#to this day it is still a vocal stim for me
bedforddanes75 · 4 months
geroge dnaiek
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literallyjusttoa · 9 months
Apollo Music Headcanons
As a god Apollo’s singing voice can be whatever he wants it to be, but as Lester I imagine it as a strong tenor (he can’t hit a lot of low notes and it pisses him off) with a bit of a rasp in it. He sings like he’s been classically trained, but with enough confidence to bend the rules in order to get the right feelings out of the song. In one word, I’d describe Lester’s singing as raw. It’s not perfect, but the imperfections seem planned in such a way that they touch you even more than perfection would.
There are multiple languages that Apollo has learned solely so he could perform the most popular songs of the era. Italian, German, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and a couple more throughout the years. This is also how he learned English.
He uses vocal warmups as a form of stimming. Meg wakes up some mornings and hears him going “oooOOOOooooOOOOooo” and just has to deal with it. He pulls them from all over too. Sometimes it will be professional warmups that opera singers use, and other time he’ll be whipping out “mama made me mash my m&m’s” from middle school chorus
Leto has a lullaby she used to sing to Apollo and Artemis while she was still searching for a place to safely give birth. To this day, it’s the first song Apollo plays on every new instrument he picks up.
Apollo is scarily good at impressions, even as Lester. He has so much vocal control that impersonating the sounds of others comes easily. He can also throw his voice really well.
He has songs that he connects to other people. Will’s song, Meg’s song, etc. when he’s lonely on Olympus, he listens to them on repeat.
Apollo is the god of music, not the god of good music. You could bang two trashcan lids together and have a screaming raccoon as lead vocalist and he’d probably still add it to a playlist. He unironically listens to some of the most hated songs of the last few centuries. Ironically, he’s also the worst person to pass the aux to in the car. If he really cares about you, he’ll cater the music he chooses to your taste. If not, you’re getting the whiplash of the next biggest K-pop hit followed by the liturgical chants of Hildegard von Bingen. Enjoy!
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Friendly Understandings
Oscar Piastri x autistic!reader
Genre: hurt/comfort
Summary: socializing at a young age wasn't east and caused you to form some self depreciating habits. Oscar is determined to change that
Warnings: toxic friends, eye contact
Notes: headcannon format. This goes out to all my nerospicy loves who didn't know they were autistic until later in life and now look back at their peer interactions with a new understanding.
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Oscar learned pretty early on that your social group growing up wasn't healthy
Despite what you said, he knew it affected you
You grew up in a small area and the kids your age were all very... similar to eachother
The girls you spent time with had the same music tastes and dressed in the same styles
It wasn't bad by any means, you thought they were all nice enough and had their own talents
It's just that you were different
Not in a cringey way
You are a picky eater and are never afraid to tell someone the cold, hard truth
Make-up was not on the list of things you enjoyed
You manage small amounts now and mostly reserve it for good days
Growing up though, you couldn't stand it
Too many things on your face that made you want to peel your skin off
You were labeled a pick-me for that one
Flirting and boys were also a touchy subject
You were friends with boys
Actually your best friends with boys
Mostly because they had the same interests as you at the time that was more acceptable for them then with your female counterparts
They were not good with girls and you weren't good with boys
It was the best if both worlds
Until you went out with the female peer group
Flirting and dumb pick-up lines went way over your head
You'd been accused of being a kill joy and not able to take a hint
Eventually, when you learned not to ask why they were giggling like weirdos at a boy saying they like how they looked
Your interests were not theirs so that meant you were talked over or told it wasn't intresting
They got upset when you didn't talk at all
Then told you to be quiet because your vocal inflections were lacking control
You couldn't win
You death with this til you were an adult and found Oscar
He first noticed how you apologized every time you started info-dumping
One minute, you'd be smiling about your favorite thing, and the next, you'd be shutting yourself down
He tried to make sure you know he's listening, engaged, and genuinely interested
You ask about his inteestd so why wouldn't he ask about yours?
It's that what relationships entail?
The next time he noticed was when you were going out with a few if the wags
You didn't want them to be embarrassed about not wearing make-up
So you'd done your best to put some on in a way that didn't make you want to scrub your face for hours
Oscar saw you pacing and stimming in front of the bathroom mirror with your products scattered around the sink
You were on the verge of a breakdown
He was quick with a rag and a reasurring word
When you were picked up for your movie night, he complimented you all the way out to the car
thankful that the friends you'd made now are also quick to tell you how good you look.
It was routine now that he reasurred you
He didn't care how small it was. He told you everything was okay and that he thinks you are amazing exactly as you are
Now comes the best part
You'd gone home with Oscar for part of the break because you wanted to visit your family
Low and behold you ran into some familiar faces
You'd seen on Instagram that they were all still close
You'd just been walking down the street and prayed they didn't recognize you
They did
They ran up to hug you and make small talk
Though it was really just then talking and you trying to figure out when an appropriate time to interject was.
Oscar immediately notices the discomfort
Their overbearing attitude making you shift around
He noticed how your fingers were tapping against your leg in a familiar pattern you love
You were trying to stim discreetly, something you'd never done when he was around until now
Oscar stops them both but shooting out his hand "I'm Oscar by the way."
They blushed when they heard him talk.
This had happened before
The one time you did like a boy and got along well with him, he decided to look elsewhere
Elsewhere being your better at flirting friends
"Are you a friend? Family?"
"Boyfriend actually," he smiles
They stare in shock
Why do they have to stare?
Eyes are to emotionally connected to everything
"Well you must be intresting as well"
Then they talked some more
Oscar was able to make polite conversation
You tried
And failed
Then clung to his arm.
He could sense you were overwhelmed
The way you were gripping on to him as if he'd disappear alerted him to it
"We're actually on our way to go see a movie."
But it had gotten you out of that mess
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"My lack of social skills."
"They were boring anyways. It seemed like they are... normal?"
"Like bland, I guess. I see what you mean now when you describe them as annoying."
"I don't know what I did to deserve you and your social heroics."
"Well, we deserve each other."
"And why's that?"
"Because you love me for me, and I love you for you."
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spectrumgarden · 3 months
Actually wild the way some (!) of the fully verbal & LSN people treat me at the workshop.
I was sitting in a swing today, facing the other way, face not visible. I hear someone ask "oh who's that over there?" A second voice goes "idk, ask him who he is?" And a third goes "noo dont ask [for his name], he doesnt speak, he uses a talker" like. So I can communicate with you. The term talker is pretty on the fucking nose. But youre still telling someone else not to approach me? Because I guess communicating with me is "weird"???!
Calling my vocal stims I cant control most of the time gross, getting angry at me, constantly trying to get the others around them to agree with them how shitty I am for vocally stimming. same person who speaks all day which overstimulates others too, but the thing is, everyone else mostly copes in their own way with headphones, taking breaks outside, etc. Nothing they ever attempted. There were multiple other repetitive noises going on at the time too (hammering etc), but I'm the one to be targeted ofc.... & then refusing to use my name when referring to me & instead using things like "that one".
Finding out that I can sometimes speak short words etc and then just walking up to me daily and going "say x word!" "Can you say x word?" As if I'm a fucking dog performing a trick for their entertainment
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cherrybombfangirl · 6 months
I see Autistic/ADHD Lloyd headcanons all the time, but none for his parents which is weird because both ADHD and Autism are genetic. So lets fix that, and during Autism Awareness month no less, yay, #RedInstead bitches!
Autistic Garmadon and ADHD Misako Headcanons (for Autism Month!)
Misako hate is not welcome, we don't do that here, you will be blocked. Autistic Misako headcanons are welcome, I love you if you have that headcanon :). I'm autistic and adhd, so a lot of these will be based on my experience, and I'll try to keep it mostly fluff headcanons, featuring a little bit of Lloyd's autism and adhd <3
Autistic Garmadon
He and Lloyd share a lot of the same autistic traits
Like how if you distrupt the routine or there's a change in established plans both of them will start getting anxious and irritated
You don't distrupt the routine! Stick to the schedule damn it-
Or how both of them CANNOT stand bright lights, never turn on the overhead light, lamps and low lights only. and only predictable/controlled loud noises like music is ok, other loud noises bad
Also they both auditory stim ALL the time. Same song on repeat for days until the new favorite comes along, and they have the same taste in music (rock and punk), so while working on stuff or training one on one they'll blast the same song on repeat
Also both of them are hyperempathetic and get emotional very easily. Hence why they're a lot more emotional and open around each other
Also the Pathological Demand Avoidance is VERY STRONG with both of them. tell them to do something and they'll immediately dread and despite that thing and that thing is the last thing they want to do. (i.e. *is about to go do the dishes* "Hey can you do the dishes?" ... "I was about to. Even wanted to. Now I hate them and that's the last thing I want to do. Thanks for that. Fuck you.")
Both of them also have a very hard time unmasking (for different but similar reasons of how their childhood was), and get exhausted and burnt out fast. Luckily being around each other helps them unmask a bit easier
Garmadon loves Mac-n-Cheese, he'd eat just that for the rest of his life if he could. But only Misako's recipe, all other Mac-n-Cheese tastes WRONG (Lloyd also loves Mac-n-Cheese, but only his mom's recipe)
Sometimes he straight up forgets to talk. Like, he doesn't need to, he doesn't like talking to people, and he just... forgets that he has the ability to talk. So sometimes he might go a while without talking, thinking nothing of it. Then he'll vocal stim or use his voice and shock himself a little because oh shit i forgot i have a voice-
He hid it for a while because he thought it was embarrassing, but he has a huge special interest in sharks, and he is the number one shark defender, he could talk about them for hours (his favorite species is the Lemon Shark and Cookiecutter Shark <3).
^After he starts unmasking a bit he starting being a bit more open about it as well, and that year for his birthday Misako gets him a shark onsie. He just about melts, immediately puts it on, and wears it almost every night. (She thinks its adorable)
For a really long time, he thought the things he was experiencing were a side effect of being part dragon/oni, but then Wu told him "I don't experience any of that, sorry." and then he thought it was a side effect of the venom, but then after the Final Battle it was gone AND HE WAS STILL EXPERIENCING ALL THESE TRAITS, so he couldn't figure out wtf was wrong with him
^Misako was like "Idk sounds normal to me *shrug*" (She has ADHD, of course it sounds normal to her XD)
Lloyd knew he was autistic and adhd for a while because of the other ninja, who were also varying neurodivergencies. When he told his parents about it, they both didn't think anything of it because they didn't know it was genetic yet.
Then Garmadon found out it was genetic and was like "No... me? No way... I'm just an anxious introvert, there's no way."
Then he takes like ten different online assessment tests, and is like "Yeah, i knew it, i knew i wasn't autistic, those questions were worded dumb anyway. No I don't have a problem with socks, you see I have a system-"
And then Lloyd (who connected the dots once he found out autism was genetic) was like, "Dad... Dad... that- that is autistic... having a system for socks to avoid having problems with socks, avoiding places with loud noises and bright lights, and prefering to be by yourself or in silence is very autistic..."
Garmadon: "WHAT"
They figured out how to unmask and fuction as their authentic selves together and it's awesome
ADHD Misako
Similarly, she and Lloyd share a lot of ADHD traits
Like fidgeting, A LOT, always needing extra stimulation and needing to fidget. Usually with nail biting or lip chewing, until they learn less self destructive stims
They also hyperfixate in the same way. Both of them will get lost in the hyperfixation for hours, forgetting to eat, drink or sleep. until they try to stand up or someone reminds them. (Lloyd hyperfixates on comics the same way she hyperfixates on archeology)
Both of them have the worst sense of time and object perception. ("Oh yeah that project will only take fifteen minutes" *takes four hours*) (*losing track of important items and forgetting to eat ro drink water all the time*)
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is very strong for both of them, constantly worrying about annoying other people and being a burden, so they're people pleasers a lot and the slightest whiff of rejection sends them into a self hate spiral that can last for days or weeks (It took a very long time for her to get out of the self hate spiral after her and Lloyd meeting for the first time and him blowing up at her, which she thought she deserved for her huge mistake that she deeply regretted. Eventually they talked and Lloyd came to her and said she shouldn't hate herself forever, he wanted her to be his mom, and she could make up for it now. She still gets into that spiral sometimes.)
Also both of them zone out a lot. Sometimes many thoughts. Sometimes zero thoughts. Staring into space (they love car rides for this reason)
Both of them can be very all or nothing in a lot of things. No social interaction or all the social interaction. Doesn't talk at all or can't shut up. Constantly overshooting it.
Also due to the lack of object perception, both of them are kind of terrible at driving. They can't tell how far away the signs are until they're right in front of it, and are always taking turns that are way too big. Over or underestimating distance a lot. (Garmadon is a pretty terrible driver too, he gets overwhelmed easily). (Also Kai and Nya can confirm that teaching Lloyd to drive was a nightmare, Zane had to do it)
Always hyperfixating on something archeology/history related, she's a huge nerd and cycles through ten different topics (she was a weird kid that liked the morbid stuff in history). Usually dinosaurs, she's secretly obsessed with dinosaurs and hyperfixates on them all over again every other week. A lot of the time Garmadon has to remind her to eat or sleep because she'll be lost in hyperfixation for several hours.
Also has a lot of anxiety and has a hard time sitting still, always has to be moving or fidgeting with something in her hands
Similar to Garmadon, she didn't think anything of it when Lloyd told her he had ADHD, and when she found out it was genetic she thought, "No, it couldn't be me, I just have anxiety..."
She was in denial about it for a while, until Lloyd talked to her with Kai and Jay (Also ADHDers).
Kai asked, "Your teachers sent a lot of notes home about you being 'a pleasure to have in class' weren't you?"
Misako: "How the fuck did you know?"
Kai: "That was me before I had to drop out. I was the perfect little teacher's pet. So was Nya."
Misako sat there for a minute having a crisis because everything made sense now but also like no way, really?
She and Garmadon love talking about prehistoric sharks like the Megladon because that's where their interests intersect
^he also gets her dinosaur encyclopedias every year for her birthday and she loves it (they have diagrams of skeletons and fossils and stuff)
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Genshin characters x a reader with ADHD!
Summary: Your ADHD is odd, however, your (boy)friend is just as strange, so you think it evens out.
Or, how the genshin characters react to a reader with ADHD. (Ft some lesser known aspects of ADHD)
Featuring: Tighnari, Venti, Xiao & Albedo. Can be read as romantic or platonic.
A/n: it's frankly criminal how few neurodivergent reader content there is out there so here I am.
Disclaimer!! While I do have ADHD nobody’s ADHD is the same, so what might be common for me is something another person has never experienced.
Also I drop some lesser known aspects of ADHD in this post so here’s a general index of what those terms mean. It’s a lot more nuanced than what I’ve written down here but it’ll give you a general idea of the concept!
Executive dysfunction/ADHD paralysis: Wanting to do your job/work, but it feels like you’re physically unable to.
Food sensory issues/selective eating habits: A lot of people with ADHD are ‘picky eaters’ and refuse to eat certain foods even if it's good for them. Usually we pick foods with high sugar since it causes a ‘dopamine surge’.
Auditory processing disorder (APD): Having difficulty making out what someone is saying or processing what someone said too slowly.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD): Being much more sensitive to rejection or perceived rejection.
Verbal stim: Exactly the same as other stims (Like bouncing your leg or clicking a pen) but just with words. Usually being a certain phrase, sentence, or humming. Although any vocalization can be a verbal stim.
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Probably the most knowledgeable about this out of everyone on this list.
He knows it's not just 'lose your focus fast' and that ADHD is a lot more nuanced than that but at the same time he isn't an expert on it.
You'll have to explain some things to him, and knowing Tighnari, he'd happily let you tell him.
Mf takes notes. If he gets too excited and overwhelmes you tell him so he'll calm down a little lmao
Downside of him knowing a lot about (your) ADHD is that he knows when you need to cut back on some things.
If you're a very picky eater like me and don't like the taste/texture of healthy food he will literally not allow it LMAO
You'll be eating an excessive amount of sugar and he'll literally snatch whatever is in your hands and tell you to eat something healthy instead. And no, you cannot convince him to give it back to you until further notice.
If you hate the texture of actual healthy food he’ll definitely find an alternative for you to eat no matter how long it takes. You are not getting out of this.
In the nicest way possible… Tighnari is probably a little annoyed about your ADHD sometimes 💀💀💀
He never blames you or gets mad at you because he knows it's not your fault when this does or doesn't happen but he's still a bit miffed about it lmao.
Like when your auditory processing disorder suddenly kicks in and you make him repeat himself ten times. Or how you space out during his lectures.
However, Tighnari is smart so he'd definitely find a way to gain your attention so when he tells you things you can actually pay attention.
He's pretty good at wrangling your executive dysfunction, too (he's used to Collei having similar problems when he's tutoring her). He believes in the work/reward system and he always knows what'll make you actually get up to do what you're supposed to.
Usually by using your current hyper fixation/interests against you LMAO
"Do that assignment/task and I'll take you out to get that merch you've been wanting for over a month."
(If you like soft things like his ears, he would absolutely use it as bait for you to do your work also LMAO)
But if it's a really rough day he knows when to dial back on his constant nagging for you to do your work and encourages you to take it easy for the day.
If you're like me and forget things semi-regularly he'd always remind you. Especially if it's an outing/meeting with someone.
(Although, if you're the type of person to get annoyed by it he'll stop/dial it back if you ask.)
You 🤝 Tighnari
Can be overstimulated by loud noises easier than others.
Seriously though you both are at a loud party or something and look over to each other giving each other the 'why are we here? Just to suffer'? Look.
But if either of you are about to/are overstimulated you leave the area with each other to calm down. It's sweet 💖
He was originally a bit annoyed by how easily your mind wandered or how quickly you jumped from topic to topic but got used to it after a while. It even grew on him, he finds it endearing nowadays.
Always loves to hear you talk about your hyper fixation, seeing you so happy makes him happy too.
(And you best believe you'll be listening to that boy's flower talk. You think you know more than most rangers about the flora in Teyvat than they do. He's cute though, and you love hearing him talk about it as well, so really it's a win-win scenario.)
Mean this in the nicest way possible, but.. Tighnari is probably going to make you feel really bad once or twice on accident LMAO
With this tough love nature and your Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria you sometimes can't tell when he's being sarcastic/playful and/or he didn't mean what he said (or simply didn't understand.)
He almost always realizes right away and reassures you he meant no harm, and you believe him, but you're understandably still a bit upset LOL
He always makes it up to you, though <3
And if you ever get mad at yourself about how easily you get upset he's always there to reassure you that it's okay and you shouldn't bash your emotions like that, even if they're irrational.
He's your free therapist /j
Was originally confused when you started verbally stimming around him before you explained that to him as well. As long as it's not unexpectedly loud, he doesn't mind it and if you ever stop for a long period of time he def gets a bit upset 💀 like 'why'd you stop?? Did something happen??'
And if you stim in a way that hurts you he definitely puts a stop to it right away. Usually by offering you alternative ways to stim in ways that don't make you hurt yourself.
He is your mom (boy)friend <3
“I knew it. This place is way too loud for you as well, isn't it? C'mon, let's go out for a bit.”
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"Oh you mean like the thing where you can't sit still?"
Hit him.
But really, Venti doesn’t quite understand what ADHD is all that much. He’s heard the term before but never really cared to figure out what it means. You’ll have to educate him on it before he understands.
Honestly he’s kind of surprised at how much more there is to ADHD than he originally thought. Like damn your brain works against you like that?? You deal with that DAILY?? Damn bitch you live like this? /lh
… But also he unironically kind of finds it funny.
“I can’t believe your brain will go to such lengths to not do work just because it doesn’t like it.”
“Shut up.”
Sorry, but Venti is a tease at heart and he cannot hold himself back. Although, if he sees you genuinely upset by what he said he’ll apologize.
Despite that Venti is actually really good at helping you if you need it. He never gets annoyed if he has to repeat himself a dozen times or if he has to help you get something done, or if he has to calm you down for any reason.
If your ADHD is keeping you from falling asleep Venti always offers to sing you to sleep, it’s up to you if you decide to accept or not. (He’ll be very pouty if you decline though lol)
If you're like me and have lost items right in front of you (once I lost an item I was looking for for a good fifteen minutes. It was in my hand.) Venti can and will tease you about this.
"Hmm~ I don't know… Where did you see it last?" You could basically hear the laugh in his voice.
Once you do find it in a really obvious spot he will then laugh out loud. Just joke about breaking up with/leaving him and he'll quickly be on his knees apologizing
If one of your vocal stims is humming/singing anytime Venti catches wind of it he's definitely singing along with you. It turns into a karaoke in seconds and you're both laughing and smiling by the end of it.
He’s surprisingly one of the most understanding people on this list. No matter what, he'll always be there for you and somehow always knows how to help. You asked him about that and he said,
“Well, a magician can never reveal their secrets.”
“You’re not a magician, though. You’re a bard.”
“Then how is it that I stole your heart?”
Hit him again /j
Although there is one aspect he’s not great at steering you away from only because he’s also bad at steering himself away from it.
Impulsive tendencies.
Did you impulsively buy something? What a coincidence. Venti did something similar just seconds ago. Did you leave the group you were with because something caught your eye? Venti is right beside you, also looking for whatever caught your attention. Did you say something without really thinking about it? Venti just did the same somewhere across the room.
You guys are almost in sync for impulsive decision making no matter how far apart you two may or may not be.
On multiple occasions you’ve both run to each other in a panic after you both impulsively did something you shouldn’t have.
“Venti, help! I just entered a competition I know nothing about and it starts tomorrow afternoon!”
“Y/n, help! I just promised I’d do something I definitely shouldn’t!”
You both look at each other in panic and internally scream.
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Unlike Venti, Xiao hasn’t the slightest clue what ADHD is. He literally has no concept of mental disabilities and genuinely just thought some people had a harder time with things, not that their brain is wired differently.
Before you tell him he’ll see you stimming sometimes or notice you say certain words or phrases multiple times and just shrugs it off as ‘human things’. Same could be said for most of your ADHD shenanigans.
It was a blessing and a curse since he wouldn’t judge you for any of them, however if something like your executive dysfunction kicked in he’d probably think you’re being lazy 💀💀
You’d have to have a long sit-down talk about your ADHD and everything that goes on with it before he understands and can help you with it.
Even if you’re like me and your explanation skills are about as clear as muddy water he’d likely at least get the gist of it.
Now listen, Xiao is a harsh person by nature but once you tell him about your rejection sensitive dysphoria and what it means he’s probably looking back on anytime he was even slightly mean to you and worrying about if he accidentally hurt you.
Reassure him that even if he did hurt you, it’s in the past now and he knows to do better now.
Boy is much softer to you after that talk, even if he won’t admit it. He's the one least likely to accidentally hurt you with words out of everyone.
Xiao didn’t- and frankly, still kinda doesn’t- know a lot about humans before he met you, so he’s learning as he goes. Which means that at the beginning he’s going to be really awkward with comforting/helping you.
He’s trying though! And if you tell him how to help either before or after something like your executive dysfunction starts acting up, he’ll… still be a little awkward, if i’m being honest, but it helps much more than before you told him anything. The more he gets used to your ADHD the easier it’ll be for him to help you with it.
It becomes easier over time for both of you and Xiao slowly grows a ‘sixth sense’ if something is wrong.
Forgot something at the house? Xiao is already handing it to you as you turn around to go and grab it. Impulsive did something you probably shouldn’t have? Xiao is suddenly there to calm you down and do damage control. Your brain suddenly refusing to process what someone said? Xiao breaks down what they said so you can fully process it.
Seriously, bring him grocery shopping with you. He'll remember things you didn't even put on the list.
You wonder how Xiao got this power and Xiao also wonders how he got this power but he isn’t complaining. If he can help you in any way, he will.
"Hey, you forgot your lunch. I don't want you going hungry while I'm gone..."
Tease him about how he's acting like a caregiver and watch him turn red.
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He didn't know much about ADHD before he met you if he was being honest.
He knew more than Venti and Xiao but less than Tighnari, so you won't have to explain as much as you did with the previous two!
He finds it very intriguing, although he is the chief alchemist and human psychology has little to nothing to do with that, he finds himself listening to everything you have to say about it.
He knew humans learned in different ways but he didn't know how nuanced all of it was.
Just like Tighnari this guy is taking notes, although he's a bit calmer than Tighnari was lmao
"Fascinating. I knew humans were complex creatures, but this is much more nuanced than I originally anticipated."
Just like with Xiao, even if your explanation skills are less than ideal, Albedo still gets what you mean.
Seriously, he will pry every detail that you know about it out of you to the point that the conversation has already passed three hours and neither of you noticed.
He's asking questions you didn't even think of and you've known you've had ADHD for years.
Unfortunately, you often have to disappoint him with the fact that there's not exactly an abundance of information on mental illness/disabilities and that he'd likely have to find out for himself.
Even after that Albedo still asks you questions about your ADHD sometimes which you can either quickly answer or it takes ten minutes of pondering to figure it out.
He waits for you tho <3
You 🤝 Albedo
What the fuck is a social cue
You're usually at least a little better at spotting them than Albedo is, but it's still something you both struggle with 💀💀💀
Difference is that while you may try to apologize, Albedo just doesn't care.
He lives on a cold mountain, it's only natural that he has bad people skills. (He just like me fr fr)
In the nicest way possible the first few times you impulsively make a decision/have Executive dysfunction/etc Albedo will definitely say smthn like, "Oh, so this is what it looks like." 💀
Mf is lucky he's cute.
Afterwards though he'll help in any way he can. Which, of course means, any way alchemy can.
You're surprised at how useful all the things he made for you are, and you're grateful for that man making them for you every day.
All of Albedo's previous note-taking and observations of any bad habits you have because of your ADHD ended up with him being able to handle your bad habits better than you can 💀
Buddy is too smart for his own good.
You're taking notes from him at this point. You'd be a little offended that he knows more about your mental disability than you do but honestly if it helps you manage it better you'll take it with open arms.
While you're in his laboratory he likes hearing about you info dump about your hyper fixation. It's better background noise than the howling winds outside and you look adorable while talking about it. That's a win-win for him.
(Although like Tighnari, you'll also hear about his own experiments. Even if you're not really processing the information Albedo appreciates that you're trying)
If you're more creatively inclined he'll occasionally ask for your help if he's stuck on a project to see if you can think of something he hasn't yet. Even if you don't he says your input helps (translation: he likes hearing your voice and opinions)
Out of everyone on this list he's the least baffled about your odd habits. Man's is so unbothered by everything it's kinda funny.
The only thing he's worried about is when you look after Klee alone… he trusts the both of you to be able to take care of yourselves, but Klee is impulsive by herself. And if you're also impulsive it could lead to tragedy.
"You're aware the acting grand master is trying to stop Klee's habit of fish blasting, correct?"
"Well, maybe the acting grand master should try fish blasting herself! It's not our fault it's so fun!"
You're not allowed to babysit anymore
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Ending note: I'm so bad at hcs it's also kinda funny. Ah oh well, at least you can say I tried! Sorry if anyone was ooc but also this is MY blog and I GET TO CHOOSE how to portray characters!!1! Also if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes no there isn't.
I was planning on adding more characters but kinda ran out of steam lmao. Mayhaps I will one day, but for now this is all you get <3 bye~
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ndcultureis · 1 year
autism culture is: the other day i found out from my grandma that when my mom was young used to hate when her food touched on the plate. and she meant HATE.
which isn't that big of a surprise, because my mom still does it now sometimes.
and then, not even a couple hours later. i was in the kitchen with my grandma and i made a weird sound (vocal stim). then, my grandma repeated the weird noise. that went on like that for a few minutes, until my grandma broke 'character' and laughed.
but like,,my family is way more neurodivergent than i thought lmao. i have a handful of other little stories like this that i might share too. but this one particularly stuck with me.
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pjsk-headcanons · 7 days
wxs stimming hcs because i got inspo from everyone else (warning 99.9% of this is self projection hh)
When he gets really happy he jumps up and down and shakes his hands (like. really happy. not just normal happy, pure ecstasy kind of happy)
He has a lot of vocal stims, he mainly says them when he’s alone or like, completely in a different world because people would make fun of him for saying random shit
He watched jimmy neutron once in elementary and started saying “think think think.. brain blast!” whenever he had an idea because it sounded really funny. he stopped in middle school cause of like, yaknow, bullies (this happened to me but i was never bullied 🤪)
he picks at the skin around his hands when he’s idle too long. people think he’s nervous but he’s really not
jumping 24/7
She’ll start singing/humming when she’s bored
She can’t sit still at all. She’s always moving. Specifically bouncing her leg, or like, spinning in her chair so her legs are where her head should be (her family gets annoyed at this)
this isn’t really a stim but she talks to herself a lot (like fun arguments most of the time) and she looks like a manic to strangers when words start coming out of her mouth
He does a little dancy dance when he’s idle because he’s an npc
he jumps a lot, but it’s only when he’s very bored/starts going into his own little world
he needs background noise 24/7 or he’ll lose it, so whenever the room goes quiet, he starts humming subconsciously
He punches the air. Just trust me on this.
Idk how to explain this but when he listens to music, he rubs his teeth together/opens and closes his jaw to the beat. His dentist hates this btw
The only one who doesn’t jump
She listens to the same song 10000 times a day for weeks until she’s genuinely tired of hearing it
She chews on the neckline of her shirt
This is more of a sensory thing but i think she would eat plain tortillas as snacks because the texture is nice (i do this. my friend is latina and she kinda acts like it’s a hate crime but idk)
-language anon
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alterhuman-buddies · 7 days
Heya, Writer !!!!!
Saw you wanted some random questions, so;; How'd you discover your non-humanity? Can go for any of your 'types :]
(^ nfta)
Have a good day!!
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This may or may not be a huge rant that may or may not go slightly off topic :3c
I first started questioning my alterhumanity because of my friend, who is a therian. They love talking about its experiences, especially with their therian identity. I related to their psychological and physical experiences (not as much spiritual), which made me wonder if I am nonhuman in any way.
My first awakening or discovered 'type was a domestic black cat, which made a lot of sense. Other than the dream and mental shifts; I love neutral colors, I've always enjoyed meowing as a vocal stim, I've been a black cat for Halloween for two years straight (lol), the thought of having paws and sharp teeth was euphoric, fish has been a favorite food of mine for a while, and I also feel a tail and another set of ears almost constantly (which I realized wasn't something everyone experiences).
My next discovery was both the dragon and red panda 'types. I've been a huge Wings Of Fire fan, and I have way too many dragon figurines on my shelf. Wings and flight have always been fascinating to me; I wanted to do a project on dragon wingspans in fifth grade, but unfortunately, my teacher didn't let me. I don't feel my wings as much as I do the cat or red panda tails, but I know that they're feathery. Also, birds were a huge hyperfixation of mine. Plus, i have a hoard of plushies, figures, (150) rubber ducks, and so many shiny things. I'll have to post some pictures of it one day! I'm really proud of it, especially my nest of plushies. Though, I hate other people touching it without permission. My hoard, not yours.
For the red panda 'type, I think I first labeled it as a hearttype until I realized how much euphoria I got from wearing my paper red panda mask. It's like the others, which is more of a theriotype/kintype, and it took me a while to realize that! I remember when I first saw a red panda at a zoo. It was so amazing, and I just wanted to join them! I feel like that should have been a sign, but I didn't know what alterhumanity was at the time. I love making the high-pitched red panda yips (the ones that humans can hear—my vocals aren't that good) and chewing on pencils as if they're bamboo. Greens and browns are my favorite colors to wear and I absolutely love fruits!!! I feel my ears and tails most of all of the other 'types, I think red panda is my strongest 'type!
And last but not least, the wolf 'type. This is my weakest 'type, but it's still a part of me! I have a feeling it'll be the first of my four to change (if it ever changes). I don't remember how I discovered it, I think it was through a mental shift? I also feel more wolf-y when I feel like I'm in danger or if I need to protect someone/something. The thought of dens and snow are really nice for me, but I'm not too much of a meat eater. However, during my wolf shifts, I do feel cravings for steak and venison, I also feel more masculine?
I like different pronouns and names during my shifts for each 'type.
Black cat: Luci, they/it/purr/paw/meow
Dragon: Talon, they/it
Red panda: Red, it/her/vix
Wolf: [no other name], he/him
I think that's all for me to say! Thank you so much for the ask, anon, and have a good day as well! ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ
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sweet-as-an-angel · 9 months
Hi!!! I’m the same guy as the one that asked about the age range and autism :] just having like another question or so idk I forgot tbh.
Again, it’s so okay if you don’t wanna answer any of these!! I completely get it, all is well 🫶🫶
Would Dominic have any reaction to a reader that stims a lot?? Either verbally or physically; maybe his adoration will miau like a cat as a vocal stim frequently or flap their hands or clap as a physical stim as well?? Would he do anything now that he has that knowledge??
If his obsession suffered from OCD, how would he exploit that disorder?? (under the impression that he would exploit it.) Perhaps their ocd revolves around severe obsessions of having something seriously wrong with them, paranoia, or extreme fear of dirt or contamination??
Can he speak another language?? If his adoration was bilingual would he put genuine effort into learning their mother language??
Would he find it disrespectful if his obsession was eye contact adverse?? Actually what things does he find disrespectful like in general?? Does he do anything to correct that behavior??
Would he be okay with them being like incredibly and insanely cuddly and touchy?? I am autistic myself and when I go nonverbal but can still stand touch it’s how I communicate if that makes sense at all??
OKOK I swear that’s it for at least a while 😭😭 he really has me thinking about things jesus christ man. If there’s any spelling mistakes or something you don’t understand, I’m sorry :[[ German is my first language.
Have a great day or night!! I wasn’t expecting to write this much ngl🫶🫶
In case I ever have anything else I’ll put a raccoon at the end!! :]]
TW: Discussions of Mental Health, Mentions of OCD, Dominic Being Dominic
Welcome back, my dear 🦝 Anon <3 ! Your English is perfect, thank you for all your wonderful questions ^^ ! To answer your inquiries:
♡ If Reader stims a lot, Dominic will, of course, try to find a way to make your stimming all about him; especially if you have a lot of physical/verbal stims. He'll try to be in close proximity to you so that, when you do stim, you're more likely to either catch/grab him (unintentionally, of course). If you're apologetic - even though it isn't your fault - Dominic will absolutely find a way to guilt you into feeling bad about it, even when his veneer tells you that it's fine, it happens.
♡ Guilt breeds indebtedness - that's what Dominic has discovered. So, fresh off the wave of panic you're feeling, he'll ask you to do something for him that will require you to stay longer, during which time he'll see if you physically stim again or not. If so, he refreshes the process. Just like printing money.
♡ If you verbally stim and, say, make some kind of animal noise, he'll absolutely try and romanticise it. If you meow, he'll call you "Kitty," giving you a warm smile and a good-natured laugh. If/when you become more comfortable around him, he'll start calling you "Mon Minou," - My Kitty. He's one Discord server away from calling you Kitten.
♡ If you suffer with OCD, he'll start manipulating the physical environment to trigger you. Never in his own house, though. You need someplace as your safe space, right?
♡ He'll never verbally trigger you himself, either; nor will he allow any triggers to exist in his house as to try and reduce the likelihood of you having a negative association with his abode if you experience an OCD urge whilst you're there, regardless of how severe it is.
♡ In fact, he'll do things to make it seem like he's the only one that can combat it; he'll check windows to make sure they're locked, he'll sweep up crumbs off the floor to clear the path for you, he'll even call up one of his many doctor 'friends' (acquaintances. People in high places he's fashioned into his elite social circle) to come and informally examine you, to tell you that you're fine.
♡ If it's paranoia you're afflicted with, he'll seize the opportunity to turn himself into the only person you can come to, the only person you don't feel silly or afraid to spill your deepest worries to.
♡ Anything that will make you gaze up at him with nothing less than gratitude.
♡ Dominic can speak two languages fluently - English and French. He can speak other European and Asian languages, too, but to a minimal degree and only enough to discuss business matters. However, if you speak another language aside from the two he already has at his disposal, he'll absolutely make sure to learn it fluently, if only to become one of the few/only people in the neighbourhood with whom you can feel truly connected with.
♡ For peak manipulation, he'll learn everything about your mother tongue after your first meeting and start speaking to you in it - fluently - the next time you meet, pretending to have been able to speak it for many years past.
♡ If you are eye contact adverse, he'll try not to take it personally. But, knowing Dominic, that is a feat in and of itself. He values being able to exert power over others, and one of his main methods of doing so is unwavering eye contact. So, really, you're managing to inadvertently protect yourself from Dominic's Medusa stare.
♡ Behaviours Dominic views as 'disrespectful' would be signs dismissiveness towards him. Dominic is used to being the centre of attention in every environment he's in, so to have you, the object of his every desire, not paying attention to him is...a blow to his ego, to say the least. A metal rod to the backbone of his entire identity.
♡ Dominic will make quick work of ‘correcting’ your behaviour: standing so that it is only him in your direct line of sight; coming in close proximity so you can’t be ignorant to his presence; and, if he's bold enough, taking your chin between his fingers and making you look at up him.
♡ If you're very touchy-feely, Dominic goes absolutely feral; he can't believe he gets to have you touch him without: a.) having to initiate it, and b.) having to hide it. After all, it's a by-product of your mental health - it's beyond your control as much as it is his!
♡ He'll take full advantage of this, too, offering his arm for you to hang onto, his hand to hold, his chest to hide your face in. And all the while, all he's thinking of is how nice it feels not only to have you so close to him, but also how he can use this as an excuse to keep you close in the future.
Masterlist Yandere AI Masterlist Masterpost
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
hi! quick tip: if you’re on mobile type ‘:readmore:’ then hit enter! i dunno if you’ve been told but. yeah :)
also, your recent piece on apd was incredible!! very nice to see representation!! keep up the excellent work <3 it did get me thinking though: reader with vocal stims, cementing it in the acolytes’ minds that you don’t speak the language of teyvat, and then you’re all just stuck in this loop of “oh man they don’t speak the same language of me” but they DO
if asks are closed or this is outside of your comfort zone then feel free to delete! have a lovely day <3
A cookie for thee, and also extra for telling me how to do Expand thingy on mobile ilysm 🤲🍩🍪✨️ (pspspsps all askers,, u get cookies,,cometothedarksidepspspspspsss)
I was so worried bc it wasnt like super all the aspects of Apd issues, and it was very based on my personal experience w/ similar symptoms + other bits of ppl's experience so i was hoping it still felt somewhat recognizable for ppl w/APD!! Tysm for the feedback :D
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So i think ive experienced verbal stims, so this is a combination of others shared experiences + personal experience, and while everybody experiences things individually/their own way, please let me know if there is something obviously inaccurate/maybe even offensive.
You will definitely not make me mad or otherwise offended, I really want to hear that kind of feedback from others who vocal stim!
Thank you so much for reading! :)
So lets just say that ur vocal stims r pretty non-verbal or non-sensical ("her sister was a WITCH BRO-" like memes that dont make sense to them)
Or like, u have verbal stims that r actual language but they dont hang around long enough to hear it maybe ??
So like, this ends up happening
Chongyun was exploring near Qingce village for supernatural stuff as usual
And U were just vibin, chillin near Qingce village livin ur best Creator god cottagecore life
And ur like planting a new seedbed, Jueyun Chilis :) (bc jfc however bad it was to collect them in game, its 10x worse in person, ur tired of running around town getting chilis, Qingce isnt exactly flat 💀)
And every seed u put in the dirt ur like "boop!"
And Chongyun comes by, bc u at edge of town, and the villagers mentioned a strange new traveler settling here
He immediately feels a wave of that same feeling he used to feel when the Creator god had their eyes on him, or would assist him in battles
So poor boy almost overheats trying to climb up the hill to ur house
And is like "??...Creator??"
Then kinda stops bc ur just like-
"Boop!" "Boop!" "Boop!" ☺️ LMAO
And then u finish planting seeds, get the watering can,,
And everytime u pour it just-
... "EJACK! Come, water!"
(Ur saying it so fast too, and he's still somewhat farther away, so he cant rlly hear that well too)
And its just so incomprehensible to Chongyun he's deadass like "A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE??!"
So of course,
He waves, 👋
And ur like omg icy boy!! :D 🧊💙
But u dont say anything yet, and then he starts,, miming?? He points at u? Then like?? Points up? The sky?? Then like, mimes swinging his claymore???
U look up, very confused 🧐
He seemes frustrated.
Then he just kinda, bows and leaves?
...oh no.
Do Teyvat people speak that crazy language that u saw in game?
Instead of English??
.... U havent rlly talked to anyone in Qingce yet since u just got here in Teyvat like a week ago
And found this abandoned house
It just gets worse 😭
Bc slowly, one by one,
Each playable character in Liyue comes to attempt to talk to you
(And since u have a farm, and they keep giving u food/goods? For some reason?? U still dont need to go into town)
At one point, even Zhongli shows up
And thru complex miming and hand motions u think he means dont worry abt him? Like just go back to what u were doing?? Okay??
U guess he's just gonna chill here for now?
...Zhongli just kinda,, squints, and puts his hand on his chin in his classic "thinking very hard" face
So ur tending to the garden saying,
" FREDDY! You're supposed to be on lockdown!Vanessa...I'm... a Material Gworl✨️"💀
...Just, on an endless loop LMAO-
(Hes trying to see if he recognizes any part of ur language, poor old man 🤔🤔😭)
And it just snowballs even more, and now,
None of you have even tried to say a word to each other. 🤡
(Other than ur vocal stims)
Keqing: "Perhaps, it's similar to Fontaine's native language?"
You, in the background: "🎵 dUdE,,, sHe'S jUsT nOt InTo YoU 🎵" (mimicking the autotune and everything)
Ganyu & Keqing: "..."
You: " 🎵 gOtTa MoVe On, mOvE oN-🎵 Hurricane Katrina?? More like Hurricane Tortilla!"
Ganyu & Keqing: "...Can't be,"
"what else do we got? Should we call Yunjin to better mime for us??"
Xiao's the first one to even get close to knowing u can actually talk to each other, bc he's always checking in on u most often <3
And he only heard u bc u swore u heard a monster outside ur house one night and came out ur house with a pitchfork, very nervous,
"...Hey there demons.. it's me.. ya boy."
(And u just keep stimming that out of nervousness to make urself feel better as u check around ur house lol)
Xiao: "??? Demons???!! WAIT-"
By then, it literally took like 6 months for yall to finally have a real conversation 💀💀
(Chongyun got so embarassed bc he was one of the first few to misunderstand he overheated rip🙏)
Im. So. Sorry. This. Is. ✨️Ass✨️
Twas the best scenario i could come up with, im telling yall, im not as funny as the ppl who send in these asks 😔
Keep in mind, I never claimed i was funny or a good writer, u cant hold it against me lol /lh
Lower ur expectations LMAO
Well i hope u got sm enjoyment outta this anon, sorry abt the quality!! :)
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cryptic-science · 9 months
okay, trying something new and im going to write all my thoughts down while listening to the ep :3 here we go gamers:
- the singer is absolutely one of my favourite bits
- "podcasting is cool >:(("
- "just go oil your beard >:( idiot."
- god i fucking love sherlock and johns dynamic
- sherlock is so me
- "my doctorate in gooseology"
- "watson is this absolutely necessary- OOO !! get these !!!! lovely"
- i love it when they "argue" so much
- circuit failure ??
- jesus christ 10,000 for a watch
- i love them so bad
- wait oh my god the dead goose was definitely a decoy. they never pulled the gem out of it. they dont know if its for sure the real gem. its a decoy its a decoy
- "or yknow whatever it is that goes after geese. lion ? i dont know." how is one man so babygirl.
- "alright heather, just gonna- just gonna take a quick peek at your ass."
- i was so right i was so right im foaming at the mouth hehehehe
- sherlock mic time
- john whispering sweetly to heather and comforting her. i love you so much john. "hey its okay heather(? i think he says heather i am struggling to make out what hes saying), we all get sore bottoms from time to time"
- wait was i wrong ??
- oh god sherlock.
- john stick your hand up that gooses ass !!!!
- poor heather
- sherlock: "long old day really"
john: " just dont talk. just. dont even talk."
sherlock: "when do you want to eat ?"
john: "hmm. im gonna go wash my hands again."
- this is such a married couple "fight" if im being honest with yall
- immediate whiplash from the sudden christmas vibes
- my heart is so full.
- :(( their dinner has been interrupted :((
- "does your know no bounds? you can beg all you want." GOD I LOVE WHEN SHERLOCK GETS LIKE THIS
- GIFTS !!!!!!
- sherlock.
- he is wearing and enjoying the watch.
- this podcast is gift enough for us john
- shout out to adam for having incredible vocals though. such a good singer. that was very pretty.
my heart always feels so fucking full after every sherlock & co episode. i love this pod so much.
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spookyspoonz · 9 months
I had sensory issues as a kid. And I know that kids growing up can be sensitive because theyre still developing and all that, but like- I was weird.
I would get overwhelmed by the uncomfortable feeling of my clothes so I just wouldn't wear clothes or I would wear them inside out on purpose. I would wash my hands every five minutes because the texture was bad (my mom even got concerned about this and took me to the doctor lol). On multiple occasions I would get overwhelmed because sounds were Too Loud. I didn't like brushing my teeth for the longest time, the mint was too strong and the toothbrush bristles never felt right and it was just boring. And I HATED when people touched my hair. Hated. My mom brushing my hair was always literal hell. Speaking of showers, the water usually had to be at the perfect temperature before I would get in.
On the flip side, I was always seeking positive sensory input, like playing the same songs and movies over and over and over until my family got tired of it, or vocal stimming and repeating phrases or sounds or information contrantly, or just running around and spinning.
The thing is though that I still have most of these issues. I still don't like people touching my hair, and brushing my hair but it's easier when you do it yourself. My hands being sticky or touching bad textures make me want to throw up some days. Often all of my clothes are super uncomfortable and not right and my hair feels too annoying and in the way and puts me in a state of horrible Distress when literally it's just clothes and hair and "I should be fine." Unexpected sounds can be too loud and terrifying and painful but controlled sounds are fun and enjoyable and I will repeat them over and over again. Stimming still helps me, and I stim way bigger in private because it helps me process emotions I don't understand or that are overwhelming.
The point is I've always been this way, and it's easier just to accept it instead of fighting it.
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rockcollector3000 · 1 year
Simon “Ghost” Riley HCs
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(Not my art! I saw it on Pinterest)
Ghost sleeps with a nightlight if it’s available to him.
Weighted blanket LOVER
Love language is parallel play (sitting in the same area as someone but not interacting with them)
Sleep talking but only when he’s on base
Speaking of him sleeping, if it wasn’t for him talking, you’d think his ass is dead because of how STILL he is.
Not a fan of eye contact during casual conversation, but in a professional setting he’s doin just fine with it.
Secretly really likes when people ask him for things. But he wouldn’t be caught dead admitting to it.
Amazing cook, but cannot bake to save his fucking life.
He is ALWAYS cold. If you touch his hand, you’d think you’re touchin a damn corpse.
Vocal stimming. (If he hears something funny, he’s repeating it to himself quietly over and over for a few days)
Keeps every gift he has ever received from teammates.
Always carrying paper and pens on him (for Soap who always forgets)
Wears gloves all the time because it’s the only way he won’t pick at the skin on his hands
Fucking LOVES museums. I know because he told me so.
Relationship HCs
He pretends that he doesn’t like always getting matching stuff with you, but he fucking LOVES it. Especially those matching holiday pajamas
Brings you a trinket from every place he’s deployed if it’s possible to do so
It takes him a bit to get comfortable with physical touch, but once he’s comfy, expect to have your ass smacked at least twice a day
Happily lives his life around your routines (if you’re routine oriented like me)
Runs you a bath before you get home from work and brings you a warm towel before you get out. (Like every man should)
Shows pictures of you to his coworkers with a big grin (that no one can see because of his mask)
Protective as FUCK. if you’re home alone, he’s checking up on you frequently to make sure you’re ok
Calling you nightly while deployed when he can
Has a little notebook of stuff to tell you when he gets back
Happily listens to you talking about your work gossip, and is 100% invested in it too.
If you’re a little treat girly (like me) he has a list of your favorites and will bring you something every chance he gets
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slashertrash · 10 months
Would you mind writing Brahams and/or Bubba with a s/o who’s autistic and stims a lot and has a lot of echolalia stims but is embarrassed about them when they realize theyre stimming in front of them? Thank you and have a wonderful day!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Of course I don’t mind, hun! 💖 I tried researching a bit about echolalia, hope I do you proud! Please let me know if I mess anything up though!
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Bubba and Brahms with an s/o who has an echolalia stim
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I hc that Bubba's autistic and nonverbal!
He shows a lot of traits of having trouble with social cues, and trouble with his impulse control. Also suffers meltdowns when in high stress situation, most likely from his brother's yelling or from victims getting away.
He stims by touching textures (mainly his mask!) and probably has an oral stim too! And I bet he loves to feel around the textures of his crafts, like his bracelet or whatever bone decoration is around the house.
He was a bit cut off guard when you do a vocal stim near him for the first time. Why did you repeat what his brother just said? Where you making fun of him?
You'd have to explain to him about your vocal stim to help him understand that you're not making fun of him or his brothers. Once you do he's completely understanding!
He assures you that you shouldn't be embarrassed of your stims. While spending time together, whether it be interacting or doing your own things in silence, you both feel comfortable enough to stim around each other. He's absolutely smitten with everything that you do <3
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As for Brahms, I hc him having BPD. It shows when Greta becomes his favorite person, his sudden mood swings towards her, his impulsiveness to threaten anyone who tries to sweep her away from him, and how quick it is to anger him. Lots of anger issues as well
Brahms had watched you for a while inside the mansion's walls, so he has seen and heard you stim beforehand.
He's probably read up on many autistic traits and information in the books around the mansion. So he probably knows some things about echolalia and/or stims.
He'd be interested on what your thoughts are on the different phrases or words that you repeat. What made you like them, or what brought them up.
Once he comes out of the walls and you're talking to the real him face to face, you may notice him still watching you from time to time. *cough* all the time, he can't help it
He finds all your stims to be fascinating, he loves hearing your voice and is just so thrilled to finally be with you. Brahms absolutely is head over heels. You're his new favorite person!
Really clingy and possessive, but he'd tone it down if you tell him to. Just be honest! Communication is key. <3
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Finally getting the hang of writing again! So sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, English ain't my main language!
As a side note, I would like to say that in no way am I trying to demonize or correlate these mental health conditions to literal slashers. I've got some undiagnosed au/dhd + possible bpd and you don't see me (or anybody else) slashing and dashing out there! These are just my thoughts, and how I'd like to explain the traits or deeper feelings behind these characters! Idk if I worded this correctly but y'all get my point!
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wat-the-cur · 5 months
Even more JayBob headcanons:
. I said before, that Bob was so withdrawn during “Clerks”, because he was tired. You could just put Bob’s demeanour in that film down to early instalment weirdness, but I want a headcanon to explain it. I believe that, on the day that “Clerks” took place, Bob was too tired to mask. Bob in “Clerks” is Bob completely unmasked. To an outsider, he would appear to be ignoring Jay, or annoyed with him. I think he was, partially, because Jay had woken him early that morning after a hard day before at the Mall. But, Bob’s lack of expression, or reaction does not indicate a lack of attention, nor does it indicate unhappiness, at least not always.
I think that Bob developed his big reactions and facial expressions from a young age, because he spoke so little, and sometimes could not speak at all. His mother encouraged him to smile, frown, nod, shake his head, to let people know how he felt, or what he wanted, when he could not tell them verbally. He started really exaggerating, because people would not always catch more subtle expressions, or movements. He thought it was a little funny to copy the cartoon characters he loved on TV. Making funny faces was a small price to pay for the comfort of being silent.
He was especially happy to do it for Jay, whom he wanted to understand him the most. Jay, for his part, has difficulty reading other people. He had a chart of expressions given to him by a teacher when he was little, that he would carry in his pocket and take out when he spoke to people. While Bob does feel he can safely unmask in front of Jay (hence, his lack of expression in “Clerks” is not commented on), he is happy to make himself easier for Jay to read when he has energy. Hence, Jay can read Silent Bob really well, but struggles with everyone else.
. I feel like Bob was given a formal diagnosis of autism as a child, due to his partial non-verbalism. Jay, on the other hand, had most of his symptoms put down to “behavioural issues” and was put in the same category as Bob in school, under the umbrella of “special needs” without ever getting a diagnosis, or very much help. He was largely just categorised as a naughty child, who might have a “problem”. Only one teacher ever attempted to help him out, the one who gave him his expressions chart, but she could only do so much.
. Jay had some difficulty getting his words out in order as a child and was offered a little help by the same teacher who gave him his expression chart. This still shows every so often in his adult life (“He can’t not speak it good, like we do.”)
. Bob uses echolalia when feels he can speak, but does not feel able to form unscripted statements. Hence, the Star Wars quotes, and his Glengarry Glen Ross speech in “Reboot”.
. Bob is a religious viewer of the Mooby cartoon. He has collected Mooby merch since he was a child. He has it all displayed in his room, where he can look at it all. (Seriously, look at his reaction to the Mooby store in “Chasing Dogma” and tell me it doesn’t scream “special interest”. He reacts with the same joy as he does to his John Hughes videos.)
. Both Bob and Jay are same fooders, but especially Jay. Jay is very sensitive to tastes and textures. He feels happiest and safest with sugary food. He will often replace square meals with sweets and cakes, hence why he steals so much.
. Where Bob is prone to shut down and/or cry in overwhelming situations, Jay will become louder and angrier. His outburst near the end of “Dogma” was Jay entering a meltdown, having his head hugged without warning being the straw that broke the camel’s back.
. Jay hates being touched without warning, and when he is touched, he wants it to be by someone he trusts. Bob’s touch comforts him, so he allows and seeks it, where he would not from many others. After a meltdown, Jay likes to lean, or lay on Bob, enjoying the pressure and familiarity.
. Jay’s. Catchphrases. Are. Vocal. Stims.
. Also, because they spend so much time together, they end up sharing each other’s stims. (Looking at you, dance scene from “Clerks II”).
. Luckily, they have the same taste in music, because Jay frequently finds songs that he will play on a loop for five solid days, dancing all the way.
. Their long hair is a stim toy all on it’s own, but they cannot stand it getting in their faces, so they wear their hats most of the day, even in the house, even in the summer.
. To everyone else, it seems that they are extremely vicious with each other, but because they have spoken to each other this way their whole lives, their words not strike them as being very harsh. That said, they have developed an awareness that other people might get upset by it, or Bob has, hence Bob smacking Jay every time he says something insensitive to a friend.
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