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fionaapplerocks · 2 months ago
As Trump takes office & pledges mass deportations, here is a shareable film series written by immigrants for immigrants on how to safely defend against ICE.
4 films. 7 languages. Narrated by a range of amazing humans, including Jesse Williams, Fiona Apple, & Kumail Nanjiani.
Via ‪Scott Hechinger‬ and on the web at WeHaveRights.us
Also: printable Red Cards
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elementalwriter67 · 2 months ago
I’m listening to Epic the Musical again (shocking I know) and maladaptive daydreaming as one does. So now it is my personal headcannon that the Apollo Cabin uses places around the camp to re-enact the musical when it is not actively in use. It’s only while they’re not in use because Chiron gave them all a lecture and dish duty and pegasus pen clean out for a month because they disrupted training one day while re-enacting the Circe Saga resulting in a few (read: multiple) injuries so now it’s either use non-active areas or don’t do it at all. And the Apollo Cabin would sooner die than not re-enact any musical much less Epic the Musical, so they do as they’re told.
They have a handful of places that are on rotation. 1st is the Mess Hall/area and they love to use this one to re-enact the ithaca saga because the pillars, torches, and tables make recreating “Hold them Down” and “Odysseus” real nice. And yes they do incorporate actual weapons. Don’t tell Chiron.
2nd-The wall is used on the occasion for the Troy Saga but it gets tiring climbing to the top so they switch it out every now and again for the amphitheater. It’s a lot easier to climb.
3rd- The Canoe Lake gets used a lot for the ocean saga and the underworld saga. Yes they do canoe across it every now and again for the authenticity. No they do not care about the concerned looks they get from other campers. Yes their spear throwing skills have improved because of the “aim for the sky” bit. They will occasionally use the lake for the Thunder Saga as well but they like to use a different place a lot more.
4th- The Amphitheater gets used a lot more for the Wisdom saga and the Circe Saga (though they do like to swap in the north woods every now and again for the Circe Saga because the Nymphs like to participate in that one every now and again.) They use the amphitheater mainly just because it feels right and that’s the best explanation you’re gonna get from them. Sometimes you just gotta go with the vibes man.
5th and final place is Cabin 1 and yes they do preform inside the cabin and yes it is used because Thalia is basically never home and well Jason’s dead so it’s free real-estate and yes they use it for the Thunder Saga and the Thunder Saga only. They’re pretty sure using it for the Thunder Saga is the only reason their cabin is still standing to be honest, Using this location did take a while for the whole cabin to warm up to because many of them were like “Zeus barely tolerates our dad he’s gonna fuckin kill us if we use his Cabin for this and he catches wind of it.” Eventually they all chilled out and started using it for it when enough of them hadn’t died for using it. Unbeknownst to them the only reason Zeus doesn’t do anything is because the damn musical does a good job representing him and damn it all if it isn’t catchy. So he lets it slide. For now.
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shellxrls · 4 months ago
so often i think about how when rafe gets fucked, he lets it happen like a burden. like it’s genuinely painful for someone to want to entangle themselves so intimately within him. like he isn’t all muscled limbs and sharp cheekbones and pink lips, something grotesque and gnarly instead. he has an inclination to hide his face: under a sinewy forearm, pushed into a sweaty pillow. mute his voice completely. he would erase his own existence if the pleasure he was feeling wasn’t so palpable, and his passive reception any less than tolerated— usually another hand coming to knock his own forearm away, or tugging at loose brown strands to pull his head up, oppress a reaction out of him even if it’ll make him cry afterwards.
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hubbydaddies · 2 years ago
When Kazuki mentioned getting a smaller place after Rei offered to give him the apartment, all I could think of was this ending frame from the ED.
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The first thing I thought was how perhaps this final frame acted as foreshadowing all along.
If they choose to end the show more realistically, as they said, Kazuki and Rei wouldn’t have the same high income as before, leading them to get a smaller place. And if that is the case, it tells us the show's message. They may not be living large anymore, but they’re safe, they’re together, and what matters is they’re a family.
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pablodelcielo · 2 months ago
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tiredvibehours · 5 months ago
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Thinking about Fizz constantly calling the player his friend and wanted to draw out what his and Barb's """friendship""" might've looked like (don't worry he gets better after fiddling with his empathy chip)
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"-AND he throws up balloons and laughs a lot!"
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sugashook · 4 months ago
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maroonmused · 1 year ago
i need everyone to know that The Frost by Mitski is,, without a shadow of a doubt, a parksborn song
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zinjanthropusboisei · 1 year ago
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"In our pursuit of gentleness, nostalgia, and a reimagining of “home,” Frontier Poetry is reviving the Nature & Place Prize....We’re looking for poems rich and robust in language, technique, and form that pay homage to the natural world and all of the small marvels that occur in nature. We’re also interested in poems that observe geography and the landscape of home. Frontier Poetry warmly encourages poets of all backgrounds, identities, and ethnicities to enter.
The first-place winner will receive $3,000 and publication. Second- and third-place winners will receive $300 and $200 respectively, as well as publication. All shortlisted writers will also be considered for paid publication in New Voices."
FYI for the nature writing crowd! Maybe this year I'll actually write something in time to submit.
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twelvebooksstuff · 8 months ago
The Boat
This is the first chapter in my Jurassic Park inspired fic!! It focuses on Sal (one of the interns and OCs from my previous post for @fyeahjurassicocs bingo challenge 😌) who has taken a boat from Isla Nublar and is escaping, trying to get medical help for Ian Malcolm, who otherwise will die from sepsis/blood loss. The veterinarian for Jurassic Park (Dr. Gerry Harding) is useless when it comes to saving human lives and so the best chance for survival is to head to InGen’s other primary location, on Isla Sorna, where Dr. Henry Wu is confident they will find help-after all, his brother is in charge of the so-called “Site B.” 
Without further ado:
The Boat
Sal was scared, alone, standing at the helm of the ship, wondering what she could do to keep them safe, determined not to fail after having come so far. She pulled the ropes back on the sail, adjusting slightly, trying to keep the course all the way ahead, to that island north of where they left, the one Henry Wu had told them all about, the one called Isla Sorna.
She shivered as a chilly gust of wind blew quite fierce through her and the sails. White caps of large-crested waves sprayed over the edge of the sailboat, filling Sal’s eyes with stinging salt. She blinked quickly, rubbed her face on the sleeve of her light sweater, and shook her head-anything to clear her vision. Gasping for breath as another wave hit, Sal shut her eyes and mouth as she rocked with the movement of the vessel. It was easier to adapt to the water and go with its flow than to obstinately hunker down and try to steer with uncompromising motion. By swaying with the jolting of the boat, she stood firm, making sure to always angle the path north. 
Once we get there, many concerns will have to be taken care of, Sal thought. Food, shelter, hygiene, defense…and of course Ian Malcolm’s leg…But in the meantime, she pushed those concerns away like clearing off a table and focused on the task at hand. Stay the course. Endure the storm. Reach the shore.
As the sun rose Sal still stood statuesque at the helm, steering towards the rosy red horizon. As if a dream had begun to fade into reality, she noticed a small swath of black at the bottom. Squinting, she realized it was true. An island loomed in the distance, and her boat was headed straight for it.
Angling the sails once more northward, Sal grinned in spite of everything. They were bound for land! 
That spark of hope kept the boat moving as surely as the winds did, sailing off into a strange, old world. 
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nekoom · 5 months ago
Hello, how are you?
I'm Neko, just a cartoonist who wants to be recognized a little, if you like the style of my drawing please share and give your support-
It would help me a lot, you know?-
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Just my Oc saying Hi, I made it in a short time to introduce myself!
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maigetheplatypus57 · 1 year ago
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A little bit late (unless you wanna count All Souls' Day) but here are some photos of my Mumza cosplay from this Halloween! (Including one where I try to recreate that one absolutely gorgeous fanart by @/ghosted-jazz)
And a really HUUUUUUUGE shout-out to my friend who took the photos! He helped so much with everything from the angles to posing, these gorgeous shots wouldn't have been possible without him!
Happy Halloween, el Día de Muertos, or All Souls' Day to everyone who celebrates, from your local goddess of death ;)
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izayoichan · 2 years ago
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My little family. 🎶
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allo-frouto · 1 year ago
Link of your onlyfans account
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otterjpg · 2 years ago
every thurs i make my coworkers draw a random pic i find online and this was last week's prompt
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