backlinks have been found to have the highest correlation to rankings.
These few tips should help you get started on the road to higher rankings. Applying the techniques noted here will help your website rankings, and start bringing more traffic to your site. It is not unusual to see a 50%-100% increase in traffic after diligently applying these techniques (not if your efforts are half-hearted). So, get started now and let us know how well it works out!
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 6 years
 Obtaining high ranking and traffic for your website is not a matter of “luck”; it is tried ad true processes and procedures executed over and over again, month after month.
There are a number of major areas to achieve high rankings:
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 6 years
In today’s world, a strong online presence means more business, both through online sale and higher brick-and-mortar sales due to greater creditability and online awareness.
How can you increase and enhance your online presence? Here are five proven ways to do it, either yourself or hiring someone to do it.
1. Create concise, informative press releases that announce your online site.
The press release should provide useful information (you can find many of these on Google Trends which gives you an idea of what people are interested in right now), contact info, the site name and its features, and should be submitted only to publications that are generally read by your target market or a very broad, general segment like women, businesses, or families, for example. This is also a good way to build rapport with journalists and editors. (NOTE: Submit to multiple publishers and get even more exposure and links.)
2. Author blogs on your website.
Once you set up the blog, use it. For even greater online presence, utilize a service like Hootsuite, Buffer, or SocialOomph (also using IFTTT is good, but you might want to hire someone on Fiverr or SEOClerks to set the accounts up for you). Having a blog isn’t the end-all, it’s posting to that blog on a constant, periodic basis, i.e., once a week that creates the value and builds your online profile. You can write general blogs and then in the last paragraph relate it to your business. Having that last paragraph of relevant content is important for SEO purposes, as well as including keywords for your business in the blog. Also, commenting on other blogs related to your website's niche can be a good SEO technique. Many of the highest authority blogs are only too willing to let you comment. (Blogs are a great way to get higher rankings in the search engines. Search engines are always crawling your site, so “fresher” content, more content, and visitors linking to that content signal the search engines that there is something of value on your site, so they should direct others there. Backlinks are the strongest signa; to the search engines that your site has value.
3. Think videos.
Posting a video on YouTube that is properly tagged can help grow your business because YouTube is pulling millions of viewers in every day. You can also post on your website using the YouTube code. Videos are not hard to create: i) there are numerous free sites where you can grab a video and post on your site (while claiming ownership and being able to tag: Archive.org and Pixelbay.com are two sites that offer free videos (Shutterstock has tens of thousands of videos available on a one-time or subscription basis); ii) use Fiverr, SEOClerks, or another online vendor to create (they can b had for as little as $5); iii) your vendors may have clips they will make available to you; iv) you can create on PowerPoint and record right on PowerPoint; or, you can subscribe to Adobe Photoshop or another photo/video editor software package (or use the free alternative, Gimp); these software packages take some time to learn and some skill to use; and, v) hire us or a local vendor. Cost will usually run $400 or so for one minute, including voiceover. SALES SPECIALS CAN BE TURNED INTO A VIDEO. Properly tagged, not only will you attract traffic and businesses but also the search engines.
4. Email Lists.
Emails can be very effective as long as they are: i) directed at a target audience that has some interest in your products or services; and, ii) you send them periodic messages, i.e., every month. Once bought a direct mail marketing package after seeing an infomercial. Most important point emphasized was that repeated contact was important; they estimated average sale took nine contacts (obviously, will vary by industry but in all cases one contact ain’t going to do it. What can you say so many times: new products; personnel changes; special sales; special pricing; local events; interaction with vendors, community, church; charitable giving/events; etc. Doesn’t have to be product-specific, in fact more effective campaigns are not but your name and visibility will be enhanced. Are you capturing the email address of your visitors? You should try; that list is valuable.
5. Product feeds are valuable.
A product feed can help draw traffic and business to your site. The feed will show details that the search engines like, i.e., descriptions, images, and prices of your services and products. Submit them to sites which compare prices and to the major search engines. Add an RSS feed icon on your site or blog and suggest to readers that they should subscribe to your site's feed for the latest updates. (For most retail businesses, if you’re not selling on Amazon, think about doing it. Amazon will promote you at no cost to you.)
Every blog, video, email, or product feed should have proper SEO tagging, i.e., sub-URL, title tag, embedded keywords, keywords in the content and images with alt text tags.
OK, now you’ve attracted traffic and rankings. Is your website ready to handle, i.e., is the site visually attractive, have strong “call to action” prompts (telephone number, “Contact” button, and contact form, easy navigation, and have good content supporting the products and keywords? If not, update it. We can evaluate your site and redesign it (sometimes lonely slight changes are needed, i.e., add the phone number to the top, add visual boxes that click-through to the right page/section).
Make sure to avoid duplicate content. Each tag and written paragraph should be unique. If you cannot avoid them all together, avoid them in the index. Duplicate content and pages can lower your ranking on search engine result pages (SERP’s).
A good online marketing plan and proper execution of that plan will help enhance the company’s online profile, products, and services, as well bring more business to the site whether a national brand or a small local business. These programs and steps will help a business of any size. Contact us and we’ll help devise an effective, efficient plan and budget that works for you.
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 6 years
Each element of digital marketing has its significance. Nevertheless, SEO is still one of the more important, and prominent, ways to bring more qualified leads and consumers to your business. Compared with other online marketing techniques, such as Pay-Per-Click, social networks marketing, and email marketing campaigns, SEO supplies substantial ROI returns.
SEO is all about providing your optimum exposure for your website, traction and brand recognition, and organic visitor traffic. When nearly 14 billion searches are made online every month to check out items or service you handle, think of how terrific it would be if your website appears in top 10 ranking. Only organic search optimization can do it for you. SEO is the most viable technique that can bring outstanding outcomes, especially if paired with other digital marketing techniques to represent a complete online marketing strategy. If you have not yet adapted SEO into your core marketing strategy, you are losing the gold. SEO offers online marketers a number of reasons to include it as an important component in their marketing plans.
1. SEO Brings Brand Recognition & Business Visibility
If your website continually appears high in the online search engine rankings, then your products, services, brand, and overall visibility is enhanced. This provides a direct, and valuable, benefit as many searchers do not merely browse, then click on a random website, and complete a transaction. Often, they visit numerous time before they commit to a certain deal; and, they repeat the process again and again when they are searching for something, be that a product, service, or simply information. Considering that your website is one that is being shown in all their search engine result, their trust for your company and products and services will rise.
2. SEO Brings Quality Organic Traffic
More a site id discovered on the SERP (search engine results page), the more traffic it gets. Organic search optimization can bring a lot quality organic traffic to your website, every day of the week and on Sundays too. Moreover, the people coming to your site are almost all certified leads, i.e., they were looking for a company and product or service like yours, and they discovered you.
3. SEO Brings Credibility & Trustworthiness To Your Business
Potential buyers tend to go with a business or company that appears in Google and other search engines. Your high ranking in search results right away becomes a vote of self-confidence in eyes of your customers. It's a proven reality, i.e., that greater search rankings create more trustworthiness. For instance, if a purchaser finds company 'A' in the top positions when he browses for a specific service with various related keywords, he would certainly consider the business a deserving one to do business with.
4. SEO Gives Great Customer Insight
When you measure your website's natural traffic utilizing Google Analytics, it provides you with valuable customer insights in the type of information and metrics. The data assists you to explore user habits and their purchasing routines such as: how they browse; how long they spend on your site and do they “bounce” after viewing one page; the language they utilize; the technology they use; the area they reside in; the time and days they are most active; and a lot more. Using the data, you can make more informed choices regarding your company, the effectiveness of your website, and of your online marketing methods.
The bottom line of this review is that SEO can help you construct your company’s online marketing strategy, it’s effectiveness and your return on investment. These technique puts you in front of your potential consumers at the most important moment, when they are searching for your product or service.
Additionally, a number of studies have also revealed that a well-prepared SEO technique can have a better ROI than standard kinds of marketing techniques, like TV, radio, print advertisements, or other online methods. In addition, SEO likewise creates a unique company image, brand, awareness, and trustworthiness of your company and their awareness of your products and service in the online environment, which today seems to be overshadowing the bricks and mortar store presence.
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 6 years
Sometimes it seems like you can’t make progress on getting your website and keywords ranked for organic SEO no matter what you do; and, other times you know it’s impossible. Take heart, here’s some tips that will make it easier to get the rankings you desire, and will have earned, by following these tips.
1. Know Your Important Keywords and Use Them.
Have you consciously identified what your important keywords are? Do you know what kind of traffic they generate, who your competitors are, and how strong your competition is? You should. This is the first step in getting ranked. A couple of points to consider:
• Are you unlucky enough to have major brands sitting on the first page of the search results, i.e., if you sell tires: Tire Rack, Walmart, and Discount Tire Direct are all sitting there? Then, this is not your keyword. You will NEVER replace them. Find equivalent keywords where the competition is less severe, i.e., “fort Lauderdale local tire store”. • If your business is local, definitely include your location with your keyworks as noted above. “Local” can mean other than a city. Neighborhoods are even more specific, and less competitive. Of course, you will need content to support each neighborhood, but look at this as a long-term strategy, you don’t have to do it all at once. • Now that you know your keywords, are you using them in every posting you make: blogging, article and PR writing, content on your web pages, directory and classified postings, etc.? You should be. (Even if you’re writing about hiring a new manager, put in a sentence or two that highlights your keywords; not all of them in one posting, of course).
The easiest way to do this is use Google Keyword Planner to both identify the keywords and determining the search volumes.
2. Know Your Competition.
It’s hard to beat your competition without knowing who they are and what they’re doing. Check the search results for your keywords. The companies on the first page are your competition (ignoring the national brands). You want to know the strength of their website versus yours, how often do they do postings, creating fresh content, and how many backlinks they have. There are any number of software programs and browser extensions that will help determine that. (By the way, check the search results using Incognito or private mode. The search engines know who you are and serve up results based on your history.)
Take a look at their web page that relates to the keyword. Does it have more content, better navigation, more ”call to action” prompts, or other elements that make it superior to your page?
3. Expand Your Content.
  There have been studies by a number of well-known SEO companies that have correlated the depth of the content with rankings. Make sure your web pages have sufficient content that is keyword-focused. 500 words is decent, 750 better, and 1,000 or more the goal. That also goes for articles, blogs, and landing pages (“landing pages” are single page vehicles to enhance conversion rates by giving a visitor the content related to what they were searching for while at the same time offering stronger call to action prompts. They can be used for both organic SEO and PPC purposes. If you’re not using them, think about starting.). More is better, especially if it is keyword-focused.
4. Tag Your Content.
Using keywords in the title tag, first sentence of the content, in H1-H5 header tags associated with the content (every page should have an H1 tag slightly different than the one used in the title), and as tags for any images is important.
Understand that Google can understand variations of the keywords, so “tire sale”, “sale on tires”, and “tires on sale” are relatively equivalent. (LSIGraph can quickly help identify alternatives, and it’s free.)
Not only should you include the keyword in the title tag and first sentence, but the closer it is to the beginning, the more effective it is. Not sure why, but it’s been tested and proven. Again, variations of the keyword can be used.
Speaking of titles, it’s good to make them interesting and attract readers. The words “best”. “top”, numerical values, i.e., “6 best reasons”, etc. give you a better chance of getting ranked.  (Note the title and first sentence of this article.)
5. Links, Links, Links
a. Internal Links. It has now been shown that a strong interlining of pages on your website improve the overall strength of your site, and help get better rankings; so, any article or blog you write and post on your site should have a link to at least one other page. Links on the bottom of the Home Page for city pages, product category pages, services, etc. will be strengthened with a link from the Home Page.
b. External Links. External links have been shown to be the most important element in achieving rankings. So, the more the better with two caveats: one, profile links have very little value; and two, links from sites that have domain authorities less than "10" are of little value. Note how many links your competitor has and how strong they are. (We can provide a competitive analysis that breaks down their link profile, so you can evaluate where you stand versus the competition. Ask for your analysis.)
It might seem complicated, but it isn’t. What’s required is steady work, not one-time efforts. And, always remember quality over quantity as well as “fresh is best”. We can develop a comprehensive online marketing plan for you; and, remember, we guarantee results. Give us a call or fill out the form to let us know of your interest.
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bestseocompany04 ¡ 6 years
Regardless of the size of your company, the size of your website, or where your keywords rank now, there are four easy ways to improve the rankings for your important keywords. Taking these steps involves very little cost but could offer you a breakthrough in getting higher rankings. Yes, it is simple but requires attention to details.
Today, with the use of mobile searches and ever greater clamoring for attention, it’s more important than ever that your keywords are ranked on the very first page of the search results. Recent statistics indicate that 92%-95% of searchers never go beyond the first page (and almost 70% don’t go beyond the first five results)! While getting your keywords on the first page, let alone into the first 5, isn’t impossible, the odds aren’t good.
Here are four simple ways to beat the odds:
1. Longer, More Area Specific Keywords.
Obviously, if you’re selling lawn mowers, then “lawn mower sales” is the best keyword since it directly relates to your services. However, that keyword phrase has 104,000,000 competing websites and national brands Home Depot, Sears (three spots), Lowes, and Kmart on the first page. You are not going to displace them because of their high profile, age of their website, and authority of their websites. Better to use a keyword phrase like “fort lauderdale riding lawn mower sales”. There are only 3 million competing websites and none of the brand names are on the first page.
There are a number of free services you can use to find alternative keywords: LSIGraph, SEMRush (limited uses), Moz (30-day free trial), and Small SEO Tools.
2. Focus Your Content
If you have “content” now that doesn’t support your keywords, change it or add content that does support your keywords (a benefit of updating blogs, directory entries etc. is that it will be considered “fresh” content by the search engines and recrawled and re-indexed, even if the blog is several years old!).  “Content” can broadly be defined as any written words (and even images and videos). This includes: web pages, blogs, landing pages, social media postings, local listings and directories, etc. Every word written should support your important keywords. First, this requires that you define and know what these keywords are; and second, that you have a clear plan when you start writing.
All the “tagging” you do on your content, i.e., title tags, meta descriptions, H1-H5 tags, image alt tags, and tags on your videos are part of the "content" (the search engines see all of it).
3. Make Use of A SEO Plug-In
WordPress, the most widely-used CMS, has Yoast SEO. Other content management systems also have similar plug-ins. What these do is to act like a “fill-in the blanks” form, so it is easy to include the SEO tags. Most of these plug-ins will give you an  evaluation of the sufficiency of your SEO-centric content, i.e., “Your title tag is missing your focus keyword”, etc. Review these messages and use them to refine your content and create the highest SEO-quality content possible.
4. Pursue Backlinks
Posting on social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, on directories and local listing sites, and guest authoring all can bring visitors and traffic to your site. But, you also create backlinks to your sites whose primary audience is the search engines , not people that are valuable since this is one of the highest factors in determining the authority of your website and even the specific pages on your site. Another good source for backlinks is the vendors you buy from and your customer base. Some of these sites have high authority and just linking to their sites has value.
We have a list of 500 social media sites that you can post on (free) and that have domain authorities of “70” or higher, i.e., “high-authority”. Contact us and we will be happy to send you this list.
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