#to be honest i am really proud of this one šŸ„¹
ashlingiswriting Ā· 1 year
do i know you? chapter six
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[ 3.8k words ] [ prev chapters: one, two, three, four, five ] [ masterlist ] "maybe i just need to say something to you? get it out of my system?" richie jerimovich x reader, past mikey berzatto x reader, slow burn
by the time you get downstairs and push through the doors, youā€™re clutching that note like itā€™s a talisman of protection. richie looks up at the sound, and for a second, neither of you are pretending a thing. youā€™re so fucking happy to see him, you let it shine. he does too.Ā 
he looks dead tired but all right. the only new thing is a takeout bag from the beef sitting on the ground next to him, presumably some leftovers for a late night snack.Ā 
yo, he says, loud and hearty.
hello hello, you say. look what the cat killed, ate, and shat out on my doorstep.Ā 
he grins. youā€™re looking like a real vulture buffet yourself.Ā 
yeah. he rubs his jaw with his knuckles. sorry i missed yesterday. i was busy getting arrested.Ā 
you freeze for a split second. then your brain catches up and you pretend that itā€™s fine, though you know itā€™s too little too late.
wow, congratulations, you say, a touch loudly. whoā€™d you kill?
for that, he barks out a way bigger laugh than you think your lazy joke deserves. his laugh frays at the edges and he runs his hand over his hair, which makes you nervous, but you donā€™t press. you have time.Ā 
itā€™s more about who i didnā€™t kill, he eventually says. and, hey. he touches his own chest with exaggerated innocence. i was being a good boy. i was sticking by carmy like you said. but what do you know? kid couldnā€™t protect me for shit.Ā 
if carmy ever took a punch for your sake, youā€™d throw a level five tropical storm about it right in the middle of river north, you say, and he makes a little scoffing sound that confirms youā€™re right. was it the bachelor party?
yeah. barely a fight, you know those white collar criminals canā€™t punch for shit.
you consider him openly, failing to find any bruises on his face or neck, knowing that most of his body is covered up. your own head is so full of buzzing that you canā€™t really run a lie detector on his claims.Ā 
let me see your hands, you say.Ā 
youā€™re about to demonstrate, when you remember youā€™re still holding the note. quickly, you shove it in your pocket, then hold out both your hands in front of you, knuckles up. he takes off his gloves, shoves them in his pocket, and mirrors you.
the first thing you notice is a lack of cuts and bruises, but your eyes linger long past that discovery because youā€™ve never had a chance to stare at his hands before and you probably wonā€™t get one again. his fingers are longer than you expected, a little reddened in the cold. no big scars, but a few little ones, what youā€™d expect from a line cook. the ghost of a fading burn licks the inside of his right arm.
silently, you turn your own hands palm-up, and he does too.Ā 
thereā€™s no cuts or bruises here either, no defensive wounds. he could be pretending to be okay, but thereā€™s no lying to you like this. the body always tells.Ā 
under the winter-pale insides of his wrists, you can see the veins running blue.Ā 
do they pass inspection? he says quietly.Ā 
you stick your own hands back in your pockets and say, derisively, do you ever fucking wash them?
he snorts. you sound like carmy. not bothering to put his gloves back on, he gets out his first cigarette of the night and lights it.Ā 
whatā€™s the charge? you say.Ā 
aggravated assault. lawyer says he can negotiate down to probation, cause it was pretty much the other guyā€™s fault and i donā€™t have a ton of priors.Ā 
you lift an eyebrow at him. how many is not a ton?
enough, he says, playing it with such exaggerated nonchalance that heā€™s just begging for a smackdown.
very cool of you, you say, stretching out the first word like itā€™s taffy.Ā 
he just shakes his head, smiling. shut up, you goody two shoes. canā€™t fuckin believe i brought you spaghetti.
spaghetti from the beef? you spent the last twenty-four hours tossed around like a rag doll in an emotional hurricane of your own making, thereā€™s no way you make it past the first bite without some kind of a public breakdown.
iā€™m not hungry, but thanks, you say. i thought carmy axed the spaghetti, anyway. wasnā€™t that like one of the opening battles of world war beef?
many a village was destroyed, yeah, richie says, but he made it for family, so i guess heā€™s admitting defeat long after the fact. and not a moment too fucking soon, i can tell you that.
and out comes the whole story, the tomato cans, ciceroā€™s three hundred grand, and the joint dream carmy will be carrying on by himself. the reason the beef closed early and wonā€™t reopen tomorrow.Ā 
when richie tells you the beef is over, he looks a little nervous, but the truth is: you donā€™t give a damn. if the beef died, thatā€™d be whatever. but if it died and it took richie and carmy down with it, yeah, youā€™ve spent some time thinking on that. so youā€™re glad, now, that it wonā€™t happen, and richieā€™s so wholeheartedly relieved, you really mean it when you say, iā€™m happy for you guys.
marcus and syd are back too, he says, and his relief is palpable. though as human resources, candidly speakingā€”Ā 
youā€™re laughing already. oh, this is gonna be good.
iā€™m just saying, i donā€™t know if we should let syd back in, given thatā€”
abruptly, richie goes silent and eyes you speculatively.
what? you weird little man. truly. what?
are you gonna be normal about this? he says reprovingly, a poor imitation of a severe teacher.
no, iā€™m gonna throttle you till you go cross-eyed, you say promptly. whatā€™d you do to her?
do to her? he splutters. whatā€™d she do to me?
i donā€™t know, something completely justified?
one inch. he holds up thumb and forefinger an inch apart, like you donā€™t know what basic units of distance are.
whatā€™s that, the length iā€™m about to cut off your dick?
no! what are youā€”she accidentallyā€”he puts his hands up like you're aiming a weapon at him. she stabbed me. which iā€™m cool about, obviously, he says, as if heā€™s doing syd a huge favor. iā€™m a very cool guy.
heā€™s being so tremendously weird about this, you donā€™t get it at first, but at the same time heā€™s being so tremendously richie that it only takes a couple seconds to work it out. when you do, you almost laugh in his face. cause on one hand, thereā€™s his natural desire to whine and moan and make a meal out of the situation, and on the other hand, thereā€™s his (maybe a little bit reasonable) fear that youā€™d lose it if you thought he was actually hurt bad.
so fuck it. you play the part, you stay blank-faced for longer than you need to.
the blade went in one inch deep, you say.
like, inch and a half, tops.
this shit is fucking hysterical.
okay, you say, in a calm, measured voice. whereā€™d she stab you?
in the kitchen, obviā€”
where on your body, idiot.
he mutters it, the wind picks up at the wrong moment, and you canā€™t hear.
in the ass! he yells.
that fucking cracks you right openā€”you canā€™t survive that one, not even for the sake of a joke. staring at him, voice pitching higher with incredulous glee, you say, what?
she stabbed me in the ass, he repeats sullenly, having realized that you were playing him all along. as you try to cut in, he just keeps raising his voice in a sour, vain effort to try and bully you into shutting up: and i think, as the person ultimately responsible for ensuring the HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE ENTIRE STAFFā€”
all the while, youā€™re raising your voice too, not willing to let him shout you down: well, i think we should give syd a five star vacation AND A FUCKING MEDAL!
you both stop at the same time, stare at each other mulishly.
whatever, says richie. those three syllables are so full of disgusted offense that you crack up in peals of laughter, and he relaxes. in his normal voice, he says, sheā€™ll get her michigan star soon enough. thatā€™s practically the same as a medal.
i know you know itā€™s michelin, asshole.
thatā€™s what i said, michelin.
youā€™re such a fucking child.Ā 
shaking your head, fond and exhausted, you pull a pack of cigarettes from your pocket. you've forgotten about the note you stuffed in there,Ā  so it gets dislodged by the movement, and as it slips out, the wind plucks it away and sends it flying. fuck.Ā 
richie lurches forward and snatches the paper out of the air.
whatā€™s this? he says.
if only the fucking wind had carried it away.
nothing, never mind, you say, trying to grab the note from his hands.
nothingā€™s nothing, he says, turning away so you end up swiping uselessly at his back.
for fuckā€™s sake, you sigh. an admission of defeat.Ā 
thereā€™s a fifty percent chance youā€™re well and truly fucked, depending on which side of the paper he looks at, and there's nothing you can do to improve your odds. all you can do is get out that cigarette and concentrate on looking as impenetrable as possible.
eventually, richie speaks.
the girl who loved wild horses, fables by lobel, the polar express, he says. are these movies?
theyā€™re picture books, you say, hugely relieved, even grateful. your first piece of good luck all week, and it turned out to be a big one.
picture books? iā€™m on chapter books now, richie says. mrs. lowell says i might even be able to read harry potter by the end of the year if i start now.
no, dumbass. those are for you to read to eva.Ā 
oh. he keeps on scanning down the list. we actually have madeline already. she loves that shit. probably be reading chapter books herself any day now.Ā 
it never fails to tickle you, how much he believes that eva can do anything whenever she wants. he adores her so much, it bends his perception of the possible.Ā 
richie, you say indulgently, sheā€™s five.
sheā€™s almost six.Ā 
thatā€™s still five. anyways, theyā€™re really good, all the books i listed. most of them are caldecott winners. i remember my dad used to look for the little gold circle.
from the way he looks up at you, thereā€™s no way his missed the first mention of your father. but, in a gesture of surprising grace, he just says, caldecott, whatā€™s that?
itā€™s an award for kidā€™s books. only one winner every year.
he makes a face, and you have to laugh. partly from leftover relief, and partly because, richie, youā€™re such a fucking snob. it just means theyā€™re good books, okay? you think iā€™d steer you wrong? only the best for eva.
always. he looks at the list again, a little puzzled, and finally says, thanks.
yeah, course, you say, experiencing a kind of joy that only thieves and liars get to experience: getting away with it. and you do, you almost get away with it, except that he folds up the note andĀ  sees your handwriting on the other side of the paper.
whatā€™s this? he says.
itā€™s too late.Ā 
just please donā€™t be a dick about this, you mutter as he reads. it might be the first time youā€™ve ever used the word please with him as anything other than sarcasm. you take one last long drag, then you stub out your cigarette, ready to flee if necessary.Ā 
is this for me? he finally says.
yeah, butā€”
did i scare you or something? heā€™s looking keenly at you now, you can feel it. you donā€™t dare look up.Ā 
no, you say. i scared me. god, how can you even begin to explain this? do you remember when you talked to me about that poem?Ā 
the caterpillar, he says.Ā 
when you wrote those three sentences, you thought they were all you needed, but itā€™s so obvious to you now that even an essay wouldnā€™t be enough. you rub your forehead.Ā 
i think, you say, so quietly that the words are nearly deniable, maybe i just need to say something to you? get it out of my system?
yeah, says richie, subdued. shoot.
thanks. um. you rub your forehead for a second. look, all i know is that i canā€™t tell the future. like, with. it feels almost physically wrong, that have to force one of his names out, the one that richie will recognize. with mikey. i didnā€™t know. if i knew, i wouldā€™veā€¦
you look at him helplessly.Ā 
richie is looking back at you with the steady gaze of the only other person who actually fucking gets it.Ā 
nobody fuckin knew, he says.
you thought that looking back at him would be like touching a hot stove, but instead it feels like a lifeline, and you hold on as you keep talking, fumbling with your words, hesitant and slow. his blue eyes never flicker, never waver once. he is listening to you like the rest of the world has gone silent, like youā€™re the only one left, and you can feel every ounce of that weight.
i donā€™t know whatā€™s gonna happen, is what iā€™m saying? it comes out of you like a question. and i think, maybe because youā€™re his, my brain got some signals mixed up. like, i canā€™t stopā€”
at the moment of decision, you find that youā€™d rather never see him again than tell him about the dreams. looking down at the concrete, you try to figure out something to say that you can live with.
thereā€™s nothing. you end up saying something you need to say, whether or not you can live with it.Ā 
if you could just. you say. like, justā€¦just fucking tell it to me, iā€™ll be good.
you have never had to put it into words before, and hearing yourself makes you feel so insane and abject and shitty and so fucking laughable, this must be some kind of dream. how the fuck did you get here.
the words on the note are: iā€™m sorry. i wish i was better at this. i want you to be okay.
you can hear the footsteps as richie comes closer: one, two, three. heā€™s close enough to touch you if he wanted to. you donā€™t want that. you donā€™t know what you want, except for this to be over, and you donā€™t know why you thought that putting out your cigarette would somehow make you able to leave. youā€™re holding perfectly still.
well, good news and bad news, richie says. a little quiet, but not precious. nearly conversational.
yeah? you say, soft.
bad news is iā€™m not suicidal, he says evenly, so you were wrong about that.
youā€™re so fucking overwhelmed, you canā€™t even begin to read him. and you certainly donā€™t know whether or not to believe him. itā€™s crazy: he says it perfectly, exactly what you wanted to hear, iā€™m not suicidal, and yet it brings no relief.
okay, you say woodenly. whatā€™s the good news?
good news is i got that, uh, anxiety and depressionā€”he over-articulates both diagnoses, an-xi-e-ty, and, de-pre-ssionā€”so you were right about that shit. he pauses. kinda shocked you figured it out, actually. nobody else has, unless i pop a xan right in front of them.Ā 
you look up.Ā 
bottom line? he says. the cadence is still conversational, but his blue eyes are so fucking sincere. i got eva and carm and a whole lot of enemies i donā€™t wanna give the satisfaction. iā€™m not giving up on any of them.Ā 
you try to give him a small smile. he deserves a whole lot more, but this is all youā€™ve got.
you donā€™t believe me, he says.Ā 
how the fuck does he know?
i donā€™t know what i think, you say. you got me all turned around.
deliberately, without taking his eyes off you, richie steps closer. heā€™s done this before, crowded you, gotten so close that heā€™s your whole world, but before it was always a challenge you had to stand up to and now itā€™s something else. itā€™s not an invasion, itā€™s an offer. heā€™s never been well-armored, especially not against you, but standing there and looking at you like that, he might as well be naked. you can smell him, sweat and fryer oil. his presence is so palpable it feels like hands on your face.
he repeats, you donā€™t believe me? and it feels like a promise.
youā€™re on dry land now. no more footholds, no more fear of slipping and falling. you can lay down here. you can rest.
you take it.
okay, you say.Ā 
with one last look, he steps away. youā€™re almost tempted to follow or ask him to stay, but that would be complicated, so you just lean against the wall next to him and light up another cigarette. savor that, and the piercing clarity of a dark night so cold that its clouds canā€™t even shed snow.
guess itā€™s my turn to ask you not to be a dick about this, richie says eventually.
no, iā€™m glad you did it, you say, and you mean it. getting medication, a diagnosis, all of it. i think itā€™s really good.Ā 
thanks, he says. i just meant, like, donā€™t be a dick about this new thing iā€™m about to say.Ā 
you look over and try to guess what fresh hell this is gonna be, but you also keep the door open to the possibility that this is a joke.Ā 
well, what are you gonna say? cause being a dick is kind of in my nature.
can you make an effort?Ā 
sure, you say, a little cautiously.
richie stubs out his cigarette.Ā 
i want you to be okay too, you know? he says, looking over to prove his sincerity with his eyes, and then looking back out at the street. youā€™re not wrong, right, i am actually fucking depressed, but like. it only took you one day to decide that something bad had happened to me.Ā 
this is so fucking unfair.Ā 
bad things happen all the time, you have no idea, you say.Ā 
his voice rises. i have no idea?
no, i didnā€™tā€” in your defense, you were thinking of a shadowed factory floor when you said it. thatā€™s not a defense you can make, though, so you just say, i didnā€™t mean that.Ā 
richie accepts that, or at least he goes on.
itā€™s not just tonight, he says. sometimes the way you look at me, or the stuff you wonā€™t talk about. secret agent aside, like. itā€™s so much, man.Ā 
god, the way heā€™s saying it, heā€™s been thinking about this for a while. on some level, you always thought that you were looking at him through a one-way mirror, always thought you were the one doing the seeing. you have no idea what to do with the news that you, too, were being seen.
he says, are you okay?
well? are you?
uh, yeah. youā€™re all hollowed out, and yet youā€™re still standing here, fucking talking, and. yeah, no, not really. but, you know, donā€™t worry about me, cause i got. who is it that you have, again? too much to do. iā€™m just too fucking busy to kill myself.
after a second, he says, and you got me.Ā 
yeah, you say. i got you. it comes out simple, natural. heā€™s offered it, so you donā€™t have to make a claim he can reject, and youā€™ve got no reserves of strength left to fight it either.Ā 
you look over at him, and this truth is the closest youā€™ll get to saying the other one. you say, i donā€™t wanna smoke without you.Ā 
you watch his face as your words land on him, and in some distant chamber of your mind, you think: so thatā€™s what that looks like.
thereā€™s one blessed minute of silence. then richie says, voice a bit thick, so if itā€™s not depressionā€”
oh, jesus christ. itā€™s fucking not. you know you canā€™t just leave it there, because he wonā€™t let you. itā€™s not because of his persistenceā€”youā€™re every bit as stubborn as he isā€”but he wants to understand, and thatā€™s the inescapable thing.Ā 
everything is going to shit, you say, after a second. i can feel it happening, but thereā€™s nothing i can do about it. thatā€™s all.Ā 
yeah, he says softly, after a second. i know the feeling.
no he doesnā€™t, but how could he? heā€™s thinking of the disappearance of the city he loves, the long slow slide from ceres to funeral. youā€™re thinking of how soon youā€™ll get what you deserve.Ā 
look, i already told you iā€™m a piece of shit, you say. and thatā€™s it, thatā€™s the whole fucking thing, richie.
yeah, i heard you the first time, he says. and then he says the worst thing he could possibly say, i donā€™t really buy that.Ā 
thereā€™s no chance. there is just no fucking chance that this man is ever gonna get it.Ā 
i donā€™t know what you want me to say. at this point, your body itself is doing weird shit. you feel heavy enough to sink through the concrete, brittle and light enough to get disintegrated by the wind. i canā€™t, you say. iā€™m gonna go. iā€™m dead on my feet here.
richie stoops down and picks up the takeout bag with the tub of leftover spaghetti inside, then holding it out in the space between you, offering.
take it with you, he says. i know youā€™re not hungry right now, thatā€™s fine. you can have it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. spaghetti for dessert. something.
you donā€™t have the heart to say no to the ticking time bomb, and you donā€™t have the energy to pick it up either, so you just fucking look at it.
carmy cooked it, he says, and if only carmy could hear the way he says it, like: of course you want to eat it, everyone wants to eat it, michael fucking jordan would be so lucky to get a taste, cause carmy cooked it. the sauce is berzatto family recipe, itā€™s really fucking good.
richie, you say, i know itā€™s good.Ā Ā 
you can practically fucking taste it, which is maybe why youā€™re on the verge of crying.
he lowers his arm. the plastic of the takeout bag rustles a little against the pant leg of his track suit. you turn, throw away your cigarette, and go.Ā 
youā€™ve got your hand on the door when he calls out, hey.Ā 
you donā€™t turn around.
richie says, i donā€™t wanna smoke without you too.
[ next chapter ] [ masterlist ]
@garbinge, @narcolini, @drabbles-mc, @beingalive1, @eternallyvenus, @cerial-junkie, @jackierose902109 ā€” if anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know.
thanks to everyone for the lovely comments, and i'll try to keep posting twice a week for as long as i can. <3
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noxtivagus Ā· 2 years
hello, lune!!! sliding into your inbox bcs i felt bad if you were the only one who have done such actions. let me do the same as well!! how are you? i hope you are doing fine these days. i have read your posts and sometimes, i worry a lot about you. because, funny to say but i see myself in you. whenever i read what you have to say in your rambles, sometimes i, too, have felt the same way as you did. it pains me to see you in such state so i hope my words can somehow bring you a bit of comfort in your life (*Ā“Ļ‰ļ½€*)ā¤ļø it may not be much, it may not help you even the slightest bit but that's alright. at least i tried, if it doesn't work then i'll think of another method to cheer you up and make you feel less sad. to make you feel less suffocated by your thoughts. i hope to whisk away the raining cloud in your head.
i'm glad that you have ffxiv as your coping mechanism. it's always good to have a healthy way of coping around!! i'm sure the game bought you sm comfort and i'm glad that it helped you a lot in your life. video games sure do bring joy in our lives, noh? they are indeed very special to us. i hope you aren't forcing yourself and overworking too much in school! ik that the ph school system is pretty shitty and all but always do remember to look after yourself and don't neglect your own well-being!! using fiction as an escape is good, it's alright to have some sort of distraction from suffocating thoughts. sometimes, it's alright to step down and shut ourselves from the outside world. being isolated from reality is not always a bad thing. there are times where it gets overwhelming and so suffocating so it's okay to distract yourself from it.
being trapped in your mind and binded by the past is indeed a scary thing, yk? i once have been in the same situation, even until now if i were to be honest. it's hard, sometimes you felt like you are on the edge of the steep cliff but i'm sure one day, there shall be a time where you break free from the shackles that chained you down and spread your wings and be free from those that bind you down. you are a very strong person, lune. one of the strongest i've ever met and i'm very proud of you for that.
indeed, the nostalgia you felt, the memories, and the past are the sole proof that you are aliveā€” that you are human and you exist. that you have a mark in society. it's only natural that these mean so much to you. these experiences are part of pur nature as humans. the concept of humanity and reality is indeed confusing. sometimes, you feel your sense of those two slipping away. are we real? are we even human? what is our purpose in life? do we really have to play a role in society? is it possible to understand myself? can people understood me for who i am? is that what i can truly do? do we get an answer for these thoughts? maybe? or maybe not.
the pain you carry is the proof that you are human. you are very much alive. after all, humans cannot be called humans without the concept of pain and suffering. we feel to make us alive and pain is one of those aspect that makes us human. these emotions help us grow and after all, there is a saying that we learn from our mistakes, right? the same applies to pain and suffering. you deserve kindness that you give to others and i hope i can give you that, even the slightest bit of kindness that you gave to me. you made me feel less lonely here at tumblrā€” a platform where i have no idea where to start or what to do and i'm all alone because my friends don't have this site. i hope i could return the kindness and warmth you gave me one day. humans often get lost and confused, there are times where we get sidetracked. times where we just stop at our tracks and be stuck in one point in life but nonetheless, that's part as our traits as humans.
you are pretty young, lune. it makes me funny to say this as we are both practically in the same age range but!! you should enjoy your life to the fullest. do the things you love and the things you are passionate about. don't let these thoughts hinder you down. i believe that man cannot truly achieve something if they let the negative aspect of emotions become obstacles in their life. i like the way you are thinking, such a good mindset indeed. i aspire to have one similar to yours. it makes me glad that despite your situation, you never let these bring you down but instead look at the brigther picture. indeed, change doesn't come overnight but as long as you take small steps one at a time, you shall become a better and a newer version of yourself.
you are truly, and really a wonderful person. i admire you for that. i hope you have a pleasant evening ahead. do dream of sweet and nice dreams. i'm sorry if this gotten long but i really wanted to say a lot!!! no need to respond to this ask as long as i get to deliver the words i want you to hear.
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YORI IM CRYING HFJDASLKFD there's so much i want to write back but i'm genuinely at a loss for words. i hope this is enough for now to let you know how thankful i am.
#šŸŒ™.inbox#šŸŒ™.moots#ā€” yori ! šŸ¤#like. in a good way. i am. wait i'm crying oh my god#usually i get too embarrassed or shy to answer these asks bcs i really get at a loss of what i want to say back but;;;#i wna change that starting now so. i will answer it#FIRST OFF uwah don't be obliged pls everything i do is solely bcs i want to n i don't expect anything in return šŸ„¹#that said though. thank you. god there's so much i could say but. yeah. thank you. i can only hope that the sentiment comes across#it genuinely means so much to me bcs. i think the words n comfort we share to others really reflect on our own selves as well. like we're#telling that to our own selves as well so. i think you know. i think you understand n relate to it more than i think of right now#it's so weird for me in a way to receive these stuff from others bcs i'm so used to being the one giving šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#damn i'm really at a loss for words i cried again while reading this n a lot of thoughts were running through my head. even now still#but knowing that there are people out there that / in their own way / knows how it feels to be this way too#like you for example. i think. it means a lot more to me than you'll ever know. so genuinely. thank you from the bottom of my heart#i'm proud of you too actually. i don't know too much about you as an online friend but i think you have gone through difficulties as well#to be able to write and convey something so touching. something so human and real. it's certainly a comfort in this world#i think. i think you're very strong as well to be able to do this for others. and i admire you for that#it really really means more to me than you'll ever know. to read it directly from another is. something i think i consider a luxury#since i usually give it to others but so many times especially with those i know offline. directly in active conversation. it's hard to#really open up n be honest? so just. thank you. as an online friend. for allowing me this opportunity. and for this kindness#hearing all this from another. that in itself means so much to me bcs i often end up unintentionally restraining myself in conversations so#thank you. for reading. for understanding in your own way. and for putting it in your own words and sharing them with me#sob believe me when i say this really means more to me than i could ever put into words. i think it's been a few hours already since#i first read this n started writing but even now at nearly 4 am i'm still at a loss for words so. thank you. genuinely. thank you so much#i'm really glad that i helped someone out there a bit. in my own way. 'kindness' and 'warmth'... šŸ„¹ yori i cried even more /pos#USUALLY I'D BE ABLE TO LIKE. WRITE SMTH BACK BUT. i'm so speechless right now oh my god i really don't know what to write#and so i admire you for being able to do that. for having the courage to reach out (you were the first one that sent an ask to me too)#one day i hope i can. do this for you too. it really comforted me tonight and i'm seriously still speechless but i'll remember this forever#there's so much more i want to say and write right now but. perhaps this is enough for tonight. so i'll say my thanks once more#thank you. i hope you know that your own words really apply to you too. they come from you after all
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ist4rgirlo Ā· 1 year
all i can think about is conrad bringing home bimbo!reader. like everyone knows belly likes conrad but he sees her as a sister so bellyā€™s being rude and asking snide backhand comments but sheā€™s not realizing it and actually thanking and answering belly with a smile. so now everyone realizes sheā€™s not the smartest person but susannah LOVES her! (and connie baby is looking so happy and proud šŸ„¹)!!! iā€™ve been looking for one like this but i canā€™t find it and canā€™t stop thinking of it!!!!!
ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ ššžšžš©š„š² š¢š§š„šØšÆšž š°š¢š­š” š²šØš® - šœ.šŸ
warnings: FLUFF, belly being a b*tch, shit talking, physical touch (LMK IF IS MISSED ANYTHING)
requested by: anonymous
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To be honest, no one expected Conrad to have a girlfriend like you. Everyone said that you were far from his type, you weren't dumb - you were just slow and doesn't know certain types of words or slangs. For Conrad, you were one of the most smartest person that he knew, well basically because he got to know you. You don't really show it but you have so much potential especially when it comes to fashion and make-up! a plus is that you are really good with art.
About his type, they always thought that it would be Belly and Conrad that would end up together, knowing that Belly is literally in love with him ever since they were kids, before you happened, they had a special bond - a bond that to the point where they were just inseparable, Belly thought that it was something so beautiful, It was her dream to be with Conrad.
Not until she knew that he had a girlfriend, and that he just treats him like a sister and nothing else.
Conrad's Pov
"Connie, you should bring that girlfriend of yours here sometimes!" Mom exclaimed, happily. Ever since I brought Y/N here, she was all mom asked from me, even her and Jeremiah instantly clicked. You can say that amongst the girls that I have been with, Y/N is surely my mom's favorite.
I smiled proudly, "I'll try, Mom. She's busy and I don't want to interfere with her personal life, but I'll ask. I'm sure she'll say yes especially if it's your request" I rubbed my mom's shoulder, she nodded.
She stood up and walked towards the kitchen, "Well tell me when she's coming so I can invite the Conklin's too, I'm sure her and Belly will get along really well." I just hummed and nodded. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Y/N asking if she can come here for dinner, she immediately responded saying yes. I smiled.
I saw my mom's figure come into the living room, I looked up - smiling at her, she tilted her head looking at me confused, "Well, it looks like you favorite girl is coming" I said giddily. My mom squealed, "Omg! I am so excited, I will cook her her favorite!" she said before going to the kitchen, to list down foods that she know's Y/N will like.
Y/N's Pov
"Mom! We're here!" Conrad yelled, his hand rubbing your waist gently. You saw Susannah walked towards us, she went up to me and hugged me "Oh gosh! You're finally here, I missed you" she cooed, pulling away - placing her hands on your face gently. You smiled, looking at her "Oh Susannah, I missed you too! Here I got you your favorite" You said, handing her the dessert that she liked. She gasped, and grabbed it from you gently "Oh you didn't have to!" she said, pouting a little. You shook your head "It's okay! I wanted to" You smiled before looking up to Conrad who was already looking at you - smiling lovingly.
Jeremiah came into the view, walking towards you - pulling you in for a hug. "Hey, you!" he said, smiling. "Hi, Jere" I looked at him, smiling. "Looking good as always" he said, twirling me a little bit. It wasn't anything that was awkward between you and Jeremiah, even Conrad doesn't find it awkward. Ever since Conrad brought you here for the first time, you and Jeremiah just had that sister & brother bond.
You felt Conrad hand on your waist, "Baby, this is the Conklin's. This is Steven, Belly, and Laurel. You already know who they are since I did talk about them to you." Conrad said - smiling, turning you gently to face the Conklin's. You saw Laurel smile at you before walking towards you for a hug, "It is nice to finally meet you" she said, before pulling away. You saw Steven wave while Belly was just there, looking at you up and down, but you just chose to ignore it and just smiled at her.
After a while, you all went to the dining room to start eating. "Here you go, sweets. Eat lots yeah?" Conrad said, grabbing food for you - placing it on your plate, you heard Belly scoff "What? you got no hands? can't get your own food?" she mocked you, you looked at her confused. Steven nudged her with his elbow "Belly, stop it" he said, you looked around, all of them were looking at her, Susannah had a stern look on her face. Belly rolled her eyes, groaning "Calm down you guys, it was a joke!" she said, looking at you smiling, Susannah sighed "That wasn't a good joke, Belly" she said, reaching for you gently. Belly looked at her and said sorry. You just smiled back nodding, going back to eating your food.
You felt Conrad's hand on your thigh, you placed your hand on top of his - you felt his hands lock in with yours. You looked up and saw him give you a reassuring smile, you nodded and smile, telling him that you were okay. "So Y/N.. what is your major?" Laurel asked, you furrowed your brows, not familiar with the word until Conrad whispered to you "Itā€™s what you do in school, baby" he said smiling, Belly chuckled - not believing what she just saw "Oh! Uhm I major in fashion design!" you exclaimed happily, smiling at Laurel. She nodded before smiling at you "Well It is obvious, just look at what you are wearing." Belly said, looking at you up and down, "Isabella." Laurel warned her, grabbing her arm gently
you smiled - thinking that it was a compliment. "Thank you!" you said, looking at Belly - she just looked at you like you were crazy which made you shrug you shoulders - looking at Conrad. He was looking at them, his brows furrowed. You felt his hand tighten around your thigh, you placed your hand above his - rubbing it gently, He looked at you - his gaze softened, he smiled.
After you guys were done with dinner, Conrad decided to walk you around the house. You guys were now at the back of the house, at the pool with your feet's dipped in it. Conrad reached for your hand, caressing it gently "Sorry for earlier, darling. I'm sorry for not defending you or saying anything to Belly" he said, before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You turned to him, brow furrowed, shaking your head "Why are you sorry? nothing happened earlier, Connie. I am okay, whatever they said didn't hurt me okay? I'll try my best to get along with Belly." you said, smiling still unaware of Belly's action.
Conrad eyes softened "Oh my love, you are too kind. Sometimes it scares because then people will try to get advantage of you" he paused, caressing your face "but it's okay, i'll be here yeah? I'll defend you and I will stay right by your side, always so don't worry about getting along with her. You don't have to do that, baby. Just think about mom and everyone else, they absolutely love you." he said, before pulling you in for a kiss.
Conrad is just deeply in love with you, he doesn't care what other people think as long as you are there beside him. He was just high over heels, he absolutely adores you and treasure you, he wouldn't ask for more. He just felt like the luckiest guy to have someone like you.
I JUST LOVED WRITING THIS! it is honestly one of the cutest and wholesome oneshot i've ever written. Conrad is just so inlove with reader and I AM UP FOR IT, I want a love like this UGH. Thank you, anon for requesting this <3
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cutielando Ā· 8 months
friendship bracelets | o.p.
social media au
synopsis: in which the fans go wild for your bracelets
my masterlist
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilymhe and 2,385,284 others
y/n.insta who's ready for the Aussie GP????
šŸ“Melbourne, Australia
view all 473,684 comments
oscarpiastri i am !! šŸ§”šŸ§”
y/n.insta baby you're racing, that doesn't count
oscarpiastri oh...
y/n.insta it's fine, you're too precious šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ§”
user1 MOTHER AT THE GP ALERT ā—ā—ā—ā—ā—
user3 i live for Y/N's bracelets
francisca.cgomes are you bringing your bracelets?
y/n.insta of course i am
user3 we live for the bracelets
lewishamilton do you have my bracelet?
y/n.insta packed and ready !!
oscarpiastri why are you giving Lewis bracelets? šŸ¤”
y/n.insta i gotta keep my customers happy
oscarpiastri you make money from this?
y/n.insta i do
oscarpiastri wanna make it a legit business?
y/n.insta let's do it
user4 did we just get confirmation that Y/N's starting a bracelet business?
user5 i think we did šŸ«¢šŸ«¢šŸ«¢šŸ«¢šŸ«¢šŸ«¢šŸ«¢šŸ«¢šŸ«¢
user4 this is the best day of my life šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
lilymhe i want one šŸ„¹
y/n.insta of course babe !! šŸ„¹
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liked by francisca.cgomes, oscarpiastri and 2,485,273 others
y/n.insta watching my man do what he does best !!
view all 282,475 comments
oscarpiastri my lucky charm
y/n.insta i love you šŸ§”
user1 respectfully, don't you get bored during races?
y/n.insta to be honest, depends on the race. there really isn't that much going during the race itself, but i keep entertained by interacting with the fans around
user2 she is so precious for making time for fans
user1 omg y/n actually replied to me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
landonorris i barely see him when you're around
y/n.insta i'm more entertaining than you are šŸ¤­
landonorris i need to spend time with him too
y/n.insta sucks to be you then
user3 not y/n and lando bickering like siblings
user4 are you from Aus as well?
y/n.insta i am !! mine and Oscar's parents were good friends growing up, we actually lived relatively close to each other
user5 the fact that Y/N actually makes time to respond to comments, make friendship bracelets for fans and talks to them during races just goes to show why she's the best WAG
user2 this is true, she's such a sweetheart and so down-to-earth, she definitely got used to being in the spotlight with Oscar
user5 and she really hasn't changed at all, the fame hasn't changed her at all as far as we can tell
user1 she's perfect for Oscar, she seems so extroverted and bring out his more sociable side
user3 the extrovert to his introvert šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹
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liked by y/n.insta, landonorris and 4,597,278 others
šŸ“Melbourne, Australia
oscarpiastri PODIUM IN MY HOME RACE!!!! I can't believe we did it!!!! A massive thank you to the team, all the engineers who made this possible, the massive support the fans have showed me the entire weekend, but let's be honest that might be because of Y/N.
Y/N, I can't even begin to describe how much you being here with me means. You're always there for me, cheering me on and making sure I am doing okay. Your support means everything to me and I am so thankful I made you proud today. I love you šŸ§” tagged: y/n.insta
view all 638,375 comments
y/n.insta i am proud of you beyond words, ozšŸ§” you make me the proudest girlfriend in the whole world and i canā€™t wait to see what the future has in store for us. i love you forever, my love šŸ«¶šŸ»
oscarpiastri i am so grateful for you šŸ§”
landonorris proud of you, little aussie. you two are disgusting, by the way
oscarpiastri thanks mate šŸ™šŸ»
y/n.insta says the single guy
landonorris no need to attack me like thatā€¦
oscarpiastri sucks to be you, Lando
logansargeant congrats mate!
oscarpiastri thanks šŸ™šŸ»
yourmother we're proud of you, Oscar!! thank you for being you and taking care of our little girl! we love you!!!
oscarpiastri i love you all too!! can't wait to see you!! y/n.insta we love you too, mum!!!!
user1 Oscar with Y/N's mother I'M SOBBING šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
user3 i just know he drove so well because it's Australia and it's home for both him and Y/N
alex_albon good job, aussie
oscarpiastri thank youu
mclaren great job, Oscar! Papaya for the win!šŸ§” liked by y/n.insta and oscarpiastri
yoursister i've never heard y/n.insta scream so loudly in my life
y/n.insta why are you exposing me?
oscarpiastri don't worry babe, i think it's cute
y/n.insta i love you šŸ„¹
yoursister ugh, why are you guys always like this
y/n.insta we're in love, leave us alone
user4 i need what they have
user5 i'm gonna go jump off a building now
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon and 2,385,274 others
y/n.insta there are not enough words to convey just how proud I am of you and everything you're doing. your dedication is unlike anything I've seen before, your commitment and passion runs through your veins and pulsates every single moment. I love you, I am proud of you and I cannot wait for what the future holds for you. you're destined for great things, my love, and I will be there with you every step of the way. papaya for the win ! šŸ§” tagged: oscarpiastri
view all 428,386 comments
oscarpiastri my life would mean nothing without you by my side. i love you beyond words šŸ§”
y/n.insta šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”
landonorris why are you like this
y/n.insta i'm in love, something i'm sure is not all too familiar to you right now
landonorris you always have to bring that up, huh?
y/n.insta you attack, i attack back
oscarpiastri she's right
landonorris whose side are you on ????????
oscarpiastri hers
landonorris wow...the betrayal
user1 not Lando being unhinged in the comments hahahah
user2 they are so in love omg šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹
user3 i need what they havešŸ„¹
lilymhe the love you two share is the purest thing ever
y/n.insta you're too sweet, lily šŸ„¹
user4 i hate my life more than ever after reading this post
user4 why do i do this to myself
yourmother seeing you two warms my heart
y/n.insta we can't wait to see you tonight!!
oscarpiastri i'm looking forward to breaking all rules and eating your delicious meals
yourmother you deserve it!!
user5 i am in love with them
user6 her support of him makes me wanna crawl into a hole and die, she's so precious
landonorris why don't you support me like that too? i'm his big brother
y/n.insta i do
oscarpiastri she's only allowed to support me
y/n.insta don't listen to him
logansargeant you guys are so sweet, congrats mate !!
oscarpiastri thanks mate!
y/n.insta thanks logan šŸ„¹
user7 i need what they have
user8 brb, gonna jump off a cliff real quick
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much appreciated!!
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forzarma Ā· 4 months
worldā€™s best teacher
lewis hamilton x fem! Reader x students
A/N: i couldnā€™t stop thinking about this so i had to do itšŸ˜­(not proofread)
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10 years ago, you found out you were pregnant. You were buzzing, but your happiness unfortunately didnā€™t last long as you discovered you had a miscarriage. Your life was miserable, but thank God, Lewis was with you through your ups and downs. After 12 years of marriage, youā€™re still together, stronger than ever.
After 3 years of your miscarriage, you decided to go back to work as a school teacher. After you got pregnant with twins in 2017, it lightened up your life.
You canā€™t say being a teacher is an easy thing, if youā€™re being honest, but you love your students to the moon and back. You even treat them as your kids.
Of course, they know that their teacher is married to one of the best F1 drivers in history, if not the best, and they love it. They donā€™t go a day without mentioning how you are their favorite.
They even met your kids multiple times before, during school events where you brought them with you.
ā€œGood morning, everyone,ā€ you say as you enter the classroom.
ā€œGood morning, Ms.,ā€ they say back.
You greet them as you wait for the others to enter the class.
ā€œSo, I want to discuss something with you guys,ā€ youā€™ve said.
ā€œAs we all know, last exam, you guys really disappointed me with the results,ā€ you continued.
ā€œHmm,ā€ they hummed.
ā€œAnd we all know the next exam is in one month, so I want you to prepare as best as you can. And I have a surprise for you: if you score above 90, you can pick any reward you want. It could be anything, for example, a concert ticket of your favorite artist, a paddock pass that comes with meeting the drivers, etc. Which means youā€™re going with me, or a football game ticket to watch your favorite team.ā€
Your students buzz with excitement.
ā€œReally, miss?ā€
The room erupts with chatter, feeling their energy and determination.
A month later, youā€™ve already graded the exams. You stand in front of the class with a stack of papers.
ā€œIā€™m really proud of all of you,ā€ you begin. ā€œYouā€™ve worked really hard, and you guys did not disappoint this time, so letā€™s see the results.ā€
ā€œFirst, Livvy, youā€™ve got a 92. What would you like as your reward?ā€
Livvy beams. ā€œI want to go to a Raye concert.ā€
ā€œDone,ā€ you replied, making a note. ā€œJason, youā€™ve got a 95. What about you?ā€
Jason grins. ā€œI want the paddock pass.ā€
ā€œExcellent choice,ā€ you wink at him. You always knew he was a die-hard F1 fan.
You continued down the list. ā€œOlivia, 89, so close but still great job.ā€
Olivia nods, smiling. ā€œThank you, miss.ā€
ā€œFinally, Nick, 91. Whatā€™s your pick?ā€
Nick thinks for a moment. ā€œI think Iā€™d pick the football match.ā€
ā€œAlright,ā€ you agree. ā€œWeā€™ll make it happen.ā€
After everyone has chosen their rewards, you gather them together.
ā€œI want you all to know how proud I am of each one of you. Youā€™ve worked incredibly hard, and you deserve these rewards. Remember, this is just the beginning. Keep striving for excellence, and youā€™ll achieve great things.ā€
After saying goodbye to your students, you head home, still feeling excited. When you walk in, you see Lewis, and you can't wait to tell him about your day.
You give him a big hug and say, "Lewis, today was amazing!"
Lewis smiles and asks, "What happened?"
You tell him all about it, from the rewards you gave to the happy faces of your students. Lewis listens carefully, proud of you the whole time.
"Wow, that's awesome!" Lewis says, giving you a kiss on the forehead. "I'm really proud of you."
You feel warm inside, knowing he's there for you. You spend the evening talking and enjoying each other's company. As you go to bed, you feel grateful for your life together with Lewis and the twins.
theycallmelivvy has posted
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Liked by yn,lewishamilton and 3,268 others.
theycallmelivvy: MS y/n appreciation postšŸ™šŸ¼
See 350 comments
jasonthecoolest: hail my glorious queen
whatthesigma: oh how i love her
yn: i love you guysšŸ„¹šŸ’•
f1.wags has posted
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liked by f1.paddock,ynupdates and 350,679 others
f1.wags: apparently yn hamilton. Lewis Hamiltons wife has made some incredible promises to her students sources say she said if they got above 90 sheā€™d reward them with whatever they like and some of her students chose the f1 race choice what an incredible teacheršŸ’•
view 78,572 comments
ibelieveinlestappen: oh my teacher could never
ilovelewishamilton: how i love her omgg
F1updates: god bless my queen
f1fantasy: thatā€™s why there were some people weā€™ve never seen makes sense now!
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junhanner Ā· 16 days
Ok, Hiii I just saw that you write for Xdinary so I immediately came here šŸ˜­.
The prompt I wanted to ask for is,
what/when was the moment that made the members realise that they love you, aka are in love with you.
Can I be šŸŽ± anon?? Tysm in advance, I thought your last 2 xdh posts were so cute, I loved it šŸ„¹
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haaaaaiiiii!!!!! omg i get ušŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ this app is lacking xdh writers and i said i should take this problem into my own hands and start a writing blog !! and ofc, you can be šŸŽ± anon, tysm!!! ^3^šŸ’œšŸ’œ
ALSO THIS WAS LOWKEY RUSHED SORRYY i didnt want to make this anon wait anymore because this ask has been in my inbox for DECADES and i love villains so anything and everything for yā€™allšŸ™IGNORE ANY MISTAKES PLEEEEEAASSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
ą±Øą±æ when was the moment that made xdinary š„¹ heroes realise that they are in love with you ą±Øą±æ . xdh x gn!reader
āœ§ ź’°ą¦Œ gun-il ą»’ź’± : when you had your first deep conversation with eachother. to be honest, for gun-il deep conversations would be on another level of intimacy. trusting eachother just enough to comunicate your thoughts and feelings means lots to gun-il, after it or maybe even during it i think gun-il would realise he feels a strong emotional connection between the two of you, giving it a lot of thought before finally realising his real feelings for you.
ā€œso i wasnā€™t wrong after all. i do like them..ā€
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āœ§ ź’°ą¦Œ jungsu ą»’ź’± : i think during a karaoke night out. maybe when covering his favourite song together. jungsu is one of the members that are most likely to take a good while to figure out his real feelings, he just needed to do the maths. he loves music, and he loves every single little thing about you. the moment of realisation is probably on the way home from the karaoke place you two went to.
ā€œwait.. do i really like them? i canā€™t belive i didnā€™t realise this earlierā€
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āœ§ ź’°ą¦Œ o.de ą»’ź’± : when watching a movie together at the cinema. comfortable silence between the two of you, while the credits of the movie were passing one by one on the massive screen. for o.de, itā€™s be a fifty-fifty situation. he realises his feelings fast, but it takes him some time to actually process them. with a small squeeze from his hand interwined with yours the second the two of you make eye contact he looks somewhere else so the pink tint on his cheeks isnt that painfully obvious. he knew from the start he felt some foreign sparks that he has never felt before with anyone else when you hungout the first time.
ā€œoh shoot.. how didnt i know this earlier? am i really that slow??ā€
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āœ§ ź’°ą¦Œ junhan ą»’ź’± : when listening to your shared playlist together. just hearing you talk and talk about a creator you absolutely love when their song came up on shuffle and listening to him when he does the same makes him feel accepted and heard . he feels sparks of joy, and even something more than joy everytime the two of you hang out together but he always overthinks them. ā€œare they really okay with this?ā€ ā€œare they gonna get mad??ā€ ā€œare they gonna stop being my friend??ā€ ā€œam i making this weird? ā€ (ho just shut up and kiss me already) but in the end he just asks himself
ā€œis this how falling in love feels?ā€
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āœ§ ź’°ą¦Œ gaon ą»’ź’± : when hanging out at practice together. he would be so proud showing you all the new tricks he learned on the guitar and seeing that you actually care would be the cherry on top. a person who he considers really cool!?!1?1? listening and praising him for his new guitar tricks that he learned SPECIFICALLY to impress you!??!??! he probably almost died a little (/pos) at the way you giggled at him when you realised the way he turned into a tomato in maxium 10 seconds
ā€œwoah woah woah woah woah did i actually like them all this time and i didnt even realise??ā€
bonus: after that he would probably call his mom and say something like ā€œmom i think i found my soulmateā€
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āœ§ ź’°ą¦Œ jooyeon ą»’ź’± : when skipping practice together. would probably realise it when sneaking out of the building. (playing subway surfers irl except the members are chasing u two) after that you two would probably go out and eat something because after all that running who isnt hungry?? and while eating also listening to his random ass jokes he would crack when the silence is too loud. (he would 100% have brainrot humour you canā€™t convince me otherwise)
ā€œdid i actually fall for them just because they skipped practice with me? wow iā€™m insaneā€
another bonus: once the members find out he likes you they will make him serenade you as revenge for skipping practice
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yet ANOTHER a/n: IM SO SORRY THIS ASK TOOK YEARS TO ANSWERšŸ’” i started with gun-il and then lost motivation, did jungsu and then ode and lost the draafttt and theeeen did them again and the other members. long story short this app sucks
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that-birdy-chick Ā· 13 days
Part 2 of me rambling about s8 of hawaii five 0
Live commentary
ep 6
- did-did Danny really just organize an intervention for Steve? To make him take better care of himself?? I don't know how to feel about this
- Lou really just said "Steve listen to your husband, he loves you" spoken like a true married man
- kinda gotta agree with Dog, not your finest move Danny
- so can we all agree that Danny losing his mind a little over Steve's radiation poisoning is kinda like the whole Steve losing his mind over Danny retiring thing but in reverse?
- I think Steve has never looked more stressed than with this stress counseler person asking him about his sexlife right in front of danny
- awwww now the end of this episode is in my top 3 favorite heart to hearts these two dorks have ever had
- Danny being honest about being scared that Steve isn't taking his radiation poisoning seriously to the point it keeps him awake at night and steve replying that he's scared too but that he doesn't want Danny to change because he loves him the way he is and that he does take things seriously URHGH
THE GROWTH! The genuinely healthy communication! I'm so proud of them šŸ„¹
ep 7
- no no no what is going on between adam and kono? My breakup senses are tingling and I don't like it
- I swear the way Adam and Steve's conversation in the car went is so "let's talk about our respective marriages" coded
Like honestly it's so blatantly obvious - they are literally paralleling mcdanno to kono and adam ffs
- hey and come on adam you too? Why does everyone need to shit on the restaurant thing
- haha Steve is mad people he cares about just walk into a dangerous situation without backup - I love how this season confronts Steve with his own behavior
-hmm l don't know how to feel about Lou literally deleting evidence to protect tani, really most of their shady "police work" really didn't age well
- damn Steve killed a cop, that's definitely gonna fuck with him
- love how Lou is looking out for everyone, he just is the team grandpa
- sooo adam is gonna join five 0 right? This is what all this is about isn't it?
- I swear I am trying to care about junior and tani and what's going on with them but Idk so far I haven't really warmed up to them
ep 8
- eyyy Danny is back and calls Steve babe within 1 min into the episode? This can only be a good one
- nvm I swear to God Steve if you crash land yet another plane-
Seriously dude? Haven't you learned your lesson from the last time?
- naww Danny is so proud of Steves character development, sure hope he isn't gonna do something dumb and risky and ruin it again
- okay so tani and junior huh? They're definitely gonna be a thing soon aren't they
- the dude was killed because he was hiding from a drug cartel that he snitched on and fled with the drug lords daughter, I swear all these people always have the most dramatic backstories
- aaaand steve is doing the dumb reckless thing, Danny my guy I feel you're pain, he is so done with his shit he doesn't even yell at him anymore
- Danny is such a fucking saint, Steve almost went and got himself killed AGAIN and all he cares about is being last and danny husband of the fucking year just goes "yeah yeah you did well let's get a beer maverick"
- okay tani and her brother are kinda cute in their peek sibling behavior, I feel bad now for calling her a kono replacement, girl is much more than that
ep 9
- damn love Jerry's new haircut
- I will never get tiered of Danny and steve bickering about the restaurant, I know they are setting it up to fail but I genuinely think this could have been a good thing to eventually end the show on, like a retirement thing, but oh well
- aww I love Danny trying to comfort neolani with something Steve told him, only to have it backfire and make him anxious again
- pfffff and tani and junior sit in the far back like literal children
- oh great we're doing the biological warfare stuff again, this should be fun
- so they only have 8 hours to live? sounds like a prime love confession set up to me
- love our respective couples comforting each other, have to say tani and junior are doing a way better job tho like seriously Steve "try not to die while I take this call okay?" that's the best you can do, seriously?
- and of course Danny's all time stress response is to bitch about or at Steve, stellar coping skills all around
- omg danny did not just say-and steve didn't - OMG is it actually-
-nvm of course it's a fake out, damn it after 7 season why do I still keep falling for this shit
-the little restaurant talk Danny started to distract Steve and himself with was pretty sweet tho
- hey, wait why is Danny the only one definitely close to death? The others all seem relatively fine
- and of course Steve has to go and needlessly risk himself, so junior has to safe both their ass's instead of him just doing it on his own in the first place
- excuse me people why are there not more fanfics about the crew stuck in quarantine together?? this shit is hilarious and has so much potential for angst!
Please if anyone has some great fic recommendations send them my way please!
-no come on Danny, Steve didn't wanna upset you! That's honestly a pretty mature thing given the situation you were in, and now their arguing
- poor tani and junior they be stuck with these two idiots for a long time
- I could really see tani, just snapping at them after two days to either kill each other or fuck it out already, because their whole shebang is just exhausting for everyone
ep 10
-AHHHHH they finally opened the restaurant!? Progress!
- why does the screen look weird? Please don't let this be a dream type thing
- "Right now grandma Williams is smiling down at you" awww Steve, that is so sweetšŸ„¹
- nooo it's a dream thing šŸ˜­
- love how everyone makes fun of Steves near mental breakdown haircut, really dude it looks terrible, why does no one stop him?
- wow you really gonna give em kids the judgemental stares for flirting? Steve Danny as if you're any better
- and of course they're getting jumped in freaking quarantine
- really the dude went through all that trouble, just to kill Danny? And didn't even try aiming for the head? amateur
- aww Danny imagining grace wedding, my heart <3
- Danny is hurt, Steve is freaking loosing it, I'm so here for this
- Lou really said "sir, you better have a plan soon because if you don't Steve will come up with one, and only God can help us if that happens" I love you so much Lou
- huh so Danny thinks Charlie will be a cop? That's interesting
- awww and of course Steve is there, sitting next to him like a good husband, and the rest of the ohana
- nooo Danny being there for kono and adams first kid, that is so wholesome šŸ˜­
- Steve is straight up having a terrible time, while Danny has some idealistic feverdream about the future, this is so fun
- excuse me Steve you fingering your husband does absolutely not make you even for the liver thing, you nut
- so there gonna blow up a bomb right next to another bomb? Sure that seems reasonable
- yes Lou! Get the sledge hammer!
- poor Eric, don't worry hun we still have 2 seasons left to go Danny will be fine
- no NO you cannot- you did not just show me that while Danny's dying the last thing he hallucinates about is having grown old with Steve šŸ„ŗ
- "and if I could do it all over again I wouldn't change a thing" I'm done, this is it, that line just killed me šŸ˜­ā¤ļø
- excuse me, Danny is dying and you people are choosing NOW to tease Steve about his stupid haircut? Seriously??!
- yes everyone copes differently I guess, but when Steve's life was on the line no one was joking around is all I'm saying
- yes Danny Steve saved your life by fingering you, deal with it XD poor Eric is scarred for life
- love Danny genuinely getting some love for once, this was a good episode
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rinsuniverse Ā· 1 year
Hello! I saw your reqs were open and couldnā€™t stop myself from sending you this. Wooziā€™s talked about how he goes to the gym every day, so what if he and the reader had gym dates? I canā€™t get the image out of my that when heā€™s doing push ups, youā€™d be underneath him and each time he gets closer to the ground you give him a kiss šŸ„¹ OR you hold on to him like a koala (kinda how heā€™ll hold onto the other members) and he does pushups with you on his back
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gym dates with woozi! āœ§Ė–Ā°.
hmm, to be honest with you, anon... i RARELY go to the gym
i exercise through lots of walking and home exercises, but gyms are so scary for me sometimes
and i feel like woozi wouldn't want to do anything with you in his actual gym he frequents besides gently spot you
but with that aside, i do think HOME gym dates with woozi would be fun..?
like if the gym was closed and he was just getting his workout in at home? ya know? so his pt wont be there?
(tbh if i was with someone like woozi, i'd just be like "ooh, good for you, go do your thing!" and just stay home and do my thing šŸ˜­)
i think woozi takes his workouts very seriously for the most part!
but if him and his s/o are alone and they have a weird suggestion (that he's comfortable with), then i'm sure he'd go ahead and fulfill after some persisting
i'm sure it'll start out more subtle, tho!
"oh, jihoon, you're about to do sit ups?"
"mhm. wanna join me?"
"i can hold your feet down."
"i know this kind of scenario... are you gonna make me kiss you every time i sit up?" he asks, laying down and propping his knees up
"i mean, the option is there for you!" you say, placing your hands on his shoes and leaning your body weight on his feet
he shakes his head before doing his first sit up
he looks at you with a stale face as you sit there with a proud smile
instead of kissing you, he bonks his forehead with yours, making you let go of one of his feet to rub your head
"ouch! hey, i'm not going to help you with this if you're gonna be like that!" you say, in complete disbelief
he's dying laughing on the floor as you sit there and scowl at him
he finds small inconveniences to his friends HILARIOUS
he regains his composure, and you both finish all the reps normally
when you're lazily sitting there, saying the last number, he leans closer and gives you a small peck on the nose before laying back down and relaxing
guys am i just desperate for small instances of love? because i want this so bad pls lord give me a woozi
"want to compete with me?" he asks as you fix your gym shorts
"as if i have any chance of winning," you counter, rolling your eyes. "i can challenge you with something."
"like what?"
"do a pushup with me on your back"
"pshhh," he scoffs, shaking his head with a bewildered expression on his face. "and if i fail, you're going to get your feelings all hurt."
"but you won't fail, right? because you're super strong?"
he shakes his head at you as he gets into pushup position
"what are you doing?"
"what are YOU doing? come cling onto me or something," he says, making you almost giggle out loud
you cling on to his body like a koala, and he stays there in the resting position, not being able to control his laughter
"this is how i have to do it? really?" he asks between laughs
"your ears are red!"
"don't look at my ears! you're touching a lot of me at once!"
"haha! i can get off if you want-"
"no, no, let me stop laughing. i'll try," he says, taking deep breaths
he finally manages to do two reps before falling back into the floor, breathing hard and laughing
you get off of him and kneel down where his face is turned
his face is all pink and you can't tell if it's from him feeling flustered or from the workout
"are you okay?" you ask in between laughs
"you're gonna be the death of me," he says, sitting up so he can bury his pink face in his hands. "why can't i say no to you?"
after that, he persists that you do some of your workouts
when you're doing weighted squats and lunges, he checks your form, ghosting your legs and upper body with his hands as he guides you
he softly corrects you and tells you it's important to do exercises in correct form in order for it to be most effective and keep you from injuring yourself
"you know you can actually touch me and move me so i can get into proper form, right?"
"you're barely touching me when you're correcting me. we're dating. i'm yours."
"oh," he says, nodding at you slowly. "wait, what did you say?"
"i'm yours..?"
"hmm," he slowly nods, but you watch him try to push away the smile growing on his face
he's definitely yours, too, but he'd never say that out loud
after that, whenever he wants you to make a micro adjustment, he gently takes your body and moves it in the way it needs to be, trying to touch you with the most respect
after you complete your workouts and you're sitting on the floor with him, you look at him with an evil smirk
"why are you looking at me like that?" he asks, pretending to be scared
"i have a new idea for you"
"uh oh"
"we already did pushups."
"like 2!"
"ugh, you're right. what is it this time?"
"i want to lay under you as you do your pushups."
"won't that be uncomfortable for both of us?"
"it'll be romantic!"
"i'm not a romantic guy."
"but you're a gym bro with a gym s/o, so you have to deal with it."
"i mean, we don't have to."
"get over here, dummy," he says, pointing towards the floor
you lay down, trying not to laugh
he gets into push-up position on top of you and he CANNOT make eye contact with you
every time he looks at you, he starts laughing, and he cannot control it whatsoever
"just hurry and do one!"
"well, i can't get low to the ground like i'm supposed to!"
"then just go as low as possible!"
he does one pushup with his eyes closed, and as he lowers closer to you, you take the chance you give him a peck on the lips
he immediately gets off of you and walks to a corner, his jaw dropped in disbelief
"i'm sorry!" you say, laughing
"you're evil! let me do my pushups!"
"okay, you can do the rest normally."
"thank you so much. seriously."
and you both finish your workouts, helping each other every so often
thank you so much for requesting, anon! i know i kind of changed the prompt around a bit to make it seem more realistic to me, but i hope you like it nonetheless! feel free to request many, many more prompts for me! āœ§( ą„ā€¢āŒ„ā€¢ )ā—žā—Ÿ( ā€¢āŒ„ā€¢ ą„‚ )āœ§
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! Ļ‚(>ā€æ<.))
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queenofbaws Ā· 25 days
Hi Queenie! I hope youā€™re having a lovely day šŸ˜ I was wondering if you would ever consider writing another story like The Almost(s) šŸ„ŗ within the Until Dawn universe something which deals with character studies, darker and angstier themes either before Hannah & Beth died or after the events if everyone survived, because I loved the scenes you wrote when the characters were in college, and I think youā€™d be great at writing scenes set in high schoolšŸ„ŗ
I was also wondering if you would ever consider writing another character study fic for the counsellors in The Quarry, such as what they get up to while they are counselling before the events take place (similar to your prequel for Until Dawn - The Almosts) šŸ„ŗ
And one final question, hahahaha, I love your writing so much and your The Almosts series is the best fanfiction I have ever read. I also think itā€™s one of my favourite books ever! I love your writing, and I think youā€™re such a good writer, and I know a lot of people agree with me on that :)) I just wanted to ask you, I know that so many writers are hard on themselves and I was just wondering do you feel proud of your The Almosts series too and the rest of your writing :)) I hope you do, because your writing is amazing ā¤ļøā¤ļø
oh my gosh, well i'm having a lovely day now, thank you very much! hehehe ;P
as of right now, i can't say that i have any plans for a big, heavy, character study fic taking place for either of those - that doesn't mean i'm saying i'll never do it, of course, but for the time being, i'm sorry to say that the answer to your first two questions is probably not šŸ˜”
ALAS, i am...so very old, and once the first week of october comes around i'll be even older than that, so while i very, very much appreciate your faith in me, i'm afraid any high school stuff i'd write would come across as unbeLIEVABLY out of touch slkjflksdj and while i love the hacketteers so, so much, i don't know that i have any solid ideas to really delve into surrounding their story at the moment.
that being said, i do have a fic underway that - to me!!! in MY heart!!! - is very much the spiritual successor to the (almost)s, and that's like wringing blood from a stone. it's set in the quarry, and covers the events before, during (and maybe even after ;)c ) the game itself, but it's focused on the hacketts, and not the hacketteers. i consider it the spiritual successor to t(a) because t(a) was a big, involved story about changing friendships and grieving and mourning those changes - stuff i was dealing with pretty heavily at the time of writing it - and like wringing blood is about family and generational cycles and the struggle of always being seen as someone's child despite being a full-grown adult; also...things...i am dealing with pretty heavily at the time of writing, hahaha! but it's obviously very different than t(a), it's an entirely different universe, so i FULLY understand it might not have the same appeal!
and oh my gosh, you absolutely put the biggest, sappiest smile on my face with your kind words, thank you so, so much!!! ...but i have to be honest here - i AM very proud of the (almost)s, it's unquestionably the project that i sort of judge all my other writing against, and while i strive to be proud of everything i write...i am very hard on myself! i do get down about my writing fairly often, and let me tell you, that self-doubt? it comes creeping in more often that i'd like to admit. BUT!!! personally, i think that's an important, if unpleasant, part of being a creator: the day we stop questioning ourselves is the day we stop trying to improve! so i always try not to let it get me too down, and i keep chugging along, but i'd be a liar if i said i'm always happy with my work.
so it makes my heart grow at LEAST three grinchy sizes when someone like YOU waves from readerland and says something i put out there resounded with them šŸ„¹ hehehe truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so, so much for reading, and for making me smile šŸ’–
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positivitylane112 Ā· 2 years
Warnings : None. YANDERE . Suggestive themes. Injury [?].
Word Count : 2.6k[2668]
Pairing: PAY [Pro Athlete Yandere] x Undercover [not really] Female Athlete Reader
Authorā€™s Note: It's me again :) I am here today to share with you 1 of my SCENARIOS THAT I DAYDREAM ABOUT ON THE DAILY.[I feel like spoiling you todayšŸ˜»] each of them is gonna be separate because like I said , I donā€™t think I can control myself with how much I write and I may end up writing a whole novel. So before I end up doing that Iā€™ll just write one and post it and then the next and so on. [look at me already going off script and writing everything] ALSO THESE ARE ALL SURROUNDING PRO ATHLETE YANDERE. Heā€™s my favorite yandere šŸ„¹ā¤ļø [HEā€™S REALLY SUBMISSIVE AND BREEDABLE IN THIS ONE] Send some feedback !!! I would love to hear what you think šŸ„° but one of scenarios I think about the most is bandaging him up when he gets hurt. This is also with Athletic Reader as well. Also MASSIVE shout out to @bxnnybtch for so much of the inspiration behind this wonderful character and this piece. Love you ā¤ļø
Letā€™s say that one unfortunate day , you didnā€™t show up to his match , [as usual]. Heā€™s heavily distracted by the loss of your presence that heā€™s just not focusing well. His mind is just not on the game and he doesnā€™t really feel like playing either. Until one of the other teamā€™s teammates starts acting up. Trying his best to rouse him by physically hurting him as much as possible. It started off with just slight shoves and jams at first, but then he got his hands and feet involved.
Yandere doesnā€™t wish to fight back because he doesnā€™t think that itā€™s worth it. He doesnā€™t want to bicker and argue like little children so he tries not to fight back as much. To be honest he just wants to finish the match as soon as possible to go and find you. His whole day goes by without seeing you and every second of that day he wants nothing more than to bask in your presence and to delve into your arms as you run your hands through his hair and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Every minute of his day that isnā€™t spent with you is a minute wasted. He does it for you , you know ? Working hard , playing as well as he can , just so you can see and be proud of him. Cheer him on , wear his number on your back , and praise him for how well he played.
But alas , heā€™s soon snapped out of his daydream as the other teamā€™s teammate , the one which has been bugging him the entirety of the afternoon , comes by and *BOOM* [lmao šŸ’€] bangs into him really hard [fucking hell ā˜ ļø]. Now heā€™s getting upset. He gets up as quickly as possible and starts to get back at him. Shoving him hard and cussing him out [maybe he couldā€™ve just beat the living shit outta him there and just gotten rid of all his pent up anger , or maybe heā€™s just tired and wants to go home.]
Either way, he doesnā€™t seem to notice the steady stream of blood that was coming out of a gash across his kneecap to his calf. And the slight headache he had alongside a slowly growing ache on his lower thigh above his cut [on the kneecap] and the torn lip he had from constantly biting it in worry. Before he could though , coaches and medics run up to him and crowd his vision. Followed by a few cameramen who shove cameras in his face trying to get the best shot of his injury as possible. All of it being too much , overwhelming him. He wants nothing more than to shove them aside and to just walk out of this gymnasium and to watch you practice. Just to see you smile and hear you laugh with your friends [NOT HIM] but he couldnā€™t care. Just seeing you would be medicine enough for him.
But unfortunately he wasnā€™t able to do that as he was led into the medical room where a nurse came by and patched up his knee. Before giving him Advil for his headache. He listens as her steps grow more distant and sighs in relief. He just wanted to be alone in that moment [more preferably alone with you but you know , that wasnā€™t really on the menu so he had to improvise] He grabs his pillow and wraps his arms around it as he nuzzles into it. He would do anything to replace that pillow with you. Heā€™s been craving your presence ALL day.
After a few minutes he decided to get back up , and limped out towards the now empty field. Oh no. The nurse forgot to bandage the bruise that was quickly forming on his thigh. Forgetting the pain of it , he walked out towards the side of the field and sat down on the bench. He knew you would be confused if he wasnā€™t there , and that you would get lost trying to locate him in the big headquarters of the field/stadium. And plus this was yā€™allā€™s destined meeting place. you always met here. He counted down the minutes as he waited for you to bust open the door and to greet him with the love and attention he missed today. He hears the doors open and he hears your frantic breaths and your out of breath-ness as you spill out apologies of being late AGAIN.
You speed walk over as you continue to ramble on about how you didnā€™t notice the time , how you had somewhere important to be [šŸ¤­šŸ˜] , and that you wouldnā€™t be late again. As you walk though , your steps grow slower and your mouth shuts as you pull your eyes away from the ground and look up at him with a confused look on your face. Normally heā€™s the one running towards YOU when he hears the doors opening. Giving you a massive hug as he squeezes you and tries to make up for all the lost time , rambling about how the game went , and how he missed you.
So how is it that today heā€™s sitting on a bench just short of a couple feet away from you watching your every move intently with a solemn look on his face ? Why is he just sitting there , eyebrows scrunched , eyes wide , lips pursed, and hair tousled ? You do a once over. Eyes trailing from his soft face to his firm chest and wide shoulders to his waist and v-line and down to his shoe clad feet. And thatā€™s when you see it. The bandage on his knee. You rush to sit beside him . Your voice immediately grows softer and your touch is 100x more gentle as you pull him into a hug , one hand softly rubbing his back and the other on the back of his head. You can feel something went wrong as he clings to you , hands fisting your t-shirt holding you close. Almost worried that you would pull away.
ā€œWhat happened?ā€ You whisper softly.
ā€œI donā€™t wanna talk about itā€ he replies.
So you donā€™t. Itā€™s as simple as that. You try to move so that you both could be in a more comfortable position. Because you don't want to make him feel uncomfortable, seeing that he was kinda hunched over and into you and you sat straight and to the side. You put your hand on his knee as you tried to move him closer to you. Thatā€™s when you hear a sharp hiss coming out of his mouth. You IMMEDIATELY stop what youā€™re doing and pull him away so he can look at you. Frown on his lips and eyes glazed over. Apologies quietly slipping out of your mouth as you move him into a sitting position with his back leaning on the back of the bench. [itā€™s one of those park benches] You walk in front of him and crouch down inspecting his injury. You see the bandage. White with a spill of red in the middle , indicating that the wound had bled , meaning it was serious. Right where his athletic shorts ended , you could see a sliver of red underneath.
You looked up at him and with the MOST attention you could muster and said ā€œcan I ā€¦?ā€ Indicating that you wanted to lift the shorts up just a tiny bit to inspect his swollen bruise.
Till now he hadnā€™t said a single word , just quietly taking in your presence that he had been denied of this whole day . He replies ā€œm hmā€ nodding his head as well in the softest way he could. You couldā€™ve sworn your heart burst out of your chest right then and there. You slowly and softly shuffle his shorts up a few inches and you immediately see the angry purple bruise which was swollen and looked like it needed medical attention urgently. You look up at him with a worried expression on your face, just to see that he had been observing you this whole time tilting his head to the side in confusion. You softly talk him through the injury and explain to him that you needed to put something on it. Or it would just get worse. He silently nods along with what you have to say.
ā€œIā€™m gonna need to patch this up ok ?ā€ You say.
ā€œM hmā€ comes his reply
You reach over and grab your bag. You pull out a tube of ointment and look up at him one more time to take in his expression. Heā€™s looking down at you with his bottom lip in his teeth and eyebrows furrowed expecting the pain. You squeeze some balm onto your left hand and put the tube back down.
ā€œHere you can just squeeze my hand as tight as you need whenever you feel too much painā€ you tell him as you hold his left [our right] hand in your right hand. He eagerly intertwines your hands together as he looks down at you with a patient expression. You look back down and start to slowly apply the ointment on the outer edges of the bruise first. He hisses when you start and squeezes your hand. As he tries to stay quiet he hears you gently utter praises for him. Making him feel warm and tingly inside. Soft praises like , ā€˜ youā€™re doing so well ! ā€™ or ā€˜ so good for me ā€™ But as you start moving towards the main part of the bruise he starts to bite down on his lip.
Enough to draw blood.
You finish it up by putting a bandage over it , just so that the ointment doesnā€™t get everywhere. And waitā€¦
Wait a second.
Did he just hear you say ā€˜good boyā€™ ? It was so small that heā€™s not even sure if you noticed it fall out of your mouth . He turns his face up to the night sky for a quick second. You canā€™t see him like this. His mouth runs dry and his brain turns to mush. His jaw is slack and his breaths are coming out in short , fast pants. He tries to collect himself as he looks back down at you , a bead of sweat trailing down the right side of his face and a slight red hue covering his cheeks. You make eye contact with him as you kiss over the top of his bandage.
His breath hitches. It felt like a split second , your lips skimmed the top of his bandage and quickly moved away. But it felt like heaven. His knees went weak. And he felt so embarrassed that he just wanted to bury his head in your shoulder to escape your attentive gaze. You quickly got up and leaned down so you could inspect his face. Your hands on either side of his face , pulling him closer to you so could inspect his lip. Chills ran up his spine. Why couldn't you cup his face like this all the time ? And maybe leave a few kisses here and there ? He deserves it , donā€™t ya think ?
ā€œOh noo :( whatā€™s this?ā€ You ask as you see the tiny bit of blood that had managed to escape from his lips when he bit there a few moments before.
Something clicked in his mind as he felt your thumb slowly graze alongside his bottom lip. Eyes fluttering close , lips parting. Effectively making him shudder in desperation. He had to make it look worse than it was so that maybe just maybe you would . . . He gives his all into trying to make himself more miserable so you would shower him in all your affection and touch. He makes his eyes water and his lips tremble.
ā€œOh no :('' you reply. You thought it over. Really thought it over. Should you ā€¦?
His thoughts are interrupted when he feels your lips on his. Giving him a small peck. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he leans into you. His hands are clenching around the edge of the bench and heā€™s shuffling closer to the edge , putting you closer to him , in between his legs. He feels you pull away.
He wanted that to last longer :(
You quickly reanalyze your movements. You put your supplies back in your bag , too flustered to look at him. While heā€™s just sitting there literally looking like this ā€˜šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«ā€™ emoji , head foggy , whole body shivering and his body sweating. Just sitting there unable to move as he licks his lips. He can taste your fruity lip balm. Heā€™s going crazy. What do you mean ā€˜going?ā€™ He already was crazy, now heā€™s just addicted. He wants more , he canā€™t get enough. After all that love you just showed him [it HAS to be love. That wasnā€™t anything else besides love] heā€™s not sure if he can even spend the night away from you.
Meanwhile youā€™re going crazy wondering ā€˜why tf would I do that?ā€™ as you zip up your backpack and snap him out of his daze. You tell him that it was late at night and that it was time to go. He seems very closed off. You think. Did I do something wrong šŸ˜„? You wonder.
ā€œHere just lean on meā€ you tell him as you put his left arm around your shoulders and place your right arm around his waist and help him walk out the gymnasium and into your car. You turn on the radio to escape from the awkward silence of the quiet car. You drive him to his house pulling up to park your car in front of his driveway. You open the door for him and help him back again , this time into his house. As you take off his shoes and help him get into his bed , you tuck him in before saying ā€˜goodnightā€™ and shutting his bedroom door and then his house door.
Wait, why are you leaving? He thinks as he sees you walk out of his house and back into your car from his bedroom window. No wait , he doesnā€™t want you to leave. He doesnā€™t want you away from him anymore. But he canā€™t do anything about it because sleep takes over as soon as his head touches the pillow. He had a hard day. He needed the rest.
On the other hand , youā€™re in the shower just rethinking everything you did. You knew he had a little bit of a crush on you but WHY WOULD YOU KISS HIM ?! Even if it was a harmless peck ?! You didnā€™t want to lead him on , especially when you didnā€™t really think of him in that way. You just stayed in the shower another half hour as you thought about how you were going to face him tomorrow.
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holybibly Ā· 3 months
Hello! I usually donā€™t send in asks cuz it makes me super anxious but I decided to be brave todayšŸ„¹ I just wanted to pop in and give you praise for your writing because I think itā€™s impeccable!!šŸ’“ Iā€™m actually in awe a lot of the time when I read your work because of the way you manage so well every time to tell a story and your writing is so cohesive that if someone just told me to read something of yours and didnā€™t tell me it was your writing Iā€™d be able to tell that it was the talented you who had written it, which I think is an amazing trait for a writer!!šŸ’ž
Thank you for sharing your work with us and allowing us to read it. I hope you take care of yourself and that life is treating you kindlyšŸ„ŗšŸ’“
God bunny, you have just made my day. First of all, I'm very proud of you, my love, I love how comfortable and free the bunnies feel on my blog.
Hmm, I think there are no better words for a writer than that. Creating unique content is always very difficult, but developing your own style is even harder. I am happy that my bunnies can recognise my ffs without me indicating that.
I want to give them a bright and memorable experience because: "I know I am your favourite". My blog will be one year old this November and to be honest, I never expected to become a popular author with such a large audience.
I really enjoy writing and creating content. My brain works 24/7 on ideas and I wish I could clone myself so I could write full time. But for me, my blog is also a way to escape the stress of everyday life and reality. Who needs the real world when between the lines of a book you can be anyone and create any scenario you want? This is what I love about writing.
So I hope to create more unforgettable and wonderful memories with you, my sugar bunnies.
And yes, life has treated me well. I am the princess the whole world revolves around ~
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teddybeartoji Ā· 21 days
hihi mikeyyy, just an answer to your answer to the ask i sent šŸ˜š
first of all thank you for all the suggestions i'm going to check them out right now!! i remember sending hayakawalove an ask when they posted something about if anyone would like to read something about geto being called mommy as a name - not one of my proudest moments i admit but you gotta put pride aside for such important matters - and i begged them on anon to actually make a post about it because even if no one else cared me personally i needed it (didn't regret it at all!! i love their suguru so much)
also when you included "ik u like femsuguru" into your answer šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ i wanna show some gratitude aaaaa i swear i need a suguru irl, esp since nowadays all my friends are finding love and then there's my lonely soul with high standards just standing here cuz lets be honest where do you even find people like suguru... anyways
also you answered an ask about whiny toji AND !! YOUR TAGS LMAO
"show some enthusiasm or die" I ACTUALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD
so yeah thankful for that as well cuz i am in desperate need of good feelings nowadays
also wanted to conclude on my sleep problem (thank you for wanting to help you're so sweet really), i still have trouble and i have tested asmr (a 7h long history thing if i remember correctly) and the waiting time to be tired was the same as when i'm on my screen or not occupied and just waiting for sleep so? idk what's up with me, but it's fine anyways cuz with school approaching it'll allow me to study more.. but i should try exercising ngl, maybe it'll tire me out faster
thank you for being so kind to me and everyone, happy birthday to your blog (? i think i saw posts about that right? i am forgetful pardon me, but your achievement is incredible and i hope you're very proud of yourself) and never forget to take care of yourselffff šŸ˜š
~ ā˜€ļø
SUNNYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAYAKAWALOVE MENTIOONNN YEAHHH!! HEHEHEHE I LOVE REMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! and omfg i have been thinking abt this mommy and suguru thing more lately too it's so fucking hot...... mmm yeah i do get the part abt everybody around you finding love and the impossible task of finding an irl suguru and to that i can just say that. suguru isn't perfect either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yk considering all the murdering and all that... there is somebody out there for everybody,, i do believe in soulmates afterall hehehehe
"show some enthusiasm or die" NO BC THESE ARE THE WORD TO LIVE BYYY OKAY I MEAN THATT!!!!!!!! smhhh keeping his moans all to himself alright mr greed damnnšŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’
WAHHHH maybe school will tire you out too yeah?? i hope so bc you do deserve some good sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i also hope that you're remembering to eat and all that too i can't have you slacking off here!!!!!!!! this is very serious business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was in fact teddybeartoji's first ever bday hehehehe i am very very fucking glad to be able to be here with you and everybody else it's quite literally been a life-changer ngl... ANYWAYY I LOVE YOUUU!!!!!!!!!! SENDING YOU KISSES AND HUGS AND KISSES AND HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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graciehart Ā· 2 months
(I'm just going to bullet point some of my favorite moments here in your ask instead of personally message you)
HER OUTFITS. SLAY, QUEEN!!!! šŸ‘‘ The stripping of each piece was done so quickly yet effortlessly.
I was absolutely crying on the inside. šŸ„¹šŸ¤§
I love how she told us a story that somehow correlated to the song before she sang. The way she transitioned into each song was done so smoothly.
Idina talking a little bit about mental health. Just another thing to add on my long list of why I love her. The way she transitioned into the topic, though, was clever. I don't know if she did the same for California, but for us, (if I'm remembering correctly) she first sang an up-tempo jazz song and then proceeded to discuss the topic.Ā  I, too, have anxiety, you beautiful human being. I hope Idina is aware of how loved she is by many, because she is. ā¤ļøĀ 
The story she told before she sang "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" was great. Speaking of that song, her cover of the song was AMAZING! (I tried snowboarding in 2021 and found out the hard way that I can't do it either! šŸ™‚ So.. cheers to her and I for trying to be cool.) Ā 
"No One Mourns The Wicked" - I had no idea what to think about it to be honest, but I love how she went hard with it to the point of headbanging. Gotta stan her for that, lmao. It's honestly not one of my favorite songs.
I never saw If/Then, but "You Learn to Live Without" is beautiful. I loved all of the slow, sentimental songs.
I love how she talked a little bit about her husband and son too
I need Idina to do more up-tempo jazz songs
THE FINALE. I don't know about you, but for us, after she sang a sentimental song (I forgot which one), she said, in a monotone voice, ā€œGoodnight, everyone, thank you.ā€ with a straight face and then walked off. Me: šŸ˜ÆšŸ¤ØšŸ˜•šŸ˜¶ I was very confused, because there was one specific song she didn't sing... As the audience kept cheering, I thought to myself, 'There is no way in hell she just did that. There is no absolute way she went through a whole concert without singing that song...!'
She came back to the stage with a robe on. I am so proud of myself for staying. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Nobody was leaving, so that's when I realized "Defying Gravity" was the finale song. šŸ„¹ I kind of figured it would be, but was that little stunt really necessary?? Lol, great acting, Idina, great acting. And GREAT JOB FOR ALMOST GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK!
Overall, this was an incredible concert. I'm honestly still speechless and processing everything, so I'm sure there's more that I will remember later today, but that's all I'll write for now. I am definitely going to New York next year for my birthday to see her new musical! This was a great way to end July!
Aaah this makes me so happy!! šŸ„¹ The dress made me think of the one in the ā€œBraveā€ music video. I think my favorite is when itā€™s the nude dress with the black ribbon around the waist. I had never heard ā€œTwist Itā€ (the mental health song), but it made me laugh so much! She briefly mentioned her husband being a therapist in the Oakland show, which I always enjoy because he and I have the same job/license lol. I love that she kept a little of ā€œDear Prudenceā€ for ā€œDo You Want to Build a Snowman.ā€
ā€œNo One Mourns the Wickedā€ was so surprising for me, but I loved it, and I loved that she used part of the San Francisco version! ā€œYou Learn to Live Withoutā€ is one of the earliest songs I was obsessed with for her (I think she started singing it on tour about a year after I started liking her?) and I was just hoping she sang it again, that was amazing for me. And yes, the whole encore thing haha! I know she did an encore in 2015 which is why I knew she wasnā€™t done (plus she hadnā€™t done defying gravity), but I still had that ā€œwait, whatā€ moment.
Thanks for updating me, Iā€™m so glad you had a good time šŸ„°
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mad-hunts Ā· 2 months
-knocking on the door, politely waits-
This is a positivity boost. You are a wonderful human being and a stellar creator, and I love all of your muses so much. The character studies, the headcanons, your random musings. It all never ceases to amaze me how you can not only be so versatile with your different blogs, but each of your muses so consecutively feel like completely different characters (which they are, really, but you get what I mean?) even though youā€™re the mind behind all of them.
I am so proud and happy to see you on my dash. You never cease to brighten my day. šŸ„°
- @divingdownthehole
AHHH, i know i am a billion years late to answering this, but i honestly kind of wanted to hoard it for a little bit because this is just SUCH a freaking nice message šŸ˜­ like i don't even know what to say to this besides THANK YOU SM!!! i feel so honored to hear that you not only like my characters, but love them. like if i'm being honest... i wasn't sure what to expect whenever i joined tumblr and became a part of the RPC. but you were one of the people on here that i feel really kind of helped me come out of my shell a little bit, and you were also my first friend on tumblr, so i just want you to know that i am very grateful to have met you + to have your continued support here as well as on my other accounts!!!!
it absolutely means the world to me that you love the stuff that i put out, as well as my characters as i mentioned earlier. and the fact that you think i'm versatile with them is just... GAHHH, you're gonna make me happy cry over here!! THANK YOU SOOOO much again for all of your kind words, as they really uplifted me when i received them and they still do, y'know that? i mean i have always felt a little bit insecure about my characters in the way that i might not be making them different enough from each other. but the fact that you think that i have been able to achieve writing different voices for all of them makes me feel reassured that that might not actually be the case, after all.
but okay, i'm officially crying now šŸ„¹ i always feel so delighted to see you on my dash, too, and proud! and i'm so glad to hear that i've been able to make you feel happier with our interactions - even if it's just a little bit. but thank you, THANK YOU for everything once more, and i am currently sending you all of the hugs!! because i love you and i appreciate you even more than words can express šŸ«‚
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alphabetboyluvr Ā· 11 months
Ch51 is now my fave chapter. I cried and laughed and went crazy all in one chapter. I'm so so happy for our starlovers šŸ„° I feel like I'm in their friends group rooting for them. I remember in the last ask, you said you hurt them as much as you heal them. šŸ„¹ it makes all sense now and I'm proud of B for speaking up and being honest. The argument was needed, it was something really important for B that needs clarity before they put their relationship to another level.
What more can I say? You're amazing, Holly! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this great story. ā¤ļø
ahhhhh how lucky I am to have such lovely readers šŸ„¹šŸ„¹
honestly that's all I want, I just want you guys to root for them, so this is so lovely to hear! I know they can be frustrating at times, but their hearts are in the right place <3
clarity is something she needed, and jk realising this and stepping up and giving it to her? instead of doubling down on his defenses???
thank you so much for being so kind <33
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riansdiary Ā· 3 months
My BRIDGERTON S3 E1 Reaction/Annotation šŸŽ‰
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My dearest gentle readers,
It is finally time to start off my new series of posts for my written reaction to Bridgerton Season 3! We are doing the first episode on this one! I wanna thank all the amazing members of the ton who have liked my post about this letting me know that you'd like to see this. I will include screenshots if it is extremely necessary! This is not the first time I'm watching, this is my second but I'll still share thoughts I had from my first watch! My favorite characters are Eloise and Benedict! Yes, my favorite Bridgerton siblings! Penelope would be the third probably! I also have a special place in my heart for Lady Danbury and Kate! I love them. Philippa is also super adorable to me especially when she said her iconic line. Now, Varley! The bugs!
That is all, shall we start? Warning: There will be spoilers.
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I love that they do this every year! It's like someone was giving birth inside the room but it's just really one of the sisters getting their makeup done and putting on their beautiful gowns!
This is my face when Kathony appeared: šŸ„¹
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Would you look at her dress? It is just so beautifully done! I love Kate's looks even more this season and I'm so happy that Anthony is being himself and is so cute with her! How is it that they didn't know that it was Frannie playing the pianoforte downstairs? Even Kate knew. Now, do you know what I'm really curious about? How did our girl escape from that room? Everyone is literally outside of that room. How did she get to the drawing room from there? Nevermind, I think she said that she woke up early.
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I love Hannah Dodd! I actually recognized her as soon as I saw her. I thought that she looked familiar at first and then it clicked to me that she was in Enola Holmes 2! One of my favorite movies! She was the missing girl. Her character was Cicely or Sarah Chapman. She was amazing there so I knew she would do Francesca justice!
Aw, Pen staring at Eloise as they walked out of Aubrey Hall was heartbreaking to me. Not my favorite besties in the show not getting along anymore! They both made a mistake and I really hoped that they could resolve it.
Here's my honest opinion on Colin's F-boy era: I know his glow up was great and every girl is out to get him but he didn't need to be such a RAKE about it! I want our sweet romantic boy back!
Let's look at our boy's glow up though! I am very proud of him. Look at our boy! If only he used that to be more honorable and acted like a prince more instead of turning into a rake. Come on, where's our sweet Colin from S1 and S2? I just really miss him not trying to fit in and just being his sweet self.
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Nice Colin! I love his hair better now. We love the curls! He did look cute before but I gasped and my jaw dropped when I saw him first in this specific scene! I was like: Wow! He looks so good! Penelope will fall even more for him.
I love that he calls Eloise "El" it's so cute! I myself have a nickname for her but let's be honest, Colin's nickname for her is way better. It's "Lou" or "Loulou" cause she's Eloise. There's that "Lou" sound when you say her name even if the u is not there but you know what, Colin's is way cuter. I'm gonna call her "El" instead.
Ah, the intro always hits. It just calms me down when I hear the opening theme!
I love Anthony's line when the brothers were in the carriage! "Who are you? What have you done with our brother?" My second favorite Anthony line after "Lilies, Forget-me-not, Lilacs!" šŸ˜†
Gregory was so adorable when he was imitating Colin! "Mm. I should like some... proportion." That was so funny for me. I loved Anthony and Benedict's reaction to that! Love how they both leaned to the left when they smiled at Gregory! One of my favorite Bridgerton brothers moments for sure!
The mom and the daughter speaking to each other with sign language! I loved that they added that!
Let me say one thing about Mama Featherington. What I like about her is that she always does her best to take care of her daughters. Maybe not in emotional ways but rather in the financial way. Love that about her. The thing that I disliked about her is how she treats Penelope. She teaches Pen to dumb herself down so men can tell her things. While that is a good strategy, it is not entirely true. I think Lord Debling would have wanted Pen to just be herself and talk intellectually with her. I didn't like the way she treats Pen at all. She underestimates her own daughter. Dare I say, she doesn't even know her daughter.
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Oh Portia, you are so so clueless. That is literally Pen to a T except she has more money.
Cressida, Cressida, Cressida. I hate it every time she comes to bully Penelope or ruin her dress like she does almost every time. I do love her gigantic sleeves šŸ¤£
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I never wanted Mama Bridgerton to move so thank God Kate doesn't want her to move either! Also, look at her entire outfit and hair! Slayed! So gorgeous!
One of my favorite moments appears after that which is the moment Lady Danbury called them Lady Bridgerton and they both answered! I found that so heartwarming to be honest.
Great, every debutante is in love with Colin. He is the charm machine this season. Just be yourself sweetie!
When Cressida's mom said: "Or does common thievery run in the family?"
I would've immediately said: "Does bullying run in yours?" šŸ˜Ž
Portia is the one who has been dressing or at least choosing Penelope's gowns and you don't know how relieved I was when Pen said that she doesn't want to see a single citrus color on her new dress. She's finally using Whistledown money for her own good. Yes girl!
I love how Anthony is letting Gregory play with the bow and arrow but not where their mother can see it! Benedict and Hyacinth coming along with them was so cute!
Colin's timing when his mother wondered if they will ever be on time was fantastic! And the fact that it's a watch gift too! šŸ’”
I cannot say enough about how much I love Francesca's gowns! They're so pretty and the hair! I wanna do that with my hair too! It just gives me Belle from the Beauty and the Beast vibes! So elegant! Emma Watson, my role model of all time was a great Belle but I think Hannah Dodd also looks like Belle especially with the hairstyle they gave her which is almost exactly the same hairstyle that Belle often has!
Eloise reading Emma! Okay, personally I haven't read but as my favorite YouTuber Darling Desi loves Emma, I know for a fact that it is an amazing book! Please watch her if you wanna relax or if you are a book lover too! She has a lot of aesthetic and lovely seasonal, cottagecore and other types of videos!
Colin questioning Eloise about why she's befriending Cressida. Our boy is at least there for Penelope when it comes to El and when it counts! She said that no one showed her kindness but Penelope does.
I cried. It was so hard and heart-wrenching to watch Eloise and Penelope's first scene together at the modiste. It's the first scene where Penelope finally approached her. Not my favorite best friends!
This necklace on Nicola was so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off it!
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Okay, I know there are people who are siding with both. There are some who said a lot of bad things about my Eloise. That it's her fault and that she's a horrible friend but let's get into the bottom of this. I want to share my point and this is it. What's a character without a flaw? Someone who's too perfect, could be boring and seemingly less human. Penelope and Eloise both made mistakes and it's true.
Penelope could have told her earlier that she's Lady Whistledown. Eloise is her best friend and I feel like she would be fine with it. She didn't really hate Whistledown and I'm sure she would have been ecstatic if Pen confessed to her earlier. Yes, Penelope only wrote about Eloise to save her but she still dragged her family to filth. I know she had no other way to protect her but it still did something to their reputation. It was revealed in part two that it was true, that Eloise was a little jealous of Penelope's success and her being Lady Whistledown. That kind of added fuel to the fire. Pen did write about Colin and Eloise both as Lady Whistledown and that did a lot of damage to their reputation as a family. People tend to forget that Eloise couldn't continue to be friends with Theo because Pen wrote about it. They were so cute and she was starting to feel something for him. Both of them.
I am kind of hoping that we get a different kind of love for Eloise if it's possible for her to be with Theo instead of Crane. It would be quite interesting to see someone from nobility fall in love with a normal person. I would love to see that and that would be so much more dramatic and romantic. Rich girl, poor boy trope anyone? Yeah, I did adore Theo a lot, he's so cute with her!!! ā¤ļø
Eloise wasn't always mean to her during their feud. When Cressida ripped Pen's dress, she looked so apologetic and almost teary-eyed. What I wanted to say is that they both hurt each other and I hope this will make them grow.
The Mondrich couple are one of my favorite side stories. They might not be nobility or royal before but damn, they dress so well! Just look at them! I love that pink gown šŸ˜ and it matches with his outfit!
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I love Newton so much! One of our puppies is part corgi so she kind of looks like Newton! So cute!
Me when Penelope said "I should like to try something a little different tonight.": šŸ˜±šŸ«¢šŸ‘
Yes queen, enough of the citrus colors (not that they're bad cause I saw the Featherington fam in S2 wearing gold and I was like šŸ˜) that your mamma always dresses you in! Penelope hair and gown glow up! Ahhh! Her entrance scene with the new look is one of my favorite moments! Everyone was astounded by her beauty and we all know it especially you Colin! A lady with red hair in green dresses is just a match made in heaven! It just works! Nicola or Penelope's smile when she walks down the stairs and notices that everyone is looking at her was so beautiful!
Cressida Cowper and her iconic always gigantic sleeves!
Oh Colin "down bad" Bridgerton stopping to stare at Pen! I think he doesn't know he had feelings for her or is it because of the fact that he is roleplaying as his brothers? I heard somewhere that Colin is trying to put on a mask, be a rake and act like his brothers because he's trying so hard to fit in. He just always has seen Pen as a friend and doesn't recognize how he feels about her.
Pen was so nervous when she was talking to the men who approached her and yet she's so confident and charming as Whistledown. I guess we can say they never talked to her as much before so this is the first time. I hate that they left her early because they don't want Whistledown to write about them with Pen ugh! They don't wanna be written that they're with her but remember they were the ones who loved her look and approached her? Oh my God, fight me! šŸ˜ 
Eloise staring at Penelope: šŸ‘€
Me: "I'm sure you're proud of her. Maybe secretly but just go talk to her!" šŸ˜†
The Penelope and Francesca moment was so wholesome and I loved that they had each other.
Every time Cressida Cowper ruins Penelope's gowns I'm like: šŸ˜¤šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬
The guy who said this to Colin: "Miss Featherington, why concern yourself with her?" I don't like him. I don't like any of Colin's new friends, they are insufferable! How rude! Why concern himself with her? Well are you dumb? They're friends hello?
"I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington" was the worst thing that came out of Colin's mouth. Lies, lies and more lies!
Portia is so smart when it comes to saving her girls! I love that about her!
They were so smart about how they covered Claudia Jessie's injury! I did enjoy the Eloise and Cressida's promenade scene where she's scolding her about what she did to Penelope's dress! Eloise still does care about Pen. We're seeing a bit of Cressida's good side there. Loved that. I think she thinks Pen is a threat even though she doesn't wanna say it. She has been bullying her for a long time and trying to ruin her chances with men. She feels threatened by her. She could easily snatch the attention of the men without doing that to Pen. She wouldn't do that if she thinks that Pen doesn't have a chance.
Love that Kate convinces Anthony to let Violet stay! The Bridgerton drawing room is literally my favorite room or place in the show. The blue is just so calming and the place is so cozy.
Colin apologizing to Pen was sweet but she got friendzoned yet again! Oh Colin. Pen's wearing green again! It's so perfect with her red hair I tell you! He's finally appreciating Pen. Thank God.
The Mondrich family are now members of the ton? Yes! They deserve it!
Me when Eloise is reading the new Whistledown issue about Colin: "No no no no no, I feel a storm coming on! A storm of drama. She's not going to like that. Neither will he. Yikes, Pen."
Colin: What are you reading?
Eloise: Nothing.
Colin: šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļøšŸ¤Ø
Eloise: šŸ˜
This was so funny to watch even though the situation was, you know, dire. I loved that they could talk just with their eyes and face expressions! Something that reminds me of me and my own siblings!
Penelope calling out Colin's act! Yes!
Colin: I will never forgive her
Me: They're setting it up, oh no. Here we go. He's not gonna like it when he finds out it's her
He literally said "I will make sure it is her life that is ruined." Oh my God! Pen, what now!
And that is it, everyone! I hope you enjoyed my first one! My reaction to the first episode of Bridgerton! This was fun to do! If you noticed that I'm suddenly talking in Bridgerton style, it's because it's easy for me to pick up accents and ways of speaking! I had so much fun with this! See you on the next one! šŸ’‹
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