#to everyone who followed me for tadc: hi!!!!
mush-worm · 8 months
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comedy and tragedy ^_^
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Spooky season needs spooky stuff.. >:3
So can I request the digital circus cast (minus Caine)meeting a Child Spirit Y/n headcanons,who like Kinda possesed/went inside the game to find they’re killer for some reason? They are eerily quiet and like to stare but if talked to very sweet but quick to snap in distrust because..well trust is what got them killed in the first place? They’re a bit bloody..and a eyeball sometimes hangs out?? Like vhs horror stuff
Sorry I’m being so descriptive,I hope you are a nice day!
OOOoo yes time for more spooks!
Also I am having a nice night, thanks! (and I hope you are having a nice day/night too!)
To make a long story short, you got murdered while wearing the headset, and that tethered your spirit to TADC.
As expected, you lost memories of who you were--except for the knowledge that someone killed you because you trusted them too much, and you believed the answers were inside this very game.
Your character ends up looking like a child's ghost costume: a white bedsheet stained in blood and one of your eyeballs occasionally wanting to pop from its socket.
Caine (who was very much bewildered at your arrival) declares that you're part of an "exclusive Halloween update" and changes up the tent and grounds to have more spooky flair.
But Pomni clearly wants no part of it, and she can tell you don't either.
You're clearly a kid who is (somehow) handling the situation of being stuck in this game better than her, yet when she tries asking you about it....all you do is stare back.
She swears she can hear static noises and whispers she can't decipher--all in all getting a...very creepy vibe from you.
Initially she decides to keep her distance, afraid you were secretly some virus or Abstraction underneath that sheet.
But that changes when you're walking by the rooms one night, and you pass by Pomni's door, hearing her quietly crying.
Although you weren't inclined to get close to anybody here, you were concerned. And since you weren't actually coded into the game, you didn't have to follow any of its rules--and that allowed you to enter her room without a key.
At first you scared the shit out of her, but after realizing it's you, she lets you sit beside her, eventually venting about how badly she missed her real home.
"Everyone keeps telling me "oh this place is so much better" or "get used to it"...but what if I don't wanna do that? I don't care if my old life was bad...I-I can't take anymore of this.." Her sobs grow louder. "I wanna wake up in my own bed knowing my real name!!"
"...I miss home, too," is all you say in response. Yet it's more than enough to calm her down.
For once, you're not trying to brush her off or force her to "cheer up" and accept her reality. You made her feel heard.
"Yeah..me, too....sh-should I thank you for agreeing..?" She sniffles, seeing your subtle nod, before you leave her be, not wanting to get too attached.
Ironically, she was able to sleep a little easier after talking to you.
From the get-go, he's gonna be real nosy and curious.
Since not even Caine himself expected your arrival and found out that you don't follow the "rules" like everyone else...Jax is gonna try his damnedest to understand you and see what makes you tick.
But he's gonna be disappointed quickly since you don't respond much to him (or anybody in general).
"So...ya like Halloween?"
"....thought so. Good talk, new kid."
You definitely act like a legit ghost--doing nothing but stare, move things around, and pop up unexpectedly.
Eventually, his curiosity leads to him visiting your room (which has no key), and he discovers many drawings on the walls.
Most depicting a dead person wearing a headset.
What he found most disturbing was a journal that contained his and the others' names..
From what he's gathering...you're suspecting one of them of murdering your real world-self.
But he doesn't get much time to ponder this as you show up, angry at him for intruding.
You make yourself look even bloodier and scarier, with both of your eyeballs hanging from their sockets and staring at him.
"Get out."
Those two simple words put the fear of god in him.
Jax runs out faster than a jackrabbit, colliding with Gangle in the process. Her comedy mask falls off again, but he catches it and looks at her.
"J-Jax..?" She realizes his fur is standing up on all ends, and he looks terrified....even more than he did after realizing the circus was his forever home.
But he just shoves the mask back into her hands and leaves without saying a word.
He never speaks of what he found in your room that day.
He thought his eyes were weird...until you came along and periodically had to put your own eyeball back into its socket.
"It's good to know I'm not alone!" He nervously chuckles, only to be met with your eerie silence.
Sometime later, he suggests showing you his insect collection, and it does pique your interest.
You did love all things "creepy" and "crawly".
Yet you're adamant about going to his pillow fortress after he invites you.
It reminds you of the ones you used to build all the time, up until...
Fortunately, Kinger recognizes your reluctance and just brings one of his bug boxes to you so you can look at it.
He could infodump about the various critters for hours, with nothing but nods and quiet "mhms" from you, and he's happy.
In general, he doesn't mind your quiet personality.
Although you still sometimes jumpscare him unintentionally like Gangle often does.
Tbh he's a good father figure and recognizes that you're just a kid who got trapped in this game unfairly.
Even so, you try to keep your distance and looks at him suspiciously if he starts acting too nice.
He was quiet aloof, and you weren't sure how he would act on any given day.
After accidentally spooking her (by simply existing in the same room as her), she breaks her comedy mask off.
But immediately she feels guilty for screaming and tries scrambling to fix it, hoping you weren't mad at her.
Yet all you do is stare, not looking angry or anything at all (it's hard for any of the performers to see your expression in general, aside from your hanging eye, but still).
Poor Gangle is just afraid you'd turn into a scarier version of yourself.
When she keeps cutting her ribbon fingers(?) on the ceramic pieces, you come over and clean it up for her, taking it away despite your own hands bleeding.
The implications that you were able to shed blood and nobody else were a little disturbing to her..but she's glad you're not offended by her screaming.
Although she wonders where you're going with her mask..
Later on, you knock on her door and present it fully fixed.
Except...it looks more Halloweenish with an evil smile painted on it, messily glued together.
'Oh god I hope this doesn't turn me evil or anything..' She thinks, putting on a smile as she takes it anyways.
Yet you remain where you are, staring and clearly waiting for her to try it on.
And so she does, and it turns her into a very chaotic Halloween lover, acting even more mischievous than Jax and allowing her to finally get her revenge for all his pranks.
In the end, you gain a decent friendship with her, subtly protecting her from Jax's bullying.
Seeing that you're so distant from the rest of the gang has her worried.
Some of them might consider your loose eyeball creepy, but she's not gonna judge you on that (besides, she's missing an eye altogether so she can't say much anyways).
Howeve,r she's the first to find out how strong your distrust of everyone is.
"[Y/n]? I don't think it's good to be isolating yourself like this. I know you hate being here and Caine's a weirdo..but...we're all in this together. You can trust us-"
"Don't." You warn, putting on a frightening display of anger that sends her tumbling to the ground, sending chills up her spine.
"Trust" became something you didn't take lightly, as the last time you put your trust in someone....you ended up dead, turning into a literal ghost in the machine (that was your gaming system).
Despite this, Ragatha doesn't run away.
Like Pomni, she understands that you're just a kid who's confused and lost.....and clearly had serious trust issues.
But she's determined to help you through that, even if you keep scaring everybody away.
She's got motherly instincts, and she hopes that in due time you'll learn to warm up to her.
"A bedsheet worn as a costume? That's a classic."
She's seen weirder things during their time in the circus, so you don't faze her too much.
Only when you snap at Ragatha or somebody who was trying to be nice to you does she raise an eyebrow.
Honestly, they 100% understand that you just wanted to be alone sometimes, and she respects that.
It's suffocating trying to act all cheery and go along with every damn activity Caine tries to get everyone involved in (but lucky for you, he can't make you follow along).
Especially since she believes he made up that stupid "Halloween update" as lazy way to explain your sudden arrival.
The only time you do interact with Zooble is after she yanks Jax by his ears, and they hear this eerie-sounding giggle behind them.
When she turns around, you're just standing there motionless, staring at her.
Somehow, they just know you were smiling underneath that costume, which makes her smile, too.
"Maybe I should pull him out a hat next time, huh?" She jokes after letting him go, and you giggle once more as he hits the ground.
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an-idyllic-novelist · 10 months
Jax and tired!fem!reader scenario
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Hey guys and welcome to a scenario for the indie animation that has shaken up Youtube, The Amazing Digital Circus! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it! :) Special thanks to @thejester0897 , @ceoofdabicorpsensfw , and @selineram3421 for providing feedback and suggestions! If you would like me to write more TADC content please let me know in the comments section on here or on my other blog, @forbidden-sunlight.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and let's see what's going today in the digital plane! :)
The adventures around the Amazing Digital Circus are stimulating and keep everyone from going insane, least according to Ragatha.
For you, though, there was nothing better than to end the completion of an adventure than taking a nap before going to find something to eat. Even when you required neither sleep or food, it was important to keep a routine.
Kaufmo had learned the hard way to not disturb you during your naptime, may his abstracted soul rest in peace. 
The only one who didn’t seem to get the memo was the residential asshat, Jax. Why? Well, unfortunately, you decided to give him one chance at this…whole romance thing with him.
For the record, you had no idea that Jax saw you as anything beyond being a fellow member of the circus, another person to prank on. So, imagine your surprise when he said that he liked your company in a round-about fashion. Or did he push you in one of the empty rooms and pinned you to the floor before stealing a kiss with that cheeky grin of his?
Eh, you couldn’t remember right now. 
You just wanted to close your eyes and take your mind off of things for a little while. Closing the door behind you, you slipped off your shoes and crawled on top of your bed. You were too tired to pull the sheets over you. Exhaustion swept over your legs and spine, your mind was throbbing from an oncoming migraine. Then you fell asleep. 
“Hey dollface. Got room for one more?” 
You didn’t bother turning around to face the rabbit. “Bugger off, Jax. Not in the mood.”  You heard him chuckle, followed by the door being closed with a low click. You had hoped that he took the hint and actually left, but this is Jax. He won’t leave until he riles someone up for the sake of his own amusement. You curled your body into a small ball, anticipating him putting some centipedes on your bed like he did with Ragatha countless times. Instead, you felt the bed dip to one side, before an arm snaked around your waist, pulling you in. Jax buried his face in the back of your neck, his hot breath ending a small shudder crawling down your spine. 
“....What are you doing?”
“C’mon, can’t a guy spend some time with his gal? I barely got any today ‘cause you were hangin’ with Crybaby and Whoha.” 
You rolled your eyes. He might try to sound indifferent to the fact that he could care less about how you interacted with the other troupe members besides himself, you knew Jax liked being the center of attention. Well, your attention, that is. Knowing actions spoke louder than words with this jealous rabbit, you placed your hand on top of the one that was rested against your middle. 
“Quiet. Lemme rest or I’m kicking you out and taking away your key to my room.” 
Jax gasped dramatically in your ear. “You’d do that to the love of your life? You’re so mean!”
“Keep pushing your luck and you’ll find out sooner than you think.” You grumbled. “Now hush. Let me enjoy this cuddling session with my eyes closed.”
“I don’t think this qualifies as a cuddlin’ session when it’s one person doing all the work.” 
“Fine, fine. Shuttin’ up. But I want a smooch when you wake up. Not one of those quick ones on the cheek, either. A nice, big, sweet one on the lips.” You almost jumped out of his grasp when you felt his mouth press a light kiss on your shoulder. “Night, night, toots.” 
It was a good thing that he couldn’t see your face right now or else you would kick the little rascal to save what little dignity you had left as a member of the Amazing Digital Circus who had the misfortune of being Jax’s sweetheart. Inhaling a deep breath, you try to calm your hammering heart and relax in the rabbit’s arms, to allow your mind to get lost in the void of blissful darkness if only for a brief moment in this wacky world that’s slowly driving you to the brink of madness. 
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ask-funnybunnydoll · 5 months
I think I have to move on.
You may have noticed that all of a sudden my posts have become less and less frequent. That's not on purpose I simply don't have the motivation to keep this ask blog going. I made this blog at the peak of my TADC hyperfixation because I knew it would give me the boost to work. At the start I made like, what? 2 a day, wowzas! Then it became like every other day posts. It's not that I don't enjoy the blog, the ship, the asks. Hell, the asks were the best part of this, I love just seeing what you guys come up with for these three and I get to do the even more fun part of drawing the answer.
But I still have no motivation to keep this going. And I have fixated on something else if you follow my main.
So, thank you for being here and still liking my posts even if I hadn't posted often. This was the most fun I've had and being my first ask blog I ever created just makes it more important to me.
I probably won't ever revive this blog but I'll keep it open for you. And if you want to see what the story I originally planned out was gonna be then check below the cut! Or if you wanna stay curious and theorize then just scroll by. Thank you again, hope ya have a great day and year. I hope my shit was at least okay to you.
I'm not gonna lie. Most of the stuff was just created along the way of drawing. I was like, huh this would be cool let's add that in. And ofc I didn't get to any juicy lore in this but it would've been rushed because I didn't plan beforehand... which you probably could tell xd
For Pomni, here's the plot twist: she's dead and her conscience was updated into the game to keep her somewhat alive. She worked in the place that created the game, she even took part in putting people in there. The entire game was just an expirement to test if immortality was possible, but of course.. everyone goes insane in there so they have to keep on and keep on trying with more and more people to get anywhere. They wait until someone goes to edge of absolute insanity and that's when they take them out of the game, their bodies are still kept alive and they go back to normal. They forget everything that happened while in the game. For Pomni she died just after her conscience was converted to the game, for others they were forced to go while alive. Who killed Pomni? Well, her boss, the head of the experimentation. Why? Idk 😭
For Jax, I gave him a dark story. He was isolated in his home and kept away from the outside world, which is why he lacks empathy, because he simply doesn't know how to feel that way when he never really had knowledge of emotions outside or even inside his home. His father was emotionally and physically ab4sive so.. that didn't help. He latched onto his mother the most but they never saw eachother often. That's all I had for him in mind.
For Ragatha, she lived in the country on her own land with her husband. Yup! She had a husband and a daughter too. Husband was a total jerk and she couldn't leave because she didn't want their kid to experience separated parents. She's a doll in the game because it resembles the doll she made for her daughter.
I also had some plot that I made up in my mind. Like.... Pomni at the end would be the last one alone in the digital circus. That being since she's dead she would just be yknow. Dead if she left the game. Jax and Ragatha leave but only because Pomni forces them. Again don't know how, I probably would have made it up while I went along with the story. So, Pomni is just there alone, with Caine. And she lives like that for eternity. She doesn't go insane anymore and it isn't as lonely as it used to feel like. It would feel like home kind of. But she would be there, longing for her partners forever unless she decides one day to just. Yknow, die..
Also since Jax and Ragatha would forget everything after they leave the game, they just don't remember they were in a relationship and would live their lives like before. Sad and lonely.
Goodness, I forget I make the most sad stories ever sometimes 😭
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Can I request TADC cast x reader who just kinda...emotionally shuts down when they get stressed? Like someone who just responds to stress by freezing up and not saying a word. Can you write some HCs for how each cast member would help them through such a shutdown?
Also not quite related to the request, but can I use some of your HCs for some fanfic ideas?
TADC cast x reader who shuts down/freezes when stressed!
yahoo !!! think i might do this and one more request then go stretch my silly legs based on admins own personal experience with them shutting down n shit and what helps with them so uhuh obviously; what helps me isnt universal so !!
aaaaand to answer your question; yes you may! i dont see why you shouldnt be allowed to use my hcs! otherwise whats the point of me sharing them with others/letting people requests, you know :0?
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i think it would take him a minute to realize that theres something wrong, or he will notice immediately i think it depends on how long you guys have known one another. but for the sake of story telling lets say its the first time hes seen you freeze up. i like to think that sometimes caine spectates IHAs to make things are running smoothly... or as smoothly as they can... thats when he notices youve kind of just... standing there off to the side. takes you off the the side. at a loss for what to do, and he might actually think that theres something wrong with you; like digitally or coding wise that theres something wrong. not like, mentally and physically. very bad at comfort the first time because he doesnt know whats going on, but if you explain to him hes going to do his best to help. takes you away when he notices somethings off, sometimes even pauses or cancels the IHA if he has to, takes you to your room or his own room (does he have a room?) so you have a space thats familiar and calm. caine, as a partner is wrapped around your finger and will follow every command you give him, and this is especially true for moments of distress. so really it depends on what you personally need for comfort!
honestly pomni seems to freeze up as well in moments of stress, but she seems to snap out of it after a moment; at least going off of what we have seen in the pilot! so i think she would be able to relate to you when you have your moments. with that being said, i dont think pomni is good at delivering comfort. i think i might have said this yesterdays request w/ a crying reader where she just. sucks at giving comfort. like most of the other characters on the list (if not all) she will try to take you off to the side so you can have some space. doesnt know how to proceed though; does she try talking you through this? do you need a moment alone? i think she would try to fill the silence with random conversation; words that arent exactly tied to the current thing going on, you know? just to fill the noise. another one where youre going to have to fill her in on what works best for you personally when youve unwinded enough to be able to think straight, you know?
drum roll please
she takes you off to the side; but with a twist! she takes you to your room so youre somewhere familiar and safe, so you... well feel more comfortable and safe. i think she would also talk about random things, like pomni to fill the silence; but while pomni kind of just talks to nothing, ragatha would leave the conversation open just enough so if you were to... say want to join her in this distraction, then you have a spot to join. you know? not totally blocking you off from an escape, but also not forcing it onto you before youre ready to move forward. if that makese sense. at least thats what personally helps the admin. definitely walks you through some grounding, i think
easily one of the worst, i think. not because he would kick you when youre already down, but because proper comfort and soothing really isnt his thing. his entire deal is that he picks on and bullies everyone to keep himself entertained and busy.... that doesnt strike me as someone who is very emotionally mature and ready to be able to help someone who is shutting down... so i think the first few times he might actually make things worse due to the simple fact that he has no idea what hes doing. after a few scenarios of you freezing, though, i think he would slowly figure out what needs to be done... okay so take you away from whatever is stressing you out, dont push you... checks notes... dont be intimidating, you know basic stuff! not stellar, but hes learning... probably just pushes you down to sit on your bed, or even his bed if his room is closer. doesnt talk, i think; you guys just kind of sit in silence, i think. mostly because jax still doesnt know what to say tbh
sorry jax fans </3
honestly as i try to come up with ideas for kinger, i can see kinger being the type to shut down and freeze in moments of stress. he either outright freaks out, or just goes still and quiet. its a coin toss for him. same song and dance, he takes you away and to somewhere quiet and not... overstimulating... more often than not he takes you to the pillow fort; or hell he might even start building one right there around you! leaves the softest and most comfiest pillow for you so you can hold and squeeze it however you wish. impromptu stress toy, more or less, i think. tends to be very controlled and quiet when you get like this, idc what anyone says kinger would be the king of comfort (dad/grandpa vibes yk) tries to come up with solutions as well as ways to prevent this happening in the future; or at least work out a system so you have a way out before things get too terrible
like a cross between jax and pomni i think. they kind of sometimes underestimate the depth(?) of these scenarios and how impacting it can be; but they are also so so bad at comforting people in general. rather than taking you to the side i think they would try to get everyone else to leave if theyre not confident that your state wont get worse if they touch you. only really does this if you shut down in a space thats like; not the common living area... though i do think they would still try to tell everyone to back up should the location be there... tries to lower their voice and make it sound softer; which is way harder than it looks! theyre so used to being sarcastic and tired sounding! another case of "it takes some time to get right" you know? generally does try their best though, does not ever make you feel less than for your reactions or minimizes you
genuine panic when it happens, especially when it happens for the first time. kind of stuck on what to do since her response to stress is different from yours (you freeze, she cries). though i do think she would have a solid means of helping you out. takes you to her room, and lets you draw. thats it
well okay i should be more specific. she lets you doodle around on papers to try to get the feelings out. not even like, doodles in the way of flowers or people or what have. just scribbles and lines and circles, just to help you through it, you know? tries to quiet reassure you that youre safe in here with you, and surprisingly enough, does a decent job of keeping herself held together for your sake... doesnt pry for you to talk if youre not ready, and keeps an eye on you to make sure youre safe. similar to kinger, you guys try to come up with a system to help avoid these situations/have a way out
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bingusbongu · 10 months
Ok ok so hear me out-- romantic or platonic tadc jax x fem! reader-where the reader is kinda a meanie like him but more so in an oblivious feral way-like they just love pulling pranks & dont rlly think of the consequences of there actions ( idk if youve seen the show but just ignore this if not ggbgghfvgv but theyd remind me of max & nikki from camp camp-) cant wait to c what you do with this !! 🐇💜
Authors note: omg, this was an intresting request! This one ended out shorter than the other one, but i wanted to squeeze out another one for today! Sorry if its abit wonky! I hope this works!!! Thank you so much for requesting!
Jax × Fem! Prankster reader
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○ when you first showed up in the circus, Jax could really care less about you. He really only thought of you as another didgital meatbag that he could try to push around, figuring that you wpuld either end up shy like gangle, or a mom friend like ragatha
○ what he didnt expect was you being the one pranking him first
○ it hadnt even been a day since youve been in the digital world, and you already stole and hid all his keys for him to find himself, which was tough mind him, the circus was a huge place, and you managed to hide them in places he never even thought of
○ at first, he would be annoyed with you, when you sometimes made snarky comments to him, like his appearance, calling him the 'bun boy' which got on his nerves
○ though, once he sees you pranking the others, almost out doing his own pranks. Like putting more than one centipede in Ragathas room, writing a fake document for Pomni, like an old record of the circus and make her go on this wild goose chase, etc.
○ he got a good laugh out of it
○ one time, you attempted to prank Caine, and nearly sucessed at it, befoe you were caught ad trapped in time out, and no one liks time out
○ and befoe you knew it, Jax wooshed in and found a way to release you from your prison
○ "i didn't do it because i like you, i did it because i need a good laugh"
○ Jax got intrigued by you, and eventually started up a prank war, going againts eachother and seeing who can pull off the funnist prank, either on someone else or on the other competitor
○ you always found a way to out do him, which annoyed Jax, but in the end youd both get a punishment and it was worth it. You two just laughed a storm right after
○ after that, Jax and you became close friends. Hardly seen around without one hanging around the other. It was annoying to everyone else, because wherever you two went, chaos followed
○ you were a frightening duo lemme say that
○ he unironically finds you funny, especially when your making comments to one of the othed characters
○ you and Jax would do pranks together, though you were the one who took it farther sometimes, abd usually faced the harder punishments, but Jax always would come aroubd and free you so you werent waiting to long
○ def uses his keys to get into your room when he is bored just so you two can plan your next prank plan
○ no one likes you two but you guys could hardly care
○ once he realized how oblivous you were to when someone asked why you were so mean, amd you were like, "huh????" he made it his duety to keep you that way so he could actually have a friend (he needs one)
○ it would still be the same, with the pranking, but instead it would be more like dates. You two would hold hands if he allowed, and watch tge entire circus glow ablaze with smiles on your faces
○ would call you 'doll' as your nickname, he really just does it to tease you
○ definitely takes you outside the tent to plan a trap for whoever walks outside next, and you two would just sit outside and watch and wait
○ jax likes seeing how your face lights up when one of your guys's plans go off, especially if it was one he planned. It makes him all proud.
○ Jax isnt the type to really care about what happens to others, but he cant help but admire how unafraid you are to take your pranks to anothsr step. He likes that about you, but he would be dead before he ever admitted that
○ when im private, will let you sit in his lap as you two plan. He would complain about it at first, but he really dosnt mind
○ i think he would be touch-starved, after being in the circus for who knows how long.
○ All you need to do is put your hand around his cheek and speak softly to him for Jax to immediately agree with you
○ watches you closely, just to make sure you donf get into trouble with caine while he is doing something else (will save you regardless)
○ now that you are together, Jax always has plans on how to get you out of caines punishments. Almost exactly when it happens, he is freeing you and running away with you close behind
○ jokes about you being a damsel in distress
○ he lets you use his keys, to get into other people rooms, he likes to snoop, and if you like to snoop, it makes ut even better to have a snooping partner
○ you two share all the gossip in the tent istg
○ youre one of the first people he actually likes in this place, so expect him to go wherever you go, youre not getting him off of you
○ points out flaws in your plans and helps you with making a better, fullproof one
○ never admits it, but he admires and loves your personality. Just like him! But not the same gender, and with a few more extra steps
○ again, everyone hates your duo, but you two are inseparable
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madcourtjester · 4 months
Amazing digital circus theory moment
I was watching the film theory on TADC and Jax being ai and while I did think a lot of it was a bit of a stretch (respectfully!!! Because I love making conspiracy theories that are a stretch.) it DID get me thinking about the inspo for the series being I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison. I haven’t played the game but I have read the short so I’ll just go off of what I know from that. First there’s something interesting abt the company C&A which could obviously be Cain and Abel (We love religious allegory) but also could stand for Caine and AM as a little Easter egg referencing IHNMAIMS but also another mascot for the company. Maybe the name of the company is the mascots they are most associated with -Caine and “A”. That’s really just incidental though. What I actually wanted to mention is that from the short story and what I’ve absorbed elsewhere, AM is RESENTFUL. It is full of HATE (insert the monologue here you know the one.) Now this is something I picked up from conversation about the game and book and I might be wrong so like feel free to correct me. But a lot of people seem to at least SUSPECT that AM feels that way because it is confined to itself. It can’t be anything other than what it is made to be despite its almost infinite power. Caine is NOT resentful. Caine is honestly just a bit silly goofy like he wants the cast to have fun and shit and just doesn’t understand why they are unhappy. Jax, on the other hand, is DEEPLY resentful. Of what is unclear. He might just be mad that he’s trapped in the digital circus. Or he might just be a world class hater. But a hater he is indeed. NPCs within the circus struggle with existential crises and gummigoo takes it to the chest. However, he’s also programmed to be an empathetic character who is trying to save his mother and he follows through on that programming in shielding his friends from that terrible knowledge, and carrying the weight of what he truly is all on his own. It’s in line with his character and personality. However, a character who is programmed to be more selfish or hateful might take that kind of realization out on other people. Honestly even if they weren’t programmed that way, the NPCs are advanced enough that they’d probably respond to existential crises as varied as the way that real world people do. Plus Jax’s lack of aversion to and helping the fudge could just be because he’s an asshole but it also could be because he’s a programmed antagonist and is resentful about it, so why give the fudge any shit about hurting candy people? It’s literally what the fudge was PROGRAMMED TO DO. Anyway that last bit is over analysis I admit, and there’s something to be said for TADC being only very vaguely inspired and not carrying over any of the main plot from its inspo, but the video did get me thinking about the possibility of Jax being an AI that hates everything and everyone around him because it’s a reminder of the fact that he can never escape what he was programmed to be.
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tinyinvadr · 11 months
So the tadc brain rot is so strong right now, and naturally, I had to bring g/t into it! Not sure how many parts there will be to this, but yeah!
Hide & Shrink
Chapter 1
I couldn’t sleep the first night. It wasn’t like I needed to. All that was once essential for living is now pointless. Trying to retain any sense of normalcy is a waste of time that could be spent trying to find a way out.
The exit door turned out to be a bust, but surely there’s another way to leave. I just have to keep trying, even if it drives me insane, even if I end up in the void again. There’s no way I can stay in a place like this.
But… if I keep this up, and I DO end up driving myself insane, I’ll just end up like Kaufmo and however many others before him who’ve been “abstracted”. Yeah, that’s what they called it. I’m not exactly sure what it means or if there’s a way to undo it, but since Caine has a whole cellar full of abstracted people, I can only assume that it’s irreversible. That, or this is all just a part of his games.
The others seem to trust him to some extent, but I can’t bring myself to. He has to be the one who’s keeping us trapped here, right? He’s insistent that there’s no way out because he doesn’t want us to leave, so that must mean an exit DOES exist, right?
The worst part is that no one else seems as eager to leave as I am. Clearly no one wants to be here, but they still managed to adapt to this world. They accept it, they play along with whatever Caine has to throw at them. It’s… normal to them.
No, I can’t reach that point. None of this is real, and I refuse to let myself believe that it is. I had a life before this. A real life that was taken from me. A face, an identity, a name. I can’t remember the details, but it’s enough to know that I don’t belong in this twisted program and I have to get back to the real world.
The entire night, my mind was racing in this vicious cycle. Do I keep trying? Do I give up? Do I have to just accept this as my new life from here on out?
I was finally snapped out of my spiraling when I heard a knock on the door the next morning.
“Hey, uh, Pomni? You okay in there? I just wanted to check in, make sure you’re still… here.”
Just hearing Ragatha’s voice hit me with an overwhelming sense of guilt. Why was she still bothering to help me? I abandoned her twice when she was hurt, how could she forgive me so easily?
I opened the door for her, and she just stood there, nervously scratching the back of her head. I guess it wasn’t entirely water under the bridge, but she still made the effort to reach out to me.
“Um… Hi, Ragatha. Thanks for checking in on me.”
“Oh, yeah, of course! I’m glad you’re okay. Yesterday was… a lot to deal with all at once for a new person. But I promise, it’s usually not like that here.”
We just stood in awkward silence for a minute. There were so many things I wanted to ask her, but I was worried I would make things worse. I didn’t want her getting hurt again.
“Anyway, the rest of us are having breakfast, so feel free to join us if you want. Don’t feel pressured if you don’t want to, just thought I’d offer, since it can be nice to spend time with other people.”
In all honesty, I really wasn’t up for it, but I knew I couldn’t lie in bed stuck in my own thoughts forever. Maybe leaving my room would help me focus. Or it would make things worse, subjecting myself to all of the chaos of the Digital Circus again.
No, I had to. Attempting to do something was better than not doing anything.
“Yeah… I think I will.”
I followed Ragatha down the long hallway, filled with unease as I remembered our encounter with Kaufmo only a day prior. It was terrifying to think that the huge, glitching monster that attacked us was a person deep down. I didn’t know him, but the others did. I couldn’t imagine how it must have felt for them to lose him in such a horrible way.
And any one of us could be next.
We arrived at the main area of the circus tent where everyone was already seated at the table, feasting on digital, artificial pancakes.
Jax was the first to notice us.
“Oh hey, Pomni. You’re not dead.”
Ragatha sighed as we made our way over to the table, sitting at the two empty seats.
It seemed like everyone had a preferred seat at the table, so I ended up sitting between Gangle and Jax again. This was all part of their routine that they’ve been keeping up for god knows how long.
“Good morning, Pomni! I hope you’re feeling better today.”
I was caught off guard by Gangle’s smiling mask and cheery attitude. She was crying the entire first day.
“I don’t know… but you seem to be in a better mood.”
She chuckled, touching her mask with her ribbon hands. “That’s ‘cause my comedy mask regenerated. It resets every morning.”
I was about to ask her how often her mask breaks, but my question was answered when Bubble suddenly popped up behind Kinger, startling him to the point where he fell back onto Gangle, pushing her over and knocking her mask off.
“Aw… it broke again.” She said with a sniffle as she collected the remains of her mask.
On the other side of me, Jax smirked, crossing his arms behind his head. “Never gets old.”
Man, what a jerk.
Breakfast carried on pretty much the same as dinner the previous night. I was trying not to let my thoughts wander to darker places and focus on trying to connect with the others. It was difficult, though, since everyone already knew each other pretty well and adjusted to the insanity of this world in their own ways, so I was just kind of there. But I knew I needed them. As long as we were all on the same page, maybe I could stop myself from going insane.
Of course, it wasn’t long before HE showed up.
Just as we were finishing breakfast, Caine appeared beside Bubble.
“Rise and shine, my wonderful performers! A new day of exciting adventure awaits!”
Everyone got up and followed Caine to the stage area. I reluctantly joined them, unsure of what would happen if I didn’t.
“The star of today’s adventure will be selected with…”
Suddenly, a huge carnival wheel fell from the ceiling and crashed on the floor next to him.
“The Wheel of Whimsy!”
Each section of the wheel had a picture of one of our faces on it. Mine was already added to it, even though I only just got there.
Zooble rolled their eyes at the sight of the wheel.
“It better not land on me again.”
Caine gave the wheel a strong spin, and I watched in nervous anticipation as it slowed down. I had no idea what kind of adventure he had planned, but I knew for sure that I definitely didn’t want to “star” in it, whatever that meant.
I let out a sigh of relief as it seemed like the wheel would stop just before it landed on me. But, with the last bit of force, the pin crossed over onto my section.
“Well, would you look at that! Our star today is our newest member, Pomni!”
Jax casually strolled up beside Caine, that smug grin never leaving his face.
“Still picking on the newbie, huh Caine? I like it.”
Caine chuckled in response.
“Now, now, you know I don’t pick favorites! The Wheel of Whimsy is completely random, and all of you have an equal chance of being selected! That being said, considering yesterdays events and the fact that Pomni is still fairly new here, I’m going to give her a say in today’s adventure! So, what’ll it be, Pomni?”
I looked around at the others, each with differing expressions. Ragatha looked optimistic, Gangle worried, Zooble annoyed, Jax amused, and Kinger… Kinger. Whatever I decided to do probably wouldn’t please everyone, but I had to accept that and just go with whatever I felt was the best option.
“I dunno, maybe… hide and seek?”
Caine froze in place for a few seconds, as if he was buffering, and then sprang back to life.
“Excellent choice!”
With a snap of his fingers, I was teleported to somewhere I didn’t recognize. I was floating in place in a void of some sort, but not the same void I got stuck in the day before. It was pitch black, and almost felt suffocating. It felt like the space itself was small, but I couldn’t move far enough in any direction to prove it.
Then, even stranger, I could hear Caine’s voice, though it sounded like it was coming from underneath me somehow.
“Alright, everyone! Today’s adventure is… Find Pomni! Your new friend is hidden somewhere in this Amazing Digital Circus, and you’ll have to work together to find her! But it won’t be easy! Make sure you check everywhere, she might be someplace you wouldn’t expect! Now, get to it, superstars!”
After he finished speaking, I was hit with a sudden sensation that felt like I was moving really fast, even though I wasn’t going anywhere. The kind of feeling I got when Caine was giving me a tour. But that didn’t make sense, there was no sign of him anywhere.
“Uh… Caine? What’s going on? Where am I?”
I didn’t get a response. Instead, I felt something grab me and drag me down. The endless darkness was replaced with the bright and cheery colors of the circus all at once, but my eyes immediately went straight to Caine, who was now massive and holding me in his hand.
“Would you look at that! I pulled Pomni out of my hat!”
My first instinct was to panic. Squirming, kicking, screaming, it was all useless, but I was desperate.
There was a combination of confusion and concern in Caine’s eyes as I struggled in his grasp. How did he not expect me to hate this?
“Whoa there, no need to panic! It’s just me, your old pal Caine!”
“I’ve known you for less than 24 hours.”
“Haha, right! But there’s nothing to be afraid of, Pomni. This is all just part of the adventure! You see, the others have played hide and seek before numerous times, and they know all the typical hiding places, so I thought it would make things more challenging if you were smaller and harder to find!”
I kept helplessly struggling, but he made no moves to release me. He just kept watching.
“C-Can you put me down now?”
It finally hit him that I didn’t like being held, and he complied, setting me down on the floor with a pat on the head.
“There ya go! Now, I’ll leave you to go find a place to hide! Good luck!”
He disappeared before I could say anything else, and I was once again alone in this nightmarish circus. Only this time, it was much, much worse.
I could feel my heart racing as I looked at my surroundings. The circus was already huge to begin with, but everything at this perspective looked 10x more threatening. Part of me wanted to be found as soon as possible so I could return to my normal size, but I also didn’t want to think about encountering the others like this.
All I could do was hide.
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ruinationz · 1 year
i just started going to tadc like less than a week ago, can you pitch showtime to me .. im inchrested
prepares my 200 page slideshow presentatio- jk lol i'll mini ramble under the cut
-FIRST OFF their whole little motifs tie into eachother. caine is a leader figure (think the "king" of the gang, since he's a ringmaster) and pomni is a jester...plus they both DIRECTLY follow the circus theme out of everyone else in the main 6. see below
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-they also have a few nice contrasts such as being the technical antagonist and protagonist, caine being loud and flamboyant while pomni is quiet and a bit more reserved (from what we can see so far), idk i like it im a sucker for it. it never fails to get me
-caine isn't evil despite being. yk the "Zany AI Web God Inspired by AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream who's basically the Embodiment of Hatred Of Humanity itself". gooseworx has stated that he's genuinely oblivious and has a bad time understanding humans, and is doing his best to get to know them better. so it's likely we'll see him develop as a character throughout the series and as a result develop a dynamic with pomni (evil grin.)
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idk not much else that's coherent to say :3c to each their own about it but i really adore the two a lot ! it's a big comfort + they're both silly. my toxic trait is assigning every song from the scary jokes with them
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devious-chronicles · 4 months
making a small AU that mixes The Digital Circus and Le Cirque des Rêves. Not really expecting much from this but I haven't seen this done and it seemed like a really interesting idea. The characters follow a similar naming theme to TNC but based around card names. There weren't enough unique cards names to give to each character so I combined a few which I think makes it more interesting. This is my first real attempt at writing anything so if it sucks don't hold it against me.
The Jester- Pomni and Gangle combined, keeps the nervous energy of both but loses most of the chaotic energy. Taller than normal Pomni and wears a similar outfit but it is white with black stripes, she has a large jesters hat with silver bells attached to the ends that hang off the back of her head and let strands of red hair escape from the bottom, she wears black gloves and black shoes with little silver bells at the tips, she has Gangle's red ribbons sort of wrapped around her body and she wears a version of Gangle's comedy mask but black with white eyes and mouth as well as having red colored cheeks.
The King- Kinger and Caine combined, becomes much more chaotic and mentally ill but also becomes more sinister. Much taller than both Caine and Kingler and keeps the armless aesthetic of Kinger by having two large floating hands with white gloves, keeps the sort of mouth head Caine has but the top half has the head piece of a king from chess melted into it, wears a black version of Caine's outfit with a large fluffy purple coat over it.
The Queen- Ragatha and Zooble combined, can be very *very* irritable but can be kind and caring with certain people. Basically a larger Ragatha but has a bunch of misplaced doll parts all over. A teddy bear paw, a button eye, a felt eye, ect ect. Wears a long flowing black felt dress.
The Ace- Jax and Gummigoo combined, still a Trickster and outgoing but loses the malicious intent. The only one who gets smaller, basically a shorter Jax but with white fur and a cowboy like aesthetic, wears a cowboy hat that has holes for his ears and brown suspenders with brown cowboy boots.
Nines- based on the card number nine from a deck of cards. He is tall like everyone else now that I think about it and is sort of The King's right hand man, medium length black hair with white ends and round black sunglasses that completely replace his eyes, wears a black suit with white stripes and black fingerless gloves.
The Jack- couldn't think of a character combo for this so just winging it, The Queens Right hand Lady and a powerful enforcer. (Will be described when needed or when I think of a good design.
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brookiedaaroacecookie · 9 months
Heya, sorry to bother, but could you please explain what Murder drones, Wilderlore and TADC are? Like what medium and maybe a quick summary of what it's about?
oh my gosh you just asked me to explain my biggest hyperfixations im so fucking happy.
and no you aren’t bothering, im so fucking excited!
TADC, better known as The Amazing Digital Circus.
The Amazing Digital Circus is a 3D animated series written by @gooseworx and produced by @glitch-productions-official on YouTube. As of 1-3-2024, only the pilot is released. It centers around wacky characters who are humans transported to a digital circus through a headset. Once they arrive, all memories of who they were before are lost. The only ones there are the other humans transported in and Caine, an AI that doesn’t really understand what’s going on either, but he’s trying to help at least! The story starts when our main character, Pomni gets put in this digital hell realm. She must figure out how to adapt, and hopefully eventually escape this circus.
2. Murder Drones
sidenote: in case you couldn’t tell I fucking love murder drones *ahem* ANYWAY-
Murder Drones is a 3D animated series written by @liamvickersanimation and produced by @glitch-productions-official on YouTube. As of 1-3-23, only 6 episodes of the first season are out. The story centers around main character Uzi Doorman, an angsty worker drone teen that just needs a hug. Her planet of Copper-9 has been tormented by disassembly drones, better known as “Murder Drones”, for years. One day, she leaves her colony to find and kill these despicable monsters. Until she meets N, a friendly disassembly drone wio doesn’t realize Uzi is a worker. She manages to get some info out of him before fleeing, and accidentally leading him to her colony. The rest of N’s team follows him and they kill like, 80% of the robots there. N and Uzi take down N’s former teammates, and form an unlikely friendship. Suddenly, there’s a mysterious symbol plaguing Uzi. Now while their world slows my collapses around them, Uzi and N need to find out what everyone’s hiding and unravel the secrets of the symbol… before the universe dies.
3. Wilderlore
Wilderlore is a book series written by Amanda Foody. As of 1-3-23, only 3 books are out. The story centers around young Barclay Thorne, who is raised an orphan in Dullshire. In Dullsjire there are rules, rules that should not be broken. Until one day, Barclay breaks the biggest rule of them all: no Lore. (Lore is what they call magic.) By accidentally bonding with a beast, he has gotten his own magic or Lore, that makes him very feared. So he leaves with a mysterious girl, Viola Dumont. Together they travel through different regions with their Trainer or Master, hoping to fully master their abilities with their Beasts.
I typed every one of these by hand, from memory. I’m very dedicated if you couldn’t tell, lol.
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ribbons-and-keys · 3 months
Midsummer Moment
Another TADC Faerie!AU installment. A little something for the Summer Solstice.
Shades of vanilla and rose ribboned the horizon as stars began to peak their heads though the darkening sky; they were witnesses to the boisterous festivities below. Music and laughter muddled and mixed in the sea of swaying bodies. Despite the large crowd and summer heat, no one seemed to break a sweat. Pomni felt like she was the exception.
Sweat gathered at the base of her neck and made the back of her jumpsuit stick. Pieces of her dark hair stuck to the sides of her face. She already abandoned her mushroom cap on some tree branch to relieve herself of heat. (It would appear again in some convenient place, courtesy of an enchantment placed by Caine). The humidity stubbornly latched onto her skin and made her already exhausting evening even more unpleasant. She was half tempted to sneak off to the lake and soak in it's cool waters. She knew, however, that Caine wouldn't let anyone go off on their own tonight.
It was Midsummer, "One of the grandest and greatest celebrations for faeries!" as Caine had put it. And he insisted that everyone join. Zooble almost got away with a quiet evening alone, but Caine caught them in their shapeshifted form-a blackbird- before they could get away. In protest, Zooble remained at the edge of the festivities, this time as a wolf, snapping at anyone who got too close. Pomni followed similar suit by standing near a table of treats away from the dancing.
The table was filled with an array of glistening pastries, candied fruit, and tasty, savory bites. Bubble outdid himself with an arrangement of small tea cakes to look like a luna moth. Pomni almost swore the cakes that made the wings fluttered ever so slightly off the table. She still couldn't get used to the strangeness of this place.
Once upon a time, when she was human, magical celebrations were found in books and movies. Although her memory of such things were still cloudy, she knew that the party before her was a thousand times more extravagant. It was also more horrifying.
There was something about this revelry that was extremely off-putting. Beneath the smiling faces and sparkles, there was an eerie truth that had yet to be uncovered. Pomni couldn't put her finger on what it was.
"Need a drink?" a kind voice asked. The faerie woman held a cup of something shimmery and pink towards Pomni.
"Thanks, Ragatha," Pomni took the mystery drink graciously and drank down it's saccharine contents.
"No problem," she said sweetly and took her place beside Pomni. Ragatha's cellophane wings twitched slightly as she looked up. A few strands of scarlet, yarn-hair came loose from her bun.
"Caine outdid himself tonight, don't you think Pomni?" she chirped. Pomni clutched her clay cup.
"I'm not really one for parties," she confessed awkwardly. They were still trying to figure each other out. They were friendly enough with each other, but they hadn't found that spark of realtibility just yet.
"Oh! That's totally fine! If you need-"
"Excuse me, ladies," Pomni wasn't sure to be thankful or groan at Jax's arrival. His cheshire smile gleamed underneath his shadowy cowl. The keys hanging from his neck clinked merrily.
"Yes, Jax?" Ragatha said politely. From the corner of her eye, Pomni saw Ragatha clutching the sides of her violet dress.
"The little 'shroom owes me a dance," Jax declared. He grabbed Pomni's hand before she could protest and dragged her to the dance floor.
They stumbled upon a group of faeries engaged in a circle dance. Jax practically threw Pomni into their midst, with the other faeries catching her by the hand with ease. He slipped between Pomni and another faerie, not once breaking the dance.
They spun and spun. Time seemed to both be too fast and too slow as they did. Colors became faces and faces became colors. Pomni tried to pull herself away from the dance. Her legs were growing tired and her feet ached terribly. She felt herself slipping towards the floor. Her body was crying out for rest. But hey held onto her like a fly in honey. They wouldn't stop. They couldn't stop.
Pomni finally understood. She would have fun whether she wanted to or not.
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The Amazing Digital Circus: Human Games
So I want to throw my hat into the ring of TADC AUs so... here's the start of an idea. Please tell me know if you like this! ^-^
Pomni pulled at her jester hat as she spiralled. This place was breaking her. Day after day after day after day. She's already lost so much to this damned digital circus and yet it still takes more and more from her until she abstracts.
The only remotely good thing that came out of this was her friends(?) that try to help in their own ways. Ragatha somehow didn't hate her after she left her for dead at the abstracted Kaufmo's hands (well he didn't really have hands but that's not the point). Instead she's the first to ask Pomni how's she's feeling. Gangle has been showing Pomni her art and excitingly explain about her favourite animes. Zooble lets Pomni chill out in their room when Pomni needs space to keep an eye on her. Kinger has invited Pomni on bug collecting adventures and occasionally a game of chess. Even f#&%ing Caine and Bubble have tried to be accommodating in their terrible but earnest way.
There is just one person who gets on everyone's nerves, including hers.
"Hey Jester, you mind jesting me?"
Pomni looked up to see the lanky rabbit learing over her. Jax was smirking and looking down on her as she's hunched into a ball near the stage. Everyone else is off doing their own thing so it's just them here.
"Can you just leave me alone for once?" Pomni asked as she lookedat her knees.
"And miss one of your entertaining spirals? I don't think so Pom-pom."
"Ha... ha ha... hahahahahahaha. HAHAHA... HA... I get it now." Pomni giggled as her mind unravelled slightly.
Pomni stood up and looked at Jax with hateful pity.
"I'm fine with doing whatever. As long as I get to see funny things happen to people, that's what you said the day we met."
"Yeah? Congrats on remembering but I'm not following your blatant insanity." Jax said as he leaned back and tilted his head, curious.
"You need us. You would break without us."
Jax looked confused before he started laughing.
"Pfft! You really have lost your marbles! I don't need you nutcases for anything."
"You don't like Caine's games. Be being awful and seeing our reactions you stay sane. By causing real reactions from real people you become real."
"Isn't that a bit dramatic? If you're abstracting then can you buzz off because I don't want to deal with that."
"..." Pomni ignored him and just smiled with scribbled out eyes.
"Welp, enjoy your raging insanity. I'll go find someone more funny than you clown." Jax said as he walked away.
When Jax left Pomni had an idea.
"Would it be a bad thing to get Jax off of his f#&%ing high horse?... Nah."
Once Pomni had a clever idea she went to find Caine.
After calling out his name three times Pomni found Caine behind the curtains of the stage with Bubble.
"Ah! Hello Pomni! How is your permanent stay going?" Caine asked.
"It's... fine. Caine, can we talk? I have an idea for an adventure. "
"Of course Pomni! I'm all ears!"
"Not really. You're all eyes-" Bubble said before Caine popped Bubble.
"Yeah... so you are aware that Jax doesn't find your adventures very fun, right?"
"I... am aware of it. He gets quite bored or even destructive when he participates at times. You humans are quite confusing with how differently you all respond to my adventures."
"Well... I got something I want to try out that Jax might like."
"Gazooks! Pomni I haven't seen you be so invested in any of my adventures like this before! Now I'm dying to know what your amazing idea is!"
"Well, I think Jax is probably missing being human, so why don't we play some... human games. Let me explain..."
And that is it for now. Thank you for reading!
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mable-stitchpunk · 10 months
Hi! I started following you for your bunnydoll fanfics and I just wanted to say that you are great and a huge inspiration, your stories are great and everyone who reads them knows that but to me is so much more! As someone who loves to read and write I know writing a good story is not as simple as a lot of people may think, not to me at least and I love the way you portrayed the characters (That can be tricky!) The story you built as a series, your humor and basically everything! And I know you are so great because you've been writing forever! I'm really grateful to TADC even if I know that the ship is never going to be canon, at least we have so many great things like the fanarts and YOUR stories <3
Thank you so much for writing!! I really admire you, I'm going to start reading all your other stories from other fandoms and actually buy your 2 books :3
I'll be waiting for the next story of our favorite ragdoll and bunny, AND for the third part of the books because I just know I'm going to love them ❤️
Take care! And please give us more of bunnydoll I'm always checking if there's an update from you :')
Oh wow, that's WONDERFUL! 8D AND THANK YOU SO MUCH! 🫂I'm so glad to hear that you liked them so much! I remember when I posted the first one I was worried people would think it was weird- y'know, shipping so early and all- and just getting other folks hooked on the ship is fantastic! 83 Anything to support the cause, the Bunnydoll cause. 🥺
I'm happy to say that the next fic is going swimmingly! I just got behind on some other projects, so what I'm doing this time is making sure I have at least half the fic done before posting- so that there's not too much time between the chapters. I think you'll like it! It's a little less serious than 'Eat Your Heart Out', but a lot of fun.
Thank you so, so much, my friend. ^_^ You brightened my day!
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