The big toe is a mystery. Though tiny in size, it is able to withstand enormous amounts of pressure and weight; it even provides balance the body needs. This small yet powerful structure works hard to propel us forward while walking running and jumping. The big toe holds a lot of responsibility as it is one of the three sesamoid bones found in the body. Besides the patella and the bone located in the middle of the foot, the kernel sized sesamoid bone located at the forefront of the foot attaches to the big toe.
So what is a sesamoid? It is a bone that is not connected to any other bone in your body. Most bones in the body are connected to other joints, but not the big toe. These sesamoids are connected only to tendons or embedded muscles found within the body. Because of their pulley-like actions, their main job includes creating a smooth surface for tendons to slide. This movement improves the ability of the tendons to transmit muscles forces.
Because of these repetitious movements, the sesamoids have the ability to break or fracture. Sometimes, the tendons encompassing the sesamoid become irritated or inflamed. This is known as "sesamoiditis" which is a form of tendonitis. This condition usually plagues dancers, runners and professional athletes.
Symptoms of Sesamoiditis
Pain is the largest symptom associated with a sesamoid injury. Pain is typically located under the big toe and develops gradually. If a fracture is present, the pain is immediate. Pain while bending or straightening the big toe is a good indication that a sesamoid injury is present. Swelling and bruising may or not be present. These conflicting symptoms sometimes make a diagnosis more challenging. If rest has not improved the condition of your toe, you should consult a qualified physician for a more thorough evaluation.
During a physical examination, your physician will look for tenderness near the big toe and sesamoid bones. Often the physician will manipulate the toe by bending or straightening the bone to see where the pain is located. X-rays can be used to properly diagnose the problem further. Rarely, a bone scan is requested as well as a blood test, if the X-ray appears normal.
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Bunions: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
A bunion is a foot deformity that causes the joint at the base of the big toe to bulge outwards. The condition is characterized as a lateral deviation of the metatarsophalangeal joint and the inward deviation of the big toe. There is no abnormal tissue or tumor growth in bunions, the protruding bump comprises mostly of the head of the first metatarsal bone.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Causes of Bunions
The exact cause of bunions is still unknown. Using improper footwear can be one of the cause: a study shows that people in countries that regularly wear shoes such as in western countries have higher incidence of bunions. On the other hand, people in Asian countries mostly use sandals and were found to be less prone to develop bunions. This could also be the main cause of hereditary bunions due to decades of wearing shoes. The supporting structures of the feet seem to weaken, leading to this foot condition.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Women are particularly prone to bunions due to chronic use of ill-fitting shoes like tight pointy high heeled shoes. People who have leg length discrepancies, previous foot injuries, and arthritis can form bunions.
Signs and Symptoms
An obvious sign of a bunion is bump at the joint at the base of the big toe. A bump can also form at the base of the joint of the small toe, and this type of bunion is called a tailors bunion.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
In most cases, bunions don't cause any problems but if they do, they can cause mild to severe foot pain.
Pain is typically the reason why most patients seek medical attention for bunions. But once a patient already experiences pain, it is most likely irreversible and pain management can only be done. This is the reason why preventive measures are very important. Once you suspect that you have a bunion or if you have a family history of bunions, seek advice from a podiatrist. It is important to know that a bunion is a progressive condition. This means that the bunion will slowly but surely get worse through time. Wearing improper footwear will hasten the progression of a bunion and wearing perfectly fitting shoes or shoes with wide toe boxes can slow down or even stop the progression of a bunion. more info : https://qualisproducts.co.uk/
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
A Pain in Your Toe? It Could Be Sesamoiditis
Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products The big toe is a mystery. Though tiny in size, it is able to withstand enormous amounts of pressure and weight; it even provides balance the body needs. This small yet powerful structure works hard to propel us forward while walking running and jumping. The big toe holds a lot of responsibility as it is one of the three sesamoid bones found in the body. Besides the patella and the bone located in the middle of the foot, the kernel sized sesamoid bone located at the forefront of the foot attaches to the big toe.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
So what is a sesamoid? 
It is a bone that is not connected to any other bone in your body. Most bones in the body are connected to other joints, but not the big toe. These sesamoids are connected only to tendons or embedded muscles found within the body. Because of their pulley-like actions, their main job includes creating a smooth surface for tendons to slide. This movement improves the ability of the tendons to transmit muscles forces.
Because of these repetitious movements, the sesamoids have the ability to break or fracture. Sometimes, the tendons encompassing the sesamoid become irritated or inflamed. This is known as "sesamoiditis" which is a form of tendonitis. This condition usually plagues dancers, runners and professional athletes.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Symptoms of Sesamoiditis
Pain is the largest symptom associated with a sesamoid injury. Pain is typically located under the big toe and develops gradually. If a fracture is present, the pain is immediate. Pain while bending or straightening the big toe is a good indication that a sesamoid injury is present. Swelling and bruising may or not be present. These conflicting symptoms sometimes make a diagnosis more challenging. If rest has not improved the condition of your toe, you should consult a qualified physician for a more thorough evaluation.
During a physical examination, your physician will look for tenderness near the big toe and sesamoid bones. Often the physician will manipulate the toe by bending or straightening the bone to see where the pain is located. X-rays can be used to properly diagnose the problem further. Rarely, a bone scan is requested as well as a blood test, if the X-ray appears normal more : https://qualisproducts.co.uk/
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Flatfeet in Children and How a Podiatrist Can Help
Pediatric flatfoot is a condition in which the arch of the foot disappears or shrinks when a child stands. With flexible pediatric flatfoot, the arch reappears when standing on tiptoe or siting. If the arch does not reappear upon standing on tiptoe or sitting, this is known as rigid flatfoot. These conditions are usually present at birth, but most children outgrow them on their own before age five. If the condition is causing pain or doesn't go away on its own, it may be time to call in a podiatrist for help.
Symptoms of Pediatric Flatfoot
Symptoms of flatfeet can vary, depending on the type, the severity, and the age of the child. When a child has a flexible foot disorder, it generally does not cause any pain or discomfort and no treatment is needed. Kids with a rigid foot disorder may have problems that require treatment or therapy by a podiatrist. If pain occurs, it is usually felt in the foot, ankle, or lower leg, and can range from mild to severe. Other symptoms include cramping in the feet or legs, a change in gait, or heels that tilt upwards.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Diagnosing the Problem
Your child's pediatrician or podiatrist can usually provide a diagnosis upon examination. To make a proper diagnosis, the physician may ask your child to sit up, stand, sit down, walk, and stand on his or her tiptoes. If the problem seems severe, the physician may also have an X-ray taken of the foot to determine the extent of the deformity. If the ankle does not move much, the physician may associate the condition with a shortened or tight Achilles tendon, which may require additional treatment.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Surgical and Non-Surgical Treatments
There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments available for pediatric flatfoot. With the help of your podiatrist, you can work to determine the best solution for your child's individual condition. Kids with flexible flatfeet and without pain do not generally require treatment. If pain only occurs after activities, a physician may recommend the use of over-the-counter cushioned arch support pads that can be inserted into supportive shoes or sneakers.
more info : https://qualisproducts.co.uk/
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Six Causes of Hammer Toe and How a Podiatrist Can Help
Hammer toe is a deformity of the foot that causes an abnormal curve in the middle joint. The condition is generally correctable with surgery, but determining the underlying cause is crucial to prevent a recurrence. With help from your podiatrist, you can narrow down the possible source of your condition by looking at your health background, family history, and lifestyle. A thorough examination and imaging tests, such as X-rays, may be ordered to check for muscle, ligament, or bone injuries. Here's a look at the most common causes and how they occur.
1. Prior Injuries
A past injury can occasionally lead to a hammer toe, especially if the condition runs in your family and is inherited. Poor healing after breaking a bone in the foot is often a contributing factor. Toes are the most commonly broken bones, and you may not even realize that one of the small bones is broken or fractured. If you have a break or fracture, you may experience swelling, pain, weakness, tenderness, bruising, and/or numbness.
2. Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that gradually attacks joints in the body, usually the small joints in the hands and feet. In fact, more than 90% of people with RA develop symptoms in the ankle and foot. As arthritis weakens the joints, the toes can begin to stiffen and curl.
3. Ill-Fitting Shoes
Wearing shoes that are too tight or narrow can lead to the development of hammer toes. As high heels commonly cause cramped feet, the condition occurs more frequently in women than in men. The abnormal bending of the arch in high heels can put excessive pressure on the foot, causing a muscle imbalance that affects the joints.
4. Bunions
A bunion is a common condition in which a bony bump develops at the base of the big toe, causing joint pain and swelling. Bunions can occur for a number of reasons, including abnormal walking habits, poor-fitting shoes, injuries, or certain neuromuscular disorders. Bunions can contribute to the condition, often resulting in the need for surgery to correct both deformities.
5. High Arch
An excessively high arch, also known as hollow foot, can cause a number of foot problems. Many people with a high arch do not have symptoms, but those who do may experience a shortened foot, pain when walking, standing, or running, or difficulty finding comfortable shoes. A high arch is typically caused by a bone condition, which can contribute to the progression of the deformity.
6. Tight Tissues
When ligaments and tendons in the foot become unnaturally tight, hammer toes can develop. The most common causes of tight ligaments and tendons include repetitive use or overuse of the fibrous, connective tissues, postural imbalances, prior injuries, aging, and certain medical problems, such as diabetes and thyroid disease. more info : https://qualisproducts.co.uk/
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Your Guide On Where To Buy Compression Socks
Most people who spend most of their day on their feet have certain health conditions which require them to wear compression socks. Because they spend most of their time standing, their feet and legs become stressed and sometimes they swell. And so, to limit the swelling of the legs and also to reduce the stress that their legs and feet feel, wearing compression socks is most recommended by most health professionals.
However, the above-mentioned uses are not the only benefit that one can get from using it. Even if you do not stress your legs and feet that much by standing most of the day, you can still benefit from using compression socks. You can use it to protect your legs. If you are into hiking or trekking, you can use these special types of socks to protect your legs from scratches, abrasions, dirt and even insect bites. Unlike the regular types of socks, these are thicker and more durable, hence, they are also great in providing warmth and comfort while trekking, hiking or spending the night outdoors. Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
And so, these are really becoming very popular these days. However, not all of them have the same quality and the same materials used. It is important, therefore, to know where to buy compression socks that are made from high quality materials. Usually, the medical-grade products provide better benefits as compared to those sold from commercial sports brands.
When buying compression socks, know your reason for buying it first. Will you be using it for sports? Will you be using it for extreme outdoor activities? Will you be using it medical purposes? These are the questions you should consider before buying your own pair to make sure that you made the right choice. Since these are usually pricier than the regular ones, you need to make sure that you choose the right type to ensure your investment. Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
more info : https://qualisproducts.co.uk/
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products What Happens When Ingrown Toenails Aren't Treated and When to Seek Help
Ingrown toenails. Chances are you've had one or know someone who has had one. This common foot problem results in red, swollen and potentially painful inflammation in the skin of your toe around where the toenail pierces and grows into the skin of the toe.
There are many causes of this toenail issue with the most common cause being the improper trimming of toenails.
You may think that your ingrown toenail isn't that big of a deal. It doesn't look too bad and it doesn't cause much pain or discomfort.
What happens if you don't treat your ingrown toenail? Well, long story short, it can easily transform from something minor to something more serious.
Whenever the skin is punctured and compromised, germs and bacteria can enter the body. When this happens, an infection results as the body attacks the invading germs and bacteria. An infection usually involves redness, inflammation, and heat. Some infections can also include tenderness, itchiness, throbbing and pain. An ingrown toenail will result in an infection that will gradually work into deeper layers of skin and tissue. When left untreated, deeper layers of skin and tissue are affected. This infection can go into the bone tissue. Bone infections can take many weeks to treat and can cause additional pain, redness and swelling of the toes and feet.
Complications of the skin surrounding the nail and the nail itself can have complications if the ingrown toenail isn't treated. The skin around the toenail can get scarred, the border of the nail can become deformed and thickened and the toenail may become infected with fungus, causing it to become discolored and deformed. Tenderness, bleeding and draining may also occur around the ingrown toenail.
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Toe Straightening Kit
Introducing the 10-Piece Bunion and Toe Straightening Kit, crafted with medical grade silicone gel to ensure daily comfort and foot pain relief.
If you are one of the many people in the world suffering from Hallux Valgus, more commonly known as a bunion, and daily activities such as walking and standing causes you pain and discomfort, then this Bunion Protector kit is for you.
Expert Pain Relief
Bunions can make the simple act of wearing shoes a daily chore, and even misery. With this silicone gel bunion corrector kit, you’ll say goodbye to pain, and hello to comfort and support when you wear your shoes all throughout the day.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Our Kit Includes 10 Pieces 2 x each with Every Purchase:
Big Toe Gel Splints
Toe Spreaders And Spacers
Minimally Invasive Second Toe Separators
Big Toe Separators
Big Toe Separator Gel Pads
Medical Grade MaterialsEach part of our kit is stretchy, soft and comfortable, fitting adult feet of all sizes and shapes. Created in conjunction with orthopaedic experts and podiatrists to give you the most effective pain relief for your feet.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
All Day Relief, Easy to Clean
Our kit is made with such excellent materials that you can wear them all day, night, without causing any discomfort. Our kit provides gentle joint correction, realignment pressure, while at the same time working as a bunion corrector and toe straighteners. You can even wash them with soap and water when needed.
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Plantar Fasciitis Compression Socks
Medical Grade SupportMade to provide you with fast, reliable, and lasting relief from Plantar Fasciitis.
Tough and flexible yet super-soft and non-irritating.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Helps support and protect the heel, arch, and foot, during everyday, sporting activities, and daily living.
Breathable fabric helps control moisture.High-quality, effective, and reliable compression socks for relief from foot pain when being on your feet or exercising all day.
Foot Pain Relief Qualis ProductsTarget 7 major pressure points on the feet and deliver just the right compression to boost blood circulationMade to provide you with relief from Sore Feet, Arch and Heel Spurs.
 To give you the freedom you need to live your life the way you want! Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Made with nylon and spandex to provide the perfect balance of flexibility and softness to ensure you stay comfy at all times.Live the life you always wanted with relief from foot pain.
more info: https://qualisproducts.co.uk/
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
How is plantar fasciitis diagnosed?
Heel pain is a common problem with many people and often times it can be traced to a condition called plantar fasciitis. The thick strip of tissue called the plantar fascia, which spans across the bottom of your foot connecting your toes to the bone in your heel, becomes inflamed and painful. The condition is quite common in runners and joggers as well as those women who are pregnant. Overweight people can easily develop this foot condition as well as those who do not wear shoes with adequate support.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Symptoms and Causes
Plantar fasciitis develops gradually over time and typically occurs in just one foot, although it is not unheard of to experience it concurrently in both feet. Typically, you will feel stabbing pain with your first few steps of the morning just out of bed. You may also feel piercing pain when you rise on your feet from a sitting position or even after extended periods of standing around. Some people even look for sharp rocks in their shoes because that is what the sensation in the heel feels like.
The plantar fascia is a natural shock absorber in the body, supporting the arches in your feet. When you put undue stress on it through running, wearing bad shoes or weight problems, tiny tears can occur in the tissue. The repeated stress of tearing and stretching causes the pain and inflammation in the heel. Armchair doctors, like friends and family may refer to the pain as a heel spur. However, only an X-ray can show the presence of added bone growth in the heel, which is what a heel spur really is.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Treatment Options
Treatment needs to include Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy as the best treatment for long-term / chronic plantar fasciitis to help those with long term problems who have tried other treatments with no improvement.
Once testing is completed to rule out other health problems such as heel spurs, pinched nerves or stress fractures, treatment can commence. Because this foot condition is one of the most prevalent complaints with podiatrists and orthopedic specialists, it is also one of the easiest to treat.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products 
Over the counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can help with pain and inflammation. In addition, corticosteroids may be used in some instances, although it is not a preferred treatment. Physical therapy is common to help you strengthen the muscles in your lower legs as well as your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. Orthotics such as night splints may be fitted to your feet and calves which help hold the plantar fascia and Achilles in a stretched position. Other foot orthotics that can be inserted into your shoes are yet another option to treat this painful heel problem.   
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
How is plantar fasciitis diagnosed?
Heel pain is a common problem with many people and often times it can be traced to a condition called plantar fasciitis. The thick strip of tissue called the plantar fascia, which spans across the bottom of your foot connecting your toes to the bone in your heel, becomes inflamed and painful. The condition is quite common in runners and joggers as well as those women who are pregnant. Overweight people can easily develop this foot condition as well as those who do not wear shoes with adequate support. Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Symptoms and Causes
Plantar fasciitis develops gradually over time and typically occurs in just one foot, although it is not unheard of to experience it concurrently in both feet. Typically, you will feel stabbing pain with your first few steps of the morning just out of bed. You may also feel piercing pain when you rise on your feet from a sitting position or even after extended periods of standing around. Some people even look for sharp rocks in their shoes because that is what the sensation in the heel feels like.
The plantar fascia is a natural shock absorber in the body, supporting the arches in your feet. When you put undue stress on it through running, wearing bad shoes, or weight problems, tiny tears can occur in the tissue. The repeated stress of tearing and stretching causes pain and inflammation in the heel. Armchair doctors like friends and family, may refer to the pain as a heel spur. However, only an x-ray can show the presence of added bone growth in the heel, which is what a heel spur really is.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Treatment Options
Treatment needs to include Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy as the best treatment for long-term / chronic plantar fasciitis to help those with long term problems who have tried other treatments with no improvement.
Once testing is completed to rule out other health problems such as a heel spur, pinched nerve, or stress fractures, treatment can commence. Because this foot condition is one of the most prevalent complaints with podiatrists and orthopedic specialists, it is also one of the easiest to treat.Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Over the counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can help with pain and inflammation. In addition, corticosteroids may be used in some instances, although it is not a preferred treatment. Physical therapy is common to help you strengthen the muscles in your lower legs as well as your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. Orthotics such as night splints may be fitted to your feet and calves which help hold the plantar fascia and Achilles in a stretched position. Other foot orthotics that can be inserted into your shoes are yet another option to treat this painful heel  problem.
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
 How can plantar fasciitis be prevented?
Maintain a healthy weight. Wear appropriate footwear, especially shoes that support and cushion your arches and heels and that have low-to-moderate heels.
Warm-up and cool down after exercise.  
Avoid running or walking on hard surfaces. If you feel pain in your foot, follow the RICED procedure of rest, ice, compression, elevation, and diagnosis. 
1.) Wear shoes that offer the proper arch support
.2.) Always stretch and warm-up before any sports activities.
3.) Keep your body at a healthy weight.
4.) Stretch your legs, ankles, and feet every morning before stepping out of bed.  
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How is plantar fasciitis treated?
Most people with plantar fasciitis re·cov·er with self-care treat·ment such as resting your foot with an ice pack on it for 20 minutes (especially if you get pain after being on your feet a lot.
Icing and massaging your foot at the same time you can fill a bottle with water put in the freezer until frozen and when it’s solid, roll the bottle under your foot massaging your foot or by rolling a golf ball under your foot.Wear shoes with good support, or heel pads or arch supports in your shoes
using night splints or tape on your foot at night stretching your calf muscles and the underside of your foot, take pain relievers such as ibuprofen to help ease pain and inflammation.
If these simple meas·ure don’t work, your doctor may give you a steroid in·jec·tion, or in rare cases, recommend surgery.
More info: https://qualisproducts.co.uk/
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What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?
Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
Plantar Fasciitis
If you are undergoing a pin-like pain at a particular point in your feet, do not overlook, it may be Plantar Fasciitis ((PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis). In its simplest definition, the term Plantar Fasciitis has its name after Plantar Fascia, the largest ligament in the human body. Considered one of the most common causes of heel pain, Plantar Fasciitis is a condition of inflammation that appears in plantar fascia ligament due to any strain injury to the thick band of tissue that bases the bottom of your foot and joins your heel bone with your toes.
What are the common symptoms?
Major symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis include:
Pain in my whole foot
Pain in the heel area or pin-like pain at a particular point.
Stiffness, andTenderness
What causes Plantar Fasciitis?
The most common causes include the repetitive strain injury to the Plantar Fascia ligament that may be due to excessive walking or running. Inadequate footgear and other foot injuries that may occur due to jumping or wrong-landing in gymnastics, or any other similar activity may also be the reason. Further, some diseases like ankylosing spondylitis and reactive arthritis also play a major role in developing Plantar Fasciitis.
How to diagnose?
While it may be diagnosed with a simple X-ray, you may observe the signs by yourself too. Generally, it gives you stiffness and tenderness in the foot area. You may find it desirable to locate the point of pain in your heel area and push it hard. Upon applying pressure, it will feel like the point of bone is coming out with a gradual increase in pain. The more you push it, the more you will sense the pain vibration running inside your foot.
How to treat Plantar Fasciitis?
It is generally self-treatable and self-diagnosable. In very few cases, patients need special treatment from doctors. The following treatment options can be done at home.
Ice – Icing helps. Rather than applying the ice directly to the affected area, which may feel uncomfortable, you may wrap an ice pack in the towel and place it on your heel. You can do this for fifteen minutes, three to four times a day.
Orthotics– These are the custom foot supports that a person can place inside the shoes. Orthotics help in distributing the weight uniformly on the heel, thus making it easier for the person to walk.Splint– The splint stretches your arch and calf; you can wear it at night to decrease the discomfort.
NSAIDs or Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – These drugs, like Ibuprofen, can be taken in a case when the inflammation and discomfort are more than bearable.
What are the medical treatment options available?
Though Plantar Fasciitis is self-treatable for most of the cases, worst cases may have medical treatment available as their last resort.
Steroid injections: When pain persists for longer than usual, doctors take the aid of anti-inflammatory injections that are injected directly into the heel. However, frequent injections are avoided with the concern of further weakening of fascia.
Surgery: It is the terminal option available when nothing works. There are several procedures available; one of the procedures, plantar fascia release, is performed to reduce the tension of the tissues by cutting the fascia partially.Recommendation
If relief is there by any of the home treatment options available, then it is great; otherwise, a doctor’s consultation is always needed for proper treatment and care.
for more info: https://qualisproducts.co.uk/
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Foot Pain Relief Qualis Products
On the whole, the feet are very small when compared to the rest of the body. During the day, most people spend about 12 to 14 hours on their feet. Because the feet are used so much during normal daily activity, the excessive loads that are placed on the feet mean approximately 75% of people worldwide will suffer foot pain at some stage in their lives. Foot pain can also reduce your mobility and independence, as is often seen in the elderly. When your feet hurt, it not only disturbs your body but it can prove to be distracting to your work and concentration.
Causes of foot painProlonged standing, over pronation and the pressures that this places on the joints, muscles and ligaments of the foot are major causes of foot pain. There are many occupations that require long periods of static standing such as the health, retail, fashion and construction industries. Standing for long periods of time causes the muscles of the lower limb to become fatigued and overworked. Blood pooling due to decreased venous return also increases discomfort in the lower limb. The overall result of this being tired aching legs.Ill fitted shoes and wearing high heels can also contribute to foot pain. High heels make women to look smart and taller, however they can become very uncomfortable if they wear these for long periods or during inappropriate activities. High heels increase the pressure on the ball of the foot and toe region above what the foot is designed to withstand. This overloads the structures of the forefoot leading to ball of foot pain and discomfort.Aging, being overweight and many other systemic diseases such as diabetes, gout, arthritis all increase the likelihood of foot problems. Generally these systemic (whole body) diseases affect the function and structure (depending on the disease) of the foot. This changes the function of the foot and often leads to foot pain.Certain age groups also suffer foot pain at different times of their lives. Children suffer from aches and pains during their growth and development. This was traditionally called growing pains, however today we know that there is treatment for these aches and pains. The two most common children's pains are, Severs disease (pain at the heel) and Osgoodschlatters Syndrome (pain at the knee). These are both growing related problems that are aggravated by over use and poor mechanics.The elderly are another group that often suffer foot pain. This is largely due to over use from a life time of wear and tear. Although wear and tear are not reversible, there are still treatment options available for this group of patients, to make walking pain free.What people do when they face the problem of foot pain?In most of the cases when people suffer foot pain the first thing they do is to reduce their activity. This usually works quote well as it will rest the foot. They apply pain removing gel to the painful area or take anti-inflammatory medications. This approach masks the symptoms of their foot pain. The real underlying problem of most kinds of foot pain is a functional abnormality that will need to be corrected.Over weight and unfit people who are trying to lose weight often walk for exercise. The extra weight and activity further strains the feet, 
making walking less enjoyable, making exercise and weight loss even less likely.Some people have no option other than to continue activity. This patient group wither either has to work due to financial commitments or has to continue activity as they are part of a sporting team. This group usually tends to push through the pain barrier until it is impossible to go on any longer.Some people chose to ignore their foot pain and continue to wear their fashion shoes (Fore example ladies wearing high heeled fashion shoes). Over time the strain on the foot compounds and eventually results in an overuse injury. When the foot injury gets to this stage it is often impossible to ignore.The solution for foot painOverall the best solution to the above mentioned problems is to support the foot and help to limit excess wear and tear on the foot. This is best done with orthotic innersoles and appropriate footwear. Orthotic innerosles help to support the foot, prevent over pronation and limit wear and tear on the joints, ligaments and muscles of the foot. Orthotic innersoles align the foot in its most efficient functional position and help to reduce the wear and tear on your feet and ankles. The use of these orthotics results in a reduction in the pain in the feet.It is important when selecting orthotic innersoles to select an orthotic that matches your activity level and also your shoe type. For example different orthotic innersoles are used for running as opposed to ladies fashion shoes.
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