#toi weekly horoscope
billa-billa007 · 1 year
Weekly Astrology Forecast | Aug. 27 – Sept. 2, 2023 | Insights from Joshua the Psychic
Astrology is a belief system that suggests a connection between the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, and events and personality traits on Earth. It is an ancient practice that has been part of various cultures for thousands of years. Astrology is often associated with horoscopes, which are predictions or interpretations based on the positions of these celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth.
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Weekly Horoscope, January 29 to February 4, 2023: Read astrological predictions - Times of India
AriesIn this week, you may feel boring, you may likely to observe some negativity around you, you’re suggested to keep patience before creating any necessary call. you may seemingly to face some obstacles at work, things won’t be in check. Sudden issues can cause you to short tempered. it’s suggested to hold over projects regarding real estate, Production Plants and machinery related projects.…
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darlingian · 16 days
Hello! In honour of @energievie 's birthday we are doing a birthday theme! thanks to her, @michellemisfit , @deedala , and @vintagelacerosette for the tags!
When is yours? boxing day 📦
Where were you born? In the next province over! And it was funny because I actually delivered a baby in that hospital 30 years later completely unexpectedly.
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? I hate it. It's never felt like mine. It truly makes me uncomfortable when people use it. I mostly go by Chani which I do like more, but I definitely don't love it. I've considered changing my name even since I was small, but that also makes me feel weird.
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? I'm a Capricorn but I've literally never read a horoscope that fit me. That's part of why I'd like my chart read someday. Maybe someone could explain why I feel that way!
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? It was my 3rd birthday and I vividly remember opening The 1995 Fisher Price Little People farm set. Which I kept LONG after I'd technically outgrown the toy. I also remember there being smarties(the Canadian candy) as polka dots on a chocolate cake.
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? When I was little I only had one cousin. Her and I were like siblings. Our grandma had bought us each a ty beanie buddy bear for Christmas and mine was a cranberry coloured bear with a green ribbon around his neck that I immediately named "Cranberry Bear" (good imagination lil me). Well that same day my little sister who was probably around 3 decided it was HER bear. And essentially the whole family tried to gaslight me into believing that it had always been my sisters. Because my sister was a very hard kid to deal with and she was prone to all day destructive tantrums I guess they figured this was easier. And when I wouldn't give up on the fact it was mine I was told "you have enough toys." Anyways, my best friend knew that story and happens to love researching vintage toys. (she has a great Polly pocket collection.) A couple years ago she gave me cranberry bear for my birthday. In pristine condition and as soft as the day someone bought him. And he's mine. I cried a lot. hahaha
How about one of the best you've given yourself? I'm supposed to say my children or something I think. lol
What's your favourite cake flavour? I actually unabashedly love funfetti cake. But also red velvet. I'll buy red velvet if it's available every time.
How about your favourite flowers? Forget-me-nots or Lily of the Valley.
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. I've thrown my kids a combined 14 birthday parties. Plus 3 or so parties for my ex-wife. I really loved my eldest's 7th birthday party which was "Witchy" themed. Her birthday is mid November so I bought so much great Halloween decor for it after Halloween had passed and everything was super duper discounted.
What's the ultimate birthday song? I like the Stevie wonder one?
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. I share my birthday with Jared Leto and Chairman Mao. Soooo apparently it's an evil day to be born. lmao.
tagging @heymrspatel @too-schoolforcool @sgtmickeyslaughter @gardenerian @celestialmickey
@jrooc @sam-loves-seb @iansw0rld @crossmydna @mybrainismelted
@mmmichyyy @sickness-health-all-that-shit @catgrassplantdad @thepupperino @gallawitchxx
@blue-disco-lights @creepkinginc
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Thank you to @567inpanem​ for coming up with the prompts…so excited. 
The rules are simple chose a prompt write a story, draw a picture, make a meme, make a collage, or a music video, or even a soundtrack to the holidays. And submit it here starting on the Winter Solstice Saturday December 21, 2019 and extending to January 6, 2020 the End of the Holiday season…
Bake Off
*Peeta easily wins best baker title in his district with his special ginger bread recipe. But now he’s baking against the best of the districts! Will he be the Mellark that finally brings the grand title to 12? Intrigue! Deception! Sabotage! Bribery! It’s the grand quarter quell bake off has it all! Who will be crowned top baker and forever enjoy the special 25 yr title, fame glory and fortune! Your host Caesar Flickerman, with guest star taste testers including…Katniss desperate, agrees to work as secret agent, get close to Peeta, steal recipe and plans for a very special top secret gingerbread house, mess up his ingredients, make him oversleep after wild sex, anything necessary to keep him from beating the career district contestant! Will Peeta take home the big prize?
*Story of 1000 origami cranes in one year for luck or wish. Peeta makes 1000 (mockingjay) cookies?
D12 Fall Harvest
*Harvest Festival in D12 provides opportunity for all to not only celebrate bounty but also to give thanks, exchange gifts, participate in matching ceremony in anticipation of annual day of matrimony held on the winter solstice. Snapshot of Peeta and Katniss through the years? 
*Harvest Festival is competition like Olympics or Highland games? Winners awarded cornucopia of food for the coming winter?
D12 Parcel Day
*The way those Parcel Days could have gone to forge relationship between Peeta and Katniss if it was something more, if for example they had to work together on things like what goes in them (maybe start off cold, then argue over differences, then get to know each other, grow together).
Thanks Giving
First Feast in 1621 lasted 3 days, 90 native Americans Wampanoag and 53 Pilgrims, celebrated successful harvest - feast, games, military exercises, diplomacy. Only 4 of 20 Mayflower women survived to the feast! Men helped cook for the party. No oven. 1863 Lincoln declared holiday. Make Katniss either survivor of voyage or Native?
Christmas & Hanukkah
See Prompt Nine.
New Years
Old college friends dispersed after graduation, but the group meets up every New Years for a night of drinking and catching up on the year and reminiscing and resolutions. At least for a while. But then they drift apart, skip years… until one (ok, I just realized this is getting closer to the movie big chill with every tweak). Or st. Elmo’s fire. But I like the concept of Katniss and Peeta having something in college and kept it secret but something happens and there’s secret is exposed….
Peeta and Katniss have crushes on the other one, attend a masquerade and neither one tells the other what there dressed as and they meet at the party and they do not realize they are attracted to their friend; maybe this can be an arranged marriage effort to match people attracted to each other by personality, not appearance, and the positive match confuses them? Or attendance is a psychology course requirement? (My intro psych had 1,000 students.) 
Canon Based Non-Holiday Specific
something about coal…legend that La Befana witch flies down chimney, left gifts for good children, coal for naughty…Epiphany January 6 = end of Christmas season, day 3 wise men arrive manger BUT once Katniss is Victor, has $, sneaks buckets of coal for all the seam children to keep warm fire going, Peeta sneaks small raisin nut loaves? Or maybe this is parcel day beginning of legendary Mockingjay flies and delivers coal and sweet music. Maybe we can leave it like an open-ended thing parcel day in the and the districts how do you think each district celebrated partial day
 Prompt #1 A Dog’s New Year’s Eve Prompts -  
A dog living on a college campus in Columbia observed that paying cashier = get a cookie. So, for the last 5 years, dog picks up large leaf, carries to cashier, gets cookie, too. What if cashier is lonely baker Peeta? Stray dog actually belongs to Katniss. Because dog always snarls at Haymitch, he calls it “Katniss.” Peeta overhears, assumes the dog is “Katniss.” Haymitch doesn’t correct him.
Peeta reads horoscope for 2019 Year of the Dog: “For single people, they have a large possibility to meet some excellent friends of opposite sex and develop a romantic relationship with one of them.”  
Peeta needs to find a date for New Years Eve and is running out of time!  Hears Katniss over the radio reading the article he wrote “…Dog girls…need to pursue or express affection of boy dogs bravely. In addition, joining in more social activities on weekends is also an effective way to find true love…” Followed by a “BAHUMBUG Love is dead…dogs do not fall in love…hell like people dogs fall in lust’” Peeta wants to find this woman and set her straight…Love is not a Bahumbug. 
What if dog getting too heavy like Columbian dog, vet accuses Katniss feeding dog junk, Katniss follows dog, catches baker feeding her now overweight dog, confronts him. But, Year of the Dog! So, HEA magic.
Prompt Idea #2 (Cultural Holiday)
*Pliny the Elder, a Roman who was one of the world’s first known naturalists, thought the Druids’ beliefs about mistletoe (that “mistletoe, taken in drink, will impart fecundity to all animals that are barren.” and hung it over their doors for luck) were silly, but the reputation stuck thanks in part to a Norse myth: definitely something with mistletoe and drinking its properties to become fertile 
*Frigga, goddess of love and marriage, loved her son Baldur so much that she and Baldur’s wife teamed up to make all the world’s plants and animals to promise not to hurt him. Well, they got all the plants, except mistletoe. Loki, god of mischief, realized the mistake and made a spear out of mistletoe and killed Baldur. As Frigga cried over the loss of her son, her motherly tears turned into mistletoe berries. Those berries somehow brought Baldur back to life, so Frigga declared mistletoe to be a symbol of love. According to The Smithsonian magazine, “Mistletoe would come to hang over our doors as a reminder to never forget. We kiss beneath it to remember what Baldur’s wife and mother forgot.”
Prompt Idea #3 Candy Land Hunger Games edition
Weird holiday hunger games - Arena is a winter wonderland of marzipan mutts, “Snow” monster, Peeta and Katniss are gingerbread, she reattaches his leg with frosting, in crystal candy cave he can’t stop from taking a nibble she’s so delicious, it rains lemon drops, it snows powdered sugar, watch out for milk lake danger… 
Prompt Idea #4 Misfit Toys
*On the Island of Misfit Toys, one new toy (Katniss?) perfect but with broken or lost heart, damaged toy soldier Peeta? determined to help with other toys (victors or tributes?) 
Prompt Idea #5 Holiday Dueling Booth 
Katniss and Peeta’s relationship has gone sour. For extra cash, Katniss opens a seasonal booth at the farmer’s market selling simple homemade baked goods, like apple cake, acorn flour scones. Peeta tries to get her attention by pushing her buttons, opens an upscale baked goods booth next to hers. 
Prompt Idea #6 Tim Burton Holiday
Too much eggnog, Katniss nightmare: Mad Capital scientist builds a “Edward scissorhands” boy mutt but with kitchen gadget appendages. D12 turns on him. Katniss goes on daring journey to find only person who can help. Dr Wires lives underground with oompaloompa-like helpers (former victor mutts). 
Prompt Idea #7 - Story Book Hero
Katniss is a working mom who doesn’t have time for all the school volunteer opportunities, but finds herself signed up for weekly storytime for December - The Story Book hero comes to life
Prompt Idea #8 Holiday Shopper
Wealthy Peeta and Finnick like betting on the stupidest things, each hires a professional personal shopper, tries to come up with Christmas shopping list item that will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. But Katniss desperately needs the money, resolved not to quit. 
Prompt Idea #9 -  Open Ended Holiday Prompt -be creative any HG Parring any and all works
Looking for perfect gift Hanukah / Christmas
Eight Days of Hanukah 
Office parties
School art projects
Should old acquaintance be forgot
Singer / Caroling / Rock Band / TV Show
Resolutions -  
Snowstorms - 
Holiday show
Gift of the Magi
Let’s find your smile (like a treasure hunt, by end found happiness)
Secret Santa party games
Gift Exchange
Twelve days of Christmas 
New Years masquerade ball
Oh and one more thing don’t forget to #Everlarkholidaystyle2019
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
800 questions part 6
251) If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? Even if there weren’t any consequence, I’d still feel wrong and uncomfortable doing it.
252) Who’s your favorite celeb with the same first name or surname as you? Nikki Bella, one of the Bella twins from WWE, is actually Stephanie Nicole. I don’t watch WWE, but I watched Total Divas, a reality show about the lives of some of the women wrestlers and their spouses. I also watch Total Bellas, a spinoff of that show that just follows the lives of Nikki and Brie Bella.
253) If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battle lines to defend the motherland or hide in a box? Oh, I’d be no use at all in battle. 
254) What’s your favorite flower? I don’t really have one.
255) Do you believe in ghosts? Not like Casper, but I do believe in spirits or guardian angels. <<<
256) Do you believe in the loch ness monster? No.
257) Do you believe in Aliens? I believe that there is life on other planets, but I don’t think that it’s stereotypical little green men. Haha. <<<
258) Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public? Absolutely.
259) Which is your favorite Pokemon? Jigglypuff was always my favorite, back when it was a fad. <<< Me tooooo.
260) What horror fiction character scares you the most? I love Michael Myers, Pennywise, and Ghost Face. They’re creepy, but I love it.
261) Can you do 10 revolutions of a hula hoop? I can’t hula hoop at all.
262) Do you think Great Britain should have a National Day? They don’t have one already?
263) Do you think Great Britain should be part of a United Europe? I don’t know about this topic to have an opinion.
264) Would you want the Euro or keep the British Pound? I have no opinion on this as an American.
265) Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? I was a Girl Scout.
266) Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No.
267) Do you have any secret family recipes? No. I’m not a cook or baker.
268) Do you have any family secrets? Yeah.
269) Are you good at keeping secrets? Yes.
270) Have you ever been up in a hot air balloon? Nooooo. I would never.
271) What’s your favorite Sci-fi film/program etc? I don’t enjoy a lot of sci-fi television shows or movies, really. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, when I was younger, I suppose. <<< Ha, I’ve been binging that lately. Anyway, I love Star Wars and The Twilight Zone.
272) When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white? When I played checkers as a kid the choices were black or red. I think I usually chose black.
273) Which is better, a Pastie or Sausage Roll? A what?
274) Do you prefer shopping on the high street or online? I do my shopping online.
275) Would you ever want to learn to fly? No.
276) Do you often read your horoscope? I never do. I used to sometimes when I was younger for fun, though.
277) Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? No. I don’t believe in that.
278) What’s your favorite brand of newspaper? I don’t read the newspaper.
279) Have you ever milked a cow? No.
280) Have you ever used the phrase “back in my time” to someone younger than you? No, not yet - I’m only 30. <<< Haha, I’m only 31 but I’ve said that a lot. :X
281) Do you love or hate rollercoasters? I am definitely not a rollercoaster person with the exception of two at Disneyland--the Car’s rollercoaster and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. They’re just my speed, with enough to get the adrenaline going but nothing too crazy. 
282) Which was the greatest Empire? I don’t know.
283) What’s the cleverest word you know? *shrug*
284) What’s your favorite sportswear brand? Adidas. I’m not athletic or active, but I really love Adidas shoes and clothes.
285) Do you buy any weekly/monthly magazines? Nope. 
286) Who’s your favorite Superhero? Iron Man, Spiderman, Star Lord, and Ant-Man.
287) Who’s your favorite Villain/Baddie? The Joker.
288) What was the last Album you purchased? I haven’t purchased an album in many, many years.
289) What was the last DVD you purchased? I don’t recall.
290) What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? A shirt and a pair of leggings.
291) When pulling crackers does everyone get one each regardless or whoever gets the big ends keeps all the prizes? I’ve only did the crackers thing once. I had a cousin who got them for all of us there and wanted to try it one Christmas. I think everyone got something from what I remember.
292) Do you ever make your own greetings cards? I did that when I was a kid.
293) Do you have a Swiss army knife? No.
294) At what age did you twig onto the fact Santa wasn’t real? I think I was 8. 295) What’s your favorite fruit? Bananas. 
296) Have you ever done something really unbelievable, only to have no one around to see it? Yeah. And it’s so incredibly rare for that to happen as it is.
297) Do you buy from charity shops? No.
298) Have you ever sold your services? I’m not skilled or good at anything that I could offer to do for others and get paid for.
299) Have you ever raised money for charity? Yeah, I’ve done a lot of that in Girl Scouts and for the psych club I was in while at community college.
300) Have you ever won a giant sized cuddly toy from a fair? Yes.
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tessacxstello · 5 years
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hello im (F, 24) an idiot and forgot to post tessa’s (F, 22, fictional) intro!
pls bare in mind most of this was written 5+ years ago n i haven’t written tessa since 2015...... but lets get this show (LOCKWOODRP) on the road (DASHBOARD). 
tw school shooting, tw bipolar disorder
art hoe. always covered in paint. why?? she bad at painting
the mark rothko jackson pollock kind of bad tho wher people are like.... omg.... revolutionary..... its a badly drawn vagina
fuckin loves astrology, but cant take it that seriously bcos one of her bfs was a gemini so there’s some lenience there. but she WILL blame her hormones and mood swings on the positon of mars
embodies pure sunshine. 
one of those really annoying people that can go through the most traumatic shit and still find a positive spin. 
cares so much for others but does not really care for herself n it’s meant she just bottles up all this shit n when someone asks her how her day has gone she just falls on the ground like tht bit in midsommar when florence does that loud wheezy noise and sits down 
has never really had much money at all. learns to make-do with what she has. loves upcycling!! her bookshelf is made from cardboard which she’s reinforced by pappering it over with pages ripped out of thrifted books. her sofa is an old car boot which she’s repainted, put on wheels and stuffed w cushions so that it’s actually bearable to sit on.
her knitted cardigan? its made out of wife material.
knits all the time. will crochet you a christmas scarf. if ur lucky you might get a knitted jumper with a penis in a santa hat
still sleeps with cuddly toys n then wonders why ppl dont think she’s mature enough for a serious relationship
very passionate about Sister Doing It For THemselves!! raised by a single mom who worked her ass off so that tessa could do fun activities after school, have lelli kelly shoes, and go to college (not necessarily in tht order of importance)
tessa was born out of wedlock as the result of an affair between her mom (a journalism intern in her early 20s) and a new york times editor. 
the editor offered to pay tessa’s mom off to have an abortion, but she was like fuck u and told the papers he’d done that and used the money to cover the cost of her internship which they refused to pay her for
and because of the scandal, he ended up going through a pretty messy divorce with his wife, and losing custody of his kids. so as a child  tessa was seen as the cause of a divorce and received mutliple letters from the editors wife (to tessa personally!) and his kids saying how she had ruined everything, but her mom moved them to another town so tessa didn’t have to deal with that crap. 
her mom worked 3 jobs to put her through school, so in return tessa pushes herself incredibly hard to succeed. needs a break and a hug and to get laid to be honest. 
an old soul. likes old films, old music, old people. only recently got an iphone 5s so not really with this century yet
very sweet and soft and kind but also a fucking mess and won’t listen to anyone else’s opinion. she’ll take comfort, but not advice. 
feminist buddhist bisexual vegetarian for human rights and animal welfare. standing on a soapbox shouting about the climate in the quad, shoving flyers into your hands. flyers everwhere. she turns up at your grandmas funeral and shoves one into her mouth. she’s stolen the mic from the vicar to talk about pandas.
says “mother of pearl” and “heavens to betsy”.
had an affair with her married piano teacher and he’s now facing a custody battle and his wife is leaving him and tessa has completely internalised that guilt despite her being the victim in the scenario
aesthetics: paint splattered jeans, loose curls spilling from a scrunchie, thrifted blouses in bright yellow, guzzling coffee in the library at three am when a term paper’s due, shoddily illustrated campaign posters to save endangered species, polaroids plastered to your bedroom walls with scribbled dates on the frames, jumping into a stack of autumn leaves, jumping off piers in the summer months and stripping off your wet clothes on the beach, digging your thumbs into peaches to leave a bruise, smoking with the extractor fan on to hide the smell, bath bombs, letting the girls at lush rub samples all over your skin, cacti with knitted bobble hats, decorative pillows and sun and moon blanket throws, basic bitch fairy lights hanging from every single window, painting the name of the boys you’ve loved inside your wardrobe door.
studies fine art and philosophy, and wants to become either a lecturer or the first woman president. vibe wise, very similar to leslie knope, missy from big mouth, and basically the naive everygirl with a high opinion of themselves trope
gets drunk off like one double vodka lemonade because she’s small and she’s a pretty messy wild drunk. it’s when slutty tessa comes out, and the next day she’ll thoroughly regret every choice made and decide she’s never drinking again and cutting out all men and starting daily sudoko
on the cheerleading team and is a flyer, which she sees as a HUGE responsibility and she works really hard to make sure she’s on it for her team. one of those get up at 7am and go to the gym before school types its sickening
she had a really traumatic time at high school because there was a shooting in her school. she was in the next classroom when it happened, and she lost one of her friends in the shooting. she had to take two months off school, was diagnosed with depression and put on anti-depressants because of it. in her 2nd year of uni she was rediagnosed with bipolar disorder and anxiety, which she’s now on medication for. she can be really good for several months at a time and feel super creative and determined (she actually finds manic periods helpful for her creativity n art, n sadly sometimes doesn’t take her meds in these periods to push herself more which is obvs super bad.....). but when the bad periods come they can also last months n she had to take a semester out of school last year because of her mood, so she should be a senior by now but she’s retaking junior year
she attends weekly stress-management sessions prescribed by her doctor which she finds pointless.
very childish in the sense that she can only see her own point of view and kind of views herself as the “protagonist” and thinks her ideas are super important and life changing and she IS Destined for Greatness! despite being pretty much average af
pinterest board.
age: 22
height: 5'2"
positive traits: kind-hearted, gregarious, selfless, philosophical, open minded, idealistic, courageous, feisty, charismatic, loyal, adventurous.
negative traits: stubborn, hot-headed, reticent, escapist, self-destructive, easily led, naive, troubled, complicated, stepford smiler, envious, overdramatic, explosive.
distinguishing Marks: heart-shaped birthmark on the right of her chest, splattering of freckles across the cheeks during summer months, full lips, large eyes, porcelain features, long wavy hair, tattoo of a bird and a cage on her ankles and a basic bitch arrow tat on her wrist (srry to anyone with an arrow tat).
skills: jack-of-all-trades, talented pianist, perceptive, knows the correct way to throw a punch, good survival instinct, is able to remain calm in stressful situations, endures, artistic, excels in academic studies, hard-working and self-motivated, expert liar and talented actress.
likes: wolves, vintage thrift store fashion, old leather-bound books, left-wing democratic politics, cigarettes, poetry, John Hughes movies, cold coffee, hot tea, the sound of laughter, staying up til 4am having deep conversations, Tchaikovsky, having deep conversations about life, stationary, DC Comics, horoscopes, winged eyeliner, cats, knee-high socks, house music, abandoned buildings, studio ghibli, the smell of the earth after rain, Wes Anderson films, herbal tea, old people, solitude, esoteric things, the smell of freshly baked bread, Charles Bukowski, the moon.
fears: death, oblivion, global warming, losing those she loves, isolation, clowns, guns, enclosed spaces.
nicknames: Tess, T-Dog, Tessie, Socrates, Princess, Sunshine Girl, Florence Nightingale.
alignment: Neutral Good
tw school shooting
Her story begins with Cordelia Costello, a twenty-three year old college drop-out, turned beautician, turned columnist, turned intern at a local publishing company. She was a youthful, beautiful, siren of a women, always surrounded by an aura of enigma and an entourage of men. It was no surprise to the gossips in the office that within six months working at the company, Cordelia had added to her list another title – mistress to Franklin Hozier, the Editor of the New York Times. After two blissful months and three hundred and twenty seven orgasms, Cordelia decided she wanted a baby. Franklin laughed in her face. Feeling isolated and used, Cordelia continued her affair with her boss’ boss for another month, before deciding to take matters into her own hands.
It started with a turkey baster.
Soon the infant cries of a baby girl graced the world, her wrinkled skin puckered and pink as her mother held her in her arms, glancing upon the most beautiful thing in her life. Once Tessa, named after Cordelia’s favourite literary heroine, entered the world, Franklin left her life and things took a turn for the better. Despite living in a rented one-bedroom apartment in Staten Island, on what little money Cordelia had saved, Tessa’s childhood years were filled with nothing but the happiest of memories. Times were tough, but what they lacked in money, the Costello’s made up in love. While Tessa was at school, Cordelia did odd jobs cleaning, child-minding, working in local nurseries, in order to save up enough money to give her daughter the best start in life.
Despite what she had been led to believe by television shows and teen movies, the first few years of High School were some of the best years of her life. Tessa threw herself into a multitude of activities that High School offered her, including the drama club, the orchestra, choir, badminton and the school newspaper. While she certainly wasn’t considered ‘popular’ at school, Tess had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. In fact, High School was a place where she made some of the greatest memories of her life, but come her final year, it was also a place where she was haunted by some of her worst.
On the January 17th of Tessa’s senior year of high school, a shooting took place in Westville High School. For two hours Tessa locked herself in a supply cupboard, her head between her knees as she tried to stay silent despite the screams of horror from the corridor. Eighteen students were caught in the crossfire, two of which were Tessa’s best friends. Bouquets of flowers, laminated photographs, Teddy Bears in cling-film bags attached to balloons littered the streets as families and friends came to pay tribute to the eighteen students withered before they had a chance to bloom.
It took two months of therapy before Tessa could return to school. Some of the survivors could never return due to the horrors that their eyes had laid witness to. Sometimes Tessa felt like a part of her had died with the friends that were stolen from her too soon, but one thought kept her going through: she had survived, she was alive and breathing, and she could not afford to loose a second of the precious time she had been granted on this earth. Despite the nightmares that continued to haunt her each night, Tessa found in the aftermath of the disaster a new sense of motivation. She began applying for scholarships for colleges without her mother’s knowledge, in the hope that her academic success would be enough to carry her through further education. Thankfully, it was, and after three torturous months of waiting Tess was offered an arts scholarship to her dream school, Lockwood University, where she hoped she could finally start to rebuild her life.
Life at university was like a separate world. Students came and went like moths among the whisperings and the tequila and the stars. In this new world, Tessa was exposed for the first time in her life to alcohol, drugs, and the sexual appetites of other students her age – though she politely declined all three. Instead, Tessa threw herself into the vast array of activities in the hope that by distracting herself she could escape the terrible flashbacks that continued to haunt her. Tessa joined the lacrosse team, despite never having played before, and took up cheerleading discovering a new talent; she joined the musical theatre group, and the film club, and even set up her own acapella singing society. But despite how much she tried to throw herself into student life, her past hung around her like a bad smell, and with the added pressure of the Sinking Ships zine, Tess began to feel the weight of her secret tying her down like a pair of shackles around her wrists.
If someone was to describe Tessa in a single word, it would most likely be ‘bubbly’, ‘open-minded’ or ‘sweet’. But they would be wrong – Tessa is not bubbly, or sweet, or stubborn, or hotheaded, or fiesty, or infectious, or any of the things the world see her as, but merely a numb and lonely echo of the gregarious, halcyon girl she once was. Tessa Costello was one of life’s enigmas. No one knew who she was, for to each person she met she wore a different mask – she dripped confidence, or was painfully shy; she was an exhibitionist, or a brooding wallflower; she took things too seriously, or not seriously at all. She was an actress and the world was her stage, each person she met a different member of the audience in the performance of her life. In truth, Tessa no longer even recognised herself. Insecure, and self-destructive, she tried to hang on to the extroverted, mischievous pieces of herself that everyone had once loved, but day by day it got harder to know what lay in the vacant holes blown through her mind. While she was stubborn and hot-headed, Tessa always saw the best in people, which meant that she was easily led astray. While she had grown up learning to be street smart and astute, she was idealistic and allowed silly fantasies to cloud her mind. By nature, she was passionate, which lead her to misimagine and romanticise those she met. Despite the hell she had witnessed, and the anxiety that feasted upon her, she believed that people were innately good and that to have courage and be kind could cure anyone of their sadness – yet she was unable to cure herself.
@500daysoftessa: i blame disney films and musicals for my high expectations of men
@500daysoftessa: i am in love with the boy who works at starbucks. today i asked for a double latte and he gave me a tripple, which i think is proof that my love is requited. our children will be smart and talented and beautiful.
@500daysoftessa: little known historical fact: pharaohs were burried with their hands crossed over their chests because it was a popular belief there would be countless water slides in the after life.
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Witch Tips & Horoscopes 5/8 ~ 5/14
March 21-April 19
You’re now motivated to find new ways to sustain your wealth—even contemplating expanding your personal views. The humdrum life never suited your sentiments, and this week both your personal and monetary portfolio is transforming in major ways. There may be some bumps along the way, which are common for the risk takers and innovators such as yourself. While your views on the material world are shifting, you are also growing your confidence and your ability to achieve success . Your cup may overflow with ideas and impending partnerships related to your finances, but it’s essential to only commit to endeavors that peak your interests—even if they are off the beaten path. Just remember to to find balance between work and play in order to stay grounded.
April 20-May 20
This week is high time for you to shed your skin and move towards personal evolution. You’ve recently  been toying with the notion of growth, but you haven’t been ready to fully let go (which is understandable because change is hard), but now you are finally ready to throw caution to the wind and transform. Whether you gamble on love or yourself, the only thing which is certain is that you will start to embrace and create the life you always wanted. Stepping out of your  “norm” will bring up anxieties and past traumas—prepare yourself to be emotionally challenged. As long as you are prepared to do the work in squashing the demons and fears in your past, you will breeze through this week with flying colors.  
May 21-June 20
Inquisitive by nature, your mind will certainly be overworked this week due to your desire for answers. You may find yourself searching for meaning in situations and relationships that have lost their luster. Instead of using your Mercurial mindset to fester and obsess, try using magic to get the answers you crave. Taking a trip to the astral plane during the First Quarter Moon will reveal the truths you are looking for (when you go to the astral plane remember to make a circle of protection with your finger to ensure your safety). Also, meditating and reflecting with friends will be beneficial, as their feedback and support will help you navigate through your issues, as well as offering insights and advice that will help you.  
June 21-July 22
A sensitive being by nature, you often give your time to others freely (at the cost of your sanity). These days, you’re not the shrinking violet you used to be. In fact, you are learning that being selfish and putting your needs first is a priority. You will be emotionally torn this week, as you are at a crossroads within many of your personal relationships. Deciding who you should lend your empathetic ear to may be hard because of your nurturing spirit. It’s important to set boundaries with others (even yourself). Knowing when to let go and take a step back isn’t something you normally do, but you are learning that it’s adequate to be selfish and care from the distance, especially if the relationship isn’t functioning properly.
July 23-August 22
“A wish is a dream your heart makes,” Leo. This week, you are manifesting your passions and professional desires. The First Quarter Moon is giving you the push you need to bravely and courageously implement your dreams into reality. Challenges may arise from fear, but as long as you stay on the righteous path you will be able to move past these setbacks. Embrace the elements of earth and fire, by writing a letter of intention then burning it in a bowl and planting the ashes in soil under the First Quarter Moon. This will allow you to conjure and bring forth such goals into your life. As long as you manifest your dreams using your innermost heartfelt aspirations, the universe will make your wishes come true.
August 23-Sept. 22
You’re currently in flux within all interpersonal relationships, as you are undecided about where things are headed. In the recent past, you have let situations and partnerships stay put, due to your optimism and hope. This week, you are changing your views—even questioning whether or not you want to continue the never ending merry-go-round with your heart. As your emotions start to unfold, you will see that right now you crave independence within partnerships. Instead of choosing someone else—you opt to choose yourself. While you may feel extra emotional under the First Quarter Moon, allow yourself a momentary reprieve away from the work and others. Use this luminary to set yourself free. Put all the energy you’ve spent focusing on others onto yourself for maximum splendorous results.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
This week starts off with a big bang in the personal and relationship sector of your chart. While you may be over the drama, the universe is giving you one more issue to sort out. A lover of love and a constant giver of kindness, you tend to put others needs first. Unfortunately, others to take advantage of your generosity and compassion. Over time, you’ve felt neglected, unseen, and unheard. Giving your all to those who don’t deserve it will motivate you to take back your power—which may ruffle their feathers. Cutting out the energetic vampires will free yourself from the endless chaos, raise your self-esteem, and restore balance in your life. Remember, relationships are a two way street. Give your time to those who appreciate you.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
You’re on an endless quest for truth this week. You may feel as though others are gaslighting you, and not owning up to their part in a bad situation (or a recent argument between you both). The curveball you are given, in this cosmically charged week, is that you don’t have to accept what others say as the truth. Learn to lean into your intuition more and quench your thirst for justice and to gain a deeper understanding of the situation at hand. You don’t have to make yourself anxious by looking outwards for answers. Look within. Trust yourself. Trust your judgement. Evoke the bridge  between your subconscious and conscious mind by simply meditating with Obsidian  to awaken your third-eye chakra and to free your subconscious under the First Quarter Moon.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Often lustful of the finer things in life (eating, drinking, and being merry), this week your values are shifting. You are learning that materialism and earthly delights are not as important as inner happiness—prosperity is not found outward, but inside. Your newfound relationship with the world and yourself will allow you to open yourself up to others in ways you never thought imaginable. Learning that self-worth and love is solely based on the immaterial will rock your spiritual core and shakeup your fundamental beliefs—for the better. If self-evolution is what you are searching for, the First Quarter Moon will allow you to connect to a new philosophical perspective on a soulful level. Expanding your mind will lead towards exponential growth in all areas of your life.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Always at the top of your game, you’re taking a step back and away from the public glare. Giving yourself time to disconnect from the outside world will allow you to nourish yourself. The heart is like a garden, it needs to be tended to. Taking time for yourself will help you gain your confidence back and strategize your next steps. Giving yourself extra TLC and self-care will take the edge of inner stresses, as well as burn off the negative vibes from others. You can create your own tranquil oasis within, as long as you actually disengage from the noises and frenzy of the outside world. Positive affirmations and a calming bath under the First Quarter Moon will get you moving in the right direction. Let your mind unwind with White Sage and Lavender Smudge Sticks  to relax this week.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
You’re currently stuck between two worlds, Aquarius. Your recent spiritual journey has helped you clear up quandaries that have recently percolated within. However, it has also left you confused about how to move forward with others. You may feel as though the past has come to haunt you, as old issues surface and others are dragging their feet in opening themselves up to you again. It may be quite possible that you have handled matters unfairly in the past, and are now stuck between a rock and a hard place. The first step to remedying such matters is to forgive yourself and others. Free and vindicate yourself under the First Quarter Moon by clearing out stagnant energy with Hummingbird Sage . Most importantly, tend to others how you would like to be treated to avoid future conflicts.
Feb. 19-March 20
A free thinker at heart, this week you are swimming upstream with enthusiasm with your unique mindset. Learning that you do not confirm to any societal expectation is your weekly cosmic lesson, as you are now being pushed to be more assertive and independent in expressing your desires. The world (or in your case the ocean) may seem big and overwhelming with many options and people. However, there’s only one you. And, no one else’s creative mind can surpass yours this week. Believing in yourself will bring maritime bliss, as long as you let go of the phobias associated with success. Using the power of visualization, you can alter your mindset and allow yourself to break down the roadblocks and swim towards victory.
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
Leo: Weekly Horoscope (Starting on July 9)
As you start the week, expect some unusual introversion on your part. Use Monday to take time and out and reassess the big picture. Now is a great time for mapping out long-term strategies and plans. On Tuesday and Wednesday, your confidence and charisma will have everyone falling all over themselves to agree with you -- and just to be with you! Let other sin on the fun you're planning. Starting on Thursday and on into the weekend, you'll need to show some extra caution and look for hidden motivations. There's no need for paranoia, but you could definitely stand to get a better sense of the situation. This weekend, turn up the volume! Expect fiery feelings and well-nigh amazing adventure.
Being in touch with your deepest thoughts at the outset of the week is going to result in some surprisingly brilliant business moves. You're not going to be conscious of it. But everything you touch will manage to grow and take shape and become huge and beautiful, like those toys that expand in the bathtub. You exude confidence and creativity. A sudden flurry of achievement and attention will cap the end of the workweek. You'll go into the weekend with a huge heart and lots of patience. It will be a quiet weekend -- a relief.
Your love life may not be on its highest setting at the start of the week, but your social life certainly is. Your thoughts and tastes are fabulously unique. You can hold forth on anything from the drawbacks of certain economic paradigms to the relative merits of late-night TV. You have a commanding presence at parties. This is all incredibly attractive. Your desire to be in love (or, if you're already in love, to stay in love) is supplanted by a simple desire to do good on Thursday and Friday. This weekend, your heart is so big and radiant it's practically visible through your chest.
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Pt. 3 • random questions
201) How much spam email do you tend to get a week? IDK don’t even check anymore 202) If you could learn any language fluently what would it be? Spanish or mandarin 203) What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life? Tesla 204) As a kid were you ever frightened of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard? I was more frightened by the monster outside my bedroom screaming in the living room 205) Do you like clowns? God no 206) Do you prefer BBC or ITV? ITV 207) Have you ever been surfing? Yes 208) Have you ever been snowboarding? Yes 209) Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley? Beatles 210) What’s your favourite type of foreign food? Mexican 211) Which Foreign country do you dislike the most? Idk 212) Do you like your music loud or easy listening? Loud 213) What’s your favourite animated or cartoon program? Idk none 214) Do you sing in the shower? Yes 215) Are you a clean or messy person? Messy 216) What’s your preferred playing piece in monopoly? Don’t play monopoly 217) Can or Do you still play twister? No 218) Can you play chess? Yes 219) Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song? No 220) Do you prefer straight or bendy straws? Straight 221) Have you ever entered a talent contest? As a kid smfh 222) and did you win? No 223) Do you like poetry? Yes 224) Are you a bad loser? No 225) Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream? Ice cream 226) What’s your favourite type of Pie? I don’t like pie 227) What’s your most used phrase? “Idk” 228) What’s your most used word? “I” like every other millennial 229) Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Idk if I’d like to kill anyone’s acting career 230) What would your dream job be? Still astronaut lol 231) Which song do you hate the most? So many pop songs out there but if one, it’d have to be Smile by Lily Allen because it takes me back to some time 232) How long does it take you to get ready? 20 minutes max 233) What do you think the greatest invention has been? Methadone 234) What’s your favourite feature on the opposite sex? Dignity 235) What’s your least favourite feature on the opposite sex? Pretention 236) Who’s your favourite Comedian? Conan O'Brien 237) What’s your favourite board game? Not board but actual cards, definitely cards against humanity 238) Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions? Bracelets 239) Do you have any superstitions? No 240) What’s your favourite Movie quote? “Some things aren’t meant to be. We can’t help that.” 241) Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer? Chuck all the way 242) Do you have much of an ego? Yeah 243) Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? No 244) Are you a hat person? Beanie 245) What’s your favourite supermarket chain? Tesco 246) What’s your favourite fastfood chain? McDonalds 247) What’s your first thought upon waking up? Another day, another way. 248) What animal would you most like to have as a pet? An alligator 249) What’s your favourite type of tree? Oaktrees 250) If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be? Donald trump but he’s gonna do it himself soon 251) If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? Idk 252) Who’s your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you? Finn Wittrock because he’s the only one I can think of 253) If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box? Battlelines, ain’t got nothing to lose 254) What’s your favourite flower? None 255) Do you believe in ghosts? Yes 256) Do you believe in the loch ness monster? No 257) Do you believe in Aliens? Yes 258) Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public? Yes. Cancer cure etc 259) Which is your favourite pokemon? None 260) What horror fiction character scares you the most? Dk 261) Can you do 10 revolutions of a hula hoop? I guess 262) Do you think Great Britain should have a National Day? No they’re a shitty country anyway 263) Do you think Great Britain should be part of a United Europe? EU is dying, USA is dying, the world is fuckint dying who cares about Brexit anyway? 264) Would you want the Euro or keep the British Pound? Euro but I don’t even care anymore 265) Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? Scouts 266) Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No 267) Do you have any secret family recipes? No 268) Do you have any family secrets? Yeah 269) Are you good at keeping secrets? No 270) Have you ever been up in a hot air balloon? Yes actually 271) What’s your favourite Sci-fi film/program etc? Star trek 272) When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white? Black wins remember 273) Which is better, a Pastie or Sausage Roll? Pastie 274) Do you prefer shopping on the high street or online? Online 275) Would you ever want to learn to fly? Yeah 276) Do you often read your horoscope? Never 277) Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? No 278) What’s your favourite brand of newspaper? Times 279) Have you ever milked a cow? No? 280) Have you ever used the phrase “back in my time” to someone younger than you? ..yes 281) Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Love 282) Which was the greatest Empire? None this world sucks 283) What’s the cleverest word you know? Dk 284) What’s your favourite sportsware brand? Adidas 285) Do you buy any weekly/monthly magazines? No 286) Who’s your favourite Superhero? Batman 287) Who’s your favourite Villain/Baddie? Joker 288) What was the last Album you purchased? Pixies - Head Carrier 289) What was the last DVD you purchased? I don’t remember 290) What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? A Manson shirt 291) When pulling crackers does everyone get one each regardless or whoever gets the big ends keeps all the prizes? Does it even matter 292) Do you ever make your own greetings cards? Rarely 293) Do you have a swiss army knife? Yes 294) At what age did you twig onto the fact Santa wasnt real? Never was told he existed in the first place 295) What’s your favourite fruit? Mango 296) Have you ever done something really unbelivable, only to have no one around to see it? Somersault 297) Do you buy from charity shops? No 298) Have you ever sold your services? Yes 299) Have you ever raised money for charity? I have 300) Have you ever won a giant sized cuddly toy from a fair? Yes for Jade
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-06 22 FUNNY now
Awkward Family Photos
Baby Orca
Basket Case
Love Bites
Big Stick
Leg Swap
Babylon Bee
Donald Trump’s Ego Most Fragile Element In Known Universe, Scientists Confirm
Scholars: Jesus Spent 40 Days In Wilderness Attending Amped-Up Men’s Conference
Rotten Tomatoes Introduces New Negative Scores For Faith-Based Films
KJV-Only Church Requires Clear Bible Covers To Verify No One Concealing NIV
John Bolton Stays Up Late Nuking All The Peaceful Countries In ‘Civilization VI’
What Animals Think About EPA Chief Scott Pruitt
Important Updates to the Soros Protest Rewards Program™
Monologue: I Am the Off-Screen Bathroom Renovation Project That Justifies the Male Lead’s Infidelity in This Indie Movie
This Eulogy is Branded Content
Fifty-Six Questions for Young MC Upon Hearing “Bust a Move” for the First Time in Twenty-Two Years
Passive Aggressive Notes
Coming soon, from Pixar…
Donna, bring a sweater
You can’t spare three squares?
Happy Birthday, and see you soon! xoxo, Cancer
Namaste, asshole.
Reddit Funny
I guess size does matters...
Around the bush
I shaved my ARMS for THIS!?
My manager taught his dog how to play dead
Reddit Humor
This Eulogy is Branded Content
The Mangina Exit
Sad and Useless
Funny Gym Moments
Did You Know That You Can Rent Llamas For Your Wedding?
New Toy Lets You Pop Pimples For Fun
Latest Beauty Trend: Halo Eyebrows
Looking At People Trying To Sell Mirrors Is My New Favorite Thing
The Blogess
Confession: I don’t understand the tiny blood bucket
She’s naturally part rabbit.
Crowdsourcing how to be a good parent.
Why I love twitter.
The Hard Times
Investigation: Did Billy Idol Fans Create The World’s First Meme?
Mainstream Acceptance of Nerd Culture Leaves Thousands of Gatekeepers Unemployed
Folk Punk Drummer Thought Other Band Was Bringing Washboard and Arrangement of Cans
LOL! These Two Losers Couldn’t Keep Their Marriage Together And Are Getting a Divorce!
Your Weekly Hardcore Horoscopes
The Onion
Jack Nicholson Banned From Sitting Courtside After Spilling Tupperware Full Of Homemade Chili
Mueller Tells Trump He’s Not Under Criminal Investigation
Black Father Gives Son The Talk About Holding Literally Any Object
Report: This Not A Gun
Cows Go Extinct
Whiskey Leaks
Science Explains Why Tide Pods Taste Like Cilantro To Some, Soap To Others
Cummy Bears? Say “I Love You” This Valentines Day With Candy Made From Your Essence
Redskins’ Owner Unveils Newly Acquired Team Logo
Self-Driving Uber Suspended After Touching Self In Front of Female Passenger
OP-ED: A Man Can’t Even Hug A Female Now Without Her Noticing That He’s Raping Her
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paradox-oflife · 4 years
massive q and a post part 3 ignore this pls
1. If you could learn any language fluently what would it be? Um maybe latin because it sounds cool but for practical purposes probably spanish lol
2. What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life? Jesus, not because I’m Christian but I’m curious to see what he would say
3. As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard? No because my bed didn’t have space underneath 
4. Do you like clowns? nope
5. Do you prefer BBC or ITV? Okay, this is clearly British but I’d go with BBC
6. Have you ever been surfing? Once. It didn’t go that well lol
7. Have you ever been snowboarding? Yeah, it’s pretty fun actually!
8. Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley? uuuh the Beatles
9. Whats your favourite type of foreign food? By foreign I’m assuming non-American/British. But anything from Taiwan (except for pig’s blood ew) is soul food for me :)
10. Which Foreign country do you dislike the most? I... don’t know. North Korea I guess? But when it comes to most countries, it’s the government that makes it bad.
11. Do you like your music loud or easy listening? (What does this mean??) Depends on the mood
12. Whats your favourite animated or cartoon program? Adventure time :D
13. Do you sing in the shower? Errr, no.
14. Are you a clean or messy person? I try my best to be clean but it always ends up messy.
15. Whats your prefered playing piece in monopoly? I usually go with the cat :3
16. Can or Do you still play twister? God I haven’t played since 5th grade.
17. Can you play chess? Yeah, not really good at it though.
18. Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song? Haha no because I suck at dancing
19. Do you prefer straight or bendy straws? Bendy
20. Have you ever entered a talent contest? And did you win? No .-. I’m not the type to do that lol
21. Do you like poetry? Yeah. I’d say so.
22. Are you a sore loser? Nah, I’m pretty chill when it comes to that type of thing
23. Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream? Ice Cream > Jelly
24. Whats your favourite type of Pie? New Zealand’s steak and cheese
25. Whats your most used phrase? Hm. Maybe “yeah nah”
26. Whats your most used word? Not sure. I talk a lot.
27. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Someone Asian of course, someone who has studied me well enough and understands me
28. What would your dream job be? Okay, I’m gonna be real. I wanted to be a vet but lowkey I’m too colorblind for it lol. I’m planning to study in Physical Therapy
29. Which song do you hate the most? I mainly just listen to the same albums nowadays but I guess i don’t really vibe with a lot of pop songs.
30. How long does it take you to get ready? Depends how tired I am. If I get pretty good sleep it takes maybe 10 minutes at most. 
31. What do you think the greatest invention has been? The printing press.
32. Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex? Uuuh i dont really know. Forearms are nice i guess
33. Whats your least favourite feature on the opposite sex? Sometimes they’re just really oblivious to really obvious things
34. Who's your favourite Comedian? I don’t even listen to comedians really but Chelsea Peretti is pretty funny.
35. What's your favourite board game? Probably Monopoly. There’s no greater feeling than seeing the life drain from your friends’ eyes as you collect $5000 from them
36. Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions? When I’m having a bad day I like to just read through my yearbooks and look at all the compliments people wrote. 
37. Do you have any superstitions? Not really.
38. Whats your favourite Movie quote? I have a lot. But maybe Manners Maketh Man.
39. Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer? Chuck Norris.
40. Do you have much of an ego? I wish. I want to be more confident
41. Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? No. Nothing against it though.
42. Are you a hat person? Nah
43. Whats your favourite supermarket chain? Costco
44. Whats your favourite fastfood chain? Smashburger or Inn n Out
45. Whats your first thought upon waking up? “Lord help me.”
46. What animal would you most like to have as a pet? I love dogs. And cats. 
47. Whats your favourite type of tree? Pine trees always remind me of home.
48. If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be? Uuuh as much as I want to bankrupt someone like Jeff Bezos that’d be bad because a lot of people rely on Amazon
49. If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? I honestly don’t know. 
50. Who's your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you? I don’t know much celebrities with the same name as me.
51. If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box? Um hide in a box I’m so tiny. Like I know a bit of martial arts but like??? I’m literally 5′1″ and i’m only 115 pounds. Someone could bench me easily.
52. Whats your favourite flower? I like lillies 
53. Do you believe in ghosts? Im really mixed about it. I believe demons exist though
54. Do you believe in the loch ness monster? Nay
55. Do you believe in Aliens? Eeeeh kind of but when i think about aliens i think about microorganisms. 
56. Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public? Yes 100%
56. Which is your favourite pokemon? Growlithe uwu
57. What horror fiction character scares you the most?  Pennywise. No thanks.
58. Can you do 10 revolutions of a hula hoop? Yeah
59. Do you think Great Britain should have a National Day? n/a 60.Do you think Great Britain should be part of a United Europe?n/a 61. Would you want the Euro or keep the British Pound?n/a
62. Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? Nah
63. Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No I’m not that good at cooking lol
64. Do you have any secret family recipes? My family only knows how to cook asian food and well, asian food is very freestyle
65. Do you have any family secrets? :o     uuuuuh well, it wouldn’t be a secret if I said it right?
66. Are you good at keeping secrets? Yeah! You can count on me.
67. Have you ever been up in a hot air balloon? Nopenopenopenope
68. Whats your favourite Sci-fi film/program etc? ugghhhh i have so much. I like the Martian tho?
69. When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white? Black
70. Which is better, a Pastie or Sausage Roll? Sausage roll
71. Do you prefer shopping on the high street or online? Irl, I’m pretty impatient man
72. Would you ever want to learn to fly? Like, fly an airplane? Or fly as in levitate. Cause if levitate, then YES
73. Do you often read your horoscope? Nah, as accurate as they can be sometimes, I don’t really believe in astrology 
74. Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? Eeeee no. Personal opinion, tarot cards are hella sketchy. I don’t mess with that stuff.
75. Whats your favourite brand of newspaper? Honestly at this point I’ve given up on the news. I just read stuff off of reddit sometimes.
76. Have you ever milked a cow? No
77. Have you ever used the phrase "back in my time" to someone younger than you? HAHAH one time. I realized my friend’s younger brother had never seen an iPod before and I was so baffled he didn’t even know what it was.
78. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Love them
79. Which was the greatest Empire? Maybe Macedonian. I want to say the Romans, but god, they had a lot of problems.
80. Whats your favorite word? Catharsis.  
81. Whats your favourite sportsware brand? Adidas or Nike I guess
82. Do you buy any weekly/monthly magazines? Nah
83. Who's your favourite Superhero? uuuuh Thor 
84. Who's your favourite Villain/Baddie? Doofensmirtz. He wasn’t even bad lmao. He thinks he’s a Chaotic Evil when in reality he’s a Chaotic Good.
85. What was the last Album you purchased? I don’t purchase a lot of music tbh bc I broke, but the last album I listened to was Hot Fuss.
86. What was the last DVD you purchased? A Daria DVD I found at Walmart for five dollars.
87. What was the last piece of clothing you purchased? Some jeans.
88. When pulling crackers does everyone get one each regardless or whoever gets the big ends keeps all the prizes? I’m assuming this is some British tradition so idk
89. Do you ever make your own greetings cards? Not really.
90. Do you have a swiss army knife? I used to then I lost it.
91.At what age did you twig onto the fact Santa wasnt real? My parents never did the whole Santa thing so I always knew it was false
92. Whats your favourite fruit? Watermelon
93. Have you ever done something really unbelivable, only to have no one around to see it? Um YEAH. I was 10th grade and I was in the Martial Arts club, which was a version of Aikido. I tripped on these stairs one time going down, then I did this glorious shoulder roll and got right up. No one saw but I was so proud of myself.
94. Do you buy from charity shops? Occasionally, if I can find some. 
95. Have you ever sold your services? No
96. Have you ever raised money for charity? Yeah, it was for a school club tho
97. Have you ever won a giant sized cuddly toy from a fair? Yes uwu
98. Is the glass half full or half empty? It’s half full
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tamibruce121 · 6 years
30 Unique Personalized Gifts For Your Bridesmaids
I recently sent off packages in the mail to my bridesmaids filled with goodies and special surprise gifts. I’m a believer in personalizing everything as much as possible (I even made them their own exclusive Spotify playlists!) and love finding the “perfect” presents.
For anyone struggling with what to buy your bridesmaids as a token of your love, we’ve found the most unique and one-of-a-kind gifts, all from Etsy! These are handmade, cool, and cultivated as a collection of gifts we’d love to give, and know they’d love to receive.
Photo by Sara Lynn via Bridal Musings
These bridesmaid or bridesman gifts are non-traditional in the best way – because they aren’t wedding themed! These are specific to their personalities, their hobbies, and what brings them joy. Maybe your bestie spends all their time baking at home and hosting small get-togethers. Or maybe they are an animal-obsessed pet owner in need of these amazing crystal pet tags! This is a list of the most artsy and unique gifts to give your special crew, whether bridesmaid, family, or friend, these items are unlike anything we’ve seen elsewhere.
Starry Eyed State-of-Mind
Here’s some astrology-themed art for the gal pal who’s daydreaming and analytical of the daily happenings in life. Select some funky art for her wall, an adorable “catch-all” bowl for her jewelry and gems, or even an accurately curated scent. It shows that not only do you listen to her weekly analysis of her horoscope, but you also feel the effects of Mercury in retrograde. Let your friend know all of the little details of their personality matter.
1. Constellation Watercolor Art
2. Constellation Embroidery Hoop
3. Matted Zodiac Print
4. Zodiac Ring Dish
5. Astrology Soy Candle
6. Zodiac Oil Perfume
Botanical Babe
This babe loves a little luxury and treating themselves to all the goodness that nature offers. Whether bath, room cleansing, or calming, any of these goodies are sure to clear a space and give the gift of sweet-smelling moods. She’s fond of flora (like me!) and appreciates anything with a vintage and old world charm. She’ll love these sweet notebooks to jot down her endless lofty goals and dreams.
7. Facial Tonic & Hair Mist
8. Botanical Bath Soak
9. Pressed Fern Terrarium Earrings
10. Fern Terrarium Ring
11. Botanical Notebook
12. Bird Notebook
13. Botanical Wooden Coptic Journal
Pet Obsessed
You know how much our furry friends matter. They’re basically family! All of these quirky gifts are playful and fun, just like your bestie. These colorful gifts are seriously perfect for your bridesmaid out to adopt every kitty she sees or your best man with a heart bursting for all animal kind. Surprise them with a treat for their little furry one too! And a serious shoutout to the creator of these baguette shaped catnip toys! Or these incredible quartz collar name tags – we love a glamorous pooch!
14. Guinea Pig Pin
15. Pug Bee Pin
16. Cat Paintbrush & Chopstick Rest
17. Llama Succulent Planter
18. Cat Succulent Planter
19. Quartz Pet Tags
20. Baguette Catnip Cat Toy
Foodie Friend
They always know the best places for a happy hour, a breakfast patisserie, or a hidden hole-in-the-wall spot for a steaming bowl of ramen. They know all moments are meant to be shared, and fully appreciate the hand-crafted nature of anything bespoke. From fancy salts to stylish kitchen-wear, spoil your favorite chef with some luxurious accessories you know they’ll put to use right away.
21. Jalapeno Citrus Margarita Rimming Salt
22. Five Piece Gourmet Salts
23. Handcrafted Wooden Bowls
24. Olive Wood Serving Utensils
25. Japanese Cross Back Linen Apron
26. Striped Linen Apron
Party Time Pal
For your friend always down to hang in a moment’s notice, sing along with you at karaoke, and meet for late night dessert endeavors. They are the harbinger of a good time, maybe a little bold, and always colorful. This is a lovely collection of accessories to add to her fashion rotation. Her personality is absolutely electric – all that glitters is gold!
27. Holographic Card Holder
28. White & Black Geometric Earrings
29. Splatter Brass Earrings
30. Emerald Bath Bomb
Need more inspiration to spoil your bridesmaids? Pamper them with gifts from this cozy gift list & take a gander through our shop.
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mariemoorehoroscope · 6 years
♒ #AQUARIUS #teamaquarius #horoscope #astrology #dailyhoroscope#may17,2018
check out your weekly horoscope at www.youtube.com/user/mrsmoreful
You may want to quick and go home, or take your toys away from others because people are not on the same page as you today. Or you can be feeling stuck in your work life, or you can find it difficult to focus on your routine. Careful with your decisions
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This Week’s Horoscopes ~ October 22 - 29, 2017
This Week’s Horoscopes ~ October 22 – 29, 2017
~ Horoscopes by The Astro Twins @ http://astrostyle.com Your Weekly Overview: Cat and mouse game, anyone? The week is off to a seductive start as the Sun swirls into Scorpio on Monday, October 23. Anything too obvious will be a bore over the coming four weeks—and the person who exercises the most willpower wins all the toys. Scorpio Season reads more like a mystery novel than a rom-com; or make…
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a--north · 7 years
Reflection Report
A-North | Team 39 “Market of Abandon Materials”
Blog: https://a--north.tumblr.com
Kimberley Zhou
Deme Scott
Abbey Johnson
Tom Jarvis
Critical Review
The overall market addressed the theme really well, the theme of immaterial labour was shown through stages of emotion. It related very well to the reading of “Affective Labour” as it felt very authentic taking us back to our own self emotions and not letting the world shape how we feel. “Society became a factory (Hardt, 91).” This illustrates how now labour is very much industrialized and how we act is shaped by this type of labour. The market was able to take away the factory/ industrialization of labour and provided a natural service of connecting people with other people but also with our inner self.
The overall atmosphere worked really well it was separated into rooms and spaces of colour and each space offered an experience to make you feel an emotion. It was constructed and visually made very well as each space was very defined and separated by colour.
We weren’t actually aware what the system of exchange was which at first made it seem forgotten and it was hard to understand the overall theme. Once we were told the system of exchange it changed our overall perspective and understanding and the theme became a lot clearer. In the beginning we didn’t understand what immaterial labour was as it was a question asked at the start and didn’t really get answered. As we found out the system of exchange was our emotion and the market provided the experience the market made a lot more sense and was really interesting.
The market provided a vast variety of offerings and they offered experiences that provided multiple moods and emotions such as the happy stall and we danced and played musical chairs and drew pictures. This in comparison to the sad stall where you were told really sad stories was interesting as you could see how quickly your mood and emotion can change. If someone were to get really upset id hope that there was a plan put in place for this stall. We really enjoyed the stalls we were able to go to however weren’t given enough time to experience everybody’s stall and weren’t really sure on the direction of the market flow which meant it was harder to go through the market smoothly.
Overall the market offered really good experiences and visually was very impressive, colourful and unique.
Participation Reflection
Today we got the chance to go and experience the first market for this paper “The Market of Impossible Things” (MOIT).  The market had an overall really good atmosphere was easy to get involved and join in. The overall market addressed the theme by creating a different ‘world/environment’ a toxic wasteland covered caution taped space. This is what it visually showed but we were unsure of how that relates to ‘impossible things’. But with the music, lighting, and projections it created this atmosphere of dreariness and spookiness.
It was clearly evident that they had put a lot of time and effort into nailing down their theme and tone, the amount of work that was put into the props and decorations really helped create a sense of wonder, this made it feel like you were experiencing something impossible. The bottom area and layout of stalls were a little bit crowded but pretty much knew the direction of the market.
I thought what really added to the experience was the use of the placebo pills before you entered the market as it helped symbolise experience as if you were Alice going down the rabbit hole starting your journey. There were some really creative stalls that helped me enjoy my experience, playing Pictionary with a giant pencil was a great stall as it gets a range of different people involved. With including the experience of the sugar pill to create a fake placebo effect showed their own idea of how this creative idea affected their own art practices. Their integrity of the art practise and understanding how the public will have various ideas tied to political and moral idea of drug taking , also thinking if it is suitable for their target audience (Beech, 1).
However, this market had some big drawbacks. The use of snapchat as a form of currency I found was a poor idea as it required people who do use snapchat to download it and set it up to enter the stall. Some stalls brushed over it and didn’t pay much attention to it. This meant that people spent a considerable amount of time sorting what went wrong instead of enjoying the market. Overall the currency was poorly executed.
Team Reflection
Our group contributed collectively and successfully as a team. Although one of our members from the start of the semester had not shown up to the first 3 weeks, he had eventually told us that he changed degrees and papers. Meaning our group was a team of four which did not differ our performance as a team. Our team had regular weekly meet up’s to reflect on our stall, continue developing our stall and refining our stall. Which were all organised promptly via Facebook Messenger, which was a key communication platform that worked for all of us. The process of our development and refinement of our final stall was conducted from opinions and ideas from the whole team. We had mutual agreements and suggestions to consider as a team. Areas that we all worked well on were communication, working collaboratively and contributing time and effort. As we are all from different majors, we were able to bring in our individual skills and knowledge to our stall. We all were able to reflect on our stall as a whole, especially through our strengths from our majors.  
Success of the Market
From looking at our reviews of the market it was clear that our currency of our market not clear. Overall the reviews that I heard from the participants were all positive of how we were able to combine all our stalls in the same concept of nostalgia and adolescence without creating similar stalls. In addition, the flow of the market was clear when moving from stall to stall and the placing of certain stall next to eachother complemented and used the constrictive space effectively.The overall music of the market was very atmospheric in created fun energy.
Opportunities for improvement
Although, there were some rooms of improvement for our overall market. It was clear that with each stall having a different form of currency was confusing and disrupted the flow of the market. If the currency was overall no currency of have the currency the same for the overall market it would be more efficient and having to be explained the different contribution and each stall did become tedious for both the public and the people of the market. Some of the stalls especially had a variation of difference in sizes, with made the space of moving stall to stall quite small and people tended to crowd in front of the stalls maybe traced our pathways on the ground could help with the distribution of people in the market. Furthermore, Even creating resting relaxing area to give some people break spaces. As I found people began talking and catching up  around and within stalls created crowding in the space. Also, I think we could improve the communications between stalls and what we all want and also how we can help each other, making a more concerted effort would have improved each stall and create more of a flow and connecting stalls to one another.
Aspects of the event and audience engagement
The overall market was drawing back on aspects of childhood nostalgia through childhood games, toys, music and belongings. Our stall focused on the utilising teen magazines that were once read by the majority of the audience such as Creme Magazine, Dolly and Sports Ma gazines. Our stall was decorated in posters sourced from the magazines, which were once on our walls as teenagers and utilised the content in the magazines to create our stall. We cut out horoscopes and words/letters to create the foundation of our stall experience. Overall the audience enjoyed our stall as it was a hands on experience and contribution. They were able to adapt and create their own experience by choosing a word or two to add to their star signs story. The journey to getting to the final stall idea involved a process of resolving ideas and refining our overall stall. This began with the prototype markets prior to the market day in week 6 and week 8, these prototype markets were really helpful as it gave us things to work on and reflect and move on from. Critique from our peers and lectures helped us gain insight on audience participation and involvement as we mostly focused on the execution of the stall rather than the participation.  These obstacles were overcome by group discussions and agreements, we all collectively pitched in ideas and considered everyone's opinions.
What would we do differently
Overall we as a group worked very well together with little to no issue, however there is always room for improvement. While we did have good communication in our group there were times where we had a lack of it, which could lead to some members not knowing when we were meeting up or what there are meant to do. The group improved overall in this area but improvements could still be made which would result in a more streamlined experience.
The group would have also benefited by trying to finalise the market stall much earlier on as it would have given us much more time to refine and reflect our offering creating an even greater experience. A great way of solving this issue would have been much more decisive in the first few weeks, coming up with an idea and following through with it intern giving us much more time to refine and possess.  
Our prototype markets were really useful to our team as it helped to define and redefine our idea of the stall and it’s development. In the first prototype market we had random pieces of advice from old magazines in boxes. We found that the participants liked to read advice that came from their own star sign/ horoscope as it felt personal and relevant to them. For us this was a good indication that we should follow this lead and find heaps of star sign advice for our stall to have incorporated in it. As our currency is contribution we needed to think of a way for people to contribute before reading their star sign advice. So we came up with the idea of cutting out heaps of magazine words and providing an area where the participants can create a sentence and add it to the wall. We went with this idea for our second prototype market and discovered people liked this idea but after going from having fun trying to create a sentence or adding a word to reading a piece of advice it was a downwards slope in terms of excitement. We also realised some people found they had to rush making the sentence and got frustrated just to read the advice. To develop from this prototype market we made that reading your star sign was the contribution to the stall and once they had read that piece of advice they could then create a sentence, half sentence or just add a word to the wall. From the second prototype market it was also difficult to link the star signs to making sentences so how we made this link was by having each star sign have it’s own sheet for adding a sentence. This way each star sign will have a different story and continues that personal aspect of contributing to your own star sign.
Communication and response to challenges
Our communication throughout this process was well done as we tackled each problem and developed it as a team. We constantly worked on transforming new ideas to cater for the participants of the market instead of sticking with our original ideas. This allowed us to respond easily to challenges and adapt to situations make sure everything gets covered.
Learning Outcomes
Our learning outcomes for future practises would be to keep testing our ideas and relating it back to the audience we are catering too. The interaction with the participants is also important making sure they’re comfortable in the space, know what is happening and feel welcomed with positivity.  Good communication and commitment within the team is also very important for the development of the overall process.
BEECH, D., HEWITT, A. and JORDAN, M., 2012. The Free collective don't want you! Public, 23 (45), pp. 1.
Hardt, Micheal. Affective Labour. pp 91.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-06 19 FUNNY now
Awkward Family Photos
Baby Orca
Basket Case
Love Bites
Big Stick
Leg Swap
Babylon Bee
Donald Trump’s Ego Most Fragile Element In Known Universe, Scientists Confirm
Scholars: Jesus Spent 40 Days In Wilderness Attending Amped-Up Men’s Conference
Rotten Tomatoes Introduces New Negative Scores For Faith-Based Films
KJV-Only Church Requires Clear Bible Covers To Verify No One Concealing NIV
John Bolton Stays Up Late Nuking All The Peaceful Countries In ‘Civilization VI’
Important Updates to the Soros Protest Rewards Program™
Monologue: I Am the Off-Screen Bathroom Renovation Project That Justifies the Male Lead’s Infidelity in This Indie Movie
This Eulogy is Branded Content
Fifty-Six Questions for Young MC Upon Hearing “Bust a Move” for the First Time in Twenty-Two Years
Baby Steps: The Early Work of Famous Artists
Passive Aggressive Notes
Coming soon, from Pixar…
Donna, bring a sweater
You can’t spare three squares?
Happy Birthday, and see you soon! xoxo, Cancer
Namaste, asshole.
Reddit Funny
I guess size does matters...
Around the bush
I shaved my ARMS for THIS!?
My manager taught his dog how to play dead
Reddit Humor
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The Mangina Exit
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Did You Know That You Can Rent Llamas For Your Wedding?
New Toy Lets You Pop Pimples For Fun
Latest Beauty Trend: Halo Eyebrows
Looking At People Trying To Sell Mirrors Is My New Favorite Thing
The Blogess
Confession: I don’t understand the tiny blood bucket
She’s naturally part rabbit.
Crowdsourcing how to be a good parent.
Why I love twitter.
The Hard Times
Investigation: Did Billy Idol Fans Create The World’s First Meme?
Mainstream Acceptance of Nerd Culture Leaves Thousands of Gatekeepers Unemployed
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Jack Nicholson Banned From Sitting Courtside After Spilling Tupperware Full Of Homemade Chili
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Science Explains Why Tide Pods Taste Like Cilantro To Some, Soap To Others
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