#tobin winslow
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tanetime · 2 years ago
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My last two boys for Art Fight - Winslow and Tobin! (Or Tony Winslow and Tobin Winslow...)
Two twins that worked together as police detectives in life, until Winslow's poor choices unknowingly caused an unwitting Tobin to take a bullet for his brother (figuratively and literally).
Years later, Winslow made a deal with Maxwell that included an ill-expressed wish that the person responsible for his brother's disappearance would be haunted by what they had done for the rest of their life - even if Winslow never found out who that person was. Unfortunately, in Tobin's eyes: that person was him.
Now in the Constant, the pair are stuck working together once more.
The pair work together as one character, with a timed ability that allows the player to switch between which brother they are playing as every so often. Winslow being the safe and boring one, and Tobin being stronger with more aggressive drawbacks.
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snacho-to-ur-nacho · 2 months ago
i love infinity alchemist, but damn i wish kacen provided more descriptions
i mean we only know how the 3 look like and ive been wanting to imagine how ramsays parents looked bc ive been trying to draw her mother but there is virtually no description! not of tobin or winslow either! why!
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afaimsarrowverse · 5 years ago
Personea Dramatis
                     The Walking Dead Edition:
Da in meiner “Nach dem Ende”-Reihe von eine Menge von Personen auftreten, hier eine kleine Übersicht über die wichtigsten Charaktere:
 Die Atlanta Gruppe:
 Rick Grimes, Officer Friendly, Ricky, Polizist, der angeschossen wird ins Koma fällt und nach dem Ende der Welt wieder aufwacht, Rudelführer der Atlanata-Gruppe (m/Omega)
 Shane Walsh, Ricks bester Freund und Partner bei der Polizei, ursprünglicher Rudelführer der Atlanta Gruppe (m/Alpha)
 Lori Grimes. Ricks Gefährtin und Ehefrau (f/Beta)
 Carl Grimes, Sohn von Rick und Lori, ca. 12 beim Ausbruch (m/Omega)
 Andrea Harrison, Blondie, Andy, Einarm, Anwältin und Sozialarbeiterin (f/Beta)
 Amy Harrison, Andreas Schwester (f/Beta)
 Daryl Dixon, Redneck, stolzer Besitzer einer Armbrust, gut im Fährtenlesen (m/Omega)
 Merle Dixon, Daryls älterer Bruder, drogenabhängig (m/Alpha)
 Carol Peletier, hingebungsvolle Hausfrau und Mutter (f/Omega)
 Ed Peletier, Carols Ehemann und Gefährte (m/Alpha)
 Sophia Peletier, Tochter von Carol und Ed (f/Omega)
 Glenn Rhee, Pizzabote (m/Omega)
 Morgan Jones, einsamer Überlebender, erster Mensch, den Rick trifft, nachdem er aus dem Koma erwacht (m/Alpha)
 Duane Jones, Morgans Sohn (m/Beta)
 T-Dog, immer bereit sich nützlich zu machen (m/Beta)
 Dale Horvath, stolzer Besitzer eines Wohnmobils, besitzt Lebenserfahrung (m/Beta)
 Morales, Familienvater (m/Alpha)
 Eliza Morales, Morales Ehefrau (f/Omega)
 Louis Morales, Morales Sohn (m/Beta)
 Jacqui, lässt sich von niemanden schlecht behandeln, Freundin von Andrea (f/Beta)
 Jim, Mechaniker, Freund von Dale (m/Beta)
 Edwin Jenner, Arzt (m/Alpha)
 Candace Jenner, seine Gefährtin (f/Omega)
   Die Greene-Farm:
 Maggie Greene, Mags, Farmerstochter, die sich zum eigenen sekundären Geschlecht hingezogen fühlt (f/Omega)
 Hershel Greene, Tierarzt, Farmer, ihr Vater (m/Alpha)
 Beth Greene, Maggies jüngere Schwester, Hershels jüngere Tochter, depressiv (f/Omega)
 Otis, Freund der Familie Greene (m/Beta)
 Patricia, Nachbarin der Greenes, Otis Gefährtin (f/Beta)
 Jimmy, Beths fester Freund (m/Beta)
 Anette Greene, Hershels Frau (f/O)
 Shawn Greene, Anettes Sohn (m/B)
 Arnold Greene, Hershels Neffe (m/B)
   Einsame Wanderer:
 Jenny Jones, Morgans Gefährtin, Mutter von Duane (f/O)
 Randall Culver, geheimnisvoller Fremder (m/B)
 Michonne, Mich, besitzt ein Katana und zwei angeleinte Beißer (f/Alpha-Beta)
 Gabriel, Gabe, Pater Gabriel, Vater Gabriel, ein Priester (m/Beta)
 Eastman, Psychiater und Kriminologe (m/Alpha)
 Siddiq, ein Arzt (m/B)
 Dante, ein Arzt (m/A)
 Georgie, eine Zukunftsgläubige mit Ressourcen (f/B)
   Das Gefängnis:
 Axel, ein Verbrecher (m/A)
 Oscar, ein Verbrecher (m/A)
 Judith Grimes, Tochter von Lori Grimes (f/O)
 Bob Stookey, ein Alkoholiker (m/B)
 Caleb Subramanian, ein Arzt (m/B)
 Philip Blake, Brian, der Gouverneur, Rudelführer von Woodbury (m/A)
 Penny Blake, seine Tochter (f/O)
 Milton Mamet, ein Mediziner, Freund von Philip (m/O)
 Caesar Martinez, Anführer der Miliz von Woodbury (m/A)
 Dr. Stevens, ein Arzt (m/B)
 Tim, Mitglied von Martinez‘ Miliz (m/A)
 Shumpert, Mitglied von Martinez‘ Miliz (m/A)
 Karen, Mitglied von Martinez‘ Miliz (f/A)
 Lizzie Samuels, ein Mädchen aus Woodbury (f/A)
 Mika Samuels, ihre Schwester (f/O)
 Ryan Samuels, Vater von Lizzie und Mika (m/B)
 David, ein Bewohner von Woodbury (m/B)
   Tyreeses Rudel:
 Tyreese Williams, NFL-Star, Rudelführer seines kleinen Rudels (m/O)
 Sasha Williams, seine Schwester (f/B)
 Allen, ein Freund von Tyreese (m/B)
 Donna, Allens Gefährtin (f/B)
 Ben, Allens Sohn (m/B)
   Abrahams Rudel:
 Abraham Ford, Rotschopf, ein Soldat auf einer Mission (m/A)
 Rosita Espinosa, seine rechte Hand und Geliebte (f/B)
 Eugene Porter, ein Wissenschaftler, Omega von Abraham und Rosita (m/O)
   Die Chambler Familie:
 Tara Chambler, Möchtergern-Polizstin, mag nur Frauen (f/B)
 Lilly Chambler, ihre Schwester (f/O)
 Meghan Chambler, Lillys Tochter (f/O)
   Brians Rudel:
 Alisha, Taras Geliebte (f/B)
   Die Eroberer:
 Joe, Joey, Rudeführer der Eroberer (m/A)
 Gareth, Rudelführer von Terminus (m/A)
 Mary, seine Mutter (f/A)
 Unterkühlte Ärztin (f/A)
   Das Grady Memorial:
 Noah, eine Gefangener im Grady Memorial (m/O)
 Dawn Lerner, Alpha vom Grady Memorial, ehemalige Polizistin, TransAlpha (f/B->A)
 Captain Hanson, Dawns ehemaliger Vorgesetzte (m/B)
 Steven Edwards, ein Arzt (m/B)
 Amanda Shepherd, Sicherheitsfrau im Grady Memorial,  TransAlpha (f/B->A)
 Bob Lamson, Sicherheitsmann im Grady Memorial,  (m/A)
   Die Wölfe:
 Owen, Owen Jones, Owen der Wolf, Omega-Wolf, Mitglied der Wölfe (m/O)
 Jessie Anderson, eine Künstlerin (f/O)
 Ron Anderson, ihr Sohn (m/A)
 Sam Anderson, ihr jüngerer Sohn (m/O)
 Pete Anderson, ihr Ehemann, ein Arzt (m/A)
 Aaron Raleigh, Opfer eines Hassverbrechens (m/O)
 Eric Raleigh, sein Gefährte (m/O)
 Spencer Monroe, junger Mann unter Leistungsdruck (m/A)
 Deanna Monroe, seine Mutter, die Rudelführerin von Alexandria (f/B)
 Aiden Monroe, ihr anderer Sohn (m/A)
 Reg Monroe, ihr Gefährte (m/O)
 Nicholas, ein Freund von Aiden (m/A)
 Heath, ein Scout (m/B)
 Tobin, Leiter des Bautrupps (m/A)
 Denise Cloyd, eine Medizinstudentin (f/O)
 Enid, eine junge Überlebenskünstlerin (f/B)
 Scott, Scottie, Mitglied des Bautrupps (m/A)
 Olivia, ist für die Vorräte zuständig (f/O)
 Bob Miller, ein Bewohner von Alexandria (m/B)
 Natalie Miller, Mrs. Miller, seine Frau (f/B)
 Carter, ein Bewohner von Alexandria, Mitglied des Bautrupps (m/B)
 Shelly Neudmeyer, eine Bewohnerin von Alexandria (f/B)
 Francine, eine Bewohnerin von Alexandria (f/B)
 Holly, eine Bewohnerin von Alexandria (f/B)
 Bobbi, eine Bewohnerin von Alexandria (f/O)
 Hershel Rhee, ein in Alexandria geborenes Kind (m/B)
 Scotts Junge, Scotts Sohn (m/B)
 Russ, ein Bewohner von Alexandria (m/B)
 R. J. Grimes, ein in Alexandria geborenes Kind (m/O)
 Hund, ein Hund (m/B)
 Abe Espinosa, ein in Alexandria geborenes Kind (m/nkSG)
 Bernie, Magnas Sohn (m/nkSG)
 Samuel, Carols und Ezekiels Sohn (m/nkSG)
 Theo, Carls Freund (m/A)
 Paul Rovia, Jesus, ein Abenteurer (m/O)
 Gregory, der Rudelführer von Hilltop (m/B)
 Tammy Rose Sutton, eine Bewohnerin von Hilltop (f/B)
 Earl Sutton, ihr Ehemann der Schmied (m/A)
 Adam Sutton, ihr Sohn (m/B)
 Harlan Carson, ein Arzt (m/B)
   Das Königreich:
 Ezekiel, Zeke, der König, Tigerkönig, Rudelführer des Königreichs (m/Alpha-Beta)
 Shiva, Ezekiels Tiger (f/A)
 Richard, der Hauptmann der Wache des Königs (m/A)
 Benjamin, junger Wachmann, Richards Sohn (m/O)
 Henry, Richards jüngerer Sohn (m/O)
 Jerry, Mitglied der Wache (m/O)
 Nabila, seine Gefährtin (f/O)
 Dianne, manchmal auch Dianna, Mitglied der Wache, Bogenschützin (f/ A)
   Die Erlöser:
 Negan, der Rudelführer der Erlöser, der Alpha der Alphas (m/A)
 Dwight, ein Mitglied der Erlöser (m/A)
 Simon, Negans rechte Hand und Stellvertreter (m/A)
 Gavin, einer von Negans Lieutnants (m/B)
 Alden, Mitglied der Erlöser (m/B)
 Arat, einer von Negans Lieutnants (f/A)
 Justin, ein Erlöser (m/A)
 Jared, ein Erlöser, Untergebener von Gavin (m/A)
 Laura, organisiert das Sanctuary (f/B)
 Regina, leitet einen Außenposten, einer von Negans Lieutnants (f/A)
 Sherry, Dwights Gefährtin (f/B)
 Emmet Carson, ein Arzt, Harlan Carsons Bruder (m/B)
 Fat Joey, einer von Negans Lieutnants (m/A)
 Frankie, eine von Negans Ehefrauen (f/B)
 Tanya, eine von Negans Ehefrauen (f/B)
 D.J., einer von Lauras Untergebenen (m/B)
 Jed, unzufriedener Erlöser (m/A)
 Timmy, ein Mitglied der Erlöser (m/B)
 Anna, seine Gefährtin (f/B)
 Jacob, Erlöser A, einer der Erlöser, ein Vertrauer von Shane (m/A)
 Avery, Erlöser B, einer der Erlöser, ein Vertrauter von Shane (m/A)
 Ken, ein Erlöser (m/A)
 Tony, ein junger Erlöser, Anhänger von Jed (m/A)
 Rob, ein Erlöser (m/B)
 Darren, ein Erlöser (m/B)
   Die Müllmenschen:
 Jadis, eigentlich Anne, Künstlerin,  Rudelführerin der Müllmenschen (f/A)
 Winslow, ein Experiment von Jadis (m/A)
 Brion, gehört zu Jadi‘ Rudel (m/A)
 Tamiel, Jadis‘ Geliebte (f/A)
 Gracie, ein Baby (f/O)
 Cyndie, junge Rudelführerin von Oceanside (f/B)
 Rachel Ward, Cyndies rechte Hand (f/B)
 Beatrice, Freundin von Cyndie (f/B)
 Jadis Verbündeter, ein Soldat (m/B)
   Jocelyns Rudel:
 Jocelyn, Joss, alte Freundin von Michonne (f/A)
 Mitchell, ein Teenager (m/B)
 Gina, ein Teenager (f/B)
 Linus, ein Kind (m/A)
 Winnie, ein Kind (f/O)
   Magnas Rudel:
 Magna, Rotschopf mit Vergangenheit (f/A)
 Yumiko, Miko, ihre Anwältin und Geliebte (f/A)
 Luke, Musiklehrer (m/B)
 Connie, taubstumme Reporterin (f/B)
 Kelly, ihre jüngere Schwester (f/B)
 Bernie, Bernie mit seinem blöden Shirt (m/B)
   Die Flüsterer:
 Lydia, Omega, ein Mädchen unter einer Hautmaske (f/O)
 Alpha, ihre Mutter, Rudelführerin der Flüsterer (f/A)
 Beta, Alphas Geliebter, Beta der Flüsterer (m/A)
   Shanes neues Rudel:
 Alicia Clark, eine Überlebende (f/B)
 Nick Clark, ihr Bruder (m/O)
 Strand, sein Alpha (m/A)
   Aus der Welt zuvor:
 Mr. Grimes, Ricks Vater (m/A)
 Mrs. Grimes, Ricks Mutter (f/O)
 Mr. Walsh, Shanes Vater (m/A)
 Mrs. Walsh, Shanes Mutter (f/O)
 Lucille, Negans Gefährtin (f/O)
 Josephine Greene, Maggies Mutter (f/O)
 Mr. Dixon, Vater von Daryl und Merle (m/A)
 Jordan Clark, ein Mitschüler von Rick (m/A)
 Melissa Chan, eine Mitschülerin von Rick (f/O)
 Kathy Lane, eine Mitschülerin von Rick (f/O)
 Mindy Morrow, Shanes Highschool Freundin (f/B)
 Negans Vater (m/A)
 Negans Mutter (f/O)
 Toby, Kindheitsfreund von Negan (m/A)
 James, Kindheitsfreund von Negan (m/O)
 Hannah, Loris bester Freundin (f/B)
 Denises Bruder (m/O)
 Papa, Lydias Vater (m/O)
 Siddiqs Gefährtin (f/B)
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years ago
Rick’s Departure/Beth’s Arrival
It’s All Connected and the Plan is On Track 01/27/2018
Beth Greene was Always Gimple’s Sheriff 01/23/2018
Rick/Beth Parallels Master Post 05/25/2018
News about AL and LC and What it Means for TD 06/02/2018
Random Possibilities for AL’s Exit in S9 (7x12 Foreshadowing) 06/07/2018
Possible Ties Between Alone and AL’s Departure 06/21/2018
Ties Between Winslow and S9 07/06/2018
TD Themes: Walker Hordes/Hands 07/07/2018
Thoughts on S9 Character Returns 10/12/2018
Predictions: FTWD, Helicopter People, and TD 08/29/2019
Ties Between Carl’s Death, Siddiq’s Beth, and Beth’s Return 11/27/2019
Eugene/The Shape of Things to Come 06/04/2020
Beth/Carl/Henry/Tobin Entanglements 07/14/2020
Hints of Beth in the CRM War From 5x09 02/01/2021
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transnames · 7 years ago
Some two-syllable neutral names
(One-syllable names)
You can also combine initials, e.g. AJ, although this does not work for all initials and it can be gendered masculine.
A: Aaren, Abbott, Adair, Addi, Adren, Aerie, Afon, Aiden, Aiken, Ainsley, Alder, Alex, Ali, Alix, Alpha, Altair, Alto, Alton, Alva, Amal, Amore, Andy, Angel, Angie, Anise, Arbor, Ari, Ariel, Arlen, Arley, Arrow, Arya, Asa, Asher, Ashlen, Ashley, Ashton, Aspen, Aster, Aston, Aubrey, Auburn, Auden, August, Aura, Austin, Avery, Avis, Aviv, Avon, Aya, Ayan, Aza, Aze, Azure
B: Bailey, Baldwin, Banner, Barrett, Basil, Bauer, Baylor, Benson, Bentley, Berkley, Berry, Beryl, Billie, Birdie, Blakely, Bobbie, Booker, Bradley, Brady, Brayden, Brennan, Brewer, Briar, Brighton, Brinsley, Bronte, Brooklyn, Bryant
C: Cadence, Caelum, Calder, Camden, Cameron, Camille, Campbell, Canyon, Carey, Carlyle, Carmen, Carol, Carter, Cartwright, Carson, Casey, Cedar, Chandler, Chandra, Channing, Charlie, Charlton, Chatham, Cheyenne, Citron, Clancy, Claudie, Clover, Cobalt, Coby, Cohen, Coleson, Collins, Colver, Comet, Condor, Connell, Connie, Cooper, Coral, Corbin, Corin, Corey, Corley, Cortney, Cricket, Cyan, Cypress, Cyrille
D: Dallas, Dana, Dani, Darby, Darcy, Darrell, Darren, Denver, Devon, Diamond, Diaz, Dillon, Douglas, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan
E: Eagle, Early, Easton, Ebon, Echo, Eddie, Eden, Efe, Eiffel, Eissa, Elli, Ellis, Ellwood, Ember, Emer, Emerald, Emlyn, Emmett, Emry, Emryn, Enfys, Ennis, Eren, Errel, Essence, Esme, Evan, Ever, Everett, Eyrie, Ezra
F: Fable, Falco, Falcon, Fallon, Farah, Fargo, Farley, Farrell, Faulkner, Feldspar, Fennel, Fifer, Finley, Finney, Fiore, Fischer, Fletcher, Floren, Florence, Forest, Francis, Frankie, Freedom, Friday, Fulton
G: Gabi, Galen, Galway, Gannet, Garden, Gardner, Garey, Garland, Garnet, Gavi, Germaine, Gerry, Glenwood, Golden, Grady, Granite, Guthrie
H: Hadley, Halcyon, Hallow, Halo, Happy, Harbor, Harley, Harlow, Harper, Hartley, Haven, Hawking, Hayden, Henley, Heron, Hollis, Honor, Hopper, Hudson, Hunter
I: Iman, Imory, Indi, Innis, Io, Ira, Isa, Isha, Islet, Iver, Ivor, Ivory, Ivy, Izzy
J: Jacinth, Jackie, Jaden, Jael, Jalen, Jamie, Janis, Jarrah, Jarrell, Jasper, Jensen, Jessie, Joey, Jody, Jonquil, Jordan, Journey, July, Juneau, Junior, Juno, Justice
K: Kali, Kameron, Karey, Karson, Kasey, Kato, Keaton, Keegan, Keelan, Keenan, Kelby, Kellan, Keller, Kelly, Kelsey, Kendall, Kenyon, Kenzie, Kerry, Kestrel, Kevyn, Kieran, Kingsley, Kirby, Klaudie, Koby, Kody, Korbin, Korin, Korey, Krishna, Kyler
L: Laker, Lakyle, Lander, Landry, Laney, Langley, Larkin, Larkspur, Lashawn, Laurel, Laurence, Leighton, Lennox, Leopard, Leslie, Lethe, Lexie, Lexis, Linden, Lindsay, Lindy, Linnet, Logan, London, Loren, Luca, Lucky, Lyric
M: Maddox, Magic, Major, Malloy, Manu, Marley, Marlow, Martell, Marty, Mattie, Maury, Maurice, Maxie, Maxwell, Meadow, Mercer, Merlyn, Merritt, Merry, Micah, Mika, Miller, Misha, Monday, Morgan, Murphy, Murray, Myers
N: Narcisse, Nasim, Navdeep, Navy, Neal, Neptune, Neo, Nicky, Nico, Nika, Nike, Nimbus, Noam, Noel, Nori, Norris, Nouvel, Nova
O: Oakley, Oberon, Ocean, Odell, Ollie, Olive, Onyx, Opal, Ori, Oriole, Orion, Orrin, Osborne, Owen, Ozzie
P: Paisley, Paris, Parker, Pasco, Patience, Patrice, Paxton, Penrose, Pepper, Peregrine, Perrin, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phoenix, Piper, Placid, Porter, Prairie, Presley, Prosper
Q: Qaisar, Quarry, Quasar, Quetzal, Quila, Quincy, Quentin, Quillan
R: Raleigh, Rainbow, Rainer, Randy, Raven, Redmond, Regal, Regan, Reggie, Reynold, Rhythm, Ricki, Ridley, Riley, Rio, Rishi, River, Robbie, Robin, Ronnie, Rory, Roscoe, Rowan, Royal, Rudy, Ryder, Ryen, Rylen
S: Sabah, Sadler, Saffron, Salem, Samar, Sandy, Satchel, Saturn, Sasha, Sawyer, Saylor, Season, Selby, Seren, Seven, Sevy, Shale, Shannon, Shelby, Shelly, Shiloh, Sidney, Silver, Sinclair, Skylar, Skylark, Skyler, Snowdrop, Snowy, Soren, Sorrel, Sparrow, Spencer, Spirit, Springer, Stanley, Starling, Sterling, Summer, Sunday, Sunny, Sunshine, Sunset, Sutton
T: Taffy, Tali, Talon, Tanner, Tarian, Taylor, Teagan, Teddy, Tempest, Temple, Terry, Thursday, Tibby, Tiernan, Tiger, Timber, Tobin, Toby, Topaz, Torrey, Tracy, Trenton, Tristen, Tucker, Turner, Tuesday, Tully, Tyler, Tyson
U: Ulfie, Ulli, Ulri, Ulysse, Umber, Umbra, Upton, Urban, Uri, Ursa, Usher, Uta
V: Valen, Vega, Verdi, Vernon, Verrill, Vesper, Vivi, Vivien, Volta, Voltaire
W: Walker, Wallace, Waylan, Webster, Wednesday, Weston, Whimsy, Whitley, Whitney, Wilder, Willow, Wilson, Windsor, Windy, Winslow, Winter, Wisdom, Wolfram, Woody, Wylie
X: Xander, Xavie
Y: Yael, Yaven, Yannick, Yarrow, Yven
Z: Zailey, Zaki, Zander, Zandy, Zavi, Zelig, Zeno, Zephyr, Zero, Zevi, Zion,  Zohar, Zola, Zorey, Zuri
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thaua3 · 4 years ago
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Frank Lloyd Wright foi um arquiteto, escritor e educador estadunidense. Um dos conceitos centrais em sua obra é o de que o projeto deve ser individual, de acordo com sua localização e finalidade. No início de sua carreira, trabalhou com Louis Sullivan, um dos pioneiros em arranha-céus da Escola de Chicago. Responsável por mais de mil projetos, dos quais mais de quinhentos construídos, Wright influenciou os rumos da arquitetura moderna com suas ideias e obras e é considerado um dos arquitetos mais importantes do século XX.
Antes de se tornar um dos maiores arquitetos de todos os tempos, ele estudou engenharia por apenas dois semestres, abandonou o curso e foi trabalhar em Chicago como desenhista no escritório de Silsbee, um arquiteto de renome. Tornou-se a figura chave da arquitetura orgânica, exemplificada pela Casa da Cascata, um desdobramento da arquitetura moderna que se contrapunha ao International style europeu. Foi o líder da Prairie School, movimento da arquitetura ao qual pertencem os projetos da Robie House e a Westcott House, e também desenvolveu o conceito de Usonian home, do qual a Rosenbaum House é um exemplo. Sua obra inclui exemplos originais e inovadores de edifícios dos mais diferentes tipos, incluindo escritórios, templos, escolas, hotéis e museus. Frequentemente detalhava também os elementos a serem empregados no interior de suas construções, tais como mobília e vitrais.
No período de 1895 a 1905, a arquitetura dos Estados Unidos da América era uma junção de estilos eclécticos, sem que de nenhuma maneira tivessem relação com as ideias e os ideais da nação. Na mesma época, considerava-se como arquitetura o levar à prática modas e estilos sem relação com as técnicas de construção, fenômeno chamado ecletismo. Por outro lado, era também uma época em que toda a indústria da construção estava experimentando transformações revolucionárias. Apareciam novos materiais de construção, ao mesmo tempo que se desenrolavam novos métodos de transformação para os materiais antigos. Mesmo assim, a arquitetura que realmente se levava à prática naquele tempo, pouco ou nada refletia estes novos métodos e materiais.
Wright frequentava aulas de segundo grau em Madison mas não há evidências que tenha terminado o curso. foi admitido à Universidade do Wisconsin-Madison como estudante especial em 1886. Lá juntou-se à fraternidade Phi Delta Theta, frequentou as aulas de meio período durante dois semestres e trabalhou como estagiário em engenharia civil. Em 1887, Wright deixou a escola sem que se tivesse graduado, a despeito de ter recebido da universidade um Doutorado honorário em Artes em 1955. Mudou-se então para Chicago, que ainda estava sendo reconstruída do Grande incêndio de Chicago, em 1871, e juntou-se ao escritório de arquitetura de Joseph Lyman Silsbee. Dentro de um ano, deixaria Silsbee para trabalhar na empresa de Adler & Sullivan como aprendiz de Louis Sullivan.
Em 1889, casou-se com sua primeira esposa, Catherine Lee Tobin (1871-1959), conhecida como Kitty, comprou uma área em Oak Park, Illinois, e lá construíu sua primeira casa e seu estúdio. Sua mãe, Anna, logo seguiu Wright à cidade, onde comprou uma pequena casa junto à residência recém construída. Sua união com Kitty Tobin, filha de um rico homem de negócios, aumentou seu status social, e tornou-o mais conhecido.
A partir de 1890, tornou-se responsável por todo trabalho residencial da empresa. Em 1893, Louis Sullivan descobriu que Wright vinha aceitando encomendas privadamente. Sullivan sentiu-se traído ao saber que seu empregado favorito havia projetado casas por baixo dos panos e pediu que Wright deixasse a empresa. Em necessidade constante de fundos para sustentar sua crescente família, Wright projetara essas casas de modo a suplementar sua renda insuficiente. Wright referia-se a estas casas, localizadas nas redondezas da sua própria residência e escritório na Chicago Avenue em Oak Park, como seus projetos "falsificados".
Após deixar Sullivan, Wright estabeleceu seu próprio escritório em casa. O escritório era formado por um grupo notável de criativos projetistas arquitetônicos. Em 1894, terminou o projeto da Casa Winslow, o primeiro projeto de seu escritório e a primeira casa no estilo que o consagraria. Em 1901, Wright havia terminado aproximadamente cinquenta projetos, incluindo muitas casas em Oak Park. John Lloyd Wright escreveu, William Eugene Drummond, Francis Barry Byrne, Walter Burley Griffin, Albert Chase McArthur, Marion Mahony, Isabel Roberts e George Willis eram os desenhistas. Cinco homens, duas mulheres. Vestiam gravatas esquisitas, e blusas apropriadas à tribo. Os homens penteavam seu cabelo como papai, todos exceto Albert, ele não tinha cabelo suficiente. Adoravam papai! E papai gostava deles! Eu sei que, na época, cada um deles fazia contribuições valiosas para o pioneirismo da arquitetura moderna americana pelos quais meu pai colhia toda a glória, as dores de cabeça e o reconhecimento de hoje!
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mbarkitekt · 6 years ago
Frank Lloyd Wright est un architecte américain légendaire, le père de l'architecture organique et du style des Prairies, qui a largement influencé l'approche moderne de l'architecture. Il a réalisé environ 500 projets différents, notamment le célèbre musée Guggenheim à New York, la Maison au-dessus d'une cascade en Pennsylvanie et la Maison d'Ennis, qui est apparue à plusieurs reprises au cinéma.
Frank Lloyd Wright est né le 8 juin 1867 à Richland Center, dans le Wisconsin. Après ses études, il est devenu assistant principal de l'architecte Louis Sullivan. Wright a ensuite fondé sa propre entreprise et développé un style connu sous le nom d'école des Prairies, qui visait une "architecture organique" dans la conception de maisons et de bâtiments commerciaux. Au cours de sa carrière, il a créé de nombreux bâtiments emblématiques. Il est décédé le 9 avril 1959.
Quel était le style de Frank Lloyd Wright?
Wright a mis au point un style d'architecture typiquement américain qui met l'accent sur la simplicité et la beauté naturelle contrairement à l'architecture élaborée et ornée qui prévalait en Europe. Il a estimé que les bâtiments devraient servir à honorer et à améliorer la beauté naturelle qui les entoure.
Combien de bâtiments Frank Lloyd Wright a-t-il conçus?
Avec une énergie et une persistance apparemment surhumaines, Wright a conçu plus de 1 100 bâtiments au cours de sa vie, dont près du tiers au cours de sa dernière décennie.
Architecture d'école de prairie
Un an plus tard, Wright commença un apprentissage chez les architectes Adler et Sullivan de Chicago, travaillant directement sous la direction de Louis Sullivan, le grand architecte américain plus connu sous le nom de "père des gratte-ciel". Sullivan, qui a rejeté les styles européens raffinés au profit d'une esthétique plus propre résumée par sa maxime "forme suit la fonction", a profondément influencé Wright, qui finira par réaliser le rêve de Sullivan de définir un style d'architecture uniquement américain. Wright travailla pour Sullivan jusqu'en 1893, date à laquelle il rompit leur contrat en acceptant des commandes privées pour la conception de maisons.
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En 1889, un an après avoir commencé à travailler pour Louis Sullivan, Wright, âgé de 22 ans, épousa Catherine Tobin, une femme âgée de 19 ans. Ils eurent finalement six enfants. Leur maison dans la banlieue de Chicago, Oak Park, maintenant connue sous le nom de maison et studio Frank Lloyd Wright, est considérée comme son premier chef-d’œuvre architectural. C'est là que Wright a créé son propre cabinet d'architectes en quittant Adler et Sullivan en 1893. La même année, il a conçu la Winslow House à River Forest, qui, avec son accent horizontal et ses vastes espaces intérieurs ouverts, constitue le premier exemple du style révolutionnaire de Wright. , plus tard surnommé "l'architecture organique".
Au cours des années suivantes, Wright conçut une série de résidences et d'édifices publics qui devinrent les principaux exemples de la «Prairie School» en architecture. C'étaient des maisons à un étage avec des toits bas et en pente et de longues rangées de fenêtres à battants n'utilisant que des matériaux disponibles localement et du bois toujours taché et non peint, mettant en valeur sa beauté naturelle. Les bâtiments les plus célèbres de "Prairie School" de Wright incluent la Robie House à Chicago et le Temple de l'Unité à Oak Park. Bien que de telles œuvres fassent de Wright une célébrité et que son travail fût très plébiscité en Europe, il resta relativement inconnu en dehors des cercles architecturaux des États-Unis.
Bourse Taliesin
En 1909, après 20 ans de mariage, Wright abandonna soudainement sa femme, ses enfants et sa pratique et partit en Allemagne avec une femme nommée Mamah Borthwick Cheney, épouse d'un client. En collaboration avec l'éditeur de renom Ernst Wasmuth, Wright a rassemblé deux portefeuilles de son travail en Allemagne, ce qui a renforcé son profil international en tant que l'un des principaux architectes vivants.
En 1913, Wright et Cheney rentrèrent aux États-Unis et Wright leur conçut une maison sur la terre de ses ancêtres maternels à Spring Green, dans le Wisconsin. Nommé Taliesin, Welsh pour "Shining Frow", ce fut l'une des œuvres les plus acclamées de sa vie. Cependant, la tragédie a frappé en 1914 lorsqu'un serviteur dérangé a mis le feu à la maison, la brûlant complètement et tuant Cheney et six autres personnes. Bien que Wright ait été dévasté par la perte de son amant et de son foyer, il a immédiatement commencé à reconstruire Taliesin afin, selon ses propres mots, "d'effacer la cicatrice de la colline".
L'année suivante, en 1915, l'empereur japonais chargea Wright de concevoir l'Imperial Hotel à Tokyo. Il passa les sept années suivantes sur le projet, un bâtiment magnifique et révolutionnaire que Wright déclara "à l'épreuve des tremblements de terre". Un an seulement après son achèvement, le grand tremblement de terre du Kanto de 1923 a dévasté la ville et mis à l'épreuve les prétentions de l'architecte. Le Wright Hotel Imperial était le seul grand bâtiment de la ville à avoir survécu intact au séisme.
À son retour aux États-Unis, il épouse une sculpteuse appelée Miriam Noel en 1923; ils restèrent ensemble pendant quatre ans avant de divorcer en 1927. En 1925, un autre incendie, causé par un problème électrique, détruisit Taliesin, l'obligeant à le reconstruire à nouveau. En 1928, Wright épouse sa troisième épouse, Olga (Olgivanna) Ivanovna Lazovich, également connue sous le nom de Olga Lazovich Milanov, en l'honneur de son célèbre grand-père Marko.
Résidence Fallingwater
Au milieu des années 1930, alors qu'il avait presque 70 ans, Wright semblait s'être retiré paisiblement pour diriger sa bourse Taliesin, avant de revenir soudainement sur la scène publique pour concevoir plusieurs des plus grands bâtiments de sa vie. Wright annonça son retour à la profession de façon dramatique en 1935 avec Fallingwater, une résidence de la célèbre famille Kaufmann de Pittsburgh.
Où se trouve la Fallingwater House de Frank Lloyd Wright?
D'une originalité étonnante et d'une beauté surprenante, Fallingwater est marquée par une série de balcons et de terrasses en porte-à-faux construits au sommet d'une cascade dans une région rurale du sud-ouest de la Pennsylvanie. Il reste l'une des œuvres les plus célèbres de Wright, un monument national largement considéré comme l'une des plus belles demeures jamais construites.
Puis, à la fin des années 1930, Wright construisit une soixantaine de maisons à revenu moyen, appelées «maisons usoniennes». Précurseur esthétique de la «maison de ranch» moderne, ces maisons à la fois épurées et élégantes utilisaient plusieurs caractéristiques de conception révolutionnaires telles que le chauffage solaire, le refroidissement naturel et les «abris de voiture» pour le stockage automobile.
Au cours de ses dernières années, Wright s'est également tourné de plus en plus vers la conception de bâtiments publics en plus des résidences privées. Il a conçu le célèbre SC Johnson Wax Administration Building qui a ouvert ses portes à Racine, dans le Wisconsin, en 1939. En 1938, Wright conçut de superbes aménagements pour le centre municipal de Monona Terrace surplombant le lac Monona à Madison, dans le Wisconsin, mais ne put poursuivre la construction. après avoir échoué à obtenir un financement public.
En 1943, Wright a commencé un projet qui a consommé les 16 dernières années de sa vie - la conception du musée Guggenheim d'art moderne et contemporain à New York. "Pour la première fois, l'art sera vu comme à travers une fenêtre ouverte et, de tous les lieux, à New York. Cela me stupéfie", a déclaré Wright lors de la réception de la commande. Un énorme bâtiment blanc cylindrique qui monte en spirale dans une coupole en plexiglas. Le musée se compose d’une galerie unique le long d’une rampe qui s’enroule du rez-de-chaussée. Bien que la conception de Lloyd fût très controversée à l'époque, elle est maintenant considérée comme l'un des plus beaux édifices de la ville de New York.
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cover32-yahoopartner-blog · 8 years ago
This Week in NFL History: April 23 through April 29
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Relive and recapture iconic moments. Discover that you or a loved one share a birthday with a football legend. Recall an event that forever changed the landscape of the NFL and had a profound impact on your life. It’s all here in This Week in NFL History.
This Week in NFL History is a weekly article that will look back at some of the most memorable events that have occurred during this week historically in professional football. Each nugget is a tidbit of information that is connected to the NFL through history.
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This Week in NFL History
April 23
1950:  Quarterback Joseph (Joe) Ferguson (Arkansas: 1970-72, Bills: 1973-84, Lions: 1985-86, Buccaneers: 1988-89, Colts: 1990, CFL San Antonio Texans: 1995) born in Alvin, Texas.
Career Stats: 2,369 completions in 4,519 attempts for 29,817 yards, 196 touchdowns, and 209 interceptions. QB Rating: 68.4; 353 carries for 1,217 yards and 11 touchdowns. Ferguson led the NFL in passing touchdowns in 1975 (25) and passing yards in 1977 (2,803). He started in 110 consecutive regular season and postseason games for the Bills, ranked 10th all-time in consecutive starts by a quarterback. Ferguson’s 164 total games and 163 starts are both the most in Bills franchise history.
1974:  Cornerback Samuel (Sam) Madison (Louisville: 1992-96, Dolphins: 1997-2005, Giants: 2006-08) born in Monticello, Florida.
Career Stats: 377 combined tackles (283 solo), two sacks, 38 interceptions, 81 passes defended, 10 forced fumbles, six fumbles recovered, three defensive touchdowns. Madison was selected to four Pro Bowls (1999-2002), named First-team All-Pro twice (1999, 2000), and won Super Bowl XLII with Giants.
1989:  UCLA quarterback Troy Aikman selected first overall by the Dallas Cowboys in NFL Draft. Aikman (HOF Class of 2006) was the first of four future Hall of Famers taken in the first five picks: Oklahoma State running back Barry Sanders (No. 3: Detroit Lions: HOF Class of 2004), Alabama linebacker Derrick Thomas (No. 4: Kansas City Chiefs-HOF Class of 2009), and Florida State cornerback Deion Sanders (No. 5: Atlanta Falcons-HOF Class of 2011). Michigan State offensive tackle Tony Mandarich was selected second overall by the Green Bay Packers. Mandarich is considered one of the biggest busts in NFL history because of his inability to live up to his self-created hype.
1995:  Sportscaster Howard Cosell died at age 77 in New York City (b. 1918)
Cosell was once “simultaneously voted the most popular and most disliked sportscaster in America”. Self-described as “arrogant, pompous, obnoxious, vain, cruel, verbose, and a show-off”, Cosell is best remembered for his 14 seasons on ABC’s Monday Night Football (1970-83) and his friendship with heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali. Cosell’s legacy as a sportscaster cannot be overstated. His New York Times obituary read, “Partly because entered sportscasting in the mid-1950s where the predominant style was unabashed adulation, Mr. Cosell offered a brassy counterpoint that was first ridiculed, then copied until it became the dominant note in sports broadcasting”.
2005:  Utah quarterback Alex Smith selected first overall by the San Francisco 49ers in NFL Draft. Three of the top five picks were running backs, an NFL Draft first: Auburn’s Ronnie Brown (No. 2-Miami Dolphins), Texas’ Cedric Benson (No. 4-Chicago Bears), and Auburn’s Carnell “Cadillac” Williams (No. 5-Tampa Bay Buccaneers).
April 24
1954:  Quarterback Vincent (Vince) Ferragamo (California: 1972-73, Nebraska: 1975-76, Rams: 1977-80, CFL Montreal Alouettes: 1981, Rams: 1982-84, Bills: 1985, Packers: 1985-86) born in Torrance, California.
Career Stats: 902 completions in 1,615 attempts for 11,336 yards, 76 touchdowns, and 91 interceptions. QB Rating: 70.1; 60 carries for 77 yards and three touchdowns. Ferragamo started for the Rams in Super Bowl XIV, the first quarterback to start in a Super Bowl the same season as his first career start. On Dec. 26, 1982, Ferragamo threw for 509 yards and three touchdowns in a 34-26 Rams loss to the Chicago Bears. It was only the third time in NFL history a quarterback threw for 500 or more yards.
1961:  Fullback Maurice Carthon (Arkansas State: 1980-81, USFL New Jersey Generals: 1983-85, Giants: 1985-91, Colts: 1992) born in Chicago, Illinois.
Career Stats: 300 carries for 950 yards and two touchdowns; 90 receptions for 745 yards and one touchdown. Carthon began his professional football career with the USFL’s New Jersey Generals where he was in the same backfield as Herschel Walker. Carthon rushed for 1,042 yards in 1984 while Walker racked up 1,339 yards. It was the third time in the history of professional football that teammates rushed for 1,000 yards in the same season (The Miami Dolphins’ Larry Csonka and Mercury Morris did it in 1972 and the Pittsburgh Steelers’ Franco Harris and Rocky Bleier did it in 1976.). Carthon came to the Giants after the USFL folded and was used primarily as a blocker. He won two Super Bowls (XXI and XXV) with Giants.
1974:  NFL awards Tampa Bay Buccaneers franchise to begin play in 1976
1985:  Wide receiver Samuel (Sam) Hurd (Northern Illinois: 2002-05, Cowboys: 2006-10, Bears: 2011) born in San Antonio, Texas.
Career Stats: 53 receptions for 739 yards and two touchdowns. Hurd’s NFL career came to an end following his arrest for attempting to purchase and distribute cocaine and marijuana. He is currently serving a 15-year federal prison sentence.
1988:  Auburn linebacker Aundray Bruce selected first overall by the Atlanta Falcons in NFL Draft. Five players from this draft were inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Three were selected in the first round: Notre Dame wide receiver Tim Brown (No. 6: Los Angeles Raiders-HOF Class of 2015), Miami (FL) wide receiver Michael Irvin (No. 11: Dallas Cowboys-HOF Class of 2007), and Arizona State offensive guard Randall McDaniel (No. 19: Minnesota Vikings-HOF Class of 2009). Two were selected in the second round: Oklahoma State running back Thurman Thomas (No. 40: Buffalo Bills-HOF Class of 2007) and Kentucky center Dermontti Dawson (No. 44: Pittsburgh Steelers-HOF Class of 2012). The 1988 Draft is unique because a quarterback wasn’t selected until the third round (Washington State’s Chris Chandler 76th overall to the Indianapolis Colts). The only draft since then where at least one quarterback wasn’t taken in the first round was 1996.
1994:  Ohio State defensive tackle Dan “Big Daddy” Wilkinson selected first overall by Cincinnati Bengals in NFL Draft. Two players from this draft were selected into the Pro Football Hall of Fame: San Diego State running back Marshall Faulk (No. 2: Indianapolis Colts-HOF Class of 2011) and Sonoma State offensive guard Larry Allen (No. 46: Dallas Cowboys-HOF Class of 2013). The 1994 draft’s most memorable moment was a verbal altercation between Colts general manager Bill Tobin and draft guru Mel Kiper Jr. Tobin famously said “Who in the hell is Mel Kiper?” when Kiper questioned Tobin’s decision to take Nebraska linebacker Trev Alberts with the fifth overall pick. Kiper thought Fresno State quarterback Trent Dilfer was a better fit. Alberts had four sacks in three NFL seasons. Tobin was fired in 1997, replaced by Hall of Fame executive Bill Polian. Dilfer, who was taken sixth by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, played fourteen seasons and won Super Bowl XXV with Baltimore Ravens.
2004:  Ole Miss quarterback Eli Manning selected first overall by San Diego Chargers. Three other quarterbacks were selected in the first round: North Carolina State’s Philip Rivers (No. 4-New York Giants), Miami (OH)’s Ben Roethlisberger (No. 11-Pittsburgh Steelers), and Tulane’s J.P. Losman (No. 22-Buffalo Bills). Manning was traded to the Giants in exchange for Rivers because he refused to play for the Chargers. This was the first draft to produce two quarterbacks who won multiple Super Bowls (Manning won Super Bowls XLII and XLVI, Roethlisberger won Super Bowls XL and XLIII). A record seven wide receivers were drafted in the first round, headlined by Pittsburgh’s Larry Fitzgerald (No. 3-Arizona Cardinals). The University of Miami had six players taken in the first round: safety Sean Taylor (No. 5-Washington Redskins), tight end Kellen Winslow II (No. 6-Cleveland Browns), linebacker Jonathan Vilma (No. 12-New York Jets), linebacker D.J. Williams (No. 17-Denver Broncos), offensive tackle Vernon Carey (No. 19-Miami Dolphins), and nose tackle Vince Wilfork (No. 21-New England Patriots). The Ohio State University had a record 14 players drafted in total. Two players selected in the first round were later murdered: Taylor and Ohio State defensive end Will Smith (No. 18-New Orleans Saints).
2013:  Tight end David (Dave) Kocourek (Wisconsin: 1956-58, CFL Winnipeg Blue Bombers: 1959, Chargers: 1961-65, Dolphins: 1966, Raiders: 1967-68) died at age 75 in Marco Island, Florida (b. 1937). Career Stats: 249 receptions for 4,090 yards and 24 touchdowns. Kocourek was the only player in AFL history to play in seven AFL Championship Games (1960, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, and 1968). He won in 1963 with Chargers and in 1967 with Raiders (who went on to lose to the Green Bay Packers in Super Bowl II). Kocourek was a four-time AFL All-Star and was named to the AFL All-Time Second Team.
April 25
1969:  Sportscaster Joseph (Joe) Buck born in St. Petersburg, Florida. Buck is the lead play-by-play announcer for Fox Sports’ coverage of the National Football League and Major League Baseball.
1969:  Defensive end Darren Woodson (Arizona State: 1988-91, Cowboys: 1992-2003) born in Phoenix, Arizona.
Career Stats: 813 combined tackles (673 solo), 11 sacks, 23 interceptions, 24 passes defended, 12 forced fumbles, 11 fumbles recovered, two defensive touchdowns. Woodson was a five-time Pro Bowler (1994-98) and a three-time All-Pro (1994-96). He won three Super Bowls (XXVII, XXVIII, XXX) with Cowboys. Woodson is currently an analyst for ESPN.
1974:  NFL adopted sudden-death overtime rule to decrease the number of tie games. In the event of a tie, an extra 15-minute overtime period was played and the first team to score won the game. In the preseason and regular season, if either team failed to score by the end of the overtime period the game would end in a tie. In the postseason, the teams would continue play until a winner was declared. This was the rule until 2012. The NFL also moved goal posts from the goal line to the end line. This was done to reduce the number of games decided by field goals, to make field goals more difficult, and reduce risk of player injuries.
1983:  Running back DeAngelo Williams (Memphis: 2001-05, Panthers: 2006-14, Steelers: 2015-16, current free agent) born in Wynne, Arkansas.
Career Stats: 1,730 carries for 8,096 yards and 61 touchdowns; 236 receptions for 2,106 yards and nine touchdowns. Williams led the NFL in rushing touchdowns in 2008 (18) and 2015 (11). He was a second-team All-Pro in 2008 and named to the Pro Bowl in 2009.
1993:  Washington State quarterback Drew Bledsoe selected first overall by New England Patriots in NFL Draft. Four players from this draft were inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame: Louisiana Tech offensive tackle Willie Roaf (No. 8: New Orleans Saints-HOF Class of 2012), Notre Dame running back Jerome Bettis (No, 10: Los Angeles Rams-HOF Class of 2015), Texas Southern defensive end Michael Strahan (No. 40: New York Giants-HOF Class of 2014), and Nebraska offensive guard Will Shields (No. 74: Kansas City Chiefs: HOF Class of 2015).
2009:  Georgia quarterback Matthew Stafford selected first overall by Detroit Lions (who went 0-16 the previous season) in NFL Draft. This was the first draft since 1983 where two offensive centers were taken in the first round: California’s Alex Mack selected 21st overall by Cleveland Browns and Louisville’s Eric Wood selected 28th overall by Buffalo Bills. It was the first time since 1993 that a player from the University of Miami wasn’t selected in the first round.
2011:  Fullback Fletcher Joseph (Joe a.k.a. The Jet) Perry (Compton Junior College: 1944, 49ers: 1948-60, Colts: 1961-62, 49ers: 1963) died at age in Tempe, Arizona (b. 1927.
Career Stats: 1,929 carries for 9,723 yards and 71 touchdowns; 260 receptions for 2,021 yards and 12 touchdowns. Perry was the first running back in NFL history with consecutive 1,000-yard seasons (1953, 1954). He was the 1954 NFL Most Valuable Player, a three-time Pro Bowler (1952-54) and a three-time First-team All-Pro (1953, 1954, 1958). Perry led the league in rushing yards three times (1949, 1953, 1954) and rushing touchdowns (1948, 1949, 1953). He was a member of the NFL 1950s All-Decade Team and inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1969.
2013:  Central Michigan offensive tackle Eric Fisher selected first overall by Kansas City Chiefs in NFL Draft, the fourth offensive lineman selected first overall in the Common Draft era (USC’s Ron Yary in 1968, Ohio State’s Orlando Pace in 2000, Michigan’s Jake Long in 2008). Eight other offensive linemen were selected in the first round: Texas A&M’s Luke Joeckel (No. 2-Jacksonville Jaguars), Oklahoma’s Lane Johnson (No.4 -Philadelphia Eagles), North Carolina’s Jonathan Cooper (No. 6-Arizona Cardinals), Alabama’s Chance Warmack (No. 9-Tennessee Titans) and D.J. Fluker (No. 11-San Diego Chargers), Syracuse’s Justin Pugh (No. 19-New York Giants), Oregon’s Kyle Long (No. 20-Chicago Bears), and Wisconsin’s Travis Frederick (No. 31-Dallas Cowboys). Fifty-two of the 76 underclassmen who declared themselves draft eligible were selected.
2014:  Quarterback Earl Morrall (Michigan State: 1953-55, 49ers: 1956, Steelers: 1957-58, Lions: 1958-64, Giants: 1965-67, Colts: 1968-1971, Dolphins: 1972-1976) died at age 79 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (b. 1934)
Career Stats: 1,379 completions in 2,689 attempts for 20,809 yards, 161 touchdowns, and 148 interceptions. QB Rating: 74.1; 235 carries for 878 yards and eight touchdowns. Morrall is one of the greatest back-up quarterbacks in NFL history. In 1968, he filled in for an injured Johnny Unitas and led the Colts to an appearance in Super Bowl III. In 1973 with the Dolphins, Morrall took over for an injured Bob Griese. He led the Dolphins to 11 consecutive victories before Griese’s return in the second half of the AFC Championship Game. Morrall won three Super Bowls (V, VII, and VIII) and the 1968 NFL Championship. He was the NFL’s Most Valuable Player in 1968, the Comeback Player of the Year in 1972, led the NFL in passing touchdowns (26) in 1968, and named to two Pro Bowls (1957, 1968).
April 26
1972:  Running back Natrone Means (North Carolina: 1989-90, Packers: 1993-95, Jaguars: 1996-97, Chargers: 1998-99, Panthers: 2000) born in Harrisburg, North Carolina
Career Stats: 1,409 carries for 5,215 yards and 45 touchdowns; 103 receptions for 631 yards and two touchdowns. Means was a Pro Bowl selection in 1994 and helped lead Chargers to their only Super Bowl appearance (XIX). His 3,885 yards for the Chargers is ranked fifth in franchise history (LaDainian Tomlinson, Paul Lowe, Marion Butts, Ryan Mathews).
1972:  Offensive lineman Marco Rivera (Penn State: 1992-95, Packers: 1996-2004, Cowboys: 2005-06) born in Brooklyn, New York
Career Stats: Rivera started 141 of his career 155 games. He was a three-time Pro Bowler (2002-04) and a two-time All-Pro (2003, 2004). Rivera won Super Bowl XXXI with Packers.
1976:  Cornerback Michael (Mike) McKenzie (Memphis: 1995-98, Packers: 1999-2004, Saints: 2004-09) born in Miami, Florida
Career Stats: 410 combined tackles (338 solo), one sack, 28 interceptions, 98 passes defended, two forced fumbles, two fumble recoveries, four defensive touchdowns. McKenzie won Super Bowl XLIV with Saints.
1983:  Stanford quarterback John Elway selected first overall by Baltimore Colts in NFL Draft. This draft is often referred to as the Quarterback Class of 1983 because five other quarterbacks were taken in the first round after Elway: Penn State’s Todd Blackledge (No. 7-Kansas City Chiefs), Miami (FL)’s Jim Kelly (No. 14-Buffalo Bills), Illinois’ Tony Eason (No. 15-New England Patriots), California-Davis’ Ken O’Brien (No. 24-New York Jets), and Pittsburgh’s Dan Marino (No. 25-Miami Dolphins). In 11 of the 16 seasons after the 1983 Draft, the AFC’s Super Bowl representative was lead by a quarterback taken in this draft: Elway (who was later traded to the Denver Broncos) had five appearances (XXI, XXII, XXIV, XXXII, XXXIII) and Kelly had four (XXV, XVI, XVII, XVIII) while Marino (XIX) and Eason (XX) had one apiece. The 1983 draft is regarded as one of the greatest draft in NFL history with at least one Pro Bowl player selected in each round and seven players inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Three of the quarterbacks were inducted: Kelly (2002), Elway (2004), and Marino (2005) along with SMU running back Eric Dickerson (No. 2: Los Angeles Rams-HOF Class of 1999), USC offensive lineman Bruce Matthews (No. 9: Houston Oliers-HOF Class of 2007), Texas A&I cornerback Darrell Green (No. 28: Washington Redskins-HOF Class of 2008), and Tennessee State defensive end Richard Dent (No. 203: Chicago Bears-HOF Class of 2011).
1992:  Washington defensive end Steve Emtman selected first overall by Indianapolis Colts in NFL Draft. The Colts also had the second overall pick, which they used to select Texas A&M linebacker Quentin Coryatt. This was the first time since 1958 that one team owned the first two picks in the draft. The 1992 Draft is regarded as one of the worst in NFL history. It was the only draft since 1960 that produced no Hall of Fame players. This was the final draft featuring 12 rounds. In 1993, the number of rounds was reduced to eight and reduced to seven in 1994.
2008:  Michigan offensive tackle Jake Long selected first overall by Miami Dolphins in NFL Draft. This was the first draft featuring two players with the same last name going 1-2 (Virginia defensive end Chris Long was selected by St. Louis Rams). A new NFL shield logo debuted for the first time since 1970: eight white stars are on the shield representing the NFL’s eight division and the football is rotated in the same direction as the one on top of the Vince Lombardi Trophy. For the first time in the Common Draft era, no wide receivers were selected in the first round.
2012:  Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck selected first overall by Indianapolis Colts in NFL Draft. Luck is the fourth Stanford quarterback taken first overall (Bobby Garrett-1954, Jim Plunkett-1971, John Elway-1983). Luck and four other quarterbacks selected (Baylor’s Robert Griffin III: No. 2-Washington Redskins, Texas A&M’s Ryan Tannehill: No. 8-Miami Dolphins, Oklahoma State’s Brandon Weeden: No. 22-Cleveland Browns, and Wisconsin’s Russell Wilson-No. 75: Seattle Seahawks) made their NFL debuts Week 1 of the 2012 regular season. This is the first time since the 1970 merger five rookie quarterbacks made their professional debut in the first season opener after getting drafted. Arizona’s Nick Foles (No. 88-Philadelphia Eagles), Michigan State’s Kirk Cousins (No. 102-Washington Redskins), and San Diego State’s Ryan Lindley (No. 185-Arizona Cardinals) made their professional debuts later in the 2012 season.
2016:  Offensive tackle Winston Hill (Texas Southern: 1960-62, Jets: 1963-76, Rams: 1977) died at age 74 in Denver, Colorado (b. 1941)
Career Stats: Hill started 174 of 198 career AFL/NFL games. He was a four-time AFL All-Star (1964, 1967, 1968, 1969). a four-time Pro Bowler (1970-73), and a member of the AFL All-Time Second Team. Hill was best known for protecting Joe Namath’s blind side and creating openings for Matt Snell and, later, John Riggins. He helped the Jets win the 1968 AFL Championship and Super Bowl III. Hill still the Jets franchise record for consecutive games played (195), consecutive games started (174), and league All-Star appearances (eight).
April 27
1932:  Head coach Charles (Chuck) Knox (Rams: 1973-77, Bills: 1978-82, Seahawks: 1983-91, Rams: 1992-94) born in Sewickley, Pennsylvania.
Career Record: 186-147-1 regular season (Rams: 69-48-1, Bills: 37-36, Seahawks: 80-63); 7-11 postseason (Rams: 3-5, Bills: 1-2, Seahawks: 3-4). Knox was a three-time NFL Coach of the Year (1973, 1980, 1984). His teams made the playoffs in 11 of his 22 seasons as head coach with seven division titles, including leading Seahawks to first postseason in franchise history. Knox lost four times in the Conference Championship Game (1974, 1975, and 1976 with the Rams and 1983 with the Seahawks).
1941:  Linebacker Lee Roy Jordan (Alabama: 1960-62, Cowboys: 1963-76) born in Excel, Alabama
Career Stats: 32 interceptions, 18 forced fumbles, three defensive touchdowns, and one safety. Jordan was named to the Pro Bowl four times (1967, 1969, 1973, 1974. He was a First-team All-Pro in 1969 and a Second-team All-Pro in 1973. Jordan helped Cowboys win Super Bowl V.
1954:  Cornerback Herman (Herm) Edwards (Monterey Junior College: 1973, California: 1974, San Diego State: 1975, Eagles: 1977-85, Falcons: 1986, Rams: 1986) born in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
Career Stats: 31 interceptions, six fumbles recovered, two defensive touchdowns. The highlight of Edwards’ playing career occurred Nov. 19, 1978 in the closing seconds of a game between the Philadelphia Eagles and New York Giants. With no time remaining, Giants quarterback Joe Pisarcik attempted to hand the ball off to running back Larry Czonka when the ball came loose. Edwards scooped it up before it hit the ground and returned it for a touchdown. The play is known as The Miracle at the Meadowlands in Philadelphia and The Fumble in New York. Edwards was also an NFL head coach (Jets: 2001-05, Chiefs: 2006-08). Career Record: 54-74 (Jets: 39-41, Chiefs: 15-33); postseason 2-4 (Jets: 2-3, Chiefs: 0-1). As a head coach, Edwards is best known for his “You play to win the game” sound bite during a Jets press conference. He is currently an analyst with ESPN.
1961:  Canton, Ohio, birthplace of the National Football League, chosen as site of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Dick McCann, a former Washington Redskins executive, named executive director. The Pro Football Hall of Fame opened Sept. 7, 1963.
1982:  Texas defensive end Kenneth Sims selected first overall by New England Patriots in NFL Draft. Four players from this draft would be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame: Penn State offensive guard Mike Munchak (No. 8: Houston Oilers-HOF Class of 2001), USC running back Marcus Allen (No. 10-Los Angeles Raiders-HOF Class of 2003), Iowa linebacker Andre Tippett (No. 41: New England Patriots-HOF Class of 2008), and Michigan State placekicker Morten Anderson (No. 86: New Orleans Saints-HOF Class of 2017).
1983:  Offensive tackle Donald Penn (Utah State: 2002-05, Vikings: 2006, Buccaneers: 2006-13, Raiders: 2014-present) born in Los Angeles, California
Career Stats: Penn started in 156 of his 160 career NFL games. He was named to the Pro Bowl in 2010 and 2016.
1992:  Wide receiver Keenan Allen (California: 2010-12, Chargers: 2013-present) born in Greensboro, North Carolina
Career Stats: 221 receptions for 2,617 yards and 16 touchdowns.
2007:  Linebacker George William (Bill) Forester (SMU: 1950-52, Packers: 1953-63) died at age 74 in Dallas, Texas (b. 1932)
Career Stats: 21 interceptions, 15 fumbles recovered. Forester was a three-time First-team All-Pro (1960, 1961, 1962) and a four-time Pro Bowler (1959, 1960, 1961, 1962). He helped Packers consecutive NFL Championships in 1962 and 1963.
April 28
1963:  Tight end Mark Bavaro (Notre Dame: 1981-84, Giants: 1985-90, Browns: 1992, Eagles: 1993-94) born in Boston, Massachusetts
Career Stats: 351 receptions for 4,733 yards and 39 touchdowns. Bavaro is a two-time Pro Bowler (1986, 1987) and a two-time All-Pro (1986, 1987). He helped the Giants win Super Bowls XXI and XXV.
1967:  Placekicker Peter (Pete) Stoyanovich (Indiana: 1985-88, Dolphins: 1989-95, Chiefs: 1996-2000, Rams: 2000) born in Dearborn, Michigan
Career Stats: 272 field goals made in 342 attempts (79.5 percent); 420 extra points made in 425 attempts (98.8 percent); seven punts for 263 yards. Stoyanovich was an All-Pro in 1992. On Jan. 5, 1991, Stoyanovich kicked the longest field goal in NFL playoff history (58 yards) in the Wild Card game between the Miami Dolphins and Kansas City Chiefs.
1968:  Safety Mark Carrier (USC: 1986-89, Bears: 1990-96, Lions: 1997-99, Redskins: 2000) born in Lake Charles, Louisiana
Career Stats: 765 combined tackles (667 solo), 32 interceptions, 16 forced fumbles, eight fumbles recovered, one defensive touchdown. Carrier was the 1990 NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year and a three-time Pro Bowl selection (1990, 1991, 1993).
1979:  Linebacker Scott Fujita (California: 1998-2001, Chiefs: 2002-04, Cowboys: 2005, Saints: 2006-09, Browns: 2010-12) born in Ventura, California
Career Stats: 598 combined tackles (427 solo), 23.5 sacks, seven interceptions, 26 passes defended, 11 forced fumbles, three fumbles recovered. Fujita won Super Bowl XLIV with Saints.
1983:  Defensive end Brian Robison (Texas: 2003-06, Vikings: 2007-present) born in Houston, Texas
Career Stats: 189 combined tackles (111 solo), 56 sacks, 18 passes defended, 13 forced fumbles, eight fumbles recovered.
1987:  Miami (FL) quarterback Vinny Testaverde selected first overall by Tampa Bay Buccaneers in NFL Draft. Two of Testaverde’s teammates were also selected in the first 10 picks: running back Alonzo Highsmith (No. 3-Houston Oilers) and defensive tackle Jerome Brown (No. 9-Philadelphia Eagles). Two players from this draft were inducted to the Pro Football Hall of Fame: Purdue cornerback Rod Woodson (No. 10: Pittsburgh Steelers-HOF Class of 2009) and Ohio State wide receiver Cris Carter (4th Round Supplemental Draft: Philadelphia Eagles-HOF Class of 2013).
2007:  LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell selected first overall by Oakland Raiders in NFL Draft. Russell is considered one of the biggest busts in NFL history but wasn’t the only high profile quarterback who underachieved. Notre Dame’s Brady Quinn was invited to the Draft in New York City but wasn’t selected until the 22nd pick by the Cleveland Browns. Despite that, the 2007 Draft is considered one of the best drafts because of the number of reliable starters and potential Hall of Fame players: Georgia Tech wide receiver Calvin Johnson (No. 2-Detroit Lions), Wisconsin offensive tackle Joe Thomas (No. 3-Cleveland Browns), Oklahoma running back Adrian Peterson (No. 7-Minnesota Vikings), Ole Miss linebacker Patrick Willis (No. 11-San Francisco 49ers), California running back Marshawn Lynch (No. 12-Buffalo Bills), Pittsburgh cornerback Darrelle Revis (No. 14-New York Jets), Central Michigan offensive tackle Joe Staley (No. 28-San Francisco 49ers), and Miami (FL) tight end Greg Olsen (No. 31-Chicago Bears). This was the first draft presided over by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.
2011:  Auburn quarterback and 2010 Heisman Trophy winner Cam Newton selected first overall by Carolina Panthers in NFL Draft. The 2009 Heisman Trophy winner, Alabama running back Mark Ingram, was selected 28th overall by the New Orleans. This was the second consecutive year two Heisman Trophy winners were selected in the same draft (Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford won the Heisman in 2008 and selected first overall in 2010, Florida quarterback Tim Tebow won the Heisman in 2007 and was selected 25th overall). Five of the 2011’s Draft’s first six picks played collegiately in the Southeastern Conference: Newton, Alabama defensive tackle Marcel Dareus (No. 3-Buffalo Bills), Georgia wide receiver A.J. Green (No. 4-Cincinnati Bengals), LSU cornerback Patrick Peterson (No. 5-Arizona Cardinals), and Alabama wide receiver Julio Jones (No. 6-Atlanta Falcons). The lone top-6 player not from the SEC: Texas A&M linebacker Von Miller (No.2-Denver Broncos). Newton and Miller were the NFL’s Offensive and Defensive Rookie of the Year, respectively. It was the second consecutive year that the top two draft selections won the NFL’s Offensive and Defensive Rookie of the Year awards (Sam Bradford and Ndamukong Suh) and third time in NFL history (In 1981, top pick George Rogers was the OROY and second overall pick Lawrence Taylor was the DROY). Newton (the 2015 NFL Most Valuable Player), and Miller became the first top two picks to play against one another in a Super Bowl with the teams that drafted them in Super Bowl 50. Miller was named MVP in a 24-10 Broncos win. This draft included Wisconsin defensive end J.J. Watt (No. 11-Houston Texans), a three-time NFL Defensive Player of the Year. The draft went on in spite of an ongoing labor dispute between the players and owners. Miller was one of the named plaintiffs in the lawsuit against the league.
April 29
1929:  Head coach George Allen (Morningside: 1948-50, Whittier: 1951-56, Rams: 1966-70, Redskins: 1971-77, USFL Chicago Blitz: 1983, USFL Arizona Wranglers: 1984, Long Beach State: 1990) born in Nelson County, Virginia (d. 1990)
Career Record: NFL regular season: 116-47-5 (Rams: 49-17-4, Redskins: 67-30-1), NFL postseason: 2-7 (Rams: 0-2, Redskins: 2-5); USFL regular season: 22-14 (Blitz: 12-6, Wranglers: 10-8), USFL postseason: 2-2 (Blitz: 0-1, Wranglers: 2-1); College: 53-38-7 (Morningside: 16-11-2, Whittier: 31-22-5, Long Beach State: 6-5). Allen was a two-time Associated Press NFL Coach of the Year (1967, 1971). He is best remembered for leading the Washington Redskins to Super Bowl VII, where they were defeated by the 17-0 Miami Dolphins. Allen never had a losing season and his teams qualified for the postseason in nine of his 14 seasons coaching professionally. His .712 winning percentage is third all-time among coaches with at least 10 years’ experience (John Madden, Vince Lombardi). Allen was the first head coach who placed an emphasis on special teams by hiring a special teams coach. He also was an early champion of trading draft picks for veteran players. Allen served as the Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under President Ronald Reagan. He was posthumously inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2002.
1944:  Quarterback James Warren (Jim) Hart (Southern Illinois: 1963-65, Cardinals: 1966-83, Redskins: 1984) born in Evanston, Illinois
Career Stats: 2,593 completions in 5,076 attempts for 34,665 yards, 209 touchdowns, and 247 interceptions. QB Rating: 66.6; 159 carries for 207 yards and 16 touchdowns. Hart was a four-time Pro Bowl selection (1974-77) and the Cardinals’ all-time franchise leader in passing yards (34,639) and passing touchdowns (209).
1980:  Oklahoma running back Billy Sims selected first overall by Detroit Lions in NFL Draft. Sims was the last Oklahoma player selected first overall until Sam Bradford in 2010. Three players from this draft were inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame: USC offensive tackle Anthony Muñoz (No. 3-Cincinnati Bengals, HOF Class of 1998), Syracuse wide receiver Art Monk (No. 18-Washington Redskins, HOF Class of 2008), and Alabama center Dwight Stephenson (No. 48-Miami Dolphins, HOF Class of 1998). This was the first NFL Draft televised in its entirety (ESPN).
1981:  South Carolina running back George Rogers selected first overall by New Orleans Saints in NFL Draft. Seven players selected in this draft were inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame: North Carolina linebacker Lawrence Taylor (No. 2-New York Giants, HOF Class of 1999), UCLA safety Kenny Easley (No. 4: Seattle Seahawks-HOF Class of 2017), USC cornerback Ronnie Lott (No. 8-San Francisco 49ers-HOF Class of 2000), Baylor linebacker Mike Singletary (No. 38: Chicago Bears-HOF Class of 1998), Villanova defensive tackle Howie Long (No. 48-Oakland Raiders-HOF Class of 2000), Pittsburgh linebacker Rickey Jackson (No. 51-New Orleans Saints-HOF Class of 2010), and Pittsburgh offensive guard Russ Grimm (No. 69-Washington Redskins-HOF Class of 2010). Rogers and Taylor were the first players selected first and second overall to be named Offensive Rookie of the Year and Defensive Rookie of the Year.
1983:  Quarterback Jay Cutler (Vanderbilt: 2002-05, Broncos: 2006-08, Bears: 2009-16, current free agent) born in Santa Claus, Indiana
Career Stats: 2,782 completions in 4,491 attempts for 32,467 yards, 208 touchdowns, and 106 interceptions. QB Rating: 85.7; 367 carries for 1650 yards and nine touchdowns. Cutler was selected to the Pro Bowl in 2008.
1986:  Auburn running back Bo Jackson selected first overall by Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Jackson refused to play for the Buccaneers because a visit to their team facilities violated NCAA rules after the Buccaneers assured him that it didn’t. He believed this was done deliberately to force him to play football instead of baseball (Jackson was selected in the 1982 Major League Baseball Draft by the New York Yankees. He turned down the Yankees to attend Auburn. Jackson also played baseball at Auburn until the NCAA ruled him ineligible). True to his word, Jackson played for the then-defending World Series champion Kansas City Royals (who selected him in the fourth round of the MLB Draft). The Buccaneers forfeited Jackson’s draft rights before the 1987 Draft, where he was selected with the 183rd overall pick by the Oakland Raiders.
2006:  North Carolina State defensive end Mario Williams selected first overall by Houston Texans in NFL Draft. The selection of Williams was surprising as many thought the Texans would select either USC running back and Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush or Texas quarterback Vince Young, who led the Longhorns to the BCS National Championship by knocking off the two-time defending champion Trojans.
– Curtis Rawls is a Managing Editor for cover32 and covers the NFL and New York Giants, like and follow on Facebook and Twitter. Curtis can be followed on Twitter @TheArmchrAnlyst.
The post This Week in NFL History: April 23 through April 29 appeared first on Cover32.
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tanetime · 1 year ago
To reduce clutter, I'm gonna shove all of the drawme stuff here.
Thank you to everyone who sent me art!
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Aaand a separate post one here!
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tanetime · 2 years ago
Can we
C-can we say
Tobin didn't past the vibe-check
Anon I want you to know I saw this ask and came up with something funny and began drawing something to go with it, but it took me so long to do the art that I actually forgot what the joke was.
So just have this with no further context.
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tanetime · 2 years ago
Can we know more about Winslow? :0
Sure! I was actually supposed to be working on a reference sheet for him for Art Fight, but I’ve been being lazy about it!!! I don’t have many illustrations so I’ll have to just subject you to WORDS WORDS WORDS.
You can have his final concept art though!
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Winslow (his first name is Tony, but he won’t tell you that) is a police detective-turned-private investigator. He is a prodigy with a particular eye for detail and reading people that is supernaturally accurate, with the caveat being that he is completely unhinged. He has a knack for taking information, conjuring theories that make no sense, and managing to glean the truth from it somehow.
Despite being good at analysing people, he is atrocious socially and very few people can stand him. He’s intrusive and arrogant and just kind of smugly acts like he’s the smartest person in the room. 90% of the time he has the same stupid grin on his face. Nobody is sure whether or not he is secretly pretending to be stupid so that people let their guard down around him.
He is haunted by the guilt of a mistake he made during his career. Perhaps more literally than he’s aware of.
I have a lot more to say about his backstory and gameplay, but it is A LOT, so I’ll put it behind a readmore!
TW for some mild cartoony eye/body-horror.
Backstory infodumping
Prior to coming to the Constant, he worked alongside his identical twin brother, Tobin Winslow (first name basis encouraged), who was both 1. less intelligent 2. more normal than Winslow, and thus cursed with the Sisyphean punishment of dealing with his eccentricities whilst also being overshadowed by him. The two worked for the police, until Winslow became fascinated with a string of mysterious fires and disappearances that were happening. He decided to investigate them, and began by looking into the affairs of some people who really didn’t like that.
Tobin told him to stop, got ignored, and shortly afterwards went missing one night and was never seen again. In a rare display of wisdom, Winslow declared “well, fuck. big oof” and fled the state before whoever tried to kidnap him realised they got the wrong guy.
In the years since he has developed an irrational fear of the dark and a healthy paranoia that someone wants him dead. Due to reasons that could be summed up with ‘ACAB’ he started working alone as a PI dealing with missing person cases. The guilt surrounding his inability/failure to even attempt to figure out what happened to Tobin ate him up for a very long time until he attracted the attention of A Certain Someone.
That certain someone offered to help him find out who was responsible for Tobin’s disappearance, but, perhaps a little rashly, Winslow declared that he’d rather never know who was to blame – so long as the person responsible was haunted forever by what they had done.
Unfortunately, Tobin had a different idea as to who was ‘responsible’ for his death.
Aaaand here is Tobin! Or rather "what became of Tobin" or "what is left of Tobin after The Incident".
This art is pretty scruffy and unrefined since I wasn't used to drawing him - sorry!
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The gist of what happened is that Maxwell atempted to weasel-word his way into taking both brothers into the Constant via the wording of Winslow's deal, except Winslow failed to mention the estranged brother he longed to reunite with was probably dead. So, Tobin ended up getting turned into a ghost and clumsily stapled to Winslow's body as a second, living shadow.
He is decidedly not happy about this, but this ain't about him.
Gameplay infodumping
‘Winslow’ as a playable character is actually both brothers together as a unit, and you swap between them.
Winslow himself is a very basic character with few perks. In a perfect world he’d have weird abilities like seeing enemy hp or not triggering traps.
Being haunted by his brother increases the damage he takes from shadow-sources and makes his sanity drain very quickly in the dark.
He starts with three items:
the Lamping Light, a torch that doubles as a weak weapon that does electric damage, so long as it has fuel.
the Thinking Cap, which reverses negative sanity auras for Winslow, but only keeps other survivors warm.
the Sleuthhound’s Slicker, a coat which protects you from wetness and allows you to move much faster if it is raining.
Winslow can swap to Tobin (and vice versa) via an ability similar to Wortox's Soul Hop, which makes you vanish as one character and reappear as the other.
Tobin is much frailer, but can do some weird things due to being a ghost. He is stronger in the dark and weakened by the light.
His ghost basically takes the form of his shoddily reanimated corpse, which was hacked up and dumped in some lake or river somewhere. As a result of this he’s a sopping wet beast and is always passively gaining wetness.
Winslow’s Thinking Cap and Sleuthhound Slicker actually change appearance and name when Tobin is holding them, and do different things, like stopping the wetness gain or allowing Tobin to function at full strength in the daytime.
I hate characters with items that render their penalties moot, but I like the idea of a character sacrificing armour in a fight to reach their full potential.
Infodumping Infodumping Infodumping
They are kind of the antithesis of Wendy and Abigail hahaha, although that wasn’t intentional.
Winslow being the more headstrong and confident twin, while Tobin was more reserved and cautious.
Tobin is now essentially soul-bound to Winslow the same way Abigail is bound to her flower, so he manifests through him and can’t leave. Due to the wording of the deal that brought Tobin back, Winslow’s incapable of realising Tobin is even there, so he kind of walks around with a second disjointed shadow leering at him ominously that he can’t see. (He gets asked about it pretty much every time he meets a new person, and thus has concluded that everyone in the Constant must be insane.)
Tobin has something of a vendetta against Winslow, but is a surprisingly normal and reasonable guy who doesn’t want to bother the other Survivors. He doesn’t cause much trouble - Winslow himself regularly gets up to worse! Most people do avoid him though, due to him being a weird dripping dribbly ghost with a weeping hole in his head.
He's still pretty cute though.
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It’s different in their mod, but in-universe, Winslow tends to inadvertently swap places with Tobin whenever he is startled or faced with danger. So Tobin tends to take a bullet for him more often than not. It’s fine; he’s taken a bullet for him before!
I'm sorry this turned into more about Winslow and his brother and not just Winslow, but it's hard to talk about one without the other!
By the by, if it wasn't already opressively obvious by the gigantic wall of text: I love talking about my characters, so feel free to poke me about them - even if it's something minor.
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tanetime · 2 years ago
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Art Fight attack for @dunno-wattopick (left Watson) and @qcumbersodazz (right Watson). Winslow is also here. I think he just kind of showed up and refused to leave.
(I never got around to making a card but my art fight is here)
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tanetime · 1 year ago
As part of my eternal war against nonproductivity I've decided to start journaling about what I've been up to while modding Don't Starve Together.
So - modding! I've been working on both Wyneer's mod and a new one: Winslow (and Tobin)! I've been in Sprite Hell drawing hellish sprites and that's where all my artistic energy is going.
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Look at my horrible boys!
A lot of rambling (and some WIPs) about my progress on them both under the cut. (Seriously, you do not have to read this!!!)
What's going on with Wyneer's mod?
Wyneer has been getting play-tested regularly on some servers with some friend groups. Mercifully he has behaved very well: while I’ve had to fix a couple of bugs, he's been stable even in worlds with other mods enabled. Yay!
I’ve mostly been pulling back from finishing his remaining unfinished assets to focus on bug-fixing and balancing him and his masks. He’s not quite at a spot I’m happy with yet, but I feel close enough that I’ve started adding in the mask missing from the beta version of his mod – Radiant Face!
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Ray has a lot of work to be done still (he has triple the amount of sprites of a normal mask – which is why he got held back to begin with!) but I’m very happy with him so far.
I’ve set up a pipeline for adding new masks to Wyneer’s mod, which has been a huge help.
However, I’ve been taking a break from Wyneer recently to work on a certain somebody...
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What's going on with Winslow's mod?
I started working on Winslow (and Tobin) a few weeks ago, but very recently I’ve been WORKING working on him.
I decided to begin with his sprites – as I usually tell people to start with that but never actually do myself – and he’s coming along great! Once his face and chest sprites are done he’ll be able to pass convincingly as a finished character in motion. (Right now he only passes in screenshots.)
While I’ve actually gotten the functionality to swap between Winslow and Tobin working, I’m waiting on Winslow’s sprites to be completely finished before I start on Tobin’s art. A lot of their assets are going to be very similar and it will be easier to keep consistency between them this way.
Other than coding, I've mostly been doing concept art.
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Making Winslow real has predictably led to his perks getting adjusted or outright removed in places; I made Winslow himself back in 2020, but only decided to mod him in back when I made Tobin in October of last year. Tobin already had perks and quirks, but Winslow didn’t! So I made up some stuff that sounded appropriate and forgot about it.
‘Appropriate’ doesn’t always mean ‘feasible’ - sometimes it doesn’t even mean ‘fun’ - so now I am trying to wrangle the nebulous idea of who he is into a tool* who accomplishes a task that feels rewarding.
(*Admittedly Winslow is already kind of a tool.)
The main gimmick of his character is of course that he can turn into a character who is much stronger than himself, but I want there to be a reason for him to be himself sometimes.
Still, he does have some perks from his ref sheet that made it in, and some have begun to get added to his mod already.
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Once him and Tobin are done, I'd like to swerve to adding in his finalised items and refining the concepts for some new ones, as Tobin needs those items for his own perks to function.
I also thought of a cool gameplay hook to go with Winslow and Tobin's ability to swap between one another, but I'm still ironing out the details and this post is long enough.
That's all!
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tanetime · 1 year ago
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Some of them, yes! My next mod character is actually Winslow/Tobin, the WIP stuff I’ve been posting is for them! My philosophy is that I will mod whoever sounds both the most feasible to make and the most fun for me to play... which right now is Winslow.
I also really, really want to mod in Wickham as well, and they were actually going to be the next character I made after Wyneer. Unfortunately, their gameplay involves around having a fourth stat to represent how well their sickness is being managed, and making another stat was too complicated for me last time I tried. I would have kept trying, but then I settled on Winslow’s gameplay and he sounded really fun, so he pushed ahead of them.
My other OCs... they either have DS vanilla style perks because they don’t have a whole lot going on, or they’re like Weronika and I wrote down their gameplay without ever intending to make it real. So, they are either not fun or not feasible (for me).
Wyneer’s extra masks - if you see them as characters - are getting modded in eventually even if it takes me another three years. Those fuckers make up about 70% of a mod character just by themselves so I’m planning to slowly add them one by one between working on other mods. (Not only Wyneer and Winslow, but some friends’ OCs I’m helping with.)
All this being said, Winslow has been a character for near 3 years, and was never going to be modded in. Then I got hyperfixiated on a gameplay idea and slapped it on him, and now he is. Maybe something like that will happen again.
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