#to my darling anon - YOU ARE THE SWEETEST
the1trueanon · 11 months
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actor au wally for you guys to nom on while i work on oc/story lore :3 i agree he's adorable, but also like. the prettiest man. ever. and i would tell that to his face. everyday.
actor au belongs to @frillsand >w< i love their work and au so much
alt version under the cut, done by request of a very good friend -w-
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hehehehe oh to give him a smooch and watch him turn as red as his bow >:3
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
how do you think homelander would react to a b class supe who has absolutely no interest in him? like they meet briefly during a convention, and trade a few words, yet he finds himself entirely enraptured in how level headed she is around him, her heart beat steady and words spoken without hesitation or fear of how he'd react - she isnt afraid to talk back, relishing in how he tenses his jaw or squeezes his fist during interviews while she speaks; for a brief moment he even wonders if how he's feeling around her is how others feel around him 👀
- 🌵 anon <3
ohhhhh you know what, i love this for our little ivy league verse. considering this is the 4th time i've brought it up, i think it's time we name this plant powered supe. maybe Amaryllis or Belladonna? i feel like both are kind of begging to be supe names. i really like the idea of her being the instigator in their early interactions. maybe it's a Vought affair where supes are gathered, putting in their tickets to try out for The Seven. Homelander has a tendency to go into autopilot during these events. it would be nice to see someone snap him out of it. she makes a casual remark like, "If you're not careful, your face will get stuck that way." Homelander blinks. "Excuse me?" "Your grin. It's getting kind of manic." A scoff from him. He's trying to mask how caught off guard he is, how he's suddenly hyper aware of himself. Who the fuck does she think she is? He smiles politely at her, venom dripping between his pearly white teeth. "I didn't catch your name," he says, but what he means is you're no one to me. She smiles right back at him, sips her drink. "You must be lousy at ball, then."
Homelander inhales a slow, silent breath, distracted by the smell of flowers. She hardly smells like a person. Instead, it's like he just stuck his head in a floral arrangement. "I'll have you know-" "Kidding," she interjects, giving his arm a playful little nudge with her elbow. Did she just interrupt him? "I know. You're amazing at everything. It's your whole brand," she says, gaze sweeping up and down him. He falters. Now she's checking him out? Suddenly his ego is clashing with itself. How is she so completely at ease? He's fucking Homelander. What makes her so different from the mewling sycophants around them? Homelander clears his throat, looking away. "Funny." Her brows lift. "You think so?" He gauges her for a moment. His own gaze wanders, letting her wait for his answer. She's attractive, at least. That's the most he'll say for her. In a moment of unguarded honesty, he says lowly, "No." To his surprise, she laughs. He's loath to admit that the sound of it makes something very small and a little warm unfurl in his chest. She has a sincerity to her that makes her laughter feel... earned. It's a cleaner sound than the fake, grating noises of those just desperate for his approval.
"Are you going to tell me your name?" He asks, direct this time. She's getting under his skin. "No," she shoots right back at him, finishing off her drink. She sets it down on the table behind them. "Guess you'll have to catch it next time." Not only does she have the audacity to refuse him a simple introduction, she walks away from him. Homelander stands dumbstruck in her wake, caught between indignant anger and bewildered intrigue. When he does find out her name, he makes sure she's among the final applicants for the team. She'll answer to him one way or another.
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rosicheeks · 2 years
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grimmnoir-art · 1 month
Happy birthday :)
I didn't expect to get a message here like this, so thank you so much!! I'm just a happy grinning mess with all these well wishes! Have some boys who are making my head a mess for the last year or so!! All three of these are exactly how I'm feeling right now!
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way-to-go-lad · 6 months
hello hi my opinion of you is that you are so kind and loving and genuine, and you always put the biggest of smiles on my face <3 love u
Helloo!! Awww thanks! I'm glad I'm able to make you smile 🥺 this is so sweet 🥺💞💞💞💞💞
send your opinion of me on anon
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awful-little-goose · 1 month
What's it like in each bishops harem?
This one’s been in the ask box for a WHILEEE (sorry Anon), but I really needed to get my headcanons to a place where I liked them (even wrote some short fics about it- no, I won’t share ✨✨✨)
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Leshy is completely endeared with all his lovers, but the way he shows his affection can be…unpredictable. Still, he’s easily swiped off his feet and even offering him a simple bouquet is enough to make him swoon. His biggest flaw is that he tends to forget that mortals are…mortal, fragile, and easily traumatized. He is very physical with his affection, and his feelings can sometimes take over him. Mortal bones are oh so fragile, and their minds so much more so…but come to the party, my sweet, enjoy the festivities, the taste of wine, and the burn of alcohol reserved to the gods. Ignore the maddening illusions and your heart in your throat, he looks so delighted.
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Heket is by far the most terrifying goddess of the bunch. She intimidates her spouses and is quite dominant, but has shown to be easily charmed by spouses with a strong personality.
She’ll take her partners to watch terrifying things, such as public executions, sacrifices, cannibal banquets, or even torture sessions, either to show off her power, or intimidate her partners into obeying her. She is prone to violent fits of anger. Still, she does love to just lay around with her partners, and relax under the autumn sun. Deep inside, she cares for some of them, but her ways of showing affection are…disturbing. Now, dear, why haven’t you touched your dinner? She killed them for you herself…
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Kallamar is the sweetest one. He spoils his lovers rotten, compliments them day and night, and expects just as much affection in return. He demands rich, elaborated gifts, and loves taking his darlings on swimming dates. He’s very, VERY easily flustered under all that sass. His biggest flaw is his insecurity, which can lead him to being…quite unstable. Surely, he is loved, and adored…isn’t he?
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Shamura seems cold at times, but they do care for their spouses. Of the bishops (excluding Narinder), they have the least partners, but those they keep are highly loyal, and treated with respect. They can be a little overprotective at times.
They expect their partners to be incredible fighters, and highly cultured. And they won’t hesitate to put them in fights, intellectual or physical, against one another…and they only keep champions. Losers have only one place to be: wrapped in a bundle of silk, hung above the ground, in the nest of Shamura’s scorpions.
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Bonus, Narinder: Narinder doenst have a harem, and is instead waiting for the one soul that will ignite fire to his cold, dead heart. He can be caught thinking about when he’ll meet his dear however, and plans on covering them with tokens of appreciation, honor, and peaceful dreams…
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…as well as keeping them close at his sides. So close they will forget their own individuality.
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: James is the best boyfriend while you're sick.
Genre: Fluffy <3
Warnings: having a cold, germs, mentions of being contagious? really none lmao i'm just over cautious
~ for my lovely 🍓anon! enjoy! ~
You're convinced you're dying and no matter how much your boyfriend promises you you're not, you still feel miserable.
"No, no," you shake your head, your nose running obnoxiously as you blow into another tissue—you could start a whole collection by now. "you don't u-understand. My body is crumbling as we speak," you tell him as you're curled up in your bed, under a bunch of blankets and wearing James's warmest and favorite sweatshirt.
James sits by you, one hand pressed against your forehead and he frowns, suppressing a small smile. "Is that so? Guess I'll have to glue you back together again then," he hums softly. 
Your eyes narrow and then you cough loudly, your throat hoarse, "You aren't funny."
James feigns hurt. "Ouch," he strokes your hairline with his thumb, looking at you fondly, and then gives in as his eyes soften. "I'm sorry. I can feel you burning up, I know you must feel very ill, hm?" 
You nod, sitting up against the pillows as you cough again. The sound sounds horrible. James leans closer, his expression morphing into concern. Your eyes widen as guilt dawns on you and you panic, pulling away from him. 
"Jamie, no, I'll contaminate you!" you practically shriek.
James raises an eyebrow in amusement. "Contaminate me? Darling, you aren't diseased." 
You sniffle and whisper, "You don't know that." 
James can't help himself. He laughs, and the sound is a beautiful melody as he shakes his head. Still, he listens and pulls away from you. He sits back and thinks for a moment. "I'm gonna run to the store and grab you some things okay, I don't think this cold will disappear on its own, lovely."
You sniffle again, feeling sorry for yourself as you prepare to blow into another tissue. "If you leave me now, I'll surely perish," you state quite dramatically as James stands. He sends you a look as if to say be serious, his dark curls falling before his eyes.
You sniff, sending him a look in return as if to say, I am serious and James just leans over to kiss your forehead and then press another sloppy kiss on your cheek. 
"James!" You exclaim as he kisses you, alarmed.
"If I'm sick, I'm sick," he states seriously, gently cradling your chin as he strokes your skin carefully. "A silly little cold isn't gonna dictate when I can or can't kiss my darling girlfriend."
Your chest loosens at this and you feel a sense of warmth and relief at his words. You want to protest and tell him he's putting himself in harm's way for no reason. But, instead, you relish in the feeling of his lips on your skin and you sink into the pillows as you wait for his return. 
When he does return, you rouse from your small nap and let out a weak cough. Your eyes are bleary as you blink them furiously. "Oh, sweets, have I woken you?" he says in the sweetest voice you've ever heard and you almost melt.
You sit up and rub your eyes as James sits beside you again, resting the glass of water he'd brought in on the bedside table, and then drops the brown paper bag near your hip. He rummages inside and lays out an array of medicine, candies, and almost four boxes of tissues.
Having been feeling a little better from your sleep, you joke, "I'm not dying, am I?"
James chuckles and hands you some medicine for you. You swallow it reluctantly, pouting up at your boyfriend. He rests his hand on your forehead again, smiling.
"No, you aren't dying," he whispers, "far from it. Your temperature seems to have gone down, which is really good."
You nod, still tired as you reach for James's other hand and play with his fingers. "Can you make me some tea?" you ask bashfully. 
James frowns, smiling a little as his fingers gently pinch your cheek. "Of course, love. Don't be embarrassed. I'd move the moon for you."
You cough again, the sound much lighter already. "Kinds dramatic, no?" you whisper.
"No. Not really. It's all true," James pauses, his voice turning serious, "for you, I'd do absolutely anything." He kisses your forehead again, and this time you don't even want to protest. 
tags: @mischievousmoony, @sayitlikethecheese, @longlivedelusion, @fangirl-swagg, @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader, @fruticake
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aliesbienish · 3 months
Benedict Bridgerton with wife reader. With "Oh god, it’s been such a hard day. I missed you so much.” He says as he kisses the living heck out of her and drags her to their bed and surprises her. Just do however you want. Thanks!! :))
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Not to be dramatic but you were counting the minutes until Benedict got home. He was off playing pretend Viscount, thanks to Anthony and Kate being overseas in India. You knew how much he despised it but, and he likely would never admit to anyone but you, it had given him a lot of new found appreciation for his older brother. You also despised his fill in role as family business seriously cut into the time you got to spend with your husband. It wasn't just like being away from your love, but it was also being separated from your best friend.
Today you knew would be particularly taxing for Benedict. He had to deal with some particularly slimy lords who thought they could be cunning and coax him to invest Bridgerton money in their schemes while Anthony was away. Ben had been dreading it for days.
It was well past dark out before you finally heard his carriage roll in. Mere moments after it halted he was walking through the sitting room door, a tired smile gracing his face as he saw you.
"Oh god my love, it has been such a hard day. I missed you so much," He greeted before gently bring your face towards his. Soft lips meet you own as you kissed like you hadn't seen each other in months, bodies pressed together. "I never want to be apart again," He declared when you both finally surfaced for a breath.
He took your hand in his and gently tugged you off the sofa, leading you up the stairs towards the chamber your shared.
"Ben, don't you want something for tea after such a long day?"
"Not at all my darling wife, right now I just need to be with you to recharge my energy."
Once in your rooms you both peeled off your respective clothes, and you let down your pinned hair. Joining each other in bed, Ben rested against the headboard wrapping you in his arms against his bare chest.
Once comfortable you just talked about your respective days. You happily giving opinions on the business deals or lack there of, Ben discussing exactly what you will be doing on your next free day together. It was warm and easy, and you were both so happy to be together.
As a massive introvert I think the sweetest thing is someone saying that being around you recharges their battery. So basically Anon I'm sorry if you were leaning to something more smutty, I am apparently feeling very soft today. xx
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
My thoughts, warning for NSFW if you’re in public and some poly octotrio goodness—
When not deep fried, octopus seems so squishy and gooey. The tentacles have to be ticklish, like touching the bottom of your feet.
Squirmy, squirmy Azul.
What I mean to say, is because Azul likes you so much, lightly grasping at one of his tentacles has him flushing and twitching in your grasp. He tried to hide it in public, hoping no one notices his beet red face. He’s burying his neck into your shoulder, half-heartedly whining about his “reputation”. Give his tentacle a squeeze and your octopus will disappear under the ocean, a drawn out moan washed out by the water.
Depending on their mood, the eels may help Azul out. That means targeting you in your weak spots, till your flustered twitches make you let go of Azul. Not that you mind.
A lot of the times, they won’t help Azul. They’ll hoist the shy Octomer out of the water, cooing at his warbled and moany state.
Push too far and Azul will use his tentacles against you, coiling around you and pulling you in so he can have his way with you.
— anon who wants to inject your writing into their veins
(gonna call you veins anon, and ty bb I'm glad to provide your regular dosage)
Azul is so so soooo shy in his merform. Azul does actually enjoy PDA, he loves showing you off and subtly bragging that he was one of the partners you chose. But getting to that point takes a hot moment, not even considering his rapid personality change in his merform. He's still trying to convince himself that you love and care for him no matter his form, but old habits die very hard. So it's up to you to press the sweetest, most tooth-rotting kisses to him and his 8 limbs.
It doesn't help that his tentacles are very sensitive to any simulation, so much information is gained from just his suckers alone! Azul is soooo whining about his “reputation” as he turned a deeper shade of purple at your antics. If you happen to grab at the most sensitive arm and focus on the spade-shaped tip, he'll be a cute moaning mess as he tries to sink further into the water. The twins are no help to at all either, which comes as no surprise. They're curling their tails around his arms, webbed hands caressing Azul's skin, and claws ghosting around his hips. Jade's cooing sweet, teasing words into his ears, encouraging Azul to be louder, to praise you for your good work. Floyd's busying himself with sucking hickies into his neck, giggling at Azul's high-pitched moans. If anyone were to pass by the hidden grotto the four of you took refuge in, they'd hear the cutest whimpers and gasps alongside haughty murmurs and giggles.
He does eventually strike back, his arms are made entirely made of muscle, and he is a couple feet bigger than the eels and quite a few feet bigger than you. Azul's got a tight grip around your waist after you took his spade-tip into your mouth and sucked. Now he's taken to using his tentacles to my you moan and cry out, nudging the twins to “help” him out. After all, he has venom in his bite, so he can't truly mark you up on his own. Come on now, Jade, Floyd? You left him with such a pretty flush and marks, do the same for our darling human~
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k0yaz · 2 months
hi could i request general dating headcanons for dan heng x gender neutral reader? thank you!
dan heng general dating hcs
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Pairings: dan heng x gn!reader
CW: sfw, gender neutral reader, mentions of dan heng’s past life, mentions of insecurity idk, I’m going to eat my wooden teacup, btw the sweet tea k-pods taste like ass don’t get them
A/N: I love dan heng bro he’s of my favs also my arlecchino plushie looks like it’s staring into my soul should I be worried 🕯️
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Dan Heng tends to take a while to open up to you, especially when you first start dating.
Sure, he will care for you like usual and show the usual affection. However, he’s strangely reluctant to talk about his feelings or remini on his past life with you at first.
Gradually, he does end up doing so. However when he does decide to talk to you about his past life, please comfort him in some way or reassure him. Dan Heng tends to avoid this topic considering that it’s quite sensitive for him despite the stoic and hard front he puts on.
Apart from that, he enjoys taking you on stargazing dates frequently, usually just staring out the window of the Astral Express with you. Or if you visit some planet with a good view (or maybe the Xianzhou again) he’ll find a good spot to watch the stars with you.
Loves physical touch, yet would never admit it. Again, quiet about his feelings.
You’d just be leaning somewhere completely random, and Dan Heng would slowly shift towards you to rest his chin upon your shoulder or head depending on your height.
Also loves quick kisses on the cheek compared to the lips. However in contrast, he likes slow and tender kisses if it is on the lips.
if he’s in his dragon-ish form idk what to call it—he leans in whenever you run your fingers through his long hair, or touch his horns.
Weird HC, but Dan Heng sometimes makes you coffee and it ends up being too bitter. Like- way too bitter. Even with the sweetest of roasts he finds a way to make it taste like raw coffee beans.
On pet names, Dan Heng likes to keep it sweet and simple. Typically names like “love” or “darling.”
Smells like lotus petals and cookie cake I feel like this man has really good hygiene…the cookie cake part is from the be who you are voiceover I’m sorry
Believe it or not he frequently needs comfort and reassurance, considering he doesn’t value himself or think highly of himself due to the whole Dan Feng fiasco of his previous life.
He relies on you stroking his cheek or hugging his torso, and tends to fall asleep in your arms a lot, reassurance or not.
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A/N: now I wanna write a oneshot for him anon pls request again request a oneshot for dan heng im begging u
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
᪥social media au
᪥lando just loves to spoil his girl, no matter what people say
᪥this was requested, so thank you so much anon! we love us some lando around here🧡
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, dior, lewishamilton and 8M others
he never fails to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, how’d i get so lucky? 🥹❤️
tagged landonorris
see 17,000 comments
username lando looks so cute 😭
username doesn’t she have her own money?
username using lando once again🙂
lewishamilton he took notes i see
>landonorris 🫡
landonorris i love you so much my flower, you deserve only the best❤️❤️
>y/n’sinsta 🥹🥹
username im sobbing and screaming 
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omg girl get your own money
does she not work a day in her life?
lando could do so much better
ofc he wastes more money on a gold digger
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liked by f1wags, maxfewtrell, landonorris, lilymhe and 5M others
just to keep this short, i’ve seen the comments and usually i would ignore it but my character is being attacked. i love lando, we’ve been together since before he started making money and driving in formula 1. he’s been my best friend, my heart and my absolute favourite human on the planet. the life we live is a privilege and i’m extremely lucky to experience it with lan❤️❤️
tagged landonorris
*comments disabled*
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liked by y/n’sinsta, danielriccardo, username and 4M others
y/n you’re my forever, i think you knew that already. you’re the sweetest and kindest person i know, despite what you come across you never let it get you down. i will forever continue to treat you like the princess you are, because you deserve it. i love you darling ❤️
tagged y/n’sinsta
username 🙄🙄
y/n’sinsta lan, you’re going to make my cry..i love you so much, i don’t deserve you😭
>landonorris you deserve this and so much more❤️
username oh he loves her so much🥹
danielriccardo yeah next time you come for my girl y/n, it’s on
>charles_leclerc count me in
>max verstappen1 me 2
>lewishamilton me 3
>username the grid’s got our girls back
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creedslove · 10 months
Imagine no outbreak Joel seeing you doing a million steps nightly skin care routine and just laying under the covers and waiting for you to be done and come to bed already and slowly getting frustrated
Maybe a little toddler cuddling in bed with him and Joel fake complaining to them about you
“Mommy is taking a long time huh?”
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: omg anon my love, this is too much my darling ❤️ I love it very much 💋💕
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• one of the things Joel loved the most about you, was to watch you taking care of yourself; you were so well-groomed, took great care of your looks, your skin, your hair and that made him fall a little more for you
• he liked how smooth your skin was, how soft your hair always felt under your touch and if someone asked him to talk about how good you smelled, he would be able to write an essay on it
• and he also enjoyed watching you spreading some lotion over your body, it was so beautiful and a little erotic to him, when he didn't offer himself to caress you and stroke your skin, he liked just observing you
• he knows you like do this self care routine and it's pretty important to you, but sometimes he wishes you would just skip it a day or two so you can join him in bed as soon as possible
• he gets under the blanket and keeps hearing you fumbling with your creams, masks and the water running from the faucet and he can't wait to hold you in bed, have you so close to him and snuggling you
• but even if it takes long, he appreciates how good you smell and how soft you are next to him, his rough hands run through your entire body while you spread your kisses all over his neck
• but that only happens when there aren't tiny steps walking into the room and a little someone climbing up the blankets
• when his son's sleepy eyes stared into his own and smiled cutely, Joel could only bring him closer and tuck him under the blankets, Sammy was a sweet, well behaved toddler, but he enjoyed snuggling in his parents' bed
• he rested his little head on his daddy's shoulder and yawned, his warm dinosaur PJs making him look even cuter and he couldn't fall asleep without snuggled his mommy a little bit
"mommy is taking a long time, huh?"
• Joel says in a playful way and Sammy immediately nods, agreeing as he wants his mommy with them
• his brilliant little mind comes up with a genius idea, he gets out of bed and waddles to the bathroom, looking at you with the sweetest and warmest puppy brown eyes you'd ever seen, they could be even more heartwarming than his daddy's
"come to bed mommy, please"
• he asks and there's no way you can say no to his sweet, cute plea; you quickly put your creams and facial masks away and nods
• when Joel realizes, he sees you and Sammy walking towards him while holding hands, he gladly makes up room for the two of you and throws the blanket on top of you both, he's just glad he has his family to hold on tight after a hard day at work
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arkhammaid · 1 year
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fandom. honkai star rail
pairing. jing yuan x gn!reader
content warnings. fluff & nsfw, MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI, soft dom!jing yuan, first part is heavy fluff, second part is flithy, reader has a praise kink, jing yuan loves to spoil you (he's totally whipped), written in lowercase, not edited/proofread
word count. 0.5k
notes. there is just something about fictional characters using petnames,,,
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— ˚₊‧⁺˖ beloved mine. 
jing yuan always calls you beloved mine when he wants to show you off and let everyone know you belong to him. you’re his beloved, the only one he treasures so much, the only one he loves like this and you’re his. he will utter those words without any shame, a small smirk on his lips while you flush at the attention you receive. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ my love. 
calling you his love is often when you’re in a more intimate situation. maybe on a date, maybe in the presence of close friends— jing yuan calls you his love because he wants you to know how much he loves you. he will whisper it close to your ear, pressing a fleeting kiss on your cheek, while you try to tell him to keep it down. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ dear.
only at a later point in your relationship with jing yuan, he started to call you dear. it rolls off his tongue and makes you shudder— just something about this particular petname catches your attention. of course he notices it, and so he starts to use it more and more, always when you’re alone, so he can admire your reaction to it without anyone interrupting. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ darling. 
jing yuan calls you darling when you’re flush against him, skin feverish and panting against his mouth. he calls you darling when he praises you, for taking him so well, for being so good for him, for screaming his name. 
he will call you darling the moment you tumble in bed with him, lips against your neck, his breath making you shudder in his arms. darling he calls you, for clinging onto him, tears running down your cheeks while he pounds into you, hips in a steady rhythm. 
“there you are, darling mine,” he mutters, watching with hooded eyes how your thighs quake around his waist, how your hole tightens around his cock. you moan, breathlessly, and try to blink the sudden tears away. he always makes you cry, with how good he makes you feel, cry and moan when he whispers the sweetest praise in your ears. 
“darling,” he whispers, when your eyes flutter close and your head thrown back. “look at me,” he tells you, gently cupping your cheek and wiping your tears away. you slowly open your eyes, mind still blown by the orgasm he just gave you and with bleary eyes, you look up to him. his long gray hair is a mess thanks to your gripping hands and there is a faint blush on his face, his own breathing coming out in pants. 
“you’re so good for me,” he murmurs, caging you with his board body, lips so close to yours. you whine at his praise, shudder when his hands teasingly wander over your flushing skin and circle your arms around his neck. 
“darling mine,” he calls you, when you’re so needy for him, legs spread and mind heavy with pleasure he oh so readily gives. he calls you his darling, because you’re truly his, in mind, body and heart, love him with everything you can. and he will do everything to return this love, because you are his darling after all. 
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taglist. @themercyverse , @stellumi
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TAGLIST? please send a non-anon ask to be added to the taglist. taglist can be general taglist (all fandoms and all works), fandom taglist (all works within the fandom), series (all works for specific series) or nsfw taglist (all nsfw works and all fandoms).
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rosicheeks · 2 years
Rosie darling every single one of your pictures either makes my heart smile or dick hard. Actually it’s often both. ❤️ Oh and you are just a fantastic human. ❤️😍
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wilbursprincess · 7 months
Harvey fingering reader in the office? Maybe while Tim and blight are fighting again?
(I have a new obsession)
“Shhhh, Darling, Don’t Let Them Hear Us”
Sorrybur x Female Reader
Warnings: Semi-public, fingering
Combined your two Sorrybur asks for my own sake, ✨anon! The brainrot we’ve all been getting from these Sorry Boys videos, oh my. And all the people in my Discord going feral for the tie? You’re among obsessed friends, ✨anon.
Fic below cut!
“I’m going to get lunch,” Blight says loftily, shooting Tim a look. “Since I’ve been getting more sales, I deserve a longer break.”
Harvey just snorts, watching as Tim scowls and goes back to typing. “I don’t know why they didn’t accept the job of stapling,” he comments, shooting me a shy smile over the lid of his coffee cup.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the office, I’d started dating Harvey. We’d been keeping it quiet from everyone else, especially Blight, who wouldn’t hesitate to find a loophole in the office rules to break us up. Harvey was cute, funny, and genuinely one of the sweetest guys I’d dated, and we were planning to take our lunch break after everyone else to plan something for tonight.
“Hey, Tim?” Harvey asks. “We’re figuring out something here, it shouldn’t take long, but we need it to be quiet. I’ll give you 5 bucks for the vending machine if you take lunch now?”
Tim sighs. “10 bucks?”
“Deal,” Harvey replies, tossing some crinkled bills at Tim. “Thanks, man. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Whatever,” Tim grunts, pocketing the bills. “Maybe I’ll go make fun of Blight while he’s eating.”
The door into the break room shuts. Phil’s gone out with Ranthony for lunch, on the excuse that corporate’s paying, meaning Harvey and I are all alone.
“You’re welcome,” he says, eyes crinkling into a smile. “I didn’t want to wait to spend time with you.”
I blush a little, eyes darting to make sure the break room door is still shut before pecking him on the cheek. “Well, I’m flattered.”
He’d stayed over at my house last night, which wasn’t something I’d normally do this soon into a relationship. To be fair, it was an accident, and we hadn’t even had sex. I’d given him a handjob over his pants, and we both fell asleep while cuddling. Harvey had even apologized the next morning for falling asleep before he could repay me, but I told him I didn’t mind.
“I still feel bad for not returning the favor last night,” he admits, squeezing my hand. “I still want to.”
“Well, we can make plans for tonight-“
He shakes his head. “Now?”
“There’s nobody around, and it’s kind of hot to have to keep it a secret,” Harvey says, smirking. “And you are wearing a skirt.”
“If I drag my chair next to yours, it’ll look like we’re working on this alleged project,” I offer, heat pulsing between my thighs. “What do you say?”
Harvey looks over the moon. “Oh, fuck yes,”
We slide our chairs into position, making sure everything’s hidden under the desk. The raised voices of Blight and Tim seep through the break room door, and we both giggle.
“Now that’s a mood killer,” Harvey comments, making me laugh even harder. “Luckily, it’ll keep them busy.”
His fingers brush over the front of my panties, and I shiver.
“You’re sensitive, huh?“ His voice is barely a whisper in my ear.
I nod slightly, letting out a minuscule groan as he strokes my clit through the fabric. He has incredibly talented fingers, long ones at that, and it’s not long before I’m shaky, sweaty, and my panties are soaked.
Just as his fingers slip inside me, the break room door snaps open, both Blight and Tim storming out, clearly furious with each other.
“Don’t stop,” I whisper in Harvey’s ear, and he nods, pumping his fingers in and out of me, coughing to hide the noise.
“Harvey! He put my stapler in Jello!” Blight whines, staring at Tim who’s looking innocent. “Tell him to stop it!”
He circles his fingers around my most sensitive spot, and I have to pick up his coffee to hide my moan.
Snorting, Harvey shakes his head. “Blight, man, take it up with Tim, not me. I’m busy.”
“It doesn’t look like your busy,” he pouts. “Looks like you’re trying to chat her up.”
I hold up the report I was working on a few hours earlier. “Is this considered ‘chatting up’, Blight?”
Tim snorts. “Yea, Blight, you’re just saying that because you’re jealous Harvey gets bitches-“
“Tim! Language!” Blight snaps, and the two of them start yelling at each other again.
Through the yelling, Harvey’s fingers are sending me floating on cloud nine, and it’s impossible not to let at least something slip. I pretend to peer over his shoulder at his computer, letting out a whine in his ear.
“I know, baby, I know,” he replies, speeding up his fingers. “Shhh, darling, don’t let them hear us.”
I bite my tongue and swallow down a groan, hips shifting to ride on his very adept fingers. Middle and index inside me, thumb on my clit, and a few seconds later, I shudder and soak his fingers.
“Good girl,” he breathes in my ear, moving his hand to his mouth and making sure nobody’s watching before he licks it clean. “I’d like to do this again with my cock, not my fingers, if you’re free after work?”
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mamayan · 1 year
Request: Male Minotaur Yandere x Female Human Childhood Sweetheart Reader
General Premise: Reader darling grew up as childhood friends with an adorable Minotaur neighbor. (She had to move away eventually and was unable to keep in touch with him, but they always remembered each other). He was really small and weak when he was young compared to other bulls of his species, so imagine her surprise when she meets him years later as an adult, and he’s fucking massive (in more ways than one…) He’s never letting her go again and is breeding/impregnating her constantly for the rest of her life. Making her his trophy wife/house wife too. (Sorry not sorry, I love babies and uxorious men who want nothing more than to seed me).
P.S. I feel like this man could either be like a farm boy…or like a rich, powerful man, who just confines reader to a large private island by Greece or something. Like…I’m so conflicted…
Also I love your stuff! Your sexy writing is the best and makes me go fish brain in the best way possible!
Love ,🧋🫖Anon
Oh my goodness 🧋🫖Anon—🫢♥️
Okay I wanna respond to this so you know I’m not ignoring~ This is so hot though?! I can’t do a full fic right now, but let’s do some headcanons cuz this has stewed in my brain.
NSFW under the cut!
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Minotaur BF who you had to protect as children. Out in the country folk didn’t take kindly to those who were different, and as a human you felt badly your friend was being bullied by your own kind. Sure he wasn’t human, but his heart was kind and he was your friend! He was an outcast amongst his own too because he was a runt, treated badly every which way, except by you.
Minotaur BF who would hold your hand at night because he was scared of the thunder storms, who would cuddle up cutely beside you and sleep after you held him. He took to you like a little stray kitten, reliant on your kindness and friendship like a life raft.
Minotaur BF who nearly lost his mind when you left home, unable to comprehend why you would leave him. Didn’t you know he needed you? It wounded his soul but he comforted himself with your promise to come back. You had too after all.
Minotaur BF who sprouted up to nearly double the size of his peers. He’s not little anymore and doesn’t need you to protect him, it’s others who should worry for themselves. He’s not scared of crushing skulls if they push too far or intrude on his land. He’s a simple farmer after all, he just doesn’t like trouble.
Minotaur BF who rejoices when you return, even more beautiful and grown up. Who adores your shocked expression because he towers over you now, and he wants you to praise him for growing so well. Now he can protect you, provide for you, care for you, breed you.
Minotaur BF who won’t let you leave back to your big city again. You said you’d come back, why would he let you run away again? Your tears won’t sway this monster, and you aren’t strong enough to resist his gentle but firm hold on you. You won’t be going anywhere but his bed. You’d better get comfortable, because this big male wants you in every way.
Minotaur BF with an enormous cock that trumps whoever or whatever toys you used in that big city away from him. Your cute cunt won’t be able to take him without an absurd amount of prep, and he’s more than happy to put that work in for you. His wide long tongue swirling inside of you, glossing you up in spit and saliva and making an absolute mess of your lower body. His big fingers prying your little hole open to stretch, making you cum until you pass out and waking again being spearing on his wiggling muscle as he devours you. He’s not afraid to slip his tongue further to your tight ring of muscle and lick there either, he’s ready to worship every inch of your body.
Minotaur BF who can cook, making you the most mouth watering home made meals with ingredients he grew or slaughtered, because he wants you healthy and happy for when he breeds you. 
Minotaur BF who is still the sweetest and most considerate as long as you don’t try to leave. Who wants to spoil you endlessly and fill your womb with hot sprays of his cum because you look too cute like that. You want that dress, game, etc.? He’ll get it for you, don’t you worry. He’s got you covered, literally. :3
Minotaur BF who finally gets your tight little hole to fit all of him, it took a lot of work and energy but when you’re drooling and fucked out on his meaty rod, it satisfies something primal in him. He fucks you slow and gently, because you can’t handle him entirely yet, but he loves you dearly anyway. He’s all to happy to take you apart slowly, rubbing your clit while you cream his cock and lower half with your arousal and release as he lightly rocks his hips. It still leaves you reeling, even the act of him pulling out slowly takes your breath away, has you clawing at his chest or horns and mewling.
Minotaur BF who pumps you so full of cum it’s like a solo bukkake porno, the level of fluid he releases in one orgasm unimaginable. You feel him filling you up because he’s overflowing from your womb and out, making a mess that only spurs him on to do it again. It leaves him wild and lubricates you up to take him again, his swollen balls ready to take on the task.
Minotaur BF who will intentionally replace your birth control with placebos, because he dreams of having a family with you as soon as possible.
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Dividers/ @benkeibear
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