#to the point i think i just subconsciously got bored of the panic and slipped into an actual dream
kitwilsonsass · 1 year
My brain frequently does this nightmare that I can only assume from the way it feels is... a slightly more asleep sleep paralysis. Like it's a dream, but I'm very aware it is illogical, it's always the same, and I wake up extremely easily once the revelation hits.
But it's ALWAYS my comforter being forcefully pulled over my head and held down.
I assume it's probably my brains answer to "why are we not breathing correctly?" Either that or my first SP experience years ago was so offputting it decided to aggressively go "not touching you!" and find the next worst thing.
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ragingbookdragon · 1 month
Her hand subconsciously feels to the left side of the bed, reaching out for his hip, but when her hand feels cold sheets, she sits up, eyes bleary with sleep as she looks around. He’s gone, his clothes gone from the floor, and for a moment, she feels a blistering sting in her chest when she looks at her dead husband’s photo sitting on her bedside table. What a fool, she thinks as she throws her legs over the side of the bed and grabs the robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Slipping it on, she walks into her daughter’s room and leans over the crib, ready to pick her up when her eyes widen as she stares at an empty bed. Panic floods her and she tries to calm down, thinks that JJ maybe got his sister out and put her in his bed.
She hurries to his room and opens the door, eyes bulging out of her head at this point. His Spider-Man bed is empty. Her feet carry her downstairs and in a flurry of worry, she runs around, checking the den, the dining room, the kitchen, the shed outside, there’s no sign of him or her children. Tears flood her vision as she grabs her phone inside on the bar and tries to fumble it open, only for the front door to crack open and someone start to yell, “Mummy!” Before a stern voice hushes them.
She runs to the front door and sees Simon cradling Morrigan in one arm, his other on the back of JJ’s shoulders, pushing him in the door with a quiet but firm, “Don’ wake y’er mum up.”
Her phone falls to the floor, and she runs to her children, yanking the baby from him, jostling her into a crying fit, as she wraps the other hand around JJ’s head and pulls them in for a tight grip.
“Mummy?” JJ asks, concern flooding his voice as Morrigan cries harder. “What’s wrong, mummy? Why are you crying?”
“Mummy’s not crying,” she says and shushes Morrigan until the baby is in hiccups and hands her to him. “Take Morrigan upstairs to her crib. I need to have a word with Simon.”
JJ takes the hiccuping child from her and he can’t help but say, “Mummy, Simon took us for ice cream!” She finally notices the brown stain on JJ’s pristine white shirt and the remains of chocolate around his mouth. “But Morrigan didn’t eat any. Uncle Simon gave her a bottle.”
“That’s good, baby,” she responds with a tight smile. “Take Morrigan upstairs, okay? She needs a nap.”
“Yes, mummy.”
He leaves and she stands, whirling on him, and he can tell he just lit a Roman candle the size of a mortar. “Love,” he starts, and she cuts him off with a swift and crisp slap that sends his face snapping to the side.
“You cannot just take my children without telling me!” She all but yells. “Letting you in my home is one thing but my children! Don’t you ever take my children out without waking me ever again!”
“Love,” he calms, not bothering to massage the stinging in his face. “I ‘ad everythin’ under control.”
She feels the storm brew in her throat, the tears in her eyes. “My children. My babies. His—our children.”
Simon reaches up, takes her face in his hands. “Look at me,” he says. “You were asleep. Peacefully. You were tired. You ‘ave been so tired. So exhausted from everything. I didn’ want to wake you.” He looks at her. “I took them out for some ice-cream so you could ‘ave a restful sleep with no one to bother you.”
Tears spill over and she manages to muster, “No one is going to hurt my children.”
He stares at her, copper eyes boring in hers as he promises, “Love, I would never hurt your children. I would never let anyone hurt your children.” He holds her firm in his hands, eyes ever-strong. “I would never let anyone hurt them. Or you.”
“They’re all I have left,” she cries. “My babies.”
“I know,” he says softly, brushing a hand over her cheek. “And I would die a thousand times before I ever let anyone hurt them.” He leans down and presses his forehead to hers. “Love, I would never hurt them.”
She feels the tears drip down her face as the pain in her chest begins to subside. “I woke up and you were gone. They were gone. I…I feared the worst. That he’d gotten them. That they’d taken you all.”
“No one is going to take us,” he murmurs, shutting his eyes. “I swear to you. No one is going to take us.”
Her hands clench in his hoodie. “You were gone.”
“I know,” he says. “I’m sorry, I shoulda left a note. I jus’ didn’ think you’d wake up ‘fore we got back.” He pulls away and cups her cheek again. “Love, you’ve been so tired. I jus’ wanted you to rest.”
“I know,” she agrees, even as he wipes her tears with his thumbs. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I slapped you, I’m so sorry,” she cries again.
He snorts and kisses her cheek. “Soap teach you to ‘it that ‘ard?” A surprised laugh bubbles out of her, and she can’t help but smile as the tears fall. “There’s tha’ smile,” he cooes and kisses her forehead. “God, I love tha’ smile.”
Her cheeks get hot and she reaches up, wiping her face. “I’m sorry.”
“Nah, love,” he shakes off. “Don’t be. I’d react the same if I were you.” He takes her hand and kisses it. “Go check on them, yeah? I’ll make you something to eat.”
She nods and turns, pausing at the staircase and looks at him. “I thought you left me this morning,” her voice is soft, just short of broken.
He looks back at her, takes off the face mask he always wears in public and affirms, “Never.”
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simply-wlw-kpopstan · 3 months
15. Handprints
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It felt like everyone was staring at Yujin and you when you walked out to the jard again. You could hear some of the words that were said like your names, neck, lipstick and couple. When you got to your group Brian was sitting on the ground, clearly drunk, " There she is!" He jumps up and envelopes you in a hug, "I was looking for you!"
"I was talking with yujin"
He turns to greet her when he noticed the lipstick, "talk?" he smirked.
"yes," you glared at him, "talk."
"okay" he throws up his hands in a sign of surrender, " I got someone to go get marshmallows so we can make s'mores later."
"where do you get marshmallows at this hour?" you ask as you sat down. Brian just shrugs and grabs his drink again when your phone pinged. You took it out of your jeans and noticed dani had texted in your groupchat with Brian.
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You looked up at the two with a pleading look and dani nodded lightly while putting her phone away. Brian kept looking between yujin and you but didn't say anything. Haerin was silently snacking on some sour patch kids and threw another pack towards you and yujin as she watched everything go down.
"Guys they brought out the paint!" someone yelled at the door and a group of people went inside.
"we should go and paint ourselves too. It'll be fun!" Hanni smiled like a kid on Christmas.
"only if Brian is the one to actually paint something on me." you looked over to the brunette boy, "and no tricks mr. Park." you narrowed your eyes.
"fine by me, I'll offer my artistic services to anyone who wants it here." he grinned, "what are we waiting for? Let's go!" he clapped his hands together and everyone made their way into the house again.
You were taken by Suprise when yujin grabbed your hand while walking inside, "what are you gonna get?" you questioned to get rid of the nerves.
"I don't know! Any suggestions?"
"is there something you like?"
"Yeah but I can't draw a face or a name on my hand! It should be something fun!"
"Hey! I'm fun!" you bumped your body against her and she swayed a little.
"maybe I can do something else! It's a blacklight party they have more then just paint right?"
"I don't know. We'll see when we're at the table."
Once you finally made it to the table Brian started painting a couple of flowers on your arm, haerin was doodling on dani and minji was writing something onto hanni. You realized yujin was nowhere to be seen and you almost started to panic when you spotted her walking back with some glowing sunglasses and hats.
"Look!" She shouted as she put the glowing baseball cap on, "what do you think?" She moved her hear side to side as she waited for you words.
"it suits you!" you smile.
"and done!" Brian said as he finished painting your arm. "want me to paint something on you yujin?"
"no, thank you though!"
"can you do something like that on my arm?!" a random girl came up to Brian as she pointed to your arm, "here," she slipped her and in her pockets and gave him a 10 dollar bill. Brian shrugged, took another brush and started to paint once again.
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"there you are! We never finished our conversation!" you heard your sister yell, "come on, let's go somewhere more quiet!" She yelled over the music and tried to take yujin's hand but the later stepped back and closer to you.
"no, I'm good!" She said as she intertwined her pinky with yours subconsciously.
" come on I just want to talk?"
"she said no yuna." you snapped.
"stay out of this! You always try to paint me as the bad guy, I just want to talk."
"Be fucking real for a second! Everybody in here knows how big of a bitch you trully are! You had your fun but now it's over I told her. She knows you weren't asleep!"
"you had no right!" your sister pushed you backwards and yujin's pinky disconnected from yours.
"I had every right! You were hurting her for what? Your own pleasure? Because you were bored?" you stepped right into yuna's face, " I told you if you tried something I'd fight back."
"You're just jealous because she likes me and not you." she grinned, "nobody ever falls for the nice twin, didn't you get that by now?"
The anger you were trying to withhold snapped and you pushed her back. Yujin tried to pull you back before a fight breaks out but as she stepped up someone pushed her into the table. She lost her balance and quickly placed her hands on the nearest surface which was a plate full of blue paint, the substance splattered at contact. Everybody starts laughing when she turns around, her shirt was covered in blue paint splatters, some of it even reached her jaw and her hands were covered in blue.
" what, planing to cosplay as a smurf yujin?" yuna joked making people laugh again.
"what the fuck is wrong with you!" you yell at your sister. "can't you just back off already!" you see yujin starting to back away and take a hold of her wrist, "don't think I'm letting you get away with this do you understand?" you gave yuna one more look of disgust and then left the house with yujin behind you, still holding onto her wrist.
"uuh can I at least go back and wash my hands?" yujin asked quietly and that's when you realized you were literally dragging the girl with you in a rage caused by your sister.
"fuck I'm sorry," you let go immediately, "i'm so sorry for everything yujin, I didn't..." you run your hands through your hair in frustration.
"it's okay, you just got carried away."
"No, it's not okay. What happened in there is not okay! Stop saying that! Everytime she does something you brush it off!"
"why are you mad at me?" She frowns.
"because-" you threw your hands up, "she does that shit and you say it's okay when it's not! I can't stand seeing you get treated like that! You're such an amazing person and it makes my blood boil that you like my sister when she treats you like shit. She's like a cat playing with a mouse and I'm just standing at the side line as she bullies someone I like! "
Yujin looked at you as the both of you took in what you just said," you like me? "
" i-I... Well you know what I mean. " you blush
" be honest with me, "she said as she closed the distance between you," would you feel the same if it was dani? "
" no, dani can stand up for herself. She may be a sunshine but she can get scary when she's mad. You somehow refuse to defend yourself. "
" that's not what I mean and you know it. "
"please don't make me say it." you sigh as you closed your eyes, "I know you said you had a crush but you still liked her and I couldn't be more different from yuna, so I know alright." you open your eyes again as you feel your throat close up, "I know I don't have a chance, I Know you don't feel the same which is why I never told you." Yujin doesn't say a word as she leans in, kissing you all of a sudden and you can't believe that this is happening. "what are you doing"
"showing you how stupid you sound for thinking I don't feel the same." she looks down in your eyes and that's when you realize how tall she actually is. The difference wasn't too much but you still have to tilt your head up for a kiss.
You wrap your hands around her neck and pull her down into another kiss. Her lips feel so soft and taste like the sour patches she was snacking on a few minutes ago. You realize that she hasn't put her hands on you after a couple of seconds and pull back just enough to look at her. "you can touch me you know."
"M-my hands are still covered in paint." she blushed as she looked down to your lips.
"let me fix that for you." You smirk as you take a hold of her wrist and put her hands over your chest making sure that the paint catches onto your shirt. Yujin's mouth opened but no words came out as she just looked you in the eye. "there, you want to wash the rest off?"
She couldn't find any words to say so she just pulls you back in another kiss her hands fly towards your face, cupping it gently when the kiss is anything but that. "is this real?" She muttered against your lips, "like do you actually like me?"
"yes yujin, I like you." you slip one of your hands in her hair, playing with that baby hairs on her nape. The moment your nails scratch her neck lightly she lets out a slight moan, catching both of you by Suprise, "you like that huh?" you smirked.
"I uhh should go and wash my hands." her face was turning red as she stepped back from you. "do you wanna go back to the party after or would you rather go home?"
"I kinda wanna go home but I don't know if dani is going with haerin or if they're coming to my room." you moved forward and walked back into the house together.
"Minji is going to hanni's dorm so dani will probably come back to yours." you let out a groan at the newfound information. "you can stay with me if you want?"
"are you inviting me to spend the night with you?" you teased.
"well there is an empty bed and no drunk roommates with girlfriends."
"I'll text dani as you're washing up inside." you took out your phone as you entered the bathroom, "but first , come here" you stood I front of the mirror and yujin stood behind you, " you can come closer," you smiled and yujin took another step, wrapping her arms around you as you took a picture. You snapped another one as she let go off you and she begged you to delete it but you promised to not show her face.
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yujin began to wash off the paint from her hands and clothes as best as she could "aren't you going to wash that off?" She asked as she watched you through the mirror.
Before you could answer dani appears in the doorway with the biggest smile, "I thought you alrea-" the words get caught in her throat as she looked at your shirt, then your neck and face to then look at Yujin who was still trying to get the blue paint from under her nails, "what happened in the past 10 minutes?!"
"that's a story for another day, I'm going to yujin's dorm so you have the place to yourself. Please no sex on my bed?"
"jeez, you caught us making out one time and still think the worst of me!" She pouted.
"so you're telling me you would've stopped what you were doing to move to your bed?" you asked sarcastically
"yes!! Same goes for you and minji's bed." she crossed her arms.
"we- that's not...." you cleared your throat, " forget it, just make sure to let the others know we left okay?"
"will do!" She gave a thumbs up before leaving the two of you alone again.
"so... Are you gonna wash that off?" yujin repeated.
"I'll just stop by my dorm to grab my shower stuff and shower at your dorm."
"why stop at yours? You can use my stuff, I don't mind"
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masterlist | next
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
yandere other mother x reader- Coraline au
warnings- yandere behavior, platonic yandere, manipulation, slight infantilism, mentions of neglect, false reality,
this one really isn't bad, but just to warn you, if any of these things trigger you, please don't read!
“Y/n this is insane! Can’t you see that she’s crazy?!” Coraline yelled at you from inside the dusty room while the three ghosts watched, their mouths had been sewn shut long ago, so they weren’t able to intervene. You stood there, feeling like you wanted to cry, this “other mother” was amazing, your real parents never showed much affection, going far enough that it could be Called neglect, so when your other mother held you in her lap, and braided your hair, and gave you warm hugs, and kisses on the cheeks, you felt happy. Your other father was just as amazing, but still, their treatment of you felt similar to one of a baby’s, always treating you like a young child who can’t think for themselves. Coraline noticed this far earlier, while you remained happy and oblivious, the buttons for eyes were the last straw for her.
“I know okay! I just, she’s so nice, I don’t even know what to think anymore, you know what it feels like to actually have parents… I don't, my entire life I’ve been shoved in a little blue house down the stairs and told ‘don't disappoint us’ by my parents! I just want to feel loved… it’s just, it’s just not fair” you spoke, lip quivering, you couldn’t even remember the last time you allowed yourself to cry, you weren’t supposed to love the “other parents” but you did, they were the parents you never had, and you just had to live them. At this point silent tears were trailing down your cheeks, Coraline remained fuming at you, not even sparing a moment to acknowledge the two small black buttons that seemed to appear out of nowhere, peeking through the wall.
“That doesn’t matter, do you really want tiny little needles poking in and out of your eyeballs? Do you really want to leave your real parents behind? Do you want me to leave you behind?” She seethed, you shook your head, letting out a few small whimpers and sobs under your breath, you hated that she was right, you hated it so much, you couldn’t just leave everything in the real world for this parallel universe void of life, you should want to back there right? where no one cared about you, where no one loved you, where you were nothing.
“Coraline? Is that any way to speak to your friend?” A soft voice rang from behind your form, the few lost souls floating in the room ten up, showering to the far corners where the other mother couldn’t see them, then you felt warm hands engulf your waist, pulling you closer to the women’s chest, you subconsciously leave into her warmth, she glared down at Coraline, stoking your head lovingly. In reality, she hadn’t wanted for you to get pushed down here, but Coraline was getting in the way, and you just got caught in the crossfire, she did make sure that your landing was softer though, while Coraline's was harsh.
“You don’t get to tell us what to do, you aren’t her mother.” Coraline breathed out, slimming her eyes into a harsh stare at the woman in whose chest you were sobbing into. One moment, you were in the cold cellar-like room, the next, you were back in the baby pink room that was yours in this place, your true room was a boring white, with a ritzy mattress in the middle, and a small cabinet that served as a closet. Although you didn’t particularly like the color pink, it was nice to know that someone cared enough to bring true colors into your life. The other mother continued her embrace, picking up and cradling your head against her shoulder, you felt a wave of drowsiness overtake your senses, it hit you like a pound of bricks, and you squeezed the back of the women’s shirt to see if you were dreaming or not, her hold just felt so… comforting.
“Was she mean to you darling? Don’t you worry your little head about it, shhhhhh, just fall asleep, mother will take care of everything.” She spoke, bouncing slightly up and down with each step she took towards the large bed that was displayed in the center of the room. You barely muttered a small “wait” before falling asleep in her arms. She tenderly placed your body under the silky sheets, wrapping you up with the soft fabric and placing a small pig plushy next to you, keeping an eye on her precious’s little daughter while she tended to some “housework”.
The second you went unconscious you slipped into a weird dream, you were walking on a thin sheet of water, in a pitch dark room, it was so cold like someone had dunked you in a bucket of ice, you stared out into the nothingness, gradually growing more anxious, where are you?
“HELLO! IS ANYBODY OUT THERE!” You screamed, only to be greeted by the echo of your own words, nothing more, nothing less. You started to swivel around in a moment of panic, having just about no idea what could happen to you in this dark abyss. That was until you dek the floor below you disappear, and you popped into existence into a completely different place, it was a medium sized room, the layout was similar to a grocery store, multiple shelves made the room feel smaller, what was odd about it, was that all the shelves were packed with hundreds of snowglobes. You admired the pretty glass structures as you slowly walked down the aisles, each had a completely different design, with little figures inside, you found it adorable, ogling at the pretty things. That was until you heard quiet clicking of heels, and your other mother came into view.
“There you go, now don’t be rude to me! You are a very lucky girl that I’m even letting you live, you should know much better than to taint my daughter's mind with your filthy voice, oh you make such a great addition to my collection! Enjoy your stay, forever” she chimed, you were positive that she couldn’t see you, mainly because you were standing frozen directly in front of her, and she hadn’t acknowledged you. At least you weren’t freezing anymore! You tiptoed closer to the snowglobe that was just placed among the collections, wondering why your mother was so enthusiastic about it. And saw nothing special about it, other than the bright yellow raincoat that adorned the figurine.
you remained completely unaware. of the thousands of button eyes that watched you from the globes, begging to be shattered, and set free.
“Pretty” you muttered to yourself before the world faded again, and you were back into your body, snuggled up under the covers, clutching the pig plushy close to your chest, you felt awake, but also very asleep, forgetting your entire dream the moment your eyes opened, slightly surprised to see that you were still in the pink room, in the other house. You could hear the feint sound of your bedroom door opening, the creak rang through the room. And the other mother smiled softly at your lovable position, cooing under her breath, trying not to be too loud and wake you up.
“Darling, we have to get up now, oh I know I know your still tired, but it’s dinner time, you can’t stay in bed all night, little sleepyhead, my little sleepyhead.” She spoke, rubbing your shoulder while you groaned at the sudden speaking and noise. You didn't know how long that dream lasted, but you did know that it was odd, so odd that in fact, it made up your mind for you about the whole button eyes thing.
“Uhm- Mother? I-I’m sorry, but I- I don’t want to put buttons in my eyes.” You muttered, awaiting a harsh reaction, but instead, getting another one of her sweet smiles, she picked you up again and sat you in her lap, your small frame getting engulfed by hers.
“Oh is that what you were worrying so hard about? Don’t worry honey, you never were going to have to sow buttons in your eyes, it was just to see if I could trust you, and I know that I can trust you now.” She stated, calmly, a little too calmly. So… she lied? You got in a fight with your best friend because she wanted to “see if she could trust you”?
“Oh- okay, where coralline though? Can I talk to her? Please, mother?” You started begging after seeing her stoic expression, why did you want to see her? Was she not good enough for you? Coralline was mean to you, she hurt her little girl! Why did you want to see her? We’re you going to leave your mother for a snobby brat? She tightened her hold on you, pressing you closer to her, whispering little “shh” or “stay with me” in your ear, for some reason, you couldn't place what Coraline's face looked like, even though you had seen her just earlier, any memories of her were slowly dimming, fuzzy spots started appearing in any of those memories, and like turning of a staticky tv, they disappeared. You couldn’t even remember the name “coralline” after a few minutes of being cradled in this women’s lap.
“Cmon darling, let’s go eat dinner now, your father made it this time, I’m surprised he hasn't burn down the kitchen!” She spoke, getting a few sleepy giggles out of you. After helping you down the stairs she led you to the dining room, where you went on and sat at the large table next to your two parents. And so, you forgot about your “real” world, staying young forever here, even growing younger and smaller as time went on, forgetting about coralline, and your parents, and the small door, you lived your life happy, dressed in frilly pink clothing, learning to lobe your mother as she grew more obsessed with you, she got what she wanted in the end
You stayed mother’s little girl forever
have a great day today :)
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jenoismydad · 4 years
Netflix and Fuck
pairing: Jeno & Jaemin x Reader 
genre: smut, threesome, fingering, slight voyeurism, male receiving, protected sex, also a bit of dom!jaemin and jeno
summary: Jaemin walks in on you and Jeno hooking up during movie night and doesn’t mind joining you
note: I hit 2k followers while writing this smut so consider it as a gift! thank you guys so much for all the love and support you give me!
requested by @norenminhyuckchenji
part 1 || part 2 
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“Where am I supposed to sit?”, you asked with a pout on your face as you scanned the room for a vacant and comfortable spot to claim. “On my lap of course.”, Jeno announced with a smirk. You narrowed your eyes at him, flipping him off. “In your dreams boy.” Jeno frowned and held his heart in feigned pain. 
You stood behind Jaemin and rocked his shoulder gently. “Jaemin...can I please sit here.”, you asked in the most sincere way you could. Jaemin looked up at you, mouth full of chips, with an unamused expression. “And where exactly do you expect me to sit?” You gave his question some thought. “Next to Mark?”
Jaemin shook his head disapprovingly and continued snacking on his chips. The only spot left was Haechan’s. You knew it would be a total waste asking Haechan to let you take his place, but you really didn’t want to sit on the cold, hard wooden floor in your skirt. “Haechan...”, you started. All it took was a strong glare from the boy and you immediately gave up. There was just no winning with him. You hung your head and slumped away, ready to join Renjun and Mark on the floor. 
“Just sit here.” Jeno grabbed your arm and tugged you towards him. He patted his lap and looked up at you intently. Compared to the floor, Jeno looked pretty warm and inviting. Besides, he was the one who was insisting that you sit on his lap, so he probably didn’t mind. But still, the movie was probably going to be at least 2 hours long and you weren’t exactly the lightest of people. “Come on y/n, it’ll be fine.”, Jeno assured you, having picked up on your mental debate with yourself. “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable ”, you stated, shifting closer to him. “And I don’t want you to be either.”, Jeno said with a smile. You nodded reluctantly and carefully sat down on his lap. 
Jeno let you settle yourself, one hand laying on the armrest and the other delicately draped over your thigh, almost like it was a seatbelt. You didn’t mind it though, instead sitting back and watching the movie that had just begun.
After what seemed to be and hour, maybe only half, your legs started hurting slightly. Jeno’s thighs were more firm than squishy, so it was kind of hard to stay put in one position without feeling sore. That’s why, not too long after you started moving around, Jeno’s eyes widened drastically. His body tensed up, which made you shift about more than before. It was only until his large hand gave your thigh a harsh squeeze, that you halted your movements. “Don’t move.”, Jeno breathed, slowly relaxing his body. “Oops sorry.”, you whispered, letting all your weight down again and leaning you're back against his chest. Jeno groaned and lurched forward, his head right next to yours. He held both your arms tightly now, letting his knees spread apart just a bit, only to have you sink deeper onto his thighs. “Fuck.”, Jeno cursed into your ear, sending chills down your body. He quickly sat back, wiping his forehead and awkwardly placing his hands on his knees. 
“You good bro?”, Jaemin asked from beside you, offering you some chips. “Yeah.”, Jeno answered weakly, making Jaemin chuckle. “Y/n didn’t give you a boner or something right?”, he asked jokingly. You gasped and slapped his arm, glaring at him playfully. “No she did not.”, Jeno spoke, slightly agitated. You and Jaemin both shrugged but said nothing further, returning to the movie.
You wanted to focus on the film, but something kept poking your butt. It was hard, so you assumed it was Jeno’s belt buckle or jeans button. Subconsciously, your hand flew behind you in order to move whatever it was, but the sound that left Jeno’s mouth as soon as your hand came in contact with his crotch had you realising that you had just fucked up.
Jeno had moaned. Straight out, uncensored, not so quietly, moaned. That too, right into your back, so you were the only one who heard it. Jeno rested his forehead on your back, sucking in deep breaths. He held your waist and pulled you back, placing his lips to your ear. “Five minutes, my room, otherwise don’t come at all.”, he commanded, his assertive voice making your insides tingle. He pushed you off of his lap and stormed off to his room muttering ‘bathroom’ just for the other guys knowledge. You watched him disappear down the hall, gulping nervously. You weren’t that dumb to realise that you had indeed given Jeno a boner. His words replayed in your head and heat rushed straight to your core. You were definitely turned on to say the least and the more you thought of Jeno, the wetter you got. Although, somewhere in the back of your head you knew that you and Jeno were just friends and that it should stay that way, you hadn’t had sex in ages. So maybe that, plus the added bonus that you really curious to know what Jeno had in plan for you, was the reason why you found yourself getting up and walking in the same direction you had seen Jeno go.
You walked down the hall, stopping in front of his bedroom door. You knew this was a bad idea, but you were really turned and all that wetness wasn’t just going to go away. The boys were all still sitting outside, too invested in the movie to notice your absence and you hoped it would stay that way. Knocking on the door timidly, you mentally prepared yourself for whatever was going to happen. Jeno opened the door and smirked at you, clearly pleased that you had decided to join him. He stepped aside to let you enter and quietly shut the door behind you. He then walked up to you and pushed you down on his bed, hovering over you. 
“First of all, fuck you for giving me a boner. I was actually looking forward to watching that movie but now all I can think about is how I’m going to literally fuck you for giving me a boner.”
Jeno’s face was serious, but you couldn’t help but let a small giggle slip. Jeno raised his brow at you and grinned. “Laugh all you want to now. You’re gonna have a hard time trying to be quiet later.”, he spoke, tracing his thumb across your lips. You licked your lips and pulled him down, crashing his lips onto yours. Jeno groaned and placed a hand next your head to keep himself steady. Your hands threaded through the hair at the back of his head, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Jeno let you take control, his other hand running up and down the side of your body.
You raised your leg and brought it to Jeno’s waist, pushing his hips down onto your core. You both moaned, the bulge in Jeno’s pants grown as it came in contact with your clothed core. Jeno ground his hips into yours, biting down on your lip when you moaned breathily. He left small open mouthed kisses down your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin, while his hand moved down to hold your thigh. You whimpered when slid his fingers over your pussy, smirking against your neck as he felt how wet you were. “Fuck our friends are sitting outside and you’re in here being such a whore. You’re definitely not as innocent as you pretend to be.”, Jeno said, rubbing small circles into your clit. “You’re one to talk.”, you mumbled, gasping when he pushed your panties to the side. “I can’t believe it took you two seconds to pop a boner.”
Jeno scowled at you and shoved his fingers into your pussy. You threw your head back and moaned loudly. “Well if you hadn’t been giving me a lap dance, this wouldn’t be happening right now.”, he said, fingering you with a sharp pace. You spread your thighs apart, allowing Jeno’s fingers to pump further into you. He covered your mouth with his other hand, completely engulfing your moans. His long slender fingers curled up to hit your g-spot perfectly, making you arch your back off the bed. You felt a familiar knot in your stomach but you didn’t want to cum just yet and neither did Jeno. He removed his fingers from your wet hole and fumbled with his belt.
Once it was off, he kicked his pants off and pointed to the table next to your head. “Get a condom.”, he instructed, peeling his now tight boxers off of his body. You opened the drawer and took a packet from the box of condoms. You sat up just in time to see his cock spring free, slapping up against his abdomen. Jeno took his shirt off and pumped his cock, telling your to come closer. You sat up on your knees and shifted towards him, opening your mouth involuntarily to take his cock. Jeno slapped hit against your tongue before pushing your head down on him. He hummed and let you set your own pace, only holding your hair out of the way. You didn’t suck him off for too long, only enough to get him fully hard. You let his cock go with a pop and scooted further up the bed. Jeno pushed your leg up and dragged his cock along your slit, coating it in your juices. “Fuck me already Jeno.”, you whined, walls clenching around nothing. Jeno chuckled at your neediness and positioned himself before slowly pushing into you. Your mouth fell open as Jeno’s cock stretched you out. He hadn’t even gone in all the way, but your eyes were already fluttering shut. Eyes barely open, you let your head fall to the side as Jeno completely bottomed out. Just as he started grinding his hips slowly into yours, something caught your eye.
Your eyes widened in panic when you realised that it wasn’t something, but a someone. And that someone’s eyes were boring right into yours. Jeno noticed your inattentiveness and bucked his hips into yours, earning a sensual moan from you. Your eyes flickered to his briefly before returning back to the one’s  you had previously been looking at. You had tensed up a bit and you wanted to tell Jeno to stop because you two weren’t alone, but with the way that Jaemin was staring at you, all you could do was moan louder. 
You hadn’t missed his hand which he was using to not so subtly palm himself, and you didn’t want to deny him of any pleasure, which was surprising to you. Although the bathroom light was still turned off, you could tell that Jaemin’s eyes were full of lust. He gripped the doorframe, biting down on his lip harshly.
And that’s when the lights turned on. Jeno’s head whipped behind to see his best friend, getting off to him fucking his other friend. “What the heck are you doing over there?”, Jeno asked the other boy, surprisingly calm with the situation. “I needed to piss but then I walked in on this. Hehe, that rhymed.”
Jeno shook his head and rolled his eyes. He was still buried deep inside you and he was still hard. It only made you wonder how many times he had been in this situation before. Jaemin flicked the bathroom light off and walked towards you two as if y’all were just playing a board game. He sat at the edge of the bed, staring you up and down. “Care if I join?”, he asked casually. He looked between you and Jeno. Jeno shrugged. “Only if she’s okay with it.”, he said, pulling out and sitting back. Now all the eyes were on you. 
“Of course she’s okay with it.”, Jaemin said, “She was practically putting on a show for me when I was standing back there.” You didn’t know what to say. Yeah, your were a bit skeptical at first, but with the way Jaemin had been eye fucking you, you could only wonder what it would feel like if he actually fucked you. At this point, the fact that these two men were your friends had been pushed back into the deep depths of your mind, and all you could think of was how good they could make you feel. That’s why, you said nothing, but nodded timidly, giving the two boys your affirmation.
Jaemin beamed excitedly and began ridding himself of his clothes. Once he was done with that, he took your hand in his and moved you to the edge of the bed. Gesturing for you to stand up on your knees, Jaemin trailed his finger down your still clothed body. He hooked his finger under your shirt and slid it off with one swift movement, leaving you in your bra. You felt another pair of hands, Jeno’s, unclip the garment and slide it off, tossing it somewhere in the room. He pressed small kisses on your shoulder, his hands holding your waist. 
Jaemin turned your chin towards him, pulling your forward to join his lips to yours. His lips were soft and the kiss was delicate, different from how aggressively Jeno had kissed you before. Jeno’s lips were still on your shoulder, he was now sucking small marks into your skin. Jaemin pulled away and cupped your breast. Your lips parted as he softly pinched your nipple, letting out a silent moan. You tilted your head to the side when Jeno’s lips tugged at your neck. “Do you like that?”, Jaemin asked you, his voice was sweet, but there was a slight adjuring tone to it. You hummed in response and Jaemin wasn’t pleased by it. “Say it out loud.”, he ordered assertively. “Yes.”, you said, moaning when Jeno started rubbing your other nipple. “Good girl.”, Jeno spoke into your ear. 
“Get on all fours.”, Jaemin instructed. You did as he said and felt Jeno push your skirt up, you ass now on display for them both. “Now be an angel and take us both well, okay?”, Jaemin said, bringing your mouth closer to his cock. “Okay.”, you breathed, wrapping your lips around Jaemin’s dick while Jeno lined himself at your entrance. 
It was as if the two boys had done a mental countdown of some sort as they both pushed into you, one in your mouth and the other in your pussy. You moaned at the stretch Jeno’s length gave you, but it was muffled by Jaemin’s dick. 
It was a perfect harmony. When Jeno would pull out of you, Jaemin would thrust his dick in your mouth, never leaving you to feel empty. It only made you wonder how frequently they had done this before. The room had become unbearably hot, but with the amount of pleasure soaring through you, you could care less. Jaemin was fucking your mouth so harshly that you couldn’t feel your jaw anymore. He skilfully managed to fit all of his length in your mouth without making you gag. Jeno, on the other hand, was ruthlessly pounding into your pussy, the sound of your skin slapping echoing throughout the room. 
Jaemin was the first to come undone. He cursed and pushed your head down on him so far that your nose was touching his abdomen. Your muffled moans sending vibrations through his body had his cock twitching in your mouth and hot cum spurting down your throat. You grimaced at the bitter taste but swallowed it like a champ. When he finally pulled out you realised how sore your throat had gotten. “Such a good girl.”, Jaemin cooed, “You took me so well baby.” 
Now that Jaemin was out of your mouth, you could moan freely. Your moans tore through your throat, the tightness in your stomach increasing with every strong thrust from Jeno. Jeno pulled your hair making you stand on your knees. You pressed your back to his chest, resting your head on his shoulder, strings of curses pouring through your mouth as he brought you closer and closer to your orgasm. “You’ve got such a dirty mouth baby. Who’s ruining you like this?”, Jaemin asked, pressing his thumb down on your clit. “Jeno is.”, you mumbled incoherently, so lost in your own bliss that you were starting to see stars. “That’s right. Who’s fucking you dumb?”, he asked once again, attaching his lips too your nipple as he began drawing small circles into your clit. “Jeno is!”, you shouted, eyes reeling to the back of your head, with the extra stimulation. 
You gripped Jaemin hair harshly, making him clamp his mouth on you nipple. He squeezed your other breast and rubbed your clit intensely. Your walls clenched around Jeno’s cock, your orgasm crashing down on you like a wave. You practically screamed as if the rest of your friends were not still sitting outside in the living room. oblivious to how the two boys were playing with you. You heard Jaemin chuckle underneath you, he looked up at you, caressing your stomach comfortingly, as you came down from your high. Jeno was still pounding into you, chasing his high desperately. You clenched your walls around him again and that seemed to do the trick. Pulling your hips down on him, he emptied himself into the condom, biting down on your neck as he did so. He rode out his high a bit before falling back on the bed and leaning against the headboard. You yelped as you fell with him, ending up on his lap. Jeno laughed and rested his head on your shoulder, regaining his breath. “Looks like we’re back to square one.” All of your laughed tiredly, wafting in post orgasm feels. 
“How was it?”, Jaemin asked, cupping your cheek. “Really fucking good.”, you huffed and leaned into Jeno’s chest, suddenly feeling really lethargic. Jaemin laid down across the bed, his legs dangling off the bed, and pulled Jeno’s blanket over himself. 
All three of your heads turned to the door when it shot open with no warning. Renjun and Haechan stood in the doorway, Mark joining them shortly after. They both stared at the three of you, eyes narrowed and arms folded. “I can’t believe y'all had a fuck fest without inviting us!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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abbacchiosbelt · 4 years
If It Bleeds | Yandere Mahito x GN Reader
CW: Yandere character, guns, manipulative behavior, mild not sfw content. 18+.
Word Count: 2.1k
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The air in your house hadn’t felt the same since he’d wormed in his way inside - his disgusting aura clung to the walls like poison, inescapable and silently killing you. It’s nearly unbearable when he’s there himself, grinning as he watches your every move. Hiding is impossible from someone like him. He can slip through every crack, move through every wall. And so you’re stuck with him until he decides he’s had enough of you, the expiration date on your life ticking down day by day.
It’s all a game for Mahito. 
Today, you’re awoken by the sound of his voice calling out your name, sing-songy and taunting. There’s no point in ignoring him - if you did, he’d drag you out of bed himself. Or worse, he’d climb under the sheets and wrap his unnaturally cold body around you, laughing all the while at your discomfort. With a quiet groan, you push the sheets off yourself and climb out of bed. Mahito calls out again, an edge of irritation in his voice.
“Coming,” you call back, stifling a yawn as you slide your feet into slippers and make your way out of your room. As you expected, he’s sitting at your small kitchen table. His long, blue hair is still tied into a loose braid that he’d forced you to do the night before. The soft groans he’d made as you brushed his hair and carefully threaded it into a braid were burned into your subconscious, the slight tinge in your lower stomach they awakened making you feel disgusted. It was one of the few things in your ‘relationship’ with Mahito that had seemingly gone unnoticed by the cursed spirit, though you’re sure he’d bring it up to taunt you at some point.
Mahito’s black shirt slides off his shoulder when he raises a hand in greeting to you like he was a friend who had just popped in. The strange smell that followed him — cloyingly sweet with the scent of rot under the surface — invades your nostrils the second you sit down in the seat beside him. Mahito leans forward and smiles, one of his hands coming up to brush your hair behind your ear. You shudder at his chilling touch, and he sighs.
“Humans are so touchy. You should be used to that by now, you know?” He rolls his eyes and sits back, staring at you for a moment before his eyes light up. “I’ve got something that’ll cheer you up. I’ve been doing some research.” Mahito leans to the side and drags a bag (one of yours, you note with annoyance) onto the table, unzipping the top. “Go ahead, pull out your surprise.”
A surprise.
You blanche, giving him a wary look. He laughs, his expression mirthful. “Ah, you don’t trust me, do you? Fine, fine. I’ll get it out for you.” Mahito reaches his hand in the bag and wastes no time pulling out your ‘surprise’, his lips curling into a sadistic smirk as he points the object at you. A silver, shiny gun is pointed straight at the middle of your forehead, the entity behind the trigger unpredictable. 
You scramble out of the chair and Mahito is on top of you before you can run, his legs wrapped around your hips as he smiles down at you with the gun still in his hand. “You’re scared? You think someone like me would kill you with something as boring as this?” Mahito laughs, tilting his head towards the ceiling as he cackles. His mouth splits into an unnaturally wide grin when he finally looks back down at you. “I told you this was a present. I read something about what humans do for fun and thought I could give you a chance to play for once. This relationship is uneven, after all.”
Mahito doesn’t move from his position on top of you, even as you struggle with your full strength. The fact that he doesn’t even budge sends a wave of panic to your heart, the organ pounding against your chest so loud that you can’t even hear yourself think.
“M-mahito, let me up,” You grunt. Mahito tilts his head to one side, the hand he was using to hold the gun going limp as he carelessly waves it around. Your eyes widen in fear. “Please...”
Mahito considers you for a moment before he gingerly gets up, placing the gun back on the kitchen table. “Only since you asked so nicely. If all humans had manners like you, I wouldn’t exist.” He sticks his tongue out at you, the motion childish. “Good thing they don’t! Now get up.”
You get back on your feet and Mahito points to the seat you were in earlier, indicating for you to sit down. You follow him, not wanting to be tackled to the ground again. Mahito sits back down in his chair as well, sliding the gun across the table to you. “Pick it up.”
The weapon’s sleek casing shines in the light of the sun starting to trail through your kitchen window. You swallow. “I’ve never... touched one of these before.”
“That’s okay.” Mahito licks his lips. “There’s a first time for everything, right? Humans love that saying.” He nudges the gun closer. “I do too. There’s so much to do in your world, yet you humans don’t spend enough time indulging yourselves. I’m giving you a chance.”
You have no idea what exactly he’s going to ask you to do; Mahito was unpredictable and dangerous, just like every cursed spirit you’d heard rumors of. You never truly believed that you’d encounter one, and yet here you were with one sitting in your kitchen like he was an old friend. Mahito raises his eyebrows at your silence and you finally reach forward to pick up the gun.
The heaviness of the weapon surprises you. You tilt it this way and that, minding to point it away from Mahito even though he hadn’t given you the same courtesy. You knew little about guns except for the cardinal rule of never pointing a gun at anything you weren’t planning on shooting. You lips start to feel dry as anxiety sets into your bones as if you knew the weapon had been used before as a killing tool. Of course Mahito would give you something that had been used to take lives - it’s likely he had given it to other humans he’d played with before. Bile rises in your throat and you swallow it back. Mahito watches your discomfort with lidded eyes, entranced. 
“Don’t you want to know what I want you to do with it?” Mahito scoots his chair closer to yours. Without warning, he tugs your chair close so that the two of you are sitting knee to knee. Mahito leans in. “Press it to my forehead.”
“What?” You balk at his words. You’d be lying if you hadn’t thought about trying to get rid of him, but it was fruitless. A fantasy. Was he really going to let you kill him? No, there was no way... He was playing at something. Just another one of his sick games. He frowns at your hesitation and suddenly grabs your arms until he forcibly presses the gun against his forehead, ignoring how your hands were shaking. The frown on his face is immediately replaced with a smile once the cool metal is resting against his forehead.
“Now, now” he croons, his voice sounding much more affected than you’d ever heard it. It disgusts you - he’s getting off on this. “Put your finger on the trigger.” This time, Mahito is patient as he watches you struggle with the action, letting it slide when he notices you’re resting your finger against the side instead of curling it around the trigger. “We’re going to play a game.”
“A... a game?” You stutter. Your arms already feel heavy from the weapon, yet you know if you let them down you’ll be in for something even worse. He holds his hands, five fingers raised on his right hand and only one finger on his left. When you keep looking at him in confusion, he sighs and purses his lips before he starts explaining.
“Jeez, you really are innocent when it comes to guns, huh? Well, this makes it more fun.” He waves his fingers around. “This gun has six chambers, but only one bullet. I found out about it when I was researching guns. It’s fun and deadly, which means humans never want to play it.” He rolls his eyes. “But we can! It’s called Russian Roulette. Even if you shoot me, I won’t die.” Mahito practically pants as he speaks, and you don’t notice the way he shifts his legs. 
“But... What if you did die? Then what?” You ask. Mahito smiles at you, patronizing. 
“I won’t. But if you don’t play, I’ll play it instead. Your chances aren’t very good, wouldn’t you say?” Mahito’s lips turn down. “But I’d hate to do that so soon. You are my favorite plaything, after all.” Your heart seizes up in your chest as his words hit you - if you didn’t play along with him, he’d kill you. There was no other option. Even if he secretly planned on punishing you for playing, not playing would mean dying. What hit you harder was Mahito calling you his ‘favorite plaything’, the words making your stomach twist. There was truly no escape. You resign yourself to your fate.
“I... Okay, i-if you really want to play.” Mahito purrs out your name when he hears your response. That small, unwanted feeling in your stomach flares to life at his words. What was wrong with you? Being around the cursed spirit was eating at your psyche day by day. Mahito must have planned for it all along, forcing you to fall apart while he toyed with you. Suddenly, the game sounds like a good idea. 
Mahito notices the change in your mood and his legs shift again, his grin nearly splitting apart his face. “Mmm, now we’re ready to play. I got the gun ready. We’re taking one shot today.” He bites his lip. “We can try more shots once you’ve got some practice in.” Mahito presses harder against the gun, his eyes flickering with something you couldn’t quite place. “Pull it.”
Your finger shakes as you curl it around the gun’s trigger, putting no pressure on it yet. Mahito watches you with unrestrained glee. Without time to really think about it, you press down on the trigger and clench your eyes shut. 
A click, and nothing else. Mahito laughs, and you reluctantly open your eyes. Your drop your arms in exhaustion and let the gun clatter to the floor, not caring about the danger. Mahito is practically howling with laughter as he watches you, his eyes boring holes into you as he watches you let out the breath you were holding. You sit and stare past him until his laughter fades out, your heart pounding in your chest.
He stands from his chair and drags you up against his body, groaning in delight. There’s a hardness against your thigh, wet and leaking, that you don’t want to think about. Mahito grabs your chin with his hands, forcing you to look at him as one of his arms keeps you pressed close to his body.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it? It’s too bad you lost, but I’m glad we had this experience together.” His breath fans against your face and you wince, the smell having no descriptor that would be fitting other than death. Mahito holds you for a few more seconds before he steps back, a lopsided too-big smile on his face. “See how much fun it is when you’re allowed to indulge yourself?”
Mahito ignores your blank expression, stretching his arms above his head as he peers out one of your windows. “I’d love to play some more, but I’ve got some things to take care of today.” He takes a step toward you, and you step back. He advances until he has you pushed against a wall. “You should be nicer to me. I’ve been generous towards you.” 
Mahito leans in and presses a chaste kiss against your cheek, laughing at the startled look on your face. “We took a new step in our relationship today. I had to make sure you knew how much it means to me.” He abruptly steps away and starts to fade before your eyes, waving as his form shudders out of this dimension. “I decided something,” his voice whispers, directly against your ear. You can no longer see him, but you can feel an overwhelming presence surrounding your body.
“I think I’ll be keeping you around for a long, long time.”
239 notes · View notes
starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
World Revelations
Warnings; spoilers for season 13, mentions of death, angst, lack of hope, some Alex Calvert x reader, and tiny bit of jack x reader, swearing, brief illusions to sex, angry brothers, mentions of a sex scene, insecurities, online hate, protective winchester brothers, apocalypse world, major character death, lucifer
(Y/A/N) – Your Acting Name.
A/N; it’s a little bit different from the request, so sorry about that, but I hope that any one that reads this enjoys. Also sorry about the wait, I had bad writers block, but when I started writing this it sorta figured itself out and I may have got carried away. Feel free to tell me what you think ☺️
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“Look, I am not going to some other world to help stop Michael. But I can help you in another way, one where none of us get harmed.” Gabriel shrugged, reducing Sam’s expression to confusion. The archangel had felt like their last hope at retrieving their mother, into delving into the apocalypse world, and here he was, turning him down.
 He had tried his very best to make the celestial being better, and here he was, talking again, able to use his grace rather than have it removed and syringed into a demon’s veins. However, he still refused, and the hunter had no other plan in forcing Gabriel into helping. This was the last shot, and it had been blown.
 But however could he still help? This was the primary problem that had to be solved, there was no other route they could take to bring their family back together. And that was all that mattered in this life, saving people, remaining together.
 “What are you talking ab-“ Before Sam could complete his question, Gabriel set him with a poised glare, and snapped his magical fingers, a spark of electric blue grace sparking from the action. That was all Sam saw before he felt himself transported, and once he opened his eyes, he remained in the bunker, however there were cameras around him, and an entire filming crew.
 Gabriel had sent him to the other life, another world in which he presumed that he was called Jared. “What the hell Sammy?” Dean barked from beside him, twisting and turning his sights around, upon realising that although this looked like their home, it was an alternate version of it. A set, made of fake walls and truthless literature that was not at all necessary in this peaceful, monster-less realm. “Son of a bitch!”
 “Cut!” One of the cameramen called out, shaking his head exasperatedly at the line said wrong. Jensen had been doing so well, and Jensen seemed to have slipped far too into character, to the point where he had forgotten his lines. “Do you need to see the script again, or would you rather take a short break?”
 “I’ll go for the break.” Dean confirmed, grabbing Sam’s forearm and hastily dragging him from the onlookers, and towards which he assumed was his, well, Jensen’s trailer. It looked pretty much the same as last time. “Gabriel?” He asked, rightly assuming that the blame of this mishap ordeal was down to the glowing figure.
 “He refused to help us open a rift.” Sam licked his lips, his eyes jutting around the luxurious space. “And then he snapped his fingers, and we were here.” Here, another earth. However this was not their home, it was a disfigured writing of it, if anything, it was worse than the books Chuck wrote. There were more fans, and more complications that came along with being here in place of the actors.
 “We don’t have time for his tricks.” Sighed Dean, raking his hair with his rough hand. “Parading around as a painted whore is not on my agenda, all I care about is getting mum back, we have to get home quick.”
 “Dean, I don’t think that this is a trick…” Sam spoke to his elder brother, in thought of Gabriel’s words. “He said he could help us in another way. I don’t think he meant taking us away from the problem, there must be something else.” No matter how much he rolled the idea around his head, he could come to no conclusion.
 “What?” There was already plenty on the man’s mind, he didn’t need another incident coming their way. Dean was to begin speaking again, until a knock rapped against the door to his double’s trailer, intruding his mindset. Him and Sam shared a glance and frown until Dean called whomever was on the other side in, and to their dismay, he looked exactly like Castiel.
 Misha Collins. Last time they had visited this place, he had died, but the return of the real selves must have somewhat fixed the timeline, he looked well, even if he still was dressed as their angelic friend. “Hey, I was seeing if you are ready for the scene tomorrow.”
 “Scene? Which scene?” ‘Jared’ asked the colleague of his false identity, unaware of the context in which Misha spoke in. Dean only huffed and rolled his eyes, until Misha spoke, and he froze, both the brothers understanding Gabriel’s meaning for sending them to this world.
 “(Y/N)’s death scene. Apparently it’s gonna be quite emotional, and it’ll be strange after, not having the kid on set anymore.” It was a revelation, a nightmare that foreshadowed the truth in their own dimension.
 “Thanks uh- Misha.” ‘Jensen’ rubbed his hand over his face, shocked by the oncoming doom. They had already lost far too many members in their makeshift hunter family, but this was different. This was their sister, whom they had protected and vouched to continue doing since the day she was born. And now the universe had this grand plan of cutting her young life short, and sending her to either heaven or hell, where so many people they loved already were.
 “Do you know where um, (Y/A/N) is right now?” Sam asked, desperate to somehow convince her to remain on the show. It was the only way in which he could save his younger sibling, and he would, by the gods, do anything that he possibly could. Him and Dean had already had meetings with death himself, he couldn’t allow the new version to come and take you.
 Billy would not compromise, she was intent on having a Winchester under her cloak, forever taken from life, never to return to the living. And they couldn’t take a chance, any chance on not getting (Y/N) back, she was a legacy as were they, but she was supposed to live on for longer. Their names would otherwise be nothing more than memories in the world of hunters, until they faded into distant and dead members of the community.
 “In her trailer, I think. She’s rehearsing with Alexander I think.” The name that he mentioned was unfamiliar to the unfitting pair, but they spared no thought to it. Instead they sent him a quick smile before leaving the confines that they felt trapped in, and began their search for the actress of their sister.
 “We have to change her mind Sammy. If she stays on the show, then our (Y/N) lives. It is the simplest solution.” Dean spoke as they walked through the lines of trailers, unable to find the name that they were searching for on any door. “Where the hell is her damn trailer?”
 Sam squinted, until a name he had heard was seen on one of the doors. Alexander, whoever that was. Before he could even put any thought into his actions, he subconsciously knocked on the door, waiting a moment for an answer. And when the door opened, they were met with who looked like Jack, his hair a mess, and his shirt hanging over his shoulder, clearly put on in panic.
 “What’s up guys, need something?” He scratched the back of his neck, impatient with the situation, considering the one that he had been interrupted from. A part of him feared that this was one of Jared’s infamous pranks, he had mostly been on the end of shifted lines, but worse could have been heading his way for all he knew.
 Dean frowned at the sight of young man, it hardly felt right seeing the innocent boy that they knew with sex hair and slight bruises upon his neck. He cleared his throat, keeping up his expression, as he spoke to the boy. He had softened up to Jack, he was their kid in some ways, but this was no Nephilim, if anything it was worse, it was a man who impersonated they kid.
 “Heard that uh, (Y/A/N) was running lines with you. Y’know where she is?” Alex’s eyes shifted slightly inside of his personal space, before everything was given away by a familiar giggle. It sounded the exact same as the one that often left (Y/N)’s mouth. Dean knew it, he would never be capable of mistaking it.
 The noise had renegaded in his ears since she had been born, in the impala as John drove, through the halls of the bunker as her and Sam made jokes about his cholesterol. At the worst of times, before he knew that they existed, he liked to think that it was the voice of angel, she always guided him on the right path, and if she were to disappear from his life, he would sorely lose the track that he was hellbent on walking down.
 And he could see her face now, as she tugged the sheet over her body. A frown sculpted her expression, as she looked exasperatedly between Alex whom had tried to lure the tall pair from the confines of his trailer, and the intruders who had barged carelessly in. It wouldn’t have mattered so much if her and Alexander had actually been running lines, however the situation explained more than enough of the fact that they indeed were not.
 “Jared, Jensen, can you like, I don’t know, not cockblock me, for once in your elderly lives?” It felt peculiar, for both Sam and Dean. They knew that this was not their sister, but her calling them by other names was so foreign. Their skins crawled at the labelling, and it only reminded them farther of their cause, the reason that they were sent by an angelic being to be here in this very moment.
 “I am also getting bored of it.” Alexander tilted his head, in agreement with (Y/A/N), who only grinned at his compliance to suit her opinions, and Dean could only roll his eyes, just like he did with Jack the majority of the time. “But it’s cool, but can we hurry this along, I mean not to be rude, but aren’t you guys supposed to be filming a scene in like five minutes?”
 Sam cleared his throat, admittedly he did like Jack. The kid was sweet, however this was not him, it rather was a man who pretended to be a Nephilim for payment, and was bedding the doppelganger of his sister. If he were to see his sister and the devil’s child in such a compromising predicament, most people would assume he’d be the calm sibling, but they’d be wrong. He would go mad, and think of a way to keep the pair separate.
 But luckily for them, there had never been such adult situations insinuated between their dear (Y/N) and Jack, or at least not that they were aware of. This riled Dean, and so he couldn’t help but feel like exploding. It angered him that any man had laid their bare and lustrous hands upon his youngest sibling. No one was to have that pleasure, she was supposed to remain innocent, even if she were legal.
 “Seriously?! Jack of all people?!” He bellowed at (Y/A/N), shaking his head at their obvious exchange. If (Y/A/N) had any clothes on underneath the white sheet that hugged her body as she lay on the sofa, her instincts would have driven her over to Jensen and her palm would have met the side of his stubbly face.
 “First of all, you need to start remembering Alex’s name, and that goes for Jared too. You can’t just keep calling him Jack, even after I’m done here and move onto my next project.” Her words, although not having the intent to, had the effect of triggering Sam’s goal, in-deliberately reminding him of their foremost goal. It was not to get angry at the characters that played them and their loved ones, it was to save someone that was incredibly important to their world.
 “And second,” the woman in covering continued, “this isn’t exactly going to get me to stay on the goddamn show, if you barge in here, interrupting our privacy. If you don’t like what me and Alex are doing off screen, you sure aren’t going to like what is gonna go down between (Y/N) and Jack. Sometimes I do swear that you’re just like Sam and Dean.”
 The jab she made at them struck nerves, but they knew that this was not the real her. It may have looked like (Y/N), but this was only a woman who played the part of her. “We’ve been trying to make you stay on the show?” Sam asked, his voice soft. He didn’t want to be harsh, she was already uncomfortable enough.
 It was her unknowing that they were actually Sam and Dean that could be an element that they could use, a tool of convincing. “Yes, for weeks now.” (Y/A/N) sighed, pinching the point that was between her eyebrows. “And I’m getting tired of it, and overall, this character. I’ve played her for years on end, I think that her story should have a finishing point, a finale. I’m ready for bigger and brighter things, something that is not pretending to be a strong woman on set, and as soon as I walk away from the cameras, I go back to being weak.”
 “I think you’re going to have to explain a little more if I’m going to get any of that.” Dean prompted, both him and Sam had turned away, giving the actress in the sheets the privacy to change. The shuffling of fabrics could be heard, they had been in worse situations with their sister, small motel rooms, of which they could usually only afford one in the past, helped nobody. And none of them received the personal space that should have been an outright human right.
 “Of course neither of you understand.” Alex sighed, “she wants a smaller workspace, one where there aren’t so many eyes on her. The whole ordeal got out of hand, and now there are people online saying terrible things about her and I. Neither of you have made such a mistake, or had something so sacred and personal leaked on the internet. The things people say really digs in deep, she at least wants a break, can’t you understand that?”
 “Wait, what got leaked?” Sam’s curiosity often informed him of things that he did not wish to be aware of, and this was one of their instances. Alex huffed and rolled his eyes, walking over to where (Y/A/N) was now fully clothed, and took a seat on the sofa beside her, their eyes meeting and mirroring smiles shining at one another.
 The sight admittedly made Sam smile, but it made Dean feel internally sick. The sight of what looked like their sister and Jack fuelled a fire inside of him, he wanted his eyes to burn and the memory to be forever removed from his sights.
 “Look, you play a pretty badass character, although I’d say Dean has a bit more kick to him.” The man himself chuckled, but no one joined in, so he continued through a forced smile, coming to sit down next to Alex, his ignorance to what happened there merely minutes ago encouraging his brother to cringe.
  “But that’s not my only point, you’re here, whilst those sad souls that sit behind their computers all day waste their time typing crap. The life you have, the family that you have here, is worth more than the opinions of a few, invisible idiots, who are only jealous of everything that you have earned for yourself. Don’t breathe their toxicity win, because if you do, the bad guys win, and then you will only fade out of the spotlight and they’ll forget all about you, and all of the things they ever posted about you.”
 Alex had been understanding through all of (Y/N)’s decision to leave the cast, although to begin with he had tried to convince her to stay. And it seemed out of all of them, it was Jensen that made her reconsider her options, he could see it behind her eyes, the unravelling of interest, the flickering of hope.
 The only thing that the younger actor could not tell were that these were not Jensen’s words, they fell from the lips of Dean Winchester himself. A character that he knew of, and was an important symbol on the show that he was cast on. But it did not matter if he was not aware of that snippet, because it changed nothing, other than possibly (Y/A/N)’s mindful decision.
 “You know what, you’re right Ackles. It’s not often that I say that, but the thought of leaving everyone here, settling for something that I have no connection to or history with, it is undermining. And I’m going to talk to Kripke, he’ll be over the moon with the consideration, however if he chooses that (Y/N) is to die as was planned due to my indecisiveness, then that shall be the battle that I am to bargain with.” They had won (Y/A/N) over, it was victory.
 It was also the closest that they could do by themselves to save (Y/N). If this didn’t work, they would be nothing more than John’s broken tools, defined by all those that they were always mourning. And it would only make their sister another name on that sour list, even if her death would pain them substantially more than others.
 “I guess we’ll go then.” Sam awkwardly spoke, encouraging Dean to stand from the christened furniture and join him in leaving the sexually active couple alone. He sent the woman a nod, and Alex a raised eyebrow. He would have Jack’s head if he ever thought he had the guts or wings to be so intimate with their sister, he’d make him feel something, and it would be painful. Torturous even.
 They shut the door behind them as they departed from the actors, a smirk on Dean’s face. He felt victorious, he was the same hero that would read (Y/N) stories when it was dark and a storm was thundering outside, as she hid under the duvet of some dingy motel bed, a torch protecting her from the enveloping bleakness, but also her brothers. “I’d call this a win.”
 “They said about a video…” Sam had Jared’s phone in his hand, he scrolled through the feed with a wrinkled nose and scorned eyes. After he received an answer to what it was concluding, he put the device away, he could never look at Jack and (Y/N) around each other the same again. It was burdened by the facts of this world, contradicting the innocence that both the kids in their world showed. “It was a leaked sex scene of the show, Dean.”
 “Heck no!” Growled the elder brother, shaking his head. The instant images that flashed through his mind of the Nephilim atop of his little sister made his teeth grit in anger, and a pit of queasiness fold in the cave of his stomach. He already wasn’t too sure on Lucifer’s spawn, this only enhanced that formed opinion, and he wished to shoot the child more than ever in this instant, even if the real him was not around.
 “They’re not actually the people we know Dean.” Sam comforted him, easing his anger, but only slightly. “Nothing like that has happened between them, he is in another world, whilst (Y/N) is in the bunker, reading lore and trying to find a way to bring mum and Jack back to us.”
 “Yet Sammy, nothing has happened yet.” He allowed himself to shut his eyes for a second, and the next thing that he knew, he was returned home. His speech must have worked on the employee of the show Supernatural, otherwise, Gabriel surely would not have returned them to their home world.
  “He’s gone, for chuck sake. How are we supposed to bring Jack and Mary back if we don’t have archangel grace?!” The stressed voice of their younger sibling often triggered a debate from the brothers, but seeing and hearing her, it was a miracle. They couldn’t waste time and argue, instead Sam lurched forward, grabbing the girl and bringing her into the embrace of his giant like arms.
“We’ll figure it out (Y/N/N), we always do.” He spoke softly, earning a confused yet pleased smile. The hug had come out of nowhere, but it calmed her nerves, the rushing of the blood that hurtled around the veins of her body slowed, and it gave her a moment of peace, a blank mind before she began researching again.
 “I have a question.” Dean stated with his gruff tone, squinting at his female sibling. He suppressed a smile, she was oblivious to the blockade that had rested above her head like a raincloud, but he knew that she was here for good. And that she was not leaving to any sort of afterlife any time soon. “Do you have the hots for Jack?”
 (Y/N)’s eyes went wide, however she forced a scoff to hide the shock and cover up anything that her brothers could pick up on. She released herself from Sam’s hold, taking a couple of simple steps backwards, so that she could have a clear view of the expressions that both of them wore. “Are you seriously asking me that at a time like this?” Her sentence was finished with a sigh and a roll of her eyes.
 But her brothers knew their sister well enough, and that she indeed did not want to admit something to them. (Y/N) was much easier to read than (Y/A/N) was, they had known this growing woman since the day that she was born, the same day in which John rescued the shrieking baby from a mother that was fed and eaten by wolves. She would have been next, however the hunter saved her, as was in his job description, but he couldn’t bare to let her stream through the system.
 He felt an attachment to her, and looking at her was practically the same as the notion of peering at one of his boys. She was to be a Winchester, he hadn’t decided it, but God himself did. The universe worked in mysterious ways, it was as though it was all written out for the family, but this instant, none of them minded. It gave the boys another reason to fight, another person to love, and eventually another family member to lose.
 But it had been evaded this time, Gabriel had although not helped them with reaching their mother and the son of Kelly Kline, however, he had somewhat saved (Y/N) himself. Without his trickster interference, they’d have never known of her doomed fate, or have been able to fix it.
 “I’ll take that as a yes.” Dean was smug with being right, as he always was. Overall though, he was more pleased to know that they had stopped the crumbling of the bottom of the family tree, they had protected their sister, literally to the ends of the world.
 “Pick up a damn book and help me, I’m not doing all of this research by myself.” Another sign that he was indeed correct, changing the subject, how original. But neither of the brothers, more so Dean than Sam, even wanted to try and switch the mindset that (Y/N) had about the boy. They were allowed to have feelings, romantic and so on, and their sister appeared happy with the tether that was from her heart to Jack’s.
   The vampires were almost mutated. This apocalypse world had really taken a toll on all life. Michael of this plain had destroyed everything that was known to be true, even living itself. The habitat of these morsal creatures was dark, and disgusting. Humans had already tried to pass through the deadly lair to reach the other side, to get to the rebellion camp, however, no one had survived to the opposite end of things.
 (Y/N) felt hopeless, even as she walked through the home of the starving monsters. She had never been a fan of vampires, no hunter was, but this was cruel to every extent. They didn’t even appear as human anymore, their fates had been cursed by this ruined land. Without the world that was in her own, they would be worse off, everything in this dimension was.
 Everyone of their company was on edge, Dean ensured that he kept a sturdy eye forward, looking for any light. He knew (Y/N) would have to be okay, it was paved for her to be so in the other universe, she’d be fine. Of course, he still worried, that was what he did in retrospect, all day, every day, he worried that it was to be someone’s last.
 And he was right, as the monsters crept from the dark, tasting the scent of rushing blood in the air. They had lured them from their slumber, and they began to attack, dragging one of the travellers towards their death, where they would be fed on until he was completely drained. (Y/N) swung her machete, beheading one of the animals without a second glance, but perhaps she should have spared another look on the side, as she was a target.
 She was the prey to what she was raised to hunt, it wrapped its clawed hand around her leg like a coil, dragging her to the ground, and feasting its teeth into her supple flesh. This was it, there was no route away from her fate, and her body was already weak from blood loss, and so she gave up, and refused to fight. Her body was dragged into the abyss of the nest, and its members followed after her.
 Sam noticed their apparent glee, they had yet again prized food from them. He looked around to see whom it may be, and he was aghast with the sight. (Y/N) had her eyes shut as her limp form was being taken by vampires, and he froze, traumatised by the sight. And his surprised and hurt stature gave another of the beasts the perfect opportunity to rip into the rubber of his neck, and relish in the unstoppable river of blood that poured out from the fatal wound.
 “No!” Dean cried out, noticing that his sister too had disappeared. Before he could follow after the menaces and get vengeance, and possibly save his family from being the meal of savages, Castiel grasped his arm, pain rendering in the blueness of his vessel’s eyes.
 “They’re gone Dean.” His words rang through the hunter’s head. This was his worst nightmare. Gabriel’s warning had not helped at all, because (Y/N) was dead, and so was Sam. He forced himself to trudge on, pained like no other time before. Sam had died before, but he had always found a way to retrieve him back into life, and even through his tragic absence, he always had (Y/N). Now, the only other Winchester was his mother, who also needed to be saved from this damned world.
   “Think about it Sammy, Jack is going to be so pleased to see you alive, but your little sis, well, I’m sure that is going to be one hell of a reunion between them.” Lucifer smirked, he was in Nick’s body again, using it as a vessel. “And he’ll think of me as a saviour, a knight that saved his princess from a terrible fate.”
 The fallen archangel always had ulterior motives, and Sam realised that he had no choice in whether he’d rather remain dead, or be used as a bargaining chip by the devil himself. His interest in Jack was not exactly pure, it was clear to the man that he sought the backup, the power of his biological son. His intent was to creep into the boy’s mind, and decipher for the kid the difference between wrong and right.
 “That’s what you want, to lie to him about who you are?” He couldn’t exactly say he was surprised, even more so that the audience of vampires were seething to break free from Lucifer’s force. He wasn’t even supposed to be here, he should have been in the bunker, his grace feeding away at Rowena’s spell, and keeping the gate open for their return.
 “I’ll just bend the truth to fit the story, and I care about my son. As you care about your dear sister, and it would be a shame if she were not to wake, and then the news will have to be delivered to my boy, and I’m sure that would just break his half and half heart.” The celestial being, the epidemy of evil tutted at the thought, only to send Sam a mischievous smirk afterwards. “You don’t want him to be like me, but without her, he’ll be in so much pain that he won’t think about his actions. If he has (Y/N/N), then that choice will be entirely up to him, and what he believes in, yada yada yada.”
 The sight of his sister covered in her own blood, motionless on the ground, bite marks on her shoulders and elsewhere drew out a desperation in Sam. He couldn’t not allow the villain to bring her back to life, and it seemed that no matter what he disputed, that Lucifer would do it anyway, to get himself in Jack’s good books. And so he hung his head low, awaiting the personal enemy of his to resurrect the most important woman in his life.
 On first instinct, (Y/N) gasped in air. There was a lack of it rolling around the vitals of her lungs, but her breath was taken away once more, when she saw the looming of a horrifying figure, a first son of god. He was supposed to be, even if forced to do so by the traditions of magic, be at the bunker, revelling them with a way back. Rowena had been left there also, to keep the spell brewing, and a fearful eye on the hellish shadow.
 Assumingly, he had escaped his sentence, and for some reason, brought her to life. It was no mistake as to what the vampires had done to her, she could smell the spilling of her own blood over her thrifted and worn clothes, and it was gruesome. Although it was not the hunter’s first time in being a sponge to her injuries, but nevertheless, she fought to stand beside Sam, who steadied her shaken feet, and balanced out the rest of her body by looping his supportive arm around her waist.
 “Come on.” Lucifer rolled the human eyes that he wore like spectacles into the lives of the Winchesters, unimpressed by the slowness of the world’s large cockroaches. “We have places to be and sons to meet.” At his verbalised of clarity for his ungodly presence, (Y/N)’s body became rigid. His intent was to get to Jack, she couldn’t allow him to provoke a fire inside the boy.
 He was sweet and innocent, even harmless, despite the accident that had happened when he accompanied her and her brothers on a hunt. If Lucifer reached him, he would only try and navigate the darkness inside of him to be what it was, rather than try and make him change it into something brighter, something that was good, like Kelly would have wanted.
 “No.” (Y/N) refused, earning a frown from Sam and a elongated groan from Lucifer. She had died, it didn’t matter if she were to return to that fate, not if she stood by what she truly believed in. Nothing much would change, other than the vampires getting another meal from the same body, Dean already thought that she was extinguished from life, and the news would be passed on before any of them were to reach him.
 “Oh, for crying out loud!” The devil shook his wolfish head, Winchesters were always so stubborn. “I’d allow it if Sam were to stand against the gift of life, I’ve seen what is inside of his head after all, but you! You’re the priority here, you are Jack’s weakness.” This gesture of good faith seemed to be more than it was worth, but if she didn’t comply willingly, then he would force her to follow him along, and live.
 “Where’d you hear that from? He doesn’t have a weakness, he just has a good heart. I’m just another person that he lives with, a soldier that is going to fight anyone that dares to try and hurt him. And I won’t mind if I have to give my life to try and kill you.” She spat at the disgrace of heaven, hardly moved by his goal. As a Winchester, the stubbornness ran through her veins, even if the bloodline itself did not.
 “I hear things, and I did in that bunker. Like how Dean was speaking about you and Jackie boy, and how it all made sense. The shared looks, the flushed faces, all that gross stuff. He didn’t seem too happy with the circumstances, but he was content with the fact that you were alive, like you are again, because of me.”
Lucifer was the last person that (Y/N) would thank for her existence, but she realised that there was no way out of his trap, she was the bait for Jack, that would reel the boy into the wings of his dreaded father.
He could sometimes be so naive, that she feared that Jack would fall for the extension of kindness, one that hardly suited Lucifer. But that was up to him, and in this apocalyptic version of her world, anything could happen.
“She’s dead.” Dean’s voice was gravelly, it had been dragged through hope, and now the realisation that his baby brother and sister were lost to life. The eyes belonging to Jack widened, and tears began to form.
He could quite comprehend how he felt. There was a tearing in his chest, he felt as though he was being split apart, his breathing rapidly increased, and his eyes flared like the bursts of the sun.
Until whispers hit his ears, and he looked up, only to see the girl alive and well. He was not the only one relieved in the circumstances, Dean and Mary were too, but they feared the fact that Lucifer had joined them, and was being trailed by the bloodied siblings; the ones that he had saved for his selfish purposes.
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
who in svt would agree to platonically kiss you
maybe you're a writer and would want to know how it feels to have peppered swipes of love gently sprinkling your face for the piece you're trying to write. or maybe you're trying to fake having a boyfriend to get your ex off your ass. or maybe you're just weird and/or read too much fanfiction and hope for your own 100k f2l love story with your best friend. whatever your dumb reason is, here's a list of who will agree, who will smack you upside in the face, and who will permanently delete you from his contacts!! let's find out!!
seungcheol: dude he'd agree to (platonically) marry you in order to get your nosy relatives off your ass for being single for so long. just give him a signal and he'd be ready to make out in the middle of a bunch of greasy bodies in a club just to get some weirdo to fuck off because duh?? that's what friends do?? right??? | rating: 9/10 minus one point simply because he'd probably fall in love with you and that would ruin the platonic bit.
jeonghan: "about time you gave in, babe ;))" a little shit. would tease you relentlessly about your apparent, subconscious desire to punch him for him. angel is all talk though, because once you're already inches away from him, he'd panic and chicken out because holy fuck ahaha this shouldn't happen. pulls away from you last minute. would tell you your breath stank of cilantro as a cover up | rating: 3/10 he's a fucking loser don't even try.
joshua: he'd laugh, crinkling his nose and say wow that would be wild haha, but proceed to ignore you. he may have turned into the bare-armed, testosterone monster that he is now, but joshua still wouldn't want to kiss anyone he isn't in a relationship with. that's what his mother taught him and he isn't gonna disobey her cause of you. maybe try asking him out first <33 | rating: 1/10 the one is there because wow you might get him as your boyfriend.
junhui: sorry, but jun would ask you first. you'd be sitting in his living room, watching netflix at god knows what the fuck am and he'd be like "hey. movie's boring. wanna make out?" and you'd be like sure until all of a sudden oops you're not only platonically kissing anymore wow what a slip up | rating: 10/10 you're both a matchmade in horny heaven.
soonyoung: look. soonyoung is wild. soon is down for anything. soonie will probably stab himself with a fork just because you told him he can't. but that's the thing— he'd only do it if it was a challenge. ask him to kiss you because you've been lying to your friends that you had a boyfriend and they wanted evidence? his cheeks will start flaring. tell him "oh i that's fine. i knew you'd be too much of a pussy to agree" then damn you've just unleashed the tiger | rating: 6/10 because of the extra effort you have to put in.
wonwoo: jeon is a simple man. he is a classy man. a simple "no" without even looking at your direction is the only thing you're getting from him. you'd whine, telling him please— i wanna write this story for one of my classes perfectly and the main guy is a nerd and you're the only loser i know. he'd close the book he was reading, leaning into your face ever so slowly, right before smacking the fucking book on your head because wow. the audacity of you | rating: 0/10 but 10/10 if you wanna come back to your senses.
jihoon: what the fuck why would you even consider asking him you evil monster you just wanna watch jihoon shrivel up like a dried grape painted in a fresh coat of red | rating: invalid. error. don't even try unless you want to get guitar smacked when he finally recovers from shock.
minghao: if you were a stranger, yes he'd agree. but you're not. you're his friend and he knows about your gross habits and that's just a no for him like ew. unless you're desperate for whatever the fuck reason. only if you agree to be his poor PA during his monthly, ig outfit photoshoot this weekend and you start to wonder if this is really worth carrying three bags of outfits, one for his accessories, and the amount of muscle pain? thought so | rating: 4/10 if you're crazy and actually go through with it because if he's gonna do it, he's gonna do it right.
mingyu: he'd agree. mingyu is a sweetheart of course he would. the only drawback is that he'd be a huge fucking mess and be like "kiss??? kiss me?? you want?? ahaha o-oh yeah sure totally i'd love to ki— i mEAN since u asked haha" his brain would start whirring like a broken microwave when you do and start thinking is this okay?? do friends do this?? oh my god?? | rating: 7/10 but i doubt he'd even be able to look at you in the eye after this lmao. you got to kiss him but at what cost ://
seokmin: "omg!! sure!!! let's kiss :D" okay, maybe you suggested it because you're a demon and you wanted to see him flustered but oops, seokmin is actually down for it because he is so full of love and would kiss you again if you asked. you're like???? wait i didn't plan it this way, seokmin i— OOPS he already gave you a tiny smooch. he's smiling, asking you if you want another one and smoke is literally emitting from your head rip | rating: 8/10 your brain is fried but at least he's cute.
seungkwan: "excuse me?? you want to kiss me?? know your place, loser" kwan isn't gonna tolerate this kind of troglodytic behavior. you haven't even asked permission from his parents, court him with a million bouquets, chocolates, and vitamins and you're expecting him to agree to kiss you?? wow the sheer shamelessness of some people smh | rating: 2/10 tiny chance that he'd agree if you tell him it was for attention.
vernon: he didn't hear you the first time. second time. wait is this the fifth? until you're literally up at his face asking him for a smooch because you wanted your roommate to believe you actually went out to get laid instead of playing animal crossing at vernon's place because the vibe of his room matched the cozy atmosphere. she would start clowning you if she found out. poor vernon is surprised. frozen. but he manages to stammer out a "sure" and you've already left but vernon was still thinking of you | rating: 6/10 bcs oops haha didn't mean for it to turn angsty
chan: would say yes without giving it much thought until he realized what you were doing and he's like oh shit you were actually serious okay we're doing this. but wait we're in public y/n what the fuck. and you're like shut the fuck up the guy that's been bothering me is here and he's like oh okay. would be embarrassed for the next few days but let's say you got into a petty argument and chan would be like "ooh you wanna kiss me so bad" and you're like "fuck no" and he'd say "you already did" and you're like god damn it | rating: 7/10 because he's gonna use it against you lol.
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ssamie · 3 years
four. BUNNY
suna rintaro x fem! mitsuri reader
(kny x hq)
warnings: spelling mistakes,  3k+ words, italicized words/ sentences are her thoughts, mitsuri’s hair+eye color was used.
gen masterlist.      sakura mochi.
Tumblr media
"where's suna-kun?" she murmured to herself as she walked through the campus towards the gym. she hummed a sweet melody as she looked around the area, hoping to spot the brunette.
she had her 'volleyball notebook', as she calls it, in her hand, briefly skimming through the pages. while the other, holds a bag containing snacks for the team
"y/n." a voice calls out. she turned around to face the person, a look of confusion etched on her features as she stared at the unfamiliar girl infront of her
"hello..?" she murmurs out with a bashful flush on her cheeks
the girl merely squints her eyes at her and scoffs. "so is it true that you're with miya-senpai?" the girl asked
y/n chuckled sheepishly as her pale green eyes scanned their surroundings, trying to look for an excuse to walk away from the girl "um no...? which miya?" she asked with a smile
"both of them, duh!" the girl rolled her eyes "hmp! i bet you're just trying to get in their pants anyways"
y/n was very confused. she simply stared at the girl while she went on and on about the miya twins. "um.. what?" she mumbled out, still clueless as she shuffled on her spot
"ugh! stop playin' dumb with me" the girl hissed out "i bet this ain't even your natural hair. this is probably to gain their attention, ain't it?!" 
her hand subconsciously went straight to her two-toned hair, grazing her fingers on the long soft strands. "but...what's wrong with my hair?" she muttered out with a frown 
"absolutely nothing." another voice, much more deeper and suave, cut in. 
"ah, suna-kun!" the girl squeaked out. it was almost comical how fast her mood and attitude had flipped the moment suna walked in. the unknown girl was now twirling her hair with her fingers as she sends the middle blocker a flirty wave 
"eh..?" y/n hums out in confusion 
she looked at the girl's flirty gestures, then at suna's deadpan expression. suna didn't mind her and simply looked back down at y/n. 
"oh, suna-kun! are you busy?" the girl asked with a giggle as she stepped into his field of view "cuz you should come with me! i'll treat ya to some food!" the girl suggested 
y/n squinted her eyes at them, her brows knitting together as she studied the girl even further. 
'ah, i get it!' she thought to herself. she slapped her fist upon her palm as her eyes widen in realisation.
'she's trying to flirt with suna-kun!' she thought with a huff 
'wait- she's trying to flirt with SUNA-KUN?? but i already claimed him as my future husband!' 
she grumbled under her breath as she slithered closer to suna's tall frame. she wordlessly clutched his arm as she stared the girl down with such intensity. she put up the scariest glare she could muster as she silently hissed at her in her mind 
"i- why are you looking at me like that?!" the girl shrieked as she pointed a finger to y/n's face 
"like what?" she asked with a smile as she kept her eyes trained on the girl. her pale green eyes bore through the girl's skull as veins pop out from her temple. her pupils formed into slits as a sweet smile grazed her lips. 
'thank you, obanai for your snake-like glaring tutorials!'  she exclaimed gleefully in her head 
the male hashira had formerly taught her how to intimidate people with her eyes. though it was mainly to ward off boys, he never mentioned it couldn't be used against girls. 
"let's go" suna said with a yawn as he walked away, grabbing the paper bag from y/n's hands as he does so "oh, okay!" she replied with a smile as she happily skipped towards him 
the pair walked off, leaving the unknown girl confused and disturbed from the nasty glare she had received. 
"ahh, that girl was quite pretty now that it think about it.." y/n mumbled as she looked back at the girl. suna scoffed as he side-eyed her. "yer saying that after she insulted you to yer face?" 
"well.. i think she was just confused" she reasoned "she thought the twins were my boyfriends" 
suddenly the same aloof and menacing look in her eyes came back as she clenched her fists "but she was saying some pretty flirty things to you, suna-kun! you shouldn't entertain her! she might break your heart and make you cry! love is strong enough to kill people, you know!" 
suna chuckled in amusement as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, eyeing her down with a smirk as he nodded 
"whatever ya say, bunny" he mused 
she froze in her tracks as she hastily fussed over the nickname. her arms waved around in panic as a bright red hue covered her entire face "b-bunny?!" she shrieked out 
'suna-kun called me bunny?! is that a good thing??' she panicked 'bunnies are cute right?? so it must be a good thing' 
'but what if he secretly despises bunnies?? then that would mean he'd hate me??' 
she shuffled around flusteredly as she covered her face with her long braided hair "yep. that's yer nickname now." suna responded with a smirk "wahh! no one's ever given me a nickname before!!" she squeaked out with a shaky smile 
suna snickered and took stolen pictures as she went back into a frenzy. he kept the teasing comments flowing, only to rile her up even more. he went to his gallery and showed her a picture of herself. she didn't look bad or anything. she simply had her pink and green hair styled as bunny ears. 
he scrolled through his camera roll, showing a succession of osamu and atsumu spraying an ungodly amount of hairspray to keep her hair upright. 
"how did you get that?!" she squeaked out in embarrassment as she covered her eyes with her hair "tsumu sent em to me" suna snickered "dont worry, none of em are blackmailing material worthy" suna said with a sigh 
he had reassured her, thought it almost seemed like he was disappointed he didn't get any bad and scarring pictures of her. 
"i see.." she replied. she walked quietly beside him, her heart pounding in nervousness as she thought of a way to make conversation 
"um.. are you hungry?" she asks him "i made the team some snacks so you could eat your share now.." suna shakes his head lightly and yawned " 'm not hungry, 'm sleepy" he murmured 
she hummed thoughtfully, puffing up her cheeks as she looked down at her 'volleyball notebook' "i can convince kita-san to let you rest if you need me to" she offered with a soft smile as they stopped by the gym doors 
suna blinked at her before shaking his head. "no.. don't worry about it" he refused. he wanted oh so badly to agree. suna knew kita would bend and break if she were to ask him, but he couldn't bring himself to use her for his leisure. 
"oi! suna, what're ya doin with y/n-chan, hm?!" atsumu exclaimed as he ran over to drag the girl inside "ya better not be flirtin' with her" the blonde glared at the middle blocker as he eyed him up and down 
"i wasn't. jesus fuckin christ" suna grumbled in annoyance "actually, you should be the one thanking me, tsum-tsum" suna mused with an eye roll "one of your fangirls were giving y/n some trouble" 
atsumu gasped dramatically as he wrapped his arms around the girl. "oh no! y/n-chan! ya didn't get bullied or anythin' right?!" 
"i'll curb stomp 'em all if they mess with ya!" atsumu exclaimed "i don't care if they're girls or not!" 
"oh.. you probably shouldn't curb stomp people" she replied as she patted atsumu's back reassuringly "but i appreciate it, tsumu-kun!" she beamed 
she grinned happily as she clasped her hands together in delight. "in return, if anyone messes with any of you, i'll stab them!" she exclaimed gleefully 
the boys sweat drop, gulping nervously as they let out a hesitant laugh. "y/n, im pretty sure stabbing people is much worse than curb stomping them. please don't do that" ginjima said to her 
"you're right.." she muttered, her shoulders slumping dejectedly as she thought of another method. "i should cut their head off instead." she exclaimed with a bright smile 
"suna-kun~ suna-kun~ suna-kun~" she chanted happily as she skipped towards the boy. his broad back was facing her as he laid on the bench, using his jacket as a pillow. 
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"suna-kun! i got you some- oh." she cut herself off upon seeing him asleep. 
his eyes were closed, and his chest was gently moving up and down due to his steady breath. she leaned in closer to get a good look of his sleeping face, blushing to herself as she shakily reaches out to poke his cheek. 
though before she could touch him, he rolled over, flipping his body to face upwards, causing the phone in his hand to slip off. she quickly caught it, not wanting him to wake up to a broken phone, and set it on the floor beside his bag. 
'suna-kun looks so cute when he's sleeping..' she thought to herself 
'WAJGASHH he looks so soft and tranquil! if i knew he'd look this cute, i would've brought him a whole bed during practice!!' 
"hngg" he whined quietly in his sleep. she quickly snapped out of her thoughts and turned to him, frowning upon seeing the discomfort present in his features. 
"e-eh?? what is it, suna-kun?" she whispered worriedly to his sleeping figure 
suna didn't respond, obviously. he simply rolled his head around, trying to reach the jacket which was slowly falling off the bench. 
"oh.. does your head hurt?" she asked him as she carefully lifted his head up. she hesitantly sat down and laid his head down on her lap, patting down his unruly hair gently as she peered down at him 
she clasped her beating chest, blushing heavily as various thoughts and scenerios flooded her mind "t-this is fine.." she reassured herself 
she shakily opened the bento containing nothing but mochi and started eating her nervousness away. 
almost twenty minutes had passed, and it seems that suna was still sleeping like a rock. absolutely lifeless, and could probably be mistaken as a corpse. 
"suna-kun.. you need to wake up now" she cooed at him as she poked his forehead, hoping to wake him from his slumber "suna-kun~ suna-kun~ suna-... oh" she stopped with a sigh 
suna had rolled over, smushing the side of his face against her thighs as he softly snored away. "suna-kun" she called out once again. this time, poking his cheek as she chomps on a mochi 
"hngg" suna groans "what" 
"you gotta wake up now" she said "kita-san might need your help in cleaning up" 
"later" suna answered mindlessly before almost instantly falling back to sleep "you've been asleep the majority of practice, suna-kun" she said with a sigh 
"is my lap really that comfortable, that you don't wanna get up" she said jokingly with a chuckle "hmm, yeah" suna murmured, mindlessly nuzzling into the soft skin of her thighs-
wait. hold on. pause. 
his eyes bursts open, and immediately landed on her lap, which he had been unknowingly laying on the whole time. he slowly turned his body, facing her with wide eyes and pursed lips. 
"y/n." he said 
"yes?" she hummed back in reply 
"i need to take a breather." suna huffed out as he sat up, softly massaging his temples as he stared out into nothingness. 
"suna-kun, are you okay?" she asked in curiosity as she watched him mumble to himself 
he took in one last breath of air before nodding, "im good" he said. he felt for his pockets, trying to find his phone, only to come up empty handed. "where's my phone?" he asked, though there was a sense of distress and urgency in his tone. 
"y/n..?" he asked in a hopeful tone"i put it down by your bag since it almost fell and broke a while ago" she answered with a smile 
suna swore he had seen wings coming out of her, right then and there. he had found an angel, that's for sure. "thank you" he said with a small smile 
he bent down to pick it up, only to find it laying on a weird angle, and the charger barely hanging on from the port. although, props to her. the phone had fully charged thanks to his deemed angel. 
"oh- uh- i tried to charge it for you too.. but it was too far away and i had to do it without waking you so.." she mumbled bashfully 
"y/n.." he mumbled, looking up at her with his usual deadpan expression. except his eyes were quite literally sparkling and his mouth was slightly gaping in astonishment 
"???" she stared back at him with a confused smile, blinking dumbly as she gave him a thumbs up in return 
"y/n-san, the twins are calling for you" kita said to her as he walked past them. the captain was carrying one of the dirty volleyballs, most likely on his way to clean them. 
"they're fighting and want you there to judge their opposing arguments." he explained. suna quickly dashed off with his phone in hand, wasting no time in recording the said fight. 
"ah, a-alright?" she sweatdropped
as she walked towards the twins, she was not so surprised as she saw osamu pinning atsumu down on the ground. osamu was gripping his twin by his collar, aggressively shaking him as he yelled out curses and insults 
atsumu was no better. seeing as he was kicking around under his twin, his hands pushing on his brother's face and chest, as he yelled out his own variety of insults. 
"this is why mom doesnt fucking love you!" osamu hissed out 
"fuck you, samu! as if mom didn't want ya outta her house two nights ago!" atsumu hissed back 
"oh yeah?!" osamu scoffed "well, yer crappy personality's why y/n favors me, ya pig!" 
"ha?!" atsumu exclaimed in offense "you?! since when has y/n fuckin favoured you?!" atsumu scowled at him "since when did she say that?!" 
"last night!" osamu countered 
"dont talk likE YA FUCKED HER, YOU SWINE!" atsumu growled at him as he pushed osamu back 
"this is getting heated" aran commented as he watched them. though, he didn't really make any effort to stop them. he simply watched quietly, silently nodding and cheering along from time to time. 
"y/n-chan!" ginjima exclaimed with a breath of relief "can ya stop 'em?!" 
"eh? me??" she blinked dumbfoundedly at them as she pointed to herself "i don't think so.." she mumbled out "what do you want me to do?" she asked 
"just- stop them!" ginjima exclaimed "please??" 
"uh, okay" she agreed upon hearing his desperate plea. she walked cautiously towards them, stopping a few feet away as she thought of what could be a tactic to ease them down 
'so do i just.. hit them?' she thought cluelessly 
'no, that would probably hurt..' she shook her head worriedly 
'but then again.. when has that ever failed to work!'  she thought gleefully as she recounted all the times zenitsu had been hit and slapped by sanemi for him to stop crying 
so she then skipped over to them with a smile, tapping their shoulders to gain their attention. "huh?" the twins mutter as they look back at her 
"hehe, night-night~" she cooed with a sickly sweet smile 
she then abruptly slammed her hand on their nape, chopping on their pressure point quite harshly with an unreasonable amount of force. she watched as their eyes roll to the back of their heads, and for their limbs to go limp, making them fall back as they slipped into unconsciousness. 
"ah, it worked!" she cheered happily as she caught them in her arms 
"ginjima-kun, i did it!" she faced him with an accomplished smile 
she skipped towards the boy, carrying the twins along with her as she looked up at him expectantly. 
cough cough. headpats. cough cough. 
ginjima gaped at her, before putting on a hesitant grin and petting her on the head "uh- n-nice job, y/n!" he said. she visibly brightened up at the words of affirmation, blushing to herself as she relished on the sweet feeling. 
"damn, that was balls" suna sneered "good thing i got it all on video" 
"so.. how're they gonna like- do stuff?" aran sweat dropped as he poked on the twins' unconscious bodies "oh, i'll just carry them, then!" she said as she swung their bodies over her shoulder, carrying them like potato sacks 
"welp, we'll be off now!" she announced as she waved them goodbye "bye-bye~" she cooed at them
the boys sweat drops as they watched her walk off with a pair of bodies on her shoulders. she looked like she had just fled a murder scene, if anything. "uh should we stop her? she'd probably get questioned hy the police if she walks down the streets looking like that" aran chuckled
suna laughed and shook his head "nah she'll be fine" he said "i'll walk with her" suna announced nonchalantly as he picked up his bag and jacket from the floor
"you?" aran asked back, eyeing him down as if he didn't believe him
"yeah, is it so bad to walk my dear, oh so precious manager home?" suna mused out as he jogged off towards the exit
"is this because of your infatuation?" kita butted in "wha- no!" suna sighed in exasperation "im just walkin' her back, that's all" suna said as he tied his shoes
"anyways, see ya" he nodded at them before running off towards the girl 
the boys shrug it off, each of them going back to their own thing or helping in cleaning. that is, until they heard a fairly loud exclaim saying: "hey, wait for me, bunny!" followed by a loud squeal and variety of incoherent responses. or as they heard it: 
"b-bUNNY?! i- SUNA-KUN?! that's me-oh! yes i'll wait- uh skpwjak" 
it was then followed by two loud thuds, and a frantic gasp and chains of apology, as well as suna's laughter and occasional snorts "oh my gosh, i dropped them!" she exclaimed as she hastily picked the twins back up 
"oh my god" suna snorted "i got that shit on 4k" he nodded in triumph as he replayed the video he had taken 
"suna-kun, please help me!" 
"nah. just leave 'em there."
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adsosfraser · 3 years
The Stone’s Toll - Chapter Three
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cw: depression, small references of dissociation/derealisation, suicide, dubious consent
Claire was constantly watched, monitored those first few weeks at the manse, waiting for Frank to pack up for Boston. Mrs. Graham and the Reverend had heard many horror stories of men and women in the throes of grief. Especially women with the ‘baby blues’. But she had no baby. There was no need for caution, she wouldn’t do anything drastic yet. Even if she wanted to she didn’t have the strength nor the energy to.
She never spoke their names, never let herself fully grieve, and was caught in this limbo of unfeeling. Some days she had fits of rage, just a general ire aimed at nothing in particular. Others her eyes watered so much it seemed her body would become dehydrated from their eagerness. Little things would release the rage of emotions. One day, the spoilt milk in the fridge had her curled up on the kitchen floor sobbing. But mostly, her days passed with such monotony that she was unnerved when forced to change it. Minutes blurred into days, days into months, they were all the same in her mind. What was time really, with nothing of interest to mark it? Her mind moved from one second to the next until she didn’t notice the present anymore. She couldn’t remember anything from the last few months if she could try. She numbed her mind with the muffled voices riding through the waves the radio emitted. She tried to grasp on to the world and the time slipping away from her by digging her fingernails into the flesh of her palm, but neither cared for her attempts. She curled her toes in her flats and heels and stabbed her fingernails into her palms to reassure herself she was there. That this was real. Before the rush of panic could sweep through her brain, and the lightheadedness that accompanied it, she bit the inside of her cheek to stay grounded.
She refused to cook, to clean, to do anything that would take her from her bed. Most days, she slept the day away, tired with no obvious source of affliction. Until her obligation as a wife forced her to make at least one meal a day for her husband, dinner. Frank usually made his own breakfast without complaint, a coffee and two eggs, and then ate lunch in the dining halls of Harvard. Claire nibbled on what the Americans passed as cereal occasionally. 
On Frank’s birthday, September the 30th, the day was as boring and uninspired as any other. She was surprised when she asked Frank for the date for the first time since her return, and he had replied with his birthday. It had taken a few embarrassing silent moments for her to conjure the specific date in her mind, and fleetingly she thought of the First of May. Had it really been more than five months? Too much time had passed but yet not enough. She couldn’t remember a single thing from that time, save the blanketing numbness that followed her day in and day out. The dinner she made, the only thing she could successfully produce was presented on the table before he returned home. Stew that reminded her subconsciously of the many meals in the pitched tents of camps surrounding battlefields. Frank ate the meal without fuss and wasn’t surprised that his wife hadn’t remembered enough to buy him a gift. The only change was his effort in climbing into bed with his wife. 
“It’s been years Claire, indulge me.” 
Her body was stiff against his lithe actions. The movements were clinical, thought out like the process of stitching skin and cleansing the wound. A business transaction. Frank reeked of perfume. She was reminded of Versailles and the frivolous ruffles of a king’s linen shirt. The cold slender fingers pulling apart her thighs and the taste of chocolate on her tongue. She didn’t remember when her tears began to well up but they came down in steady streaks on her cheeks now. He quickly finished, rolling on to his side facing away from her. The feel of his seed, hot and sticky trailing down her leg felt like a betrayal. He sighed. Maybe a new baby would cheer her up. 
It wasn’t uncommon for women to coop themselves up in the house due to their delicate constitutions. Their brief first neighbour in Oxford only ever left for the groceries because of nerves. Frank stopped pushing for her to join him in dinner with his colleagues. He would spend hours at work and then the bar to arrive home and immediately collapse onto his own twin bed across from his wife. 
She didn’t care to celebrate her birthday. It marked how long she had been alone with a permanent stamp and made it feel more real. Not even the borrowed medical texts that she got from the library to feel anything at all gave her the rush of curiosity and excitement they used to. 
Frank had another idea to brighten up his wife. 
“You got me a puppy?!” She threw an ashtray, narrowly missing his head. 
“A fucking puppy to-“ She sunk to the floor and her eyes stung with unshed tears. 
It sat wagging its tail inside the box with a pink bow wrapped around its neck. The golden, almost auburn, cocker spaniel cocked its head at her expressing its interest in the chafed woman before it.
He lowered himself to kneel beside her but thought better of it and straightened up. The puppy eagerly tapped up at her master. He rubbed under her snout affectionately. Frank had never expressed interest in pets when he was with her and she was baffled at his open display towards the squirming beast. He scratched her ear, eliciting a shake of her leg in appreciation. 
“Yes darling. Meet Brianna. Though we’ll shorten it to Bree. I was thinking Frankie but I feel Brianna suits her best. This little one was named for her sire, Brian.” Her heart dropped at the name and her jaw clenched in anger. 
“Get the fuck out now! I don’t want to see you!” 
She took off her flats and flung them at his face. One hit its target in the form of Frank’s face and flopped down to the floor. Brianna clumsily chased after it and began to rip into the shoe, oblivious to any frustrations around her. Bubbles of laughter rose in Claire’s chest as hysterics overtook her body. The front door clicked shut with a sure snap of the lock. She felt the sure weight of the creature in her lap. Suddenly, she was back in L'Hôpital des Anges. Buton keeping her company: pity for the baby she lost. Sharp laughs turned into breathy inhales at the intensity of her cries. Puppy Bree lapped at the salt on her hands and snuggled close. At one point while her mind was floating to the ceiling, dreams of birds and blue skies, she had nuzzled into her stomach with her snout which sent a new wave of hideous wails. Her arms squeezed the distraught little puppy close to her and she clung to the comfort of its ignorance. A puppy. A fucking puppy to replace the ache in her womb. 
“I’m sorry, you must be a very lovely girl.” She choked out between sobs. 
Brianna continued licking her tears off her cheek, provoking more tears to take their trek of doom down to the floor. The floor became wet and sticky from the dog’s excited piddle. 
It was November, the month her child would have been born. Should have been born. But neither one of them had and that was the reality Claire was faced with. All the months before were a blur, the only indicator of time being Frank leaving work and arriving back home. He hadn’t pushed her much to do anything really, giving her time to adjust to her new role as a housewife. She was glad she didn’t have to look into his face often, to see the evil sneer of his ancestor beneath the warmth of his smile. Frank wasn’t supposed to be home for another hour. Bree was out in the garden chewing on sticks. 
Claire gripped the sgian dubh, angling it over her heart. The tiny blade was all she had managed to keep, to hide from anyone but herself. It was a gift from Jamie. One given on the date that marked their second year of marriage. A beautiful handle crafted from one of the antlers of a stag he had triumphantly dragged back to her at camp. The meat was shared amongst the soldiers of course, but Jamie kept the hide and antlers for himself. He created a pair of mittens for her and himself and expertly carved the material of the antlers into two identical hilts. One for Fergus later for the day they had surmised his birthday to be and one for Claire. She glanced down at the handle now, forget-me-nots etched into its boned surface. The heat of her tears left trailed down her cheeks. She could almost pretend he was there.
“Sassenach. Dinna do this. Please.” Her heart ached at the pain in his voice.
Jamie stood before Claire, exactly as she remembered him when they parted. Two small heads of red hair, identical to Jamie’s colour, clutching his leg, stared wide eyed at their mother in a mixture of curiosity and fear. Faith and Brian. A soft smile played across Claire’s face but didn’t reach her eyes which were glossed over with fresh tears.
“Jamie.” Claire whispered, relishing in the feeling of his name on her tongue.
“Come home mo gràidh. Fergus needs ye.”
“Yes. Fergus, and all of you.” Her eyes drifted to the little boy whose lips pulled into a dimpled smile. 
She steadied her shaking hands and squeaked out a laugh. Sobs and laughter joined together into a cacophony of near hysteria that Claire dryly forced out. She wouldn’t fail to be with her family this time. She would join Fergus. And Jenny, Ian, young Jamie, Maggie, and any other children her good sister managed to have. Even Murtagh, Rupert, Angus, Willie, and all the other men who had touched her heart during the war and her short days at Leoch. All of them were long gone but now moments away. 
The door slammed and jolted Claire’s initial target away from her heart and more towards her shoulder. She cried out when the small blade pierced her flesh, and cried more when she realised the consequences of her failure. It barely missed its target. She scrambled for the knife, its handle wet with her thick blood and it fumbled out of her reach. 
“Darling! The grading was much lighter tonight so I thought that we-“ 
Frank’s eyes widened and he choked out a sound. He quickly dove to the floor where his wife was encircled in her own blood, and the hilt of a dagger was poking out of her cream nightgown.
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carelessannie · 3 years
here’s the second part of my winteriron mermay au! enjoy!
while we’re devoting full time to floating chapter two: boy you better do it soon
Rating: M (for now) Word Count: 6.8K Relationships: Tony x Bucky Warnings: Smut adjacent (unintentional sex toys), sexual tension, profanity, kinda drug/alcohol use Read on AO3 Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
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His eyes blink open slowly. It’s strange to wake up without a blinding headache. Actually, it’s strange to wake up without any pain. And with the sun shining in his face.
To his left, he sees a small form on the water’s surface. In his mind’s eye he knows the form is familiar, knows that there should be someone inside— but it slips quickly, evading his memory as the dark form fades over the horizon.
Tony shakes his head. He smacks his lips.
Where is he?
First of all, he’s definitely not in the ocean. It seems like he’s resting on some type of rock formation, with just his tail hydrated in the water. Interesting. He seems to be inside a cove, the shelter working wonders to hide him from the mid-afternoon sun.
Secondly, he’s alone. He never travels alone, especially not to the shore. It hurts to try and remember, but reality slams into him like an orca whale. Rhodey and Pepper. The exploration to colonize. The fucking Tiger Sharks, dammit! Tony’s tail slaps the surface of the water in frustration, and he lets his body slip into the shallow pool.
He hopes the sharks didn’t get his friends. The memory of the fight is hazy at best, but he knows he shouldn’t be feeling this good afterwards— he’s pretty sure he got hit at least once. There are no scratches or bruises anywhere on his body, and it’s confusing that he doesn’t even have a headache.
That’s a problem for later, though. Now, Tony needs to find his friends— or, what remains of his friends. He swims out of the cove and down, through the reefs. Fish seem to be tentatively peeking out of their hiding spots, and he follows the empty spaces to trace the path a shark might have taken. He whistles, sharp and quick, to try and map out the figures in the surrounding area, and is satisfied when his call is returned with a low chirp. Thank the sea.
“Rhodey!” he hollers, pushing through the crowded reef, searching wildly for his closest friend, his faithful number two. As Tony breaks into the clearing, he freezes at the sight in front of him.
Rhodey and Pepper are swimming territorial circles around all three Tiger Sharks— and, from the looks of it, all three are dead.
“Tony!” Pepper notices him first and beckons him closer. When he swims up, she throws her arms around his neck, sobbing briefly into his shoulder, before reeling back and lightly slapping his arm, “How dare you worry me like that! I was sure all we’d find were scales— how did you get away?”
“I…” Tony tries to remember, he really does, but the only things coming to mind are brilliant blue eyes, an ethereal glow, and a deep, alluring voice, “I think someone saved me. But, by the time I woke up, they were gone.”
“You didn’t recognize them?” Rhodey swims closer, looking him up and down, inspecting for injuries.
“No, I don’t… I don’t think they’re part of the Kingdom,” Tony murmurs, reaching up to subconsciously play with his signet ring. His memory is usually so sharp, it’s strange that—
“Holy shit, Tony— look!” Pepper interrupts, pointing at his chest. He looks down, but all he can see is a slight illumination around his sternum.
“Stay still,” Rhodey snaps, gently lifting the ring off of his skin. Pepper reaches in to trace a delicate circle on his chest, and both of his friends look awestruck. And afraid. He tries to crane his neck and see, but all he notices is that the glow fades the longer the ring is kept from touching his body. Rhodey hums, thoughtfully, “Seems like the ring is enchanted. I haven’t encountered a witch in ages— but I guess one came out of hiding to save you.”
“I guess. Pep, do you have a mirror?” The longer Rhodey holds the ring, the tighter Tony’s chest feels. He plucks it out of Rhodey’s hand as Pepper pulls a mirror out of her satchel, turning it around so Tony can take a look.
His signet ring lays in the center of his chest, a steady weight, and radiates a faint glow. It’s more concerning that, surrounding the ring, there’s a few inches of light emanating from under his skin. Tony reaches up to trace it— the gold ring and blue haze, so similar to the eyes he remembers saving him. Still, nothing hurts, and Tony pushes the mirror away.
He ignores their concerned looks and starts to tie up the sharks, concentrating on getting them back to the Kingdom before any larger predators arrive to investigate. After a moment, both of them swim down to help him, shouldering the bodies and heading back towards the Kingdom’s butcher.
It’s a few more minutes before Tony breaks the silence, giving his friends a break, “So, uh… do you think I’ll be a lanternfish forever?” He throws them a smirk and laughs at Pepper’s exasperated sigh.
Rhodey bumps into his shoulder, “You have trouble blending in as it is— at least now we’ll be able to keep track of you… in night clubs.”
Tony gwuafs, offended, and shoves at Rhodey’s shoulder. With everyone happy and laughing, it’s easy to forget about his mysterious savior and the inevitable conversation he’s going to have with his father later on. They head straight for the butcher when they enter the city, several citizens cheering and praising their kill. Tony knows he’ll get the credit for it, even though it was Rhodey and Pepper who slew the sharks, so he takes off as soon as they drop the bodies, heading to the castle to see the King.
Hours later, Tony sits at the far perimeter between two sentinels, staring out into the open ocean. The nocturnal fish have emerged, sending an eerie glow onto the city as the lights dim, throwing the Kingdom into gentle darkness. It does nothing to soothe Tony’s anger.
He takes Pepper’s satchel, full of rocks and shells and other samples from their journey, and dumps it over the side of the wall. Useless. It’s almost as if his dad doesn’t even want to explore anymore, just sending Tony out to keep him distracted. And he knows that’s probably the case, he’s not stupid, but he can tell there’s something deeper his dad isn’t telling him.
Well, fuck ‘im. Tony’s more than capable of figuring it out on his own.
For now, he stares out into the distance, throwing a silent Tony pity party.
There’s movement in the distance. At first, Tony thinks it’s debris. It’s not uncommon for items to fall from the surface— but this object suddenly twists, and he sees… shit, he sees arms. Fuck. It’s a person.
“Stay alert,” he instructs the guard on his right, “I’m gonna check it out.”
Tony takes off into the dark, distantly aware that one of the guards is hot on his tail, and heads straight for the figure still drifting towards the ocean floor. He slows down as he approaches, thankful for the light in his chest that illuminates his surroundings. When he gets to the spot, sand is settling in a cloud around where the figure landed. It takes a moment for everything to clear, and Tony waits patiently, the guard at his side prepared with a weapon.
It’s a man. “Holy shit,” Tony breathes out, swimming closer to the limp body stretched across the sand and rock.
“Be careful, your Highness,” his guard warns, and Tony waves his hand in dismissal.
The man landed facing away from him, giving Tony a good view of strong, muscular shoulders and wavy, shoulder-length hair, half tied back behind his ears in a small knot. His back rises and falls, expanding with slow breaths that reassure the man’s gentle sleep. He leans over and pulls on his shoulder, carefully turning him onto his back.
He’s absolutely gorgeous. Lips slightly parted and turned down in sleep, his face is utterly serene. His lashes are dark and cast a delicate shadow over sharp cheekbones, sprinkled with a tasteful amount of scruff, not quite enough to hide his full jawline and smooth, tanned skin. Tony can’t help himself— he reaches down and cups the man’s jaw, brushing his thumb over full lips and wishing he could look into this man’s eyes.
With a gasp, the man jerks awake, and Tony gets his wish. Deep, electric gray eyes bore into his own, the handsome face overtaken with shock and confusion as he bolts upright, pushing Tony away and looking around frantically.
“Hey, hey— it’s alright. You’re okay, please don’t panic,” Tony tries to calm him down, sighing in relief when the man turns his focus back on Tony, still looking desperate and confused, “My name’s Tony, you’re outside Howard’s Northern Kingdom— can you… can you tell me your name? Where you came from?”
The man shakes his head. He’s shaking slightly, and Tony watches as he runs his hands over his chest, his hips, and his silver and crimson tail— as if grounding himself in the present. Tony understands and gives the guy some space.
He hates the devastated look in the man’s stunning eyes, but is grateful when he croaks out, “The… the Northern Kingdom? Under water?”
Tony snickers, motioning around, “For now, yeah— that’s where sea life generally lives.”
The man nods, a little too quickly, “Right, I… of course, right. My name…” he grimaces, as though it’s painful to remember, “I’m James, but… but people call me Bucky.”
“Bucky,” Tony repeats, liking the sound of this stranger’s voice, somehow familiar, “I’m Tony, and King Howard is my father. Unfortunately, before I can help you out, I’m gonna need to know why you’re here, or where you’re from,” he gestures to the guard behind him, “otherwise this guy’s not gonna let you come home with me.”
Bucky’s smile is a revelation as it breaks over his face. Tony feels something twist in his chest as he ducks his head, looking up at Bucky through his lashes and watching the other man’s cheeks flush pink in delight. Oh, Tony likes this a lot.
“Well, I’m… I’m from…” the smile falls from Bucky’s face as he concentrates, a painful grimace maring his features again, “The Kingdom of Brooklyn, and my brother is the King. His name is Steve. And I… I don’t know why I’m here,” his brow furrows and a small whimper leaves his throat as he concentrates harder, and Tony has to stop it.
“Hey, Bucky? Please don’t— don't’ hurt yourself, okay?” He grins in approval as Bucky relaxes, “We can work on it, sweetheart, for now, what you’ve given me should be sufficient. I’ve never heard of Brooklyn, but if you’re a Prince and not one of our enemies, our King shouldn’t have a problem with offering you temporary residence.”
“I… okay,” Bucky agrees, looking down at his hands, “I don’t want to impose.”
Tony holds out a hand and pulls Bucky along with him.  They swim back through the gate and into the city— most families are already tucked into their homes for the night, so no one sees them on their way back to the castle. Bucky looks absolutely stunned, barely talking during their journey, and it amuses Tony to no end. Obviously whatever Kingdom he’s from is small and underdeveloped in technology and population.
They travel shoulder to shoulder, and Tony can’t help but feel a familiar warmth when their arms brush against each other, the ring around his neck pulsing brighter. It seems like Bucky notices it too, but the expression on his face is difficult to read.
“So this is a weird question,” Tony starts, fiddling with the ring as he studies Bucky’s face. The other man smiles encouragingly, so Tony continues, “have we… met before? Like, specifically earlier today?”
Bucky stops suddenly, looking at Tony as if he’s actively growing another tail. For a moment his face looks surprised, filled with recognition, but it quickly disappears as Bucky hunches over and lets out a pained gasp, clutching desperately at his head. Tony has no idea what to do— and in panic, he pulls Bucky closer, wrapping the larger man in his arms.
“Shh, I’m so sorry,” Tony whispers, trying to soothe away the pain. Bucky is trembling like a leaf in his arms, and he’s helpless to do anything about it. He’s also aware that they’re drifting in between several dwellings, and Tony needs to get them inside, soon.
Soft, red-rimmed eyes blink up at him, and Tony brings up his hand to push a few wayward strands of hair out of Bucky’s face. Even upset and in pain, this man is flawless. He sniffles and blinks a few times, struggling to turn a reassuring smile up at Tony.
“T-thank you,” he murmurs, face flushing pink again in embarrassment, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Everything is… familiar. But I can’t remember you, I’m sorry.”
Tony clicks his tongue, following the blush with his fingers and enjoying the close press of their bodies, “It’s okay, Bucky— we’ll figure it out.”
They make it back to the castle in one piece, and Tony knows it’s going to be best to present his guest to the King immediately. He knows his presence isn’t welcome due to the argument earlier in the evening, but the consequences will be worse if Tony tries to hide what he’s found.
The two of them wait outside of the King’s rooms as a steward leaves to announce them to his father. Tony tries to fill Bucky in on procedures, but it seems his guest is already familiar with a number of expectations and etiquette.
“Oh, and remember to tuck your tail as well. And if he tells you to be informal, he really means you can call him ‘Your Grace,’ not to call him Howard. He’ll hate that.” Tony rambles, listing off everything he can think of.
“Wait,” Bucky stops him, “tuck my… tail? Why?”
Tony chuckles, backing up slightly to face Bucky. He looks around to make sure no others are watching— it would be improper for the Prince to bow, even in jest— and when he’s satisfied that the coast is clear, tucks himself into a formal bow.
“Oh,” Bucky breathes, and Tony unfolds himself, his smile erased completely by the intensity in Bucky’s eyes. Fuck. “That’s… that was…”
And then smoothly, gracefully, Bucky mirrors his bow, curling his tail forward, dipping his head, and crossing one arm over his chest respectfully. Tony is speechless. The show of respect— even casually— from this breathtaking man, has him breathing deep to keep his desire at bay.
It seems as though Bucky’s having a similar problem. As he unfolds from his bow, Tony can see his pupils blown wide, the scales around his groin flushed pink in arousal. Tony can bet his own scales look the same, and tries to laugh, tries to calm them down as he backs away slightly. It won’t help either of them to see the King looking like this.
Of course that’s the moment the King’s steward chooses to return, giving both of them a disapproving once over before opening the door wide, “His Majesty will see you in his library.”
Okay, not the worst then. If Tony was in deep shit, Howard would just see them in the drawing room. At least Tony likes the library.
He leads Bucky down the hall and into the library, hiding a smile at the awe clearly written on Bucky’s face. He takes a second look, trying to view his father’s library with fresh eyes, but has trouble when his gaze keeps landing on the handsome man swimming next to him.
Howard is reclining near a window, absently eating a few fermented algae— his usual method of winding down from a difficult day. As the King looks their way, a piece of algae still in his fingers, Bucky dips into a formal bow. Triton, he looks good like that. Tony dips his head, informally, and both of them straighten up a moment later.
“What is it, Anthony?” his dad sighs, putting the piece of algae on his tongue to dissolve. Tony suddenly feels parched, but holds his arm out to present Bucky regardless.
“An hour ago, as I was watching the border of our Kingdom, a figure fell from the surface. I went to investigate with a guard, and we found James, here, unconscious and unarmed. James claims to be a prince from a Kingdom called Brooklyn, with a King named Steve, and is seeking asylum until he can resume his travels. His mind is damaged, and I wish to extend my care and hospitality towards him for the duration of his stay.”
The King looks at both of them, his face refusing to give anything away, but Tony knows from experience that he’s much more perceptive than Tony gives him credit for. He crosses his arms and addresses Bucky, “Prince James, then,” he says, testing out the title, “if not hostile, what are your intentions towards my Kingdom and my son?”
Bucky ducks his head and nods, “My intentions are to know your Kingdom and know your son, if he so desires, Your Majesty. I am healing and recovering my memories, and once I’ve reclaimed my original destination, I shall depart immediately.”
Howard nods, satisfied with this answer. He points to the small pail on his side table, “Anthony, would you bring your… friend a refreshment?”
Tony spares Bucky a shrug and swims over to the chilled container, lifting it slightly to scoop out a small bundle of algae into a glass, trapping them quickly with a lid. He grabs a few for himself and makes his way over to where Bucky floats, his eyes wide and curious as Tony hands over the refreshment.
Bucky looks down at the cup in his hands, obviously and adorably lost. Tony glances over at Howard— his dad looking between them in amusement— and touches Bucky’s shoulder, catching his gaze and motioning for him to follow Tony’s example.
Reaching into his glass, Tony fishes out a piece of algae, showing Bucky how it sticks slightly to his finger. Bucky copies him, and grabs a smaller piece in between his forefinger and thumb. Tony wishes he could feed the bit to Bucky himself, place it on his tongue and feel his pretty pink lips suck it from his hand.
Instead, he quickly places it on his own tongue, humming happily as the sweet and sour algae dissolves, sending a warm shiver down into his belly, clearing his head and heating him up from the inside out. Damn, his dad always has the best shit.
He turns his attention back to Bucky, watching intently as he follows suit and places the morsel in his mouth. His eyebrows shoot up, he looks down at the cup in shock— as if the remaining algae could provide some explanation— and then, to Tony’s dismay, Bucky lets out a guttural groan, eyes fluttering shut in pleasure as his cheeks hollow out, lips curling tight around his fingers while he sucks them clean.
Tony is having something close to a stroke, and his dad is laughing loudly in front of them, obviously finding Tony’s distress amusing. He’s going to commit regicide, and it’s going to be slow and painful and bloody.
He overcompensates by taking the lid off his glass and throwing the rest of the algae back, breathing deep as the sensation hits him all at once. As he sways a bit in place, he catches Bucky staring at him in amusement.
“Anthony,” his father sighs, shaking his head in annoyance, “do whatever you must. He can stay… in your rooms, primarily. Or in the guest lodging— as long as you have security on him at all times. Get Jarvis to set up residence wherever you’d like, Anthony. Just don’t let me hear it, and don’t let me see it.”
Bucky is frozen with another algae halfway to his mouth, flushed red and eyes wide. Tony is convinced that flustered is his natural state. Before his dad can embarrass them further, Tony takes Bucky’s hand and excuses them, swimming quickly back down the hallway.
He doesn’t stop until they reach his rooms and slam the door. They’re already cackling before they hit the nest, and Tony can’t catch his breath. He rolls over and tucks close into Bucky’s side, enjoying how his chest shakes as they laugh together.
“What the fuck did I just eat, Tony,” Bucky wheezes, and Tony loses it again, ducking his face into Bucky’s neck and sobbing into his skin.
“Fer… fermented algae, baby.”
“I— I can’t believe… it tasted like…” and Bucky’s voice cuts off, his body stilling. Tony looks up to see what happened, and Bucky is staring straight forward, unmoving. Frozen.
“Bucky? What did… what did it taste like?”
“It. I can’t…” And again, Bucky’s face contorts, breath stuttering as his hands come up to cradle his face, sighing in pain. Tony immediately pulls his hands away and replaces them with his own, massaging his temples until he’s met with deep, gray pools of sweet relief.
“Don’t push it, honey,” Tony purrs, resting his body gently on top of Bucky’s, rubbing their noses together and blowing a few bubbles, making Bucky giggle and relax. He lays his head down on Bucky’s chest, before realizing how close they are together— and how little they’ve actually gotten to know each other.
“Dammit,” he curses, pushing off of Bucky’s chest and floating away, “we don’t— shit. I don’t even know you. You have no idea who you even are. I am so sorry, I just fed you an unknown substance, oh seas,”
“Tony, it’s okay—”
“I’ll get you your own room, I promise. You don’t have to put up with—”
“Tony! Hey,” Bucky swims off the nest and presses him up against the ceiling, pinning his shoulders and staring into his eyes, “I remember who I am, I just can’t recall where my home is. I know the name of my brother, and my best friends. I have a…” small grimace, “pet named Alpine. I’m a scientist and a Prince, and I’m almost completely convinced that I’m—”
He pauses, a familiar blush traveling down his chest and filling his cheeks. Tony blinks down at him, “That you’re what?”
“That I’m already, irreversibly infatuated with you.”
Tony feels the ring around his neck pulse, bright and hot on his skin, as if agreeing with the sentiment. He wants to respond, really does, but everything is too new, too important. Bucky is too important.
They’re close, though. Tails brushing together, bubbles of air mixing and joining in front of their faces. Tony can hear his own heartbeat, frantic and longing for the man in front of him. Bucky reaches up, acting as if he wants to touch the ring, but he hesitates. His fingers flex, his eyes blink rapidly, and then he’s reaching into Tony’s hair, pulling on strands tenderly and cradling his face in strong, sure hands.
And Tony just melts in his palms, an absolute jellyfish for this mysterious stranger. The tension between them is heavy, thick and magnetic. He drifts into Bucky’s space and tries to watch for a sign, any sign, but his eyes are closed— when did his eyes close? And then their scales rub together, catching and pulling, tearing a desperate moan from Tony’s lips. There’s a hand in his hair and eyelashes on his cheek, and their lips— their breath—
“I can’t,” Tony whispers, forcing his eyes open to watch Bucky frown in confusion. “I’m sorry, I’m crazy about you, but you deserve…” and he can’t remember, right now, everything that Bucky deserves, but he knows it’s a lot.
“Oh, I… Okay. I get it,” Bucky nods, devastating resignation taking over his handsome features, “I’m not… I can’t…”
“Can we just sleep? Talk and spend the day together in the morning?” Tony suggests, like an adult. Bucky nods, suddenly yawning and glancing up at Tony sheepishly.
“Sounds perfect, Anthony,” he smirks, chuckling again as Tony swats at him playfully.
It only takes a few minutes to set up a guest room for Bucky, fit already with a flawlessly woven nesting kit and other amenities. Tony even makes sure to include a pail of chilled algae, ugly laughing when Bucky discovers it by the dressing mirror.
The next day comes soon enough, and Tony has enough sense to cancel his engagements, asking his steward to clear his schedule and plan a tour of the kingdom for the two of them.
Before Bucky wakes— Tony assumes he’s still asleep in the guest suite— he has the royal gardeners collect fragments of coral and deep sea sponges to present to his new… friend. He asks for crimson and gold, colors not only of Tony’s scales, but also of Bucky’s as well.
When the arrangements arrive, he spends a few minutes weaving them together with a few ties from his nest and small strands of his hair, intimate details that he’s sure Bucky will love.
He waits in his living space for Bucky to join him. The windows are thrown open, letting a gentle morning current sweep through, and Tony sits with the coral and sponges draped over his arms. And he waits.
After a few minutes, he’s done waiting. He calls his steward to check on Bucky, and watches as the boy disappears down the hallway. There’s a knock, the faint sound of the door being opened, and then low, urgent voices. The steward swims back to him, looking guilty.
“He sends his apologies. He says that he’s not used to rising without direct light, and missed the wake up call completely. He should be around in a few moments, sir.”
“Oh, yes— that’s fine,” Tony places the arrangement in front of him and dismisses the steward, choosing to pick on the assorted breakfast foods instead.
It’s only a few moments before Bucky joins him, looking absolutely delicious and well rested. He sits next to Tony— very close, actually— and takes a suspicious look at the meal prepared for them.
“It’s… fish? For breakfast?”
Tony’s surprised again by his confusion, “Yes, honey, we generally eat fish for breakfast. If you’d like, I can have the cook crack you open a few clams instead? Oh, he makes the best sweet clam mix— it’s to die for,”
“No, no that’s fine,” Bucky waves his hands, reaching for an assortment of fresh eel instead, “these should be… these should be good.”
Tony watches in glee as Bucky slurps down the eel, grimacing and gagging slightly when it hits his tongue. He hides a smile when Bucky sits up straighter, obviously testing the flavor on his palette, before turning to Tony and putting his hands on his hips.
“Okay, but… why was that so good?”
Tony splutters, “You ass! You had me fooled— thinking you didn’t like fish for breakfast, like a fucking lunatic.”
Bucky chuckles, but it doesn’t quite meet his eyes. For a moment, he looks so lost and confused that all Tony can do is urge him to eat more fish, shoving three or four more plates in his face.
After they finish eating, Tony picks up his arrangement, feeling like a guppy as he hands it to Bucky, waiting for his reaction. Bucky— seas bless him— gives him a lopsided smile, holding the coral and sponges like they’re about to bite him. It’s confusing.
“Thank you, Tony. I’m not… I’m not supposed to eat it, right?”
“What?” Tony chokes, throwing his head back in laughter, “no, honey. It’s a gift. To admire. From my gardens.”
Bucky’s eyebrows draw close as he concentrates, something from his memory probably slipping away again, so Tony takes the arrangement from him. He sets it on the table, perfect decoration for the room, and grabs Bucky’s hand, leading him out of their rooms.
“Let’s go,” Tony urges, giving Bucky a reassuring wink as they head into the city.
Their day is incredible. Tony had no doubts before that the two of them would get along, would laugh and talk and joke as naturally as breathing. He’s proud of his Kingdom, too. Welcoming Bucky and treating him like a Prince— draping chains of flowering wildlife around his neck and offering them both assortments of salted meats— shark and squid and flounder— and dozens of fine jewels and beads.
If Tony purchases a number of those jewels for Bucky, it’s no one’s business but his.
He’s enraptured by the way Bucky experiences things. He’s always gasping and blushing as if each moment is special, new and unique, instead of normal and mundane. Tony feels drunk on it. He wants to spoil Bucky rotten, hoard all of his reactions to himself and make sure Bucky is always smiling like this— happy and soft and warm.
So Tony might be a little infatuated as well. He’s not supposed to fall in love this quickly, especially not with a stranger, but he feels inexplicably drawn to Bucky, as if by fate.
The days after pass similarly. Even when Tony has to resume his responsibilities, they still spend most of the day together— Bucky helping him delegate and problem solve issues in the Kingdom.
There are some bad days for Bucky— when he tries to remember too much and ends up with headaches that won’t go away. It’s especially bad when Tony leaves with Pepper and Rhodey to explore near the surface. Bucky refuses to go with them and spends those days in his room, clutching his head and sleeping restlessly. Tony thinks he may have repressed trauma that’s related to the surface, to the day Tony found him, but without access to his memories, it’s hard to know for sure.
Even with a few bad days in the mix, most of the time they spend together is indescribable, and, after only two weeks, Tony already has the crown jeweler fashioning traditional courting gifts for Bucky.
He whistles on the way to pick them up, swimming faster than usual, and even doing a few twirls when the excitement is just too much. As he inspects each piece, he knows the smile on his face is ridiculously wide. They’re perfect. He can’t help but imagine Bucky wearing each item, draped and adorned with metal and jewels and his family crest.
Bucky’s lounging in the garden when Tony finally finds him, admiring the array of coral on the south side of the palace. His hair is tied back— half up half down, framing his face beautifully— and he looks up when Tony swims into view.
“Hey, honey,” Tony greets, silently hating himself for being so soft around this man, “do you have a minute?”
“For you, I have all the time in the world.”
Tony ducks his head, the warm twist in his chest pulling him towards Bucky, and he watches the other man swim over from under his eyelashes. Once Bucky is in front of him, Tony hands him the box, looking at his face patiently for a reaction.
He turns it over, and looks at Tony, confused. “What’s this?”
“Oh, sorry,” Tony touches the lid, trailing his fingers over the crest engraved there, “it’s um… they’re traditional jewels I had crafted… for you.”
Bucky still looks unsure, “Okay,” he says, toying with the clasp on the box, “is there a special occasion, Tony?”
Tony just shakes his head, giving Bucky a reassuring smile, “Just open it— you’ll see.”
He gets a small smile in return, and Bucky lifts the lid, revealing the intricate set of jewels— chains and cuffs and clamps, all symbolizing Tony’s intent to court Bucky.
Unfortunately, Bucky looks absolutely horrified. He extends his arms, pushing the box away, and looks up into Tony’s eyes, “I… what the fuck, Tony?”
“... what?”
Bucky puts the gifts back into Tony’s hands and crosses his arms, “I’m sorry if you misunderstood our relationship, but I’m not… interested in this. I don’t want this. At least not yet.”
“Oh,” Tony is shocked still, gripping the box tightly in his arms, “I just… I thought we were…”
But Bucky is shaking his head, “I like you, Tony. I’m probably even falling in love with you. But I’m just not into that. I have a few friends who are, but we’d have to be… I don’t know, married or something, before I’d want to talk about that.”
Tony looks down into the box, suddenly confused, “Bucky, what do you think I’m trying to do?”
“Those are… aren’t those—” Bucky flushes, all the way down his chest and bites into his lip, “— like… for sex?”
“No?” he is so confused, and a little offended. Why would anyone use these things for sex? Sure, they can be sexy, but—
“Tony, in what other context would I wear these?” Bucky pulls out a strand of jewels connected together with a chain, two fasteners at the ends to hold them in place.
“You’d wear them when we go out.”
“Tony! These are nipple clamps!” Bucky shakes them a little bit, trying to emphasize his point. Tony, for his part, doesn’t see the issue.
“Yes? But they’re traditional, not sexy.”
And then it looks like something dawns on Bucky— his face lights up and he chuckles, dropping the jewels back in the box and reaching forward to touch Tony’s face, tenderly scratching behind his ears.
“Tony— I need you to tell me, as if I’m a child and have no idea what’s going on, exactly what these gifts mean.”
And then Tony gets it. Wherever Bucky’s from, he’s never seen courting gifts like these. Damn, he’s such an idiot.
“They’re family jewels, forged with precious stone and metal, to create the traditional set of courting gifts presented by a royal family member to their potential spouse. Or consort, I guess. But yeah, it’s… I’m basically asking if I can court you, officially. And if you accept them and wear them in public, it’s a symbol of our relationship and eventual engagement.”
“Fuck,” Bucky curses, still playing with Tony’s hair, “yeah, yes— I’ll wear them for you. I’d love nothing more than to be yours, Tony. I just… do I need to give you something in return? For you to wear?”
“Actually, half of those pieces are for me,” Tony replies, pressing his cheek into Bucky’s hand. “If you’d like, we can try them on?”
“Sure, darling, let’s go try them.”
Tony can definitely see now why Bucky would think these jewels were made for sex. They lay each item out on Tony’s dressing table, organizing them neatly, and Tony has Bucky float in front of him, keeping his arms outstretched in front of the mirror so he can adorn Bucky with each jewel.
“So, first is the necklace— set with gold and twenty-five rubies,” he explains, draping the necklace around Bucky’s neck and clasping it underneath his hairline. He can’t resist, and places a delicate kiss on top of the clasp.
“Next is the belt,” he says, bringing his arms around Bucky’s waist to set the belt just above his scale-line, “usually these are more feminine in design, but I’ve had a larger crest engraved to rest over… well— let’s just say it implies masculinity.”
Tony busies himself with fastening the belt around Bucky’s waist and ignores the laugh he gets. He straightens up and hooks his chin over Bucky’s shoulder—
“Shit, you look beautiful.”
Bucky gives him a shy smile and turns his head to look into Tony’s eyes. He could get lost in those eyes, drowning daily in pools of ocean blue and gray.
Tony clears his throat and pulls back, “Okay, next we have, uh—” Triton, “the chest piece.”
He doesn’t even bother explaining this one, focusing on attaching it and quickly moving on before he can embarrass himself. Tony brings the chain around, holding it in place in front of Bucky’s chest. Unfortunately, his nipples are soft and there’s no visible place for a hold. Tony huffs and uses his left hand to reach out, lining up steadily, before quickly pinching Bucky’s nipple.
“Shit!” Bucky curses, looking down in surprise, but Tony is fast— attaching the first clip before Bucky can react. He keeps up a string of curses, gingerly touching the left clamp, and Tony uses his distraction to attach the second clip to Bucky’s now straining and hard right nipple. He backs up a bit to give Bucky space, waiting for the other man to calm down until he stops cursing and curiously touches the chest piece.
Bucky looks divine. Each chain floats lightly, reflecting light and casting shadow onto his pink skin, darker than usual due to residual embarrassment. Regardless, seeing Bucky in his jewels and colors is doing something to him.
“Only a few more,” he murmurs, picking up the wrist cuffs and motioning for Bucky to extend his arms. Bucky still looks overwhelmed— a mix of anger and confusion and arousal, probably— but Tony slips the cuffs on, fastening them snugly, and hooks a few rings around Bucky’s fingers, attached with delicate chains.
“Tony—” Bucky breathes, twisting his wrists to admire the jewelry. Tony’s determined to finish this, so he ignores his impulse— to touch and touch and touch and touch.
The last items are a set of jewels for his ears and a head piece. “Can you move your hair, Bucky?”
When Bucky obliges, Tony goes to thread the jewels, only to notice that Bucky’s ears are perfectly smooth. He feels around just to be positive, and Bucky giggles a bit at the sensation.
“So, we have a bit of a problem,” Tony backs up, showing Bucky the ear jewelry.
“— if you don’t want to wear them, I won’t ask—”
“No, I…” Bucky feels around his own ears, pinching and tugging the lobes, “is there a way to fashion them with clips, like…” he motions to his chest, refusing to meet Tony’s eyes.
“Yes! Here, it shouldn’t be a difficult change, either,” Tony swims to his main doors, handing the jewels to his steward with a quick word of instruction for the craftsman. He swims back to see Bucky admiring the headpiece.
Tony takes it from his hands, giving him a reassuring smile, and Bucky dips his head forward. With perfect access, Tony lays the headpiece over Bucky’s dark waves, securing it behind his ears with two pins, and adjusting the chains and jewels to lay perfectly across his forehead.
It’s too much. Tony lets out a shuddering breath, finally finished with the gifts, and leans his head against Bucky’s, closing his eyes and holding on to Bucky’s shoulders.
“You look gorgeous, Bucky. I can’t believe you’re wearing my colors… that you’d agree to this.”
He feels a light touch on the back of his neck, and holds on tighter. Bucky pulls away— causing Tony to open his eyes, following his movement— and he draws Tony closer, dotting a kiss to his temple. They stay like that for a few more moments, enjoy the closeness and warmth, before Bucky chuckles and drifts away fully, turning back to the box.
“Alright— now how do I put these on you?”
Bucky holds up two cuffs, identical to the ones he put on earlier, and tilts his head. Tony grins and extends his arms, guiding Bucky gently in how to slip on the cuffs, tighten them, and attach the rings. When they’re fastened, Tony is captivated by the sight of both pairs of jewels shimmering in the light, practically shouting their attachment to each other.
The final pieces for Tony to wear are a necklace— similar to Bucky’s, but with a space for the signet ring around his neck— and a matching sash and belt. Bucky helps him put them on, and soon they’re floating and facing the mirror, mouths agape.
“Absolutely perfect,” Bucky murmurs, eyes never leaving Tony’s in their reflection.
Tony inhales slightly, “I know, the jewels are stunning.”
“No, darling,” Bucky turns him and looks down into his eyes, “it’s us. We’re a perfect match.”
He can’t help but smile, his stomach twisting with affection as he loops his arms around Bucky’s neck, pulling them close enough that their bodies are touching, tail to shoulder. Bucky gasps, the motion pulling on the chain across his chest, and suddenly all Tony can think about is getting his mouth on this man, wringing every drop of pleasure from him, watching him come apart with Tony’s name on his lips like a prayer—
“Your Highness, my apologies, but the King would see you in his drawing room.”
Tony laughs— unbelievable, “Tell the King I’ll see him within the hour,” he answers, never taking his gaze off Bucky, his dark, deep eyes, shining like the sea—
“I’m sorry, Your Highness, but the King insists on your immediate attention.”
“Shit,” Tony curses, letting Bucky go and turning to follow the steward from the room. He looks back, giving one last promise, “I’ll be back in a moment, I swear,” before disappearing out the door, heading down the hall to meet his father.
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filmoflifeburst · 3 years
Mobius Strip
Sum: the third break-up of Lucerys Velaryon and Aemond Targaryen.
*Translated from the Chinese version and my English is really POOR. *Lucerys Velaryon (above) x Aemond Targaryen (sub) *Age difference adjusted to one year. Modern city paro.
"We've come to the end of the road, but we're safe." -- "Downhill”
Aemond Targaryen took all his appendages with him, and all that he had left behind in Lucerys' life suddenly disappeared as if swallowed by a sudden tornado, leaving a huge, gray void surrounding him. It was the third time in two years, but now Lucerys felt a panic that he had never felt before.
He felt chagrin, but not much regret - it was a little too difficult for him to endure any longer. Most of the time Lucerys would choose to forgive the other side, but this time it was difficult. The funny thing was that he couldn't even remember what the heated argument had been about, except that he had burned their only photo together on the balcony half an hour after Aemond had left, in a mood that could not be described as depressed, and then smoked a menthol cigarette for the first time as a "reward" for crossing that hurdle. His eyes felt a little sore, and he convinced himself that it was only because the smoke was too strong, and not because of anything else. He thought about how Aemond was always passing the buck, blaming all of life's misfortunes on Lucerys - whether it was the dispute with Alicent Hightower or his brother's malicious jokes. You're too neurotic, Lucerys wanted to tell him, but he was tired of talking to Aemond. Two nights ago Lucerys was convinced that he would go mad sooner or later if he kept going on like this. But it was all over now. So he solemnly went out and drank with his brother, Jacaerys, until the early hours of the morning, and both ended up rotten.
"I don't really believe you'd really want to part with him." Jacaerys said.
"Maybe he never loved me at all, and maybe I did as well." Lucerys said calmly, "We just can't continue to live together."
"Who knows? I think that counts for something." His brother replied. And Lucerys smiled at him. He ended up drinking so much that night that he plopped down by the toilet and vomited as soon as he got back to the apartment after dawn. Through physical tears, he finally had a chance to sob. He didn't understand why he was crying, he just felt so miserable, like falling from a speeding carriage into a puddle of sludge, and it wasn't the first time he had fallen. But once he always had the strength to get up from the mud to catch up with Aemond, and now the situation is very different.
Lucerys recalled, in a confused and hazy haze, the times they had stood side by side in the kitchen studying the new oven, and Aemond had licked all the cream and sugar off his fingers before they had kissed for a long time; or the times they had made love on the bathroom floor, and he had separated Aemond's legs while Aemond had covered his eye and cursed Lucerys, and both of them had ended up with red bruises on their knees; or the times when he just stroked Aemond quietly, he could clearly remember the contours of every bone in his body: his little thumbs, for example, were long and curved slightly inward, his spine and shoulder blades shaped when he arched his back; Aemond would drink whiskey laced with lemonade before he went to bed, and Lucerys never understood what proportion they needed to be mixed. At least he could taste it when their lips were entwined. In July, during the summer holiday, they passed most of the day with long kisses and boring romance movies. That year Lucerys craved skin-to-skin contact more and more, but it was only after the holidays were over that he was able to wrap his arms around Aemond and bury his face in the crook of his neck without a care in the world. He liked to hold that position and then kiss the knot of his throat and his lower jaw.
After graduation they spent the rest of their nights and mornings making love, even though Aemond often looked disgusted - sometimes Lucerys just couldn't quite figure out what Aemond was thinking. What does he want from me? Again and again he stood naked and alone on the terrace late at night thinking, with the sound of Aemond's tired breathing in his sleep behind him. Apparently they were not short of money, so Lucerys got a Mustang the following year, no loan, lump sum. He took him on a road in the humid suburban air, the speakers playing a childish Disney animated movie episode. At a red light he let go of the steering wheel and took hold of Aemond's right hand again, rubbing his fingertips against his nails. When Aemond turned his head, Lucerys cupped his cheeks with both hands and kissed him. At that moment he remembered the doves in Snow White passing kisses for the man and woman who fell in love at first sight, but the pigeons in the park only asked for bread crumbs. Did he want me to love him? Lucerys try to find the answer in his closed eyes. Did he simply want a partner who would put up with all his quirks, or at least make his life less irritatingly monotonous? What would he think of when he kissed him back eagerly?
Lucerys subconsciously wanted to call him, but remembering that he had deleted Aemond from his contacts, even though the string of numbers was still clear to him now, he turned off his phone, sat back down on the couch, turned on the TV and started staring at the screen. Until Rhaena called her in the afternoon, "Lucerys, I heard about that thing."
"Oh," he said, "I'm fine now, really."
"It's our birthday party this weekend, so if you'd like to com, that would be great, of course." Rhaena said, "Baela also thought you might need some new friends."
"I have friends." Lucerys said, "I have my brothers, and you and Baela."
"But Baela wants you to come, and so do your brothers."
"Yes, I will come." He sighed and waited patiently for Rhaena to end the conversation, then began to count how many white flowers were on the pattern of the carpet, still feeling drunk.
Lucerys had forgotten exactly what month it had been the last time Aemond had slipped away, but it seemed to be a spring with French sycamore cotton wool-like flowers that would have made Joffrey allergic. He remembers panicking and staying by the phone twenty-four hours a day, even walking aimlessly around the living room, before Lucerys finally made up his mind to go looking for him, and his first step was to dial Aemond's number from a public phone booth near his house. He nervously kept picking his fingers at the reeled-up phone line. What should he answer if Aemond refused, or if he was abusive? Maybe he shouldn't call at this time.
When the line came through, Aemond didn't even make any extra pleasantries, he just said, "Lucerys Valerian."
"I just wanted to ask," Lucerys said, "Are you all right? I was worried about you."
Then he was surprised to find that Aemond's voice seemed a little hoarse when he spoke. "Nothing serious. Except that ...... oh, damn, I got hit by a damned driver." He sounded unwilling to admit it, "Just a broken bone. Nothing else happened."
"I will come to see you." Lucerys said. He hung up before Aemond had time to refuse. Panting, he hailed a cab and took it all the way to the home of Aemond's mother, Alicent Hightower. He didn't have a car of his own at that point. Lucerys tripped over a raised floor tile in the parking lane and fell to the ground, scraping his knee twice. When Alicent came out to open the door, Lucerys found herself still shaking. The outline of her jaw constricted steeply, but she still turned her body sideways to give him room to pass.
Aemond was lying in his bedroom, with his right leg in a white cast, holding a still-unopened packet of Godiva chocolates. Lucerys was too moved to speak as he fell to his knees beside him, and could only kiss him desperately with apologies. Aemond used the index finger of his right hand to push Lucerys's jaw open, then squeezed his shoulder.
"You're not a dog of mine," Aemond said, his voice sounded unhappy and annoyed,"There's no need to follow me all the time."
"Come back. "Lucerys replied feebly, "Come back to me."
In the fourth week of Aemond Targaryen's absence, Lucerys began to be asked out frequently. Most of the time it was Baela's classmates at the university who invited him. He guessed that it was in fact Jacaerys who had authorized them to do so. But Lucerys didn't refuse. He didn't like going to drinking parties, and sitting in the corner of a cafe was more his speed. The sixth time he was asked out he found himself unconsciously wandering off during the date as well. As he gazed at their blond, brown, or black hair, he was reminded of Aemond's hair, silver, and the odd smelling shampoo he used that smelled like a mixture of mint and ginger. Sometimes even Lucerys himself didn't realize he was comparing them to each other until he found himself constantly remembering the time they had sex when they got back together at college and feeling blushing and embarrassed about it.
He certainly remembered it well. They had stumbled into a passionate kiss in the locker room by the winter pool, and Lucerys' back had hit the metal coat hook behind him several times. Aemond sat on Luceys, holding his fingers tightly and guiding Lucerys through the expansion while he put on a "Troy" condom for Lucerys. He had obviously come prepared. Even though he knew Aemond wouldn't want him to do anything rash at a time like this, he reached out with his left hand to press against his buttocks, the skin wet and cold. Aemond warbled and began to adjust his position after pulling his fingers away, until he sank down hard and then Lucerys' penis finally entered his hole. Troy's blue wrapper fell to one side.
"Do you want me?" Aemond moaned and forced him, arching his back as his lower body went deeper. Lucerys touched his well-defined spine again, and he found himself shuddering at that, turning to rest his palms on the side of Aemond's waist in confusion, feeling Aemond like a sailboat undulating on the sea. He had also begun to gasp with excitement. Even though he knew Aemond didn't like him staring at himself during sex, he still couldn't ignore the lines of Aemond's cheekbones, the hollows between his collarbones, and the blazing warmth between his legs - all things that made Lucerys grateful at that moment. "I want you." Lucerys whispered. And Aemond gave no indication; he simply increased the intensity of his movements and soon found a position that invigorated both of them. He lowered his head and kissed him hard, finally scratching Luthris's back hard as he climaxed. Lucerys heard him let out a sigh that didn't sound like satisfaction or exhaustion, but it sounded like relief. It was as if the barrier between them had vanished into thin air at the same time. Aemond briefly rested his face on his chest. At least for a moment, he felt they had reconciled. They had been together until graduation, even if their relationship had not been as ideal as it had been at the beginning. Lucerys needed a glass of milk every night to help him sleep - a habit he had broken for six years since he turned fifteen. In fact, he wasn't sure if it was working or not at all.
"You're going off again." The girl sitting across from him complained. Lucerys couldn't remember her name for a moment. Marilyn, or was it Marianne? He blamed himself for forgetting it, and sulked because of his irritatingly declining memory. Lucerys struggled to throw away the unpleasant memories, but found that they stuck to his mind like garbage. They played over and over like a montage.
"You had an ex, didn't you?" She trailed off. Then before he could answer she was talking to herself again, spouting off about how awful and insufferable her ex was. He pretended to be listening intently, then deleted all ninety-nine unread ads and verification texts from his phone, then the red and blue dots from his email and social apps. He cleans them up silently and finishes his gin on the table with ice. He never drank before.
At the end of the lengthy date Lucerys drove the red Mustang to meet his mother at the restaurant. Rhaenyra Targaryen was in her early forties, and she wore a low-cut black dress. Their seats were next to the window, and Lucerys didn't like the neon light coming in from outside, so he pushed back his chair. Rhaenyra blinked in displeasure at this. She always used her eyes like that to suggest how she felt. Lucerys lowered his head, just as he had done in elementary school when he came home dirty from jumping in mud puddles for fun. Only now his shoes didn't have dried and caked mud on them, and Renila wouldn't order him to come back for dinner after a bath.
"You don't want to look at me, Lucerys." She said.
"I ...... I'm sorry." Lucerys replied.
"You should have felt that way from the beginning, instead of saying sorry to me now." Rhaenyra said, "I've asked you before, what were you thinking, Lou? Aemond is your uncle and my half-brother. And you both wanted to strangle each other."
"I'm not sure." He said, "Because then I realized he wasn't as bad as I thought he was."
"He was getting back at you. He was always getting back at you. He wanted to destroy you." Rhaenyra said, "He's as no good as his mother, Alicent. She only wants your grandfather's inheritance."
"Don't say that please."
"You're still taking sides with Aemond. But he never forgave you. I told you it was all his revenge on you. Revenge for you blinding him in his right eye."
"I don't want to talk about it, please." Lucerys replied.
Dessert was brownies. Lucerys was still haunted by what Rhaenyra had just said, even though she was telling the whole truth. Aemond teased him and his brother for not being their father's biological sons. Only Joffrey was there at first, so he was pushed off the bridge into the lake at the pier by Aemond. He was indeed an asshole. Lucerys knew this all too well, and didn't even regret accidentally stabbing Aemond in the eye when he returned fire. He shouldn't have tried to make it up to him. Lucerys thought with resentment. He had already wasted too much time on Aemond in his life. If he hadn't insisted, they wouldn't have seen each other so often, and perhaps he wouldn't have discovered that Aemond was far less unbelievable than he thought, and he wouldn't have uncontrollably desired him.
"You've taken the first step. That's good."
Lucerys coped vaguely. Confronting his mother had made him feel more helpless than ever. He had never been able to confess to her that he had begun to desire Aemond when he was fourteen in the pool. A few years later Lucerys learned to masturbate at night thinking about him. He used his memories of the summer in the pool to give vent to his desperate imagination of Ymund. He woke up as if he had been in a swimming pool, covered in dirty leaves and cold water mixed with sweat and disinfectant powder, feeling frustrated and resentful. When he was eighteen years old, Lucerys Rees gave Aemond a dark blue prosthetic eye as a birthday present, almost with malice. They ended up falling in love two months later. It wasn't until the two moved into an apartment and started living together that Lucerys discovered that Aemond smoked a Marlboro every week. He found his posture when he smoked surprisingly lazy and elegant. It was also the only time he could barely call himself "calm". "Men only remember love for romance. ¹" Aemond told him, "but we don't have romance or love. There's only lust and incest between you and me. Do you enjoy it all, Little Luke Strong?"At that time he felt like Aemond was a kite tied by a thin string and held under a glass cover. The string seemed like it would break at any moment. All Lucerys could do was listen in silence to his thunderous curses against Alicent and his brother, who complained that they were trying to drag him into a pointless struggle for his property. Sometimes Aemond was angry with Lucerys, and then continued to lie in the same bed with him as if nothing had happened, deliberately putting his legs on Lucerys.
Lucerys saw Aemond again after the tenth week of his untimely departure. He dreamed of him almost every night. What really alarmed Lucerys was that he found he could no longer clearly recall the details of Aemond's body. He couldn't recall the degree of depression in Aemond's shoulders, the touch of his pinky fingertips, the shape of his knees, or even accurately piece together his features, even as he tried to find them in the pleasure of masturbation. Lucerys crouched in the lavatory in despair, almost wanting to cry. He felt like what he had once had was drifting away from him as fast as if he were adrift at sea. He found himself sunken in the sockets of his eyes as he shaved the new stubble that had sprung up on his lips. His insomnia was getting worse.
After taking some time to calm down he called Aemond's brother Darren in as polite a tone as possible. The person on the other end hesitantly stated that Aemond hadn't been at their house at all. "Shouldn't he be with you all the time?" Darren said, "Mom's been pushing him to break up with you lately." With a shaky voice, Lucerys thanked him. He unconsciously began to smoke on the balcony until a pile of cigarette butts was added to the tiles laid on the floor. Like the first time Aemond had shoved a Marlboro into his mouth, Lucerys felt his lungs burning, but it made him slightly firmer. He knelt beside the bed and buried his face in the blanket, which was no longer covered with Aemond's breath. Then he went back to the bookshelf and ran his fingers across the spines, plucking them one by one out of the bookcase and onto the floor. Until the last one, the pink cover appeared in front of him. Lucerys pulled out "The Lady of the Camellias" carefully, it opened automatically to a certain page, and he found fingernail scratches on the paper. "And who am I tell you how to live. ²" Lucerys murmured. He was right, without the first half of the sentence, without love. He provoked Alicent with the Incestuous rebellion, and enjoyed it. Aemond Targaryen had always been like that.
For two months he was nowhere to be seen or heard from. Lucerys only received an anonymous card at Christmas, a simple folded green cardboard with the words "Happy Holidays" scrawled in blue oil-based ballpoint pen. He didn't know where it came from, but found it standing quietly in his Rolodex. But Lucerys recognized it as coming from Aemond by the unintentional crook at the end of the letter "M" and the "h." He thought about it over and over again that day. Had Ymund come to his office? Or had he just asked someone to leave it there? Had he done it to tell Lucerys that it wasn't over between them - or had he taken it as a terse farewell?
He had been up all night, repeatedly debating between turning on the TV, switching channels, and turning it off. He would not admit that he was actually dreading the overly quiet room, as it seemed to be a constant reminder of the fact that he was bored. In the early hours of the next morning Lucerys heard the doorbell. He went to the door and found Aemond standing in the doorway. He didn't look much different, except that he had grown his hair back and tied it behind his head, with his suitcase behind him. Lucerys stared at him unblinkingly.
"I lost the goddam key." Aemond said.
"The key can be replaced with another one." Lucerys said, "That's okay."
"I was not apologizing to you."
"I know."
"You want to sleep with me now, don't you?"
"I love you."
"Obviously." Aemond said. He started to take off his shirt. Lucerys stopped him. "That's not what I'm here for."
"Turn the light off, I don't want to see you."
Lucerys felt his approaching breath in the darkness and tried to kiss Aemond's lips, easily re-tracing the shape of his body in his mind's eye. His tongue met his teeth, and then another tongue. He held Aemond's nipples between his fingertips until they grew hard, and stroked over his ribs and abdomen again. It was like the night he came of age when they touched each other carefully for the first time in the wet night. His uncle took his wrist and slowly licked each of his fingers. Lucerys tasted smoke and blueberry chewing gum. He suddenly realized the room was too cold, but didn't get up to turn on the heating fan. The cold and the excitement made him feel awake rather than caught in yet another lustful dream. He was kneeling on a patchwork rug imported from Japan, pinning Aemond down with unprecedented firmness, then probing the index finger of his right hand into his rear hole and beginning to move in and out continuously. Aemond turned his head to the side. Lucerys felt his fingers being gripped tightly and pushed inward. He was as hot as fire. And one could feel pleasure in addition to pain when one was burned. When he was little, Lucerys tried to touch the lit candles on his birthday cake, but he was immediately burned and withdrew his hand. Not so, Aemond, he thought, I've always enjoyed burning myself.
   "What the fuck are you crying about?" Aemond asked him, suddenly surprised. "It seems like you're not the one getting fucked. Are you crazy for wanting to fuck me?"
So he wiped the back of his hand across the area below his eyes and found himself in tears. They flowed inexorably and then fell on Aemond's body. He began to sob. Aemond hesitated and reached out and touched his forehead with a gentle gesture that Lucerys had never felt before. A faint glow came through the window behind them, which allowed him to see Aemond's face clearly. Lucerys observed the stiff pause in his right eye as he blinked. The prosthetic eye was beautiful on his face, blue in color. Lucerys remembered that they had not seen each other for seventy-four days. Seventy-four days ago he had sworn that he would be better off without Aemond. Instead, it turned out that losing him would only make things worse. During one of their arguments, Lucerys called him "the bastard Imonte Targaryen, who has turned my head," and Imonte just smiled contemptuously. "Of course I fucking know that." He grabbed Lucerys by the shoulders, "Violent Little Luke Strong." They ended up in a heckle. Finally Lucerys took him in his arms, the tip of his nose touching Aemond's left cheek. Aemond grunted and squeezed Lucerys' stomach. "I should have gone." That's what he told Lucerys then, "I should have gone to Philadelphia and left you alone in this hellhole to watch you languish like a downed dog."
Lucerys decided to close his aching eyes as he entered Aemond, at least that would make him look less wretched. But Aemond immediately asked him to open his eyes again. Lucerys began to move his loins slowly, and Aemond grunted as his legs clenched tighter. He took hold of Aemond's wet and sticky hands. Aemond rarely sweated. At least as far as he could remember his hands had never been as hot as this. There were times when he was as cold as a snake, or maybe he was just cold-blooded. But he groaned with pleasure when Lucerys found his high point by intuition. Lucerys lifted Aemond's hair to the side and he gripped his hand as if it were the last cable on a stormy ship. They kissed again passionately at the onset of their climax. Then they parted in silence, somewhat awkwardly. Aemond announced that he was going to take a shower. Lucerys found the tequila in the refrigerator and took down two more glasses from the cupboard.
"I shouldn't have come back." Aemond draped the bath towel over his shoulders. He took a sip of his drink.
"We can go to Colorado together, if you want." Lucerys said, "We can leave tomorrow. You can go alone, too, but at least let me know you're alive."
"That's not the problem." He slapped the tabletop in annoyance. The towel slid downward a notch. "I thought you knew I loved you too, Lucerys, you're so fucking extravagant, isn't that enough?"
"I never knew." Lucerys was starting to feel impatient, too.
"So that's why you drive me crazy with your stupidity." Aemond finished his tequila in one go and poured another glass full, "I wanted to go too. But unfortunately, I find I can't."
"I should say thank you, Right?" Lucerys wanted to hit him. He hadn't thought of it that way in many years. They had fought hard when he was seventeen: Aemond had punched him in the nose and Lucerys had elbowed him in the jaw, and they had laughed and accused each other when they talked about it, when Lucerys would have felt relieved. Now he only felt an unprecedented anger towards Aemond. He doesn't understand anything at all, Lucerys thought. Aemond never understood what he really wanted. Hell, he was a self-righteous fool. He should have realized the truth. It would have been so much easier if Aemond hadn't been his uncle and had been a woman. Maybe then they would have been married, or maybe then they would never have met. Now he couldn't tell which would be the better situation.
Two hours after dawn he began to count, until roughly an hour had passed. Lucerys got up and brewed a bowl of cereal with cold milk that was about to expire - the red carton with the smiling woman in the white headscarf that Lucerys thought would be more appropriate for the cover of the cleaner. He made more spices for mulled wine with cinnamon, cardamom, citrus and rosemary. Rhaenyra had suggested that he drink a glass of red wine before bed to help him sleep, and now he decided to heed that advice. Aemond sat across from him and repeatedly poked the bowl of cereal with his spoon.
"We should get a dog." Lucerys said.
"I hate dogs." Aemond said, "Noisy and a waste of money."
"You never thought anything wasn't worth spending money on."
"I'm different now."
"You haven't changed a thing."
"That's your inconsequential judgment."
"We need a dog. One of those sheepdogs."
"It's useless." Aemond pursed his lips, indicating he didn't want to continue the argument.
Lucerys also felt he had no need to argue with him any further. In the afternoon they drove the Mustang to the mall. To buy tomorrow's breakfast, like whole wheat toast and marmalade. He had made his shopping list in advance and added coffee beans to the last column before he left. Only to find that the piece of paper was missing. Aemond taunted him for his carelessness, and Lucerys tried his best to restrain his chagrin. He had sometimes found living with Aemond nerve-wracking in the past; now he was beginning to feel tired. Rhaenyra called him in the evening. He and Aemond were reviewing the menu at the steakhouse and had just decided on a lobster bisque.
"I saw you with Ymund." Rhaenyra's voice sounded worried and sad, "What did you say last time, you swore you'd give him up. Lucerys, you chose him over your family."
"Aemond is my family, too. He's my uncle."
"That's only 'half' family, too."
"He only came back yesterday."
"Jacaerys is right. You can't leave him anymore." Raynera sighed. Lucerys rubbed his hand against the red velvet-trimmed wall. I'm rotting, he thought, and Aemond is like marijuana, toxic and capable of addiction. He was suddenly so sad he almost choked, but couldn't say why. After Rhaenyra Targaryen discovered the relationship between the two of them Lucerys had also had a big fight with her. In fact, he had been used to playing the role of a good boy. That was the first time that Lucerys rebelled against her. He followed the rules and went to the school she thought was good, joined the clubs she thought were good, applied to the majors she thought were good, and then found the boyfriend that drove her the most crazy. Lucerys admits he got pleasure from her shock and anger at the time, but that didn't last long.
"I'm going to hang up." He said.
"No matter what, you'll always be my son, and I'll always be your mother." She said at last.
"I know." Immediately afterwards he hung up the phone.
After a long tussle Lucerys chose the rib-eye steak, and Aemond asked for the same. He knew Aemond hated spinach, so he ordered only the goose fat potatoes, even though Lucerys didn't like them himself. After eating, they wandered aimlessly through the mall. Lucerys saw a ring at the counter in the shape of a Mobius strip, meaning "infinite love", which he thought was ridiculous, but bought a pair anyway.
On the way back they encountered a serious traffic jam. Aemond kept pressing the fast-forward and fast-reverse buttons on the record player with his hand. Lucerys put his hand on his knee. He grasped his hand. The skin felt extraordinarily real.
"When are you planning to go to Colorado?" Lucerys asked Aemond.
"I didn't say I was going to fucking Colorado."
"No, you have to go. And it's going to be us together." His lips parted and closed as if the words were automatically popping out of his chest in a huge blossom in his throat. Don't you understand? Lucerys wanted to ask him. He knew that Aemond never cared about what was going on around himself, but it didn't occur to him that he couldn't even perceive the most superficial nature of their relationship. Even the little love we have left for each other. He thought as he counted the lines on the leather of the seat. Even though it had burned so brightly for a short time.
"We'll come back. We'll go back to the beginning." Lucerys continued.
Aemond scowled at him suspiciously, as if to make sure this wasn't just another malicious joke. Lucerys had enjoyed this pungent look from him in the past, but now it only showed his confusion and foolishness. "Back to what?"
"Back here, back where it started." Lucerys suddenly wanted to let out a laugh. He wanted to laugh hysterically at something, someone. His heart fluttered at the thought that it might be himself, but he immediately felt the pleasure of sobriety again. He had pretended to himself that everything was fine between him and Aemond, that the problem was simply Aemond's capricious stubbornness, including his unwillingness to forgive Lucerys. The root cause was never here. They were destined to be so long ago, because they were Targaryen and Valerian. Lucerys could always find excuses from other sources, but he also knew in his heart that it didn't work. Aemond was even more foolish than he was, and he didn't even have the slightest sense - his poor eye were always set on less than a few miles long. Now Lucerys was determined to tease out the truth, or at least make it clear to both of them where they stood.
"We'll repeat the same mistakes, just like the past over and over again without realizing it, just like this damned Mobius ring, back to the beginning again for a change." Lucerys Velaryon spoke the truth aloud to the windshield in front of him, raising his hand to show Aemond the ring he had just placed on his left middle finger -- a shimmering silver metal ring -- Aemond also had one on his hand --then slumped exhausted at the wheel and waited for the long line of cars that had formed to restart.
1. It is said that the brand name comes from the abbreviation of "Man Always Remember Love Because Of Romance Only".
2.The original is, "Who are you, tell me how to love, and who am I tell you how to live.
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boncorner · 4 years
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Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD
Has been diagnosed since early age, for all his father's flaws, he could tell this was one hyperactive child.
Has tried many different medications but decided on methylphenidate in the end, since the immediate effect worked best for his lifestyle.
Has received therapy throughout his life and still sees a psychologist who specialises in the condition every now and then, but he often cancels on them since he feels like he's got no need for it anymore.
Has more past interests than Aphrodite had lovers. Here's a list of things he's fallen in love with at some point then just kinda continued on enjoying but never really mastered because he found something new :
Biking | Gymnastics | Swimming | Dirt-Biking | Skateboarding | Rollerskating | Parkour | Streetdancing | Breakdancing | Cars | Motorcycles | Comics (specifically comic strips) | Quick live sketching
And a short list of things he never gets tired of ever because they're his eternal fixations :
Running | Animal care | Horseback Riding | Astrology | Gambling (more on that later)
√ Body
Can't sit still, always on the go, drumming his fingers or hands against a surface or humming to a tune that isn't playing anywhere. He'll also occasionally make his own sound effects, like shwoop, clang, bang, pa-chah!
Mainly stims using his feet; tapping, kicking, switching weight from one foot to the other, jumping, rocking back and forth. He'll also play with his piercings, like the smiley right below his lip, or softly spinning his nose piercing while he's thinking.
√ Jewellery
Has jewellery that's subtly designed to work as stim-toys, like dangling earrings or chains with parts which you can spin or flick. At first he thought it a little overkill, but it really does help him focus on what he's doing when he's making a trade or studying somebody's pokerface.
√ Wings
If your human Hermes has wings a la reincarnation or some other fun flavour, he could also ruffle the feathers or stretch them subconsciously every now and again.
√ Thoughts
His mind runs faster than most people's do, and he can get frustrated when others aren't understanding what he's talking about, when he's really jumped ahead of the conversation by like 4 steps and the other doesn't even know what happened at step 2 or 3, or what topic they're on. It can almost feel like time travelling sometimes! Where most of what actually happened is still stuck in Hermes' head, and you just can't get him to share it because how do you not Know This already??
He's also prone to getting distracted mid-conversation and interrupt you with his own thoughts on something, or to throw something in that he Just thought about, which will later feed his RSD (see later)
√ Speech
If you speak too slowly or don't get to the point fast enough, you also risk causing him understimulation fatigue, and he'll get antsy and restless, or even bored and tired. More often than not he'll end up losing track of your conversation, start thinking about his own thing, then realise you're still talking and he has no idea what you're talking About and Oh No time to Bullshit his way outta this one!
That, or he's already started talking about something completely different out of nowhere like how water isn't actually wet or something.
The risk of speaking to him also of course comes with the risk of his brain just deciding to Not Process That Right Now, and he might have to act like he totally knew what you were saying but really it all sounded like complete gibberish.
Also sort of on the topic but needless to mention he speaks very quickly and will sometimes almost run the conversation all on his own, and occasionally stumbles on his words and has to let out a little Bluh while sticking out his tongue til he finds his words again.
✓ Sound
He's pretty good with sound and loves a good beat, and turning up the volume way high, but low repetitive noises are his enemy, and they will completely throw off his focus when he's trying to do something. The sound of a dog barking a bit away over and over every 3 minutes is driving him mad, and the soft ticking of a clock is throwing off his thoughts something insane. Talking in another room might make him unable to think clearly, and writing and listening at the same time is just Not happening.
√ Touch
He comes across as really inviting and friendly, but he doesn't like being touched unless it's on his conditions and his conditions alone. He can initiate hugs, but if you suddenly go for him without him being totally for it, he might panic like a bird being grabbed by a big hand. Just like with a bird, you need to show him what you're about to do next. He may seem hasty and wild, but he's really more delicate and alert.
Worth mentioning is also clothes, he loves loose fitting yet stylish outfits, and you can notice him fidget and twist when he's wearing things just a little too stiff or fancy.
√ Sight + Smells
He's fine with most lights and smells, save if he's overstimulated of course.
Addiction is a Problem when you have ADHD, especially when it turns out to be a way to self-medicate if you don't have the means to do so yourself. While he does have these means, he's slipped into gambling (slot machines, dice and cards are his favourites), mild drug use (pills mostly), smoking (with the help of Charon), as well as those damn energy drinks...
Auctions are also dangerous cough... And buying things you don't actually need. But the worst one is the rush of stealing. When he's feeling down or stresses about money, taking something valuable makes him feel more in control, giving him a rush and a spur of confidence. You'll sometimes find outfits in his wardrobe that just don't match his bank account...
RSD [Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria]
He may seem cool and aloof, but he overthinks everything you say about him. His family says he talks too much? Now he'll ask you if he should shut up, apologise for going on tangents, and stop himself in the middle of talking about something he loves because he caught himself talking "too much". You tell him one thing in the wrong tone of voice, and he'll laugh it off, then go home and spiral into the dark abyss of "I guess I'm an annoying piece of shit and they actually hate me haha". It also works against him that his impulsivity makes him blurt out things that he ends up regretting down the line.
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speuradair · 4 years
Home | M.N.
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Word Count: 1.9k
Contains: anxiety/fear description, half angst/half fluff, absolute crack fic scene at the end lmao
Requested: anonymously
“ you feel scared, so makoto offers to let you sleep in his room (plus everyone’s reaction the next morning when they see the two of you) please! “
Was that… somebody knocking?
A drowsy haze seemed to fill Makoto's mind at first, fighting him as he tried to blink himself awake. He hadn't even noticed he'd fallen asleep, but the bright LED clock now read 9:58 pm; He must've been asleep for at least an hour. In just a few minutes it would be 10 o'clock and Monokuma would announce to everyone that nighttime had begun.
So why was someone at his door? At first he wasn't sure if he should answer it. He tried to believe that none of his classmates would actually try to hurt him, but that dumb bear's words knawwed at the back of his mind. Technically there was a chance that someone was trying to lure him out.
Hope and good faith prevailed though, leading him to open the door. He was glad it did, too, as he realized who it was.
In the dim light of the hallway was his childhood best friend. Though you'd told him earlier that you just wanted to shower and go to bed, now you were at his door, very much awake.
“I’m really sorry to bother you...” Sleeve covered hands rubbed at your eyes as you stood before him, your gaze askance.
“(Name)? What are you doing out so late?” He noticed your fingers trembling as they fidgeted behind the fabric. “I- is everything okay?”
“I'm sorry, I know this probably sounds really dumb, but I couldn't sit in my room all alone anymore. I was in the shower and I really thought I heard someone trying to get into my room, and I probably just imagined it but the longer I stayed in there alone the more I thought I heard someone coming-"
He recognized your fretful rambling immediately.
Makoto nodded, pulling you into the room before you could talk yourself into any more of a panic than you were already in. "Hey, it's okay! I don't think that's dumb, you just got scared. I'm sure we're all pretty scared.."
You just nodded meekly. A soft sniffle escaped you as you turned your head away from him. Your hair was still damp and you seemed disheveled, as if you'd left in too much of a hurry to truly have gotten ready for bed. Seeing you so perturbed turned his stomach. It wasn’t often that you truly allowed yourself to break down in front of anyone; The rare sight was rather unsettling.
The two of you stood in silence for a moment. His first thought was to wrap his arms around you and hide you away in his tight embrace, but he decided against it before he’d even begun to move towards you. While you two were close, his ever growing feelings for you and just general innate awkwardness held him back from making any bold moves even in vital situations like these. While your unusually aloof manner and refusal to even look at him was killing him, he still couldn’t force himself to comfort you the way he so desperately wanted to. Instead, he stood still where he was.
“Maybe you did just imagine it,” he tried after a few moments, “Like with the water running and already being worried about it, it would be easy to, you know, imagine the sound of someone at your door…” Shit, even his words sounded awkward. Was that even what you wanted to hear? Or was that just going to upset you more?
“I know I probably just imagined it, Makoto, but what if something like that happened in the middle of the night? What would I do then?” You finally looked up at him, eyes glassy and rimmed with red. Your features had tightened with worry. “Y- you don’t have to worry about that, right? I mean, we can’t go outside during nighttime.” Shifting closer finally, he gently reached to interrupt your fingers which had begun to pick at your lips.
You let your hand remain in his and drop down to your side. “But that’s just a promise we made, right? If someone decided to break that promise… “
He didn’t want to admit it, but you had a point. There were no real consequences for breaking the agreement you’d made. It was as easy as opening the door and stepping out, just like you had moments ago.
“T- then… Why don’t you stay in my room tonight? Would that make you feel a little better? All it said in the school regulations was that we had to sleep in ‘the dorm rooms’ right? It didn’t state specifically which room each person had to sleep in. So…”
“Y- you want me to stay the night?”
"Ah, I didn't mean it l- like that!" He found himself letting go of your hand to subconsciously rub the back of his neck as his cheeks flushed a bit, "I just mean that.. well, you got scared being alone, and we are.. you know, best friends.."
"I'd like that," you exhaled, a weak smile ghosting over your lips though just for a moment. In a normal situation, he would've been overjoyed at the opportunity to spend the night with you. Now, though, it just felt like a weak attempt to reinforce a false sense of security. There was nothing romantic about it.
He smiled at you a bit, clearly relieved that you didn't take his suggestion the wrong way. "Here, why don't you lay down? You look tired. I can stay up and make sure no one comes in in the middle of the night."
You seemed to think it over for a moment before nodding again, then padding over to lie down on his bed. The sheets were still warm from his nap and, though you'd only been at the school for a short time, they already smelled like him.  
He moved over to sit at the desk, his attention still entirely on you. Shaky breaths left your lips as you laid there, the soft sound breaking the otherwise silent room. You looked so… broken. It hadn't been more than 24 hours since you all had ended up there, yet that damned mastermind already had you terrified like this. That fact alone infuriated him enough to want to take down the asshole behind this himself.
Before he could get too deep into his own thoughts, your wavering voice called out to him.
"Makoto, could you.. lay with me?"
His eyes widened a bit at the request. You wanted him to lay in bed with you? Sure, you were best friends, but that seemed pretty intimate. Initially he felt a bit flustered by the thought, but then his gaze fell upon your slumped form a few feet away.
Clearly you were still shaken up. Your eyelashes glistened with eager tears and your lip seemed to tremble with exhaustion. How could he ever turn you down, especially when you looked like that? He just had to suck up his embarrassment and agree.
"Y- yeah, if that's what you want," he studied you with soft eyes, waiting for you to confirm before hesitantly laying himself beside you on the small twin sized bed. Here, especially up close, you looked so fragile. He hated seeing you so upset. In the long twelve years you’d been friends, Makoto wasn’t sure he’d ever seen you so vulnerable. Now, more than ever, he wanted to pull you against him and promise to keep you safe. To tell you how he'd do anything to see you happy again, or how honored he felt that you came to him to feel safe. He wanted to tell you how much you meant to him, and how his heart raced as you laid this close to him...
He laid still though, maintaining his respectful distance as he watched you carefully. Now wasn't the time to risk putting any more pressure or discomfort on you. When you two got out of here, if you two got out of here, he swore to himself that he'd tell you how he felt. For now he would just focus on staying awake so you could sleep soundly. Slowly, though, he realized you were shifting closer to him. Was it intentional? You looked so cold and scared, he couldn’t take it anymore. Feeling bold for a moment, he reached out for you, and when you didn’t immediately flinch or move away, he pulled you tightly into his chest. To his surprise, you were quick to grab onto him. Now he could feel just how violently you were shaking.
Now that it had been on his mind long enough, he could recall one specific time you clung to him like this. You were just ten years old, and the two of you had gotten lost while playing in the woods. By the time you’d found your way out again, it was nearly dark and the temperature had dropped. You’d hid against his side the whole way home, leaving him to guide you. It had been seven years, but feeling you desperately hold on to him like this made him feel helpless and small all over again.
“Hey…” he mumbled softly against your hair, “It’s okay. I… I’m sure nobody here would actually kill anyone, right? Monokuma’s just trying to scare us.” You didn’t respond, so he kept talking. “And when they realize we’re not going to do what they want, they’d be too bored to keep us here. I’m sure we’ll get out soon.”
“Not everyone is as optimistic as you are. Some of the others seemed… really convinced by those videos…” Your voice was soft enough that he could barely hear what you were saying, but he picked up the pure distress in your voice loud and clear.
He wasn’t sure what to say honestly. He could lay here with you all night reiterating his hopeful perspective, but would that really be enough to console you? Eloquence never was his strong suit.
Instead, he tightened his arms around you, letting you bury your face in his jacket more. There wasn't a lot he could do right now. Everything felt so out of control here. He couldn't force the others to play nice, and he couldn't force the sicko behind this to let them leave. All he could do was try and make you feel safe.
So he clung to you too, tucking you against himself protectively. “It’s okay, I won’t let anyone get you. I promise I’ll get us home again.”
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As the two of you slipped into the cafeteria for the morning meeting a few minutes late together, Makoto hoped that everyone else would be distracted enough to not notice. He knew how it might sound if they just heard that you’d stayed in his room, and the last thing he wanted was to have people making any suggestive comments.
Though, as his luck would have it, everyone was waiting on the two of you, and you were immediately noticed.
“Hey, there they are!” Aoi beamed, cutting off whatever Byakuya was saying mid-sentence. “I knocked on your door, (Name), but you weren’t there!”
“She wasn’t in her room? Then where was she?”
Hifumi barely let Yasuhiro finish asking before he snapped to answer. “Keh, it certainly seems that Madame (name) spent the night with Mr. Naegi, embracing their basest urges-”
“Ew, don’t say that!” Now you cut him off.
“Y-you slept with Naegi?!”
Makoto couldn’t tell whether Toko was disgusted or impressed. He decided he didn’t want to know.
“What?! No, she just slept in my room because she got scared-”
As if right on cue, Monokuma made his appearance and joined in the taunting. “Ooooh, looks like somebody’s been taking advantage of the sound proof walls!”
“N- no, really! It’s nothing like that!!” Makoto put his hands up in defense, a bright red tinge coloring his cheeks at the explicit insinuations. This was going to be a long morning meeting.
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Sharpen Your Blades - Ch.7
Summary: “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
The thinning of Aizawa’s patience was evident in the twitching of his brow. “If you stop asking questions, maybe I could finish explaining.
”With a huff and roll of his eyes, Katsuki glanced away from their coach.
“City Hall and the SC want us to give them more variety. We are a team solely made up of single skaters. Every year, we dominate the rankings for single skate while Shinketsu dominates the pairs, so this year both cities are being required to split their skaters evenly between singles and pairs with at least one pair coming from out top five.” There was a collective intake of breath, but no one commented, choosing instead to remain silent. “Unfortunately, for us, it’s a lot easier to switch from pairs to singles. With our male to female ratio, alpha/beta/omega ratio, and those of you actually experienced with pair skating, we’re at a disadvantage. So, I’ve decided to choose your partners for you.”
Or where Katsuki and Izuku are forced to be partners so they can continue to compete, but the blood in the water may be thicker than anyone realized.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T
Chapter: 7/20
Previously <- Chapter 6: Something about cats and bags
Chapter 8: First Snows -> Next
Chapter 7: Catch
“Making their debut, our first place winners are still unofficial as they haven’t presented yet, but we cannot wait until they do! When they go official, they are going to dominate the competition! So, without further adieu, coming in first place, we have Bakugou Katsuki as lead and Midoriya Izuku as follow! Let’s give these two youngsters a round of applause!”
The announcer’s voice rang distantly in Izuku’s ears. With his anxiety and panic and excitement all mixed together, his heartbeat raced and his face burned. Katsuki’s heat pressed into his side, the back of his neck and shoulders, didn’t help the situation. The thud of his heartbeat in his ears was nearly deafening in the already loud rink. All of the applause and shouting voices and whistling was echoed and amplified by the dome.
Gold medals and pretty red ribbons were hung around their necks. Just another sensation that Izuku’s overstimulated mind struggled to incorporate.
Dizzy nausea swirled over him. The announcer moved on to the second and third place winners, but his mind didn’t stop spinning.
He was only seven. He didn’t know how to deal with his emotions in a healthy way yet, but he knew how to act like he did. It was one of the first things he’d learned how to do when his father started to disappear for longer and longer stretches of time, and his mom couldn’t hold in her grief around him anymore.
While his smile remained firmly in place, he felt himself sway just slightly.
Katsuki’s arm tightened across his shoulders, holding him upright even as his knees turned to jelly beneath him. “Almost done. Then we can go home and watch tv.” His voice was quieter, much quieter than the cacophony around them, but Izuku heard him clear as day. Just like always. Just like it was one of Katsuki’s superpowers. “Can you make it?”
“I can make it,” Izuku told him, and though he wasn’t sure if he was being truthful, he knew Katsuki would make sure it was the truth in the end.
October Week 4
Aizawa stood at the entrance to the rink, but unlike nearly a month ago when Izuku had been on the same side as him, he was on the ice this time. Their coach pinched the bridge of his nose while he waited for them to form up and shut up, brows pulled close together as if he had a headache. It was early in training for him to have a headache though, so Izuku thought that someone else must have caused it this time.
The team quieted down faster than the time before.
Izuku could almost taste their anxiety on the air. Or maybe that was just his own.
“Alright,” Aizawa started, not lifting his head, but cracking his eyes open to stare at the ice, “Who’s seen the news today?” Several hands went up, one of them Izuku’s. “How many of you stuck around to watch the sports section?” All hands dropped, even Izuku’s. The only sport he cared about was figure skating, and the news rarely covered it, even in their city. “Right, so, I’m not sure who let it slip, but somehow the media got ahold of the news that we and Shiketsu are splitting our teams this year.”
Izuku squirmed, remembering Mirio’s words. After a moment, he raised his hand. “Um, Mr. Aizawa, I think I might know something.” Heat rose in his face as all attention swung his way, but he pushed on. “Mirio asked me to verify the rumor last week. I didn’t agree or disagree, but…”
“But you’re shit at lying, so he knew right away,” Katsuki snapped, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall. “The kids I teach also asked me about it last week.”
“Right,” Izuku mumbled, “Well, he said that someone had given him the information. Maybe there’s a leak in the SC?”
Releasing a heavy sigh, Aizawa scrubbed a hand through his hair. “That seems likely. While it’s not going to cause us much of a problem, it might in the coming weeks. You all know how it gets as the season ramps up to the Preliminaries. Keep an eye out for each other. This stunt that the SC is pulling might make things worse, especially when the other teams start to flood in. I’m not worried about the teams themselves, but fans can get crazy. Try not to be out and about on your own if you can help it. Any of you. Yes, I’m talking to you Bakugou. Just because you’re an alpha doesn’t mean idiots aren’t going to try challenging you for being Midoriya’s partner. Keep your heads up, keep them on straight, and don’t do anything stupid. Got it?”
“Yes,” the team called in unison.
“Good. Shiketsu and we are going to be releasing a joint statement concocted by the SC with the names of the skaters who are transitioning between pairs and singles tomorrow, so you can expect to be recognized more than usual in the next few days.” They all groaned, but Aizawa simply waved away their complaints. “Whatever. Pairs, we’re going for large tricks on ice today. Stretch out well. Warm-up. Meet me on the south side of the rink in fifteen. The rest of you, you’ll be with Toshinori and Yamada today. Get going.” Aizawa turned towards the three coaches behind him, mouth set in an irritated line.
Izuku’s throat began to close as the five pairs, Todoroki and Ashido pushed off towards the south side of the rink. Panic leaked from him, and it was all he could do to keep it out of his scent.
Despite that, he still caught Katsuki turning his head to glance over his shoulder at him, but stopping briefly before he could turn all the way. After a second, he turned back forward. Could Katsuki smell it on him even through his blockers? Even though he was trying to force it down? Was he that obvious or did Katsuki just have a strong nose?
Fifteen minutes was far too short of a time to calm anxiety like Izuku’s.
Aizawa was waiting for them when Iida’s watch chimed the end of their warm-up period, and the twelve of them clustered around him and Ishiyama. “We’re going to do one team as a time to keep the ice clear. Ishiyama and I are going to act as spotters, but the ten who will be against the wall need to be alert as well. We’ll be up close and may miss a subtle indication of a fall. So, if you see something, say something or even jump in. I’d rather you get in the middle and it be for nothing than for someone to get hurt. This is mostly directed to those with pair work, but this also goes for everyone else as well.”
Aizawa’s eyes lingered on Katsuki longer than any of the others. He wasn’t surprised. Katsuki was a strong alpha with a long history of pair work. It would make sense for Aizawa to rely on Katsuki, even if it was just a subconscious reaction from the older man’s omega. Even still, the thought had Izuku’s own omega raising his hackles.
‘We don’t have a claim on him!’ Izuku reprimanded, but his omega wasn’t listening.
Aizawa pointed at Izuku. “Midoriya, Todoroki, you’re up first since you’ve got the most difficult tricks. After that, we’ll go through groups in descending order of difficulty. Let’s go, you two.” He turned on a blade, gliding out further onto the ice.
Izuku wanted to throw up.
“Midoriya?” Todoroki’s voice was quiet and gentle, just as gentle as the hand that settled on his shoulder. “Are you alright? Do you need another moment?”
Jumping, Izuku shrugged out from beneath the other omega’s hand with a wide fake smile. “I’m fine! I’m good! Totally a-okay! Let’s get going before Mr. Aizawa gets angry.” He shoved away from the wall sharply, ignoring every set of eyes he could feel boring into his back. He just needed to calm down. Calm down. Calm down. He’d completed every trick off ice multiple times with no screw ups. There was no reason he shouldn’t be able to do it on ice.
Which, of course, was a lie. The ice was a completely different environment than the studio with a host of different factors to consider. So many extra factors to consider.
All he needed to do was forget about them. It seemed counter-intuitive, especially for his ever analyzing mind, but it was the only thing he’d found off ice that allowed him to perform as he should. He just needed to allow his body to move on muscle memory. If he didn’t think, then his mind couldn’t overreact which meant neither could his body.
It was going to work. It had to work.
Todoroki followed after him. The distance was small, but significant. “What do you want us to start with?” he asked.
“Your overhead lifts have been the most solid off ice, so I want you to start with that first. Take it slow. Don’t rush. One step at a time. Plant your feet, make sure you have a solid foundation and a good grip. Once you’re sure of those, then attempt the lift. If something feels off, just abort and return to the ice. Don’t get hurt trying to force it.”
Lifts were the simplest pair trick in Izuku’s opinion. It required strength and balance, but not much else. He didn’t have to think during a lift. All he had to do was not move once Todoroki had him overhead. He could do that. He could manage a lift on ice. There was nothing to them. Lifts were easy. Lifts were easy. Lifts were easy. Lift were-
Izuku shook his head rapidly to clear the intrusive thoughts from his mind. He made himself smile even wider as the three stared at him. “Sure! A lift will be a cinch.”
Aizawa’s eyes narrowed as he glared at izuku, but after a moment, he just sighed. “Alright. Take a round to gain momentum. Don’t attempt the lift until you’re back here and see us in position. You can begin your setup once you’ve reached the other side.”
“Sure thing!” Izuku chirped. He pushed off and waited for Todoroki to fall into sync with him before spreading up.
Just like Aizawa had instructed, they waited until they’d made it to the other side of the rink, skirting the edge of the other group, before beginning the setup for the lift. Izuku slid out in front of Todoroki, turning to face him after a moment. He pulled Todoroki along as the other omega planted his feet and gripped Izuku’s waist.
“Almost there. Ready?” he asked, voice ripped away by the rush of air passed Izuku’s ears, but he recognized the words on his lips.
‘Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.’ Izuku nodded.
Two dark blurs came up on either of their sides, and then he was above Todoroki’s head, the omega’s small hand digging into his abdomen as he quickly shifted into position. For a moment, his mind was blank. There was just the beating of his heart, the cold air biting into his cheeks. He started to reach back for his blade.
Then he glanced down. The panic he’d managed to suppress flooded back into his body in an icy wave.
His body seized before going limp, mind going as blank as his vision.
Izuku absolutely reeked of putrid acidic anxiety as they warmed up. It was worse than usual, more potent. Each time Katsuki passed him, he got a whiff of his scent. Putrid like sewage or a rotting body. Acidic like vomit or ammonia. All undercut by suppressants that made him smell almost chemically scentless. All together, it was an unpleasant scent, and it only grew stronger each time he passed Izuku.
It made his stomach curdle and his alpha pace restlessly. ‘Protect. Comfort. Omega distressed. Protect. Comfort.’
‘That’s not my place,’ Katsuki through bitterly, but that thought was quickly replaced by another, ‘Not yet at least.’ Not yet. That was a true enough thought. Not yet, but one day he’d earn that right.
Katsuki didn’t know how the others didn’t smell it, how the other omegas weren’t plastered to his sides in an attempt to calm him. That was how other groups of omegas operated. If an omega was unmated, it fell to their pack mates to calm and reassure them, especially pack mates of the same secondary gender.
The same was true of alphas. Katsuki couldn’t count how many times his alpha pack mates (specifically friends like Kirisihima and Ashido) had pulled him aside to get his head on straight. To calm him when he fell into a panic attack during competition.
Those had started when he was twelve, and they’d never really gone away. Luckily, they only affected him during high stress situations like the competitive season, but he was still lucky to have people there to help him unlike when he’d been younger. When he’d been alone in his own head.
That was what pack mates were for. So it bothered Katsuki more than he’d ever let on that neither Icy Hot nor Uraraka made an attempt to calm Izuku. He wanted to yell at them. He wanted to make them pay attention to the real issue at hand rather than ice skating. An anxiety riddled Izuku was an Izuku prone to mistakes. If they were doing the big shit for practice, they needed to take care of Izuku first.
Leaning back against the wall, Katsuki felt his own anxiety leaking into his veins. Kirishima wasn’t there that time to bring him back down though, and so his heart galloped forward unhindered.
When Izuku and Todoroki pushed off towards the singles’ side of the rink, Katsuki stood up straight. When they turned towards each other and prepared for the lift, he dropped his arms to his sides. When they rounded back towards their side and their coaches flanked them, he dug his toe-pic into the ice. Izuku’s face was pinched in concentration, but there was also that ever present fear as he was lifted off the ice.
Katsuki moved before Todoroki had completed the lift. He wouldn’t have been able to explain what spurred him forward. Maybe there was a slight shift in Izuku’s scent from scared to terrified. Maybe there was a twitch in his expression. Maybe the light dimmed in his eyes.
Whatever it was, Katsuki was there before anyone had realized something was going wrong, catching the omega as soon as Todoroki’s arm collapsed from Izuku’s dead weight. Katsuki only managed to keep them from tumbling backwards by digging his toe-pic into the ice harshly.
The silence in the rink was deafening. After a moment of labored breathing as his heart began to slow, he realized that the rink was as loud as ever, he just couldn’t hear it passed the rush of blood in his ears. All of his attention was focused on the man huddled in his arms, nails digging into his bicep and panting breaths hot against his shirt. Izuku’s eyes were screwed shut.
Slowly, sound returned to Katsuki though he would have been happy for a few more moments of white noise.
“What just happened?”
“How did you do that?”
“Midoriya, Todoroki, are you alright?
“We should get them off the ice.”
“Where’s Ms. Shuzenji? Someone go get the doctor!”
“What happened!”
“Shut up,” Katsuki snarled. It was the only sound he could make that wouldn’t portray just how shaken he was. He could feel the trembling in his hands, in his arms, all covered by how badly Izuku was shaking. He was shaking like a lead in the wind, nose buried against Katsuki’s chest. “Stop fucking yelling. Nobody got hurt.”
There was a sharp hysterical laugh from somewhere close by, and Katsuki wasn’t sure, but he thought that it was possibly Ashido.
“Yes, but someone could have been.” That was Aizawa, voice deep and monotone. Lifting his eyes, their coach stood beside them, soothing black tea scent snaking out as his hand clasped Izuku’s shoulder. “That could have gone very badly.”
Katsuki didn’t say anything in return, arms tightening around Izuku instead.
The feel of Aizawa’s hand seemed to snap Izuku out of his own head, and he blinked rapidly at Katsuki’s chest. “W-what happened?” he whispered, fingers easing up and nails coming away red with blood. His movement grew faster, and he frantically pushed out of Katsuki’s hold. “What happened? I was- Todoroki- How-”
“You fucking freaked out and I had to catch your dumbass!” Katsuki spat viciously and angrily, temper rising the longer he was given to process the whole incident. “And you know what? Fuck that shit! That’s the last time you fucking practice with anyone other than me!”
Izuku sputtered wordlessly, cheeks going pink and scent growing sweeter as they stared at each other. After a moment, he squeaked, “Really?”
The change in his scent only pushed Katsuki on. “Yes! If you’re going to get fucking dropped, it’s going to be by me because at least I’ll be able to fucking catch you!” He pushed roughly through the crowd towards the rink entrance. Only when he made it off the ice did he recognize the tightness in his chest, the shortness of his breath, the heat beneath his skin. Bile burned at the back of his throat.
Kirishima’s arm slid over his shoulders, a gesture that would look like familiarity to any of the others, but was really a means to keep him from faltering as he walked. “I’ve got you man. Let’s go outside for a breath,” he said under his breath, guiding Katsuki towards the side exit that faced a small thatch of trees. A place for him to either freak out or wretch in peace.
Not for the very first time, but for the first time in awhile, Katsuki was thankful that his friend knew how to read him like an open book.
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toonytoodles · 3 years
Here's another round of "these would be head canons except it's canon" or "random ideas I had and wrote down and I'm posting them to keep track of all my thoughts"
Sofia always gets a little nervous when walking up or down stairs, she's terrified to fall, unfortunately her room is upstairs, and no one knows of this fear
Pond has submechanaphobia (the fear of underwater objects)
Ponds younger sibling Brook has "nicknames" for her and her friends.
"Pon," "Avey," "Memma," "Fia," "Cememine," and the calls both the twins "Anby-n-Anby"
Pond can size shift in a way, being able to be small enough to fit in a glass, or be as big as a lake, she can change her size shape and form under the right conditions, but prefers not to
Andie doesn't swim- it's not that she doesn't know how, she just doesn't like getting wet, and she doesn't like swimsuits
Avery gets bored and thinks about random stuff a lot
The twins have done that cat nose boop to their friends, they were all touched by the sentiment, except for Avery who had to have it explained to her, then she happy-cried about it
Andie and Andy snuggle like actual cats do, often purring as they sleep
Andie is the older and more assertive twin
Every time Andie gets deadnamed Emma looms over the person with an angry look and just says "Her name is Andie." In a dead serious tone. It doesn't happen as often anymore, but I like to think after they run in terror, Emma checks to see if Andie is okay, then needs to be reassured that she's not actually that scary
Sometimes the others can't understand Avery due to her accent, to everyone else it's kinda funny, (though Emma does try REALLY hard to understand), but Avery gets kinda mad, especially if it's important or if she's already upset. Shes especially hard to understand if she's upset/panicking, it kind of sounds like gibberish at that point. That's usually when she gets pancaked by Em.
When Emma first met Sofia she PANICKED cause she had no idea what a dullahan was. Emma just started screaming and panicking, until Clementine and Avery calmed her down and slowly explained that she was fine, that she's supposed to have her head off. Emma didn't completely get it at first, but she's slowly adjusted to it and she understands it now, but then she was so scared. She's really really embarrassed by it, and feels bad about it, and Sofia was scared of her too, so it was just really awkward at first. They're cool now, but at first they wanted to run away from each other upon seeing the other
Avery doesn't like jewelry- it's too much sensory wise, she doesn't like the feel of rings, bracelets, or necklaces, and she can't wear earrings, they won't pierce through her scales
Avery absent mindedly lays on her stomach and is always wearing something that covers her stomach- she doesn't realize it, but it's a survival instinct, as her stomach is one of her biggest weak points. She's almost physically incapable of lying on her back, she can only do it when she's in a safe calm environment where she feels she can't be hurt. But again, this all happens subconsciously, she doesn't notice that she's doing it. Her other huge weak point is her tail, it's important to her balance, and it's directly connected to her spine, so should anything happen to her tail, it could be life or death. This one she is aware of, but there are other reasons she doesn't like people touching her tail in addition to the danger it puts her in. It's uncomfortable for her, it's hers and it's weird to her if you touch it. It's uncomfortable on a couple of levels, it feels uncomfortable and is literally uncomfortable, leave her tail alone. The only exception to this is Emma, and only because it can't always be helped, she might touch her tail some when she sits on her hand. But Emma tries to touch is as little as possible, as she knows how bad it bothers her. (also Avery can lay on her back in Emma's pocket)
Sapphire has a Scottish accent- that's where Avery got it from
Emma and Avery do eventually become a couple, they're just anxious and beat around the bush about it for a while. They're too nervous to tell each other, they're worried about rejection, ruining their friendship, and being good enough for the other. Once they're dating it doesn't change much, except they do call hanging out with each other dates and occasionally do couple things (and Avery does kiss her at one point, which Emma gets all flustered about)
Andie and Andy are identical twins
Andies enchanted flute can implant suggestions into people's minds, and she has the ability to talk to/understand feral animals, this is all she can do because she doesn't want to put in the effort to learning more, and 90% of the time she forgets she can do either
They all have a favorite ice cream flavor!
Avery - Moon berry ice cream with chunks of hot pepper and hot fudge on top
Emma - Chocolate with fudge chunks and chocolate syrup on top
Sofia - Vanilla
Clementine - Coffee flavored ice cream with chocolate syrup and marshmallows
Andie - Neapolitan, preferably in a sundae
Andy - Strawberry with strawberry syrup and when possible, strawberries on top
Andie is secretly scared of balloons
Emma's shoes are slip ons
Andie gets vocal training to sound more feminine, Andy pays for the classes out of his allowance
Emma's house has small platforms and walkways for beans. One of these elevated walk ways leads into Emma's room, where there's a small cubby hole that's a make shift room for beans. Emma set it up for Avery to give her some space when she comes over, she has a big family, and everyone in the family is big, and they all want Averys attention- it can be a bit much. When Avery is in the small room she's officially off limits, with Emma being close by to ward off her siblings. Emma worries about her small friends safety, and sanity, and tries to make accommodations for her, both with her size and her needs.
Averys stims/ticks are: Hand flapping, tail wagging, she has a pressure stim that helps her calm down, her feet claws dig at the ground absent mindedly, her leg bounces when she sits, she pulls on her hair, ocassionally grunts and/or whines, will scream at the top of her lungs when she's pushed past her limit, and rarely, but sometimes she randomly twitches/flinches, and hates when people point it out, like, she's not spasming on purpose, you don't have to be a jerk about it... Emma doesn't stand for it either, so people will shut up about it quickly. Avery doesn't have anything diagnosed, but it's very possible that she has adhd, a sensory processing disorder, an anxiety disorder, and/or is somewhere on the spectrum. I'm not going to officially diagnose her with anything, most of these things are based off myself, and I feel that they also apply to her. These seem very in character, Avery is impulsive, can't sit still, does things without thinking/ not realizing she's doing it, she can't stand certain feelings/sensations/ textures/ tastes, etc., she panics kind of easily, and it escalates quickly, she has several stims/ticks that she uses for basically every emotion, she likes to enclose herself in comfortable small spaces, she has certain people she goes to for comfort, this is all canon already, I've discussed most of it before, I just thought I'd try to list it all out for my own reference
In Averys particular subspecies, there's no way to tell what the sex of the draconic is before it hatches. Her parents debated on a while about various male/female names, but they didn't want to keep referring to the egg as "the egg," or "the baby," as they didn't just think of the egg as an object, so they decided wanted on a gender neutral name for the egg so it could work for either, eventually deciding on Avery
Emma has anxiety about accidentally hurting her small friends, sometimes causing nightmares and makes her want to distance herself from them
Emma doesn't like being upside down (she learned this when she accidentally shrunk herself down to borrower size and Avery accidentally picked her up upside down in a panic)
After buying new clothes, Sofia often sets her head on her bed then does a small fashion show to see how it looks on her- she finds it's one of the few benefits of being a dullahan
Clementine LOVES mind puzzles and being able to problem solve, anything that poses a challenge excites her
Sofia often carries her pet snake on her shoulders, wearing her ball python as a boa
Avery loves sour candy, Emma prefers chocolate, Clementine likes m&ms and small candies that can be eaten while studying, also she considers grass and raisins a candy, something that is a debate amongst her friends, Sofia likes gummies, Andie likes candy bars, and Andy likes hard candies, Pond doesn't eat, so she can't eat candy, but would absolutely love chocolate covered almonds if she could taste them
Pond can do impressions- she often likes to mimic Avery and Andie because she finds accents funny, for some reason? She doesn't really know what it is about them, she just finds them hilarious
Emma is determined to find a way to hug Pond, she will hug water, she'll figure it out someday...
Out of all their friends, Emma only trusts herself to help Avery when she really needs it. It's not that she doesn't trust anyone else, it's just that, well, she doesn't think her friends can handle it. Emma's little brother Aaron has a lot of the same struggles as Avery, so Emma's a little more knowledgeable and understanding than the others. Not to say that the others aren't understanding, but they're often confused or flustered or even scared of Averys behavior sometimes, whereas Emma sees her struggling and attempts to help. The others can't do much most of the time, whereas Emma can help her out by giving her a small squish to help her decompress, put her in her pocket when she needs to be alone, she's scared, upset, tired, etc.,and knows how to talk to her to help her calm down, and she's good at figuring out what it is that she needs/wants when she gets too elevated and is panicking and/or shutting down
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