#toby rants
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alttheloco · 6 months ago
Why don’t more people talk about how In Case I Make It songs are SO William Wisp coded??
Specifically these 6 songs—
Vampire Reference in a Minor Key — Against the Kitchen Floor — Becoming the Lastnames — That’s Enough, Let’s Get You Home. — Cicada Days — White Noise
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chaotic-toby · 7 months ago
A week or two ago, my sister told me that if I want a specific thing for Christmas (she loves Christmas shopping early), then I should just give her the link to whatever I want.
But the problem is, the things I want changes on what I'm currently hyperfixating on. What I want right now might not be something I want when Christmas arrives bc my hyperfixation might change. Not that I'm gonna hate whatever I get even if it's not pertaining to my hyperfixation. There are old hyperfixations that I still enjoy and will love to get things pertaining to that, but if I'm hyperfixating on something specific, then my brain will ONLY want things about that hyperfixation and it's annoying.
But I have decided to find things that pertains to some of my favourite and more recent hyperfixations like Omori, Sonic, slashers, etc. I might not be actively obsessing over them but they are hyperfixations that I find myself coming back to constantly.
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tobytheeggo · 8 months ago
Being sick is drooling as over your pillow at like 4 am and having to get a bunch of napkins and a towel so it just collects on the towel but even with the towel you’re still overstimulated because it has a strong detergent scent and now you had to chose wether to just accept it or figure out something else
I don’t like being sick
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ur-localcreature2023 · 1 year ago
I accidentally deleted a draft I had planned for when I finished writing young gems. I wrote it again. But my body is still having a physical reaction.
Like Stfu I wrote it again stop making me feel weird.
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angelicspaceprince · 2 years ago
-sighs- apparently I have a type
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frwalkwithme · 4 months ago
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not my usual content ik but I just started to rewatch this show with my brother so here's my Trollhunters main 3 designs
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seireitonin · 22 days ago
“Grr you have to know how to write perfect stories and make a story gory and realistic to make the Creepypasta characters good! You all suck and are stupid! I hate fun! Creepypasta is serious! And there’s no goofy fun in it at all! It’s all the fandom’s fault that Creepypasta isn’t serious anymore! I hate different interpretations of characters!”
Meanwhile Delucat, bloody painters creator: makes a dating sim , a blood painter body pillow, and cute animations of bloody painter on their OWN YouTube channel
Meanwhile LJs: creator: posts LJ twerking / dancing videos in cosplay, posts LJ playing video games, makes a goofy comic called Creeps where LJ is a bum who can’t pay rent
Meanwhile Toby’s creator: makes goofy ask box panels, makes Toby goofy and evil, makes the waffle comic (which is where the Toby waffle thing comes from)
Meanwhile Nina’s creator: makes Nina the killer among us merch and jokes about how Nina doesn’t shower.
Meanwhile Delucat, Toby’s creator, clockworks creator, judge angels creator: literally shipped their characters together and they used to be in canon relationships until changes were made.
Ninas creator: said Nina x EJ was her favorite ship back in the day made a child between them called eyeless Alice.
Anyway, Creepypasta has always been about creativity and fun. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying or is full of themselves. The creators themselves participate / have participated In goofy stuff. Idk why ppl get mad on their behalf. Let’s remember that all these characters are OCs for a second and let people have fun. Relax bro. It’s literally meant to be fun.
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alttheloco · 1 year ago
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Seeing this MONTHS later and you know what? It’s never too late for a rock lesson.
The reason you’ve seen people call it that, is because it’s commonly mistaken for sunstone (which is real!) when in reality, it is its own man-made stone, classified at “goldstone”
Goldstone (not the blue kind), to my knowledge, is made to imitate sunstone. Similar to opalite, which is made to imitate opals! Sunstone is a very pretty rock that, I shit you not, glitters when you view it at the right angle.
Below the cut I will show some examples of sunstone compared to goldstone (and picture the blue goldstone too). Plus, I’ll tell ya how to identify one from the other!
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Identified by its teeeeeny tiny inclusions of copper, hematite and/or goethite, that give it that sparkling characteristic. It’s often a soft pinkish-orange color (I think higher grade ones can be fairly vibrant though). Usually the darkest colors are towards the middle of the stone, and the lighter colors on the outside. Kinda like a radial gradient :>
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Glass infused with bits of copper. Plain and simple. Goldstone is sort of garishly orange, and kinda just looks like glitter was dumped into it. I’ll give credit where it’s due and say I don’t mind the look of blue goldstone, in fact I much prefer it to the loud rusty orange color. Since it’s man made it honestly comes in every color of the fuckin rainbow, but I’ve most commonly seen blue and “gold”
Telling the difference:
Goldstone has an even surface of sparkly bits, which can pretty much always be seen
Sunstone’s sparkly bits are similar to that of labradorite or tigers eye, and can only be seen in flashes (feldspar WOOOO!!)
What would Nebby/cosmog’s rocks be if you haven’t done them?
Nebby (Cosmog) - Pokemon
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nebby reminds me of ametrine, tektite, and blue goldstone!
requested by: harley-the-pancake posted by: mod malachite
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ametrine: look at these! they can have such a pretty blend and gradient of colors, and feature some of the main colors of nebby's color palette. its a natural mix of amethyst and citrine, reminiscent of cosmog's ability to evolve into either solgaleo or lunala. it even has each of their signature colors!
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tektite: formed when meteorites hit the earth and melt dirt and minerals into glass. comes from space/not from earth, just like nebby. also kinda mysterious and pretty
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blue goldstone: look at it. its dark blue and sparkly and literally looks like a night sky. it feels like a perfect match to me.
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downrightbooks · 2 months ago
Okay, so I’ve seen some people post about how they think that the age difference is a little questionable between Lyra and Grayson. One of the most brought up things is when in the Brothers Hawthorne he said to Gigi that he would not date anyone her age.
Now this might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t really think the age gap is that drastic (like they are like what 3 years apart). And if you think about it in the Brothers Hawthorne when Grayson said that he would not date someone Gigis age he was like 20 and Gigi was like 17. Therefore, I interpreted this to mean that he just wasn’t going to date anyone under the age of 18 at his current age, not that he was uninterested in any girls that where a few younger than him. And yes I know that Lyra is either the same age as Gigi or a little younger but I think that it’s a different situation because in this scenario both Grayson and Lyra are adults.
I really hope this makes sense
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alttheloco · 1 year ago
Guys, we gotta stop leaving Becky out of the bitb polycule. Kian’s got six hands, dammit!!
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chaotic-toby · 8 months ago
Does anyone else have passing thoughts that you have a certain disorder bc every time you see something about it, it resonates with you but you refuse to look more into the disorder bc you know that if you did, you will most likely unconsciously self diagnose (not that there's anything bad about that) and you will also feel guilty??
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alttheloco · 1 year ago
(The photo with purple nails is me!!)
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Opening 6 slots for custom OC pins! $25 plus shipping, with your choice of holographic foil.
Please fill out this form if interested!
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tobytheeggo · 9 months ago
Hopelessly devoted is such a cute ship name! I am one more problematic person who likes them…I stand for LGBTQ+ rights, legal abortion and I do not plan on waiting for marriage even though everyone I know off line believes different (my entire country is Catholic lol) I think that’s why I love bad guys so much, you don’t expect them live Godly lives. My question, I know Santino’s family is Catholic but France, more so in old days and esp Chile are also high Catholic countries…how do Vincent and Chidi feel about the Church and its teachings? Are there any that they try to live by in spite of the lives they live? PS I also think smoking is disgusting almost all men here do & I hate hate hate it lol
Ack okay so many things to unpack in one ask but we’re gonna get through it all!
1. The name!
I came up with majority of the JW ship names on here but with HopelesslyDevoted, I was actually thinking about the song from ‘Grease’! The original thought process was something noble for Marquis’ half and loyalty for Chidi’s half, but then I dumbed myself down and came to the conclusion of HopelesslyDevoted
2. Problematic Instances
See when I say problematic, I mean r4p3 and p3dophili4, which are two main problems with the users who write Marquis/Chidi fics on Ao3. What you believe in as stated is completely fine if not morally correct (of course, sex before marriage is a choice so no real morality there since it’s an option), so when I say there’s problematic people who like this ship, I’m alluding to those who have written these two in non-consensual context or in weird age gaps and very triggering situations for the purpose enjoyment (AHEM Laci.)
3. Views on Catholicism by the two
Now I’m gonna be honest, my family isn’t super religious, at least to the point where they’d take me to church EVERY Sunday. The last time I’ve been to church was when I was like 6 (which was a long time ago) and the most I’ve seen my family do as a whole is pray before food. So really I can’t go too much in depth with this, unless you’d want to wait days for me to do the research (I’d get distracted) considering that I’m neither French nor Latino and I don’t know how specific areas/cultures handle their devotion to Catholicism.
The only thing I can safely assume is that Chidi is very nonchalant about it now in his adult life, and Vincent’s probably ditched the whole ideology, maybe?
4. Smoking
I don’t want to offend anyone or start anything stupid, but I hate people that smoke or do drugs solely because it makes me uncomfortable knowing they’re destroying themselves so ‘violently’ (for lack of better words). I hate the fumes, I hate the rage with vapes, I hate that minors get influenced and shit (I’m a minor), and hate that I feel like I have to be chill with it even if I personally don’t like it. The same thing goes for drinking, however I feel less guilty with alcohol. This all boils down to the fact that people get addicted and it changes their lives; like I’m all for doing whatever you want as long as it’s not hurting anyone, but me personally I’m just not that person.
If anyone asks me to expand on this I will try my best to respectfully (not that I’d be mean abt it, just that I suck at wording things)
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lyrakanefanatic · 5 months ago
hear me out—a coriolanus x lucy gray type relationship. (except pretend corio is sane pls 🫶😊)
lyra keeps finding more and more evidence of what the hawthornes did to her father, drawing her away from grayson.
grayson keeps getting warned by family (prob alice), people who knew lyras father, etc. that being affiliated with lyra was a bad choice (kind of like how it was with corio’s grandma and also casca highbottom)
lyra feels that all this evidence is a sign that having any affiliations with the hawthornes is a bad bad idea, and we already see some of these realizations grow throughout the grandest game.
but grayson, on the other hand, is determined to (ignore the haters 😊) prove their accusations wrong, and still feels drawn to lyra no matter what.
i know that this seems like a copy of hannah x toby, but i really want a sort of lucy gray x coriolanus “haunting the narrative” type love that has a bit of hannah x toby in it. although knowing jlb, if she attempts to lead this plot line on, it’s just going to be a carbon copy of hannah and toby’s love story 😪
i want this kind of love. i want lyra to feel at odds with him. i want grayson to understand this, but love her anyway.
i want him to have to make a choice between losing her or loving her, and instead of making the same choice toby did, i want grayson to choose to love her despite it being the more selfish choice, because he is selfish and he wants her. I WANT THAT!!! PLEASE!!
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angelicspaceprince · 1 year ago
Why is it that everyone writes parts of their fics in red now??? I just wanna read some shitposts about the obey me boys or hsr or genshin but I can't bc the red comes out in force and then I get a migraine 😭😭
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alttheloco · 1 year ago
How dare you. I will continue to bark at squirrels, you will never hear the end of it
hey siri how do i stop my brother from barking at squirrels take away joy and happiness and sillies from my brother
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