#today is a clown drawing day
mochapao · 8 months
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@vongulli 's fem buggy cus she drives me crazy
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tribbles-the-lesbian · 2 months
It’s a nice day~
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It is
The Tribbles were often seen lying in the grass with each other, bathing in the neighborhood’s warm sun. The other neighbors would join them on occasion as they walked by. Even our ever-busy mailman Eddie would stop by while delivering mail to join the cuddle-huddle! It was quite an enjoyable scene to see the neighbors dozing (Wally, of course, would say aloud ‘I’m sleeping, I’m sleeping, I’m sleeping…’) These moments only ended once Barnaby either stood up to look down at his napping friends or walked upon the cuddles late and yelled “Well, ain’t this the perfect setup for a dog pile!!” The neighbors had little to no time to move out of the way before the large dog jumped on top of everyone, only getting off the struggling neighbors if he was asked very politely to move or if someone was distressed
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lobotomize-d · 8 months
For a spamvil prompt..mayhaps, Jevil winning Spamton one of those carnival game prizes?
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I feel like Jevil would be unreasonably good at carnival games, despite how rigged they are
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zooblenation · 11 months
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digging out some more old pandemonium (+ chesil cameos) sketches now that his lore post is out… Worthless creature
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mushroom-for-art · 5 days
Sona and Comfort
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okay so @galaxy-minecart said "what about a king branzy au"
and i said HOLY SHIT
and then they said "what if his cloak is heart shaped and looked like This"
and i said HOLY SHIT and semi painted it
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imtooobsessedrn · 1 year
ok listen, I tried but I don’t think procreate is the best way to execute my vision, you can only draw on one layer-
I’m still proud of it tho 😗
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daisyscottage · 1 year
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waiting “patiently” ^^
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thatsouthernstate · 2 years
January 20, 2023
Her hair is Harlow gold
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Her lips sweet surprise
Her hands are never cold
She's got Bette Davis eyes
She'll turn her music on you
You won't have to think twice
She's pure as New York snow
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She got Bette Davis eyes
And she'll tease you
She'll unease you
All the better just to please you
She's precocious and she knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
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She got Greta Garbo stand off sighs
She's got Bette Davis eyes
She'll let you take her home
It whets her appetite
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She'll lay you on her throne
She got Bette Davis eyes
She'll take a tumble on you
Roll you like you were dice
Until you come up blue
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She's got Bette Davis eyes
She'll expose you
When she snows you
Off your feet with the crumbs she throws you
She's ferocious and she knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
All the boys think she's a spy
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She's got Bette Davis eyes
And she'll tease you
She'll unease you
All the better just to please you
She's precocious and she knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
All the boys think she's a spy
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She's got Bette Davis eyes
She'll tease you
She'll unease you
Just to please ya
She's got Bette Davis eyes
She'll expose you
When she snows you
She knows ya
She's got Bette Davis eyes
0 notes
pseudowho · 5 months
Surely mister perfect dad-husband-lover Nanami babywears? I could see him in a big woven wrap, maybe one in the same pattern as his tie?
And once the baby is a toddler, tossing them on his back while they run errands about town?
Bonus: would Higuruma? I haven’t read the manga so I only really know of him and his traits via fandom…
Nanami Kento: He absolutely babywears 👏👏 I think he'd be into the reliability of a structured carrier myself, but would absolutely fall apart if Mrs.Nanami has one made with a bespoke, tie-matching pattern.
I think he'd also have a meticulously organised baby bag with snacks, outfit changes, medicine, etc. Truly, a prepared king. He finds it uniquely frustrating that most baby-change rooms are in women's only bathrooms.
I think he'd have a back carrier for a toddler, but he'd encourage them to walk as much as he could, wearing the carrier just in case. They'd get thrown on his back when he needs to carry stuff though. He'd check they're awake back there by doing the Reach Back and Offer Snack technique...if a little hand comes out to take the snack, they're awake 😌
He'd be talking to people while babywearing, his usual low, stern voice, and would randomly interject every now and then with his sweet dad voice to include the baby: "...so we intercepted the Curse on the second floor, and Ino managed to take it out. But you don't need to know about that, do you, sweetheart? No, nooooo. No scary monsters here, no there aren't..."
Talk too loudly by him while the baby's asleep on him, and you'll be met with a death glare, and a single, raised finger in threat; Mr.Nanami Kento, who can excuse murder, but draws the line at disturbing naps.
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Higuruma Hiromi: While I HC Higuruma as child free by choice (I have written just one fic of Dad!Higuruma), I think he'd absolutely babywear through practicality, the guy's too busy to push a buggy. If he has to use a buggy one day, I picture him jogging this baby to daycare (because he's running late) while pushing this buggy. He drops his baby off, gives him a big kiss and hair ruffle...then runs back, because the baby's been holding onto his case notes for him, and he forgot them.
That baby would be his confidante; Higuruma would share case details and ask his baby's opinion ("...so the prosecution, think they've got the evidence they need, but they're clowns. They're clowns, aren't they? Aren't they darling? Yes they are..."), go to client meetings with the baby ("Look...I believe you, but my kid doesn't look convinced. Maybe try something more like..."), and use his baby as an excuse ("Ahhh I'm sorry, I can't make that client lunch actually? Why? Oh, me and my baby hate you I haven't got childcare for the afternoon, today.")
Higuruma's a big oral fixation guy, and a fidgeter (pen chewer, gavel twizzler, tie loosening...) and assumes his baby is too, so has a baby fiddle-clip for when he's babywearing (he likes a wrap sling-- he knows it looks sloppy, but he's a dexterous king and can tie one in 10 seconds flat). He may or may not have had a bespoke fiddle/teething clip made, with a little rubberised gavel on it for chewing.
He's one of those dads who feels sleepy when a baby naps on him. You'd find him, slumped back in his office chair, with a baby napping on his chest, while Hiromi snores away, head back and exhausted, a pen and paperwork still in his hand.
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Mr.Haitch is a keen babywearer. I'm very into Strong Man Wears Baby as a thing 💀
-- Haitch xxx
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yncoreee · 2 months
YOU’RE PRETTY. Danielle X reader
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Synopsis— Danielle can’t help but be intrigued by you, your cold and quiet demeanor. She keeps trying her best to atleast make you crack a smile even if it was a small one.
Warnings .ᐟ Grumpy X sunshine, School au, Y/n is basically like a stone, probably will be a part 2 & 3, Dani is like the class clown,don’t be surprised if it’s trashy I basically wrote this at 2:00am,female reader, FLUFF
꩜ — ⵌWord count 1529
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Yes she cracked another joke that caused the whole class to laugh or atleast smile. Including the teacher.
The whole class except one person. Y/n….
Instead she looked very annoyed from her facial expressions Danielle could tell. In addy to her annoyance she muttered something as she brought out her headphones plugging it into her ears and continued to draw.
Curiosity piped in and Danielle wanted to know more about this strange girl who looked grumpy as hell.
Although they have been in the same class for what seemed like a month, she never got her name.
By the end of the class as everyone stood up to talk to each other or walk out from the class, Danielle made her way towards y/n smiling brightly.
She lightly tapped the girl on her shoulders smiling even wider as she removed her headphones to look up to her.
“Hiii! My name is Danielle and you must be?” She expressed with the brightest smile that could warm anyone’s heart holding up her hands for her to shake.
The girl glared her hands before looking back to her. “Y/n” she muttered in a cold tone and went back to listening to music as she continued sketching.
“Oh….” Danielle whispered as she stood there awkwardly, her hand still out. “Not the social type, I see…” she nodded her head in disappointment.
She opened and closed her mouth to say something but couldn’t form any words at all.
When she saw that y/n didn’t even spare her another glance and acted like there was no one there, she left her head hung low.
At the cafeteria her friends noticed that she looked quiet down than her usual self.
Hanni was the first to say something about it. “Hey Dani is everything alright? You look a bit down and sulky” she asked in a concerned tone.
Danielle looked up to her and nodded. “Oh everything’s fine… it’s just…” she hesitated for a bit before adding. “There’s this one girl in my class that just seems grumpy and cold…. But the thing is… I really want to make friends with her but it’s sooo though” she ranted.
“Ah I see” Minji said nodding her head in understanding.
“Is she shy?” Haerin asked quietly but audible enough for them to hear.
“It seemed like it.. I don’t know, I couldn’t even tell, she’s just so confusing” she groaned, placing her face in her palm.
“Maybe she’s just not the type that warms up to people easily … like Haerin" Hyein pointed out.
“Yeah, maybe” she mumbled as she resumed back to eating her food.
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch break and the beginning of the last period before the end of the day.
Luckily for y/n the last period was Art, the subject she loved the most. The only subject she loved actually.
As soon as everyone had gathered into the art studio the teacher cleared their throat to gather everyone’s attention. “Ahem! Everyone quiet please and pay attention” they spoke firmly.
“So there’s nothing much to do for todays class as I’m going to be pairing you all up for a project that’s going to be submitted in 3DAYS time” they stated earning groans from all the students excluding y/n who was about to squeal in excitement but held it back to maintain her usual form.
“I HOPE you all realize that this is going to be 30% of your grades?” The teachers taunted with a smirk plastered across their face. “The project is going to be a painting of a place that you seek comfort from the most” they added.
Almost immediately all the students fell silent.
“Good, now I’ll list out the name… Uhhh” they squinted their eyes adjusting their specks. “Danielle and y/n?” They asked looking around the class.
Both y/n and Danielle raised up their hands.
Danielle was a bit happy that she atleast has an excuse to converse with y/n.
Y/n on the other hand was a little bit shocked as to why she would get paired with Danielle out of everyone in the class.
The teacher nodded as they took their seats back.
It was finally The end of classes for the day. Everyone stood up packing their bags and chatting with one another.
Danielle happily made her way towards YN smiling at her once again. “Hi I’m Danielle in case you didn’t know and I’m your partner for this project” she expressed with a smile.
Y/n just stared blankly at her which made Danielle feel a bit nervous. Y/n didn’t speak a single word and just stared at her.
Danielle couldn’t help but notice her cat-like features. She could feel herself getting drawn to her every passing minute of her stares.
She cleared her throat. “Uhh so should we do the project at your house or mine?” She asked gulping nervously.
Y/n pointed at her. Danielle didn’t understand at first but then realized she meant her house.
“I guess that means my house?” She spoke chuckling nervously.
“Alright just follow me!” She said turning her back to face Y/n as she left the classroom with y/n following from behind.
In a matter of time they reached the gates of a house that looked really massive.
Soon enough they reached Danielle’s bedroom. Y/n looked around noticing the girl adored the color yellow and all sort of bright colors.
Danielle brought out a box of art supplies and looked at Y/n. “Sooo uhh would you like to paint it here or in the garden?” Danielle spoke.
Y/n thought for a while before finally coming to her decision. “The garden” she briefly responded.
“Alright the garden it is, follow me!” She shrieked and happily skipped to the garden, YN trailing behind her.
As soon as they had settled pretty much everything Danielle spoke up. “So where should we start from” she asked crossing her fingers and bit her lips hoping that y/n would say something this time.
“Hmph, we can start by discussing places we seek comfort from the most, for me I seek comfort from my bedroom, because it’s place I can be all by myself away from any human interaction, how about you?” Y/n inquired then turning to Danielle who was already staring at her.
Y/n’s sudden gaze caused Danielle to flinch a bit, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. “Uhh I seek comfort from my garden, it’s just always so bright and warm it makes me feel happy” she expressed smiling as she looked around her garden.
Y/n frowned a bit. “Damn it. It’s going to be a bit hard since we both come from different perspectives. You like happy and bright places while I prefer dark and quiet places” y/n spoke with a serious expression.
It was Danielle’s first time seeing someone this serious about an art project.
Suddenly y/n snapped her fingers. “I know! We’ll draw a garden but it’s not going to be bright and sunny instead it’s going to be dark and gloomy” y/n stated with a small smirk on her face.
“You do the sketch, I’ll do the painting” y/n commanded as she brought out all the paints with different sizes of paint brush.
Danielle nodded hesitantly as she held the pencil on the canvas not moving her hand a single inch.
“Uhh you good? Your hand seems a bit stagnant” Y/n asked raising an eyebrow.
“I- uhh , I- don’t k-know how to sketch or draw” Danielle replied feeling embarrassed for both her reason and her stuttering.
Y/n let out a low buy audible “oh”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you” she asserted placing her hand on top of Danielle’s leading her hand.
Danielle couldn’t help but blush at the warm feeling of y/n’s hand and the sudden sensation in her heart.
“It’s all done” Y/n spoke up letting go of Danielle’s hand. Danielle didn’t want her to let go yet but she couldn’t say anything about it. She didn’t want to so as to not make y/n feel uncomfortable.
“Let’s start painting!” Y/n squealed lightly which was a shocker for Danielle. Was it the same person? Or an alien.
Y/n didn’t want to admit, she actually had so much fun painting with Danielle. They way Danielle effortlessly cracked jokes, they way Danielle was the sweetest constantly asking if she needed anything like refreshments.
Y/n couldn’t help but smile as she looked at Danielle whose face was a little bit covered in paint.
She laughed softly and spoke.”your face is covered in paint”. Y/n’s soft laugh caught Danielle off guard, she had dimples which nobody would probably never know of. Her mouth constantly opened and closed in shock.
She couldn’t help but mutter a low “you’re pretty” staring at y/n in awe.
Y/n’s ears perked up at Danielle’s compliment her face returning back to her usual stoic self. “Don’t look at me” she firmly said going back to looking like her usual emoji “😾”
Part 2, ↳ More grumpy x sunshine here
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fraugwinska · 5 months
I'm dying to see you write Alastor opening up to Reader about his mom, maybe a little angst and lots of fluff? (- v -)''
Finally Anon, I found the strengh to write this. Sorry it took so long - I hope it was worth the wait! Next story will be less sad, I promise! :'< But I think we can all find some love for our Mommas Boy today, right? (Prepare your handkerchiefs, fellas...)
Mother O'Mine
Not the kitchen. Not the lobby. Not the bar. Not the radio tower. Not his room.
You sighed and stilled for a moment, thinking of a place where he could've gone.
If Angel had just shut his damn mouth. Mother's day was a shit day for everyone in the hotel. You, who never knew a mother, raising yourself in the farce that had been the foster care system, rued the day. Charlie was still in denial about her mothers blatant absence and ignorance, Husk melancholic and tense at the memory of seeing his mother being exterminated shortly after reuniting with her in hell, and Vaggie bitterly wanted to ignore the holiday all together, feeling as though she would be betraying the mother she could no longer reach in heaven as a fallen angel.
Angel had been pissing them all off by breakfast, obnoxiously mocking their various reasons of why this day felt even heavier than others in hell. You knew it was his own way of coping with his mommy issues - something he didn't even talk about with Husk, as far as you knew, but he bordered on being not only menacing, but outright cruel.
Alastor had listened to his rambling stoically, flipping eggs while drinking his coffee with not much more than an annoyed twitch in his brow, but then the spider made the gruesome mistake to mention her.
Alastor's mom.
"What, 'ya think any of 'ya mothers could even look at 'ya without punchin' themselves? Come on, look me in the eyes and tell me Bambi's mommy wouldn't be fuckin' disappointed by what her little fawn has become... Can ya really see a sweet southern lady all happy, lovin', and coddling ol' murder-clown Alas..."
The green explosion came faster than you could blink. You were frozen in place, only staring in fear and worry when Angel landed unceremoniously into the table with the rest of the breakfast, the other residents as shocked and dazed as you were, while the radio static and greenish-black shadows seeped away from Alastor who then swiftly made his way out without a word, holding his staff while his tendrils bristled dangerously.
Alastor had vanished and the only thought coming to your mind - after giving a cursing, groaning Angel a righteous 'You fucking deserved that'-speech - was that you needed to find him before the princess did to make sure the demon had calmed enough not to finally lose it and maul her to pieces. Charlie meant well, but she didn't know. No one did know, except for you, and even you only knew so much.
It's not like it had been an elaborate talk. It just happened, after a nightmare that made him tear up in a mixture of rage and sorrow, a bad memory that had made his shadow basically drag you, half asleep still, from your bed to his in the middle of the night. Why you? You weren't so sure. Alastor usually preferred your company more than the others just because you were the most neutral, sane person in the hotel. Some would even say impassive. An introvert who didn't draw attention, silent and observing. But not once had his shadow ever acted up around you, and while it wasn't overly friendly with anyone, it seemed to watch mostly you with curious glances and interested hisses. When you had finally woken up enough to comprehend your situation, you were sprawled across Alastors stomach with his arms wound so tightly around you you struggled to breathe, strained mumbled words pressed through gritted teeth into your nightgown.
"Mother... I'm sorry... Oh mother..."
He had been sobbing into your shoulders and and shaking against your chest while he let go of a strange anger and grief he never seemed to get rid of while you had, confused but worried, whispered words of comfort in a hushed, soothing voice until you both dozed back to sleep. Morning broke, and when you opened your eyes again, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, not able to look you in the eyes. He had thanked you, gruffly and with an unsteady voice that made your heart ache, before offering his hand to teleport you back to your room. As far as you were concerned, the weirdest of it was that you felt him caress the palm of your hand with his thumb, barely audible as he mumbled that "that should have never have happened, and we shall never speak of it again." - he was usually a gentleman, and he never touched you this intimately before - but, to him, it was obviously a humiliating and horrible thing that you had witnessed him like that.
And you didn't speak of it. No one knew, and you intended to keep it that way. It was a moment you shared and fragile trust was on the table. You would take it to your second grave, along with all those feelings that had come with it, to prevent it from breaking.
Back to the present, you sighed and massaged the bridge of your nose. You had checked all the obvious places that crossed your mind, so maybe, you should start to look at the not-so-obvious ones... Maybe some place you knew was connected to... His mom...
A sudden pang hit you as you got an idea of where he might be hiding.
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"Is this seat taken?"
The roof of the hotel was usually restricted from access, due to the general instability and collapse-prone architecture it presented, but you and (after an admittedly awkward encounter on a hot day that had involved you in a two-pieced swimsuit sunbathing and a very flustered Alastor with a book in one and a severed hand on a plate in the other hand) the radio demon knew about a small nook between the roof's overhead window frames and the hotel's ventilation system, hidden by the growing shadow of the radio tower where no one else ever came looking. A hideout, a place to go when you wanted undisturbed solitude. You had quickly left the place, apologizing for intruding a space that Alastor had apparently already claimed for himself (explaining the existence of the lounge chair you've so rudely used), but soon enough he discreetly invited you back, second chair added, to sit in silence together every once in a while, as long as you swore secrecy. It became a place of comfort for both of you, a retreat when life in the hotel got too stressful.
Alastor's reaction to seeing you was a quickly stifled hum before going back to staring stubbornly at the horizon. He looked dejected, and if you would not have known him so well, you wouldn't have noticed the trembling twitch of his ears nor the way his claw tapped impatiently against his knee, his shadow balled in on itself while hovering at the edge of the small roof.
It looked like he was staring straight through the distant buildings of the pentagram to the faintly illuminated orb that was heaven next to hells own sun, while also refusing to acknowledge you or the world around him at all. His smile had slipped into an emotionless line of pursed lips.
"That depends" he mused quietly. "Are you here to make me return to that insolent arachnid and attempt a 'healing' conversation?"
"I think you know I know that I couldn't even if i wanted to." You tried a weak smile.
Alastor briefly met your eyes at that, giving away that, despite his aloof act, your comment got his attention and he considered it before turning back to the horizon, the tense posture relaxing somewhat. A brief silence passed until he hummed an affirmative noise. "Then you may sit, darling."
After sitting down, minutes passed without a word said. The distant roar of the bustling traffic carried the muffled sounds of hell with the usual maelstrom of catcalling, profanities and general noises of mayhem to you, while you fought to keep a certain twitch in your hands as you counted the beats of his heels clicking on the tiles.
"You must know... my mother was a rare light in a world of filth." he declared suddenly into the silence. "An honest, virtuous soul of beauty and strength." He said it slowly and, surprisingly, completely unamused, the clacking of his shoes ceasing at once. He stared at the city in contempt, hands clasped together and resting on his legs to hold back a tremble that you caught anyway.
"She, unlike me, had not a spec of corruption in her bones. Wherever she found the warmth and love she shared with me, I cannot fathom. But she did. I may have been mocked and shunned by the world, the bastard child of a black woman and a white man, but I always had her as my home to return to.” The knuckles on his hands turned white. “But the cruelty of life and the disgusting human that was my father, the unbearable excuse of a man, killed her before I was grown enough to help. Before I was old enough to kill that monster myself." He spat the words, claws digging deeper until a faint trickle of blood could be seen. "I remedied that circumstance, twice to be exact, although it couldn't make up for what was lost. Nothing I did to him could make up for it..." his smile widened bitterly as his face twitched, recalling a fond, yet regretful memory. "… and believe me, I tried. But it was cathartic nonetheless, and quite educational... for my further career."
You stayed quiet and studied his profile, patiently waiting for him to continue talking. It was painfully obvious how hard it was for him to speak about actual feelings, with his tense grin and his white knuckles dripping with crimson blood.
"I knew, of course, where I would end up after my demise, and that I would never be able to see her again. Because I was sure she'd end up in heaven, like the saint she was. Is." He cleared his throat, attempting to appear dismissive, but you saw it. The sadness, the longing, the resignation, and it shattered your heart.
"Alastor...", you knew he hated physical touch, but your hand reached out on its own, to stop his hands from ripping themselves apart. He stiffened at the contact, but said nothing.
"Don't tell me you took what Angel said to heart..."
"How could my mother love me after what I've become after her death?"
His tone was monotonous, but his hands trembled under your fingers. He refused to look at you, but you saw his eyes, glazed with wetness that threatened to turn into actual tears. How he could still smile was beyond you, you had your theories on that, but that wasn't important right now. What mattered was that he was hurting, and that fact broke your heart. You never knew motherly love, how could you really miss something you never really knew? But Alastor did, and it had been ripped from him in the must cruel way, the impact of it so hard it made him even question the very foundation it was built upon.
You moved your hand from his to cup his cheek and turn his face to yours. His expression was blank, and if it weren't for the tight grin and the eyes filled with an unspeakable anguish, it would have been an emotionless stare.
"Alastor, do you know the poem Mother O'Mine?"
"I'm afraid the memory of it fails me, darling."
"Then, I'll recite it for you."
You gave him a sad smile.
"Because I want to."
He eyed you with stunned curiosity as you reached into your pocket, glad for once for your mostly useless power. You've only told Husk about it, in one of your late nights where everyone else was asleep aside him and your insomnia got the better of you, drunk and as a bargaining chip for one last gin tonic.
The blank piece of paper was a bit crumpled, but it would do. You started to fold it while you spoke, your voice sounded soft and almost like a spell.
"If I were hanged on the highest hill, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine! I know whose love would follow me still, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!"
Your fingers moved with a solemn purpose as you folded the paper this way and that, a skill you perfected out of boredom over the years, the edges turning into an elegant shape, the poem coming from your mouth like a song. Alastor watched your hands move in a trance, not sure what you were doing, but too focused on the faint glow of purple around them to ask.
"If I were drowned in the deepest sea, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine! I know whose tears would come down to me, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!"
There in your hand, sat a little origami bird. It wasn't anything special, maybe a traditional crane would have been better, more elegant, but you were out of practice and for what you intended to do it would work either way. Carefully you reached out, silently demanding for one of Alastor's hands that were still digging into each other. He didn't protest, and slowly raised it to give his hand to you. The tips of his claws were covered in a thin, fresh layer of his own blood, and his skin was warm and slightly clammy. You put the little paper bird on his palm, a speck of his blood staining the bottom of the pristine white paper, and closed his fingers around it, holding it in both of yours.
"If I were damned of body and soul, I know whose prayers would make me whole, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine."
His enclosed hand in your own was encased in purple light, with wide eyes he followed the soft tugs of your fingers and opened his hand. The little paper bird flapped it's wings on his flat palm, looking at him for a heartbeat before taking off and flew in a singular circle around his head before it headed into hells deep red sky, towards the bright heavenly sphere. You watched it until it vanished completely from view, hoping there was a possibility that maybe, with a bit of luck, it would find it's way to her.
"This, Alastor, is what a real mother is. She loves you, I'm sure of it. Always has and always will."
Tears fell silently on his lap, a strangled, coarse breath escaping him. Without warning, he pulled you from your chair into him, holding you pressed close to him. Just like in the night of his nightmare, his face was buried in your chest, arms wound tightly around you in a hurting embrace and shoulders trembling with suppressed grief. His grip was bordering on painful, but you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying one of your hands in his hair, stroking gently while you let him quietly cry into your shoulder, not caring that the wetness of his tears was soaking through the fabric of your shirt. You felt his heart beating rapidly, his pulse erratic and his breathing fast.
"I miss her. Oh, how I miss her."
You held him tighter.
"I know, Al... I know."
You didn't know how long you two stayed like this, him in your arms and crying silently while you tried your best to comfort him, but you didn't care. As far as you were concerned, you would stay here forever if it only meant to lift this weight for a little while from his shoulders.
It took him some time, but eventually his breathing evened out, and he calmed down, his hold becoming less desperate and more... affectionate. You didn't realize it at first, but he had moved, his head resting under your chin and his forehead leaning against the hollow of your throat, his antlers slightly poking the thin skin. It felt strangely intimate, and you wondered if he was aware of what he was doing, but the moment he moved to get up and leave, you knew the spell was broken. He didn't let go of you entirely, but instead helped you to stand up and held your hand, his gaze firmly planted to the ground, avoiding your eyes.
"Darling, I..."
"Don't worry, Alastor. Although I'm glad I was able to be here when it happened... we shall never speak of this again."
You could feel his hesitation, a strange nervousness radiating from him. His shadow hovered next to him, a hand reaching out towards your face. You smiled at it, and, just for a brief moment, allowed yourself to lean into it's warm, buzzing touch as it caressed your cheek, before you turned and made your way back inside without a glance back to the sudden sound of a longing hum.
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goofy-clan · 1 month
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Heyo! Narrator peep and creator of goofy clan! I wanted to share this fanart I made as a gift to the clan series that inspired this entire series! Enjoy!!
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And now it’s time to pair cat with creator! Click more to see notes I left for the creators too!
Goldsight belongs to @gray-thistleclan , I loved the way the cats were drawn in this series, and especially how the story progressed! Gold was always my favroite -w-! Even though she has the crazy disease now ;-;.
Eukltna belongs to @loudclan-clangen ! I loved the silly cats in this series, the artstyle actually helped me draw mouths easier! I love our doomed religious kitty, even if she was a bit odd. That crude oil does get everywhere huh…
Longstrike belongs to @juniper-clan ! The fact that the entire series was set in olden times is really neat! I also love the theme of seashells/ cowrie shells being bad, those are spooky! Long was my favroite, I was sad to see him go. So he’s drawn in the cozy sunshine!
Tigertoe Belongs to @circus-clangen ! Circus clan was actually a big inspiration for the puzzles/cipher aspects of my blog! I was always a sucker for finding stuff out, plus clowns are cool! I love tiger with all my heart, she was so fun to draw! Best entertainer :)!
Ravenstar belongs to @fallenclan ! Oh boy where do I start. I think it’s super impressive how far the series is now, even if I picked up halfway through! I love how the cats look, fun fur colors! Raven is such a good villain, evil stinky cat. So here he is with a totally real (and not painted) star!
Kestrelstar belongs to @echoes-in-echoclan ! I love this series, even though I don’t get what’s going on sometimes, it’s still a wonderful read! I also loved the connected universe with circus clan, what a twist! Kestrel is my favorite, he’s such a cool old dude!
Sweetkit belongs to @mourningsbane ! It isn’t every day I see a eldritch horror/spooky clangen series! As an avid horror fan, I love how body horror is drawn and shown in this series! Honey is the best cat :)! But, I drew sweet today! They’re a good protagonist, because who better to explore the spooky uknown than kittens?
NettleIris belongs to @moons-of-dewclan ! I adored the art style of this series, and the fact all the backgrounds are drawn so beautifully! Even though this series tugs at my heart strings, it’s lovely! Makes me wanna go wander in the woods! Nettle is my favorite lil’ peep, best medicine cat. Plus, puffy cats are fun to draw!
ConiferSun belongs to @castaway-clan ! I love the trope of “rebuild and build anew” in clangen runs! Seeing the clan in this series slowly grow in size and for the leader to not be alone anymore was very comforting. Conifer is my favorite simply because they’re blue and just a wonderful cat in the series! They also get to look at the lady bug :)!
And that’s all! Y’all are cool Peeps, keep on rocking!
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Holiday period at the fast food reader's workplace. Do they have costumes for Halloween? Do anything special for thanksgiving? What about Christmas, do they do something like a secret Santa? Do they all celebrate Reader's birthday/anniversary of them being hired?
I'm fine if you focus on one or do any of them/something unrelated that I haven't thought of. I just want more fast food reader and the gang of nightmares that adore them 😭
(Going with Birthday because I thought of the funniest thing, but maybe Christmas Special in the future?)
Twenty minutes left on the clock.
You shoved your coat and bag beneath the counter before the start of your shift to make for an easy get away. You'd recently invested in a lanyard you keep hidden down your shirt to keep your keys secure and on you at all times. The line was moving quickly thanks to the new hire that had yet to witness the horrors of the establishment. You could probably even get away with leaving without clocking out if you sucked up to your boss enough tomorrow. There would still be consequences, but as long as you could make it through today everything would be fine. Just twenty more minutes...
A gentle tap on your shoulder draws your ailing mind from the depths of dread this cursed day traps you in. The janitor stands behind you, hands tucked into their pockets. You eye the slight bulge of a square item in their left, but decide its none of your business as you raise a hand in greeting. "Hey. What's up?"
"Not much..." They rock on their heels, more fidgety than usual as their hands shift in their apron pockets. "Hope I'm not bothering you, but I was cleaning up the break room and noticed there was a mark on the calendar with your name on it... It's your birthday today, right?"
Oh no.
No. No. No.
You open your mouth to make up some ahitty excuse, but your tongue remains glued to the floor of your mouth. Your eyes dart towards the boarded doors of the party room as they speak.
"If I had known sooner, I would've gotten you something better, but this was all I could pick up during my break. Honestly, birthdays are a new concept to me, but a lot of things are. You've... helped me learn a lot about myself so I just wanted to say-"
The Janitor pulls their hand from their apron - presenting a yellow box with a bright red bow.
"Happy birthday."
A loud bang shakes the doors of the party room, rocking tower of unused tables and chairs used to keep them closed. You knew they wouldn't be enough to keep what's inside in - a distraction to keep it at bay hopefully giving you enough time to flee. You quickly grab your things and vault over the counter, shoving past customers still waiting patiently in line as another bang knocks down the top layer of defense. Bang. Bang. Bang. Your heart leaps in your chest with every crash of furniture hitting the ground. You force yourself to look ahead as the doors fly open - stale air raising the hairs on your skin. The squeaks of its shoes send chills down your spine - raspy voice crawls in your ears like maggots to a fresh carcass.
"Did I hear it was a certain someone's.. Birthday?..
Against the voices in your head screaming at you to do otherwise, you glance over your shoulders. There are still smudges in its makeup from your last encounter with it dating exactly one year back to this day. You shutter as its twin tongues, still tied in that braid it tried shoved your esophagus snakes over its painted lips.
Its smile grows. "You don't have to lie... I have the date written right here... And here...."
The clown points its gangly fingers at its forehead and chest respectively.
"I think you might have my birthday confused with that guy over there."
You pick up your feet as the clown snaps its head in the direction your finger aims. Seeing a blank wall, and hearing your shoes slap against te, it gives chance - crouching on all fours and bounding after you. Its cold hands latch around your ankle, yanking you off balance and towards the party room doors. You scratching at the floor doors, clawing faster as you feel its eyes on you from over its shoulder.
"No! My birthday was last year - I swear!"
"Silly, silly. You have one every year, and it should be celebrated every. Single. Day.... I've got cake!"
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fuzzyautumninmetal · 6 months
Little Thief
After like 5 months I've finally found time to write.
I'm aware there is very little Spanish in this but my only way of translation is google and If I'm correct it isn't very reliable.
Anywayyy I hope y'all enjoy
(This is just smut with a small plot)
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You were the tech analyst for the Task Force 141, or as you call yourself 'The Tech Gal', you had been assigned to work for Los Vaqueros for a few months and it was a breath of fresh air. You struck up a friendship with Rudy and one night while you were drinking he dared you to do something people would claim extremely stupid. He dared you to steal the colonel's clothes.
"I don't know why everyone is so scared of Alejandro" you said while taking a sip of your drink, Rudy laughed "Have you not heard him when he's pissed off". You shrugged "I think it's sexy....Look that man could tell me to dress up as a clown in Spanish and I'd obey" you admitted and that made Rudy laugh "Okay I dare you to steal his clothes, let's see how 'sexy' he is then" he sipped his drink not thinking you would accept. "Price is my Captain. Ghost is my Lieutenant. Nothing scares me" you laughed back "I'll do it I'm not a pussy" you both shook on it and all you had to do was wait for the right time.
It's been a few days since Rudy's dare but you were waiting for the right time and when you saw Alejandro go to the showers you knew this was your chance.
You carefully and quietly sneaked into the guys shower room, you may have been the tech analyst but Ghost had shown you a few things, you saw that Alejandro was preoccupied. Perfect you smirked to yourself as you tiptoed towards his locker before taking his clothes.
You should of gone to straight to Rudy but you wanted to hear his reaction so you hid in one of the stalls with his clothes in hand.
"HIJO DE PUTA-" you heard him curse along with a loud bang from him slamming his locker door. You couldn't help but laugh, giving away your hiding spot.
The sound of heavy footsteps draws closer, and suddenly. Alejandro's massive frame is looming over you. His muscular arms crossed over his chest, his dark eyes narrowed into slices as he stares down at you "So, you think this is funny?"
You tried to look serious but couldn't "Yes. Yes I do" you looked up at his unamused face "And also stupid. Look Rudy dared me to do it because I said I wasn't scared of you"
Alejandro's eyebrows raises in disbelief, his expression shifting from anger to amused curiosity. "So, you've been dared by Rudy to steal my clothes? And you actually thought you could get away with it?"
"Yes" you looked towards the door and then back at Alejandro trying to think of an escape plan. Alejandro chuckled deeply, shaking his head in disbelief. He reaches out and grabs your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes "You know, I could make this difficult for you. But instead, I'll give you a choice".
You looked at him innocently "I'm listening". His grip on your chin tightens ever so slightly, his gaze boring into yours "You can go to Rudy and tell him you couldn't go through with his little dare. Or... You can spend some time with me, and I promise to make it worth your while. "I-i" you were shocked at his response.
Seeing you surprised, Alejandro smirks, releasing his grip on your chin "What's the matter little thief? Didn't expect me to be so generous? Or perhaps you like the idea of spending time with me?"
Oh you would absolutely love to spend time with him but you was a kinky little whore who had a better idea. "Or you could let me go with your clothes, I tell Rudy it was a success and everyone thinks I'm mad for pissing you off" you smirked "Then, at any point, you take me by surprise and punish me for today."
His smirk fades, replaced by a look of amusement "You're full of surprises, aren't you?" he thought for a moment. "Very well. Take my things and go. But remember, I'll be watching you". You took his clothes and walked to the door before stopping "You can punish me in any way you want and I can't say no" and left to find Rudy.
As you made your escape, Alejandro can't help but shake his head with a mix of admiration and amusement. His mind is already planning out the ways he'll make you pay for your audacity... and the countless ways he'll enjoy it.
You found Rudy in the cafeteria and held Alejandro's clothes up for him to see. "You actually did it?" Rudy asked and you nodded while sitting down "Told you I wasn't a pussy".
"You better beware, little thief. I've got quite the taste for adventure now..." Alejandro mutters to himself as he walks away from the locker room, already plotting his revenge and anticipating the thrill of the chase.
It had been 3 days since you stole Alejandro's stuff and yet he hasn't done anything. That's the part that excites you the most.
The sound of footsteps echoed through the halls, drawing closer to your location. Alejandro's eyes darkened with anticipation as he rounded the corner, spotting you engrossed in your workout. With a sinister smirk playing at his lips, he approached slowly.
He stopped just inches from where you were sitting, his towering figure casting an ominous shadow over you. He leaned down slightly, his voice low and threatening. "Well, well... looks like our little thief is all alone." "For now" you smirked.
Alejandro's eyes narrowed at your defiant tone, but a slow smile crept across his face. He leaned in even closer, his breath warm against your ear. "You're playing with fire, little thief. And I plan on making sure you get burned." 
"You'll have to catch me first. and I'm fast" you made a run for it. It caught Alejandro by surprise.
With a growl of frustration, Alejandro sprinted after you, his muscular frame moving with surprising agility. He caught up to you in no time, grabbing your wrist roughly and spinning you around to face him. "You think you can escape me?" 
"Yes" you stepped onto his foot and ran off again. Everyone was either cheering for you or praying for you're safety. You turned to see a very pissed off Colonel behind you.
As you ran, Alejandro let out a grunt of pain from your sudden move but quickly regained his balance. His anger only fuelled his pursuit as he chased after you once again. This time, he was even more determined to catch you. 
You were running around the base endlessly trying to find a place to hide. You looked to see that you was free from Alejandro for a moment so you went into the first room you came across and hid. 
As Alejandro caught his breath, he realised that you had vanished from sight.  His mind raced as he tried to think as to where you could of gone. The door near him was slightly open, a mischievous grin spread across his face - you had led him straight to his own bedroom.
You quickly hid under the bed in the room and steadied your breathing to the point it sounded like you wasn't breathing. 
Slowly, Alejandro approached the door to his bedroom, his heart pounding with anticipation. He paused for a moment, wondering if this was really happening. With a sigh, he pushed open the door and stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room for any sign on you. 
You saw his feet and froze, the longer you stayed away from him the worse your punishment would be. That's exactly what you wanted. 
Alejandro noticed your footprints on the floor, leading straight to his bed. A mischievous smile crossed his face. He knelt down, grabbing the edge of the bed and lifted it up slowly. 
You saw the bed lift up slowly and looked up to see him smirking, you grinned sheepishly before trying to get away but he was ready for you this time. 
As you tried to crawl away Alejandro grabbed your ankle, pulling you back to him. He stood up, towering over you once again, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and amusement. "You really thought you could outsmart me?"
"I mean I kinda did" you stood up, brushing the dust off your clothes. Alejandro put his hand on your waist and chuckled darkly, his grip tightening slightly. "Oh, you may have gotten away for a little while, but now it's time for your punishment"
You leaned back a little, bringing the back of your hand to your forehead "Oh what am I ever going to do" Alejandro's eyes flashed with lust as he pulled you closer to him, his other hand reaching down to grab your waist. "You're going to learn your lesson, little thief. And trust me, you'll enjoy every second of it"
You brought your face up to his ear and whispered "Oh I don't doubt it". His lips curled into a smirk as he continued to hold you captive with his gaze. Slowly, he lowered himself onto the bed, pulling you on top of him. "You're such a naughty girl hiding from me"
You put your hands of his chest "Oh what are you going to do to me Colonel?" With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Alejandro began to explore your body with his hands, tracing patterns on your skin that made you shiver with anticipation. "Oh, I think I'll do more than just punish you, little thief"
You brought your hands to his waist and push yourself up from his chest "a deal is a deal. You caught me so you can punish me however you want". Alejandro grinned triumphantly as he listened to your words, delighted by your boldness. He leaned in close, his lips brushing against your lips as he whispered "Don't worry, I fully intend to take full advantage of that"
You bit your lip not realising what you have gotten yourself into and that made Alejandro chuckle softly, his warm breath tickling your lips as his continued to tease you with subtle touches. "You're such a tempting little thing" he murmured. "I think I'm going to have a lot of fun breaking you in"
You decided to be a brat one more time, when he walked into the room you noticed he left to door ajar slightly, now he was distracted you made a run for it once again. 
You could hear Alejandro's frustrated growl as you made your escape. "Damn it, little thief! Come back here!" He quickly gave chase, his footsteps thundering the corridor as he persuaded you relentlessly.
"No" you laughed. You passed Rudy as he shouted "I'll see you at your funeral". Alejandro's eyes flashed with anger as he chased you through the halls. He caught up to you just as you turned a corner, grabbing onto your arm roughly to stop your escape. "You think this is funny?"
"Oh I think it's fucking hilarious making you work for it" you twisted his arm slightly so he would let you go and ran for it. 
"Fucking tease" he muttered under his breath as he followed after you once again. He was beginning to lose patience, and the look in his eyes showed that he wouldn't be stopping until he had caught up with you. "I swear, If I catch you..."
You looked at your watch "What's that? Sorry It's home time" you smirked before running to your car. Since there wasn't any room for you on base, Laswell manage to find a temporary home for you while you were in Las Almas. 
Alejandro's eyes narrowed as he watched you run to your car, his mind already planning his next move. With a determined stride, he headed towards his own vehicle - a sleek black sports car that matched his dominant personality.
You laughed as you drove home, this was the most fun you've had in years. You were safe for one more day you thought to yourself completely oblivious of Alejandro's plan. 
As he drove, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and arousal. He hated being toyed with, but there was something about the chase that turned him on. His mind was racing with thoughts of what he would do to you once he finally caught you. 
Once you got home you had a shower and change into some comfy clothes before getting on with some chores around the house. 
Alejandro was waiting for you outside your house, leaning casually against his car with his arms crossed over his broad chest. He watched you walk around your house, a smirk playing against the corners of his lips. 
As you changed into something more comfortable, Alejandro's mind wandered to the tantalizing image of you naked. His body was tense with anticipation as he imagined how you would look underneath him. He couldn't wait any longer and decided to make his move.  
You were in your bedroom putting some clothes away but the squeak of a door caught your attention, you looked outside your bedroom window and saw his car. Alejandro had followed you home.
Alejandro's heart raced with excitement. He quickly moved towards your room, his footsteps silent on the hardwood floors. As he reached your bedroom door, he took a deep breath to steady his nerves before pushing it open slowly. He expected you to be in your bedroom but you wasn't, you hid from him again.
Alejandro's eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of you. His mind was filled with possibilities of where you could be hiding. He knew he wouldn't rest until he found you.
You giggled from your closet, you knew this was one of the most obvious places to hide but you decided it was time to endure your punishment once he found you.
The sound of your giggles echoed through your bedroom, guiding Alejandro straight to the closet. His eyes narrowed as he slowly opened the door, revealing your smiling face peering back at him. He stepped forward, his body closing in on yours as he finally had you cornered.
You held your hands up "You caught me, I won't run this time I promise"
"Good," Alejandro growled, his voice low and threatening. He grabbed your wrists, pulling you out of the closet and pinning you against the wall. His body was pressed against yours, his hard cock straining against his pants as he dominated you completely.
Alejandro's grip on your wrists tightened, causing you to gasp in surprise. His eyes bored into yours, a mix of lust and dominance in their depths. "I'm going to punish you for running from me"
"Good" was all you said. A dark chuckle escaped Alejandro's lips as he leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. "You're going to beg for it," he whispered, before capturing your lips in a rough, possessive kiss.
You pulled away "Oh but Colonel. I don't beg" you were playing with fire here but it was exciting not knowing what was going to happen next.
Alejandro's eyes flashed with amusement at your boldness. "We'll see about that," he growled, his hand moving to grip the hem of your shirt roughly. He tore it apart easily, revealing your smooth skin beneath.
You didn't move, you didn't cover yourself. Instead you decide to play with your nipples to see how he'd react.
Alejandro's eyes darkened further as he watched you play with your nipples. His mouth watered at the sight of them hardening under his gaze. "You're a tease," he murmured, leaning in to capture one of your hardened peaks between his lips.
You bit your lip as as he suck one nipple and you played with the other. Alejandro moaned against your skin, the taste of you sending a jolt of pleasure through his body. His hand moved to your other nipple, giving it equal attention as he continued to dominate you. "I'll make you beg,"
You cupped his face and brought it to yours "I'd like to see you try" you kissed his neck before biting into it. 
Alejandro's eyes closed tightly in a mix of pleasure and pain as you bit him. His hips began to grind against you, their movement mirroring the desire he felt for you. "Fuck," he groaned, his hand moving to squeeze your ass roughly.
With one strong arm, Alejandro picked you up and tossed you onto the bed. He followed you down, his large muscular body looming over yours. His hands moved to tug at your shorts and panties, desperate to get them off you.
"Someone's desperate" you smirked.
"You have no idea," Alejandro growled, his voice low and rough. He finally managed to pull your panties off, revealing your wet folds to him. His tongue darted out to taste you, lapping at your entrance like a hungry animal.
Alejandro's sudden intrusion caused you to cry out in surprise "Oh fuck". He thrust his tongue deeper, using it to stroke and tease your sensitive nerves. You couldn't help but squirm underneath him, your body aching for more.
You gripped on his raven hair and teased "This isn't much of a punishment"
Alejandro's eyes met yours, full of lust and amusement. "Oh, it's just beginning," he promised before pulling away from you. He positioned himself at your entrance, his hard cock pressing against you through his pants.
You sat up and started palming his cock through his pants but he pulled your hands away.
"No," he growled, capturing your wrists in his strong grip. "Not yet." He pushed you back onto the bed, his body following after. With one swift movement, he pulled off his pants, revealing his large, throbbing cock to you.
You looked at his cock with wide eyes, you had a feeling his was big but you never thought he'd be that big. Alejandro's eyes glinted with satisfaction at your surprise. "Do you like what you see?" he asked, stroking his cock lazily. You could only nod in reply, unable to tear your eyes away from the sight of him.
He smirked before bringing his fingers towards your wet folds, "you won't cum unless I say you can. Do you understand?" he asked and you nodded.
Alejandro's fingers plunged deep into your folds, searching for your sensitive spots. He rubbed circles around your clit, increasing the intensity of the pleasure he was giving you. "Such a good girl," he murmured, his voice thick with approval.
You moaned while bringing your hands down and started playing with you nipples again. At the sound of your moan, Alejandro's fingers worked faster, stroking and pinching your clit with precision. He watched as you arched your back, pushing your breasts further into his view. "So fucking beautiful,"
You wanted to come so badly but you couldn't. Not without Alejandro's permission but you weren't going to beg for it.
Alejandro could sense your desire to climax, but you needed to beg him if you wanted to cum. He continued his assault on your sensitive areas, increasing the speed of his fingers. "You're so close, aren't you?" he asked, his voice dripping with anticipation.
"Y-yes" you chocked out. "Tell me," he commanded, his other hand reaching up to pinch one of your nipples hard. "Beg me." "Never" you said through your teeth. You've never begged a man for something in your life
"Oh little thief, you will," Alejandro promised, leaning down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking hard. He increased the pressure on your clit, causing a wave of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm you. "Beg me."
"N-no. I won't beg"
Alejandro smirked at your resistance. "I love a challenge," he murmured, circling your clit with his thumb while pinching your other nipple between his teeth. He sped up, practically abusing your pussy with his fingers, you started to cry "God yes".
Alejandro's eyes glinted with malicious delight at your cries. "That's it," he murmured hoarsely, his fingers working magic within you. With another forceful thrust, he pushed two fingers deep into your wet core, hitting your G-spot perfectly. 
You looked at him, pleading him to let you cum but his dark chuckle made you realise he doesn't care "Unless you beg you can cum mi amore." 
Alejandro's fingers curled inside you, his grip tightening as he stroked and pressed against your most sensitive spot. You could feel your orgasm building, the intensity of it unlike anything you'd ever experienced before. "Beg me," he commanded once more.
You caved in, for the first time in your life you begged "F-fine. Please let me cum please"
The moment you begged, Alejandro increased the pressure on your clit and G-spot, pushing you over the edge. Your orgasm crashed down on you like a wave, leaving you gasping and shuddering in its wake. "Mi amore,"
It was so intense, you had never experienced anything like this before
As you rode out your orgasm on his hand, Alejandro slowed his movements, his fingers gently tracing inside you as your body trembled and spasmed. With a soft grunt, he withdrew his fingers, bringing them to his mouth and licking them clean with a satisfied smirk. 
You're breathing was heavy but you knew this was just the beginning. "I always get what I want, mi amore" Alejandro whispered, his voice low and husky. He leaned down to capture your lips in a deep, passionate kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth as he claimed you completely.
You cupped his face and rolled over so you was on top of him. Alejandro flipped you over onto your back, pinning your wrists above your head as he gazed down at you with hungry eyes. He allowed himself a moment to appreciate the sight of your body beneath him, before leaning down to suck and bite on the sensitive skin just below your ear.
You locked your legs around his waist and tried to pull him down but he wasn't budging. You didn't deserved to get fucked yet
"So desperate little thief," Alejandro smirked, his voice rough with desire. He kissed his way down your jawline, trailing gentle bites along the way, until he reached your neck. "You need to beg for it." Alejandro got a kick out of your hatred for begging.
He carried on kissing down your body until his face was between your legs. With a smirk, Alejandro trailed his tongue along the soft flesh of your inner thighs, causing you to shiver in anticipation. He parted your legs wider, revealing your wetness to him as he leaned forward to take one swollen bud between his lips.
You arched your back in pleasure "Oh Alejandro". The sound of his name coming out of your mouth made him feral. You sounded so sweet, so innocent. He started sucking and slurping. He ate you out like a starved man.
Feeling your body tense and tremble beneath him, Alejandro knew you were close. He increased the pressure on your clit, pushing you over the edge as he felt you climax on his mouth. You moaned so loudly you wouldn't be surprised if you got a complaint from your neighbours but you didn't care.
Chuckling softly, Alejandro relished in your cries of pleasure as he savoured the taste of you on his tongue. He continued to stroke your inner walls with his fingers, milking every drop of pleasure from your body as he pressed a kiss to your swollen, sensitive clit.
He came up and kissed you. He wanted you to taste yourself on his lips. Alejandro smirked against your lips, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Mmm, you taste delicious," he murmured before leaning in to capture your lips in another deep, passionate kiss.
The kiss didn't last long as he soon had his hand around your throat. With a growl of desire, Alejandro pushed you back onto the bed, his hand still wrapped around your throat as he hovered over you. "Now beg," he commanded, his voice low and threatening.
"Ple- Please fuck me" you begged and it was like music to his ears. "That's it," Alejandro rasped, his eyes dark with lust. He lowered his body onto yours, guiding his thick cock towards your wet entrance. With a forceful thrust, he impaled himself inside you, filling you up completely.
"You're too big" you cried. "That's a shame" Alejandro growled, pulling out slightly before slamming back in again "If you hadn't ran away from me earlier" he pulled out and slammed back into you. "Maybe I would of eased you onto my cock" he pulled out completely before slamming back into you harder.
His pace quickening, he took you roughly, your protests turning into moans of pleasure as he hit deep inside you with each powerful stroke.
Alejandro's hand around your throat tightened in tandem with his thrusts, the rough treatment heightening both of your senses. His other hand found its way between your legs, fingers once again finding their rhythm as they teased and massaged your swollen clit.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" you was becoming a blabbering mess. Alejandro's thrusts became more erratic, his body tensing as he neared his own climax. "That's it, beg for me," he demanded, his voice laced with lust and dominance.
"N-no" you smiled, you was still trying to test Alejandro's patience. "What was that?" Alejandro snapped, pulling out almost completely before plunging back in with renewed force. His hand around your throat tightened even more, cutting off your air supply momentarily as he took you roughly and without mercy.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you screamed his name.
"That's it, call out my name," Alejandro growled, taking you deeper than ever before. Your scream echoed through the room, the sound of his name on your lips driving him wild with desire. "God please let me cum" you caved in again and begged.
"Not yet," Alejandro said, pulling out almost completely again before thrusting back in with a force that sent waves of pleasure through your body. His other hand left your throat to grab your hair, using it as leverage to pull your head back and expose your neck even more.
Alejandro's mouth descended on your neck, his lips and teeth leaving a trail of bruises and kisses as he marked you as his own. His hips pumped hard and fast, driving deeper into you with each powerful stroke. "You're mine,"
"I'm yours, I promise" you clawed at his back, you needed to grab something. Anything. "Yes," Alejandro hissed, lifting your legs up and around his waist. He grabbed your hips and held you tight as he plunged into you with a force that made you cry out.
"That's right, say my name," Alejandro demanded, his thrusts becoming even more intense. He leaned down to capture your lips in a bruising kiss, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth as he continued to claim you completely.
"Please" you whispered
"Please what?" Alejandro asked, his eyes were wild and his breathing ragged as he looked down at you with an intensity that made your heart race. "Please let me cum" you cried.
Alejandro growled low in his throat, a sound of pure male satisfaction. His hands gripped your hips tighter as he began to thrust harder and faster. "Cum for me," he commanded, his cock hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
You was finally allowed to orgasm.
Alejandro's hips bucked wildly as he felt you cum around him. He groaned deeply, his own orgasm hitting him hard and fast. His cock throbbed inside of you as he released himself completely, filling you up with his hot seed. "Fuck,"
You both held onto each other as you both rode out your orgasms. Alejandro held onto you tightly, his body trembling with the force of his release. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before pulling out of you, his still hard cock slipping out with a wet slide.
You laid there, all sweaty and a blabbering mess. Alejandro chuckled softly, his eyes roaming over your flushed skin. "You're a mess," he said teasingly, reaching down to run his fingers through your hair. He leaned in close again, nuzzling his nose against yours. 
"Are you okay?" Alejandro asked and you nodded your head lazily. With a satisfied grin he pulled you up and into his arms, holding you close against his chest. "I should start stealing your stuff more often" you chuckled.
"You'd better not," Alejandro said, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "Or else I might have to punish you again." He nipped gently at your earlobe before kissing it softly. "I'm okay with that" you smiled.
"Very well," Alejandro said, grinning widely. He claimed your lips in a passionate kiss before breaking away to murmur against your lips, "But you might not be able to walk straight for days." You playfully smacked his arm "then you can explain to everyone back at base why I'm not in"
Alejandro chuckled, his eyes dark with desire. "Oh, I'll make sure to take full responsibility for your condition." "Deal" you kissed him.
Alejandro deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling with yours in a sensual dance. His grip on your lower back tightened, pulling you closer to him as his passion grew. He broke the kiss, looking into your eyes with hunger. "We should do this again sometime,"
"But not now" You laid down and pulled him with you, "Right now I just want to sleep" you giggled.
"Very well, sleep tight little thief" Alejandro said, his voice husky with desire. He lay down beside you, spooning you from behind. 
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aimbutmiss · 8 months
Cooking was a lot like sword fighting. There were rules, and a routine to follow to get better at it. But repetition alone wasn't enough to be good, you had to understand the fundamentals. Which ingredients go with what, and what combinations to avoid. Mihawk had a lot of time to study this back at his home in Kuraigana, cooking for the two kids that literally got delivered to him by a stork 20 years too late. Zoro loved his food, but didn't care much for the process, not that he had time to spare from his sword training. But Perona came into the kitchen to help him sometimes. She was more interested in baking, which was unknown terrain to Mihawk and kind of terrifying, because it was a lot easier to mess up.
He wrapped his arms around his black satin nightgown as he knelt slightly to check the oven. Thankfully, the bread had risen well. He got up and picked up some eggs to get started on an omelette as two men walked into the kitchen, one being dragged by the other.
"Good morning." The taller man grumbled under his breath as he threw the other man on one of the chairs. He was wearing green pyjama pants and no shirt, displaying his muscles and scars to the world. He sat down beside the sleeping clown and picked up the newspaper on the table, his hook ripping through the paper. But the man started reading as if it didn't phase him at all. It never did.
"Good morning to you as well. Slept well?"
"As well as I could."
Mihawk put the whisked eggs aside and walked over to his lover to give a chaste kiss to his lips.
"What about him?" He asked, pointing to Buggy who was quietly snoring and drooling on the table. He made a move to gently shake the clown but a hand wrapped around his wrist to stop him.
"Leave him be. He must be tired."
Mihawk lips curled slightly as he moved back to the kitchen counter to lightly butter a pan, while Crocodile's eyes fell back on the newspaper. A loud sizzle filled the quiet space as Mihawk poured the egg mixture into the hot pan.
"Straw Hat is wreaking havoc again."
"When is he ever not?"
"Your Zoro seems to be doing well too."
Plating the food was also an important part of the process, according to seasoned chefs. Mihawk didn't quite get it, but he tried to honor their code. He would be very angry if anyone broke the code of swordfighting, so he tried to apply the same respect to other art forms. He gently placed the grilled tomatoes on Crocodile's plate, none for Buggy of course. Instead he used some ketchup to draw a cute clown face on his omelette. It wasn't the best or anything, but Mihawk was very proud of it. He knew Buggy would love it too, the sentiment was there. He took the plates and walked over to the table, putting the food in front of his lovers.
"Buggy, darling, wake up."
Buggy groaned and whined as Mihawk gently poked him. "Stop it, Hawkyyyy."
"Just get up, clown. It's already quite late. You need to eat to get through the day. We have that business meeting with that old fart today, remember?"
Buggy finally lifted his head from the table, his hair all over the place, the bun he put it in last night barely holding it together. His lips were shiny with drool and his shirt was falling off his shoulder, probably because he stole it from one of them.
"I forgot about that... Do I have to, Croccy? You're the one who deals with business stuff!"
"Yes, you're right. You don't have to do a single business thing. All you have to do is sit down and look pretty."
"That's hard too! Sometimes! No one understands the struggles of being too hot and charismatic."
Crocodile put down the newspaper he was reading to finally start eating as Mihawk sat down with his own plate. "Just shut up and eat." He said in his low voice, but there was no bite to it. Not anymore. They had gotten through their differences, and grown.
Mihawk smiled as he took a bite from the food. It wasn't perfect, but it sure felt like it as he watched the other two men clearly enjoy his cooking. Two years ago today, he was probably sulking around in his mansion on Kuraigana. He would have never guessed back then, that he would end up where he is now.
Mihawk was a man of routine and rules, but this once he had to admit: Sometimes change is good.
@kittaykattz this is super short but hope you enjoy
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