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#AttitudeIsEverything Often, the only difference between a good day and a bad day is our ATTITUDE. #RobynAnonymous #PositiveThoughts #PositiveAttitude #BelievingIsYourChoice #BelieveItToAchieveIt #GrowthMindset #BeTheLight #BeTheChange #Ascension #BeHappyOnPurpose #Transformation #Recovery #SoberLife #AddictionRecovery #WeDoRecover #BecomingABetterMe #OneDayAtATime #OneStepAtATime #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #Inspiration #Motivation #AttitudeOfGratitude #365Reasons #TodaysSoulAdvice #NoLongerThirsty #TrappedNoMore #InspireOthers #MotivateOthers #HigherSelf https://www.instagram.com/p/CJHDDSJDua2/?igshid=6cpkif7isc2t
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You all know my Stage 3 ovarian cancer has returned. Ya. It sucks😏 only 12 months past my last carboplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy cycle. I know I have a turbulent journey ahead of me so I’m determined to not let it take my spirit, happiness. I plan to continue my daily workouts and live to my fullest as my best me. ⠀ ⠀ Slide for my workout today. 💪🏼🙌🏼➡️➡️ @beachbody 💙⠀ #cheersbitches #loveyouall #letsdothis #igotyou #yougotme #lovehard #workhard #staydetermined #togetherwecandohardthings (at Edmonton, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzy92Q7oENU/?igshid=wjf45ljourh9
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Quitting on life isn't the answer; transcending its circumstances is. Creation of peace in the pain starts by remembering that we're here living and breathing for a reason. That we have a purpose. Somewhere in time and space the dots will connect and you'll see the picture before you on the page. Until then, hold on and trust in the transcendence of the suffering. Anchor yourself to this world and the people in it who love you; children, parents and friends. You're worth the fight. So are they. One day on the other side of this, the lessons procured from the same and the person you're becoming will bless another. Remember that. I love you. - Nita Clewis Knowing (The Blog) #KnowingBlog #Transcending #Peace #PeaceinthePain #Acceptance #Love #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #GodsGotThis #Trust (at Legalshield Independent Associate Nita Clewis)
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Today's Soul Advice: Make it Happen We aren’t going to achieve a success by sitting around and talking about it. We must put some action behind it. We need to visualize what our success looks like, brainstorm, and make a list of all our thoughts. We then need to set realistic, measurable, and attainable goals, and begin working towards achieving them. Make it happen. Get your copy of Today's Soul Advice www.robynanonymous.com #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #MakeItHappen #BeConfident #BeFearless #BeBold #BeYou #BelieveItToAchieveIt #YouCanDoThis #WeAllMakeMistakes #ThatsHowWeLearn #Grow #Evolve #TryNewThings #FailForward #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #YouNeverKnowUntilYouTry #IfAtFirstYouDontSucceed #TryTryAgain #SucceedOnPurpose #BeHappyOnPurpose #HigherConsciousness #HigherSelf #HigherCalling #HigherPurpose #HigherVibes #Recovery #SoberLife #AddictionRecovery #BecomingABetterMe https://www.instagram.com/p/CI6hS3eDaGW/?igshid=izhvgz19xy85
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Let's Be About It www.robynanonymous.com #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #MakeItHappen #BeConfident #BeFearless #BeBold #BeYou #BelieveItToAchieveIt #YouCanDoThis #MakingMyDreamsReality #ThatsHowWeLearn #Grow #Evolve #TryNewThings #FailForward #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #YouNeverKnowUntilYouTry #IfAtFirstYouDontSucceed #TryTryAgain #SucceedOnPurpose #BeHappyOnPurpose #HigherConsciousness #HigherSelf #HigherCalling #HigherPurpose #HigherVibes #Recovery #SoberLife #AddictionRecovery #BecomingABetterMe https://www.instagram.com/p/CI6g8p6DVyg/?igshid=1mhncf13px9qw
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Today's Soul Advice: Be a Fool Many times, in our lives, we hold back sharing our thoughts, our feelings, and our words because we are afraid that we will make fools of ourselves. We don’t want to take the risk of being laughed at, or worse, rejected. Instead, we suffer silently, fighting a battle within, wishing we would just give it try. Be a fool. #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #BeAFool #BeConfident #BeFearless #BeBold #BeYou #BelieveItToAchieveIt #YouCanDoThis #WeAllMakeMistakes #ThatsHowWeLearn #Grow #Evolve #TryNewThings #FailForward #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #YouNeverKnowUntilYouTry #IfAtFirstYouDontSucceed #TryTryAgain #SucceedOnPurpose #BeHappyOnPurpose #HigherConsciousness #HigherSelf #HigherCalling #HigherPurpose #HigherVibes #Recovery #SoberLife #AddictionRecovery #BecomingABetterMe https://www.instagram.com/p/CI3262CjmjJ/?igshid=vml7ydb4wxma
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Give it a try #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #BeAFool #BeConfident #BeFearless #BeBold #BeYou #BelieveItToAchieveIt #YouCanDoThis #WeAllMakeMistakes #ThatsHowWeLearn #Grow #Evolve #TryNewThings #FailForward #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #YouNeverKnowUntilYouTry #IfAtFirstYouDontSucceed #TryTryAgain #SucceedOnPurpose #BeHappyOnPurpose #HigherConsciousness #HigherSelf #HigherCalling #HigherPurpose #HigherVibes #Recovery #SoberLife #AddictionRecovery #BecomingABetterMe https://www.instagram.com/p/CI31Eo_DR0G/?igshid=2leytuxacngf
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Today's Soul Advice: Water That Seed We all have ideas that we would like to bring to life. Some of us go a step beyond dreaming about them and begin speaking about them. Perhaps we even begin doing the legwork to turn our dreams into reality, but then allow them to wither. We must do more than plant the seed if we want it to bloom; we must care for it. Water that seed. Get your copy of Today's Soul Advice on Amazon in digital or print #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #WaterThatSeed #DareToDream #MakingMyDreamsComeTrue #DreamBig #ManifestYourDreams #Dreamcatcher #MakingMyDreamsReality #YouCanDoThis #YouCanDoHardThings #TogetherWeCan #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #Recovery #HigherConsciousness #HigherVibrations #HigherPurpose #HigherSelf #Ascension #InspireOthers #MotivateOthers #Transformation #NoMoreExcuses #NoLongerThirsty #FulfillYourDestiny #FulfillingMyDestiny #FulfillingMyDreams #FulfillingMyPurpose #LetsDoThis https://www.instagram.com/p/CI1lB31DUap/?igshid=1b1uxzjp3kswc
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Today's Soul Advice: Dare to Dream #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #DareToDream #MyNextChapter #MakingMyDreamsComeTrue #DreamBig #ManifestYourDreams #Dreamcatcher #MakingMyDreamsReality #YouCanDoThis #YouCanDoHardThings #TogetherWeCan #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings #Recovery #HigherConsciousness #HigherVibrations #HigherPurpose #HigherSelf #Ascension #InspireOthers #MotivateOthers #Transformation #NoMoreExcuses #NoLongerThirsty #FulfillYourDestiny #FulfillingMyDestiny #FulfillingMyDreams #FulfillingMyPurpose #LetsDoThis https://www.instagram.com/p/CIwESUyjx8C/?igshid=6vf458jj3yzq
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You already know so stop listening to those haters. Be you girl! . . . . . . . . #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #LoveLessons #LifeLessons #LoveYourselfFirst #LoveYourselfBest #LoveYourselfAgain #HealYourself #HealingJourney #MindsetIsEverything #Recovery #PersonalGrowthJourney #Relationships #HealthyRelationshipGoals #WomenEmpowerment #LifeCoach #WomensEmpowermentCoach #GrowthMindset #Author #RecoveryLife #SobrietyForWomen #Sobriety #Sober #AddictionRecovery #CodependencyNoMore #ClearYourMindofCant #YouAreEnough #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhwkppjQsH/?igshid=19ojq5gviprhj
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Loving myself meant shifting my mindset. If I wanted to become a better person, I couldn't keep hanging out with the same folks. I couldn't keep doing the same things that made my life unmanageable. I needed to find healthy individuals who I could learn from and emulate. I needed to take action. I needed support, understanding and guidance. #becomingabettermeonedayatatime www.robynanonymous.com . . . . . . #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #LoveLessons #LifeLessons #LoveYourselfFirst #LoveYourselfBest #LoveYourselfAgain #HealYourself #HealingJourney #MindsetIsEverything #Recovery #PersonalGrowthJourney #Relationships #HealthyRelationshipGoals #WomenEmpowerment #LifeCoach #WomensEmpowermentCoach #GrowthMindset #Author #RecoveryLife #SobrietyForWomen #Sobriety #Sober #AddictionRecovery #CodependencyNoMore #ClearYourMindofCant #YouAreEnough #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhqWLbj0lK/?igshid=1iuvm7rl7jp8m
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Loving myself is my main priority. How well do you love yourself? Take the quiz and let us know how you scored. Looking for #Self-Care and #SelfLove tips, check out my site. Link to Quizzes and my site are in my bio. www.robynanonymous.com #RobynAnonymous #TodaysSoulAdvice #LoveLessons #LifeLessons #LoveYourselfFirst #LoveYourselfBest #LoveYourselfAgain #HealYourself #HealingJourney #MindsetIsEverything #Recovery #PersonalGrowthJourney #Relationships #HealthyRelationshipGoals #WomenEmpowerment #LifeCoach #WomensEmpowermentCoach #GrowthMindset #Author #RecoveryLife #SobrietyForWomen #Sobriety #Sober #AddictionRecovery #CodependencyNoMore #ClearYourMindofCant #YouAreEnough #TogetherWeCanDoHardThings https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhlqJajLL7/?igshid=bifdkvjmq3p1
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Let's normalize love. #robynanonymous #becomingabetterme #drivenbypurpose #stepintoyourpower #chaseyourpassions #unleashyourpotential #healingme #stepintoyourpurpose #owningit #womenchangingtheworld #selflovery #selflove #selfcompassionjourney #liveonpurpose #manifestyourlife #knowyourvalue #letyourlightshinebright #youarecapableofamazingthings #letgoofwhatnolongerservesyou #selflovejourney #selfawareness #createyourreality #letyourlightshine #befearless#growthmindset #recoverylife #soberlife #sobriety #boundaries #togetherwecandohardthings https://www.instagram.com/p/CK4rZHQjT2Z/?igshid=7w21vaupds97
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Stop trying to control the uncontrollable. 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 #robynanonymous #becomingabetterme #drivenbypurpose #stepintoyourpower #chaseyourpassions #unleashyourpotential #healingme #stepintoyourpurpose #owningit #womenchangingtheworld #selflovery #selflove #selfcompassionjourney #liveonpurpose #manifestyourlife #knowyourvalue #letyourlightshinebright #youarecapableofamazingthings #letgoofwhatnolongerservesyou #selflovejourney #selfawareness #createyourreality #letyourlightshine #befearless#growthmindset #recoverylife #soberlife #sobriety #boundaries #togetherwecandohardthings https://www.instagram.com/p/CK4XtP9j6a4/?igshid=v7r0fdgx8my9
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I decided to love myself tonight by painting. Self-Care is so important and the rewards are deeper than what you see. I not only have these beautiful pieces of artwork to hang on my walls, I also have a sense of accomplishment and my soul feels refreshed. What are you doing to show yourself some love? www.robynanonymous.com #robynanonymous #becomingabetterme #drivenbypurpose #stepintoyourpower #chaseyourpassions #unleashyourpotential #healingme #stepintoyourpurpose #owningit #womenchangingtheworld #selflovery #selflove #selfcompassionjourney #liveonpurpose #manifestyourlife #knowyourvalue #letyourlightshinebright #youarecapableofamazingthings #letgoofwhatnolongerservesyou #selflovejourney #createyourreality #letyourlightshine #newartwork #paintersofinstagram #growthmindset #recoverylife #soberlife #sobriety #painting #togetherwecandohardthings https://www.instagram.com/p/CK0WZSZjq4o/?igshid=1ebzt3xh0l1jm
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Boundaries are Beautiful www.robynanonymous.com #robynanonymous #becomingabetterme #drivenbypurpose #stepintoyourpower #chaseyourpassions #unleashyourpotential #healingme #stepintoyourpurpose #owningit #womenchangingtheworld #selflovery #selflove #selfcompassionjourney #liveonpurpose #manifestyourlife #knowyourvalue #letyourlightshinebright #youarecapableofamazingthings #letgoofwhatnolongerservesyou #selflovejourney #selfawareness #createyourreality #letyourlightshine #befearless#growthmindset #recoverylife #soberlife #sobriety #boundaries #togetherwecandohardthings https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzEeKWDnLX/?igshid=qdt6ohm6te9j
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