#to replace her. idk anymore
robotpussy · 2 years
my producer is making me feel real sick
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cloud-ya · 11 months
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the nonchalant
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melien · 12 days
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Janai & Olive💜💚
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pmnis · 6 days
y'know   ...   pom's   arrival   coinciding   w   kaufmo's   abstraction   makes   me   wonder   if   her   being   a   jester   was   really   a   coincidence   ...
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
this dude on twt ages ago swore that mine was anything but gay because he was nice to katase and quote "all men he interacts with he tries to kill" 😭☠️
Idk how that bloke didnt acknowledge that the men mine attacked were mostly dudes who threatened/questioned daigo’s position/authority like huh
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headfullofdolls · 1 year
If i have to see one more post about g3 Lagoona being nothing but an aggressive, violent, and threatening Latina stereotype, eye am going to become an aggressive Latina stereotype.
Say you haven't watched the show without saying you haven't watched the show. I know she calls herself "spicy" in the music video. Yes I had a problem with that. No I don't think it's an accurate representation of her entire actual character to keep pointing to that one line like some kinda "gotcha."
#monster high#monster high thoughts#i've been thinking about this for months and my feelings only get stronger the more episodes we get#like if you watch the show and STILL only see lagoona as fulfilling a spicy aggressive and violent stereotype?#to me that says more about you#and how you're perceiving her now that she's different. or now that she's suddenly not white#like the people who say this stuff are themselves reducing g3 lagoona into the stereotype#as though she needs to perfectly counter a stereotype in order to justify her not being white anymore#because otherwise she just might as well stay white right?#because why change anything?#if she was the only aggressive character i'd have more issue#if she was the only latine rep in the show i'd have more issue#if that was the only facet of her character i'd have more issue#fortunately context exists and none of those are true#why diversify the main characters when you can make replacements that will get hate for being replacements?#or another token side character that'll hardly get any screentime or importance like in g1?#also a big part of the spicy latina stereotype is that their feistiness makes them a sexy and exotic object of desire to conquer#the objectification is key#and idk how to tell you this but lagoona is Not That#ugh i'll probably get shit for this but i'm tired of the misinformation and lack of nuance#if you read this far you've passed the informative tags#and gotten to the point where my neurodivergent ass feels the need to overexplain myself to justify me making this post#and being kinda aggressive about it myself#also obligatory disclaimer that latines aren't a monolith and i obviously don't represent everyone's feelings on the rep etc etc#but that also doesn't change that some people are either being willfully obtuse about this or just...not great at media literacy#as far as not engaging with in-show examples of lagoona's personality not aligning with the stereotypes they already perceive her to be#ANYWAY NO MORE TAGS BYE
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arisenreborn · 1 month
painstakingly going through and fixing tags 😩 mostly removing the arisen/pawn identifiers because I'm too inclined to making role-swap stuff lmao
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chuluoyi · 22 days
i’m actually a bit disappointed with how bridgerton s3 ends :’)
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ghostzzy · 2 months
so it’s becoming increasingly clear that i will be living alone in the next year, and abby will definitely be taking mishka because mishka is more bonded with her and i am not reliably able enough to meet her exercise needs, and everyone keeps telling me i should think about getting my own pet, and :^(
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anewkindofme · 2 months
No, Jack Pearson did not die because he went back for the dog. Technically, it was a heart attack brought on by smoke inhalation.
One he would not have had if he hadn't bopped around the house grabbing all the important photos and documents.
I get they needed to explain why they still had childhood photos and videos, but it just pisses me off so much. They could've just said they managed to salvage them somehow or there weren't that many.
It's similar to Derek and Amelia's dad. You have 5 kids. 2 are in the back of the shop. If the robber wants your watch, you give him the damn watch.
Two of the most infuriating, avoidable deaths in TV history.
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Dumbass 1 & Dumbass 2. Sure, their kids have childhood photos and a watch...
But they don't have their dad.
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anothermonikan · 10 months
Me when I get reminded of the fact that my bby's hard drive will inevitably completely fail ;-;
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That very much does not read like the disk is ok
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scarefox · 11 months
vet: we better make some x-rays of her belly, and give Maya all those meds. you should force feed her till she eats alone again, she will not eat on her own atm in this state for sure. If you want you can leave her here for the night (+$$) and we will handle it for you (nope thanks, I can do that myself)
vet: anyway here is the bill $$$
Maya at home: *does nothing but eating by herself*
me and my bank account:
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(why the fuck are x-rays so damn expensive... they are even digital these days. that was by far the most expensive part of the whole visit)
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bibleofficial · 1 year
want to do my exercises & go on a bike ride rn but i’m devastated bc i’ve to instead go to the dentist, whom i’ve been avoiding for like 3 years 😭😭😭
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daz4i · 1 year
when ww said "this is not my life, I'm no survivor, i only happened to survive"
#he gets it he really does.#hate when ppl call me resilient or are proud of me for surviving shit. girl i did not do anything to be here now. in fact quite the contrary#i am permanently in survival mode and I'm trying so hard to turn it off. but mostly in 1 direction and not the one most ppl hope#sigh. I'm tired man 😐 i just started new mood stabilizers and I'm anxious as fuck#(well. not new. i was on them before when i was a teen. can't remember why i stopped tho)#the whole trying new pills is depressing bc well. there's p much nothing left for me to try#i had a call with her this week. i mentioned it i think. but most of it was trying to figure out if there's meds i never tried out there#the only other one we considered to maybe replace my current antidepressant is very new to the market aka she doesn't know what it does yet#so. instead of replacing. adding stabilizers and hope they don't make things even worse (but lbr they probably will)#I'm very close to giving up yet again. idk what there even is to give up on anymore. my life is nothing with a side of void#but giving up is the only thing i know how to do. I'm too anxious to do anything else. i don't know how to do anything else#hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh really wanna cut rn but i already have some wounds on my hands and arms + I'm in enough pain as is so what's the use#vent#i should sleep. idk if i can. I've been trying all day and failed. I'm so tired#i wish i didn't wake up man 😐 i wish i died. tonight#suicide //#not really but implied ig#self harm mention //#ask to tag
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realboutfatalfury · 1 year
btw installed skullgirls again forgot that game is sick
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marklikely · 2 years
i will say when they made valkyrie actually bisexual and then faked out killing her ten business minutes later... like when she got stabbed right thru the chest i almost burst out laughing.
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