#tofs musings
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Which Secret Life POVs I've Watched So Far (will be updated and edited as I finish)
OK so I may or may not have gotten distracted again- oops- but basically I'm putting here which POVs I've already watched in full and what my first thought about each one was.
-WARNING: wall of texts and ramblings from an mcyt obsessed audhd under the cut...and also spoilers. Don't click unless you're ready for simultaneously spoilers and an ungodly amount of text lol-
Grian: "God this series is so hype I can't wait to see what all happens and- OMG GEM IS HERE! :D GEM IS GREAT! I can't wait to see her kick Etho's ass at PvP again /lh ...waiminute...is that logo on the statue...is that the Watcher logo??? Huh??? Wait...and why does it have the same mossiness of the Entity and Grian's s9 base? Suspicious...OMG the chaotic Best Friend energy with Mumbo and Grian- tbh would be me and my best friend on any given day. Amazing. Their laughter is so infectious too lmao- Oough merch! Pretty :3 Wait it's over already? Aweeeeh ): can't wait for the next episode tho!"
Mumbo: "Wait he switched sides of the circle when Martyn punched Jimmy lmaoooo just like 'these people are crazy, save me, Grian-' 💀 The best friend energy omg still amazing I love their dynamic so much! Ooh a sideways house that *IS* an interesting idea! WHY DOES JIMMY KEEP BREAKING THE CRAFTING TABLES LMAO Hmmmmm Impulse ik cherry blossom is great, but that salesman voice is indeed very sus. I'm with Mumbo on this one."
Skizz: "Idk I watched it when I was very tired last night and all I remember is 'Awwweh a frog! Take care of him...WH- TANGO!!!' and also him apologizing to Gem which was very nice. Oh yeah and love island <3"
Jimmy: "Alright, Timmy, you've got this. Just don't die and- OMG MARTYN NOOOO LMAOO- Aweeeh it's like when you have a really young sibling or you're, like, a parent or something and you kiss the child's scraped knee to make it feel better- 🥺 wholesome. THANK YOU! I thought I was alone in recognizing that symbol, thank you for acknowledging it. JIMMY LOOK OUT OMG YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK! OK but the task. This man is an absolute menace lol. Aweh that's very nice of Scar to compliment Jimmy's outfit! SCOTT LMFAOOOO YOU'RE SO RIGHT, BUT AT THE SAME TIME 💀 Jimmy building in the Mesa? Tumble Town 2 electric boogaloo?? 'Hmmmm if Scar's building a shack, we're gonna have to have a shack-off, mine's better.' NO JIMMY DON'T STEAL THE CAMEL! D: pftttt Scar would- remember the Relation-ship? And the Ranch? Arson boy lol. THE VALLEY GIRL ACCENT I CAN'T- 😭"
Scar: "OK, Scar, you can do the task, I believe in you. I've seen 4 other POVs which prove that you failed, but I still believe in you. OMG THAT'S WHY HE COMPLIMENTED JIMMY'S OUTFIT LMAOOO I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION- So true, Scott. So true. But you can't stop them, they're still gonna end up neighbors. I know, I already watched Jimmy's POV. SCAR NOOOO YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL THEM- The way he jumped in the water- 💀 hc that c!Scar shook out his long-ish messy brown hair like a dog after that. Cuz he would. 'I'll make an exception for you. The first and ONLY exception.' if someone doesn't use this as, like, a fanfic title or something I swear- literally perfect material for a c!Scarian fic title. AWEEEEEEH HE CALLED GRIAN THE LIGHT OF HIS LIFE- I CAN'T BHATGLFYSJBJSRSKBLBK 🥺 Scar just like 'y'all crazy. Bye.' AWEEEEH GRIAN AND SCAR'S CAMEL RIDE! DESERTDUODESERTDUODESERTDUODESERTDUO! The way they stare at the hole Big B dug like *insert surprised Pikachu here* awwwwweh the way he let Grian have the cactus monopoly 🥺 you will never not convince me that bullying is their love language. c!desertduo bullies each other affectionately...I'm so normal about c!desertduo I promise- HE TALKED ABOUT ASOKA FOR 30 MINUTES OFC HE DID- 💀😭 I was wondering why he didn't include it lmao- NOT SCAR TREATING THE CAMEL LIKE A DISNEY RIDE LOL learning about the task goodies with Tango, Jimmy, and Scar 101 'IS IT A ROCKET' LMAOOOOO- HE'S SUFFOCATING AGAIN- SCAR BE CAREFULLLLL!!! Ik it's not in the comments, but, I GOT TO THIS POINT AND I'M ENJOYING IT, SCAR! Love this series sm and I'm only 5 POVs in lol. 'It's looking kinda like a shack' 'fancy house and exotic materials' indeed, Etho. Also yes, Scar, part of what gave it away is that ur favorite color is orange lol /lh the fact that Jimmy is the only one I've seen to call him 'Obi' when he says 'Hello There'- amazing. 'Nonono it's not a shack, look at that entrance!' But, Scar, you just said- ...OK- 'this is my shack' OK, Scar I'm confused. Is it or isn't it a shack? Ofc he cut out the arson threats and allegations smh /lh 'until next time, we'll see you later, and don't forget to subscribe because you may just become. SCARRRRED FOR LIFE!' ...yes I've memorized his outro-"
Martyn: "Wait OK before we start- are we sure that punching Jimmy didn't just, like, transfer the canary's curse? /lh like it could also be that he won last series and now he's the 'wet cat' of the first episode like I saw in another post, but like, what if?? I guess we'll see, huh? The awkward 'goodbye' and then walking the same way lmaooo 💀 Lizzie and Gem: 'WE HAVE TO GET TO THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS!' Martyn: 'uhhhhh anyways so-' what am I gonna get? Well uhhh probably one of the life hoodies, but I'll probably have to convince my mom to get it as a Christmas gift cuz I already spent a lot in the last month cuz I have no self control- but yeah probably the balloon hearts hoodie or the drippy hearts one. Love those. 'Ofc no wearing helmets' Scar, who has a helmet: 'Hi, Martyn!' 'oh mY GOd you scared me-' Payback for the jumpscare to Grian last series /lh /hj 'friends?' 'friends?' 'friends?' 'Helloooooo!' 'Martyn!' Idk why but that interaction made me exhale like- just imagine shouting through the walls in a cave to your friends irl. Omg now I'm imagining it with the reverb- 'you couldn't spare a heart, could you?' gives off the vibes of 'please sir, could I have some more?' Oliver Twist who? /lhj Bdubs and his chainmail lol 'THERE'S A SPAWNER?!' yeah...he's definitely having a rough first session- o7 'what is happening out there-?' I'd like to know too, Martyn, unfortunately I haven't watched their POVs yet. Also Etho saying 'BDUBS RUN! HIDE!' I- I'm normal about c!Ethubs I promise- 'YOU GOT HORSE ARMOR?!' ofc the local horsegirl /lhhj would ask about that lol- NOT ETHO TURNING INTO CANADIAN DAVID ATTENBOROUGH AND NARRATING HIS, MARTYN'S, AND BDUBS' ADVENTURES THROUGH THE CAVE- I- 💀 'this could go viral' true, Bdubs lol. BDUBS' MIC CUTTING OUT I'M CRYING- Gem's reaction of 'a what?!' and Scott's response of 'we just don't have a healer' is just perfect lol. Love that. WE'RE PLAYING THE MARTYN GETS NERFED MOD! TODAY WE CODED IT SO ALL THE MOBS ATTACK MARTYN AND ONLY MARTYN! that's the vibes Scott's comment gave me lol- 12 HEARTS?!? MARTYN!! OMG BE MORE CAREFUL!!! This Martyn nerf hitting hard- 'this could be really bad if I get poisoned-' YES IT COULD, MARTYN, YOU'RE ALREADY AT 12 HEARTS- IT'S LIKE YOU'RE TRYING TO BE THE FIRST TO YELLOW- /lh bro Martyn being risky is making my anxiety go 📈📈📈📈📈 BE MORE CAREFUL, MARTYN, PLS- I BEG OF U- MARTYN GOING TO THE NETHER- 📈📈📈 MARTYN THERE ARE GHASTS- PLEASE- I- AAAAAAAAAAAAA! MARTYNNNN! OMG! IS HE ALWAYS THIS RISKY, USUAL MARTYN VIEWERS?! CUZ IF SO IDT I'M GONNA SURVIVE BINGING ALL THE LIFE SERIES- 'ughhh I swear, dude, I swear, I'm gonna cry!!!' I AM TOO, PLEASE STOP GETTING INTO DANGER, MARTYN- Martyn saying damnit is me the whole time he's out risking his hearts. My heart can't take this kind of pressure, Martyn please stop being so riskyyyy- 😭 nINE HEARTS- MARTYN!!!! Istg I'm not surviving this episode- my heart is just- 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 his pICKAXE BROKE?! OH YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! 'OH MY GOD, THE SUN!' I'M HAPPY TOO, HOPEFULLY HE DOESN'T LOSE TOO MANY MORE HEARTS. 'I've been to the nether and everything!' Yeah, imma be honest, I don't get that one. Like, didn't you write a song lITERALLY CALLED 'Screw The Nether' with friends????! /lh Lizzie's 'oh wow' 💀 fIVE AND A HALF HEARTS!! MARTYNNNN!!! OMG! 📈📈📈 NOT THE DROWNED- 😭 LEAVE HIM ALONE, BRUH, HE JUST TRYNA SURVIVE- Martyn panicking- same, bestie- Lizzie just like 'oh you stole my bed? Didn't notice' 💀 #1 way to tempt a horsegirl: offer something to protect his horse /lhj Cleo's laugh lol- infectious. MARTYN ZOOMING IN AND JIMMY JUST BRINGING BACK SCAR'S CAMEL IN THE BACKGROUND I CAN'T-"
OK I'm posting this and I'll rb for the other POVs, but Cleo's next.
So let's see, next rb is probably gonna be Cleo, Gem, Tango, Scott, Bdubs, and Pearl.
Third rb is probably gonna be Etho, Joel, Lizzie, Impulse, and BigB.
3 maybe 4 rb max.
#YOOOO THANK GOD IT SAVED MOST OF THIS IN DRAFTS I CLICKED AWAY AND FORGOT TO SAVE I WAS ABOUT TO CRY-#tofs musings#my thoughts on the first session of Secret Life#secret life#secret life spoilers#trafficblr#traffic life smp#grian#mumbo jumbo#skizzleman#solidaritygaming#goodtimeswithscar#inthelittlewood#also the reason that some of them are way longer is cuz I'm writing them as I watch and not after the fact
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Snippet of ToF and CL(if your muse is back).
“Maybe…maybe we just go into whatever room we want? As a free for all?” Kitty suggested and walked into one of the rooms. As she did so, the door glowed and when the glow faded, the Charming coat of arms was hanging in the center of the door.
-Truth or Fiction (chapter 106, currently 1984 words)
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mak / kai. she/they. 18+. est. independent GENSHIN IMPACT MULTIMUSE ft canons and ocs. selective & activity will vary. feel free to send any questions, ims are open, and discord is available to mutuals! unaffiliated with fandom.
active blogs: shackld, mischiiefs, damagecompilation, ojustice, insamsara, dcgfight, dominihilist, angeliicon
OCs currently without a doc but still available:
Kaito / 20 / Agender (He/they) / FC: Zero from TOF / Pyro Claymore / A blacksmith living on the edges of Fontaine, Kaito isn't interested in trials or entertainment but rather the steady flow and trustworthiness of his work. Short but strong, calm but merciless, he isn't a fan of people messing with him and will make swift work of tresspassers.
Haoyu / ??? / Genderfluid (Any) / FC: Lee from Arknights / Hydro Polearm / A Fatui Agent formerly from Liyue but now living underwater in Fontaine, Haoyu is of dragon-origin and finds nothing sweeter than the down-on-their-luck victims begging for more time to pay off their debt. He also knows quite a bit of healing magic, but doesn't use it on just anyone. Why would he heal someone he doesn't like?
Arjun / 23 / Demiboy (He/they) / FC: Ethan from Arknights / Dendro Catalyst / Arjun is a chameleon-hybrid, currently studying in the Akademiya. Thanks to his ability to camouflage into his surroundings, he can relatively get by with ease and not worry about anyone interrupting his studies. A blessed ability too, considering what he's researching most would try to stop. The dead should stay dead, but Arjun wants to push that boundary and see if the dead could walk again. He's always been surrounded by it, death, thanks to a plague that wiped out his village. He'd been taken in by the Akademiya, who told him he shouldn't feel bad for being the sole survivor but Arjun was the opposite of distraught. He was thrilled, he was curious and soon shot up his class by drive alone. It was around that time that some students noticed some of their stuff has been going missing, Arjun using his camo to his advantage to do anything to get ahead and fund his research. But he couldn't do this constantly so he turned his attention to those who wouldn't notice. The dead he was trying so hard to revive and dug up every so often, taking their things as well as trying out his experiments on them.
Shouya / 20 / Cassgender (He/they) / FC: Aak from Arknights / Pyro Catalyst / As a young boy living on the outskirts of Inazuma, Shouya's homelife wasn't the best but he managed. With cruel and strict parents, it often drove him to his limit and one harsh night was when he received his vision and then the house (and his folks) quite literally burst into flames with his bottled up emotions and there, in the ashes, the villagers around found one feline boy grinning and laughing like it was the funniest thing ever. Regarded like the devil, Shouya left soon after that, vowing to himself he'd never bottle anything up again even if that meant leaving scorch marks and ashes everywhere he went.
Roch Fournier / 19 / Agender (They/them) / FC: Tabito Karasu from Blue Lock / Anemo Catalyst / Born the youngest in a huge family, instead of being spoiled like the babies often were, Roch was treated as the spare. Always the last to be picked, the last to be in the know and had every secret and inside joke kept from them. Their siblings treated them as the scapegoat and parents seemingly forgot they were there. And one day, Roch just had enough and left one night as it wasn't like anyone would notice otherwise. But the kicker was, it wasn't that they were always chosen last but rather, it only felt like it and Roch was just stuck in their own delusion that they were always the victim and didn't notice the array of missing person posters that arrived the morning after. They were gifted with an Anemo vision the moment they chose life for themselves however, but instead of training with it in combat, they manipulated it to their will and learned how to carry people's voices on the wind so they'd always know what was being kept from them. Soon, they knew everyone's business everywhere and used this to become an info broker and be the top dog for a chance.
Feliks / 25 / Demiboy (He/they) / FC: Horropedia from Reverse 1999 / Visionless
Former Fatui soldier but got gravely injured on the field (havent thought about where/how yet) so he retired very young
Still remains in Snezhnaya, doing odd jobs for the Fatui that call for a lighter or stealthier touch
Kind of an errand boy / gofer
But is pretty much a genius when it comes to blending in and working undercover
Jack of all trades, The Idea GuyTM
Designed the blueprints for the skirmisher's weapons
Doesn't have a vision but tbh he doesn't need one
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might just move to a multimuse blog or something for awhile semi-hiatus ??? i guess maybe. I’ll probably be around whenever season 3 hits expect anything on here sporadically as always i guess
#ooc#it jsut feels hard to srat interactions with this muse lately#and par tof thats my own fault because im not good a tlooking for ne w people or characters to interact with but#idk might be best to just officially take a break form him for a bit#I still love everyone who deos intereact
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//anyway- K.annon Soldier has been added and the wiki severely confuses me-
#ooc#/muse updates#she has like the shortest s.pirit wiki and i cant find sources for most of the stuff on it outside of the a.rtbook#also hate that on the wiki mos tof the profiles have shit like ''aprox'' next to shit; if yo uodnt know just say unknown dont make shit up#but yeah its a wiki for a dead af c.ommunity so its a toss up about how much is actually true on it
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I think I’m just going to vent a lil below. Feel free to ignore
I honestly do not feel confident in my writing as of late.
I feel like I need to take a step back and actually figure her out again because I just... don’t know what I’m doing here.
I feel like adding Des as a muse was a mistake, I feel like I’ve blown things way out of proportion for her and she’s lost what made her special or unique. I feel like I’ve fucked her up i na way that has made her too powerful, she’s grown too large for me to handle and I know and I feel like I’m power playing way too much with her.
I really honestly just, eithe want someone to put missi in her place and beat her, or challenge her? Or actually force her to adapt and change. On one hand I’m psyched for it
on the other I know because of missi’s verse and how it’s established she has connections with powerful people it might make people not want tochallenge her. I mean her main verse has Ozzie, prince of hell, as her lover so to hurt Missi it would put them on Ozzie’s shitlist which i can obviously see why people wouldn’t want to challenge that. Not to mention Des is an extremely powerful entity as well, that canonically not even God or Lucifer cna kill so HE IS THE DEFINITION OF GOD-MODDING
It’s honestly why I love what we got oging with Strikers-saloon because Missi was shown to be significantly harmed by it, he had an impact on her and while it sucks we can’t write as much I love the fighting and antagonism they have for one another. I know I fall into this trap a lot of not wanting muses to fight, not having significant stuff doing down because of the impact it might have ni the greater scope of plot.
I just, am not really sure what to do now. I put Des as an antagnoist to Missi becuase well, he is, but it’s also not really that fun to just have to RP with yourself with these things. So I’m not. Sure, what to do which is why my posts and rps have been lack luster and losing focus even more.
I’m worried im just, i’ve met my end, ive made my muse get to a point she can’t reasonably be challenged by any other muse because of her connections and while I wouldnt want to erase the established relationships i have with missi, it also just kinda sucks? IDK. Because Miss ias a character wouldn’t try to pull any punches. Hell I tried to makea reason why missi wouldnt tell people what happened to her with striker that was somewhat believable but now even that i worry might go off the handle
I have no idea if this makes any sense. I just. Wish I could return? Not even return, but just have missi be substantially challenged and be forced to have developement one way or another that doesn’t involve me RPing with myself or putting so much pressure on one partner. Because I feel awful putting pressure on people, I already worry i put way too much with Toxic because of how tight missi and duke are in her main verse so im just.. idk. I just want to have fun and develop my character but realistically i know its not feasable for a lo tof people to be able to do that either.
i know i sound entitled “wow look at me ihave all these good stuff but i want more” or “i want something different >:[” but. IDK. I should probably stop rambling and go to sleep thx for reading if ur here? uh. i hope you have a good day
#Out for a Bite // OOC#Screams from the Abyss // MT#Negative TW#Opo Don't Look#Vent TW#Rant TW#;; idk what else to tag this
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I forget I have a crack blog for Ignis sometimes
#ooc: shut up celes#i only made it to yell at noctis' to eat their veggies lol#feel free tof ollow f you want#i hardly go on it tho considering it's mainly a crack blog#and my muse for iggy is weak
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OK so
I just got my second taro milk latte from this boba place I'm trying
And both times I've gotten coffee jelly in it (first time I got 1 scoop coffee jelly, this time I got 2 scoop coffee jelly and 1 scoop regular tapioca pearls)
And can I just say
After both times, I can tell why Saiki loves coffee jelly so much
It's amazing, I could eat it by the spoonful out of the bottom of my boba...or even without any boba
Anyways that's all
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i got a request asking for pronouns (and names) related to winter, space/galaxy, soft things, sweet things, pastel things, music, art, dogs, and fire, but i posted it on accident before it was finished! so here is the list redone for that requester.
pronouns that i have done before are linked above, below are:
sweet, pastel, music, art, and dog-themed pronouns!

— sweet.
sweet -> swe / sweet / sweets / sweets / sweetself OR sweet / sweet / sweets / sweets / sweetself
dulce (latin, meaning ‘sweet’) -> du / dul / ces / ces / dulceself OR dul / ce / (dul)ces / (dul)ces / dulceself OR du(l) / dulce / dulces / dulces / dulceself OR dulce / dulce / dulces / dulces / dulceself
candy -> can / dy / (can)dys / (can)dys / candyself OR ca / can / dys / dys / candyself OR ca / candy / candys / candys / candyself OR candy / candy / candys / candys / candyself
dessert -> de / dess / erts / erts / dessertself OR de / ssert / (de)sserts / (de)sserts / dessertself OR de / dessert / desserts / desserts / dessertself OR dessert / dessert / desserts / desserts / dessertself
tart -> ta / tar / tar(s) / tars / tartself OR ta / tart / tarts / tarts / tartself OR tart / tart / tarts / tarts / tartself
lollipop -> lo / lolli / pops / pops / lollipopself OR lo / lolli / lollis / lollis / popself OR lo / lol / lis / lis / popself OR lo / lollipop / pops / pops / lollipopself OR lo / lollipop / lollipops / lollipops / lollipopself OR lollipop / lollipop / lollipops / lollipops / lollipopself
nougat -> no / nou / gats / gats / nougatself OR nou / gat / (nou)gats / (nou)gats / nougatself OR no(u) / nougat / nougats / nougats / nougatself OR nougat / nougat / nougats / nougats / nougatself
toffee -> to / tof / fees / fees / toffeeself OR tof / fee / (tof)fees / (tof)fees / toffeeself OR to / toffee / toffees / toffees / toffeeself OR toffee / toffee / toffees / toffees / toffeeself
cake -> ca / cake / cakes / cakes / cakeself OR cake / cake / cakes / cakes / cakeself
sugar -> su / sug / ar(s) / ars / sugarself OR su / gar / (su)gars / (su)gars / sugarself OR su / sugar / sugars / sugars / sugarself OR sugar / sugar / sugars / sugars / sugarself
— pastel.
pastel -> pa / pas / tels / tels / pastelself OR pas / tel / (pas)tels / (pas)tels / pastelself OR pa / pastel / pastels / pastels / pastelself OR pastel / pastel / pastels / pastels / pastelself
hue -> hu / hue / hues / hues / hueself OR hue / hue / hues / hues / hueself
tint -> ti / tint / tints / tintself OR tint / tint / tints / tints / tintself
— music.
music -> mu / sic / (mu)sics / (mu)sics / musicself OR mu / mus / ics / ics / mysicself OR mu / music / musics / musics / musicself OR music / music / musics / musics / musicself
song -> so / song / songs / songs / songself OR song / song / songs / songs / songself
melody -> me / lo / dys / dys / melodyself OR mel / ody / (mel)odys / (mel)odys / melodyself OR me / mel / odys / odys / melodyself OR me(l) / melody / melodys / melodys / melodyself OR melody / melody / melodys / melodys / melodyself
genre -> ge / gen / res / res / genreself OR gen / re / (gen)res / (gen)res / genreself OR ge / genre / genres / genres / genreself OR genre / genre / genres / genres / genreself
lyric -> ly / ric / (ly)rics / (ly)rics / lyricself OR ly / lyr / ics / ics / lyricself OR ly / lyric / lyrics / lyrics / lyricself OR lyric / lyric / lyrics / lyrics / lyricself
tune -> tu / tune / tunes / tunes / tuneself OR tune / tune / tunes / tunes / tuneself
guitar -> gui / tar / (gui)tar(s) / (gui)tars / guitarself OR gui / guitar / guitars / guitars / guitarself OR guitar / guitar
violin -> vio / lin / (vio)lins / (vio)lins / violinself OR vi / vio / lins / lins / violinself OR vi(o) / violin / violins / violins / violinself OR violin / violin / violins / violins / violinself
any more instrument suggestions, let me know!
— art. (there are many different forms of art, so i based these on physical art such as painting.)
art -> a / art / arts / arts / artself OR art / art / arts / arts / artself
artist -> a / ar / tists / tists / artistself OR ar / tist / (ar)tists / (ar)tists / artistself OR a(r) / artist / artist / artists / artists / artistself OR artist / artist / artists / artists / artistself
paint -> pa / paint / paints / paints / paintself OR paint / paint / paints / paints / paintself
canvas -> ca / can / vas’ / vas’ / canvasself OR can / vas / (can)vas’ / (can)vas’ / canvasself OR ca / can / cans / cans / vasself OR ca / canvas / canvas’ / canvas’ / canvasself OR canvas / canvas / canvas’ / canvas’ / canvasself
gouache -> go(u) / gouache / gouaches / gouaches / gouacheself OR gouache / gouache / gouaches / gouaches / gouacheself
sketch -> ske / sketch / sketchs / sketchs / sketchself OR sketch / sketch / sketchs / sketchs / sketchself
easel -> ea / sel / (ea)sels / (ea)sels / easelself OR e(a) / eas / els / els / easelself OR e(a) / easel / easels / easels / easelself OR easel / easel / easels / easels / easelself
muse (“a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.”) -> mu / muse / muses / muses / museself OR muse / muse / muses / muses / museself
— dogs.
dog -> do / dog / dogs / dogs / dogself OR dog / dog / dogs / dogs / dogself
doggie -> dog / gie / (dog)gies / (dog)gies / doggieself OR do / dog / gies / gies / doggieself OR do / doggie / doggies / doggies / doggieself OR doggie / doggie / doggies / doggies / doggieself
canis (latin; dog) -> can / is / (can)is’ / (can)is’ / canisself OR ca / can / is’ / is’ / canisself OR ca / canis / canis’ / canis’ / canisself OR canis / canis / canis’ / canis’ / canisself
canid (“Canidae (/ˈkænɪdiː/;[3] from Latin, canis, "dog") is a biological family of dog-like carnivorans. A member of this family is called a canid (/ˈkeɪnɪd/).[4]) -> can / id / (can)ids / (can)ids / canidself OR ca / can / ids / ids / canidself OR ca / canid / canids / canids / canidself OR canid / canid / canids / canids / canidself
mutt -> mu / mutt / mutts / mutts / muttself OR mutt / mutt / mutts / mutts / muttself
paw -> pa / paw / paws / paws / pawself OR paw / paw / paws / paws / pawself
bark -> ba / bar / bar(s) / bars / barkself OR ba / bark / barks / barks / barkself OR bark / bark / barks / barks / barkself
woof -> wo / woof / woofs / woofs / woofself OR woof / woof / woofs / woofs / woofself
labrador -> la / bra / dors / dors / labradorself OR la / lab / ras / ras / dorself OR lab / rador / (lab)radors / (lab)radors / labradorself OR la(b) / labrador / labradors / labradors / labradorself OR labrador / labrador / labradors / labradors / labradorself
beagle -> be / beagle / beagles / beagles / beagleself OR beagle / beagle / beagles / beagles / beagleself
corgi -> cor / gi / (cor)gis / (cor)gis / corgiself OR co / cor / gis / gis / corgiself OR co / corgi / corgis / corgis / corgiself OR corgi / corgi / corgis / corgis / corgiself
husky -> hus / ky / (hus)kys / (hus)kys / huskyself OR hu / hus / kys / kys / huskyself OR hu / husky / huskys / huskys / huskyself OR husky / husky / huskys / huskys / huskyself
above are some basic breeds, however if you or anyone else has a specific breed in mind, let me know!
— names. (any of the above words could also be names, too.)
sugar, taffy, maple, sundae, honey, dulcie (latin, diminutive of dulcibella), ambrosia/ambrose, clementine, baker, berry, hershey, zest, agave, lavender, lilac, mauve, sky/skye, coral, peach, blush, melody, lyric, tempo, alto, song, lyre/lyra, rhythm, sonata, coda, harper, mona, poem, art (could be short for arthur, etc!), leonardo, vincent, chewy, bernard, conan (“From Irish and Gaelic roots meaning ‘wolf’ or ‘hound’.”), marley (from marley & me), madigan (irish origin, meaning “little dog”), i find that some dog breed names tend to make good names, too (like bernard).
#sweet#pastel#music#art#dog#pronoun coining#name help#neopronouns#nounself pronouns#neopronoun list#pronoun list#i had some trouble coming up w/ pastel themed pronouns but i hope those r okay !
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Star Wars Alien Species - Hiromi
Hiromi's homeworld is unknown (as of yet).
The most prominent trait of the Hiromi was their instinct for self-preservation. One of their favorite activities was, in their words, "not getting beaten up". The Hiromi became very fearful when the possibility of being in danger came up, and were quick to suggest alternatives to fighting—including bringing in reinforcements to fight in their stead, hiding, and going home. Nonetheless, when they were truly needed, the Hiromi charged headlong into whatever task was required of them, though they were no less afraid as they did so.
he Hiromi had a grandiose image of themselves, claiming to be "glorious conquerors," though their short attention spans meant that their grand long-term plans, such as galactic control, were frequently derailed by thoughts of food or play. The Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker would observe that they enjoyed the work of conquest. Other words they used to describe themselves included "glorious", "ruthless", and "supreme". Hiromi considered themselves to be ruthless masters of interrogation, and backed this claim up by making subjects crack in a short time by relentlessly bombarding them with shouts of "Talk!".
Another activity the Hiromi enjoyed greatly was cheering. Whenever they achieved any kind of victory, they would praise themselves and let out a cheer. This was, to them, a very important part of any activity. When Luke Skywalker sought to rally the Hiromi, he appealed to their love of cheering by leading them in one.
Finally, the Hiromi had a great passion for food. Their first task after "conquering" Zeltros was to have lunch, and they had nothing but praise for the quality of the Zeltronian food and desserts. The Hiromi knew of the Jedi and the Force only through legends.
Approximately 2000 years before the Battle of Endor, the Hiromi Empire began planning its conquest of the galaxy. Over the next two millennia they watched the shape of galactic affairs and waited in hiding. They heard legends of the Jedi Knights and their powers, though it would not be until their invasion that they saw one, namely Luke Skywalker, in action.
In 4 ABY, shortly after the Battle of Endor, the Hiromi mothership Kuratcha was dispatched as part of the advanced force of the invasion of the galaxy, and the Hiromi operative Hirog infiltrated the command staff of the Alliance of Free Planets as Admiral Ackbar's aide. Hirog's mission was to destabilize the Alliance to prepare for the Hiromi invasion, which he set about doing by pitting the Lahsbee and Ewoks at war against each other, as these were considered to be the two least dangerous members of the Alliance.
The first phase of his plot was to arrange it to appear that one of the Lahsbee was engaging in an affair with the Ewok Princess Kamida. The Ewok Tippet, who had been courting her, was outraged, and began rallying his people to fight the Lahsbee. The second phase of the Hiromi plan was to plant a bomb near the Alliance leadership; when it detonated, it would kill all the participants in the conflict, leaving the rest of the galaxy to assume it was the fault of either the Lahsbee or the Ewoks. With the leaders of the Alliance dead, their worlds would presumably split and wage war on each other.
The situation never reached this point. A stray blaster shot, accidentally fired during an honor duel between the Lahsbee and Tippet, disabled the timing mechanism on Hirog's bomb, causing it to tick uncontrollably towards detonation. Hirog ran screaming from his hiding place, yelling to everyone present about the plans of the Hiromi and their impending doom. As it happened, one of the Lahsbee had transformed into their animalistic form, the Huhk, and when the creature flung a rock at Hirog and missed, it accidentally disabled the bomb. The Hiromi forces on the mothership chose to abandon Hirog and retreated, the Ewoks and Lahsbee made peace, and Hirog was chased from the scene by the enraged Huhk. He somehow escaped, and later rejoined the Hiromi forces.
Not to be defeated, the Hiromi next set their sights upon the world of Zeltros, home of the Zeltrons. Captain Hookyr, leader of the invasion force, decided that with its temperate climate and rich supply of pleasures, Zeltros was the perfect world for their people. Arriving in orbit on the Kuratcha, they dispatched a force to the royal palace. Members of the Alliance of Free Planets had come to Zeltros too, and King Arno and Queen Leonie held a party for them. With the king and queen busy reveling, and many Zeltros drunk, Hiromi scout Ensign Phoebe reported that they had been neutralized, and recommended the Hiromi strike. The rest of the invasion force, meanwhile, "captured" Luke Skywalker and the Hoojib Plif, though in fact Skywalker had allowed himself to be taken to see whether the Hiromi had the backing of any stronger allies.
This accomplished, the invaders then swept into the empty throne room, and, with the Hiromi declaring him "Hookyr the First", the ruler of Zeltros, Captain Hookyr took his seat on the Zeltron throne. By his order, the first act of the Hiromi was to go to the royal kitchen and have lunch. Unfortunately for them, two other parties had arrived on Zeltros, the Nagai and the Tofs, each of them determined to conquer the world first. The Tof broke their way into the kitchen and took the Hiromi invaders captive. Altogether, the Hiromi conquest of the palace kitchen was the shortest successful invasion of Zeltros ever recorded.
Skywalker and the Hoojibs, although taken captive by the Tof, did not remain so for long, and after defeating their captors they freed the Hiromi. Four Zeltron friends of Skywalker had been captured by the Tof, and Skywalker enlisted the help of the Hiromi to rescue them from the Tof ship. Though initially frightened, the Hiromi saw it as another chance to fulfill their destiny. Skywalker then turned their interrogation skills against a Tof prisoner, who quickly cracked and told them the codes to infiltrate the Tof vessel in orbit.
Taking the Kuratcha to the Tof Wayfarer, the Hiromi waited in the ship until Skywalker had dispatched the guards in the hangar. While they wanted to stay beside Skywalker as he sabotaged the Tof ship, Skywalker heaped praise upon, as he said, "that dauntless, matchless, legendary Hiromi spirit", and thus inspired the Hiromi to charge off to rescue the prisoners. However, it was not as simple as they expected; the Zeltrons believed the Hiromi were working with their captors and assaulted them, and only the timely arrival of Skywalker saved them. A Tof, meanwhile, began sneaking up on Skywalker; Hirog shouted a warning and shot the Tof, killing him. Having killed a Tof in a fair fight for the first time, the Hiromi were very pleased with themselves, and the gathered party let out a loud cheer. Later, the Hiromi would muse that Skywalker had only helped a little, and that it had been them who had truly helped defeat the Tofs.
In the wake of their victory. the crew of the Kuratcha put in a request to return home. They believed they could best serve the Alliance and the Hiromi while safely hidden—though they were careful to explain that this did not mean they were afraid.
All Hiromi serving in their invasion force were clad in a uniform of red berets and boots, with the exception of Captain Hookyr, who wore a red hat. They dressed in red, tan, and purple attire.
Hiromi were a green, insectoid sentient species approximately 1.5 meters or 4.9 feet tall. They had yellow eyes, two long antennae on their heads, and unlike many insectoid species, tongues.
Hiromi age at the following stages: Unknown (as of yet).
Examples of Names: Hirog, Hookyr
Languages: Native language is unknown (as of yet). They can speak Basic.
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Snippet of SToF TOF and CLi please Gin? :D
“Oh yes thank you for reminding me I need to talk to my father about that,” Hercules muttered. Whatever his father’s issues were with Hades, Malinoë was an innocent party and should have been given every assistance Olympus could provide.
“Well…that sounds ominous,” he heard one of the pirates behind him mutter.
-Small Twists of Fate (chapter 36, currently 1948 words)
“You know, the sentence ‘it might not be a good idea to anger the floating eyeball’ is not one I thought I’d hear today.”
“Nor is it really one I thought I’d say.”
-Truth or Fiction (chapter 106, currently 1839 words)
And I've currently hit a wall with CLi so here's a re-enactment of me yelling at my muse for your enjoyment. :D
"Why? Why do you refuse to work at the most random of times? We were fine until we hit the 1200 word mark and then you decide to bounce? Why do you hate me muse?"
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1. What was my muse’s 5 last sent texts to yours. ?
[text]: Are you still at Amir’s?[text]: I just saw the news. Please tell me you’re home.[text]: Lexi?[text]: Fucking call me when you get the chance, please. [text]: Glad you’re good.
2. What was my muse’s 5 last unsent texts yours.?
[text]: Miss the fukc ou tof you. Hope you;re fucking happy.[text]: We need to stop pretending we don’t need to talk.[text]: I’m at that place you like in Soho. There might be a drink waiting for you. If you’re in this neck of the woods and want to join me, I wouldn’t be mad about it. [text]: I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing anymore.[text]: He better be looking after you.
3. What was my muse’s last snapchat to yours?

(No caption required. Def sent in the early stages of her relationship with Rohan.)
4. What my muse saved your number as?
5. What contact photo my muse has set for yours?

6. What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
7. How many times my muse has called your this week?
Twice. Both times he was drunk and hung up before she could answer.
8. How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
Please, like this pining little bitch would miss a call from Alexis.
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Im gonna dive to mobile now but lurking. Though I do plan to get things done this weekend such as answer the asks I got and get another muse properly active here. All between doing Genshin stuff which shouldn’t take more than an hour or two if it’s just dailies, domains and a few boss fights and ToF as well. We’ll see what I can do.
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OK genuine question y'all
Do we know if Bubble has a gender?
Or is Bubble just a little gender goblin who has come to steal your gender
Is Bubble just a little gremlin who collects gender like shiny rocks??
Is Bubble the gender parasite™?
#shitposting#random shitpost#the amazing digital circus#tadc#tadc bubble#bubble tadc#tofs' tadc musings
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Opdracht 1: Picasso
België. Brussel. Bozar. Toen ik laatst in Brussel was voor mijn bezoek aan de BRAFA ben ik ook langs BOZAR geweest. Daar is de tentoonstelling Picasso. Sculptures te zien. Ik kan al met zekerheid zeggen dat het éen van mijn favoriete tentoonstellingen van het jaar 2017 is. BOZAR BOZAR was voor 2002 bekend als het Palais des Beaux-Art. De Nederlandse vertaling is het Paleis met Mooie kunsten en de Belgische vertaling luidt Paleis voor Schone Kunsten. BOZAR is het kunstenhuis van Brussel. In 1928 opende zij haar deuren met als doel om kunst toegankelijk te maken voor iedereen . Kunst was niet alleen voor de elite maar ook voor het gewone volk.
In dit kunstenhuis is er van alles op kunstgebied te beleven. Je kunt er naar een muziek concert, een filmpje pakken, een expositie bezoeken en zelfs een drankje en een hapje doen. Ik voelde mij hier meteen thuis! Het opmerkelijke van BOZAR is dat ze is gebouwd op een berg: de Kunstberg. Voor de Belgische architect Victor Horta was het een uitdaging om een kunsthuis te bouwen, zonder dat de koning vanuit zijn paleis, het zicht op de stad zou verliezen. BOZAR ligt om die reden voor het grootste gedeelte ondergronds. Picasso.Sculptures. De tentoonstelling is in samenwerking met het Musee National Picasso Paris gemaakt en was tot 28 augustus te zien in het Museum of Modern Art in New York. Dat Picasso naast het schilderen ook tegelijkertijd bezig was met zijn sculpturale reis komt duidelijk naar voren in de expo. Picasso maakte sculpturen van ijzerdraad en laste losse onderdelen aan elkaar, werkte niet alleen met brons maar ook met hout. Deze materialen werden als het ware zijn fundering voor het sculpturen. De laatste jaren werkte hij met keramiek en ijzerplaten.
Eerste sculpturen De werkwijze van Picasso ’s allereerste beelden was gelijk aan die van Rodin. Zijn eerste bekende sculptuur was de Zittende Vrouw (1902) en is gemaakt van ongebakken klei. Er is niets spectaculairs aan, eigenlijk voor Picasso’s doen oogt het saai. Wist je dat Picasso Afrikaanse beelden verzamelde? Dat gegeven was nieuw voor mij. In de tentoonstelling kun je een deel van zijn verzameling zien. Ik heb er bewust voor gekozen om ze in dit stuk niet te tonen. Picasso heeft deze houten kop (rechts) omstreeks 1907 gesneden uit beukenhout en daarna deels beschilderd. Het schilderij Landschap met twee figuren (1908) oogt ook houtachtig. Als je het letterlijk neemt zijn de figureno houten sculpturen. Loved it! Het sculptuur Absintglas is een vreemd beeldje met een apart verhaal. In 1914 begon Picasso te experimenteren met zijn beelden en wilde er kubistische vormen aanbrengen. Zo voegde hij aan dit beeld een metalen lepel en een suikerklontje van brons toe . Hij maakte er zes stuks van en hield eén afgietsel voor zichzelf. In the Met, MoMa en Philadelphia Museum of Art kun je de andere drie bewonderen. De rest zal (vermoed ik) net zoals dit glas, in een privécollectie zijn beland. Ik weet niet of dit het exemplaar is welke hij zelf heeft gehouden.
Schilderij & Sculptuur. Hand in hand. Het lijkt net of het metalen beeldje Figuur zo uit het schilderij Schilder met Palet en ezel is gestapt. Beiden zijn gemaakt in 1928. In de tentoonstellingen gaan de schilderijen en sculpturen vanaf dit punt hand in hand.
Vanaf 1930 begint Picasso te werken met gips Zijn interesse voor vrouwenfiguren werd groter. Zo maakte hij liggende en staande vrouwenfiguren, vrouwenhoofden en bustes.
Baadsters De houding van de liggende baadsters is naar zeggen gebaseerd op de sculpturen (danseressen) van Edgar Degas. Ook wordt er beweerd dat de sculpturen doen denken aan de liggende naakten van Henri Matisse, van wie in de zomer van 1930 de sculpturen te zien waren in galerie Pierre in Parijs. Dat moest ik natuurlijk even op het internet opzoeken. Ik denk ook dat die uitspraken waar zijn. De gelijkenissen zijn te zien.
Keramiek In de periode van 1947 tot en met 1953 maakte Picasso veel keramieke beelden. Bakstenen, tegels en potscherven gaf hij gezichten. Wat ik zo mooi aan deze ceramics vind is dat hij zelfs “beweging en mimiek” toevoegde door op de juiste plekken van de bestaande vormen te schilderen. Ik vind dat erg knap bedacht!
Vouwstrepen? In Nederland in de tentoonstelling Picasso aan Zee heb ik de Voetballer in een blauwe versie gezien. Ik heb er toen niet al te lang bij stilgestaan. Vandaag stelde ik mezelf (bij het zien van de paarse Voetballer); “Hoe zou Picasso op het idee zijn gekomen om een vouw aan te brengen in een beeld?”. Zijn voorstudies van deze sculpturen zijn in feite gewone tekeningen waar Picasso bewuste vouwen in aanbracht. Het zijn vouwstrepen, niet meer en niet minder. Omdat papier een broos materiaal is maakte hij zijn tekeningen na in plaatijzer. Ook weer zo tof bedacht! Het kunstwerk dat op het affiche staat afgebeeld is Vrouwenhoofd (1962) en ook gemaakt van een gevouwen plaatijzer.
Wat vond ik van de tentoonstelling? Ik vond het super-tentoonstelling! Het mooist vond ik dat de sculpturen samen met de schilderijen (picturale werken) worden getoond. Voor mij als museumbezoeker maakt het dat de expositie nog meer een lust voor het oog is en tegelijkertijd een feestje der herkenning. Vanaf de ingang tot aan de uitgang had ik dan ook een big smile op mijn gezicht. Wat mij opviel is dat bij alle sculpturen, de sokkel een deel van het kunstwerk is Tot wanneer? Picasso. Sculpturen. is tot en met 5 maart aanstaande te zien. In Nederland kun je ook Picasso’s keramieke sculpturen kijken in museum Beelden aan Zee in de tentoonstelling Picasso aan Zee. Voor meer informatie:Bozar.be Liefs en slaap lekker voor straks, BOZAR, dank voor de liefdevolle ontvangst. Tot snel weer een keer!

Ik ben persoonlijk geen super grote fan van de werken van Picasso maar vond het wel eens de moeite deze in het echt te zien. Tijdens deze tentoonstelling stonden de beeldhouwwerken van Picasso in de spotlight ipv zijn schilderijen. Eerlijk gezegd ben ik meer een fan van zijn schilderijen dan van zijn beelden. Wat wel op valt zijn de namen van de beelden die zeggen namelijk letterlijk wat het beeld is (bv. man, vrouw en man, grote man..)
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