#todo headcannons
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Jujustu Kaisen characters when you suddenly start changing your clothes in front of them.


He would definitely be really shocked after you start taking your shirt off. Yuji would start to close his eyes and ask you what you are trying to do. He would probably open his eyes while you're still changing by accident and throw a blanket or something at you so he doesn't see anything.

This man would be so confused. At first, he'll look at you like 'what are you doing?' When you start taking off your shirt. Then he'll probably realize what you're trying to do as soon as you start to take off your pants. He would be so quick to close his eyes and turn around. After you finish, he apologizes for staring at you.

This man would most definitely be a pervert. When you start by taking off your clothes, you will stare the whole time as he dramatically sobs about how amazing you look. Also, I think he's the type to get a nosebleed afterward.

This man would be respectful but at the same time a bit shy. Like Megumi, he would look at you confused at first and then get really shy and turn his head away. It would take you telling him that you're done before he turns around to look at you. If you don't tell him to turn around, he would be standing in that same position for a while.

He's basically an Inumaki 2.0. Like Inumaki, he'll be really shy, like probably more than him. He would notice so fast when you start to change. He'll try to ask you what you are trying to do, but it only comes out really slurred. He'll cover his whole face with a blanket even though he's closing his eyes already, and he won't open his eyes until you take the blanket off of his head.
#jjk#jjk x reader#jjk headcanons#yuji itadori#yuji x reader#yuji headcanons#megumi fushiguro#megumi x reader#megumi headcanons#todo aoi#todo x reader#todo headcannons#inumaki toge#inumaki x reader#inumaki headcannons#yuta okkotsu#yuta x reader#yuta headcanons#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen headcanons
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More JJK hills that I have chosen to die on
1) I think that todo has 2 dads and kenjaku got coach takagi pregnant with him
2) Gojo's undercut isn't about him trying to forget Suguru. Doesn't he still wear his bf's hair tie? Also it's been 10 years you don't think that everyone has had one haircut or style change in a decade?
Gojo's undercut IS a product of convenience. You know how messy and uncomfortable it is to wear a blindfold knotted into your hair? Then just shave half of it off and it's so much better. Shaved hair is a better sensory experience, and we already know he has sensory issues especially photophobia but I wouldn't be surprised if he uses infinity to avoid certain textures.
Blindfolds not only cover more area than glasses, but they also apply even pressure on the head. I think it's similar to a stim, like a weighted blanket or something to prevent/relieve headaches.
#The first one is no evidence just vibes#But you know the rock Lee and guy sensei are trans theories? Coach Takagi is like. Similar in a way haha#it's pride month#jujutsu kaisen#jjk theory#gojo satoru#jjk headcannons#Gojo's undercut#Gojo's blindfold#Kenjaku#todo aoi#Satosugu#Coach Takagi#Jjk volume 1#Jjk volume 0#jjk
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Aoi Todo being a Brazilian Sorcerer HCS
Why brazilian? Becuase i say so, i've been picturing him for a long time this way, just let me explain.
Let's imagine his mother is brazilian and his father is japanese, he was born in Brazil but then the family moved to Kyoto.
Just look at him, built like a bull, tan skin and that hair.
He would be very good at doing Capoeira, a typical brazilian dance that combines dance moves and battle tactics.
That's how he always is so agile at battle with enemies.
I think her mother tought him samba, the national dance of Brazil and make him go to capoeira's classes.
His habbits about being loud and noisy, showering a lot and using many deodorant when meeting with people, i think he inherited that from his mother too.
I picture him being a fan of football and even playing it on his childhood (but being that big made him quit).
His house on champions finals are a complete chaos of screams and music, to the point that neighbors could get angry at them.
Since canonically his family are not chamans, when he got recluted, his mother got all nostalgic talking that his grandmother was a chaman too and maybe he inherited the family's habilities.
I firmly believe he speaks japanese, brazilian, english and even spanish.
And i can totally see him trying to flirt by taking out his knowledge on languages and dance moves, probably tried that in a 'meet and greet' with Takada.
Once a year, one week vacation to Brazil to see the family is a must and when he cames back, his classmates joke about him being even more tan.
#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen headcanons#jjk#jjk headcanons#aoi todo#aoi todo headcannons#aoi todo hcs#jujutsu kaisen hcs#jjk hcs#brazil#sorcerer#chaman#kioto#kyoto
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Todo animal de zoológico tem seu tratador. Aquele que alimenta, aquele em quem confia. Assim como todo animal circense tem seu domador. Aquele que ensina, aquele que corrige com seus próprios meios em prol do espetáculo.
Lipnía era, sem sombra de dúvidas, tratada por Circe. É algo visível, uma devoção cega, uma confiança irredutível. Mas, além daquela que a manteve nutrida, Lip também possui um domador.
Richard Kelce, o cultista.
TW: age gap (20 anos de diferença), relacionamento abusivo, perseguição, síndrome de Estocolmo.
Aquele pescador, morador de uma ilha que ficava próxima do nada e vizinha do abismo, aproveitava sua vida monótona. Anos vivendo em navios pesqueiros com uma família em cada porto, tudo cessou quando conheceu Tristan da Cunha. Ali, enraizou-se. Uma ilha minúscula no oceano, uma população de pouco mais de 90 habitantes, uma rotina completamente estagnada. Algo parecia fixa-lo ali, desejar aquela terra como sua propriedade esquecida pelo mundo. Sem sinal de internet, telefone ou qualquer outra coisa que os conectasse com os demais. Apenas os poucos navios que paravam naquele píer para resolver problemas na embarcação como pequenos reparos ou comercialização de suprimentos, sendo os pescados o item mais comercializado. Que lugar melhor no mundo para um renegado viver?
Mas as coisas mudaram muito.
Quando duas adolescentes surgiram no porto correndo, pôde jurar que viu a mais velha disparando um fecho de luz que transformou um pirata em um porco. Sim, um porco. Que roncava e tudo. Correu para laçar aquele animal, carne suína era uma regalia inesperada e ele não perderia aquela oportunidade. Guardaria os questionamentos para depois.
Seu interesse pelas duas figuras triplicou. Ambas as meninas vestiam roupas peculiares, muito se pareciam trajes de época. A mais velha usava cores claras, mas a mais nova era um tanto mais ousada. Sim, ela era. Um vestido parecido com um lençol, com cores escuras, com detalhes dourados. Era óbvio. As duas eram semideusas como ele.
A mais velha era doce, o recebeu de bom grado quando decidiu visitar a casa de Linda, uma velha mulher que acolheu as adolescentes. A moça se apresentou com o nome de "Alice", como a do país das maravilhas. Ela sorria de uma forma radiante, ofertava palavras aos ventos. Gentil, mas inteligente. Notava que havia algo de errado com aquele curioso.
A mais nova, por sua vez, tinha um olhar arrebatador. Ela não falava muito, conseguia somente ouvir seus cochichos para a irmã e para Linda. Selvagem, beirava o comportamento feroz para com ele. Seus cabelos cacheados se moviam como ondas do mar, uma coroa que enfeitava sua cabeça com maestria. E aqueles olhos claros pareciam cortar sua cabeça, cruzando a sala como uma flecha. E apesar do temperamento voraz, ela não o via através da neblina.
Foi instantâneo. Para um predador, a vítima ideal era a mais inocente, sem experiências com o mundo.
Sua aproximação foi vagarosa. Primeiro, conseguiu expor as jovens em situações de risco propositalmente. Alice se manifestou primeiro, lançando um fio roxo de energia que impediu que uma viga caísse sobre Lipnia. Em seguida, Lip deixou escapar informações muito particulares sobre Linda, após acessar as memórias de uma peça de roupa. O bote foi dado com sucesso quando Richard apresentou a ideia para as meninas e elas prontamente aceitaram. Ingênuas, acreditavam que estavam no controle.
Após isso, o culto se iniciou com sessões dentro da casa de Richard. Os moradores tiravam a prova da magia levando objetos para que Lip avaliasse, deixavam o pagamento na cozinha e partiam para a segunda etapa, a "purificação" com Alice, que fazia uso de penas de ganso voadoras para "limpar" o corpo dos seguidores.
Mas Richard não se sentia satisfeito. Queria mais.
Alice começou a fazer jornadas exaustivas para contribuir com o vilarejo, uma deusa ativa que auxiliava nos cuidados da vila. Andava entre os populares, contribuía para a população. Longe da casa, Richard obtinha a confiança de Lili para si.
Lipnía se mantinha como a deusa passiva. O passado de todos pertenciam à ela e o futuro só ocorreria se ela aceitasse. Era temida. Segredos eram guardados em sua mente e Richard sabia daquilo. Se aproveitava daquele potencial para manter os habitantes sob controle, assim como elas.
No primeiro ataque de sereias, Alice e Lipnía atuaram em conjunto. Em todos os subsequentes, também. Mas, em um deles, Alice afundou no mar e nunca mais foi vista. Os olhos de Rick brilhavam como nunca. Finalmente teria Lipnía para si, sem que Alice a protegesse de sua ganância e desejo. Era a vez dele de proteger a ilha, sendo um exímio guerreiro em tempos passados.
Lipnía já possuía 20 anos, era uma mulher. Seu corpo não era o mesmo, sua mentalidade tão pouco. Ela era bonita, suscetível à sugestões. E Rick se aproveitou disso.
Aquele homem misterioso, com um estranho ar de superioridade, parecia possuir algo além da malícia em suas palavras. Lip era extremamente suscetível às suas ordens e sequer notou que aquele homem era um semideus, filho de Afrodite, quue possuía poderes de persuasão inimagináveis. A lábia corrupta evoluiu rapidamente.
Primeiro, se ofertou como ombro amigo. Lipnía se abriu para o único o qual deveria evitar.
Depois, ele cercou tanto sua mente que a única coisa a qual conseguia pensar era nele. Richard era o centro de seu pequeno universo, uma grande surpresa para aquela filha de Circe que até então possuía resistência ao contato com os homens.
Ela sentia amor quando ele se aproximava e, repentinamente, chorava de tristeza quando ele partia. Quando o atacavam, era tomada por uma fúria destruidora, mas quando ele era exaltado sentia a imensidão da paixão lhe derrubar novamente. Tudo isso quando ele estava por perto, vigilante. Modificando suas emoções, intensificando-as em prol de uma falsa verdade.
Ele usava de seus poderes para manutenção de seu controle sobre a semideusa que tão inexperiente e imatura, aceitou deitar-se com ele para que pudessem viver a "história de amor inevitável". Rendida, manteve-se em sua coleira.
"Teremos essa ilha para nós, minha Lili. Você manterá o nosso pequeno mundo debaixo de seus pés e eu cuidarei do restante."
Mas os planos de Richard foram frustrados. O navio com semideuses parou na ilha em 2029, quando retornavam de uma longa missão. Um dos semideuses notou que algo havia de errado ao ver o desenho de runas de Circe entalhados nas portas da vila. Confuso, vagou por respostas e as obteve. Nos olhos de Richard, a ganância de um foragido de Nova Roma, notou a malícia transcrita em suas ações. O semideus foi capaz de convencer Lili de seu retorno para ilha, arguindo que aquela visita se tratava de um resgate e, emocionada, Lipnia aceitou a viagem, deixando uma carta para Richard e fugindo com o grupo de semideuses pela madrugada.
Mas não era tão fácil assim.
Na manhã seguinte, Richard despertou e não mais encontrou Lip em seu quarto. Vagou pela casa até encontrar um recado escrito à mão.
"Sinto muito por estar indo, mas é hora de voltar para casa, minha mãe me aguarda. Nunca esquecerei você e nosso amor."
Amor. Não havia amor. Ele era uma mera peça para ele, um elemento crucial para sua permanência naquele lugar e simplesmente se evadiu, escapando entre seus dedos. Enfurecido, Richard passou a vagar pela ilha em busca de informações, matando o responsável pelo porto que sequer impediu Lili de entrar no barco dos semideuses.
Em um looping de ferocidade, passou a elaborar rotas pelo mar, uma jornada de caça intensa pelo oceano. Precisava dela em suas mãos novamente, viva e domada. A conexão mágica que havia desenvolvido com ela através da manipulação emocional gerou um estranho vínculo energético onde todas as vezes que Lip usa seu poder, ele consegue ouvir a pulsação dela em seu ouvido, garantindo que ela está viva e agindo, motivo pelo qual não desistiria enquanto aquele coração pulsasse em sua mente. Para isso, planejou sua rota por um ano inteiro, estabelecendo caminhos viáveis para localiza-la.
Após isso, durante um ano e meio vagou pelo mundo, visitando ilha por ilha, caçando-a como um cão. Depois, adentrou numa viagem nos Estados Unidos, vivendo como um fugitivo do mundo grego, usando de seus poderes para subir as escadas sociais para obter recursos. O mais próximo que chegou de Lili foi uma foto retirada de um evento, onde Lili, que estava em uma missão, apareceu no fundo com um grupo de semideuses. Aquilo tornou-se sua prova cabal. Ela estava de fato no acampamento meio sangue e ele iniciou a cruzada pelo país procurando por sua obsessão, convicto que voltaria para casa na companhia de sua deusa.
Richard Kelce as Wagner Moura.
#hc#é um mega headcannon mas vai nortear todo o desenvolvimento da bichinha#e não pude resistir#hc: magia e ganância
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Greetings, welcome to the Kimetsu No Yaiba material list. Listed below are the stories I've writen and if you have any desires you'll like to summon, you more than welcome to curse my inbox or messages with them! As more is requested, or comes to mind, more characters will be added.
☆ - NSFW
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SATORU GOJO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊KENTO NANAMI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SUKUNA₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊TOJI FUSHIGURO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊SUGURU GETO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊YUJI ITADORI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊MEGUMI FUSHIGURO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊NOBARA KUGISAKI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊MAKI ZENIN₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊TOGE INUMAKI₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊YUTA OKKOTSU₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
𓋼𓍊 · ゚₊AOI TODO₊ ゚ · 𓍊𓋼
#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x reader#yuji itadori#megumi fushiguro#nobara kugisaki#maki zenin#toge inumaki#yuta okkotsu#aoi todo#gojo saturo#nanami kento#sukuna#toji fushiguro#geto suguru#oneshots#headcannons#anime x reader#anime#gender neutral reader#yandere x reader#yandere#female reader#male reader#jujutsu kaisen one shot
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Lore de los Nightmares pq quiero y porque puedo (versión extendida vip para los tumblr panas)
CW: Todo triste y edgy 😔
Su papá lo maltrataba a él y a su madre; era fumador (le dejó una quemadura de cigarrillo en la cara que tapa con el rayito) y lo golpeaba e insultaba y todo eso
mató a su mamá y lo llevaron a la cárcel, entonces Deuz se quedó solo por mucho tiempo. Eventualmente se dio cuenta de que no iba a conseguir refugio como tal y empezó a trabajar en una mecánica para poder pagar una pieza de alquiler (muy chica y fea pero solo la usa para dormir y guardar sus cosas de todos modos)
Debido al abuso y todo tiene problemas de autoestima que lo vuelven algo agresivo y muy competidor?? Obviamente mejora con el tiempo ah

Tiene a ambos padres (que de hecho son de clase alta), vive con ellos! Pero NUNCA le dan bola; incluso cuando se dieron cuenta de que salía con niños de la calle y se metía en peleas y hacía tonterías no le dicen nada mientras no los meta en la casa :p
Les roba plata y cosas cuando sus amigos lo necesitan
Ah y Jeffrey es su tío. Le da *un poco* más de bola pero. Se la pasa lamiéndole las patas a Golden tampoco es mucho...¿
Jeffrey es hermano de su padre y su mamá es re famosilla actually.
Tiene su rayito en el brazo, el suyo es puramente estético 💥
A este nadie lo quizo nunca 😭😭😭😭 nació y lo hecharon bajo el puentecito JAJAJJSJSKDK (junto con otros bebés no queridos yk. Tipico de latam)
Lo salvaron de milagro y vivía en un orfanato cerca de ahí hasta que. Se perdió. (XD)
No tiene familia, no tiene casa, ni él sabe de donde salió. Se la pasa en la calle casi todo el día, se dormiría en el frío en la basura si no fuera porque Deuz y Barbie lo suelen acojer para que no se muera DX
Tiene una herida grandota en la nuca, los dientes se los rompió alguien muy gay cuyo mayor culpable de sus actos tan infames es freddy (?)
Tengo un par de ideas curiosas también pero las sigo pensando. Idk solo diré que no es neurotípico(?
Bueno a esta también la hecharon pero un poco más grandecita (por lo menos sabía caminar y hablar lol)
Nunca conoció a su papá y su mamá fue quien la hechó
La acogieron unas señoras (son tres) las trata como a sus tías; ellas tienen muchísima vida social así que pronto se ganó el cariño de todas las doñas del barrio (?)
Una de sus tías (que de hecho tiene nombre omg!! Se llama Lucía) tiene una despensa (las otras dos se sientan enfrente todo el día para chismear); a Barbie no le gusta atender (no le sabo a las matemáticas) pero ayuda ordenando y trayendo cosas pesadas y eso :p
Tiene un gato enorme naranja
Tiene muchas cicatrices pq se pelea con medio mundo y... es bastante torpe djksmflf se tropieza con su gato x lo menos una vez a la semana pero no le digan nada o se quedan sin cabeza 😧

#ustedes viendo todo antes pq twt me da miedo 💥💥#secret silly project#fhsz3r0#fhs#fnafhs headcannon#nightmares fnafhs#oxy fnafhs#deuz fnafhs#onnie fnafhs#maggie fnafhs#bárbara romero#brayan zacarías#maggie no tiene apellido#deuz no tiene nombre todavía#ya tienen pero esos son sus tags lol#deuz saavedra#magalí souza
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#ahora que tengo su atención !!#acepto headcannons ya que no podré pasarme para todo lo que debo y responderé las convos más importante por la trama#quizás intente responder algunas cosas pero fallé estrepitosamente#🥺🥺 perdonenmen 🥺🥺#ᴡᴀʀʀɪᴏʀ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪɴᴅ ⨳.. instagram
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armando headcanons of him as a bf ?
ೃ⁀➷ SUMMARY; in which , these are my hottakes on how i think armando is as a bf. | FEAT. Armando Aretas x POC!fem!reader | TROPE established relationship | FORMAT headcannons | GENRE fluff | WARNINGS tiny bit suggestive | NOTES my man my mannnnn
` definitely the type to spoil you even if you protest against it
“Bebé déjame mimarte.”
“No, that necklace is too expensive,”
“Sabes que te lo voy a comprar de todos modos, mamá.”
` he’s a quiet man, so you two often just cuddle in silence
“Te amo” Armando whispered as you laid on his chest, his hands gently caressing your back.
` so overprotective its crazy
` always keeping an eye on you in public
` he’s not into pda, but when you two finally get alone, wheeew
“He querido arrancarte ese vestido toda la noche mamá” Armando grunted as he closed and locked the front door of your shared apartment.
“¿Qué te detiene?” You smirked in return.
` the two of you will try and do a movie night, but end up making out instead
Armando’s hands caressed every square inch of your body, as he went from caressing your back to your ass, while you straddled him on the couch the two of you were on. Your lips perfectly molded to his, as you rock your hips on his, causing him to groan into the kiss. “A la mierda la película.” He groaned, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom as you giggled in his arms.
` will teach you how to defend yourself on his days off
` 100% openly stares at what’s his
` will definitely fix your attitude
“Armando I’m not going to sit down, what the fuck?” You irritatingly stated, trying to find something on your phone after having a disagreement with him.
“No te lo voy a preguntar ni a decirte más, ven a sentarte.” He sternly said, in his calm, yet assertive voice.
` curses in spanish all the time and it’s so hot
` will say the most basic and everyday things but it gets you weak in the knees every time
Bebé déjame mimarte — Baby, let me spoil you.
Sabes que te lo voy a comprar de todos modos, mamá. — You know I’m going to buy it for you anyway, mama.
Te amo — I love you.
He querido arrancarte ese vestido toda la noche mamá — I’ve wanted to rip that dress off of you all night mama.
¿Qué te detiene? — What’s stopping you?
A la mierda la película — Fuck the movie.
No te lo voy a preguntar ni a decirte más, ven a sentarte — I’m not going to ask you or tell you again, come sit down.
©2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — SHURI'S GF. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any work posted on this blog without my permission !
#ੈ✩‧₊˚ she was a 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎#armando aretas x reader#armando armas x reader#armando aretas#armando x reader#armando armas#bad boys ride or die#bad boys for life#jacob scipio
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I just read the fernando headcannons and OMGGGG. The nsfw ones babe 😭😭 can you maybe write a NSFW nando fanfic??? Well maybe he's all riled up or something. Honestly Idc just a NSFW nando fanfic after reading the headcannons..😫
so glad you enjoyed, I loveeee writing for Nando, especially when it’s spice 😏 not sure if this is what you have in mind but I hope it does justice to the headcanons…
Fernando Alonso x Reader - Smut! Fernando gets wound up after a race gone wrong. Lucky for him you’re waiting for him nearby in the hotel room where he takes his frustration out in a more… intimate manner. tw- smutty smut legit just porn- the story goes straight to the point so yeah 18+ - talks of penetration, dirty talk, spanking, oral- everything. So sorry this is only short 🫶🏼.
“Fuck, Nando!” She sobbed, cheek pressed to the mattress, Nando’s hand pressed on her head, pinning her down as his fingers gritted together, tightening in her hair. She was on the verge of tears, sobbing and writhing in pleasure as her fiancé worked hard on top of her, back arched with her ass in the air for him. Fernando fucked into her mercilessly, he’d found a rather healthier way to let out his frustration, in a way both of them enjoyed. It worked a treat, as soon as she saw him all red faced and tense she knew exactly what to give him. Now, he’d taken charge, knelt on the bed, hips thrusting into hers like a piston as his teeth gritted, eyes scrunched shut. Nando was trembling, Y/n could feel that, his pants had soon turned into grunts and growls with each push of his rock hard cock into her tight whole.
“Muy bien. todo mimo.” (So fucking good, all mine). He struggled between squeezing his eyes shut from the blinding pleasure and watching her, the way her ass bounced on his cock, the beautiful expressions she’d make. Nando let out a louder groan, throwing his head back as he threw his whole body into each thrust, the bed beginning to squeak and thud against the wall with every movement.
It was so hot- too hot, she could feel each time the tip of his cock would hit deep inside her, one hand moved to rub at her clit and she cursed with such intensity feeling Nando work harder inside her tightening pussy. “Harder, Nando- m’ gonna fucking cum.” She wept with a moan that could wake up the whole hotel. Nando’s growled again, yanking her hips harsher into him, spurred on with the desperate moans and pleads which escaped her mouth. She’d never had anything or anybody so good, Nando was so riled up and so focused on the blinding pleasure he lost all control. She found it so fucking sexy, and when the intensity peaked in her stomach, she came undone with a yell only muffled by the bedsheets. Fernando panted, quickly, pulling her hair back so he could hear vividly every single noise she made.
Her legs trembled with each wave of her orgasm, she was moaning incoherently, head pulled back by the man behind her who hissed at the gush of her pussy against his cock. “Tan bueno. Buena niña.” (So good. Good girl). Nando praised in his native tongue, feeling his desperation only build further at the feeling of her pussy tightening around his thick cock. He could feel each throb of her pussy, each tremor, each time she whined. He was so deep inside her, sighing in ecstasy at the sound of her wetness around him. Nando let go of her hair, soothing over her scalp as she collapsed to the bed with a huff. “You made me cum so fucking hard for you, Nando.” She muttered, voice again muffled by the bedsheets as she shook her ass. Nando wasn’t done yet, he flipped her over, already feeling the calmness spread through him to see her giggle. His face was flushed and he was sweating, hair slightly sticking to his damp forehead. “Are you ok?” The Spaniard checked. “Yeah.” She’d smile in reassurance, fingers coming to dance down his spine, over his tattoo. He wasted no time kissing her again, guiding his cock inside her once again. “M’ so wet for you, god.” She cooed, irresistibly sexy as Nando’s eyes were locked on her face. He thrusted slower, hands gentle this time, as were his kisses. “Are you gonna cum for me now, Nando?” She hushed as he shuddered, pulling her legs further apart gently.
“Yes.” He hushed with a shaky sigh. “Fuck me like you did before, I fucking loved it.”
“Chica sucia.” (Dirty girl). Nando muttered. “Please, I love it.” She pressed a kiss to his jawline and it was enough for Nando to begin thrusting into her harder than he previously was. The slide of his huge cock inside her wasn’t fathomable, Nando was not surprisingly fucking amazing at this, and when his hand slapped her cheek before pinning against her neck again, they both let out a deep groan, knowing he was nearing his high. “Harder, Nando, fuck! Cum inside me. Fuck, make me all yours, Nando!” As the intensity picked up, so did the noise levels. Nando could no longer choke back the moans as he did before, he was straight up moaning and wasn’t ashamed about it. He fucked Y/n deeper, harder, faster into the mattress fists clenched as his whole body began to shake again, tense and almost bursting for release. “Please.” He hushed to nobody in particular, growling as he gripped at the bed sheets harder. “Yes, yes, yes, cum for me!” Oh fuck. Nando couldn’t control it any longer, he lost all control and felt himself beginning to cum deep inside her. His orgasm was so good he collapsed on top of her, letting out a groan with each rope of cum he shot deep inside her. “Oh my god, oh- fuck, Nando.” She hushed, fingers grazing down his neck as he shuddered again, rocking his hips ever so gently to milk the last of her pleasure. Only when he came back to earth did he notice the slight redness forming around her neck, Nando sighed, lips immediately pressing to the area. “I’m sorry, was that too much?” “No, not at all. I loved it… are you ok now?” She smiled, kissing his temple lovingly. “So much better.”
#fernando alonso x y/n#fernando alonso smut#fernando alonso#fernando alonso x reader#fernando alonso x reader smut#F1 x reader#F1 x reader smut#f1 smut
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I just wanted to draw all of them doing the dog head tilt 😭💖
Headcannon that Lil Petey does it too cause of Greg, also put my lil fan pup(kid) Gracie in there.
Sorry if my Spanish isn’t the best, I have trouble writing it but wanted to try to allow more people to be able to access and enjoy what I post :D
Solo quería dibujar a todos ellos haciendo la inclinación de la cabeza de perro. Creo que Pedrito lo haría a causa de Greg. Gracie Jr también está allí (el chico que hice para Greg y Pedro). Lo siento si mi español no es el mejor, tengo problemas para escribirlo, pero quería tratar de permitir que más personas puedan acceder y disfrutar de lo que dibujo :D

#dog man#petey the cat#lil petey dogman#dog man fanart#detey#dogman x petey#lil petey#petey x dogman#anthro#gracejr
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Wicked Fiyeraba Headcannons:
-Fiyero def sits on Elphaba’s lap
- they call each other Yero and Fae; after the Wicked Witch persona dies, they only go by Yero and Fae so less people will be able to tie them to the dead witch and the missing prince.
- one of Fiyero’s favorite activities is to have Elphaba read to him. He finds it very relaxing, and informative. (Fiyero has dyslexia and that why he doesn’t like reading himself- but dyslexia isn’t a diagnosis in Oz, it hasn’t been recogized)
- they take care of young orphaned Animals, and Fiyero got Elphaba an egg apron so she could put all the kittens/small Animals in the pockets while she was caretaking
- Fiyero likes to draw…he draws a lot of Elphaba (and the Animals, but mostly Elphaba)
- Fiyero likes to purchase Vinkun silk scarves for Elphaba. She uses some for practical embellments in her clothing- like as a belt, shawl or hair covering. Others she keeps as house clothes- like as a night shawl. There’s one though- black with red roses- that is only used during intimacy with Fiyero.
- Elphaba and Fiyero have really complex feelings about Glinda…she was Elphaba’s close and only friend for a while, but Fiyero helped Elphaba realize that Glinda treated her like crap (this is apart from not making the sacrifices to leave with Elphaba). Elphaba also had some romantic feelings towards Glinda, and does not know what to do with those feelings. Fiyero loved Glinda, but wasn’t in love with her. He is highly aware of her faults, but still misses her and feels bad for what happened. Both realize that Glinda was manipulated by the Wizard and Madam Morrible, but both also realize that only Glinda is responsible for Glinda’s actions. And can they forgive her for being an anti-Animal/Anti-Witch propaganda machine? For helping in orchestrating Nessa’s death, and creating a trap for Elphaba? They don’t know. Together, Elphaba and Fiyero write letters to Glinda that are then burned before being sent, allowing them to work through all of these feelings and trauma they have in relation to Glinda.
- Fiyero’s favorite thing todo to annoy Elphaba is to use her butt as a pillow. Elphaba hates it (but will tolerate it) and Fiyero loves it.
-Elphaba is very passionate about a lot of stuff, and has a habit of information dumping, even when it’s considered rude. Fiyero likes it, but has felt the need to coach Elphaba for when the time is appropriate to do so, after she accidentally offended Fiyero’s mother.
- Fiyero and Elphaba do the whole “3 taps means I Love You” thing
-Fiyero likes to comb/take care of Elphaba’s hair
- Fiyero is an addict, he got addicted to a ❄️-like ozian drug while in his rebellion/coping-with-being-royalty phase. He hasn’t always been completely honest with Elphaba about it, but he got clean when he joined the Gale Force. He still had carvings, especially with his chronic pain and stress, and he tries to be as honest as possible with Elphaba about his cravings. They both use 🍃 to deal with chronic pain and stress though, but in moderate amounts.
- After being tortured by the Gale Force- Fiyero develops Narceolpsey. It’s a learning curve for both him and Elphaba.
-Elphaba offered Fiyero an open relationship (not because she wanted one but because she thought he would be unhappy with just her, and the novelty would wear off). Fiyero refused (while he had been poly in the past, he refused because he knew Elphaba’s reasonings were based in her feeling inadequate and self conscious).
Hmm I’ll think of more
#elphaba#fiyero#wicked book#fiyeraba#wicked musical#broadway#wicked#fanfic#wicked movie#headcanon#wicked headcannon
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can you do an armando headcannon about how he would be when him and reader first started dating

-> synopsis. how he would be in a relationship.
-> theme: fluff w/ suggestive elements.
-> format: short headcanon/drabble
-> warnings: little bit suggestive.
-> authors note: hope you enjoy! just to keep y’all fed while I’m writing other requests!
-> he definitely seems like he would spoil you if you asked for something.
-> he wouldn’t be the one to get you something first but if you asked then you shall receive.
-> may surprise you by getting like 20 more pairs of earrings similar to the ones you initially asked for because he knew you liked them.
-> definitely NOT big on pda.
-> behind closed doors is a different story thoughhh…
-> he wouldn’t leave you alone, you could be cooking , doing household chores or even taking a shower and he’ll join you.
-> “¿Qué estás cocinando?” He would ask while feeling up on your hips and slowly migrating his hands towards your ass. “Detente, contrólate.” You would warn him.
-> There’s no escaping him really.
-> Sleeping with him is next level as well.
-> he has to has his hands around you or his legs intertwined with yours.
-> If you tried to even move an inch from him, he wouldn’t take it well. “Más vale que me mates entonces.”
-> “¡Solo quiero ir al baño!”
-> he would openly show you that your his, slapping your ass if you walked past him or whistling out loud of you looked good. “¿Qué? Todo el mundo ya sabe a quién perteneces.”
-> yet people think he’s a man that doesn’t have many words within him? not with you he’s not.
-> - don’t ever get an attitude with him also. he’ll end that real quick. “Vas a venir a sentarte o me voy a asegurar de que no puedas volver a usar esas piernas. Tu elección.”
-> yeah you made sure that you sat your ass down after that.
- “¿Qué estás cocinando?” : What are you cooking?
- “Detente, contrólate.”: Stop, control yourself.
- “Más vale que me mates entonces.”: You might as well kill me now.
- “¡Solo quiero ir al baño!”: I just want to go to the bathroom!!
- “¿Qué? Todo el mundo ya sabe a quién perteneces: What? Everyone already knows you’re mine.
- “Vas a venir a sentarte o me voy a asegurar de que no puedas volver a usar esas piernas. Tu elección.”: You’re going to come sit down or im going to make sure you won’t can’t use them legs again.
@shurisgf @milliumizoomi @sarcasticbitchsblog @loakswifesworld @5tarlan7 @amplifiedmoan @thedarkworldofhananerea @deadpool15 @wizewhispers
#armando aretas#imagines#reactions#headcanon#jacob scipio#armando lowry#armando armas#badboys ride or die#bad boys#headcannons#ghettogirly#fanfiction#fanfic#armando x reader#armando x female oc#fluff#scenarios
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jaehyun como um namoradinho manhoso ୭ headcannon gênero. fluff w. jaehyun x reader, peque menção a sexo an. volta jaejae 😭

tá, antes de tudo eu não consigo imaginar o jaehyun como um namorado manhoso no dia a dia, ele até pode ser meio clingy, tipo grudento mesmo — de tá sempre com a mão no seu bolso de trás, ou com o braço ao redor dos seus ombros —, mas dizer que ele é manhoso o tempo todo...
mas assim, imaginem comigo, ele chegando cansado do trabalho, só querendo tomar um banho e deitar no teu colo (isso faz ele dormir mais rápido). então assim que pisa os pés dentro de casa, vai procurar por você, a voz sai mais arrastada quando ele te chama e quando o jeong te acha ele vai querer ficar abraçado em você. não é boba nem nada, sabe que ele quer um carinho e não vai negar.
"oi amor, tá cansado né?! vai tomar um banho, te espero no quarto." então ele vai, meio a contra gosto, te encontra no quarto já na cama, com um livro na mão. vai até você, todo songo mongo, o coitado. o cheiro do sabonete e do shampoo dele se espalha pelo quarto todo, da batidinhas na cama, ele deita de bruços, com a cabeça em sua coxa. faz um cafuné gostoso nele, ele ronrona que nem um gatinho e quando menos percebe, ele dorme.esse cenário é o mais comum 'pra ele estar manhoso, mas o outro é:
ele te vê conversando com outro cara em uma festa aleatória, praticamente se teleporta e aparece do seu lado. rodeia os braços pela sua cintura e apoia o queixo no topo da sua cabeça. enquanto você conversa ele olha o cara, e mesmo vendo que ele não é ameaça nenhuma, continua grudado em você.mas quando chegam em casa, ao invés de sexo, ele provavelmente só vai ficar abraçado em você, vai fazer o caminho todo da porta até o quarto agarrado em ti. e depois de se desarrumarem vai pedir carinho, seja cafuné ou pede para você passar as unhas nas costas dele. ele fica todo chatinho também, murmurando que não era para você sair do lado dele e que era para você ficar grudada nele vinte e quatro horas do dia.
enfim, quem não quer um jaehyun desse 🥴...
𖹭 original @/dollechan
#★ — headcannon#jaehyun#jaehyun nct#jaehyun imagines#jaehyun fluff#jaehyun scenarios#jaehyun headcanons#nct#nct 127#nct imagines#nct headcanons#nct fluff#nct 127 imagines#nct 127 headcanons#nct 127 fluff#nct scenarios#nct 127 scenarios
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i get asked my community headcannons often, and I don't know what to say because like
jeff: bisexual with preference to women. That man will die thinking he's straight.
britta: tried being a lesbian so bad but didn't make it. Had a few girlfriends in high school but they were more platonic than anything. Maybe bisexual with heavy preference to men (HORRIBLE men, in fact)
annie: girlie thinks she's straight cause she likes twilight and abed. she likes women a lot honestly
abed: bisexual, male pronouns but simply not gender. His gender is Abed
troy: that man is gay
chang: gay
frankie: lesbian demiwoman
duncan: straight but has a weird thing for jeff. what do we think
dean: dean
alright that's it thank you guys
#nbc community#community#community nbc#jeff winger#britta perry#community tv#abed nadir#community tv show#jeff x britta#annie edison#troy barnes#trobed#abedison#abed x annie#frankie dart
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omg i just got to know u write for jjk too!! I originaly was following you because of your valorant stuff and i love your writing style and those cute gifs you add at the start of every post <3
If its not alot can you please make some short drabbles/headcannons for the jjk men (gojo, geto, nanami, toji, sukuna, choso, megumi) where its late at night you are all cuddled up and you hear something from downstairs, the man get all protective thinking its an intruder and go check it out. ( you can make it an actual intruder and add a lil fight scene or make it a racoon or a stray cat and make it cute its upto u)
Im sorry if i sound wierd english is not my first language 😅
Intruder Alert
(Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Todo, Sukuna, Choso, Megumi)
A/N : UMMM first off I read Toji as Todo soo.. sorry about that one. Second off thank you so much for the request!! I kinda made these more cracked out than I expected them to be.. I hope you still enjoy and I can always do more if you want.
CW : intruders (duh), casual murder (geto), gojo being an ominous being, Sukuna being on top of you as you wake up
Gojo :
Your body was cuddled against your boyfriend as you tried to sleep. As quickly as sleep came, it left. There was a sudden noise downstairs that made you jump.
“What was that?!” Gojo turned to you, scratching at his face.
“I don’t know. It sounded like something downstairs.” You whisper out and the blue eyed freak groaned.
“Don’t worry babe. I’ll go check it out. There’s no need to be scared.” Gojo grabbed at your hand pulling you out of the warm sheets.
“If you’re going to check it out, why are you taking me along with you?” You deadpanned as he corralled you down the stairs.
“Because babe if I die then you need to avenge me.” Gojo whispered out as he peeked around the corner. His eyes surveyed the kitchen as he crept in.
“Coast is clear- HOLY SHIT!” Gojo fell back, crawling to your feet. You watched as a raccoon jumped down from the counter, scurrying back outside from the open porch door.
“Satoru, why did you leave the backdoor open..?” You rolled your eyes as you helped the ‘strongest’ man to his feet.
“I thought you did.” He grinned as he got up and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“Why am I with you?” You chided and he just pouted.
“So mean..”
Geto :
“There’s a noise Sugu..” You whisper out as you adjust in his arms. Your eyes stare up at him as he scrolls through the TV.
“It’s probably nothing Y/N. Don’t worry.” He rubbed at your head as he continued to mindlessly stare. You heard steps creeping as you continued to lay there. You couldn’t help but feel anxious and definitely with the warrant out for your boyfriends head.
“Suguru, someone is in the house.” You plead. He only rolls his eyes as he shuffles around in bed.
“You’re fine-” His eyes widen as the door slams open, a tall man standing in the wake.
“Geto Suguru, it’s nice to finally meet you.” His grin is wicked and you crawl closer to Suguru out of fear.
“It’s not smart breaking into my house, you know.” He grabs at your form and pulls you up. Curses forming behind the estranged man as Geto frowns.
“Personal preference really. I don’t get why people consider you that strong.” The man shrugs as he gets closer and you flinch as a punch flies past your face. One of his many curses attach to the mans fist.
“Pathetic. At least I know I need to replace the lock.” Geto rolls his eyes as the man screams in agony, his head exploding from the pressure of the curse.
“Are you okay darling?” Geto bends down to run his hand across your cheek, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to your warnings before. I’ll be more observant for you.” He leaves another peck as he sets you down against the plush pillows of the bed.
“Give me a moment to clean up and we can cuddle, okay?”
You only nod as you shake from the violent attack. You knew you were always safe with him but that didn’t make you worry any less. But at the end of the day, you still had him.
“Okay.” You lean in to give him one more kiss as he goes to clean up the ‘leftovers’.
Nanami :
You were cradled in Nanami’s arms as you heard rustling around. Nanami gripped tighter at you as the noises became louder.
“Kento..” You mumbled out. His soft snores filled the room as you tried to wake him up. You squirmed around in his arms trying to get his attention. A scream left your lips as a harsh knock on the bedroom door filled the silence.
Nanami whipped straight up, gripping at his cleaver that sat on the bedside table.
“Y/N what’s wrong?” He placed a quick kiss against your forehead as another knock sounded at the door. You gave him a scared look and he squeezed your hand.
“Nanami, are you there? I just got done giving Megumi his gift so if you could open up..!” Gojo’s voice filled the silence and you let out a giant sigh. Of course it was Gojo.
“Gojo, what are you thinking sneaking into peoples houses at 3 am. Regardless of time there is a thing called privacy.” Nanami swung the door open, berating the special grade as he started to push him out. Gojo gave you a thumbs up as he sat the gift bag on the chair and continued to struggle against the blondes hold.
“Try the lemon flavor Y/N! I think you will like it!” Gojo calls out as Nanami shuts the door on his face and sighs. He comes back over to the bed, his face worn down as he falls into his pillow. You couldn’t help but laugh at the buffoonery that unfolded.
“Ken are you okay?” You rubbed at his back. He only groaned as he peeked up from the comfort of the bed.
“Can we pretend that never happened?”
Todo :
Todo’s face was buried against your chest as he snored. You ran your fingers through his hair as you continued to mindlessly scroll through your phone. You heard noises creaking against the floorboards which attracted your attention.
“What the hell?” You pushed the large man off your chest and stood up to go check out the noise.
“Huh..? Y/N..” Todo’s hand yanked you back towards the bed, his eyes pleading for you to continue cradling him.
“There’s someone there Aoi. You have to let me check.” You push his hands away much to his dismay and move to leave the bedroom. His body moves quicker than yours, ripping away at the door.
“Is someone there!?”
There was a scuttle from a thief grabbing at some of your belongings, his hands flying up as Todo stomped through the hall.
“How dare you ruin my time with Y/N?! I am disgusted!” Todo grabs the thief by his shirt and tears open the window.
“Todo, the vase!” You screech as your vase teeters and he throws the man out the window, grabbing the nice china in time.
“Stupid. Now let’s go back to the bedroom.” He dusts himself off as he grabs you with one arm and makes his way back into the room.
“Maybe we should check the door..” You gasp against his tight hold as you try to process what just happened.
“The door should try and check me!” He gloats as he places you gently on the bed, still worked up from having his precious time taken from him.
Sukuna :
Your body slid in the sheets as you felt hands gripping at your face. Your eyes slowly opened and adjusted to see the beast on top of you.
“What-” You struggled to speak as his hand pushed your cheeks together.
“Such pretty lips. All for me?” He grinned as you smacked his chest. Sadly this was a recurring theme with the two of you. Whenever Yuji lost control you always somehow had Sukuna trailing close behind you. And although you weren’t particularly happy waking up to such intrusions, you didn’t mind it either.
“Cmon.” Your voice is garbled as he pets your skin and grins.
“No scream for the intruder? I’m disappointed.” He slaps your cheek lightly, not enough to harm you but just enough to wake you up.
“You’re a piece of shit.” You roll your eyes as he chuckles and pulls you flush against him.
“You like it.”
Choso :
“Baby.. there’s something outside.” Your eyes barely peek above his arm as you hear the scratching at the window. Choso just groaned and pulled you tighter into his embrace.
“It’s okay. Just sleep..” His voice was hoarse as he patted your head. You couldn’t help but still feel anxious, tugging at him to wake up.
“Please..” You jolted as another harsh slap hit the window. Choso sat up and made an annoyed face.
“Who would be stupid enough to come here?” He stomped out of the bed and over to the window. He ripped at the curtains and opened the window.
“You think it’s funny-” Choso starts only to get backhanded by the tree arm that had apparently been smacking the window. Your eyes widened as he wiped at his face, turning to see you laughing hysterically. He let out a small laugh as he rolled his eyes.
“Glad to see you’re not worried anymore.” He slides back into bed, pulling you flush against him.
“Baby you didn’t close the window.”
Megumi :
Your body rested against Megumi’s as you both cuddled against the sheets. It was a cold night and the heater was all but broken. One of your hands rubbed at the fur of the black dog coating you like a blanket while the other rubbed through your boyfriend's hair.
There was a ruckus from downstairs, your body jolting at the sudden noise. The dog seemed to notice as well, sitting up and growling, ready to protect you and Megumi.
“There’s something..” You pushed against your boyfriend and he slowly wiped the sleep out of his eyes. You arms circled around him as his shinigami jumped down from the floor and went to go sniff out said intruder.
“If someones there we will know. Don’t worry.” Megumi stretched as he tried to get into action. He jostled himself out of the comfy position and opened the door.
“Really.” His voice was deadpan as the dog came back into the room and jumped on you, unfazed. You were confused - there had to be someone if Megumi was talking.
“Hello dearest son! I brought sweets! Oh and hello Y/N!” Gojo gives a wave as he holds a giant bag out.
“Get out.” Megumi rolls his eyes as he pushes the bag away and shuffles the sorcerer back through the house. You could only chuckle at the interaction and hope that Megumi would tell him to knock next time.
#gojo satoru#jjk gojo#gojo x reader#jujutsu gojo#gojo x reader fluff#geto suguru#jjk geto#geto x reader#geto x reader fluff#nanami kento x reader#nanami kento x reader fluff#nanami kento#todo x reader#todo aoi#todo jjk#ryomen sukuna#sukuna#sukuna x reader#choso kamo#choso x reader#jjk choso#choso x reader fluff#megumi fushiguro#jjk megumi#megumi x reader#megumi x reader fluff#jjk headcanons#jjk imagines
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Aqui estara el au del conalep tambien? 🤨 pero de todas maneras lo subo por aqui
Pequeñisimo headcannon de que a Dogman le gusta la cancion de Todo de ti de Rauwl Alejandro (si yo se 😞) y que se imagina a Petey aca todo enculadote
#my art#fanart#dog man petey#dogman#dogman x petey#detey fanart#dogman au conalep#conalep au#detey#Estoy arreglando este dibujo#cuando termine lo subo en faa
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