#to be fair i haven't been in the mood for like a whole ass year
emilymaxximoff · 2 years
Souls Don't Meet on Accident; Rafe Cameron X Fem!Reader; Part 1 
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CW: Angst, Language, Fluff, Violence, Mentions of Parental Abuse, Drugs, Mentions of Sexual Activity, 18+ Minors DNI
Description: Life sucks lately and your boyfriend Rafe Cameron has done some pretty messed up things. Despite this you still love him and will do anything to help him. As his life continues to crumble you prove that despite all the shit you have to go through, sometimes people are just meant to find each other.
Word count: 2268
A/N: Sorry this is a bit hard to follow at first. I kinda got ahead of myself but I still like it so here we are. The first interaction with Rafe is just a flashback to how you met and shit cause it made me happy to think about. It gets pretty dark so please beware. Enjoy this long ass piece and it would mean a lot if you reposted if you enjoy. I work for a long time on this one and I liked how it turned out. Love ya!
The Outer Banks was hot and sticky. Living your whole life on the cut ensured you hardly ever had air conditioning but becoming friends with Sarah Cameron gave you access to air conditioning whenever you were at her house and it was amazing. You savored those moments you spent not sweating like a pig but the place you treasured most on these days was John B's house. Even the beautiful Sarah Cameron chose to stay there, despite her cool house in the luxurious Figure Eight. All your friends stayed there and lounged on the sun porch drinking and laughing. It was moments like these that made you forget all the chaos of your life. How you and the other pouges had found a treasure map. How you hadn't spoke to your parents in weeks. How no one had seen Big John in months. But it couldn't get one thing off your mind. Rafe Cameron.
You had known him for a long time ever since you and Sarah had become best friends during freshman year of high school. You had been smitten but you knew his reputation but that didn't mean you couldn't be friends. You still had your crush and it only got worse the more you hung out with him alone more and more. Eventually you noticed how he stopped talking to girls and you saw less and less of the old playboy Rafe you had known before. You brushed it off until the day you overheard the conversation he had with Topper about his lack of prowess.
"Come on man, what is going on with you? She wants to fuck and she's so your type. This doesn't sound very much like the fuckboy I know and love." Topper told Rafe one evening outside the Cameron pool.
"I just don't want to. Not in the mood." he mumbled back in response.
"Ok dude, this isn't like you. Why haven't you slept with anyone in like 6 months?" Topper pushed.
You furrowed your brows as you listened from the open door leading into the kitchen. You didn't mean to start listening when you came down to get some drinks for you and Sarah but you couldn't help it. Rafe had always slept around and you had no idea it had been that long since he had sex.
"I just," Rafe started and paused. "I kinda got my eye on someone. She cool and beautiful and she makes me want to be better."
"Who the fuck you talking about man. The only girl you're not related to that you give the time of day is Y/N." Topper said right before he burst out, putting two and two together. "Oh My God! You wanna fuck your sisters best friend!"
A hand went up to your mouth, surpassing a gasp. He felt the same and you couldn't believe it. You didn't want to betray Sarah but you wanted to walk out there right then and kiss his pink lips.
"Fuck dude. Don't put it like that. It's more than that and you make it sound so bad. And just a reminder you're fucking my sister." Rafe retorted.
"Hey no. I love Sarah that's not fair." Topper said.
"I mean..."
"Omg you love her. Holy shit." Topper said louder then he mean to.
"Bro shut up. Keep your voice down, but yeah I think so." Rafe mumbled.
You sprinted quietly up the stairs back to Sarah's room. You tired to push what you had heard out of your head but you couldn't stop thinking about it. Your stomach had butterflies and you wanted Rafe to come sweep you off your feet so badly.
About 20 minutes after that Sarah got a text that she smiled and laughed at. Before you could ask what she was laughing at, she quickly sprung off her bed to change her clothes.
"What's so funny? Why are you getting up?" you giggled.
"Oh nothing, just going out with Topper." she smiled.
"Ok I guess?" you said looking at Sarah with confusion. "I guess I'll go home then."
"No!" she quickly blurted. "Stay here. I'll be back in a couple hours."
"Ok fine I guess." You were so confused but you just went with the flow and laid back on her bed watching her grab her purse and rush out her door before she turned back to make one more comment.
"Hey Y/N. I just wanna say I love you and your are my family and do whatever makes you happy." she laughed before running down the stairs.
"Love you too dork." you yelled after her before taking a deep breath and picking up your phone to scroll through social media.
Things were quiet for a bit before you heard a knock on Sarah's door. The door creaked open before you could answer and there stood the beautiful Rafe Cameron.
"Hey Rafe what's up?" you asked, confused as to why he was in her room.
"Hey Y/N. I just like- I wanted to talk about something." he said stumbling over his words and looking at the ground nervously.
You sat up straight, crossing your legs and putting your phone down next to you. "Yeah what's up."
"How much of that conversation did you hear earlier and before you deny it, Topper saw you run up the stairs." he said sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"Oh ummm I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop. It's just the door was open and I came down to get drinks and so I'm sorry" you said, embarrassed by your actions.
"But like how much did you hear."
"I'm assuming most of it." you admitted. "I heard everything after that girl wanting to fuck you. I'm not judging though. I get it. It's complicated."
"Shit-" he said under his breath. "So how do you feel about all of that?"
"You're Sarah's brother." you responded.
"That's not what I asked. Also I got the go ahead from her to talk to you about this."
"Is that what the surprise date with Topper was about?" you chuckled.
"Yeah it was. You still are avoiding my question." he said, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes that made your heart melt.
"Ok. If Sarah gave you the go ahead, I do feel the same. At least based on what you said. I have for a while but I thought you didn't really date and all that plus Sarah and I just didn't wanna ruin how close we are. I'd be lying though if I didn't say I've had butterflies ever since I accidentally heard your conversation." you gave a shy smile at the end.
"Sarah is fine with it. I promise no bridges burned there. Plus she is in love with my best friend so it's only fair that I'm in love with her best friend." he smirked.
"So you actually did mean it?"
Rafe didn't answer with words to that question. Every word that he could ever say would never get across how much he loved you. He instead kissed you like he had never kissed anyone before. It was gentle but passionate and it filled you with happiness and warmth. You both struggled to get closer and closer, not wanting to be apart anymore. He pulled you onto his lap and continued to kiss you, barely pulling away to catch his breath. He picked you up and walked down he hallway to his room. That was the first time you slept with Rafe but it would not be the last.
Over the next year you would continue to date and fall deeper and deeper in love but recently he had been haunted by his past. He had to deal with Barry and his relapses. His dad had been even worse, ridiculing him and beating him. It affected him greatly and he often came to your house on the cut, somewhere he never thought he'd go, to escape his dad and to hold you close because right now you were the only one who cared. All your friends hated him for the awful things he had done. Everyone saw him as a monster but you just saw him as broken and in need of help. You couldn't leave him. You loved him and time and time again you would continue to forgive him but now your relationship had to be kept on the down low to prevent all your friends from leaving you. You weren't lying per say but more just not talking about him as much.
Your thoughts about your lover boy were promptly interrupted when Sarah's face fell and she looked at you with dread. You looked back at her with confusion and worry before she got up from her seat next to John B to grab you and walk out front.
"Sarah what's going on?" you said stopping to turn facing her.
"Rose just texted me Rafe SOS." she whispered in your ear. Even though we were across the yard, she didn't want the rest of the pouges to hear.
"What?" you asked, panicked.
"I don't want to go there without you but I have to leave. If things are bad, you might be the only one that can get through to him. We have to go now." she said pulling you towards her car. "Guys! I'm gonna take Y/N and go home! My dad needs me!" she called back.
"Bye guys!" you called back, trying to sound calm.
You both waved as you pulled out of the driveway, acting collected and pretending as if nothing was wrong. You felt tears stream down your face. You were scared for Rafe. You wondered what Ward had done or if he was back on drugs. Rafe would never hurt you but he sure as hell would hurt others if he was pushed far enough. He might even be hurt himself.
You pulled up to the Cameron house and everything seemed normal at first but as you walked inside you saw the disarray the foyer was in. The wall had a hole in it and glasses were broken with a table turned over. Fuck.
Rose rushed over and immediately rushed over and explained what had happened. Rafe and his dad had gotten into a fight and it was nasty. After the fact Rafe had rushed upstairs to his room and they had heard yelling and sobbing through the door. With that you rushed up the stairs towards his room, stepping over debris. You knocked on his door gently but opened it up without waiting for a response. At that moment a mug came flying towards the door, hitting the wall next to your head, shattering into tiny pieces.
You gasped and flinched. It had scared you but when you looked over and saw Rafe staring at you with tears streaming down his face, you could tell he regretted it. He looked at you, regretting all his actions and he started crying even harder.
"Y/N?" he whispered before breaking down and whimpering "I'm sorry." over and over again.
You made your way over to him, wrapping him in a hug and telling him that it was ok. At your touch he crumpled, falling onto his knees and sobbing into your chest. You fell with him, rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head. He finally gained enough composure after what felt like forever to speak to you in real sentences.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. Please you have to forgive me. I was trying to do the right thing."
"Hey Rafe it's ok I promise. Whatever you did it's ok."
"I was doing what I thought he wanted and it wasn't enough. Nothing I ever do will be enough. He just hates me."
"Rafe it's ok. You are enough he just can't see it. Please believe me. I love you. Please tell me what you did."
"I can't say it."
"Rafe you need to tell me what happened."
"I- I tried to get into business with Barry so I could bribe the cops to be on my dad's side."
"Wait..." you looked at him with fear excepting the worst. "Why were you at Barry's place in the first place?"
"I- I was getting more coke." Rafe muttered, knowing he had fucked up again.
You gulped and pulled back, letting your grip slightly falter, knowing he probably still had drugs in his system. It scared you but you tried to stay strong. You knew that even now he wouldn't hurt you. You were glad you came because he would have hurt someone else.
"Y/N I'm sorry. Please I swear to God it's the last time. Please forgive me. Please don't leave. I-"
"Where's the rest of it." you cut him off.
"I know you didn't use everything you bought. Where is the rest of it Rafe? I need you to tell me."
He looked at you with pleading eyes, begging for forgiveness. "Top dresser drawer on the left side."
"Ok." You got up and went for the drawer. You grabbed the baggie out from under the stack go shirts in the drawer and headed towards Rafe's attached bathroom. Rafe followed you like a puppy as you open up the bag to pour the rest of the white powder down the toilet, ensuring it was ruined.
"Y/N what are you doing?"
"Tossing it. I'm not letting you have any more. You're done. I know I don't have money right now but if you're worried about that I'll find a way to get some." you stopped and turned to him, tears clouding your eyes and streaming down your face. "I love you. I can't let you keep doing this to yourself." Your voice was breaking and you poured the powder down the toilet and flushed it down the drain, throwing in the bag as well as it went down.
"I'm sorry Y/N. Please I know you're mad but I love you please don't leave. I swear I'll do better next time. I can't live without you."
"I'm not leaving Rafe. I promise I'm not going anywhere." you told him, grabbing his face again. He leaned into your hand and kissed it. You used your thumb to wipe away some of his tears. "I am gonna go talk to Sarah real quick though and then I'll be be back."
You let go of Rafe and he sighed as he nodded his head. You headed towards the door and opened it up slowly, stepping over the broken pottery. You walked down the hallway, shaking, unable to hold yourself together anymore. You slipped into Sarah's room and saw her pacing back and forth.
"Y/N! Oh my God are you ok? What happened? Did he do something to you?" she said rushing over and pulling you into a hug.
"No Sarah, he didn't do anything to me I promise. I just came to tell you what was going on." you said keeping your sobs quiet and hugging her back.
"So what's going on?" she asked
"Rafe tried to make a deal with Barry and Ward beat the shit out of him. I'm gonna stay here and take care of him."
"Wait if he was at Barry's does that mean..." Sarah trailed off.
You bit you lip as tears rolled down your face again and quietly shook your head. "Oh Y/N" she said as she pulled you into another hug and you sobbed loudly this time. "Can I do anything to help?"
"I don't think so Sarah. I do want to ask if I can borrow some shorts though. Rafe's bottoms are always way too big." you sniffed.
"Yeah of course." she said searching through her drawer to find her comfiest pair to try to make you feel better.
"Yeah Y/N?" Sarah responded, turning. around and handing you her fluffy pajama shorts.
"I can't live with myself if he gets hurt. I can't lose him. I love him and I don't want to live like this forever."
"I know Y/N. All you can do is try and if something happens, that's not on you."
"Thanks for the shorts Sarah." you said turning around and looking back one more time before exiting. "And thank you for being there for me and telling me that he needed me. I couldn't do this without you."
You closed the door and walked towards Rafe's room once more. You stepped in his room, once again avoiding the porcelain on the floor, and moving to meet Rafe who had already gotten up again to move closer to you. You gave him a warm hug before telling him to get in bed while you changed your shorts and pulled a shirt out of his top left drawer. You moved onto the bed and held the crying boy till he fell asleep in your arms and you fell asleep crying and holding him back.
Part 2 will be up super soon. I want to do a long series so let me know if that would be something y'all would like and I'd love to hear what you'd like it to be about.
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anna1306 · 2 years
The Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes
Part 3 c:
Part 2 here
David: Have you noticed that Marko has been acting peculiar?
Dwayne: Yes, from the first day I met him.
Paul: I have no secrets from you. My whole life is an open book.
Marko: Your whole life is an open zipper.
Michael: Alright, alright, David! I'll turn. You win. You always win, but you don't play fair!
David: That's why I always win.
Paul: Art things come easier to me. I've always had a great appreciation for the arts and artists.
Marko: And carpenters and mechanics and delivery boys.
Michael: I am very patient. I once waited two whole weeks for a sty to go away. Every night I'd close my eyes and I'd picture it getting smaller and smaller. And one morning I woke up and it was gone.
Marko: *leaning on David's wheelchair with closed eyes, not moving*
Dwayne: Marko, you okay?
Marko: I'm fine. I'm just trying to make Michael go away.
Marko: Dwayne, why are you in such a bad mood?
Dwayne: Forgive me, Marko, but I haven't had sex in 15 years, and it's starting to get on my nerves.
Paul: I treat my body like a temple.
David: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.
Marko: Great news, I just got a date!
Dwayne, David and Paul, who just had an argument: *leaving the cave, screaming at each other*
Marko: Well, excuse me for trying to have a life!
Laddie: After I drink milk, I go right to sleep.
Paul: I can think of something else after which I go right to sleep. Huh, David?
David: During.
Dwayne: You bought chocolate cheesecake?
Marko: Just for an emergency.
David: What kind of emergency, nuclear war?
Marko: Depression.
Michael: You know, in the south, we mature faster. I think it's the heat.
David: I think it's the gin.
Michael: *leaves David's nest*
Dwayne: I thought he belonged to the other one.
David: Well, I'm sure Star won't mind one bit.
Dwayne: He's a man. It's not like sharing a beer.
Marko: You just don't understand!
Dwayne: Oh please! What I forgot, you'll never know!
David: Look, you didn't ask for my opinion, but I'm old, so I'm giving it anyway.
Michael: My father was good. He has truly been a father to everybody in our town!
Marko to Dwayne: Now I know why Max likes his mother. She must have been a very forgiving woman.
Marko: As long as you're out there, why don't you clean the bikes?
Tipsy Paul: Alright!
Dwayne: Yesterday you said you were gonna clean the bikes.
Marko: I said I'd get it done and it's getting done, lighten up.
In a country bar
David: Do you know where we can sit here?
Paul: How would I know? I'm here for the first time!
Random passerby, slapping his ass: Howdy Paul!
Talking about meeting the guys for the first time
Dwayne: At that moment I was convinced I'd made a bad first impression. But then I met Marko, and I realized I could have shown up naked, playing ukulele and still got turned.
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arson-the-clown · 1 year
Prompt 2: "Have you Been Drinking? You look terrible." Jeff the Killer and Eyeless Jack
"Have you been drinking? You look terrible. Well, you smell terrible" Eyeless Jack turned to face his good friend Jeff as he entered the small abandoned home EJ had been camping out in for the past few months. Jeff and EJ were known for picking areas around each other since they tender to rely on each other so heavily, but Jeff was nothe kind of person to stomp his way up to EJ's door reaking of liquor.
"Fuck dude I haven't even made it through the door yet." Jeff grumbled in his harsh voice, damaged in a fire long ago.
EJ have a small, almost imperceptible laugh "You smell like mud and cheap rum and you're walking like you haven't slept in a week. You aren't exactly being the most careful right now."
There was a thump against the floor, and then EJ felt Jeff's presence move closer and sit on the rotting couch perpendicular to the rotting armchair EJ himself sat on.
Jeff let out a long breath "It's this case Slender has me on. This kid has me fucked up dude. He's getting under my skin in all the wrong ways."
That struck EJ as odd. Not much actually bothered Jeff. Hell, not much made Jeff feel anything other than mildly agrivated as far as EJ knew. "Well, tell me about this kid then. Though once again I'll state that I don't know why you bother bending over backwards for faceless and dickless."
Jeff groaned "I'm not getting into this shit with you again dude. As a human it benifits me to have someone with some actual oompf on my side in case shit goes sideways. I might be able to take down really almost any human, sure, but you know that's not all we have to fucking deal with."
EJ tightened his grip on his cane slightly, as it had been a gift from Jeff and while he didn't need it, it did bring him comfort "What am I, chopper liver?" he gave in, knowing that as much as he despised it Jeff made a fair point "But I digress."
"Ok so" Jeff paused to light up a cigarette, where he got them EJ would never know "This kid is fucking with my head dude. I woke up the other day and-and he had a whole ass meal for breakfast made for me. Scrambled eggs and shit. I came home, well back to the asylum anyway, and he cleaned and sewed up my cuts. Look at this shit!" He must have rolled up his sleeve, but he certainly stuck his arm out at him.
EJ tilted his head slightly "Jeff I can't look at anything. I don't have eyes."
He could practically head Jeff's eyes roll in his head, then felt Jeff walk forward and he grabbed EJ's arm, placing it againt some sewn together cuts in Jeff's cool skin. EJ nodded and then pulled his hand away "Thank you"
"I'm sorry Jack I don't know how the fuck I still forget after all these years man."
"I'm really not worried about it. This kid sounds good for you. He's taking care of you. I'm almost jealous."
Jeff sighed "Nah, man. I worry about this kid. He barely talks but when he does it's with the most mindblowing observations. Hell, he even surprises me without talking. I came back in a bad mood one day and he made me a cup of tea, brought me the book I was reading, and made me dinner. It's like having a husband who forgot how to talk."
"Maybe that's what you need" EJ observed "Someone to bring you routine and structure."
"I guess, but he's so damn quiet I know almost nothing about him."
EJ sat back in his chair and began to consider this, but Jeff sat oh his feet and began to lay his head in EJ's lap.
"You're concerned about not being able to return the favor. That if you don't he'll think himself ill used or neglected in some way."
Jeff sighed "Yeah, I guess. That's one way of putting it."
EJ began to gently run his fingers through Jeff's hair as he spoke "Thankfully for you, in this your reputation precedes you. You're Jeff the Killer. I hardly think he'll expect anything in return. But, if you want my honest opinion, the best thing I can suggest is to pay attention to him in return. Offer the same level of respect and intimacy."
"Ugh Jaaaack."
"Shush, I know it's work, but the way you two work together will be so much smoother and less annoying for it."
"Thanks Jack. You're the best."
EJ wouldn't have said this next part if he thought Jeff would remember it, but he could feel Jeff growing heavy with slumber in his lap.
"Just remember, he'll never know you like I know you. He'll never know how hard you struggled to get on your feet, let alone build up the courage to talk to Slender. He'll never know that you prefer beef stew to chicken soup when sick, that your face feels so much younger in your sleep, that you secretly envy the proxies though you don't think anyone has ever noticed they way you stare at them. Or-" EJ stopped himself with a sigh "I suppose none of that will ever matter though. It seems yet again you are the blind one. Or perhaps I'm just too close for you to see. No matter. Regardless, I'll guard you while you sleep. Lord knows you need it. "
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nihilityart · 2 years
TRAU Incorrect Quotes
(Beastars x Tensura AU)
|Rimuru is the reincarnation of Legoshi who is the reincarnation of Veldanava| |So basically Rimuru, Legoshi, and Veldanava are the same person.|
Lucia: "So your my husbands reincarnation huh?"
Legoshi: "I-I mean that's what they say, but I'm not really sure."
Lucia: "Don't worry I can confirm."
Lucia: *Examines Legoshi's face before pinching his cheeks.*
Lucia(whispering): “……..adorable.”
Velzard, setting down a card: Ace of spades Velgrynd, pulling out an Uno card: +4 Veldora, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you Rimuru, trembling: What are we playing?!
Velzard: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos. Velgrynd: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard. Veldora: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos? Rimuru: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.
Velzard: Can I be frank with you guys? Velgrynd: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Veldora: Can I still be Veldora? Rimuru: Shh, let Frank speak.
Gosha: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life Rimuru: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years! Velzard: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this! Velgrynd: I knew I lost that potential somewhere! Veldora: My moral code, is that you? Gosha: Gosha: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk your great-grandmother left me but do you kids need a hug?
Gosha: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one! Rimuru: Tubular AF! Veldora: Mood to the max! Velgrynd, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it. Velzard, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
Gosha: Favorite horror movie? Veldora: It Velzard: Saw Velgrynd: Annabelle Rimuru: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Rimuru : *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB? Velzard: Bold of you to assume I was born at all. Velgrynd: I personally was created in a lab. Veldora: I just straight up spawned lol.
Rimuru(Having PTSD from being sent to the end of time and space) : There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet. Velzard: Velgrynd: Veldora: Everyone Else At Rimuru ’s Surprise Birthday Party: Velzard: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Rimuru : So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Jack: ...I did. I broke it. Rimuru : No. No you didn't. Velgrynd? Veldora: Don't look at me. Look at Velgrynd. Velgrynd: What?! I didn't break it. Veldora: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Veldgrynd: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Veldora: Suspicious. Veldgrynd: No, it's not! Velzard: If it matters, probably not, but Louis was the last one to use it. Louis: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Velzard: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? Louis: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Velzard! Jack: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Legoshi . Rimuru : No! Who broke it!? Everyone: Velzard: Rimuru ... Velgrynd's been awfully quiet. Velgrynd: rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Rimuru , being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Rimuru : I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Rimuru : Rimuru : Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
Ivarage : Well, aren’t you all a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts! Oh, let me guess: you’re out to save the world! Velzard: Well, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment. Velgrynd: More or less, I guess... Veldora: That sounds awesome! Let’s do that! Velgaia: I’m new here, but I am open to the concept. Rimuru: I thought that’s what we were doing, guys, come on!
Rimuru : Just be yourself sis. Velzard: 'Be myself'? Rimuru , I have one day to win Guy over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me? Velgrynd: Couple weeks. Velgaia: Six months. Veldora: Jury’s still out. Velzard: See, Rimuru ? Velzard: 'Be myself'. What kind of garbage advice is that?
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’* Rimuru : Thanks fam! Velzard: oh no Veldora: *cries* I love you too Velgrynd: Sounds fake but okay Jack: *A flustered mess* Louis: can I get a refund
Rimuru : Dumbest scar stories, go! Velzard: I burned my tongue once drinking tea. Velgrynd: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it. Jack: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Veldora: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn. Louis: Louis: I have emotional scars.
Velzard: Good morning. Rimuru: Good morning. Velgrynd: Good morning. Gosha: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit. Veldora: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS!
Gosha: Veldora's refusing to wear their glasses! Veldora: Gramps, look, I wore the glasses for a day. My eyes are much better now. Watch. Veldora: *points to Rimuru* Rimuru. Veldora: *points to Velgrynd* Velgrynd. Veldora: *points to Velzard* Sasquatch.
Velgrynd: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to? Velzard: Schrödinger's boys. Veldora: FUCK! Rimuru: What about cracking open a cold milkshake? Velgaia: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do. Velgaia: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison. Velgrynd: ... Velzard: ... Veldora: ... Rimuru: ... Velgaia: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
Rimuru, holding an antique bottle: Raphael-san, is this whiskey or perfume? Raphael: *grabs and chugs the entire bottle* Raphael: Raphael: |Answer: It's perfume.|
Raphael: And what do I get out of this? Rimuru: I will give you a head pat. Raphael: |Question: What do you think I am? A chump? I would never do it for a head-pat!| Rimuru: How bout two head-pats? Raphael: |Notice: You got yourself a deal.|
Raphael: |Request: Tell them to go eat shit, master.| Rimuru: Tell them yourself. Raphael: |Suggestion to individual: Eat shit, asshole. Fall off your horse.|
Rimuru: The first time Raphael-san opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside they yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
Rimuru walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Raphael-san, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK. Raphael, sipping coffee happily: |Answer: I love you too, Master :) |
Rimuru: Raphael-san, remember when you said you weren’t going to interfere with my love life? Raphael: |Answer: No, that doesn’t sound like me at all.|
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tenitchyfingers · 6 years
Once you get this, tell your followers 5 things that make you inexplicably happy, and pass it on to the first 10 people on your dash! Have a wonderful day you wonderful human! :D
sorry i’m not in the mood
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I just take one request so I'll go with modern one!
Sabito x Reader (Domestic ModernAU) (Slight NSFW warning)
Being Sabito's childhood friend means knowing almost all of the behaviours and habits, and so does Sabito. And when he finally confess to you after both of you graduated from High School, you were so happy because you've been waiting for this moment.
Being in the same university made it more easier for him to reach you out. Sabito proposed you to live in his apartment until both of you graduated and you happily accepted it.
He called this, 'A simulation before the real one.'
"What real one?"
"Marrying you." He winked. Damn, that's smooth please shut up.
And now, you and Sabito were in 3rd year.
When Sabito woke up in the morning, he will just play with your hair until you wake up by yourself.
"Mm... Morning, Sabito. Playing with my hair again?"
"If you're awake, wake me up too, geez."
"I can stare at your stupid face for hours."
"Seriously, what is that for."
You raised your body from your bed and stretched out, planning what breakfast you should make. Both of his arms snatched your hips.
"I'll make breakfast, you should get ready first. Your project will start at 8 right?" Sabito mumbled.
"Um yeah." You yawned, caressing his messy hair. "Thank you."
Today, the role reversed. He's the one who wore apron while flipping eggs and you helped him with the tables and coffees after done with your clothings.
"Sabito, you make lunch too?" You peeked from his shoulder. "Uwah, the legendary bear-shaped onigiri rice."
"Yeah, after you finished on your project, let's eat them together."
You usually went to uni with him, but this time, you'll go first.
"Why are you wearing scarf?" He crossed his arms, standing in front of the door, while escorting you to outside.
"You dare to question why?" With embarrassing and mad face, you revealed some hickies on your crooks. "Whose fault is this?"
"My bad." He raised his hand while smugly smiling.
"Grr..." You grabbed both of his shoulder, tip-toed and planted kiss on his neck, leaving red marks. "Fufu, fair play."
"Bye Sabito!" After another quick peck landed on his lips, you finally headed out to your university. He covered his reddened face with his palm, swearing that he will revenge you.
Like usual, you ate lunch with Sabito and your other childhood friends, Giyuu and Makomo at the mini park.
"You know, (y/n). The other day, Sabito was sleeping in the class and he called your name!" Makomo giggled. "I got the video!"
"Whaaat, show me, show me!"
"Wait, Makomo!!"
Being university student means both of you don't really much time to meet, but you always made sure to pay Sabito a visit on his kendo club activity.
But Sabito didn't want you to sat near his kendo friends, because of constant eyeing from the boys and death-glaring from the girls.
Nah, it's just his natural jealousy. You didn't really mind about them anyway, you just wanted to see him training.
"Why can't I sit with them? I want to befriend with your manager too."
"No. Just no."
"....I'll go home then."
"Wait, no! I'll lost my morality!!"
So, here you are, seeing his training at second floor. When your eyes met with his, you grinned and smiled while waving your hand.
"Fight, Sabito!"
Then he waved back, making peace sign. That some sort of morale make him more brutal while swishing his wooden sword towards his team.
Sabito probably looked soft and all but he's really become fierce when it comes to other people. But apparently, this didn't apply to you.
He wanted to make sure that you got enough attention from him, even though both of you were busy.
So, dating-days is all of your choices. You're the one who decided where do you want to go.
He likes to take your picture from behind on dates and send it on InstaStory
"With (y/n), lol she's smol." "Bby would deadass fall into that water fountain." "Love it when she said 'Chimkin nugget'"
And please do not question about how he made long ass threads on his pinned Twitter, all contained about you and your photos.
You also have your own habit, like slipping your hand inside his hoodies' pocket, ran with your hand pulling his shirt while showing him something interesting, accidentally stepping on his back shoes.
Sabito literally loses his mind when he can't find your figure behind him while both of you walking, but he stayed cool and started looking for you. This is just your another behaviour when dating, but still, gave him heart attack.
Until he saw hands of yours waving on the air, the method he taught to you in case you lose him.
"Sorry, I got distracted by the student disc- awawawawa." He pinched your cheek. You grabbed his hand while whining in protest.
"Tell me if you wanted to go somewhere, stupid!"
Dates will be always ended with shopping for 1 week-stocks
Sabito never let you bring a single groceries bag and often snatched it from you even though you said you wanted to carry half of them.
"What kind of man who let girl bringing these much?"
Both of you knew how to handling with eachother's moods.
One day, you slammed the door after a shitty day.
You just ignored him and went straight to your shared room, slamming down your whole body onto the bed.
Sabito immediately knew that you're in super bad mood, so he prepared hot tea and your favourite snacks, bringing them to bedroom.
He lifted your body, and positioned yourself between his lap, rolling you around and making you hugged his body. After that, he will read books or played with your phones while caressing your back, letting you stay in silence until you started to tell what made you upset today.
Or, when he's the one who stressed, he will say nothing while hugging you from behind and put his head on your shoulder.
"Care to spill?"
"Okay, then. Anytime you ready." You'll do your usual activity inside the house with he clinging onto you, regaining energy by claimed that it's called 'recharging'.
Day-off like Saturday and Sunday is the most precious day. Well, not really, just doing a normal bunch of what couple would do in the apartment.
Also, he's literally... Your mom.
"Hang it here!" "How many times do I had to tell you to not put your pants and shirts on the chair?" "Don't forget turn off the water." "You haven't cook the rice? Geez, I almost done with the other foods!" "Your bra, missy. I really have an issue with that if you carelessly put them in the living room. What if someone's barge in?"
"I don't think someone will barge in unless they're thief, Sabito."
Not to mention how he forced and dragged you all the way down on Sunday to jogging and running.
"Ok, one more lap!"
"Wha-?! Didn't you just say that this is the last?"
"Go! Go! Go!"
Bathing together after long one day? Sure! But please bear with his groping on your breast when you bathe in with him on the tub.
"I'm not groping, I massage them. They said it will grow bigger."
"...where did you hear that. Also, I'm insulted, you know."
"Hmm, I don't really care but isn't it more-"
"Shut up, you pervert!" You splashed water onto his face.
Other affections like kissing and cuddling were done when both of you about to go to bed. He didn't kiss you outside the house because he wanted to feel the simple intimacy from you.
He usually offered you 'pillow-hand' when you're about to sleep or when you still wanted to talk to him with his feet cuddling yours under the blankets.
"The scar..." You slowly dragged your finger at the reddish mark from mouth to ear. "...If I'm not so stupid to go near the wild dog when we were 10, you probably don't have-"
"How many times do I have to tell you that this is not your fault?" He pressed his temple onto yours. "It was my decision to protect you, this scar is also my responsibility."
"But, I'm still not-"
"Oh, but if you kissed my scar everyday, it probably helps."
"You just wanted to be kissed, do you?" You slowly smacked his head while giggling.
"Yeah, maybe? Just- don't think about it anymore. It's all in the past." He butterfly-kissed your nose, telling you to sleep afterwards.
"Umm, can you pat my back?"
"If it made you at ease, sure." He started to move his hand, dragged his palm on your back.
Now, this is new. He didn't know you like it when he caressed your back.
Even though both of you have been together for a long time, Sabito is still eager to discover other real side of you more, so please be prepared.
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savysavannah · 4 years
Challenge 1
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Special thanks to @damian-schreave and @hadleyjaneharper for the rps.
Also the last section is not in fic format because its 2am, im lazy, and you get the gyst from the RP. Apperantly this is too long so part 2 soon.
    The Prince was off in Paloma for a bit so we were of little use in the Palace, no idea why they had us move in so early. Therefore, I’d spent most of the day with some books I’d grabbed from the library. Primarily they were legal books since it never hurts to brush up. But every once in a while, such as now I’d need to go and grab some food. 
I brought my notepad and a book on contract law with me and walked into the kitchen. There was another girl also in the kitchen. We haven't spoken to each other, she didn’t seem unfriendly or particularly awful company, just hadn’t really had the moment to. I grabbed a plate of fruit and wondered if she would say anything. After a moment I sat down and resumed reading. 
Then a small sad sigh came from the young woman who was looking down at her phone with a sad face. It wouldn’t be too bad if I took a break for some conversation. However, the young woman looked troubled, she may not be in the mood. I yawned and stretched then mumbled, but loud enough for her to hear, “God, I could use a drink.” and wondered if the other would take the bait. 
There was a beat before the other spoke, “Long day?”
“More or less. Lots of reading, missing work. How about yourself?”
She shrugged “Its...different than what I’m used to. Lots of sitting still when I’m used to spending my days moving around.” SHe grimaces then sighed, “The adjustment period is always the toughest, though.”
I thought for a moment trying to remember the occupations of the selected, “The dancer?” I asked. 
She grinned “Yeah. Hadley.” She raised an eyebrow, “And you?”
“Lawyer.” I said and stood from the table, walked over to Hadley and held her hand out, “Savannah Mars, Labrador, three.”
She shook my hand, “Nice to meet you.” then thought for a moment, “You said you were missing work? Do you work at a law firm?”
“Kinda. I work for the Illean Civil Liberties Union in their legal division. It's a non-profit which focuses on civil rights and for me civil legal cases. Lgbt+ rights defense, domestic defense, that sort of thing.”
“Oh, that’s really cool.” She said, seeming actually interested in my work. “Are you missing the casework, or something else?”
“It's pretty hard for me to step back from my work. Since I'm kind of left worrying about my clients. A new guy took over my cases but I'm trying to still work in my own way by studying up on some legal sections I work in less frequently but still may come up. Such as contract law.” I explained not fully hearing her other question. 
She nodded, “I understand, sort of. I’m left worrying about how my ballet company is going to perform, with somebody else taking over the role in the Nutcracker that I’ve had the past few years.”
“Yeah the transition really is nerve wracking. Have you seen them perform though?” I asked hoping that could at least provide some solace. 
“I’ve seen pictures on Instagram, but no videos yet. We were just finishing up our performance of Cinderella when I left. Nutcracker rehearsal started a few days after, but it’s a show we do each year, so... “ She sighed “ It /should/ be fine.”
I nodded, “well if they assigned them the role try and have faith in their qualifications. That's what I'm keeping in mind for mine. They did go to law school so it's fine. They got the role so it’s fine.” I said partially for her and partially for me. 
She sighed a little hesitant, “Yeah, you’re probably right. Competition is just gonna be a bitch and a half when I’m sent back.” She chuckled wryly.  
“Well maybe you'll win and then you won't have too. Who’s gonna take a role away from the future queen of Illea.”
“That’s extremely unlikely to happen.” She then almost smirked “What about you? If you win, nobody’s going to tell you no in a courtroom.”
I laughed, “If I win I'll kill myself.” Then I realized how dark that sounded, though it didn’t seem to phase her.
“I hate to say that I feel the same way, but…” She shrugged and nodded, “I feel the same way” For a moment I was confused, why would she join if she felt the same way? Then it clicked, a dancer would be a five, lower class, need the money.
“You're a five right? Did you apply for the money? If you don't mind my asking that is. It would just make sense why you'd dislike to win.” 
“It…” She bit her lip, “Kind of? It’s a long story involving a deadbeat mom, a shitty health care system, two starving artists, and a kid with leukemia.” She said with an apologetic smile. Whatever she’d be apologizing for I can’t say. 
“Well shit man, I'm glad you got in then. Both for the money and for a break from that. I know this society fucking sucks and we've got a likely shit for brains hier, but if you ever need a lawyer I'm here to help. Hopefully, being a three now will provide some help for you too.” I said then caught myself making a mental note to not be so vulgar with my language. 
She gave me a small smile, “Thanks. Now I just have to figure out what I’m doing with the rest of my life, after throwing my career into dance, only to become a Three.” She laughed, “What about you? Why did you enter? It sounds like you had a pretty cushy gig going on.”
It wouldn’t be smart to tell the truth, but lying when Hadley had been so open felt wrong, I sighed and said, “My brother. Basically he forged my entry and I didn't want him to get into legal troubles for that. He's a fucking idiot.” I sighed and let that last cuss word slide as he is a fucking idiot. 
She snorted, “Men really do only have two brain cells.” She gave a small smile, “I’m sorry that you ended up in that situation, though. That’s rough.”
“Yeah. I tried to beat him up but my other brothers stopped me. It was really a mess. Had to find out from a waitress asking for a photo with me.” 
She shook her head, “My best friend told me that he was so upset to see me, “throwing my life away,” as if I hadn’t entered to help him and his brother.” Sounds like an ungrateful ass. She sighed and looked down at her fruit, “When did life get this messed up?”
A question with too big of an answer. A bit panicked and not knowing what to say I took a strawberry off my plate and held it out to her, “Fruit?” 
She chuckled and took the strawberry, “Thanks.” She takes a bit, chews, and then pauses, looking at Savannah, “You know what I could really go for right now, though? A good gin and tonic.”
“God that'd be great. You know what, let's make some. One glass can't hurt.”
She shrugged, “Sure, sounds fun. I’m down.” She looks around, “I know they keep the wine in that cabinet, but I haven’t found the liquor yet.”
After gathering our ingredients we get to work making the glasses, “so, what's your plan in all this?”
“In the selection?” She raises an eyebrow and then shrugs, she starts pouring things into the mixer bottle, “Stay here for as long as I can so I keep making stimulus checks, and then get sent home before I’m stuck spending the rest of my life here.” She finishes pouring and looks at Savannah, “You?”
I sighed, “about the same. Give the money to the non-profit I work for. I was hoping I could root for you to win, you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders to influence him, but the more I think about it the more I realize that's like damning to hell.
She snorts, “Well, I still appreciate the compliment, and I would’ve said the same about you.” Then she sighs, “I’ve always known that it’s been like this, though. He gets to squander every penny he has on luxury shit, whereas my paychecks…” another sigh, “But life isn’t fair.”
“Yeah. And then waste the money on useless shit and trying to pass dumb laws like making 'cats' illegal instead of actually fixing the problems in this country.” I said and poured myself a glass of the drink.
She poured some for herself and then shook her head with an eye roll, “Don’t even get me started on that debacle. Why even joke about things like that?”
“Because he doesn't comprehend how the people of his own country are suffering. He's just so blind with privilege. Not that I have much to speak on but at least I freaking try to think about others in the country and their situations.”
She gave me a small smile, “You didn’t seem like the type to blow your money on worthless things to me, at all. I don’t even know what I’m going to say to him when we have that interview in a few days.”
“Yeah I think im just gonna be polite for the sake of not causing a scene that'll haunt me my whole life” I said and took a sip, then clarified, “polite though, not kind.”
She nodded then drank too, “I really went from putting on one type of show for Twos to another.” 
“Any idea what you're gonna do as a three?” I asked.
She pursed her lips and shook her head, “I haven’t taken a science or maths class since I was eleven, and I don’t have the money for university. I guess I could work as a translator, or if that doesn’t work out, marry a five and go back to dancing.” She took another sip of her drink, “Hopefully I’ll be here long enough to figure it out.”
“Do they not have like threes who are dance teachers? I haven't really looked much into the area myself but it may make sense.”
She shook her head, “For me, at least, it was mostly Russian immigrants who were former dancers themselves, so Fives.”
I thought for a moment, “Well if you ever need history lessons, english, or legal aid I'm around. I dug into my pocket and pulled out a business card, since it’s not like either of us plan to be here long,  “Just all the way up in Labrador. Where are you from again?”
“Allens. So, not too far. Thanks.” She replied and looked at the card.
“Welcome.” I replied, finished off my drink then wrote down another idea. 
Hadley narrowed her eyes curiously, “What are you writing?”
“Just an idea for a proposition with the ICLU. There are probably other girls in a similar situation as you being lower caste now upper be it through marriage or selection, it may be helpful to talk about implementing a caste readjustment program.”
She lifted her head, smiling just a little, “That sounds like a great idea.” Then a little quieter she added,  “I'd appreciate it.” 
“Hopefully my boss will agree and pass it onto the innovation department. I'll write a quick memo about it to her later.” I smiled happy to have something to do.
“You really love your job, don't you?” She asked. 
I nodded, “It makes me feel like I have some kinda purpose. As cheesy as that is to say.” Making actual change in Illea instead of just prancing around doing whatever else I could have grown up to do. 
“No, I get that.” She looked down, “As a kid, I never really felt like I belonged, but on the stage, dancing?” She looked a little distant, “Standing out was a good thing.”
I nodded,  “Mhm. Have you thought of ways you could continue working while at the palace?”
She smiled, “Actually, I had a conversation with Prince Eaton about that, and I’ve been able to work out a schedule that allows me to still practice, even though I have to do a little more work to catch up on lessons.”
“That'll be good. If you wanted too you could put on a performance and donate the profits. That way you could be working towards a goal too instead of general practice.”
She tilted her head, “That's an interesting idea. I’ll keep that in mind.”
I nodded, “Well it was nice meeting you, Lady Hadley. But it is probably time for me to get back to work.” Then held out my hand to shake goodbye.
She took it, giving it a shake. “Nice to meet you too.”
It was pretty late in the afternoon by the time I was escorted to the interview room. Damian was in a navy blue suit jacket, dress pants, and a white button up shirt. He smiled at me as I got closer.  His eyes flicker to my nametag for a second before he speaks, “Hello, Lady Savannah. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person.”
I smiled trying to stay polite, then gave a small curtsy, “The same to you, your highness.”
He smiled back, taking a few steps back and gestured for me to go into the interview room. In the room is a sofa, surrounded by stage lights and a few cameras, what a romantic first meeting. There is one camera on a swivel stand, that is currently focused on Damian and I. He starts walking into the room, looking at me as he talks, "How have you found your first few days here, so far?"
I debated giving him a short one word answer of 'fine' but Danny's words of 'don't ruin your own happiness" slipped into my head. "They've been fine. I've enjoyed your library. It's helped me feel like I can in some ways continue working by catching up on legal matters normally outside of my areas of expertise."
He nodded while smiling then took a seat on the sofa, "So you're a lawyer, then? What kind of law do you practice?"
Reluctantly I sat next to him, hopefully I wouldn't catch an STD from proximity alone, "Yes, I practice primarily civil and criminal law with the Illean Civil Librities Union. So primarily defending people who are in bad situations due to outdated laws which need amending." My tone came out more passive aggressive than intended, but it was slightly justified as he should have been working to amend said laws and help people instead of partying.
"That's a great thing, to be doing. What got you into law?"
"Well I was at the University of Labrador. My best friend I'm the sorority I was in decided to go to a protest over women's rights in illea. We went, someone man came and antagonized some women, she defended herself verbally, got arrested, felt up by the officer, then was unable to do anything legally about it. I felt that was unfair so I decided to look into being a lawyer, liked the process, graduated in 2 years, went to Yale and here I am." 
He lets out a low whistle, looking down for a second. I couldn't help but be a but prideful at my accomplishment, then looks back up at me, more serious than before, his jaw tense, "I'm really sorry that happened to your friend." He said and fell silent. What a conversation killer. 
"It's fine." I said trying not to dwell on it, "How was your time in undergrad? Partied a lot, I saw." I said the passive agressiveness coming out again. 
He smiled, a little more relaxed than before, but not as relaxed as he was when he first entered the room, "I enjoyed my last few years of freedom before entering the real world, yes." He then raised his eyebrows, grinning a little wider, kind of teasing, "And what about you? Being in a sorority and all, I doubt you were much of a homebody yourself." 
I couldn't help but completely flush and bit down my urge to absolutely smack him upside the head. "It was a brief phase. It was fun. But also a waste of time." I chuckled a bit remembering my airheaded behavior in that year, "had I already been working harder I may have been able to finish faster and help more people."
He grinned a little at how flustered I was, which just made me want to punch him more, then smiled a little more genuinely towards the end, "We're still young. We have our whole lives to keep fixing things."
i frowned, "That isn't true. We never know when we're going to die. Something could always happen so we should be trying to help as much as we can. Not to mention while we" I paused after my slip of the tongue, but didn't correct it "partied in undergrad people were suffering who could have been helped."
There's a flicker of a frown on his face when I mentioned how short life is, but he lets it go, tilting his head when he looks at me, "We can't save everyone. That's impossible. We can try to do as much as we can, but there will always be more people in need of help.
"Partying isn't trying."
He raised his eyebrows, "You didn't even know you wanted to be a lawyer, back when you were partying in college."
I got kinda flustered again, he's right, there's no logically sound way to win. Yeah but I should have, I wish I had. Would have made the time a lot less regrettable." I said then cleared my throat, "Though, this is a bit of a heavy topic for our first meeting, don't you agree? Your- Damian." I barely corrected myself from saying Your Highness.
He chuckled, "A bit, but it's different from the surface level talk about work and provinces." He inclined his head, "Though, if you think about it, you never would have discovered your passion for law if you hadn't joined your sorority." He shrugged and gave a stupid grin which made me blush even more. 
Finally I snapped and turned to point a finger at him, "You won okay. I can't regret something if I didn't know to do something better, but that doesn't make topless jello shots any less of an embarrassing memory." I exclaimed then heard what I said and wished to curl into a ball and die. 
He chuckled a little, "We all have our moments. It's okay."
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door then, and a guard pokes his head in. Damian nods at him, then turns and looks at me, "Unfortunately, we'll have to exchange stories another time. It appears our time today is up."
I sighed in relief at my rescue, then mumbled under my breath, "Thank God." I stood to curtsy, "Your-" I cringed a bit at the error, "Damian."
He chuckled again, "It was a pleasure to meet you Savannah. Until next time." He smiled at me when we got to the door, and stopped in the doorway.
I smiled back politely, "Thank you for the conversation. Till next time." 
*savy was taking a break from her work and decided to out for a walk in the gardens. She had always been a fan of taking runs when stressed snd the gardens were providing a peaceful alternative. She was walking around when she thought she saw a bunny in the bushes. Being the gal she is she wanted to see it closer so she stepped off the path and walked into the gravel. Immediately her heel sank in the gravel. She lost her balance for a moment but didnt fall. Instead she panicked. She debated stepping out of her shoes to get it out but she didnt wanna hurt her skin on the gravel. Instead she tried to wiggle it loose and hopped no one was near*
*rip savannah, but Damian is out distressing by playing basketball at that point in time, and from where he's standing as he shoots this basket, he can see someone clearly struggling with something in the gardens. he can't see who it is, or what the problem is, but he figures he should go check it out. he tucks the basketball under one arm, jogging towards the person he can see, calling out* Hey, everything okay?
*savannah hears him call out an knows immediately it's the last person in the world she'd want to find her like this* Absolutely peachy! *calls back and debates ditching the shoes*
*he slows to a stop when he gets closer, his eyes going from savannah's face to her foot* Mmm, looks like you've got yourself in a bit of a sticky situation, there.
*is extremely flustered* no situation at all. I said I'm fine. *aggressively wiggles the heel and almost trips so she squeaks but manages to catch herself*
*when he sees her almost trip, he lunges forwards to catch her before she hits the ground, but then she catches herself, so he's like "oh was that for nothing?" he looks down at the shoe, furrowing his brows, thinking* Here, let me help with that, before you actually fall.
I'm not going to fall and I don't need your help. I'm perfectly capable of defeating some gravel on my own
*he takes a step back* Alright... if you insist... *hes not going anywhere, just watching her, waiting to see what she'll do*
*huffs when she doesnt hear him walk away and continues to wiggle then huffs when shes not getting anywhere* Fine. If you're just going to stand there anyways you may as well help.
*he chuckles, setting the basketball down on the ground, kneeling down to look at the gravel and the heel, before beginning to dig the heel out with his fingers* Not the best shoes to walk off the path in.
*rolls her eyes* I didn't think about that. I thought I saw a bunny and got distracted
*he can't help but raise his eyebrows at that, grinning, twisting the heel a little to unscrew it from the gravel* Was it at least a cute bunny?
*his tone is a little teasing*
It was cute, be careful with your tone though when your face is near my foot. *once its free she steps back on the path so she doesn't sink again*
*he chuckles, joking* What, are you planning on giving me a royal nose job with your shoe?
You could probably use one. *offers a hand to help him stand back up*
*he picks up his basketball, taking her hand, still grinning at her, teasing* Maybe it's just the angle you've been looking at it from.
*stands on her tiptoes looking at his nose* Nope. It's a little off. Nose job it is.
*she pinches his nose* its a big flaw. Doubt you'll be able to get a wife like that
*he chuckles* I don’t know, my nose has never gotten in my way before
*considers* You're right, I'm sure that was just your sense of responsibility that got in the way.
*he raises his eyebrows* You know, I’ve never turned in an assignment late, or anything for work late. Never asked for an extension.
I somehow find that doubtful. Your reputation of being a loose partier precedds that of a responsible duitiful person.
Well, it’s the truth. *he shrugs* If you’re really curious, you could email my professors. It’s all about finding a balance. *he smiles*
*grumbles because he seems to be honest about it* What did you even study?
I dual majored in political science and marketing. You?
*sighs in relief* at least you werent a buisness major. Political Science and History for me on a prelaw track.
*he nods, smiling, genuinely curious* Did you prefer one over the other?
Probably political science. I mean I love history it's why I added it. For fun since it's just like learning stories and seeing the modern day impact of said stories. But political science felt more efficient. Like it helped me have a better understanding of the philosophy of political thinking which has helped me a lot in law. Plus I just liked the professors more.
*he smiles* Understandable. Good professors make it so much easier to learn the content
*smiles* yeah and lots and lots of highlighters. Did you have a favorite topic in political science?
*grinning* I took a really cool course on comparative political economies - I really like the economic side of things. That, and the classes I had to take on international politics. *he looks over at savannah* What about you?
Probably civil politics. I've always been a fan of civil work. I honestly thought about working for the AFEI instead of the ICLU but decided I wanted to do more personal legal work than policy legal work. But it's always been the work that has interested me more since it's important to bring up civil conflicts within the country and try to help as much as possible. But learning about where we came from in terms of The United States vs the civil policies of Illea was an interesting course for me, especially because of the overlap of History and Political Science.
*he nods as she talks, thinking that all over* I think work guided what classes I liked as well. Because beyond national politics, I also have to think about international politics, trade agreements, and maintaining Illéa’s position in the world.
*seems slightly surprised* so you actually liked your major? I assumed you just were kinda forced to pick it
I was kind of forced to, but I could still pick the classes that interested me more. *He shrugs* Plus I really enjoyed my marketing major.
*thinks for a moment* Can I ask you something and have an honest answer? No bullshit PR answer. I'm just trying to figure out if we can trust you to be our future king through this, at the very least.
Sure *he nods, pursing his lips a little* Ask away.
Do you actually want to be the king of this country? Like aside from the perks you have from it, do you care about the work?
I do care. *he pauses, swallowing* I really do. It’s just...it’s a lot of pressure to accept from a young age.
*she thinks for a moment* Noted. Thank you for your honesty. *Looks at the basketball* Do you play much?
*he smiles kind of sadly* Not as much as I used to. I’ve gotten a little busy helping to run the country, and such.
*gets an idea* Do you wanna make a bet with me?
*he grins* Depends on what it is
Basketball. I'm working on a program right now with the ICLU, a coworker wants to come visit me and discuss about it but appreantly work visits aren't allowed during this. If I can get more hoops in you'll arrange that?
*he furrows his brows* Better yet, I could just organize for your coworker to visit under the guise of another event going on. Just give me a few weeks to work out the details.
*kinda chuckles because shes competitive* oh? Youre scared you'll lose? But if that's what you prefer
*he laughs* No, I just know I’d win, and I’d hate to deny you the ability to see your coworker
Fine. You'll set up the meeting, then I'll just prove to you that I would win had their beem stakes.
*he narrows his eyes at her, extending a hand to shake, still grinning* Deal
*shakes it firmly then kicks off her heels planning to walk to the court barefoot.* Would be an unfair advantage for me to still be in them
*he raises his eyebrows* Why, they helped square up the height difference between us, at the very least *he chuckles*
*almost elbows him over that but barely stops herself* I don't need that help. I'm perfectly capable of crushing you independent of my shoes
*he laughs* I played basketball in uni, you know?
As did I. Well- not in a club. A guy who I was *ponders for a moment* acquainted with, played it therefore I played with him and his friends fairly often
*he raises his eyebrows* And how tall was your acquaintance? Because I’m used to playing with people my height, but also my mom and sister, who are - *he puts his hand somewhere around his shoulder because they’re 5’4” and 5’5”* - about this tall
He was around 6'3. His friends the same or more. Don't worry I'm well aware of the disadvantage of my height and very prepared to utilize it
*he chuckles* Oh, I’ve got to see this. *when they get to the court he starts dribbling the ball casually, walking towards the middle of the court* Do you want to start with the ball, or should I?
*thinks for a moment and puts her shoes down on the edge of the court and rolls up the bottoms of her dress pants a bit* You can start with it.
*he raises his eyebrows at her rolling up her dress pants, but he nods* Okay, if you insist. *he waits until he’s ready before starting the play*
*she walks up prepared to steal since she cant block*
*he starts dribbling more seriously, quickly maneuvering around her, taking three large steps with the ball, and then shoots a basket, and it goes in*
*she kinda huffs about that dislikes. But once he has the ball again she tries again, this time getting it and doing her UNDER THE LEGS MOVE AND SHOOTS*
*he turns around, a little in shock* That is not a legal move!
Hmmm *puts her finger to her chin very smug* I dont think it explicitly says in the rules that you're not allowed too. You use your height I'll use mine *VERY SMUG*
*he narrows his eyes* Fine, best 2 out of 3? Whoever gets this next shot wins, then
*SHES BEING COCKY NOW* Aw is the wittle princey calling it quits so soon? His fragile ego damaged? *bats her eyes teasingly*
*he narrows his eyes* Fine, best three out of five, then. *he starts dribbling the ball right from here he is, and it’s a long shot to his basket from there, but he’s pretty confident, so he goes for it, and somehow it actually goes in. he raises his eyebrows at her* Still think you’re gonna win?
*crosses her arms* That was luck. *goes to get the ball since shes closer*
Or just sheer skill. *he smirks a little*
*turns to face him just to roll her eyes and gets the ball. She then dribbles it back to the middle or something idk how basketball works*
*he follows her to the middle, standing in front of her, knees bent in that “ready” position idk wtf it’s called lmao*
*that position makes knees wide so she dribbles and goes to do her fast under the leg move again*
*he sees it coming this time, and takes a few steps back, keeps his arm in front of him to reach for the ball, which he gets, and then dribbles across to the the hoop he has to score in, taking the shot, and watching it go in again. he grabs the ball as it bounces back up, raising his brows at savannah* One more, or are you good? *he grins a little*
*huffs again and crosses her arm* Fine we'll call it at 3 to 1. But in my defense it's been awhile.
*he grins* Well, you’re always welcome to practice out here with me, if you want.
I can't tell if you're being taunting or not *rolls her eyes and walks up to him then holds out her hand to shake for the end of the game*
*he takes her hand and shakes, then gives her a genuine smile* No taunting. I mean it. I’d love to have someone new to play with.
I'll consider it then. I am getting slightly bored of your homes running path for exercise.
*smiles back even tho she doesnt wanna because it was a nice offer*
*he tilts his head from side to side* Yeah, the running trail through the gardens is kind of short. There are better ones /in/ Angeles, if you ever want to check them out
Not sure I'm allowed to just waltz on out of here, but I'd love the names of any you know. My grandmother lives near her so I'm sure I'll be visiting soon enough after this if not immediately so.
*he shrugs* I could also drive you sometime, if you want. I /do/ have a car.
*seems a bit surprised* You know how to drive?
*he furrows his brows* Of course! I got my license as soon as I was legally allowed to.
But its not like you need too? Don't you have like drivers?
*he looks a little confused and taken aback* I’m sure some exist, but why would I want someone else to drive me when I could be free and drive myself?
I'm not sure. I just know rich people, like for example my cousin *mumbles for a moment to find the phrasing* So my grandmother is in charge of the Mars Candy Corporation. My mom's older brother Nathaniel will be taking over it, his kids also my cousins all have drivers. They're like twenty something now but Jackson is always bragging about how he doesn't have to take the effort to drive himself places. I just assumed other people who could afford them would have them, especially busy people who could work instead of drive.
*he blinks* Wow, I never even would have considered that. *he shakes his head* No, I like driving. Being able to roll the windows down and blast the music...it’s like a few moments of freedom. *he shrugs, smiling a little sadly*
*she noticed the smile then something clicks* so freedom is your vice. You act out to feel free, thus the partying. You mentioned earlier the responsibility of being a prince being am influence on the partying. A lack of freedom makes sense. *she knows shes getting too personal but her curiosity and worry for the future gets the best of her* But what does that mean you're going to do when you're king? You'll have even less. How do you plan to maintain that restriction without bursting and needing freedom?
*he stiffens a little at her analysis because damn it’s spot on, but sighs towards the end* Getting as much out of life as I can now. I always knew what my future held for me. So I can plan accordingly. *he forces a small grin, trying to joke* Besides, with any luck, I’ll be old and almost out of energy by the time I’m king.
*furrows her eyebrows concerned* That doesn't work. *sighs* Believe me I'd know. But we aren't wired to run off memories. Instead we develop habits and coping mechanisms. Everyone snaps from time to time, you'll go back to what made you happy last. For you I assume that'll be partying. Which is something you can't do as king, and assuming it wont be till your old isn't right either, regardless of if that was a joke it's not something that you can lean on since millions of people could be relying on you and you'd be unprepared. You are going to be king, You are not going to have freedom, you are going to be under immense pressure and responsibility, honest answer, what are you going to do when you need to snap?
*he narrows his eyes at her, this time more out of irritation than anything else, and he’s a little sarcastic* Gee, thanks for the reminder. Though, for the record, I /haven’t/ partied since uni, and I have no plans to in the near future. So perhaps I’ll rely on my other coping mechanism, such as basketball, or taking a drive.
Yeah well it's the truth and uni wasn't that long ago. It's hard to break habits. I mean I partied like 4 times a month in undergrad and I still use it. That was forever ago but that's not how humans work. You're gonna lean on what you've leaned on. You're going to get shitfaced, you're going to want what you used to have, you're gonna idolize those times in uni and want them back. But you're not going to have it and it's going to be hard and shitty but you have to tough it out because of the country that relies on you and this is proving to me that you're not going to be a reliable King for the people who need you.  
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Down South (God’s Children, Part 1.)
Revisioned and rewritten: August 2023 🕊️
Description: In the year 2018, a huge nuclear attack took place, having its epicenter on Hope County, Montana. All the people were supposed to be gone, but the reality turned around to be much different from that.
A/N: So, the Seeds had always been my No. 2° Far Villains right after Pagan Min (Far Cry 4 was the first I've been introduced to, so it stuck with me much more than FC 3 and Vaas - I mean, I like Vaas, the personal attachment isn't there for me, though). And as the cycle goes on, I love to re-work my old stories to make them better suited for my current writing style. Enjoy!
Heavily inspired by Killshot (Magdalena Bay), LoveGame (by Lady Gaga) and I Wanna Be Your Slave is even indirectly used in the text (by Måneskin). Also inspired by Sex on Fire (by Kings of Leon).
Word count: 4.5 K
Read the rest here, babe: HERE
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Hope County, Montana, 2035 - seventeen years after the nuclear attack:
It was a beautiful day to have the big watch duty on the Prosperity's walls. The breeze felt warm, the sunshine was giving undeniable glory to the nuclear wilderness outside, to all of the pink weird flowers, mutated animals and trees. Many shoots of those surroundings were taken, but this just begged for more and more photos.
At those moments, you had a feeling of being in peace with nature, you almost felt the calm grace the world was greeting you with. It was subtly inviting you to discover it's glory and secrets by your own eyes. It was beautiful.
When Jason was leaning into the wall and watched the surroundings, he thought he was hallucinating. A woman with black curly hair grown under her waist in a khaki green blouse and black jeans was coming out of the woods. She held a big bowl of something; she had a dead state and pale face. He heard her singing in a high voice, but it was somehow mesmerizing to listen to.
'Amazing grace, how sweet the sound? That saved a wretch like me?' - Jason heard just as he slowly raised the submachine gun.
"Might have a female intruder on my fair sight, approaching the north wall on her own feet. Maybe she was sent by the twins?" - Jason mumbled into his walkie-talkie and slowly raised his gun.
"Is she armed?" - Kim's voice answered curiously. Twins were constantly surprising them with their attack, so Prosperity was naturally armed to react immediately at any time of the day.
"Doesn't seem so. Instructions?" - Jason answered and looked at Madison looking at the woman as well. They were too young to have any idea of who the woman was. He was three years old when the big nuclear attack happened and Madison was born in the bunker just a few days after her parents hid there.
"Let me see." - Kim answered and just two minutes later, she was climbing up on Jason's spot. She looked down for a minute before her whole face tensed up and her eyes for colder. - "You gotta be shitting me. Stay here. Watch every move she makes. If I give you a sign, shoot immediately. Maddy, come with me."
Kim was really not glad to see that woman appear. That was apparent. But any of the two young people haven't got an idea why is she acting that way. That woman only got out of the woods and Kim was thrown out of her normal chilling family mood.
They were walking to the woman until they stood ten feet away from her, staring her down.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" - She asked with furrowed face, ready to snap any minute. Maddy stood by her side with the submachine gun pointing at the woman. She had a bowl of mac'n'cheese. - "I couldn't care less if you're alive, but showing up here and look to all those people's faces? Too far fetched, even for you."
"Nice to see you too, Kim." - The woman smiled and pointed at Maddy, who immediately tensed up. - "You think it's necessary? I have only macaroni and cheese to defend myself."
"My men are ready to shoot your ass at the moment I give them a sign. Speak fast or you'll be dead in the next minute." - Kim walked up to the woman and look her in the eyes. She wanted to murder her right here and there. That woman was a monster capable of unspeakable horrors. She was a sadist to say at least, she was something much worse, torturing people being her daily hobby.
There were days when the name Y/N Y/L/N-Seed resonated with pure terror in everyone's head.
"Heard you had some problems with those fuckers sent by Mickey and Lou. I thought you could use my help. And I cooked a great dish and thought you might wanna taste?" - She offered Kim the bowl and Kim, in a slight shock, accepted it whether she actually wanted it or not.
"Why would you even think we might accept your help?" - Kim grinned and spat right onto the woman's shoe. If the Devil could be real, Y/N was them. She was the worst kind of person, arrogant and cocky. Borderline crazy.
"Because I'm just as crazy as those fuckers. I ain't afraid to be killed because I've got nothing to lose anymore. But you can. My family and home are gone." - Y/N said and with that, Kim took the SMG and hit the woman right into her chin to make her unconscious. The council needed to decide whether put their trust into a former member of the Seed family or if they murder her for everything she has done to the people of Hope County.
The University of Yale Campus, New Haven, Connecticut, 2008:
John Duncan Seed had never felt like a normal human being, not even for a second throughout his life. Truth be told, neither of the environments he grew up in didn't exactly allow him to develop into someone who'd keep his emotions in check as well as be allowed to express them. In the last few years, he began to notice it as he started to be around other people rather frequently. Humanity, as a trait itself, didn't resonate with John's view on life and how things should be. Being compassionate or empathetic wasn't something John would see himself doing. The very core of being human didn't make much sense to this man. On the other hand, he knew precisely why that was.
It started a long, long time ago. He was just a little boy being beaten up by his own father every fucking evening. His memories of this particular time of his life were rather hazy, yet he remembered a little here and there. His father was beating and beating until something broke inside of John. That was the night he told about this situation to his teacher. Shortly after, the Duncan family came to play. On the outside, they looked like an ideal family for such an intelligent, innocent and lovely child. John, even throughout growing up, was very delightful to look at, thanks to his angelic face and enormous baby blue eyes. But… The Duncans sure as hell weren't the perfect family they presented themselves as. While his biological father was more of a physical abuser, the Duncans tormented young John mentally. They tortured him for months on end, trying to beat every sin he had committed throughout the ten years of his life. That was when he was broken for the second time.
Soon enough, John trained himself to be a master liar as well as a master manipulator just to keep himself safe. These traits made John a perfect candidate for law studies, which he proceeded to do. He was very good with bureaucracy bullshit and even better at mind games. Duncans, at this point in his life, were very proud of John; they managed to eradicate him of sin, showered him with wealth and paid for everything you could imagine. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. John Duncan was everything but a good Christian boy. Everyone knew him as the wild shot, the man who fucked the entire campus. His name became synonymous with being the one who had the best drugs, alcohol, cars and prostitutes. Aside from his substance abuse, he was also a sex addict - even worse, he ravelled in hardcore sex practises, leaving his sexual partners bruised up and sore.
One important distinction to be made was that John was not monogamous, nor did he desire to be that kind of a man. Each of his dates knew he was fucking around, that was one of the first pieces of information John told his dates about himself. The day it all started was the first day of John's junior year, on a warm September day. That was the reason he was caught off-guard the first time he had seen her. Never before had a woman or a man caught his eyes with such gravity as she did. She wasn't even trying to get his attention, she didn't see him neither did she pay him an ounce of notice. The day he had seen her for the first time, she was rushing through the campus with her hair all messy and her outfit uncoordinated - she clearly put random pieces of clothes on because she was running late, and her backpack was still half open as she ran towards the building holding an enormous pink binder close to her chest. John was having brunch with his newest girl and a couple of his friends from the classes as they discussed the latest legislation changes.
Soon after, the first signs of infatuation started to show, which made John even more cautious about what was happening to him. He has never felt like this about any of his playthings, nor about any other person. As time passed by, John grew anxious to know more about her as if he’d die if he didn’t. The man started to make subtle changes; mixing up his schedule just so his breaks would match hers, getting to know which table at the study she used with her friend, John even paid attention to what she seemed to enjoy eating and drinking. While he still enjoyed having sex, his objects of lust started to imitate her features in one way or another. Some had resembling eye colour, some carried the same haircut or hair colour, and some had similar body type, similar ass or boobs. Others tended to resemble the features of her face - the curve of her lips, the bridge of her nose, her cheeks or the shape of her eyes. The point was that no matter the person’s gender, his mind visualized her in his arms, her voice mumbling his name or spitting cusses, her voice screaming at the top of her lungs.
As time passed by, September turned into October, and October into November. The slight infatuation grew into a full-on obsession. John felt unnerved each time he was on time at the place she was supposed to be at just to find the seats empty. He was feverishly looking for her at each party he was a part of in hopes of finally making the first step. She never went to any of the parties. The longer this obsession was taking, the more was John all over his head for this mysterious woman.
This was the very first time John Duncan obsessed over another human being. The craziest part? The woman never seemed to notice, she probably didn’t even know that someone named John Duncan exists; which had to be a superpower of sorts since basically everyone in the near vicinity of the campus knew John and his dick. John has never heard her voice yet in his mind, he was sure he’d recognise it amongst millions of others. She had never even looked his way, she didn’t bump his shoulder on accident as it often happens in romantic movies. No. The woman didn’t know about John.
Also, one major part throwing John off the beat was the fact that she… She didn’t fit into the usual criteria John had in regard to the people he was attracted to - when it came to either gender, Duncan usually went for people who were conventionally attractive, well-dressed and knew how to party. When it came to women specifically, he loved, loved, loved well-done make-up, and hair tied up high to show the contours of their faces. When it came to their body, he was a sucker for a prominent cleavage show-off. Body type didn’t play much role when it came to John - he could do with each type. Skinny? Great, they would venture into the venture of insane positions together. Plus-size? Great, more to suck on, more to slap, more to bold and more to bite. Anything between? Great, John knew how to make shit work. More than anything above, the one thing that got John going under any circumstance was high-heel and ripping ankles. The moment the woman knew how to wear this type of shoe, the moment she (for example) pressed the heel into his chest, he was lost.
So, it was unnerving to admit… That the object of John’s lust was none of that. She preferred oversized T-shirts, sneakers and leggings or jeans. She barely showed off her collarbones, John had never seen her wearing any make-up. Sometimes, her hair was styled, the other it was framing her face. The one thing he knew, however, was the smell of her. John knew her perfume thanks to the countless hours he spent in the study room, sitting near her as they both prepared for their exams in silence. He had to admit, her smell was taking over his rationality as it filled his nose to the brim. John Duncan was lost to this woman. He was obsessive about her and felt an unexplainable amount of possessiveness towards her. Each time she was laughing at her friend's jokes, he wished to join in and laugh alongside her; the moment any of her male friends dared to touch her, John was ready to pack a fucking punch into that motherfucker's nose; each time she took a snack out of her bag, John would do anything to kiss her just to know how it tasted. For her, John would become anything - her sex toy or teacher if she'd like that or, as the Duncans taught the man, he'd be her sinner and her preacher. Even if he wasn't the chocolates and flowers type, he'd attempted to endure romance for her. In his mind, he was willing to go to such extremes for her.
It was almost the end of the December exam period when Duncan finally cracked under pressure. His exams were thankfully over, but she still seemed to study for some as he met her in the study regularly. As the Christmas holiday approached, his friends finally hyped him to talk to the mysterious woman. Perhaps, he would be able to get her phone number or e-mail address so they'd stay in touch during the time off. John didn't dare to even think about possibly not seeing her for two long weeks. It was snowing heavily outside and the girl was sitting in the study room, all alone. That day, she was wearing a cosy sweater and tight leggings and her hair was neatly styled. There was a hot coffee in front of her as well as a muffin from a nearby caffé that closed just half an hour ago. Thanks to her taste, John had discovered this small yet charming place.
Slowly, as he walked in, he took a deep breath and tightened the grip around the jacket he was holding. After a short finally, he finally set off, walking closer until he stopped directly at her table, towering above her. The man was waiting around for long enough, waiting for the woman finally notice him - unbeknownst to him, she had earphones in and studied federal law intensely. Therefore, John did something he wouldn't see himself doing in a million years - his palm grabbed her notes as he turned them around to read them. Her handwriting was beautiful and neat to him, he oriented in it as if he was used to it. The woman, however, let out a long huff and put her pen down, taking the earphones out. If looks could kill, he'd die on the spot with a dagger sticking out of his damn back. - "Can I help you with anything, sir?" - She asked without a hint of interest.
"I was wondering…" - John asked silently, giving her a quick look as he looked into her face, finally putting the notes aside. God, she was so intriguing and his eyes were simply gravitating towards her as if he was physically unable to look away. - "Would you have a spot? I don't wanna study alone." "Do I know you? Have we ever spoken before?" - The woman wondered, her face emotionally flat. This caught John off guard; in his imagination, she'd be swooned by him and hanging onto every word he was saying. None of this was going according to the plan. "No…" - The man started off silently, giving you one of his boyish smiles as he scanned your face down and up. You were so… So captivating. - "But I was hoping we could change that, I'd like to get to know you better. My name's John. Is federal law bothering you?" With that, your eyebrows raised slightly, your mouth opened a bit. Then you rolled one of your sleeves and stood up. - "Aight, bucko, listen… Are you telling me that I'm stupid or something? What's this about?" "No!" - He answered as soon as the words left your lips. Fuck, John thought to himself. This was all wrong; instead of charming you with his words, looks and the tone of his voice, he almost got punched right to his nose by the woman he adored from the shadows for months now. - "Let me start over and rephrase it, okay? My name's John Duncan, I'm in my junior year now and I also have an internship at Phelps & Black. You seem to be spending an awful time here on your own right before Christmas, studying when you could be out, doing anything you'd like. That brings me to the thought of you struggling with federal law. And that is nothing to be ashamed of. I could help you if you'd like that."
As he told you his full name and the place he was currently working at, your eyes took proper sight of him for the first time. John Duncan, you started thinking. John Dun… Oh fuck, you realised. You've met him before, it was during your debate club where you learned to recognize your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. The professor overseeing the class invited him to show you how he deals with all sorts of stuff - Duncan showed you a whole new way with words, tone of your voice and non-verbal communication. Even though still studying and being in training, everyone knew that Duncan is a law prodigy. You've heard a lot about this man, yes, but funnily enough… It oftentimes didn’t have anything in common with school or academic achievements. The man standing in front of you was infamous for throwing massive parties in his loft located a few minutes away from the campus. Sex, drugs and alcohol; this was the way your friends described them. You desperately wanted to also take a part in partying and drinking, yet if you'd let your father find out, he's most likely kill you. Knowing your older sibling who was also studying at Yale, they'd snitch on you the moment you'd set foot in there. The man also had a little fling with your best friend Linda - she was hoping he'd text her and take her out, but ever since the night, Duncan hadn't even looked in her direction.
Slowly, you let his eyes wander on his face, letting your eyes take in his pleasurable features - John was undeniably conveniently attractive by each metric there was. A nicely trimmed beard that was regularly taken care of, fresh haircut, very fashionable clothes on a very attractive body… His eyes were the thing that made you slow down, though. There was this… Something about the look in them. It felt so known - as if you were looking into the mirror, watching yourself. Except for the shine in them, there was this little shadow in the back that was warning you about something very sinister deep inside of him, some sort of rage and evil John has never shown to anyone. That evening, however, you didn't think about it too much. You simply recognized the spark because, at moments, you could see it in your eyes too.
His offer was gaining more and more weight the more you thought of it. Being privately tutored by the university's law miracle child? What was there to turn down? "John Duncan, yeah?" - You repeated after him, sitting down once more. The way his name rolled off his tongue made John's pupils dilate, but he has done his best not to react to it. Instead, he sat down and smiled right at you. - "I've heard of you before." "Where did you hear about me?" "Linda." - The way you chuckled as you said it, shaking your head slightly as if you found this amusing. "Who?" "My best friend Linda. You've spent a night at her place? Like… Three weeks ago?" - You explained, starting to giggle as you leaned your knee into the table, pretending you were going back to your notes. As soon as you reminded him, John instantly remembered who Linda was; a sweet girl, but nothing he'd be into. He spent the night with her in hopes that it would somehow get him closer to you… But that didn't happen. The moment he realized this, he also let out a little 'awwww' of understanding. That sent you over the edge as you burst out laughing, covering your mouth immediately as you tried to guess if the study's overseer took notice of you.
"My sincere apologies, I'm really not the best with names and such. How's Linda by the way?" "Shut up, we both know that you have zero idea who she is and how the night with her was, Linda told me she watched down an enormous lane of coke right before. I honestly don't think that it's the names." - You countered, making John bite his lip as he watched your expression. Damn, you looked so lovely when you laughed - and the sound of your laughter? He wished to hear it again… And again… And again. - "I think it's the body count, but who am I to judge? Anyway, back to the merit. What's your offer?" "Well, private tutoring for starters, of course. Also, I'd lend you all of my notes to use however you see fit. Lastly, if you'd like to, I'd take to you Phelps & Black as my concipient slash assistant to show you the ropes. Practising law is the best way to learn the ropes, as soon as you see it in practice, things start falling into place." - Duncan described flat out, taking your words away for a good minute. All of that for what? What was there to say no to? This was a dream fucking offer. "Right, Texas, where's the but in all of that?" - You laughed nervously, being caught off-guard. - "Do I have to kill someone? Sign a contract with the devil? Because I might realistically be capable of doing so, that's a hell of an offer."
The but? The drawback? John could think of many; his fingers delicately wrapped around your neck ad you'd be digging your nails into the skin on his back, the fact that he was sure that if you let him put his hands on your body, he won't be able to stop. He'd remember everything your body would respond well to, his goal would be putting you on constant edge. And then, when everything would be said and done… John stopped himself in his tracks, putting his palm in front of his lips as he looked away in shock. The moment his cheeks started to catch on fire he knew he subdued to your spell. Never before had he imagined kissing someone outside of the bed; inside of it, it could be pleasurable for both parties as it had the potential to arouse. After the act? Kissing someone outside of having sex was always a sign of weakness for John, sign of not having his emotions in check. A simple kiss had the potential to ruin his entire cover and to expose the unsaid. Therefore he never done it; yet in his mind, kissing you would feel just right, for some reason. As he thought about all of these scenarios, watching you with a slight furrow and cheeks reddening, he wasn't able to take his eyes off you entirely. There was this little something in your eyes, a slight shade of darkness neatly kept away from everyone. This was the thing that gravitated John towards you unknowingly, both of you had the same kind of evil lurking within you, waiting to be released. Yet, neither of you knew about this part of you existing at that point in your lives. You were different in a similar way John was. It felt like… Coming home, it felt comforting and calming. Also, as John let all the scenarios run through his mind, the spark in your eyes made him feel as if you could read his mind, it felt as if you could see all the fucking images flashing inside his head at the speed of light.
"No drawbacks, no buts, no nothing. All I ask in return is for you to spend some time with me, that's all When I said I'd like to get to know you better, I meant it." - The man explained with a small smile, almost letting you drop your guard down. "Let me tell you that I have an idea of that 'getting to know me better' of yours." - It was the tone of your voice which made John aware that you looked right through his mascarade. "And is that idea of 'getting to know you better' so bad?" - Duncan asked, leaning his elbows into the table as he licked his lips… Very slowly. "No." - You whispered, watching the dim lights in his eyes grow brighter. That made you chuckle again. - "But you should know that I'm not your flowers, chocolate and romance kind of lady. I don't have time for that shit, I’m studying laws on Yale." "Oh." - John let out, playing as if this news didn't excite the everliving shit out of him. At the same time, you stood up and started packing your shit, grinning to yourself. - "You're suggesting…" "I'm talking about fucking the brains out of you, yes. Are you coming, hot stuff? We need to start on the federal law ASAP, my second term is in two days." - As you swung your backpack over your shoulder, you walked past him. After a moment, you walked a few steps back, putting your palm on his shoulder - the man was looking at you as if you were the most beautiful being he had ever met; his lips parted, his baby blue eyes wide open, cheeks reddened with excitement. And fuck, you'd be lying if you'd say that it didn't feel good to see him in such a state. - "Name's Y/N Y/L/N, by the way. I think you should know that."
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