#to like... bro the other day we did TWO rounds in the morning
arejayelle · 4 months
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finelinevogue · 7 months
pancakes for two
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summary - seeing your niece for the first time
word count - ~1k
pairing - husband!harry x reader
You made pancakes for breakfast on a Saturday.
It was a routine at this point and would be rude not to have pancakes after your morning jog with Harry.
Harry tended to make himself banana pancakes, because he hated not having some fruit in there somehow, but you were all for the nutella and other loaded toppings.
You had both just finished your pancakes, dirty plates on the coffee table in front of you and cups of tea to hand as you watched ‘This Morning’ on ITV.
Even after having been on a run and eaten pancakes, your day was about to get so much better.
“Remind me that I need to pick up more loo roll the next time I go to the shops.” You said to Harry.
“Thought we bought loads?”
His free hand rested on your ankle from where your legs were stretched out on his lap.
“Yeah, but we gave a lot to Gem remember?”
“Oh shit, yes. We can go later if you want? I’ll take you?” He offered.
“The last thing I want to do is leave the house on the one day where you’re not busy preparing for baby number 4.” You laughed, taking a sip of your Yorkshire Gold tea.
“Baby number 4?” It was Harry’s turn to chuckle.
“Album? Baby? Same thing. They’re all your children.”
He tapped your ankle playfully.
Harry had been working so hard on planning for the next phase of his career and you were so happy to see him get excited and creative again.
Music is where he thrived and it was a joy to watch him work. However it did mean he was gone more than you wanted him to be, so quiet weekends like this were absolutely necessary.
Harry missed you just as much and he was constantly lucky that it was you waiting for him at home.
He’d been working so hard that he hadn’t even had a moment to see his sister since she gave birth.
It was only a week ago, but Gemma was still recovering and requested that the three of them just had some quiet time to let the new reality to settle in.
Now, Harry was restless to see his niece.
You scrolled through your phone when it suddenly made a Ring doorbell noise.
“Yes! I bet that’s my Waterstones parcel.” You said excitedly, sitting up and setting your tea on the coffee table.
“Another one?”
You hit Harry’s thigh playfully, “Shut up!” Although he did have a valid point.
You waited for the doorbell to ring, before jumping up and making your way to the front. You made a note to shout at Harry for - yet again - leaving his coat on the banister and not put back on coat rack.
You unlocked and opened the door, expecting the delivery guy but were met with Gemma, Michal and baby instead.
“Oh my God!” You shouted, cupping your hands over your mouth in shock.
“Surprise!” Gemma laughed, baby carrier on Michal’s arm and baby bags too.
You started tearing up then, emotional over how beautiful Gemma was after recently giving birth. She was glowing and looked incredible. They both looked so happy too.
“Y/N/N?” Harry called your nickname.
He rounded the corner only to stop short.
“Look who showed up.” You allowed the tears to drop down your face.
“Hey, bro.” Gemma smiled.
“Hi, H!” Michal smiled at Gemma’s smile.
Harry, ever the emotional man, broke down in little sobs then. He pouted when he cried and probably had the same thoughts as you initially did.
“Come in. Come on.” You ushered them in.
You gave Gemma a big hug first, squeezing her but not too tight, and kissed her cheeks.
Then you hugged Michal, careful to avoid all his extra baggage.
“How are you?” You asked Michal, as Gemma went over to speak and probably console Harry.
“Tired, but never been happier.” He genuinely smiled.
“Can I take anything from you?”
“No, I’m just going to dump them here if that’s okay?” He motioned to the space in the hall.
“Of course, go ahead.”
“You want a tea? Coffee?” You offered.
“Coffee, please. No sugar. Gem will probably just have water.”
You nodded and walked through the hallway and into the kitchen. Gemma and Harry were still hugging, softly talking to one another. You left them to it, not wanting to disrupt the siblings reunion.
You wiped your own tears with your sweater, before pottering around the kitchen.
“So let me see my niece then!” You demanded as Michal placed the carrier on the kitchen island.
He opened the visor and you had to choke back a sob as you saw how small your new niece was - your new best friend.
“Oh my God.” You whispered.
“I know. I keep having the same reaction, even now.” Michal chuckled.
Gemma and Harry walked in a few seconds later - Harry with red eyes and Gemma smiling like a madwoman.
You leaned forwards and brushed your finger over your nieces tiny bunched fist. Her skin was so soft and she didn’t budge at all with the tap from you.
“She’s beautiful, guys.” You whispered.
“She really is.” Gemma agreed.
“She’s a Styles if I ever saw one. No offence Michal.”
“None taken.” Michal genuinely didn’t seem offended.
You stepped back to let Harry have a gaze over his new niece, wrapped in her blankets and knitted bonnets. There were so many blankets you wondered whether she was cooking underneath them all!
It wasn’t your turn to know anything about kids or parenting though, yet, so you weren’t going to question anything.
Harry approached his niece and softly caressed over her small hand and over her quite chubby cheeks.
You cupped a hand over your mouth as you teared up from watching Harry interact with a baby.
“It’s too much!” You cried, laughing like an idiot.
Gemma and Michal watched you with soft expressions.
Harry moved towards you then, “Hey. What’s up?” He asked, pulling you in for a big hug. The best hugs.
“I think i’ve got a heavy case of baby fever right now.”
Harry pulled you away a bit to read your face, “You do?”
“Okay.” He smiled.
“Okay, what?” You stepped back.
“Let’s try. For a baby, I mean.”
“Really?” You eyes filled with tears. “You mean it?”
“A baby with you? It would make all those birthday and shooting star wishes come true.”
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schlattsdarling · 1 month
A soft!dom!reader x chubby!sub!schlatt hurt/comfort with soft smut and body praise. 
Numbers: #6, #11, #15, #19, #20, #21, #33, #58, #59, #70, #72, #75, #78, #80, #82, #85, #89, #90, #92, #93, #94, #103, #106, #112, #119. (Sorry if it’s too many numbers, I just have a vision 😘🙌🔮)
This takes place in the fuuutuurrrreeeee where schlatt turns 25/26, the age where you’re apparently ‘not supposed to be a twink anymore’. Y/n has been looking forward to this day where schlatt could let go of his ‘twink rebirth’ and go back to being the handsome bear you loved….. schlatt on the other hand…… poor thing thinks he’s gonna be ugly for the rest of his life and you’re not gonna be in love with him anymore….
He’s so fucking wrong.
~🍓🍰 (Contex; Y/n and schlatt had started dating right when schlatt was in the middle of his ‘Twink rebirth’ hence why there was a misunderstanding about you loving his twink self more than his chubby self. Basically, bro’s very insecure about his body and needs to go to therapy after y/n fucks his beautiful bubble bum a few thousand times! 💅✨)
Sorry this took my so long to get round to, hope your beautiful mind enjoys this 🍓🍰 (quite a long one)
It's nearly 1 in the morning when my phone rings - Schlatt ❤️ - that's odd. I sit up rubbing my eyes as I answer, "Hey baby, what's wrong?"
"I don't think I can do this anymore. Not with you"
Sorry? Am I still dreaming?
"Wh-what do you mean? What's wrong John?" My voice clearly more awake and now frantic
"You deserve the best. And that's... that's not me and you know it"
His breath is shaky as he tells me this, he's been crying. I can tell. I can hear he quiet sniffles as he blows out unsteady breaths through his mouth. I don't know what to say, I'm speechless really, this has all come from nowhere... right?
"We shouldn't be doing this anymore, it's just going to hurt me more and it's just... it's unfair to you, y/n"
"Why do you hate me so much? What did I do?" You croak out, now it's evident to him that you're also crying now. His heart aches, maybe this is a mistake, maybe he's doing the wrong thing- no. This is what needs to be done.
"Nothing, you never did anything wrong, you're perfect but-"
"But what!"
"Let me finish, please... I love you y/n, I will always love you. But I'm not sure you can keep loving me"
I swear I'm dreaming, or maybe he is because this certainly can't be my reality right now. "Can I come over? Please Jay"
There's an unbearable silence for 30 seconds or so - if this were a movie then right now the camera would pan back and forth between us two, displaying the same expressions but different emotions.
"Yes" Schlatt replies, "Okay"
My fist knocks rapidly on the door, the oasis of lights made the city shine as my car headlights slashed through the rain. The handle gigs on the other side and a second later it opens. I wrap my arms around Schlatt's neck in a desperate manner to keep him close to me, his arms instinctively coming to hold my waist.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" He mumbles over and over again, head buried in my hair.
"Ssshh, it's okay, I've got you. I'll stay as long as you need". My hands come to cup his face, his chubby cheeks fitting perfectly as I pull away from him, "Let's go inside, huh? Let me take care of you"
He nods and steps aside, his hand in yours as the door closes and I walk over to his bedroom, the familiar smell of the vanilla and coconut candle hits me in the face. He sits down on the edge of the bed next to me, yet not too close.
"I don't bite" I half-heartedly laugh, making him scoot closer. "You look like shit" I say as my eyes study his face, puffy red eyes match his chubby red cheeks, yet they still manage to sparkle in the warm, dim light of the room, still comforting.
"I don't deserve you" He whispers, eyes disappearing as he shuts them.
"Open your eyes. Look at me." He does.
"You've got to tell me what's going on Jay" I order him, "You know I'm here for you, always"
He nods taking everything in, giving himself a minute to talk, "It's not you, it's never been you- or your fault" He pauses again, "But more recently, I've been thinking about us... about me"
I nod, yet still not understanding what his real point is.
"I can’t shake this feeling that… that you’re not happy with how I look. You know, because… I’m not skinny like I used to be."
"I’ve put on weight, y/n. I’m not the same as I was when we first got together. And I’ve been noticing… the way you look at me sometimes. I keep thinking that maybe you hate it. Maybe you hate that I’m chubby now. And… I don't blame you, I hate it too, hate the way I look now"
"I didn't know you felt this way" I confess to him, "I- I'm so sorry I made you felt like that - Jay I look at you like that because I love you"
He's the one who's silent now, listening intensely, staring intensely.
"You don't have to say that to make me feel better"
It makes me want to die when he says that, how can he really believe that I would ever think of him in that way? I don't know whether I'm angry or confused, I think both.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" He questions, voice low but fragile
"I like you just the way you are"
"Really? You mean it?"
"I love you Schlatt, I love you for you... I love you for the way you treat me, the way you take care of me, the way you love me; the way you look isn't going to change all that"
"I could kiss you right now" "Do it"
It's a different type of kiss that we've never shared before. Our hands gently caress each other's faces as we share a moment of unspoken understanding. He's telling me that he appreciates my confession, that my reassurance was what he needed. My fingers are tangled in Schlatt's hair, our lips interlocked in a tender embrace, pulling him closer as our bodies are pressed against each other, as if they are trying to merge into one being.
"You taste so good" He whines into your mouth
"Keep making pretty noises like that and it makes me want to wreck you" Schlatt's breath hitches as he hears this, "Yeah?" "Yeah."
I push Schlatt onto the bed, straddling him as I make it clear to him that I'm the one in control here. He watches me as I lean down, my hair falling around my face, and my lips pressed against his with a ferocity that takes his breath away. His eyes widen as I moves down his body, hand gripping his cock, her tongue expertly exploring every inch of his mouth.
"You look so fucking hot right now, Jay"
He nods eagerly, not thinking straight, all his senses overstimulated - well not all... yet. Schlatt lays beneath me, his hair messy and lips swollen, a suggestive blush creeping its way up his face whilst I make my way down to my knees. Schlatt's belly spills over his waistband as I pull his pants all the way down, my tongue darting out to tease him.
The taste of her him is intoxicating, a blend of salt and sweat as I take him into my mouth. My tongue swirls around him, savouring his taste and eliciting a moan of ecstasy. I take him deeper, tasting the tang of his precum on my tongue. The sounds of Schlatt's breathing and gasps of pleasure mix perfectly with the wet slurping noises as my mouth moves along my boyfriend’s length. Soft moans escape her lips as she brings him closer to release.
"This is exactly how i imagined it" I say gasping as I take him out of my mouth
He groans in frustration, pleasure and bliss ripped away from him in a second.
"I keep thinking about your body against mine" I whisper as I stand up mounting him. His belly bouncing with every movement as I wrap my arms around him tight embrace; he pauses before trying to move my arms away from him.
"Don't hide from me, you're beautiful" I whisper, kissing his neck softly
I feel his smile against my neck as the bed creaked beneath us, our moans mingle together, as the rhythmic sound of our bodies moving together create a symphony of pleasure. My hips buck and grind as I loose any sense of rhythm. Hair wild and eyes are closed in ecstasy, while his face is parallel and contorted with pleasure.
"Close, so so close" he whimpers again, "Me too baby, me fuckinggg too"
It's been a while since I've felt this close to him and I couldn't be happier. I fall against his chest and pant as I feel his hips buck up one final time inside me before he cums. There's now a comfortable silence in the room as I roll next to him, intertwining our hands.
"Round 2?" I laugh
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rallentando1011 · 7 months
about donnie making fun of Rom coms. What happens if s/o like them, but in a way where they watch them to make fun of them and it makes them and Donnie reflect on their own relationship without meaning too? 😂 . “It’s so bad. This love triangle. I gotta see how this trainwreck ends! All 3 are terrible and deserve each other”. “Geez I would hate that if a guy did that to me”. “Oh! He deserves better”. S/o does openly swoon over really sweet gestures sometimes though. “Oh. He gave her a library and fixed it up 😭 “.
The song is Nothing - Bruno Major, it does mention alcohol in like one line as well as making out but those are NOT in the story at all - just wanted to preface this with that (thanks for the request btw! I am working on all of them still I promise-)
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(rise Donnie x gn reader)
“Track suits and red wine
Movies for two
We'll take off our phones
And we'll turn off our shoes”
The evening opened at the lair.
A breezy night, the wind feather-light and warm, the sky had been dim and earth damp with a fresh rain, the frigid conditions of winter thawing into a complacent spring.
Below the concrete confines of the sewers, the weather was just as drippy, the continuous drips and drops of water trickling with a postnasal quality, drumming peacefully throughout the lair.
A dreary morning had bled into a dreary day had bled into a now dreary evening. With the dispelling weather, you had found it drudgery to even perform basic tasks like getting out of bed and dressing yourself and eating. But you had to. And you did.
After getting through the necessities and chores of the day, you had bound to the lair, renewed from your climatory blues with the expectation of good company and no obligations. Sounded good to you.
What you hadn’t anticipated was walking into the lab to see your “company” sitting, hunched over his desk, busy at work, with webcore music playing over the speakers and a rom-com, of all things, playing on his PC.
“Psh,” you half-laughed, the energy behind your amusement not completely convincing. You worked your way beside him and leaned against his desk. “What’s going on here?”
“Oh,” Donnie, just the man you’d been looking for, startled and slowly, as if trying to avoid detection, moved a hand to shut his screen. “Hey, I didn’t see you there.”
Before the computer screen could shut, you nudged it back up. “You like these movies?”
Donnie paled, sitting up straighter, lips pressing into a flat line. “Absolutely not. They’re just good background noise.”
You hummed. If his posture and lack of alertness was anything to go off of, he’d been at this a while. He could use some R & R, and honestly, you wouldn’t oppose.
“Well, in that case, would you like to watch some ‘background noise’ with me?”
He slumped back down in his chair and looked at you blankly. “I am quite obviously in the middle of something. I think we both already know the answer to that.”
“And how long have you been at that?”
There it was: guilt.
You nudged his shoulder, flashing a grin at him. “Come on. We’re getting snacks and taking a well earned break.”
“No sir, none of that. We’re going. Projector room. Now.”
“First one there chooses the movie.”
That impetus was enough to spur both of you into motion.
“We'll play Nintendo
Though I always lose
'Cause you'll watch the TV
While I'm watching you
There's not many people
I'd honestly say
I don't mind losing to
But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you”
Unsurprisingly, he beat you to the projector room. Sure, he was a genetically enhanced mutant turtle and the odds were stacked heavily against you from the get go, but you were still salty about losing your own bet.
Not as salty as you were about his choice of “movie” not being a movie, instead being playing Super Smash Bros.
And especially not as salty as you were about getting irrevocably obliterated.
Round after round of the game, you had been infuriatingly greeted with screen after screen declaring your loss and all but screaming how terribly you sucked. Normally, you got the one up on him at least once, but with how drowsy your motor function was today, not to mention how you kept getting caught up in how invested he was but that was irrelevant, the game was not gaming.
Furthermore, you tried to pin your inopportune streak on S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., who had taken up residence on your lap after retrieving your and Donnie’s snacks and drinks of choice from the kitchen, but Donnie had disproven that theory. By holding his controller higher to simulate the space the drone took up and proceeding to desecrate you again.
You groaned and slumped down the couch as he once again laughed victoriously, boisterously. Seriously, his ego needed to be humbled.
“Another round,” you demanded, half-dead on the couch. “I got, uh, distracted.”
Donnie halted his gloating, tilted his head down at you and the little drone, though the smug grin had yet to clear his face.
You knew what was next, probably your favorite and least favorite part of your dynamic - banter.
“I know you’re only looking at me to have some semblance of an excuse to lose, but I’ll take that as a compliment of both my rugged good looks and superior gaming skills.”
You feigned injury with a hand over your heart. “Man, that is a harsh accusation. I am wounded. Mortally wounded.”
“Your Yoshi will be the wounded one after I annihilate you in this next round of Smash.”
“Oh, you are on.”
“Dumb conversations
We lose track of time
Have I told you lately
I'm grateful you're mine
We'll watch The Notebook
For the 17th time
I'll say ‘It's stupid’
Then you'll catch me crying”
After a few more times of crushing you in Smash, it apparently became boring. Either that or your pouting convinced him to hand the reins over to you and let you pick a movie.
Finally, you could relax.
Head on his shoulder, his arm around you, a plush blanket resting on your laps, a borderline unbearable romantic comedy on the projector, it was blissful.
“Hmm would you look at that?” you commented on one particular scene. You felt Donnie shift next to you, raising an ever so slightly judgmental eyebrow. “The love interest did something wrong and then compensated by making a library. And spending time with them. And apologizing.”
He stared at you.
You stared back. “Looks like someone could take notes.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Donnie blinked, and you smiled.
“Oh, nothing.”
“We're not making out
On a boat in the rain
Or in a house I've painted blue
But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you”
“I would die if you ever did that to me.” You shuddered at the absolutely foul scene unfolding on the television and sunk a little closer into his side, second hand embarrassment seeping into your bones. 
“Good connotation or bad connotation?” he pondered, all too genuinely. It made you want to gag.
“Good or bad?” you asked, incredulous. “Like, the worst connotation. I mean, if you showed up to my work like that I would actually spontaneously combust. Deceased. No hesitation.”
You plopped unceremoniously sideways onto his lap, the back of your hand dramatically resting on your forehead.
“That’s what spontaneous means,” he deadpanned, the arm that had been over your shoulder slowly slinking back to his side.
“I don’t need called out on my redundancy right now,” you jabbed an accusatory finger at him, looking up, “I just need you to promise to never do that.”
“Okay, okay,” he conceded with a content grin. “I’ll try not to show up to your work with some overly pedantic display of affection.”
You scowled.
“So shut all the windows
And lock all the doors
We're not looking for no one
Don't need nothing more
You'll bite my lip and
I'll want you more
Until we end up in a heap on the floor”
The room had grown dim, illuminated only by the faint blue on the projector screen. You blinked yourself awake from a half-asleep stupor as you realized the movie had come to a close. 
“Hey, are you still up?” you whispered groggily, noting his closed eyes and shallow breathing.
“Unfortunately yes.” His eyes peeled open begrudgingly.
“And you’re not working on anything?”
He seemed visibly more awake at that observation. “Huh. That is correct.”
“Hehe. I finally got you to be unproductive.” You poked his cheek jestingly, still lightheartedly.
“Yep. I concur - you got me.”
“And I finally got you to have a good time.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You sat up, incredulous. Sure, it hadn’t been an eventful night by any regard, but it had surely been enjoyable.
“Just that all of the characters are stupid,” he elaborated with a gesticulation of his hands. “Just- all of them are total dum-dums.”
“Well, yeah,” you agreed with a shrug. “That love triangle was destined to fail from the start. They’re all horrible people and deserve everything they got.”
“And watching that is enjoyable for you?”
“Yeah, it just makes me appreciative of what we have.”
Donnie paused, reflected at that. “Huh. That’s… an incredibly introspective view.”
“So, you enjoyed the movie?”
“Don’t push your luck.”
“You could be dancing on tabletops
Wearing high-heels
Drinking until the world
Spins like a wheel
But tonight your apartment
Had so much appeal
Who needs stars?
We've got a roof
But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you”
Busy personalities beget busy schedules, and who would want to be anything but? If the choice is between being mundane or multifariously vibrant, isn’t the choice obvious?
Yet sometimes the hustle and bustle and pressure build up, workloads stack up, a devastating fatigue sets in. And the best thing to do together is absolutely nothing.
“No, there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you”
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jkbabiey · 11 days
overcomplicate • jeon jungkook
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wc: 1300 words wɑrnings: just prepɑre to feel ɑ lot of frustrɑtion; jungkook hɑs no emotionɑl ɑvɑilɑbility; jungkook is ɑ smoker; college!jungkook becɑuse uni stɑrts tomorrow
Jungkook had a tendency to overcomplicate everything.
"This," he gestured between you two. "We are not a thing."
But jungkook always showed up whenever you called. Even if he was busy. Maybe he'd let his phone sing for a while when you did call, but he'd always pick it up and if you did ask him to be next to you, he would ring your bell in a second.
Jungkook always reached for you when the light went down at night. His body would always mold against your back in the darkness of your room and his fingers would always slip between your smaller ones. His lips would always find a way to reach your neck, then your jaw, and then, when his fingers turned your face back towards him, your lips. He'd always find a way to touch parts of you that not even the sun had seen.
"Well, I think we are a thing," you answered, your eyes big and round and staring at him. Your voice was drenched in a playful, almost amused tone.
You were certain you had jungkook wrapped around your finger. Because his eyes would always search for yours in crowded classrooms, even though he insisted he would not be caught sitting next to you in class. Because he had insisted on staying by your side when you got sick and it got so bad you puked on the bathroom floor. He had insisted on staying, even after you snapped at him during exam season, cursing him out and yelling at him and he still showed up at your door the next day.
Because he still stayed.
"we're not, ___," he insisted, and you sighed, a teasing smile still painted on your lips.
There was a time when you weren't sure if he was into you like you were into him. Because Jungkook was the king of giving mixed signals. Going from loving you for hours on end one whole night to calling you bro the next morning. From holding your hand on the way to college to refusing to work with you on a group project. Jungkook was an overthinker. he would never ever make anything clear and it did get to you. It didn't make it easier that he was quick to turn you down whenever you got the courage to jokingly hint at an ounce of your feelings towards the boy. Time after time. Several times. To just go right back to act like your boyfriend the next week
"Are you sure?" you asked, taking a step closer to his body. He was leaning against the wall of the dark alleyway where you had found him smoking.
"___," he warned, his hot breath now hitting your face, as he looked down at you. His eyes were hazy and drunk, and his breath smelled of a mix of nicotine, alcohol, and mint.
"Are you sure, kookie?" you asked again, your hand resting on his abdomen as you stood on your tippy toes to approach your face to his, your lips nearing his chapped ones.
His breath got heavier, his eyes closed and he lowered his head so his lips would slightly brush against yours. The cigarette between his fingers was burning away, but it was the furthest thing from his mind, at that moment.
It was intoxicating. Jungkook intoxicated all your senses and he barely had to do anything. Everything from the way his eyes reflected the light to the way his skin smelled in the morning, when you woke up next to his naked body, to the way his calloused fingers caressed the skin of your cheek when he looked at you for a little bit to long before resting his lips on yours.
"-m' not" he whispered, his lips still softly brushing against yours.
And that was enough for you to surge forward, pushing on your tippy toes just a little harder so your lips would finally mold against his, working slowly and full of passion. Your palm was pressed against his torso, while your other hand reached up to grab at the back of his neck, pushing him into you.
Jungkook was not and had never been the best at talking about feelings. He couldn't even understand them, let alone talk about them. He liked things precise and objective. This, with you, was anything but that. His feelings for you were anything but clear and it bugged him how you, this tiny curly-haired human being could make him feel such a plethora of emotions. How did you do it? When did you start, because he did not see it coming? And when would you stop, if ever?
Did he even want you to stop?
"You drive me crazy," he growled when you pushed away from him, his breath quick and heavy mixing with yours.
Jungkook was smitten. It was obvious to anyone but him. At this point, even you, who had been so doubtful at some point, were now sure he was bewitched. It showed in the way he had stopped being able to have a continuous good night of sleep if he wasn't lying next to you. In the way he'd insisted on staying as far away from you as possible during class, because otherwise, he wouldn't be able to focus. In the way he had stopped caring about his friends' teasing about how he had a crush on you because a part of him believed them to be right. In the way, his eyes would always be drawn to you no matter how far away from you he was in a room full of people.
In the way his eyes caught yours as soon as you stepped foot into the party you had been forced to come to by your best friend. In the way he had refused your invitation to dance with you but watched you dance away with your best friend during the whole time.
In the way he stepped outside of the party to smoke, but found himself thinking of you just for you to catch him longingly whispering your name in the dark of the night, in the midst of an exhale of smoke.
"I'm sorry," you giggled, your teeth catching your plump bottom lip, and jungkook couldn't help the breathy laugh that escaped his throat, as his enamored eyes roamed your blushed face.
"No, you're not."
You chuckled as your drunk eyes fixed themselves on his. "What are you gonna do about that?" You asked, daring him to take the obvious next step.
The truth is you dreamt about jungkook asking you to be his girlfriend. You, who had never had a boyfriend before, had let jungkook break through your walls and make himself comfortable among the walls of your heart. You didn't know how jungkook had done it but he had and now you couldn't stop yourself from obsessing over the boy.
"Guess I'll just go crazy," he muttered, leaning down to press another kiss against your lips. Then you watched him throw his cigarette to the floor, put it out with his foot, and turn his back to you, walking back into the party.
"What are you so scared of?" you asked out loud, breaking the silence of the dark alley.
He turned back to you. "What do you mean 'scared of'? I'm not scared of anything," he shrugged.
"Oh yeah?" you pressed, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
"Then be my boyfriend," you felt like you were almost begging, as his eyes softened for a second before he let out a sharp snort of laughter. His right hand raised to pinch the bridge of his nose while his other hand rested on his hip.
"___," he called out. "We are not a thing."
Jungkook had a tendency to overcomplicate everything.
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Never Really Over Part I - Nick Bosa
Song: Never Really Over by Katy Perry
Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best?
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
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I was speed walking to my car while praying to God that I didn't catch one of my heels in a pothole on the way. It was raining and I could feel my hair sticking to my face as I focused on finding my car, my hands digging in my purse for my keys. All the while, I was swearing loudly at the fact that I thought coming to this fucking Ohio State luncheon for athletes was a good idea. I played women's soccer during my time here, and I was excited to be here tonight.
I wasn't expecting to see him here. Mr. First Round #2 Draft Pick.. Nick Bosa.
We were a couple for two years while he was at Ohio State.. until he told me the week before draft night that he didn't want to be in a long distance relationship while I stayed here to finish my degree.
I cried like a bitch that day, my heart completely shattered. The day before he took me out to lunch and spent the day watching tv with me, us discussing how exciting our futures would be. I didn't realize I wasn't part of his equation. We made love that night and the next morning he got ready to head out, and before leaving, he broke it off with me.
I can remember standing there in shock as he kissed me on the cheek and quickly left, the door slamming shut after him.
I wasn't sure how long I stood there, before moving onto the couch and breaking down.
I blocked him immediately on everything I could. I didn't want to see him ever again.
Sam reached out to see how I was doing when he heard the news, but he was sympathetic to Nick because "he was crying about it" when he told him. I knew Sam was more loyal to Nick because they were friends first and bros, so I down played my emotions a bit and then avoided speaking to Sam as much as possible. Slowly his calls, texts, and DMs stopped coming through and I was relieved. I distanced myself from our shared circle. Sticking with my teammates and a few other friends I made in the History program.
I focused on finishing my degree and graduating. Fast forward two years and I was working in Santa Clara, California as a paralegal while doing law school part time. I did my best to avoid anything Nick and finally, after two years, I had moved on and found happiness. Or at least I thought I had.
I was mingling with two of my former teammates when he approached me from my peripheral. Clara cleared her throat nervously and discretely nodded in his direction. The second I turned towards him, my breath caught in my throat and I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I wanted to cry as the emotions seem to pour back out. Anger, hurt, sadness, love, and begrudgingly enough, happiness. I couldn't figure the last one out. Everything was mixing together in a rapid fire within my heart.
He was wearing a grey suit with a red tie, similar to his draft suit. It was fitted well, and he looked as good as ever. His eyes squinting as a big smile overtook his face. He looked relieved to see me as he reached up to scratch the back of his neck - his signature nervous tick.
I was a coward. The sight of him made me bolt through the crowded hall and out the nearest exit and into the rain.
That's why I'm here now like this.
Power walking to my car in a Versace mini dress and heels, soaked to the bone from the shitty Ohio weather.
"Nadia! Wait, please!" I heard heavy feet across the wet concrete as he closed distance between us. "I just want to talk for a minute."
I was enraged and turned around with my finger pointed in his face. "Talk? You want to fucking talk? After all the shit you pulled?! Fuck you! How about that for a fucking talk, dickhead?!"
I turned and started to walk away again, but he gently grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him. I lost my balance and fell against him, twisting my ankle. "Fuck!"
"Shit, shit!" I felt him pull me upwards and swoop me into his arms. I'm sure we looked pretty ridiculous. a 6'4" man carrying a hysterical woman in a mini dress. "Shit, Nadia, I'm so fucking sorry!"
"Just please take me to my car and leave me alone." I whimpered. I was sure my ankle was twisted and would bruise a bit for sure.
Nick walked in the direction towards my car and opened the door. Slowly and gently he helped me into the passenger side before quickly rounding the car and getting in the driver's side.
"What are you doing? Get out of my car!"
Nick stared ahead, not saying anything at first, and then he turned towards me. "We need to talk - afterwards, if you don't want to hear anything else. I'll leave you alone and never bother you again, but I have been trying so hard these past two years to reach out to you! You blocked me on everything, you ghosted Sam, and your teammates threatened to castrate me if I even attempted to visit you on campus during practice. I fucked up - I know I can't erase that, but I just want to say I'm so sorry for what I did. I was a coward who was scared that it wouldn't work out and you'd leave me." He ran his hands through his hair and stared forward again.
I said nothing, looking down at my lap, trying to ignore my hurting ankle. After a bit of silence I reached over and turned the car on since it was chilly from the rain and the car was fogging up a bit. The heat blasted and the radio turned on.
And just like a fucking movie, that fucking song started playing me. The one that made me cry every time I heard it after our break up.
"Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best? Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over"
I could feel myself starting to cry when the hook played and Nick looked over in alarm, not sure of what to do.
"This stupid fucking song! This played on my playlist right after you walked out the door. You ruined this song for me!" I started to laugh while crying, seeing the humor in the situation.
Nick reached out his to mine and gripped it tightly as I sniffled and listened to the song. He was listening too.
I could see him shift slightly and bite his lip as he took in the lyrics. I could see him fighting a smile as well.
"Well shit.. yeah talk about timing." He said flatly.
For some reason that was also funny to me and I started laughing as the song built towards its final hook and this time Nick joined in with his own laughter.
"I guess it's never really over, then?" He asked quietly and I stopped laughing to stare at him.
His eyes were sad, but imploring.
I hated myself for falling into his eyes. They were a beautiful rich brown color. I hated that a part of me wanted to jump across the seat and kiss him, but I need more restraint than that.
"Well.. I think we have a lot to address and fix first. Let's start as building our friendship again? I'll give you my new number. I live in Santa Clara, so we can maybe meet up the next time you're back in the area?"
"Wait - you're in Santa Clara? Since when?" Nick looked happy at the news.
"Since last year. I work as a paralegal at a law firm who are helping me pay for my law classes part time."
"So we've been this close all this time?"
"I guess so.. It's a big area and I was sure I could avoid you easily. At least better than I would have if you stayed in Columbus.."
"Ouch.. I deserved that."
"Yeah, you did, but.. I'm really fucking heartbroken and seeing you here tonight brought that all back.. I wouldn't have come if I had known you were here. I thought I was over it. I've been doing so well and even casually dated for a bit without comparing them to you.. and seeing you here tonight.. my head takes me back to happier times and the end of it.. I can't promise anything, Nick." I said quietly.
He looked down at his lap and nodded quietly. "I'll take whatever I can get, Nadia. I mean it."
"Please don't make me regret this, Nick." I said quietly.
"I won't - I promise." He said firmly, squeezing my hand he was still holding on to.
We sat here a few more minutes, listening to Frank Ocean's Chanel before I said to him humorously. "Well, I guess Katy Perry is right. I guess it's never really over."
He just grinned back in return, his eyes shining brightly and full of happiness.
'Please don't break my heart again. I don't want to get over you again.' I thought to myself.
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seancekitsch · 1 year
Hi, I really like your writing! I don't know if the requests are open but if so, can you please write about Kraglin x reader when they fight and the reader gives him the silent treatment? I think he will feel really bad and be sad… Can you do it with fluff and angst? Thank you so much❤️
hey sorry for the wait!
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“Girlie, c’mon, please just talk to me,” Kraglin pleads, following as you storm out of the casino. But just as you round a corner into an alley, Drax stops him with a strong hand to the chest.
“A woman does not need to be chased, she must be woo’ed with a display, fine wines, or a mating ritual,” Drax is stern in but his eyes shine with annoyance that Kraglin knows mean he is not on his side. So much for bro code. Kraglin just watches hopelessly as he loses sight of you.
When Kraglin returns to his group, some ravagers and some citizens of Knowhere, the wind in his sails is gone. He loses every poker game of the night. You don’t come to bed with him, instead staying in your own quarters for the first time in maybe two weeks. He barely gets any sleep, and how can he? Kraglin knows exactly where he fucked up, actually, he knows both instances of where he fucked up. The beginning of his fuck up was when he insisted the two of you were casual to Peter; he let the way you tensed under his arm after he said that and after he smiled and didn’t press the issue when you were very terse in your response and quickly moved away from him. He should have taken it back, should have said of course you aren’t casual. He’d been doing the full blown Pete and Gamora will-they-won’t-they routine with you despite the fact that you’d made it clear you will if he wants to. His second, the more obvious fuck up, was letting letting a woman who was very obviously flirting with him sit on his lap during a round of poker, not realizing you had just stepped into the room with Nebula and Adam. 
He deserved your cold shoulder, even after morning comes. That doesn’t stop it from hurting though. You seem fine, laughing and joking with the others. Kraglin tries as hard as he might, but never catches your eye. It’s like when you joined the team again, both of you in orbit but never touching. You, the beauty of Harmorna 3 and all of its rings… And Kraglin’s just Kraglin. Literally floating in his hunk of trash around you. 
“What did you do?” Rocket’s voice startles Kraglin, who lurches from his seat at the table.
“They should put a bell on you or somethin’,” Kraglin mutters.
“Sure, Mr. Casual doesn’t want any surprises,” Rocket snarls back; So, he does know. He’s just being a gossip. 
“Look; I messed up, Alright?” Kraglin deflates, “Don’t know why.”
Rocket eyes him up and down; smart little rat. He probably knows why Kraglin did what he did better than even he does.
“Right… well, you better figure it out.”
Smug bastard won’t even help him out. 
He finally catches you alone when he finds you cleaning the bar with a wet rag, wiping down whatever Adam or Groot definitely spilled on it that day. You roll your eyes and toss your rag down before he can open his mouth, and dread fills his stomach. Had he actually really blown it? Would you tell him to fuck off? What would this mean for the team and for Knowhere? If you were to ask him to leave, he would; He’d go to that fucking Howard the Duck planet or-
“You gonna talk? ‘Cause I don’t have anything to say to you right now,” you snap, frowning at him. 
“Yeah, Girlie, listen… I didn’t mean to offend ya. I just,” he gets interrupted.
“Then what did you mean to do?  Throw someone else in my face? Humiliate me? Because I’ll tell you something-“
“Sure are talking’ a lot for someone who don’t have anything to say,” Kraglin comments, and then immediately regrets it. 
“Kraglin I will fucking shoot you!” you threaten him, a dangerous shine in your eyes. He doesn’t doubt you, so he backs down. 
“You humiliated me. I was just telling them how excited I was that we were seeing each other and you throw out the word casual like I’m some kind of hook up. I didn’t think I was.” 
You finish your rant by throwing your hands up hopelessly, looking lost and angry, unshed tears in your eyes. He fucked up, way more than he thought he did. He crosses the room to the bar, but doesn’t dare cross it. He places his hands on it, careful not to touch a section you had already wiped down. 
“I know, I’ll beg on my knees if ya want? I’m sorry. I tried to move slow with ya, but I’m moving too slow.”
You scoff, but your face softens. 
“I know you watched me get married like six times when we were with that Thunder God, so I didn’t want ya to think this was temporary like they were.”
“Kraglin, marriage IS supposed to be serious,” you argue, but at least you’re talking to him. That’s the bright side Kraglin clings to. 
“When I marry ya, I want it to be the real deal."
Your eyebrows raise.
He immediately back tracks.
"I- I mean, IF you know- If you wanted to and I didn't screw this up..."
"You gotta be able to say we're dating first," you roll your eyes, and lean onto the bar opposite him. Kraglin stares into your eyes, searching for.... well, anything. He doesn't see the burning anger of last night or the cold detached look from this morning. He just sees your eyes shining as you look up at him, anticipation for an answer.
"Yeah," he says, softly. He knows. You deserve it. You deserve him beaming with pride on your arm because you picked him.
"Yeah, I know."
You chew on your bottom lip, staring thoughtfully at him. thousands of thoughts— words you could say— swirling through your mind. But bluntness always works best.
“So who are you gonna tell we’re dating first?” you ask.
“Gonna call Pete,” he admits, and he knows Pete would be so happy for him. “Then I’m gonna talk about you all day to anyone that might listen, but ‘em a whole lot.”
“Mhmmm,” you hum, nodding to encourage him to continue.
“What, you want me to put up a billboard or somethin’?” he balks, laughter in his voice.
“Wouldn’t hurt,” you respond, winking.
He’ll see how much he wins at the table tonight, or if Nebula will do him a solid. And he’ll definitely make sure you’re the one on his lap tonight.
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doggirldick · 9 months
i was writing tags on that last post and had a childhood nostalgia moment so here's a little storytime about my childhood and early games i played. ehem
imagine you are a little child. you have a ps2 that your dad left behind when he fucked off. your exposure to video games is shitty ps2 movie tie-in games.
your primary school is in a tiny village out in the english countryside.
they had an afterschool 'club' that was really just 2 mothers of kids at the school babysitting kids whose parents couldn't pick them up immediately. image you are there every single school day bc school finishes at 3pm and you are growing up with a working class single mum whose always working long hours to keep a roof over your head because your shitty father doesn't pay child support.
the club's in the school assembly hall so there's a lot of room to run round. they have a table with paper and pencils and felt tips so kids can sit and draw. they have a table with a box full of a mix of lego and mega blocks. there is one empty table just for whatever. in one corner, there is a little crt with a built-in vcr on the floor with some shitty old kids movies on vhs next to it, there are a few beanbags borrowed from the school library (a tiny room that can hardly be called a library but whatever) in front of the tv.
you're an undiagnosed autistic 5 year old that just moved to this school so you just sit in silence playing with lego by yourself and pissing yourself cause you're too autistic to ask to go to the bathroom.
one day. they get an old ps1 for the tv. 3 whole games and no memory card yippeeeee.
the games?
Action Man: Destruction X (anyone remember action man? i had this one doll that came with a snowmobile he could ride that fired giant snowballs out the sides and he had a hole in the back of his head so you could see through the visor on his helmet, it was the COOLEST toy when i got it).
Tweenies: Game Time (if you were a british kid in the early 2000s too poor for cable or whatever, chances are you grew up watching cbeebies and cbbc, maybe citv. my memory is vague but back before the digital switchover and the reign of freeview, when all we had was like 5 analogue channels, when i was young enough to watch cbeebies, i'm pretty sure they had like a cbeebies block and a cbbc block on bbc two in the morning before school)
RAYMAN. finally. a game that wasn't a tie-in, and not only that but it offered passwords in addition to saving so even though we didn't have a memory card, we could write a password down.
rayman was magical. beautifully drawn and animated. to my little child eyes it was just like a cartoon. it was also hard as balls so even with our passwords, we never got very far at all but i was obsessed. whiling away the hours after school fumbling around the first few levels every day. one time an older kid who was actually good at video games was at the club and made some actual progress while i watched mesmerised, had my mind blown when he got the helicopter hair powerup thing.
i later got a ds lite and the first game i got was rayman ds which was a ds port of rayman 2. fucking awesome. got stuck for a while until someone told me that if you let the walking shell chase you in a circle, it gets tired and you can ride it. COOLEST SHIT EVER. got stuck again cause i always got lost in the fire temple place and then on time i got jumpscared by one of those fucking scary bastards popping out from behind a rock and i didn't want finish it until years later when i got an action replay lol.
i stopped playing rayman bc someone let me play new super mario bros on their ds and then i got obsessed with mario until pokemon entered my life and platinum released here may 22nd 2009, the day before my 10th birthday and guess what my dad got me in one of his many attempts to make me not grow up hating him.
there. i'm done. i did make friends with other regulars at the club eventually, that's how i got into pokemon. we'd pretend to be pokemon and i had a sonic oc in like 2007 i would pretend to be sometimes. my exposure to sonic was sonic gems collection for ps2 but in 2007 my dad got me a psp and sonic rivals. sonic gems collection had a museum with unlockable art and sonic rivals had unlockable cards with art so i learned about other sonic games through these images until i got internet and watched the cutscenes on youtube lmao.
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the-fourth-knower · 2 years
Sonic Underground: Last Resort: A Re-telling: Chapter 7
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Here we go, time for the plot to start picking back up! Some investigations are gonna start, and Sonia gets left by her brothers. How sad.
Let's dive in.
Sleeping Inn
The rays of the morning sun reached out across the land, bringing brilliant, shining warmth and light as it crawled up into the sky. Reds and yellows danced across the retreating violets of the night, smog clouds marring the colors as they blundered along with the winds.
Sonic was already up and about, waking with the earliest rays of the sun. After a wake up stretch and running about, the hedgehog ran over to the hotel entrance. Where he now was waiting for the rest of the group, pacing back and forth. Once more the feeling of something off returned - everything sounded quiet. Aside from the soft whir of a robot going on its rounds, trimming grass to the perfect height. It was... off.
“Man, they sure are taking a while.” Sonic rubbed his nose, in the middle of his pacing. “Maybe I should go in there and check on them.”
Before he could, the sound of a door opening prompted a twitch from his ear. Turning to face the source, his face lit up when he saw Tails walking out, bag on his waist with the strap going over his shoulder. And Manic was there, too. But no Sonia?
Where could she be? Better ask.
Sonic walked towards the two, hand raised into a wave. “Hey, hey!”
Tails and Manic, busy talking with each other, turned towards Sonic in unison. Tails’s tails began to wag at once on seeing Sonic, a big grin spreading across his face. 
“Hey, Sonic!” Tails said, waving at Sonic. Manic just grinned when he saw Sonic, giving the other hedgehog a wave.
“Yo, bro!” Manic said, as he walked towards Sonic to meet him. He held out his hand for a fist bump, one that Sonic returned.
“What’s been new, guys?” Sonic said as he held his hand out to Tails, the two giving each other their own fist bumps. “And where’s Sonia at?”
Manic smirked, pointing at the hotel with his thumb. “Sonia’s still getting her beauty sleep - I figured I’d go out into town and do some snooping like lil’ bro suggested.”
“Snooping for you usually means that you steal something and get in trouble.” Sonic said, crossing his arms.
Manic gasped, putting his hand on his chest. “Hey! I only get in trouble when I’m caught.”
“And that’s usually when one of us has to bail you out of there, right?” Tails said.
Manic somehow let out an even more dramatic gasp. “Et tuie, Tails?”
“Et tu.” Tails pulled out a handheld of some kind from his back, not even looking at Manic for the correction. “Keep him out of trouble if you can.”
Sonic gave the handheld a look over - it wasn’t one he’d seen before.  “What’s that? Another of your inventions, Tails?”
Manic let out a pointed cough, attracting the others’ attention. “Ahem. No nicknames, remember?”
Sonic let out an exhale, almost embarrassed. “Right, sorry. Forgot about that.”
“Well, I did it first…” Tails rubbed at the back of his head with his free hand. “I mean to be fair, it’s early in the day. And it’s not like we planned the whole thing out that well.”
Tails gave Manic a pointed glare, to which the thief hedgehog just shrugged.
“You guys just need better improv skills.” Manic crossed his arms, snoot in the air in his best Sonia impression.
“Right.” Sonic stared at Manic, deadpan oozing from both his face and voice. Turning his focus to Tails, Sonic’s smile returned. “So, ‘Miles,’ new invention?”
“Oh, yeah!” Tails held up the device for both hedgehogs to see. “Haven’t settled on a name yet, but I’m gonna test it out today.”
“Sure it won’t blow up on you, lil’ bro?” Manic said, leaning in with a cheeky grin.
Tails rolled his eyes, gaze moving onto the thief. “No, Manic. It won’t blow up on me - it’s power source is too small for anything like that.”
“Heh heh. Just messing with ya, lil’ bro.” Manic leaned over onto Tails, giving the fox boy a noogie.
“Hey!” Tails burst into laughter, swatting at Manic with his free hand. Manic joined in, and after a moment Sonic started chuckling as well.
Sonic stopped first, giving Tails a glance. “So, what do you plan on using the handheld for?”
Tails took a moment to catch his breath. “Ahem. I think I’ll check out the valley after I look over the van. I want to make sure this place is doing alright, given how close we are to Eggman’s central factories.”
“Heh, how bout that?” Sonic leaned to his left, hand going onto his hip there. “I was planning to do a run around the valley to do my own check on it.” 
Tails positively hopped with excitement. “Oh! With the both of us working on that, we’ll be able to see if there’s anything going on, So-!” His eyes widened, just barely catching himself. “Ah, I mean. ‘Arthur.’”
“Don’t sweat it, Miles.” Sonic reached his hand out, patting Tail’s shoulder. Then he looked at his other erstwhile brother. “You’ll be able to keep out of trouble on your own, Manic?”
“Do badniks explode if you poke them?” Manic said, the cockiest grin imaginable on his face.
“Not really, no.” Tails said without even missing a beat.
“He’s got a point, ya know.” Sonic said, grinning at the now deflated Manic. “You gotta put force behind it, or they’ll just smack you.”
Manic let out a huff. “Uh-huh.” he said, leaning towards Sonic with an emboldened grin, “I bet you know a lot ‘bout that, don’tcha bro?”
“Ah ha ha…got me there.” Sonic stood up right, starting to walk away. “Right, I’m gonna get moving now. You two be careful!”
“Okay, Sonic!” Tails said, waving at the now running Sonic - and failing to notice the indignant look Manic threw at him. “You be careful too -”
“Miles!” Manic said, giving Tails a little poke to the arm.
“Huh?” Tails looked at Manic, head tilted. “What?”
“‘Real’ names, bro!” Manic poked Tails again, driving the point in. “No nicknames!”
“Whoops.” Tails bushed a bit, rubbing at his head again. “Ah ha, sorry.”
Manic leaned back, rubbing his nose before he shrugged. “Eh… we should be fine here. Just try to keep it chill if you go to the village, huh?”
“Well, good thing I won’t be in the village much, huh?” Tails giggled, tucking his handheld under his shoulder. “Just please don’t get yourself into anything.”
Manic placed a hand over his heart, cracking a grin as he did. “You have my word, on my honor as a thief.”
“Thieves have that?” Tails asked, tilting his head. He was pretty sure that was just some sort of weir saying, not reality.
“Of course we do.” Manic said, leaning onto one side just like Sonic does (and Sonia when she’s in the mood). “Why wouldn’t we have it?”
“Erm…okay.” Tails wasn’t sure if Manic was telling the truth…but for a thief, he didn’t really lie that often from what Tails knew about him. “If you say so.”
“Right, if we got that all sorted...” Manic put his arms behind his head, stretching his neck as he did, “You got places to go, don’t you?”
“Oh yeah! Right.” Tails began to twirl his tails around. “Take care, Manic!”
“You too, lil’ bro.” Manic waved at Tails, grin on his face.
Tails took off into the air, waving back at Manic before flying off. Manic began his trek to the village, hardly a care in the world as he whistled a familiar tune. After all, out in the woods of a nowhere village, would there really be anyone to be a potential threat?
As it turned out, yes. Yes there was. The seemingly innocuous mower-bot, seen but unnoticed by the trio, had paused  once it got close to them. Visual and audio data went from it back to the person who took remote control to bring it closer to their conversation.
“Hmm…Sonic, huh?” the person said, cupping their hand around their chin. “Now that’s a familiar name.”
The sun’s rays illuminated the inside of the Underground’s room, shining through curtains and glass alike. The beams trailed across the room, until at last they rested upon Sonia’s face. And with that, the upper class raised gal began to stir.
Sitting upright in her silk sheet covered bed, Sonia let out a long yawn. “Mmh…” Looking around, she noticed -
The other beds were empty.
“Wait, huh? Where’s -” Sonia looked around for Manic and Tails.
Casting the sheets aside, Sonia stood up. She walked around the room, checked the deck, and even checked the bathroom.
No one else was around. Which meant just one thing.
“Oh, for the love of...” Sonia growled out, throwing her hands up into the air. “Ditched again!?”
With a huff, Sonia walked straight to where her clothes laid. With no one around to talk to, she might as well get into her spare day clothes.
“Ugh. The cheek of those boys. Running off and doing things while I’m asleep without even bothering to wake me up!”
She was almost dressed - if not out of steam on her anger - when there was a knock at the door.
“Oh!” Sonia glanced over at the main door, before back at her gloves as she put them on. “Uh, come on in!”
The doors opened, and in stepped a butler in what looked like a waiter outfit. Almost a decent approximation of butler ones, even. In their hand was a plate of food, covered by a food dome.
“Hello, madam.” the waiter set the plate down onto a table, lifting the dome to reveal food. “Breakfast is served.”
“Oh! Thank you, good sir.”
“It is no problem, madam.” The waiter bowed at Sonia, then exited the room. They were impressively disciplined, considering they were in the boondocks. 
Sonia readied a napkin for herself - no sense in getting her clothes dirtied after just putting them on. Pulling a chair out, she sat down at the table and began to eat. On her own. With no company.
Some nerve of Manic to just run off on me. I know Tails wouldn’t have come up with that. Hmm. They definitely have some good food here. It’s about as good as what I had back home!
In no time at all, the food was consumed. And even better, without her clothes being dirtied in the least. A trick learned by all nobility.
Setting the food dome back over the cleaned out plate, Sonia pushed away from the table. Making sure to push the table back in, she made her way over to the deck to look outside.
The steady chorus of running water filled the air. Sunlight danced between the trees, basking fields of flowers, grass, bushes in its warmth.
 She spent almost a minute lost watching the falls when she heard footsteps behind her. The waiter from before must have returned - or else it was a different one.
“Do you need something, sir?” Sonia said, without looking back. The waiter’s footsteps were loud enough to hear through the outside din.
“Madam, Mayor Stripes is here to meet with you.”
Stripes himself? He must not have a lot to do around here.
“Send him on in.” Sonia said, watching the waterfalls still.
“Your pardon, Miss Sonia.” came a velvet smooth voice, “I let myself in.”
Sonia turned on her heels somehow, she hadn’t heard Stripes walk in at all.
“Oh, hello there!” she said, masking her surprise with a bright smile. 
“Greetings, Miss Sonia.” Stripes bowed before Sonia, sweeping his arm in front of him as he did. He then stood back up, returning his arm by his side. “I trust that you’ve not found our hospitality lacking?”
“Certainly not.” Sonia made a half turn, putting her hands together and to her side; her well practiced innocent girl look. “It’s a great deal more accommodating than quite a few places I’ve stayed at, of late.”
“I hear that a lot.” Stripes leaned back, in a casual manner. Hands on his hips. “In this day and age, there’s not a lot of places where one can find a peaceful place to spend the night, eh?”
“Certainly not one that’s easy to find.” Sonia played with her quills, walking over to the faucet as she picked up a glass. “Even if you decide to stay at our illustrious overlord’s hotels,” she remarked, casual as she filled the glass halfway full.
Stripes let out a chuckle, rubbing his chin. “I can certainly imagine. Luckily, our hotel, as you’ve experienced, remains independent.”
Sonia finished her drink, setting her glass down. Pulling a napkin out to dry off her mouth, she turned back around to face Stripes.
“Which is certainly impressive!” she said as she approached him. “Tell me, how did you manage that?”
“Ha ha, well.” he gestured towards the main door of the room. “How about I tell you over a tour of the town?”
“Ooh!” Sonia said, in her excitable girl voice - she even clapped her hands together and raised her leg up. “That sounds like a lovely idea!”
“Excellent! Shall we?” Stripes held out his arm, as one does to escort a noble lady.
Sonia, however, was not too interested.
“Come along, Stripes.” she said, making a beeline for the door. “This tour won’t start by itself.”
Stripes rubbed his head in confusion, watching Sonia as she pushed the doors open and headed right on out. “Heh. Forceful young lady, isn’t she?”
Almost a shame that she was with the Resistance, if “Arthur” was really Sonic. But no matter - it was time for a tour.
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arithecreatorsstuff · 2 years
The Lesson, or How I Stopped Worrying and Adopted an Elder God
Author's note: kinda had this idea floating around in my head since MK11 came out. It's canonish Raiden adopted Kung Lao and Liu Kang. But... we never know if Fujin adopted anyone. This is one scenario where he gets adopted instead of the other way round.
While I don't really remember much about my family... I do remember they weren't exactly good people. At least... not when I booked it at 17. My old man was the worst of my parents. Always drunk, and worse, a mean as hell one after a few beers. It was never just a beer, nope. He drank 18 packs like some people drink Starbucks. My mom was largely at work, holding down two jobs to simultaneously feed me and keep the old man in beer. Sadly, she spent more on his beer. As a result, I've always worked.
The day I left, the old man was three six packs in, and there was no more money at all. The drunk had blown all my mom's pay on beer, demanded I part with my paycheck. I said no, obviously. Someone had to make sure we ate. The old man tried to hit my mom, fell flat on his face, and knocked himself out. Fine by me. I picked up my phone to call my aunt to come help us, and my mom took the cell phone out of my hand.
"You call Evelyn and you may as well walk out that door, young lady." I sigh.
"Mom, I love you, but I'm not standing for this any more. Give me back my phone, please. I'm leaving, and if you have any sense of self preservation, you would too. He will kill you, Mom. And I'm not sticking around to see if I'm next."
"Very well, Mila. Just... don't call Evelyn. I'll handle it. I married him, right?" She hands me back my phone. She looks depressed. And... I make up my mind. First call: Aunt Evelyn. Sorry, Mom, but you were the one who got me into Dateline, I do not want you on there. Second call: my friend Kung Jin. He and I talked about this, I have a safe space, I just need to get there. Granted, my safe place is in China, but... hey, the old man will never find me there. Not that he cares, really.
"Okay. Mom... I'm sorry." I'm crying, but I can't help it. I turn, head to my room, and grab as much of my stuff as I can pack. I hear my mom crying too, and the sounds of duct tape. Huh. Maybe Mom is gonna be okay. I'm still calling my aunt. I find the most important thing: my safebox with my meager savings in it. Felt bad hiding money from my mom... but the old man would just drink it away. I've got a couple thousand in cash, enough to get away.
Next thing I know, I'm in a run down motel room, making my calls. Auntie is inbound, and in the morning, I'm outbound to China. Hope the White Lotus need a library science major, else I'll need new skills.
Fast forward six years, and I gotta say... while I miss Mom, I do not miss my old man in the least. But thanks to Big Bro Jin and Master Lao... my aim has improved dramatically. However... it's not archery I'm learning today. No, today I'm on loan to Lord Fujin, reorganizing the library. We're just finishing up for the day.
"Be careful on the ladder, Mila." I'm near the top of the shelf, dealing with the mess someone made of the botany section.
"Yes, Dad." Eep. Did I just say that out loud? I look down at Fujin. Crap. I DID say it out loud. "Sorry." I sigh. "It's just... well..." I trail off.
"Well?" I start down the ladder, I need to be on ground level for this.
"It's just... since we met, you've been more like a real father than my own ever was. You gave me guidance and encouragement as opposed to bitterness and misery. On the rare occasion I needed it, you protected me. I figure, at this point, I may as well just call you 'Dad' if you don't mind."
"Hmm. You know... I think I'm going to like being a father. And I could not ask for a better daughter." He hugs me. "Mila, you're a better person than him. He may have helped create you, but everything you've done, you've done without him. I'm proud of you, my daughter."
"Aww, thanks Dad." I hug him. "So... when do we tell Uncle Raiden?"
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prickly-bulbasaur · 2 years
Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
Bakugou and Kirishima were sleeping in the Red-head’s room as last night they were studying for an English test Present Mic was planning for the 1-A group later that day. However, after a few hours of Bakugou slamming a rolled newspaper on the poor Hardening user things became more heated to the point that one final smack was the last straw. So, when the blond swung down at Kirishima, he decided at the moment to harden his head and skewered the newspaper. 
The next moment the blonde lunged at him, cursing him out about ruining his paper and needing to focus on studying and gradually English got switched over to Anatomy, an in-depth anatomy lesson that neither of them would forget. They fell asleep around 4 AM, clothes were strewn everywhere and their homework was abandoned and thrown in random places.
Kirishima’s alarm went off at 6 and they both scrambled out of bed, quickly showered, and put on their morning clothes for breakfast. They left the room, acting cool like nothing happened, yelling at extras and saying good morning until two people with keen eyes noticed something was off.
“Soooo, Bakubabe?” Mina teased, causing the blonde to flinch at what she was planning to ask next. “What were you and Kiribabe doing last night?”
“I was teaching Shitty Hair English, what the hell do you think we were doing?” The blonde growled and poured some coffee. 
“Oh~? Are you sure? Looks like both of you were playing hanky panky.”
Both Katsuki and Kirishima went beet red and rounded on the pinkette. “What makes you think we did that shit!!??”
Just then Kaminari walked in and laughed at the two of them. “Bros! Why are you wearing each other's shirts?”
A few moments of silence fell on the two boys as Mina continued laughing and Kaminari followed suit as he put the pieces together. “Ohhh, you two had an anatomy lesson! Can’t wait to tell Mido-”
“You tell him you fucking die!!”
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evereinefaust · 8 months
*.·:·.✧ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟒 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬 ✧.·:·.*
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"I'll be going out now, big bro, big sis!" [Y/n] called out, idling by the door as she opened them.
Zelda rounded the corner, her half-lidded eyes glancing at her younger sister fully dressed in her uniform and her bag dangling on her shoulder. She let out a big yawn, tiredly rubbing her eyes as she gave a small wave. After a few moments, Dietrich arrived as well to bid goodbye to the youngest.
"You sure you don't need a lift?" the black-haired male asked, patting away his bedhead.
The other twin hummed, folding her arms. "I'll ask Rouin to give you a ride to school."
"That's fine, Evereine said she'll pick me up on the way since the road they take to school is near us," the [h/c]ette dismissed, chuckling at her older siblings' worrywart behavior.
"I see. That's nice of her."
Giving a wave, Dietrich forced a smile despite his tiredness. "Stay safe."
"Bye~" with a final wave, [Y/n] exited her abode and closed the door behind her.
Now that the youngest was out to attend school, the twins were left all alone in their house. Both ravenettes went on to do their morning routine, one was preparing breakfast while the other was sipping on his coffee while browsing through his phone. It was rare for both of them to have a day off, considering their busy work lives as voice actors for many films and now an actor working for Clover Games.
"What?" the woman whipped her head around, spotting her twin on the couch.
Dietrich turned his head to look back at her, confusion written all over his face. "Am I tripping or something?"
The woman scrutinized her twin. "Speak properly so I can understand you."
"It's just..." he looked back to his phone, tired eyes staring at the date and time on his screen. "Is it really Friday today? I swear [Y/n] went to school six times in a row now."
"It can't be," pausing her work, she also checked her phone.
6:21 AM || March 31 || Friday
"My phone says it's Friday, see?" proving her point, she walked over to the man and showed her the device.
"Huh..." the male exhaled. "Weird."
"You need rest, Trich," the woman shook her head, patting her twin's shoulder before focusing back on preparing their breakfast.
It didn't take long before a message notification popped up on both of their screens. A message coming from a certain manager of theirs.
Rouin Don't forget to be by Clover's at 8. You two are needed for filming the new content.
"But isn't that scheduled for tomorrow?" Dietrich said, rubbing his temple, exasperated. "Did they move the schedule?"
Zelda shook her head. "They won't do that without any prior notice."
"That's really weird," he exhaled, leaning against the sofa out of exhaustion. "If that's the case, then what did we do yesterday?"
"I don't know about you but I have a two-hour session of recording lines for a movie, then I had a podcast in the afterno—wait..."
The woman's abrupt pause enveloped the two in silence. Both twins stared at each other, their dark hues communicating. They checked their phones again, reading through many messages and even checking the emails sent to them. They even went to their calendar which contains the work schedules they have. Their initial confusion was replaced by a sudden realization, before shifting to disbelief.
"Really now..." Dietrich let out a shaky breath, sweat-dropping. He had a hand on his head, rubbing his messy, black locks. His half-lidded onyx hues stared at his phone, defeated. "That troublemaker..."
[Y/n] Did you both receive the text from Rouin? Hehe~ Don't worry, I'll let management know that you two will be late so that they can film the other's parts first. See ya both at the main office later!
"I can't believe she got us like this," Zelda shook her head, face-palming.
【Prank #1: Confuse someone about the date】
→ Success! ←
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Before you enter this room, remember that something will definitely catch you off guard. Don't worry, it's not something serious. Just don't remove this letter yet in case someone else enters. Anyway, enjoy~ —[Y/n]
"Well, this is concerning," Syphfride quirked a brow, standing to full height after examining the note taped to the door.
Behind her were Miriande and Ondal. They, too, read the contents of the note. The three of them just arrived at the lounge and instantly saw the yellow post-it note on the door. Pretty much, both males were stoic. Either they were not in the mood to be bothered by [Y/n]'s potential prank or decided that it wouldn't be worth worrying about. It's not like she set the lounge on fire, after all.
"Ooh~ You guys are here!"
The trio whipped their head to the voice, seeing a familiar magenta-haired woman heading their way. Astrid had both hands behind her head, a grin plastered on her lips. Trailing behind her were the three archmages.
"What're ya'll standing there for?" she asked, stopping just a foot away from them.
Ondal crossed his arms. "There's a note that [Y/n] left on the door."
"Is that so? Lemme see!" As the three moved away to give space, Astrid scooted to the door and her attention immediately landed on the bright-colored paper taped on the wood. Her magenta hues scanned the words before breaking into a chortle. "Oh, boy! I can't wait for what [Y/n] has in store for us."
"What's the matter?" Laphlaes asked, finally catching up with the others.
Syphfride glanced at them. "Oh, just a 'warning' note that [Y/n] left on the door."
Lucilicca placed a hand on her forehead, lips pursed thin. "It seems that girl is already up to something. Even Charlotte was acting unusual earlier — like something was going on that we don't know of."
"Considering that today is April 1st, I'm 100% sure they're planning for a prank," Rashad added.
"Either way, let's go inside," with that, Astrid opened the door.
Each pair of eyes scanned the insides of the room, not expecting the surprise laid for them. Some of the adults were worried that [Y/n] would be committing a harmful prank, even assuming that she might do the classic water bucket above door trick. Because if she does, surely not everyone would be happy to be on the receiving end of it.
But they were relieved that it was not the case.
Surprise etched on their faces before some elicited a giggle while others let a smile grace their lips. Astrid was in awe, even. And the almost emotionless Miriande cracked a smile and a slight shake of his head at this dumb yet smile-inducing prank.
"I see now what she meant by that," Syphfride commented, walking into the room to admire the countless googly eyes staring back at her.
"I wonder how long it took her to glue everything with googly eyes," Ondal said. "And surely she has to remove this by the end of the day."
"Now I know what Charlotte and the girls are up to..." the silver-haired woman muttered to herself, releasing a sigh as she trudged over to the dining area.
【Prank #2: Surprise everyone by sticking googly eyes to every piece of furniture in the lounge】
→ Success! ←
As the initial surprise from the group dissipated, they continued with their routine. While the filming crew is arranging the set for later, the actors decided to relax in the lounge in the meantime. Astrid, still impressed by the level of prank, decided to admire the place. The woman took out her phone and recorded the room.
Meanwhile, Syphfride decided to take a little selfie. She took one of the pillows on the couch, its googly eyes rattling. Taking out her phone and extending her arm, the woman hugged the pillow in her other arm, its soft cushion pressing against her cheek. With the front-facing camera ready, Syphfride stuck her tongue out and closed one of her eyes, pressing the button to capture the picture.
Ondal, on the other hand, decided to sink into the comforts of the couch, ready to fall asleep at any time. The murmurs of his co-workers conversing in the dining area and the soft hum of the air conditioner lulled him to slumber.
As for the group by the dining area, they were busy preparing their daily morning beverage to wake them up. Miriande sat by the table, reading a book while waiting for his turn to use the coffee machine. The other three were by the counters, ready to prepare their preferred hot beverage — Rashad and Laphlaes were conversing while prepping the coffee machine as Lucilicca was about to get some cups from the upper cupboard.
As she opened the door, however...
Her sudden scream alerted the other people in the room. All eyes landed on her as the woman reeled back in shock. Even Ondal bolted awake from her unexpected scream. She had both of her hands close to her chest, purple eyes wide as saucers. The woman felt like her soul was leaving her body, and her heart was racing from the sudden scare she had experienced.
"What's wrong, Lucilicca?" the redhead asked, concern lacing his tone. A crease appeared between his eyebrows as he hurried to the woman, placing a supporting hand on her back and rubbing it.
She took a shaky breath before exhaling, her cheeks tinted pink from embarrassment. "It's nothing. I just got scared by a plastic cockroach hiding in the cupboards."
As she said that, Rashad went over and inspected the cupboard. As expected, there was a small plastic, toy cockroach just chilling in the middle of the cabinet. It was placed perfectly at the very front, leaning against the overturned cups so that when someone was about to take one, they would immediately touch the cockroach and they would be surprised by its sudden appearance.
"She even has a mini camera hiding here," the tan ravenette stated, noticing the reflection of the device in the corner of the cabinet.
"Y/n] got you good, huh?" Astrid snickered, pointing her phone at the three and zooming in to capture Lucilicca's rare expression.
"I guess we have to be wary of everything now," the blonde man sitting by the table mentioned, rubbing his temple.
【Prank #3: Scare someone with a plastic cockroach in the cupboard】
→ Success! ←
The silver-haired woman eventually calmed down from the unexpected scare. Though she can't help but be flustered when she screams like that. Not only did she get pranked by maybe one of the most common pranks out there, but other people witnessed her like that. Although it annoyed her, she had to admit that [Y/n] is a genius troublemaker.
As soon as they settled down, everyone went back to what they were doing prior. Lucilicca already got the cups needed, fully ignoring the brown plastic that managed to scare her out of her wits. And out of spite, she threw the cockroach deeper into the cabinet. For now, the woman didn't know the effects of her action...
Let's just say when everyone forgets about this, it will be the perfect chance for the plastic roach to pounce on its next unsuspecting victim...
"What now..." Rashad pursed his lips in thought. His brows drew together, thinking deeply about the occurrence that just happened. "I'm certain I selected caramel..."
After taking a sip from his cup, Laphlaes grimaced. He licked his lips, golden eyes scrutinizing the contents of his cup. "Oh dear, this is...certainly strong."
Confusion overtook both males' features, even the silver-haired woman was having a hard time drinking her beverage. As Rashad stood aside and examined his chosen drink, Miriande, and Syphfride took their turn to get their desired hot beverage. Placing a cup under the machine, the blonde pressed a button on the machine and it gave a mechanical whirr before pouring liquid contents into the cup.
It didn't take long for the cup to be filled with hot liquid and the machine stopped, beeping to indicate it finished pouring the desired drink. Miriande carefully took his cup and inhaled the fresh aroma of the drink. However, as soon as his eyes landed on the content and the smell entered his nose, he frowned.
"There must be something wrong with the machine," he informed, returning to his seat and placing down his cup.
"It seems so," the redhead agreed.
Astrid skipped towards them, noticing their grim expressions. She had a gist of what was happening, all linking back to a certain troublemaker. "Alright, what is it this time?"
"Everyone's drinks are mixed up," Syphfride claimed, a cup in hand. Putting down her drink, she placed a hand under her chin, observing each cup on the table. "It seems that the machine's image isn't matching up with the content it discharges. I pressed black coffee but it poured out mocha."
"Mhm. I think mine's black coffee," Laphlaes said, showing everyone his cup. "I chose butterscotch but it turned out to be different instead."
Silence enveloped them as they stared at their cups. At this point, they were certain that [Y/n] messed with the coffee maker machine. They didn't know how or if she was legally allowed to do so. Now, the group was having a dilemma as to how to deal with this situation. A) They could throw out the contents of their cup and try and guess which button is the right one for their chosen beverage. B) They could suck it up and finish the drinks.
Either way, their morning didn't pan out exactly as they intended.
【Prank #4: Confuse someone with the switched flavors on the coffee-making machine】
→ Success! ←
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As the time of filming was nearing, the filming crew was preparing the set in the studio. Various props were moved around, arranging the practical set with green screens in the background. Most of the staff were moving props around inside the studio, while others transferred props from the storage room to the studio.
"What else do we need to get?" a certain man asked, opening the door to the props storage room.
Two of his colleagues followed him inside, their eyes scanning the plethora of practical props neatly arranged on the shelves.
"The director said we need the heroes' weapons."
"Where is it located again?"
A woman pointed in the corner. "I believe it was there where they stored the weapons."
"Alright," nodding, the man ventured deep into the storage room.
He passed by multiple shelves, gaze scanning the intricate props that the props maker made for this game. Despite not everything being used, it is still admirable how each object was created with care and detail. Focusing back on his task, he eventually reached the shelves that contained the iconic weapons of each hero.
"Hm... Let's see," he hummed to himself, carefully pushing aside the weapons that weren't needed. "What was Solphi's weapon look like? There's a lot of staff-like weapons used by the characters, after all."
In his search, something moved in the corner of his eye. He ignored it, thinking that it might be just his imagination or that his fellow workers were walking around the area. However, some unexpected noises entered his ear, and that immediately alerted the man.
He paused, whipping his head around to scan the vicinity. Nothing. Just rows of shelves filled with props. A nervous sweat rolled down the side of his face, his heartbeat getting faster by the second. After a moment of silence, he let out an exhale, rubbing his head.
"Those guys might be messing with me," he murmured to himself.
However, as soon as he said that and turned his head, an unexpected appearance caught him off-guard.
"What the f—Jesus!"
The man reeled back, his sudden scream alerted his fellow workers. Both of his arms were out in front of his face in a defensive stance. The man's heart rate was rapid, its drumming sound filling his ears. Even his face was red and littered with sweat. His wide eyes stared at a certain girl hiding behind the shelf that stored the weapons, only her menacing upper face seen. Soon, her eyes crinkled and she elicited a giggle.
"Jesus... Can you please not do that, [Y/n]?" After a moment of calming down his nerves, he reprimanded.
The girl slinked back into the darkness of the aisle, hiding behind the shelves and using the props to her advantage. The man watched as the [h/c]ette disappeared from his sight, probably hiding away in another aisle and scaring the crap out of his fellow workers.
"I know it's April Fools and all but jeez... I never signed up for this..."
However, it seems that not only was he unfortunate enough to be targeted by the girl, but even the companions who went with him weren't spared from it. And it seems that [Y/n] wasn't alone.
"Gyah! C-Cannae?!"
"Even you, Lyn?!"
【Prank #5: Scaring the staff by hiding around the storage area】
→ Success! ←
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"Has anyone seen [Y/n] lately?" Helga asked.
Alev glanced at the older woman. "I didn't."
"I see."
"What's the matter?" Vanessa questioned, just finished fixing her outfit in the mirror.
Helga sighed, crossing her arms. "Oh, it's just that girl was causing some trouble since earlier."
"Mhm," Aran nodded, recalling the surprise the youth prepared in the lounge. "The others who first arrived at the lounge saw the whole place covered in googly eyes."
"Really? I haven't gone there yet," Vanessa's eyes widened a bit, but soon she chuckled. "I'll try and visit later."
The women were inside the restroom. It was nearing lunchtime when the four of them coincidentally met in the place, and they'd heard a couple of stories about a certain someone wreaking havoc on this day. Fortunately for them, they've just arrived at the building so they haven't chanced upon [Y/n]'s special pranks prepared for them.
They idled there for a while, conversing and sharing stories about a certain [h/c]-haired teen and her gang of mischiefs. It didn't take long for the door to creak open and two women entered inside.
"Oh, hello everyone," Cesaire greeted with a small wave.
Arkanath followed, sending her colleagues a smile as well.
"Did you two just arrive?" the oldest in the group asked.
Cesaire nodded, walking over to the sinks. "Yes. My part is scheduled in the afternoon."
Opening the faucet, the woman soaked her hands in water first. After a few seconds, she closed the faucet and was about to get some liquid soap from the dispenser. However, as soon as she pushed the pump, it didn't dispense any liquid. Cesaire tried a couple of times, but nothing still came out.
"How about this?" Alev gave her another dispenser.
The woman smiled, taking the bottle. "Thanks."
Cesaire once again tried to get soap. She pushed the pump multiple times, but still, nothing came out. At this point, the other women were confused. Helga said that there must be a problem with the pump with the ones they tried. At that, they tried all six dispensers to see if any were working. But alas, it was to no avail.
"We might ask for a pump replacement," Aran stated, taking the bottle and trying to open it. However, it didn't budge. "What the?"
"What's wrong?" Vanessa glanced at the redhead struggling.
"I don't know if it's stuck or I'm just weak," she huffed, trying her best to make the lid move.
Fortunately — or unfortunately — she wasn't the only one who had the same fate. Arkanath, Alev, and Helga all tried to open the other soap dispenser, but none opened. That is until Cesaire decided to tilt the bottle and saw that the clear contents inside weren't affected by gravity.
"I had a suspicion that [Y/n] might've tampered with this as well," the woman sighed, shaking the bottle and seeing that the liquid was still not moving and stuck to the bottom of the bottle.
Helga took one bottle as well, her golden eyes scrutinizing the content of the bottle. "This must be clear glue."
"So [Y/n] replaced each bottle with clear glue?" Alev asked, shocked.
Vanessa closed her eyes and let a defeated smile decorate her face. "I believe so."
As the women were contemplating the occurrence, the door creaked open and their eyes immediately landed on the newcomer. A mop of magenta peeked inside and soon a certain female entered.
"Oh, looks like I made it in time!" Astrid chirped, a large grin on her face. In her hand was a bottle of soap, still full. "Hehe~ Looks like you ladies also fell for another of [Y/n]'s tricks~"
"Tell me about it," Cesaire shook her head, a small smile on her lips at how she fell for the child's trick.
"We better be prepared for later then," Helga exhaled, her expression softening.
【Prank #6: Confuse someone with the glue 'hand sanitizer' in the restroom】
→ Success! ←
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"Hey, everyone! We brought some snacks!" Lyn waved as she and her group made their way toward the table where their friends were.
Since it was lunchtime, the LOH crew was having lunch at the cafeteria. [Y/n], Cannae, Lyn, and Charlotte were absent for a brief moment after they ate lunch, and just returned with plates of snacks that they brought with them. The girls carefully placed four plates on the table, two were filled with takoyaki and the other two were filled with caramel apples.
"Wow, did you guys order these?" Nine's plum-colored hues sparkled as he eyed the delicious treats in front of him.
[Y/n] smirked, both hands on her hips. "Not really, I just asked for help from my classmates."
"Somehow, I'm quite suspicious of these," Zelda mentioned, sweat-dropping at another potential prank set by her younger sister.
Dietrich nodded, a crease between his brows as his gaze squinted at the food. "Agreed."
"Come on! It's been midday, don't you think that we also need a break from pranks?" Cannae huffed, her cheeks puffing out as she glared at her older cousins. "Besides, [Y/n] is considerate enough to bring you these treats."
"As if..." the raven-haired male muttered under his breath.
The [h/c]-tressed actress rolled her eyes at them, ignoring her older siblings' words. She shifted her focus on her friends, sending them a reassuring smile. Picking a clean fork, she then jabbed a takoyaki and took half a bite. While the other half was still on the fork, she showed everyone the insides.
"I put nothing in the takoyaki, see?" she claimed, scanning her friends' expressions. Soon, she pouted. "Come on~ These would be a waste if you guys don't eat it."
Because of that, it seems that it was enough to convince them. One by one, they each took their preferred snack. Most took about two to three pieces of takoyaki, savoring the robust flavor of the treat. As for the others, they were happily munching on the sweet and crisp caramel apple.
After a few minutes of hesitation, the twins decided to let go of their lingering doubts and choose one each. Zelda chose to take a takoyaki just to savor the taste as she was still full. Dietrich, on the other hand, picked a caramel apple to satiate his sweet tooth.
Everyone seemed to be enjoying the snack, chatting with each other to pass the time. Slowly, the plates of takoyaki and caramel apples are diminishing, and so far, no incidents are happening. The twins were about to sigh in relief at the respite when...
"Khoff... khoff..." Bianca coughed after swallowing a takoyaki, a fist covering her mouth.
"Are you alright? Here, have some water," Charlotte gave a glass of water to the woman.
The blonde took the glass and drank a gulp, fully swallowing the takoyaki. However, the numbing sensation in her mouth hadn't left. Her face was slightly flushed as a few sweats littered her face. And it seems that she wasn't the only one experiencing the same fate.
One by one, some of their friends were coughing after taking a bite of the takoyaki. Kartis turned his head away from the others, hiding the cough in his fist. After, he too, drank a glass of water. Mikhail, on the other hand, froze upon putting the takoyaki inside his mouth. He hadn't moved since and just silently glared at his younger cousin who looked at him innocently.
The Selkena siblings weren't faring well either — after Nine took a bite of the takoyaki, he also coughed, his entire face slowly becoming tomato. Solphi, on the other hand, tried not to let a sound, but her face scrunched up and she frequently drank her juice. 
Zelda's face bloomed red, feeling the numbing spice in her tongue and whole mouth. What's even worse is that she can't spit out the takoyaki and painstakingly chew the treat before completely swallowing. Instantly grabbing her iced tea, she took big gulps to cool off her entire mouth.
"This one is super spicy, isn't it?" Aslan commented, hiding his discomfort by chuckling. But, he also, coughed a bit, face turning hot.
Rosanna grunted, a crease appearing in between her brows. She took half a bite of the treat and didn't finish the remaining half. "And here I thought nothing was going to happen."
"Teehee~" [Y/n] only stuck her tongue out playfully.
"Bleh! What luck," After taking a large bite of her treat, Baretta instantly tasted the sharpness of the white onion hiding beneath the layer of caramel.
Soon, one by one, the others also took a bite of their sussy caramel 'apple'. Dhurahan flinched when his teeth brushed against the layer of the onion, its natural smell covered by the sweetness of the caramel. He pursed his lips, looking at the young girls who only offered him a sweet and innocent smile.
Mei Ling, as well, noticed that she was not eating an apple after taking a bite of it. As a layer of onion was already in her mouth, she had to excuse herself to puke out the content. As for Olivia, she scrapped the caramel off and saw the onion underneath. Then, the silverette began to consume the sweet caramel while the onion sat in the middle of her plate.
However, the only person who was very unfortunate was Dietrich. Since he wasn't expecting bad to happen this late, he took big bites of the caramel onion. And oh boy, he immediately regretted his decision to be a glutton. With his cheeks puffed up from the bite and his tongue moving the onion inside his mouth, all he could do was glare at his younger sister with glassy hues.
【Prank #7: Give someone a spicy takoyaki & caramel onion】
→ Success! ←
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A certain pinkette woke up from his nap upon hearing the soft ringing of his alarm and its vibration against the mattress. Joshua turned off the alarm he set and stretched his limbs. Although he was still tired from his voice-acting session in the morning, he forced himself to fully wake as he now needed to film the content for the game.
After a half-hearted fix of his outfit and hair, the young adult exited the lounge and proceeded towards the dressing room and get ready for his part in the film. The walk down the halls was quiet, and he was glad that it was, considering the multitudes of conversations that talk about one subject: [Y/n].
One reason why Joshua was not looking forward to going to work today was that it was April 1st. And considering a certain [h/c]-haired female being his co-worker in this company, he knew that she would go all in trying to prank everyone and just be a menace in general.
Fortunately for him, he wasn't here most of the morning, so he missed many of her potential pranks...
Or so he thought.
"Oh my, you too?"
Upon opening the door to the dressing room, the man was greeted with a peculiar sight. Inside the room were a couple of his co-actors being wiped by the staff. Inside were Fram, Helena, Ricardo, and Nine being attended by the make-up staff. On one side of the room were the infamous [Y/n] and her younger cousin. Both were kneeling on the floor with their arms up. Rouin was sitting on a chair beside them, writing in his notebook while monitoring the girls.
Confusion washed over his face, his fatigue disappearing completely. As he took a step into the room, he noticed that some of his friends had something on their faces.
"Melissa, can you please help Joshua wipe his face?" Aurea called while she was busy attending Nine.
"On it!" the mentioned woman took a pack of baby wipes before hurrying over to the pink-haired actor. 
"Wait... What's happening exactly?" Joshua rubbed his temple, a crease in between his eyebrows.
However, instead of an explanation, he was given a mirror. Upon receiving the item and hovering it in front of his face his eyes widen a bit in surprise. On his fair skin were words and drawings written using a pink marker. He used his finger to touch the mark and as expected, it didn't wipe off immediately.
He sighed. "Really now...?"
"Well, at least it can be removed in a few minutes," Aurea chuckled, trying to reassure him.
"Welcome to the club, Joshua!" Fram beamed.
"Yeah, you will get free face cleansing," Ricardo added, snickering at his joke.
"This is the second time I fell for her prank," the raven-haired boy pouted.
Helena exhaled, and the corner of her lips turned upward. "Well, this is not good news for the two."
"See that, you two? Now you must wait until Joshua's face is clean before your punishment ends."
At that, Joshua glanced at Cannae and [Y/n] who were being punished for their misdeeds. The [h/c]-haired female only pouted, staring at her fellow friends being cleaned by the staff. And despite the prank that was pulled on him, Joshua can't help but smirk at [Y/n]'s situation.
Maybe being pranked like this wasn't that bad, after all.
【Prank #8: Draw on someone's face with a marker】
→ Success! Kinda... ←
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"Ian, I like you..." [Y/n] said, her face expressionless.
The black-haired adult blinked a few times before he smiled and tilted his head. "I like you too."
However, the girl frowned at his words. "No. I mean—"
"I know. This is a prank, isn't it?"
[Y/n] was left baffled by Ian's claim. His narrowed golden hues bore into her, the smirk on his lips never leaving. He has the look that says he knows what she is planning and that nothing will go past him. And no matter what excuses the young girl has in store, Ian will still be the one breaking her off her acting.
Soon, the girl frowned. "Tch. You're no fun."
Ian just chuckled, patting her head. "Happy April Fools to you as well, [Y/n]."
After that complete defeat with Ian, the girl roamed around the halls in search of her next victim. Her eyes scanned the halls and luckily for her, a certain toothpaste-haired man had just rounded the corner. A smirk appeared on her lips as she sprinted towards him.
"Ugh... What is it now?" the man groaned, not in the mood to deal with her antics.
Despite his attitude, [Y/n] completely ignored it and instead acted coy. "I have something to tell you."
"What is it?" he raised a brow, a bit hesitant to hear what she had to say.
"I..." she pursed her lips, brows creased together while shyly glancing at him. "I...like you."
This confession caught him off-guard. He had a slight blush on his shocked face. "Excuse me?"
Despite his reaction, [Y/n] refused to break her acting yet. Instead, she fidgeted in her place. "Mhm."
It took Charles a few moments to snap out of his shock, his brain not comprehending the words that came out from this child. And as soon as he composed himself, he crossed his arms and had a look of annoyance. Raising his hand, he then flicked her forehead out of the blue, receiving a surprised yelp from the girl.
"Don't think that you can fool me, child. I know your schemes and I know that you've been pranking everyone since earlier since it's April Fools," he reprimanded, sighing. "And don't do this again."
"Tch," placing a hand on her throbbing forehead, the young girl decided to leave the man alone.
She walked around a bit more, spotting a certain raven-haired shorty just a few feet away. Instantly, her face lit up, jogging toward where he was.
"Go away."
"Ah! Wait!"
And just like that, [Y/n] had to chase the man down and ended up losing him in the process. At the three consecutive fails, the young girl still pushed through with her prank. In her list, she had to find Biryu, Krom, Raligon, Waltz, Axel, and Schneider.
She found Biryu next, and although she did her best to be convincing with her confession, Biryu nonchalantly turned her down. Either he caught on to her schemes or was genuine with his words, she didn't know. Next, she found Waltz. Unlike the others, when she confessed, Waltz was blooming red and was a stuttering mess. However, he quickly regained his composure and hesitantly asked if it was a prank, which she ultimately admitted that it was.
Then, she chanced upon Axel while in the garden. As it was the perfect place and moment for a confession, she then did. Axel, of course, blushed at the sudden confession but instantly caught on to her schemes. And like Ian, he, too, pacified the girl while she was sulking about her pranks failing.
After returning inside the building, she spotted Krom making his way to the lounge. She had hoped that he would fall for the bait and when she did confess, she was surprised that he did. Although, he immediately dismissed her confession and it turned into a mild reprimand and lecture that she had to tell him that it was just a joke.
And just her luck, after meeting with the blue-haired adult, [Y/n] encountered Raligon on the way. Unlike Brandon, Raligon seems to be innocent enough to fall for her schemes, or at the very least, humor her. Though, the girl had hoped that he would believe her words. It's not like it's a lie — she does like him, just like everyone else. But, despite her hopes, Raligon crushed it. It was like she was dealing with Ian all over again, but she couldn't even get mad at the redhead due to his innocent and cheerful attitude. And that's why he had to pacify her when she sulked.
Last but not least, Schneider. Although he is the perfect candidate for such a prank, [Y/n] had to pull back a bit with this one. After spotting the boy and doing her perfect confession, Schneider instantly took her words literally and she panicked that he might be falling too deep into it. So after his flustered state and stuttering mess, she had to come clean that it was indeed just a prank.
【Prank #9: Fluster someone with a sudden confession】
→ Success...? ←
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"Great job, everyone!" the director shouted. "Let's take a break!"
The actors left the set after the last take. Despite finishing her part to film earlier, [Y/n] decided to stay and watch the filming on set. She had a plate full of cookies and a tray of cold water for her friends. As soon as they walked to the benches, she offered them the cookies and water.
Everyone thanked her for it, completely forgetting if she tampered with it or just ignored it altogether. It's been a long day and worrying about the girl's schemes is low on their priority list. So, without any second doubt, they each took a cookie and drank a sip of the water.
"I'm not very good at baking but I hope these will give you the sugar that you need," [Y/n] said, smiling innocently with her eyes closed.
Her friends sweatdropped after taking a bite, tasting the tinge of saltiness in the cookies. Since they didn't know if she genuinely made it for them out of her goodwill or was another of her pranks, they decided not to speak out their thoughts. Instead, they turned to the water and took a sip for every bite. Yet again, their tastebuds were filled with something unexpected — the sourness of lemon.
Whilst the actors were busy munching on the cookies and drinking the sour water with conflicted expressions, [Y/n] watched everything unfold. Her half-lidded [e/c] hues contained a mix of pleasure and ego — a menacing look indeed.
"Happy April Fools, everyone~"
【Prank #10: Give someone a salty cookie & lemon water】
→ Success! ←
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tommyoboe · 9 months
Hello and Happy New Year! Is this a time where one should be making lots of resolutions such as going to the gym and eating vegan food, which will ultimately fall short to the temptation of lebkuchen at Lidl for 20p and the lure of a Knoops hot chocolate wrapped up in an Arket blanket? Don't mean to show off there, but no.
Instead, on a sort of impulse and conversation I had the other day with Cameron, I thought I would write about our recent trip to Bristol that kicked off the new year. Following this up with some music I have recently been enjoying, here is what we found.
We stayed in a delightful Shepherd's Hut filled with everything we needed for a cosy night after roaming the marvellous streets of Bristol. With Wi-Fi included, teas, coffees and underfloor heating for the cool January nights, it was an ideal choice. The neighbourhood was quiet but full of character, and the hut itself was essentially tucked at the back of a residential garden. However, we had full privacy, security, and check in and out was super straightforward.
We enjoyed some excellent food on the harbour from Small Goods, including an insanely good stracciatella focaccia and ginger and lemon curd doughnut to go with a fruity batch filter.
A stroll along the harbour front took us past a fun selection of quirky buildings and barges, then up to Bristol's main shopping centre. The layout was much friendlier than other shopping centres across the UK, with light pouring through a sky roof and a generally more outdoorsy feel. We only stopped briefly to browse a cute stationery store before moving on to Gloucester Road, Europe's longest road of independent shops and cafés. If we had another day or two here we would have tried one of the many scrumptious looking eateries and coffee shops, like The Crafty Egg, Poquito Coffee and Cafe Kino, but we were treated to many sightings along the way.
Here was the first stop, providing us with an array of colourful books, stationery, framed pieces and greetings cards. This was followed by Wild Leaf, a plant haven with expert advice and practically every plant imaginable, including some new finds for both of us to take home.
Ustudio was a huge highlight for. This was bursting to the brim with high quality decorative pieces, from Studio Arhoj's fantastic collection of ghosts and crystal blobs to indulgent Fatso Chocolate to a pristine selection of Kinto glassware and travel gear. I did well to only walk out with some dried lavender for a new pot I received for Christmas, but this Scandinavian feast of wonders had Cameron and I filled with excitement.
After a pause at Tincan for further caffeination, we strolled in the rain back down the street towards the promise of an evening meal. I always enjoy cities where the rain doesn't become a debilitating factor, and rather it is just part of a buzzing atmosphere and people continue with their daily lives with looks of content. Bristol is one of those places.
Three Brother's Burgers was our choice for the evening, offering up an impressive amount of choice on toppings, sides and a whole separate menu for veggies and vegans. I enjoyed the Smokey Bro Burger, with cheddar, smoked bacon, BBQ relish and crispy onions, along with loaded fries and chicken wings, which we shared. This came with a blue cheese dip; although I don't normally go for blue cheese, this sauce complimented the chicken nicely!
Rounding off our evening were some terrific cocktails from The Clockwork Rose. This candlelit establishment had several nods to the Steampunk era with decorative masks and ornaments hanging from an inviting fireplace, but it struck a balance between these elements and a more general feel of stepping into the 1920s, which I found highly comforting. My drink of choice was an Old Fashioned, while Cameron had a silky combination of Canadian whisky, bourbon and espresso all brought together with flavours of maple. Sublime.
We gently rose the next morning and headed over to bustling Bedminster for coffee and shopping. Sweven was our choice for a caffeine fix, with a wonderful selection of espresso and filter options, and a counter of delicious cakes and pastries. Our house filters were so well balanced, with the first containing notes of blackcurrant and butterscotch, and the second watermelon and jasmine. The service was excellent and the atmosphere was warm and relaxed.
On we went through this lively suburb, through corners of street art; board game stores with old childhood favourites like Quirkle, and idyllic houses I would happily to move to in the future. We reached Clifton Village, known primarily for its Suspension Bridge. We took in the view before heading into the village itself for a bite to eat at Foliage Café. The croque monsieur was excellent, fresh and full of flavour. I loved the combination of brunch offerings, convenience foods and greenery.
We ended our trip on Whiteladies Road, including a visit to Oskar Furniture to delight over pieces we would like for our future home and embracing the Georgian architecture more typical of neighbouring Bath.
Bristol is somewhere I could easily do again and again; it has everything and feels truly alive!
Here is an album I have recently enjoyed:
Roosevelt - Embrace. The fourth album from the German musician gloriously kicks off with the anthem like Ordinary Love. Yucca Mesa builds to Paralyzed, a track I couldn't help but dance and dance to. My favourite listing is Fall Right In, which asserts an overwhelming motion of life and the moment. Perhaps fitting as we approach the last song: Alive.
That's all from me; I shall spend my last day of the Christmas holiday watching quiz shows, gorging on treats from the Early Bird Bakery and practising cor anglais. See you soon!
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0 notes
Episode 3: "I put my entire calypsussy into this challenge"—Zee
In this round: A twist splits the two tribes into three; Kolby and Champ sow the seeds to gaslight Alex at merge; Drea is medically evacuated in the middle of the challenge, leaving Raffy to take on the editing role for the Movie Trailer challenge; Nick shows up the day before the challenge is due with an entirely new, AI-generated script for consideration, then gets sick and doesn't submit any footage for the challenge; Kathryn offers herself up for tribute when Maracas inevitably loses; and Colin finds an idol—hope they make good use of it later!
Soca Confessionals
Well, my game just changed by a fucking lot. I just lost my entire alliance AND Champ. I at least have Steven, who kind of got me into this mess, and Kaleigh but I haven't talked game with her at all. I've gotta assume Steven has been talking with her through the screen cap challenge so I hope we can stick together. They're at least both strong in challenges. But Champ let me know that Raffy is here to play and that he plays WELL, so I've either gotta go for him first or figure out what I can do to get on his good side. I've at least got an extra vote, and I'm gonna be "transparent" about my shot in the dark because in a 3 v 3 at tribal I have to assume they'd think it be reckless and selfish to ever use. Okay. I can do this.
I really like Alex and Kaleigh. My biggest allies were Drea and Raffy, but drea had to leave so that kind of messed some things up. I don't feel super secure. Probably going to have to flip and go Raffy when it comes to it. The other 3 seem too tight. Raffy is my biggest threat since we are the only 2 Calypso left on this tribe. We're both targets. My path to the end is going to be paved with friendship and challenge wins. Will hunt when I have time!
what a wild ride it’s been!! okay we swapped groups and now my tribe is me, steven, alex, michael, and raffy. i’ve learned (thru steven who learned from taffy) that zee is siblings w aj which blew my mind. INFORMATION! ummm alex and steven and i have a little original soca 3 alliance, still have not been to tribal, andddd I MISS ZEE!!!! their lil wes anderson video was so cuteeeee.
last night i was up late and was (i think) the first person to see that we have another boat excursion. my thinking was, OH, YAY, I’VE NEVER BEEN AROUND WHEN A BOAT CAME ! bc the two other times we’ve had a boat come the first person to respond and be like “i’ll go!” ended up going. so i was like, ok, i’m not gonna say i wanna go cuz i kinda don’t, and steven’s already been on an excursion, and i do nottttt want any kind of advantage to be outside of my soca alliance, so i’m just gonna respond and vote for alex and then everyone else will and we’ll all be good. NOPE! in the morning raffy responds and is like “i kinda wanted to go” LMAO BABE? WHAT? SORRY, NO. so alex and steven both msg me and are like uhhh what are u doing LMFAOOOOO LIKE ALEX DEFINITELY DID NOT WANT TO GO AND STEVEN WAS LIKE ?????? DOES ALEX WANT TO GO?????? oopsies. anyway so i told them both i was just up late and eager to not let michael or raffy get an advantage. steven was like ok makes sense , but alex was sooooooo resistant bc he did the hero challenge and got a shot in the dark, like he even suggested that he vote for raffy in the hopes of doing a split? absolutely not! anyway this was my first time feeling like a messy bitch in the game cuz i clearly pissed off or at least ruffled the feathers of my soca alliance with my 2am decision to throw Alex’s name out there and vote for him for the excursion.
okay what else… i like michael, he seems chill and we talked a little about tv stuff. i get the distinct feeling that raffy has zero interest in working with me. steven and alex have both mentioned talking to him privately about the game and i’m like bro he rly isn’t talking to me LMAO like his bio is like “i’m a book nerd!” so i messaged him day 1 and was like omg me too, u reading anything good? and he was like no i’ve been busy. and the convo died right there LMAO which like, sure ok, ur busy… but i’ve never met a book nerd who didn’t like LEAAAPPPPPPP on a chance to talk to another book person about their favs or what they’ve been reading or whatever. so yeah that feels a little sticky bc it seems like raffy is talking about the game with evvvvveryone in my tribe except me. BUT i feel good about my alliance with steven and alex and hopefully zee and champ toooooooooooooo if i make it to the mergey merge.
also i found a dog thanks to zee, NOW WE HAVE A DOG! the vote for keeping it or not hasn’t concluded but hopefully the dog will stay? like who’s gonna vote no for the dog? come on. anyway strongest allies rn are steven and alex and hopefully zee - if i HAD to target someone it would be raffy only bc it *rly* feels like he doesn’t want to work w me, but i’m def not targeting him rn bc i know he’s allied w steven and possibly alex too and their numbers are my numbers rn ((i think)).
let’s see, who are the biggest threats… zee, i’m starting to think steven, and also maybe alex… why am i just naming my literal closest allies LMFAOOOOOOOJFKDLSAJFDKLSFJDKLAS i didn’t even mean to do that. i guess i’m just seeing UP CLOSE more of their game play than anyone else’s so i’m like OH UR RLY PAYING ATTN!! you know i will say that the idea of voting off someone i'm close w sends a chill down my spine. like i literally don't think i could vote for steven or zee at this point. okay well there’s my update
Ok I have a lot to say. So from this tribe swap, I actually didn’t mind how I got swapped. Steven was with me and Andrea was with me. I didn’t feel swap screwed and felt that I was in a good position to survive till either merge or the next swap. However, then Andrea had to leave game. Now I kind of feel all alone. Sure there’s Michael but I don’t really know where I stand with him. And Steven does have some connections with Kaleigh and Alex from original tribes. I’m definitely worried about next tribal.
I did find like 4 advantages though! One challenge advantage, one transparent advantage, one advantage to talk to someone on another tribe, and an idol! So I’m swimming in riches at this point. I feel much more confident with these tools by my side.
During the challenge, my tribe was a little annoying with getting good clips that weren’t bad. Also not Kaleigh just outright refusing to send me b-roll lol. That rubbed me the wrong way. And I wish I pushed more for not doing vertical cause it did look bad and had to use some BS excuse on the judges so they wouldn’t dock too many points. Right now my tribe rankings goes as follows from best to “I wanna vote out first”: Steven, Alex, Michael, Kaleigh. I put Kaleigh in the bottom because early in the morning she locked in her vote for Alex to go on the excursion without discussing it with anyone! Like that’s shady and lets me know they might be working together. Well now I wanna go on excursion so that duo doesn’t get their way.
Calypso Confessionals
Omg where do I start… Steven and Astyn go on an excursion and then the tribe splits and STEVEN DOESNT PICK ME? NAHHH omg I got stuck on the inactive tribe lmfao but I’m so glad tribes split evenly and I got Zee on my tribe cuz the girl is putting in the mother fucking work, the Marcas tribe or whatever’s video was so bad that it should’ve been a comedy, I was laughing so hard(sorry that’s kinda mean but I mean it with love). Anywayyys Kolby and I planned to spread lies to our tribes in hopes of making things less boring lol. Jacks cool, Colin’s cool, Zee’s cool, Lexi’s cool, Astyn doesn’t talk lmfao and the clip of the white wall when Zee wanted an esthetic background had me DEAD
Okay the movie challenge was so cool. Zee once again took the lead in a way that I so appreciated, she really made the whole challenge so easy for everyone else. I feel like I’ll always feel confident if I’m in the same tribe as Zee.
I put my entire calypsussy into this challenge, and it paid off 😎
i'm so EXCITED. right before a swap, this is perfect timing. it's gonna be so hard for me but I'm gonna try my best to not say anything about it to anyone.
I was feelin really nervous for this challenge because it seemed like Zee was literally doing all the work. but sis came THROUGH. the trailer turned out so so cool and WE WON!!
first round i don't have to go to tribal!! i'm gonna enjoy my lil break hehe
Maracas Confessionals
Things what happened to me today 1 - A bird flew into our picture window and died 2 - My crutches fell and knocked over my tumbler of cold brew 3 - I dumped the very last of my loose powder all over the bathroom floor 4 - I tore one of my two remaining pair of jeans 5 - My favorite necklace broke 6 - I got ripped from the clutches of my tribe
1 and 6 upset me the most. Though 5 has me pretty unhappy as well.
As I write this I don't even know where I've landed yet.
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Seriously - that's what I feel like this morning. Everyone's favorite ACE auntie eman is having a very rough time being positive this morning, but that doesn't mean I'll stop trying.
But if something doesn't give soon the carrot may have to give way for the stick because I can only try the same thing so many times before I question whether I'm giving way to insanity.
Anyway . . . TONY and I are getting on very well. And I've had a few good one-on-one conversations with Kolby(!) (who is probably too young to know why the exclamation point after his name makes me giggle with memories of a failed presidential run from a former governor of Florida) and I wish he would engage as actively in the primary chat.
Tanner also started a chat with me and then ghosted after I replied. I've called Kathryn out in the primary but I might try something with her privately today--bonding over the shared "mom" role or something cuz I refuse to just give up. Yeah, I'm kinda bummed at being abandoned (although I did tell Steven I would accept his decision regardless, and part of me maybe wonders if he let me go because he knew I would fare well on my own and could then come back, so it just means Astyn didn't do their homework and/or Steven persuaded them not to pick me--and/or based on my bio I was unappealing . . . there's a lot of ways I could read this, and--like I said, I'm trying to stay positive and keep fighting). Now to go back to trying to be the fluffer and puffer upper . . .
So, after my confession yesterday morning, I was so excited to suddenly hear from Kathryn (and she seems super-fun, just getting that out there).
And then . . . more crickets. I keep ping-ponging between hopeful and hopeless. But we've got 36 hours to hammer this out, so I'm not gonna give up. And if I have to pull this together with stock footage, team photos and my own narration I will. And we've got somewhere between a 20% and a 35% advantage so that's gotta count for something.
But seriously folks - stop expecting me to do your emotional labor; it's sexist and lazy. So when I ask how you want to participate, don't turn it back on me to find a role for you. I expect me to tell you how you want to participate, what're you good at? What are you comfortable with? HOW DO YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE.
But no - I gotta make a good impression and get along and get the thing done, and these people are virtual (and virtual) strangers, so I'll do your emotional labor, but I'm gonna remember that you're making me do it (Tanner, Nick, and even you Kolby).
(I will neither confirm nor deny that this might also be the order in which I'm targeting folks should we wind up going to tribal)
I don't normally do these, but since i had my phone out for other reasons... get a view of my backyard, a glamour shot of my damned foot, and my rambling opinion about everything.
I need to make my new tribe feel connected to me
We just finished the movie trailer challenge and that was a doozy. I feel like we tried our best but didn’t get the full support/assistance from the tribe. This will be our first tribal council so hopefully I’m still here to write my next confessional
I hate throwing up. It's my least favorite activity.
The best laid plans.
I was fully ready to cast a vote for either Tanner or Nick, and then Kathryn, delightful Kathryn, had to go and volunteer to get voted off.
And with regret, I'm going to accept the offer - because why waste capital (and my extra vote) trying to change a sure thing.
And even if I think Kathryn at her perceived uselessness will still be more useful than Nick or Tanner, I am not going to tell someone else they're wrong, nor am I going to have them resent me by going against their own wishes.
At least I'm still alive. With an extra vote and a 10% advantage going into the next challenge.
I'm also bizarrely optimistic about my chances of surviving on this non-participatory tribe and making the merge . . . and then who knows!
So, this was a chaotic time. We swapped around tribes a couple times and then got set with a "challenging challenge" with a very short time limit (ಥ⌣ಥ). I can't believe we managed to get a movie trailer made in just a couple days, and everyone actually helped out in making it! Color me surprised ( ゚Д゚). But I'm really happy with the tribe members I ended up with, they're all pretty awesome! ( ᐛ ) Everyone worked really hard on the trailer, and I still can't believe we had such a master of acting on our team ( Tony, you're a savant ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ). And Emily got everything so quickly edited, managing to work with the rest of us giving her clips last minute (especially me!), I think they really carried the team in this round. It was a ton of fun making the trailer, and everyone really put themselves out there. I believe I'll be the one getting voted off this round, but it's all good since I'll be moving on to greater things, like long plane rides, and babysitting. So I wish the remainders luck now while I still can! Good luck guys, you can definitely reach the final rounds! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Tribal Council was non-live. Answers to questions are here:
Kathryn: Tony (Ain’t nobody voting for Tony, so if I vote for him, he can’t possibly get voted off. I wanted to vote for myself here, but the host gods refuse me my spoils. Sorry Tony, I hope this doesn’t affect you!)
eman: Kathryn (I respect you, which makes this both hard and easy. Easy because I respect you enough to not second-guess what you've clearly communicated you want. Hard, because I respect you enough that I would've preferred to keep you around.)
Tanner: Kathryn (I’m doing this since you asked to get voted out)
Tony: Kathryn (sorry you couldn’t have stuck around longer but I respect your wishes)
Kolby: Kathryn (i actually liked you and if i got to pick, you TOTALLY wouldn’t have been the one i wanted to go but you offered yourself up and i love an easy vote. especially pre merge!)
Nick: Self-Vote
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misterjauthor · 2 years
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MUFFLED dance music from the first floor vibrated the bedroom.
“Vincent, pull the plug and let those people downstairs go home.” I crossed my thick arms across my chest.
“Hell no, bro.” My bald best friend with the red goatee was sitting on the edge of my bed, leaning back and propped up by both arms. His shirtless body displayed a mat of ginger fur over solid pecs and a flat stomach.
“Why the hell not? This is my house.” I resisted staring at the bulge in the front of his tight black jeans.
“Because I carefully planned this party for you. And I don’t want it to go to waste. So, loosen up and enjoy your party.”
“You didn’t even tell me about it.”
“That’s why it’s called a surprise, dumbass.”
I sighed. “Bro, I had a long day at work. I don’t have the energy to deal with guests tonight. I don’t even know most of the people you invited.”
“I don’t care. Whether you like it or not, we’re going to celebrate your freedom from your ex-wife.”
“Can’t we just celebrate in front of the couch, drinking beer while watching a game? Just the two of us.”
“No. I’m on a mission. I’m introducing you to the models I invited from the agency. So, shut up and don’t complain.”
My eyes rolled.
Vincent shifted and half-crawled on the bed to reach the paper bag on my nightstand. 
“Bro, your messing up the bed cover.”
“Oh, sorry,” he said in a sarcastic tone and handed the paper bag.
I flipped him off before accepting. “What the fuck is this?”
“It’s your Freedom gift.” 
“This is another one of your gifts, isn’t it?”
Vincent tried to keep himself from laughing.
“Look at your face. You’re going to hurt yourself.” I peeked inside.
A fleshlight and a bottle of lube.
“I knew it. Couldn’t you just give me one of those Ube Cheesecakes your girlfriend makes?” 
Or I would have appreciated it more if it was a dildo modeled on your fat dick. 
Fuck. I want cock so bad. I haven’t had sex with a guy for almost a month. And my next out-of-town work trip is not for another couple of weeks.
Vincent chuckled. “I wanted to put it in a glass case with a ‘Break in case of emergency’ on it, but it wouldn’t get delivered on time.”
“Uhm. Thanks, I guess.” I placed the paper bag back on the nightstand before pulling him off the bed and fixing the messy bed cover.
My Irish-American best friend draped his massive arm over my shoulders. “Luke, I promise you.”
I got a whiff of the alcohol in his breath and strong masculine musk from his armpit.
“Before this night ends, you will get laid on that bed. And you will thank me in the morning for it.”
“Is that so?”
He flashed a huge grin. “You bet your ass it is so.”
“But before any laying happens, I’m going to need alcohol. Lots of it.”
Vincent pushed me toward the door and smacked my ass. “Bro, there’s a bottle of vodka with your name on it downstairs. And you will need to catch up. I’m already way ahead of you.”
“BRO, when did you get a spinning hallway?” Vincent’s words were slurred. The loud music downstairs almost drowned his voice. He was leaning on the wall next to the bedroom door.
I turned the knob and pushed it open.
The smell of alcohol mixed with a man’s sweat seeped through the pores of his shirtless torso.
“Come on, baldy. Let’s get you to the bed so you can sleep the alcohol off.” I grabbed his arm to put it over my shoulders.
He snatched it away and staggered in. “Bro, I can walk by myself. I’m not drunk.”
“Uh-huh.” Lingering behind him, I put a hand on his big trap muscle to correct his swaying. I couldn’t help but squeeze the solid flesh in my palm.
Vincent’s foot caught on his other foot, making him drop to his hands and knees on the floor with a loud thud. His big round ass in the tight jeans stuck up in the air.
Shit. I bent down to help my best friend up. “Are you okay?”
“Why is there a big rock in your bedroom? That almost killed me.” 
I snorted and shook my head while holding him up. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll get rid of it for you. Just come with me.”
“Where are we going?”
“Right over there.” I steered him toward the bed.
When we passed the closet, he reached for the doors and opened them.
“What are you doing? The bed is the other way.”
“I’m going to the bathroom. I need to pee.”
“Bro, that’s not it.” I turned us around and brought him to the bathroom.
With one hand leaning on the tiled wall, Vincent stood in front of the toilet. His other hand fumbled with the button of his jeans.
I stood a foot away and turned to the side, pretending not to watch him. My dick grew inside my shorts.
He looked at me. “Luke, a little help over here, please.”
My heart beat faster, pumping blood and heat throughout my body. I stood behind Vincent and wrapped my arms around his beefy torso to reach the button.
What would Vincent’s girlfriend say if she walked in on us? Two big dudes, standing like this. 
“Bro, you’re cute. But sorry, I don’t take it up the ass.” He laughed.
I do. Want to switch? 
“Haha. Funny. You want to pee in the toilet or in your jeans?” I asked.
“Shutting up.”
I released the button and backed away.
He looked over his shoulder. “Since you’re already there. Could you pull my jeans down, too?”
Pretending to be upset, I groaned. But my dick was at full mast. I squatted down behind him and pulled the tight jeans down to his thighs.
His tighty-whities hugged his big muscled ass.
I bit my bottom lip and suppressed a moan. It took some willpower to resist the urge to pull the briefs down and shove my tongue inside that straight hole.
The strong sound of trickling water hitting the toilet started. “Thanks, bro.”
I returned to my original position and watched him in my peripheral vision. The sight of his dick peeing made my dick twitch inside my boxer briefs.
When he finished unloading his bladder, he tucked his cock back inside and tried to pull the jeans back up without success. 
“Tsk. Hold on. Let me do it.” I flushed the toilet first before pulling his jeans up. But I was not able to pull it all the way up because he started to leave. 
Half of his underwear was still showing. His dick bulged in front.
I went to his side and draped his arm over my shoulders.
Vincent leaned his whole weight on me.
Crap, he is fucking heavy.
“Bro, let’s get back to the party. Have I introduced you to the models?”
“You already did. But before we go back, maybe you should take a quick nap first.” I dragged him toward the bed.
“Yeah, maybe a quick one. I’m kinda sleepy.” 
When we reached the bed, I peeled the cover off.
He flopped on the mattress, making the whole thing bounce.
I lifted his legs up and helped him position them. 
His hands started pushing the jeans down.
“I’ll tell your girlfriend you’re up here so she won’t worry.”
“Thanks, bro.” He closed his eyes. “You’re a—”
I sighed. “Dumbass. You can’t even take your jeans off all the way before passing out.” 
He laid on the bed, hands near his hips and jeans down to his knees. Big bulge in full display in front of his tighty-whities.
My heart raced, and blood rushed to my dick, making it hard again. The way it was positioned inside my underwear made it uncomfortable.
I turned away from the bed and looked down.
The big bulge stuck out in front of my shorts.
After pushing the waistband away with a thumb, I shoved my other hand inside and adjusted my dick to the right.
The tightness was gone, and the bulge was not as tented.
Exhaling with relief, I turned to face the bed again.
Vincent remained the same.
I leaned on the bed and used a hand to support my weight near his head. “Bro?”
No response.
With my free hand, I lightly slapped his cheek. “Vincent.”
I put a hand on his solid chest and jiggled him. “Hey. You look ridiculous with your pants like that.”
A light snore started.
“Dumbass,” I whispered. My gaze lingered on the face.
His bushy eyebrows, and untrimmed goatee, made his appearance rugged and masculine.
Then, I scanned down his thick neck and hefty torso.
Consistent gym workouts resulted in shoulders as wide as a double-door refrigerator, monster pecs, hard abs, and massive arms that could flip heavy truck tires.
I licked my lips and gave a soft moan.
Further down, Vincent’s exposed thighs were as thick as tree trunks. And in between, the tighty-whities cuddled big balls and outlined a fat shaft and bulbous dick head.
My hand went to the bulge in the front of my shorts and squeezed. Shit. I want to reach out and grab that cock so bad. Use my hand to make it hard.
With him passed out like this was an opportunity. Should I take advantage? I can finally fulfill one of the fantasies I have had with him since high school.
If I go through with it, Vincent might wake up and catch me. My secret desire could ruin a friendship of more than two decades.
But if I leave my best friend alone, will I be satisfied with just fantasizing? Can I keep everything the same as before?
Vincent’s arm moved.
I lifted my hand off the mattress and pulled away.
He shoved a hand inside his briefs and scratched his crotch. Red pubes and the base of his dick peeked from the stretched waistband.
I know I shouldn’t do this. But I’m so fucking horny. There’s not enough blood in my brain to think straight. 
At the moment, my dick is doing all the thinking. And it wants my best friend’s cock.
To hell with it. I’m doing this.
To be continued...
The complete story is available on Amazon and Smashwords.
I truly appreciate the support. It inspires me to continue writing.
If you enjoy my stories, please let me know. Or at least Reblog it.
Mister J
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Lake House: A Trio Fic
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Summary: After the camping trip disaster, the boys decide to plan a couples getaway at Curtis’ family lake house where shenanigans ensue. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Ari Levinson x WOC!OFC, Curtis Everett x WOC!OFC
Warnings: Bossy Alpha Males, Angry Andy/Ari/Curtis, Daddy Kink, Bratty Reader, Bratty OFCs, Smut, Oral (m/f), Manhandling, Spanking, Cursing, Alcohol Consumption, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Trio Seres. Please enjoy and let me know your feedback. Once again written on my phone. All mistakes my own.
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Three big, rough-and-tumble men sat around a table at their favorite bar sipping on whiskey. None of them said a word, each of them deep in thought.
It had been months since they’d taken their girls camping, which had been just shy of a disaster. Their women, whom they loved and adored, had spent the majority of the time bitching and moaning about the heat, the bugs, the lack of available running water...
It was safe to say that they had not become one with the land. A man could only take so much complaining before he began to question his own sanity.
By the end of it all, Andy had considered drowning himself in the river. Curtis had been ready to seek out and fight a bear. And as for Ari, well he had been ready to walk off into the woods and never come back.
But they had somehow resisted the temptation.
Because you see…
Andy, Curtis, and Ari were at a point where they actually wanted to hang out together sometimes…as couples.
And by as couples, they didn’t mean them sitting out back enjoying bourbon and the occasional cigar while the girls curled up in the living room sipping wine.
Living separate lives.
Truth be told, it made it much harder to keep an eye on their sweet brats. They were mischievous little things, those girls. They kept their Daddies on their toes at all times.
“Alright, I think I know where we can go.” Curtis finally speaks up. “We’ll still get to enjoy the benefits of the outdoors, and the girls will get the air conditioning and other amenities they apparently need to survive.”
“I’m all ears.” Andy mumbles as he polishes of his glass. He motions the bartender for another round.
Ari on the other hand just grunts.
“My parents have this beautiful lake house about two hours from here. It’s fantastic - four bedrooms, two and half baths, big bay windows, a full kitchen, a gorgeous view of the lake, a pool, and -“
“Okay, okay, Mr. Better Homes & Gardens, we get it.” Ari lets out a gruff laugh. “Consider me sold.”
Curtis flips him off.
“Yeah, that’s sounds like something my lady would love.” Andy mumbles in agreement as his mind drifts to images of his baby girl walking around in nothing but a teeny tiny bikini. “When do we wanna go?”
“Next weekend is a holiday. So how about we leave Thursday morning and come back Monday evening?” Ari suggests.
“Works for me.”
“Me too.” Andy mutters. He was going to have to take his lady shopping. Let’s see. They were gonna be gone for four days, so if you did the math…carried the two, plus the...oh, and then one had to plan for emergencies, so…
By his calculations, his girl was going to need at least twelve bikinis. Which meant they had some serious shopping to do.
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Two Weeks Later…
“Wow!” You mutter as you stroll into the lake house arm in arm with Story. “This is -“
“Gorgeous.” She finishes for you.
And then you hear a gasp. “Hey babe! Hey Story!” Ruby grabs you both and pulls you into a hug. “Holy shit, is the place dope or what?”
“That’s what we were just saying!” Story laughs as she boings one of her dear friend’s glossy curls.
“Why don’t you give us the tour?” You ask, practically bouncing on your toes.
“Girl, my big oaf has never brought me up here.” She frowns with a hand on her hip.
“Curtis has never brought you here before? What a dick move, bro!” Story yells from across the room. Just in time for Ari haul their bags into the impressive entryway.
“Aye! Watch your mouth, Story-book!” He replies with a grunt, prompting her to roll her eyes.
Setting the luggage aside, he strides over to his little love and picks her up by her ass with one large hand. “Roll your eyes at me again, and I’m going to give you a real reason to roll ‘em.” Her giant of a man leans down to peck her lips. “Now, how about you and your pretty friends go explore while the men finish bringing in your mountain of luggage.
Ari sets her down and walks away.
“Don’t worry, girls.” You hook your arm through a slightly trembling Story’s elbow, and then you do the same to Ruby. “One of these days we’re going to hit our growth spurts, and then we’ll be the ones slinging them around like rag dolls. Mark my words!”
And then off you go exploring.
At some point, the three of you end up in what must have been the library. It wasn’t huge by any means, but it had the most adorable little reading nook.
“I call dibs!” You and Story shout at the same time.
“Oh, come on nerds.” Ruby huffs as she pulls your glaring bodies along. “We’re not here to read. Plus we have more to see!”
The pool is gorgeous, and there’s a little bar in the corner that would be perfect for cocktails. There’s a balcony that sports a perfect view of the lake.
You were already dreaming about curling up with your sweet Andy as you watched the sunset.
And the kitchen! Once you all had stumbled upon the kitchen, Ruby had nearly swooned. And truth be told, you weren’t too far behind.
Every appliance was the latest and greatest, and not to mention stainless steel. You were damn near close to having a fucking orgasm over this kitchen.
Story on the other hand had shrugged and said: “looks nice - I think I could work with it.”
By the time you all finish your unguided tour, you find your men lounging in the den, enjoying a Sam Adams.
You plop yourself in Andy’s lap before grabbing his hand to take a pull of his beer. He leans in to inhale your scent before nipping your ear.
“Told you they’d be back.” Curtis chuckled. “Our girls always miss their big, strong, incredibly handsome men too much to stay gone for long.” He flashes an arrogant smirk and then proceeds smother his wife’s neck with kisses.
“Stop it!” She giggles, pushing his head away.
Meanwhile, Ari has pulled Story somehow both into and beneath his big body, effectively holding her hostage.
“I can’t breathe, you beast.” She huffs.
“Aww, baby. So nice to know that after all this time, I can still take your breath away.” He purrs.
Still struggling for breathe to turns her head to you and Ruby. “Yeah. It's called suffocation. Ladies, whatsay we hit the pool?”
“I’m down!” You both shout. You try to scramble off your boyfriend’s lap, but his arm around your waist won’t budge.
“The guys and I were thinking that we could order in some lunch and just chill for a bit.” Andy’s tone implies that his words are a suggestion. But you know it’s not. He’s telling you what you’re going to do.
“Well you guys can chill and order whatever you want while my girls and I go get wet. Maybe it’ll help us work up and appetite.” Ruby purrs, subtly grinding her ass against Curtis’ hard lap.
“Aww, fine.” Ari finally lets his girl up for air. “Let ‘em go take a swim for a minute. Means we get to drink and watch gorgeous girls splash around in the water.”
He lifts Story off the couch and delivers a hard smack to her ass. “Let’s get this vacation started, fellas.”
Andy sighs before pulling you up as well. “Come on my little princess, let Daddy show you to our room.” He presses a hot kiss to your hand and leads you up the stairs.
Your room was gorgeous - a mix of purples, oranges, and pinks. It kind of reminded you of a sunset to be honest.
“Wanna test out the mattress little girl?” He murmurs. His tone soft and silky. Andy’s lips lower to yours, only to be stopped when your hand covers his mouth.
Undeterred, he sucks your ring finger between his lips, softly caressing the digit with his hot, wet tongue.
He finally releases it with a sweet pop. “I want to see you in that black and gold monokini with the matching wedges.” Andy tells you.
“Go get dressed, baby girl. Daddy’ll wait right here for you in case you need help.”
Digging the items out of your bag, you rush to follow instructions. Once you’ve slipped on the suit, you push your curls on top of your head in a pineapple style. And then you lace up your wedges. A couple of poses and a careful swab of lip gloss, you open the door.
“Does your baby look good, Daddy?” You purr as you lean against the doorframe, making sure to arch your hip just right.
The sound of his growl reverberates in chest. “Fuck yeah, my baby does. Let me eat you before we go out there.”
“No!” You squeal as he pulls you towards him.
“Just one taste, sweetheart. Just one little fix.”
He throws you down on the bed, hefts your legs over his shoulders, and pulls the fabric protecting your pussy to the side. And then he buries his face in your soft, sweet wetness.
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“I wanna get in the water.” Story whines up at Ari from her place kneeling between his thick, muscled thighs as he sits on an adirondack chair.
“And I want to admire my little sprite.” One roughened hand slowly strokes it’s way down her throat to rest between her ample breasts. Aren’t you glad I made you get this suit, baby? Hm?”
His scruffy chin soon replaces his hand, breathing in her sweet scent. His girl always smelled like peaches and sunshine.
Without so much as glancing around, Ari pulls the right strap of her suit down her shoulder, exposing her plump breast to his heated gaze.
“Mine.” He growls softly before sucking a pouting nipple into his hungry mouth. “Mmm.” He moans, before toying with it. Nipping and biting with his sharp teeth.
Story’s back arches of its own accord. Her light pink manicured nails grasping his head, drawing him closer. “God, Ari!”
He briefly releases her breast, only to dive back in with vigor. Pulling as much of her delicious offering into mouth as he can take.
Ari repositions his girl so that her drenched cunt is resting on his thigh. He pulls back again, breathing hard. “Ride me, my little sprite. Ride your Daddy’s thigh.”
She once again pulls his head back to her aching chest. Her cries getting louder and louder as her messy core bears down hard thigh.
“Ahhh! Ari - Ari! Ahhh!”
“Call me by name, baby.” He snarls. “Say it! Make me fucking happy!”
“Oooh! Da-daa-daddy!” Story whimpers as she cums, her much smaller body collapsing limply against his own.
Chuckling softly, he quickly rights her suit and rubs her back, just in time for Andy and Y/N to join them outside, with the latter rocking a rather blissed-out look of her own.
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Ruby and Curtis were the last ones to emerge from the house. His chest is puffed out, and there’s a little pep in his step, and a slightly stupid grin on his usually serious face.
She looks at you both and shrugs as if to say, “yeah, I blew him - so what?”
He doles out beers to his boys and sets out a metal bucket filled with more bottles next to his chair before announcing something about a seafood smorgasbord for dinner.
“Ladies, I’m hot. Come take a dip with me!”
The three of you grab hands, turn around to toss a saucy wink at your boys, and jump in with a scream.
“Fuck! Are we some lucky sons of bitches or what?” Andy mutters.
“Cheers to that, brother!”
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A Little While Later…
“Come in with us guys!” You yell up at them as you float around the pool on an inflatable raft. “Please, Andy?” You hold out your dripping hand to him, wiggling your fingers as you do.
“No can do, baby girl. Daddy’s too busy enjoying the view.” He tells you with a cigar half hanging out of his plump mouth.
Yes, you wanted him to join you, but you also wanted him to put the damned thing out. He didn’t indulge in that disgusting habit often, but you always refused to kiss him when he did.
And also you blamed Ari for handing them out. So now your men were too busy lounging around, wearing sunglasses, and puffing away.
Eventually, they do put the cigars down. But Curtis notes that they’re not done with them yet. And moments later, you and your girls are treated to the sound of soft snores.
You roll your eyes and motion for the girls to get out of the water and join you on land. The three of you grab your towels and pad into the house.
“Ugh. Remember when they used to be fun?” Story grumbles.
“Whatever.” You shrug.
“Bunch of grumpy old men.” Ruby agrees. Mind you, none of them were over forty, but still.
“I say we shower and watch a movie. I’m dying to try out that indoor theatre downstairs.” Your suggestion is met with unanimous agreement.
“And the boys?” Story murmurs.
“Eh, we slathered ‘em all with sunscreen didn’t we? Let ‘em bake.”
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When your men find you later, you’re holed up in the basement eagerly watching the sequel to 365 Days.
Of course they walk in smack dab in the middle of what feels like the twentieth sex scene…
“Dinner’s here.” Ari growls. “If you all can manage to pull yourselves away from…whatever this trash is.”
“Maybe later.” You mumble, eyes glued to the screen.
“Yeah.” Ruby mutters.
“Shhh!” Story hisses. “Can’t you see Laura and Nacho are about to…
“Oh, they are more than about to.” You smother an excited giggle. “We’ll be up later guys. Go ahead and start without -
The screen suddenly goes dark, prompting the three of you to whip your heads around in outrage.
Andy crouches down next to you, grasping your chin in his hand. “As much as I hate repeating myself, I will make an exception for my baby. Dinner is here. Now come up and eat. Or do you need help?”
You jerk your chin out of his grip before standing up and heading to the kitchen, ignoring him as you do.
Story goes to brush past her man, only for him to wrap one brawny arm around her waist. “I ordered your favorite baby.” He sighs when she doesn’t respond. “Oh, now don’t pout. You know what it does to me.” Her beast of a man subtly leans down to lick the curve of her cheek.
“You seriously couldn’t have let us finish our movie, Curtis? Is your ego really that fragile?”
He thinks for a moment, lips pursed, his head slowly shaking from side to side.
“Nah. But you were starting to drool just a little. And I see red anytime my woman drools over a man who isn’t me.” Curtis’ growl is damn near lethal.
He holds out his big hand. “Now, come join your man for dinner.”
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Dinner, of course, was delicious. The table was practically overflowing with dishes like clam chowder, creamy lobster bisque, crab legs, lobster, grilled shrimp, fried shrimp, roasted salmon, grilled mahi-mahi…
But the company, well, that was altogether something different.
Things weren’t bad, just a little tense.
“Who paid for dinner?” You ask as you take another bite of your delightfully fresh lobster bisque. “Or, I guess, how much was it?”
“Good question, lady! Who do we three need to Venmo?
“I’m pretty sure I have cash…” Ruby murmurs, looking around for her purse.
Andy’s shoulders tense. Ari frowns. And Curtis growls.
“There’s no need. We’ve got it covered.” Ari snaps, a little more forcefully than he intends.
Story makes a beeline for receipt attached to one of the bags. You watch as her eyes go wide. “Holy shit!” She mouths. “We oh ‘em a good $85 a piece girls.
“Don’t you dare.” Ari growls.
“Oh, be quiet.” You growl right back. “We eat, we pay.”
“You know how I feel about reaching into your wallet when you’re with me, princess.” Andy’s tone is filled with warning.
“Y/N is right. We eat, we pay.” Ruby repeats your words, her voice filled with just as much defiance.
Sometimes even the little things were hard with these cromagnon hunks of yours.
“No, Rubeena. And that’s final.”
With a huff, the three of you go back to eating, choosing to ignore your men. Fucking old fashioned assholes.
“So what do you girls want to do tomorrow?” One of them asks, as Andy sets another lobster tail dripping with melted butter on your plate.
You dive in without so much as a thank you.
“You know,” Story speaks up. “I saw a sailboat out there. I was part of a group in college that used to sail all the time, maybe the three of us can do that for a bit.” She pops another bite of grilled shrimp into her mouth.
“Mm, I like that idea. Out on the open water, the wind in our faces. I vote yes.”
Ari, Curtis, and Andy exchange both concerned and disapproving glances with one another. The idea of their girls out on the water on their own…
Let’s just say Andy wasn’t the only one of them having heart palpitations. Why couldn’t their ladies ever come up with any “safe” activities…like crocheting, or scrapbooking, or origami? Shit!
“Oh, and then after, all six of us could go shopping and cook dinner together! Music, dancing, cocktails, yummy food!” You and Ruby high-five and then go back to eating.
You lean over to steal a bite of your boyfriend’s Mahi-Mahi and some of the accompanying mango salsa.
Good mood seemingly restored, you all go back to enjoying your meal. Everything is quiet for a moment, until Curtis speaks up.
“I love the idea of shopping and cooking together. Love it! We all do, right guys?”
They nod enthusiastically.
“In fact, I’m envisioning helping our gorgeous chefs work while they’re wearing nothing but bikinis and sarongs.” Your man hisses through is teeth, while Ari’s look of approval is very, very evident.
“But no to the sailing. We don’t want you girls out on open water in a boat that we’re not sure you even know how to navigate.”
“Excuse me!?” Story rises in an agitated huff. “I know what I’m doing
“Sprite, sit down and listen please.” Ari warns, as one thick arm goes to rest behind his head.
“No, Ari. I am perfectly capable of safely sailing that boat. And if that’s what we want to do, then that’s what we’re gonna do.”
“Sit down, please. Or do you need to come eat with me?” He quirks one tawny brow at her as he pats his lap.
“Argh!” She sits back down in a huff and pushes her plate away.
Silence once again fills the room.
“Alright ladies. Let’s compromise here.” Andy interjects, trying to be the voice of reason. “The boys and I will go golfing tomorrow morning, while you ladies take it easy here. Grab your kindles, lay out and enjoy the sun. Maybe send us a couple pictures of you in your bikinis if you think about it.” He winks then.
“And then when we come back, we’ll go out to lunch. Have some cocktails. And then go shopping. Sound good?
“It’s fine.”
“I really don’t give a shit.”
You and Ruby push your plates away and rise from the table. “Thanks for dinner guys. Hope you don’t mind cleaning up while we girls go watch the sunset.”
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It really was beautiful, watching the sun fade away, only to be replaced by the moon. Such a serene, cosmic shift.
“I love him you know.” You turn to look it Story. “My beast is sweet and wonderful. He dotes on me all the time…but he’s just so goddamned over protective.”
“Like, I can be somewhere doing whatever I want and he just picks me up and moves me like it’s nothing. He actually gets mad when I climb the countertops instead of calling for him first.” A smile smile graces her lips.
You nod. “But that’s how some Daddies are, I guess. I mean, I’m not an expert by any means. I wasn’t even looking for - for this. Andy is my everything, but sometimes I feel smothered by the big oaf. If I say “no” to something, I somehow end up hoisted over his shoulder doing it anyway.
Ruby is quiet for a moment. “Curtis is just so dominant. At first it was just in the bedroom, and now it’s become a part of our every day lives. Sometimes it turns me on, and other times it makes me want to punch him in the windpipe…” She trails off.
“…So you brat.” You finish for her. “You act up. Act out.”
“To show them that they don’t have all of the control.” Story mumbles.
“We all do it. Because it’s necessary. Plus, we deserve to have fun too. So the bastards said no sailing? Okay, fine. But ladies…” You motion for them to come close.
“They didn’t say anything about the jet skis.”
You all return to watch what was left of the sunset, three evil smiles gracing your lips.
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The next morning you make sure to be as loving and affectionate with your man as possible. You ride his hard, fat cock as if your life depends on it.
“Come on baby, give it to me!” You hiss when his fingers dig into your hips.
“Cum for me, Daddy! Please!” You lean down so can accept a needy tit into his waiting mouth.
“Fill me up!” You beg. “Ungh ungh ungh! Wanna feel you dripping out of me all day, reminding me that I’m yours!
That’s all it takes for your man to explode inside you, forcing you to follow suit. Your greedy walls gripping him over and over, milking him for every drop of his hot, wet seed.
When you’re through, you roll over on your back and pat his chest.
“Have a good game, sweetheart.”
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The men are off and out around 8:30am after a light breakfast of bagels and fruit. You and the girls clean up and then prepare to go shower and change.
“You seem to be in a good mood, Ruby.” You narrow your eyes at her.
“Let’s just say that my husband has a wicked tongue and decided to use it on me last night. Three goddamned times.” She blushes.
“So that was you we heard last night? Woah.” Story giggles.
“Shut up! Miss “oh that’s right you big beast! Oh eat me up!”
Story pinches her lips and goes back to putting leftover fruit in the fridge. You, on the other hand, try to hold back a snicker and fail, prompting both women to turn on you.
“Cum for me, Daddy! Please!” Ruby mimics.
“Fill me up!” Your friend, Story, mocks.
Now you’re the one blushing. “Okay, fine. Now that we’ve established this place has thin walls, can we get changed and play with the jet skis already?"
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Once you’re outside, you check your water proof watches. You had a couple hours of fun ahead of you until the boys returned. As long as you timed things right, none of them would ever know about your shenanigans. Story, your master of all things aquatic, makes a point of checking out each machine.
“We’re all good. Everyone got their life jackets buckled? Good. Now let’s get these babies into the water. Uh, you’ve both ridden before right?”
You nod. It had been a while, but whatever.
“Once.” Ruby responds.
“Okay, well just stay close to me.”
You three push the skis until you’re knee deep in the water before climbing on. Story does a quick demo, showing you how to start the machine, gun the engine, take off, brake, and stop.
After that, you were off!
You took your time at first, but you grew more comfortable with each passing moment, as did Ruby.
“Woooo!” You cry out as you do a figure eight with Story. You increase your speed, loving the feel of spray as it hits your warm skin.
You and your girls, who were quickly becoming your best friends, we’re having the time of your lives!
Ruby reaches out to hi-five you as you pass each other again.
You all take turns racing each other, doing crazy spins. At one point or another, each one of you manages to fall off of your ride. And all you do is laugh and help each other back up.
See, this is kind of shit you’d love to do with your men if they weren’t so curmudgeonly. Handsome grumpy gooses.
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When the boys finally arrive home, they’re excited to see you girls, albeit a little bummed that none of them had received any bikini pics. Leaving their golf bags in the garage, they enter the house and begin searching for their respective ladies.
Surprised to find that the house is quiet, they stroll outside, expecting to find you lounging by the pool. But they’re not there.
“Maybe their downstairs watching that 365 porno bullshit.” Andy shrugs.
“Or they could be in the library.” Curtis rubs his grizzled chin.
Ari takes a series of steps forward, his gaze trained on the scene before him.
“What is it, man?”
“They’re not watching a movie, in fact they’re not in the house at all.” He turns to face the other men. “Our little brats are out on the goddamned lake.”
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You, Ruby, and Story meet in the middle of the lake and pause your engines.
“This was the best fucking idea ever!” Ruby exclaims. “Fuck our men. If they don’t wanna have fun then we’ll do it without them!"
“Hell yeah!” Story cheers.
You were just about to join the celebration when you hear the sound of faint yelling. Immediately the three of you begin looking around, trying to find the source.
And that’s when you make out the forms of three men, yelling and waving their arms.
Your men.
“Well, ladies. It was fun while it lasted.” You murmur, suddenly feeling sad.
“Yes, it was. How about one more lap?” Her eyes glinting mischievously.
“I mean, why not? We’re already in trouble.”
So, off you go. One last lap. Making sure to wave at your irate men as you do.
“Turn around and get your ass back here, Ruby!”
“Story! I swear Daddy is gonna bruise that butt!
“Y/N - I’m gonna set that bottom on fire, I swear it!
You three laugh harder. When it’s finally over, you walk the jet skis back towards land. They are immediately wrenched out of your hands so your men can put them up. Leaving you all with time to run up to the house.
Towels wrapped around yourselves, you wander into the kitchen and each grab a bottle of water.
Curtis, Ari, and Andy burst into the house a few minutes later. Their chests heaving, faces red.
They are livid.
“Hi big guys, how was your game? Did you get a hole-in-one?” You take a sip of your water.
Ari lets out a deep growl. “I thought we said no going near the lake.”
“No.” Ruby points out. “You said we couldn’t use the sail boat. You said nothing about the jet skis.” She and the rest of you can’t help but puff at your chests out a little.
“Ruby?” Story asks. “Why is your husband’s face turning so many pretty colors? And also...Andy doesn’t look like he’s breathing.”
Sure enough, he did not.
“Baby, you okay?”
You pale as you watch his hands go to his belt buckle.
“Okay, uh uh. Ruby is right here. You said nothing about the jet skis, so technically we are in the clear."
“Yeah? Let’s see if all your “technicalities” manage to save your sweet little ass."
“Ari, you know we’re right. You told me that I wasn’t allowed to sail. And I didn’t. So how about you guys pull your heads out of your asses and acknowledge the fact that we followed your directions, just maybe not the way you envisioned it.”
The man in question strides forward, throws her over his shoulder and takes her outside. “I’ll teach you to twist my words, fucking brat.” After slamming the door behind him, it’s not long before you hear the sound of pained wails and cries.
Andy takes that moment to bend you over the counter, his belt doubled in his hand.
And then you watch as Curtis carts a furiously flailing Ruby into another room. “Let me go, you ass!” She keeps struggling. “Daddy promises he’s gonna get your little rebellious streak under control, damn it.”
“Baby…” You breathe out.
“Honey, your Daddy is going to teach you all about how he feels about technicalities. And I’m going to use my belt to make you listen.”
Andy delivers a hard swat right at the spot where your ass and thighs meet, making you squeal.
“You knew you weren’t supposed to go anywhere near the lake without me.”
“Ack! Oww!
“Ahh! Oww oww!”
“You know better than to argue with Daddy when it comes to your safety.”
Slap! Slap! Slap!
“Aaahaaahaa! Ahhhh! Daddy! Please no.”
“Gotta get you and your brat to open up your listening ears.” He growls.
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