#todays warmup: hug with shapes
payasita · 2 days
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jedusaur · 1 year
good things this week:
my BOY my GUY my MAN Joey Daccord had to step up and play two games for the Kraken this week and he did SO GOOD Y'ALL! it was unexpected on two levels, first that it would be him getting the callup instead of Driedger and second that he would actually get the start over Jones, and he made the absolute most of the opportunity—one of the postgame talking heads was a bit of an ass about the first one because he let in four, but Hakstol understood the circumstances (one extremely weird double bounce no goalie could have done anything about, two 6-on-5 situations our guys were not defending well) and sang his praises, and we won anyway. then the second one we lost in a shootout, but the only one he let in during regulation was a rebound off a killer initial save and then he went absolute beast mode in OT, just unbelievable. there's always gonna be a Mike Smith-shaped hole in my soul, but Daccord obviously idolized the guy when he was at Arizona State and plays so much like him that watching him really feels a little like coming home <3
really enjoyed this week's Ted Lasso ep, especially (spoiler warning) the part where Jamie sees Roy and Keeley leaving in two different directions and it's set up to make you think he's gonna go after Keeley to hit on her now that she's single again but instead HE GOES AFTER ROY to ineptly attempt empathy and hugs <333
listened to Debby Friday's debut album four times yesterday and three times so far today, I am so so so so into it
after some disappointing incidents with NHL pride nights, something cool happened with my local junior league team, the Thunderbirds—they didn't have an official pride night planned this season, so the fans just... made one happen themselves! the T-Birds have the only out gay player in the WHL, Luke Prokop, and EVERY SINGLE PLAYER used rainbow stick tape during warmups for this UNOFFICIAL pride night in support of their teammate, AND some of them kept the tape during the game. which, listen, I use Pride tape myself, but only on parts of the stick I don't have to handle the puck with, because real talk it is some crappy-ass tape, and any serious hockey player would know that just from touching it, so these guys were basically saying that supporting their teammate was more important to them than being good at hockey, and I just have a whole lot of feelings okay
Dallas has a goalie named Jake Oettinger whose nickname is Otter and he has lil cartoon otters painted on his goalie mask, which delighted both rocket bae and my mom (both big otter fans)
I started explaining what was going on during a Kraken game to Steph and she was like "I understood the goalie interference part" I'm so proud <3
I cut my hair and it feels very nice to not have all that shagginess on my neck
got two of the other Lammy-nominated anthologies from the library and they're both so impressive! (also both extremely different from each other and from Xenocultivars, doesn't really seem fair to compare us all tbh, but I guess that's just how it goes with awards)
rearranged my room to bring in a comfy chair and in the process found the fucking laptop I was 100% convinced must have gotten stuck in with rocket bae's stuff in storage because I had looked absolutely everywhere, including the place it actually was at least 3 times *eyeroll* but it has been found, hallelujah
made salted millionaire's shortbread and I'm gonna go bring some to a few local friends sometime this weekend, love sharing food with my people :)
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birdsandspades · 4 years
I Was Never Good at Waiting (Sugawara X Reader) Chapter 6
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- It was your last year in highschool, everything had been going smoothly until you got assigned the new teacher. Sugawara Koushi was handsome, maybe too handsome for his own good. Be he wasn't flirting with you right, teachers shouldn't do that....I guess we will see where this year goes.
Word Count - 5,459
It had been a few weeks since you last spoke to Sugawara. You weren’t really sure what words to say to him at this point. Sure you were still mad, he was after all a huge ass for talking to you the way he did. But you couldn’t help but feel bad for your actions as well. For all you knew, the sweet glances, the soft smiles, the entrancing conversations. Well maybe you had exaggerated his intentions a little. Maybe he was just uncomfortable, stuck in a situation he didn’t know how to escape. But god dammit, you were not going to ask him for help with your math homework. 
Your grade had tanked in the last few weeks. You did the work, put in all the motions. But your brain just wasn’t soaking up the sweet, sweet academic knowledge. This was the reason Oikawa was stationed at your dining room table, looking through your math book just as confused as you had moments before. 
You had tried to call Iwaizumi for the extra help instead, but he was on a romantic getaway with his significant other. “Call Tooru-sensei F/N, you know he would come if you asked.” Iwaizumi was clearly not interested in helping you, even if he was home you would have been out of luck.
“But you were the one who tutored him in school Hajime. Do you really think he's gonna be any help to me?” You groaned in response.
He knew you had a point. The boy’s brain only operated on three levels, volleyball, girls, and a very small sliver, an absolutely miniscule piece, was dedicated to harassing you.“Figure it out F/N, I'll see you at the spring tournament ok?” Iwaizumi tried his best to understand your situation, but that didn’t mean he wanted to actively continue this conversation. 
“Ok Hajime.” Your voice was soft, not wanting to press the matter further. You listened as the line died, your only hope fading out with it.
Now that you thought about it, you might feel worse for Oikawa at the moment. He was clearly about to blow a gasket trying to figure out where the X went in your problem. “This one has a typo, let's skip ahead.” 
You rolled your eyes as he turned to the next page of your book. “Senpai, you’ve said that about the last five problems.”You were getting annoyed now. He had skipped over almost every problem you attempted so far. These were only the warmup questions, what would happen when he got to the actual work?
He looked up, frowning at your displeased tone.“Well maybe they should have checked over the book better.” He shrugged slightly, lowering his shoulders in defeat. 
This man was no help. 
“Snacks incoming!” Your mom smiled, leaning over the table to set down the plate in her hand.
She had come home for the weekend with your grandfather to check in on you. They would make the trip maybe once a month just to make sure you were well stocked on food and the bills were getting paid. She had been pleasantly surprised to find Oikawa with you when she returned home from shopping. Giddy to dot on the boy while she had the chance.
She loved him, and always had. She thought of you two as inseparable, even now when his job took him across the ocean. Wherever you went, he was never hard to find. Whether it be phone calls, strange gifts that reminded him of you, or even visiting whenever he had the free time. She knew he would always be near. That was one reason she agreed to let you stay home while she was in Tokyo. Even when she was gone, you were safe with him. He would do anything for you, that was perfectly clear. 
“Tooru don’t work so hard honey.” She cooed, rubbing small circles into his back. 
 “Mom, what about me? It's my homework.” You whined at the lack of attention, pulling the book from Oikawa’s hands.
Wiggling a finger your way she shook her head. “You need to work harder! You're failing the class, not him.” She frowned your way as you sank into your chair.
You felt defeated. Between your useless cousin, the single brain cell Oikawa had, and your  grumpy mother it was inevitable. You slapped your hands together, bowing your head in prayer. “I know we don’t talk often, but please don’t make me have to ask Sugawara-sensei for help on Monday. Kill me instead, anything but talking to him.”
“F/N, don’t start praying! I’ll figure it out! I’m sure I can find the X...” He pulled the book from your hands, frantically flipping through the pages.
The weekend came to an end, and you were in no better shape for your class. Your mother and grandfather had left Sunday night to return to Tokyo, the trip home ending far too soon.  
“F/N, make sure you water the garden once a day ok, and don’t stay up all night playing video games. That animal island game can wait, Pudge, that's his name right? Well he can wait for your homework to be done, and please stop eating spicy ramen for every meal. Your tummy is gonna hurt.” She rambled on as she checked that all the bags were lined up at the train station stop. She looked back up at you, letting out an exaggerated sigh. She grabbed the sides of your open coat, pulling it together roughly as she zipped it up to your chin. “And wear your coat properly, you’ll catch cold like that!”
The train rumbled into the station, easing to a stop at the yellow lines in front of you and your family. The doors slid open, a small rush of passengers exiting as they continued on their ways.
“Ok mom, bye love you!” You hugged her tightly before spinning her around. You gave her a light push as she grabbed her bags, walking her to the open doors. You turned around, chuckling at your amused grandfather. You walked over to him, resting into his outstretched arms. You looked up, nose brushing his coat as you smiled. “Please don’t ever change grandpa, you're the only normal member of our family.” 
He smiled back down at you, giving you a reassuring squeeze.“I love you too peaches, everythings gonna turn out just fine, I promise.” He gave you a wink, his hand dipping into your coat pocket. “Don’t waste it!” He teased, as leaned over to pick up his bag. 
You watched as he joined your mother on the train, waving at you as he sat down. The train doors closed, pulling away from the station as it continued on to Tokyo. You reached into your pocket, pulling out a folded 2,000 yen note. You laughed as you put it back. “How does grandpa always know what to say, truly a man of infinite wisdom.” You waved the train off as it disappeared down the tracks.
You had snoozed your alarm one too many times Monday morning, finally realizing your mistake twenty minutes before your first train left the station. You would have loved to say you were up all night doing something fun, maybe beating Doom for the third time this month, or catching up on your manga. But you had woken up at the table in your room, drool sticking the homework you had used as a pillow to your face.
You were rushing to get ready, throwing on your uniform as you frantically stuffed your books into your bag. Before long you were out of time, tripping down the stairs as you pulled up your sock. You had no time for lunch, you didn’t even have time to fix your bedhead. You ran out the front door, relying on the auto lock as you sped towards the main road. You attempted to tie your hair up as you rounded the corner to the crosswalk, the red hand illuminated from the other side of the road. You looked at the pole, both hands occupied in your mess of hair. You lifted your leg, kicking the button a few times as you impatiently waited for your turn to cross.  Once it did you bolted across the street, shouting apologies as you pushed your way down the stairs and toward your approaching train. You barely squeezed past the closing doors, still attempting to catch your breath as the train pulled away from the station.
Collapsing into your seat you pulled out your bag to check that you had everything for your day. Homework (still kinda wet), text books, lunch (if you could call a bag of chips lunch), practice gear. Where was your practice gear? You attempted to recall your morning, thinking back to the last time you had everything in your sight.  
“So I woke up, got dressed, put on my sweater backwards, put my things on the table, made lunch, and then I….left it on the fucking table.” The train pulled into it's first stop, the doors opening for the waiting passengers. You stood up, pushing your way past the crowd as you ran for the next train home. This just wasn’t your day.
You couldn’t believe how late you were when you finally made it to the school. “It’s 9:30, i’m screwed.” You mouthed, taking your tardy slip from the office attendant. You rushed up the school stairs, trying to make it to your classroom as fast as possible. As if that would change the fact that you were an hour late to school. You ran a sweaty hand over your messy hair before pulling the classroom door open. You closed it quietly, turning around slowly to an empty classroom.
Sugawara sat with his feet propped up on the desk at the front of the room. His phone in his hands as he scrolled through emails. 
“Sensei, i’m sorry i’m late...” You mumbled, looking at the rows of empty desks. You made your way to the front of the room, setting the tardy slip on his desk.
“L/N-san, why aren't you on the bus? They are leaving for the field trip!” Sugawara’s eyes went wide as he looked up at you from his phone. He stood up from his seat, glancing between you and the piece of paper. 
“Field trip? Was the field trip to the science museum today?” Your face dropped as you realised just what day it was. Sure it was Monday, the first Monday of the month. The first Monday of the month when they take all the students to the 3M Sendai Science Museum.
“Maybe we can still get you on the last buses?” Sugawara wrapped a hand around your wrist, pulling you behind him as he ran down the hallway and out to the south gym. 
“How are they already all gone…” Sugawara knew the last bus had left at 9:00, but he had hoped to at least see some transportation left.
You looked at the empty lot, not a single bus in sight. What were you going to do now, they had shipped out the entire school for this field trip. 
“Is there any way we can get her to the museum, I could drive her?” Sugawara was now at the front office, nervously talking with the secretary. 
“I’m sorry, but she’s just going to have to spend the day in her classroom.” The woman gave you an apologetic look. She mouthed a few words to Sugawara, too quiet to make out before walking back to your desk.
Sugawara turned back to you, motioning for you to follow him back to the classroom as he walked past you.
 Once you got back to the classroom you made your way to your desk, silently sliding into your seat. You looked over to your teacher, shifting uncomfortably as your eyes met his.
“Well you can work on any extra work you have. If you have any questions, i'll be in my office.” He leaned back on his heels before turning to enter his office. The door clicked closed behind him, the only sound left being the ticking of the clock on the wall.
You nodded to yourself, excepting that again today was just not your fucking day.
You had finished most of your work by 11:00, but the day was far from over. You looked at your last assignment, the creased ends of the page sticking out of the end of your math book. You had saved it for last for no other reason then to not do it. But the day was moving by so slowly, and you were going to have to finish it eventually.
“I might as well ask, i’m not going to finish this by myself.” You pulled at the paper, sliding it out of the book inch by inch. You could see the mess of work etched into the white sheet, the ghosts of prior mistakes partially erased in the background. “Sensei, could you help me with this problem?” You squeaked out the question, holding your breath as you listened for movement behind the office door. “Maybe if he doesn’t hear me I can just give up and take a nap.” You weren’t quiet enough, the door opening as Sugawara made his way over to your desk.
Sugawara pulled a chair over from the adjustment desk, taking a seat next to you. He motioned for you to show him the question, looking down at the paper in front of you. You felt it was better for him to just see the whole paper at this point. You slid the work to him, watching as his face contorted in confusion. He picked up your pencil, marking spots as he attempted to work through whatever thought process you had had. 
“Oikawa tried to help me…” You added, hoping he wouldn’t think all the stupidity on the paper was you. 
Laying it back in front of you, he handed you back your pencil. “You're close, it's a simple mistake really.” He leaned over the desk, resting his elbow on the table and his head in his hand as he guided you through your missteps. 
You always loved how he would say that. “A simple mistake. ”Like it was easily fixable. It made your confidence skyrocket, that's probably why he was such a good teacher. You watched him work through a few, briefly stopping at each step to check back in with you. 
“Yeah, you got it, see I knew you could do it!” His brilliant smile made your stomach flutter. It was a fleeting slight, soon he had turned his attention back to the problems. 
“Thank you sensei.” You smiled to yourself, moving on to the next question on your sheet.
 After a few minutes Sugawara had deemed you on the right path, standing up to return to his office. He closed the door, leaving a small gap as he disappeared from view.
“And he’s gone…” You had liked the company, a pleasant change from the quiet classroom you had been sitting in for the past three hours. 
A few minutes later he emerged from his office, ,a stack of papers in hand as he walked over to his desk. Sitting down, he propped his feet up on the desk. He set a small pile of papers on his lap, pulling the cap off a red pen as he started to grade. He peaked up for a moment, giving you a quick smile before turning over the paper in his hand.
You watched him for a while, taken aback by his sudden change of mood. For weeks he had been cold and distant, avoid you like the plague. But here he was, choosing to sit in the same room, smiling at you. It was baby steps, but steps nonetheless. 
It had felt like you were a flower living under perpetual clouds, but the sun had started to return, and you were basking in it. 
“Sensei?” You called out, pulling nervously at your sleeves.
He looked up at you again, his eyebrow knitting together. 
“It was now of never, just fucking say it, get it over with and say it.” You straightened up in your seat, leaning towards the edge of your chair.“Sensei i’m sorry. What I said was uncalled for, I should have just told you I didn’t want to continue the tutoring lessons. I…my actions were uncalled for and I'm sorry if I put you in an awkward situation.” You looked down at your hands, fingers digging into the material of your skirt. You felt a hand on your head, gently patting your hair down. You tilted your head up slightly, blushing as you met Sugawara’s bright smile.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come off so harsh. You had a right to be uncomfortable talking to me about it.” His voice was soothing, his smile turning soft. His irises twitched, sadness washing over the brown hues as he pulled his hand away. 
“Could we maybe, start over. I really was grateful for you helping me.” You stood up, attempting to stand eye level with the person in front of you. 
Sugawara contemplated the question, uncertainty pulling at his lips. “I don’t know L/N-san, I’m pretty busy.” 
You frowned at his answer, he did have a life after all. Probably friends, pets, maybe even a girlfriend. Of course he would rather spend his time after school with them, not tutoring a student on a subject he didn’t even teach.
“But, if you can promise me you’ll show up. I can give you back your Mondays and Fridays.”He shrugged lightly, amused with your reaction.  
“Thank you so much Sensei, I-i’ll do anything to make up for it!” You bounced up and down on your heels, absolutely ecstatic.  
He cocked his eyebrow at the word anything, chuckling to himself. “Just make sure you make it to the Spring tournament.” He made his way back to his desk as you sat back down.
You had missed the sun.
The rest of the day came and went, the ticking of the clock no longer ringing in your empty ears.
You had finished your work right as the lunch bell rang, officially all out of schoolwork for the day. You and Sugawara ate lunch together in the classroom, taking the time to go over extra problems from your math book. 
“So, if you take away 47, add these totals together and...are you just eating a bag of chips for lunch?” He stared at you in horror as you pulled out the bag, his stomach hurting for you. 
“I um, didn’t have time to make a...yeah, this is all i'm eating. You're looking at me like my mom…” You shrank in your seat, pulling the bag closer. 
He shook his head at you before continuing the lesson. 
The rest of the day you spent in his office, looking over all his belongings as he typed away on his computer. 
“Hey, can you get out of my things. Don’t you have something to do?” He groaned, watching you pick through his book collection.
“Yeah, annoy you.” You rested your finger on a blue book, sliding it out of it's stop. You flipped through the pages, walking over to sit down on the couch.
“Comfy?” he laughed, watching as you rolled over. Your back now on the seat cushions as your head fell off the side of the sofa.
You let your feet rest on the windowsill, crossing your legs as your back sank into the couch. You looked up at him, tilting your head to see him peering down at you. “Yes, quite.” You giggled, laying your head back down.
Once school had officially ended he walked you to the front doors, waving a goodbye as he watched you walk down the courtyard and towards the school gates. The school buses wouldn't be returning for another two hours, but you had no real reason to stay past the normal school hours. Practice had been canceled for the day ,making your extra trip home useless. “But the day hadn’t gone to waste” ,you thought, smiling to yourself.
“Koushi, you're coming out. You’ve been so moppy for weeks. Get ready and i'll send you the address.” Daichi yelled into the phone, already at the bar. 
Sugawara ended the call with Daichi and sighed. He just wanted to spend his weekend relaxing, not at some dive bar. But his friends had been harassing him for weeks about not coming out. He was having a hard time coming up with excuses at this point.
 It was already Saturday, an entire week had flown by. You and him were civil again, but not completely the same. He wasn’t sure what to do. Should he leave things as they were, at least you were talking. Or should he press furth, see how close he could get to crossing the line with you. He just didn’t know, and being here tonight wasn’t going to help that.
Sugawara walked into the tiny dive bar, looking around for his friends in the crowd of people.  He found them at the bar, shoulders pressed against the other bar patrons as they attempted to wave down the bartender.Sugawara set a hand on each of their shoulders, turning them slightly to greet them. 
“You're here!” Daichi smiled, pulling his friend into a hug.
“We honestly didn’t expect you to come.” Asahi laughed, joining in the reunion.
“Well I wouldn’t have picked this place…” Sugawara looked around at the overly packed bar. “Why is it so busy, isn’t this place little dated for all these kids?” Sugawara looked around at the adolescents crowding the stage area, grimacing. He wasn’t much older, but he had never much liked his age group. 
“Some pop punk band is playing tonight, I guess they are big with the college students.” Asahi smiled, leaning against the bar to order. 
“So who’s the girl that has you so worked up?” Daichi questioned, shouting over the bar noise.
‘’No girl, just work.” Sugawara scowled at Daichi, a warning for him to stop prying. 
“I know that look Koushi, who’s the girl?” He had been friends with Sugawara for long enough to know the difference in his moods. Work made Sugawara grumpy, and girls made him moody. He knew the difference.
Sugawara sigh. “It doesn't matter, we're technically not allowed to be talking anyways.”
Asahi offered Sugawara a bottle, nudging him as he took it. “You got a crush on one of your coworkers?”
“Yeah, something like that.” Sugawara rolled his eyes, bringing the bottle to his lips.
Daichi laughed as the house lights went down, the crowd cheering.
“Hi, we're Systematic. We have some shirts and stuff for sale at the front if you're into that.”You turned to your drummer as he counted off for the song to start. “This is “Painkiller.”
He couldn’t fucking believe it, that was you, in a band, playing at a bar, right in front of him. 
“Hey, they actually sound pretty good. The singer is kinda cute!” Daichi laughed, pointing towards you.
“I'm being punished right? I did something awful in my past life and that's why all of this is happening.” Sugawara turned towards his friends, clasping his hands together. “Kill me please.”He pleaded to his friends, desperation in his eyes. 
“I can’t hear you!” Asahi furrowed his eyebrows as Koushi’s lips continued to move, raising a hand to his ear.
“You could hit me with your car, or mine, maybe throw me off a cliff.” It was useless, his friends were absorbed in the song. Completely ignoring his impending break down, too fascinated with the bubbly girl bouncing around onstage. 
As the first song came to an end, a stagehand met you with a guitar and a water bottle at the edge of the black curtains. You took the guitar from her, adjusting the strap as you walked back over to the microphone. “Today’s set is short, but we will be at Kyoritsu Kodo next month. Door price is set at 4,000, so show up and support Ryu’s bleach addiction.” You laughed as you threw a guitar pick at the bass player. 
He ducked out of the way, flipping you off. 
You counted off the next song and the band started, the upbeat tempo resonating through the crowd. 
He had to admit, you looked happy. The way you bounced up and down along with the drums made him smile. He would have maybe picked a warmer outfit if he were you, but the new look was refreshing to say the least. 
You had on a black sweater dress, one size too big as it hung off your shoulder. The purple of your thigh high socks peaked out from your equally high black boots. He could faintly make out a small bow on each side of the straps most likely connected to the garters further up your legs. He was trying to leave most of that to the imagination.
“This is all too much…” His face was growing hot as he watched you dance around the stage. Prompting the crowd to move along with you as you sang into the microphone.“At Least she dances like an old lady, that's helping a little.” 
You stretched out your arm, turning the microphone to the crowd. Beaming as they sang the chorus back to you.
He had seen that smile only a handful of times. He saw it when you were walking in the hallways with your friends, laughing as they argued. He saw it while setting yourself up for a serve. And he saw it now as you closed your eyes, basking in the crowd singing along. 
The final cords played as you opened your eyes again. “So that was our rendition of “Sports”, next is a song I wrote on the train last week. It’s the byproduct of a broken heart and shoujo binge reading.” You chuckled awkwardly as your band tuned for the song. “So this is “All I Wanted.” You slid the microphone back into the stand, adjusting it to reach your lips.
Sugawara pushed forward, moving through the crowd in an attempt to see you better.
“Hey Koushi is moving up to the stage, lets go!” Daichi grabbed Asahi’s arm, pulling him along as he fought to keep up with Sugawara.
Sugawara stopped a few feet away from the stage, worried you would see him in the crowd if he got any closer. Sugawara was losing himself as he watched you, your hands gripping the microphone stand for support as you sang. The song was different from the rest, sadder, full of emotions. It was you, more so than the rest. He started to wonder who you had written it for, who had given you so many different feelings. Maybe Yoshiki, you two seemed close enough for that. 
The band cut off, leaving you alone. He saw the tears lining your lashes as you belted into the microphone, eyes closed tight. “All I wanted was you!” The band came back on your last note, the full sound reverberating around the full room. Sugawara bit his lip, fighting back the emotions that flooded his mind. He could see the hurt you held as you opened your eyes, the glistening of forming tears reflecting the stage lights as you looked into the crowd.
The song ended too soon, the house lights rising. You pulled at your sleeve, wiping at your eyes as you waved a goodbye. “Thanks for coming out, I'm Kiko and we are Systematic.” You smiled brightly, trying to take in the faces in the crowd one last time. Your rotation stopped on a familiar pair of hazel eyes, your own growing wide as you looked his way.
“Did she see me? She looked right at me…” Sugawara thought. He stood still, like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming truck. 
Your face dropped as the realization set in, turning abruptly to make your way off the stage.
 “She definitely saw me.” Sugawara groaned.
You were trying to pack up and leave when you heard shouting from the stage. You grabbed a handful of wires, stuffing them into a bag as you rushed to finish. 
“Hey, you can’t go backstage!” A stagehand yelled from behind the curtains.
“Koushi, what the hell are you doing? Get off the stage!” You couldn’t pick out the voice from the dissipating crowd, turning to see what exactly was going on.
You watched Sugawara push through the curtains, frantic eyes scanning for you. Panic setting in when you saw him push past a stage hand, his heated gaze on you.
You tried to crawl through the clothing rack behind you, the exit in sight as you pushed through the other side. A rough hand grabbed the collar of your dress, yanking you back out into the open.“Hi, sensei...what are you doing here?” You awkwardly laughed, looking for someone to save you.
“What am I doing here?” He laughed as he grabbed your forearm, pulling you towards the emergency exit. He pushed open the door, forcing you through before slamming it closed behind him.“Explain.” He glared down at you, blocking your escape.
You felt like you were under a search light, people staring at you as they walked by the fence. 
He waited for your response, looking over your face as you avoided his eye contract. “Can you please just tell me what is going on, and why you're at a dive bar at 11 p.m on a Saturday night.”His tone was softer now as he crossed his arms over his chest, his heated gaze easing into a warm stare. 
You might as well just get it all out. You took a deep breath, finally meeting his eyes.“So freshman year I really liked this band called Bunny, and I would go watch them at the university all the time. But the singer quit last year and they started up Systematic with the remaining members, but they needed a singer and I like singing. But I was only 17 at the time and they were looking for someone older. So I kind of auditioned as Kiko, a 21 year old college student. I don’t drink or do anything illegal...like super illegal. Because you know that me being in the bar is illegal because I'm only 18, but that's probably why you're mad. It’s just bars are the only shows we can get, and we're working hard to get a venue show and we have one next month. Sensei please don’t tell them how old I am. This band means the world to me.” Your shrank into your words, confidence dying.
He looked at you in shock at the paragraph you had just word vomited out. His attention turned away from you as the emergency door flung open. 
“Koushi what the fuck?” Daichi spat, looking between the two of you as Asahi followed behind him, apologizing to security on his way out the exit.
You looked at Sugawara, pleading him not to say anything. 
“This is the girl.” He sighed, it was this or exposing you. At least only one person suffered with this explanation. 
“This is THE girl?” Asahi gave his friend a confused look, pointing back and forth between the both of you.
“Wait, that sad song. Was that about him?” Daichi pointed to Sugawara, holding in a laugh. 
You shrugged slightly, nodding. Things honestly couldn't be going any worse.
“Ok, ok we're done here, shows over!” Sugawara grabbed Daichis arm, tugging him as he walked to the parking lot. He turned around, scowling.
“Th-thank you Suga...Koushi!” You stuttered out, giving him an awkward wave.
He mouthed a silent “We are talking about this tomorrow.” Turning back around to yell at his friends.
You were in some serious trouble, maybe it was time to make that cake.
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*Hi, I just want make a disclaimer that I do not own any of the song's or art I used for this chapter or any others. Beach Bunny wrote Sports, and Painkiller. Paramore wrote All I Wanted ,and I wrote this mediocre fanfiction. I also want to say thank you for those of you reading this! It means alot that you would take the time to read it as the story unfolds! I hope your enjoying it, and if you have any thoughts, criticisms, or advice I would love to hear it! I am very much an amature at writing, but I want to give you the best chapters I can. So thank you again!*
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Somebody to love pt.1; Queen x reader x oc male
*Author’s note*
Alrighty party people here we go, the second to last chapter I have for you all today. Now there is something new I wanna try, for some chapters like these two and some in the future based on what I write, I will include a music playlist for you all to listen to in order to help set the mood based on whatever is going on in the chapter. So below the tag list I’ve included the music playlist.  It would be great if you all listened to the playlist but again you don’t have to, it’s just while I’ve been reading and making changes to these last two chapters, this idea’s been playing in my head. And if any of you have suggestions for music choices, don’t be shy to send me an inbox. Cause I’ll be needing some in the near future.
Taglist (open as always)
Music Playlist: *recommended to listen to the following songs to fit the chapter*
Somebody to Love- Queen
All out of love- Air Supply
****Cant fight this feeling- REO Speedwagon
Careless Whisper- Wham
*August 21st, 1983*
It was too late.  Jack was leaving today and with the Angel-Queen tour kicking off in London tonight, there was no time for me to say goodbye to Jack one last time before he went back to America.
It was 5 minutes till showtime and 5 minutes till Jack left for America.  I was still in my dressing room when I heard a knock at my door.  I turned around and said.
“It’s open.” Peeking in was Rog.
“Hey, how you doing darling?”
“Compared to the first time that Freddie and you lot had me sing for the very first time. I’d say I’ve got some butterflies.”
“You’ll do fine as always, we’re right there with you. And this time you won’t be touring alone so I hope you can deal with sharing the spotlight.” I smiled softly but Roger seemed to notice that something was off. “You okay love?”
“Yeah, I’m great Rog.”
“No you’re not. C’mon the boys and I know you better than you think. Every time I crack a joke your smile always reaches your eyes, this one didn’t. So come on tell me what’s going on?” He sat down on my mini loveseat right by my makeup dresser where I was sitting at on the chair.
“Jack’s heading home tonight.” With that his face grew solemn and he understood where I was going.
“Do you—do you wish to say one final goodbye to him? We can hold the concert as long as you need to.”
“No, besides he’s probably already on board the plane right now. Roger can I ask you something? And can you be brutally honest like how you are when interviewers ask you about different music.”
“I’m almost afraid to answer but go ahead.”
“Was it a mistake? Seeking a friendship with Jack the way I did, knowing that I may never see him again.” He sighed deeply and he said.
“God I wish you asked this question to Brian, he’s better at stuff like this than me, but I’ve told you before and I’ll keep telling you; seeing you with Jack I’ve never seen you happier. When you first started working for Jim all those years ago when Adam was still in the picture, any mentions of him there was just this dull look in your eyes and your face never glowed, not like when you would work or when it was just the five of us. But this summer, ever since meeting Jack it’s like you’re a brand new woman. All smiles and giddy like you’re still that school girl we met. And we’re glad that he saved you from that rotter reporter and that we could trust someone to look after you when we couldn’t.”
I looked at Roger at his confession.  Even with the bad boy reputation he’s always made himself to have, I’m lucky to be one of the most fortunate people to see this caring side he has.  This loyal, protective yet pure nurturing side of him.
“And like Brian sometimes rambles on, the stars always align back in some shape or form, if you really care for Jack then maybe this won’t be the last time you two will see each other.”
“Thanks Rog, that really means a lot.”
“I’m always here for you love, no matter what.” He said as kissed my forehead before embracing me into a warm bear hug.  I felt him rub my back then he said. “Come on, Fred wants to run some vocal warmups with you before the show.” I nodded and followed him to the guys dressing room.
The concert soon began and the boys started off first by opening up the arena with “We will Rock you” followed by “We are the Champions.”  As the night went on and I was introduced on stage to sing a duet with the boys for one of my favorite songs of theirs, “Somebody to love.”
As Freddie began on the piano and I was backup vocals for the first part of the song, I began to think back on this entire summer ever since I met Jack.  In fact I was so deep in thought that I had completely missed my cue to sing.
Suddenly realizing, I did the only thing that I could do to get some space from the audience as well as the boys, I ran off stage.
From the wings I could hear the crowd crying in commotion demanding to know what the hell was happening, I was then stopped by one of my agents who said.
“(Y/n) get back up on that stage now!”
“Ian I’m sorry but I have to get to the airport and fast!”
“You are not going anywhere unless it’s back on that stage! You’ve already caused an uproar now go back up there and fix it!”
“(Y/n)!” I turned around and saw the boys running towards me and Freddie asked me.
“(Y/n) darling what happened up there? Are you alright?”
“No I—I have to get to the airport. I’m….I’m in love with Jack!” The boys looked at me before looking at each other before all four of them screamed out.
“About bloody time!!!”
“What now?” I questioned.
“Darling you really are dense sometimes. We all knew you were in love with the boy even when you kept denying it.” Explained Freddie.
“Although if you had mentioned a week earlier, I would’ve won the bet.” Deacy piped in.
“The bet? You guys made a bet on me!?!?”
“We’ll explain later darling, right now let’s get you to the airport and find Jack.”
“I can’t no it’s too late he’s probably thousands of feet in the air by now. His flight took off at the start of the concert.” I said.
“We may not know that, remember all global flights usually are delayed nine times out of ten, remember all the delays we had. If we hurry we can get you there and to Jack before it’s too late.” Said Roger.
“Great idea Rog, everyone to the car!” Freddie cried as the five of us raced out of the arena and to the garage parking lot.
We all piled in one of the limo cars and Roger took the wheel and turned the engine on before flooring it out of the garage and onto the road.
“But how do we know his flight wasn’t one of the ones to be delayed? God I wish we had phones that we could carry wirelessly so that I could get a hold of him and find out.”
“Well right now we’ll have to improvise,” Deacy then took the in-limo phone and began dialing the number of the London airlines airport. “Yes hello this is John Deacon and I would like to know the situation of a non-stop flight to Kansas City?” There was silence as John nodded and he said. “Uh-huh, flight delayed by an hour, okay,” he pulled the phone away and said to me, “You are so lucky, and for what its worth a 2 hours early notice would’ve been sufficient to.”
“I’m sorry alright, now what else do they have to say?” John put the phone back to his ear and he said.
“Okay, anyone I want to get in contact with?” I shook my head no but the boys egged me on and I refused because I wasn’t going to do a phone confession, I wanted it to be face-to-face. “No, no but do you mind telling me the gate number?” There was silence again. “Gate 21A, okay thank you very much, have a good evening too.” With that he hung up the phone.
“So do we have time?” Brian asked.
“Yes, they’re boarding now because of the delay, apparently there was a storm and the plane had to wait for bad turbulence to clear out of Kansas. We can make it.”
“Step on it Rog!” Proclaimed Freddie.
“Alright hang on back there.” With that the limo sped faster as we tried to reach the airport in time.
Finally we arrived at the airport and we raced through the gates trying to find the one that Jack was going to be one.  Once we found his gate, I saw a whole bunch of people in line blocking any hope of finding Jack.
“Do you—do any of you see him?” I asked frantically.
“I can’t see him.” Brian said.
“Jack? Jack Kline?!” I cried out.
“There he is!” Roger shouted as just going through the doors was Jack.
“Jack! Jack!”
“Whoa, whoa excuse me ma’am, do you have a boarding pass?” The gatekeeper stopped me from going through the doors.
“No, no I just need to talk to the boy who just walked through those doors.”
“I’m sorry, but you cannot go any further without a boarding pass.” He told me.
“No, no you don’t under—”
“JACK GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!!!” Never have I heard Deacy scream so loud before in my entire life, and I’m betting the boys hadn’t either.  Suddenly Jack came out confused but his confusion soon turned to shock as he said.
“What the….Oh my God what are—what are you guys doing here? I thought the kickoff tour was tonight?”
“Okay, tell him now.” Deacy demanded as he gently pushed me towards Jack.
“What? Tell me what? (Y/n) you’re scaring me, what is it?” I pulled Jack aside away from the gate as I said.
“Okay the thing is……”
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Don’t go.” I finally confessed.
“Please, please stay with me, I am so in love with you Jack Kline. Please don’t go.” He looked at me in shock as he muttered.
“Oh my god.”
“I know, I know. I shouldn’t have waited till now to say it but I was stupid. Okay I was stupid and scared because of my last relationship but I can’t deny it anymore. I’m in love with you Jack Kline. And I know I’m asking you to leave everyone at home behind you but please, please stay with me. Come on tour with me.” I took his hands in mine as I finally whimpered out, “Please don’t get on this plane.” He looked at me sadly then before he could answer the gatekeeper said.
“Sir, are you boarding the plane?” Jack turned to him but I turned his head back around to face me and said as I cupped his face in my hands.
“Hey, hey. I know you’re scared. But we can make it work, just please. Please stay.” I stroked his cheeks with my thumbs as tears brimmed in my eyes.
“Sir” the gatekeeper stated firmly one last time.
“I—I….I have to get on the plane.”
“No you don’t.” I whimpered out.
“Yes I do.” He choked out.
“No you don’t.”
“I do, my family’s waiting for me (y/n). I can’t do this right now, I just can’t I’m sorry.” He broke away from me. I stepped towards him whimpering out his name and he said as he gave the gatekeeper his ticket before turning back towards me and he whispered one last time. “I’m so sorry.” With that he walked through the gates and they closed up behind him.
The gatekeeper locked the doors and walked away without looking at me going back to his job.  
I lowered my head as the boys slowly walked up to me.  I felt Deacy’s hand on my shoulder and I looked up at my boys and I whimpered out.
“I thought they always said yes when you’d do stuff like this?”
“We’re so sorry love” Brian said.  I sniffled and the first one to hug me was Deacy.
I wrapped my arms around him as I fell to my knees and sobbed.  Soon the rest of the guys joined in the group hug, each of them whispering words of comfort.
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But it still didn’t fix my broken heart.
With my heart completely shattered once more and with no hope of it ever coming back together, I just asked the guys to take me back home.  After my stunt big stunt at the live kick off tour and probably the sighting of me with Jack at the airport, the news people were gonna have a field day with my ‘Heartbreak airport book scene.’
So I just had the guys drop me off at my flat so that I could just hide from the world and not want anything to do with anyone. They wanted to cancel the tour so that they could be with me but I told them no and threw Freddie’s famous words “The Show must go on” right back in his face.
Without another word, we arrived back at my flat and I solemnly thanked the guys for all that they’ve done for me and they said their solemn goodbyes, each telling me that they would have the girls check in on me.  I soon entered my flat.
*3rd Person POV*
As the boys watched their little rock angel go into her flat, they couldn’t help but feel awful about what had just happened. The first chance at a real relationship and happiness and it was snatched away from her.  Her second failed relationship.
“Poor baby” Freddie said.
“I know, god I feel so awful. I wish there was something we could do for her.” Said Brian.
“Do you think she’ll be okay?” asked Roger.
“Yeah, with time. But we need to fill her command and continue the tour, as much as I hate to leave her like this.” Deacy said. With that Roger put the car on drive and the boys left (y/n)’s drive through and headed back to the concert arena to pack up their stuff and get ready for their flight to Paris.
*My POV*
As I now came into my flat, I took off my jacket and tossed my hat aside as I noticed I had a voicemail on my message box. I went ahead and pressed play thinking it was probably Jim or someone from the arena completely pissed at me or some reporter wanting the dirt on why I ditched the concert.
‘(Y/n), hi. It’s me.’ Jack’s voice soon came on. His voice solemn and filled with regret.  I fell to my couch and gripped onto one of the pillows and listened to the message. ‘I just got back on the plane, and I just feel awful. That is so not how I wanted things to end between us. It’s….it’s just I wasn’t expecting to see you again and then all of a sudden you left your concert and were standing there saying these things….Now I’m just standing here thinking, of all the things I should’ve said but didn’t. I mean I didn’t even get to tell you that I love you too.’
I whimpered out as I buried my face into my pillow finally hearing a confession from Jack but I knew by now he was probably in the air heading back to America.
‘Because of course I do. I love you. I love you…..I love you.’ His voice soon perked up almost as if a lightbulb had gone off.  I looked at my machine in confusion as his voice continued in the same realization tone, ‘What the hell am I doing? I’m in love with the Rock Angel. Oh, I’ve got to see you. I’ve gotta get off this plane.’
“Oh my god” I said as I crawled towards the phone.
‘Okay, excuse me.’ Jack’s voice said.
‘Sir, please hang up the phone and take your seat.’ I heard a woman’s voice say, probably a flight attendant’s voice.
‘No, I’m sorry I’m really sorry but I need to get off this plane. Okay I just need to tell a girl that I love her’ Jack’s voice said urgently.
‘Sir, I can’t let you off the plane.’
“LET HIM OFF THE BLOODY PLANE!!!” I shouted as I stood up from my couch.
‘I’m afraid you are gonna have to hang up the phone and take your seat right now!’ the flight attendant’s voice demanded.
‘Oh please miss you don’t understand!’
‘Oh come on miss, isn’t there any way that you can just let me off the—’ with that the line went dead and the phone beeped indicating the end of the message.
“NO! NOOOO!!” I raced towards my machine and frantically tried to rewind it as I whimpered out, “Oh my god. Did he get off the plane? Did he get off the plane?” I rewind the tape hoping to hear the rest of the message when suddenly a voice said behind me.
“I got off the plane.” I turned around and standing there with the door wide open with his suitcases right at his side was Jack.
He stood there with that precious smile on his face and his eyes filled with tears as he looked at me with nothing but pure love. My hands flew to my mouth as I stared at him, almost not believing that he was standing there until I finally whimpered out.
“You got off the plane.” I sobbed again and couldn’t even move so Jack came up to me and he cupped my face and his lips came down onto mine in a passionate kiss.
I wrapped my arms around him and even hopped up and wrapped my legs around his waist as our kiss got deeper.  He spun me around my living room until air became a burden and we were forced to separate.
“I love you (y/n) (l/n).” He said as he wiped my tears away.
“And I love you Jack Kline, and I never want to let you go again.”
“Me neither because the only girl I want to hold in my arms for the rest of my life is you, you my Rock angel.” I smiled and laughed softly.
I then leaned forward and kissed him once more, this time more sincere and softer than our last kiss.  My heart pounded as he kissed back.  This was by far a better kiss than any that I have ever shared with Adam throughout the entire course of that relationship.
I’ve finally found somebody to love, and this time I knew it would last for all eternity.
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drahtphotography · 6 years
Look at this! Eric has some words to share! Draht Photography
New Post has been published on https://www.drahtphotography.com/the-red-car-wedding-at-camo-country/
The Red Car Wedding at Camo Country
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Yup, that’s our cover image, though it was a pretty tough choice. When you’ve got a header like this, you want to show it off:
    We’re lucky today. I got to shoot at the amazing Camo Events. It’s huge and right by Lumby, so you can really party. On the grounds, there’s a giant love sign, forests everywhere, and surprisingly enough, tanks. Yup, in this venue you can ride in on a tank if you want to.
So that’s where we begin, with dress shots.
    I fell in love with it immediately. Look at the hand-folded patterns right above the train.
    The fall leaves complimented it just perfectly. I love a good fall wedding.
    Then, the rings, and the flowers.
    I found an old nail on a fence. The reflection of the fall leaves in the diamond completed the look.
    A shard of light, filtering through the trees, complimented the flowers.
    Inside, our groom was just getting ready. There’s an old saying – Chekhov’s gun – “If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third act it absolutely must be used.”
    We used it. Later. A quite portrait, and I was on my way back to Camo.
    Back at the girls, the mom was helping with the dress.
    Of course, Dad approved. Daddy-daughter first looks are becoming a favourite thing of mine.
      Just outside, we had a groom anxiously waiting for his new bride.
      The ceremony was heartfelt, small,  and beautiful. Hand written vows ensured there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
    And then, Man and Wife.
    And champagne.
    Family formals are always after the ceremony – no matter what the lighting is, that’s always the situation. Otherwise they run off. Right after the family photos, I like to do bridal party photos. However, today the sun was just too perfect. We skipped warmup period and jumped into formals!
    That’s where you hold your girl to get that S shape. Posing is a very important part of being a photographer!
    The sun filtered through the trees and spoilt us. Pale blue tones mixed in with bright oranges.
      If you look closely, you can see how the smoke lingers around the foliage. Low lying haze is one of my favourite things. Time for some bridal party photos!
    It was a fun crowd. I like getting those serious, formal shots, but I try to mix it up every time. Here they’re going in for a group hug.
    And rubbing the grooms face for good luck. Surprise!
    Let’s take a moment to just appreciate how beautiful this dress is.
            Lumby is an amazing place for formals. Forestry roads, elm trees, fields everywhere, and the best part – we always get everything to ourselves. Our couple had managed to find a beautiful old red hot red. It was mint inside and out. Even the paint didn’t have a single rock chip in it. Mint. Of course, I don’t get opportunities like this every day.
    You can use a window for framing the shot, you know.
    This is one of my favourites. Those old colours, the mountains, the tint of the window.
    Of course, this wouldn’t be a Draht Photography wedding if we didn’t turn it up a few notches.
      Remember that antique shotgun? We sure did!
      This couple, the trees, the leaves, and the lighting were just perfect. I was in photographer heaven.
        But we had to head back. It was a little past six, all our light had left us.
    Back at Camo, the boys were enjoying cigars.
    This couple told me they had never had a professional picture taken. Here, enjoy this! Just long-click on the image and you can save it to your phone.
      I used a prism in that second shot to offset the balance from the love sign. There’s your artsy shot! And there’s where I leave you. This was a huge sampler – almost 50 photos! But the photos won’t be ready for another three weeks. Maybe longer. This is just some of my favourite photos from the day. If you’d like to keep a picture, even on mobile, just click it and it will open in a separate window. You can save it from there.
    Thank you for reading this far. I put a lot of time and work into these sneak peeks so it’s great that you’ve taken the time to read all this!
    If you’d like to stay updated, feel free to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr for frequent updates. Talk to you all in a few days!
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welcometophu · 8 years
Revelations 3
Twinned Book 1: Commit to the Kick
Revelations 3
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“So, we’re pretty sure Darrik didn’t do it, but the police are still looking into it officially.” Corbin drags the rake across the grounds, moving leaves but not bothering to do much to actually gather them up. Alaric wants to point out that if he’s not going to help, he should head back to VIT, but it’s kind of nice having Corbin here at PHU for the afternoon.
Terrifying, but nice.
“You’re shit at this.”
Corbin jumps when Mac whispers in his ear, turns with the rake out. She blocks it easily, knocking it to the side, and raises her hands in a shrug.
Corbin exhales roughly. “How did you—”
“Ex-military,” she says. “I’m good at sneaking up on people. Besides, I knew Ric wouldn’t tell you if he saw me.”
Alaric hadn’t seen her at all, but that’s not a surprise. Mac is disturbingly good at sneaking up on people, especially in a crowd like this one. Fifteen sisters from SigPsiE and twenty OPT brothers, plus Corbin and some random folks from Alaric’s floor and elsewhere, all working on raking leaves on the quad as a service to the school.
“Introduce me,” Mac says.
It feels like the hundredth time tonight that he’s done this, even though Alaric knows it couldn’t have been that many times. “This is Corbin. Grew up with him back home, and he’s at VIT now. Decided to get his ass over here to visit today, so I dragged him out to work with us.” He pauses, admits, “Drea convinced him.”
“Drea’s good people.” Mac tilts her head, considering. “I’ve heard of you. The best friend slash brother, right? Be good to Alaric and be good to Drea. Because I can kick your ass if you’re not, and just so you know, I actually will.” She points to the rake in Alaric’s hand. “Don’t overdo it. We’ve still got practice tomorrow and Saturday, and I need you to help get people ready to compete. You’re going with us to Boston, right?”
“Am I supposed to?” Alaric isn’t sure about how it all works for the Talented people on the team.
“This is your kicking thing, right? With the trees?” Corbin asks.
“Trees aren’t normal, but Alaric can handle it,” Mac says. “And yes, anyone who wants to come cheer the team on can be there. I’ll be coaching competitors on the floor along with Pawel—thankfully coaches can be Talented, even if we can’t compete ourselves. I know Jackson wants you to be there, and Mason’s liked working with you.”
“Can’t disappoint Jackson,” Corbin says, smirking.
There are times when Alaric regrets telling Corbin anything, although he can see a small smile from Mac at the words, as well. Fine. “I’ll go.”
Mac claps him on the shoulder, then reels him in for a hug. “Good, thanks. We’re taking a few people from outside the team, too. Pawel’s bringing Conor, of course, partly because it’s easier than getting child care, and partly so Conor can watch the ‘big kids’ compete. Chris is coming, because he owes me about a hundred favors and he can pay off a few by making sure my team doesn’t pass out from dehydration. He can also hold paddles for warmups, now that he’s in the brace.”
“Don’t work him too hard; we need him in shape for football,” Alaric points out. “Don’t undo everything PT is doing for him.”
“Do you really think I’d do that?” Mac sidesteps as a pile of leaves showers down near them. “I see you, Trish!” she yells out. “Are you trying to start a fight?”
“Wasn’t me!” Trish yells back.
Mac squeezes Alaric’s shoulder. “We’ll talk more about the trip later. I have to go make a leaf pile big enough to jump in.”
Corbin leans on his rake, watches her walk away. “Your friends are—”
“If you say hot, I’m going to hurt you,” Alaric mutters, and Corbin laughs.
“I was going to say they aren’t what I expected.” Corbin knocks into him lightly. “It’s weird seeing you here. Drea’s been telling me more about it than you do, but still, this is all….” He motions with his hand. “It’s just more social than I expected. So that’s Mac, right?”
Alaric nods, and points out others that are there as well, even the ones he’s already introduced Corbin to. Sera’s with Trish, while Trish has one hand out and Sera drops leaves over it, looking at something. Dax and Cass are working with Mac to build a huge pile of leaves, while Carolyn drags more leaves over. Alaric doesn’t recognize the boy with Carolyn, but from the resemblance, he guesses that he must be the twin she mentioned.
He points out Heather to Corbin, but avoids actually talking to her and is pleased that she seems to be avoiding him in return. He’s already told Corbin about the incident in the locker room, and Corbin’s gaze narrows sharply when he spots her.
It’s tempting to let Corbin do whatever he’s thinking, but he leans in and whispers, “No,” before the idea can fully set.
“Hey.” Chris walks with a swinging gait, the brace on his knee allowing him to bend it but still giving him support. “You don’t seem to be doing much raking.”
Alaric grins, makes as if to hand over the rake. “You could help out, but no, you’re just here to observe, right?”
“Time off for injury.” Chris spreads his hands. “We’ve got enough workers here, and I’d ask why there are so many people from your floor, but I think I already know the answer.”
“First, Sera doesn’t actually live on my floor, she just spends a lot of time with Pat. And it’s weird seeing Sera without Pat,” Alaric admits. “So I figure that he’ll show up here eventually, and if Pat’s here, Jackson will be here, which means TJ and probably Nik, and….” His voice trails off, staring across the quad, past where they’re working, to where a small, dark-haired girl is having an earnest conversation with… nothing. “And I don’t know why Pels is here,” he says slowly. “But I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with us.”
Corbin’s eyebrows go up, and he shoves his rake at Chris, who just barely manages to grab it before Corbin disappears in a flurry of wings, flying high.
“Curiosity,” Alaric says. “Fatal flaw in birds.” He has no idea what Pels’s Talent is, but he’s sure she’s got one. He’s also damned sure she won’t want Corbin eavesdropping on whatever she’s doing. He glances over at Chris. “How’s the PT going?”
Chris makes a face. “It’s going. Hurts like fucking hell, but it’s worth it. My range of motion is good, the kneecap is tracking well, so they don’t think I’m at risk to blow it out when I come back. I just need to keep up the training and the massage therapy and I get my next official evaluation on the 25th. If I’m cleared, I’ll at least get to play in the end of season games. I don’t want to miss the one against VIT.” He nods at where Corbin sits in the tree, tail feathers flicking as he looks down at Pels. “I didn’t know Corbin was visiting.”
“Neither did I until he texted that he had a ride over, because someone he knows had to come here,” Alaric says. “We’re getting something to eat after—him and me and Drea. I think he’s worried about us.”
“You just buried your brother, and it looks like there’s someone out there targeting Talent. I’m not surprised he’s worried,” Chris says. He’s standing close enough that his shoulder brushes Alaric’s, and Alaric leans into his body heat instinctively.
Across the quad, the raven flies out of the tree with a squawk, shooting straight across the grass before flapping its wings hard and flying up. Corbin shrieks, and Pels yells, “It’s your own damned fault, bird!”
She turns on her heel and stalks off, avoiding the large crowd raking.
Corbin lands next to them and resolves into human in one smooth motion, brushing leaves from his clothes. “That was unique.” He looks over at Alaric, eyebrows arched. “She’s a telekinetic and she has conversations with people who either aren’t actually here or don’t exist. I’d avoid her.”
“Nik likes her better than Jennifer.” It’s not saying that Pels isn’t trouble, but she’s less trouble for Nikita. “I don’t see her much. She’s kind of a loner.”
“So were you,” Corbin says quietly, and Alaric can’t deny it.
They get started working again, helping Mac and Dax build a giant pile of leaves. As soon as it’s done, Cass calls out from across the quad, takes a running start and does a series of tumbling jumps before she faces the pile and leaps into it. She comes up sputtering, leaves in her hair, and Dax helps her get out.
They just barely clear the space when Mac does a spinning kick in the air, then another one where she twists around, her feet going over her head, hands not touching the ground, and in the end she flips forward and lands in the leaves with a shout.
It seems to be a signal to the girls of SigPsiE, who all crowd into the leaves and start throwing them at each other. Sera’s in the middle, despite not being a sister, and Cass stays off to one side, Dax gently picking leaves from her hair.
“I’m going to be sexiled again,” Chris mutters, and Corbin snorts.
Alaric catches the whiff of wariness combined with Rory’s scent moments before he hears Thorne call out. “Ric!”
Interest. Unease. Jealousy. Anger. A wash of heated scent as Corbin steps in front of Alaric, and Alaric just lets him do it. There’s nothing that is going to stop Corbin now, not when he’s this ramped up, this ready for some kind of a fight.
“Thorne Baker,” Corbin says easily, planted in front of Alaric like a slightly smaller, rangy wall. He holds out his hand. “And Rory Everett. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you both.”
Thorne takes Corbin’s hand, hauls him in for a hard hug and a kiss on the cheek. “And you’re Corbin. Ric’s got a picture of you on his laptop. Maybe more—I haven’t asked if the one of the bird and dog is the two of you, but I’ve always figured it is. I don’t think I’d recognize you as a bird, though.”
Corbin’s gaze narrows and his scent flashes with something Alaric can’t identify. Alaric gets a hand on Corbin’s shoulder, squeezes in warning, and Corbin drops his hand.
“Hey,” Rory says, shoving both his hands in his pockets.
Corbin nods. “Are you guys coming out with us to dinner tonight?” His glance includes Chris, his head tilting in challenge.
Rory looks to Alaric before he responds, and when Alaric shrugs, Rory shrugs right back. “Didn’t know there was a dinner to go to,” Rory replies. “Sure. I’m in. I don’t have any plans.”
“If you stick around here long enough, someone will make sure you help with the raking,” Chris warns. “You’ll end up with plans that take all afternoon, and hurt your shoulders.”
“I don’t mind.” Thorne’s gaze shifts to the pile that’s been scattered and is being raked up again. He waves to Dax, then wades in, taking Dax’s rake so that Dax and Cass can escape.
Chris mutters under his breath; Alaric doesn’t need to hear it to know what he’s saying.
“Yes, pet human, you’re invited, too,” Corbin says.
“Don’t,” Alaric warns.
“I’m being fond. It’s obvious you’re keeping him for some reason, along with your Mages.” Corbin turns, pats Alaric on the cheek. “Dinner out will give me a chance to get to know them all. And for them to get to know me. I don’t have to be able to smell scent to know that Rory doesn’t like me at all.”
“He’s not wrong,” Rory says dryly. “I’m right here, you know. I don’t belong to Alaric. I’m not his Mage. And you haven’t given me much of a reason to like you, yet.”
Alaric’s impressed that Rory says “yet,” like he’s willing to give Corbin a chance.
The small smirk that Corbin wears falls away, expression abruptly twisting serious. “He’s my brother,” Corbin says quietly. “And you share his bed like Clan does. I’m trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that my brother has a new family, one I don’t know, and one that goes against everything we’ve ever been taught is safe. I am trying, and if it means throwing all the mattresses on the floor and crashing together in a giant pile of fur, feathers, and humanity until I get it right, then I’ll do that. But he’s been my brother since we were born, and that’s not changing.” Corbin swallows, the muscle in his jaw flexing tightly. “I worry about him. Just like I figure you do. The only difference is, you’ve only been doing it a couple of months.”
Rory’s shoulders hunch. His gaze flicks from Alaric to where Thorne is carrying Carolyn toward the newly growing pile of leaves. He turns slowly to face Corbin, his chin lifting. “Dinner’s fine,” Rory says. “I’m going back to the dorm to get my homework done, since I won’t have time later, and I have a Skype date with Stormy later. Let me know when it’s time for dinner and I’ll meet you there.”
“I’m thinking Doherty’s,” Alaric says.
Rory nods. “Just let me know when.”
“Is Stormy a significant other?” Corbin asks curiously, as Rory walks away, hands shoved deep in his pockets, spine slightly bent and hair hanging forward.
“Bandmate,” Alaric replies. Rory’s body language is tight and closed off; Alaric wants to follow, but knows he wouldn’t be wanted right now. He can feel where Chris is still standing behind him, posture just as tight as Rory’s. It’s supposed to be a fun afternoon, and it’s not working. Corbin doesn’t mesh with his new life, and that aches more than he expected. “If you keep being an ass, I’m going to let Drea do whatever she feels like in retribution,” he mutters. “Because I can’t deal with it. You want to keep me from getting hurt? Fine, Corbin, then stop being the one to do it.”
It feels like shit, but Alaric needs to get away. He leaves Corbin standing there with Chris, and he makes his way across the quad to where Mac is working with Drea and Trish. Sera sits on the lowest branch of a tree, her feet swinging, her gaze fixed somewhere in the distance. Alaric swears he hears faint music from somewhere, but it isn’t enough to drown out the sound of Corbin’s voice.
“What’d I do?”
Alaric tilts his head, hates the fact that he listens in, and that he needs to know the answer.
Chris lets the silence stretch long enough that there’s a hitch in Corbin’s breath, as if he’s about to speak again, and Chris interrupts him. “If you have to ask,” Chris says, “then I don’t think you know Alaric as well as you think you do.”
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