#to just sort of tint it the right direction
yzafre · 23 days
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"Gotta Draw Fast" Day 3 - Donatello group shot! Slightly different coloring method this time! Timed at 1 hr 24 minutes.
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villifix · 4 months
fairy wings and bloody knees ♡ | daryl dixon
word count: 1.9k
A/N: this is really just daryl and reader's daughter. reader is mentioned but not seen during this fic. eventually i will get around to making a part 2 with daryl x reader! this idea was inspired by @louifaith and i included a piece of artwork by @vaebun at the end of the story that is absolutely ADORABLE. please take a moment to view both of their blogs for great content! ♡ also i didn't do much proofreading so forgive meee
"I like your fairy wings."
It took a moment to register the words before Daryl realized they were directed at him, and another moment for him to realize that - shit - so was a pair of big brown eyes. His boots came to a slow stop as he regarded the child. The girl couldn't have been older than six, a tiny little thing with unruly curls and scabbed knees, gripping a piece of pink sidewalk chalk in one hand. Her curls fell into her face as she leaned to try and look behind him, clearly wanting another glance at the wings on his vest.
The fuck?
"Ain't no fairy." Daryl muttered gruffly, unsure of what to make of the girl. A lock of hair clung to the corner of her mouth and she pushed it away, smearing pink chalk over her cheek in the process. He let her walk behind him as he quickly scanned the area, looking for any sign of a guardian but it seemed the girl was just out playing on her own; it was strange to him, to be in a place where someone would feel safe enough to let their child outside without being right behind them. It reminded him a bit of his youth, before his mother died, when she'd send him out to ride on his bike and tell him to be back when the streetlights came on. Different times. Now, that sort of thing felt too irresponsible. Too risky - even with walls.
He felt a pressure against his back and jumped, turning to look at the little girl as she grinned up at him. Her hand was still raised in the air, fingers outstretched and tinted pink. Daryl had half a mind to tell her to quit it, to go find her mom or pops and leave him be, but a little giggle tumbled past the girl's lips and he found himself short of words. Not a moment later she turned and bounded, leaving Daryl alone. For the remainder of the day, he was entirely unaware of the little pink handprint lingering on the back of his vest.
The following day, Carol was the first to notice that Daryl had managed to acquire a shadow. She met Daryl’s eye as Aaron led him and Abraham down the road and the archer found himself pausing at the hint of a smirk playing on her lips. “What?” Daryl questioned, eyes narrowing at the amusement painting his friend’s features. Ahead of him, Aaron and Abraham noticed him hanging back and came to a stop, waiting. “Spit it out.” “Just think you’ve got an admirer, that’s all.” Carol teased, looking past him with a knowing smile. Frowning, Daryl turned to follow her line of sight just in time to see a familiar mop of curls duck behind a mailbox. Daryl let out a quiet huff, shoulders relaxing minutely. The girl wasn’t any good at hiding - not with the way her whole body could still be seen behind the base; she’d clearly dressed herself that day, too - floral overalls clashing with a bright, striped shirt. It didn’t look like she had any chalk that he’d have to be on the lookout for, at least. He could still hear Rick’s chuckles from the night before when he’d pointed out the handprint on his vest. With a dismissive shake of his head, Daryl turned back, moving to continue on with Aaron and Abraham. “Ain’t nothin’. Just a kid.” “Look at you, already a hit with the ladies!” Abraham chaffed, earning a pointed scowl.
“Stop.” Aaron glanced between the two men with a relaxed smile, sparing a glance towards where the girl peeked her head out from behind the mailbox, watching from a distance. Aaron offered a little wave, to which the girl returned a cheeky smile, pressing a finger to her lips as if her presence was a secret between the two of them. “That’s Remy.” “Remy?” Daryl echoed, unamused. “Yeah, Remy. Short for Remington, but for your own safety just call her Remy.” “Remington?” Abraham cut in, unable to contain the amusement in his tone. “Like the rifles?” “I think so. I’m pretty sure her dad picked it.” Aaron told them, motioning for them to follow as he continued down the road. He’d mentioned wanting to introduce Abraham to one of the community members that ran the construction projects for Alexandria, and planned on taking Daryl to speak with Deanna after; she was still figuring him out, trying to decide which job would suit him best. He might’ve had time to brew on how much he couldn’t stand Deanna’s attempts to categorize him if his thoughts weren’t still stuck on the girl - Remy. Daryl glanced back over his shoulder, just enough to notice that she was trailing behind as they walked, eyes downcast and focusing hard as she balanced on the curb of the street while she followed. “She always just out here on ‘er own?” “Not exactly,” Aaron explained, considering his words before adding, “mostly just in the afternoons when she doesn't feel like sitting in class with the other kids. She's usually with her mom whenever she isn’t helping in the infirmary. Actually, I've been meaning to take you all by there - have you met (Y/N) yet?” “Nah.” Daryl muttered, finding no recollection of the name. “What about ‘er dad? He dead?" “Well, no. That’s, uh… a bit more complicated.” A brief silence fell over the them, and when Aaron peeked from the side of his eye to see that Abraham and Daryl were both still waiting for an answer, he let out an uncomfortable sigh. After looking back to ensure Remy was far enough that his words wouldn’t carry, he continued in a softer tone. “Her dad is around but not really around. It’s a long story - and really, not mine to tell - but... alright, they have an arrangement that Deanna settled between them. He gives Remy half of his rations every week, outside of what he hunts for the pantry, and (Y/N)... well, I guess you can say she has 'custody'. Like I said... it's complicated.” While Daryl’s lip twitched with irritation, Abraham let out a low whistle. “Well, ain’t that 'bout a bitch. Whole world goes to shit and you still can’t get outta child support.” It took a solid few seconds for the redhead to register that Daryl and Aaron were both staring at him, deadpanned, before he held up his hands in surrender. “I’m just sayin’!” Daryl didn’t find any of it funny in the slightest. It was bad enough that a kid had to grow up in a world like they were living in, but to have a deadbeat dad on top of it? And the Alexandrians, they just let it slide - let him give her some food and throw the rest of his duties as a parent aside.
Bullshit. This place, these people, this attempt at 'normal' life. A bunch of bullshit.
Talking to Deanna left him in the same spot he was in before. For whatever reason, she couldn't seem to figure out what to do with him even though he already knew the answer was obvious. He didn't belong in these walls, wasn't built for playing house and acting like there weren't monsters lingering around dark corners beyond the streets of Alexandria. It wasn't the dead that really bothered him, not after Terminus... not after the Claimers or Grady Memorial.
There were people out there that would come across a place like this and do the unthinkable and it wouldn't matter how nice their houses were or what casseroles they could make - they would suffer because they were weak and unprepared. He wasn't built to sit back and be vulnerable. He needed to be out there, hunting or scavenging or making sure the people that would hurt them stayed far enough away.
He thought going out and catching some game could clear his mind some. So, after stopping by and checking out his crossbow, Daryl headed towards the gate without much of a plan except to get out of the walls. But of course, it wouldn't never be so easy.
If he hadn't been so on edge in this new place, he wouldn't have heard the sniffle. It didn't take very long to find the source of it - Remy, pressed up against the trunk of a maple tree, blood trailing from her knees down to her ankles. She'd had to have fallen, tearing open scabs that were still healing. Though her knees were bloody and raw, cheeks wet with fresh tears, she didn't seem to pay them any mind.
Following her gaze to where she stared off in the distance longingly, Daryl quickly pieced together what was really upsetting her. Lingering by the front gate, in conversation with one of the other Alexandrian men, was a man with a hunting rifle strapped onto his back. A Remington rifle. That was her dad. Her dad, getting ready to go out on a hunt while she sat here with torn knees and a yearning heart. Well... he'd be damned if he were going to walk away from that.
"Must be clumsy." His own voice sounded foreign to him as he took a step into her view, trying hard to sound casual though he wasn't entirely sure how to approach the situation. Those big puppy-dog eyes looked up at him and he could have sworn he felt like somebody kicked him in the gut.
"Clumsy?" Remy echoed, confused, and sniffled again as she reached up and swiped her nose with the back of her arm.
"Means ya fall a lot." Daryl explained.
"My daddy's leaving." Remy blurted, lower lip quivering a bit as she looked past Daryl to see the man finally stepping out the gate, pushing it shut behind him.
Daryl looked over his shoulder towards the gate, acknowledging the man's departure with a sideways glance. "He come tell you goodbye?" Remy merely shook her head in response and Daryl hummed, unsurprised. He looked down to her knees, considering, before pulling a rag from his pack and kneeling down beside her. "Here, lemme see."
Remy extended one leg as Daryl gently reached for her ankle, watching with a pout as he wiped the blood from her shin before switching to the next leg and doing the same. Her knees were still bleeding a bit, but her legs weren't dripping blood anymore, at least. When he dropped her second leg, Remy blinked up at him through watery lashes. "I want Mommy."
Daryl met those doe eyes of hers, thinking back to the conversation with Aaron earlier that day. He'd mentioned Remy's mom - (Y/N) - helping in the infirmary. Seemed the girl probably needed to get some gravel cleaned out of her knees, anyways...
"C'mon. Let's go find yer ma." Daryl told her, pushing himself back to his feet and holding out a hand for her to grab onto to. As soon as Remy pulled herself up, though, she tried to take a step and limped, whining loudly. Not a second later, Daryl was instinctively scooping her up, resting her on his hip; and Remy, instinctively, reached up to wrap her arms around his neck as he carried her towards the infirmary to see you. Her messy curls tickled his stubble as she tucked her head against his neck, and if it weren't for that alone, then surely it was when he walked into the infirmary and laid eyes on you for the first time that Daryl Dixon knew one thing for certain...
He was so fucked.
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artwork by @vaebun !! ♡
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braids and confessions
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pairings: felix x gn!reader
warnings: friends to lovers; dysphoria; slight angst; but basically just tooth rotting fluff, really
summary: ever since felix decided to let his hair grow, you asked him if you could braid his hair. but he always said, that it was too short for proper braids.
word count: 1,2k
"Can I? Pleasee! Pretty please let me braid your hair!" You ask Felix for the tenth time this day. "I bet it's long enough by now. And you've been saying 'No' to me since like a lifetime." You pout.
"You know that it has been just three months right? And I've just been saying no, because-" "You don't want me to braid your hair?" You interrupt him. "No, but because I want your braids to stay longer than just ten minutes in my hair. And my hair has just been too short."
These were words you heard a lot in these past three months. It was either that his hair was too short, or he had to color it, so it would be the pretty blonde you liked so much.
"Those words are just excuses. Just tell me, you don't actually want me to braid your hair and I'm just annoying you right now." You huff.
"Oh hell no! You know how much I like your hands in my hair, but-" He looks away sheepishly and you could swear you just saw a slight tint of red on his cheeks. "But what Felix? I wanna hear it." you say much softer now, careful not to get him even more flustered, even though you have to admit, that he looks pretty with that hue of pink on his cheeks.
"No, it doesn't make any sense." He whines. You take his chin in your hand and softly force him to look in your direction. "I don't care if it makes any sense, hell, most things don't make sense to me. But, please, try to explain."
"But you could be mad at me." "You know, that no one can stay mad at you long enough, right?" "But it'll ruin everything."
"You, Lee Felix, cannot ruin anything, if anything, you always put the pieces back together." You assure him.
It is kind of good that you're both sitting on the couch already, because Felix decides to just dive head first into a pile of pillows, and if you weren't sitting close to it, you couldn't have stopped him from falling off the couch, because he aimed a bit too right to completely hit the pillows. "Ugh Felix, you really need to work on your aiming skills." As an answer he just grumbles.
"So care to tell me now? You know I could help you sort it out." You suggest. "No, this cannot be sorted out. This is a world's doomsday." "Dramatic much?" You chuckle. "I don't even know what it is about but I can already say, that it's not that that bad, you seem to be just exaggerating."
"No I'm not." He argues back and you sit up straight. "Then tell me please. I don't like seeing you worked up that much. And it really has to bother you, like a lot. So come on, you know that talking can help."
"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you" He grumbles and sits up, but avoids your eyes.
"So like, I- uhm, I like you." He blurts out. "What a relief" "No, not like that. I like you romantically, I think, but I was too afraid to tell you, because I think it would ruin our friendship, if one of us catches feelings."
"So just to be clear, you think that, if one of us catches feelings our friendship slash relatioship-bond we have would get destroyed?" He nods hesitantly. And. you can't help but laugh, while he just looks at you with an eyebrow raised and that questioning look on this face.
Once you manage to get control over your breath again you grin at him and say: "Well then, if catching feelings would ruin anything, I kinda got that covered already."
If possible, Felix's eyebrow wanders even higher up. "I like you too silly." You explain to him.
And now he let's out a shaky breath. "But, but, why? Aren't I too feminine for a guy, or weird, and, and-"
"Hey, hey, listen to me. Being too feminine or too masculine is just a thing society uses to explain itself to others, who don't understand, that there are no such things, and that it is just more complex than some primitive minds, who just can't wrap their minds around the fact that there isn't just black and white but there are so many shades of grey and other colors too. And a person isn't too much of anything. A person should be allowed to just be themselves."
You end your little speech, feeling proud of your choice of words, and when you look at Felix, you have to blink a few times, to see, if you just imagined the little hearts in his eyes, or if they were really there.
"God that really makes me want to kiss you right now." Felix says without thinking. You smile but feel your face heat up at his words, so you hide it in your hands and just slightly peek through your fingers. Just to see him smiling back. "Can I? I mean can I kiss you? Do I have permission?" He asks while he removes your hands from your face, and you nod sheepishly.
And then you feel his lips against yours, at first just a soft and light touch, almost, as if it was an illusion. But then he takes your cheeks in his palms and angles his mouth. The first few moments, you don't know what to do, then you try and kiss him back. You move your lips in sync and your hands, that seemed lost on your sides find themselves entangled in Felix's hair, occasionally tugging lightly.
When you both have to break apart to take a few breaths again you lean your foreheads together and it feels even more intimate that the kiss you shared just a moment before.
"So does that mean, that I can be your boyfriend now?" He asks you while looking at you with these puppy eyes you just can't say no to.
"Yes Felix. It means that you can be my boyfriend. But only under one condition." "Everything" He answers almost instantly. "I finally get to braid your hair." You smirk triumphantly. "Yes, you can braid my hair." He grins at you. "I actually would love to have you braid my hair."
That's how you end up, sitting on the couch with legs spread, and Felix sitting on the floor in between them while hugging a pillow and enjoying the feeling of having your hands in his hair.
The distant sound of some TV-Show playing, adds to the domestic feeling, while you two are just talking about anything that comes to your minds.
Taking three little strands at a time, you start waving them together, until the three strands make one. You then grab a little hair tie to stop the hair from entangling itself from the braid. After that you repeat the process two times.
In the end, Felix has a total of three simple and little braids in his hair, two on each side of his hair, and one that can only be seen if he tucks his hair behind his ear.
For your good work with his hair he rewards you with lots of kisses and cuddles.
And when he gets on stage a week after you braided his hair, you spot these little braids, that he still carries with him.
But you weren't the only one who spotted them. Because on some gossip pages, you found posts about his little braids. 'Lee Felix, member of Stray Kids has been spotted with little braids, he seems to worship very much. Does he have an anonymus partner, no one knows about yet?'
a/n: i just wanted to write something domestic and sweet, and kind of reassuring. because i felt like some people still judge others just on what they see, and i actually would have wantedt to hear these words too at some point, but there are people out there who need these words as much as i did. i hope y'all have a great day/night, and make sure you stay healthy. because you all are equally important. even if society makes you feel little and unnecessary. always remember you are loved. by stray kids and stay, and other people, you may not even really know.
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edlucavalden · 19 days
Im too exausted for proper(ish) essays, but im so crazy over this scene. i can't contain myself
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TW for: S/A !!! (For the nature of the writing and well—the scene itself)
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He's confused at first. he doesn't know what is going on. This slight pause isn't because he's scared or frozen but to assess the situation. After all It was kinda sudden.
All he doesn't like this feeling. he feels uncomfortable and that some sort of boundry has been breached. But he hasn't fully processed it yet.
And right before he fully comprehends and does something about it—
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He suddenly becomes compliant?
It's like he forgot what he was gonna do—like He loses the motivation to enforce his boundaries.
he still feels uncomfortable. that doesn't change. But he isnt aware of that. Well, that makes sense... since he never really did fully process what was happening. It's like he lost the will to care about or process it.
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This panel. Christ... Thistle finally builds up the power to say stop. It's weak—confused and disoriented. I dont think it's even directed to anything specifically. Its intentions are vague.
But god... and the lion's response? Reassurance. how he can't help it, he needs this to live, he's been waiting for so long—oh, and don't worry, I'll take care of you.
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It's just so chilling after this.
Thistle's powerless, weak, and complaicent. It's out of character for thistle. This entire scene is. However It's still thistle. His behavior and actions are his own, and for me that's the terrifying part.
This wasn't... Forced? There's no fighting and thrashing— Its just a complete submission. he reacted yeah but he didn't resist. he didn't fight back even if he had the ability to (we know bc he has, for 1000 years in fact). The lion didn't directly force him either. It didn't violently force him to have its way. But it's still violating. And that's the thing; the assult wasnt violent, but passive.
The demon has slowly but surely torn down thistle's sense of self so much it turned him into a completely different person. Like his identity was shattered and rebuilt to submit.
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It starts small, building up the situation, taking away his desire to resist and enforce his boundaries, then it gives a rose tinted explanation of what is happening. Finally, it comforts and praises him. This is what gives thistle the illusion of choice, a passive way of getting him vulnerable.
You can see how it affected him vividly through this part. it's like he forgets what he was fighting for. He forgets his boundaries, his identity, the things he cares about, everything. It's being ripped away from him.
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Thistle never stood a chance.
It wasn't his fault he submitted. It was the demon's for putting him in that state. His complaicency is due to the fact that he had no power for any other way.
it never mattered that thistle never fought back. Even if he did fight back or didn't, even if he succeeded or not—what then? it would never change the demon's nature. One who seeks consumption will always consume. In other words; it will always find a way.
I honestly dont think it was the demon's intention to harm thistle. It's selfish but not moralisticly evil (nothing ever is). It seeks fulfillment and not suffering. But its blind pursuit for satisfaction caused suffering, That's what makes it malicious. It doesn't matter if he intented or was aware of it or not. the demon benefited from something that could harm him and did it despite that. And that will never change.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Writing challenge
Alexia Putellas, “you and Mapi are children”, training grounds
alexia putellas
"is this really a good idea?" you asked with an ounce of hesitation as mapi messed about with the shampoo. "yes! did you forget what they did first?" mapi scoffed giving you a look as you shrugged unable to argue.
it was juvenile, you knew that. but as mapi stated it was pina and jana who started this whole thing. the 'thing' being an unofficial prank war of sorts, which had all begun just a couple of weeks ago.
you'd been off in your own world, headphones on and preparing yourself mentally for the game. you'd been rummaging through your bag trying to find your lucky hair tie when you saw it.
a large black spider sat on top of your training jumper causing you to let out a scream and fall backwards off the bench, smacking your head and groaning as several of the girls rushed over.
"mi amor what happened?" your girlfriend was the first by your side, grabbing your face and checking you over as you winced and gently pushed her away. "claudia!" mapi roared catching her trying to subtly remove the spider, the younger girl sprinting off in the opposite direction.
though intended to be harmless and there wasn't any real lasting damage, it didn't mean you weren't out for revenge and with mapi your willing accomplice it set off a series of events into motion.
claudia roped in jana to help her and everything started small between the four of you. if it was you signing claudias phone number up for telemarketing calls, hiding one anothers belongings, fake lottery tickets or scratchies.
but when claudia took it one level further and shaved a slit in mapi's eyebrow while she was napping after training one day, the tattooed spaniard was filled with an entirely new passion for getting even.
of course you'd been well warned to stop this all together by the rest of the team especially your captain and girlfriend who made a point to remind that you were both in your late twenties and ought to know better than to stoop to the younger girls level.
but all of the warnings fell on deaf ears which is what lead to you and mapi being crouched down in the showers, filling the girls shampoo with blue hair dye which was supposed to wash out after two washes.
"and you're sure its not going to be permanent?" you stressed again, constantly checking over your shoulder nervously. the two of you had arrived much earlier in order to avoid being caught out but it did nothing to ease your worries you would be.
"relax amiga! no one is here." mapi rolled her eyes, screwing the tops back on as the two of you exited the showers and placed the bottles back in both jana and claudias cubby's.
nothing more came of it until hours later when the game was won and everyone was back in the change rooms, and on such a high from winning you'd actually forgotten about yours and mapi's activities.
well you had until you heard a scream and the two girls appeared, hair tinted blue with dye running down their faces as the change room erupted into laughter, mapi taking off as claudia sprinted after her and jana stormed off to the showers to try and wash it out.
"cariño." you looked up with an amused smile which dropped seeing the stern glare sent your way by your girlfriend. "i did not do anything, it was all maría." you threw your friend right under the bus and sent the taller girl an innocent smile.
"mmm sure amor. you will apologise to both of them!" alexia ordered crossing her arms as you scoffed. "no i will not!" you argued, the girls firm look unwavering as she refused to break eye contact knowing exactly how to break you.
"fine!" you huffed, getting to your feet and yelling into the showers that you were sorry, jana's hand which was stained blue popping up over one of the stalls and flipping you off.
"can we go now? capi." you jeered, never appreciating when your girlfriend would pull the captain card on you. the two of you made your way out to alexia's car, claudia and mapi sprinting past you still chasing one another around as poor ingrid followed trying to break it up.
"you and mapi are children." alexia sighed, starting up the car as you settled into your seat. "i never was until i met her. she is a bad influence!" you tutted crossing your arms, sending her an innocent smile as she looked unimpressed.
"you love me though." you sang out as she started the engine, the older girl letting out a deep sigh.
"you are lucky you're cute mi vida, thats all you have going for you sometimes." "hey!"
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Statement of : Gordon Martinez Freeman, 30 year old MIT graduate,Regarding a peculiar video game he’d found.
Recorded direct from subject, May 16, 200-
Statement begins.
Pt 1 > here
Hello! I am the author of this AU, you can find my main at @inkzectz , for more meta questions about this AU, or for general comments about it, please go there.
What is the AU about?
LA : AI is a crossover AU of sorts, in the simplest way put, it’s TMA but with HLVRAI characters, TMA stuff happens but altered to fit the general HLVRAI narrative, and with my own changes, headcanons, etc. added
I will be updating/editing this post as I progress.
Will it have spoilers?
Yes, not a lot, but vague/mild spoilers about how the world works, plot points, and character.
It is best if you’ve seen it but as of writing it right now (early ep 4) there aren’t any spoilers. Once I am a little further ahead then you may want to listen to it.
Again the spoilers will be vague and mild at worst, as it progresses I would recommend listening to tma, but it’s sort of like how while half life knowledge is helpful in hlvrai it isn’t exactly necessary to enjoy hlvrai bc it’s different enough from it to not really matter (?) I hope that makes sense.
Asks rules
- No telling [ player ] exactly what happens ex : “omg [ player ] when you weren’t looking [ npc ] said this very important thing that is supposed to be kept secret for lore reasons”
- Please avoid asks like “tell this character they’re pretty” while I appreciate the compliment, I am trying to write a story and want to keep things as on topic as possible. Instead tell me on my main if you like the art, I’ll probably reply with a doodle or something, just not on here.
- Less so of a rule but more so of a general statement, I will be avoiding asks that either are too close to what happens or if answering would mean progressing the story too quickly, there’s a lot I want to happen and I want time to do it all.
- Another one that’s less of a rule and more of a general thing, if I don’t like what you said I won’t be answering.
- I also sometimes just don’t know how to answer some things.
- Please be respectful of the ships I choose to include and don't force your own, ship wars and such will not be tolerated.
- Please be respectful of others and do not spoil anything, not everyone has listened to TMA and knows it's themes.
I will not be answering everything, I cannot always get to every message so please be respectful of that.
Select character
Character abouts! [ Will be updating as I continue to work on the story ]
[ select ] > Mr. Freeman
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> Gordon Martinez ‘Martini’ Freeman
30 y.o . 6’0 . 230lb . Romani / Puertorican . male [ he/him ] . bisexual
> Lives in Seattle, MIT graduate, left Black Mesa, works as a librarian IRL but also makes money via streaming video games occasionally, in real time it is 2018.
> Believes in the paranormal out of fear but tries to rationalize out of denial, he will never admit something is supernatural and will jump through hoops to rationalize even if deep down he does believe.
> Has a son named Joshua Medrano Freeman, who is 6 years old, Gordon and his old partner met in college but split up before Joshua was born, they remain civil but are nothing more to each other than Joshua’s other parent.
> Gordon rents an apartment with 3 rooms, his own room, Joshua’s room, and a third that used to be a guest room but he has so little visitors he’s just chosen to revamp it into a gaming room.
> Gordon works primarily in a library for now as he’s looking for a better job.
> Gordon often wears hoodies, sweaters, t-shirts, crew necks, and any general outfit one would wear at home, long curly hair that is beginning to grey due to stress, unkempt goatee, and almost always wears green tinted glasses [ he doesn’t need glasses he just thinks they’re cool ]
> His hair is usually pulled back in a ponytail but can also be found in a bun or just down.
< [ select ] > Mr. Coolatta
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> Thomas ‘Tommy’ Coolatta, primary researcher, and technical head of the institute.
39 y.o . 6’7 . 190lb . Chinese/filipino . Male [ he/him ] . ???
> His father owns the Lambda institute and he grew up in it, he officially started working in the archives when he was 24, and of all the employees in the entire institute he has worked there the longest.
[ NPC ]
> No one knows who his father really is, Tommy being the only one who’s ever actually seen / spoken to him, his father is the real head of the institute but gives most his orders through Tommy, so Tommy is also technically the head as well.
> Not much is actually known about him, besides his father he doesn’t appear to have any other family, nor does he ever speak of his personal life much.
> Tommy primarily works as an archival assistant, specifically in research, he is the one who will verify details regarding statements or do further investigations into aspects of the statements.
> Tommy is quite the colorful character, often wearing colorful clothing and accessories, he seems to think doing so brings some cheer into an otherwise boring environment, he often wears patterned polo shirts, cheap company bracelets, pins, lanyards, pant chains, but is never without his signature multicolor propeller hat.
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mokulule · 11 months
Almanac - Chapter 2
So ya'll have given me some amazing and lovely comments on A Man has Needs (which I'm delighted was so well-received), and I had a really shitty day so I wanted to upload something. Sadly don't have energy to write, but this was already done so here ya go. Ship: Dead on Main First | Masterlist
Chapter 2 - September 25th, Uranus at Opposition
Jason awoke slowly. He felt groggy and worn like he’d gone a round with Bane and, now that he thought about it, maybe also Black Canary; his ears of all things hurt for some reason. Groaning he pushed himself up, taking in the green and black bedspread… this wasn’t his bed. He looked around; bare stone walls with a strange almost purplish tint - no windows he could leave out of.
What happened yesterday? There had been something… an emergency? Shit. He rubbed his brow hoping against hope to relieve the sharp headache there. What kind of truck hit him? Come on brain, work.
Bruce had called him. He breathed slowly through his nose. Urgh, his brain was like a tangled ball of yarn that had been left to the mercies of a cat. Slowly he picked at the treads, trying to untangle them. Dick had been there, and Tim and Damian. And Superman? Why was Jason on a league mission? Jason wouldn’t have joined them unless the world was-
Oh, the world had been ending.
There was an invasion and John bloody Constantine and a ritual- and Jason was a small bit of supernatural insurance but that didn’t matter because-
His head throbbed sharply and he curled up on the bed with a whimper. Shit. Why? Okay, no remembering right now. He slowly unfolded and squinted at the room, there were two doors. One by the head side of the bed, which seemed the least likely to lead outside and one opposite. He confirmed the first door to be a bathroom, which left the other to lead- He opened the door into a windowless hallway. Looking left and right he didn’t see an end either way.
The hallways had the same purple tinted stone walls as the room. It was lit by green torches, but somehow they didn’t cast green light. Instead the light that hit Jason was more blueish. He decided not to think about that and moved on.
He walked hallway after hallway. The only change was the tapestries. Since they were the only thing that changed he couldn’t help but look at them. There was a man, large and armored with a flaming crown and his hand raised with something shining from it. Jason went down some stairs and another hallway had a tapestry with the same character directing an army of skeletons and other creatures fleeing from them. This theme continued through many hallways. World upon world, the king and his army conquering all on a backdrop of Lazarus green. Then finally something changed, seven robed figures stood over the fallen king.
Jason then stood in front of a winding stairwell: Up or down?
He looked down; there was something down there…
Dazed, he took a step down, before he shook his head and walked up. He had to get out. Walking down in a building he didn’t know what floor he was on was just asking to be trapped in some sort of basement, and he’d already walked down one staircase already, when the only other option had been to backtrack.
A sarcophagus was opened and the King released. In the next hallway someone in a black and white mech suit was fighting the king and Jason blinked at the sudden genre shift. He hadn’t expected that from the tapestry story.
The next one had several people pushing the sarcophagus closed again presumably to seal the king, but one figure especially niggled at Jason’s brain - the small one, the black and white one. He was familiar. He walked faster, urgency pressing him to find the next tapestry, he rounded a corner and there!
There were two tapestries on either side of a door. The first tapestry had a purple robed figure crowning a kneeling black and white figure in front of a crowd. Several were recognizable from the previous tapestry. But Jason didn’t look at that picture long he was drawn to the last tapestry; the one who only showed the new king:
Human skin tone, compared to all the light greens and blues. Snow white hair. Crown hovering over his head, and on the index finger on his right hand where it was folded over his chest was a green ring with a skull crest. The backdrop was a nebula of colors and only on the edges were the Lazarus green. The king’s eyes were closed, but Jason knew they were green.
He knew.
And as a key turning in a lock Jason remembered. He bent over holding his head with a groan. The invasion. The ghost king. His sacrifice, which apparently meant he was to do nothing for the rest of his life. Screw that! What was the ghost king gonna do? Un-save the world? Jason didn’t think so. He needed to get out. He very carefully avoided thinking of the risk of his brains melting out his ears if he angered the king again.
The door. Jason’s eyes snapped to it. It looked completely innocuous. He had been lead here for a reason. Fight or flight? Fight his body screamed at him. His chest rose and fell, his heart picked up speed in anticipation and he reached for the brass handle. His hand closed around it, it was cold and solid in his grip. He exhaled slowly out his nose counting down.
He burst into the room, hands on hidden knives, ready for anything! Then he froze.
This was the room he woke up in. There was that rumpled spot on the bedsheets from where he’d slept. He grabbed his head, there had been no tapestries in the hall he stepped out in, he was sure. No he was not gonna let this get to him he had to find a way out. He stepped out into the hallway through the still open door; the tapestries were gone.
He walked the opposite direction this time, but only five turns in he stood in front of the open door again. Shaking his head he kept walking, there had to be a way out. There were less tapestries now, but every now and then there’d be a tapestry of the King sans crown fighting someone. It seemed to be some of the more prominent people that had been at the coronation and then there were some others; a large plant creature, a person that looked part tornado, someone who looked like the night sky itself.
The message was clear: give up. See all the ones who has been defeated. What do you think, you can do?
Jason punched the wall next to the most recent tapestry.
“Let me out, you bastard!” he snarled.
Predictably there was no answer, but a small part of Jason had still hoped something would happen. His shoulders dropped.
A familiar door materialized in the corner of his eyes. He turned his head to better see and yup, that was the door alright. He sighed.
“Fuck you.” But Jason was tired. He didn’t know how long he’d walked the hallways. He opened the door and walked the few steps that took him to the bed collapsing on top of it, in the spot he’d made earlier. He couldn’t be bothered to go under the covers.
Oo o oO
They say doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is a sign of insanity. Tim would probably argue something about scientific methods and statistics in return, but Tim wasn’t here, just Jason.
So here’s what Jason knew:
He’d sacrificed his life to the Ghost King to save the world. The Ghost King had no interest in Jason and had just dropped him in a never used room like one of those gifts you really don’t want but can’t refuse. Oh, and the castle was magical and delighted in showing him right back to his room every time he left it.
Leaving the room was pointless. Jason knew it was pointless. But Jason couldn’t just stay in this room, hence the repeated insanity, but at least out in the hallways some things changed, even if he always ended up where he started.
He didn’t know how long he’d been there. He’d lost count of how many times he’d slept. It was pointless anyway, he didn’t know if he could even count sleeps as days anyway. He was locked in a battle of wills with a fucking castle.
“For a magical castle, you’re boring, you know that?” He spoke to the ceiling. It didn’t even have any enchanted furniture or household items to talk with.
Jason wasn’t sure quite when he’d started feeling hungry, only that it shouldn’t have taken that long. Water came out of the tap in the bathroom, so at least he wasn’t thirsting. After the hunger came the lethargy. He was sleeping more and his forays out into the hallways were shorter.
The world was a hefty price to pay and maybe Jason’s suffering was just a part of his toll, but Jason would have taken being a servant or slave over this. At least then he’d have something to do. There’d be a focus, something to fight. He wouldn’t just lie here with nothing better to do but insult the walls.
If you liked this, consider commenting in the replies or tags, I hold every lovely comment dear to my heart and it's great motivation. If you want notifications for this story you can subscribe at the masterlist
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moonsaver · 7 months
Hehe, Yan!Sunday being so so pushy with a reader who has a bit of people-pleasing tendency..
He's so nice to you! Thoroughly giving you a brief of every place at Penacony, throwing in a few jokes here and there, warning you about scams and all sorts of merchandise you can get here that people will yearn to get in their entire lifetimes! Why don't you let him show you around? It's a lovely day today, and he has some time to spare. Oh, dear.. don't get lost in the crowd. Here – hold his hand! Keep your grip tight.
Hm? What's that? Have somewhere else to be? What a shame.. where to? Oh! He's going there anyway, coincidentally. How about both of you go there? He can help you out so much with directions, too! He's just so happy to be your tour guide, please let him help you, just this once. Talking to professional representatives is so suffocating, just let him stick around, will you?
And that "pushiness" just becomes worse and worse. He borderline forces you to come sit with him at the lounge bar, buying you a few drinks, or sometimes drags you along the moment he sees you outside on a stroll. Hm.. can you check his wings for him? He feels like there's something in it. No? Well, just keep looking. Oh, there's something in your hair, let him get it for you. Let him move your hair out of your eyes, too, so don't mind when his fingers tuck them behind your ear and linger there. Hm? You have to meet up with friends..? Oh, that just won't do! You should come with him to this new spot he's reserved for just the both of you, surely you can't have him cancel it at the last minute! You can go after a few minutes, at least. He keeps you there for so long by the time you finally leave, its already been 3 hours.
Of course, he's just trying to be a great host. It wont do if something goes awry. Hm? Your room's keycard isn't working? Oh, there must be a problem in the system.. how incompetent of him! Why don't you stay in his room for the time being? He's sure both of you can work something out. He's so sorry, why don't you let him make it up to you with this expensive bottle of wine? These chocolates he's just gotten as a custom order are magnificent, too. Just.. don't mind the strange pink tint everything seems to have.
Oh? Your body feels weird? It's alright. Lay down on the bed, he'll be right there for you. Close your eyes, dear. He'll take plenty care of you.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 10 months
Northern attitude
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Previous chapter
a/n I welcome you to the second part for more Sugar and Ghost. Did I have a right to form attachment to these two in two chapters? No. But here I am. Enjoy.
summary: mission gone bad, feels a little like enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort sort of goodness.
warnings: blood, wounds, needles, death, hospitals, IV's, vomiting, trauma... I think that's all...
"Keep the chest compressions going", the female voice filled the space that now seemed as buzzing as the actual hospital room. Not that any of them truly had been in the midst of it all. But army hospitals, especially while on the move, could and did get chaotic at times. "You'll need another shot of adrenaline", a calm and collected tone instructed. Gaz looked into Soap's eyes, who has been ramming at your heart for some time now. The two males nodded at one another. "Coming in 3 2 1", Gaz called out as they switched for only a heartbeat or two. Soap's hand left your chest, while Gaz aimed the needle right toward your left shoulder.
Simon felt as if he was in a daze. In one of his nightmares, maybe. Yeah, maybe that's what it was. One of his nightmares where he was aware that he was in his mind traps. Yet he didn't recall what had happened after he started shaking your body. Who pulled you out of his arms? Who pushed him to the side?
"Go back to stimulating the heart, Johnny. Hum, while you're at it", Ghost knew that voice now that his brain had granted him a moment of clarity. Eleanor Price's wife was a medic and a woman not ready to give up on her adoptive daughter. Desperate and ready to do anything. Make the four basic medical knowledge-baring males do everything they can so her baby girl will come back home. Come home, but not in a casket. Simon had no clue who even dialed her number. The phone was used for emergencies only. They were strictly advised not to use it until it was a life-or-death situation. The call had to be directed straight to the base. Eleanor wasn't at the base. But somehow, that made Simon calmer. He was happier that it was her and not some careless idiot in charge.
"You need to start the drip", another desperate order filled the space. "I can't, El,", Price said, running a hand through his face in frustration. "John, for fuck sake, you've done it before. Put it in her hand, the palm; don't go full vein, but do it damit", that was the first time Simon caught onto her voice, quivering. For a split second, her cool doctor mask had slipped, making Price clench his jaw so tight that his voice was barely a groan. "Eleanor", he breathed. "Keep humming, Soap," she barked at the man now responsible for pumping your heart, ignoring her husband. And Soap did. His humming grew louder. I got a pocket—a pocket full of sunshine echoing from the walls, accompanied by his thick Scottish accent—now that he too was under lots of stress.
Gaz ran back into the main room with the pouch full of liquid. "Got it", he said breathlessly. "Good, you see that there are two different colored liquids?", Gaz nodded too overstimulated to realize that Eleanor could not see him. "There is", Price said for him. "Good, bend it. It needs to mix, then start the drip, or so help me, God, I will never forgive you, John".
Maybe not a nightmare. Maybe a bad movie. One Ghost hoped he would forget eventually. He just sat there. While everything buzzed around him. For the very first time, he felt helpless. That was a lie. He had only felt helpless that night. The night when all of the people he loved got slaughtered. The night he was forced to lock the last bits of his humanity away. To promise himself that no one would ever get close to him. He would not make friends. He would never fall in love. But here he was. Your blood was still all over him. Simon's hands were tinted. Permanently tinted. It felt almost like an out-of-body experience. He knew this was happening, but a part of him kept on screaming that this was not real and couldn't be. That fate wouldn't be so cruel. Yes, Ghost wasn't a good man, but selfishly, he was sure that after all that he had been through, his debts had to be paid off by now.
Ghost didn't know why, but his brain took him back to the base. The room you two shared. Did he hate it at first? Yes. But you brought peace. You brought life. His room was bland and colorless. Now, with your posters and books, plants, and fucking throw blankets, it felt like living there was intensional. Like you, and only you had to return there. And that was important to Simon. He cared about it. Cared about you even if his snarling demeanor wouldn't let it show.
There were nights when he would find you passed out with your book in your hands. The hardcover digging into your neck. It was not enough to hurt, but it sure had to be uncomfortable. Simon had stood there for a solid ten minutes, the first time it had happened, just watching your slumbering frame. He turned around and went about his nightly routine. He had gone and laid down in his bed. But only a handful of moments later, he was out, crossing the white line. He had gently pulled the book from your skin, using your pen to mark the page you were on. Pulling the blanket over your shoulders because the base got rather cold at night. He told himself that he couldn't allow a soldier on his team to get sick because manpower was crucial, but deep down, he knew that any other lad could be freezing his balls off for all he cared. It was you. You were the main factor in this equation. There was something even back then that didn't sit well with him when it came to you not being well.
"It's bleeding, Eleanor", John's desperate voice filled Ghost's mind, and it was like his systems had been restarted. His eyes darted toward the table. Onto John's slumped shoulders as he fidgeted with the needle. Simon jumped up. He rounded the table to push John's hand off as he reached for the tape, repositioning the very tip of the needle before securing it in place. "You need to keep it stable", Eleanor's voice rang out. "Simon just did it", John breathed out. The room stilled for a moment. They were running out of things they could do to keep you alive. To keep you with them. Ghost held onto your hand. He hoped that everyone would take it as just him making sure that your skin wasn't puffing up, indicating that the incision was done incorrectly. And none of the men, sweaty and mentally exhausted, would have said anything. But Eleanor did.
"Simon, you're okay, sweetheart?", It was so soft. Too soft. She should be yelling. Simon was responsible for what had happened here. Maybe even more, because he should have ripped all the doors that separated him from you. Should not have followed everyone into the safe house. "She will fight; you know it; you stay strong for her. She needs you", Ghost bit onto his cheeks, feeling the taste of iron filling his mouth. He had met Eleanor a couple of times. The woman was an angel. How John had landed her was beyond him, but she was exactly what you had been for the team. A breath of fresh air. Some days when everyone was off duty, she would ring up everyone, inviting them for a barbecue at her and Price's shared home. "Positive", Ghost breathed out, yanking the wall of steel back up. He couldn't let himself feel it. Not here. Not now.
"Her chest", Soap's two words were enough to shift the focus back to the table. His big eyes looked between the rest of his team and the women on the living room table. "Soap", Eleanor's voice carried both worry and hope. "It's moving, she's...", Johnny's voice died down, only to be overshadowed by Eleanor's once more, "Count her pulse for me; tell me if it's steady enough". No one breathed for a moment, as if afraid to chase it away. As if they inhaled too much oxygen themselves, there would not be enough for you. A minute passed. Two. Three.
"Yeah", Johnny breathed, "It's steady. Weak but... but...", a sob slipped past his lips, followed by a cry from Eleanor. Gaz sank to his knees, his chest heavy, as he tried to catch his breath. John moved past them all, rushing towards the side door. But the distance between him and the room wasn't big enough for the rest of them to not hear him heaving. "Fucking hell, Bonnie, you just took ten years of my life", Soap carefully ran his hand over your leg, his head falling back as the quiet tears continued to flow. "Keep a watch on her for me, boys", Eleanor sniffled from the other side. Simon leaned over. His face pressed into your side as he tried to keep his tears at bay. Not even for a moment letting go of your hand.
That was three weeks ago. They had managed to keep you alive for two days in that house. Two days. Finally, transportation from the base was provided to get all of them out of there. The doctors had told them straight to the face that what they had been doing was God's work. They were the reason you were still breathing. But even under the unfaltering gaze of the base doctors, Ghost still couldn't shake the feeling of you slipping away.
Simon was down in the medical wing every day. Some days, he stood for hours in the corner of the room. Some days, he pulled himself a chair and sat by your side. It was the nights that were the hardest, though. Because now all Ghost saw was you. All he felt was a lack of your presence. If he did manage to slip into a restless sleep, he would be up in no time. Sweaty and panting. He would reach for his hoodie as he moved through the quiet hallways to get to you.
"Debrief starts at five", Soap's head popped into the hospital room. Making Ghost stutter on the last words that he was reading as he slowly lowered one of your books to his lap. Most of his mornings looked the same. Quick shower. Breakfast if he was up for it. Your hospital room. Training. Back to your hospital room. Days when he had to be in meetings or debriefs were the ones he hated the most. That meant he had to be away from you for longer than he was willing. "Copy", he said sternly, eager to at least finish the page he was on. And even more so, hoping that Soap would go away. Simon had nothing against the guy. Out of everyone, he liked Johnny the most. The two had a similar sense of humor, and working together never felt like a never-ending nightmare. Just the Scot talked a lot. At times, it was fun, and Simon's ever-running brain benefited from it. But there were times, like now, when he wished that the man would get the message and go his own way. "Ain't my place to say this, but...", the door cracked open a bit more, "I'm sure that she loves that you're here", Simon was so glad that his back was turned to Soap because he was sure that he would be able to see his face falter. Fingers grinning at the book just a bit tighter. "Copy, Soap, you can go", Ghost's tone was more than unamused. He didn't want to break in front of any of them. The safe house had already been a dead giveaway of how Simon felt when it came to you. And he didn't want anyone to know anything else. "And she...", Soap started once more, but Ghost just lifted his hand up, making all sounds die down. "Copy", Simon said thickly through his teeth. He knew that it was selfish to push everyone away like that. You two were also friends. Close ones at that. Simon knew that Soap loved you. He had a front-row ticket to watch that after the mission went south. But he just couldn't. Couldn't do it now. When the door quietly kicked shut, Simon let out a sigh, his eyes darting towards the clock on the wall. He had to go, even if he didn't want to.
"I'll be back", he muttered softly, placing the book on the little table by your bed. "Will finish reading that book for you later", Ghost reached his hand out, softly running his fingers over your forehead, lingering touches stretching out for longer than they should. "You sleep well, Sugar", he breathed out, leaning in to place a kiss on the side of your head and stilling right beside you as he let himself listen to the sound of your breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. And he was pulling away, running a hand through his face before he walked out of the room.
Ghost barely said a word in the debrief. When Kate asked for his input, the man shrugged his shoulders and said, "You read my report; you know my thoughts". Was the upper management getting fed up with him at this point? Most definitely. Yet no one managed to put the lack of everyone's involvement against them. Most of the base had been rather quiet when they wheeled you through the corridors, almost lifeless. And yes, the key thing was not to get emotionally attached. Teammates came and went, but everyone knew just as well how tight everyone in this group was. Or came to realize that with the four men following the doctors in one quick stride.
"Ghost", Price's voice yanked Simon back to the meeting room. An almost empty meeting room at that. "A word alone in my office", the captain said, only waiting for a head nod before walking away. Simon followed suit. He knew there was no other option. "Eleanor said you didn't call her back", John mused, reaching for the lighter as he puffed out smoke. Ghost's face stayed blank as he muttered, "I didn't see the call". That was a lie. He did. And there was more than one. Simon just couldn't pick up. The same way he couldn't watch the way Price's wife had sobbed in her husband's chest when they had just returned. The guilt was too much. The sight of her sobbing only made Simon think that it was over. An hour. Maybe two. And your body will be in the bag. Stored away in the cold room.
"Simon", John snapped his hand in front of Ghost's eyes, making the male blink a couple of times. "Is that all, sir?", his voice was grim. Even Simon was struggling to recognize himself. John frowned, "Don't you sir me, boy", a warning finger was jabbed into Simon's chest. A moment of silence. A deep exhale. "Her vitals are getting better. She will pull through", Price said softly, clapping Ghost's shoulders, but the man simply shook his head and said, "You don't know that". And it's like that's all Price needed to realize where the stem of all of this denial was rooted. "I called the shots there. It's on me, not you", the captain said firmly, that same warning finger now pointing directly at his chest. Neither of them said anything else afterward. They just stood there. Eyes burning into each other.
Price's eyes narrowed for a moment before he muttered, "Do you like her? My, Sug, do you like her?", the question threw Simon off the hilt. He didn't expect it here. Now. It wasn't supposed to be discussed here. Like that. And my Sug... Fucking hell. It was his captain's daughter Simon was falling for. Biological or not, she was still a daughter. And for the first time, did he realize how much shit this could bring you both? Maybe it was one-sided even. But the way you held onto him. Your touch. Simon had never been touched so tenderly in his life. And what's more, for the very first time, he didn't want to pull away. "Because if you play...", Price's tone shifted completely as he spoke his words, and Ghost cut him off quickly, "Positive. I do... I like her". John simply nodded at his words, making Simom mimic his movements. The older male scratched his chin before waving Simon away, and he didn't waste a minute before turning away. He'll deal with the potential consequences later on.
Simon was almost out the door when a voice stopped him. "Simon", Price called out once more, making the soldier turn back, "I expect you to mow my lawn in the summer". A strange, warm sensation filled Simon's chest as he looked at the man in front of him, smiling as he puffed out another cloud of smoke. Ghost lets himself linger for a heartbeat more before he closes the door, heading towards the medical wing once more.
"I also overwatered your succulent", Simon said quietly as he looked out of the window in your room. The rest of the team had slowly turned the little, awfully sterol-looking room into a somewhat comfortable place. Or at least a place that screamed less about the inevitable outcome they all feared the most. A plush blanket. Some of your books. A night lamp in the shape of a duck. That was a gift from Soap. Was it slightly questionable? Yes. But everyone dealt with this in their own way, so if bringing you a light-up duck made Soap happy in some way, so will it be.
"I bought you a new one, but... still felt like you should know", Simon continued. He was doing this a lot. Way too much. Maybe? Ghost wasn't sure what was normal or not at this stage. Yet he couldn't help but feel that you would be sitting there with an eyebrow lifted at the number of words he was sharing. One thing everyone knew was that Ghost didn't speak unless it was necessary. Some called it arrogance. Others said that that was just his cold demeanor. The truth was, no one truly stopped to listen or cared for Simon for most of his life. So he got used to it. But talking to you, at least now, made him feel lighter. Besides the reading he did here, Simon also went over meetings with you. A part of him didn't want you to feel left out. Not that your unconscious body cared, but... if you could hear him. He wanted you to feel involved. Then there were an endless amount of stories about how and who had pissed him off that day.
"I...", Ghost's voice dies down as he turns back to face you. You looked like a doll laid neatly on the sheets. They have moved the IV out today. Nothing more but a heart monitor left running. Eleanor had no doubt been here while he was in the debrief because your hair had been brushed. Simon let out a sigh as he pulled a chair for himself, quickly shrugging off his gloves.
"You know, you caught my attention the moment I saw you", his hand hovered above yours for a moment. He didn't trust himself to touch you. What if he harmed you in some way? What if he triggered a negative reaction? "Fucking hell, did you keep us on your toes", Ghost shook his head, "I took it for granted. I'd do anything to see you striding past the main entrance once again". Simon let his head fall over your stomach. Oddly enough, that was the only time that his head seemed to work these days. Taking a deep breath, Simon let the feeling of your body slowly ground him. You're here. With him. He can hear your heart beating. Your body is no longer cold. You even have some of your color back. He can...
A sudden rustling of the sheets makes every single muscle in Simon's body seize. For a moment, he can't even hear his own heart as he stays as still as he can. One heartbeat. Another. Nothing. Devastation rushes through him. He had gotten so sensitive to the sounds in this room. A gentle hand caresses his scalp, and Simon jerks away.
Blinking rapidly, only to find your half-hooded eyes open. Looking right back at him. "No", Simon muttered, fully convinced that his lack of sleep had finally gotten the best of him. He doesn't move away, but he digs the back of his palm into his eyes. "Simon...", and it's barely a whisper. So weak still, but it's there, and... Simon's shoulders quiver. There's no sound. Not a single hick-up, but you know.
Every single part of your body feels as if it's on fire. The room is dim, but gods, it's still too bright for your sensitive eyes. Yet you can't take your eyes away from the man drowning in his own emotions right next to you. You carefully reach out for him, muscles soar from the lack of movement. Brushing your fingers through his hair. Scratching his scalp. You have no idea how long you've been out, but you've heard him talking. Soothing the anxiety of being trapped in nothing but darkness.
"Si", You breathe out once more, trying to tug at his wrist softly. Wanting nothing more than to see his eyes once again. Simon gives in instantly, the tears soaking his mask. You try to wipe some of them away, but his fingers wrap around your frail wrist. For a second, you are convinced that he will push you away, but he does quite the opposite. With both of his palms, Simon presses your hand into his cheek. Leaning into your touch.
"You died... I held you," he says through heavy breaths, pulling at your heart, "You... the blood". You shake your head slowly. "Look at me", you say softly, coughing slightly. At the feeling of your dry throat, Simon is out of the chair, lifting the water jug to pour you a glass before carefully cradling your head as he helps you take a couple of sips. That's enough to chase some of the big emotions away. Enough to give time for Ghost to pull the iron mask back on, but his eyes still glisten.
"I'm here, aren't I?", you whispered, "That pink rug was too appealing to give up", you joke slightly, and it's enough to make Ghost let out somewhat of a chuckle. "You don't have to die to buy a rug for our room", Simon says, head turning to look at the monitor as if waiting to see something that would still prove to him that this wasn't happening. "You look like shit, LT. Losing sleep over a girl doesn't look good on you", you mutter, and Simon lets out a dry huff. "Because I'm a decent bloke, I won't comment on how you look", you let out a gasp in return, and that nearly sent him flying off his chair because the man is on such high alert that anything rings danger bells in his head now. "I'm okay, just trying to be dramatic with you", you say, squeezing his hand softly, trying to get him to calm down once more. Silence falls. Not an uncomfortable one. One that fully captures the shared amount of words running through both of your minds.
"I heard you, you know? Kind of pissed that you think that Jack deserved to get his heart broken," Simon snorts, running his fingers through his hair. His shoulders droop. All of the adrenaline that's been keeping him upright is finally wearing off. Leaving him feeling heavy and weak. "Should I get the others? Price would...", Ghost breathed, turning to get up, but you grabbed onto his hand quickly. "I just want you right now", you muttered straight away, realizing how dumb and desperate that sounded, "If you don't mind".
Simon scoffed, "Sugar, I sat here for three weeks begging for all the holy things that you would pull through", You bit your lip at his words. You knew that he did. You felt him. Heard him. Smelled him. He had been your lifeline all this time. "If I could, I would pull rank to get myself off duty so I could sit here till you fully recover", Ghost says, rolling his eyes, now doubtful at everyone who has been up his ass for not attending every single meeting. You smile at him weakly, feeling the little bits of your energy slowly giving out. Yet you still muster what's left of it to move your head up so you could run your fingers beneath Simon's eyes, where the darkest tired bags screamed about the lack of sleep he was getting.
"Get in bed," You tap the side next to you softly. You have no idea how you both will fit here, but you can't watch him practically fall asleep by your side. He had already spent way too many nights in that tiny plastic chair. "Shouldn't we at least go on a date first?", Simon jokes, making your cheeks grow crimson, and you're convinced that they are a dead giveaway of how you are feeling. "Oh, fuck you...", you huff, trying to frown, but the smile that tugged at your lips was too strong. "Lay with me, so you could sleep. So we both could sleep", you say once more, not letting go of his hand. With the size of this man, the bed will get crampy. But you didn't care. You needed to feel him close. To just know that he was with you. Fully. As if reading your mind, Simon got up, climbing into the bed from your good side. Making sure your uninjured shoulder was pressed against him.
"Is this okay?", he said after a moment of you two moving around to find a comfortable position for the two of you. "You can wrap your hands around me; you don't have to lay there like a log", you chuckled, tugging at his sleeve and urging him to cling onto you the way you were clinging to him. Ghost chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss your head. Your hand instantly moves up to cradle the side of his masked face. The feeling of the soft material soothing to your senses. "I fucking missed you", Ghost breathed after a moment of silence. Fingers running up and down your back. You slowly peeled your eyes open, fighting the tiredness just for a heartbeat longer. Meeting his soft eyes as looked down at you. "I missed you too, Simon. Been missing you since the moment I saw you", you smiled softly, turning to press a loving kiss on his chest, right over his heart, before you lay your head back, listening to the steady drumming.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
Fantasy v. Reality: The Sign, Episode 7
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Anyway, I wrote this post a couple days before Episode 7 aired talking about how Phaya romantic feelings are portrayed with bokeh effect and Tharn’s romantic feelings are portrayed with colored lighting, and how we’ve only gotten one or the other effect up until this point. In that post I posited that once they fucked for real, Phaya and Tharn would have both their effects in play at the same time and well…
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So yay, I was right or whatever. 
Before the action really even begins, I noticed a really interesting design choice. In my previous post I mentioned that they’ve been using string lights a lot in a way that to me appears like an attempt at some real-life version of a bokeh effect when the light reflections get large and translucent. And they utilize that effect very heavily during the conversation Phaya and Tharn have out by the pool. Also in my previous post, I noted that outside of Tharn’s fantasies when there are romantic feelings, we get some type of more realistic unnatural lighting: in the bar bathroom, at the hot pot place, etc. and that trend continues here.
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If you look at the lights behind Tharn and compare them to the lights behind Phaya, you will notice the top half of the lights behind Tharn have a light green color to them, and the bottom half of the lights behind Tharn has a pink tint to them. So that’s cool! Their effects are starting to come together before they kiss, and then we transition in to the sex scene and we are absolutely rich in color and bokeh effect the whole way through. 
But! While watching the scene I noticed something else, which I know others have as well (hey @chicademartinica) but I’ll talk about it anyway, and that’s how similar to reality Phaya and Tharn’s fantasies are. So, I guess it’s time for a scene breakdown (of sorts!)
Tharn’s Fantasy v. Tharn’s Reality
In Tharn’s dream, Phaya enters the bathroom and puts a hand around Tharn’s neck. In reality, they initiate at the pool and then bring it in to the bathroom, but worry not! Tharn still gets a hand at or near his throat multiple times in their first round.
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In Tharn’s dream he and Phaya have their first sexual encounter in Tharn’s shower. Same thing happens in reality.
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In Tharn’s dream, Phaya pins Tharn’s arm (and Tharn himself) against the glass, kissing his neck and shoulder. In reality, Phaya is facing a different direction but their arms are in almost exactly the same position.
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And similarly, it may not be up against the glass like he did in his dream but, I’d say his first sexual encounter with Phaya is playing out surprisingly close to what he was hoping for.
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Phaya’s Fantasy v. Reality
Where Tharn seeks more aggression, Phaya seeks more tenderness, and we see Phaya get that during his actual sexual encounter with Tharn. 
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In Phaya’s dream, we see Tharn’s fingers curl slightly (like a claw) and drag down Phaya’s shoulder. In reality, we see Tharn’s fingers curl slightly (like a claw) and drag down Phaya’s back.
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In Phaya’s dream, we get him sitting on Tharn’s lap so he is towering over Tharn, and Tharn’s face is closer to his dick. Tharn’s hand trails down Phaya’s side. What do we get in the real sex scene? Something extremely similar, but with Tharn a second away from having Phaya’s dick in his mouth.
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In Phaya’s fantasy we get a great close up of Tharn’s hand on Phaya’s shoulder, with his fingers just meeting the edge of Phaya’s wing tattoo while Phaya kisses Tharn’s neck. What do we get in reality? Almost exactly the same action.
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And I know we were all taking notes about how often Phaya’s hand went to the back of Tharn’s neck during the fantasy scene, but don’t worry, he does that in his actual sex scene with Tharn as well!
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Now I don’t have time to look through all the gifs, or screenshot all the moments, but there is also a lot to be said for the way they kiss each other, the way they hold each other, and the areas of the body that Phaya and Tharn focus on that does seem to translate directly from both of their fantasies and ends up in their actual evening together. 
Which I absolutely love because of what it says about Tharn and Phaya’s connection to one another. To be fair, I haven’t paid all that much attention to the similarities and differences in fake out make outs before this show, and that’s probably because there haven’t always been stark/obvious similarities. I would typically assume though that if we saw a fantasy and then a reality that were incredibly balanced, obviously paralleled moments, that some sort of conversation would have to have been had about what people like, what they want, etc. (It isn’t a fantasy, but the FWB Negotiations in Bed Friend, Episode 3 come to mind when I think about Uea verbalizing that he doesn’t want hickies after King sucks on his thigh hard.) So we could sit here and claim that these two were vocal about what they wanted/what felt good in the moments in between cuts, the parts of this encounter that we as an audience aren’t seeing. But, I like my theory better. 
My theory, and this is almost certainly an extremely obvious theory and something they aren’t going to explicitly confirm, is that Phaya was able to fulfill Tharn’s fantasy, and Tharn was able to fulfill Phaya’s fantasy when they finally, actually fucked, because they are reincarnated lovers. This cannot possibly be the first time these two souls have um…come together as it were. I don’t remember if I said it in a post or not, but something I absolutely love about the way that Phaya and Tharn interact in their softer moments, is that so much of their physical interactions feel familiar yet unconscious. Tharn is trying not to fall for Phaya, yet his hand will immediately come up to stroke Phaya’s wrist when Phaya touches his cheek because they were lovers in another life. Tharn is trying not to fall for Phaya, yet he fits himself so easily in to Phaya’s arms when he’s asleep and his hand trails towards where it shouldn’t be, because they were lovers in another life. Tharn and Phaya are able to picture exactly what they’d get out of sleeping together and nail (haha) it immediately, because they were lovers in another life, they already knew what their partner wanted. 
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h5eavenly · 7 months
Carousel┃H.HJ SMAU
Eleven- Why is it always her?
(a/n: i was so excited about this part i had to post it as soon as i was done writing :D Enjoy!!)
wc: 4.7k(?).
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You have had a bad morning. If not the worst in a while. Your mom had gone a little crazy again. That’s how it always has been, your relationship with her was never stable. And deep down you know it will never be. but hope had always found its way into your heart. Blooming endlessly on the days where she is a little quieter, a little timid. So when you woke up this morning and saw her in the kitchen, a glass of red wine in her hand and a string of curses falling from her lips directed at one of the poor maids. The little garden of hope in your heart died as quickly as it grew.
Nonetheless you were still excited about today, the idea of finally watching the plan you have been thinking about come to life makes you all giddy.
“All done?” You ask, arms crossed on your chest as you watch Wooyoung jog towards you. A bright smile on his face and hair a cute fluffy mess on top of his head “Yes Queen.” You smile back at him as he takes his spot on the right, next to you. Leaning his head on your shoulder. He’s panting, trying to catch his breath “Good boy.” You untangle your arms, bringing your palm and caressing his cheek lovingly. And just like a cute puppy there’s a light pink tinting his cheek that he tries to hide, chuckling as he buries his head in your shoulder further.
“Are you a baby? Get off her.” Yeosang speaks from your left. Voice shamelessly dripping with venomous jealousy and a glare so dark if Wooyoung wasn’t so familiar with Yeosang harmless bullets he’d be running away by now.
“Your jealousy is showing again. Yeo.” Wooyoung spits back however with a lot less venom and more a teasing edge in his voice. He pushes it further by squeezing your arm a little harder, buries his face in your neck and watches out of the corner of his eyes as Yeosang rolls his eyes grumbling a ‘whatever’ under his breath. You end their bickering by linking your other free arm with Yeosang's “Thanks for coming Yeo, I know you hate these things.” And it’s true. Yeosang never participated in any of the little pranks you and Wooyoung liked to pull sometimes. So you were honestly surprised when Wooyoung greeted you this morning by your car with a grumpy Yeosang following right behind him.
He relaxes next to you, the few words dripping with so little sweetness seem to do the trick. "Anything for you, kitty." He replies, The frown immediately melts off his face and is replaced by a soft smile that he tries so hard to hide as well. Ducking his head as if you didn’t already catch it. Your heart can’t help but swell with harmless affection for the two boys.
“Are you sure everything is sorted out?” You ask again, eyeing Wooyoung beside you “Yeah we just wait for Yeji to appear, and the show shall begin.” He replies, eyes following the random students passing by and throwing glances at you. By now you were used to the attention, it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. A pair of eyes following wherever you went happens so much that it became the new norm for you. Although the attention does seem to be intensified simply because you and your friends are never seen around campus. Or at least not as much as people would like. Usually preferring to stay indoors and away from too many prying eyes. But just for today’s show specifically you thought an audience wouldn’t hurt.
You admit your last work was sloppy, leaving evidence behind and showing up at the crime scene so shamelessly. It’s no wonder Hyunjin doubted you right away. Although he couldn’t link it to you directly but no matter how many times you denied it, it’s not gonna change the fact that it was you after all and you had foolishly gotten caught by him.
You felt the need to redeem yourself today even though your little prank is still too childish for your liking for now childish pranks are the only thing you're capable of pulling. You knew if you wanted to pull anything….hardcore. You will need Hyunjin to be somewhere far from her and that seems a little impossible now. Since for whatever reason they always seem to be stuck together.
Hyunjin is another problem, ultimately you don’t care what he thinks and you’ll keep denying everything he throws at you but that doesn’t change the fact that having him on your back constantly is annoying. And knowing him and how stubborn he is he won’t let it go until he proves it’s been you all along.
Which is why for today’s show you decided to step back, watching from afar and letting someone else do your dirty work. Nothing a little batting of your eyelashes and money couldn’t get. Wooyoung flirting did help too, he can be quite charming when he's not acting like a dork.
However, your biggest advocate is definitely that gossip account. If anything happens to Yeji and Hyunjin doubts you, you can simply blame it on his crazy fangirls. It’s not farfetched for Yeji to get targeted after being the rumored girlfriend of the prince of jyp himself.
“They’re here.” Wooyoung whispers, nudging you with his elbow. You follow where his eyes are looking and as he said there they are. Yeji and Hyunjin walking side by side.
You try not to focus on the way their hands are brushing, the way that Hyunjin looks so relaxed next to her. Blonde hair blown by the wind, he looks like a dream. A dream that you seem to have every single night and more than anything a dream that is always far away from your reach. Your heart twists painfully when Yeji laughs, throwing her head back she puts her hand on his shoulder, so casually. You can’t help but be taken back to when this was you. When you were the one walking next him, when you were the one he’s smiling at.
You don’t notice how hard your nails are digging into Yeosang’s arm until he moves it, instead taking your palm and intertwining your fingers together.
On your right, you watch Wooyoung signal to the girl he seduced earlier this morning to begin the show. She pulls up her hoodie, hiding her face behind big square glasses. Grabbing her tray that has a plate full of spaghetti sauce on and very little spaghetti on it. She makes a beeline towards Yeji. Keeping her head down and just like Wooyoung had instructed her to do she crashes right into Yeji. The contents of her plate ends up on Yeji from head to toe. Too obviously purposeful that it makes you cringe at the poor execution.
Both of the girls end up on the ground from how strong the impact of them colliding. Wooyoung starts chuckling from beside you and you can’t blame him. Yeji has sauce all over hair, dripping down the side of her and her light beige shirt is now colored maroon, she looks pathetic. Embarrassed as the students around them stop whatever they’re doing to look at them. A small crowd starts to form around them but not big enough to block your vision, wondering whispers of what's going being thrown around.
A short laugh escapes you at the sight, you have thought about it all night but seeing her in front of you like is so much more better than you could ever imagine. Wooyoung starts laughing harder and you nudge him “Shh!” you attempt to shush him with a wide grin fighting its way on your face. He purses his lips, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth “I’m trying.” He chokes out between giggles.
From this distant you can’t really hear what they’re saying but from the shaking of Yeji’s head, waving her hand around in dismissive manner you assume that she was getting apologies thrown at her.
What a stupid girl.
And just like you predicted Hyunjin is there next to her, worry evident in the furrow of his brows and his habit of puckering his lips in a manner akin to a pout that it’s adorable. It’s the same look he used to shoot your way whenever you got hurt back then. It hits you again how that could have been you. You had thought it all night, all the possible scenarios orf Hyunjin helping Yeji. The way he would react, what he would say and what kind of expression would he make.
You didn’t know why but you knew you had to prepare yourself for it. You told yourself if you thought about it long enough you won’t feel anything when it really happens. Yet seeing him there, crouched next to her still felt like a dagger was plunged into your heart. And you can't understand the sinking feeling in your stomach.
Your smile falters when again just like you predicted Hyunjin helps her stand up, a hand on her shoulder. He’s so much taller than her, so much wider that when he starts guiding her to what you assume to be the restroom. It’s like he’s shielding her from the curious and shocked stares around them.
They pass by you and Hyunjin doesn’t spare you a glance, doesn’t even notice you standing there and you don’t realize you were holding your breath until they’re out of sight. Were you waiting for him to notice you? Is that why you’re feeling hurt? Is that why you’re so bothered by the fact that he’s so busy taking care of Yeji to even notice you? But you knew this was gonna happen it's only common sense so why are you feeling this way?
Yeji had looked so pathetic, so hilariously embarrassed reeking of food yet you didn’t even feel an ounce of satisfaction because Hyunjin was next to her.
“Is your other bitch in place?” You ask Wooyoung who shoots you an offended look “She’s not my bitch.” Seeming to notice your sour mood and your dark gaze, he sighs “yeah she is waiting for Yeji in one of the stalls.”
“Good.” You reply, untangling your hand from Yeosang and start walking the same direction where Hyunjin and Yeji went “Where are you going?” Yeosang yells after you “Taking matters into my own hands. Don’t follow me.” You reply looking back at both boys to show them how serious you were being before continuing your route.
You knew you had to get this dagger out of your chest somehow. Which is why you had to talk to Yeji yourself. You don’t care if she rats you out to Hyunjin anymore. You just want this heavy feeling in your chest to be gone already. And if these childish pranks aren't doing the trick maybe talking to her directly would.
You thought you’d find Hyunjin waiting in front of the restroom for Yeji so when you get there you’re pleasantly surprised to find the halls empty. However when you twisted the doorknob open you didn’t expect to find both of them inside. And you for sure did not expect Yeji to be topless with only a black bra on, her tomato sauce covered shirt is thrown on the floor and Hyunjin’s jacket is now over her shoulder leaving him only in his plain white shirt.
She turns to look at you and her eyes are red with tears and if this was in any other situation you’d be gleaming with happiness. Heck maybe you will start laughing in her face just to watch her cry more. But your heart only grows heavier at the sight of Hyunjin cleaning her hair for her, wiping it hopelessly with tissues that definitely will not get that sauce out of it. You only grow angrier, sadder at the fact that she’s so casually topless and is surrounded with Hyunjin’s scent.
Your original plan was to come in here and unleash your anger at her, pull this stupid dagger out of your heart and plunged it into her instead, But you can’t do that. Not when Hyunjin is right there. So you knew you had to improvise.
Your nails start digging into your palms hard enough to draw blood yet you widen your eyes in fake innocence, form your lips into a pout and walk towards them. Ignoring the way Hyunjin’s eyes sharpen, gaze turning into a glare in contrast to the way he was softly looking at Yeji two seconds ago.
“What do you want Y/N?” His tone is harsh, full of venom and it’s not like you expected anything else. You ignore him “Are you okay Yeji?” you ask, feigning concern. A single tear starts rolling down her cheek, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. She looks pathetically weak. The laughing Yeji from minutes ago is long gone. And in a sick way a sliver of satisfaction makes its way up your stomach.
You lean closer to her, your hand brushing her arm. She flinches and that’s when Hyunjin pulls her towards him, his arm comes up between you as if it shield her from you “Don’t touch her.” He spits through gritted teeth. The satisfaction you felt dies right away and the same anger only builds up more at the way he’s treating you as if you were some kind of wolf that’s gonna eat his precious little pet.
But you control your composure “I’m just trying to help.” You tell him softly, looking up at him through your eyelashes but Hyunjin doesn’t even falter. The ice in his eyes remain as cold as if he sees right through your act.
“It’s okay, jinnie.” Yeji speaks out weakly from behind him, hand on his arms and you try your hardest to keep your eyes from looking down at it.
Jinnie? Just who this girl thinks she is?
“Are you okay Yeji? Do you need any clothes? I have an extra sweater in my car.” You ask when Hyunjin steps back and away from both of you. He keeps his gaze on you watching your every move and trying to analyze if you’re being sincere or if this is just another stunt you’re pulling.
“I’m okay, thanks for asking Y/N.” She wipes her tears, sniffling and pulls at Hyunjin’s jacket to cover herself with pink cheeks.
So she’s feeling shy around you but not around him? Just how much of her have he seen?
The questions roaming around your head are too suffocating.
“Should I go grab my sweater for you?” You tilt your head in an attempt to appear nicer, smiling at her and leaning down to her level since she’s a little shorter than you. but she avoids your eyes. Focusing on something on the floor. She opens her mouth to speak but Hyunjin beats her to it “She already has my jacket. She doesn’t need your clothes.” You glare back at him and you guys stare at each other silently “you expect her to walk around with your jacket only and nothing underneath?” he keeps quiet, keeps his expression blank and when you raise a challenging eyebrow at him, urging him to argue back. He tsks, looking away.
You straighten your posture. Pushing your hair back with your hand you let out a sigh “God was that girl blind? How could she not see you?” You try to make conversation feeling the tension grow thicker the longer the silence stretches. You try to not think about the fact that this tension is only present whenever you and Hyunjin are in the same room.
But you can’t help but wonder if he feels it too? Or was it one sided like everything you’ve ever felt for him?
“It’s okay. It was an unfortunate accident.” Yeji says with the same dismissive waving hands she was doing earlier. An innocent smile starting to tug at her lips as she takes some of the tissues they have piled up on the sink and starts wiping the remaining sauce on her hair.
You stare at her blankly. An unfortunate accident? It was so obviously on purpose you could tell from a mile away. Was this girl really this innocent and stupid or was she just pretending? For the first time ever you couldn’t tell.
You find yourself unable to say anything back. Your anger wavering and unstable. You look in the mirror only to find Hyunjin already staring at you. He doesn’t look away when you lock gazes in the mirror, doesn’t budge and instead you’re the one starting to feel overwhelmed by all the confusing emotions clashing inside of you. It's like overwhelming draining cycle of you getting angry only to end up sad and disappointed. It's like no matter how much you try to get your anger out, to feel better you end up feeling more miserable. Today was supposed to be fun, you were supposed to be out there with Wooyoung and Yeosang recalling the pathetic look Yeji had on her face and laughing about it.
But all these expectations die and burn into nothing as soon as you see them together and then you're left there to pick up the ash and wonder to yourself what any of this means.
You don’t realize the blue expression that takes over your face and you don’t realize how fast Hyunjin notices. How his eyes start to soften because in that small moment of vulnerability you subconsciously showed he saw flickers of the old you. The you that he had fallen for so effortlessly. His heart starts hammering in his chest and his own emotions battle against each other.
This is exactly why he hated seeing you, he hated how every time he saw you, you somehow were the same person he loved yet so different that it only built stupid hope inside of him. That maybe you weren’t some vicious and a horrible person and maybe the sweet and loving you from high school is still there somewhere. It only built stupid hope that latched onto him and squeezed any logical thinking he had.
He lets out a sigh, looking away from you and your pretty innocent eyes that only seem to drag him deeper into your darkness. He refuses to be swept away by you.
“I’ll wait for you outside okay, Ji?” he says patting on her shoulder, a friendly gesture that only turn your insides into knots twisting and twisting tighter when he passes by you. Shoulders brushing but he doesn’t look at you. He doesn’t even glare at you this time like you aren’t even worth any attention from him. The negative emotions take over your entire body and they start eating you from the inside.
Silence settles between you as Yeji continues cleaning her self, the only noise filling the room is the sound of running water that she soon closes “I’m sorry about Jinnie,” she speaks first, her fingers fidgeting with a piece of tissue “I heard a little bit about what happened between you two.” She says weirdly nervous. Maybe because she knows how sensitive this subject or maybe it’s the undeniable intimidation she feels towards you.
“Is that so?” Your tone is no longer dripped with cheap honey, instead it’s lifeless. Cold and perhaps that’s why Yeji finally looks at you, eyes wide and concerned. Is she scared she upset you?
“Hyunjin is not a bad person. He’s just a little hard to deal with.” She pathetically tries to explain as if you didn’t know Hyunjin first. As if you weren’t his first love, first kiss, first everything. You almost want to scoff at her. Something akin to disappointment and a lot like heartbreak pulls at every part of you when you realize none of it matters. You were first but you are nothing now.
“I know.” Is the only thing that manages to escape your mouth. You smile at her a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. The bubbling anger you felt is no loner evident in your bones and you’re no longer seeing red, Instead the only thing you feel is sadness clawing at you. Suddenly the sight of Yeji crying and looking pathetic is no longer satisfying the more you remember how through it all Hyunjin was next to her. Hyunjin is kind to her, he takes care of her. Speaks to her so softly and it’s the complete opposite to the way he treats you. And for reasons you’ll never admit. It kills you.
Yeji smiles back at you awkwardly, seeming like she doesn’t know what to say. Your eyes flit across the stalls, you see one of the doors slightly ajar. Guessing that’s where Wooyoung's girl is. You decide not to interfere and let the rest of the play go as planned.
“Mhm is there something there?” Yeji asks innocently, turning to look at where you’re looking and you shake your head “I’ll let you be.” You tell her and she nods at you slowly with confusion written all over her face. You leave the restroom, closing the door you find Hyunjin waiting outside, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. You share a short look before you start walking.
“what’s your deal?” He asks when you pass by him and you stop in front of him, turning to face him. Years of hardened tension seeps into the air around you immediately. You’re sure if you breath it in it’ll choke you.
“What?” you ask, tilting your head and looking up at him, and a strand of your dark hair falls over your face. And Hyunjin tries his hardest not to stare at you but you’re so pretty. So pretty it feels criminal. Fuck he was already fighting against the urge to stare at your thighs in that short little skirt but now that he’s face to face with you in so long. It’s hard to stop his eyes from trailing over your features, lingering a second too long at your plush lips. It's not like he didn't know you were pretty, you always had been. Always had this magnetic aura around you. But god the first time he saw you again was magical, he recognized you right away and even then you still stole his breath but in a different way. You had flourished in such a pretty flower, grown more into your feminine side. He felt bitter like the universe wanted to rub it in his face how much more beautiful you had become.
“What was that with Yeji just now?” his tone is nothing like his softening eyes, mean and monotone “I was just trying to be nice” you reply with faux pureness that the both of you know does not exist in you.
He straightens, keeps his eyes on you and you can tell he knows you’re lying. It’s not like you were trying that hard to hide it. A playful smile starts tugging at your lips but it vanishes right as quick as it comes when Hyunjin is taking a step towards you, you step back a little nervous but he keeps going until your back hits the wall. His arm stretch out and his palm is flat against the wall. Caging you. You’re breathless, startled and didn’t expect him to be all up in your space all of sudden.
“I don’t like these games you’re playing, Y/N” his eyes alight with pure hatred and another emotion mixed in there yet your heart hammers against your ribcage wildly, almost like it’s begging to be let out.
“I-I’m not playing any games.” You argue weakly, almost cringe at yourself for stuttering and if anything you just want to disappear because Hyunjin’s lips tilt in a smirk, suddenly taking in the situation you guys are in. He does admit that his inflated ego only grows at the sight of the unattainable Y/N blushing and avoiding his gaze.
“You seem a little nervous,” he comments sarcastically, tapping his index finger on your chin and you slap his hand away. Looking up at him with a glare that is not threatening one bit “You’re all up in my space I can’t breath.” You attempt to push him away with your hands on his chest, ignoring how hard it feels but Hyunjin doesn’t budge, Doesn’t move a single step and he keeps his eyes locked on you. Watching in amusement as you try to break from him. In that moment his mind runs wild and he can finally understand why Yeosang and Wooyoung call you kitty all the time. It suits you so well. You look just like cat fighting for their owner’s attention.
At the silence you look up at Hyunjin with a glare again, a string of curses dies on your lips when you notice that he’s unfocused. Instead his eyes are fixated on your thighs, the dark hatred in his eyes is slowly melting into lust and the lines are blurring between you two. You’re blushing, overwhelmed and confused by the way he’s acting but more than anything you’re confused by the flash of scalding heat that his stare sends through your body.
Your hands fall to your thighs, palms flat against them in a poor attempt to cover them up. Hyunjin notices, lets out a scoff and looks at you “Don’t worry. I’m not interested in you or your body.” His voice drips in mockery and your face burns in embarrassment and anger. You gather enough strength to push him again and this time he steps back, that same stupid smirk on his lips “Fuck off.” You grumble, pressing the back of your hand on your lips. Another poor attempt to hide your red face. Hyunjin can’t help but chuckle because he can’t take you seriously not when you look so much like an angry kitten. He couldn’t understand how he went from wanting to kill you to wanting to devour you in mere seconds. A part of him liked that though, he liked the fact that you always acted all high and mighty but was a blushing mess the moment he was a little too close to you.
If he knew how easy it was to break you he’d have tried this a long time ago.
Just then the door of the restroom busts open, slamming loudly against the wall and breaking whatever bubble the two of you were in. A girl runs out, almost tripping but picks herself right up and starts sprinting away. A disheveled Yeji follows, a panicked look on her face with Hyunjin’s now zipped jacket on her “H-hyunjin!” she starts crying and Hyunjin is by her side right away. Ignoring the fact that you were there again. Like he wasn't just staring at you like he wanted you moments ago “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he asks frantically, hands on her shoulders and eyes scanning her body “someone-“ she chokes on her tears, a sob wrecking through her body “someone was trying to take pictures of me while I was undressing” it all happens in a blur, Hyunjin yelling something in anger that you block out and then he’s running after the girl. While Yeji stands there crying. She looks at you and you don’t know what kind of expression you have on. But she’s terrified and for some reason in that moment you know she somehow figured out you were behind all of this.
You watch as she starts walking away, running after Hyunjin as well. You stand there and think about everything, in the end everything went perfectly according to plan. Everything happened exactly like how you imagined, just like how you and Wooyoung talked. You embarrassed Yeji in front of countless students, made her cry and if anything she seems scared of you now. It's exactly what you wanted yet you don't feel good at all. In fact your heart feels heavier than ever and there's tears threatening to fall the longer you stand there.
You can’t help but feel like a piece of trash that has been tossed aside for something better, something nicer.
That night when you’re back home, you find your mom in the kitchen another glass of wine in her hand and a mess of papers on the kitchen island in front of her “What’s all this?” you ask, walking to stand next to her.
“Did a background check on your father’s little….” She staring blankly at the wall, eyes empty “little side entertainment.” She finishes. It’s specially moments like these that make you feel sorry for her. She’s just a woman who fell in love with a man who didn’t love her back. How ironic. You think to yourself as you wrap your arms around her waist and hug her. Head resting on her shoulder. She doesn’t really move nor hug you back. You didn’t remember the last time she hugged you back.
“I’m sorry mommy.” You whisper softly, and she pats your hands in cold touches that are loveless “are you still following your diet, Y/N?”
You nod against her shoulder “Yes mommy.” She sighs, untangling herself from your embraces and drinks the remaining last bits of her wine “Her daughter weighs 2.5 kgs less than you, so we need to work hard yeah?” she says cupping your cheeks and looks at you for the first time today, you force a smile on despite the feeling of your heart breaking for the second time today “Yes mommy.” You reply like you always do and she never smiles back and her hands are always so cold but you don’t flinch “Good girl.” She compliments emotionlessly and she leaves you there, alone to pick up the pieces of your broken heart. You bite your lips to stop your tears from falling, telling yourself not matter how shitty you felt today you will not cry but then you look down at all the papers laid in front of you and despite all the expectations you had for today you didn’t expect a picture of Yeji to be smiling back at you.
Why is it always her?
Synopsis: It girl, Queen Bee the most popular girl around campus Song Y/N was envied by everyone. She has it all, money, the looks and brains. After making a bet with her bestfriend Yeosang her life takes a turn to the worse, seeming to lose everyone around her she doesn't expect the only person to stick by her side to be her Ex-first love and long time enemy - Hwang Hyunjin.
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yanderecrazysie · 12 days
Dude, if you do crossovers. Imagine that one headcanon scenario with Kageyama where reader kept dating boys that look like him and after scaring off her last boyfriend, a year later she started dating Haru.
kuudere (yandere) vs tsundere (yandere)
Title: Rival
Pairings: Kageyama Tobio x Reader, Nanase Haruka x Reader
WARNINGS: yandere themes
one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess
Kageyama thought he had taken care of your problem.
You had a certain habit of picking the same sort of guys- tall, dark-haired, handsome, and rarely showing emotion. Kageyama fit all of that to a T, yet you had the nerve to turn him down.
It had all come to a head when your latest boyfriend noticed Kageyama following you both home. He and Kageyama got into a fist fight- one that your boyfriend most definitely did not win.
You had given up on dating completely for about a year now.
So what were you doing with him? That emotionally-constipated swimmer boy?
Nanase Haruka was a perfect example of your type. He swam through life with an aloof, detached expression. Where Kageyama was the star setter of the volleyball team, Haru was the star freestyle swimmer on the swim team.
Haru’s calm, collected personality had drawn you in, maybe because he was such a stark contrast to Kageyama’s fiery possessiveness. Where Kageyama was fire, Haru was water and, most unfortunately, water almost always won against fire.
Kageyama had watched the two of you meet at the university pool. At first, he had been caught up in admiring your swimsuit-clad form. Then, he realized that you were talking with someone who fit your type a little too well.
Kageyama knew everything about you, so he was not surprised when you announced to the world that you were dating Haru, with a social media post of you slinging your arms around his neck. He was angry, yes- furious even, but not surprised.
He began to see Haru turning possessive, not allowing you to speak to others without him next to you. He watched as you lost friends, but put it all aside because your rose-tinted goggles favored the swimmer.
“You think you’re better for her?” Kageyama glared at Haru, the two men alone in the locker room together. Haru used his towel to wipe the pool water from his face uninterestedly, and Kageyama’s hands balled into fists.
“She’s happier with me,” Haru said with an infuriating smile, “And she should be with who she’s happiest with.”
“That should be me,” Kageyama snarled, stepping closer and cracking his knuckles, ready for a fight.
“Then maybe you should ask yourself why it isn’t,” Haru said coolly.
His words hit harder than any physical blow could and Kageyama’s heart twisted with envy. He watched as Haru walked out of the locker room, a smug grin on his face, with a mixture of rage and fear.
Fear, because deep down, he knew Haru was right.
Was Haru really any better than Kageyama was? You were beginning to wonder if that was really the case.
The dark-haired swimmer had an arm thrown around your shoulders- yet another sign of his possessive behavior. He remained silent as his friends chatted around the lunch table, but the unsaid threat was there.
Don’t say a word.
Thankfully, his friends seemed to understand Haru’s behavior because never once did they direct any of their conversation to you. Sadly, you gazed across the cafeteria at your old group of friends.
Too bad Haru would never let you talk to them again.
Haru turned to you and whispered into your ear, “Why not drop out and move in with me?”
You stood up suddenly, halfway falling off the bench. Nononono. No way in hell were you going to do that.
The way Haru glared at your reaction was the breaking point. You were not going to let you manipulate you into dropping out of college. And you were not going to let him take away your freedoms any longer.
“We’re done,” you said, “I can’t take this anymore.”
Haru’s eyes widened, “You don’t have to move in.”
“It’s not just that it’s- you’re too possessive. I want to have friends, Haruka.”
Haru gritted his teeth, “Then you can have a friend or two-”
“No! Not just a ‘friend or two’. I’m sick of you controlling me! We. Are. Over,” you stormed away, furious with him and with yourself for letting him control you for so long.
You approached your friends’ table and, after explaining to them that you and Haru were no longer an item, they welcomed you with open arms. You had forgotten what it was like to have friends and were completely blown away by how much fun you were having talking to them again.
At his friends’ table, Haru was seething.
“What happened to ‘she should be with whoever makes her happiest’?” Kageyama mocked.
Haru gritted his teeth, “If you don’t want to then-”
“Who said I didn’t want to?” Kageyama snapped.
The two men looked across the park, where you sat under the shade of an oak tree, laughing alongside a tall, dark-haired man- one that was neither Haru nor Kageyama.
“It’s a deal then?” Haru asked.
“Yes,” Kageyama replied, “We kill him tonight.”
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villifix · 6 months
wrote this little snippet based off of this post by @louifaith bc the idea is so cute. it's just a first encounter between daryl and a little alexandrian girl and i never got any further bc i'm not a writer LOL
"I like your fairy wings."
It takes a moment to register the words before Daryl realizes they're directed at him, and another moment for him to realize that - shit - so's a pair of big brown eyes. His boots come to a slow stop as he regards the child. The girl couldn't be older than six, a tiny little thing with unruly curls and scabbed knees, gripping a piece of pink sidewalk chalk in one hand. Her curls fall into her face as she leans to try and look behind him, clearly wanting another glance at the wings on his vest.
The fuck?
"Ain't no fairy." Daryl mutters gruffly, unsure of what to make of the girl. A lock of hair clings to the corner of her mouth and she pushes it away, smearing pink chalk over her cheek in the process. Scoffing quietly, he lets her walk behind him as he quickly scans the area, looking for any sign of a guardian but it seems the girl's just out playing on her own; it's strange to him, to be in a place where someone would feel safe enough to let their child outside without being right behind them. It reminds him a bit of his youth, before his mother died, when she'd send him out to ride on his bike and tell him to be back when the streetlights came on. Different times. Now, that sort of thing felt too irresponsible. Too risky - even with walls.
He feels pressure against his back and jumps, turning to look at the little girl as she grins up at him. Her hand is still raised in the air, fingers outstretched and tinted pink. Daryl has half a mind to tell her to quit it, to go find her mom or pops and leave him be, but a little giggle tumbles past the girl's lips and he finds himself short of words. Not a moment later she turns and bounds away, leaving Daryl alone. For the remainder of the day, he's entirely unaware of the little pink handprint lingering on the back of his vest.
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makuzume · 4 months
JJK Mens' Reaction to Fixing Their Necktie (Pre-relationship)
🔅characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami
🔅content: fluff; gn! reader; how do they react when their crush (you) fixes up their tie for them?
🔅a/n: Inspired by the time I learned how to tie a tie during thesis defense season so I can help my classmates fully knowing that they wouldn't know how to do it themselves
[JJK Masterlist]
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🔅Gojo Satoru🔅
You were helping the other guys in the lounge fix their necktie right before they leave for a black tie event. Looking over to Gojo, you found him sitting in one of the couches, flipping the tie in all sorts of directions with his expression being both clueless and even mildly annoyed
You were the one to approach and offer to help him. His face lit up and immediately relaxed, relieved that he doesn't need to be the one to deal with this inconvenient little problem himself anymore
He would tease you lightly, saying how you learned how to make a tie so you could have more "marriage material" for your future husband.
Gojo would still be sitting down as you fix the tie for him. You got a chair and placed it in front of him, his long legs needing to spread a little just for you to get close enough to fix the knot for him, having you settle yourself in between his legs.
It was supposed to be just a casual favor for him, but he didn't expect the closeness between the both of you to make his entire body feel really stiff since you were sitting so close to him like this. It didn't help that your knuckles would also sometimes lightly brush over his chest as you adjust the knot, making him pause his breath for a second each time.
You were too focused and didn't notice the reaction his body was making, thank god. He wouldn't want to embarass himself for getting flushed over something so casual like this, especially since it was him who didn't even bother adjusting his current position, making you sit in between him instead
He would definitely be talking to the other guys in the room as you were doing this to distract himself and keep it cool. But just before you finish, he would sneakily a take a quick glance at your face for just a few seconds, giving him a bit of a chance to scan your eyes, your nose, and your lips from such a close distance.
Gojo would stand up right after you leave your seat. "Thanks, not bad for someone as clumsy as you" he said as he playfully (and a bit aggressively) messed up your hair as he walked passed you. You frustratedly nagged him, of course, but he left the scene quicker than you could begin to finish bickering.
Maybe he did that to relieve the tension he felt from having such an intimate moment; or maybe it was to re-establishing with himself the current friendship relationship he had with you. (and perhaps to also prevent you from seeing a pinkish tint that was beginning to form on his cheeks)
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🔅Geto Suguru🔅
He would be the one to approach you and ask for your assistance since he already saw you helping out the others voluntarily, so he figured fixing his tie wouldn't have been too much out of the way
He chuckled in a slightly bashful way as he asked for some help, admitting that he never really bothered learning how to make a proper necktie. As he said this, he wasn't embarassed nor too confident.
You gladly help him, of course, but you were too focused making the knot that you didn't even notice the way he was looking at you the entire time.
Geto watched your expression, his eyes never leaving your face. He absolutely loved how focused you looked; As each time your eyebrows furrowed and your eyes squinted from trying your best to neatly loop the tie, his heart couldn't help but melt a little in admiration.
Your smile as you finished looping the last the knot was the best part of it all. The way you felt so proud and cheerful at your own acomplishment was a moment he would definitely engrave into his memory.
Right after you parted ways, Gojo would approach him confused, asking why in the world did Geto ask someone else make his tie for him. After all, it was Geto who fixed Gojo's necktie just a few minutes ago.
Geto would only smile in a slightly mischievous way and say "Oh, you're right. I must've forgotten."
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🔅Nanami Kento🔅
This was around the time before he became a sorcerer. He didn't know how to properly do a necktie yet at this point, using only one of those adjustable zipper neckties that didn't need any thinking- just slipping it on, tightening it, then you're good to go
It would have been before a an important presentation or meeting with the higher ups. He forgot his necktie but was able to buy one from a store near by (Though they didn't have the adjustable ones he uses)
You can see him sitting far away with his back facing the rest of the group, seeming to be fixing something. As you approach him, you can see the slight frustration he had on his face a he was wrapping the fabric around himself, trying to make a tie.
Laying in front of him was his phone, playing a YouTube video with the title in bold text saying "How to Tie a Tie in 1 Minute EASY Tutorial Mirrored Step by Step for Beginners by TheAlphaMale764"
You couldn't help but hold back a chuckle seeing him that moment, which startled him and immediately behind him, showing hints of mild embarassment
The tie he did looked... alright. (not really. It wasn't even and the folds weren't nicely tucked)
You simply shook your head with a chuckle, turning off his phone and sitting next to him, gently undoing his tie and fixing it up for him.
He was a bit tensed as you did this, maybe because he didn't know whether to look away, hold his breath, where to keep his hands, and all that stuff. In the end, he ended up looking over to the ground next to him, making sure to not look at the ground facing in your direction and giving the false impression of starring at you anywhere inappropriately
The way you gently run your hands across the back of his neck as you tuck the tie under his collar had the man on a chokehold, his cheeks getting warmer as his throat gulped down whatever nervous feeling had been piling up inside
As you finished, he lightly coughed away his tension and slightly pulled on his tie down to adjust it "Thank you.. I was only used to the ones that were pre-made already. I apologize for troubling you." He said as he did his best to prevent the faint redish color on his cheeks from forming (he failed, it was still vissible)
You merely chuckled at him, thinking his blush was from embarassment "It's no trouble Nanamin, I can teach you how to do it next time so you wouldn't have trouble followikg some alpha's youtube video when I'm not around"
It was a kind gesture, he thought. But a part of him kind of wished that he'd never learn to make one. Them that way, maybe he could have an excuse to let you tie it for him again.
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[Back to JJK Masterlist] [Overall Masterlist]
a/n: eyyy slowly fixing my theme >:D
Credits to @makuzume on Tumblr || Do not steal, translate, modify, reupload my works on any platform.
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kabra-malvada · 1 year
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The only audible noise you're able to catch is the loud thumping of your own heart against your chest, traveling all the way up to your eardrums. You don't move an inch as the apparition in front of you starts to emerge from the wooden floor, slowly and quietly taking shape in the depts of the darkness that plagues the room.
Two pale blue tinted eyes stare right at you as the entity continues to slither into a discernable contorted shape, it feels as if they've been staring at you even before it started to appear in front of you. The simple thought of it makes you shudder but you are unable to move a muscle, what should you do? what can you do? If you were to use your proton gun to try to catch it in such an enclosed space you could cause the whole room to colapse and not even catch it. If you tried to run and try to attract it nothing ensures it would follow you.
Maybe... Maybe you could... talk to it?
The entity's newly formed arm starts to snake it's way to your direction, you have to think fast on something to say. It's now or never. You swallow a bit and prepare to blurt out something but before you can articulate a single syllable...
A pair of hands take a hold of your feet an pull you hard into the dark room, the old wooden floor creaks as you're being dragged into the dark room your proton gun hits the floor in just a split second slipping away from your grasp.
In just a quick instant you're inches away from those bright deep eyes, you're so focused on the sudden movements of the entity that you're completely taken by surprise by the sound of the door slamming behind you. it closes so harshly that for a moment you thought it would fall off it's hinges giving you of a brief moment the hope of running off to get your gun back.
The thought of your freedom is quickly taken away from you as you can feel the floor where you're being held down to start to bend and sink into itself as if the hard wood was just turned into quicksand.
Instinctively you try to move, to thrash around to free yourself but you find yourself unable to even blink. Is this some sort of ghost hypnosis?! Paralysis?! Hell if you know or care you just NEED TO GET OUT RIGHT NOW. And just as you were about to let out the loudest blood curling scream...
A low lazy voice echoes inside of your head as your panic is drown out by confusion, as if a switch was flipped your heart beat starts to slow down bit my bit as you start to pass out.
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This was so much fun to draw and write! ghost stuff is so cool, that's just a fact. Ghostbusters AU belongs to my beloved @madame-mongoose God her ideas are so awesome and inspiring, y'all should check out her AUs and content in general, she is so very talented and sweet, I love her so much 😍💖
*clears throat*
Go check her blog frfr :3c
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revasserium · 1 year
octavinelle #1 - cheek kisses
the first time you do it, it’s all he can do not to dissolve into a puddle of ink and heat and steam; though he makes a gallant show of trying to write it off, clearing his throat, taking a too-deep breath even as he fights the color he knows is rising in his cheeks. “ah — and… pray tell, what was that for?” he asks, pushing up on the bridge of his glasses, looking anywhere but at you though he knows you’re smiling, knows that if he were to turn, he’d be caught like a fish on a hook, by the steely, nearly wicked, look in your eyes as you cocked your head at him and smiled some more. “hm… you’re a smart guy,” you say, leaning back onto the lounge chair with a pleased sort sigh, “why don’t you figure it out?” and then, you make to stand up, but azul is nothing if not quick — and in an instant, he’s pulling you back down, a pout on his lips — childish and incongruous as he stares down at you. he huffs, almost petulant, and it’s it’s this more than anything that makes you laugh, makes your own cheeks tint with color. “don’t laugh at me…” he says, his voice lower now, pulling you close, and then close, “and don’t tease me either… it’ll make me sad…” you shiver at the texture of his voice, the lilt and dip of his words as his glasses flash in the dim light of the mostro lounge. “i’m not teasing — i’m just —” but your breath hitches at the way azul narrows his eyes, at the weight of his fingers, still wrapped around your wrist. “then…” his lips curl into a knowing smirk and you know you’ve lost, “are you going to finish what you started? or… shall i do that for you, hm?”
the first time you do it, he blinks and turns towards you, his expression implacable and you wonder if you’ve just royally fucked yourself over. it isn’t until he smiles, a sweet, soft, gentle little thing that something inside you bursts and you realize, a moment later, that oh — those things are called hearts. “ahh… now this is a dilemma…” he sighs, propping one arm on top of another as he taps his cheek thoughtfully, looking down at you as you lick your lips, feeling suddenly painfully self-conscious. “w-what do you mean?” you ask, but jade only hums, casting his eyes up towards the ceiling of the empty classroom, “we’re still working on this panorama for our beloved mountain lovers club and —” he slates a glance at the clock on the wall, “it’s due this evening but…” his eyes flicker back towards you and you feel pinned to the spot by the way they flash, his one golden eye gleaming with something that others might mistake for malice but you know quite well is just a deep-seated interest, an insatiable curiosity. and right now, the entire weight and full intensity is directed at you — like a focused beam of sun as he hones in your lips with a widening grin. “h-how is that a dilemma? we have plenty of time to finish —” “ahh… but you see, you’ve gone and done something that makes me want to spend the rest of our time here doing things that won’t be conducive at all to the finishing of this panorama… so…” he cocks his head as he takes a step forward, easily caging you back against a row of empty desks, “what do you propose we do about that…?”
the first time you do it, he merely turns with a lopsided grin and leans in to press his lips to your cheek as well, drawing out a squeak as your cheeks promptly go pink. he pulls back with a satisfied smile as you cover your mouth with both your hands, staring up at him but he only shrugs, “whaaaat? isn’t it good manners to a return a favor? or… something like that?” he lets his head fall to one side, watching you with those too-bright eyes of his, and you know that that’s not what he means but you swallow passed the lump in your throat and try to sound steady as you ask, “so, does that mean you’d give anyone a kiss if they kissed you first?” and at this, floyd lets out a sound that’s caught halfway between a sigh and a moan; it sends a cascade of shivers down your spine as he quirks a single eyebrow at you, his smirk going wider and wider and even wider still. “mm… i dunno… i never thought about it like that but…” he leans in, crowding into your space and it’s all you can do to hold yourself still, to let himself press in closer and closer, till there’s barely a breath’s distance between your lips and his. “i do know that if you kissed me again… i wouldn’t mind kissin’ you back — and maybe more than once. what’dya say, hm? wanna try it out?”
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